THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1921 KDrCATIONAL. MEN WANTED. $5 and $10 pr day being paid to our graduates by our practical system and up-to-date equipment; we can train you to fill on of the big paying positions in a short time. A few fact to remcm ber about the HEMPHILL, auto schools: 36 large schools In the United Slates and Canada; established ovm- 16 years; largest enrollment of any auto training Institution In the world; our phenomenal growth and success is entlrly due to ifie wonderful success of our thousands of graduates who are earning biff money nd In business for the nine Ives. No pre vious experience necessary. We have a plan whereby you can earn while you lesrn DAT and EVENING classes. HEMPHILL'S AUTO ANl TRACTOR SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorne Ave. 831 Oak St.. Portland. WHY BE OUT OF" A JOB OR WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION T We have helped hundred of our graduate to positions payinjr from $200 to $.100 per month. If you wlll call at Union ave. and Wasco street any day (except Saturday) at 10 A. M. or 2:30 P. M. or send for our bi 136-paice FREE catalogue, you win reaauy unaersiana why we graduate more students who actually make good than any auto school In the 0. S. Be convinced. Make a per sonal Investigation or writs for our FREE book No. 5. ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL. U N ION AVE. A WASQ ST. IF TOU are really interested in a better Job and more pay. write for my FREE 72-page, Illustrated Book of Facts. Hun dreds of automobile opportunities ex plained. Pictures of students getting practical training. Tells how you can earn room and board while learning. Tells of wonderful Los Angeles climate. Shows how YOU can do like other men from 18 to 60 years of age who are now enjoying salaries up to $400 a month. bcauf nf this training. I sc-nd this book FREE to anyone Interested. Write J. A. Rofnkram, President, N. A. S.. Mft 8. Flguoroa. Los Angeles. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Ton want nothing but the best. Here ft la Standardized with schools In 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best shop equipment and Instructiona Actual shop practice given on real repair jobs. Re- suits? absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school Is while business Is quiet. Prepare now for big business openings in a lew montns. inquire Ore gon Institute of Technology. Main street at Sixth. Ex-service men gel STATE AID. MILLER SCHOOL-OFFICE APPLIANCES. For years Portland's leading- schooi for com Diameter nDfrntnra Calculating, comptometer, adding and bookkeeping machines. Specializing In DanK, roan, lumber ana expert me chanical accounting. M'lLLEH SCHOOL, 414-15-10-17 Yeon Bldg. JdOHLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service r en receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call for cat a 1 ogue and particulars. 234 Burnslda. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty, tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. HELP WANTED MAT.". CARRIER wanted In Brooklyn school dis trict. Must be 14 years of age or over. Apply City Circulation Dept., 203 Ore gon tan bldg. YOUNG MAN!! Take this tip: The one best place Id this city to assist TOU In finding a position In a clerical, com mercial or technical line Is the Y.M.C A Employment Department. You can get reliable Information nd they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you would never find through your own efforts alone. All young men. and especially stran gers, are cordially invited to talk with one of the secretaries. Room 807. T. si. C. A. WANTED Man experienced In handling the public to take over an established set of tea and coffee routes; prefer a married man from 27 to 8ft years of age with car; good opportunity for a worker. Will pay salary, commission and car al lowance HQ5 Union ave. N. MAN WHO understands sheep to take charge of our flock of fifteen head and show them at the Livestock show here November 5 to 12. Must understand the Job and be able to fit them for show. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, Third and Morrison sts. WHOLESALE firm selling groceries direct to the farmer, wants 2 salesmen. Must have light car and furnish good refer ences. While some lines of selling are a llfctls slow at the present time, our salesmen are all making good money. K 121. Oreffonian. EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE FOR JEWELRY. SILVERWARE. CUT GLASS, ETC.; MUST HAVE FIKST-CLARS REFERENCES. APPLY fl;30 TUES DAY MORNING. F. FRI Ell LANDER JEWELRY CO.. 310 WASHINGTON ST.. EXPERIENCED baker wanted at once must be first-class bread and cake maker and understand decorating; best of references required. : Address G ISO, Orenonian. WANT 2 carpenter to take small con tract to lay floors and do some finish ing. G. H. Dnmmerer. 15 blocks south of Kendall station on E. 82 d st. Take Estacada or Gresham cam. WANTED Two vounjr men to travel with advertising company; ages 18 to 21; men over 21 do not avplv; ealarv or commis sion. Apply 8 to 10. 44i3 Title Trust bldg WANTED Exservlce man with auto to sell woolen blankets In the country, big money to a hustler. Inquire 008 Title A Trust bldg. Phone Bdwy. 3258. CHEESEMAKER wanted, experienced man of exceptional ability, at once; give age. salary, experience and references. Ad dress AV .V'O. Oregonlan. WANTED Horse longer to put In about 1A.U00 pr day. In. Western Lum ber Agency, 624 Morgan Bldg. Aut. 814-44. WANTED Boy. 18 yer or more, to drive Ford and work In grocery morn in ks, eve nings and Saturdays. Steady Job. 93 Grand ave. East 8420 WANTED Experienced groceryman, must be active ami honest. White Palace gro cery. 21st and Gllsan. Bdwy. 2H3. WANTED Young man who knows the city to drive Ford delivery truck. Apply 112 First street. WANTED A good trimmer. Apply Covey Motor Car Co. 21st and Washington. Mr Kennedy. HOMELESS, frtendlea. unemployed mea can find a horns at Plsgah Home colony, Bcappoose. Or. 1 WANT a young man between 18 and 21 to share room with me; on the west side. K 154. Oregonlan. WANTED All-around man. one able to take care of furnare and general Janitor work. S 110. On-gttnlan. JAM HI Ed CAFETERIA. Hrd and Oak. Wanted, a bus man. Apply between 10 and 12. 1 MEN who are not afraid to peddle house to house. St'iS Hawthorne. CARPENTKK. Mut be let cias finisher. $000 Main 3144. PRINCIPAL wanted, man. normal grau uate: rt'.ary 1 SPQ. Call Auto. 512-13. WANTED at once, painter with equipment to paint brick walls. Wdln. 24P3. EXPERIENCED solicitor to work up tvutc; work on percentage. 734 Sandy. TAILOR, fine proposition for right party B e aver C 1 e aners, Heaven o n. Or. F I It ST CI. A SS f I n 1 h er. 1 Ort N. 3d sL Help Want? ii Sal rumen. ARE YOU A SALESMAN T A nationally known corporation Is marketing a product that is an es sential part of every home. When prop erly sold s permanent customer Is cre ated. Earning power of good producer from $50 to $200 per Week. Address R 181. Oregonlan. WANTED Man to take the state of Ore gon on a live money-making proposition, something that la needed) at this time by all business and professional men. Apply Tuesday to F. E. Bailey, Im perls 1 hotel. W Aw T ED H ik h -grade specialty salesmen i s salesladlm that have lots of pep. and want to make from $8 to $12 per day from start. Call at 308 Railway Ex- cha n ge bid g. WANTED Two experienced road salesmen by a large, new. wholesale men's hat tore In Portland; men of ability only need apply; class-A contract. F lt8. Oregon Is n. GASOLINE pump salesman wanted to sell our new automatic visible gasoline pumps. Honest Measure Pump Co.. Sa lem. Or. W ANTED Business man and salesmen who would like to get Into a good pav ing business. Call 10 to 4. Room 4od K.llefii hotel. WANTED 8 live wire salesmen to sell advertising. Apply Monday. 10 A. M. N . H Robinson. 2s stock Exch. & A I.KSM a X with 4 or 5 years' experience selling to cltv trade; salary and com mission. V DM. Oregonlan. SALESMAN Washing mat nines , best make; highest commission. 814 Henry bidg. H EIPWA VTED MALE. Ii et p W anted asqeamen. SALESMEN can make big money selling raincoats; we manufacture guaranteed waterproof coats at $4, which are the Ideal coats for fall ; nothing like thess values ever seen In the west: great op portunity to get started In business for yourself in territory never eoverea De fore. Send for free asm pies and par ticulars. Leach Raincoat Co., S3 7 Su perior ave. W.. Cleveland, Ohio. WE WAXl 2 real salesmen who want to be connected with a permanent high- class organization. tz you are not in this class, do not take up your time and ours. 328 Artisans' bldg.. 10 to 12, '2 to 4. WAITED AGENTS. 10 GOOD agents for silk hosiery, can make $3 to 110 daily. 406 4 Bdwy. Mar. 1009. 11 FiALTH, accident and hospital Insurance, Big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. HFXP WANTED FEMALE. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED STAMP ER FOR MSEULKM UKh. KUU.W. A f PLY TO MISS ELSTON. ART NEEDLE WORK, FOURTH FLOOR. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. WOMAN'S OPPORTUNITY. We need an educated woman who has energy, confidence and ability to meet people. Work is permanent and sin usually congenial. If you have the ca pacity to earn $U5 a week or more, writs fraoapjolntTntJ3840 EXPERIENCED OPERATORS WANTED FOR ONE AND TWO-NEEDLE MACHINES. HALF DAY SATURDAY. Apply Mt. Hood factory. 283 Couch afreet, corner Second. THE WOMEN'S Protective Division, city of Portland, offers Its service in all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls: Interviews confidential. 514 Worcester bid.. 8d and Oak eta. Phone Main 5522. EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE WANT ED FOR JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. CUT GLASS, ETC.; MUST HAVE FIRST-CLASS REFERENCES. APPLY 9:30 TUESDAY MORNING. F. FRIED- LANDER CO.. 310 W A.K Ml NG l u. oi. YOUNG woman wanted to take charge of small home, two adults and two chil dren. Must be neat and reliable, and able to take care of and fond of chil dren. Apply at Elson Mfg. Co., 453 Washington at. WE HAVE an excellent opportunity for a young womim of refinement and educa tion to work Into a responsible position; may travel If desired. BD 121. Orego nlan. YOUNG lady to do 2 hours' work three mornings each week In exchange for flrst-olaas piano lessons from experienced concert pianist. Main 0732. WANTED One neat, attractive, well edu naH ih jiU s-lrl. between IS and 2 years. Apply Rlvoll theater. Miss Morrison. Tuesday z r. m. RELIABLE housekeeper In modern east ern Oregon home, family of S. Call room 331 between 10 and 11 Tuesday morning. mperlal hotel CAPABLE business college girl to assist with family having 8 school children, evening dinner principal work. East 79K0. Irvtngton ANY GIRL in neea of a fnena, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phons Main 8450. DM car. WANTED 6 women who can give from 2 to 5 hrs. a day to pieasani ouisiae work. Can make 1 per nr. net. 827 Corhett bldg. ToL'NO women wanting employment ai telephone operators, call at room 601 Telephone bldg.. Park and Oak streets. WE WANT 2 experienced salesladies of neat appearance and pleasing personal ity. 312H Artisans' bldg.. in to 12. 2 to 4. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home Is ready to "lp ny girl in distress. 956 East Ulisan. JU car. cast oio. MOTHERLY woman to keep house, care for children; parents employed. Auto. A21-22. WANT good woman to wait on confine ment case; must do some housework. Call 799 East 11th st. North. WOMEN to ennvassj a household necessity; can make 41 an hour, spare time. Ad dress S 17. uregonian. WANT a young lady who can list and sell rooming houses. 606 Chamber of Commerce. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly lady for light nousfworK; two aauits. io-1 omus su WOMEN wanted to work on apple. Starr Fruit Products up., azi . lamniu THREE young lady piano teachers wanted. au Tiiiora Diag GIRLS for stage work; amateurs only. S lPl. oregonian, EMPLOYMENT by mother with 15-month baby. Call Mar. 14H7. NURSE GIRL. PH ON E M ARSHALL 3797. DEPENDABLE lady, close In. to care for little girl who dances. Broadway 1421), W anted Domewtlca. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and little housework; no laundry; no Sunday din ners. Apply morning. 574 Buena Vista Drive. Main 2441. NURSE MAID. Capable young woman to take care of 10-month-old baby. Call after 9 A. M. at 7 13 Fmnders. NEAT, capable girl for general house work and cooking ; good wages. East 73 so. or call V-Q HancocK st, GIRL to care for home and school chil dren; motner envpioyeu, ni"i u imh ihnm.' !--. Phonfl 114. COMPETENT maid for general housework; must be good cook. Sell. 170. 3tt E. 24th S. GIRL wanted for general housework: no washing. Apply at 102 Haxelfern Place. Take Montavilla car. WOMAN for general housework. Phone or write Mrs. R. H. Grandy. Beaver ton. Or. Phone Tlgardvllle 3o3. ' EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework; references required, S31 Kearney GIRL wanted for general housework. 271 N. 22d st. Main 3H94. GIRL for second work, with reference, 640 Flanders St.. Broadway 2433. GIRL for geenral housework. Phone East 4S03, WOMAN to assist with housework. Good home, small wages. rabor ia GIRL for general housework, 2 In family. Phone Tuesday, cast o.m. GIRL for general housework, family of 2. Phone Main 3354. GOOD girl for general housework and assist with cooking. 739 Kearney at. HELP WANTEDMALE OR FEMALE. 50O BOYS "and girls over 12 years old. to start earning their Christmas money. CaH between 4 and 6 P. M. 4 N. Grand ave. Room 41. RETOUCHER WANTED Peasley Studio. 407 Morrison. HFT.P WANTED WTTH TNTESTMENT. 1 WANT a man with at least 1000, not afraid of work and willing to buy a truck on part payment plan. Such a man may earn from J700 to J1000 a month haul Ins; sand, cement ' and gravel on con struction work for reliable Portland con traf tors. A real money-making oppor tunity Don't answer unlefa you bavs the cash. Write AP 222. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED M AJ.E. PAINTING and KaUomlnlng done; prices reasonable. C. Clausen. 534, Johnson at. Phone Broadway o4H. SHINGLING, roof repairing; prices rea son a b le, work guaranteed. Auto. 325-16. A MAN of 65 years wants work In the city. James Mc Knight. Woodstock sta. WOULD like position with my Ford cat. S'lwood ".3. evening. YOUNG man. 18. wants work; restaurant preferred. Bdwy. 2H4. HONEST elderly man wants work, on farm, I jks, Oregonlan. JAPANESE wants position as porter. Auto 5 1 8- 65. ANY time you want heavy hauling done or moving, always call East 4935. AUTO mechanic with years of experience wants work. Main 126Q. CARPENTER READY FOR WORK TO MO R ROW. SELL. 2490. FORD mechanic, high school graduate, wants steady work. Sell. 2490. PAINTING, tinting, paperha ngmg; work gu:irntfd. Phone East 329. S1UNGIERS When you need reshin jrang or patching done, call Marshall lo72. YOUNG man wishes position as buss boy or dlhwnher. Phone Main 64S7. CARPENTER wants work, day or con- t ra ex. first-class work Wd!n. 2ftffi. CEMENT waiks. steps, drives, floors, ft- rages arm paaifrmg. wooniiiffp lftSO. CARPENTER, builder, remodeling, built in!" a spclHlty. East 7267. WANT work, by reliable man as Janitor or watchman. Tabor 8779. EXCAVATING and general teaming, day or contract. Phone Main 1108. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work: reasonable. Sellwcod 1.1Sff. SH1NC.MNG and roof repairing. L. A. A nderoiy Mar. 10O2. CEMENT work of all kinds, good work guaranteed. Sell wood 919. PLUMBING done very reasonably hour or Job Aula, 2&- by SrTT ATTONS WANTED M AXE. SALESMAN Young man who Is experi enced In auto, electrical supplies and carburetors sales; have worked as a col lector for the L H. C for six months. Can furnish the best of references, will work for salary and commission. Cal East 7939 for appointment. Don Jotfna-. "M. n- r.. Bin Bt. CHEK-COOK; all-around man; fast asm! b do everytning; young ana rena, famous on pastry; Al on meats and din ners; at liberty Nov. 1ft; looking for a good restaurant Job In a good Oregon llw" v el. uregonlan, MARRIED man must have employment; recently discharged from service. N. C. O. "character excellent." Have some mechanical and clerical abilities. Will accept any honorable work st moderate wage. AP 155. Oregonlan. CHEF AND WAITRESS, married, desired position a la carte; country hotel; thor oughly experienced, all branches, din ner, floor, etc.; handle own meats and menus. Room 100. Phone Main 68 i3. 174 13th at. CONCRETE! forms fl lied by ml xer; basement, ga rages, anything; house raising and re- modellng. Phone Mar. 74fl evenings. PAPER HA XGING, 30 CENTS A ROLL. PAINTING AND TINTING CHEAP. 1 ROOM OR A BLOCK; SPLENDID WORK. QUICKLY DONE. MAR. 2483. AND ASK FOR MR. CARRICK. YOUNG MAN. formerly chief officer on large steamer, wishes work in -oruana where there Is a chance for advance ment; good eduoatlon. excellent refer ences. E 189. Oregonlan. , DO you want a good auto truck driver, j experience; best of references. Tabor SO M evenings. Edward. 710 E. 72d st. N FLOOR SURFACING, electric sanding or nana scraping ana nmsning, oia or new. Waxing and polishing. W. H. Tibbits, Tabor 40o2. ARCHITECTURAL dt-aignlng for tine homes, correct bluej-rlnts for all types of houses. Office 204 Mill. Main 70fi or Main 7526. WANTED Window cleaning and general bouse cleaning, floor waxing a specialty. Phone Main 5205. Auto. 214-40. resi dence VOL'.NG married man wants ' work, has had 4 years experience driving cars, but will t&ke anything. F 1S. Orego nlan. PAINTING. TINTING. Flrst-cJass material and workmanship, reasonable. Call Genther. Marshall 2703. PAINTING AND PAPERING.. FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED AT LOWEST PRICES. J. H. JENKINS. E. 7K42. EXPERIENCED camp timekeeper and commissary man. understand care cook house; references all former employers. K 183, Oregonian. LAND clearing wanted by contract. Party answering above in aunaay s urfionwu with land 4 miles out please give ad- dresa. W lii5, Oregonlan. PAINTING, paper hanging, kalsominlng and enameling, work guaranteed; let ua figure on your work. Phone Wood lawn 5354 or Columbia 818. NEAT appearing ex-soldler. American, age 24. experienced chauffeur, with ga rage experience, will do anything. Broad- way 108. room43Q. A RELIABLE man. with family, mechani cally Inclined, wishes work at once as plumber's helper or electric wiring. 1110 E. Taylor st. REGISTERED pharmacist, first - class man, desires position; recently sold own business. Apply Frank B. Robinson, box 10S5. Klamath Falls. Or. MARRIED MAN wants work, poultry farm; experienced; four years overseas. W. Pendor, South Pendor Island, Vic toria. " CONTRACTOR and builder, 30 years' ex perlence building and remodeling, prompt attention; prices rlghL East 6373. COLLEGE student desires any kind of work for board and room; can work early mornings, afternoons and evenings. Phone Main 7010. BUILDING? If you do, call best recom- menejfed party for carptor ana ctmem work general contracting. Main 7&05. 204 Mill st. CARPENTER and cement work, altera tions and repair, finest recommendations, reasonable figures. Call Main 7520. 4b3 West Park. CARPENTER contractor, repairing, re modeling, reliable mechanic shop. 24th and Washington streets W. Broadway 24S7. MAN AND wife want work on ranch, close to school, or will take care of ranch during winter; child 8 yeaxa old. O 15d. Oregonlan. MARRIED MAN with family wants work, also has 2-ton truck; good driver. F 1S8. Oreronian. YOUNG Japanese schoolboy wants general housework in small family. Phone Bdwy. 272. WE DO ANYTHING. Odd Jobs our specialty. Phone Main 6487. Ask for Mr. Collins. CARPENTER; new or repair work; small jobs promptly done; estimates cheerfully given. Tnbor 50h0. PLUMBER w,ants work; can do any Job; repair expert; city references. Bdwy. 25 83. EXPERT battery man and electrician; will work for salary and commission; best of references. F 164. Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants work. Drug store experience. References. Aut. 526-26. ' MARRIED MAN needs work. Painting, kalsominlng. Reasonable. Maclln, East 1816. THE LITTLE Jobs that dad won't do." Roofs repaired and treated. Tabor 48. Automatic 623-30. JAPANESE wants to contract a Job cut ting brush or reclaim a piece of land. G 200. Oregonlan. . OLDSMOB1LE mechanic will repair your car In your own garage. Phone Main 12fi0. YOUNG MAN experienced In grocery or confectionery lines wishes work, in or out of city. BD 171. Oregonlan. YOUNG married man wishes position In grocery store, well experienced and good references. Phone East 6S114. PAINTING, tinting, roof repairing a ape ctalty, f trot-clam workmanship and ma terial guaranteed. Sellwood 683. PLASTER, cement man. wants work. In or out of town. 5009 67th sL S. B. Automatic 641-04. QUICK man with hammer. also frame maker; state your price by piece work. C 1W8. Oregonlan. TWO-THIRDER wants work In news paper shop; have had experience In set tlng ads and make-up. J 188. Oregonlan. PAINTING In all branches, best material and workmanship; satisfaction or no pay. Tabor 2328. JAPANESE wants position as schoolboy. G 19ft. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS Wash man wants work , once. 4-115 67th st. 3. E. Auto. 644-31. A STEADY position where advancement is certain, age IP. Woodlawn 4130. BARBER, married, experienced, wants steady Job, in or opt. Apt. 8. 320 2d st. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Officer GRADUATE of Cornell university. 84 years. marrtea, witn i years experience as engineer, salesman and accountant, de sires responsible position with prospect cf advancement. C 187. Oregonlan. BOOKK EEPER. accountant, systems es tablished; part or full time; reasonable charges. E 1 HO. Qreyonlan. EXPERIENCED accountant and office man wants work of any kind. Marshall 82H8. COMPETENT bookkeeper wants full part time position. H 151. Oregonlan. FOR OFFICE help call Mar. 8153. Will lams Service. 504 Spalding bldg. 8TTTATTONS WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants chamber work or Janltress; reference. East 1537. EXPERIENCED woman wishes second work or upstairs work; references. Mar shall 1426. WILL care for children evenings while parenta are away; references. Wdln. 1611. VERY experienced woman wants all round day work; expert laundress. East 2034. EXPERIENCED girl will care for children by hour; prefer west side; references. Main 30. "KIDDIES' PLAYHOUSE" for C. S. moth ers who work or hop. Marshall 3673. EXPERIENCED girl want; :s work In cafe- terla. Apt. 2. Main 1778 LACE CURTAINS HAND LNDERED; 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE. EAST 61W6. IF YOU nted a waitress, piease call East 804S. or will try any other kind of work. EXPERT lady piano tuner. Osshorn, Hasel Hotel. Mrs. A. G. I WILL paint your Christmas pictures or teach you. East' 41S. EXPERIENCED piano teacher gives sons at your home. Broadway 2294. WANTED Day work, washing and iron ing Auto. 635-K1. ViLLcook and serve dinners, luncheons, teas: splendid references. Tabor 1520. WANTED -dav work. Marking, laundry, cafeteria or labor 340 GIRL wants work to assist In housework. Call Automatic 617-64. WOMAN wants day work Tuesday. 52W Room 2. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work Sellwood .ion. Call mornings. EXPERIENCED woman wants dy work, AJU4. &I4-ti. Eoom 1A. STTTATTON9 WANTED FEMALE. ART1ST and business woman wishes Im mediate employment. Talent,' originality, ability plus art. office and advertising experience. Adaptable, dependable, will ing, earnest worker or supervisor. Has od heed. Uses it. Best of references. I t'. -hlj,-t.. . Z7T. i w - v. . v, J ye&e where can exchange light work for rt-nt ai apartment; coma a. so anawvr Phone several nirhts weelc. Phone Mar. 3:n. Mrs. Drew. A RESPECTABLE elderly woman want! light housework In plain, small family; nere tnere is no sicaness. ui phone number. AP 2. Oregonlan. GERM ANirI. 16 old. wishes worl with good family. Speaks some Eng lish; references. R. Schults, RL 1, box m. Horlng. Or. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy iady wants nousecieaninr. washing, other wora. yjof)u worn guaranzeea. wain, oj-jj. Itook keepers. Stenographers. Office. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER, 10 yra. exp.. references: can take charge off of- ' office If desired; reasonable salary. East 43WI. EXPERIENCED office girl desires posi tion; knowledge of bookkeeping, typing ana ruing. Jjroaqway i'ioU. VtlDOW on own resources wishes sten ographic or clerical position. V 189, Oregonlan. COMPETENT stenographer wants posi tlon. moderate salary; able to care for sman orrice. wain. 71. STENOGRAPHER wants position; good stencil cutter ; also operate dictaphone. Prtne Main A421 after & P. M. BOOKKEEPER-STEXOGRAPHER. 4 yra, experience, wants position. Marshall 660. room 18. TYPING, addressing, some dictation. Main 4435 411 Corbett bldg. FOR OFFICE help call Mar. 3153. WU1 jams Service, 54 Spalding bldg. HALF DAY work daily, stenographic; rr-fArence; T3S 0 per month. E. tWM YOUNG lady wishes office work. Orearonian. EXPERIENCED fire insurance policy cierK qesires position. 74tt Mississippi. lresmaKer. DRESSES, coats or children's clothe made or remodeled; evening dresses a spe cialty. 915 E. Flanders. DRESSMAKING. remodeling. relining; stout ladles' work solicited. 1111 East Taylor st. Tabor 46C9. DE-SIGNING, tailoring, remodeling, per fect fit guaranteed. Madame Rosen. nroaraway .t.'4i. 3l4 Globe bidg. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day. 13; at home, reasonable; make anything. ' Woodlawn 065. BEULAH BOBBINS, 1215 E. Ash i dressmaking, remodeling. Tabor 12 SILK dresses a specialty; prices reaaon aoje. 4vfr Morrison, room 8, upstairs HEMSTITCHING while you wait; luncheon sets DC yarq. ioua Hroaaway Oldg. LELAH HUTCHINSON on gowns. 0: Broadway bldg. Phone Main 1 7 88. DRESSMAKING by the day, satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 13'J4. -j COATS specialty ; dressmaking, tali or lng. remodeling; by day. Tabor 3213. NURSE will care for patient In her own home. Diet a specialty. "Call Tabor 5733. SWEDISH massage In your own home. ladies only. Miss Pouisen, wain, via. PRACTICAL nurse wants work; references furnished. Auto. 630-47. COMPETENT, experienced nurse with hos pltal training, wants cases. Main 7422. FOR TRAINED nurses, undergraduates and practical, call Mar. 349. , , . Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN wishes position as housekeeper for widower or "mana ger cook" on farm. Tabor 1844. 105 Laurelhurst ave. YOUNG lady wishes work as housekeeper for gentleman with one or two children. In city; wages $40 to 145. Phone E. 8375. WIL.L make and remodel dresses, also re Une and remodel coats. All sewing done reasoiably. Call Bdwy. 4076. MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes housework In home where can have full charge. C 109, Oregonian. Dume tics. WOMAN wishes position out of town or In city to do general housework; expe rienced oook; good references. Call Bwdy 4741. 547 Hoyt st. COOK In boarding house or private home. O 191, Oregonlan. WANT light work- in good home; no waah lng. small wages. Marshall 3072. Honnecleanlng. HOUSECLE AXING Expert white and Ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur niture polished, carpets cleaned, win dows washed. CITY HOUSECLEANINO SERVICE, 18S Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. FOR HOUSE cleaning, polishing hardwood noora ana wasning winaows. cau uawy. 156- U1 work guaranteed. Call after 6 P. M.. ask for F. D. Young, the house cleaner. For references cail Mrs. Ohler. Main 6482. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE, LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE ss TRANSFER CO.. 63 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 8715. WANTED Large, unfurnished house; give reefrence and pay 3 mos. rent In ad vance; am good tenant. East 10u7. WANTED To lease bouse for three years and keep house In repairs. East East 4447. WANT to rent 7 or 8-roomed house, mod ern. close In. V lftR, Oregonlan. Apartments. COUPLE wants 1-room apt., bath and ki tchenette ; must be close In. R 80. Oregonian. Rooms. ATTRACTIVE one or two-room and kitch enette h. k. suite, which can be used for piano studio ; must be reasonable; west side preferred. F 11H3. Oregonlan. WANT to rent 2 unfurnished rooms, west side. Y 180. Oregonian. Row m h With Board. WANT permanent home for boy 12 years old. In C. S. family; will exchange ref erences. V 200. Oregonlan. Housekeeping Room. NEAT housekeeping rooms for mother and son 13, close to Jaaa scnooi, wnere son may have home privileges when mother away. Apt. 7. 324 13th at. CLEAN heated h. k. room in exchange for service; good district, walking distance. W 100. Oregonian. FOR RENT. CALL AT T. M. C. A. to aee free lit of moderately priced rooms for young men In all parts of the city. Including rooms at the central Y. M. C. A., with tele phone In each room, shower baths and club facilities. FurnltAied Booms. ANGELA HOTEL. 626 Wash In g t on St. M arshal t 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fire place. Special rates to permanent guesta Rooms with or without bath. LARRABEE HOTEL Modem, steam heated rooms, very reasonable rates; walking distance,- Cor. Larrabee and Holladay sta ' WASHINGTON HOTEL, 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by we k or month. HOTEL VERNON, 103 V, 12th St., cor. Stark. Attractive up-to-date rooms, close to business center. Rates $4 and up, single $8 and up with bath. THE ST PAUL, 130 4th at., corner Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTBL. Rates 75c up. Private bath, $2. Special rat-s by week or month. HOTEL Buckingham, under new man agement. 052 Vs Washington st. Modern, private baths at reasonable rates. Free pnone. aiain ai. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th at.. 2 blocks north of Washington St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. EUCLID HOTEL, 573 Washington, at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths. Rates to permanent guests. Bdwy. 268 Z HOTEL RAMAPO. 14th and Washington. New management, newly furnished, at tractive weekly and mont h ly rates. HOTEL BARR. 112 North Sixth, two blocks of depot $1 per day. $5 per week and up. LA RGE . corn f ortabl e rooms, good bed sl soma Die for two; walking distance; rea sonable. Phone Main 7-AM. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent ratea ARTHUR HOTEL, 176 Eleventh su. near Morrison ; clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable ratea SHEFFIELD APTS. One large room, walking distance; rent $15. Main 2506. NICELY furnished aiee-plns; rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water; reasonable. 51 h St. HOTEL TAIT. ll'th and Stark; changed hands; rate $1 per day. wk. $5 up; pri v a t e bath. 10 np; all outside rooms. MARLYN HOTEL. 17TH AND COUCH Large, attractive, modern rooms by day, week or month: rates reduced. HOTEL OCK LEY. Morrison st. at 10th 1 day, weeKly $5 and up. Free phone and ba ths ; light and airy. 60c DAY. $250 WEEK up; cisan. baths fxe. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. bear JefXersvA. FOB RENT. FambAied Rooms. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS 12 WEEK. Clean furnished rooms; steam beat, hot water, bath, etc 403 Front sC. corner nam so n. MODERN ROOMS. 15.50 WEEK AND UP. St PER NIGHT AXIJ UP CLASST. Some with private bath, clean, well furnished, light, warm; all outside rros. i ney re ngnc THE BAKER. 2654 FIFTH STREET. The Misses Rhyne and Peterson. Props, HOTEL CLIFFORD. " PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MOKaISUN' ST.. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; 1.23 PER DAY. PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL-NIGHT GARAGE. CALL AT Y. M. C A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in all carts of the city, including rooms at the central Y. M. C. A., with telephone In each room, shower baths and club facilities, GORDON HOTEL, 174 West Par st Main 202. Clean, modern rooms at reasonable prices; telephone service Included, tran stent and permanent guests aeslred HOTELS ROWLAND, ANNEX. MARYLAND, VIRGINIA, 170 guest rooms, 207-211 4th st. Rates 75c. $1 per day. With bath 11.50 day up HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Rates J 1 day; week, $5 up; private bath. s up; fireproof and clean; close to ousinesa center. ANSOX1A HOTEL 124 14th sc.. at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, fl day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. ROOMMATE wanted; refined business gentleman, about 25 years old, to share a loveiy rront suite in a high-class apt. house; J 35, including service. 106 St. Clair St., corner of Washington. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. IS NOB HILL district, 2 nicely furnished rooms in a beautiful nome lor i gentle men or man and wife; $70 per month. Including board and home privileges; table board 45c per meal. Call Mar. 8952. AN ALL outside large room with private bath: a small electric cooking facility; unobstructed view, in private home; price 50 per month. Call after 4 P. 51.. 826 jonnaon st.. between 4tn ana -olu. Mar. 2140. ATTRACTIVE room, private bath; also one with hot and cold water, small third floor room cheap; enclosed aleep- ' lng porch with running water and clothes closet. Also guspge for rent. Main 1131. 779 Marshall 'st. - LARGE, bright, well-furnished room., walk ing custance. private family, suitaoie ior one or two business girls; will give breakfast and evening dinner If de aired. Phone Mar. 1137. BEAUTIFUL rcom in private nome; twin beds; parlor, piano, home conveniences; close in ; congenial yount man wishes roommate; $3.50 per week. 61 N. ISth st. liroaaway 2i'21. BEAUTIFUL single room with piano and also 2-room apartment, in private fam ily, everything modern, clean and home like. In walking distance. Main 9304. 417 Clay st. A LARGE front room with hot and cold water, furnace heat, 2 beds for 2 or 9 gentlemen; close to library. 434 Sal mon st. . ROOMS with or without board, large sleep ing porch, 2 beds, furnace beat, home privileges, close in. Main 8181. 295 W. Park. - J 257 12TH LARGE modern room with two beds, hot and cold water, walking dis tance. Men only. COMFORTABLE room for gentieman. modern home. 200 Norta ivtn il uawy. 5078. . FOR RENT Clean, well furnished room, modem conveniences; a w. cor. 1&. lutn and Couch. Phone East 4758. FOR RENT Large, light room. Every convenience. in private irvingicu home. Close In. Call East 1785. LARGE, fiont, corner room. warm, home like, every convenience, desirable loca tion; rent $14. Phone E. 0510. NICE, large rooms, clothes closets, fur nace neat, always nin hmidi, uuu for two. $18. Bdwy. a.ttd. SMALL, neatly furnished, dean room, ft blocks from Morrison St.. i a raonm. Working man preterrea. --a w. rara st, NICBLV furnished front rooms with home conveniences, with or witnoui ooara. a Hoyt. Main GOU4 LARGE front room in nice horns; all Conveniences, utotmtiv.B , only. Hi rarn. maranan vo. ROOMS for rent, walking distance; gen- - , I . VI o In ?AtUt HAS Liemen prnui vi. - Marsnaii .runt ROOM, refined family, close In. ..... U-n .1 ,. V 9Ht pine room with sleeping porch, walking n wext aldf. Pdwy. 4320. SINGLE ROOM, aiBO pari, u nvwijr uir- nished riat. oi-.n. is ATTIC room for gentleman, west side r-fgynces. Marshall 3613. 2 SINGLE rooms In a fine home; plenty of h Main 4254. Home privin cges- NICE modern sleeping room, close in. w. a. $12 month. 407 Harrison st. tpvi( ; TON sunny front room, near olub. Broadway car. $12. East 825U. 35 LARGE roor'. in nice home for gent. Mar 6006. 54 Lucretla. nr. 23d and Wash. WELL furnisheo room for geniieman. modern conven encce. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ' Rg0'8 Ft R NACE HEATED. 827 SIXTH ST. TWO UNFURNISHED front rooma Main 1442 Rooms With Board. "Vi'viPHWI.T. HOTEL 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the .Pacific coast. American plain, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. JUeais eervea 10 (.raiii.c""- NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-ciasa lamny nni. . or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reason a D i eraies. ATTRACTIVE large front, furnace heated. room with fireplace, winaows, sieeni porch, large closet and excellent meals, suitable for 3 adults, close in. Phone East 'fflHi. PARKVIEW hotel. SJ6 Montgomery St., cor. V. FarK : nrsx-ciass residential no tel; rooma with or without bath: rates BOARD, room and nurse old people; best nf rr and trained nurses; reasonable. Carolina home, 472 Sellwood blvd. Sell- wood 3004. . ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; SO Of r WBK, AUKi. ,L0-i-s. I - la. mi i- THE NORTON HOTEL, 12th and Morri son; room and board, $47.60 per month. Main 041. FIRST-CLASS room and board, home in every' respect. 738 Johnson at. Main DINNERS 60c at the Souie; cooked like mother cooked.- 191 11th at. Rooms With Board in Private Family. IDEAL home, close in. otters rooms with excellent home cooking. 194 N. 10th st. Bdwy. 43T4. TWO ATTRACTIVE double rooms and excellent board; walking distance. 51 H uavis st. GOOD room with 2 meals, phone and home privileges, 12 minutes' ride from heart or city, van laum ifTP. LARGE clean room, modern home, good location, close in; suitable for 1 or 2; reason oic "- " "- NICE warm room with board, close In, on west side. Price very reasonable. Auto. 619-30. MOTHER'S care and affection for one or two children; further particulars call 830-01. CHILDREN will receive good care In pleasant home of responsible woman. Auto. LARGE, clean rooms, suitable for con valescent patients; day or week; home WANT to care for small child between 8 mo. and 1 year in my own home. 886 Vfc Thurman. near 2ftth st. LARGE front room In modern home, suit able for one or two gentlemen; excellent cooking- Tabor 4S-S9. ROOM and board, modern home, 1 block from ear line; home privileges; price rea- sonabie. Tabor S"M. ROOM and board for Protestant girl in apt., wa kins; distance; $30 per month. Auto. 515-08. LARGE front room with board, suitable for two: walking distance; fins location. East 5715 EXCELLENT board and home privileges for 2 young ladies or gentlemen; walking distance. East 156. 1 NICE room, suitable for 1 or 2 men. good neat and hot water; first-class table board. 6S1 GUsan. WANT lady to share room with lady in private family. Bdwy. 3780. CHILDREN to board; good modern home. Phone Oregon City, OF12. . WILL take bablea to board at 6242 62d ave. S. E. PRIVATE home for children; 20 years experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2102. ROOM for young man. no other roomers. board optional. 400 H Bdwy. Mar. 1109. GOOD room near Multnomah club. 2 meals: gentlemen. Main 2219. WANTED Child to board, under 10 Booth cars 6alL &0V FOR RENT. Rooms With Board in PrtTsvte Family. PLEASANT clean room in refined family, for 1 or 2 gentlemen, board if desired, home privileges, walking distance, west side. Phone Main 503 426 Harrison at. LARGE front, room sultab.e for two or more; slto single rooms: first-class board. W4 Columbia, cor. of 10th. Main FOR WORKING PEOPLE Good home cooking, home privileges, 1 single room, 1 double room, living room, fireplace, piano. 23 14;h. Main 5533. WILL care for children in my home. Christian Science children preferred. Call Wdln. lis. WALKING distance, choice room, furnace heat, meals if desired: Just' like fcome; reasonable rates. E. 302. Famished Apartments. HIGH-CLAS3 APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished apartments. 1 to 3 rooma with sleeping porch, in resi dential district. We hsve the very hand somest furnished apartments in the city; whit enameled woodwork. Ivory willow furniture, Chinese ruga pongee hangings, exceptionally clean and modern; LOTS OF HEAT; also for refined gentlemen or ladies, bachelor suites and rooms, with and without bath; permanent and transient; references required. 106 St. Clair, corner of Washing-ton. STELWYN APTS. HIGH CLASS. Very elesantlv furnished, outside apt. 16 windows, 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, electric fireplace; very modern and lots of heat. Can be seen today. Mar. 2830. 166 St. Clair, cor. w asninyton. BETTER LOOK THIS UP. W will have a beautiful 8-roora front apartment for $55 per month and also a four-room corner apt. for $05. on Nov. 5. These are furnished fine to ac commodate 2 to 4 percona None better. THE COLUMBIA. 11TH and COLUMBIA. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sta Five minutes' walk to Meier ft Frank's tore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apta. out aide and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. THE JACKSON. , 51 H Union Ave. North. Three-room apta, $35 to $40: private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, phone service; 15 min. walk to 5th and Alder. Rose City car. East 284. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS, Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington sts. ; one very desirable three-room apartment, newly decorated, tapestry paper, artistic ally furnished, outside balcony; Mgh claes apartm e nth ouse. Call Main 3aS3. THE ELM WOOD. Strictly first - class 2 and 3-room apta.. completely furnished, oriental rugs, period furniture. Adults. 415 10th st. Main 06O0. DR1CKSTON APARTMENTS, 448 11TH 8T. 8 rooms, all light, plenty of heat, ele vator service, strictly modern apartment. 2 dlssp pearlng beds. ONE and two room apartments, newly furnished, newly decorated; Nob Hill district, one block off Washington at., under new management ; reasonable rates. 029 Everett. Bdwy. 1376. CLACKAMAS APARTMENTS. Steam-heated 2-room apartment. In cluding light and phone, $30. 274 Williams Ave. WANTED Married couple employed or working girls to share 6-room apt., steam heat, bullt-lns. etc., reasonabla Walking distance. Fhcne East 4766. THE VAUGHN mh N. and Vaughn; Sadie M. Morris, propr. Sleeping rooms, apartments single and en suite; clean; low rates; lob by. Board adjacent. CALL at Lucretla Court for a basement sleeping room, furnished, bath, light and heat Included, $12 a month. Marshall 29(12. LEONCK APARTMENTS. ISO N. 22D. Nicely furnished three rooms, bath and dreading room, newly tinted; $06. Marsh 2250. J DANDY BASEMENT APARTMENT 2 rooms. Steam heat. Lights and private phone, $30 month. The Lincoln, 4th and Lincoln. COMMODIOUS, well-arranged, neat single room H. K. apt.; modern conveniences; walking distance. 647 Yamhill. Main 3536. HADDON HALL APTS. 11th and Hall; cosy four-room apt., bath. balcony; hardwood floors; ivory enamel; new rugs: $4S 50. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon, 2, 3 and 4 room apts. ; permanent or translsnt; also single roonm Main 0041. ROSE-FRIEND APIS. To lease, completely f urnlshed A 4-rnx ulte. $110. Marshnll 23,'t2. TWENTY-FIVE -DOLLAR furnished apartments, also single rooma 371 6th st. Business people preferred. -ROOM APTS., NEWLY FURNISHED; NO OBJECTION TO UhlLUKb.N. 412 EAST OTH ST. N. IRVINGTON. Nicely furnished 3 and 2-room apart ments, large, sunny rooms. E. 4852. APARTMENTS 1, 2 and 3 large, clean and light, close in, near Washington ana Benson schools. 20 East 15th. cor. Ash. THE BELKNAP APTS.. 187 17th St. 2- room apt., steam neat, modern. ins best of service. NICELY furnished apts., 2 and 8 rooms. Gllsan. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FTR. 2. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. MODERN 3-room furnished apartment. walking distance, call aunaay or eve ning;. 3S1 H Fifth st. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 18th St., Near Taylor. Nice 5 -room furnished apt. WILL SHARE well furnished apt., has piano and victroia, witn 1 or x giria Mar. 3562 evenings. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, cash or terms; apt. for rent. 272 awy. Main 7757 FOR RENT Up-to-date first-class apart ment In excellent location. Jau Main 8308. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment. $25 a month. Call aunaay or Monday. 1207 E. Yamhill. Automatic 220-31. ALICE COURT Vacant Nov. 3. 2 rooms. Dutch kitchen, nrepiace, pnone. Data. E. 8th and Buraalde. East 3560. TH REE-ROOM furnished apt., all out- side rooms, liuiiti Apts. aiain Bto. BROWN apt., furnished, 2-room apt. 14th ,nd Yamhill. 3-ROOM apt., partly furnished. 747 North- up. Main 57W4. $20 NICE clean 2-room apts.; water, elec- tricity. gas, l a-u at f irst m. -ROOM apartment for rent, reasonable; good location. East 7803. APT. FOR RENT; walking distance; elec tricity, neat. ati Man et. MORTON apartments. 3-room furnished apt., RiT awnington st. wain ms-g. TWO-ROOM apt., also 1 room and kitchen ette 8r Mill St. 257 12TH IF looking for clean apt.. kitchenette. i an. w anting oistance. MCli clean, two front rooms, apt.; adults. 12H orana ave. UNION A VS. and Killlngswortn , fur. apt.; an complete; concrete p u 1 lain g. 3-ROOM newly furnished apartment for reliable adults oniy. ast itiz. FRONT room and kltcnenette; nice warm eing.e rooms. rcr." r lanaers. 2 ROOMS, newly fitted, light and pleasant 534 Morrison st. very desirable. APT. FOR RENT; walking distance; elec- trldty. 34 1 nan st. ROSELYN APTS., 110 21st 2-room modern rurmsneq spi. -ROOM apt.. Portland Height. Phone M arshall 5P7. BUENA VISTA- -434 Harrison. First-cla apts. Main 1052. 2 ana 3-room 15 DAYS STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. JI445 THE CHELTENHAM Attractive 1 rooms. lath ana Nortnrup. Mroaawssy 3658. Unfurnlwhed Anrrmenrs. TWO FAMILY APARTMENTS. Clowe in, east side, walking distance over town; very homelike and desirable; 5 rooms down. 4 rooms up. Lease 3 years at $05 monthly for both apart ments. J. W. CROSSLEY, 81 Fourth St. Broadway 5044. ALTON! A apartments, 18th and Marshall streets; 4-room unrurnlshed apartment, completely renovated; contains hard wood floors, tile bath and French doors. Elegant view; will rent to desirable ten ant for 70. ALVARADO apts., 730 Everett st 7 room duplex apartment, elegant, large outside rooms. 4 balconies, walking dis tance, lease: references required. Wake field. FMesCo1285Four(hst. FINE CORNER APARTMENT. "Merlin Broadway and Grant. $ large rooms, 2 dressing moms and bath; strictly modern: only $42.50 per month. SHEFFIELD APTS. Broadway and Jefferson. Large corner apt. 4 rooms an d bath. 0 ROOMS, modern, steam heated apt., hardwood floors, sleeping porch, high- class district. East 1300.- FOR R ENT 5-room unfurnished apt.'; high-grade house, centrally located, ex cellent service. Bdwy. 2201. HARRIMAN APTS.. 164 24th st. N. Very desirable 4-room apts., 3d floor, $66 and $55; adults only, referencea THE AMERICAN, modern 6-room apart -ment. Bdwy. 8300. GARFIELD -3-room, sleeping porch, rea sonable. 861 Falling St.. Wr. Union. 3-ROOM apt, toilet and bath. 64fe Thur man st. Marshall 4731. TWO or three unfurnished rooms in nice bo ma, very reaso&aUia, CaU SelL 2S& FOB RFNT. I nfunilpbed Apartments. BEAUTIFULLY situated 6-room residence flat, heat furnished, west side, D. M. car. fireplace. $. 118 Savler st. frutnifcht-d or i nmmlshedpartmenta. JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington st.. on furnished and one unfurnished l-r. apt. CAR ML.IT A APTS. . 4 and & rooms, beautifully furnished or unfurnished apts. Main .'S6. 4-ROoM furnished and 2 4-room unfur nished flats cheap. 1840 East Gllsan iL, corner 7d. M o n t a v 1 1 : a o r. -ROOM Mat. walking distance ; nice view. w. a; nrepiace. rurnace. 5!!: itttn su. south of .Montgomery; 37.ftO. Vinney. LAKGE 5-room and bath tricity, gas, cement ba 231 Hooker street. oom fiat; elec ement; adults FINK, modern 5-room flat No. 000 E. Madison street, furnace. $40. Donald Woodward. Main 1436. 104 Second st. 3-ROOM lower flat ; '2 Williams ave, carline; 4316 2 Going iL, on $20. Phone East FLAT 4 rooms, bath, disappearing; bea. Radiant Ore; frouu 10o3 V Rodney ave. Phone 9I4-4S. 5 LARGE, beautiful rooms i kitchen; good location; Woodlawn 607. ,nd bath; Dutch adulta Phone 6-R. FLAT, walking distance, west Bids; a dults ; $21.60. 512 Gerllnger bldg THREE or four rooma, close to Ladd school, any day, 2-5. Main 3744. 4 LARGE rooma bath and basement, $25. 6tt E. 21!d st. m 0-ROOM modern upper flat, gas, electric ity, west side. Marshall 12'9. Furnished Flats. 4-ROOM furnished flat, walking distance, ground floor, nice and clean, private bth. all outside rooms. 2 bedrooms, pri vate room In basement; $35 per month; adults only. Knot HtUQ. $40 MODERN furnished 5-room lower flat; adults; walking distance; 2 months in advance: reierences. y a. ivui su, bet. Hawthorne and Clay. HOI-LA DAI AlD. Lower four-room flat: kTHjt stove and water neater, linoleum, $:to. 251 B. 2d N., bat. Haaealo and Mult no ma'h. FURNISHED newly cleaned 5-rm. upper flat t'AR: Tiiitch kltohen. white hatn. w.-'wlnr machine. 07Q Kerby. Wdln. 3vsq W I now wishes to share her furnished 6 room flat with congenial people; $20 mo. 265 14 Larrabee st. . FOUR-ROOM flat, sleeping porch, private bath, walking distance, bloc to O. 0. car. adults. East 5.M'Q. 3-ROOM lower flat at 8110 Vaughn bet. 24th and 25th; adulta Call 745 Vft Roose velt. Phone Marshall 3710. FRESHLY tinted 6 rooms, bath, porchea good furniture; 80 blocks out. $40. Main 4350 , FURNITURE of 6-room flat, rent $35 with learn; all outside rooms. Will sell for ost. Pdwy. ltV.3. MODERN furnished 5-room flat, walking distance: adults only. 4lMtt Rodney ava Eist 8-'.T2. , SEVEN-ROOM flat for rent; furniture and piano for sale; good place for hoarders; fTTSO. Main 7127 5-ROOM upper flat; nice and clean; 1 block to car. l.Pfr iv rtotn. FINE flat, sleeping porch, fireplace, piano, garage: close In; references. Mar. 1020 FURNISHED flat. 245 Shaver st. 3S79. 4-ROOM furnished flat. Main 8107. 591 Washington st. 4-ROOM neAtly furnished flat, rent $20. Call 203 Hooker st.. or Main 6S30. FURNISHED flat for rent. Phone Main 45ft 1. fi31 Thurman at. NICE 4-room cozy flat, walking distance, $32.50. 440 Rodney ave.. cor. Tillamook. FOR RENT 6-room modern furnished flat. 1318 Corbett at. Mar. 19S1. 4-ROOM modern, nicely furnished flat, 816 Commercial st. Phone SIO-OL LOWER ti;it. nicely furnished. 7.V. V til ls ma ave. I'none wooq.awn --mj. PLEASANT, clean. 3-room furnished lower flat with bath, large lawn. 567 Everett st. 4-ROOM furnished flat with sleeping porch. Tabor 4209. Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone electric Ughta steam heat, five minutes' walk to town. 2tl Columbia. near Fifth. VERY nieant, desirable room, exclusive location, splendid view. 70S Park ave.. naif block from Council Crest car. Phone 51 aln 427S. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with kitchenette, sleeping porch, bath, phone, garage, on lower floor. 70B Powell st. sen. SARGENT HOTEL. Hawtnorne and Grand, h k and sleeping; rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat. E. 20 S LARGE, pleasant, unfurnished rooms and sleeping porch, furnace beat; close in. we side. Main 7001 LARGE, clean. llKht room for housekeep ing, close fn; close to. Washington and Benson schools. wzvt .'iftn. corner THE BEAVER. 12th snd Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms. $15 up. Including h ot water, eiec trici:gpis. isunory nwm. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences, waJktng distance 2 6ft 12th st. NEWLY furnished housekeeplnn rooms, free lights, phone and heat. $2.50 per week and up. 533 Johnson street. ONE large front room and kitchenette, 2 sleeping porches; west side; adults only. 3!4 12:h st. . FURNISHED H. K- rooms, electric lights; $1.75 per week and up. 326 ' Fir TWO RMS., $5 up: single room. J3; linen. bath, running water. .m y asningmn. FURNISHED DOWNTOWN H. K. rooms: cheap rent. Z5B H v asn.. cor, jq, CLEAN, comfortable house keeping rooma f2 50 a week and up. 372 Hawthorne., CHEAP rent, single or en suite, all coa venlences- 052 4 Thurman. CHEAP rent, well furnished housekeep- lng. single or en suite. o i-ettygrove. SINGLE steam-heated housekeeping rooms, $12 pcr mo. and up. 147 13th it. THREE newly renovated rooms, reasona- ble, good car service. lapor io.-q. 141 ELEVENTH, neat H. K. for gent, $20 month : hot water, bath, ground floor. ROOM and kitchenette. 1st floor front. $10 mo.; small front room $8 mo. 508 Davia NEWLY furnished sleeping and light 'house keeping. SS5 Marshall. 2-ROOM basement housekeeping apt., very reasona ble. aT uiay st. aiar. emu. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. ai'lTB of furnished h. k. rooms and kitch enette; h block SS car. 1 block to two stores, easy walking distance; heat, light, gas (cooking), phone, water and sink, bath, wash trays, private family, fine locality: only 130. Phone East 2540. JUST what you have been looking for, 2 clean and nicely furnished H. K. rooms In desirable residence district at 1O20 East Main st. Hawthorns car to East S4th st., 2 blocks north. 2 FRONT rooms, furnished for h. k.. with ' steel range, gas plate and sink and wash tray: close to Brooklyn S. P. shops. 048 Milwaukle M. Sellwood car. 3 H K ROOMS, ground floor. In front. Reasonable rent. Call after 10 A. hi. 427 Montgomery, near 11th. MarshL 5166. CLEAN housekeeping room, newty fur nished, hot and cold water, under new management. Close in. 635 Everett. Broadway 4787 $2l SECOND floor. S nice, large, sunny, fully fur. h. k. suite; gas. wood stove, elec. lights and water free; walking dis tance. 134 Porter. Bell. 1100. 3 ROOMS, trout apartmi'iit with heat adults; reasonable. 260 S. 23d St. Phone Emt 3451 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooma Call 3r4H Hawtnorne ave. 267 12TH BASEMENT room, private en trance; warning nisiance. H K.. ROOMS, walking distance, 275 Wil Ilams ave. East 5?i7. Mrs. Wilcox. COZY room for light H. K., $8 per mo. Bdwy. 376X TWO completely furnished h. k. rooms. light, water and phone. $18. Tabor 2720. ATTRACTIVELY furnished two rooms and p ri va te bath. 5Q1 Davis at. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 75 E. 20th N. East 1700. SMI-DAEM ENT living room, kitchen, s-leeping porch. 532 Davis. Bdwy. 3443. 2 LA HUE housekeeping rooms and garage; furnished ; 1'2. 441 Jarrett at. LIVING room, breakfast nook and kitchen ette. Central. 415 Broadway. 3 FURNISH ED H. 1 6 1 h. near Morr 1 son. K. rooms, 127 E. $40 SIX ROOMS, sleeping porch, furnace, built-in features. 117 WMier st. Ky at 605 Piatt bidg. Mar. Wi25. 4 ROOMS, : Flower st. blocks to Fulton car. Call Marshall 721. 121 and ROOM house for rent. Grand avenue Enxt Lincoln. NEW modern 4-room bungalow, two fine neighborhood. Main 33QQ. lota. lt MODERN 7 -room, Irving ion district. Wetdr street. Adults only. 6-ROOM house for rent west of east st. Call East 142 20th with 7-ROOM modern carpMt-d house sleeping porch. Q. 214 E. 32d st $jl 4 room and bath: all modern. Ca m? bell St.. near Port. h!vd. Li 1 '3 7114 ft-ROOM house; hardwood lloors. Union ave. North. M). BEAUTIFUL 5-room bung AMr. Mt. Tabor car. $2: ow. 213, 5 E l per mnn h. j-j'.u'iil mod- rn biuiaiw. Sk 0C $40. 0ner 14U1. FOR RENT. Houses, FOR RBNT. Good 6-room house In fine clean con dition, close In. it haa full cement base ment, furnace heat, laundry trays; 4J per month by the year. SEE E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. PIANOS moved. $3; stairs extra. $1 eech Tight; 30 days' ftee storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving: one-ton truck. $2 hour; large truck. $2.75 per hour, we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway li'-7. Atlas Transfer A Storage Co., 104 N. fith at. Open Sundays and evenings. 8-ROOM house, center of city, east' side; ten minutes' walk to Broadway and Washington, electricity, gas. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, large lot fruit, beautiful home. Phone Se.lwood 1137 EAST FLANDERS. 8 ROOMS. You must see this house to appreciate It; 4 sleeping rooms with bullt-lns. dressing rooms, hardwood floors, sun- . room, all newly decorated. Auto. 223-ltt BY PAYING smalt sum for Improvement a four-room house with electric llKhts. on large lot. can be rented for $10 per month. Close in. west side. 655 Quimby street . MODERN bungalow for rent to responsible tenant who will buy oak dining table lth 0 chairs, hirh-oven Acorn gas range and wood In basement; other furniture If desired; rent $45. V lfW. Oregonlan ,-0 . b FlR-s T Hoor of modern home. Irvlngton Park, partly furnished; 5 rooms and bath, all bullt-lns. basement snd trays. Responsible adults only. oodlawn 8?M. OR RENT Six-room house, large yard, good bearing fruit trees and flowers, gas and electricity, three blocks from Mt. Tabor car. 217 K. 82d st. Phone Tabor FOR RENT Modern house, five rooms and sleeping porch; garage and nice large lot, on Portsmouth ave. For par tlculars call F.ast 1785. ROSE CITY, strictly modern 7-roora house, with garage, $7 month. Will lease to reliable party. Adults only. See owner. . Auurgm -.wa Grand ave., city. NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. T IflHT Dnurirn i . WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. fi06 E. ASH ST. I-arfre 6-room house, hot water heat furnished from a central heating plant; near Washington High school; refe rencea; gam ge. NORTH IRVINGTON. $4500 for a fin modern 5-room at 082 E 11th st. N , In fine condition. F. L. Blanchard. 401-2 Swetland bldg. Mar. 820. MOVING Pianos, rurnlture and longdis tance hauling a specialty. r. A W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 6131. MODERN buniralow, furnace, fireplaoe; referencea 954 Vancouver ava, $46. nooqiiwn ivn. CHOICE modern 7-room flat, 1 blk. Wma S4M5 aiso 1 -room nous, jM. ast TWO-ROOM house, partly furnished. $10 a month; not modern. 80 East $oth st- near Stark. MODERN d-room house, corner lot, located 5l-Eaat lain nd Beacon sta Auto. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov ins; ior less. Broadway 2445. WHEN moving, city or country. gt the best at lowest price. Green Transfer Oa. M aln 1261. 202H Alder st MODERN 7-room, west Mt. Tabor: beaiitl ful view and spacious grounds; furnished or unfurnished. Phone Tabor 0iS FOR RENT Nice home. 6 rooms, modern; garas;e if wanted. Call 747 E. Burnslde street. I 8-ROOM furnished. 1 0-room unfurnished Inquire at 678 Clackamas, between V A. M. and 4 P. M. 6-ROOM modern house, walklnr d 1st a ii with or without garaaa. Inquire 74H V Ht'T st. JdODERN slx-rm. house; good condition : furnace and electricity; traya Key at 87 E. 17th. ft-ROOM house, partly furnished, close In; adults: references; 35. K-tat I'i'.W. MOl'Elt N. clean, 6-room houne, furnace, electricity, gas, tra ya. K ey 87 E. 17th. J- urnlnhed Hoiim. NICELY FURNISHED 3-room suite; 2 bedrooms), private bath and entrance. In modern home. Kitchen haa range and gas plate, electric lights, fuel, etc. furnished; walking distance, west side. 04 North 16th street, corner Plandors; can ne s-fn any time. t" ui'ii- 'via v.vy l, 524 H eights Terrace ; 3 rooms ; large glassed-in porch: finest view mountains In city; 20 minutes' walk to heart ot city, or Hall street car, on Morrison to 13th. 2 blocks west. See to appreciate; reduc-d rent for winter. RESPONSIBLE elderly couple without children, deslrlns; free rent of nl:e fur nished house In return for carina for It and room tor owner, call Mi Klnley, OU4 LewU bldg. or Hmailmv 4 1 so Fl" RN ISHJCI) BUN GA1AJW. 8 roorns well furnished. $40 a month. 5824 40th ave. S. E.. 1 block from Myrtle Park. See owner at house today. Phone Tenor 5'h after tod a y . COMFORTABLE modern 7-room hous-. basement and attic, partly furnished, $10. Including water: 8 blocks from WS 1 1 r. near Hnlicate. Call Wdl. 514. COMPLETELY furnished modern 7-r'uin house with sleeping porch, three Ore places; $75 a month. 412 Mill at. Main S31. LOWER floor In Piedmont horns, rireplaca, piano; rent. Including fuel, electricity, gas, telephone, water, $76 ; garage, Woodlawn 2S4, FURNISHED home In good location to right party, reasonable. Call East 8050 between 6 and 8 o'clock Wednesday or Thursday. WANT to lease to adults : modern fur to sd-ults: 6 rooms; nished house, 6 rooms; reference quired 514 Leo ave.. Sellwood car. City View Park. A NICELY furnished private home of eight rooms and Karaite for six months to parties who can furnish referencea 847 E. 7th st. N. LOWER part of private residence. 4 rooms, pantry and bath, 1120 East Har rison st., $85. Hawthorne ave. car to 37th Ht. SUNN YSIDE 5-room house, elec., lias., bath, extra good furniture. Call Tues day, 1278 E. Taylor or phone Bdwy. 472-1. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Five rooma and sleeping porch; no garage; like new; low rent; for six months or longer. Main 8118. 5-KUOM bungalow, completely f urnlfiht'd. will lease for fl months; references; $52.66 per month. Call Tabor 7403 before fl P. M. $;t0 NEAT 5-room cottage. Lake Grove, suburban, 85 min. nut. Main 3672. MrFARLAND. Realtor. 2"8 Falling bldg. 7-ROOM furnished bungalow In Rose City Park at 727 E. 72d sU N-, H block off Sandy. Tabor 2000. 5 ROOMS, nicely furnished, modern, gsa and electric lights and furnace; close In, $30 a month. 7H5 Kelly. 510-62. FURNISHED house, 6 rooma first-class stuff; house rents for $40. Bargain at $.VK. Harper. 248 Stark st. f'-ROtJM furnished houne, garage, modern conveniences,, close in. asv ast Alder st. East TM20. 8-ROOM house; fine furniture, piano, ga rage, good neighborhood. 435 Pre scot t, fmm 12 to 3. or evenings. FOR It ENT 5-room furnished bungalow; fireplace and furnace; close in. Sell 1S6 or .-II, 25.7. UPPER and lower part of furn. house; baths, elec, gas. 400 Market at., bet. 14th and 15th. HAMSMELY appointed modern home, attractive location; lease fl months or longer ; reference. Main 47 11 . FOR RENT Adults only. 0-room well-fur- nishea monern house; warning distance, east side. East 2643. 5-ROO.M furnished house, $10 per month. Good location, numniei Rummell. 214 Stark st. N ICEL Y furn. 7-room house ; Irase lo t am -11 y of adults only: no roomers or board ers ; 1 100. Main S25. 7-ROOM furnished two-family house ; Brooklyn car; eirc. ass. bath. Cail l'2V Grand ave. Denilng. FURN I SH EI) six -room house, $;(. I mi u Ire 333 Kant 7th at South. Phone 212-52. $40 FUR. 5-room bungalow ; vacant Nov. 7 1 near rrwnKun nign hi - -1 .t. fuK RENT Kurnlwhid 5-room bungalow 55S 5th ave. S. K Woodwtnck car. 5-ROt iM well furnlfht-d hou rlowe in. Adtlttw. HHH Knott. tou lor Kent rurnlture (or Kme. FURNITURE of 7-room house, walking distance. Roomers and boarders If you want them. 304 E. 1st at. N. Phone Kant 1S80. . 7-ROOM modern house for rent, furni ture for sale, near car and schools. 855 Graham ave.. n'ir Unt"n. 11 -ROOM house with gooa in r nine . fur niture for ssle, $575 will handle. Riant In town. Call Bdwy. 8072. ft-ROOM cottage for rnt. furniiure Kit rhean Cull 8Q6 H 'lladav v 3. ROOM ho us;, rood basement and fruit. Auto Stores an J" ItuxInrKs' Places. bPLKNDID location for di ua; more, 2'Jlh and fresco tt. Aiamena aistrict; vmmmr C o n t r u c t i on. FOlTrjEi-'IRARLE race In fireproof house phone Broadway 8715 FINE light Hoor, 5oxl0Q; hmK lee ; com? rent. Wax, 24 North Fifth. STORE and basement fur rvut, Wi Awn ida ione Bdw.