12 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1921 SHARKS IN ETHICS New Questions Laid Before Applicants for Jobs. ONE IS SOMEWHAT TOUGH "What if You Wanted to Sell to Man With Jealous Wife and Saw Him With Chorus Girl?" Asked. KEW YORK. Oct. 17. (Special.) A delicate problem In applied ethics Is being set before candidates for Jobs in the establishment of Thomas A. Kdlson. according to a new set of questions attributed to Edison. This 1 It: if vnn were desirous of obtaining- an order from a manufacturer with a Jealoua wife and saw htm wltb a chorua girl, what would you do 7 This appears as No. 49 In the series of 41 questions an applicant for an Edison Job has made public. The authenticity ol the Hut could not be 'verified Mrs. Thomas A. Edlssn said: "Every applicant who receives a set le sworn on his honor not to divulge any part of It. Any applicant who violates this understanding commits an act of dishonor. There is nothing more to be said. Mrs. Edison wTTuld not say whether the prohlwm of the salesman, the manufacturer, the Jealous wife and the chorus girl had appeared in any of her husband's questionnaires whereby he tests young men as to their fitness for certain kinds of work. The new liwt of questions as published here follows: 1. Prove that tha moon revolves about the earth. Describe apparatua. 2. Name the largest city In South America. 8. What is Sumatra tobacco used for? t. Correct sentence: "How come you ain't let him see you were not home?" 0. Where la Mount Kpicepetl? 6. What la an antiseptic? Name four Commonly used. 1. Name an evening of 1021 that will probably be remembered 50 years hence. 8. What is the difference between an atom and a molecule? u. Who was John Cabot? 10. Name the qualifications of an exec utive. 11. What is tha bone charcoal used for? 12. What is a rotifer? 13. Who wrote "As You Like It"? 14. How was the name "America" de rived? l.. What Is the cause of the disease "berl-berl"? 14. Name six Indian tribes. 17. Wbat are the three largest cities in Canada ? 1H. Name a range of mountains 400 miles north of New York city. 19. Name the largest cotton-exporting city of the United States. 20. Name the presidents of the United States Who have been assassinated. 21. Wbat Is "pop"? Who discovered It? 22. Name the largest Industrial city of the United ritates. 23. If one man can do piece of work In three daya and another in four days, how long will It take them to do it to gether? 24. What is the name of the largest print cloth mill In the United States? 2.1. Where la Pike's peak? 20. Bound Perala. 27. How far Is it from an Francisco to Honolulu) 28. Who Is Roslnl? 29. What are the principles of pho tography? :tn. Name six musical composers. 31 In what state are so-called "bad lands" xltuated? 32. What la aqua regfm? 33. What Is the most famous breed of cows? 84. Who was Barbara Freltchle? 35. Name five cltlea of Europe with a population over 1.O00.000. 3l. Who was Count Rumford? Where was he born? 87. What Is a splegelrlsen ? 88. If sodium hydroxide and hydro fen chloride are mixed, what results? 30. Who was Tecum-eh? 40. If you were desirous of obtaining an order from a manufacturer with a Jealous wife and saw him with a chorus girl, what would you do? 41. Who .wrote "Pickwick Papers." "Huckleberry Finn," "Vanity Fair," "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?" CIGARETTE SALE COSTLY San Francisco Judge Wars on All Who Sell to Minors. BAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Oct. 23. (Special.) Judge McAtee Saturday Joined hands with the police depart ment and the board of education in attempting- to break up the cigarette habit among: high school students. Charles Johnson, a shopkeeper of 775 Frederick street, which is near the polytechnic school, was fined $25 by Judge McAtee on the charge of Police man Sweeney that Johnson had sold cigarettes on October 18 to Leslie Hart, a polytechnic student, 16 years old. "I'm going to try fines for a while' Judge McAtee eaid, when he found Johnson guilty. "If that fails to stop the selling of cigarettes to minors 1 shall then begin to inflict Jail sen tence a.M The police were moved to take ac tion by the school board, many com plaints having been made that shop keepers near the school were breaking the state law which prohibits the sale of tobacco to minors. Census of Salem Cats Taken. SALEM. Or., Oct. 23. (Special.) Some man. apparently without any official authority, has taken upon himself the burden of compiling a census of cats In Salem. A woman reported to the officers yesterday that a man visited her home, and upon being greeted at the door, pulled out a memorandum book and asked the woman of the house how many cats were on the premises. "No cats here,' said the woman as she closed the door in the stranger's face. The Identity of the census taker has not been determined by the officers. AMUSEMENTS. LYRIC MIMICAL COMEDY COMPANY You'll Thrill at "The Awakening of Calla" CIRCLE Fourth at Waah In gto GLORIA SWANS0N "THE GREAT MOMENT Also a Mutt and Jeff Comedy and Tathe News. Open from 9 o'clock In the morning un til 4 o'clock the following morning. DANCING COTILLION HALL MONDAY BARGAIN NIGHT NELSEN'S ORCHESTRA AMISEMENTS. 3 fflSHT lBl?KumCuiXJ tei E3j sts.i5et.7S. monts ise tssl.gB WHITING and BURT l"Sewral Songs' Sam Mams and J. P. Griffith " Dans, fantasies " "INDOOR SPORTS" it CssmQ East and West : Topics of me Day Aesop's Fables : Path. News M0RAN MACK I SCHICHTL'S "In llact Inn" I tital iMaUlttsI JUST AS MI CH FCX AS CHRISTMAS. - , Now Flaying America's Greatest Comedy 'TURN TO THE RIGHT' Most Delightful Play That Ever Came to Town. HFPPODRbiviE NOW PLAYING NOW PIAYIN? NOW FLAVIN G UOL1,. FROLICS SWAN'S WATER SENSATION. (Only act of its kind In world.) See the fight of man and crocodile !"OlK STAR fea ture photoplay. TICKKT OFFICE SALE OPENS TODAY TjrjTT TP1 Broadway at Taylor 1 1 d J. Mil VJ Phone Slain 1. rSIf.rdEs.EVE'S,0CT.28,29 Special Price .Mat. Sat. COMIC OPERA SUCCESS I KXCKIXENT CAST I SPLENDID CHOKIS SUPERB PRODUCTION. EVE'S Floor, 2; Balcony, $1.50, $1; Gallery. 77c, 50c. . SAT. MAT. Floor, $1.50; Balcony, $1, 77c; Gallery, reserved and ad mission 50c. Add 10 Per Cent War Tax. PANTAGES Mat. Dally 2:30 Eves 1 and LITTLE CARUSO A CO. Excerpts From Famous Operas. HERBERT AND NORTH "Original Nonsense." EXTRA Walking; Onll Given Free to Lucky Child Eiu h Matinee Thl Week. Phono your want ads to The Orefro- nlan. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95. AUCTION SALES. At Wilson's Auction House. 10 A. M. Furniture. 169-171 Second street. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON COMMANDER! No. 13, K. T. Sir Knight: The funeral services of Past Commander Couch of th. Grand Commandery of North Dakota will be held Tuesday at 10:30 A. M. at Flr.ley un dertaking parlors under the auspices of the Grand Commandery of Oregon. Sir Knight of Washington Commandery will act as escort. Sir Knight will report at Asylum at 10 A. M. sharp. Signed, u. f. r.lajdA.x, rtecoraer. PENINSULA CHAPTER No. 43, 14. A. il. Special convo cation this Monday evening, 7:30. R. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of H. P. GEORGE H. LEMON. Sec. PARK ROSE LODGE U. D., A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening, 8 P. M., Ryan and Sandy blvd. Work In M. M. degree. Visiting brethren wel- By order W. il. ROBT. W. PETERSON. Secy. WILLAMETTE LODGE No. 2. A. F, AND A. M. A special communication this (Monday), at 7 P. M. Work in M. M. degree. Visiting brethren wel come. By order W. M. T. VAN HEEKEREN, Secy. HARMONY LODGE NO. 12. A. F. AND Ar. M. Special com munication this (Monday) eve., at 7 o'clock. Work in the F. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. 31. De LIN, Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON Chapter No. 14. O. E. S., stat ed meeting this Monday eve ning. East 8th and Burn side. Social. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Secretary. FRIENDSHIP CHAPTER 115, O. E. S. Stated com munication this evening (Mon day), at Vincent hall, 43d and Sandy, 8 P. M. Social. By order of W. M. ILLA DUNN RICE, Rec Secy. GUL REAZEE GROTTO No 6S. Short business meeting Monday. Oct. 24, at 8 o'clock sharp, Pythian temple. Followed by a very inrprMtinc DroKTamme. In vite vour Masonic brethren. Wear fes. By order of the Monarch. HARRY A. McRAE. Acting Sea PANTON PORTLAND. NO. 1. P. M., I. O. O. F.. will assemble at Temple, 8 o'clock sharp for drill. Fatigue uniform, this (Mon day eve. Every chevalier be pres ent. H. w. wriuht, (-apt- Major E. Woertendyke. Clerk. PENINSULA LODGB NO. 128, I. O. O. F.. meet, ever alonday evening at L O. O. F. ball, 0U014 W. Lombard street. A!l Oddfellows lnvueo. OEO. B. OTTKRSTliO. See. HALLOWEEN DANCE. There will b. a Halloween masquerade given In Neigh bors of Woodcraft hall, Monday, Oct. 24. Prises. Jack Carlson's orchestra. Gents 60c. ladles 40c, including war tax. Com. and let ua show you a good time. LIBERTY ASSEMBLY. UNITED ARTI SANS Masquerade ball, Wednesday, Oc tober 20. Woodman hall, East 6th and Alder. Union music and prizes. Admis sion Mc GUS H. CRAMER. T12-A SELLING BLDG. Main 0026. , Jewel and emblem manufacturer, watch and Jewelry repairing. DIAMONDS. Diamond Setting and Mounting. LODGE F.MBLEMS, class pins, officers' jewels; carry large stock to select from; special work to order In our own factory; Davids. Jewelers and opticians, 843 Waah lngton street at Broadway. CLUBS LODGES-SOCIETIES. Shaw's Amusement Bureau. Reliable entertain ment for all occasions. 808 Lewis bldg. Broadway 1720. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, chsrms. pin. new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-g 8;xth St. FRIEDLANDERS for lodge emblem, class pins and medala 310 Washington st. niEn. TURNBULL Oct. 23. at Meldrum station. Maria V. Turnbull, aged 60 years. Re mains ar. at Finley's mortuary, Mont gomery at 6th. Notic. of funeral here after. BROWNELL Oct 23, at the residence. SO N. lPth. Clara Alice, aged 62 year, wife of T. C. Brownell. The remain, are at Finley's mortuary. Montgomery at t'dih, police ot lusexal heieatur. if . PIED. MORRIS Oct. 22. at the residence. 1803 Belmont street. Frances B., aged 29 years, wife of Fred G. Morris. The re mains will be forwarded by J. P. Flnley 4 Son this (Monday) evening to Placer vllle, Colo., where service, will be held and Interment made. NEUBAUER In this city. Oct. 23. 1921. Mary F. Neuebaur, aged S3 years, wife of John Neubauer, mother of Cresta Neu bauer, daughter of Joseph Groppo. Re mains are at the chapel ox bawara xiui man & Son. Notice ot funeral later. MAHONEY In this city, Oct. ' 22, 1921, William F. Mahoney, aged 87 years. Remains ar. at the chapel of. Edward Holmaa & Son, Third and Salmon atreeta. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. JONES In this city, October 22, Mrs- Lula B. Jones. .0 years, mother of Mrs. Lorldo Yoeman. Mrs, Beulah Rieber and Mrs. Viola Hoover, all of Portland. Friends Invited to attend funeral services to be held at the Central Adventlst church. East Eleventh and Everett streets, Tuesday. October 25, at 2 P. M. Concluding aervlces Mount Scott' ceme tery. Breeze c nook in charge. WHITE The funeral aervlces of the late Frances White, who died suddenly In this city, Oct. 20. 1921, aged 62 years, ' will b. held tomorrow (Tuesday), at 2 P. M., from th. chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Co., corner Third and Clay. Friends Invited to attend. Father Hughes In charge of service. Interment - ML Calvary cemetery. LOMINSKY The funeral cortege of the late Johanna Lomlnsky will leave the chapel of Miller and Tracey Monday. Oc tober 24, at :30 A. M . thence to St. Patrick's church. Nineteenth and Savler streets, where mass will be offered at 9:45 A. M. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. BRUNEATJ The remains of the late Al phonse Bruneau will too forwarded under the direction of Miller and Tracey Tues day. October 25, to Gervais, Or., where service, will be held at the St. Louis Catholic church. Interment St. Louis, Or. COUCH The inneral service for Orley E. Couch late of New Rockford, N. D.. will be held Tuesday. Oct. 25, at 10:3O A. M., at Finley's mortuary Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service. Rosa City cemetery. BERSCH Th. funeral service for Mary Ann Bersch late of Vancouver, Wash., will be held today (Monday) at 10:80 A. M.. at Finley's mortuary. Montgom ery at Fifth. Friends invited. Conclud ing service River View cemetery. ADAMS The funeral service for Minnie Adams, wife of Rev. A. J. Adams of Sutherlln. Or., will be held at River View cemetery at 1 P. M. today. J. P. Finley & Son, directors. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service. JONES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 11. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. frSa VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation Portland Crematorium Phone Sellwood 867 EAST FOURTEENTH AND BY BEE. Ask for Booklet. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral 8ervlce for Lens. Independent Funeral Director.. Washington street, between 20th and 21st ats.. west side. Lady assistant. Main 209L Auto. 678-85. HOLMAN & SON (Founded ISM.) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sts. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett street.. Phones Bdwy. 2133; Auto. 531-33. BAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS (P. S. DUNNING. INC.). The family sets the price." 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Auto. 225-25. BREEZE & SNOOK, 1047 Belmont, Funeral Directors. W. F. WHEALDON, Mgr.. Tabor 1258. DOWNING t McNEMAR. The Residential Funeral Home, 441 Multnomah St., Irvlngton Dlst. East 54. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT 6TH. MAIN 9. LERCH. UNDERTAKER. East Eleventh and Hawthorne Phone Enst 781. CVCUCQ UNDERTAKING CO., Ulk.ll kH Third and Clay. Main 4152. A D 7CI I CD HO 592 Williams Ave. ni iii a.L.i.ui.11 uuif Phone East 1088. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO.. 5804 92d St. Lents, Auto. 618-21. FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 354 Washington St Main 269 Largest rose grower. In the Northwest. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. Personal attention given wedding, reception, tea and table decoration. Floral tribute, promptly ittended to. 6WETLANIVS FLOWER SHOP. Morrison St.. bet. 8d and 4th. Tel. Main 419. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. MAIN 4737 YAMHILL, AT TENTH. And Floral Designs, 23 Hothouses. No Branch Stores. 25 Tears on Morrison street, bet. 4th and 5th. Main 7700. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florist. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 141 H Sixth, opposite Meier AV Frank's. Main 7215. IRIS PLANTS FOR SALE Choice plant. 25c; all kinds of peren nials for sale. Call Sunday A. M. or Mon day. 1017 Senate St. Tabor 3253. NOB HILL FLORISTS (Estate Alfred Burkhardt.) N. E. cor. 23d and Gllsan. Main 1359. TONSBTII'S FLORAL CO.. 2S7 Washington St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 6102. A. 110L MONFMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS tfm 4th St.. opp. City Halt NEC BROS. I OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS ) QUALITY MEMORIALS 1 E. THIRD t-HNE STS. PHONE E 74.3 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home. 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc., picked up, Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu fatturers, repair men, etc, classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. . ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor. Income tax service. Concord bidg.. 2d and Siark. Phone Main 7443. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNING. Have your home designed by expert; 20 years in city. Call Maia 752B. 483 W'p.t T 1 U ASSA1EKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second. ijooa. .liver, platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub llc. 5- Chamber of Commerce bldg. ALTO TOPS AND FAINTING. QUALITY Auto Top A Painting Co.. Sat isfaction guaranteed for both work and price. E. 3d and . Broadway. Phoca East 43-3. BATHS. DR. McMAHON'S baths. Portland; steam, showers, plungers, tubs, all for 35c; tell your friends. Fourth at Washington.' BOILER REPAIRING. INTERSTATE BOILER AND MACHINE WORKS. Bast 3UV2. Foot of Knott St. Manufacturer- of tanks, stacks. etc. Blacksmith repairs promptly attended to. CARPENTERS. CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK. General contracting; beat recommended In city. Call Main 7520. 483 West Park. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1254. CHIROPRACTIC. DR. McMAHON (McMan), Portland 12th year. Seven post-graduate research coursea Kate.: Extended time. SI ad Justmenta. S15, restoring health. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM. EstelU. Florello and Dewane De Veny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialist. In city. Parlor. 302 Uerllnger bldg., southwest corner Second and Alder streets. Main 1301. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot trouble, sci entifically corrected; lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8702. CLEANING AM) FRESHING. REGAL CLEANERS Letters Cleaning and dyeing a specialty. 127 North fiixth street, Portland. Or. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bids. Maia I?. No collections, do charges. Estab. 1900. CON'TRACTOKS AND BL'ILOKRS. A-1 BUILDING CONTRACTOR HOMES. JOB B I NO. TABOR 3:: 23. DANCING. SUMMERS' Dancing Academy, Sht 5th st. Lessons day, evening; dance Tuesday, Thurs., Sat.; fancy dancing. Bdwy. 3.'i90. BALLROOM, stage dancing taught, 11)5 6th Cor, Harrison. Main 254. DENTISTRY. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner Sixth and Washington st. Main 2119. Auto. 2119. nCUTICTOY LR. a. w. KEENE UL.I1 1 IV) I II I No After-Effects. Without Pain. SolVi Washington St. X-Ray Work. Above Majestic Theater. HATS CLEANED. II LOCKED AND DYED. HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed; reasonable and satisfactory. Royal Hat Works. 2Si First Bt ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND repaired BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone .VJ"-??. Main St. GCTTERS CLEANED. GUTTERS cleaned and repaired by re sponsible party. Wdln. ;otH. JEWELRY MFG. AND REPAIRING. ROSS & CO.. WHOLESALE JEWELERS. 31 MOHAWK BLDG.. 3D & MORRISON PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building; stomach, bowel, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate and female disorders without operation ; RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In order to earn the more than one-time rate advertising moat run in eonstecntive iwuea. Onetime ...12c per Mns Two times (each Issue). .. .llo per line Three times (each Issue) .10c per line Seven times (each Issue) .. .So per line One to six months, per month $2.60 per line 6U to twelve months, per month $2.23 per tine The above rates apply to all headings with the following exceptions Situation Wanted Bach Insertion So per line Help Wanted Notices Lost and Found bpecial Notieee Personal Jfuneral Notices Proposals Invited Meeting Notices One time ltAi per line Two times (each Issue) ... .14o per line Three times (each issue) ... ,13o per line Seven times (each Issue).... Lie per line One month $i per iln NEW TO DAT. Katea Per Lines Dally Sunday One time loo 20o Two times (per Issue)... 1B lo Three times (per issue).. 14o lHo beven times (per Issue).. ISo 17o Jne month, dally and Sunday.... $3-6 Count five words to the line. No ad taken for leas than two lines. Ads run biuuiays only charged at otie-time rate. Advertisements (except "Personals" and "Situations Wanted") will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser is a nubfccribei of either phone. The Ores' on ian will receive copy by mail provitied sufficient remittance for definite number of issues is sent. Ac Lnowledgemen. will be lurwarded 'iromptiy. Advertisements are taken for The Daily Oregonlan until 1:0 P. M. ; for 1 Ue Sunday Urcgwiuan until P. AL Saturday. KEW TODAY. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO., 54-50 Union Ave. N. Kait 51 Send us your old carpets, old rugs and woolen clothing. We make reversible hand-woven FLUFF RCQ3. 8x6 Rag Rugs S1.S0. Malr orders, Send for booklet. Feath ers Renovated. Carpet Cleaning, Refit ting, etc. Largest, finest equipped Car pet Cleaning. Refitting wks. in Oregon. ttxlU Rugs steam cleaned SL60 We Call and Deliver. I UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ! E SPACE CENTRALLY LOCATED ON TRACK We can move and store your goods f In a ' fine aprinklered building;. DALLIXG, PACKING. STORAGE. CLAY S. MORSE, INC., 434 Cllus St. Bdnj. 340. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Property, Inatallment Rev payments If Deaired. Building; Loans. Current Rates, Prompt Service. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. J1S-21S Northweat.ru Bank Bull dins. Marshall 4114. CARPET CLEANING xlt BUGS STEAM CLEANED. fl.IS. Muttresses made over. Feathers Reno vated. New 40-lb. Cotton Mat'r's. 5.75. riONEKB CARPET CLEANING WKS. 1074 K. Lincoln tit. Auto m-07. LONG LEASE Beat Location, First Street, Large Store, AJ 179, Oresoniaju MTSIC TEACHFRft. PIANO SCHOOL Special rates for chll- qren. .t.i s agnington st. aiam aoi,. L. C A ROLL DAY. teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13tn t OPTOMETRIST, Oat of the High Rent District SAVE MONET ON VOIR GLASSES 25 years' experience with most modern and complete equipment In Portland at your service. Try us. , Satisfaction Assured Phone Main 1Z Tbousands of Satisfied Patrons. Consult I. Free. Dr. Samuel Goodman, Associate Optometrist -!. w rJm.. 209 Morrison St., Bet. Chas. W. Goodman lroat and First. v WHY PAT MORE? VS.Glasses In gold-filled frames W-t:lttd to your eyes. 2.o0; doub.e vision glasses at low prices: sat isfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hurwlts, optometrist. 'S-b First St. Main 4ol. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN. the veteran op tician, will fit your eyes better and cheaper than elsewhere. Expert optician. Reasonable prices. Morrison t. PAINTING, PAPERING, painting, tinting; work guar anteed satisfactory. O. E. Suderstrom. Se;lwood 141I3. C. H. TERR1LL, house an! sign painter, papering, tinting. 407 E. lii'th. Tabor litill. PAINTING AND KALSOM1N1NO. CALL TABOR 2titl FOR PAINTING. KAL &OM1N1NG AND S1UNS; BEST WORK AND MATERIAL; 2i TEAKS' EXPE RIENCE. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential; prompt, effi cient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN 4c CO.. Hob.rt bldg., 54 Market sc. San Francisco; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington office, room 103. tS25 First; New York office. Woolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT. 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents, out Dtkum bldg. PIPE REI'A1RIG. PIPES REPAIRED By Experts. Pipe 8nop. 2 2 Washington St. fit I NT LIES. PRIMING?.: BALTKS & COMPANY rat and Uutc. Mam 165; 511-3 KHEl.MAIIC bl'LCIALIsT. FRK15 EXAMINATIONS FREE. The world's greatest rheumatic cure. IT'S IN THE GOODS, THAT'S ALL. JACK KINO'S Mineral Treatments. Cured Patients My Best References. JACK KlNll,. Rheumatic Specialist, t3 Fifth St., Corner oak. Second Floor I'hoenix Building. imOF 1'Al Vfl.N(i A.N I KKi'AUtlXG. ROOFS repaired and painted; Hoof Secur ity Inc. Mfrs. WE B FOOT PAINT; ref. given. -I'b Board ot Trade Bid. Alain 571; Main VJJA. ' KOOF KEI'AIKING. MAIN VJoi. Reliable Roofing; Co. Main Hoofs put, on, painted, repaired, gutter, spouis cleaned, repaired. TKADKMAKRS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU, 601 Uekum bldg. V. S. foreign traderaarks. TKANSi-EK A'i STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Money loaned on goods in storage. 63 Fourth st., Opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 8715. OREGON TRANSFER CO. 474 Glisan St. Broadway 128L DRAY AGE. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETER1NARI HOSPITAL, East 7th and Grant sts. Both phones. Day and night service; 3 veterinarians. NEW TODAY. Buy.TKis Fervtvor THIS is bat one of our many beautiful designs. FENNER HOMES ARB NOT PORTABLES. They are regular double constructed homes built to highest standards. . Prices include plans and spec ifications, lumber. lath, shingles, doors and windows, mill work, building paper, nails, paint hardware and tin work. See us before you place your contract. WRITE OR PHONB rotTorrica box o-.h ruONt COLUMBIA ill FENNER. MFG. CO. feat of MrKftuu Avenue. Portland, Oregon Lad lea Save Yonr Old Carpets, Knars and Woolen Clothing;. Let La Make New Kuica for Von. The oldest and best equipped fac tory. Fluff and ragr rugs woven all sizes: carpets refitted; 9x12 ruga steam cleaned, J 1.50. W. call and deliver. 188 E. Eighth St. Phone East 3580 1 Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGK LOANS Cnlted States liank Uuildlna T1LLICUM LODGE On Columbia highway and Sandy river. Ideal spot for convalescents and those who desire a restful place to re cuperate. Phone Corbett 1101. JNO. B. COFFEY SURETY BONDS. I.SIRA.CE. 400 Wilcox Hldff. Alain 802a REAL ESTATE. FINE South Portland corner, 100x70; old house on Inside lot; repair and build on corner; consider trade. 7117 54th ave. . Southeast. for Salt Flat and Apartment Property. $8.100 BUYS a double flat on E. Main St.. close in, hiKh-c:ass residence property, now brir-jfina; $D0 a month, rent can easily be increased. An Ideal permanent Investment. For particulars cail on BEN RIBSIsAND. 404 Piatt bids., 127 Park at., phone Mam 8mq. For Sah -Lot. SIGHTLY lot. K. lioth, near Division St.; asphalt paving: all assessments paid $ 7 :0. Owner, 300 Piatt bids. VOL' CAN .-ese'.l your pJace without do lay ir you have a Title Insurance policy Title & Trust Co.. 11 Fourth street. LAUREL HURST Lot 19. block 81. $1500; adjoining: lot sold at auction $1525. Ia- bor TITLE lXSLRANCB saves time and money because no abstract Is required. Title A Trust Co., 1 Fourth street. THREE Portland lots for sale or exchange for late model roadster. Write, cars Drug Store. Gervais. Or. FOUR lota, fine half block of land, a bargain If taken at once. Owner. 512 Kagt Uth st. nnrth. FOR SALE by owner, two good lots lOOx 100, close In. Tabor SHIP. ONE LOT. 50100. reasonable It taken at once; good location. Phone Tabor 68. ROSE CITY, 100x100. S. E. corner 41st. Thompson. t-i'QQ. Tabor 6441. CORNER 3-d and Going; st., $i5u, term Woodlawn 1S3. A I iiMfciiiTniifi siiiisiiiM. -""'"iTOnfl Thinner! I homes! Vi ni- u. miMsiari. fir, i.air.i.... REAL ESTATE. MOUNT TABOR LOTS. To clean them up. $23 down, 115 per mo.; restricted residence dis trict, sightly lots overlooking val ley. Prices $750 to $850. including improvements. These lots ase lo cated In the vicinity of 68th and Stark st.. adjacent to one of th best car lines In the city. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 20& $250 DOWN. A real snap, a beautiful corner lot. 50x100 ft.. Rose City Park, be low the hill, not far from Sandy blvd., level as a floor, faces east and north; paved street, all paid, we have never offered this before. Price $1100. , J. L. HARTMAN- COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bid. Main 20&. Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. ROSE CITY LOTS. 2D MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. $200 DOWN $12.50 PER MO. We have a few very desirable lots In Rose City that can be han dled on builders' 2d mortgage priv ilege, everything paid and clear. $700 to $1000. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, a Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. NEW WILBHIRE ADDITION. $25 DOWN $10 PER MO. $525. 50x102 ft. lot, all in bearing fruit, nice and level, close to car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com, Bldg. Main 208. $875 ROSE CITY LOT. $250 DOWN 2D MTG. PRIVILEGE. AM Improvements In and paid, on 60th at., 2 blks. north of the carline. J. L, HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. 8ANDY BLVD. ' ' Near 6Tth street. 50-foot frontage. Im provements paid. Prire $10.10. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO., 180S bandy Blvd. ALAMEDA PARK. $1000. ON REGENTS DRIVE. All Improvements paid; close to car; $300 cash, balance easy. HBXDKRSOS-BANKU8 CO.. 28 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. LAUKELH UltST lot. 50x100; beautiful lot for fine residence, on Gllsan st. and 4:3d. Need the money. Will sacrifice for $1200. All Improvements In and paid. This lot coat $2300. Phone Bdwy. 3Q3. HAVE a good level corner lot. 70xlO0 on 77th and HalBey streets, will give as first payment for a modern bungalow. Balance at rate of $."00 per annum plus interest. Call 3.0 Ivy st.. or phone East 41SS. Monday. Oct. 24. G. C. FRET WELL, 527 Corbett bldg.. phone Main 7141, can tell you all about the auction sale of the new town of Port Olympic which will be sold at pub 11c auction Oct. 27, at 1 P. M., In the i acoma . neater, i acorn a. wasn. 1 OWN 8 lots. 50x100 each, that I will sell separate or all at one time, lor 2O0 eacn, good residence station. I need quick money. Owner, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. BIG SACRIFICE, 50x100 lot. 1 f block from Sandy and COth. only $.'i0. $2M cash, balance next June. Lovegren, 614 Dekum bldg. Main 8400. ALAMEDA PARK, S. E. corner 2iHh and Prescott, $100; 50 ft. w. of 20th on Skid more, n. facing. $850, Improvements pd. Terms. Tabor 6441. ALAMEDA PARK. 50 by 100 lot, improvements In and paid. Price $850. terms. S. B. Gustaff, Broadway 4!t75. 80 BY 100, CORNER Campbell and Simpson: low price on terms or trade: paved. Owner. Tabor 7503. LAURELHUKST CORNER, 35TH AND CLACKAMAS. Just off Sandy. 56x100; lot 12, block-41: $1250: etreets paid; below auction prlres. Tabor 914. ROSE CITY PARK. Corner lot facing Alameda drive. Price $10OO. with your terms. S. B. Gustass. Bdwy. 4075. lor hale Houi.es. ROSE CITY PARK. $4300. 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, concrete base ment, nearly new; 50x100 lot. improve ment in and paid for; this is an abso lute sacrifice and $750 cash will handle COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. $ 2250 5-ROOM bungalow for sale by owner; newly papered, painted and reno vated throughout; on paved street, 2 blocks from Misslssippi-ave. car, short distance from Broadway bridge; no In cumbrances; substantial discount for cash or large down payment. 574 Borthwick, near Graham ave. N EW WHITE cement bungalow, corner Rodney and Jarrett; 6 rooms, breakfast room, brankfust nook, sewing room, up-to-date built-ins, finished In ivory; fire place, furnace, cement basement, laun dry trays, garage, easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 1533. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful new colonial bungalow and g&ras-e, choice location, fine view; ultra modern Interior, large (SS-ft.) living room, windows on 3 side, old English floors, many new features; $700O. about $-'30 cs-sh. Phone owner. Main 5729. W. IRVINGTON $4HU0. 8 rooms. H. W. floors, furnace, fire place, built-lns, cement basement, corner lot. surrounded by fine homes. A real value. Shown by appointment. W. M. Umbdenstock b Co.. Oregon bldg. Bdwy. lftT.S. 7-KOOM house, cement basement, gas, bath, electric light, garage; lot 60x10. sewer and street Improvements all In and paid. $2i00. Wallberg and French, 1H85 East 13th St. Sell wood Bank bldg. Sellwood fl-fl. MUST be sold, attractive home on East 54 th St., pleasant surroundings, nice yard and basement, 0 rooms and sleep ing porch, close to Franklin high. $750 handles If taken at once. See owner at 3010 East 54tn st. BUY from owner and save commission; beautiful 5-room bungalow; well built; must be seen to be appreciated-, every thing In the way of conveniences; Bftl E. 9th st., Irvlngton, between Knott and Stanton. Tabor 8108. MODERN bungalow. $300 1 will handle. Price $2650. All the built-lns; 5 rooms. Corner lot, 60x100. Quick Sales Realty. 525 Railway Exchange bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, fine district, close In, garage, combination fixtures, furnace. All up to date, $.1800. Terma; $1000 will handle, sei i. i'4 a ALBERTA. 5-room dandy bungalow. 2 bedrooms, semi-modern home; nice lot, fruit, etc; payments $30 month. $3i00. ' QUIN 20t$ Morgan Bldg. Realtor. 3 LOTS 50x100, good 6-room house with bath, electric lights, gas, hot and cold water, several fruit treed; no agent ; $3MO, half down, bal. easy payments; one block off St. Johns car line. Col. 1040. ALB IN A SNAP. 5-room home, good condition. 2 bed rooms, etc., lot 50x125, and many kinds of fruit, $500 down, easy monthly terma QUIX, .'UQ .Morgan mag. twanar. EXCEPTIONAL bargain. 7-rm. modern, $3000, or some terms; partly furnished. 100x200. 1 blk. to car. O. E. Leet, 448 Dekum Ave, tnone vam. umbi FOR SALE BY OWNER, 6-room modern house with sleeping porch; full basement, fruit trees, paved street. Call Sellwood 3133. 5-ROOM bungalow, in Swinton addition, unfinished interior, 4 blocks from Mis sissippi ave. car. Bargain. Phone East 8430. 435 E. 19th st. S. LADD addition, 2-story. 7-room, modern house; hardwood floors; garage; fruit; paved alley; terms, uwner. i-ast am'. S-ROOM modern home, Ladd Addition; hardwood floors, den, reception hall, i leeping porch, garage. Main rOij. TWO 7-R. houses, walking dls.. near East Broadway. $3650. Call East 750-L REAL EST ATS. For .Sale Houses, NEW BUNGALOW $500 DOWN. VIEW SITE: $43 MONTH, Here is an' exceptionally good buy In a bungalow where all floors are hard wood, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, furnace, ce ment basement and garage. Has 2 bed rooms and attic; 1 bik. from car. near Division on 4Hth sU Paving lit and pal J. Price only $4850. J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 20&. FURNISHED HOME. This Is a sightly corner. 75x100. with an unexcelled view, just a good substan tial home of 8 large, sunny rooms, liv ing room has lance fireplace, roomy re ception hall and dining room and Dutch kitchen on first floor, 3 homey bed rooms, bath and glassed-in sleeping porch, den or library opening onto shel tered view porch on second floor, large attic with billiard ir recreation room opening Into view porch. This will ap peal to the earnest homeseeker as It has the homey atmosphere ns soon as you enter. Will sell beautifully and com pletely furnished or unfurnished as de sired. Mt. Tabor district. RICHARD W. MAST. REALTOR. R1TTER-LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. BEATTTTFUL LAURELHURST HOME FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. Strictly modern: first story fancy brick; plate glass windows, artistic built-lns, 7 large rooms, enclosed sleep ing porch, bath and large attic, rtrepiace. automatic Gasco furnace, garage, abun dance of shrubbery and dowers; a beau tiful home In a teAned district; must go east; make me an offer. 1193 East Couch 6L Tabor 6$ 00. WEST STDB. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, excellent condition; Ivory eggshell finish throughout : hardwood floors, large front and rear porches, fireplace and furnace, ce ment basement, full lot 50 feet: on block from two carllnes: 25 minutes walk from business center. 705 OVERTON ST.. $8000. Owner, Sunday, Main 740; week days Main B53. WEST SIDE VIEW HOME. Franklin st., Willamette Heights, best home environment, large liv ing room, fireplace, ivory enamel, Ideal kitchen, four nice bedrooms and bath, furnace. 50x100 lot; a home for "people who care.' Price $75410; $2500 cash will handle. J. W. CROSSLEY. Realtor. "Better Types of Homes." Main 5073. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. wltn 13 years" experi ence selling Portland property, and an undisputed reputation for SERVICE. Is naturally In touch with the majority of HOME BUYERS. We will inspect, ap praise, photograph and display your home within 24 hours after listing. Many buyers waiting. If the value Is there we can sell your Home, IE you wian 10 sen, list with J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. 264 Stark. Main 583 and 1094. NEW NEW! IRVINGTON $.V00. VERY EASY TERMS-5 ROOMS. Peautflul bungalow, full floored attic; Full cement basement, pipe less furnace. niivlOll Int fin Inc.. t Ion. TH IS IS A VERY COMFORTABLE If Oil E. MARSH ft McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-a-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3103, ROSK CITY PARK. 7-room bungalow with garage; full basement: hot-water heat; wasn trays hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in book cases and buffet. Price for quirk sale .rSOO; terms. $1500 cash and $50 per month. For bargains In real estate come to METZG.ER-PARK EH COMPAN Y, 2W Oak St.. Near 4th. Bdwy. S3. IS. PORTSMOUTH RESIDENCE, t -.mi nnvw Best 7-room house, modern, good con- J dltion and really pretty home, with a large lot. many kinds of fruit and shrub bery, balance. $3000, on easy terms. Con sider taking smaller 3 or 4-room house on deal. QUIN. 206 Morgan Rldg. Realtor. FOR SALK Lieautiiul cottage nome; 5 living rooms, reception hall, pantry, toi let, bath, electric lighis. gas. full base ment, nice lawn, plenty rosee. paved street, sewer, good neighborhood, stores, school, church close, one block from car. price $26.".0. 500 down, bal. $25 pet month. Owner. 65 E. 72d North. Phone Tabor 700. BY OWNER SCNXYSIDE DISTRICT. Modern K-room house. A-t condition; full cement basement. laundry trays, new pipeless furnace, large garage; 4 blocks to Laurelhuntt park, on best car line In th city. S. S. and Mt. T. Price for quick sale $5754), cash or terms. In quire 1107 Belmont fit., near :tith st. BUILD TO SATISFY. Before letting contract to build your home, see us. We will save you monv and show you real construction. DEAL with an ex-service man; soldiers given every con si deration. ROBNETT & McCLURE. REALTORS Marshall 8202. S02 Couch Bldg. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist in financing same; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURE 1. L. R, Bailey, con tracting architect, 024 N. W. Bank bldg. WEST SIDE, 7-room house overlooking river and mountains; near 2 carllnes; nice grounds, flowers, with pergola; fine house, modern, 2 toilets, separate from bath. If you want a good property in best neighborhood at right price phone Main SJH4. or call 1028 Kalelgn, terms. BUY FROM OWNER. Mt. Tabor 5-room bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, cabinet kitchen, large airy bedrooms. hot-water heat, full basement. $4So0 GOOD TERMS. Tabor 436. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $500 down; dandy 4-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms. large Dutch kitchen, etc., full lot and fruit; furniture if desired ; accept auto or R. C. or Kenton lot. Main 3S06. QUIN, 206 Morgan BMg. REALTOR. EAST 31ST AND BELMONT, GOOD 5- ROOM UOTTACilS. Nice light fixtures, furnace, lot 66x 100. 8 fruit trees, large cement garage; prire for next ten days $4500, terms. W. H. SAWTELL, TABOR 1H11. ROSE CI TV BUNGALOW. $50M DOWN. Modern In all respects, this 5-room pretty home, has attic floored, full lot, etc Snap for someone. Move In now. Q U I N 2 o ( 1 Mo r g a n B 1 d g Realtor. WHY PAY RENT? Just completed new 5-rtnm bunga low, corner lot. 50x100; $2050, terms; $250, balance like rent; Woodlawn dis trict', 2 blocks from car line. 212 Rail way Exchange bldg.. Main 067. ALAMEDA DRIVE. Beautifully situated 6-room bungalow on Alameda drive, on corner locution 100x100. Going to California. prica right. Shown by appointment. Phone owner. I aDor ANSWER this ad and save $150; 50x100 corner lot ; 6-room plantered house, ce ment basement. shaUs trees, fruit trees, rose bushes, nice lawn, If you have $1650 cash, come out today and you will buy. No agents wanted. C52 K. 7th M. North. FOR sXLE By owner. 5-room modern bungalow, newly tinted, lot 50xloo. In Erroll Heights, 5 blocks from Woodntock pharmacy, on car line, only $1050. $tU0 cash, balance like rent or other terms arranged. S 124. Oregonlan. LEAVING CITY and will el1 mv "-room home at a sac rifice, all modern conveniences, sleeping porch, garage, fine location, lot MxUl, price $12,500. Call East 4158 for ap- poiniim-iit. y - '- SACRIFICE 6-room bungalow, east front, full lot with alley ; Ivory woodwork, tapestry paper, beautiful lighting fix tures; $3525, $000 cash. Alberta car to 80th 1 block enst to 1061 E. 31t st. N. KENTON BUNGALOW. $400 down, balance about $25 monthly, new 0-room bungalow, large lot, nenr Kenton bank and car line. Main 3smt. QUIN. 206 Morga n Bldg. h EA LTOR, ROSE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. $400 down, cottage of 5 rooms, semi modern; 4 lots and fruit trees in abun dance; payments $25 monthly. Owner, 200 Morgan bing. iteauor. BY OWNER 3-room home, 2 lots, ce ment side walls, 1 block to car; 7311 53d ave. 8. E. ; $1500, $000 cash, bal ance $10 per menth, 6 per cent. Call 852 H Foster road. Marshall 4220. FOR SALE HolUday-Irvington; strictly modern bungalow; 5 rooms, sleeping porch; garage. See the artistic Interior. East onai ALBERTA SNAP. Cottare, 3 rooms, large lot, fruit, etc.; only $S50. QUIN 20ft Morgan Bldg REALTOR. BY OWNER, in a good location, 7-room house sjid sleeping porch; no agents. Tabor 102B. FURNISH ED home for sale, moderate firat payment accepted, good locality, i Call at 200 Morgan bldg. i REAL ESTATE, For hale -lloUMca. NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $500 DOWN. $4500 buys this thoroughly com plete 5-rm. modern bungalow, balance $45 per mo.; has hard wood floors, breakfttut nook, buf fet, bookcases, fireplace, cement basement and furnace; here la a rare buy. Don't overlook it. J. L, HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2U8. IRVI.VOTON. ..PN' J'I'H NEAR KNOTT. UO. lat-Ke luing room, dining r".mi klicl,en. 4 fme bedroom, and double giaa enclosed sleeping porch. Full lot, double garage. na is in the heart of the best homes. a real bargain for the next ten dav. Mc DO NELL, EAST 4ltf. RKJ5 UR CHANCE TO GET A iAel0aK FOR ONLY $3000. i V, Mh baJanc $20 per month; lot is 80x1 0u feet, with good 7-room plas tered house; 4 large rooms downstairs and 8 rooms up; modern bath and good Plumbing; built-in kitchen, full cement basement, hot and- cold water, gas and electric lights, poultry house and run, 6 fruit trees and berries la bearing, ce ment walks around the house, newly painted and tinted; 2 blocks from street car line; only $3000.- STEWART 4 JOHNSON. , 315 Northwestern Bank BIrlg. NEW LAURELHUKST BUNUALOWT" I am finishing 2 bungalows In Laurel hurst that will be modern In every re epect; garage, furnace, light fixtures, in fact ready to move right Into; hardwwd floors throughout. If you are looking for a good bungalow direct from the owner and builder drive out Sunday afternoon and give them a once over; on 43d, between Koyal Court and Laur el hurst ave. GEORGE E. WELLER, Owner and Builder. Main B2.M. Tabor lfK. IRVTNOTON. ON 15TH. NEAR THOMPSON. $5500 $2000 CASH. Two complete fiats of 4 rooms each; bath and extra toilet; ech flat rents for $45 per mo. If you are looking for a good home and an income, see this. THE KEY AT 500 E. 14TH ST. N. EAST 410. BRAND NEW STRICTLY MODERN TUT. GALOW IN ROSSMKRK JUST 0FF f ANDY BOULEVARD. This Is undr th0 Mil away from th wind. Has 2 bedrooms on finrt floor with large living and dining room, Dutch kitchen. breakia.t nook and modern bath, lots of built-in features, 2 large bedrooms above. Price a $7000 and worth every dollar asked. STEWART A JOH.VSOV. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $150 DOWN TOTAL riUCE"$150bT Balanre easy monthly payments. Dandy for keeping chickens; 5 rooms, S good chicken houses, 4 acre, fruit. Mt. Tabor district, 3 blocks to car, near 70th ant Clay. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Cha m he ro f Co m. n 1 d g.M a In 1370. LA UK ELIIl' It ST S UK PRISE. First time offered, beautiful 6-room, right up to the minute, elegantly fin ished throughout. Including all fixtures. Kino garage, solid cement runway, choice location. You will be surprised st the extremely low prlco for quirk Ale, $S5uo, terms. Shown by appoint ment only. Phone or call on O. B. P-lppy. realtor, 610-11 McKay bldg.. 8d and Stark. Main 6220. BY OWNER, a most attractive bungalow of the Alameda. Six rooms and bath. All larger than the ordinary. Large at tic; Iricnl location, IWlxl Ml, furnlnhed or unfurnished. 1481 The Alameda. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $2325. Very neat well-built 5-room cottage, with electric Hichis. nan. patent toilet: 7 larsre assorted bearing fruit trees, extra large chicken house and chicken run: good garage, with concrete wails and concrete floor; ground. 06x08, right on the carline; $210 cash, $25 monthly. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. 25 ACRES AT GRESHAM. $12,000. A beautiful 7-room house, screened porch on two sides, full basement, pres sure water, hath and toilet, fireplace, finished in natural wood ( larch I ; small tenant house, garage, coops for 800 chickens, fine barn, 10 minutes walk to htjrh school, store and electric. A big bargain. Will subdivide. K. 001S. Q. W. FARR. Owner. Main 6208 NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH Bungalow, 6 rooms and sip. porch only block from high school; lot 50x00; sewer In and paid, but street not paved ; owner leav ing state. Will sacrifice for $3200, $1)00 cash. A real snap. G. ('.. McOORMTC CO., .Moved to 207 Failing hldg. .Main 8220. or .Main 031 S. UN-SERVICE MEN. We have large listings of desirable home jltes and can help you finance building Our office has full Informa tion to your tnt'-rest regarding appllca t ion of bonus loan. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. Established IhiMJ. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1058. $150 DOWN, , balance $20 monthly, total price $2500. Modern (i-room house, full lot. Improve merits. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 1370 Modern 0-room bung., 4 rooms down and 1 b. r. anil s. porch up; a good buz and on a corner lot; hardwood floors, built-lns.. etc. See me Monday if you want this home; $4K50. $1300 down. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Main f S71. Mr. Pom eroy. FIF.DMONT -By owner, a real home; east front on paved street: 6 rooms and bath, 2 toilets; pipeless furnace; cement base ment with trays and fruit cooler and dark room; wood and coal In for winter; first -cUss garage and sew or In alter; fruit trees and herrle: $4000. 1325 Cleveland ave. Wdln. 2't.'2. $J5 DOWN $25 MONTHLY. Neat, well-built celled and pnpered 8 rnom cottage, electric lights. Bull Run water; lot TiOxloO; not far from Reed college; total price $M75; come a run ning. Frd W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. MODERN lUW'i; A I A $500 WILL HANDLE PRICE $2100. fl rooms and b.ith. Improvements all In and paid, t'niiH like rt-nt. QUICK SALES REALTY, 5 J Railway E x r h a n k e Hldg. 4-ROOM house, double KaraR-e, kitchen, bathroom and basement, all furnished with good furniture; lots 15072, gar den, fruits, trees. Price $5000, or with out furniture, $4200, terma 84 E. 52d st. N., cor, of Couch WILLAMETTE H EH irlTS $0750. Leaving city; modern 6-room bunga low type house; fine view, eulect neigh borhood, on car line; easy trms ar ranged. Will leae If not sold by Nov. 1. O w ner. M aln 3s:;0. IRVINGTON HOME. 6-room nicely Unified hoime; 8 bed rooms and sleeping porch upstairs; hard wood floors throughout: breakfast room, beaut If ul yard with itirubn; worth the mont-y. Bv owne.. R Ul. Oregonlan. WE HAVE already examined the title to your property and can issue title In surance policy without delay. No ab stract required. Title A Trust company. 1)1 Fourth street. A REAL SNAP 0 rooms, plastered, modern, all for $2150. $2."0 ca.h. balance $'.r7 per month, including Inter st, corner lot. Improve ments In and payed. 215 Railway Ex rhang1. M:iin !'7 ;tsn() ROSE CITY. Good 5-room bungitlmv. A real sacri fice W M- Umbdt nntock A Co., Ore gnn hldg. Hriwv. 105S. BY OWNER, i2iO0. '-j acre, n-room hoiiM-. barn, fruit and berries. 1520 hi. Hum side st . cor. Tilth. 6 It "QMS and sleeping porch, near 3oi h and Belmont : b aut iTul corner lot, ga rage, etc. ; $47QO. Tabor BS7. IF A HOME is worth buying the title Is worth Insuring No abstract required. Title Arustcqm pany. HI Fourth st. AT COST BY OWNER New 5-room strict ly modern bungalow, large lot; terms Columbia 117H. IOU ARB sure of your title if you insist on Title Insurance. Better be safe than f,rrv. Title A Trust com pa ny. CLOSE your real estats deal quickly through title Insurance. Title & Trust com pany. 01 Fourthstreet. iiY OWNER Alameda, 6 rooms, Just fin ished; furnace, garage; improvements in and paid. 041 K-iat 82d. SACRIFICE furnished bungalow, $1000 cah. b a lance terms. Owner. T a bor 4 1 3 . BY OWNER 0-room houne. close in. at sacrifice. Knst 222. East 555. 1 $2750 ALBERT A ; tt-rooni inml.Tii house. P hone own-.'. M ain o.'il 4 ROOMS. E. 30th, paved, large lot. ga rage; $2750. Easy terms. Tabor 3S7X 7