, , TTTE MORNING OTtEGOXIAX, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1921 . I . . I M 1 V,rn.w.wwi.aT TTF j FOR MI.E. I FOR SAI.F. , Fur ule Housed For SalHouse. For Sale Acreage. HIS NT SAVERS. $750 8-room celled cottage: gas, city water; lot 50x100; $100 cash. $15 monthly. $S00 3-room wiled cottage, with Igas, city water, sink, small garage; lot 60x143; fruii and berries; $150 cash. $20 monthly. 950 Neat small 2-room cottage, with sleeping porch. on macadam street; lot 40x100: a neat little home; $225 cash. $25 monthly. $1000 3-rom shack. with as. rlty water and sink: ground lOOxloo, wonderful soil, in Woodlawn; $100 cash, $25 monthly. $1000 Very neat and clean little 8-room cottage, electric lights, gaa, city water and sink, small fruits; $130 cash, $2 monthly- ' . . $1250 Neat little one-acre home with -room cottage, with electric lights, running water, some berries; two blocks from Estacada car; $30O cafh, $15 monthly. 11310 Neat little 3-room cottage, gaa, electric lights, city water, one halt' acre of ground, small barn, two chicken houses, 13 bearing fruit trees, some berries; 75 cash, lift monthly. $1500 N'-nt 4-roora plastered cottage, electric lights, gaa, city water, hot water tank, good cesspool, white enameled Dutch kitchen, fru t and berries; $200 each, $23 monthly. FRKD W. GERMAN CO., REALTORS. 732 Chamber of Commerce. JCHjLRN "UU.WAIjWS UNDER CON STRUCTION. OEOROK E. WKLLER. Builder of Good Homes. 229 CHAMUKR OF COMMERCE BLDQ. Main B231. Tabor 1050. Laurelhurfct. 200 E. 43d. near Laurel hurat ave.: strictly modern, ready to live In; price $n''50. , ' 210 i:, 48d; nothing unfinished; price $&ooo. - Rose City. 1244 E. Broadway, near 44th street. $5250. 1 252 K. Broadway, fnOOO. 12tt4 E. Broadway, $3750. a,A Clone in, 707 E. Pine, near 20th, $B5O0. Alameda district. 730 E. 30th, near Fremont, close to Broadway car; price 13.50. The bungalows will be strictly mod ern, with garages, furnaces, hardwood floors throughout and carry ttiua guar antee. Look them over, or make ap point men t. RENT PATERS. $5(K CASK. mr WR HAVE A M'MRKR OK NBW BOUSES IN KXrEM.KNT l'OCAZS THAT WK THINK YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOTJT. I7MX), $5iw OA PH. COLONIAL TYPE. $I500, $.VM CASH, 0 ROOMS. $4750, tWO CAWH, 5 ROOMS. $I.VX) $4Kt CASH, 5 ROOMS. f.1WW, $50O CASH. 5 ROOMS. $3H0, 1100 CASH. 5 ROOMS. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR, BUILDER OF HOMES. BOARD Or" TRADE BLDO. PHONE BDWV. 37: EVES., EAST SOftL irvington jtor.oo. BEAUTIFUL T-KOOM RESIDENCE and breaktast room; fine location; fu.l cement basement, furnace. beautiful fireplace, bookcases. buffet, 4 rooms down. 3 up. Hardwood floors. This .8 a. real home and will pay you to look it over. Will take lots as part payment. MARSH & MrOABE CO., Exclusive Realtors. 323-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshal! 3093. Evening, Tabor 430. LARGE, modern home, consisting of two 5-room residence apartments in hlgh-cla.-s district In the city, close In on the east side; thoroughly furnished through out; present rent $00 per month; can easily be increased,, 10 to 20 per cent; jUAt the place for your home with a tenant to pay your expenses and In every respect an Ideal Investment; non resident owner wishes to sell at attrac tive price; for particulars call 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park t., or telephone Main R0. ROSE CITY PARK. $4300 a new, strictly modern bunga low, located In the heart of Rose City Park, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, every built-in feature, ali street Improvements' In and paid, lot 50 by 100. Here la something unusual in . new 5 room bungalow, and we can give you very easy terms, so If you want a real home cheap. see this at once. H1LLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main M. Brnnch off.. Mth and Sandy. TarmrS4S.. $700 .CASH PRICE $3700. Talk about a bargain! Here is a nice bungalow of R rooms and bath; Ivory finish, fireplace, built-ina. garage, paved street and Bewers, all paid. This n a mighty good buy for $3700. You'll like the location, Waverleigh Heights dis trict. Ex-service men, use your bonus. Cull Mr. Everson. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 5M. 208 Chamber of Commerc Bldg. Phone Evenings. Main 4fl7. TRVTNOTON. BEAUTIFUL CORNER COLONIAL on Knott Rt.. sunrooms. sun porches, hardwood floors through out. One of Irving ton's classiest homes. $10,0(0 for a few days. Mcdowell, East 410. IE YOU want to beat the nigh rent, buy i w. ... njw Kiih.H i vllnn. 1ust out ride the city limits at 43th and Fre mont. You have every city convenience except the taxes and there are aosoimeiy no restriction!!. You can build your own little home just to your liking, and we will give vou anv kind of terms and fur nish you the money with which to buy your lumber if necessary. HII.LER BROS.. Realtors. Sit Railway Exrh. Bldg. Main Rrt. Branch off.. .'th ,md Sandv. Tnbor S4V. ' FOR PALE OR TRADE. Row City Park. 7 rooms and bath. 2 toilets, strictlv modern, hardwood floors downstairs, full basement, hot-air fur- ' nace fireplace, niasptve buffet, modern electric equipment, floor sockets, etc.: garage; price $6300, $3700 cash, balance terms, or will trade for smaller place of 5 rooms. Phone owner. 511-80. for ap pointment. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. Build your own home; incorporate tout own ideas: use your own Individu ality You are the best Judge of what Ratifies you. We aim to please. We want your business only when we satlsf you of the merits of our building. ROBNETT & McCLURE. Realtors. MrhaU li'JOT 302 Cnnch bldg. POKTLAND BOULEVARD. R-room house, excellent condition, newly painted eletmlmd and shingled; full basement: lot 200x132. paved street, fruit trees, chicken houses. This Is without exception the best buy In Port land at $6000; winy terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St. Main T46. 1RVIN G TON. $3300. IVm't look any further if you want . liome In th4s district; seven large rooms and sleeving porch, fireplace, fu.l concrete basement, furnace. 50x100 lot. Improvements In n"Tl paid. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. R Fourth St. Main i IM!I.71.TII!RST HCNGALOW Mnpii !. t T-room buniralow with rri. on corner near car and park: Inxee living room, breakfast room. 3 bedrooms. !vorv finish, mahojrany trim and doors. ok floor throurhout: beautiful snmo berv; terms. Tabor 4P. iVB-jjTnvEK HEIGHTS HOME. rmv romnact. 2-story, 7-room home with garage; center entrance, large main rooms, view porch. 3 bedroom, jleeplng porch. 2 bath. 2 fireplaces, oak floor. Y,nt wnter heat: tnobst ructed ' view of c i t v . m o u n t njn s ,r I ver. Ta hoi r 40 7 vitTqk'K NKAR MILWAl'KIE FT 7 rooms. 3 down and 4 up. two full lots, cement basement, paved street; will make a good home and an Invest ment sew H: $4000. $1000 cash, bal S.t.V incl. per rmt. Sell. 1130. $.300 CASH gels U acre, 5-room bunga low fruit trees, berries, grapes; owners nin east: $1350 (worth $IK50). Other gnoA deals, easy terms. Vain 36 McFARLANH. Realtor. Falling Bldg. i o .m CASH. ettwTeiiiK.il A WT HORN E DISTRICT. C.rnnm modern bungalow. excelJent condition, ftoxioo lot; no mortgage. Rad a bi n k h . Tfl b-T 4.v:'. . YKVIVGTON SAC1I1EICK. $76:l0. ensy terms. rooms, sleeping porch, break fast room, all osk floors, garage, va cant N-uhiusen. Realtor. S:tO S. W. Bunk Mdg. Main S07. East 304. a-vortM hunealow. hardwood floors in all rooms: fireplace, furnace, cement bas . r i ir 0 innlOO. corner lot. o -riine. .-ast side- price $730O. terms. V. 'I. Hfrreit. 4T2 Plttock Mk Bdwv 1HV ct it i Krt hnniif new. CTOUHd KH'KHMl "sitli and Sacramento sta; price $1400; easy payments: will take small automo rit!- flrt payment. , ?'i i vi-.tov nr'vc a LOW SNAP. 6 rooms. tvorv finish, oak floors, new and well built widow must seM. Neuhausen, R.nltor. Mnin S'1". Kwt ?n4. TWO BLOCKS to Rose City Park car. new room modern bungalow, street paved, $!Sto down: price $4T0rt. Main 5201. Bks't rart of Land's addition. - room mod ern home, reception hall. den. all con venlenres. garage. Main J. WILT SELL tny beautiful Irvineton bun K-iiw. nearlng completion. r.ce on Kri'tt St.: no agent Main 4?4 tiunsalow: ft-ep;a'e. garaae. re lemtnt; .X'herta: rtal home; $.0l) f-riTis. Mfm 74 IMwv. 47,H PU..NAL e. Two good home and mo, n hootK-a, walking r.RM'TIKVL V'rut Park ho;- hv ownr. leaving cUv. Woodlawn l!H6. PEN i NSl'LA district, $2Gi0, modern fiv ruoiu buu4iituw; ternu. beiu 340a, MODERN BUNQALOW C ROOMS. $500 DOWN $30 MONTH- On Royal ave., Yfew site, barely 2 blocks from M t. Tabor car. This has everything you desire for a true home, living room, dining room, have hard wood floor; kitchen is all built-in; two large, airy bedrooms and complete bath downstairs, one bedroom up and attic space, full cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, fine furnace, garage and runway; restricted district. J. Iy. HARTMAS COMPANY, H Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Mala 1'Ott. W K.sTklK N LA N L CO. , Room 611 Railway Exchange. We have some classy smalt homes, on ertwy payments; also acreage. Miihurhun Iiomet. COMFORTABLE COUNTRY HOME. Located out the Oregon City road, near the river; a modern 6 room bungalow and 2 acres of land; lota of bearing fruit, grapes, etc; good district; price $3300. wita $-300 cash, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. JOINING CITY LIMITS ON EAST. $900 AND UP. Highly Improved farm. Just been sub divided; lies level, productive soil, faces good macadamized road; Bull Run water and beautiful view of the mountains and City; some tracts with bearing cherry, pear and apple trees, and others with raspberries, loganberries, strawberries, currants, grapes and asparagus; $100 dowu and $30 every three months. 6 A VLBR E. SMITH. 318 Railwav Exchange Bldg. SIX-ACRE tifllUKUAN HOME WITH INCOME! Fine black soil, good orchard, chicken house for 500 chickens, large barn and several small outbuildings; strictly mod em, new 7-room house, finished in old Ivory and with all bullt-lns. This must be seen to be appreciated. $K500. Owner will consider modern up-to-date home m the city. This is just off the Hilisboro highway and 12 miles from town. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1063. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. SEE THIS HALF-ACHE FAR M Just outfits city limits. 5 blocks from electric staiion and 2O0 feet from naved highway; 3-room FURNISHED bunga low, with city water; gas and electric ity available; garage. Get thJs buy a cow and chickens and bid defianc to the landlord. $1".K). TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1063. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. ONE FULL ACRE AT MULTNOMAH! Eight blocks from cox. one block from highway; five-room bungalow, good barn and milk house; gaa and electric iry; 16 fruit trees and plenty of shrub bery. :t000 and terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 106S. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME! House alone Is worth $6000 ; 3 acres of fine land and bearing family orchard: large barn and chicken house. This Is on a good gravel road Just outside the cltv limits. AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY FOR S3SO0. Best of terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main IOCS. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. $ 1 00(1 BARGA I N. Cheerful 4-room bungaUow, city con venience; beautiful H acre, fronting on main road, hard-surfaced: only 20 min utes out oi west side. Price of S1000 Includes the furniture. Come in today and see this neat little home. A. K. Hill. 42fl Lumbermen! bldg., 5th and Stark sts. siiTllfirB HALF-ACRE HOME. Onlv flGOO" cash for more than a half acre with plastered 3 rooms and sleep ing porch ; only 2 blocks from Garden Home station, on Oregon Electric; elec- t..(v coo nnri wiitftr: 0c commutation fare. Ask for MtCORMIC. Main u31S or Main S-J'-'O. OSWEGO BARGAIN. ONLY $1900. xrw R.mnm hiuicalow : basement, wa ter, light, gaa; biV homesite. 105x120. on onmr hard mad: small payment gives possession; you'll not find another like this. See owner, oou uoncora uiug, -u ami Rtark st.. Jti.-,u TAK ES a dandy oungaiow with 2 large sightly lota near Multnomah on the Oregon Electric; thoroughly mod ern, turns easy. For particulars call on hkv riEjST-AND. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st.. or his agent, Mra Grant, at the Multnomah office. " CIT i'RH'E TO ACRES. S3150 10 acres, house, barn. 70-foot ttonnerv. creek. U. mile elec. and high' way; extra soil ; berries; near Beaver ton. 12 miles Portland; shown by auto. Main 3B72. McEarland, realtor, au Ing bldg. . 1KEAI. SUBURBAN HOMESITES. One acre or more on paved street, city water, gas and lights available, near car and school; u50 per acre ana up, easy terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO., Realtors, 2(3 Stark St. $1.-j0 CASH, $10 MONTHLY. Small house, newly painted and pa pered; close to elec. sta.. Garden Home acre of ground, plowed and seeded; cai get elec. gaa and water; $100. Mc FARLAND. Realtor, Failing bldg. SUBURBAN HOME SNAP. 7-room house, barn, outbuildings. Ryan station, 2 blocks car. 3 acres, fruit, elec tric lights, gas. city water, telephone. 601 McKay Bldg. ti'MMi BUNGALOW New. 4 rooms wit DaSement, water, llgnis, KB", Biinuo urtra, big corner, 105x120 ft. Only $300 down. W, XI. umouensLOCK ot t-o., .uuwy. ioj 210 Oregon bldg. Vl II' U i-.-w-.rrM Bli'tril! UghtS. fZHB. WatCT, IV. acres cnicKen coop, near uaraen Hom4 station. SJtMio. on easy terms. Ca Main lo:t. or Marshall 5-oo. 1 ACRE on paved Ktrvut, near car, city conveniences available; '"i, iw casn, fit ner montn. .Main For Sale liuniiieww Property. INDUSTRIAL site for aale. 20(J ft., facing on main tnorounniarw. ;uw w u trackage. This tract Is Just across the treet from the big new American Can company and within a block of the Montgomery Ward plant. A fine place for an industrial department, warehouse manufacturing Dlant. Phone Broad way 16iS. ask for Mr. Neal. or call at 210 Oregon bldg. Full SALE by owner, business corner, ToxlOU. improved wim one aory more building and 5-room cottage. Woodlawn 1 0M. ' For Sale Acreage 6. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. 2R AN ACRS AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a 5-acre tract In this addition of 800 acres; rtrtwn th Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and rive- ftn transDorta lion, railroad, ri er. auto stage and truck; beautifully lyng land, free from rock ana gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES PELFEL, S18 Railway Exchange Bldg. !2SSo BUYS this 1 acre, su Durban home. city conveniences: 3 blocks outside city limits: newlv-built 4-room bungalow citv water, gas. phone available; bath, sleeping porch ; modern cedar chicken nouse. capacity mj c nicaena . uousneu and giragtr ; 100 down, balance a per cent. South on S2d at., west oi Maple St., 4th house on the left or in quire at Kendall grocery at Kendall sta tton, on Estacada line. HAVE YOU 350 CASH? We can put you in possession of a dandy 4-rooin plastered hoe with wide porch aiid 2'j acres of the best soil In Oregon; 3 miles from Portland, facing a good hard road. The price is low, $20O; $:150 c:i"h and $25 per mo. STRONG .t CO.. ;0 Ch:4m. of Com. ACUfci, stacru'ice ; this in J block a from end of Mnntavilla car line; good soil; ideal for poultry and berries; city water, gas and electricity; ea.y terms. W. M. Umdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg Brondwnv roK SALE 10 at-res 10 miles out; 3-room hkue, outbuildings, dandy place for chickens, lota of water, good family or chard; small payment down. Will ac cept soldier's bonus for balance. Main 7115 or Bdwv. 244S or 204 Henry bldg. WHITE lor map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and aay terms offered to settlers WEVEKH AUSER 11MBER COl. Tacoma. Wash. 2 ACRES $12541. This fronts on the Barr road, 3 miles from the city limits; terms, $50 down and $15 per month. You can't beat it. 'STRONG ,e- CO.. fiiW Cham, of Com. 7 ACRES, part in cu.ti v.uion ; smail houe, barn, frmt. facing right on paved high way; price $1250. $150 down. DRAPER. 4ns Bonrd of Trade. 'OR SAL.E Half section of unimproved Und n Hood Rivr county. All or part. K E Wr nn. R F D 4. Albany. Or. OICE acreage uar city limits; i:ne in aatmeaL Owner. Terms. Last 743, FIVE acres, 14 miles from the center of Portland, west; one mile from electric station and school; all under cultivation; A a ore lnrnnberriea. 12.000 strawberry plants; 5-room house, barn 20x30, chick en -house 18x70, brooder house, wood shed; electric lights: garden tools nl some furniture included. $1150 cash, balance terms. Or mill turn this prop erty in on the lease and personal prop erty of larger farm. ON COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. Ten acres, right on highway. 21 miles from good town; half, mile to grade 'school, one mile to high school, four acres cleared; 4-room house, ch-iek-en house: good spring, never-failing creek. Price $875. large cash payment. Clatsop county, Oregon. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. Cerllnger Bg. Over 000 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. WITCH HAZEL LITTLE FARMS on the Pacific highway 16 miles from Portland. WITCH HAZEL LITTLjfr FARMS on the Southern Pacific 40 minutes irora city. FIVE AND TEN ACRE TRACTS CLEARED and In cultivation with some timber available; level ; fine soil; good roads; schoolhouse on grounds. Compare the prices we ask with surrounding valuei and convince yourself of the genuine bargains obtainable. $130 to $300 AN ACRE. ACT TODAY. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. $100 DOWN. $17.00 MONTHLY. 20 acres of good cut-over land on country road, near Hllleboro: I acre in cultivation, house, LV24, land prac tically level, splendid creek and well, best of soil, no rock or gravel. Total price $2100. a chance to double your money. FredW. German Co.. Realtors. 7."t2 Chamber of Commerce. HoillfsteiAtlh. RellnuuUinnients. HAVE several relinquishments. 40. 80. 120 and HW-acre tracts, ranging in price from $liO to $1400. 422 Chamber of Cnrnmo rce bldg. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT SEE E. W. - CHAMUKR OF COMMERCE BLDG. WELL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 1 00 acres, five and one-half miles from good town, Columbia, county. Ore; gon, one mile to school, good road; 23 acres under cultivation. 85 acres can be farmed when cleared; spring, young bearing orchard, good buildings, includ ing barn, 50x."0. Included with place: 5 cows. 1 team, wagon, hack, double harness, plow, harrow, cultivator, crea.ni separator, tools. hay. potatoes, etc. Price for everything $420O; large cash payment. Consider late model car for part. Inspected by Berger. CROP. STOCK. EQUIPMENT. 20 acres, 30 miles southeast of Port land, two miles from good town and high school; nine acres under cultiva tion. 15 acres can be cultivated when cleared ; eome timber for wood : creek, one acre family orchard, berries; good 5-Tootx. house, barn, two chicken houses, root cellar. Included with place: 1 horse, cow, heifer, 36 chicken, plow, cultivator, harness, buggy, tools, 150 bushels grain, 4 tons hay. straw, half acre potatoes, etc Price $2200, terms on part. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Cerllnger Bff. Largest farm dealer on Pacific coast. Over 000 small places near Portland. Qet our extensive classified lists. NO. 196 BEAUTIFUL SMALL ACREAGE HOME, EQUIPPED. 20 acres, exceptionally fine soil, all tillable, 14 acres in a high state cultivation, balance seeded dtiwn pasture; timber for domes tic use; almost level; excellent water; fenced and cross fenced; family orchard of assorted fruits in full bearing, berries and small fruits of nil kinds; good farm house, newly painted and in good repair; barn, small dairy, chicken house, hog house. Including 2 dairy cows ; horse, chickens, household furniture and crop; all necessary Implements, new cream separa tor, 4 acres reeded to clover, 4 acre farm sold for fall wheat, half acre now In kale, H acre in pota- -toes; thickly settled and prosper ous community with all rural ad vantages, close to school ; five miles from Pacific highway town, on good auto road. Price $2S50. $1500 cash, balance to suit. THOMPSON, SWAN A LEE, REALTORS. 3d and Main sta. Vancouver, Wash. FOR RALE Washington land. 424" acres, located in wnitman county, wanins- ton. I miles to school and 3 to town 400 acres in cultivation. Soil is medium lAm with wheat main croo. Has or chard of 125 fruit trees. Good well and windmill. Improvements consist of 5- room bouse, modern, garage., large oarn, brooder and chicken house, machine shed, blacksmith shop, etc Fenced with hog tight and barbed wire. Price is $50,000 for tract with possession October L For further information write or s.e Mrs. Helen M. Ehrhart, 850 N. 2285 W. 20th Place. Los AngWea. Lai 40 ACRES ON FOSTER ROAD FOR ONLY $s.i(0. STOCKKU a.nu Kyuirrtu. .10 acres under cultivation, live creek and spring, water piped to bulldlng3. large well-built barn, 5-room house and outbuildings, 4 cows, good team of horse, full line of farm machinery, all in good condition. This is just the place for someone with a retail milk route iu Portland. Half cash and good time on the bis):ince. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 42-ACKK FARM. CLACKAMAS CO. 22 milfs to center of Portland; good paved and rotk road; richest soil; ideal slope; living stream and springs; 1 acres cult.. 15 slashed, burned and seed ed; good new barn, outbuildings. 8-room house, all stock, feed, seed, equipment: unusual snap at $4000. Owner must leave farm R. f. FEEMSTER, 417 AMngion Bldg. FARM FOR RENT. 120 acres, good house, large barn with stanchions for 24 head stock; fine stream of running water with springs; about 101) acres can be plowed any time; 40 miles from Portland. 1 mile from state high way, country store, fine school; farm not equipped; do not answer unless you have equipment; cah rent. Earle S. S. Smith. S21 Northwestern Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. 40- AC RE FARM BETWEEN GRESHAM AND SANDY. There is more than enough wood on place to pay for H: 8 acres in cultiva tion: about 15 can be irrigated; 2 email houses, small barn, SO rods off main road. Price for quick action. S3(M0; will tak small payment down and give long time on balance. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Blrlg. TUAL A TIN VALLE Y . 53 acres. 42 under cultivation, fine barn, good house and other buildings, spring water, very best soil: C miles from Portland, on xcellent hard-surface road. This place Is real, bargain. Will trade for city property. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St. Main 1436. NOTICE IrtO acres unimproved. 8 acres In grass, road to place: 20 acres in creek bottom, rest is bench and hill land; will make fine dairv or stock ranch, plenty of outrange. Worth $1000. ch price onlv $1400; 2n miles from Woods and 9 n rrtm Pf ffic Cltv. Fine trout stream and plenty of wild game. Owner J. S. Clark. M Minnvine. DAIRYMAN. SEE THIS OWNER SICK. MUST PELL 160 ACRES, fully equipped, fine herd, best soil, on paved highway. 10 miles from citv. Consider $4000 cash, good city property, balance per cent of net earnings. This Is a splendid opportunity- for the RIGHT MAN. SEE IT. HURRY. Mr. Colt. 526 Cham. Com. ' 5 ACRES, one mile of Pacific highway, near McMInnville: all under cultivation and In crop; new house and bam: beet ..,11 tn th rnuntv: nriced to fell quick on account of sickness. Other good buys In larger p fur FINANCE SERVICE COMPANY, fUYi Wilcox B'.dg tiit ACRES of land in Lincoln county. Ore gon, stock ranch, free and clear of In cumbrance for sale or trade. What have you1 Write to A. Olson. 501 Water sL, Oregon Cltv. WILL sell our line aatry iarm oi i seres near Barton. Estacada R. R-. and Clear Creek creamery at a sacrifice for cash to settle estate. Address T. Withy com be. 432 12th St.. fortiana. wr, CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $50 to .oo per acre; easy terms: bet soli, farms for sale, all sixes. McFarland. realtor. 203 Falling bldg. tiMi pr.H ACRE. 35 acres, east of Gresh am- half cultivated, balance slashed; good barn, fair house, good road. Own er. rrtom 412 84 6th st. liiO ACRES in Columbia county; some clea red : soma timber; 2 stress is; for terms Call Marshall ft-i sues of the Country Gentleman. W. C. Doile, agent. 2il 13th L Portland. Or. W A VT T tIT TO 14 300 ROSE CITY. IRVINGTON. LAT7R EL HURST, for fine two-fiat bldg.. we. lo cated, rent $85 per month- Price $oOU. . WANT RESIDENCE TO $3300. for 3 acres, west side. 11 miles out, mile to electric station, -room house, 2 chicken houses, garage. Price $-000. WANT RESIDENCE. $4300. for apartment bldg, corner lot. east side on car line; 8 apartments; rental $I3u per month; priced $7000; would consider Colorado property. WANT RESIDENCE, $4000. for 10 acres, finely located, near Rose burg and well-improved: price omy $7300; a big chance for home. WANT RESIDENCE. $4000. for 40 acres, only 3 miles from Portland Ideal location for grapea and oernea Price $000. MtelNNES. EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where Trades Are Made. PORTLAND RESTPENCS FOR SMALL WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. . We have clients with large and small stocked and equipped im proved modem farms near Corvai lis and Eugene, who want to mov to Portland. Jf you want to trao. see Mr. Kinney at 824 Henry bldg. Phone Bdwy. 779 and 1 will taka you in m car to inspect tna farm, or write . a KINNEY & HYDE. REALTORS. EUGENE, OR. j WANTED SUBURBAN HOMES. Do you want to sell? We have buyers and can sell your property. List with us for resulta. Personal attention. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. HAVE client with $500; wanta house In Rose City Park district. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. wa.(t T COLONIAL HOME. kiiaki waiting for good T or rnnm modern Dutch col-onial in Rosa City, Irvington or LaurelhursL MARSH & McCABE CO., Exclusive Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 399o HrvtTSF.s WANTED. Have buyers for medium priced houses with small payments down and large monthly payments; also have parties with Improved and unimproved acreage, i H ort nii that will exchange for Portland house that is priced right. Ask for Mr. Newman, witn jonn rerguww, Gerhnger Diag. WANT lot in Rose City Park direct from nvpr L hlka. from car: will nav cash: must be snap. Phone Tator 2oX WANT Rose City Park bungalow, about $5500; make good cash payment. Phone Tabor -Oi. "" 1 1 OTQ W A XTKT) T-..I llamnHa T .alirftl hurst. RoS Citv Park and west side. As builders we have many calls for lots. Owners, come in and aee us. &ee Air- JOUCB v tr rowMAV & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HAVE EASTERN BU YERS WAITING. ntiM ra RITRITRRAV PROPERTY, TFPRICED RIGHT it is sold from tiwt -m onn Snme with all casn. Cnme see me for quick results. Mr. Colt, with T. O. Bird. 520 Cham. Com i, .i-i.- I., ..i- f nr- .rnnm MunitiklOW. tt II lamette Heichts. Irvington, Alameda Dt, - DAca Citv Park: must be con VAnAnt t uchool: nriced right and good terms. E. M. Brown. 1122 NortAwestern Bank bldg mi'CAl.OWS WANTED. w- ,t-a .hnrt nf A and 3-room bunga inn.-. if vr.ii want to sell yours call us and we will show you quick action. COB A. MCKENNA ac K.yj.. Fourth St. Main S.l w u -v sii nw HOUSES WANTED vnHh am tar n Marshall st.. south to Harrison, any side. If your price is right if- .old: have cash buyers waiting, i. v. Bird. Phone Mar. 1022 before 5. mivk Mitnmer tor 5-room bungalow, in side of E. 45th street North; living room must be extra large. Arouna RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6624. HAVE parties waiting to biv 4 or 5-room houses from $2000 to $3000 with, small payments down and large monthly pay-Cont- See me today. Fred W. Rima. :r.vl SDalding bldg. Main 370S. I HAVE the cash to pay for a 5-room bun ir, nv inrfl r -n near n uiui khu nn ar lines, west of 50th street Please give complete details. Am anx lOUS tO OUT qun-M, " t 4 x-tct-i A K fnnm hnnralnw. Will DS $6000 to $6500: must be in a restricted district; 1 to 2 blocks from carline; no agents, woodlawn WANTED I or 5-room bungalow i Antavitia iitrf- between $2000 an $3000, small cash payment. Write detaili In first letter. C 1S5. Oregonian. t STRANGER in city wants 8 to TU-room houae on west side, not over $650. right away. Henry W. Goddard, 243 Stark st. Main 831 HAVE client wanting o-room Dungaiow, n tn x-tmilV have 11500 cash nv good district. Marshall 3352. 403 Ceuch Ding. 6 OR 7-ROOM modern hou?e In good dis- tw Mn full description. No phon calls R- U Yoke. 1135 Northwestern Bank nlrt t c a n: rAV Jt-J.-.O cash and the bonus loa on "a new bungalow. If you have such - hnm for aale. nleape write, givin nrtee and description. W i06. Oregonian. vivE-jt Hudson super six car In town to trde as first payment for a 5-room first-class bungalow. Apply 310 Corn, monwenlTh bidg.. or pnone tsnv. 2210, WA.NT or 7-room house in uo nui am HKVRT " GODDARD, REALTOR, 243 Stark Street. Main 831. . X T- Tn riy rmm owner ror cash. mnAom rive or sia-ruura uuuoo. wit. I. trade $1200 contract as first pay mwnt on ft-room Dungaiow, uui uc $3500. Main 5-'Ul. WANTED Irvington lot; will pay cash tve lot and block numoer ana cas; pric. K 147. Oregonian. wiVTWD 5 to 7-rom modern nouse. wo; ia'day addition, reasonable price i terms: no agents. V 1B7. Oregonian. HAVE client for 4 to 6-room house. $2000 to $300O. Albina or Aioer.a preierreu. R. J McGuire, 54.. N. ini.n ave. . . V"p nr imod building lots: will trad late moaei t jso .. - v . FOR QUICK action, list your houses with Roone-Clearwater. . 506 Couch bldg. Main 501 k no RT?nnM modern house, good loci tion. Owners only; write Box 633, Van eouver. ash. WANTED A-l modern home, not over stiOOO: lots and cash. Woodlawn 3027. VANT bargain in lot for all cash. 37S7 Wan ted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wantinr to rent screage cr small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the Pce after leasing for year or more We make lots of sales this way. Will buv equipment If priced right JOHN FERGUSON. Gerltnge.- Bldg i ,rrf! Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WVNTED To rent a going chicken rancn. il" to 50 acres; can pay $500 on chickens or buy with $500 down and a federal farm bank loaa as first payment. Box (V Orenco. Or. . WANT mall farm to rent, trtare or casn, mut have a house and good black soil. R V . Ludwie. R. ft, box SPA. Salem, Or. WOULD like to work a dairy or farm on shares. Box 57-A, Route 1. Camas, Wash. FOR RFNT-FARMS. 80 ACRES in Clackamas county; ft-room bungalow, good as new; large barn, chicken house, hog house, garage; 3 horses. 5 cows. 0 pigs. 50 chickens; nu merous Lvsra tool and crop; rvill rent land and sell stock and tools for $1... Ralph Ackley. 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. . FOR RENT OR FOR SALE. 40 acres. t0 acres cleared, stocked and all farm equipment, large build ings, all In good shape; 12-room house with large basement: 4 miles from town: torced to sell cn account of old age. Write for particulars at box 22. Ska mokawa. Wa.h. ELDERLY man. owner choice rich, all tillable- 160 acres, wil! rent five years for $800 and making owner a home, the home greatest consideration and a very rare opportunity. Address P. Haley. Fal lon. Nevada. i . RIVER FRONT Mile Fouttr" of MilwaukJe; 3 to 9 acres; 100 fruit trees: tomato land, pasture, etc : 7-room fur. mod. house. $35 to $40 mo. Bdwy S134. I -.CReJ farm for rent. Cedar ALUs. Or. Call Tabor bo2A FOR LEASE 10 ACRES. NO. 5tiJ. 10 acres, practically all under cultivation, good graveled road, block from cheese factory, close to school, store, church, good dairy barn and houses; rent J year. Personal for sale: 20 head high grade Guernseys. Ho'steins and Jerseys; from SO to 1H tons hay. This is a fine farm and a money maker. Price for cattle and hay, including rnt jnid up until Feb ruary 1. 122. $3000. 80 ACRES. 80 acres, on paved highway, 7 miles from Vancouver. Fair house and barn. Some hay to buy. Rent $oo per year; about 45 acres of this is in cultivation and extraor dinary good land ; nice running stream through the place all the year. 80 ACRES NO. M. SO acres, about 6S acres under cultivation and partly seeded at present time, modern house, fair dairy barn with, alio, milkhouse, living stream on the place. This la just three miles from Vancouver, on good macadamized road. Rent S42.50 per month. Personal prop erty for sale: 12 head cows team horses, 2 wagons, new binder, i piows harrows, cultivators, cream separator, milk cooler, sow and jlgsi About 5 tons oats, hay and straw; 5 acres in potatoes. Price $2500, includes all personal prop- rty See MR. BLAIR with THOMPSON. SWAN ec LEE, Realtors. Third and Main fits. Vancouver, W n. , ,.OL'J V.,iihuri- S.i MC.rtS cutl.. o horses. 5 cows, 2 heifers, 9 hogs. S chickens; hay, grain and feed enougn to winter stock; price for personal prop erty, including first year's rent. ?tKM. $1200 cash: or will soli the land and crop for $7500 on easy trms: personal property $1700. rent $300. J12t0 cash. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. 05-ACRE dairy farm, all dikd river oot- tom iand ; h -roo m nous, mrn j barn and other bldgs.; orchard; fully equipped with farm machinery and stocked; 1H miles from town and rail road station; about 35 miles from Port land; price $1200; rent $54) per month: income now $125 per month; owner will rent or sell this ranch. Ralph Ackley, H27 Corbett riimr HOG RANCH FOR RENT An exclusive hog rancn witn mouexn miLcum. to accommodate 3J0 hogs, lots of water and pasture for hogs, good house and garden land, stock and equipment valued at $1300; four blocks from Sycamore station. B. F. Brandon, Portland Or., route 1. box 661. ai'HKS in t'au:kama count y u-room bungaiuw, goon as new; imso barn. chicken house, hog house, garage; 6-acre bearing prune orchard in fine shape; numerous farm tools and crop; 8 horses, 5 cows. 9 hflgs, 50 chickens; will sell land very reasonable, or rent and sell stock and tools for 41754V Ralph Ack ley, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. TIMBER T.ANDS. EIGHT' million tt. fir timber, -V-mile or S. P. R. R. rrice si.- per m. casn. ui $150 per AI., terms. R. L. Glass, Cor- vallis. ur.. rt. -t. WOULD buy, lease or run by M small sawmiu; tun oeiuuj xirut nn". " Oregonian. , TO FXCfTANGK RKAT, T. STATE. FOR EXCHANGE. 10-room house, west side, good condi tion; lot 50100. will consider good farm. 8-room house and one store room, -5x 45; will consider small nouse; migui uuii alder farm. If yott have anything for trade, see us. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 702 Title A Trust Bldg. Entrance SO Fourth Street. snii.vi'Hl-i: WORTH WHILE. u.uo ii.i-oa near Tigard and Pacific highway that is hard to duplicate; all cultivated and in bearing fruit and ber ries; has a modern 6-room bungalow with fireplace, cement basement, water system, etc; good barn, chicken house and other outbuildings; an exceptional buy for $SOO0, on easy terms; or will consider home in Portland or small rooming house In trade. Particulars see F. R. Jesse, 627 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. WOULD like to heat from parties who have 80 a., more or less, to sen am want nice 18 a. of fine rich soil, all in cult., with good buildings and water, drained, all in crop. oats, wheat, 3 a. strawberries, planted last spring, about 10,000 young plants; 40O0 2-year-old as paragus plants and orchard of 5-year-old fruit trees; 4 miles airline south of Canby; under woven wire fence. W rite particulars in first letter or com and see me. R. W. Ritter, R. No. 4, Au rora. Or. " STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1 132 a.Tes located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and hill. 80t acres In cultivation. 2 houses, fair barn. Pries $40,000; would consider dtj property. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER COMPANY, fit Fourth aL Opp. Multnomah HoUL Phone Broadway 3715. m AVE CAN trade your property whether it is large or small; city or country; lo cated here or in some other state. Come in and give us a description of what you have and let us match it with something that you want. ALEXANDER REALTY CO.. 701-702 Titl A Trust Bid., Entrance 80 Fourth Street. FINE, large, 0-room residence, modern; hardwood floors, 2 toilets, nice bath, lots of bullt-lns; lot 50x100; wonderful view, west side; could be rented at a good figure; only $10,000; to exchange for Improved ranch or acreage close to Portland. F. L. BLANCHARD, 40! Swftland Bldg Marshall H20. 100 ACHES eastern Washington, i-roora plastered house, spring. 20 acres cleared, timber value exceeds price asked : as sessed value $1100; taxes $58; descrip tion guaranteed. Want smaller place, preferably on coast, unimproved; must have 10 acres good tillable land. Owner here. K 101, Oregonian. 7-ROOM modern house with 5 acres oi land, just outside of city; priced ai $1 1,000, will exchange for house In Lau relhurst or Irvington. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 8002. Branch, 40th and Sandy. Tabor ,)5S6. 70i(yo 75x10) NORTHWEST corner 5th and Madison, clear trade for in come and assume, $20,000 to $30,000. For bargains in real es state come to. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. 2fi!l Oak Pt Bdwy. 5355. EXCHANGE. Often times a trade well made Is a benefit to both parties. From our ex change listings we have some excep- tional offerings. ' ROBNETT & McCLURE. Realtors. v.n-hnii rv2n. v :so2 Couch bldg. ru i Ilk: OR SEEL. Fine farm at Wilsonville. ISO acres on Willamette river, value $26,000; want house, flats or other Portland property. Main 7031. J. Robblns. 301 Railway Exchange ning. ACRES, near Pleasant Home; all in cultivation: about 2 acres in orchard; 4-room house, barn and some personal stuff" will exchange for house equity (n unV district and assume. 314 Couch bif'tr. Mnin 7Q3r,. 240 A. MONT. WHEAT LAND. Improved, ideal for chicken ranch, value $6000. incumbrance $1250. Want house, or lots in good res. districL Sell. 2400. FOR SALE Half - all of gen. mer. busi ness in good Irrigation country do ne a paying business, iai iuvo . , In town; would accept farm at right price. Rot M iuACRES near The Danes, --onu. no in cumbrance; and -TOom house lot tjOxV'l feet at Woodburn. Or.. $5000. Aiorta-age $2000. Will sell or trade one iehnthSSfain fiofll or Tabor 3224..-- VALUABLE homestead. 1W acres, a plough land. Crook county; improve ments worth $1000. sacrifice or trade for good property. Walter. 606 Oham- her or t;nrnmen c Main 2--.S7. l-'O ACRES irrigated land wim paia-up water right, partly improved, etc., to exchange for a gen. mer. business; own er. H O X i - pnnpi'imn. w " upivi: IV YOUR TRADES. Exchange what you have for what you WILL exchange good pUcer mining prop- ertv in eastern ureguu i w estate In Willamette valley. S 105, Oregonian GENERAL merchandise Business witn new ciean .Ftock ot exchange for clear Portland property to $18,000. A 1S1, Oregonian. EUUITY $000 in lill'J Elgin, good shape; payments $-'W mo.; trade for small house or good improved lot. balance monthly. T6 ACRES near Canby, 5 acres cultivated, " acres berries, house, barn, orchard, fenced. Creek on place, good fishing. Trade for close-in acreage. Main 0:t07. WANTED Home or small ranch as part nayment oi good stock or dairy ranch in Harney v:.ey. Write E. G. Snyder, F inters. Or. W ILL trad $300 equity U cotx&ge for any - 1 h'Qg- itaia 26 u OTEL TRADE FOR FARM. 30-room modern brick hotel, including pool room and 4 stores, good income, fine lobby, good town, Willamette valley, on Loop highway, newly and beautiful 1J furnished, fine home and excellent prop osition for man and wife, steady and transient business, building, ground and furnishings $3O,uv0, will take $3000 cash and a good farm up to $10,000 In trade, balance 10- years 6 per cent. This hotel has wonderful future as large mill and 23 miles railroad expect to be in op eration by spring with sufficient timber to run 25 years, owner not hotel man. wants farm or Portland property. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, 818 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. THA1E (Ai. SEl CASH PRICE LU SK500. 12i acres, highly Improved; 1 mill south of Yamhill, right on electric rail road, Vi mile off pavement; excellent 6-room house, barn, chicken houses, hog hous other outbuildings; & acres 11-year-old prunes. 1 acre of 5-year-old prunes, total 6 acres; 3 acres in grain. 1 acre in clover, 1 acre tn garden, acre fine assorted orchard, 10 English walnut trees, 11 years old. To see is to appreciate. No incumbrance; $10O0 down, balance terms, or will exchange for good Port bind property of equal value. Main 7.31. Tabor 5319. J. BOBBINS, S01 TLtllvav Exrh .me- Bldg $10,000 UWxlOO AND TWO 2-family dwellings, rents $88 per month. $5,000 50x125 and 5-room modern bun galow with garage. $36.000 2.-.xl0- AND 3-story solid brick building, two electric elevators, leased for $300 per month. This property is all clear of Incum brance. Would pay cash or as sume $20,HM) to $25,000 for good piece of income property. For bargains In real estate come to METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. 2(lft Oak. near 4th. Bdwy. S3SS. BUNGALOW -Have $1300 equity in line home. Windsor Heights. E. 4lth street. 5 beautiful rooms, all hardwood floors including kitchen aad bath; tapestry pa per, finished in Ivory, full basement, fur nace, wash trays, large garage, cement runways, east front, pavement and sewef In and paid; will exchange for good car, lot or S cash; price $5500. 332 Rail way Exchange bldg. TO rTXCH ANC.E MISCEI.LANBOrg. DI A M O N DS for roadst er or coupe ; lot. Laurelhurst. value $inhj. ror automo bile: small farm near Houston. Tex. What have you? East V"rtQ. TO TRADE tj-cyl. 5-pasw. cur for nego tiable paper, diamond or first payment on house. Wdin. 2063. , FOR EXCHANGE, diamond and sapphire ring, value $50. for a mahogany dresser - or dressing table. Call Tabor 7746. GOOD LOT wanted for fine player piano D 102. Oregonian. WISH to exchange tailoring for carpenter's work. J lis!, Oregonian. FOR SALF. Horses, Vehicle. Livestock. r.non team CHEAP. Span hay horses, 7 years old, weight 2000 loa. also harness, $250; terms,, or will accept Ford. East R407. TWO FRESH cows, one brown Swiss, 5 gallons, one Jersey, 4 gallons; tuber cular tested. 240 E. 8th st.. cor. Main. GOOD pasture and feed for horses for winter. Address Wade Everest, care Pilot No. 1. Portland. Oregon. 2 LARGE Durham cows, fresh with calves, heavy milchers. 3t5 Union ave. S.. corner Stevens st. FOR SALE Registered Shropsnire ewes, writ lamb tn March. Iloiman Fuel Co.. 04 Cth st. . THREE extra big1 Jersey cows. 2 fresh. See them. One block south S. P. depot, Mii waukie. H. Smith. Oregon City car. FOR SALE, cheap; good . 1300-lb. mare, $G5 for quick sale. Mrs. Baumer. 555 5th st.. corner Lincoln. FOR SALESix horses; reasonable prices, Holman Fuel Co.. barn E. 0th and lvon streets. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 656. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or nUht. Auto 67-04. FINE Toggenburg does and buck for sal. 21)5 East Both st. North. . HIDES bought or tanned. West Coast Tan ning co.. 612 Tenlno ave. Sellwood 23ua. innoK. Organs and Musical Instruments. RETIRING-FROM -BUSINESS SALS. Carloads of pianos, player pianos, phonographs, etc.. bhig closed out at great sacrifice; we must vacate soon. Pay $5 per month on a phonograph. "ay iu per montn on a iu. FOLEY-MAEGLY MUSIC CO. Fifth St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. 106 VIOLIN outfits for students, with bow, case, rosin, extra strings and mute, especially selected for tone and work manship; only $10 50. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth St. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. ANY MAKE. Work Is done by experts and guaran teed. Seiberling-Lucas. 125 4th SL, beL Wash, and Alder. Main sr.Sti. MEloD Y "C" saiphone, made by the famous Martin. In silver with gold bell and pearl keys; the most beautiful saxaphone In America, $101.75; terms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sixth St. t a .'. ntiTKlT This is new bass drum, snare drum and all necessary traps, all ready to play; only iio; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth St. 1 STECK piano, mahogany case: one of the good old, makes; all refiniahed; a dandy buy lor $-yu; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth St. urirxr'HKR rs) xanhone with case, silver with gold bell, has been overhauled and repaddeu, now hko new, i--.-. G. "F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth St. A BEAUTIFUL Chlckering upright piano in mahogany case; a splendid buy; If you are interested in a fine piano do not overlook this; terms. G. F. Johnson Plai.o Co., 140 Mixtn su BUESCHER tenor aaxaphone and case, silver ith gold bell, brand new instru ment. $150, terms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth St. LEL 4.ND PIANO. $275: plain mahogany case; equal to new; terms given. Seiber-llng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th sL. bet. Wash, and Alder. FRANKLIN PIANO. 275; beautiful wal nut caje; best of condition. See this piano. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Muiic Co.. 125 4th st. m KINGSL'LL'RY PIANO, oak case, $250; ex ceptionally fine toned instrument. A snap. Terms given. Sie-berling-Ltfcas Music Co.. 125 4th st. FOR SALE Phonograpn, cost sioo; win sacrifice for $10, including a number of records. Call at the Hillcrest hotel, room 217. G A YLOR ' PIANO Plain mahogany case; Jut like new. See this piano, as it is a REAL bargain. Term given. Seiberling Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. BRUNSWICK, phonographs, latest models sent to yoflr home on trial, write of phone for catalogue. W. Ardrey, 379 E Morrison, near Grand ave. Sell. 2143. HADDORf'E PIANO Dark oak case: equal to new. for $;i85; terms given. Seiberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St.. beL Wash. nnd A mer. WANTED Piano, any condition, pay cash; also give estimates on repairing and CARLSON. 400 Union Avenue North. REMINGTON PIANO. $2S5; fumed oak case- used few months; a real bargain; terms given. Seiberling-Lucas iluslc Co.. II' KICCA & SON PIANO. $250; practically plain mahogany case; good condition ; terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co 125 4th st.; bet. Wash, and Alder. VEGA White Lady banjo, used very little, exceptional care, excellent condition ; cost new, $114. but will sacrifice for half. Call at room 300 Oregonian bldg. WE HAVE some wonderful bargains in siiehtly used pianos and players. SOVl.E BROS., 1R6 10th. bet. Morrlwon and Tamhllt. FOR SALE Ludwig upright piano, ma hogany case, a bargain at $173 cash. Call at fiK E. 73d N. . CONN cornet, in silver, with case, only oo. OF. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth St. FOR SALE One violin with case, one guitar with book and case, one mando lin. Call East S033. Mrs. Robinson. HAMILTON PIANO. $275; plain mahogany case Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st , bet. Wash, and Alder. WANT to store a piano in my home for use of same, or will pay small rant. Tabor BBSO. REMBRANT piano; practically new; cheap. 6411 E. Wash st. Phone East ORGAN'S. $10 and up; many to choose from Selberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder. KIM BALL PIANO New ; special price $:;0- terms given, &eiDerung-L.ucaa Mu sic Co.. 125 4th sr. bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANO W A NTE1 ay casn lor Bargain. Main S5S6. PIANO WANTED Reasonably priced for cas h. Private party. Marshall 1532. PIANOS moved, $3, storage extra: work done by experts. Phone Bdwy. 1207. TRADE $ 0 nCTftOLA and records, r.utrlt. for used piano. Main S.ve. WEBER pianola for rent, music included. Harold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill st. PLAYER rolls exchanged, 30c each. Harold g. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill ft. BUESCHER artut model saxophone; must ba.v-caa; haif. $ric R Ocejconian. llanos. Organs and MumcmI Instruments. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO.. GREATEST PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH SALE. J Includes these new pianos, renewed ana I used pianos and phonograpns. Heinze upright, good condition New England, upright I Schubert, large, mahogany. . . I Kimball, renewed, oak .$i.!5 . 2! 5 . 25 . 3'-5 Hainea Bros., quite 4i'5 Francis Bacon, fine mahogany..-.. Monarch, new. oak Russell, large walnut Foster A Co., good as new. 5'.5 295 ray casn. or as nun a - month, . rt LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO., Seventh Floor. REDUCED PHONOGRAPHS. Brunswick, No. 7. mahogany $ Stradivara Melody Jt Silvertone. used, mahogany ,.i"Jln Stradivara Harmony -i Hn Columbia, golden oak. used -"JJ Vlctrola. XI. mahogany, used.... -y) Victrola. XVI. mahogany, new.. Pat he, mahogany, used m Pay cash or as Utile as $3. $5 and $S a month. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO.. Seventh Floor. Washington A Sixth Pta CLE A RAN TK SALE FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS. $475 Sterling, mahogany, plain $105 $.iO0 Steinway A Sons, mahogany.v $'.'00 Stcger A Sons, mission oak.. 4'.t5 $750 Kranich A Bach, golden oak.. Sift $575 Schroeder Bros, turned oak.. Si.s $575 Huntington, golden oak 4500 Reed A Son. grand in upright 5M5 J.."0 KiniDlll, large, mm's"i - $,"75 Kimball, large, mahogany. . . $050 Thompson piayer piano $13oo Stcger player piano, mh. ... $1050 Singer piayer piano, oak .... $f00 Thompson player, oak $135 Burdett parlor organ $9S Earhoff parlor organ $75 Packard parlor organ 1105 Kimball. 6-octavs organ $175 Kenwood. 7 1-3 oct., piano cae Oi Terms $10 to $25 cash. $5. 8. $15 mo. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALU ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS Victor, small, with 5 used records. -n Columbia, small, with 6 used records 30 Victor, with 10 used records " . .. . .itt, in ,w..ri mrnrilit. Victor, cabinet, with 15 used records 110 Pathe, cabinet, with 10 used records bo Brunswick, cabin, t. 10 uoed records i Sonora, cabinet, with 15 used records Sonora grand with 25 ued records ..o Sonora, portable, used records..;. 40 $5 up cash, $3 and up monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO 101 10th Ft. cor. Stark. Phone BdwyJOi. SECl'RITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OI r $475 Emerson upright, cash $ 'j $550 Kimball, mahogany, cash $1'75 Bard A Co., small upright, cash "3 $250 Collard A Collard, uprlsht. cash 5 $250 Pianola player, walnut, cash.. $750 Pianola player piano, cash.... $1800 Orchestrell. large, mhg., cash 3'j 41750 Berry Wood orchestrion, cash 400 101 Tenth St.. at Siark St. ONE LARGE cabinet Path: phonograph. $h5; one Columbia cabinet, mahogany case, $75; one electric style XVI Mctbr. oak case, $225, was $337.50; one Bruns wick cabinet, mahogany case. $0; and many other table machines at $15. .0 and $40. Come In and see them; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth St. PORTLAND-made piano benches, veneered tops $15; allowance for your old stool; a good Christmas gift. Harold S, Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. ' uruiture for riaie. YOU CAN DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. HALF PRICE HALF PRICE. $10.50 steel beds going at $0.75. These are new 2-lncto continuous post beds with -inch fillers; wa have 150 of them in Vernis Martin, ivory or white, to close out at 4U.75 each. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1S8-100 First SL YOTT CAN DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. These crimpy nights will make you take advantage of this un usual offer. This week we pise on sale 500 regular $3.50 all-cotton comfort ers at $1.05 each. Come early while they lasL ( All blankets reduced. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 FIRST ST. ' KLINB FURNITURE CO. QUITS BUSINESS. SALE NOW ON. THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. flAVS MONEY. T,t nnr sales department If tou want tn bur or sell household goods. Reduced freiaht rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. 53 4th St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway .3715. IVORY enamel Simmons bed with springs and mattress, $75; ivory enamel chiffon ier $25: bedroom rug. $15; Wilton rug 9x12, $100; 2 wicker arm chairs, 2 diglng chairs, couch, kitchen table and chair, cooking utensils and dishes. Main 13&3 evenings. LIBRARY table. $2.; ' Mission A heater with coils, $a0; willow rocker. $7.50; sewing rocker, $3: oak rocker, $:i..o; pedestal, $7.50; velour couch, $10. 1100 1-5 Hawthorne. Tabor XtiTi. D V EN PORTS, mtd. to you direct; 30 styles, large assortment of beautiful cov erings from which to seleot. Mlchaelson Mayson. Phone 635-C7. Eveuings Tabor 0797. 543:1 Foster road. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture- if going east or to California. Wo can save you money on your freight in our througn c&ra: fireproof storage. C. M. Olsoa Transfer A Storage Co.. 213 Pins st. SHERATON dining set, hall, living room, bedrooms, oak and "Willow furniture; rugs, hangings, pictures, dishes, cooking utensila. Phone Alain 737. FURNITURE of a six-room flat, suitable for roomers, for sale. Phono East 4)a5 after 0:50 mornings. IVOHY bed-room suite; wiiton rug; oak buffet. 1170 Moore st, near Kiiilnga- rth FURNITURE for sale, bed spreads, eneets. pillow cases, dresser scarfs, pillows. 5f7 THE FURNI'l I RE of a five-room house for sale. 3-V. East Pth st Office Furniture. OFFICE FURNITURE. NEW AND USED. We have the largest stock of used desks chairs, filing cabinets and tables In the noAbwest and our prices are lowest. Used typewriters, Dalton and Burroughs adding machines, time clocks, check writers, dictaphones and safes. Every piece of equipment is guaranteed satisfactory. W rent office furniture. D C. Wax Office Equipment House, "j 1 ita X- 1, Vi MrnaHuuV 'J7'Mi BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, chairs, files or safes, visit our salesrooms and inspect what we have to """"THE TRWIN-HODSON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TH AT STARK. FOR SALE CHEAP NEW OFFICE. Furniture, tenant obliged to leave for Los Angeles, account of ill health, lib eral discount to purchaser. Inquire man ager. Artisans bldg. DUSKS J LST BOUGHT FROM L. S. SPRUCE DIVISION NOW ON SALE. PACIFIC STATIONERY & PRINTING CO.. 107 2D ST. HAVE three roil-tops and one flat-top tnr e. all in Rood shape. Mr. Wells, Marshall 820. 401 S wetland bldg. FOR SALE 60-Inch double desk, oak. also good roll-top desk. 710 Gasco bldg. IjEjSKS. CHAIRS. Bushong A Co.. 1 Park St. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. IRON-CUD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 821 Washington St. Main 568 L tcnTTTT.T tvnewriters. all kinds, for sale. rent, exchange: we are exclusive dis tributors of Oorona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies auu repairs for all mattes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. fli Fifth St. Main 36M. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. No. 5, $40; also one check protector for $25. Call at Hillcrest bote REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell. "HPP wrlttr Inspection Co.. 312 btark. M. 654 NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates, i u. 1-0.. -ox BESIIN'GTON TYPEWRITER, bargain, liks . &J-0 PUM, -Bdwy iilTu. Poultry. 200 YOUNG While Leghorn hens, good levers, Hoganiscd stucK. t each; 100 White Leghorn pullets, $125 up; also Barred Rock and R. I. Red puLl. J R. Maguire, 7S7 Oregon, near E. 24to and Sandy, L,AkiNG White Lglioru puitcia. $1.75 each: Barred Rocks and R. L Rd pullets, $2 each. J. R. Magulre. 7tT Or.-Kon St.. n ir E. 14 th itnd S.indy. FOR SALE 50 Rhode Island R.da. mostly puilets and hens at $l each if you take ail. ;i!10 7th st. S. K . 12 K. 1. RE1 11EN& and gn.nl rooster. $-. 25 W. L. hens at l.no each. WalUce Swan. Oak Grove. On-son. HA E today Tiki Leghorns (brow n and white, R, I. Reds. puiUts, $1 each. 505 W 1 1 h a n-a. N nrtery Min i" VOOl-.STiH."K NtivSEKV Walnut an fruit Jrces. beri Ifs. iwtAut. lilO-'.MV FOR S A I . I : Y O I ' N i S 11 U TRUER Y. 1 ' 1 1 0 N K M A IN T.t7. 1l;s, RahiiiU. It.nU and Pet M". BE.VL l'lFL'l. winle cl.ie put'. ngisiered sio.-k. from Uiand While Colli" kennel. Sire, ,-.1cIouk)i;'s Pride." n 'Bister NO. 27 l 57. lain, 'lionnie Lassie eslstef No. 312031, volume 37, A ncan Kennel scud bonk. i fctrsii white c.uih'S known. C. O White. Tabor U036. 17 L. "4ih strict North. BEAl'T 1 Kl' I. while Collie pups; reglct-reS stock, from Island lillv Collie Kennel. Sire. 'i.McOoug.il's Pr.dc. " r Kister No. 2Ttil57. Dam. "Bonnio Lassie," r sister No. 31U031, volunio 37. Ani'Tl' iin Kennel st ud book. Hi st strain White Coliiee known. Tahnr ro-tfl 17 E. 74th N. ONE wtll-tt ained Ii niale pointer pi:p Ti moiuits old. except ii' ally good worker, $ii. J. 1L Maguire, 7.7 Orcgun St., near East 24th and Saiuly. . FOR SALE Very fine thoroughbred T: genberg buck, 1 1 ye.rs old, cheap. Phone II -i in 5 ! 4. PLI1GREE1 Im Walnut Duke. ling.u -irt h. tt.n bull tcrriei 1170 51ooio si., . cire.l ty near Kii- bbAL Tl r L L St. Andu and teiuale; bcbl sto Milt M. t-ui rolh r h;u:is k. Main 0471. s2l FOR SALE To. ico dog puppies. thor,.HK' bred Gt-rman ahephertUi. 4."ni and up. iL t " h a ti d ! r K n an. Mi-iir.n.l, t 'r. bK INS ft'i ning Co t I'oant 'I n cllwood 2:tti4. FOR SALE 3 lull-tnnvn Klnn $7. 721 Brookln. alter 5 P. 51. A.MH;L.SHEKG rui.crs. willing MUgers, best eUttli.. 4:;h Itudncy. E.tst 452:1. 3 .MALE pups, part lox terrier, cheap. 224 Yamhill l. 151 1'Olt 1ED And! slnpers cheap. at..-i nillir n mlit Wdln. ;i"i..2. FOR SALE Thoroughbred collie puppies Tabor ON74. ALASKAN M'K pup; T.ib -r MO 4. Key a and iiarrei. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and wmts oak. Western cooperage o., ouo su. near Pettygrova. Phoua 51B-H4. Machinery. 2WX20-1NCII ACME FLAT TURRET LATHE, equipped lor uoin imi chucking v. oi k, with taper turning at tachment: halio had less than year's use and condition good as new; weight 44O0 lbs.; price $15."i f. o. b. SeaLLle. W ash. Precision Tool A Die Co. a , WILL caciilico practically new 2.0-ton solid tire press with presslng-of f bands nnd motor complete. Inquire Slate's Auto &l Truck Co.. 4;10 Bui'.de FOR SALE One gasoline well drilling outllt, capaoie uj. uui". Phone Main 250. 201 12th street, 30-1NCU treadle shears, $JU.U0. Tabor lOSU. Coal und Wood. I BIG FINE LUMP COAL, 111.00 a ton delivered into your bin. Lowest of all in ash, free burning. Intense hat; no clinkers bone or slate; holds fire fine. It's Lincoln coal, the coal of no regrets. Western Fuel Co., iiast 222tf, REDUCED 47.50 A LOAD REDUCED. Good sound second-growth cordwood. sawed to suit, $13, in 2-loa.d lots. $10 FOR 2 LOADS $10. 16-in. block and slab mixed, country slab. $5.25 cord; Washington coal. $.S0 ton. OREGON FULL CO.. Wdln. 410., SPECIAL $5 PER LOAD SPECIAL. 10-tnch good sound fir, block and slab mixed, in doublo load lots, $10; country slab and dry cordwood, 4-foot or sawed; Washington lump coal, $9.00 ton. National Fuel Co. East 2041. NO BETTER WOOD anywhere; east and south side delivery; No. 1 old-growth fir, $7 75 per cord; three or more cords, $i.50 per cord. 447 Main sL Phone Mala nnvft'nfJD. DRY AND GREEN liLUCK AND SLAB. CORDWOOD AND OAK WOOD. MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. MAIN 5540. FIRST-GROWTH lie. Rock Springs, Koyau Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick & "lila Co., S3 5th st.. betwaeu Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. BLOCK und slab, double load. $0.50; 4 foot cordwood, $7.75 per cord; ureeo slab, 3 cordw. $15.75; dry stab. $7. H roadway 4110. NICE lti-lnch slab. $3.75 load; beat fir from yard, $11 load; dry 12 and lti-tnch country slab on tho root. $7.50 load. Piiul Fuel. Seliwoud 1700. URouu LOU iui uua stiwuust in car loads or truck lots. Was urn Cooperage Co., Columbia 52. When wanting your wood aawecd call Kelly. East Ufi4Q. WO HI AND COAL. Small orders solicited. -West Side Fuel Co.. 414 GUsan. Bdwy. 2'.3 'i- avi.kI! KltlOL. CO wood, and co;a1l I'lics reasonable. Call Wdln. ly5 or Bdwy, 3014. BOXWOOD AND SLABWOUD. Delivered immediate! j by Fulton Wood Co., 12! Macadam. Phone Main 4 1 73. DRY, LIGHT pl.iner trimmings, big loads; Woodiawn, Alberta, Kutitou Uellvcry, Woodlawn L'I'.w I after 0 !' M. FOR SALE Old growth Tir wood, coal and inside siab wood ; delivered any place. F. F. Allen. Auto. 025-78. GOOD, dry, seasoned cordwood at $7.25 per cord; heavy country slab $5.25 per cord. East 1750. SEASONED old-growth lir- dry PiUng ends, green s aland block mixed, cuui. dlu. DRY SI.ABWOOD $7 p;r cord dt-livored tn 2-cord lots. Woodlawn 12. FURS vctl (wood) A-l old-growth heavy bark f 1 r.$ -S c o kLS11. 3735. DRY CORDWOOD, $7 per cord, delivered In 2-cord lots. Wdln. 0312. lti-INCii fir block aud si,ib mixed, $10 la 2-load lots Wdln. 41 u FIRST-GROWTH wood Tor sale, $7.50 the cord. 23 ' I'nion ae Phone Last 57. n 1 oLD-GKOWTti cordwood at $7.73 per' cord. Phone Tabor 0134. BEST old-growth ilr coruwood, dry, $3 ner cord. Sellwood 314. SLABWOOD. 3 per cord Portland; l:id lots onlv. C.-tll Main ..210. NO 1 OLD-GROW ill curuwoou, uimm urjr, $g a cord, east side. Phone 010-87. 4-FOOT block and railroad ties, also 10-ln. block wood .Mar. 204 3. T7 u'Lb-tiltOWTU fir cordwood, $0 at cur yard. Broadway 4Ml.Sellwood373.V, WOOD cut fron73xl2, 4x12, 12xlU timber. Phone order to Main -750. , fTksTGROW'TH wood, mrond-growth dry. $ri. dry, $7.75 cord; '5 cord. A 620-77. l No. 1 firwt griwth fir, $7...n. Main 7257. s e c o nd g r o wth. $7. 25. iltjXWOOD, $3.50 pr load. Call Wood hiwn 5004. 1i:t3 Montana ave. l wood; we detlV'tr from nn Fuel. East 1723. DRY lft-ineh old growth. $7.50; second Lh t 0 ner loadr Phone (130-HM. Fruit a andVegetibUa CABBAGES In any quantity irom iu Dounds up. delivered to your place of business in Portland or ancouver nn. crated, at 2c a pound; crated at 20 I pound. Call Broadway 3413 and leave orders. FOR SALE Fine cooking and eating ap pler 75c and up. 32 N. Union ave.. near K. nurnpuiff; HOOD RIVER SIMTZBNBERO APPLES., 11 11 a box. dellvi-rcd anrt gnamnlcjcl; COOa flKHMI. r r-ilNjroitD (trapes. 3 cent, lb. on vinr S.Hns container.. 33th nd Kln. MU- wauklft. CONCORD rape. to a lb. dellered. Alain 63!H. : TviVcORD grapis. c ib. on vine: fcrln rnntalnlr, i.ilh Knfl King. Mllw.uklo. 51 iM'H laneouii. KS-rON'D-HAND tenia ana cuvers for sals. Pacif lc Tent A A wning Co.. No. 1 1st st. TT17iT:S"' good looking used apparel In a h o me: reasonable. Tabor 2S25. cTTTeeN doors. wl!idos. mirrors, furnl- lure repairing, cabinet work. Wdln. 147. gTTTNOLKS. BROADWAY T8T1. "i-Xi'ERT STOVE REPAIRING. PHONE EAST 5042. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc 240 E. Hth. Phone East 210. in SECON D-li AN D ovens, dough mixers, etc H C iL Oregonian. ALL KIND of new lumber. We can save von mor.ev. Ttriwv. 137L Bl-'At'TT parlor equipment on sale at big reduction. Portland Cutlery Co.. 80 n:H." EIGHT-FOOT tioor case; Uartain,'" Nw- A 1 1