19. THE MORNING OKEGONIAN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1921 FOR S.8.LF. pia m m. Org am an d Musical Inatru mfnit. L1PMAN, WOLFE A CO.. GREATEST PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH fiALE. Includes these new planoa. renewed and used pianos and phonographs: Helnse upright, rood condition . . . . lf5 Now England, upright 215 Schubert, large, mahogany 265 Kimball, renewed, oak 895 Haines Bros., quit w 493 Francis Bacon, fine mahogany.... 435 Monarch, new, oak 875 Russell, large walnut 203 Foster Co., rood as new 315 &trlinc. fine tone 295 Pay cash or as little as $2 to $12 a month. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO., Seventh Floor. REDUCED PHONOGRAPHS. BruDswlck. No. 7, mahogany....! 00.00 Stradivara Melody 112.25 Bllvertone, used, mahogany 15.00 Stradivara Harmony 125.00 Columbia, golden oak. used 75.00 A'lttrola. XI. mahogany, used.... 125.00 victrola. XVI. mahogany, new., zia.uu Put he, mahogany, used 90 00 Pay cash or as little as $3. $3 and $3 a month. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO.. Seventh Floor. Washington A Sixth Sta CLEARANCE SALE FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS. $475 Sterling, mahogany, plain $195 $900 Bteinway A Sons, mahugany.. 815 $900 Steger A Sons, mission oak.. 495 $750 Kranlch A Bach golden oak.. $15 $573 Schroeder Bros, fumed oak.. 865 $575 Huntington, golden oak 295 $S00 Reed A Son, grand In upright 595 550 Kimball, large, mahogany.... 293 1573 Kimball, large, mahogany.... 843 $130 Thompson player piano 495 $1300 Sieger player piano, mah 873 $to.M Singer player piano, oak 695 lt00 Thompson player, oak fry 5 $183 Burdett parlor organ 38 !KJ Earhoff parlor organ 23 173 Packard parlor organ.. 18 $165 Kimball, 6-octave organ 48 $175 Kenwood, 7 1-3 oct., piano case 65 Terma iiu to yzb casn, ., d, ia mo. BCHWAN PIANO CO.. Tenth and Stark. RET1R1NG-FROM-BUSINESS SALE. Carloads of Pianos, player Pianos, phonographs, etc.. beig closed out at great sacrifice; we must vacate soon. Pay $3 per morth on a phonograph. Pay $10 per month on a piano. FOLEY-MAEGLY MUSIC CO. 106 Fifth St.. Bet. With, and Stark. Furniture tor Sal. TO IT CAV DO BETTER AT M19H FURNITURE CO. The dining room Is the most used room In the house; make It attractive and homey with new furniture for Thanksgiving. Whether yon come here intend Ing to pay much or little, you will be pleased with our assortment of up-to-date dln'ng room furni ture of all patterns In oak, ma hogany or walnut and more than pleased with our prices. Here Is a bargain you must take advantage of: $6 75 dining room chairs of latest design msde of solid oak with slip seals of Spanish leather, reduced to $4.95 each.' Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 13-100 FIRST ST. TOU CAN T0 BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. If you love beautiful floor cov- , ring, our display of Royal Turk-' ten rugs will interest you. We have tnese wonderful rugs In the most charming patterns and fas cinating colors that anyone could ish for and they are down to pre-war price. Just imagine, we can now offer yiu a 9x12 Royal Turkish rug for only $15. Other ulxca accotdlngly. LSH FURNITURE CO.. 168-190 i'ln t bt. KLINE FURNITURE CO. QUITS BUSINESS. ' ' SALS NOW ON. THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS. 102 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in onr through pool cars; expert parking, r pairing and refinlshing. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. A3 4 lb St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. FURNITURE for sale. William and Mary suite. Including table, chairs and buffet; two 9x12 rugs, reed living room set, large Vlctrola, wh lie ivory bedroom set. Including six pieces; sanitary couch and pad. French gray baby buggy ; all in good condition. 1404 E. Flanders, near 5 2d Ft. IVoKY enaniei Simmon bed with springs and mattress, $7"; Ivory enamel chiffon ier. $25; bedroom rug. $15; W 11 ton rug 9x12. $100; 2 wicker arm chairs, 2 dining chairs, coufh. kitchen table, and chair, cooking utenalls and dishes. Main 13S3 eivmngs. DAVE N PORTS, mfd. to you direct; 30 v aty.es, large assortment of beautiful cov erings from which to select. M lohaelson Mayton. Phone 13"-7. Evenings Tabor n i ! f . r oarer rnau. DON'T SACRlr ICeTout furniture if going east or to California. Wo can save you money on your freight in our throug 1 cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer A Storage Co.. 28 Pine St. BROWN wicker chair and rocker ta match. In excellent condition. $13. Sec tion 1 bookcase, like new, $22 ; Ivory enamel Iron bed and springs, $7. Mar ahnll 17SS. MY HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Mured at 523 Roselawn ave., Tuesday; few tnorough rwl white leghorn pullets, 'L HMTl'hS of a six-ruotu Hat. auitabV for roomers, for sale. Phono East after '3 morn Intra. FURNITURE Few choice antlQuea. Call Wdln. 1561. IN 1 V LRSAL combi nation range; practic wlly new. Wdln. SIH. GAS WATER heater, gas ranee, heater with coll and furnt lure, g. fll 0 1 . Of fb-e Purnlturr. LOWEST PRICES IV CITY ON OFFICE FURNITURE NEW AND USED. Roll, flai-top. typewriter desks, chairs, tables, typewriters and adding ma chines, dictaphone outfit. dictat Ing, transcribing, ahavtng machine. perfect condition, all for $lo. Fire and burglar proof afea. We rent office furniture. 1. C. WAX OFFICE EQUIP. HOUSE. 24 and 2U X. Fifth St.. Bdwy. 2730. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Several plecea of oak office furnRure, good as new. 3x72 and 3tlx flat-top deks; stenographers' deks, chairs, sec tional card file, d ctaphone. etc. 04 RAILWAY EXCHANGE RLDO. FOR SALE 60-inch double desk. oak. j good roll-to p desk. 710 Oasco bldg. DRSKS. CHAIRS. "Piiynorg A Co..,01 Park St. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GL'ARANTHB. -CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. TUB WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 821 Washington St. Main 568 L REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale. rent, exchsnge; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. ."0 com plete with carrying case; auppiiea and repairs for alt makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 9i Fifih St. Main 3S. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. No. 3 . $; also one check protector for $25 fill at HIUcreM hotel, room 217. REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell, supplies. Type- wrmr inBpection o.. 311 uta- m. &54v JTbw. rebuilt second-hand rentala at cut rates. P. I). Co.. 231 Stark at. Main 1407. 1'oultrr. FOR 9ALE Fine thorgutrbDrad Buff Or nirgln pullet and cockerels. Rhode Uiid Reda and White Brahma. Tabor 107 E lth st. N. FOR SALE 50 Rhode laland Reds, mostly pullets and hens at $1 each If you take all. 3910 67th st. S. R. Foil SALE Mallard decoy ducks near Pat ton station, on highway. Box lii, Omton, route 1. FOR SALE 32 Buff and White Leghorn pullets. March and April hatch. 14 lay Ing, H 65 each Woodlawn 4332. logH, Kabblta Blrda and IVt Stovk. BEAUTIFUL white Collie pups; registered look, from Island White Collie Kennel. Sire, "McDougal'e Pride." register No. 276137. Dam, " Bonnie Lassie." register No. 312931, volume 37. American Kennel stud book. B-at strain White Colilea Known. ioor wjn, i( f- 74th N FIR-ST-CIASS Boston terrier puppy; dam "ramers Cry-Baby ; make your own terms In reason. 713 Kearney and 22d. SKINS aud iur tannea. Weal Const Tan- nlng Co.. W2 Tenlno ave. Sell wood 239 s. THOROUGHBRED pit bull pupp.es Tor sale; Call Wdln. 3336. FOR SAl.E Fine, well marked male SL Bernard pups. Phone Tbor 6366. FOUR mother rabbits. $1.50 each! Call Woodlawn 1 023. FOR SALE S full-grown Flemish Uianla, $7. 721 Bruukin, after If. iL FOR SAL. Dogs. Rabbits. Birds and Tel frto k. SELLING OUT! Beautiful birds, genuine St. Andreas- berg. Imported stock; old and young rollers; some green and five females. Call East 674. or call at 667 Multnomah, street. Keg a-od Barrels, KEOS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co.. 806 X. 14th u, near Petty grove. Phone A 519-10. Machinery. FOR SALE ONE 45-TON MARION STEAM SHOVEL. 1-YD. BUCKET; COMPLETELY OVERHAULED; NOW ON R. R. TRUCKS AND HAS ROAD WHEELS EXTRA. TERMS. APPLY PURCHASING AGENT. COBBS A MITCHELL CO, 705 X. W. BK. BLDG. WILL sacra ice practically new 250-ton solid tire press with pressing-off bands and motor complete. inquire State's A j to A Truck Co., 430 Burnside. FOR SALE One gasoline well drilling outfit, capable of drilling to 90OO feet Phone Ma.n 200. 261 12th etet. FOR SALE or rent industrial locomotive crane, 12-ton capacity. Railway Equip ment Co., 235 Stark. 36-iNCH tread. shears, $30.00. Tabor H0. Coal aud Wood. BIG. FINE LUMP COAL, $11.00 a ton delivered Into your bin. Lowest of all in aah, free burning. Intense heat; no ctinkera. bone or slate; holds fire fine. It's Lincoln coal, the coal of no regrets. Western Fuel Co., East 2226. REDUCED $7.50 A LOAD REDUCED. Good sound second -growth cord wood, awed to suit, $15, In 2-load lota. $10 FOR 2 LOADS $10. 16-ln. block and slab mixed, country lab, $5.25 cord; Washington coal, $0 30 ton. OREGON FUEL CO. Wdin. 4102. SPECIAL $5 PER LOAD SPECIAL. Id-inch good sound fir, block and lab mixed, in double load lots. $10; country slab and dry cordwood. 4-foot or sawed; Washington lump coal. $9.30 ton. National fuel to. E.ast NO BETTER WOOD anywhere; east and south side delivery; No. 1 old-growth fir, $7.73 per cord; three or more cords, $7.50 per cord. 447 Main it. Phone Main 3568. BOXWOOD. DRY AND GREEN BLOCK AND SLAB. CORDWOOD AND OAK WOOD. MULTNOMAH FUEL CO. MAIN 5340. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springs, Royal, Owl Creek CoaL Standard Brick A Tils Co.. 83 3th st... bw4B iitark and Oak. Phone Broadway lo. BLOCK and slab, double load. $9.50; 4 foot cordwood, $7.73 per cord; green slab, 8 cords, $15.73; dry Blab, $7. Broadway 4110. GROUND BOG fuel ana sawduai In car loads or truck lota. Western Cooperage Co., Columbia 02. WOODS AW. When wanting- your vt ood aawecd oatl Kelly. East o840. TAYLOR FUEL CO., wood and coaR. Price reasonable. Call Wdln. 1W-5 or Bd-wy. 3914. Boxwood and slabwood. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co.. 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4173. DRY, LIGHT planer trimmings, big loads; Woodlawn, Alberta. Kenton delivery. Wood;awn 1390 after F. -M. FOR SALE Old growth lir wood, coal and Inside slab wood ; delivered any place. F. F. Allen. Auto. 625-78. ATLAS FUEL CO., under new manage ment; wholesale and retail; short-order wood and coal. 827 Front. Main 8217. FLKXack (wood) A-l old-growth heavy ba rk fir. tS cord. Sell. 875. DRY CORDWOOD, $7 per cord, delivered In 2-cord lop Wdln. nol. 10-INCH fir block and slab mixed, $itf In 2-load lots. Wdln. 4102. . FIRST-GROWTH wood for ale, $7.50 the A NO. 1 OLD-GHOWTH crawood at $7.73 pr cord., l-'none Tat-'f olJ-i FOR FIRST-CLASS wrscaage wood, any size or length. East 8225. 4-FOOT No. 1 fir and heavy country slab wood. Main H133. BKfaT old-growth rir cordwood. dry, $3 per cord ae.iwooa at-. DRY 10-inch old growth. $7 50; second rrowth. .5W loan, 'fnone png-c1. SLAUW00D. 43 pr cord Portland; car l.mil lot b only. Call Main 5'J10. NO 1 OLD-GIIOWTH cordwood, bona dry, $S a cord, east side. Phone 616-S7. 4 -FOOT block and railroad ties, also 16-ln. block wood Mar. 2W43. A-l OLD-GROWTH fir cordwood. $6 at our yarq. nro uway t nn. oeuw uijit j WOOD cut from 3-xl2. 4x12. 12x12 timber. fnons oraer 10 .vain 1 ou. FIRST-GROWTH wood. dry. $7.75 cord; r raits and Veg ' tub tea. CABBAGES In any quantity from 10O Sounds up, delivered to your piece 01 uslness in Portland or Vancouver un orated. at 2c a pound; crated at 2Sc a pound. Call Broadway 3413 and leave orders. CONCORD grapes, 3c a pound on vines; bring containers. 35th and Kins. Mil waukee. CONCORD srapes, 5c pound; apples, many varieties cheap. Curtis Fruit Ranch, B ane Lin e road. 1 mile E. Montavilla. HOOD RIVER HAND-PICKED SPITZEN Bl'BO APPLES. $1.35 A BOX DE LIVERED. WOODLAWN" 901. CONCORD grapes. 6c a lb. delivered. Main 6358. Mlwellnne'ou!!. STOVE, Infant's clothea, ladles clothes that could be made over; shnea. bundle of pieces. Must be sold by Wed. Will wll che:ip. 620 Union ave N. HOOD RIVER SPITENBERG APPLES. $1.35 a box, delivered and guaranteed; good cooking potatoes, $2.35. Woodlawn BEAUT I KUL Reliable gas range with large, high oven, splendid baker; In fine condition; cheap. 80 E. 8th. corner RtsrK. SHOW CASE, scales, cash register, safe, mirror and barber shop outfit. 240 Washington t. HUDSON seal coat, trimmed with beaver and m'nk; alsxj munkrat coat. For sale nt snap prices. Phone East SOi. DIE HoLD safes, new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 4H Front t. Broanway ihbh. FERTILIZER, well-rotted cow manure; full mt-asure guaranteed : delivered in any part of city. Woodlawn 6233. PILES can be permanently curea without operation. Call or writ Dr. Daan, So- pna anu jiui ' imui. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045, FOR SALE Black pony sicin coat, small size, like new. Call Monday or after. fti-TS. LADIES, save money by buying from me. Mis. Shaw, 927 E. Hurt st. Phone East ."020. High-class uaed garments. A BLUE SERGE suit, slse 36 to 38, silk lined; good condition; $15. Tabor 82S. 109 E. 3mh. WELL ROTTED cow manure, full 2-yard load. $3. Columbia 414. UNIVERSAL combination range; prac tlcally new. Wdln. 891. GAS COIL, hot water heater, used two months, cheap. 331 1 45th at. S. B. OFFICE sale; Iirst reasonable offer accept ed. X 1V2. Oregor.ian. LADY'S long coat, size 3d, cost $33; will oil for $10. 2i6 Hall at BURROUGHS adding machine, late model, big bargiin. 304 Oak st. BRAND new air-frlclion carburetor for Ford ear. 50. Tabor 1W0. ELECTRIC fixtures tor a rooms. $15. 2l)7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 42.8 BURROUGHS calculator, nearly new; guar anteed; snap. 3i4 Oak at- GRAY reed baby buggy, in first-ciaaa con ditlon. r.utt 1nt st.. apt. 5. For SALE A Bm-c.au pair of dicta- SAFE, second-hand, in good shape, 22x16. EVERYTHING electrics 1 repaired ; quick service, low charges. Phone Bdwy. 4w. STAR A STAR" snlngita direct from mliT Call Taylor-stre etdock. Ma ia 8065. WOODSTOCK NURSERY Walnut ioS irUU ira. wrnn, rvmrw AUt. ClQ-gft. jTOR SALE Cash regUier. safe, adding machine, ahowcas!. 43 let st,. near Asa. bECOND-HAND tents ana oarers for sale. Pacific Teat A Awning Co.. No. 1 it LADIES good looking used apparel In a hme: reasonable. Tabor 2-'.V St-KEEN doors, wludoaa. mirrors, furni ture repairing, cabinet work. Wdln. 14S7. SHINGLES. PROADWAT 1371. BLACK a tin pumps, new, cost $13. lake 13. 5H C. Marshall. 3293. EXPERT STOVE REPAIRING. WALNUTS AND CHESTNUTu. Bowmao farm. Base Line road and Falrvtew ave TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc 240 K. Uh. Thone East 210. BUR BANK books, new set. bargain. 444 Kamapo note!. wpea-nas or eveninga. SECOND-HAND oven, dough mUera. eta BC 91. Oregonlan. ALL KINDS of new lumber. We can save u monev. is d w y. 1 i FOR SALE Gs range. I E. Grant at.. nar eevema. FOR SALE. MiM-eilnnrous. 4 GAS OVENS. For sale, Roberta portable ovens, three ingle-deck else, bold 60 targe loaves; one thre-deck pastry slse. Can be easily moved. 8e Mr. -Patterson, ninth floor. MEIER A FRANK CO. EAST MONET. GAS RANGE. RELIABLE. LARGE SIZE, LIKE NEW. PAT ENT LIGHTER. RIGHT-HAND OVEN; ENAMEL DRIP PANS; WORTH $123. PRICE TODAY $45. 2314 COLUMBIA ST., VAN COUVER. WASH. KLINE FURNITURE CO. QUITS BUSINESS. SALE NOW ON. THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS. 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. PAUL WATER SYSTEMS. Run by electricity or gas engine. Fill automatically. Expert will Install one of these plants for you at exceptionally low price $123 and up. Call Barnes, Brdy. 1460 Northwest Auto Co., ISth and Al der. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory showroom and save 1-3; all styles; finest selection. Come and see. You are under no obli gations to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. ?07 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253 LOWEST PRICES ON NEW AND USED OFFICE FURNITURE, adding machine, typewriters, time clocks, dictaphones, check writers. See us before you buy. WE RENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT. D. C. WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE, 24-20 N. FIFTH BROADWAY 2739. FOR SALE Party leaving city wlshe to sell child's full size white enameled crib, high chair, rocking chair, go-cart, kiddle car. Infant's rubber bath tub. and baby coop. All articles practically new. Phone East 6922. 673 Hancock LADIES. Are you weary or exhausted after landing all day on your feet? If ao. be fore ou sit down for a rest ue a warm water waah with Takara Antiseptic Pow der ; 50c and $1 box. Portland Hotel rnarmacy THE FOLKS back home will cherish and appreciate a aouvenir from Oregon. Send them something useful as well as beautiful. Oregon agate Jewelry mount ed in sol.d gold. A wonderful selection to choose from. Moderately priced. Miller, next door to Majestic theater. SEWING machine, new and second-hand, old for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all make); ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 1HO Third St., near Taylor. Main 9431. WHY A SUBSTITUTE rooter? Why not a genuine and permanent roofer? We re- Eair, rubber bond and rejuvenat all lnds ot warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs. Phone Broadway 79. IK DAV1IS CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH, Olvte IT UP. only genuine watcn matariaia 1 ua viu s, Jeweters ar d Opticians. $43 Washington St.. at Broadway. FOR SALE Law library of C. J Bright, deceased. Thoroughly complete and in firat-claas condition. Oregon Reports and best pubiicatlona. Terms. Al library In every respect. Inquire C. L. Popper. The Dalles. Or. $ SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, old and exchanged; ea&y terms If de sired. NORP.IS SAFE A LOCK CO., 103 Second St. Main 2045. SIB LOCO plpelesa furnace. $79.60, $135, $lo2, superior to any. regardless of price; best guarantee, hundreds sold, not one taken out. Don't be misled. Signed I. F. Woodruff, 1291 Mallory ave., Woodlawn 21 03. MAKE a small payment and wear your eye glaspes and spectacles as you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second floor, Oregonlan bldg. NEW automatic Westinghouse ranee, used 2 months; cost $220; will sell for $150; perfect condition; large white enameled refrigerator, cost $110. will sell for $40; also small refrigerator for $10. Sell. 2633. 2u DROPHEAD sewing machines, $12.50 to $45; Singers, New Homes, Whites, W. W. ; all makes machines rented and repaired. . R, 8 teen, lo2 Grand ave. East 23o9. HOT WATER TANKS, 80 gal., $7; 40 gal.. $9; tested, guaranteed; stove and fur nace coils gas heaters installed; plumb ing. East Side Welding shop, 203 Adams. East 8516. I HAVE 2 Columbia dictating and 1 transcribing machine, also a shaving ma chine; latest model and In fine condi tion: will sell part or whole equipment H 102. oregonlan MRS. 8. W. HERMAN, apparel shop, ladies' and gents' clothes bought, sold and exchanged; beat prices. 2tt4 Park st., near Jefferson. Marshall 100 9. CASH registers and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired Portland Cash Register Scale Ex- change. 226 Stark sL DUCK shooting privilege. Wednesdays and Sundays, on fed lakes; Mallard decoys; Sauvies island; auto or bus. 1 hour' d nve, V 137. Oregonian. AMERICAN EXTENSION LAW COURSE for sale at bargain; guarantee to pass bar examination upon completion of course. Main 5774. 401 Columbia bldg. ALASKA WRECKING CO. AH kinds of building material and wood for sale, yard 2d ami Columbia. Main 6132 CHEAP FOR CASH, one studio camera. 8x10. with Dailmeyer lens that cost $-TN; one new Conley view camera, 3x7. 4104 Second street. OHIO vacuum cieaner in excellent condi tion; will sell for $13. Call evenings. East 34 IS. FOR KENT Electric vacuum cleaner, Mon. to Mon., $1, or S5c per day, de livered anywhere. Wdln. 1259. CHEAP Uned Axminster carpet for large find room. 42H Columbia M. Marahall 2277 or Main 2473. PAIR Hannon's Oxfords, worn about two hours, sue 4 HA; will Mil at a sacrifice. oonlawn 12H PHONE East 318.- lah-Ka-Bibble Com pany. Rugs, carpets and upholstery cleaned. IF iuO appreciate spiendid watcn repair log or jewelry repairing. Miller, next door to Majestic theater. CHUNKY little orchard team, guaranteed to work anywhere, at a real bargain. Tabor 9033. THE 8c HEMSTITCHING SHOP RE OPENED. One yard free with this ad. 330 MohawK bldg . over Roberta Bros. FOX FURNACE, gas water heater, boiler and stove for sale cheap, 833 Union ave. North. FOR SALE Full vulcanising equipment, a bargain. 512 Mississippi ave, or Main 7273. room 3. VELOUR coal, mink collar; velour serge d reM ot h e r dresses, very cheap ; fox fur. Marshall 2250. apt. 11. UL'NTtKa, attention; gun repaired, work guaranteed, price reasonable. Courthouse locksmith. 203 Salmon at. LICENSED independent electrician wires g room for $12. 5 for 820, guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 3791. KODAKS. We daka buy. Mil, rent and exchange ko Sandy, 329 Wathington t. ATTENTION--Fur skins and hides bought or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co ft3 Tenlno ave. Sell wood 2393. RUMMAGE seJe. 129 First St.. near 8 i m on'e. Nov. 2 and 3. Open at 8 A. M. TWIN baby carriage. Write Dial apt.. No. 23. 7t0 E. Ankeny. FOR BALE At TOMOBILES. 1917 CHALMERS 7-paaa. $125 down, bal ance of $250 at $25 per month. W. C. Garb. Inc.. Broadway at Burnalde st. WE PUT steel teeth In your oid fiwaiel; crankshaft turning. H. B. Black ma chine shop. 334 Aider. Bdwy. 2&3L STUDEBAKER, ft-peaa., 4-cyl., $200; $76 down, balaace in 10 months. W. C. t , .rhe. Inc.. Broadway at Burnsfde. CADILLAC. '14, 7-pasa. ; new paint, new top, run like new; bargain $65u. terana See Lyman. 814 Railway Exchange. 1921 FORD touring in excellent condition; brand new rubber; will aacrifice. Call Morrail. Tabor 4725 FOR SALE Bargain, 5-pasaenger Stude baker car. In good shape. Call Wood lawn 5462. CHEAP A Ford delivery. No dealera A real bargain for cash. Main 8234. 107 H nth at. William Bernstein. BUCK light four touring, forced aale; will sacrifice or trade as first payment on hnu. Broadway 32.1.' FOR BALE Studebaker 4, $vu. &a Prea- cult L FOR HALF AUTOMOBILES, THE RAINY SEASON Is here; the roof on the old bus leaka he needs to be overhauled for satisfac tory service during the cold and wet weather. Bring her down to our used car department and trade her In on one of our thoroughly conditioned used cars with a new top and In fine mechanical condition. We have a fine selection to choose from. Cash or terms on the dif ference. Stude-baker light 6 .". $1025 Studebaker 18-6 De Luxe 450 Studebaker 1915 light 4 275 Studbaker 17-6, 3-pasa. roadster. . 425 8tudebaker 18-4 touring 3"0 1917 Chalmers for quick sale 860 1918 Bulck coupe 1245 1120 Buick 1050 Hupmoblle, 5-pas. INS 1917 Mitchell light mix 493 1919 Maxwell roadster 273 1919 Moon. S-pass. j 750 1020 Oakland touring 673 1919 Oakland sedan 65 Overland 5-pass u 250 Oldsmobile Pacemaker I(xr0 Paige light six .X 350 Packard, second series 4..... 1500 Plerce-Arrow. 6-86 sport 750 WIIlys-Knlght, 5-pass 645 1917 Velie, wire wheels, new tires. 425 Old cara taken In trade. One week's trial. 100 per cent satisfaction. W. C. GARBE. INC. Burnsid at Broadway. SACRIFICE SALE GOOD USED CARS. As we are retiring from retail business to engage In wholesale business exclusively we are selling our remaining stock of used cars at far leas than cost.' We have a small stock of good, light cars. In first-class condition throughout. Also two latest model Oakland touring car demonstrators In Al shape at a low figure. At the low prices established these cars will go quickly. Come In at once and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. " NORTHWEST OAKLAND CO., " 844 Burnside St Phone Broadway 82. LOOK I LOOK! LOOKI Come across the river and see with your own eye the valuea thai we are of fering. Term. 1921 Ford touring. 1920 Ford touring. 1918 Ford touring. JWI Bulck toL-ri'-g. 1917 Buick touring. 1920 Essex touring. 1920 Stephens touring. 1920 Chalmers touring. 1919 Oldsmobile 8 touring. 1917 Packard Six touring, stage car. Lota of bugs, both r'ord and Caevro let a THH USED CAR WAREHOUSES, Grand Ave. at East Taylor SU "Portland' Largest Used Car Store." . REBUILT BUTCKB. We have the only complete stock la the city. Thoroughly overhauled. Repainted. New top and tlrea. Guarantee and service same as new Buick. Priced $750 up. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO., BUICK DISTRIBUTORS. Alder at 12th St. Phonae 662-4L Broadway 1130. AUTHORIZED FORD CORNER AT BROADWAY AND DAVIS. Some wonderful, valuea in used cars from a reliable dealer: li20 Ford touring, exceptional con dition . . . r $350 1919 Ford tourfng. fully equipped... 300 1918 Ford touring, fully equipped... 200 1917 Ford roadster, some value 175 1917 Bulck 4. a good little car 225 1920 Chevrolet delivery, panel body, coM. new $1100 875 15 other used cars at a wonderful aac rifice 15. New Fords on easiest term on Pacific coast. Open until 10 o'clock eveninga. Wil. L. HUOHSON COMPANY, Authorized Ford Dealers. Broadway at Davis. Broadway 821. SACRIFICE SALE. A private party has left with us to ell; Apperaon 8, 7-passenger car, 1920 model. In perfect order. PIERCE-ARROW COUPE. Two-passenger car in perfect running order. TRAILER. Two-wheel trailer, with canvas top ; new. m The best cash offer takes these cars. , BROADWAY GARAGE. East 24th St.. Corner Broadway, AUCTION SALE of automobiles Thursday evening, 7:30 o'clock, November 8, 1921. To be sold to highest bidder, 1918 Roamer 4 passenger, one 1918 Lexing ton chummy, ope 1919 Chevrolet tour ing, one 1918 Ford touring, one 1919 Nash chummy, one 1917 Chevrolet. Many others to select 'from. The Auction House, corner 6th and Everett. THESE ARE BARGAINS. Overland $123.00 Ford . 1 30.OO Maxwell. 1917 200.00 Cadillac, -new tire 2,"0.O Several Fords $173 to 423.00 LANG A SILVA. 4fl2 Hawthorne. I DROVE into Portland from Montana yeeterday, en route to California, with almost new, late model CADILLAC SUBURBAN (Closed type.) Batinest calls me back Immediately. Will sacrifice for a quick spot cash aale. Room 414 Benson hotel. lt21 HAINES TOURING CAR. Just the same as new; only un few hundred miles; price wu $3450; my price is $190o; $1250 cash, balance on term Call and see me at the Benton hotel, room 35, corner Broadway and Alder. $00 CHALMERS BUG $60. This bug,' I In good mechanical con dition, good tlrea. 2 nearly new cords; a big bargain; easy terms; $25 down, balance $1Q a month. Phone East 1162. 1920 BUICK TOURING. In the very beat of condition; bumper, spotlight, spare tire, looks and runs to perfection. Will sell reasonable, some terms if desired. Thl car has never been sbuwd. Call ownr. East 1641. litzl FORD ruadater with starter, de mountable rims; never been off the pave ments; good tlrea with extraa. I need the money. Will sell for $363. Call Mr. Moore. East 8678. 1918 FORD speedster, good tire, excellent mechanically, will demonstrate; only S.0 dowp, balance $15 per month. East CHEVROLET touring; very latest design; positively cannot be told from new car. Wilt sacrifice for $550. Some terms. Phone owner. E. 178. A GOOD 5-pass, car to trad in on a lot; Rose City district preferred. HARRY BECK WITH. 104 5th st. Main FORD coupe, 192U ; large Decker wheel, speedometer, extra tire; this car Is In splendid condition. Will aell for $535. East 4S99. 1918 DODGE, 5-paas new tires, re-si mo n lzed. A-l mechanically, $650; terms W. C. Garbe, Inc., Broadway at Burn-' p11- st 19U0 CHEVROLET, Just rebuilt, good tlrea, a little dandy: only 4360: one-third down; a year to pay the balance. East 623-4. COUPE. Beautiful ear In fine condition: moet be sold this week : no reasonable offer refused. Phone East 1977 STUDEBAKER, 3-pasa. 6-cyl.. $125 down balance $250 In 10 months. W. C Garbe, Inc.. Broadway at tiurnsiae. I H"kVE a new l'J21 Essex touring car. cost $1795 as equipped; can be bought at a real sacrlfi-. W 18, Oregonlan, 1119 FORD roadfter. 1'K down, balance of $150 10 months. W. C Garbe, Inc., Broadway at Burnside. FORD coupe. 1920. Mechanicaliy O.K. $100 In extra. Sacrifice $125.00. Some terms. Bdwy 4S35. 1920 FORD touring, starter, demountable rims. aped3meter; good condition, S350. Marsh. 17. 1921 FORD aedan. $75 worth e xtras; will I ilr09. i take tAring la iraae, ast FOR SAI-E ArTOMOBTTJKS. CO EVS ORIGINAL 1 PulNTS. We are handling Dodge Bros.' motor cars and the Cadillac. Two of the moat popular new cara on today's market. Approximately 80 per cent of new ear ales involves a trade. New car business Is positively con trolled by naed-car sales. Used car traded in are of necessity purchased at very low figures. W must dispose of these used cara with the least possible resistance. Good value and satisfsctory car only can produce this low resistance. We rebuild and reflnlsh uayd care to make them satisfactory. These belter cars must under-prlce all local competition. Regardless of cost or profit we fol.ow this policy. Better car than these are not possi ble. Lower prices are not probable. 0 Special aale are not competitive. Your friend are entitled to thl Infor mation. Tell them. DODGE BROS. MOTOR CARS. 1916 Dodge Brother touring $ B73 1917 Dodge Brothers touring 650 1918 Dodge Brother touring 723 1918 Dodge Brbthera roadster 700 1918 Dodge Brother sedan! 1130 1019 Dodge Brother touring $00 1919 Dodge Brothers roadster 773 1920 Dodge Brothers tourtng 9O0 1920 Dodge Brother roadster 875 1921 Dodge Brothers camp car.... loot) 1919 Liberty Sport model 1150 1916 Twin Six Packard Landaulette 2i50 1919 Hudson Limousine, a wonder ful taxlcab 1919 4-pasenger Roamer 15n0 1918 Scripps-Booth coupe 11 SO 1920 Oldsmobile "8." touring 1250 1920 Oldsmobile .' touring 885 1919 Oldsmobile touring "6" 800 19i:o Chandler, a very fine car 12H 1917 Chandler coup 890 "H1S Chandler touring, new tires.. 7o0 191 W Haynes touring, only 1350 1920 Haynes touring 130 1917 Studebaker touring 1918 Studebaker coupe, a real buy 600 1919 Studebaker Big Six. 7-pa.. 1350 1919 Studebaker '4' ,rtH0 1919 Apperson touring lon 1920 Maxwell aedan. excellent car 9.'0 3120 King "V 130 1919Premier. 4-passenger I-" 192"fchevrolet 490 sedan 700 1920 Chevrolet Roadster In fine h.n. 425 lftrt Chevrolet touring 450 1919 Chevrolet touring 8.5 1920 Ford touring 0 1020 Overland 4 sedan, rebuilt.. 700 1917 Franklin. 4-pasaenger. serlea 9-A," underpriced and an ex cellent car for IWft llrnnblln InnrlnV 1(00 1920 Buick. 7-passenger 1250 1920 Bulck, 5-psenger 11 191H Chummy Stutx. wonderful oar 1630 -IO.10.-00 TT.nH.il Vlurfann aneedatcr.. J 5"0 1919 Peerless 8 touring only '1385 DELIVERY CARS. lf18 Dodge Brothers, panel de11v..$ 750 1918 Dodge Brothers, screen 700 iota taHvs TiT-ntHi- aereen. an " :;;..,., ;.r fnr poo 1918 Buick delivery 30 1918 Chevrolet delivery, new cord 3 tire, excellent car for 30 Aleo a big display at our laliroom downtown. Call at the salesroom most convenient for you. Our automobile transportation make It quickly possible for you to look over our entire stock. BROALUVAY USED CAR BRANCH 28-30 NTBroartway. Main 6244. CADILLACS. ' The percentage of price reduction as compared to the percentage of to1 available mileage consumed In a used, rebuilt and refinlshed Cadillac Is o much greater that the actual value far exceed that of aome new car of ' equal cost. All cara guaranted and old on easy terms. We Are Open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. ?1st at Washington St. Main 6244. REAL BARGAINS! 1918 Chevrolet touring $"J J.019 Chevrolet runabout 8-5 1917 Chevrolet delivery 1JJ 1916 Dodge roadster 1916 Dodge touring "30 1920 Oakland touring 675 1019 Oldsmobile runabout 43 1917 Chalmers runaftout 45 1916 Maxwell touring 193 1917 Overland touring 275 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, E. 3770 Grand Ave, and Hawthorne. SNAP OAKLAND 6 TOURING. GOOD CONDITION. FIVE GOOD TIRES. SPOTLIGHT; $350. ON TERMS, DISCOUNT FOR CASH. 695 ALBERTA ST.. WOODLAWN 5054. 1920 BUICK touring car. like new; fine mechanical condition, almost new, cord tires, bumper, spotlight, rear view mir ror; extra tire tube and tire cover. A f-ap for $1100. Must be sold at once. Phone Tahor 4459. 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH. ' SPORT MOD KIT.. Thl car I rn fine mechanical condi tion; all cord tires: a big bargain, on easv terms. Prrnne East 10C2. luift CHEVROLET 490 touring car. In the best of condition mechanically. Can give some terms to responsible party If desired. Call Mr. Btggerstaff, Bdwy. 24Jt. . WTTPMDRILE 1018. Good finish, rubber and motor; $330 takes this car out. balance easy; win take Ford In trade. Call Woodlawn 3950. STUDEBAKER ROADSTER. Just been completely overhauled. In perfect mechanical- condition. Unusual ly cheap If taken at once. Call Aut 321-87. between 2 and 5 P. M. 9-A FRANKLIN. Here la a real bargain; has new top and battery, lust overhauled; consider Ford. 30 N. 20th at., apt. 10. Marahall 1652. ; FOR SALE FORDS. Ford roadeter. rood shape $2nft Ford chassis, overhauled 160 LAFFAW MOTOR CO.. 84 . gth LIGHT fi-passenger sedan, cheap; original paint, $ wire wheel and tires; good as new; term. Call Mr. Stuart, Broad- wav flo.-s. 1918 CHANDLER touring, in fine condi tion; 'always owned privately. See it for $773. Take Ford or Dodge as part payment. Call Broadway 3ft I H. LATE FORD SEDAN", with lota of extraa, a bargain. 134 N. Broadway. STEVENS ROADSTER. ALMOST NEW; . WILL SELL REASONABLE OR TRADE FOR UNINCUMBERED CITY PROPERTY. P. O. BOX 3205. FORD TOURING. look like new, only $275. Cor. Broadway and HoyL 1919 OAKLAND touring caTTnoeRt me chanical condition; new paint and good tires all around. Sell at low price. Call Broadway 3648. 1921 FORD touring, run 2400 miles; shocks, speedometer, dashllrht, foot throttle; will sell at discount lor quick sale. Call W ri ; n. 39M). HAVE 1922 Ford touring, brand new; will consider 1920 or 1921 Ford touring In trade. I need the money. Phone East 77R2. 1918 BUiCK six touring car, in best con dition. See this car and you'll want It. I will sell for $750. Call Broadway 8l. 1920 FORD sedan with good tires, bumper, shocks and other extras; run 5000 milea, only $525. It's a bargain for quick sale. Phone Tabor 1840. HUPMOB1LE SEDAN. Fine condition every way ; sacrifice for $S0O. term a Sea thia. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 3ZSL MY 1920 PEERLESS 8 touring car. In best condition, hardly used, cost $3390, will sell mine for $2300. Call Broadway S048. OLDS 6. late 19. used very little ; looks like new; 5 good tires. Will sell below market price and give easy term. Call Jlarsnau one. r HAY E a peppy Alien touring car I must sell this weelc. New car costs $1395; will sell mine for $375. Call Broadway S648 todxy ELEGANT STEPHENS COUPE. Like new. Run about 5500 mi lee. Must ell. Call and ee It at 140 Front u Main 170. Sunday Tabor 917. CIRCUMSTANCES force sale of late model light six. looks and runa like new, $500. E. 7005. 1918 CiLEVROLET touring, model 4'jO, good condition; must sell at once $335. Phone Woodlawp 5ft49. FORD coupe, 1921, all coin p let with many extraa; run 3000 miles; will sell for $475 Phone Tabor 1271. 1920 FORD touring, starter, demountable rims, good condition; run 4ou0 mile only $335. Phone Tabor 8079. 1(921 DODGE touring, only run 3500 mllea a good a new; will sacrifice: will con ider some terms. East 6234. PAIGE 7-PASS. Splendid condition. You will want It at $750. terms. Mr. Senn. Bdwy. 3281. LAI E Chand.er Dispatch; this car cannot be old from new. A wond-erful buy. You can have terms. Tahor 7817. r PAIGE CHUMMY. Light 6, fin condition every way. eac rlflce for $9QO. Mr. Senn. Bdwy. 3281. CONDITIONS make me offer my nearly new. $1900 light six car for $875. E. 7063. ONE 1919 DODGE delivery truck. Al con dition, 4 new cord tires: make me an offer. Phone Harmon. Auto. 022-27. CHEVROLET, late model, good tires, new top. excellent mechanically; only $75 dnwn. balance 2Q per month. East 62.X4. LATE model Baby Grand ChevroJet; can give easy term to responsible party if desired. Phone Wdln. 30o2. $7.'.0 BUYS 190 Bahy Grand ChevroleL Cn give terms. Phone SHI. 8071. ROA MER. $1400 Will tke smaller car. AiaxkhaU lo3, Sunday or eveninga. FOR 9 LB ArTOMOBILF. HUDSON AND ESSEX. An'nmnhiu, s ttav been re built or renewed are In the best if mechanical condition they are torie warrant new cara In ad dition, we give 90 day free me chanical service. . Thia la not new on Hudson automobile. W have rebuilt ana old them with a warranty lnce 116. You buy a fine quality car with the aam safety an ben you purchase a new automobile. Buy a car you can depend upon and at a bargain price, . .. m Other make of ud automobile thoroughly overhauled. put ,n first-ciaas condition and sold wit n a 10 days free trial, subjeet te being returned and full credit given on any other car of equa price that customer may eeiect. This gives ample time for vrT Eurchaaer to try out the car ne uys, givea him time to have K in spected, and w want only " fied customer. -Watch the change In thia list ot car: Three Super-Six Hudson. .. 7 $1050 to $11 1917 Hudson speedster '- 1050 1918-1919 serlea Hudson Super gjx 120 1920 Hudson"SuperSlx I?5? 1920 Hudson apeedster 1918 Ford 275 1919 Fsaeg 1920 Essex .. 1918 Maxwell 1919 Maxwell 83 J023 400 575 Brand new Maxwell roadster $725. You can aave $310 on this little car. We also have four late model. , Maxwell demonstrators In first clas condition, including spare tires, at $650 each, A saving to you of $385. lfll Grant Big "...-$ 3910 Chalmera Six J 1917 Bulck 3918 Dodge l,) 3919 Dodge JJjJ 3919 Olda Six 5 1918 Olds Eight 0(W 1919 Liberty Sport model-.. 90 1920 Chandler 1 1920 Chandler dispatch 1100 Cadillac 8 1200 1921 Olds SIX 1?00 3918 Cole 8. Snort model,,.. 1330 1919 Olda Sedan 100 Largest Used Car Branch Store la the City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Eveninga Phone at Branch Store. Broadway 5730. Also a Display at Our Salesroom, 615-617 Waahing ton atreet; open week day only. C. L. BOCS AUTOMOBILE CO. STEPHENS AND OAKLAND AGENCY. Oakland 5 passenger , $40 Oakland 5 passenger 2V Fcrippa roadster 830 Bulck. 1918. 5 passenger 850 Chevrolet 495. 6 passenger 873 Ttort m rni A mtmr 673 Overland, ft passenger 4nfl Packard 4-cyl, "18" 2n Oldsmobile 6. 6 passenger 650 AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 475 Morrison at 14th. Broadway 8606. 1820 STUTZ 4-PASSENGER. Ths car Is In tbe very best of condition, eoulpned with 6 wire wheels. w'nd deflectors, c'.ork. bumper and lots of other ertras: will sacrifice nd give Ilberat terms: am leaving c'ty and muit have aome cash Immediately. CALL EAST 7838. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU PTT OR PTTTL A V ATTnMO. PILE. WF FUPMRH THt MONEY. OUR PTCRVTCE WILL PLE ASH! YOU. OREGON BOND A- MORTGAGE CO . 207 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. priDOES. DODOTSS. 1020 coune. repainted, 5 tire and wir wheels. lftis Port r a. refinlshed, with 5 cord tlrea. $650. 1916 Dodge, renovated through out. $43A W. C. GARBfll. TN. Burnside at Broadway. 101 ft 6. A-1 mechanical con dltlon. cord tlree. new batteries. Have been holding tnli car at a much hlcher prlre thin I am now asking ha It Is rnnn tno mon" v. Am rrcn ro sen, $6-10 tke It. Term a Call Mr. Fergu won. Bdwy. 1572. 1920 BUTCK TOURTNG. In the verr best of condition: bumper, spotlight, spare tire, looks and runa to perfection. Will !1 for $1150, aome terms if desired. This car has never been abused. Call owner. East 8641, GPK T stage or mall ear. $600. TTurtextn uper '6 In hand of flnanelnr companv; can be- taken over for amount of loan. GslUmor. 1208 Rodney ave.. Portland. Phone Wdln. 5590. af F R rFH 4 PASSENHFR. pPonTVODEL, $873. CALL EAST 530. lftlft ELGIN 1t. In excellent phane, with cord tlrea. Owner must sacrifice and will consider any reasonable trad. $?o.o will handle the f1rt payrnnt on this rar. K4? AMer St. Brfwv. 1723 WE CARRY a f'lll line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etr. Also do towing. Open dav and night. LONG A 8ILVA Phone Faft 6S40. 462 Hawthorne. BTG SIX STT-DRBAKF-R. 1021 eerlee, wip-rh mecban'eat condi tion, cord tlr and rxtraa 8160O: trm T.la'ht cer taken as part payment. Senn, BIO USED CARS PRICES STOCK RIGHT. N Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. BfTCK roadster. D 43 model, good tlrea, first-olas mechanical condition, leaving the city and want quick sale. Marshall ?4ft FORD TOURTVfl, look good and has lot of extraa, $235. 184 N. Broadway. AUTOMOBILES ar auction every Thurs day evening. 7 SO o'clock, and again at 1 o'clock on Raturdav. The Auction House, corner 6th and Everett. 1P20 FORD COupr. only $483. Comer Broadway and Hoyt. 1920 PAIGE U1HT SIX. Must eacrifice : tioon for quick; mil, terme. Compare this with any buy In town. Mr. A "go. Bd-wy. 3281. LATFI FORD truck, wing body, runa like new. Cor. Grand and JC Yamhill. FRANKLIN. 3919 touring, good condition, will sell or trade for lot In any good district. Call Main 4982. LATE model Bulck sedan, first-class con. dltlon. $1000, half cash, balance mort gage. Ar 4703. 1VJ0 FORD touring, $375; with starter and demountable rims; get thia at Wood'awn 3930. $615 BUYS 1918 Oldsmobile In splendid condition; term. Mr. Colburn, Bdwy. 321. WILL trade my late model light touring car for a good phonograph. East 62.", 4 . AM FORCED to offer my 3-pasa late light six. In perfect condition. $5QQ. g. 7o63. 1916 OLDS 4: eaay terms: win tag small d o wn pa y ment. A ut. 64 8-23. 1917 GRANT touring, used privately; will trade for Ford.' Fast P374. LIGHT roadster, good rubber., paint and extras: terms. Broadway 8605. JVILL trade 1920 5-passenger Bulck for BuicK roqster. cast ou-ta or Bdwy. 4760. OAKLAND 5-pasenser, rebuilt; five good 1res; guaranteed. Broad war S6Q.V SEE ME before buying Hudson; save money. Owner. Main 396Q. 1920 FORD sedan, used privately, $600. 1?0 Union ave.. upFtalr. 1916 HUP 4 touring, Al shape, new tire; racrl'lce for $450. East 5374. 1917 FORD touring, extras; sacrifice, $165. 130 Union ave.. upstairs. CHEAP for cash. 1918 Ford roadster. Call Woodlawn 2195. 192U FORD coupe, like new ; will take roa dute- In trade. East 4376. BEST USED CAR values at 342 Burnside L, nar Broadway. Broadway 3G4d. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. A VELIE. J Pin light 6. with wire wheels, for quick sale $350: terma W. C. Oarhe, Inc.. Broadway at mirnsiat. SPECIAL OFFER 3-pasa K 4i Buick. I year old. at a bargain. Call Selwood 242. No agen ts. HITMOH1LK 32. touring car, $73 down, balance $10 a month for 1J. months. W. C. Garbe. Inc.. Broadway at Burnside. FOR KALE 5-passenger Oakland 6, first class condition, good top and good paint; f.i'.V Phone Main 250. 261 12th treet. SACRIFICE. 1918 Chevrolet touring In ex cellent shape for $250. Some terma I'hone E. 178. 191 i FORD touring. (75 down, balance of $130 in 10 equal payments. W. C Garb. Inc., Broadway at Burnside. CADILLAC 4-o-llnder. electric ilghta, elf-starter, four good cord tire; $54. EaM 612 Hancock. DANDY little 3-pasa. Dodco, only $430; trma, $150 down. W. C. Garbe, Inc.. Broadway at Burnside. MODEL EE-45 Bulck. $100 under price: your own terms or trade for Ford. Call Woodlawn S930. BUG, demountable rims. 5 tires, magneto, $S5. $30 down. W. C. Garbe, Inc., Broad way at Burnside st. UUPMOBILE 1919 touring; good shape; $700; $.100 cash. Owner leaving town thia week. Mar. 16S9. '18 STUDEBAKER 4. $3m; $1UU down, balance in 10 equal payments. W. C. Garbe. Inc. Broadway at Burnside. WE TEAR 'em up ana sell tne piece Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 6a 1 Alder. 17th. Broadway 3234 1918 BUICK six roadtr. Private owner; some tvrma. E. 16J 6. Automobile anted. 1 CAN use a good late-model auto: will trade 160 acres level land In White Horse valley of Harney county. This land Is worth about $8 an acre, but I have do use for it, but can use a good car; land la clear of all incumbrance. Writ AJ 7. Oregonlan. CARS WANTED. Bring your tcar to the auction house for quick aale and full value; email com mission charged; fireproof bldg., steam he.ited. Phone Bdwy. 2329. Corner oib. ana Everetn at., wit side. WANTED Ford runabout as first pay ment on lot on East INth at., south of Holgate or quarter block near Mult nomah station. Keeler Bros.. 68 N. Bthat. WE WRECK THEM Highest caatt prica paid ft old cars, condition no obJeoL AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., . Third and GlUair. WANTED 7-passenger touring car. 1910 model or later; two to three hundred down, balance monthly; give parUculara. N 170. Oregonlan. SPOT CASH lor your Ford. Chevrolet. Dodge, Bulck or other light cara 170 .ast tin su CARS BOUGHT for their parts; part sold lor all cara Auto Wrecking Co., 523 Alder at 16th ata ' CASH for touring car. Dodge or similar, not over $500. Phone Tabor 5096, even- ings. CARS WANTED to wreck; parts .'or al. cars tor lera is. a s. auto wrecking Co, 15th and Aider. Broadway 636 WE PAY cash for lata moael light cars Used Cai Warehouse, Grand ave. and K. 1 ayior. CASH for all makt-s of cara condition no object. 414 oilman, cor. 10th. Bdwy 293. WILL pay blghent market price lor used Fords, at corner of ath and Davia FORD SEDAN FOR CASH. 830 BURN SIDE ST. Motorcycle. WE PAY no rent and sell for less; rebuilt motorcycles and bicycles, all maaea sold on easy terms. APEX BICYCLE CO.. East 1480. 457 Williams At. HENDERSON. Model 1919 and just like new, $160. Call East 530. MOTORCYCLES ai.d parts, ail makes. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-46 Grand Avenue. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-2U6 3D bT. MAIN 6lo9. Anto Tires ana Arcesortea. ILL sacrifice practically new 2.'i0-ton solid tire press with presstng-off bands and motor complete. Inquire State's Auto A Truck Co.. 430 Burnside. BRAND new, 35x4 S Fisk cord, at oargaln, $45. S54 B. Burnside, nr. 2 S t h. Automobile for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS; HUPMOBILES. $1.25 PER HOUR; ' DAiLY RATES. 828 EVERETT ST., COK. 6TH, BROADWAY 2329. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. New 5 and 7-paseuger cara Bulcks and Wescotts; reasonable ratea CITY GARAGE. 182 12th St.. bet. Washington and Alder. Bdwy. 840. AUTOS FOR HIRE with or without driv era Day or night service. COUCH MAN GARAGE, 39th and Couch. Broadway 306. Remember our number. B roadwa y 3616. JAKES USED CAR EXCHANGE. New cara for rent without drivers. Reasonable rates. Open day and night 825 Glisan st., bet. Broadway and 6th st. Broadway 3.93. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN. FAS n ION GARAGE. MAR. 232. 1UTH AND YAMHILL. A 1238 H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 8D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1887. 1320 5-PASS, BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 8547. FOR S .8 1 E TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. TRUCK TRANSPORTATION MERCHANTS. GMClH-ton, equipped with new tires on all 4 wheele; the truck has been over hauled and repainted and has been mistaken for a new one by several peo ple who have seen It on our show room floor $1250 One-ton GMC. on pneumatic tires, equipped with body, top, side curtains and wind shield. We have overhauled this truck and will back It with th same guaran tee against defective work manahlp and material that goes with our new trucks. 1250 One-ton Republic. This truck Is a rare bargain at the price asked. Thoroughly overhauled, repainted 600 Three-quarter OMC, equipped with pneumatic tires. Has good body and la ready to go to work 850 Three-quarter ton Republic, equipped with top, body and wind shield 450 Chevrolet light delivery. In first-class order. Self-starter, electric lights and a very good body 175 WENT WORTH A IRWIN, INC., 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor. ANOTHER BARGAIN. Our last week' bargain wa anapped up Just a we said it would be. This week we're showing another Just as good a last week. SH-Mn Hall. 1919 model, tire 80; mechanical condition good; Continental motor i Brown- Lipe tra nam lea Ion ; Tim ken rear end; former price $1500. Priced for cash thia Week only $750. Thl 1 a genuine buy at exactly half of our former price and I a good pecu lation. Ail standard part. Come .In or phone today. It won't last long at thl price, we're telling you. MACK-INTER V A TTO VAX, MOTOR TRUCK CORP., 10th and Davis sta Bdwy. 690, Eveninga Marshall 18$. SPECIAL SALE ON TRUCKS. NEW OOMMERi-E TRUCKS AT A BIO DISCOUNT. tH-ton Day-Elder $1873 Oldsmobile speed wagon 875 Ford 1-ton. 1920 S'.'O 2-ton 4-wheel trailer 875 2-yard dump and hoist.. 850 2-ton Chicago (new) 2250 Parts for Commerce and Stewart truck. LAFFAW MOTOR CAR CO.. 34 N. 9TH. NEW. NEW. NEW. Why buy a used truck when you can buy a new one from us in aome case a low as half the regular price? We have REPUBLIC, STANDARD and PA TRIOT trucks at these pricea THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, Grand Ave. at East Taylor Sla. Phone Auto. 214-10. ONE 8H-TON Indiana trur-k with Wood haavr duty hydraulic hoist and 3-yard dump body; $1250 with terma. HOWARD-COOPER CORPORATION, " ivO i. Water L. Clu. FOR ft. 8.1 F TRUCKS ANT TRACTORS VSYTD TRUCKS AT A SACRIFICS. 1920 1-ton GMC pneumatlo Urea 1920 Chevrolet delivery, 1118 Ford delivery. 1U19 Republic 2-ton. 1118 Dcnby 2-ton. 1018 Ger six ?-tOB, ivtlH Ford 1-ton. 1920 Cnvrolet 1-ton. Easy terms on any truck In the house. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, Grand Ave., at East Taylor. Phone Auto. 214-10, FORD TRUCK CHASSIS. 1919 1 - ton. excellent condition. $285; Tour own terms. Wood lawn 3'.."0. WILL, RENT laie mud el 2-ton truck to re sponsibly party. Would want to con tract for 4 or 3 months. Call Tab, 7S17. AUTO REPAIRING. FORD OWNERS. Fori, overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed 8 Magneto recharged , 5 We hand-lap piatona scrape bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work gut ranteed. ALL MAKES OF CARS REPAIRED. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210 Jefferson St. Main 7644. $30 WILL make your car new. this week only. Keystone Palnter. Mar, 3063. Fou R auto repairs at your home or mln; work guaranteed. Phone 220-12 OARAGES. j FOR SALE Garage and automobile busi ness doing $120,000 annually. Nash agency, good lease, Al location ; reason fur selling, buslneaa Interest In Oil field requiring all my attention. Address Geo. J. Buhler, box 1122, Great Falls, Montana. UK K E.N T- Garage oeiongtng to houn. 1139 Mallory ev. Piedmont. Woodiawa FOR RENT Garage, downtown. Oall Main 5428 after 9 A. M. AUTO PARKING. PARKIN! PARKING PA It KING. 25o a day; special rate by month. CENTRAL AUTO PARKING STATION, Between Ath and 6th, on Burnelde. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS, $12.50 UP TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. OVER COATS. MACK1NAWS, SHOES. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. HE PAYS MORE THAN ANYONE IN THE CITY. WILL CALL DAY OR EVENING. CALL MARSHALL 122U, OR 33 i MADISON, NEAR THIRD bT. $14 30 UP TO $25 " FOR MEN'S SECOND-HAND CLOTH ING. LA Dl ES' AN D G KNTS WEAR ING Af PA REL AND FURS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED. WE PAT HIGHEST PRICES IN CITY FOR ALL GOODS BOUGHT. ADLER THE TAILOR. MAIN 8207. Oii CALL 2ul THIRD ST. 53 50 UP TO $23. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC, BROADWAY 3U32. 243tt BURNSIDE. BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYuNK ELtiB. UP TO $35 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price tor men clothes, OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. WANTED A motor canoe, will pay cash or trade Bueacher saxophone, will give or take difference. Write E 56. OtosO- FURSI FURS! FURS! Low rent and low pricea; remodeling and repairing; furs tanned and dresved. La France Fur Mfg. Co., 163 W. Park st. Pho n e M a 1 rt 0329. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. J28 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. MAIN 4493. BlClCL.Ec wanted, cheap; alao about 12 plain but strong second-hand chairs at a bargain. 1110 E. Taylor at. DIAMONDS buugut ul tuauuai rn.irh.al price. E. Deeds. 84 9 Washington at. WANTED Lady's diamond ring reaon- uble. BP 1 Ml. Oregonlan. WE BUY used ofIce furniture. 814 4 . The lrwln-Hodson Co. Broadway SECOND-HAND safe; give sue; must be cheap, AJ 100. Oregonlan. Sh.'i 'NO-HAM) safe or cabinet; must be ch ea p. N 1 M. Ore goninn. ORIENTAL Persian rug 9x12. B 146. Ore- WE BUY and rent dress suits. Barell' Misfit Clothing Store. 51 Thl rd st. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles, shot gu n s. Hoch'feld, 85 Third, near Ot k. LARGE ennvas ty wan t e d. East 4451. Furniture Wanteq. WE WANT YOUR USKD HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND WILL PAY TOP MARKET PRICES. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN HARDWARE, TOOLS OF ALL DE SCRIPTION'S OR FURNITURE TO SEI.L OR EXCHANGE. CALL US FIRST. MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 FRONT ST. CASH-rFURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoes, range, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than other local dealera Call ua for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent huyer will rail. Broadway 2200. 72 North Third U, Rost.iberg s Furniture Exchange. CALL MAIN 738. Highest cash price paid for your eo-ond-hand furniture and household gooda Give us a trial. CALL MAIN 78. LOOK HERE LOOK. We need all kinds of household goods and we also buy tools and used cloth ing, eKi!allMain 4058, 8o3 First st. .W pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us beiore you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, Matn 8N78 WE WILL BU your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker A Co.. auctioneers. Main 8382. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 427 or 1H 6 First st. WE ARE in need of your furniture. l2 you are ready to sell cad Bdwy. 8695. r.DUCATIONAL. AVIATION HCKOOL. Now open and accepting students for only $150 and services for. 10 weeks; a real opportunity; complete course given Including flying by Instructors of nation al reputation. Write or call O. W. A I. AlTtOPLANH CO., 214 Fpalfllng Hldg. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Big demand for high -salaried executives; past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail snd put you In touch with big opportunities. Write at once for parttcu.ara Lewis Hotel Training School, Desk 1418 Washington. D. C. LAW 1 1 o m e study; case and qultxer aya tem ; half the time at half the cost; complete the course and you will pass the bar or we refund your money; a few scholarship free for reference privileges. Let us explain. Phone Mar. 4262, or write P. O. box 1014; COMPTOMETER WHOOL. We have placed 30 students In good paying position since Jan. 1 ; we now ni an mirim hotween IN and " v i rm to fill thlr vacanciee la ourVhool ; course cost $40, terma 813 Morgan blrig. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Rig da mand for high-salaried executives; past experience unnecessary; we train you by mall and put you in touch with big opportunities. Write at once for par ticulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, Desk 1413. Washington, D. C. BrfHNKE-walker. West's largest business college, Enroll any time; day or night school. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fo or t h. n e a r Morrison. P ho n M a 1 n JtWJ. MODERN barber college leaches trade in 5" wki., tools furnished, some pay; position secured; special rate this month. Write or can for particulars. 234 Flrtt. ROCKY MT. Teacher' Agency. Enroll fra. Frank K. Welle, ex -asst. state aupu. Mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Auto 513-1$. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway TeTT graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldj- Night classea ""position for each graduatb. ' decker business college, a lijsk y bld g., 8 d a n d m or . IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanising business call :58 Eaat Broadway. I FISK Tea'-hur' Agency Journal bldg. jaam - cvmn y i . iiea fg. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free reg.atratmn. aiam o.-n. orosaway bldg. MGHT SCHOOL beauty culture. Madame Curtis. Marshall 1702. WANTED Men to learn vulcanising Uada Call 12 Grand ave t LEARN vulcanising business. W teach trie Dest meiiioa miiuwh. t.m ciara si. 1 lure. AUdaa Cuuia, Marshall 1702 a