Utt Ga-EGOXIAX, FKIDAY, GoTOmJIT 23-, 1S3 t9 FOR SALE. 3 1 1 wr e I In n co u s. KLINE FURNITURE CO. QUITS BUSINESS. BALE NOW ON. THOUSANDS OP BARGAINS. 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR, PAPL WATER SYSTEMS. Run by electricity or gas engine. Fill automatically. Expert will Install one of these plant for you at exceptionally low price $123 and up. Call Barnes, Brdy. 14H0. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Al der. DENTISTRY WITHOUT JAI br nerve-blocking, gone therapv or con ductive anesthesia. Without dancer or aiter erred, w perform all denial op erations without pain. Coma In and let us prut It to you. DR. A. W KEEVE Above Majestic theater, g.'.IH Wash. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. But them from the factory showroom and aavt 1-8; all styles: finest selection. Come and see. You are under ao obli gations to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 707 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4 -'53 . LOWEST PRICES OS NEW AND USED or'". UK rLRMTLKE, adding machines, typewriters, time clock, dictaphones, check writers. Nea ui hat for, vou buy. D C. WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE. 24 AND 20 N. 0111. BDW I. V 7311. we rent office equipment. LADIES. Art you weary or sxhsusted after Standing all day on your feet? If ao. be fore you alt down for a rest us a warm water wash with Tak-tra Antiseptic Pow der; &0c and II box. fort. and Hotel Pharmacy. . .THE FOLK 3 back home .will cherUh and appreciate a souvenir from Oregon. Snd them something useful as welt as beautiful. Oregon agate jewelry mount ed in solid gold. A wonderful selection to choose from. Moderately priced. MINT, nex t door to Majestic theater FOR KALE Ouk buffut, woven silk rug, portieres; also the following books: "Pa pers and Message of the Presidents." 10 vols.; "American Law and Procedure." 14 vol. 'Several bound vols, of the "Cen tury" magazine, published la the '80s. fall E. 4377. fiJDLOCO pipeleas furnace, $76 00. $13.1, K2; Improved principle of circulation and producing heat ; don't be misled; we prove our claim; no better guarantee. (Klgnedi K. T. Woodruff, 12tU Mallory ave. wooaiawn zia. APPLES, free from worms; buy them at the farm; Spits, Winter bananas, New town, many others; 76o up. Fresh, clean nun, iwu a'' Ulllf AIIIBi Ufllia uu containers. J. Mason. Drive south on E. i.2d st., H mile past Errol sta. t b'liW'ING machine, new and second-hand aom for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parte for all make; ma chines repaired and rented. HEWINt MACHINE EMPORIUM, tlm Third St.. near Taylor. Main 0431. WHY A SUBSTITUTE roofer? Why not a genuine and permanent roofer? We re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs. Phone Broadway 70. IK DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH, GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materia la used, DAVID'S, Jewelers and Opticians. 43 Washington Mt., at Broadway. LOOKS, windows, lumber, molding, mill work and glass; see our odd stock of sash, doors', etc., for prices. D. B Pculiy Co., downtown lumber store, 171 KHONT ST., between Morrison and Yamhill, phone Main 4213. f-OR HALE Law library of C. J, Bright, deceased. Thoroughly complete and in first-class condition. Oregon Reports and best publications. Terms. Al library in every respect. Inquire C. L. Pepper, The Dallg. or. - fcA FES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, old and exchanged; easy terms If de aired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Main 2045. sVURSERY men and others we have on hand 174 lbs. colored raffia, various col ors 200 lbs. natural raffia, entire lot first-class quality and will accept 21c a lb. for the entire lot f. o. b. Yoncalla. Or., Stearns A Chcnoweth. CABBAGED In any quantity from 100 Sounds up, delivered to your place of us Inert In Portland or Vancouver un crated, at 2c a pound ; crated at 2 c a pound. Call Broadway 3413 and leave orders. WAKE a small payment and wear your eye glasses and spectacles as you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second floor, Oregonlan bldg. ltfOT WATER TANKS, 30 gal., $7; 40 cat., $9; tested, guaranteed; stove and fur nace colls gas heaters Installed; plumb ing. East Side Welding shop, 203 Adams. East ofllfl. ' FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES 11M8 FORD SEDAN. Equipped with starter, demoun tables, spot, shocks and many other extras. Long easy terms. S37.V Wdln. 721. ItflS ELGIN ft touring. Just completely overhauled; good paint, good ruh-ber and extras, 32$ Clay at. Phone Marshall 4771. 3 CADILLAC eights. Ideal stage cars; can sign these cars on lease on stage line operating out of Portland. Ask for Mr. B u r t on. E. "43ft. AUTOM O BILES at auction every Thurs day evening, 7:30 o'clock, and again at 1 o'clock on Saturdays. The Auction House, corner ttth and Everett. jftjl FORD sndan. driven less than 30O0 miles; speedometei, dash light, extra tire and seat rover; for sale at a bar gain. .Marshall SO. J'ORD roadster In fine condition, has new tires all around, must be sold today, WW. Main IS. WE TEAK 'em up and ill tn pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. bil Alder. 11th. Broadway 3234 ( Wk"PUT at eel teeth In your old fiwiieel; crankshaft turning. H. B Black ira chine shop. b4 Ader. Bd wy. 2681. " 'IS FORD TOURING! Chei Ninth p. See Smith. Auto Sales Co., end Couch. $2MJ BUYS Chevrolet touring in excellent shape, msny extras. This is a real bar gain: en ni e t im m s. I'hone East 17s. lUJO N A SlT roadster. s:x-cyiinder. In good condition, at a bargain; quick a: b prl ate party. Phune Mum 2S9Q 'IS FORD T O U R 1 N G . Cheap. See Smith. Auto Sales Co., Ninth and Pouch. CADILLAC, '14. 7-pasa.: "new paint, new top, runs like new; bargain $0.0, terma See Lyman. 8 14 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE ,Vpassnger Oakland ft", first class condition, good top and good paint; :t".. I'hone Main 20. 2'l 12th street. 1U. KOKO bug, top. windshield, shock absorber and other extras, Phone Main IMW7. 1021 FORD roadster, new. driven 4000 miles, cheap for cash or will trade. E. 74 31 JtTiO TOURING itr, small pauienta down. bal am weekly payments. Call Satur- Ijt y. Bdwy. '.27. Jl A Y X E S . m odd 3 ' 1 . 7 'passtnger, new ly painted: will sacrifice. Ask for Mr. t B.nce. E. "430. m NATIONAL, U'lfl, i-pamtencer; will trade property or ch-ap fur cash. Ask for Mr. Burton. E. 73P. CHALMERS bag godd condition, good rubber, good bntter ; $100 cash or fnns Katt 7S4-'. MUST sell huit-k 6-pwnr sedan, like new; owner left city; a bargain. Phone e "nlnKK. Main BAK;AI.N G.od looking d-pass nger, c Under touring. A-l condttion. Wood lawn -.'"rt-t BETTER be sufe. Decide right buy a Ford. Far pncea and term call Tabor 30-'2 t'H E' KOI.ET demonntrator. in per frt condition, run 2 mo. Phone W. H. H.'llopet.-r. East 74,2 CUt'VHOl.KT touring, 410 model, bi own er, cheap for casli. t'rflie :id eee this o i ie 4 i -VE a st R u rnside a t 7th. i?ift CHEVROLET coupe. wTre wheels, other extras; can giv some terms to r p 'npj b i e part y If d e aired. Wdl n . 1 H 7 S . YR A N K LI N seIan ( series 6 1 .first-class condition, or trade for lale Ford, Buick t0 E lKih at. fr V K 'I A L OFFER .Vpaas. K 45 Bulck. i year 272. old. at a bargain. Call tf.Jwood No nvrnf. JJl'ST sell at once D'17 Oakland; leaving town ; make me an offer; tn perfect ah pe; Kod r ub ber. aj: Wil'n. ,v M . CITbs , 7 passenger, excellent condltTon". 4 new tire, new specially made top; $.rm Phone East 4JV R E o ROADSTEhT good condition; new tires: ch ap. Phone East 2112. fORD, Ut21. nearly new, big sacrifice. Call M r. Lee. Tabor 1U20 NASH touring, excellent condition. Phone Grout. Bdwy. 2W FORD 1R Kelsy body 10x12 ft., completa 3 Mls1imlpnl ave 117 MAXWELL, UO $81 Alder, near 17th St. Bdwy. 6JJ4 TOR BA1.E AUTOMOBH-BB." 8ALE OF USED CARS. All of theac er h had worn parti replacd; they run smoothly and qut.tlr and nave powtr. Many hpv. new lopa, and all have cood upholstery and tirea. If the orislnal paint Isn't aatlstactory they have been reflnlshed. We have always aold our ear, honestly and with out misrepreientatlon, and consequently and logically our used car sales are the largest. And our stock of cars Is fresh and always at the lowest prices. Studebaker light 8 10?5 8tudebaker 18-8 Da Lux Studebsker 1D15 lijcht 4 -75 Studebaker 1T-6, 2-pass. roadater.. 4? Btudebaker 1S-4. touring S0 1017 Chalmers, for quick sale 5!18 Bulck coupe -45 100 Bulck lnso KM8 Dodge, new top, repainted.... ")0 11)20 Dorlge coup 13d0 linfl Dodge W 1918 Ford touring, new tires, sew top 2M 191 Kurd roadjiter -''' Hupmnhile 112, 5-pass 18 1017 Mitchell light si 4'-'s 1019 Maxwell roadster 1IMII Moon. It-pan. 120 Oakland touring 78 1919 Oakland sedan 695 Overland. 5-pass. 250 Old. mobile Pacemaker 1000 Paige light six 350 Packard, second series 4.......... 15"0 Plerce-Arrow, 6-38 sport 750 Willys-Knight. S-pass M5 Bug, dem. rims, 6 good tires 100 .917 Vslle, wire wheels. Dew tires. 425 Old cars taken in trad. On week's trial; 100 Ter cent satis faction. - W. C. GARBS, INC. Burnsid at Broadway. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. USED CAR MESSAGE!. Necessity Is back of this policy. Ap proximately 80 per cent of our business Involves a trade. To dispos of the used cars taken tn as fast as we can take them in la -absolutely necessary. Without regard -to cost or profit we are rebuilding, reflnishing and guaran teeing the usrd cars we sell, so as to set up the highest unit value. Prlcea on these better cars are always as low as others are asking for ordinary "aa Is" merchandise and much lower than will usually be found In anything of compara tive value. Although undoubtedly th customer seems to benefit most through buying cara from us under this plan, we wish to make It quite emphatic that w are more than satisfied to look for our re ward In th sale of the new cars that this used car policy makes possible. TURNOVER 13 WHAT WE ARK SEEK ING. VALUE 18' WHAT Wt ARB 6KEKINU. Our gsln Is mutual. If we meat. We both lose If we don't. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21st and Washington Sta. Main 6244. STEPHENS AND OAKLAND AGENCY. Bulck 6-pass., Ilk new $600 Oakland S-pass 400 Oakland 5-pasa 250 Scrlpps roadster 650 Dodge roadster 675 Overland 6-paas 400 Packard 4-cyL "IS" 2'M) Oldsmobil 6, 5-pa , 610 AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 475 Morrlaon at 14th. Broadway 8606. 1B1 GRANT SIX. S-passenger touring, fine me chsnclal condition, good tires. Just repainted and priced to sell. S550. Small cash payment, balance 1U months Call " MR. MOUNTAIN. BROADWAY 217. SACRIFICING BIG SIX 8TUDEBAKER1 Early 1921 model. like new In every respect; spar tlr and other extra qulpmnt. 11400. Phone Mr. Steel. Main 7102. for demonstration. 182t FORD TOURING. nearly new. with all manner of extras; you can save money on this one. Phone for appointment. DUNNING MOTOR CO.. INC. Authorized Ford Dealers. East Broadway at Union. ast 303. LATE OLDS TOURING SIX. Hera Is a reliable light aix that has proven Its worth beyond a doubt; has been reflnlshed the very latest colors and we will give liberal terms and take small, light touring car ss first pay ment on It If late model. Terms and take f275 down, bal. monthly. 614 Al der St. MURPHY MOTOR CO LEAVING CITY. Overland Four. Driven 5700 miles. Prlc $525 cash, with insurance. Call Marshall 1348. FORD TOURING. $12.1 DOWN. The bal. of purchase price can be paid weekly or monthly. Juat as you wUh; the car Is first-class and a trial will tell the story. 814 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CO. NEW KING 8. -pass.. run 14i0 miles. 5 cord tires, wind deflectors, Victoria cur tains, spotlight, bumper, clock, motor meter, $1S50; light car considered. Mr, Bender. Bdwy. 3335 CHANDLKR DISPATCH. Looks and runs like new; 6 cord tires like new; bumper spotlight and 1921 li cense. This is a bargain. Call private phone. Wdln. .'rtin. Hl'PMOUlLE aedan, like new, lale model, $,.t0 handles, balance terms, or will ac cept open car aa part payment; this Is a snap, ('all owner, phone Marshall or write AP Or, gonian. ll-'l DODGE touring car, driven less than 61)00 miles, cord tires snd extras; car in perfect condition and a bargain for 0. Call Auto. 644-54, or 2920 55th avenue 8. E, OLDSMOBILE 8. 1917 model; leaving Portland, forced to sell; genuine bargain for quick sale; In perfect' mechanical condition; all new tires, dash clock and other extras. PhJne Woodlawp 3049. X HAVE a flne Bulck 6 touring car foi sale; must sell sam for the best offer I get for earn at once; new paint cord tires, new top. side curtains. Call Mar shall 371S after 3 P. M. 1918 SI PER-SIX HUDSON, good rubber. perfect mechanical condition, no reason able offer refused, will also trade. What have you? ('. J. Woodman, 188 N. 2lst st. Bdwy. 3"8.1. evenings. 1921 FORD touring, with starter and good tires, paint like new. finap for $85 Phone Auto. 516-17. IK YOU want a fine Franklin touring car. see mine at $700. Good tires all around; car Is as good as new; must sell this week. Call Main 4761, Mr. (illdea. lllia ( HANDLER sl touring. In best con dition: must sell this week. Will take $773. Call Main 4162. ask for Mr. Dal- tnn, after 6 1'. M. BUU'.K SIX touring. 1917 model;, all en tires; motor Junt overhauled: must sell quick Ht a big aacrlfic. Pbon Wood- i..in .tmn. ll'.O KOKl coupe; wire wheels, shock ab sorbers. Ftromberg carburetor and many otn.-r extras; very good condition. Call Rst 3427 for appointment. 1020 DODGE BROS' TOURING CAR. JKO0. This car la in excellent condition. Call evenings. Auto. 213-20. w nalnt: rebuilt, good as new; easy terms. Bdwy. 8tlitV FRANKLIN. 1919 touring, good condition, will sail or trade for .ols Id any good d 1st r'.cl. Call Main 4i32, 1920 BABY grand Chevrolet. bargain: excellent condition throughout. Phon. Wdln. lS7for particulars. BU1CK 4 A wonderful automobile for the money. Will take Ford or terma. 60 N. Broadway. Mr. Snow. Bdwy. $21. 1916 MITCHELL six. $150. 3S1 Alder. near 17th. Bdwy. 5254. USED Ford delivery bodies cheap. $43 Wl llams ave. Fast 1191. 1917 FORD touring with atarter: a real buy at 1245. 134 N. Broadway. 1920 FORD sedan with wire wheels: some buy. Look her over. 134 X. Broadway. DODGE aedan, 1919. wire wheels. Ask for Me. Burton K T439 BUICK sedan, 1919: will trade. Ask for Mr. Burton. E 7439. CHEVROLET 490. will trade, A. it for Mr. B urto n. K. 7489. C H E V ROL E t. baby grand. cheap for cash. Ask for Mr. Yocum. E. 7439. FORD touring cheap. Phone Wentworth, Bdwy. 2iu. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. HUDSON AND ESSEX. Automobiles that hav been re built or renewed are in the best of mechanical condition they are also warranted the sam as fac tories warrant new cars. In ad dition, w giv so dayav fr me chanical service. Thto is not new on Hudson automobiles. Wa have rebuilt and sold them with a warranty sine 1916. You buy a fine quality car with the same safety aa when you purchase a new automobile. Buy a, car you can depend upon and at s bargain price. Other makes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled. put in first-class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, .subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may aelect. This gives ampls time for every Eurchaaer to try out the car h uys. give him time to have It in spected, and wa want only sati, tied customer. Watch th chang In thia list of ears: Three Super-Six Hudsons tlOoO to $1130 I01T Hudson speedster 1050 1918-1919 series Hudson Super ' Six 1250 1920 Hudson Super Six 13'? 1920 Hudson speedster 1650 1918 Ford ' - 1919 Essex 1920 Kssex 4.., 1918 Maxwell 1919 Maxwell 1920 Maxwell . NEW MAXWELLS. $733 1919 Grant Six 1919 Chalmers Six 1917 Bulck 1913 Dodge 1919 Dodge 1919 Olds Six 11118 Olds Eight 1919 Llbertv Sport model 11120 Chandler 1920 Chandler dispatch.... Cadillac 8 1921 Olds Six 1918 Cole 8. Snort model... 1910 Olds Sedan 900 1023 4"0 575 650 COO 650 7D0 678 775 850 900 900 1050 1100 1200 1300 1350 1540 Largest Used Car Branch Stor in th City it 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Stor. Broadway 5739. Also a Display at Our Salesroom. 613-61T Washing ton street: open week days only. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. BARGAIN BASEMENT. " Th Covey Motor Car Company has established a BARGAIN BASEMENT where will be found a large assortment of used cars that have not been rebulit. These cars have been purchased at such low figures that many buyers win appreciate this opportunity of obtaining them at our cost. Bargain Basement Cars. 1918 Overland "SMJ" touring 1-75 1918 Oldsmobil "8" touring 550 1915 Chandlsj touring joo 1915 Btudebaker ,4" touring 1-5 1917 Studebaker "4" touring f 1920 Maxwell roadster 4o 1917 Maxwell touring 1916 Maxwell touring J 1917 Buick "4" 0" 1918 Lexington touring 1014 Oakland touring 1918 Chevrolet touring 1920 Dodge Brothers touring i5 1919 Chevrolet touring JJ 1917 Hupmoblle touring ' .XT. 1918 Chevrolet 8-cyllnder '.ourlng... 45U 1918 Dodge Brothers tourt'ig ..SOU 1917 Ford touring, excellent car with In 'addition' to" the 'cars lietVd' above, and for an Indefinite period, any used car owned by this establishment which has not been rebuilt, will b offered at absolute "trude in" prices. An exam ination only will establish the remark able values being offered. Bargain Basement. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY ilst at Washington St. Main 6-44. KEEP WARM. 1921 Essex sedan, car same as new, will give guarantee, equipped with cord tires and extra, spot light and bumper; will take In small car and terms If desired. Price $1800. Woodiawn 14i4 or Woodlawn 2790. :20 BUICK KOAC5Tt.ll, $95. This roadster Is first-class every way and we will ahow you reflnlshed and cord tires, two new snd one extra: runs and looks perfect: some extras, bumper and spotlight and mirror; take car In trade, light touring as first payment, terms on bal., or $325' down. bal. terma. 614 Alder st. M I RPH Y .wri'rt i i. 1921 HAYNES AUTO FOR SALE. If you have In mind buying a new Havnes I can save you some money. This car 1 the same as new. only been ?un 500 mile.. Price was $34S0 my price today for a quick sale is $1900. $1250 cash balance 50 on terms. Call and see me at S4SH Alder St. Benton hotel. room o-. . . - T a . f-v civ; CHEVROLET BABY GRAND. 2 CADILLAC EIGHTS. 3 BUICK SIXES. 1 NATIONAL. Wrll consider trade on phonograph, diamond or property. East 7439. Mr. Burton. THE BEST used Ford truck buy in Port land: early '20. $225. Express body with top, new cord tires all around. Moore transmission: would cost over $1000 new now. Our price $595. Terms If de s'red Talbot Casey. Inc.. authorized Ford' dealers. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny SI. Cant- o. ' Here Is the standard car and It will do the work under all or any conditions and will keep running. Come and try It; weekly or monthly payments. 014 Alder t;TrRpTTT MrTOR CQ. $175, Chevrolet touring; new top. good rubber; guaranteed In - fine condition. Try It out for yourself. See Harper. 48 Stark et. Phone Woodlawn 5483 FOR SALE FORDS. Ford rrtanVter. good shape $-Jrt Ford chassis, overhauled lot' Jj.AFFAW MOTOR CO., S4 V. Oth. WAYNES 7-pass. Have to sell this car at sacrifice. Has B wtr wheels, cord tires, spotlight, bumper. Will consider phono graph diamond or light car In trade. Phone air1goige! cam. 10f CHANDLER DISPATCH In At con dition throughout; exceptional value for $11.00 Will take Ford In trade. Terms if desired. Call Broadway 1572. Mr. ForctiMn DODGE aedan, 3920; 4-door sedan, wire wheel and cord tirea; only run very little. Will take lighter car. good phono graph. In trade. Terma. Mr. Boise. Sast 7439. - 191$ SHUCK 6. B 45; fi Mason cord tires, practically new; seat covers; tonneau fight, new battery ; must sell. A real buy ai --. ' sired. Call 11 roadway Mr. r e erguaon. FOR SALE ST KrH KiN S HUAI'M Ea, MODEL. ALMOST NEW. PERFECT CONDITION. HAS TO BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED APPLY ELITE GARAOE. 12TH AND JEFFERSON. CADI LI AC touring. Mr. St aged river. If ynu want a late model Cadillac for your business at a price that is right, look at this. It Is In perfect condition. Terma Phons Mr. Boise. East 7439. LIUHT 6-pass.. good tires, license, elec tric starter, all in good shape. Will take diamond as part payment, balance on time. See Mr. Hamtlttin, Jake's AutD Clearing Hou.-e, l3 Everettst. BUICK sedan. Thie sedan is In perfect condition ; newly painted, all good tires. Will consider lighter car In trade. Phone M r. Poise. East 7430. LIGHT 3-paseng-r sedan, cheap; original paint; S wire wheels and tires; good as terma. Call Mr. Stuart. Bdwy. StiM.V MASTER Four Chalmers touring car. $4V). or trade for late mode. Ford. This car Is a dandy. Will g'adly demonstrate. C a !1 evenings. Marshall 10O Mr. Young. IF YOt' are In the market for a new Hupmoblle touring car end want to eave $330 rail Mr. DeNoria. Ramapo hotel, apt. 103. FORD coup- classy, fully equipped, five disc whee'.s. cord tlrea. practically new; will consider Ford touring in a trade. Address 520 Heights Terrace. Main 13o2. BCICK. touring car, 1?0. A-pass, a cord tires: driven but very little: will take lighter car in trade. Mr. Boise. East 74S9. FOR SALE Bus body on Mack chiuib, adapted for hotel or school use. Capacity - 20 persons. Baggage Omnibus Transfer Co , ' i arK st.. LATE Eeex touring car. like new. st $ii0; will give eaj-y terms and long payment. van rtnou.awn ., BUICK 5-pass. for sale. $nfin. Montgomery Garage. Front and Montgomery sta. lOJl FORD Sedan ; extras; usd very llt tle; sacrifice. $ftS. East 437. OAKLAND 5-passenger rebuilt. 5 good tires, guaranteed. Bdwy. SfiOfl WILL trade my Saxon touring for a Ford delivery. 3T4 E. Ith t 191 MAX WELL touring, good condition; easy terma. East $6J. -AUTOMOBILES. USED CAR SALEL NOW IS THE) TIMS TO BUT. We are closing out our used car de partment at a great ancrifice of price value in order to clean up the present stock. Buy now while the market is down. y DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITT. 1915 Ford touring only 215 191 3 Ford touring, perfect condition 235 1920 Ford touring, with atarter. special 1920 Ford touring, with etaxter, bargain 1921 Fcrd aedan, extra special t3fi 1921 Ford coupe, demonstrator 1917 Oldsmoblie eight, perfect 1!17 Buick aix. overhauled 1921 Dodge roadater, forced sale. . . 0 1917 Hup. touing, this week only.. 475 1018 Chevrolet 4:t0 touring 8- 1917 Chevrolet 4W0 touring, only... 2.5 1920 Chalmers tour, Hotapot motor 950 1916 Studebaker touring 1-& 1I11T nnj 4l uarir nrigl 310 117 Overland delivery, only 195 I HH8 Saxon touring, forced sale.... 2t5 11,18 Hudson Super-Six 1-25 Don't delay. See these today. ROBINSON-SMITH COM PA NT. Authorized Ford Dealers. Sixth and Madison. Phone Main 1100. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK I Come across the river and see with your own eyes the values that wa are of fering. Terma. 1921 Ford touring. 1920 Ford touring; 1919 Ford touring. 1913 Ford touring. 1D21 Bulck tourlr.g. 3917 Buick touring. 1020 -Kt-sex touring. 1!20 Stephens touring. 1920 Chalmers touring. 1919 Oldsmoblle S touring. 1920 Naeh touring. 1919 Dodge sedan, like new. 1917 Packard Six touring, atage car. 1914 Miiwell touring. Lots of bugs, both Fords and Chevrolet.-. THE- USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave. at Cast Taylor St. "Portland's Largest Used Car Store. REBUILT BUICKS. We have the only complete stock la the city. Thoroughly overhauled. Repainted. New tops and tires. Guarantee and service sa-r.e as new Bulck. Priced $730 up. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.. BUICK DISTRIBUTORS. Alder at 12th St. Phones 562-4L Broadway 1130. USED CARS at the FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY Being aold at our take-In price. 1920 Ford roadster, starter type... $375 1919 Foid roadster 295 1920 Fcrd sedan 675 1919 Ford touring 295 191S Ford touring 250 1915 Ford chassis ..: 140 1918 Chevrolet touring 875 1918 Chevrolet touring 285 Una Dodge touring S.'.O 1916 Dodpce roadster 495 1920 Oakland touring 675 Olds roadster 485 1917 Overland touring 275 191H Maxwell touring 275 1916 Maxwell roadster 95 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Grand and Hawthorne Aves. East 377. SPECIAL SALE ON TRUCKS. NEW COMMERCE TRUCKS AT A BIG DISCOUNT. 2-ton Day-Elder $187.-. OIdsmobi:e speed wagon 875 Ford 1-ton, 1920 390 2-ton 4-wheel trailer ... 87.1 2-yard dump and hoist.. 30 2-ton Chicago (new) 22o0 Parts for Commerce and Stewart trucks. L AKFAW MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 N. 91 H . LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. . OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 207 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. LATE 1921 FORD TOURING. $485.00. Finish ahd upholstering like new; starter and generator : demountable rims; bumper; speedometer; large wheel ; Klaxon horn : spot Ugh t ; dash liifht; excellent mechanical condition ; foot feed; good rubber; car has onl? been driven short distance. An excep tionally good buy. Terms. Pilchard Motor Co., Brdwy. 1572. 12th and Stark sts. 1913 5-PASS. HTTP, $250. Ready to go anywhere. Small payment, balance monthly. CALL MR. MOUNTAIN. AT MAN LEY AUTO CO.. BROADWAY 217. '20 ESSEX TOURING. This car ie first-class every way and we will show the most car for the verj least money In this make In this city, has cord tires and one extra and runs perfectly: revarnished and looks new, liberal terms with $300 down, bal. one year; will take car in trade If late popular model. 314 Alder at. MURPHY MOTOR CO. 1919 FORD touring: $75 first payment, bal ance easy. Call MR. MOUNTAIN. BROADWAY 217. 1920 BL'ICK, late model K45. just been thoroughly overhauled and painted, fenders and hood enameled, cord tires nearly new, gear lock, motormeter. bumper and spare cord tire, car has not been abused. Am leaving city reason fur telling. C. S. GOO DALE, Tabnr 7715 or Bdwy. 3614. FORD ROADSTER. $100 DOWN. The balance of purchase price can he paid at the rate of $5 per week; the car Is In fine shape and will do any trial that you wish to give It and is late model with non-skid tires all around; one extra. Open Sundavs. 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CO. 1W20 FORD TOURING. $385.00. Excellent mechanical condition; prac tically new rubber; new paint; shock absorbers; large wheel; spotlight; starter and generator; running board support ; dash light; clock. A genuine bargain. Terms. Pilchard Motor Com pany. Brdwy. l."72. 12th and Stark sts. USED Ford touring body, complete; will sell cheap or will trade for roadster body. Also good cheap 2-wheel trailer ' for small oar. Talbot eV Casey. Inc., authorized Ford dealers. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. East 8118. 1920 BUICK TOURING. In the very best of condition: bumper, spotlight, spare tire. looks and runs to perfection. Will sell for $1150,- some terms if desired. This car has never been abused. Call owner. East 8641 DODGE touring. This car has had best of care; finish In good top. nearly new; cord tires. A snap at $550. Phone Auto SlS-33- lWh DODG E roauiter In fine mechanical shape, looks like new; good tires and new top. Must sell; terma if necea- BIG USED CAKa PRICES STOCK RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. LATE 1917 Chevrolet, two new cord tires; new one-man top. $150. Call Main BT54. Jack ScMoTer. LATE Dodge touring car, 1775; in excel lent condition: will sell on terms. Call Woodlawn 2461. 1921 FORD, good condition, extras, $425, cash or terms. G. Thompson. 87 H Rus sell st. Phone East HJiS. 1920 CHANDLER Dispatch, sacrifice at $1100; cannot be told from new; will sell on long terms. Call Woodlawn 2461. WHITE auto truck ; delivery body; good condlt I on. W 168, Oregonlan. 1021 OLDS MO BILE, almost brand new. $ 1 200. Main 8230. M ss Kennedy. MUST sell Ford p. dan. 1921 model, $495- Fhone Bdwy. 2:a. CHEAP. 1!1 i Buick roadster, electric equipment. PSOE. Madison. 1916 OLDS 4: eay terms: wi'.l take small down payment. Am. 646-25. 1920 FORD coupe, onlv $4S5: easy terma. 134 N. 'Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 327. FOB 6 ALB AUTOMOBILES. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. BUSINESS IS GOOD. 19C0 Sedan. A-l ehape. , . . . . .$573 1919 Sedan. A-l shape $525 1920 Coupe, A-l shape $4bi 1920 Touring cara. 11(20 Roadsters. 1920 Deliveries, Worm-drive rithout body. truck. ' with, or Some cars as low aa S100. Small first payment, balance like rent DEL WRIGHT, Manager. Grand Ave.-E. Tamhill; East 47L West Side Branch, Bdwy. 827. Broadway at Hoyt Ft. Open Evenings and Sundays. We Have the Following FORDS AT SPECIAL PRICES and Your Own Terms: 1920 Ford touring $365 1920 Ford coupe extras 625 1921 Ford sedan extras 650 1918 Ford Sedan extras 400 1913 Ford touring extras . . . - 200 Also Classiest Ford Bug In City at a Sacrifice. USED FORD SALES CO.. 8th and Davis. Broadway 3809. OAKLAND TOURING. 6-cylinder, just painted, new top, new upholstering, two new tires, two cord tires nearly new. shock absorbers and in good running order. Onlv $415. STUDEBAKER TOURING. T-passenger, Just painted and In good running order. $375. NORTHWEST OAKLAND CO.. 344 Bumside St.. off Broadway. rnone tiroaoway : 1020 CHEVROLET ROADSTER 8450. Has new tires and Is In good running order. 1921 FORD DEMONSTRATOR, $100 less than a new one. Call Mr. Grohman. Bdwy. 821. Care W. L. HUGHSON CO., Ford Agents. Broadway and Davis. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. I must sell my 1921 Wlllys-Knlght touring car. In finest condition: can't be told from, new: has four new cord tires, extra tire and other equipment. Sacrifice for $1325. Consider light car 5"p4rt Payment. -Call Mr. Croft. Main 70 or Tabor 6064, after 6 P. M. No dealers. FORD TOURING. 1921 My demonstrator, in perfect mechanical condition, good tires, all the extras, including demount able rims, shocks, spot and dash lights, f horn, top button, pedal pads, rolled curtains, etc. Phon Parsons. Bdwy. 821. or call 60 N. Brpadway at Davis st. 1918 HUP, 5-PASSENGER. Low price, easy terms. Call Bdwy. 217, ask for Mr. Mountain. SINGLE SIX PACKARD. A BEAUTIFUL CAR WITH FULL EQUIPMENT AT LOW PRICE. BUMP ERS HOUDAILLE SHOCK ABSORB ERS. SPOTLIGHT. MAIN T517. 1918 PAIGE. B-PASSENGKR. RUT EN PER MOTOR. EXCELLENT COAT PAI.V& THOR OUGHLY OVERHAULED. 4 NEW CORDS AND SPARE. SPOTLIGHT, FULI-T EQUIPPED. P. H. (PAT) DUNN MOVED TO .10-12 GRAND AVE. X. COR. BAST BURNSIDB. PHONE EAST 10. ' NEW AND USED CARS. E Z TERMS. GREAT stage or mall ear. 00. Hudson super 6 In hands of financing company; can be taken over for amount of loan. Galllmore, 120,1 Rodney ave.. Portland, rhone Wd. 2.199 FORD touring, used but a short time as a demonairator. runs and looka like new; priced at a liberal discount. Has starter, demountable wheela. foot throt tle and motor-driven horn. Call Harris. East 8118. 1H20 PEERLESS "8." 2.1.',0. I have a beautiful Peerless "8" touring car. looks and runs ssme aa new: have two Peerless cars, so will sell this one cheap. Take llghjer car as part pay ment. Call Main B720 after 8 P. M. DELIVERY Chevrolet, Wx. completely overhauled, 350. Ford dellverv tn or.t.A ihtn. en PORTLAND GARAGE. Sth and' Taylor. lu-t) i IVE-PASi Bulck. run 5000 miles, car In first-class condition, equipped with extra tire snd bumpers; price $1300 cash. Factory Motor Car Co.. 21st and Kearney. U-A FRANKLIN. Here ts a real barraln- ha. n.w and battery. Just overhauled: consider I!??' X' 2(n' ' apu 10- Mrahall WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc. Also do towing, open day and night. LONG SILVA. Phone East B840. 462 Hawthorne. I MUST aell my fine 1911) Velle six tour ing car, need some cash, consider light car as part payment: has new seat cov ers, new top, good tires, etc. Call East aner o r. m. air, ward. MY FINE 1920 Stephens salient six tour ing car Is for sale for 12.i0. Just newly painted and In finest condition. Take Ford or Dodge In trade: no dealers. Call .. ouuiawn ut.i. evenings. HUP MODEL N, touring; excellent rubber new top. new paint. This is soma car. ."i50. terms. Williams. Grand ava. and c. J.nl.lljr .1. CrtSl Oil. 1820 DIXIE Flyer touring, run lees than 5000 miles; Just repainted and can't be told from new; no reasonable offer re- fused. Call East 1121 evenings. FORD COUPE. 1820 model, fully equipped and motor A-l mechanically; finish good. Best of terms. Bdwy. 3809. 1921 FORD coupe: car like new. has lots of extras. Phone W. K. Hollopeter, East 7482. Automobiles Wanted. I CAN use a good late-model auto: will trad 160 acres level land In White Horse valley of Harney county. This land Ie worth about $8 an acre, but I have no use for It, but can use a good car: land Is clear of all Incumbrance, Writ AJ T, Oregonlan. CARS WANTED. Bring your car to the auction house for quick sale and full value; small com mission charged; fireproof bldg.. steam he-ited. Phone Bdwy. 2329. Corner 6tb. and Kverett sts., west side. WE WRECK THEM Highest cash price paid fcr old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. Tnird and GUsan WILL pay cash for 6-cylinder Bulck. Studebaker or similar: must be a bar gain; nothing older than '19. P. O. box 297. Hood River, Or. WILL trade practically new $400 Institu tion slse elec. Thor washing machine and mangle for 1-ton Ford truck or au- tomobile. East 8333. WANTED A GOOD AUTOMOBILE:' WILL TRADE MY 40 ACRES TIMBER. CRUISES ABOUT ONE MILLION FT. MAIN 893. SPOT CASH for your Ford. Chevrolet. ' Dodge. Bulck or other light cars. 170 East 7th st. CARS BOUGHT for their parts; parts sold for all cars. Auto Wrecking Co.. 023 Alder st 18th sta WANTED New enclosed Ford delivery; must be in good condition. Call road way 2543. ' CARS WANTED to wreck; parts ."or all cars for lera S. & 5. Auto Wrecking Co. 15th and Alder. Broadway 638. WANTED to buy, Ford touring car or aedan. Must be cheap for cash. 869 E. 5l)th N. Auto. 82.1-09. WILL take late model light car aa pay ment o3 modern 6-room bungalow. East 7f08. WANTED 100 used tires of all sixes; must be cheap for rash. W. D. Millar, 831 Johnston St., Pendleton. Or. WANTED Ford coup as part payment on lat Hupmobll sedan. Marshall 1608. WE PAY cash for 1st model light crs Used Car Warhoua. Grand ava and E Tavlo ; , CASH for all makes of cars, condition no object. 414 GMsan. cor. 10th. Bdwy. 293. WNT lat model light car; have house, lot. Ocean Park. Wash. Main 7056. WILL pay highest market prlc. for used Fords, at corner of 8tn and Davis. WA TSD Ford touring body. Wood la wnOV ' Motorcycle HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES COST LESS TO OPERATE. SASY TERMS. USED PARTS. For All Makes of Motorcycle, See Our Used Machines BEFORE YOU BUY. HARI.ET-DAVIDSON SERVICE CENTER. 200 3d St. Main 7889. Cor. Taylor. FOR SALE AVTOMOB1I.es. MoUrcyrlc. WE PAY no rent and sell for lss; rebuilt , motorcycles and bicycle, all Dim sold on essy terms. APEX BICYCLE CO.. East 1480.- 457 William, At. . MOTORCYCLES and parts, ail makes. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand Avenua FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-2U6 3D ST. MAIN B139 POWER-PLUS 17 Indian, at sacrifice, 301. 549 Front at. Anto Tlrea ana Acceoriea. WILL sacrifice practically new 250-ton solid tire press with presslng-off bands and motor complete. Inquire State's Auto & Truck Co.. 430 Bumside. Automobile for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. New S snd 7-psssenge-r cars. Bulcks and Wascotts; reasonable rate. CITT GARAGE. 132 12th St., bet. Washington and Aider. m Bdwy. 840. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS; HUPMOBILES, 125 PER HOUR; DAILY RATES. 323 EVERETT ST.. COR. ITU. BROADWAY 2329. AUTOS FOR HIRE with or without driv en. Day or night aervice. COUCHMAN GARAGE, 19th and Couch. Broadway S698. Remember our number. Broadway 36U6. JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. New cara for rent without drtvera. Reasonable rates. Open day and night 325 GUaan St., bet. Broadway and 6th Broadway 55'J AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. 1. I KIT. I. IVAN. FASHION GARAG1S. MAR. 232. 1UTH AND YAMHILL. A 1236 VI BESSBTT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR. . MAIN 16S7. 1820 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIKE WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 8347. row saie TRrrKS axt thactors. NEW! NEW! NEW! AT A BIG DISCOUNT. NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS. NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS. NEW STANDARD TRUCKS. NEW STANDARD TRUCKS. Thes trucks are new and must be sold; they are equipped either with solid or pneumatic, tires; we give easy terma. USED TRUCKS. GMC trucks, late models. 1-ton with pneumatic tlrea, completely overhauled. While they last, 1850. 1918 Denby, 2-ton. 1918 Gerslx, 2 -ton. 1918 :"ord. 1-ton. 1920 Chevrolet, 1-ton. 1920 Maxwell, 1-ton. 1918 Ford, panel delivery. 1U21 Ford, 1-ton, with cab. Easy terma on any truck In th THE' USED CAR WAREHOUSE, Grand Ava at East Taylor. -NEW! NEW! NEW! Why buy a used truck when you can buy a new one from us In som cases as low as half of th regular price? W have Republic and Standard trucks. W auote these big reductions. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave, at aiast layior nt. u..-tr 9 almost new 2-ton trucks. Hsve 1 year's contract for the trucks. If you hsve $200 to pay on tracks will let you ay balance as contract pays, tin m.v a contract from 3400 to IbuO a month. See Mr. Ferguson, Pilchard Motor Co., 12th and mark i.itmher TRUCK. 4-TON. Moreland long wheelbase, specially built aet of lumber rolls and a late mod.. Will trade for anything of good value. Phons Jensen. Bdwy. 691. Evenings, Mar. 183. ONE :,Vi-TON Indiana truck with Woods lr-avy duty hydraulic hoist and 3-yaru dump body: il-M with terms. HOWARD-COOPER CORPORATION, .'.'.0 E. Water at.. City. WHITE 2 -TON, runs Just like a new one. Pneumatic tires in front. Will take Ford in trado. Easy terma. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 61)1. Evenings, Aiar. iw. 3Vs-TON REPUBLIC, at most new. Will trade for Ford, lots, property or any thing of good value. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. Cl . EvpninKs. Mar. 183. PACKARD S-TON. In fine shape. Will sell for IHO0. trade for Ford or a lot. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. tl. Evenings. Mar. irn. ONE-TON Ford truck, late model, oak box and cab, has been run about 5X) miles; good as new; price $430. 781 First at. -Phone Main 52W1. 1019 ONE-TON Ford truck with cab; flrst ciaas running order; sell cheap; have no u.-e for U, private owner. Broadway 51115. " W NTED Truck on commission basis; can get the business, BD 217, Orego- nlan. WANT LIOHT TRUCK. Will trade 2-ton new Denby, 8 wood wRrons. or tractor. K-M07. OLDSMOBILE "4-ton; will fell at a sacri fice. Trade for Ford. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 6i 1. Evenings, Mar. 183. , G. M- C. TRUCK. tons. 1918. good con dition, Ilottn. G. Thompson, 87" Uussell St. Phone iast Ph, REO SPEED WAGON 1918. -lon. Take Ford roadsur and cash. 435 Williams. GAB AGES. FOR RENT Garage oeionging to house. 1159 Malory ave. Piedmont. Woodlawn 5626. GALVANIZED portable garage; room for AC TO REPAIRING. FORD OWNERS. Ford, overhauled s $20 Rear axle overhauled 0 Valves ground, carbon removed 8 Magneto rechaigjd 3 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which, insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. AH work guaranteed. ALL MAKES OF CARS REPAIRED. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210 Jefferson St. Main 7544. EXPERT auto repairing at your home; best references; prices reasonable; guar anteed satisfaction. Auto. &12-62. Main 9181. , . YOUR auto repairs at your home or mine; work guaranteed. Phone 220-12. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $12.30 UP TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS, OVER COATS. MACK1NAWS, SHOES. CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR. HE PAYS MORE THAN ANYONE IN THE CITY. WILL CALL DAY OR EVENING. CALL MARSHALL 12-, OR iioJ MADISON. NEAR THIRD ST. $14.50 UP TO $25 FOR MEN'S SECOND-HAND CLOTH ING LADIES' AND GENTS WEAR ING APPAREL AND FURS BOUGHT, BOLD AND EXCHANGED. WBJ PAY HIGHEST PRICES IN CITT FOR ALL GOODS BOUGHT. ADLER THE TAILOR, MAIN 8207, OR CALL 201 THIRD 8T. " $8.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR. PATS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'8 SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES, ETC BROADWAY SV32. 245 BURNSIDB. BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CA LL ME BEFORE ANYONE KLtoB. CP TO $35 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price tor men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main B344. FURS! FURS! FURS! Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing; furs tanned and dressed. 1 France Fur Mfg. Co., 163 W. Park at. Phone Malntw- TO BUY, sell or trade second-hand furni ture and household goods, see OKI FURNITURE CO., 209 Second. Main 41P7. M ULTKSRAPH machine and equipment. Musk be In good condition and cheap. AK 16. Oregonlan. DIAMONDS bought at hlch,M.i market nrice. -s. iJea. ov iiimwB SECOND-HAND safe; give else; must be c h e a P; A J i vv. -rfgui. mi.. FURNITURE Good prices for furniture, clothing, tools, carpets. Main 2209. WANTED Lady's diamond ring reason- WE BUY used office furniture. Broadway 8144. The Irwin-Hodson Co. WANTED One threp-seclional vulcanising mold. Auto. 644-2S. Furniture Wanted. WE HAVE th ready cash to pay the bet prices for your used furniture. We need It for out-of-town etores snd the city. If you have a bouse full or one article, our buver will ca.l Immediately. Call Marshall zwa. "CALL MAIN B878. - We pay the highest prices for used fu-miture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, WE WILL BUY your furniture or fell for you on commission. George Baker st WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4ft2T or 16" First et. WE ARE In need of your furniture. . Jf jou are ready to sell ca4 Bdwy. 36&3, WANTED MISCELLAXBOrS. Furniture M anted. WE WANT TOUR fSED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND WILL PAY TOP MARKET PRICES. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN HARDWARE. TOOLS OF AIX DE SCRIPTION'S OR FURNITURE TO SELL OR EXCHANGE. CALL US FIRST. MAIN 9072. LKV7N HARDWARS A FL'K.NITCRS CO., 221-1-4 FRONT ST. J CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, sto.es, ranyes, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher -prices than other local dealers. Call us for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent buyer will calL Broadway 22iK. 72 North Third st.. Roscabfe rgi Furniture Exchange. LOOK HERE OOK. We need all kinds of household foods and we also buy tools and used cloth inn, etc Call Main .4058. 303 First St. Machinery Wanted. WANT M or ri H. P. electric motor. A. C. Spaniel Peterson. ad. Mar. 27hi. EDUCATIONAL MEN WANTED. $5 and $10 per day being paid to our graduates by our practical system and up-to-date equipment; we can train you to fill one of these big paying positions in a short time. A f-w tacts to remem ber about the HEMPHILL auto schools: ltt large schools in the United States and Canada; established over 1ft years; largest enrollment of any auto training Institution in th world; our phenomenal growth and success is entirly due to the wonderful success of our thousands of graduates who are earning big money and In business for themselves. No pre vious experience necessary. We have a plan whereby you can earn white you learn. DAY and EVENING classes. HEMPHILL'S AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. - 707 Hawthorne Ave. 831 Oak St.. Portland. AUTOMOBILE and tractor experts trained by FAMOUS NATIONAL SYSTEM se cure good salaries immedlate'.y on fin Ishlng training. Best resu.ta guaran teed. No similar trslnlng in A merle. Practical work. Personal Instruction Low tuition. Earn room and bjard un der our FREE employment aervice fIan. Fully illustrated and intensely nteresLng. 72-page bock sent FREE. Preaent day automobile opportunities fully explained. A chance for you to get valuable Information concerning good Jobs fur National trained men. No obligation. Whit . J. A. Rosenkrana, President, N. A. 8 8lo S. Flguaroa, Los Angeles. WHY BE OUT OF A JOB OR WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION T We have heloed hundreds of our graduate) to positions paying from $-00 to $.'00 par month. If you will call at Union ave. and Wasco street any day (except Saturday) at 10 A. M. or 2:30 P. M or send for our big 136-page FREE catalogue, you wiil readily understand why we graduate more students who actually make good than any auto school in the U. S. Be convinced. Make a per sonal Investigation or write fur our FREE book No. 5. ADCOX AUTO AVIATION SCHOOL. UNION AVE. A WASCO ST. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Tou want nothing but the best. Here It la. Standardised with schools In 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best shop equipment and instructions. Actual shop practice given on real repair Joba. Re sults absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school Is while business Is quiet. Prepare now for big business openings In a few months. Inquire Ore gon Institute of Technology. Main rtreet at Sixth. Ex-service men gel STAT-E AID. MILLER SCHOOL-OFFICf APPLIANCES. For years Portland' leading school for comptometer operators. Calculating comptometer, adding and bookkeeping machines. Specialising In bank, ral'road, lumber and expert me chanical accounting. For remainder of month reduced rates In effect for com p.ete course. MILLER SCHOOL. 414-15-16-17 Yeon Bldg. MOKIiER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you th trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service r en receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or cflll Tor catalogue and particulars. 234 Bumside. BEHNKE-WALKER. West's largest business college. Enroll any time; day or night school. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fo u rth. near Morrison. Phons Main 590 OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; aalp and fact massage specialty, tools tree; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. MODERN barber college teaches trade In 8 wks., tools furnished, some p.iy; position secured; special rate this month. Write or call for particulars. B34 First st. ROCK Y MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free Frank K. Welles, ex -asst. state supt.. Mgr.. N. aanv pms.t.uio JU-lJ, LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bids. Night classes. FOS1TIOX FOR EACH GRADUATE. LkKCKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, AXlSKY B LDG.. 3D A ND MO R ff ARN board, room and $10 a month at . tending school. Catalogue free. Mack ay B U s. L.QI-. woo VI J gmm Anne tea IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanising business call 158 East Broadway. fTsK-Teacher's Agency Journal bldg. Main u. rm.ii i " a k""""'. h wo reg. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free NIGHT SCHOOL beauty culture. Madame Curtis. Marshall 1702. WANTED Men to learn vulcanising trad a Call 1 -jranu av LE iRN vulcanizing business. W e teach the best method known. 4.13 Stark st. FEW PUPILS for piano beginners. Phone A. U to. HH-.o, gvennta w"'" a" LEARN good trade evenings. Beauty cul ture. Madame Curtis. Marshall 1702. HELP WANTED MALE. OPERATOR-PRINTER One with coun try experience preferred. Permanent situation to right man. State your ability. Wlllapa Harbor Pilot. South Henfl. w am, WANTED by large corporation, young man for office work, splendid oppor tunity; answer, giving age. experience, references, education and salary ex- . - . r 1 JT n.airnfilan pec i en 11 i , - WANTED By local branch of large east ern wholesale house, young man stenog rapher, one wno is u-,j. v work. $75 to start; permanent position. A V 163. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced Janitor for atore and office building, must be experienced with oil burner; state age and Ian plsce employed in letter. BD 2.18, Oregonlan. WANTED Parties to clear 20 acres ground under contract; have team, drag saw and all equipment. Eugene I. Hackett, La WANTED Firm-class nhort knife cuttor to work on hate and caps; steady em ployment, good pay. Ideal working; con dition-. Phone "BroartwayiMw- WANTED Logging camp machinist capa ble taking charge shop and donkeys ; give full particulars first letter. Av 541. uregonian. JAPANESE schoolboy for genera,! work In home; room, board, good wages. Apply is St. Clair, cor. Wayne. 4 to 6 P. M. HONEST watchman. 7 P. M to 12 week days. 12 to 12 Sundays, $30 per month. 209 S Broaaway WANTED CArpnter for inside work In exchange for dentistry. AP 143, Orego- JAPAXESE young man atiendlng auto night school wants a position ag chauf feur; references. Tabor 1474. RESI-fTNMRLE men to bid on putting In waterproof concrete banement floor 2ixil feet at 02d and Division. T TE 4CHER for small new school at sta tion. Clerk district 03, Wahklacua, Wash W K N'T ED Flisi-claas ofT-prefser on cue torn coats. Apply Brownsville Woolen Mills Store, an ann .T.ri .w.m PLl'MBER wanted. lst-clasn workman only, at once; $S per day. Central Plumb Ing & Heating Co.. 3."2H Gljan st. HXl'RKIBNCEP advertising solicitors: producers only. Clyde Co.. 210 Stock Kxrhanp ALL-AROUND blarkfrnlth, horse shoeing, country shop. stady Job. Call or write C. Trimble. White 40, Newbury. Or. WANTED Al circulation solicitor; ref erences required. Aberdeen Dally World. Aberdeen, W awh WANTED Machine man to fet up for door factory. Henry McClary Tlmbei Co.. McC'.eary. Wash. - IF TOU are not doing anything try ped dling house to house. 368 Hawthorne ave. HOMELESS, friendless, unemployed meo can find a horn at Pisgah Home colony. Scappooee, Of, WANTED An experienced laundry driver, one who is familiar with Gladstone dis trlct. Apply OregonClty Laundry. ELEVATOR man. Hotel Lenox, Third and Main VULCAN1RER wanted to lease good equlp- npn tire enop. iv- wan ay pivq. TAILOR for pressing and busheilng. J. A. Coniey. Lonami, ' " YOUNG man pianist to accompany singer. None hut bet need apply. 707 Vaughn. 8SH and door mac h in man wanted. Seil wood 14 ruk alesrnan. 54 N Rth st. gOME real hustlers with cars. &7fe 10th, IIKLft WA NT T. D M A t.K. MEN FOR railroad work, all branches, writs Jo letter marked personal to any of the officers namd below or any other Southern Paelf lo eompeny officer atatlny age, experience, present work, kind of railroad work you will do, alv Iny address whero you can bo reached by Utter, telegraph or telephone. Ap plications will bo considered as strlotly confidential. E. L. XIny, superintend nt. Union Terminal, Portland. Or.; J. W. Fit xg raid, superintendent. Dunsmulr. Cat; T. Ahern, superintendent, Sacra mento. Cal.; w. L. Hack, superintendent, Oyden, Utah; G. E. Gaylord, superin tendent, Stockton, Cal; T. F. Rowlands, superintendent, Oakland Pier, Cal.; P. M Worthington, superintendent. Third and Townsend sta, San Francisco, Cal.l C F. Donnatln. superintendent. Bakers field, Cal.; W. H. Whalen, superintend ent, Los Angeles, Cal.; William Wilson, superintendent, Tucson, Aria; J. H. Dyer, general manager, 63 Market sL, San Francisco, Cal.; P. U BurckhaUer, assistant general manager, 63 Matkst at., San Francisco, Cal.; T. H. Williams, assistant general manayer. 824 Pacific Elec trio bldg, Los Anye.es, Cal. This advertisement ts mad becaus of threat ened strike by certain employes. South ern Paclflo company. By J. H. Dyer, general manayer. YOUNG married man to sell our "quality first" yrocery line direct to the con sumer in Clackamas county. Same a) blng In businea for yourself, except the Investment. A lot of customers are watting to b supplied. No more look ing for a Job. One of our salesmen has' handled the sam route tn this rlty for 14 years and has an Income of $:oo0 per year. No capital required, but applicant must be a hustler, furnish btst of refer ence and bond and have, or be willing to buy, a night car for delivering. We have one on easy payments. Party re siding 'In Ctarkamae county preferred Or n d Union Tea Co.. 72 80 Grand ave. TO IT NO MAN!! Take this lip: The one beat place In this city to assist TOO In finding a position In a clerical, com mercial or technical line la the Y.M C.A Employment Department. Tou can get reliable information and they wi'l mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities tha; you would never find through your own efforts alone. All young m-n, and especially stran gers, are cordially Invited to talk with on of the secrete r lea Room 107, T. M. C. A. YOUNG man, between the ages of IK ard 20, for boys' furnishing section ; splen did opportunity for edvancement. Ap ply employment bureau befo 1:50 A. M. Llpman, Wolf A Co. LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED. On who un tiers and n machine for work In American-plan shop newspaper. Eight-hour day. good pay. In reply state lakt employment and when free to ac cept situation. Address- AF 103. Orego nlan. PRINTER WANTED. EXPERIENCED FLOOR MAN TO WORK ' FOR NONUNION NEWSPAPER. STATE EXPERIENCE AND LAST EMPLOYMENT. ADDRESS AK 100. OREGONIAN. WANTED High-grade experienced book keeper and accountant, thoroughly com petent, capable handling details office work ; must be capable holding better position: good appearance, initiative, en ergy and industrious. Salary to start $123. Excellent opportunity for capable an. Al. 4i', Oregon. tin. PERMANENT poeltlon with national or ganization at god pay from the start f-r an active man who Is prepared to do house-to-house selling In company with other men. If you are ready to go to work, rail at 211 Stock Exchange building before 9 A. M. SEVKKAL Iirst-ciHa talesnun by nation ally known corporation; attractive com mission proposition; applicants to receive consitieraiion must state age. references, naint-s of previous employers. 1 add res, nnd telephone number. AP 170. Ore conlan. $225 PER MONTH averaged by many talesmen, som mak more; congenial, easy work for youny or old, experience unnecessary; cash weekly; business splendid year round. Toppenlsh Nur sery. box I. Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED Solicitors to solicit real estate and business opportunities on commis sion basis. Live wires only need apply. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED Dough mixer; $6 day. Lima Bakery. Elma wsn. HelpWunted -Salesmen. TO THE man of education, ability and clean habits who Is sincerely deslrlous of forming permanent and profitable connection with a nationally known financial house we suggest that he call to see Mr. Coulter at room 409 Consoli dated Securities Co., 84 Sixth St.. after 9:30 A M. This Is a reat opportunity for men of big mental caliber. . WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. . We have an opening for a real sales man, must have city real estate experi ence as h will have exclusive territory. See Mr. Hickman or Wilson, with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED A man who wants to earn W or $4 a day during spare time selllns wholesale and retail l.25 Miraculous soap; 1025 soap shines silverware, cleans woodwork, etc.; your profit 30 and 40 cents per can. Write immediately. Nine teen Twenty Five ' Products Co.. Ellens-S burg. Wash. IF YOU think you can sell merchandise of great merit and will work you can make big money. This Is not a house-to-house selling proposition, but calling on business houtn-s only; 12 mo. work. CsM at 805 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 15Q3. EXPERIENCED sa lettinen in (he tractor or Implement lines; an opportunity for met. with pep and Initiative. Ford son Sale A Service, but .Salmon and Water sireetfl. 8 LIVE salesmen, city work, high grade urtlcle at big discount; commission bnals. big money for hustlers. AF 145, r 'r-gonlan. wVNTED A high grade aalesmnnager to work on commission basis: muni know how to yet work out of salesmen; chance to mnke big money. A.T 137, OregonlHn. SALESMEN to call on Kord owner; av.. tial and the fantesl eelllng neresilty that has been offered. The Speederator, l-7 ; h a m ber of Commerce bldg, city. SALEStEN. or men who hav ability ami desire to become salesmen, call or write North Rid Brush Co.. 2 to 6. 205 Ar- tin na'bldg. SA LEHMAN Washing msrhines; best make; highest commission. 614 Henry hldg. SALESMEN to sell oil paintings: fine proposition. 425 Washington street. W A N T FI A C. K N TS. AGENTS for a garage necessity: every hom garage a prospect. low price, good profits; easy aeller. Call at 30 X. Uth street. ,. HEALTH, accident and hoapital Insurance Big cnmmiHi-m ""i -" OIL BURNER for healing, Mg profits. 120 White. Kansas City. Missouri. HELP W A NTBD-fKM A I. K. FARMER wants housekeeper; give age rants housekeeper; ind IUU. Iiqrrm. r 1 1. y; rm TIT REE young lady piano teachers wanted 202 Ttlford bldg. APPRENTICE wanted For beauty parlor work. fl04 Etlers bldg. SAII-ADIEid to st-Ii oil paintings; flm proposition. 425 Washington. LADY can gt expanses paid to Mlnn spoils- Tabor 2177. ' w"ANlfcD Lady waiter for two lwur da 47 V asnirgion. MANICURIST for barber shop. K !.. Oregontan. ; . . HIGH school girl- Apply 460 E. loth N. East CI 71.