20 THE MOUSING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1021 HKLP WANTED FEMALE, KNITTING INSTRUCTOR. The Meier A Frank company require the services of a woman of good appear anc, ability and experience to take charge of needlework classes In which all kinds of fancy- work are taught. Apply at Employment Bureau. Sixth floor. MEIER A FRANK COMPANY. DO Y O U WANT TO MAKE MONEY? Have you an acquaintance among people who can invest $200 and upwards? Join our eal-s force on sounds investment ever offered and make $loo to $250 per week. We have a Packard twin six automobile for use in sales campaign if you can qualify in that-class. G 1&6. Oregon lan WILL PAY HONL'a FOR EMPTY HOUSE! 18 to 23 romi. north of Washington' or S. of Washington, 6th and St. Clair, or east side, iuth of Broadway. 6th to 22d streets. Give location and approxi mate sixe In letter and your address. K 1 10, Oregonian. ARK YOi; satisfied with your earning capacity? We train you for our work and guarantee you from $1600 to $18oo a y-r providing you meet our require ment. tJlve education and previous busi- n-- fxp-ri-nre. a I.., urfnonmn THE WOMEN'S Protective Division, city of Portland, offers its service In all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls; interviews confidential. 514 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak ims. I'hone Main --- STKNOMlAPHKK wanted by a leading ral i-sti.te firm; must be efficient and have experience; sUite salary expects and references. Ad tire- AJ 164, Orego ninn. GOOD position in private home, some ex perience; 2 in futnily: housekeeper, out, $40 ; also o ther positions. Scott's EmpL Itun-'iu, 32ii Hnry bldg. WOULD like to have widow lady. 23 to 35 yars old. stay Inside and take orders and hHp work up transfer business. Call East 4051, call .Mr. llarK ANY CIItL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, Way fnir ami Alexander streeia Phone Main 3-130. H.M car. Y"L.(.i Ixtly for office work; muni be I qun-k and accurate at figures; state ex perience, give age and phone. Write A tit. Or-gorilnn. WANTED Neat-appearing woman or Kirl who is not afraid of hard work. Apply 12'JVb N. 6th st. Ask for Mr. Swain. ' Wanted Domestics. WANTED Competent nd experienced girl to cook and do general housework fur couple with boy of 8 ; a good, perma nent home and liberal wages assured right party. Apply 621 Sixteenth st.. cor ner of Laurel, or phone. M.-ir shall 5155. girl Voh general, housework ; At U.ST UK FltXU OF CHILDREN; GOOD HOME AND GOOD WAGES. 211 A I NH WORTH AVE. PHONE WDLN. 1213. EXPERIENCED COOK or general house maid with references; good wages; west side. Telephone mornings, Mnin 5108. WANTED A mnld for general housework. 4 in family, small house; references re quired. Call Main 6540. WANTED Woman for light housework; one who likes children. 678 E. 14th N. Aut o 326-13. . WANTED Competent nurwe for 3 chil dren; city references necessary. Mar- m sh.HI s.',7. 77H Northrup. GOOD girl fur general housework and as- iKt ln cooking. ,'30 Kearney st. MAID lor general housework. Phone East 430 1 . firt s-h uyler. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with chil dren and second work. Marshall 3065. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMA1E. SALARIED people who want to gel ahead in this world answer, giving phone and a dT r -m. HP 1 7S. Or r go n lan. PA ifT Y ii h auto for real estate; must have experience. Apply 528 Henry bldg., IMwy. 11M.4. WANTED I'hoto coupon agents; good Kropotii t ion ; male or female. 303 Wash, lrtff., 270 V Wash. a. . HELP WANTED WITH I XVE8TMEXT. HALF INTEREST In one of the l;t offices In the city. Will net you $.".! per month: experi ence not necesttary. Disagreement of partners forces sale. Price for quick action $lniMi; furniture alone worth the money. For further information see Mr. M.i 'ante v, J1H Railway Exchange bldg. J.'.OU AMI SIJHVU'BS will give you a half IntereHt in the Bell ing end of a Portland manufacturing concern with a big future In a household and auto necetouty. V 155, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BAKER, first -clasa, all around good pas try man, 23 years' experience, married, wishes position ; city references. 701 Savior st. WANTED By middle-aged man. work of any kind in exchange for room, board a ml small wages; ran run and take rare of Ford car. K 153. Oregonlan. TH (ROUGH LY competent man and wife want work on ftirtii; understands all kinds of farm work; stock ranch pre ferred, E. B. Graves. Hillsboro. Or. I XTIMj, papering. ralclmining and re pairing, roof snei'lalist. satisfaction or no phv. 3- Main street, room 11. I'll. lie Main "iMrtl. PAINTING AND PAPERING; ?'Irt.ST ULASS WORK GUARANTEED AT LOW EST PRICES. J. H. JENKINS. EAST 7S4-J. fc CALL TABOR ti FOR PAINTING. K A I.SOJI I N I NG AND SIGNS; BEST WuKK AND MATERIAL; 25 YEARS' fIX PER 1 ENCE. liOY COM PI. KT I NG high school wants work out Hide of school hours for room and board and small wage. Auto. :3-0l e eninKs. 1 AN WANTS digging basements or anv pt k ami shovel work by contract. BD 17", Oregontan. sTaIC an1 wife want position as caretakers. Wlllitim Worrall, 413 lloosevelt st.. Ore gon Clty1 PAINTING, kalsomining. papering; best material Hnd workmanship guaranteed. Tabor 'J.TJM. ,TIE LITTLE ttihj. that dad won't do." I'.o'ifB repaired and treated. Tubor 43. tit orn a tl : !II . FI tST-CLASd bread and cuke baker and lastrv rook, ctty or country. Sam 1 'IninVr .'!' Yamhill. Phone Aut. 17 icri man ttantu work, light truck Crivir.g perftrred, any position accepted 1 '. 'Ifl isrea.-onable. C l.'.'L 9f!y'2ifl-P " I'M I MST-CMAUFKEUR wants driving shop tv.ir'-.. Can go anywhere. Ad tlress R 151. Oregonlan. T'.' irifof NO Norwegians want work at I nyt htng. can't apeak English well, but i v U ! 1 n g to w i-rk. Sellwood 2550. fY K M FITTER, power plant, steam or hot testing, hot water coll. Plans and esii inatej. Col. ffrt. E NT E KlENi'ED cake baker, also good on French patry. wants position at once. Addre!" B 110. Oregonlan. YOUNG, exp. man wants truck driving Job: references furnished. Call Snyder, Woodlawn 1313. H(t."ET watchman. 7 P. M. to 12 week days, l'i to 12 Sundaya, $30 per month. I'tH S Hroariw ay. Vt UG man r.'Od worker wants work of any kind; Cull M;ir. room 330. W A N'TK P Position by experienced hotel clerk. Tnbo r l 4 . La r se n . evenings. JOBPRlVlNG light delivery truck, can refl!lc': Woodlaa-n 1313. P.A I N'I'ING and papcrhanging. C. R. ! .s i.-r i'ol. 107. WANTED General hauling. 8 Hi -ton truck. day or contract. Woodlawn M. MliNtlT.t.NG and roof repairing. L. A. vnder-on-. Mar. 100? VLA.CTER1 VG by con tract; good work sit' pureed. K,it 2011. CKM EN T cesspools. sewer connections, laernents. Call Main 7133, apt. 4. CEMENT work of all kinds, good work ;u.tr.nteen. viiwood ii:t ' Akl'KNTER repair work, painting, kal- ri.iiiii'iiis. resonahle. East 5L'il MllXCI.I.Vti. roof-repairing; work gumr- ti t e r.1: prj-i rew.-cnaMe. Auto. ' t a . CAR P ENTER wants work, day or con tract, f irsi -clri.s worn. Woodlawn 2ftH3. EXPERT painter. d-,'orator. good work. right pr u-e s . W oon a w n Jls 4 7; plTUM H I NG. repair work of all kinds? Cull Urondway 40'J. CEMENT walks, steps, drive, floors, walla pannier in g. K a rges Woodlawn 155. PAINTING. TINTING Very reluible. Main 401. apt. 20. PLUMBING done very reasonably -..m- itr job Aufo. 1M5-M. WOOD SAWING TABOR 347. D'l.NK REASONA B LY. EVEN LENGTHS. GARDENS fixed now for the winter. Call Main 1375. Mr. Bs Id win, Feme nt work- Reasonable rates. CESSPOOLS. Tabor HI 8. MUST-CLASS auto electrician and me ,:iHnic; refrnce. Phone East H5o MKNT WORK -All kinds and g a races: .((onable. fall Tabor 6070. ' K'KLAYER. FURNACES. BOILERS, ii";itToN by experienced man janitor.! t nU hnmn or enretaker. Tabor S771. ;a"KPENTEH and finisher, estimate fur rtished. pi Ices right. Woodlawn 6101. ODD J Olid. PHO.NJi &ASX iiMiA SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. SIGN WRITER, first-clase, 23 years' ex perience commercial: cards, fine gold work,; bulletins, pictures; eober. reliable; can paper, paint, finish autos; go any where; Oc hour or per cent; wire or write details. Signs, 205 West 12th St.. Vancouver. Wash. FARMER, milker and teamster wants to take cars of farm and have privilege of keeping a few chickens; have boy 14. girl 15. going to school: we are anxious to have our own home; must be steady and not far from school. AF 179. Ore gonlan. TOCN'O man wishes position doing cler- leal work in a large nrm or oana wnin there la a chance for advancement; can furnish the best of references. Address K 153, Oregonian DEAF MUTE, with family, must havs work, steady and reliable, good worker; Trrlnra in erMmrv. furniture fac tory, sawmill and other work; good refs. Cail Sell. 323 after 6:30 P. YOUNG married man desires steady posi tion, experienced fireman and Janitor for apartment house or hotel; handy with plumbing and repair work: must nave wom immediately. at iso. urrnumw YOUNG man 25 vein of age desire posi tion In woods as steam engineer; have had 6 years' experience In marine, sta tionary and locomotive engineering. C lift. Oregonian. YOUNG man. high school education. 3 years machine shop experience, knowl edge of drafting and compiling estimates. desires position with manufacturing or engineering concern. J iiw. in-ggoiiian. WORK by an honest, hard-working man; can do any kind of plumbing, electricity, repair work, paint and calctmtnlng. Have all kinds of tools; must have work. A J 224. Oregonlan. MARRIED man wishes a position where engines and boilers are handled: can furnish b?st of local references and am experienced. AF 164, Oregonlan. JOB WANTED by young ex-service man; printer by trade but am willing to start at anything where advancement is as sured. AP 133. Oregontan. MAN and wife want work on farm or camp where wife could cook; expert enced. Phone Main 925. room 3. loo k kef per. Stenog rap tiers. Office. SYSTEMS Installed, income tax service, small sets of books kept by public ac countants. E 104. Oregonian. Sale men. SALESMAN' with clean, successful record wants high-class manufacturer's line on salary and commission; can give neces sary ability and effort to develop field. AJ 1H3, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WA NTE D KEM A LK. YOUNG woman wants work ln exchange for self and hueband's board and room; will furnish electric washing machine. Bdwy. 3i.T2 EXPERIENCED child's nurse, living upper Washington apartment district, care for children afternoon or evening; best ref erences. Broadway 1238. EDUCATED, cultured woman wishes po sition as traveling companion. Refer ences furnished and required. East 24fil. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleanlnp. washing. other work. Good work guaranteed. Wdln. 6305. WOULD like to care for small apartment house, room and some consideration. AP 101, Oregonlan. WOMAN wishes day work. 40c an hour; good cook; will care for children even ings. 1KK E. !Mst st. N. Woodlawn 0058. LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS dona up like new. Will call. East 8518. TWO capable, experienced women wish situations as apartment house or hotel m a nagers. V 15, O regonlan. " LADY wants any kind of day work. 667 Alblna avenue. Auto. 316-35. after & P. M. GOOi plain cook wants general house work, small family ; references; wages, $rtt). Y 157, Oregonlan. YOUNG lady wishes position with switch board ; some experience and willing to learn. Marshall 3048. t WILL care for children evening while parents are away ; references. Wood lawn ltlll. CLEANING, laundry, by day or hour. Main M -li- EXPERIENCED second maid wants post tion: city references. H 158. Oregonian. NURSEMAID wishes position in city, good references. AJ 178, Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 1J YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAijT OHM. WOMAN wants day work; 35 and 40 cunts an hour; car fare. Columbia 5'Jli. WASHING to take home. Mrs. Kllford, 045 J'Sth S. F. Auto. 84A-25. NEAT colored girl wants bus. stock or or rand work ; references. K.utl K3". "KlldJlKS' PLAYHOUSE" era who work or shop. for C. S. moth Mar Bhall 3073. COMPETENT chambermaid wants a posi tion. Main OS 17, room 3. WANTED work by young lady; work preferred. Miss Porter, Y. waitress W. C. A. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS wants work, 35 ct-nts hr. MIhs Andrews, Auto 3-1-02. HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes work after r h ool and Saturdays. 40-K5. EXPERIENCED chambermaid want work. Phone Marshall S14 or Main 4.-..-5. STRONG woman wishes day work. Tabor WOMAN wants day Main Ti-'s:!. room 2 work Wednesday. YOUNG woman wishes day or hour work, d w o r ker. Au ton i a t ic j51 6-31. RELIABLE woman wants day work or care of children. East 074. COoK'S heljter or chamoermaid, experi enced. X 158. Oresonian. (-MAN warns day w.i xperlcnced. HOUSEWORK for family of 2. East tSJUl. DAY WORK. Room lit. East 507. ItiKikke epei, Steno s rap lie rs. Office. FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER. LEGAL STENOGK.v .'HliR desires position immediately. 4 years ln Potland, i yt :i . p fi. .-, ma chinery.auto, produce. E. 211, apt. 415. FOR STENOGRAPHER;. BOOKKEEPERS AND OFFICE HELP CALL Mar. 3153. William Servhe. 504 Spald irg bldg. ; no charge to employers. ST E NOGR API! E R "with several months' experience desires position: will start at $45 per month. Se 1 1 w ood 3173. EX PERI ENCE l transportation stenogra pher wants permanent position imtne- diately. N 30, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes gen eral office work; references. Marshall 5170. Bo K KEEPER, 4 years' experience; wants position. Marshall 666, room 18. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi tion. Call East 4541. EXI'KKIENCKO stenographer desires per- manent position. Tabor 3481. GlttL wiAhes switchboard operator or fountain work. Ca 11 Auto. 5LI-J0. EXPERIENCED stenographer, assistant bookkeeper desires position. Tabor 431. DreHHnmlte m. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; appointments any time, including evenings or Sunday. Sell. 1199. SILK dresses a specialty; prices reason- able. 422' Morrlscn, room 6, upstairs. HEMSTITCHING while you wait; luncheon sots 5c yard. 1006 Broadway bldg. LELAH HUTCHINSON on gowns. 902 Broadway bldg. Phone Main 1788. DRESSMAKING, children's sewing a clalty; reasonable. Phone Sell. 1840. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day. East 6P96. will go out FIRST-CLASS dressmaker: sewing by day; references. Phone 617-5. MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse wishes care of invalid or confinement cases. Tabor 7772. PRACTICAL nurse will take cases ln her private home; experienced : maternity cases only ; reasonable. Marshall 2014. WANTED To take care of children while mothers rest or shop; referencea Tabor 46H5. WANTED To take care of children while mothers rest or shop; referencea Tabor 44iti5. SWEDISH massage in your own home, la-die- on'y. Miss Poulsen. Woodlawn 978. EX PERI ENCED. practical nurse wishes case. ln a lid or elderly. Main 4803. FOR TRAINED nurses, undergraduates and practical, phone Mar. 349. RELIABLE nurse, open for engagements; maternity cases preferred. Main 53S. Housekeepers. GOOD housekeeper wishes position where 2 children, aged 10 and 7, may attend school ; country preferred. Address 62 E 23d street. Portland. ELDERLY unincumbered economical house kerper w ishes charge of gentleman's home; good home more than wages pre ferred WOl'-KINO housekeeper wants position ln apt. house or rooming house; give par ticulars and phone number la first letter. AF 105. Oregonlan YOUNG lady with a 5-year-old girL wishes housework in widower's family; no tri- fler- Wdln. 57PL SITUATION" wanted by refined, capable widow as housekeeper for gentleman's home. AJ 1SS, Oregonlan. YOUNG widow with little girl will keep houe for respectable widower; no trt tlers A V 177. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER would like to get ployment. Room 325 Htel Hoyt. YOUNG woman, housekeeping; no triflera (V"21 ."Mh st. S. E . on Woodstock ave. YOUNG woman wishes position as house keeper out of town. AF 187. Oregonian. NORWEGIAN tflrl wants homework; ruX rftacca. Call Mitt .SSl SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domewtlcsj. STRONG woman wishes to do geenral housework ; good cook; best of references; not lees tnan w per montn. can uawy. 429. 143 N. 16th st. ELDERLY party wants rood home and light work : no washing; small wages. Marshall 36T2. EXPERIENCED girl wants general house work. S40 per month. 1043 Yamhill, cor. 83th st. WOMAN desires general housework in good home. C 40. Oregontan. IIouecteanlng. HOU8ECLEANINO Expert whits and Ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur Dltura polished, carpets cleaned, win dows washed. CITY HOUSECLEANINO SERVICE, 1H8 Chapman St. Phone Main 1167. WOMAN wants Ironing, cleaning or get ting dinners. Phone Sellwood 3410. WANTED TO RENT. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable furnished and unfurnished houses, apart ments and flats, with definite Informa tion pertaining to each. Sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find, this bureau of great value ln helping thein get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WEST SIDE. 7 to 10 rooms, N. of Washington. 18th to 23d. 12 to 30 rooms, S. of Washington. 5th to St. Clair. EAST SIDE. 12 to 20 rooms, S- of Broadway. 6th to 22d. Ask for F. C Marshall. FRANK L. McGUIRE. 20S Ablngton Bldg. Main 10OS. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. S3 Fourth St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel Phons Broadway 3710. LIST your houses and flats with us for rent. We have many dally calls for them in all parts of the city. PAKRISU, W ATKINS CO., 252 Stark St. Main 1644. WANTED Four or 3 rooms, unfurnished flat, apartment or bungalow, good lo cation; 2 adult a Call room 310 Port land hotel. A partnaentw. WANTED To rent, furnished apartment; four or five rooms. Must have two bed rooms. Call room 240. Portland Hotel today. Kooms With Board. GOOD, honest high school boy wishes a place to board and room and work for half of same. References A J 300. Ore- gonlan. ' Houwekeeplng Rooms. THREE unfurnished room for housekeep ing In private family, or small Mat. Rose City Park preferred Call Tabor 5408. llutlneMM Placet, WANTED To rent room, 35 or 50x100, east or west side ; not over $35. Sell. 2012. WANTED To rent garage, in or out, on main highway only. AP 174. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. I WISH to rent private garage for my car, in vicinity ot public library or court house. Phone Main 5256. FOR RENT. CALL AT T. M. C. A. to see free list b! moderately priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city. Including rurnn at the central Y. M. C. A., with tele phone In each room, shower baths and club facilities. . Furniihed Rooms. HOTEL HARRISON ROOMS $2 WEEK. Cleau furnished rooms; steam heat hot water, bath, etc 40.1 Front sL. corner Harrison. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; 31. -5 PER DAY. 30 PER WK AN L ir. CONVENIENT. ALL-NIGHT GARAGE. CALL AT Y. M. C. A to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the central Y. M. C. A., with telephone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. GORDON HOTEL, 174 West Para st Main 202. Clean, modern rooms at reasoaa.s prices; telephone service Included, tran slent and permanent guests dealrcd HOTELS ROWLAND. ANNEX, MARYLAND. VIRGINIA. 170 guest rooms, 2071-211 4th st. Rates 75c, $1 per day. With hath $1.50 day up HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST., AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 day; week, $5 up; private bath, $b up; fireproof and clean; close to business center. THE NORTON HOTEL, 12TH AND MORRISON. Furnished suite with private bath, sleeping rooms, ratea reasonable; walk- ing distance. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th at., at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, 1 day ; fireproof, large, attractive, Mputlesa r6om, close to amusements and shopp.ng center. ANG&LA -HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1950. Large, attractive' lobby with fire place. Special rates to permanent guests. Rooms with or without bath. BEST rooms in city for money; nicely fur nished, newly aecorated; front 2 rooms H. K. suite; air-o 3 rooms; heat, free phone, lights and bath; very reasonable. 117 N. IMth st. CI arfnea p t s. HOTEL HARDING. 84 Grand ave. Steam heat, hot and cold waur In rooms; clean and reapec able place. WASHINGTON UUTKL, 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suit? at reason. able ratu by week or month. THE ST. PAUL, 130 4.h t., coi nr Alder. A RESPECT A 13 1.E downtovi n HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private bath, S2. Spec.al rates by weeiv ur month. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and emu water, reasonable. 26'J &th st.. across street from city hall. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 rih 10th st.. 2 blocks north of Washington st.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. EUCLID HOTEL, 373 Washington, at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths Rates to permanent guests. Bdwy. 2082. HOTEL RAMAPO, 14th and Washington. New management, newly furnished, at tractive weekly and monthly rates. RECTOR HOTEL, 8 N. Broadway New and moaern; iaie jocks on doors; 31 a day and up, $5 per week up; private baths. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent ra tea. ARTHUR HOTEL, 178 Eleventh st., near Morrison ; ciean ana moaern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. HOTEL TAIT. 12th and Stark; changed hands; rate $1 per day, wk. $5 up; prl vate bath, $9 up; all outside rooms. MARLYN HOTEL. 17TH AND COUCH Large attractive, modern rooms by day, week or month; rates reduced. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st. at 10th $1 day. weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths; light and airy. HOTEL BARR. 112 North Sixth, two blocks of depot. l per gay, to per week and up. FURNISHED rooms. $15 to $30; heat, light, telephone and hot water free, Broadway 2i4 Near Couch school. HOTEL HARDING. SSH Grand Ave., steam heat, hot and cold water ln rooms; clean, respectable. 00c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson. Unfurnished Room. TWO UNFURNISHED connecting rooma -pq pin at., iirsi iioor. Furniwhed Rooms In Private Family. TWO-RM. APT., well furnished and c.ean. light, heat, phone and water; rent $28; close In. Sellwood 100S. BIG ROOM, private home, for 3 young men; 4 week; near Hawthorne. 228 E. V.Hh st. 2 SINGLE rooma in a line home; plenty of heat. Main 4254. Home privileges. CLEAN, furnished sleeping room, walking distance; reasonable. East 5883. 46 NORTH 21ST Sleeping room gentleman; modern, running water. S ROOMS with bath, $10 month. Apply 882 Williams ave. 209 14TH ST.. choice room, modern con veniences. walking distance. TASTY, clean rooma for young women, close In. East 239. 100 E. 18th. IRVINGTON sunny front room, near club. Broadway car. $12. East 8259. 315 LARGE room in nice home for gent. Us. W&tk &4 Lucre Ua, nr. 23d and Wub, FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. IN NOB HILL district. 2 nicely furnished rooms ln a beautiful home for 2 gentle men or man and wife; 370 per month. Including board and homo privileges; table board 45c par meal Call Mar. 352. t BEAUTIFUL, room ln private home: twin beda; parlor, piano, home conveniences; close in; congenial young man wishes roommate; $3.50 per week. 61 N. IStb st. Broadway 2727 . TWO very nice rooms In fine residence district on east side, within walking dis tance; home privileges. Price $15 and $16 each. Two blocks from public ga rage. C S. preferred. O 50. Oregonlan. LOVELY warm, room, niceiy furnished front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen who would enjoy home privileges; or to cou ple employed; will give breakfast. Wdln. 3588 or Wdln. 3f43. LOVELY ruom in private family, near Multnomah club, in select residential district; furnace heat; one or two gen tlemen or man and wife employed. Marsh. 1716. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Nice furnished room, large glassed-in sleeping porch If wanted, to rent to business women, near Aineworth school ; references. S 150, Oregonian. NICELY furnished room in lovely home, 64 N. 21st st., cor. Everett; walking dis tance. NICELY fur, front room, steam heated, for 1 or 2 gentlemen or couple employed; will give breakfast. Wdln. 3538. ATTRACTTiVE. LARGE. FRONT; FIRE PLACE. KITCHEN TE; MODERN 327 SIXTH ST. LARGE, clean room for young man; con genial people, 310 month. Broadway 2p4. 067 Olisan. NICELY furnished room with sleeping porch, walking distance. west side. Btiwy. FURNISHED room down town; light, heat, gas and hot water furnished; near Fiftb and Washington. Call Wiley. Bdwy. 200. PLEASANT furnished rooms, private fam ily, use of parlor, piano. - phone. 433 Prescott st. Woodlawn 3307. NICE, clean room for gentleman, congenial people. $2.50 per week. 1142 I von st., Richmond district. NICE front room, facing park; closet, fur nace heat, running hot and cold water. 431 W. Park. WANTED Congenial gentleman to share bungalow with couple. Rosa City Park. Tabor S12. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, three phones, heat and light, in modern home. 3t3 E- 12th st. Phone is. r 257 12th, large modern front room, two beds, two clothes closets, walking dis- tance; men only. FINELY furnished rooms, dressing room; running water, steam heated apartments. East 5009. Rooms Witu Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to tmnsients. WHITEHALL RESIDENCE HOTEL. 253 6TH STREET. Portland's downtown family hotel; room, en sjlte or single, with or with out board, for business men and women and families. Come and make your home with us; reasonable rates. THE HAZEL. Residential hotel, newly furnished and renovated, all outside rooms, with steam heat and hot water Rooms wUth or without board. Meals under new man agement. Prices reasonable. 385 3d, corner Montgomery. Main 7094. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; room en suite or single, with or without board, for families, and bustr.ess men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rate?. TILLICUM LODGE, On Columbia highway and Sandy river. Ideal spot for convalescents and those who desire a restful place to re- cuperat e. Ph one Corbett 1101. ATTRACTIVELY furnished steam heated rooms with excellent meals for young business women exclusively; a refined and homelike place; all conveniences, close ln. 507H Gilsan st. Bdwy. 24:t8. BOARD und room a In private, home-like place where there are a few other board eM; good home-cooked meals and home conveniences, Piedmont. Woodlawn 6118. liUAKu, ruom and nuroe. old people; best of care and trained nurses; reanonable. Carolina home, 472 Sellwood blvd. Sell wood 3f4. ROOM and board fur business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st. FIRST-CLASS room and board; home In every reaped; $LrO per day and up. 73a Johnson. Main 3710. SLEEPING rooms, single or double, with good home cooking, reasonable ratea Phone East 4V81. DINNERS 5uc at the Soule; cooked like mother cooked. 1!1 11th st. ROOM and board. 553 Couch. Phone East 80f0. 452 MORRISON, corner 13th st.; choice rooms; board optional; walking distance. ATTRACTIVE room with two meals for' two. :t20 11th st. -Marshall fi72. Koonift With Hoard in Private Family. IRVINGTON. nicely furnished room with excellent table board In home, refined, pleasant surroundings: Broadway car. 523 E. 25th st. North. East 8027. Garage. BOARD and room -Large, sunny room, suitable for two people, employed; no other boarders; 10 mln. walk from town. 552 Everett st. EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant, well fur nished room with fireplace, in thorough ly modern private home; excellent ta ble; close ln. E;ist 2o4. CAN YOU beat it ? Nice, pleasant out side rooms with steam heat and home cooking, in good neighborhood, $32 mo. 474 E. Ash St.. cor. 0th. East 3533. NICE, large, pleasant room with board for two refined gentlemen; home privi leges: west side, walking distance. 42H H;:rrlsjn st. Phone Miiln TiW.i. LARGE pleas-ant front, also single room with board, fine location, furnace heat; close to car. Walking distance. Phone East 0.103. EXCELLENT BOARD AND HOME PRIVILEGES FOR 2 YOUNG LADIES OR GENTLEMEN: WALKING DIS TANCE. EAST 150. GOOD room with 2 meals, phone and home privileges, 12 minutes' ride from heart of city. Call Tabor 7840. ROOM and board, modern home, one block from car line; home privileges. Price reasonable. Tabor 8: 51. NICE warm room with board, close in, on west side. Price very reasonable. Auto. M1I-3R. 2 GOOD rooms, modern hnme, pea r Haw thorne; email family. 20a E. 32d at. Aut. 224-5S. LA KG E front nom wit h board, suitable for two; walking distance; fine location. EhM 5715. WE HAVE a few nicely furnished rooms, cloe in. walkinsr distance; rent very rea sonable. CitU Alain 5513. ONE NICELY furnished room with board In private home, suitable for one or two people; Ha wthorne si 1st rict. Tabor 5807. WELL furnished room with board, in beautiful private home; hot water heat. Wdln. 476. ROOM with meals for one or two, strictly private family, splendid home cooking, sleeping porch: references. Main 511. LARGE front room, with board, suitable for 2. modern, walking distance, fine location. East 5715. PRIVATE home Tor cnildren; 20 years' experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2 1 62. ROOM and board, mother's care, in good home, for children. Tabor 11.17. ROOM with board for lady, weet aide. Broadway 37s. WOMAN wishes to board and care for chil dren by day. Call phone East 0232. LARGE front room suitable for 2 in prl vate family. 450 E. 8th st. N. East 3SS5. Furnished Apartments. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett st.. furnished three-room apartment, all outside rooms with sleep lug pori-h; $70. CLA Y POOLE APTS. 2-room apt. for rent. 424 Clay 8t. furnished 2 ROOMS, newly fitted. Call at noon or wter 5, nru Morrison st. Vcrv d-sirnh1e. CLASSIC apartments, 602 Gils MO. Broad way 29.14. .n ; 2 rooms. 2S7 12TH MODERN apt. and kitchenette, everything furnished, walking distance. MUNCEY APTS. Two rooms and kitch enette. $45. 3!o Clay. Main 4070. 2 ROOMS. $14 each, for rent; will give board. Phone Col. 322. 1-3 ROOMS, 1-5 rooms. 42Ri 67th st S. E.. W blmk north of Kern Park. "MERLIN." Broadway and Grant; nice room furnished apt., only $25 per mo. 4 ROOMS, modern, steam heat. 2 bed roQTiia. private bath. 501 Glisan. MoRTON APTS. 3 -room furnished 017 Washington st. Main 10S2. NICE, clean. 2-room furnished apartment at 570 Fifth st. Phone Main 7558. NICELY furnished apartment for refined couple. $25. 371 6th st. T H R EE-ROOM apt. for rent; furniture for sale. Phone Main 1383. evenings. 4-ROOM furnished apartment. Soul hampton apts.. 414 16th st. 15 DAYS STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 24 4 5. UNION A VS. and Ktlllngsworth ; fur apt. $21.50: all complete; concrete building. BUENA VISTA 134 Harrison First -das 2 and 8 -room apts. Main 10S2. MODERN apt., neatly furnished, MtQ Rus- oU near Union. FOR RENT. Fqmbhed Apartments HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished apartments, 1 w 5 rooma with sleeping porch, in resi dential district. We have, the very hand somest furnished apartments in the city ; white enameled woodwork, ivory willow furniture, Chinese ruga ponges hajjginKS. exceptionally clean and modern ; LOTS OF HEAT; also for refined gentlemen or ladies, bachelor suites and rooms, with and without bath; permanent and transient; references required. 166 St. i iair, corner of w asnington TUVCE ARK. PI.ASKT APTS. Three-room furnished apartment $50-Four-room furnished apartment, $00; modern, large, light, warm, clean, beau tiful; equipped for 2 to 5 persons; first cias janitor servicea; nice furniture and splendidly arranged. THE COLUMBIAN. 11th and Columbia. Walking Distance. Main 1911. - STELWYN APTS. HIGH CLASS. -Very elegantly furnished, outalde apt Five rooms and sleeping; porch, electric fireplace: very modern and Iota) oi heat; will be available October 2 : can be seen afternoon only. Mar. 2b30, 100 SL Clair, cor. Wash. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes' walk to Meier St Franara tore: good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apta, out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS, Vista ave., near 23d and Washington sta; one very desirable three-room apartment, newly decorated, tapestry paper, artistic ally furnished, outside balcony: n'sb class apartment house. Call Main 3883. THE JACKSON, M Vt Union Ave. North. Three-room apta, $35 to $40; private bath steam heat, hot and cold water, phone service; 15 mln. walk to 5th and Alder. Rose City car. E ast 2S4 0 . $20 A RT I STIC ALLY FURNISHED 20. Beautiful view of city and mountains. One room and kitchenette apt. Large windows. Good heat. Finest residential district; walkin g distance. Main 3916. CUMBERLAND APTS. West Park and Columbia Sta. 3-room furnished apt., newly tinted and enameled, two beds, all outside rmi; walking distance; adults only. Strictly first-class completely furn. 2 and 3-room apts., new period furniture, Wilton rugs, etc.; adults; $50 up- 415 10th. Main 6600. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon, 2, 3 and 4 room apts. ; permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main 6641. HA DDEX HALL apartment, 11th and Hall; cozy 4-room apartment, $40; cor ner 4-room apartment, bath, phone, bal cony, nardwood floors. $5-5. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Two and 3-room furnished, strictly modern; tile bath, elevator, 11th and Montgomery. Main 359. ALICE Court Apta. Available Nov. 1; 3 rooms, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, 2 beds, private phone. Corner E. 8th and Burn side. Eat S366. FOR RENT Five-room apartment, beau tifully furnished ; front and sleeping porch, for 4 months, or will sell furniture at a sacrifice. Marshall 807. L ATTRACTIVE furnished apartment of three rooms for adult couple; modern conveniences and in Walnut Park. 1054 Cleveland ave. THREE very large rooma furnished, cor ner; hot water heat; dandy place, home like; see this. 816 Alblna ave. Mississippi car. LENCE APTS.. 186 N. 22D. Furnished 3 rooms and bath. Marshall 22M) 6 LIGHT, view rooms, very sightly, 2d floor, heat furnished, west side, D M car; fireplace. 906 Savler st. ALTAMONT APTS. 304 College; 8 rooms ln basement; l!ght and airy, private bath; $40. WILL share home with congenial young couple; $30; everything Included. Sell. 1 273. IRVINGTON Nicely furnished 2 and 3 room apts., all large, sunny rooms. East 4 s r, -j. . JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. 4-ROOM apt., nicely furnished, ground floor; steam heat, lights; no objection to children. Bdwy. 4 QUO. 2rQ N. 19th. WILL sublet well-furnished 5-room apart ment: adults only; references required. B R AINTREE. 12th and Columbia. NICELY furnished 3-room apartment; fur nace heat, water, light; rent $43. Call Broaoway 4oa. COLLEGE 3 rooms, modern, first-class, free phone, walking distance, low rates. 3d and College. Mar. 5555. WILL share flat with two congenial ladles. $32.50. everything included. 551 Taylor tt.: call evenings. BELKNAP APARTMENTS, No. 187 17th. One vacant, front 4-room apt., elegantly furnished and strictly modern. TWO-ROOM apt., $4u; furniture for sale, $70 cash. $12.50 month. No. 25 May apts. Main 6983. ONE-ROOM apartment, steam heat, walk ing distance; reasonable. 414 4th street. CLEAN, sunny 2-room apt., well furnished, gas range. 614 4th st. 3-ROOM apartments, newly furnished. $35 and $45. 412 E. th st. N. THE CHELTENHAM Attractive 2 and 4 rooms, linn ana .-sortnrup. uawy. aooa. Unfurnished Apartments. TWO-FAMILY APARTMENTS. Unfurnished, 1 4-room and 1 5-room; very desirable; close in, east side, walk ing distance over town. Lease 3 years at $65 month. , J. W. CROSSLEY. 81 Fourth St. Bdwy. 5044 HARR1MAN apt., 164 24th St. N". ; large, light 4-rm. apt.; 2 disappearing beds, with dreselng room; one summer sleep ing porch, two other large porches, built in bookcase, writing desk and sideboard; some furniture if desired; $05; adults only ; references. CHOICE APARTMENT. "Merlin," Broadway and Grant; fine large 3-room corner apt., 2 dressing rooms, bath, strictly modern, $42.50 per month. Phone Marshall 426. BRUCE APTS.. 25th and Northrup, west side, 6 outside rooms, hdw. floors, sleep ing porch, front veranda, fine view, jan itor service, steam heat, gas range. East 1369; HARRIMAN ants.. 104 24th St. N. : 4-room large, airy apt. ; 1 real bedroom and 1 disappearing bed ; some furniture if de af renj$5AjIultsonlyjrfe $47.50 MONTH for unfurnished 5-room steam-heated, ground floor apartment ; free lights, private entrance. 402 3d sL KINGSBURY APTS. 1S6 Vista ave.. 1 3-room unfurnished apt with two disappearing beds and an on taide balcony. Call Main 3SS3. IONIAN COURT, 18th and Couch. 3 and 4-room modern apartments, newly tint ed, close in; adults, Broadway 2i STEVENS Apia. Nov. 1; six large outside rooms, heat, water, fireplace, sleeping porches. Call Main 9358. OUTSIDE Three rooms, toilet and bath, 648 Thurman, near 20th. Marshall 4701 THE AMERICAN, modern 5-roora apart- ment. Bdwy. 336Q. GARFIELD 3-room, sleeping porch, rea son a b I e361FaRingiBt;;W;Uj 5 ROOMS, modern, steam heat, gas stove. 561 Glisan . Fu rnished or Unfurnished Apartments. JAEGER APTS., T01 Washington at., 3 and -room luruisucu uu "niucu m m. THREE-ROOM furnished and unfurnished iapt., light, heat, hot and cold water fur nished; no small children. Call 1092 Hawthorne ave . apt. A. Flats. ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM FLAT. FIRE PLACE. 2 BATHS. LAUNDRY. ON CAR LINE. 10 MINUTES FROM MEIER A FRANK. EAST UPPER unfurnished five and six rooms, with bath, electricity and gas; walking distance, rent reasonable; adults only. 535 E. Ptark TWO fine 5-room fiats On first floor for rent. 545-547 Sixth st.. between Jackson and Lincoln sts. Ca-11 Main 33l2 5 LARGE, beautiful rooms and bath ; Dutch kitchen; good location; adults. Phone woodlawn 6 NO. 6titf EAST Madison st., fine modem 5 room flat. $40 per month. Donald Wood ward Main 143rt. i4 Second st. 0-HOOM flat, walking distance, nice view; W S.; fireplace, furnace. 38ft1 16th St., south of Montgomery. $37 50. Vlnney. 7-ROOM flat; furnace, gas lights, modern, $35. 314 Graham st. Open at 2:30. East S01 5. $20 3-ROOM lower fiat. : Williams ave. car line. 72 Going st., on East 4316. 6-ROOM unfurnished flat, close ln on Rose City car line. $35 per month. East661. THREE unfurnished rooms in nice home. $15 per month. Sellwood 2S56. FOUR l.irge rooms and bath; lower floor; $30. 09 E. 22d. TH REE or four rooms, close to Ladd school, any day, -o. Jiain 6-R FLAT', walking distance, west side; adults; $21.60. 512 Gerllnger bldg. Furnished Flats, 8-ROOM 2 P. M lower. Call at 603 6th. after CLEAN mod. flat for rent, new furniture for tale at a bargain. 848 Columbia st. 4-ROOM modern, nicely furnished flaL H16 Commercial st. Phone 319-01 4-ROOM furnished flat on Sandy blvd., per month. Call East 61 $35 4 OR 5-ROOM lower fiat, nicely furnished, near car. Tabor 42V FOR RENT. Furnished Fiats. MODERN, clean 4 rooms, sleeping prch, bath, .front balcony, private furnace, basement, west side, walking distance, special price to permanent adults. Ref- erences. V 158. Oregonlan. DESIRABLE furnished flat in Walnut Park district; five rooms, attractively furnished; all conveniences; Dutch kitch en and laundry trays. Woodlawn 3422. MODERN furnished 5-room flat. $36. in cluding; water; 4 blks weet of Williams ave. corner Fargo. 672 Kirby st. Call all day. NICELY furnished clean 3-room upper flat. Holladay addition, light, water and phone. Adulta. 395 E. 2d st. N. WIDOW wishes to share her furnished 5 room flat with congenial people; $20 mo. 2d 5 Larrabee st. 4-ROOM furnished flat. 24th and Vaughn, $25. Phone Main 6597. Call before 11 A. M. MODERN S room and bath, 2 adulta 43 East 17th, near Hawthorne. Housekeeping Rooma. $20 ARTISTICALLY FURNISHED $20. Beautiful view of city and mountains. One room and kitchenette apt. Large windows. Good heat. Finest residential district; walking distance. Main 3816. BEST ROOMS In city for the money; nicely furnlahed, newly decorated; front two room suite; also three rooms ground floor. Heat, light and phone. Close ln reasonable. 177 N. 18th. Clarlne apta FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electric lights, a team heat, five minutes' walk to town, 291 Columbia, near Fifth. t ONE LARGE living room and kitchen, with gas heat and light; kitchen has bullt-lna. At corner, by Rose City car stop, call Tabor 6187. WARM rooms for two people, $12 to $18; hot water always, baths, laundry. 655 Flanders. ' - 2 NICELY furnished single H. K. rooms, newly tinted, reasonable, walking dis tance. 281 Larrabee. APTS. 2 first floor front rooms, bath ad joining; housekeeping; convenient; desir able, close ln. Main 4436, . SARGENT HOTEL. Hawthorne and Grand, h.k. and sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, steam neat, ta. TWO H. K. rooms, running water and range, tvory woodwork, clean, good rugs, best locution. 101 Park. NEWLY furnished housekeeping roQms. close ln. 447 Main St., between 12th and 13th sts. FRONT 2-room suite, beat, elec, phone, sink, h. and c. water; for 2 or 8 refined adults. 306 12th st- THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms. $ 15 up. Including h ot water, electric lights, laundry room. NEWLY and nicely furnished sleeping and light housekeeping, walking distance. Broadway 4714 2 FURNISHED apta for housekeeping. 884 Park st. 2 H. K. ROOMS, $5 per week. 704 Powell FURNISHED DOWNTOWN H. K. rooms; cheap rent. 253 Va Wash., cor. 3d. TWO H. K. rooms, $13 mo., heat, elec tric lty, gas, bath, phone. 508 Davis. CLEAN, steam-heated single housekeep ing rooms. $16 per month. 147 13th. TWO RMS., $5 up; single room. $3; linen. hath, running water. 208 v asnington. MANOR hotel. 271 H Morrison; housekeep ing rooms. Marshall 2508. FURNISHED DOWNTOWN H. K. rooms: W..n O - "I L Warn ,n Qy4 2 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms. 848 Clay St., rent reasonable. Main a4.9. LARGE H. K. room, "kitchenette and porch. 735 Everett after 5 P. M. 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping apart ment. $6 weekly. 350 14th st. ONE and two light, clean, airy housekeep- jng rooms. 2 blocks from car. 7lo Everett. CLEAN, comfortable housekeeping rooms. $2. no a week ana up. B.Mi nawinorne. A NICELY furnished housekeeping room. $3.50 and up. 21 H Park. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap renL 657 A First st. . Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 3 FULLY fur. H. K. rooms; ground floor; 2 porches; private entrance; gas, wood stove, fine location; lawn, water, lights free; walking distance. 564 E. 6th. Sell. 1109. m NICELY furnished large room with kitch enette, gas range; olean home for nice couple; a bedroom with use kitchen for reliable lady who works, reasonable. 71 N. 22d st. ONE ROOM with kitchenette; also base ment room, cheap to man starting fires In morning, as? Taylor, near lutn 3 ROOMS, well furnished, complete. $26 per month: without dlshe and bedding. $22; to adulta. H2 East Taylor. H. K. ROOMS; Williams ave. we Iking distance. 275 East 5797. Mrs. Wilcox. FRONT 2-room apt., 805 Jefferson St., corner 5tlv FOUR housekeeping rooma with piano, ga rage. Auto. 646-65. 2 CLEAN rooms, ft net floor, walking dis tance; adults. C. S. preferred. K. 2170. TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping TWO very large modern h. k. rooms. 249 13th st SEMI-BASEMENT apt.. living- room, sleeping porch, kitchen. Broadway 3443. Hounen. PIANOS moved, $3; stairs extra, $1 each flight; 30 days free storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving; one-ton truck, $2 per hour; large truck. $2.75 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 12"7. Atlas Transfer A Storage Co., 104 N. 6th et. Open Sundays and evenings. 1137 EAST FLANDERS. 8 ROOMS. $75. You must see this house to appreciate it, 4 sleeping rooms with built-ins. dress ing rooms, hardwood floors, sunroom. all newlv decorated. Auto. 22.1-1 EIGHT-ROOM house at 560 Rodney ave nue, near Knott; rent $40, now vacant. House open. 209 Oak St.. near 4th. Bdwy.' 5355 8-ROOM modern house, large grounds, near Jefferson High and Thomson schools. Leaving city, must rent Imme diately. Call 781 Commercial St.. cor ner of Beach C4.LL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. TO RENT Furnlahed and unfurnished homes. Call at 206 PANAMA BUILDING. O. G. ROHRBR. RENTAL REALTOR. SMALL cottage. 813 Bowdoin st., near cor ner of Portsmouth ave. and Lombard ; price $15 per month. McClure & Schmauch. 306 Railway Ex. bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. New. modern bungalow of 5 rooms, rent $55. Call today. No. 625 E. 53d N. MOVING Pianos, rurniture ana long-dU-tance hauling a specialty. O. & W, Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. BRAND-NEW 3-room bungalow. Rose City Park; will lease to responsible tenant. Call Mr. Schafer, Broadway 4751. ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov ing for less. Broadway 2445. i WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Transfer Co., Main 1261. 2U'J Aiaer st. UNFURNISHED 4-room house with bath, good yard and fruit treea Inquire 1103 K. 6za at. LARGE houseboat, fully furnished, to re sponsible party; reference required. Sellwooa POf. MODERN ft rooms, furnace, fireplace, ce ment basement, ldy. trays, $22.50. 206 PANAMA BLDG. 6-ROOM house, basement, attic and attic bedroom. 45 Eleventh st. Inquire 331 6th at. Main 301. 6-ROOM HOUSE $20; furnace, etc.; 754 Kelly St., near Porter, west side. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. FOR RENT New bungalow. 1279 E. 31st M. N-, bet. Holman and Ainaworth. Main 6-ROOM modern, good condition. Lombard and Wabash sts.; yard, fruit, etc.; $35. H E. Plummer. Sell. 3O08. FOR RENT Nice home, 6 rooms, modern; garage if wanted. Call 747 E. Burnatd street. MODERN 6-rm. house; good condition; furnace and electricity; trays. Key at 87 E. 17th. ' 5-ROOM house, 607 East Ash; fine yard, near school, close tn. Apply 60S East Couch st. FOR RENT or sale. 6-room house. A-l condition, strictly modern; some furni ture : aouits lannr mh. 3-ROOM HOUSE 8JS7 Thurman St., near 27th; rent $15. Wakefield. Fries A Co.. n.T tin bi FOR RENT Unfurnished, modern 3-room house containing two stovea Phone Sellwood 1005. BE UTI FULLY situated 6-room residence flat; heat furnished; west aide. DM car; fireplace ; -'"Q aa ier at. MODERN bungalow; furnace. rireplac. close in; references. 954 Vancouver ave. $45 Woodlawn 16. 6-ROOM hotlse. $25; electricity, gae and bath. Tabor 3542. NEW' modern. 4-room bungalow, $30. Call owner. Mar. 1915. HOUSE for rent, 148 76th St., east of FOR LEASE 9 -room bouse, ail reftnished like new: .' per montn. g.aai. -ijo. NORTH IRVINGTON 5-room modern bungalow. Call 032 E. llfh st. North. 10-ROOM house. 107 Vermont at, corner Corbett at. Mar. 4604. Furnished Houses. 5 AND 3-ROOM. walking distance Broad way bridge. Kelson, 2eeV RuasalL aat FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. TO LEASE for -one year, my beautiful sub urban home, completely furnished, at a bargain. The place has 3 acres of ground, modern 6-room bungalow, a wonderful basement and double garage, every city convenience; on goon grav eled road. Just two blocks off pavement Go out Foster road to Buckley ave. and go two blocks South to Bob Lowes'. SEVEN rooms with piano, good for two families; large yard and garage, close in. near East Broadway ana Union; rent $tb: lease for six months or longer; ref erence. MalnJNi7. 3-ROOM moderircottage. furnished. 2 ga rages, on paved St., $40 per month. 6S4 Harold ave., Portland. Or. Thompson, Swan A Lee. Third and Main sta, Van couver. Wash. Phone 107. BEAUTIFUL, furnished bungalow. 5 rooms and bath; fireplace, furnace; close In ; MA car to Failing st. $511.50, Including water; two months ln advance. 823 Kerby st. ATTRACTIVE MODERN HOME. HAND SOMELY FURNISHED. DESIRABLE LOCATION. LEASE FOR 6 MONTHS. OR LONGER. REFERENCES. MAIN 4711. . FOR RENT 4 rooms, completely fur nished, light and water Included, on car line, $26.50 per month, lrtl Pendleton, corner Corbett. Marshall 4016. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, up-to-date, furnished; take Clinton car, corner Pen dleton, price $45 without garage, and $50 with. Call Marshall 455. E. BURNS IDE 6 large rooms, com pletely furnished ; piano : references; no children; Nov. 1; $75. Main 5437, morn ings. 5-RooM furnished bungalow and winter fuel for sale. Will consider to give lease to small family; $40 per month. 5824 40th ave. S. E. Auto. 631-6l. 6-ROOM house; 5 rooms furnished, near Ankeny car barns; owner will be there between 2 and 4 o'clock today. 46 E. 20th. 4-ROOM. well furnished house, 1365 East 8th st. N., 2 short blocks to Woodlawn cars. Adults only. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bungalow with piano, 82d st., near Glisan, $45. Call Tabor 6500, after 7 P. M. HANDSOMELY furnished 8-room house, piano, garage. 12 to 3 or evenings, 435 4-ROOM lower floor. piano, fireplace, strictly modern. Call Sell. 2604 after O 1 M. NEW, modern, furnished 3-rm. upper flat, rent $23. Inquire 543 E. 17th, 1 block to car. f. yi. PARTLY furnished 6-room and garage, walking distance ; rent $45. Inquire 748 w ater St., corner rorter, JICELY furnished 3-room bungalow for rent, $50 per month; on Hawthorne ave. car line. 2623 07th st. S. E. WILL share home with congenial young couple; $30; everything Included, bell. 1273. . FIVE-ROOM modern house, well furnished, good carllne. Adults. Referencea. Call after 1 P M. 368 Knott st. FOUR-ROOM house partly furnished, no garage. Call Bdwy. .i.Mu. 30 COSY 6-room bungalow, suburban, near elec. Main 3672. 208 Failing bldg. $45; FUR. 5-room bungalow; vacant Nov. 7. near Franklin high. Sell. 1717. 4-ROOM furnished, ern. Mar. 853. west side, $25; mod- FURNISHED 8 - rm . Auto. 638-36. house; fruit treea FIVE-ROOM furnished house for rent. car Una. Sell. X'lO. FOR RENT 7-room furnished house. Ret erences. Tabor 5075. FURNISHED 6-room. modern house for rent, $25. Address P. o. Box 002, city. tt-RooM furnished house for rent; west side, Call Mar. 3310. 335 4-ROOM cottage, furnished, near car. Fruit trees. Sellwood 1717, Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale. 9-KOOM house, desirable location, all fur niture and rugs, nearly new. for sale; Income from three rooms overpays house rent, $73. 70 Lucretla st., bet. 2 2d and 21ld sts. N. Marshall 2635. 7-ROOM modern ho urn- for rent, furniture for sale; near car and sch-jols. 355 Ufa ham vo not. f I " n f on FURNITURE of five-room flat for sale rea- sonable. 2;;i iiooKer, near st FL'RNUtl for nt URE of 9-room flat for sale, fla fine location. Mar. 2flia. R. HOUSE furniture for sale. 267 Falling, cor. Williams ave. Stores and Bu wines Places. STORE for rent, completely furnished with fixtures, shelves and counters: 5 rooms in connection. Edward T. Orr.. 115 Grand ave, FOR DESIRABLE space ln fireproof ware house phone Broadway 8715. FINE light floor, 30x100; long leaae; cheap rent. Wax. 24 North Fifth. m STOREROOM to lease, downtown loca tion. Mr. Hunter, atwfr Aioer st. FOR RENT Fully equipped bakery; 2 brick ovens. ;i40 Front t. . STORE and basement for rent. &42 Burn Hide. Phone Bdwy. K6. SPACE, including desk, typewriter, phone, etc.. In excellent ground floor location. SI Fourth wt. Hroanway ;nm. DESK room w:th teiepnona and stsne- graphlc service, rnone its wy. ana. FRONT office, modern, ln Railway Ex change mag- APpiy room 1 ROOM and use of main line phone. 818 Chamber commerce; piug. M iwcellaneous. WANTED Four duck hunters, have two lakes on best reserve on Sauvles Island. Will lease with cabin and watchman's service: lease $300. or will take four members, everything furnished, cabin watchman, feed and decoys, $125 per member. Lots of birds, lakes fed since nnhpr i rail East 6345. or Woodlawn FOR RENT Vacuum cleanera one wee a, Monday to Monday. $1.25. Includes de llvery. E. L. Knight Co. Bdwy. 14$ PIANO, rent for $3.i0 per month. 240 E. 36th, apt. 3. . BrSINFSS OrPORTUNITrFH. OPENING for active man in an old estab lished wood and coal yard; have plenty wood, 2 trucks, woodsaw, etc.; good rea sons for selling; $lsoo will handle -it. Room t'l Dnkum bldg. BASEMENT pool room, small town near Portland, cigars and soft drinks, enough space for bowling alley, none in town; steady payroll; leaae 3 years to run. AV 515. Oregonlan. FOR SALE: A first-class dental office equipment in a good location in eastern Oregon. Address E. A. Bennet, admin istrator, Salem. Oregon. GARAGE BARGAINS. And some partnerships that pay well. We guarantee everything we represent. W E S T K R y LA - U o.. -n i ny e.xco SACRIFICE restaurant; just the place for man and wife: owner has other business. Price $550, $250 down, balance month ly payments. Apply 663 V First st. c IMH.AND-CARRY GROCERY. A good one with 5 living rooms, $50 day or better. Rent $25. Price $2350. Room Oil HHllwa r.xcnanye. FOR SALE One-half Interest in business chance office; up-to-date place and good location. A J loft, oregonian, ATTRACTIVE grocery. $830, located busy east side street, rent reasonable. A snan. Cobb Bros., 928 Cham, of Cem. BARBER SHOP for sale, two chairs, good fixtures and good business; price $575; S3O0 will handle. AJ 166, Oregonian. - STORE building wanted. suitable for bakery conf., light grocery; state loca tion, rent. 701 Savler st. AN OPPORTUNITY. Must sell my 1-3 Interest in profitable buslnew by Nov. 5. 554 Alberta at. BEST grocery for the price In city; no competition, close ln, east side, 306 C. of t;.. yiwou. SOFT drink and lunch atand on 3d et., all for $450. half cash. John Brown Co., realtors. 322 Ry. Exch. bldg. CIGAR store, down town, low rent. $400 nio Mear, $2o00 handles; several others $4000 up. 36 C. of C. R EST A I'RAN'T FOR SALE. $.i.v month clear profit; $0UO handles It. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR BAiLE By owner, confectionery, cigars and lunchroom establishment ifiiU1-. If .iwthorne ave. $4iM INVESTMENT with services will net you $10 a week; you can't loose on this one Call 306 C. of C. bldg. $S.o CASH huvs restaurant doing good buine?s. Just the place for man and wife. Edward l. orr. no iranq ave WHY WORK tor wages u wining wnen l."r0 will buy a business that pays bet ter Room 511 Railway Exchange. $70 GROCERY store, wood location. iock. fixtures. Edward T. Orr, Realtor. 115 Grand CONFECTIONERY and news stand for fiP 404 Union ave. N. BARBER chairs on sals at big reduction Portland V uuery GROCERY, doing good business; rent $18; must Sell. rmwy. at .v. BARBER shop. 2 chairs. O. E. Jefferson at depot. 2S Front st. U INTEREST in gasoline woodsa in evorv day. Tabor BUS. FOR'SALE Confectionery, fountain, cigars and toparco: tavinx vuy. i. GARAGE for sale, bldg.. realtor See Quln. 206 Morgan BUYERS See me for good buys In restau rants. Harper. Stark st. BEST onVr In the city; urea, accessories. vulcanizing. i onrniyun GROCERY store for sale; good location. 147 Corbett st. HBO A GOOD business where you can lear i-'uu. .o. o"q LUNCH counter, good location, small pay ment down; eaay terms. 312 .Hum side. business orroRTcymrA SIMMS, 610 KENRT FLTW WANT A GOOD BUSINESS? Here is a list of successful pi area If you don', see It here, come in and tell us your wants. We have a large list of high-class business plaoea of all kind WEST BIDE GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. In a high-class, busy district, doing a dandy business; and a beautiful place. Rent $35, lease; steam heat. Price $2100. some terms. CIGARS, CONFECT. AND GROCERIES. On west side, adjoining good picture theater. $ioou. $600 cash will handle. CASH GROCERT. Doing $lKt dally, all cash and carry. 2 living rooms; invoice about $3000. ORCH'fiRY AND MEAT MARKET. Doing $45iH cash and carry monthly, rent $.".5, 5-year lease; Invoice stock and fixtures, about $5500. NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY. On a uulet atreft, thickly settled dis trict; no competition; 3 nice large liv ing rooms, nice clean stock and a dandy tore; rent only $22. Price $1550. GARAGE. W'est side brick. Oo-car storage, clear ing shoo a month: high-class apt. house district. Price $6500, terms H cash. OUT-OF-TOWN GARAGE. Doing $250,ooo business yearly, has agency for Chevrolet, Bulck, Master truck, Cleveland tractor, etc. Here's a wonderful opportunity to secure a big business right. Sell at Invoice, all or part Interest with management. At least $5uu0 cash required. DOWNTOWN GARAGE. 350-car storage, clearing about $1000 a month ; brick bldg. ; lease till after fair. Price $17,000. YAMHILL. MARKET. Coffee and dairy store, doing a fine business, good lease, rent $125, large space; Invoice stock and fixtures, uo bonus; about $3000. RESTAURANTS. LUNCH ROOMS. CAFETERIAS. $4000 downtown cafeteria, doing $1006 day, rent $110. $1550, lunch counter and restaurant guarantee $300 clear monthly; good brick bldg.; must leave town this week. This place coat owner nearly $3000. Classy west side cafeteria, seats t0, beautiful equipment, doing $100 dally, good location, long lease. Price $4000, easy terms, or will take good auto or lot. Ea-rt aide lunch room, a busy place la wholesale district, making $200 a month. Price $1000, some terms. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. BAKERY on east side doing $50 a day. Will take about $2000 to handle. Estab lished 4 years. $1500 Grocery store on east sid. 1 nice living rms., doing good business. Let us show you this. $3000 Grocery 'on east aide, has 4 beautiful living rms., reasonable rnt: fixtures $800; stock at invoice; doing $60 to $70 a day. 8. BORLAND. 303 Stock Exch. Auto. 529-04. CIGAR STORE BARGAIN. Ideal busy location; right downtown; in lobby large commercial and tourist hotel ; store also has outside opening on busy street ; fine staple stock ; a: tractlvw mahogany fixtures. National cash register, etc.; anybody can east y clear better than $200 per month here; only $1200 cash required. Suitable for lady or man. Ownr will remain ten days with purchaser to teach business if d, sired. A real bargain that la sel dom offered. Best buy In Portland. See this before you buy. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. Suite 316 Pittock Hlk., loth and Wash. POOL HALLS. ONE FOR $4250. Located ln good outside town that hea good payroll. Pool hall, confectionery, cigars and tobaccos; has 6 living rooma CI oars $:t00 per month. ANOTHER FOR $5000. Has good soda fountain, white tils re frigerator, electric popcorn machine, sev eral fine show cases, good wall case and four pool tables and other first-class equipment. Present owner there U years. Outside town, no competition. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., (S00-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. BARGAIN FOR MAN AND WIKi' LUNCH COUNTER & RESTAUR T; fine corner location at railroad terminal and center of Portland's industrial dis trict; completely equipped; seats 30 pen pie; a nice, clean placti; very low rent; living room ln connection; man and wife can easily clear better than $2M every month. Price only $850; a real bargain that Is seldom offered. Listed exclusively with GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. 816 Pittock Blk.. 10th & WaMhink'ton. GOOD restaurant, doing $50 buslneas. lo cated on best transient street ln city; $2000, half cash. Small restaurant, good lease, rent $30, $25 day buainess; price $550, $200 cash. $1800 buys restaurant with new fix tures, good location, doing $40 business. LINTON A WKIiCH, 418 Railway Exchange. AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS. EQUAL half Interest In a good, busy, well-located auto repair shop; steady trade, very low rent; need a man that Is handy with tools and mechanically In clined; must not be afraid of work; this Is your opportunity to get In with a first-class mechanic, where you should easily clear $200 every month for your self. Price only $300. A real bargain that will be quickly sold. Call 316 Plt- tock Blk.. 10th and Washington. BRICK garage, 52x122; excellent location, filled to capacity with steady storage; fully equipped auto repair shop. Have enough work to keep two mechanics busy; service station, oils, etc., clearing $350 month net. Will give lease from 5 to 10 years. $2500 handles. Surety Investment Co.. 310-11 Panama bldg Hd and Alder sts. ' EFFICIENCY MAN wishes to talk to garage owner who Is not satisfied with the extent of his busi ness; to such a man we offer a proposi tion which will cost comparatively noth ing unless trade is developed. Address: lilt vviimmrue mvu. or puuno v.mt-. POOL HALL. 5 tables, all eoulPDed. en trance on 2 streets in connection with lunch counter; nearly $500 worth of stock on hand ; Insured for $2500 and $2.00 takes all thia week, well worth $3500. B42 Third St.. McMinnvllle. Or. POOL ROOM, 3 tables barber shop. 5 chairs; front and back bar; llfh lunches. Rent $40; sub-lease $26. $1950 You want to see this. 8e Mi Buckholt. with I. E. SPENCER & CO., 617-10 Cham, of Com. Bldg. L-243. GRO.. CONF. AND LUNCH. Doing $125 a day business, good loca tion; rent $45 per month. PTioe $6000, Will take house and lot up to $3000, KEIPPER A STEWART, 51-4 Ry Exchange Blag. 11 ROOMS, close in. Nob Hill; celan, very nice furniture, dandy furnace; could make 4 more rooma; it you have $1200 cash ask to see thia See Mrs. McCIaln, M E- T.ENT CO., 524 N. W. Bank Bldg. GRO.. CONF. AND LUNCH. Just across the street from school, doing about $50 a day business?; two. year lease; rent $13; price evbout $200 cash. 514 Ry. Exchange Bldg. PARTNER WANTED. $73 PER WEEK FOR EACH; DANDY CORD AND SLABWOOD DEAL; HAVE OWN BOAT, BARGES, 8TEAM SAW. LOADING EQUIPMENT. 607 COUCH BLDG. MEAT market for sale" Ice machine, slaughter house snd all necessary fix tures. In good payroll town, good paying buainess; price $2500. AV 6:0. Orego- nlan. , GENERAL merchandise store in best small town In northwest; good buainess and light expenses; $30,000 reulred to handle. Address T. F. Kendall. Walla Walla, Washington. HOC RANCH FOR RENT. 14 acres on Columbia boulevard at north end of 4Jd at. Improved and equipped for feeding hogs. Woodlawn ;t r. 7 4 - C A. Corhran. CUNFECT. AND SODA FOUNT.. YAM HILL MARKET. $.1000, terms. Mr. Rlti, I. E. Spencer A Co. 517-19 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . RETAIL grocery; good east side location; old-eatahllwhed trade; Invoice about $.;O00. fixture! $o0; doing about $HOO0 per month; rent $30. Owner. F 15. Ore- gonian. PARTNER WANTED. DOWNTOWN LOCATION. CLEARS $300 PER MONTH; 1OXO LEASE; IN V ESTM ENT SECURED 607 COUCH BLDG. YAMHILL MARKET. Butter, bakery and light grocery com bined. See this quick. A BARGAIN. Bee Mr. Rlts. with I. E. SPENCER A CO., 5i7-i Chamber of commerce Hing. BILLIARD room location ln best town out side of Portland; new building, good location, low rental, long lease. For par ticulars see A. R. McKlniey, 46 Fifth st. Portland. SWELL MEAT MARKET, YAMHILL, 1ST. First come, first served. Mr. Rita with I. E. SPENCER CO.. REALTORS, U7.-d.ft Chamber oX Commorcw -Elder.