THE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY. NOVE3IBER 5, 1921 17 TO KXCnANCE MISCLlNEOUS. DIAMONDS for roadster or eoupe; lot, Laureihuntt. val'ie $1M)0, for automo bile; small fa-m near Houston, Tex. What hve you? Eart 650. TO TRADK tt-cyl. 5-pass. car for nego tiable paper, diamond or first payment on hou Wdln. 20K3. WISH to exchange tailoring for carpenter's worif. j isi, oregonian. FOR I.E. Hnrufi, Vehicles, Ltrewtiwk. Saturday, November 6, at 1:30 P. M at 94th and H. Gliaaa at. We will sell 25 head of fresh cows, heavy springers, and bred heifers. These all heavy typs of milch cows. LIVESTOCK SALES CO., - Tak Depot-Montavilla- car. to end I no a. COLONEL J. W. HUGHES. Auctioneer. 2 .LARGE I'urhiin cows, froh with calves, havy mile hers. 865 Union ave. corner Stttvenn st. FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes, wlil iamb In March. Holms Fuel Co., 94 5th at. . It OH hALE Six horses; reasonable pneaa. Holman Fuel Co.. barn hi win and Ivon Str.tjlrf. NICK apotted Shetland pony, 4 years old, full of life. $5, $20 down, $10 per mo. Jojthe Tailor. 104 4th at. FOR SALE- Fine Urge heifer calf. 6 weeks old. 'fine milch stock; too good to afll for veal. Marshall 4520. TEA M. 3mh); muJe tram, aie U; ,f0u; mare, 1 1UO; colt. 1300; reasonable. 630 jenersnn at., near Jist at f'Ort SALE 30 rabbits, cheap, or trade for anything I can use. 6708 61st st. S.E. RED BALL FUEL CONTRACTING COT. Teams for Hire, tiorxmt for Sate. East t.'i31. 274 East Oth St. 240 E. STH, COR. E. MAIN. We buy, sell, hire or trade horses, mu lea, lia rnessfw, wagons or cow a. VbTLH,.AKlA.. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6556. DEAD and cattle taken quickly. ( all day or night. Auto 627-64. HIDES bought or tanned. West Coast Ten oning c o.. BQ2 Tenlno ave. Be llwood 2308. HOG FEED Cheap. Phone Coast Grain Seed Co. Bdwy 2710. COW MANURE for sale. Call Marshall 2702. j'ianow. Organs anil .Musical Instrume'ntw. UNUSUAL BARGAIN;) IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. Victor, small, with 5 jsed records. $ ?C Columbia, small, with ft used records A Victor, witn 10 used records 40 Victor, wlfh 10 UHed records 6.1 Victor, cabinet, with 15 used records 110 Path, cabinet, with 10 used records 90 Brunswick, cabinet, 10 used lecords 75 Honor, cabinet, with 15 used records 150 Hon or a grand with 25 used records 290 -tunora, portable, used records. . . 40 $3 up cash, 3 and up monthly. . SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th st. cor. Stark. Phons B1wy 17. &E URITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $4 IS 5 Emerson uoricht. cash 1G5 50 Kimball, mahogany, cash 2!5 75 Bard & Co.. small upright, cash 75 50 Collard A Collard. upright, caah 63 .'0 ' Pianola player, walnut, cash.. 8.1 50 Pianola player piano, cash.... 205 H00 Orchestrell. large, inhi., caah 33 750 Berry Wood orchestrion, cash 445 $: $ 101 Tenth St.. at Stsrk St. bAXoPliuNE, tenor, sliver, goid bil; cos. $10; complete outfit, including reed trimmer, used three months. Sell $lu0 C4nh. Terms to reliable party. Wood lawn m:;i. LELAND PIANO. $275; plain mahogany case; equal to new; term a given, tielber-ling-Lucas Muwio Co.. 125 4th at. bet. Wash, and Alder. FRANKLIN PIANO, $275; beautiful wal nut cave: best of condition. See this piano, 'lerms Riven. BefberUng-Lucas MuIf r., 125 4th St. K1NG.SUIIURY PIANO, oak case, $230; ex ceptionally fine toned instrument. A snap, lerms given. bieoerllng-Luca M u i e 'o.. 125 4th St. GA y LOR Fl A NO Plain mahogany caae ; iut like new. See this piano, as It U a HKAL bargain. Terms glvan. Siberling Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. PORTLAND-made piano benches, veneered tops. $15; allowance for your old stool; a good Christmas gift. Harold S. Gilbert, 3K1 yamniii BRUNSWICK phonographs, latest models sent to your home en trial, write or phone for catalogue. W. Ardrey, 379 E. Morrison, near urnnq ave. geu. ana. ii ADDoRFF PIANO Dark oak case: equal to new, for $:'."5: terme given. Selberllng Luca Mualo Co., 125 4th sL, bet. Wash. and Ain"r. W ANTED Piano, any condition, pay caah; also give estimatea oa repairing and tuning. CAR1 SON. 4Qfl U nlon Avenue North. m REMINGTON PIANO, $285; fumed oak terms given. Beiberling-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4th st. KICCA SON PIANO. $250; practically plain mahogany case; good condition ; terms given. Seiberllng-Lucaa Musio Co., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. BAXOPUO.NE. melody C, only allghtly used; a real buy. aa 1 need the money. Woodlawn 571ft. HAMILTON PIANO, $273; plain mahogany cane. Selberling-Lucas Mualo Co.. 125 4th st. bet. Wa.-h- and Alder. $J23 l'HONOGRAPH tor sale at a bar gain, terms. Call at 616 Stock Exchange hldvr. Phone Auto. 527-57. 1H. IV ATE home w ill store piano for use, would pay small rent; beat care; no children. Knst 7714. FHONOGRAPH Rrand new $150 Colum bia with 40 new records; reasonable, Phone Main ff 23 . O 'Co nnor. , 00 STAUR PIANO, late, walnut; won derful tone. $UU; easy terms. 811 Worcester blAg ORGANS. $10 and up; many to choose from. Bejberilng-Lucas M aMc Co., 125 4th at. ot. wasn. and Aider. ti4 FAKRANU PLA X ER. bench and music, used 3 mo.; perfect, $450; easy terma. 311 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Stafger player piano In good condition. s:,u caah. 4U6 SidweU ave. KIMBALL PlANo New; special price JHliO: terms given. Selberllng-Lucas Mu- ale Co.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. tuiio V usln uprignt, argo j 100; t rrn given. 31 1 Worcester bl.lg. $5UU NEW ENG J-AN L upright, HU, easy tortus. 81 1 Worcester bldg. PIANO WANTED Pay caah for baraain. Main joU llo A UD 1'lA.NU, wouderful condi t.on. $223 : terms. 311 Worcester bid. PIANO WANTED livasonab.y priced for c a h. Prl ate party. Marahail 1332. io0 WfciRNKR 1'IANO. late, mah., $ ,"00 ; termi ill W orcestcr bldg. only PIANOS moved, $3. storage extra; work done by experts. Phone Bdwy. 1207. TRADE 250 V1CTHOLA and records, new mint, for used piano. Main S5stf. Iiuuti bi'lil.NWAl aiid bench, a. most like ni-w. $430: terms. 811 Worcester blda. S.-.50 BRADFORD, late, walnut, only :5; terms. 31 1 Worcester bldg. $500 SHERWOOD A SONS PIANO, niahT, I ?M); riir.v fniin. oil n itci-siit Dill Wfc.BKR piano. a for rent, inuaic inciudad. Harold S Gilbert. 3M Tamhlll at. vu aCtnitivl', Utcst, malu, $275; easy terms, ail Worcester bldg tA'0 UTH LRNKS, lateat, and beaca, ''T:: t-rnis 311 Worcester bldg. FLAYER roll iithnited. 10c each. Haxold 8. Gilbert. 3.S4 Yamhill at. V iL.i. traue my late-mod.. ig:it car for a goon pnonngrapn. cag; ti-.i4. $700 STORY Ac CLARK Pi A NO, late, $ 2 .'ft; easy terms. 3 II Wo r c e t e r mah.. bldg. $7(0 LLSIUR i'lA.o aud bench. 1. -.O Ksy terms. 811 Worcester atet. bldg. JJO UAKiKU I lA.NO and bench; fine tone. 223: terms. 811 Worcester b.dg. WANT i-1 ilaiKain ::i iuea piano; Cash, Main 4424. before 5 P. M. $",30 PLAY EH PIANO, Used 3 mo.. $4hT; latest; easy terms. 811 Worcester bldg. .U A.Ni'i;hrt KUtl LLiil PIANO. 1 att-st. man.. - i it mm ,iu o reenter tHOO THOMPSON. Ulesl. and bench, easy terms. 311 Worcester bldg. Dllg $2i0. p H 1 LH ARM ON 1C phonograph for Ert 5315. rOR SA1,w Piano. Organ and .j Instrument. L1PMAN. WOLFE 4 CO.. GREATEST PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH SALE. Includes these new pianos, renewed and used piano and phonographs: Heinee upright, good condition. . ,.t -95 New England, upright 2!5 Schubert, large, mahogany 25 Kimball, renewed, oak 35 Haines Bros., quite new 495 Francis Bacon, fine mahogany.... 435 Monarch, new, oak. ............... 8T 5 Run-ell. large walnut 25 Foster A Co., good as new ft"5 Sterling, fine tone 295 Psy caait or aa little aa S2 to S12 a month. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO.. Seventh Floor. REDUCED PHONOGRAPHS. Brunswick, No. 7, mahogany ... .1 90.00 Ptradlvara Melody 112 25 Sflvertone, used, mahogany 15 00 Stradlvara Harmony 125.00 Columbia, golden oak. used 75.00 Victrola, XI. mahogany, used.... 125.0U Victrola. XVI. mahogany, new.. 215 00 Pathe. mahogany, used 90 90 Pay rash or as Utile aa 13. $5 and $8 a month. LI PM AM WOT.--! A CO.. Seventh Floor. Washington A Sixth Sts. CLEARANCE SALE FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS. $475 Sterling, mahogany, plain. ... $195 $900 Steinway A Sons, mahogany.. 895 $100 Steger A Sona. mission oak.. 495 $750 Kranlcli A Bach, golden oak.. 315 575 Schroeder Bros, fumed oak.. 85 573 Hun Una-ton. golden oak Si95 $00 Reed 4 Son. grand In upright 595 550 Kimball, large, mahogany.... 295 $573 Kimball, large, mahogany..., 845 $150 Thompson player piano 495 $1500 Steger player piano, mah 875 $0.-)0 Singer player piano, oak 693 $900 Them peon player, oak $135 Buriett parlor organ ZS $15 Karhoff parlor ore an 25 75 Packard parlor organ IS 15 Kimball, e-octav organ 4S $173 Kenwood. 7 1-3 oct , piano caae C3 Trrma $1D to $25 Canh, $', 8. $15 mo. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Tenth and Stark. PIANO TUNING AND HKPAIKING. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. ANY MAKE. Work tr done by experts and guaran teed. Selheriing-Lucaa. 125 4th sL, bet. Wash, and Alder. Main S.'.SS. t'urulture for Saia. YOU CAN DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. If you leve beautiful floor cov ering, our dt splay of Royal Turk ish ruga will interest you. We have these wonderful rugs In the most charming patterns and fas cinating colors that anyone could wish for and they are down to pre-war prices. Just Imagine, we ran now offer you a 0x12 Royal Turkish rug for only $150. Other sires accordingly. M1SH FURNITURE CO., 188-1U0 First St. KLINE FURNITURE CO. QUITS BUSINESS. SALE NOW ON. THOUSANDS OF BARGAIN 103 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. DAVENPORTS. , We mfr. a large . line of overstuffed davenports and chairs which we offer to you direct from factory; see our splendid frame construction, watch us bund your davenport; we have a large assortment of coverings In denim, ma roma, velour, tapeatry and mohair. Phone evenings Tabor 07!t7. mi;hael8om matbon, inc.. 5433 Foster Road. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If ynn want to buy or sell household coods. Reduced freight rates to most alt points In onr througn pool cars: expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goons in storage, ireproul atoraar. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 63 4th St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. LEAVING town. 1 must aell my furni ture, used only one year, oonrvposed of living room, ivory reed, o pieces; oaic dining room table, 6 chairs, ivory bed room, 7 pieces, 3 tapestry rufia, 0x12, all like new, etc. Apply 6ft Ella sL Phone Broadway 218. FOR KALE reasonably if taken at ono; Vxl2 rug, 2 rockers, library table, four dining chairs, W. 12. dresser, bed, spring, mat tread, K. B. table, combintlun range, heater. S.72Vj Upshur. LO.m Pl.t, 1 E furiiishinKa of a eix-room bungHlow. new A. H. gas range, rugs. Nuofold davenport. Slmmonds beds; must be syld at once. Call SaL A. M., 1113 Flawthorn? ave. No dealers. SPLENDID fl-hote range, oven 13x20; sell for $03; gas range $12; oak dining table, buffet, chairs, etc. Sell reasonable or trade. What have youf Col. 315. 6611 Princeton St. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if goiug east or to California. We can save yea money on your freight in our througa care; fireproof storage. C M. Oisoa Transfer & Storage Co.. 318 Pine st. ANGLO-PERSIAN and Wilton rugs, 5 ma hogany leather seated diners, 2 oak rockers, china, etc Leaving city. 44 Taylor. FOR UK NT. tle or exchange, furniture modern 7-room flat. What have you? Houms and lot, player piano? $tKK). 546 Kearnev at. FURNITURE for sale, bed spreads, sheets, pillow cases, dresser scarfs, pillows. ' 587 Overton. No agents. FURNITURE of a six-room fiat, suitable for roomers, for sale. Phono East 8085 after 0:30 mornings. THE FUKNI1 URE of a Ave-room houae for sale. 3.'l Ka--t 9th st FOR SALE Some household furniture, rail East 8024. HIGH-CLASS furniture and TUgs of 7-room house. Call K, Mtto. Office Furniture. OFFICE FURNITURE. NEW AND USED. We have the largest stock of used desks, chairs, filing cabinets and tables In the northwest and our prices are lowest. Used typewriters, Dalton and Burroughs adding machines, time clocks, check writers, dictaphones and aafea Every piece of equipment is guaranteed satisfactory. We rent office furniture. D. C. Wax Office Equipment House. 24 and 2o N. 5th. Broadway 27S'J. BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, chairs, tiles or safes, visit our salesrooms and Inspect what w have to offer. THE 1RWIN-HODSON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TH AT STARK. DESKS JUST BOUGHT FROM U. S. SPRUCE DIVISION NOW ON SALE. PACIFIC STATIONERY A PRINTING CO . 107 2D ST. W-IN. ROLL-TOP solid oak desk, 2 good swivel chairs, $35; typewriter and Mon roe calculator. Leaving city. Main 3411. 0'K1C oak furniture, owner leaving Cown ; S desks, 5 chairs. 3 typewriters, add in r machine. Broadway 4014. DESKS. CHAIR.S. Bushong A Co.. 1 Park St Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TTPRWK1TEK ALL HAKES. IRON-CLAD GUAR ANTES. CALL OR WRITS FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE- TYPEWRITER CO.. $21 Washington SL Main 608L REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for gale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete wil h carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Main 3 fi S . 1' Yl WRITERS One Noiaeless, one Woodstock; owner leaving town. Broad w?iy 4014. KEPAlKa. rent. buy. sell, suppnea. Typt writir Inspection Co.. 312 b;ark. M t54. fKV, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. RENT an Underwood or Remington, $3 a mo. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. roultry. ANOONA pullets. 6 months ord : price $1.50; Faun Indian Runner ducks and Toulouse geese, all from prize winning stock. Call Broder, Sherwood, Oregon, or phone Tlgardville B-052. LAYING White Leghorn pullet. $1.75 each; Barred Rocks and R. I. Red pullets. $2 each. J. R. Maguire. 767 Oregon t.. rt-nr E. 24th and Sandy. WILD MALLARD call ducks, $4 pair; 5 Toulouse geese, will sell separate. .Joe Cetnar, Beaverton, Or., Rt. 1. Inquire Orenburg station. Ore. E'.tfc. BUY YOUR Thanksgiving turkey now; 33 5oung birds for sale. Phone Tigard 64. . A. Mensies,Tig ard. Or. R. I. R. PULLETS reasonable. 6637 &6th street S. K Nursery Stcf"' WOODSTOCK NURSERY Walnut and fruit tret-s , berrle s. roe e a. A u t. 610 -9 ft. !CV Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. CHKAP 2 orange Angora kittens 3 months old. Call Sunday, 1542 Greely, near Lombard. FOR SALE Po.lce dog pupmes. thorough bred German shepherd. S30 and up. H. f handler Kran. Med ford. Or. SKINS and lur tannea. West Coast Tan ping Co . 892 Tenino ave. Sellwood 2.19.4. FOR SALE Good singing; .canary and cage, $10. Main 8177. FOB SAT.fc. !hc. It Birds ana Pet to k- EEALTIrTJL Sl. Andresburg roller singers . and female; best stock. Main 6471. 3-7 Mill t. FOR SALE Very fine thoroughbred Tojs genberg bock. 1 years old, cheap. Phone Mam 514. OK SALE Pair full-biood collie pups. Call morning between 7-9 or eve. 4 to ti Gllsan. Cor. 7-d St. TWO pedigreed orntfe Persian kittens. Tabor 731. FOR SALE Noiseless typewriter, used less than two weeks. Ne w . Call Auto. 5J4-23. Kegs and Barrel. XCEGS AND BARRELS Ftr and whits oak. Western Coopiave Co.. 808 N. 14th au. near Psttygrov. phono A 61W-10, , .Mac h I nery. FOR SALE une gasoline well drilling outfit, capable of drilling to 000 fee. Phone Main 250. 201 Ith street. ONE 13-INCH awing by 4-foot bed iathe. for gale chea p. 415 Gl i n st. Coal and Wcwi HERE'S YOUR GIFT. WHY PAY MORE? BEST COAL IN TOWN At the cheapeat prices, $9 to $12. For your range, heater or furnace. Get ready lor that cold spell. Wo Deliver to Suit lou. OKL-Erl NOW. PERVICB FUEL CO.. Phone Marshall 2012. BIG, FINE LUMP COAL. $1100 a ton delivered, Into your bin. Lowest of aU in asX free burning, intense heat; no clinkers, bone or slate; holds fire fine. It's Lincoln coal, the coat of no regrets. Western Fuel Co.. al 22 J & REDUCED $7.50 A LOAD REDUCED. Good sound second-growth cord wood, aawed to suit, $15, In 2-load lota. $10 FOR 2 LOADS $10. 16-ln. block and slab mixed, country lab, $5.25 cord; Washington coal, $9.30 ton. OREGON FUEL CO. Wdln. 4101 DRY, seasoned, sound wood which we are using now and find better than any other wood we have been able to buy in Portland, stove length, delivered, $3.00 per cord. Phone East "tWtt. Large or ders for lew. Also cord wood and wreck age, wood. SPECIAL $5 PER LOAD SPECIAL. 16-in. good sound fir. block and slab mixed, in double load lota $10; country slab, $5.50 per cord; Washington lump coal, $i.50 ton, curb delivery; Utah coal, $14 curb. National Fuel Co.. East 2041. NO BETTER WOOD anywhere; east and soutn side delivery; No. 1 old-growth tir, $i.T5 per coru ; three or more cords, $7.50 per eoro. - t am si. raoa ain BOXWOOD. DRY AND GREEN BLOCK AND SLAB. CORDWOOD AND OAK WOOD. MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. MAIN 5540. FlKST-tiKO WT I..", Hock fcpnnrs, ftoyai. Owl Creek coat. Standard Brick A Til Co., S3 5th au, b wau btaxk and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. NICE 10-inch slab, $3.75 load; best ftr from yard. $0 load; dry 12 and 10-lnch country slab on the roof, 4W.50 load. Paul Fuel. Sellwood 1 7GU. bLUCK and slao, uouwe load. y.5U; 4- foot coruwood. $i.i ft per curd; green smb. 3 coids, $15.75; dry slab, $7. Broadway 4 1 10. woods a w. When wanting your wood aawecd call Kelly. East 6840. WOOD AND COAL. Small orders solicited. .West Side Fuel Co.. 414 Gllsan. Blwy. 2J3. TAiLUK PLEL CO., wood and coai. Price reasonable. Call Wdln. li45 or Bdwy. 3014. COUNTRY block and slab, nevjr be-n in water; special $5 cord delivered. Na ttunal Fuel Co., East 204L BOXWOOD AND 8LABWOOD. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wocd Co.. 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4173. DRY', LIGHT planer trimmings, big loads; Woodlawn, Alberta, Ken tun. delivery. Woodiawn 13 'JO after 6 P. M. FOR SALE Old grow tti iir wood, coal and inside slab wood ; delivered any place. F. F. Allen. Auto. 625-78. DRY" BOXWOOD, $4.75, and planer trim mings, $5.50 per load. Call Wood. awn Ht-i. 11 aj Montana ave. Wil 1LE it lasts, A. No. I oid-growth fir cord wood, $7 delivered on west - side. Bdwy. 4 S fl. Sell w ood 373 5. GOOD, dry, seasoned cord wood at $7.25 per cord; heavy country slab $5.25 per cord. East 1753. SEASONED old-growth n.-, dry piling ends, green s at) and block mixed. coaL Wdln. Ml !. CORDWOOD, $7.25. thoroughly dry; heavy country slab, cut 16-ln. length, $6-25 a load. Tabor 4744. DRY SLABWOOD $7 per tord delivered in 2-cord lots. Woodlawn 6312. 16-lNCcI Iir wiock and blab mixed $x0 In 2-load lota. Wdln. 4102. FIRST-GROWTH wood for ale, $7.50 the cord. 23 4 Union ave. Phone East 577. SLABWOOD. 3 per cord Portland; Car load lots only. Call Main 521ft. NO 1 OLD-GROWTH cordwood. bone dry, $8 a cord, east side. Phone 616-87. 4-FOOT block and railroad tits, also IG-ln. block wood Mar. 2ti4.r A-l OLD-GROWTH fir cordwood. $6 at our yard. Broadway 480. Sellwood 3735. WRECKAGE wood for aale, $4.50 to $6 per lo a d. Ph one E. 825 4 GOOD seasoned cordwood, $7.25; heavy slab. $5.25. East 1759. "lRST-GRO WTH wood. dry. J7.75 cord; second-growth dry. $'1.75 cord'. A 620-77. A NO. 1 first growth fir, $7.50. Best second growth. $7.25. Main 7257. FIR, OAK and ash wood; we deliver from timber. Robertson Fuel. Eat 1723. DRY 16-inch, old growth. $7.50; second growth. $6 50 per load. Phone 63H-6S. WOOD cut from 3x12, 4x12, 12x12 timber. Phone order to Main 750. Fruits and Vegetables. BEST Concord grapes, 5c per lb. Spitzenberg aiples, $1.25 per box and up. Baldwin. 0c per box and op. Grimes Golden. $1 per box and up. Home Beauty, $1.25 per box and up. CURTIS FRUIT RANCH. Pana Lin e road. 1 mile eatst Mo n tavWa. FOR. SALE Windfall apples. $1 per sack; bring sacks ; Burba nk potatoes, delivered at my ft and. V7th and E. Stark fits. D. A. Mitchell. FOR SALE Fine cooking and eating ap ples. 75c snd up. 32 N. Union ave., near E. Burnsid. HOOD RIVER SPITZENBERG APPLES, $1.35 a box, delivered and guaranteed ; good cooking potatoes, $2 25. Wdln. 901. SPITZENBERG and Baldwin apples, hand picked, $1 per box at orchard. End of . 2 d a t. S- E. Bring containers. CONCORD grapes, 8c lb. on vines; bring containers. 35th and King. Mllwaukie. CONCORD grapes, 6c a lb. delivered. Main 35S. APPLES 50c to $1 box; bring boxes. E. 72d st.. near Division. Tahor 1MT. Mincellaneous. LANG'S MINERAL WONDER fW rheumatism and atoma&h trouble. 230 Airier st. L. L. Stanshery. IF YOU appreciate spiandid watcn repair ing or jewelry repairing, ace Miller, osxt door to M.ije.Ttlc thester. 6iiOW CASKS, scale, soda fountain, wall canes, meat sneers, sate, typewriter, rhc' pmfrctor. 24ft Washington st. MOT sell th.a weett. Barber shop outfit. 24H W.ish'ngton st. GAS RANGE in good condition for sale ronable. East 5432. b.ALTIFL'L seal coat, size 40 or 42. lor sale very cheap. Call 215 Swetland bldg. b'i'tX'K Y A it D manure, 43.50 pr ton. Wood- lawn 2::ft3. CORDWOOD wanted to be hauled out with truck. Room IS. 271 H Grand ave E. 211. UNCALLED for overcoat ana suits, $3.50 tip. Orpheum Cleaners. 355 Stark st. OFFICE safe; hrst reaaonabiO oiler accept ed .Xt02JJJreoji2anL ELECTRIC fixtures lor a rooms. $13. 207 Chair.per ot ummrn-w pum. cwy. 133. EVERYTHING electrical repaired; quick service, low charges. Phone Bdwy. 4293. SECOND-HAND tents ana covers for sale. Pacific Tsnt A Awning Co.. Na. 1 1st k LADIES good looking usea apparel home: reasonable. Tabor 2S25. SCREEN door, windows, mirrors, furni- ture repairiiig. num or a. vain. nai. PHTN'GLFS. BROADWAY 1371. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, ate. E. Sth. Phone East 210. SECOND-HAND ovens, doua mixers, eta. BC Oregonian. ALL KINDS of new lumber. We can save vou money. Bdwy. 1371: BEAUTY parlor equipment on t big reauction- u. .cry i p.. so em. "STAR A STAR" shingie direct irom mUL C-aii 1 yior-nrtei. aoca. ain 5Wi. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st it, near Ash, MINTON china, , half price, open stock. Marshall 941 22 Nartilla. UuflAKT meat grinder, equi to new, Cail Fast 8ft4 after today. BEAUTIFUL mink stole and muff, like new Eat 232. i,-K A RAT perie-t dUmond set in hand made plain gold, lady's ring. Main 1'JIL 1 FOB SALE. Miwce i Uuieous. KLINE FURNITURE CO. QUITS BUSINESS. BALE NOW ON. THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. SEWING MACHINES. Late i stocking darning attachments iree wjin every saie or a macnine. rinc assortments of Singers. White. Ne Homes, etc.. from $15 to S40. All the new Singers. Cash or time. Rentals $3 per montn, out ol n:gn-rent niatnc: at 4th and Taylor. Singer store, 113 4th st. Main 6:i:i. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the. factory showroom and save 1-8; all styles; finest selection. Come and see. You. are under no obli gations to bay. STANLEY LUTZ. ?07 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253 HUNTERS. NOTICE. Fine duck lakes for rent on a 6on. acre bottom ranch In Clarke Co.. Wath One mile from lavement. 15 miles from Vancouver. Only $100 for entire place for in:i season, jonn itotn, owner, fnone Wdln. 44iH); res., Faioma. Or., near niiimni j peach. LOU'rl.ST PRICES UN NEW AND I'SED OFFICE FURNITURE, adding machines, typewriter time clocks, dictaphones. check 'writers. see us berore you nuy. WE RENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT. D- C. WAX. OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE. 24-21 N. FIFTH BROADWAY 2739. LADIES. Are yon weary or exhausted after. tanaing an day on your ieetT if so. oe- fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water waaa witn laaara Antiseptic row. der ; 50c and $1 box. Portland Hotel ynarmacy, SEWING machines, new ana se cord-hand. sold for less: no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for ail make; ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 101 Third St.. near Taylor. Main 1431. WHY A SUBSTITUTE rooter? Why not a genuine and permanent roofer? We re pair, rubber bond and 'rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roots. Phone Broadway 71L DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Seullv Co.. downtown lum ber store, 171 FRONT ST.. b"t. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH, GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materia la used. DAVID'S, Jewelers and Ootids na. 843 Wasbin gton St.. at Broadway. SIBLOCO pipe less furnace, $70.60, $135, $152, superior to any. regardless of price; beat guarantee, hundreds sold, not one taken out. Don't be misled. Signed I. F. Woodruff, 12ttl Jdallory ave.. Woodlawn 2103. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new f and second-band, at right prices, bought. aoia ana exenaugea; eay terms u at tired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. 108 Second St. Alain 2043. 20 DROPHEAD sewing machines. $12 50 to $45; Singers, New Homes. Whites, W. W. ; ail makes machines rented and repaired. E. K- Steen. 152 Grand ave. East 2359. LADI ES Let the Vogue sell your misfit or slightly used clothing; have a nice line; children's also; furs and fur coats, 4th f.oor. 4o3 AJiaky Bldg., Vogue 3, near MorrisonsL FOR SALE 26-piece Alvins Washington pattern table silver engraved initial B. with mahogany chest, also sltghtly used electric vacuum cleaner. Phone Oregon Cfty 261-W. - CASH REGISTER; and computing ocales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register A Scale Ex change, 226 Stark t.t between 1st and 2d eta. Main 5334. SINGERS. Whllta. New homti, like new, $25 to $45; other guaranteed dropheada $15 to $1: latest Singers; cash or terms; rentals $3 per month. Singer Store, laj 4th. Main 6333 BEAUTIFUL $MMI genuine Hudson seal coat; large Srr-e-rian squirrel collar, cuffs and bottom; worn but few timea; must sacrifice same; price $270. Phone Mar. '1 v U LAltLiE maicned spotted palms. See thern at 067 E. 30th sL N. Phone your offer any evening after 6:30. Wnodlnwn 43i3. 1 CORONA typewriter with carrying case, 1020 model, good condition, $25, and 1 Wheeler & Wilson rotary electric aewlng n i a c h i n e, porta b 1 e. $40. V 1MJ. Oregonian. EXQUISITE Kolinsky novelty cape, slightly worn, cost $415; will sell ;tt mice at less than half. Main 3064. Miss Fisher. BEAUTIFUL Russian pony coat, in good condition, for sale at a bargain. Two afternoon dresses and a auit for sa.e cheap. Phone Main 3S."i. FUR SALE Two body iruiat'la rugs, ci cellent quality, slse PxlO; also 150 yards or re ilea carpet paper, .rnone senwooa 59. HOT WATER tanks, 30 gal.. $7; 40 gal.. $9; tested, guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters lnstallad ; plumbing. East Side Weld. Eh.. 203 Adams. E. 8516. MRS. S. W. HERMAN, apparel shop, ladles' and gen t clothes bought, sold and exchanged: prices. 284 Mj Park St., ne ar Jefferson. Marshall 1009. DUCK shooting privilege. Wednesdays and Sundays, on fed lakes; Mallard decoys; Sauviea island; auto or bus. 1 hour's drive. V 137. Oregonian. ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kinds of building material and wood for aale, yard 2d and Columbia. Main Qia. WHAT better Christmagif t than a whole year of the Ladies' Home Journal, $1,50 7 W. C Doile, agent, 241 13th aL Main 62 H 7. HUNTERS, attention; guru repaired, work guaranteed, price reasonable. Courthouse locKsmun. saimon st. 800 ACCOUNT fireproof McCasky regis ter, latent model, for sale cheap. Call East 7252. 1 EDISON electric oven, sue 220; 1 small size Read electric mixer; both In first rjass condition. Phone Bdwy. 2543. LADY'S white fox choker and avert hat to match, velour aulL long coat and d refs cheap, i N. -'.id. ant. 11. ATTENTION Fur skins and hides bought or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co 892 Tenino ave. Sellwood 2398. P1XK hooded gas range. Radtantfire. 2 nr. bedsp rings, tent and fly 12x14 ft. 1445 E. 17th sen. s 3 -a. ONE SERIES 69191. general electric; 3 plate electric stove : targe oven; like nev ; ha rgaln. Bfoadway 2750. TRANSFORMATION and switch; never been used; reasonable. Phone -Auto, 218-14. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 8 rooms for $12, ft for $20,' guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 3791. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange k daks. Banfly. a- ttnington nt. HUDSON seal coat, trimmed with beaver and mink; also muekrat coat. For ae at snap prices. Phone East 5029. CHEAP 2 orange Angora kittens 3 months old. Call Sunday, 1542 GreeJy, near Lorn. barn. PHONE EAST 318, ISH-KA-BIBBLE COMPANY. Rugs. Carpeta and Upholstery Cleaned. THE be HEMSTITCHING SHOP RE OPEN bU. une yara rree witn tnis aa. 330 Mohawk bidg.. over Roberts Bros. GENUINE Russian pony fur coat, sacrifice for $40, worm a-uu, late moaci. .rnone Tabor R104. t EKTiLlER, well-rotted cow manure; full meaaure guaranieea; aeuverea in ny part ot city. woon.iwn o-.ia. DIE HOLD safes, new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 4H Front st. Broadway 1906. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, freo- ond and Morrison. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton- Baca electrio carpet washer; aiso vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. LADIES, save money by buying- from me. Mrs. Shaw, 927 E. Hoyt st. Phone East 5021. Hijrn-Class usea garments. Three good as new suits of elothes. man's, tun tood AvercoaLs. 1 On lr . Milwaukie. Or. SAFES and vault doorev new and second St.. near ixik. nusnong si to FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaner. Mon. to mod., or mo per oay, ae- liverea an " - " mu. i FORD delivery body, $25.50; no Junk. 512 E. tiarnyon. rnone sji u;o. WELL ROTTED cow manure, Xuii 2-yard load, $5. ooiumDia lit. FOR SALK ArTOMOBn.KS. LATE FORD touring, electric starter, de mountable rims, 1,33 aown. Daiance pay ments; must sell. Tabor 1669. Cji KOL.ET 1915 touring, $293; new Urea, Just overp.autea; owner leaving town. Phone Broadway 4014. EASY term cn used cars. Bra.y Auto Co.. Htn ana nurnsiar r.rrtn. Il21 FORD si dan, extras, $S5o, will take tonring in traae. fcia.-t .io. lau CHEVROLET 41)0 touring. epotllghL over?iied tires. Phone Woodlawn 5002. BARGAINS in ed cars. Bra.y Auto company, 14th and Bu.-nslde streets. PACKARD 30. 7 -pass., good shape, $245. Vranson's. 150 Union BEST USED CAR values at 342 Burnside at, near Broadway. Broadway 361&. FOR SALB-ACTOMOBILES. COVE i"S ORIGINAL 14 POINTS. We are handling Dodge Broa.' motor cars and the Cadillac. Two of the moat popular new oars on today's market. Approximately SO per cent of new car gales Involves a trade New car business is positively con trolied by used-car sales. Used cars traded in are of necessity purchased at very low figures. We must dispose of these used oars with the least possible- resistance. Good value and satisfactory cars only can produce this low resistance. We rebuild and reflniah used cart) to make them satisfactory. These better cars must under-prlce all local competition. Regardless of coat or profit we foUow this policy. Better cars than these are not possi ble. Lower prices are not probable, Special sales are not competitive. Your friends are en titled to this infor mation. Tell them. DODGE BROS. MOTOR CARS. 1014 Dodge Brothers touring $ diS 3017 Dodge Brothers touring 650 1018 Dodge Brothers touring 72o laiS Dodge Brothers roadster 700 litld Dodge Brothers sedan 3150 1010 Dodge Brothers touring SOQ 1119 Dodge Brothers roadster..... 775 ltttrt Dodge Brothers touring 2 1020 Dodge Brothers roadster S75 1N21 Dodge Brothers camp oar.... lftort 1019 Liberty Sport model 1150 1016 Twin Six Packard Lavndaulette 2750 1919 Hudson Limousine, a wonder ful taxicab 1919 4-passenger Roamer 1500 1918 Scripps-Booth coupe 1120 Oldsmobile '8.M touring 1250 1020 Oidsmobile '6, touring tH5 1119 Oldsmobile touring "8" 8 1020, s very fine car 1200 1017 Chandler coup. 500 1018 Chandler touring, new tires.. "50 lftl'J Havnes touring, only 13j0 1920 Haynea touring 1750 1117 Studebker touring 375 1!18 Studebaker coupe, a real buy oo 1919 Studebaker Big Six. 7-pass.. 1350 1919 Studebaker "4' 1919 Apperson touring I"00 K20 Maxwell sedan, excellent car 350 1920 King "8" 15O0 1019 Premier. 4-passenger 135 3920 Chevrolet 40 sedan 700 1920 Chevrolet Roadster In fine shape 425 1920 Chevrolet touring 40 1919 Chevrolet touring 375 1920 Ford touring 400 1920 Overland "4n sedan, rebuilt.. 700 1917 Franklin, 4-paaaenger, series 9-A." underpriced and an ex cellent car for 1150 l:?0 Franklin touring 1700 1920 Buick, 7-passenger 1250 1920 Buick. 5-passenger 1183 1918 Chummy Stutz. wonderful car 1R50 1910-20 model Hudson speedster.. 1500 1919 Peerles 8 touring only 1386 DELIVERY CARS. 1918 Dodge Brothers, panel dellv..$ 750 1918 Dodge Brothers, screen 700 1919 Dodge Brothers, screen. a excellent car for 8 on 1918 Buick delivery 3U0 1918 Chevrolet delivery, new cord tires, excellent car for 830 Also big display at our salsroom downtown. Call at the salesroom most convenient for you. Our automobile trancportation makes It quickly possible for you to look over our entire stock. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. 28-30 N. Broadway. Main 6244. CADILLACS. The percentage of price reduction as compared to tne percentage of total available miles re consumed In a used, rebuilt and re-finished Cadillac Is so much greater tnat tne aciu u far exceeds chat of some new car of equal cost. All cars guar an ted and sold on easy terms. We Are Open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. ?tit at Washington Pts. Main ?44 STEPHENS AND OAKLAND AGENCY. Oakland B-passenger STlpps roadster Buick 4-cyl.. 5 -pass. Chevrolet 490, 5-pasaenger Saxon 6-cyl , 6-pass Overland, B-passenger Packard 4-cyl "18" Oldsmobile 6, 5-passenger AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 475 Morrison at 14th. Broadway 8606. .. 650 . . 425 .. 375 .. 175 . . 4O0 . . 200 . . 650 win rio xtot CT.A TV ! to have ALL the best USED CARfl In Portland, but we do claim we have some of the best buys lis town and we trulv believe our used cars are pncea at their real values- We have several different makes. both touring and rniHiton. a Inn deliveries and trucks. m amp ahnwlnn before vou buy. it will pay you well. We are open till 9 evenings. runaays to n. TALBOT A CASBT, INC., Grand Ave and E. Ankeny SL Liberty bonds cashed, automobiles cashed. nil t? rr-v nxt ritt.t. an AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MUH I liAoe. . 07 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. 1019 DODGE Call Mountain, Broad- for $750. way 217. REBUILT Reo roadster, excellent me Kanteal eondltlon. Daint and top rood as new, good rubber; you must see this car to realise Us value; the price Is way low and liberal terms given. Mr. Moe, with Talbot A Casey. Inc. Grand ave. ana K. Anaeny. rnone c. " i-. PSKD CARR. AU our used cars are marked In Wg plain figures: you pay oniy our one iow tiripjt Ke our stock before buying. Tal bot A Casey. Inc., East Ankeny and Orp.nd ave. Phone East wiia. TiiTirK 1920 Light 6: was demonstrator. used very little; looks and runs like new car; biggest, best bargain In Port land; $900; less ror ail caan, sou .pel mont. Phone e. Z447. SACRIFICE Must sell my late 1919 6-cyl-Injgr Studebaker right away: best buy liWiown ror v. a. wentworui, Colllnge Hotel, Mar. 2157. Call between. B and H. IF YOU have a car not suited to your needs, see r. enow at isidoi vasy. Inc., Grand ave. and E. Ankeny St., who will give you a trade. Remember, we don t want any rencs. CHEVROLET touring; very latest design; positively cannot be told from new car. Will sacrifice for $530. Some terms. Phone owner. E. 178. BIG USED CARS PRICES STOCK RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR Ctt 1920 PAIGE LIGHT BIX. Must sacrifice; $1000 for quick sale, terms. Compare this with any buy in town. Mr. rgo. unwy. j-m 1918 BUICK six touring car. In best con dition. see mis car ana you u want it. I will sell for $750, Call Broadway 3848. HUPMOBILE SEDAN. Fine condition every way; sacrifice for $800. terms. See this. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. a.-at. MY 1920 PEERLESS 8 touring car. In best condition, hardly used, cost $3390, will sell mine for $2500. Call Broadway 3H48. 1920 ESSEX touring car; this is like new; will take small payment and easy terms on balance, so come prepared to make a deposit. Call Woodlawn 2461. 1 HAVE a peppy Allen touring car I must sell this week. New car costs $1395; will sell mine for $375. Call Broadway today. STEVENS ROADSTER, ALMOST NEW; WILL SELL REASONABLE OR TRADE FOR UNINCUMBERED CITY PROPERTY. P. O. BOX 3205. STANDARD 1918 Model. 5-ton truck, with stake and dump body complete, in per fect mechanical condition. Very cheap. East 640 1919 OAKLAND touring car in best me chanical condition; new paint and good tires all around. Sell at low price. Call Broadway 3B43. 190 CHANDLER, Dispatch model, 5 cord tires and other extras, like new, $1100, small down payment and long terms on balance. Woodlawn 2461. CADILLAC -cyilndr, electrio lights. self-eLarter, four good cord tires; $350. East wi'va. oi- tiancociL VE PUT steel teeth in your old flwneei; crankshaft turning. U. B. Black ma chine shop. 634 Aider. Bdwy. SosL, CADILLAC. '14, 7 -pass. ; new paint, new top, runs like new; bargain $650, term a S e e Lynn n. 314 R all way Exchange, CHEVROLET touring, looks good and runs fine; half cash, balance terms. Phone East 7192. WE TEAR 'em up and sea the piecea Portland Auto Wrecking Ccu. eJl Aldss. 17th. Broadway 5254 PAIGE CHUMMY. Light 9. fine condition every way. mo Hfice for $90. Mr. Senn. Bdwy. 3281. PAIGE 7-PASS. Fplendfd condition. You will want It at $75n. terms. Mr. Senn. Bdwy. 32S1. USED cars; all manes, including Franklins. Braly Auto company, 14th and Burnside streets BIG USED car bargains. Braly Auto com pany at 14th and Burnside sta DACOTE motor car enamel. 39 Second sL. FOR SALE ACTOMOBTT.F LOOK for the white-hesded man named Snow In the long yet low coat at the ued car sales door of Talbot A Casey. Inc.. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny st-, for your real bsrgains in USED CARS. Sold on liberal terms. All his cars marked In plain figures. And he tells you the whole truth as he knows It about each car sold. You will do yourself a great Injustice If you buy without first find ing out if Mr. frnow has the car you want. Open evenings till 9 o'clock Sundays 8 to ft. CAR FOR A SONG. WE'LL HELP YOU SUNO IT WITH OUR TERMS. Roadster and touring cars In good mechanical order, good conidtlon and going strong, from $100 up. Fords, Bulcks. Hudsom, Cadillacs and other standard high-grade makes at prices never before quoted In Portland. e have the car you want or will get It for you on guaranteed satisfaction with both car and pric. Open evenings and Sunday. Portland Auto Sales. 350 West Burnside. near cor. of Sth. Phone Broad- way jK.fl. PANEL box with doors In back for ord roadster; just the thing for winter de livering; very cheap. Used Ford touring body, good condition-Panel body for Ford 1-ton truck ; extra well made and priced way down; nearly new. t a i wrT r- a. KICV. INT. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny St. BRING your wife to the auction SaturaJT 1 P. M., Nov. 5. AUCTION SALE of used cars. Large consignment of dif ferent makes to be sold to highest bid 'der. An opportunity to buy a car at your own price. Jake's Auction House, corner 6th and Everett. THESE ARE BARGAINS. Overland 125-! Ford 150 00 Maxwell. 1917 2' WOO Cadillac flew tires : ?X Several Fords $175 to 425.00 LANO A SILVA. 4fi2 Hawthorne. r u it nwvPH's I A YOUR GAIN. One Case, one Maxwell, three Hud sons; all late models; one Hudson speedster, never been run; one 1920 Buick roadster. These care are stored at Speedwell garage and are being sold ny Mr. uraun ior & uiiiii Call Bnwy. Min wnti ,om u BUICK S E D A N Last year" s model, beautiful car, luxurious Interior. me chanically perfect, six good cord tires, used privately, 'car guaranteed by local agency; price $1000 less than new car. An absolute bargain, cash or terms. Would consider small car in trade, . W. Phillips. Broadway Di.Mvr: vol Til WIFE, iPTOMOBILES AT AUCTION. Very large consignment, selling every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock and everyaturday at 1 P. M. Terms. Dem onetrsuion before aale. Broadway 23-9. Jake's Auto Clearing House, corner 6th and FTverett, BUICK 1UI W touring. o--? n . J"" painted and in guaranteed mechanical condition: a family car; five good tires. u.,.t Terms If necessary. Will consider light car a part payment Cat Woodlawn 1543 sd arrange for dera FOR SALE: FORDS. Ford roadster, good shape.... -$2hO 160 orcr cnassis. omni"i,. , . . . - LAFFAW MOTOR CO.. 34 N. 9TH. 1918 5-PARS. HUPMOBILE for $7"0-: easy terms. Call Moun tain, Broadway 217. Hundred dollars of traa. miles on pavement only; wi" "fi0.1 S. Pay. Globe Gra,e. 20th, near W.h 1nrtrn WILL mm llltht ..x tourlni car five rooil tlr.s and In flrt-cia mhanlcal -on,ltlon : Ju.t "hrY',1' and r.palnt.d. at a prlc, that I. rlirht or might take In Ford . Part ot pur rh.p pnr. .mi i In tne very oe.i ui - .potMKht. .pare tire. look, and J r;rm,C It de-ir. Thu" car n.v.r n.rn an-j."- v " - AN'' EXCEPTIONAL buy in a u,ed Buick; ail overhauled; reflnl.hed; fine rubber; Bnlck company uarnte. and rvlce. like a new car. Can be bourht at a prl?. of a" "a. !" ear. oVrry liberal he.n .h'jR.n. t an ownr. r.m n--.- trrma .n. t en Am"- .-.-.-q" WILL .acrlflc-e my lat, !!! Lod.e road. wind.hleld .wiper -and extra tlretj car In excellent connuion, trrm. , party. S '-rn"pi... .not tnlirin.. rUIT V.rT ...r-ew "-. .,f".ir. ,.. will ..'1 little: irpare xim; .iiaii at a bic dlacount and ftva terma. Ea. Oakland tourin. rood condition. 8 "ount for caah, 1105 E. S2d tt. . Wdln no 1D1 CHBVRrtt.ET. new top. Tlmkrn bear. Inn in front wheel, new plna and buh in eteerine knurklea new battery, lata type awltch, new wiring through. n- . .... out. r-nnne rji A, DANDY Xfll H-4.1 Bulrk. 5-paaeniter. runa and lok. like new, with rood Tir and paint. Will take amall car In trade. Term,. r.Tl yiain " ' U -TON K1SSF.L truck to trade for Frd roadster. Thl. truck la In fine fondU tlon: will iv a good trade. Talbot Ca?ey. Inc." Grand and B. Ankeny i ' l SO 4 IX .In FORD buff, !. nearrm o.i-. whVela, all around; will .ell body; mechanlcalty perfec. B35 Alder. rnone nroanw.r ... . LATE model Chevrolet touring ,hock ab orber. curtain, open with doora, .pot Ilrnt. iew tlra; bargain. Pnon. Tabor PAIGE. 11S. 6-cyl.. 7-pasenser. for sale ?r r,de,for cow., t-ctor. Ford car Tarm impmn.- 1B21 FORD touring. Ifs a demonstrator, "new tires, run 1MK m les. Call Mr. Frohman. Broadway 821, or Marshall 447-r srter n. '- . PRIVATELY ownea j-p". k'"J' - eiwVent condition: good t:re. per .potlicht. lemlt .vMem: wl 1 e''JlC tor prn. r. i.. - SACRIF'ICE. 11Q Chevrolet 400; good con- dirion; improv... ,vu.v.v. . tag.V Wrtln. 742. fcHALMEBa bug. good M'P". ,"" '"g! for motorcye'e or ,'ll. Call at 7101 17th ave. S. E.. Ml. Bcnlt car. On. Ford ,'dan. SO0 take. It. Ad- . wi 1.7 Orernnlan. CH s V ROLET owner leaving town. 31 tOUnng. irsarnus m j a At a tires, unwne srmn -w-mj M GOIVG to Canada; would like (to sell my Maxwell: any reasnable offer will fl ot pe turnru j " '"' DODGE sedan. 101ft model, elegant condi tion, new cord Urea; will sacrifice. East 234. llA BUIOK slg roadster in excellent .v., .Ttn t(r can be had very rea son ah fe Call Tabor MW. 13 Division. to 19 DODGE touring car. In perfect condi tion, witn extras. ' . iunn easy payment. Woodlawn 2461. $4oa crh 4U6 Sid well ewe. Sellwood FOR BARGAIN'S in used care come to Braly Auto company, 14tb and Burn side streets. 1020 CHEVROLET. Just rebuilt, new tires; win sen xor aoou a u. j . East 62S4. . 1U17 PAIGE touring, Al condition; looks like new; bargain for cash. Talbot A C--y. nrarn Ave, ana n. AnKiny si. 1121 CHANDLER roadster; any reasonable offer considered. Cud a back, Athena ho- tei, room i" HUPMOBILE. ' ini9 touring; power on hills; make Offer, owner, .vamna.ii . stUST sU 120 Chevrolet In perfect shape; run tUmHr mues: aoou ruunrr win sacr,. fire, with some terms. Call Wdln. 154. IbJU FORD roadster, lots of extras, cheap for casn. can lanor iHvt evenings. CHEVROLET la good condition. $2t0. Mrs. uana, 003 1 ayior. WILL trade my late-model light car for a good p-honrnrraph. East 62J4. A BARGAIN 1 Overland light four tnunnf. iee at 4"i Mara. 1U22 CHEVROLET, perfect condition; must sen. pnone tast iiBi, 1&20 FORD touring; man extras; anap. rail seiiwooa 1. FIAT BUG. good shape, Boch mag.; Ilia. SO TTnlon ave.. upataira CHEVROLET ltf20, shock absorbers and extra tire, ana in i4.-. lktia FORD at a saorifica, 42UU. bo Tay lor street. FOR BALE E. M F light truck, good conq;tion. xj. f l r 4 -ten. 1K1 DODGB touring, runs good, good lilH FORD coup, wire wheels, other accessories, .t:. r-none juaat -4W OAKLAND fi-passenger, rebuilt; five good tlrs : guaranteed. Rrrtadway HflQS. SEE MS before buying Hudson; save money, uwntr, aiain amw. jSflb FORD SEDAN 0. Targqln term. Evenings. Wast 51A 1915 VELIE touring, starter, extras, $115. Vranson'a, 150 Union ave. FOR KAYF AUTOMOBILES. hfDSOV AND ESSEX. Automobiles that have been re built or renewed are in the best of mechanical condition they are also warranted the same as fac t.rws warrant new cars. In ad dition, we give IM days' free me chanical service. This is not new en Hudson automobiles. We have rebuilt and o'd them with a warranty since lttlS. You buy a fine quality csr with he same safety ss when you purchase a new automobile. Buy a csr you can depend upon and at a bargain price. Other makes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put In first.clas condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being returned and full crt'Tut given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for ex ery gurchsser to try out the car he uys, gives him time to have It In spected, and we want only satis fied customers. Watch the change In this list of cars: UMrt Super Six Hudson $ 0 1!M7 Super Six Hudson W0 1917 Super Six Hudson speedster 1050 191S-1010 series Hudson Super Six 12 Ift.o Hudson Super SIX 1 -'"' 1120 Hudson speedster K0 1!1 Essex Hso lfl.'O Eshex 10-r P..18 Maxwell 400 lLUt Maxwell M Brand new Maxwell roadster $72!. You can save I-U0 on this little car. We also. have four late models. Msxwell rT-monstrators In first class condition. Including spsre tires, at ItiCO each. A saving to you of So&o. ltl Ford t 275 1!1 Grant Six ' i:19 Chalmers Six 6'0 1917 Hulck " 1H1S DodKe H liillt Dodge "25 li19 Olds Six P.0 liMS Olds Eight UH lliu Liberty IS port model... m0 1920 Chandler lo;0 1121 Olds S.x 1100 118 Cole 8, Sport model. 1919 Olds Sedan 12M Largest Used Car Branch Store In the City at 40-43 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store, Broadway i739. Also a Display at Our Salesroom, 61.VH17 Wsshlng ton street; open week days only. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBIL- CO. THE FINEST UfED CARfl IV THE CITY EST i'lvlUlV A RELIABLE HOUSE TO DO BUSINESS WITH EASY TERMS WITH NO CHARGES FOR BROKERAGE. This la an unbeatable combina tion and you will surely find it so If you come down and look over these values. White SO. B-pass 11)18 Briscoe, o-pass. . . .$ 300 . . 400 juiw nriooe, o-paa. 1118 Studebaker. roadster ... 500 IDltt Hudson Super tl. 7 -pass, 6') (tot) 6 Ml 1917 Mitchell. 5-paaa. 1919 Velie, 5-pass. . . 1920 Oakland, l-pass. 630 8 Ml 8.0 9H) H00 11IN 1950 1 1 50 l.vo 1919 Mitchell. 7 -pass hu:ck, n-pasa 1920 Nash Sedan. 7-pass. .. 1920 Liberty aport model .. 1911 Jordan, sport marine.., 1021 Mitchell, 6 -pass. MITCHELL, LEWIS 4 ST AVER CO., S8 Team In the Northwest. Broadway and Everett bL Bdwy. 4675. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE.. We are handling used Fords ex clusively and are In a position to snow you some real bargains. 1920 Coupe, the best of shape, many extras 1920 Sedan 1920 Touring, starter, etc fl5 191H Tour., new body 1917 Rosalster. del. box It5 1020 1-ton truck, fine shape.. 395 50 OTHER FORD BUYS. EASY TERMS. EASY TERMS, TWO SALESROOMS. Grand Ave. at East Yamhill 6L, or Broadway at Hoyt SL Ernst 47L Bdwy. 327. LOOK I LOOK I LOOK! Come across the river and eee with your own eyes the values that we are of fering. Terms. 1921 Ford touring. 1920 Ford touring. 1919 Ford touring. 1921 Buick tourtr.g. 1917 Bu'ck touring. 1920 Essex touring. 1920 Stephens touring. 1920 Chalmers touring. 1919 Oldsmobile 8 touring. 1917 Packard Six touring, stage car. Lots of bugs, both, Fords and Chevro le. THB USED CAR WAREHODSB, Grand Ave, at East Taylor tit, "Portland's Largest Ussd Car Store, BARGAINS. REBUILT BUICKS. A visit to our salesroom. Alder at 12th, will convince the moat skeptical pur chaser ot the HEAL VALUE of our REBUILT BUICKS. ' HOWARD ATJTOMOBTLB CO.. Alder at 12th SL Phone Ante. 662-41. Bdwy. 1130 SACRIFICE SALE. A private party has left with ne to A ppereon 8, T-assenger ear. 1920 model. In perreet orur. PIERCE-ARROW COtTPIB. Two .passenger car In perfect running order. TRAILER-Two-wheel trailer, with canvas top; new. The bsst cash offer takes these ear a BROADWAY OARAGE. East 24th St.. Corner Broadway. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. I must sell my 1921 Willys-Knight touring car, In finest condition ; can't be told from new; has four new cord tires, extra tire and other equipment. Sacrifice for $1325. Consid-er light car as part payment. Call Mr. Croft, Bdwy. SS09 or Tabor 6004, after 6 P. M. No dealers. 1918 BRISCOE TOURING. Motor just overhauled; good tires and paint, 8195; will give terma Mr, Wll hams, with Talbot ft Casey, Inc., Grand ave. snd E. Ankeny st. East 8118. MAKE me an offer, cash or trade, for my flve-paasenger car. ror Demonstration come to 148 2d st.. near Alder, any time before 10 at night. Beet offer gets 1L Ownei Quick action. 1919 BUICK touring, new paint, new tlroe; perreet mecneniosu condition; must be seen to be appreciated. Sacri fice. tS7B. East 4211. FORD touring, it's a br; 1914; median Hcalljr runt; new ruimer, top, paint, ex tras. $175. r. P. Farrington, 715-Over- ton. P.dwy. ftSflrt. FORD touring, 3020, new top. shock a. speedometer, oiner extras, a in cneap. TaborWTl LATE model o-paaa, King, worth $inoo. taken to sntisty Qmuu bu xor iuo. M arsh all 3W9. lvlS FORD delivery; extra long enclosed bodv ana runninw gear; good rubber; $20. O 57, Ore onlnn. LIBEKTY '19. Must be seen to be appreciated; very cheap. Phone owner. Sell. 8125. LATE Ford adan, private owner; will sacrm. ,'nnne uroanway VuKD Li'), rood condition; extras; must sell : bwr-aln. Fast STW7 LIGHT roadster, gyod rubber., paint and extras: terms. Bfosdway 88f)fl. SACRIFICE High-class touring car. Call In person. 018 East SOtA Nortb. FOR SAI.F, ArTOMOBII.K. 1126" CHANDLER" DISPATCH. bPORT MODEL. Tn fine mechanical condition; car leoVs just like new; A cord tires and lots of extras; will consider light rr as part payment ; balance easy ; terms. Phone East l!f"2. 1918 DODGE Call Mountain, Broad- for way 217. FORD touring, used hut a short tm as demonstrator, runs and looks like nw: priced at a liberal discount; ha staKlng system, demountable wheels, foot throttle and motor driven horn. Call H a rr t m, E ss t SI l 1319 CHEVROLET 490 touring car. In the best of condition mechanically. Can 5've some terms to responsible party if "sired. Call Mr. Siggerstarf, Bdwy. 240. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, elf.. AlftO do towing, open dav and nlgbL LONG A SILVA. Phone Fst nsuK 462 Hawthorne. BIO BIX STUDEBAKER. 1921 series, superb mechanical condi tion, oord tlrrs and extras, llrtno; terms. Light csr taken as part payment. Senn, Bdwy. LIGHT A-pa;.snger -srdan. Cheap; original paint, A wire wheels and tires; good as new ; terms. Mr. Stuart, Broad way a".V 1118 CHANDLER touring, in fine condl tion ; a i ways owned privately. See It for I77.V Take Ford or Dodge as part payment. all Broadway 3fll8. $615 BUYS BUS Oldsmobile in splendid condition; terms, Mr. Colburn, Bdwy. 321. A Til omobl le s anii ft. I CAM use a good late-model auto; will trade IriO acres level land in White Horse valley of Harney county. This land Is worth about $S an acre, but 1 have no use for It, but can use a good car; land is clear ot a;l lacumbrauce. Write AJ 7, On gonlan. CARS WANTED. ' Bring your car 10 the auction house for quick sale and full value; amall com mission chat ged ; fireproof bids-., steam heAled. Phone Bdwy. 2329. Corner tit and Kv eret sts., west side. WANTED Old Buick or Dodge sedan, 1920 or 1921 model; trade ll acres ot timber land In Shoshone county, Idaho, clear of Incumbrance. AV Orvgo nian. EwL IT V choice Lau re i hurst lot, Ladding ton court, east of 41st, facing south, to trade for late model car. Broadway 2121 or IVS1. WE WRECK THEM HiKlust can price paid f(-,- old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., Third and Gllhan. SPOT CASH lor our Ford. Chevrolet, Dodge, Buick or other light cars. 170 East 7th st. TWO LOTS In St. Johns. Or. Will trade for Ford. 1004 Interstate ave, 'V.ood lawn 657. CARS BOUGHT fur their parts; parts so.d tor all cars. Auto Wrecking Co., J Alder at leth sta "frtADE nearly new $400 Institution size Thor electrio washer and nianale Cur Ford truck or touring car. East 3.") S3. WANTED Ford roadster or coupe, late model, no dealers' Junk snd no fancy prices considered. O ISO, Oregonian. 1U2U FORD or Chevrolet for spot cash by private party; must be iu Al condition. F fin. Ori'BoiilHn. MECHANIC will exchange any hind of work for used car. References. Mr. Sutton. Marshall HUM. CARS WANTED to wreck; parts .'or all cars for leca . A 6. Auto Wrecking C, 15th and Aider. Broadway 630. WE PAY cash ror late model light cars.' Used Car Wareuouse, Grand ave. and aV lay lor. CASH for all makes of cars, condition no object. 414 Gllsan. or. 10th. Bdwy. 203. WILL pay hlgaeat market price lor ud mi Fords.atcorner ofBth and Davis. '10 OR '17 DODGE, musT be cheap for cash. 8 171, Orrk'onlan. PACKARD player-piano for sale or trade for small car. K 207, Oregonian. TO TK ADE 3-room furnished houto'hoat for lattj touring Ford. Woodlawn Hit 25. M otorcy c 1 ee. WE PAT no rent and sell for less; rebuilt motorcycles snd bicycles, all means, sold on easy terms. APEX BICYCLE CO.. East 14 bQ. 457 Williams Avs. m MOTORCYCLES and parts. aVt niakse. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-40 Grand Avenue. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 2O4-2U0 3D ST, MAIN 619. POK'I A BLE garage for motorcycle and sidecar: $750. Marshall 3.MU. Automobiles fur Hire. AUTOS FOR HTRE WITHOUT DRIVERS; HUFOBILKS, $1 25 PER HOUR ; DAiLY RATES. 828 EVERETT siT- COR. tutt. BROADWAY 2320. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIHE. New 6 snd 7-paasengor cars. Bulcas and Wsscotts; reasonable ratea. CITY GARAGE. 1S3 ltlh sL, bet. Washington and Alder. 1 Bdwy. MO. AUTOS FOR HIRE with or without driv ers. Day or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE, 19th and Couch. Broadwav ftftna. Remember our number. Broadway 80;'d, . JAKE'S UbED CAR EXCHANGE. Maw cars for rent without drivers. Reasonable ratea. Open day and night. 825 Oilman st., bet. Broadway and 0th it, Broadway 5593. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR IintK. L. L SULLIVAN, FASHION GARAGE. MAR. 22. IQTH AND YAMHILL A 12.(0 U. 8. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH --OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GAKAG& 8D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 16S7. 1320 6- PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 8547. FOR HA I E TRUCK AND TRACTOR. USED TRUCKS AT A SACRIFICE. 1920 1-ton GMC pneumatic tires. 1920 Chevrolet delivery. 1H18 Ford delivery. 1919 Republic 2 -ton. 19 1H Denby 3-ton. 1918 Ger six 2 Vj -ton. 1914 Ford 1-ton. 1920 Chevrolet 1-ton. Easy terms on any truck In the house. THE TTSED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave., at East Taylor, Phone Auto. aU-lii. NSW, NEW. NEW. Why bur a used truck when yea can buy a new ons from us tn some cases as low as half the regular price? We have REPUBLIC, STANDARD and PA TRIOT trucks at these prices. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, Grand Ave, at East Taylor bis. Phone Auto, 214-10, 6PEC1AL SALE ON TRUCKS. NEW 4XJMMERCE TRT7CK8 AT A BIO DISCOUNT. Oldsmobile speed wagon .....$ "3 Ford 1-ton, 1920 Sim) 2-ton 4-wheel trailer 875 2-yard dump and hoit 8'o 2-ton Chicago (new) 2J50 Parts for Commercs and Stewart trucks. LAFFAW MOTOR CAR CO., 81 N. 9TH. FACkAKD 3-TON. In fine shape. Drive It away for $150. Easy terms and will trade for Ford. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 6UL E nlnP Marshall 1 MACK 2-TON. Do you want the best make of used truck In town ? Come and see this. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691, evenings. Mar. VS.!. ATT K It BUR Y 2-TON. Reduced $50O. Will give terms and trsde for lot. Ford or diamonds Phone Jensen, Bdwy. OWL Evenings, Marshall l:t 0.K git-TOX Indiana heavy duty hydraulic hoist and $ ft -yard dump body; $1250 with term. HOWARD-COOPEH CORPORATION. 250 E. Water St.. fltv. FEDERAL -TON. This mwi be sold quickly. Just hart Frlce, Will trade and give easy terms, hone Jensen, Bdwy. 6VL Evenings, 1 s.v DENBY 2-T0N. 1920 model, almost new. Will aell fnr most anything. What's your propoei tion? Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 601. Eve nlngs Murshall th3. WH 1 TE. 1 - ton. A-l condition; no Junk ; $1110; will take Ford as part payment. Sell. 9t. q 1 YItUCR 2.'.oo, lovn mod'.l. bouriit tn March. Orory. O Vlttn, rinhr. Or.. .Kt. 1. G.M C. -T' trut-k. puuuin.tlo tir- A bargain. .15 GlU.n at. Bdwy. 4.1112. CARACES. X NEAT. we;l-cin,tructe1 garaKO. d.llv. ,r.d. trectrd, talnd. 10.1: 10x16: olli.r ,1t.c in proportion 2'.K AVridlrr .t i For K ENT Garaga D.iongtng to hou,.. 11.10 Mallorjr ava. Pi.dmoot. Woodla.a S-'. bi.M.i.t: traa g-r... Xur -VU Tlllamoulc