' THE MORNING OKEGOXIAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1921 17 : '. .. .,. "T rT1! RE.L ESTATE.' T KKAL ESTATE I . REAL FSTATK. I REAJESTATK. a 1 NEW TO DAT. . REAL. ESTATE. . REAL. ESTATE . Jl. r, 1H.rT r , !l.-Uaul. Suburban llm. j FUNERAL COMPLETE Caaket. two Autos. H.arae, Em. baJmlnK. Ontalde Box. Ctttt Hukir, Funeral Notices, Bear, era' Glo.es, Laa of Cfcayel Miller & Tracey Indepeadeat Funeral Director Waahlnstoa at Ella rhooeai Mala 2881. 678.89 Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 Automatic 560-93 TEW TODAY. While Tfiey Last Mazda Tungsten and Nitrogen Lampg at cut prices. Special for this week. 25-watt lampg, per OfT box of 5 OL&0 (Every lamp tested.) Remember Big Fixture Sale now on. Open evenings this week until 9 o'clock. The Upstairs Electric Fixture Store Stanley Lutz, Prop. 203-5-7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Broadway 4253. L DISTRICT NO. 1 OFFERS FOR SALE VARIOUS PARCELS OF LAND NO LOKGCn rKT FOR SCHOOL. rmi'osiis, ADAPTED, HOWEVER, FOR BUSI NESS OR FACTORY NEEDS Full Pacr1ptlo May Be Obtained From the School Clerk and Business Manager, Koom 401 Courthouse. Dated October lu, 1921. n. If. THOMAS, Bchool Cleric and Iluslnni Mmmger. Lndles Your Old Carp. Unas and Woolen Clothing L La Miki New Uui fur Yum. The old. at and beat equipped f0 tory. Fluff and rair runs woven all alirs: carpet! refitted; Bill ruga steam cleaned. 11.60. We call and deliver. 188 E. Eighth St. Thoae East 3380 WESTERN FLUFF RUS CO., M-Ae) Vnlun Ave. X, Kmmt 65141 fend us your old carpet, old ruga and woolen clothing. We make teversibie baud-woven fluff rugs 1x6 Rag Rugs $1.50. Wall orders. Send fur booklet. FesTh- ra Renovated. Carpvt Cleaning. Refit Hug. etc Largest, finest equipped Car bat Cleaning, Refitting wka in Oregon. 8x1.1 Rugs steam cleaned 11.60 We Call and Deiivsr. I UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT j STORAGE SPACE CENTRALLY LOCATED ON TRACK We can move and store your goods In a fine aprlnklered building-. HAILING, rACKI.VG. STORAGE. CLAY S. MORSE, INC., 44 GlUan St. Bdwy. 8470. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Property, Installment He paymeata If De-elrea. Bulldln Ixians. Current Halts, frompt service. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. .Z16--10 Aorthwraternj Rank IiulldlB(. Slarahall 4114. CARPET CLEANING BlU RlliU HTKAM CLEAN KD. $l.S. Mattresses msde over. Feathers Reno vale.l. New 40-!h. Cotton Mat r s. 1.11. FIOVF.KR CABVF.T CLKAMNO WKtt. 1072 C I.lncolD bt. Auto 137-07. Edward E.Gotidey Co. MORTCAGR I.OAV raltawl atatea Bank UuildlnST JNO. B. COFFEY ll'KKTV BOND. 40 Wllvvx Blfg. Alain $75 Tbe ImpraTed -.:-o "Built to Endure. The Improved construction makss a RED1MADB a belter, more subiiantlal buililnn at no greater cosl to you. Thar are the best built sectional building un the Pacific coast. F1rat-cla House., Garavea for Leas. Errctfd in Portland Practical to ship. Kedimade HI die. Co., Portland, Or. E. 11th and Market. Phone E. '5114. Downtown sales office. Commonwealth bid... 8th A Ankeny. Phone Bdwy. 4315. ) TILLICUM LODGE i On Columbia highway and Sandy , river. Ideal spot tor convalescents and I those who desire, a reatful place to re cuperate. Phone Corbett 1101. REAL ESTATE. Kr Flat and Apartnient Property. WEST HIDE. SOUTH. A real snap, S apartments. S rooms and bath each. 1 urnished. good Income; prloe includes ground, building and fur niture. Only $500 13500 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $15,000 CASH will hand! a well-furnished. west aia gn-Bpartmenc otac. io or trr.de. Main 1377. or address J 143, urpgonian. AM GOING to California and must dis pose of 20-room apartment bouae at once. 11550 will put you In possession. ;in nan st FIRST-CLASS modem concrete apartment house, ten apartments, all outside. . ,. . - . v. , tin M T U FOR SALE Quarter block. Hawthorne hmiaii Hurna Vua 7-.S1 3-UuOM flat for sa, furniture for salo nfap. call fcast l . . For hale -Lot. BEAUTIFUL CARSON HEIGHTS. GREAT CLEANUP SALE. Less TUan Hair price. These 100x100 tracts are Ideally located en the beautiful rolling hills of southern Portland on the west clde of the river, only 18 minutes out by car; no bridges to croas. no delays, or you can drive out over Terwilllger blvd.: deep, rich soil, no gravel, sightly location to build the little home of your dreams; convenient to school and car. FORMER PRICE $1000. Pule Price $300. ONLY 10 DOWN. 2 PER MONTH! Many of these lots are all cleared and in grass; some have beautiful shade trees; Just Imagine thle h BLOCK In this desirable district for only $300! Values are sure to double between now and the FAIR. This Is your opportun ity. One of our salesmen will be pleased to call for you at any time in hia automobile and take you out eve nings or Sundays. Ask for C. W. Bor ders, with FRANK Li. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Homeslte. Abington Bldg. Main 1063. WE HAVE Just taken over a subdivision of AO lota at 4.1th and Fremont sts., ad joining Rose City Park. We have two new bungalows which we can sell you for $2)150 and $3200 on $300 down, and we can sell you lota for $400 and $500 on very easy terms. These lota are Just outside the city limits, and you can build any kind of a house you want. If you want lo cut the high cost of living, drive out to this tract or call us up and we will come and get you. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office, 6oth and Sandy. Tabor 8485. IF VOL' want a snap In a dandy building lot with building restrictions. It will be to your advantage to see me. I have a lot MlxlOo in the Irvingiou Park add., at East 30t h and Jarre tu It faces oa a Faved street and Is on tha Alberta car Ine. All other city Imps, are in and paid. I am In Portland this week for the pur pose of selling this lot and will not re fuse any reasonable offer. Term If de sired. See or phone. C. F. Hyde. Mult mynah hotel. HOMEIiUILIERS. ATTENTION t We have a large list of desirable lots which we can sell you on very -reasonable terms, or will extend second-mortgage privilege; these lots are in differ ent localities, and will range In price from $250 up. HILLER BRO.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 80. Branca Office, 5oth and Sandy. Tabor B4H.r A LA M E DA SNAPS. Corner 31 at and Prescott $000 Corner IV.! d and Skldmore 000 In ulrte 33d and Mason 650 Inside, on 2 sts.. Regents drive and RJdgewood 1230 All Improvements In and paid. WILLIAM P. MERRY. 801-2 Title A Trust Bid. SO 50 COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT CORNER LOT. 4,". a 100, located on the 8. W. corner 27th and Mill. This is the best buy In the entire dlwtrtct; easy terms. HENDERSON-BANK US CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4734. 12.1x2011. ROSB CITY PARK DISTRICT. Ten minutes' walk to Rose City Park car and school: Bull Run w,ter; trav eled streets; easy payments; Zhk years' ' time to pay. Price for 12.1x200, 9t00 I have a smaller tract for t73. Call me today, Mr. Kills. Bell. 4S4. 7T KEKT OX PAVED STREET. Choice Alameda lot. all lmprovaments In and paid for: beautiful home, on all sides; exceptionally well situated; $1000. term J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR. ;7 Board of Trade. Bdwv. 2041. HOMES IV RESTRICT ED D1PTRI CTS. KOSK CITY PARK LOT FOR TTO oUxluO lot on E. 4Sth at., facing; weat. 100 ft. south of Siskiyou ,t. ; paved at and all Imp. In and paid. Thla la a bar sain. Bettor hurry. HKNDK.RSON-BANKt'H CO., B? Henry Bide. Bdwy. 4754. $77!i LAVREI.Hl'RST 77H. AI.1, IMPROVEMENTS PAID. 4 blocks to car. 3 block, to aohool. OB Multnomah St.. near East 80th at. JOHNSON-DO DSON CO.. 33 X. TV, Brink IHrta. Main 3T. IRVINOTOX DISTRICT. r ISOO; .10x100, on East 10th. aear Beech; 1100 rash. $10 a month; side walks and curb, paid. JOHNRO.V-IMIDSON CO.. a N. IV. Bank Blda. Maln"377. DO YOU want a Laur.lhursc lot? If so, drive out to Iurelhurst tract office. E. mh and Glisan. A few left-overs from the auction at leas than auction prices. Onlv a few, so hurry. Fhon for auto. Tabor 34X:y Pelahunty. 1RVINOTON DISTRICT. Corner 100 $100 cash. $10 a month, all Improvements paid: 1 block to school and Irvlnrton ear. JOHNSON-POn.aON CO.. N. w. Bans; Bldr. Main 37S7. ROSE CJTY PARK LOT FOR $730. 50x100 with paved street and all Im provements In and included In price, rail owner, Tnbor tiflP. 1 WILL sell either one or two lots m Wabash on very liberal terms it you buy to Improve. Pavement and curb In and paid for. Herbert MrDuffle. Tabor ftrtB: VOU CAN resell your place without de lay If oo have a Title Insurance policy Title .Trust Co.. ffl Fourth street. LACHELHURST Lot 10, block Rl. $1300; adjoining lot sold at auction $1023 la bor W-7. TITLE INSURANCE saves time and money bcaus no abstract Is required. Title A Trust Co.. fll Fourth street. 60x1 YJ AND 13-FOOT alley, arroas from Columbia park; $300. any terms. Tabor joo i WxlOO LOT, MALDEN ave., Seiiwood; no liana' t'.f.'rO tjt.'rO Cash. bal. Mrmo.ih $4,30 ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Choice corner, 58th street, near Sandy blvd.. easy term. Tabor 4S08. $70) ROSE CITY PARK PICKUP. 30th St., lVa blocks from Sandy blvd. sewer in sTreei. laoor eow. THREE Portland lota for sale or exchange for late mo.lel roadster. Write, care I'rug ymr. .,ervais, it LOT. DESIRABLE location In Roae City, cheaD. Earn CO K NER 32d and Going St.. $330. ternxa Wood:awn ld. For Sale Hon (tea. N EA R IRVlNiTON I3.VM), Owner Must Leave City. 7 rooms, semi-bungalow, excellent con dition, losing money. $1300 caeh. bal ance very eaav ft per cent: no mort gage. T. O. Byrd. Mar. 103 or Bell wood .'7iq evening; SUNNYSIDE. 220 E. IUTH STREET. 13050 5-ROOM MODERN BUNG A LOW. HARDWOOD FLOORS; THIS It I ST BE SOLD AT ONCE. EASY TERMS. LOOK THIS UP. R. SOVERVILLE. BDWY. 247S. ALAMEDA DRIVE. Beautifully situated a-room bungalow on Alameda drive, on corner location lit0. olng to California, Prlc right. Shown hv appointment. Thone own-r. Tabor 4R30. HftOO ROSE CITT PARK. 4 -room bungalow, large living room Dutch kitchen, gas. electric lights, good plumbing, nice full lot. fruit, lawn, shrubbery; asaessmnta paid. Tabor 403. 1 i i - , . . . i I I 1 RI'Y NOW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! Your Home la Here! See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME-SELLER ON THB PACIFIC COAST. If necessary, we'll help you make your down payment ! 2S Autos at Your Service. Open evenings until I). AN AVALANCHE OF HOME BARGAINS. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. $0490 One of the most substantially-, bat It, attractive big homes in ROSE CITY. 8 rooms, masnlve" pillared Colonial-type, with upper and lower porches; massive built in feature, everything. VACANT. E. 37th street. $5290 Just like new; .-room bungalow; Immaculate In wh ite enamel ; beautiful built-in effects; book cases; buffet; linen closets; full attic; garage. East 40th street. ADJOINING LAVRELHURST. $4751) $500 down. Wonderful new bun galow of 3 rooms: pure California line; best material and work manship; double constructed; rooms are all light and airy; maa aive built-in buffet In dining room; French doors; hardwood floors; Immaculate white Dutch kitchen; . PIPELESS FURNACE and laundry trava. YOU'LL BE PROUD TO OWN THIS BEAU TIFUL LITTLE HOME. Only S500 down. $25 per month. East 4.".th street. PI EDMONT-JEFFERSON. $3490 Convenient to Jefferson hlch school. 5 -room attractive, modem and substantial bungalow cottage. Hlandena. at. TKK.MS. 3050 A BEAUTIFUL BROWN SHIN GLED BUNGALOW oa Shaver at. . Paneled dining room with mas sive buffet; airy Dutch kitchen in white; white enamel bath down ; big white bedroom with lavatory up; furnace; fireplace. Shaver at., close ta car and school on paved street. ALBERTA. $5250 Targe A-room substantial mod ern home on E. 11th at. $4735--One of the mot artistic bunga lows In all of ALBERTA! 7 rooms; nicely decorated ; ultra modern, furnace; fireplace, linen closets; 4 large cheerful bed rooms; beautiful grounds with trees; shrubbery; flowers; M blk. In car. East l!3d street. $2750 $500 down. Newly painted. In good condition: 5-room neat and substantial bungalow cottags in AlbTta; paved st. paid. VA CANT. E. Uth street. WALKING DISTANCE. $2850 $5O0 down, on E. 7th st in cen tral E. Portland. 6-ruom mod ern home. PENINSULA SNAP. $2630 WORTH THE MONEY. You'll find It's true upon Investigation! 7 rooms In a very homey brown, modern aubstantial home on the Peninsula; built-in conveniences; 4 light, alary bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; electricity; gas; close to car. Atlantic street. COZY BUNGALOW $450 DOWN. $3150 $450 down. Pretty 5-room gray bungalow In Montavllla, just 1 block to car. Unusually neat and homelike. Lots W built-in labor saving conveniences; east Qs Lau relhurst. on E. 5th st. WILL SELL TO SOLDIER ON BONUS. A WOODSTOCK SPECIAL. $2150 $400 down! KOZY KOTTAGE U this 6-room one, with a pretty 1 fenced-in yard, fruit and flowers, etc.. every modern convenience; white enamel plumbing; electric ity; gaa; garage; close to car. E. 58th. $300 DOWN $300 DOWN. $1930 $300 down. BARGAIN in an at tractive 5-room MT. SCOTT HOME; plastered down; bath; toilet; electricity; bck porch big enough fo; sleeping porch; 3 very large, light bedroom; plenty of fruit and berries. 5th Avenue. TERMS EASIER THAN RENT. FOR BIGGEST, BEST HOME VALUES See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. . Main 1008. Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark. Entrance under the big electric sign. WEST STDE. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, excellent condition; ivory eggshell finish throughout ; hardwood floors, large front and rear porches, fireplace and furnace, ce ment basement, full lot 30 feet: on j block from two carlines: 25 minutes' walk from business center. 705 OVERTON ST.. $000. Owner. Sunday. Main 740: week days Main 353. BONUS BOYS. ATTENTION! Here Is your chance to buy a beauti ful 6-room house in Overlook Addition, almost new; hardwood floors, furnace, full cement basement, fine lawn and flowers, built-ins. big floored attic, fine garage, whoie lot. Just think of it! Only $5750. $750 down, balance $20 per month. Better hurry. McOEE A BENNIS, Calt Wdln. 584. OtiO Union iv, BRAND-NEW BUNGALOW. $4200 HAWTHORNE $500 CASH. THIS 4-ROOM BUNGALOW HAS BUFFET, OAK FLOORS, GAS FIRE PLACE. COMBINATION LIVING AND DINING ROOM. TWO BEDROOMS. BREAKFAST NOOK. CEMENT BASE MENT AND GARAGE; ALL IMPROVE MENTS IN AND PAID. BUY TODAY. R. L. McGREW, 108ft HAWTHORNE. TABOR 8802. TWO NEW bungalows, strictly modern, I rooms, run basement, attic, ivory Tin Ish, oak floors, papered and decorated throughout; tile bath and sink, furnace, open for Inspection; price $5850, terma Located at 737 EL 16th st. N. WE DRAW PLANS. WE HELP FINANCE MATERIAL PRICES ARE ADVANCING. SAVK MON K V. DEAL DIRECT WITH BUILDER. Our work is right and our Drices work Let us show you some of the houses we are building. Our designer can help you oive your Du.ia.ng prooieme. POHTLAMJ xlUMtt HUILLKK8, Broadway 4155. 21ft Abington n!dg $0500 ALAMEDA PARK $"1500. AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. f rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, rui it-ins, fireplace, good base ment and furnace ; 50x100 lot and ga rage; $1000 to $1500 down and easy terms on balance. B. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422 FOR SALE Beautiful cottage home: living rooms, reception hall, pantry, toi let, batn. elect no iignts, gas. tuu base ment, nice lawn, plenty rosr, paved atreet. sewer, good neighborhood, stores, school, church close, one block from car; nrlre 1650. $500 down. bal. S25 Der month. Owner, 65 E. 7Jd North. Phone Tabor TOP. PIEDMONT By owner, real home; eaat front on paved street; 6 rooms and bath, 2 toilets: DlDetess furnace: cement base ment with trays and fruit cooler and dark room. Wood and coal In for win ter; flrat-class garage and alHy fruit trees and berries. $4000. 1825 Cleveland ave. Wdln. 2352. $tvioo. QUICK ACTION NECESSARY. LAURELHURRT BUNGALOW. Owner called away. Will sacrifice hie beautiful bungalow In Laurelhurt. Get the key at Laurelhurst tract office, Eaat 30th and Glisan. or phone Tabor 6.is, evenings East 11 -in. Name. Pelahunty. ARE YOU going to build? Have plan of beaut liui j or f-room nouse; naa an built-in features: nicely arranged; will sav expenses; plans and specifications, $.".. Columbia 6.V W ESTM OREL AN D. fi.rm modern bune&low: hdw. floors, fireplace, full bisement. full lot; a good buv for 14000. $1000 cash. Will a'so sell furniture. It wlil pay you to Investigate. Seiiwood no:'. BKAL'TIFL'L LAURELHURST HOME. For - sale by owner, 7 rooms, closed a'eenina oerch. bath and large attic. Automatic Gasp furnace, strictly mod ern. I am going east; make me an olier. 1103 Eaat Couch. Tabor 6SQ9. IRVINGION CORNER BUNGALOW. Vtw 5-room modern bungalow- hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, large at tic, cement basement, garage; sightly corner, 17th and Skidmora sts.. 3 b;ock from Irvlngton car; onen dally from to 5. Phone owner. Main Z7 IRVING-TON CHARMING HOME. East 18th. near Stanton. Owner mov ing: immedJate occupancy. 7 large roe ma rtist's design. Ivory finish, oak floors. fireplace, garage, Neuhausen fc Co., 830 N. W Bank biig. aiain gu.B. ALBERTA SNAP. $850 CASH. Cottars, 8 rooms, large lot. fruit, eta n IV IJwO. QUTN, Morgan BTrtg. REALTOR. FINE MODERN HOME CHEAP. 7-room bunaalow. modern and fin c1se to car and must be sold ; only $:to.v. teems. for" home: flrep'aee. garage, sleeping porch; Rosa city Pane, near car: reason able terms Owner Tahr 2r"3. KENTON BARGAIN. New 5-room bungalow, five 2!tx1O0ft lots, corner, ciearen. tisrecg st b'ks. weit of Kenton hotel. $3500. terms. b.nnou hum. 607 East Ash : saa. fin yard; cheap. Apply 605 ACast Couch. Phone East 133. DARLING LITTLE BUNGALOW. FUR- N1SHED. Gee whiz, you should see this, Mr. Homeless Jrta.nl You would be proud to take your Jutle bride into this beautiful little home, all furnished, ready for housekeeping; It has four rooms, f.oored attic, sun porch, screened-ln porch, good basement, modern bats, lights and gas. pretty corner lot with fruit, flowers, gar den, shrubbery, chicken house and ga rage, all clean and neat vs a pin: In nice neighborhood on anth, ave. South east. Walking distance to Franklin high school, three borks to car line and la a real snap for f.'.oOO for complete outfit, ready to welcome you right In. For Inspection and terms." do not phone, but come in and let us tell you more about it and ahow you tha property-, FEE HUGHES REAL ESTATE PO.. 507 Journal B.dg. i Main 288. ROSE CITY PARK. An unusual bargain. $0250; a 7-room bungalow. This bungalow is In a class bv itself and the description 1 would srlv would not do It Justice, so X will av that it la everything tnat you could buy in an $S00o bungalow, location, con struction and finish. The owner Is leaving for California. It will take a good, substantial payment to handle it. The owner leaving and needing the money ia the reason, it Is offered at a great sacrifice. Can be shown only by appointment, but Is worth your while if you want to see a real bungalow at a bargain. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Each. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office. 5fth and Sandy. . Tabor 84 Si. LAURELHURST LAURELHURST. NEW COLONIAL BUNGALOW. VERY ARTISTIC, WITH GARAGE. A wonderful home, distinctive In de sign, exterior beautiful atone-tone stucco and granite, beautiful, spacious rooms. 3 large plate gla.s windows, swell bev eled plate buffet.1 built-in bath tub, ped estal wash basin, tile bath floor, tile sanitary drainboards, oak floors. coloniAl columns, French doors. Ivory woodwork, tapestry paper. Phone owner. Auto. 31 o-73. ROSE CITY PARK. LAURELHURST. Folks. If you're going to buy or bulla In either one of these popular districts by all means inspect our listings. Real ly some wonderful buys lifted now. Also have a number of splendid homes for ex-service men. to be handled on S209 initial payment purchaser taking Immediate possession. . A. G. TEEPE CO.. West side office, 270 Stark St. Main SC'iU. East side office, 4ntti and Sandy. Tabor r.swv IRV1NGTON CORNER. $5500. Modern -room seml-bungslow, full concrete basement, hot water heating avstem. Kvlntr Hlnlnir i-m-ima firenlarie and kitchen on first floor. 2 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor, only 1 block from Broadway and I. J. cara. If you want a neat little home close In see this one. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON. ON 15TH. NEAR THOMPSON. $550u $2000 CASH. Two complete flats of 4 rooms each; bath and extra toilet; each fist rents for $45 per mo. If you are looking for a good home and an income, see this. THE KEY AT 500 B. UTH ST. N. EAST 410. . HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, $:tr,no $3500. r THIS EXCELLENT 5-ROOM BUNGA LOW HAS BEEN CUT FROM S37.U TO $3500 THIS WEEK FOR QUICK SALE. HAS FIREPLACE. DUTCH KITCHEN, FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. ETC. IT'S A REAL BUY. CALL TODAY. R. L. McGREW, 108ft HAWTHORNE AVE.. TABOR 8802. 303 EAST 4STH ST. NORTH. ROSE CITY PARK. A real 6-room bungalow, garage, attic, hreskfaat room. lawn. etc.. gas heat. IMMEDIATE SALE DESIRED. SEE TODAY. MONEY . TALKS. Owner. Tabor 5948, it I LW A U K I E. 1 00x1 25. BLOCK NORTH OF 32D & HARRISON. New five-room and attle bungalow: ce ment basement, fireplace, all built-ins, double constructed; Inside woodwork fin ished Ivory: price $4000. $l.V)0 cash. LEO R. SHINDLKR, Owner. Phone Mllwankl- fi0-X. 5-ROOM COTTAG E. On a wide paved st. : good elevation, EAST SIDE; close to best car service in cltv. A fine home, large lot and garage. If vou have $1000 see this, a bargain at $3750. See Mr. Price, with I. E. SPENCER CO.. M7-1T Charr,her of Commerce Bldg. TIF. AITTTFITL HOME. None more beautiful In Portland; eight rooms and bath, absolutely modern; rharmlnir I Tt fismm nine : attractive comer lots, good view. Esfltmoreland. near golf links: price $1 o.oOO; easv terms to re sponsible purchaser. See owner. 204 Columbia bitig. WEST STDE BARGAIN FOUR BLOCKS NORTH OF WASHINOTUN ST. ft-room house. 50100 lot. adjoining a fine brick apartment building on Gliaan street, near 22d ; $0000. terma E. M. BROWN, 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. 7.-,0 IRVINGION PARK. $000 cash. 5-room modern bungalow, 11 modern hufit-lns. laundrv travs. fur nace; on of tha finest residences In the district. ACT UUXCKL.X ftLtU J I. MAI EVE. Blfl-PT. NEAR LLEWELLYN SCHOOL. K.rm mdern bunralow. newlv P pered and tinted; 5txl13 lot. paved siiMtf uhnndainri nf fruit and berries. near Seiiwood car. good location: $3000. tsoo cash. bal. $30 per mo., incl, int. Sell. 11. iff. . HOME. Cj.vs.ii wwtmB. modern. 708 East Ank enyi.a good Investment; a bargain for cash or $1000 or more cash and balance in large monthly payments. See owner at 81 E. li-'a st. in or in WILL accent soldiers loan. $350 cash, ft- room bungalow, built oe year a wo oa 31st street North. Ivory finish and built in, fireolace. cement basement, full cor ner lot. 1 block to car. $370. Be sure and see it today. Main 703ft. IRVINGTON HOME, -room nicely finished house: S bed rnnmi and eleeDlnr norch upstairs; hard wood floors throughout: breakfast room, beautiful vard with shrubs-: worth the money. Bv owner. R 13. Oregonlan. WESTMORELAND. Brand new bungalow; hdw. floors, fire place. Dutch kltchn, breakfast nook; east front; short walk to golf links. Act quick. It will not last long; $4400. $1000 rash. bal. $25 per month. Sell. 1150. CITY VIEW ADDJTION, SELL WOOD. 6-rrn. house. 50x100 lot, paved street. 1$ biks. from car line, near park: $2800, $s0o cash. hHl. $25 per month. See this. Seiiwood 11"r 5-T-RMSHED COMPLETE. Reduced for quick sale, furniture wrth 11000. 'ot worth $1500. Will sell 6-room house with garage. full lot, paved. Furniture and houi for $3500. Terms. Mar. 3352 403 Couch bldg. ANOTHER BARGAIN. We have another cheap house that will also sell to the first party who sees It at the price. Small down payment. GORDON MORTGAGE COMPANY. 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. . $600 CASiH. 6-room modern bungalow in turea, fireplace furnace, H. W. floors, ce ment basement, large attic. A real bar gain: price $4500. Main 7088. WE HAVE already examined the title to your property and can issue titie In surance policy without delay. No ab stract required. Title fc Trust company, ttl Fourth street. WILL TAKE LOT. R-r. bungalow, built ono year; fire place, full basement, 1 blk. to car. Take kt and some cash for equity, easy terms on bal. 403 Couch bldg. Mar. So52. I43i, (V TERMS: newly painted 0-room mod ern nOUSe, lOl TO --O uy t and W. S. car line, near I.-P. Mill, walk inr distance Brooklyn 8. P. shope and over town. 4Q3 East 1 Uh at. Sell. 2148 $5250 COUNCIL CREST ; $ 1 000 down ; 6. room and 2 sun room bungalow; ga rage;, large grounds. 823 Cham, of Commerce Mdg. ALAMEDA 2-story, 7 rooms, 4 rooms oo first floor, floors hardwood: double ga rage 1 7lX0. $2500 cash, no dealers. 884 Skidmore at. Auto. 320-S9. $1900 BUYS good 4-room house, sleeping porch, bath and garage, partly fur nished. $500 down, balance like rent. 3710 67th street S. E. 7 ROOMS, sleeping porch, basement, paved street; ground to suit, half to one acre; excellent place; $5o00. Owner. 6oo7 S2d at. P. E- (OK ALE or trade. 3 shack houses, 2 beautiful lots, west side, wonderful view. Has native cedars. Value $2500. Terms. Wdln. 4123. FURBISHED 4-room house; gas range; electric lights, garden, chickens. Mt. Scott car to Archer place. 562 4 30th ave. 8. E. Terma. BY OWNER Alameda, 4 rooms. Just rtn- Ished; furnace, garage; Improvements In and n-.id. 941 Eaat 32d. 3.HUOM shack, good lot, some fruit, close to school ; good streets and car line. Price $600, $150 down. Tabor 4142. g.ROOM bouse. $1000 down, cash or trade, balance monthly Mar. 7P$. 4-ROOM house, 3 lots, $200 down, $15 mo. Price $1300. 3Q4 Buchanan bldg. IRVINGTON home for rent or sale. Mar. 400. WEEK-END BARGAINS. It takes time to learn districts and values. For 15 years we have studied them In Portland. Take advantage, of our EXPERIENCE and a?e J. A, WICKM.AN CO. for SERVICE IN HOMKSEEKING. Every Hating personally inspected and appraised. If it's worth the money, it's photographed and displayed in our sales room. COURTEOUS SALESMEN. $5500 ROSE CITT PARK. SPECIAL: 8 rooms, on 00x100 lot. paved, aewer paid, 3 rooms down. 3 up. reception hall, large living room, sleeDina norch. full basement. furnace. fireplace. hardwood floors. ABSOLUTELY CLEAR. NO LIENS. Swell light fixtures. Be sgre and see this. 54ft. CONVENIENT MONT A VILLA. $350J 5 rooms, on 75x100 lot. E. Flanders st., beam ceiling in reception hall, living and dining rooms. Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms, white enamel bath, sleeping porch, attic, i basement. Worth looking up. SOS. RESTRICTED IRVISQTON PARK. $t0uo has been asked for jthia won derful A-room COLONIAL, Beau tiful grounds. lOOxloO; steam heat, 3 bedrooms and den. hard wood floors, only 4 years old. . Make us an offer on this, as tt is going this week. K20. X A. WICK.M AN CO.. REALTORS. "Shortest Way Home." 24 Stark St. Main 5S3 and 1004. $400 T" ASH PRICE $1600. 5-room plastered cottago. 25x100 lot. located on Mississippi ave., near Fre mont" at.; lights, gas and water; plenty room for garage In rear; paved atreeta and sidewalks all In and paid; balance on very easy monthly payments. $1000 CASH PRICE $2500. New 5-room modern up-to-date bun galow. fiOxioo lot. aidewalks and good gravel streets, lights, gas and water, all built-ins, dandy Dutch kitchen end fire place; everything right up to the min ute. 1 14 blocks to the Alberta car. bal ance cry easy. $1000 CASBV-PRTCH $4500. ft-mom modern plastered house, on ftfixioo lot, located on East 10th st., lights, gas and water; built-in conven iences, full cement basement, macadam at., 1 block to car; balance very easy. C. L. Newman. John Ferguson, Realtor, Oerllngcr bldg. Phone House Dept., Main H.', ROSE CITY PARK. 7-room and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, beautiful built-ins, fireplace, hot water furnace, concrete garage; $5800; $JU0O cash. BEAUMONT. 5 rooms and breakfas-t nook, hard wood floors, fireplace and furnace; all bulltina. ivory finish, tapestry paper; $5300. $1000 cash. GREGORY HEIGHTS. 4 rooms and bath, electric lights, full basement, lot 50x100, lots of grapes, prunes, cherries and apples, 2 blocks to car; $2800. $750 csah. GEORGE E. CROXFORD, 484 E. 40TH N.. CO R SANDY, TABOR ROSE CITY PARK. 14250 Complete. This beautiful bun galow of 5 rooms, hardwood floors, tapestry paper., fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, garage, atreets paved and paid, aewera In and paid faces east on 30th. north of Sandy blvd. We offer you the unusual terma of $500 cash and balance monthly. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 88. Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. t Tabor 84S5. - r. A. WICKMAN Co.. with 13 years' experl . ence aellirig Portland property, and an undisputed reputation for SERVICE. Is naturally in touch with the majority of HOME BUYERS. We will Inspect, ap praise, photograph and display your home within 24 hours after listing. Manv buyers waiting. If the value is there we can aell your home. If you wish to sell, list with J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. 201 Stark. Main 5S3 and 1004 WEST SIDE BUNGALOW $2750. Easy terms, neat, attractive 5-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, bath. Dutch kitchen, living and dining room, large basement. 50x100 lot. excellent view, on car line, paved street. This offer will not last long, see It today. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. RITTER, LOW K A CO. 201-2-3-1.-7 Board of Trade Bldg IRVINGTON $5500. ON 14TH. NEAR BRAZEB. Large home, large rooms hard wood floors, fireplace; east front; not new but better. McDONELL. EAST $10. REALTOR, $fl000 WALNUT PARK. Six fine rooms and music room. Fre n oh d oo rs, f u rn a c e, fireplace, hardwood floors; in per fect condition; near Haight ave. and Kllllngsworth. EAST 410. BEAUTIFUL NEW CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. AH the modern conveniences, hard wood floors, cement basement, 60x100 lot. garage, cement driveway, 4 block to car, a bargain at $5200 with easy term.i. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. ROSE CITY PARK. A home to be proud of; new six-room bungalow; hardwood floors, all built-in features, electric light fixtures, flreplace. furnace, plate glaws windows, breakfast nook, floor tub; pedestal lavatory, ga rage: splendidly located at 501 E, 40th N. Phone East 5 ft3 . $2730 BARGAIN SALE. For sale by owner, 5-room bungalow. In perfect condition ; Ivory woodwork, tapestry paper, large, light kitchen, plenty of bullt-fns; large closets and bedrooms; fine bath. 2 blocks from Mls - sisslppi-ave. car. o7fl Borthwlck sL. corner of Graham ave. BUILD TO SATISFY. Before letting contract to build your home, see us. We will save you money and snow you real construction. DEAL with an ex-service man; soldiers given everv consideration. ROBNCTT & McCLURB. REALTORS. Marshall 3202. 302 Couch Bldg. LAURELHURST. FlT-rnom bungalow, Just completed ; hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, elegant plumbing, large rooms, double garage, lot 50x158. Come out todav to 1178 E. Ankeny st.. near 30th, near park. Owner end-builder. Tabor 880, ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $500 down; dandy 4-room bungalow, 3 bedrooms, large Dutch kitchen, etc., full lot and fruit; furniture If desired; accept auto or R. C. or Kenton lot Main 380ft QUIN. 20ft Morgan Bldg. REALTOR. $3750 IRVINGTON PARK. $600 cash. 5 -room modern bungalow, all modern built-ins, laundry trays, fur nace: one of the finest residence a In the district. ACT QUICKLY SEE IT. MAT V BQQ4. EVE.. 31fl-p7. LAURELHURS1. Strictly modern, new 6-room bunga low, hardwood floors, attractive light ing fixtures, large living room, 3 bed rooms, tile bath, screens, garage, hot water heater, etc. Owner going eaat, sacrificing my home. T. 2ftPL 5-ROOM furnished bungalow cottage on corner lot, with double garage, on E. Glisan st. Immediate possession, $8500, terms to responsible person. Owner leav ing city; no agent's fees to pay. 3 126, Oregon ian. -ROOM modern home, garage and chick en house; 100x100 lot; fruit, berriea and flowers. Sewers and cement walks, $3600. Call mornings only. By owner, SIM East 7ftth St. N. $2300 GOOD 4-rm. house, lot 108x158, close in. some shrubbery ssjd berries, $300 will handle. ff. BORLAND, 303 Ptock Exchange. Aut S29-04T $4350 NEW story-and-half English cot tage, 0 rooms, basement, garage, 5 fix tures, furnace, car line, restricted dis trict. Easy terma Owner, H. D. Marsh, Main 7311. . ' ROSE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. $400 down, eottage of & rooms, semi modern: 4 lots and fruit trees in abun dance; payments $25 monthly. Owner, 206 Morgan bldg. Rog'fnr IF A HOME Is worth buying iue m. is worth Insuring. No abstract required. Title A Trust company. 01 Fourth st. $2100 4-ROOM, new ivory enameled, whits enamel bath. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. Phone Tabor 940. FOR SALE Beautiful 4-room bungalow with sun parlor, by owner; specially briced this week. Phone Wdln. 5528. AT COST BY OWNER New ft-room strict ly modern bungalow, large lot; terms. Columbia 1178J TOU ARE sure of your title if you Insist on Title Insurance. Better be safe than jnrrv. Title A Trust company. CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through title insurance. Titie A Trust company, yi rourm meet. FOR SALE BY OW.NtK, e-KJU. HOUSE, OVFRTON. NEAR 23D. BY APPOINTMENT- MAIN 3742 NO AGENTS. SACRIFICE furnished bungalow. $1000 casn. oaiance ifno. wncr. x o0r 1 1 a. $060 JUST completed; fireplace, built I ins. ivnry liniaii. aw, a.o. $4;on IRVINGTON bungalow, new. Air a White, Cham, of Com. bldg. ONLY $2950 EASY TERMS. NEW 4 -room bungalow, floored attic, leeping porch, GARAGE; BARGAIN. ROPK CITY $3475 NEW. Easy terms, 5-rrn. bunsalow, break fast nook, fireplaces, bookcases, buftet. THIS IS A. SNAP FOR SOMEONE. LAURELHURST $30ft0 NF.W. 4-room bung, cabrnet kitchen, break fast nook, fireplace, aewer, paved St., hot water beater, 4'Xlla lot. DANDY. Open Evenings. MARSH A McCABE CO.. Realtors. 82J-3-4 Falling bldg. Marshall 3im. HAVE YOU A VACANT LOT? Here Is a chance to turn It into real value on this fine 5-room bunga(w In Windsor Heights. Full cement base ment, gae furnace, cabinet kitchen, fire place, bookcases, buffet, writing desk, oak floors, aewer, paved st : fruit and berries: floored attic. $1700 mortgage ti c. 6 years. Price $5000; will take lot as part payment. MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtor, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3UU3. WONDERFUL VIEW. . R.RIHlM HI 'NO A LOW. 1 $5500 EASY TERMS. IN USUALLY WELL BUILT. EVEN THE GARAGE 1 lilTVtI,K i'nSTRiTTKD AND HAS CEMENT PIT AND DRIVEWAY. ALL hnn.1S ARK KINK AND LA RG B HARD WOOL FLRS.. FRENCH HOOKS. EXCELLENT FURNACE. ALL IM PROVEMENTS ARE IN, THE PROP FRTY FACES A SMALL PARK. ALVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR. Bd. of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 37. Evening. E. 2T6L IRVINGTON. PARK. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. $t,00. $600. $600. tflon dnwn for one of the finest I room modern bungalows; has all modern hunt-inn. also lsundrv travs. furnace. double constructed, beautiful east front lot, cement walk. Only $350 asked lor quick sale. OWNER MUST SELL. SEE IT. STAR REAL ESTATE AND 1NV. CO.. Realtors. 612-513 W ilcox bldg. Main 0604. Eve.. 310-P7. WEST SIDE BARGAIN, ("mm nv 1 .v xauti iowN Ex-srvice men. use your bonus. No bridges to cross If you buy thla good hmiA A i-nnma n nd IM n i n IT tOrch. all large rooms, built-ins, 60x100 lot. South Portland, near car and school. $300 cash. $20 a month and interest. If you want a west Hide home don t miss mis. Call Mr. Everson, v COMTB & KOHLMAN. 208 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 550 HWt BAST It HO A DW A Y. Here is one of the bet buys In the city. A 6-room house, sleeping porcn, turn a re ti r.'nl .(. ft 11 built-in feature, beautiful light fixtures, very large liv ing room, ail finished in Ivory and white enamel, tapestrv paper. VACANT asd in wond-erful condition; 50x100 loU. lawn and roses, hard -surface st. and 'er In and paid. PRICE FOR IMMEDIATE. SALE only 4ioO. Easv terms. RUMMKLL & RUMMELL, 27 4 Stark St. LOVELY KOSK CITY HOME ONLY 4 YEARS OLD. PERFECT CONDITION. R rooms, as snug as a bug in a rug. Oak floors, fireola.ee. furnace, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, everything modern you ran rHinir nf Kull lot with berries. fruit, flowers, lawn. Improvements all in and paid. Price $4500. and only $jO0 cash to handle, see It quicKiy. RALPH HARRIS CO. 816 Cham of Commerce. Main 5624. x 73511 IRVINGTON $7350. Don't overlook a good buy; this lovely bunpalow is practically new and modern to thA minute: 5 rooms, including 2 bed rooms, also 2 finished bedrooms on the upper floor, French doors, hardwood floora, artistic fireplace, a world of built-ins, hot-air furnace, garago; this bungalow is a beauty. Call Mr. EVerson today. Main 467 or Main 6550. COMTB & KOHLMAN, 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LAURELHURST. New 6-room bungalow, mod ern tn every detail. This is near the park and a home that you will be proud to own; open for your Inspection. 1171 E. Ankeny st. Owner and builder on prem ise a. NEW DUPLEX BUNGALOW. 2 modern apartments. 4 and 5 rooms, full hnaement. hwd. floors, fireplace. nlt Out eh 1c It n hen 1. 2 baths, built-in buffet and bookcases. fine French doors, close in. Price $7u0, terms. Mrs. Elva Stringer. Aut. 530-05. MOUNT'TA HOR HOME SNAP. Lara-e. 0-rm house, large attic, fur nace, 4 fireplaces, sleeping porch, with or a 101s iwxjuii eacn; """v wuu a"j 100 or tltOoO with 100x150: cost ove j!tuO0 to build house; actual value over $14,000; on E. Morrison st. Fine view. J. W. GKUPSI, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452, ROSE CITY PARK. We have one of the best buys In Rose City Park for $5250, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-ins, full baxement, all modern conveniences. All improvements in and paid. $1000 cash. balance terms. ROBNETT & "McCLURE. Mars h a 1 1 3 2 2. 3Q2 Couc h Bldg. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA $5500. EU-aant 7-room bungalow, cemen basement, furnace, fireplace, bookcasea beautiful buffet, l bedrm. aown, a up fine garage, sewer, paved St.; fine loca lion, on KASI TKK.MH. MARSH A McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3303. WOODLAWN HOME AT $2300. 7 ROOMS A REAL HOMEY HOME Plastered, nice white bath, cement base ment. aoxiou- lot witn lots 01 iruit. wai nuts, grapes. Close to school and car. No mortgu ge against. $4,00 cash, bal ance $2.1 per month. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Cham, of Commerce. Main RB24 EAST BROADWAY SACRIFICE. 6-room, new modern home, full re- ment basement, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen ; garage, 50x100 lot; improvements in ana paid must he soia; see tins ioaay. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST CO Broadway P43. 24 Oak St GOING TO BUILD T We design and build residences or an hniMinr Assist In financing same. Th , best service at lowest cost to you. Es tablished i yeara security ana sat is faction assurea. u. n. xAiL.c. x Inc.. 924 N W. Bank bldg "WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Leaving city, will sell attractive mod rn 6-room and attic bungalow, se.ee' niirhhorhood. beautiful view, reducec to $7M); cash and monthly payments, or other terms arranged. Owner, Jklal 8 836, . T.nT OP- FRUIT. I2H00. Very neat 6-room plastered bungalow; Witn DUm-in Kliuncil, lull usar-mcm mxri trnrsre. 2 blocks from car In Wood fawn, chicken house and run. $500 cash, 120 monthly. Fred w. uerman to, realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. e-.Tin 7-ROOM 1 14-storv house, near 20th and Burnside streets. A-l location, kaiaa feet walkini? d letance. looki fine; wilt take in reasonably priced lot as part payment. Se Mr. Jones. r F. B. Bowman & Co. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. MUST BE SOLD. By owner. Attractive H3. Burnside home, close !n, pleasant surroundings, 4 bedrooms and closets, hardwood floors. Fox furnnce, grate; double construction; cash. $1000. F 121. Oregonian. 6-ROOM house, douhie garage, kitchen, bathroom and basement, all furnished with good furniture; lots 150x72. gar den, fruits, trees. Price $5000. or with out furniture, $4200, terma. 84 E. S2d at. N., cor, of Couch. 2000 5-r. bungalow, fireplace, garage, full cement bnsement, 4 blks. car. $2200 4-r. bungalow, 2 blks. car; ga-ras-e. Al-herta bargains. Lawson. Main 742'J.Bdwy. 4TJJ4. KENTON BUNGALOW. $400 down, balance about $25 monthly, new 5-room bungalow, large lot, near Kenton bank and car line. Main JiSOft. QUIN. 206 Morgan Bldg. REALTOR. LOOK. MR. RENTER Bre is a good modern 6-room house. Improvements in and paid; $2150. $250 down, balance like rent. 212 Railway Exrhange man. KENTON. 5 -room modern bungalow, street pave ment and sewer paid, block and half from car, $2150. Id R. Gillette, 1761 Denver ave. urvrtBl CITY TARK. Xew 5-room bungalow; all modern conveniences; $500 down, balance like rent. 1 cur 670 $400 CASH; consider light car, 4- .-nm eomoletely furnished bungalow; rent. 351 52d N. Owner, Tabor 5toi large lot, close In; do not overlook this. Scott A Berry. 1038 Belmont. VALUED AT $3000; WTLL TAKE LOT OR CAR AS PART PAYMENT. 204 BP. OF TP. BLDG. "HOUSE 8 lots on Mt. Hood loop, 25 miles from 'Portland 1819 Hudson auto, will trade for rooms or apt. house. Tabor 4845. FOR 8 ALE 3 -roo m bungalow, 2 blocks from car. on 00th st. S. E. ; $3000, $1000 down. AUl rrt-.,v. BY OWNER, In a good location, 7-room house and sleeping porch; no agenta. Tabor H'2ff, IRVINGTON, on East 16th st. North, fine home for large family. East 828. FOr7"SALE 2-room house and Jot; $900 casn ix taaeu. w- . , NEW BUNGA1OW 1 500 DOWN. VIEW BITE $45 MONTH. Her. 1s an exceptionally good buv In a bungalow where all floors are hard wood, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, f Irepiace, furnace, ce ment basement and garage. Has - bed rooms and atilo; I blk. from car, near Division on 4tth aU Paving in and paid. Frictj only $4&0. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Cham, of Cfm. Bldg. Main 20o. IRVINGTON. $15,000. Real home. A large living room. 2 fireplace:, 3 tiled tmthroonis, hardwood floors, mahogany and old l ry finish throushout; the bedro. .us are all over-mxed; two large 'glass-inclosed sleeping pchs., with lavatory and dressing room joining bath; plate glaaa through out home; comfy front and back porch, electric stove and Instan taneous water heater. This is on of lrvington s fluent home. Owner is now In California, reason for sacrifice. McDONELU REALTOR. EAST 4 lit. MUST SKLi, AT ONCK. Bent) t if ul new 5-roum buugalow, one of those up-to-dato, large living and dining rooms across front, pretty fire place, bookcases, buffet, polished oak floor., lure-ei nliita stIhbs windows, ivory enamel. tapestry paper, exceptionally nice Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, two large bedrooms, closets, pedestal fcmth fixtures, full cement basement, full lot. East front. Below the hill, near bandy You can't equal this if you travel month. Reduced to $4800; $050 cah. O. A. PEAKCE CO.. 201 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 483.1. BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME. One block from Broadway car. Every modern convenience, even to a built-in ice box. Mahogany paneled dining room, tiled bath. 2 fireplaces, billiard room. washroom. hardwood floors Ihi-niiihnut lanre floored attlO. An Utl obstructed view of the city from a largo veranda nvarlonklnix a beautiful Lawn, trees and ahruhbery. 75x100 lot. For quick aale, $0750. Terms. J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR. S"7 T4nnrrl nf Trade BdWV. 204K HOMES IN RESTRICTED DISTRICTS A WOVDF.RFIIL IRVINGTON HOME On iioxi 00. farina East: eight nice large rooms; large sleeping porch: two baths; ' fi replaces, naruwooa noon wi the first floor: all bullt-lns: full base ment, wash trays, furnace, fruit room, doulila rarase. irrounds are In luwn, nicely planted to flowers: Immediate possession. This place ia newly decorated and nnisnea inside, n or terms nuu ap miintinont 4. all MrnaduaV 1)4'!. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A i'RUBT CO 2S4 OAK ST. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. S.IOrt CAHII 1500 $4300 NEW, ATTRACTIVE) B-ROOM BUNGALOW, CLOSE TO SANDY; HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. DI TCH KITCHEN. BREAK F"A S T NOOK. 2 NICE BKDHOOMS. LAHGE ATTIC: PAVED STREETS; FINISHED IN IVORY AND BEAUTIFUL TAPES TRY PAPER. SEE THIS! R. BOMERVILLE, BDWY. 247S. 320 U. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. WEST OF 32D ST. This splendid 6-room bungalow Is a pickup. Every conceivable built-in; large, airy Bleeping rooms; Al plumbing; located between Haw. and B. S. cars; ex cellent BOxlOb-fL lot. Requires good cash payment. Sacrifice price, $3750, HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Corner 36tb and Hawthorne. Realtors. Tabor 7403. HOMESEEKEUS, 5? TO PI If vou have $2iMrO. I will show to you the bMt modern 6-room bungalow buy in Hawthorne for only $45041. This Is a real home and muat be ditpoed of as owner Is leaving city this) week. Hdw. floors, fireplace, furnace and go rage. A hso lutely complete; speak quick." Main uol Mr. Pomeroy. COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth Sf HOLLADAY PARK. An exceptionally well built home in this exclusive district, one block from car; hardwood, furnace, fireplace, etc. Nine large rooms, every convenience in the way of built-ins, beautiful lawn and trees. A real home at a sacrifice, $'J000. Terms. J. R. HATOHT, REALTOR. 827 Board of Trade. Broadway 2043 HOMES IN REST KICTE 1 DISTRICTS. WOODLAWN. $5500. New 7-room bungalow, hard-wood floora full concrete basement, furnace, lots of bullt-lns and beautiful light fix tures: this la one of the finest homes In the district and you must hurry if you want a chance nt this. COE A. McKENNA CO.. Realtors. 82 Fourth St. Mnln 71. HOSE on Y. $4304. TERMS. Fi v room!, all modern bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, hdw. firm, and full cement basement; lot 50x100: paved at. Owner must sell at this siaerlfic price, call ear y fur appointment. O'Connor, Main oa . i. COE A. McKENNA CO., S2 Fourth St. h ROSE CITY. S500 CASH $500. SHSflfl NEW. ARTISTIC. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH ALL THE MOD E R N B U I LT-1N S ; II D WD. F LOO R S, FIREPLACE. DUTCH KITCHEN, BRKFAST NOOK; CLOAK TO SANDY. R. SOME K V ILLL, JJOWX. .'ia. 320 U. S. NAT. BASK PLUG. T.OVKLY PIEDMONT HOME. 7 rooms, strictly modern, fireplace and all tiulltlns: hardwood floors, lovely lot with garage, paved street, in best part of Piedmont; within walking distance of Jefferson high. If you are looking for a lovely home worth more than the price asked see tnis. 9'vuu. terms. uuwy 4 S37. 223 Henry bldg. LAURELHURST. See J. W. McFADDEN For Brand new R-room bungalow, full ce ment basement, attic, hard-wood floors, f Iranian. nlnt A BTlaJM WlndoWS. CtC. A beauty. Bry terma. Phone Mar. 12 or call 2t,s ytam st. WEST SIDE, 7-room house overlooking river ana mountains; near citrnnes; nice grounds, flowers, with pergola; fine house, modern. 2 toilets, separate from bath. If vou want a good property In best neighborhood at right price phone Main bi&4, or can jtaieign, terms. 832 E. 3lst AND FRANCIS. $3750 ON TERMS. R BOOMS. MODERN. 100x100 LOT fl A RAGE. PAVED ST.. FRUIT. HER RI ES. FOR PA RTIOULARS CALL MAIN 1038 OR MAR. 5500. 7-ROOM new bunealow. St. Johns Heights. 100 feet from Willamette blvd., near river and Industries; full cement base ment, garage. Bargain for $3S00, small payment down. 415 Tyler st. col. SUNN YSIDE DISTRICT. Nice 5-room modern bungalow, corner lot, furnace, garage, shmmi: iuuu casn. W. D. RODABAUOH. 1046 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 4200. Suburban Homes. 10 ACRES on Oatfleld (Macadam) road, few minutes' walk to Cnn- . cord station, Oregon City car line. 84 acres in high tate of cultiva tion. Fine soil snd sightly loca tion; especially adapted to grape, fruit, berries and chickens. Sev eral old buildings and orchard. 3 big aprlngs, concreted and large enough to irrigate land If desired. Owner must sell and has author ed us to price the piece at $5000, $3500 cash, balance mortgage. 6 per cent. This is a wonderful loca tion for country home. Surround ing land held af jhiio 10 aioou per acre- Come tm an and let us ahow you. FREYTAO-MEEDfl-CO., GLADSTONE. OREGON. OREGON CITY CARL1NE. PHONE OREGON CITY 260-J. HIGHLY IMPROVED MULTNOMAH ACRE! 40 assorted bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries; 6-room bungalow with bath, fireplace, bullt-lns. electricity, gas and running water; large garage; FAC ING ON THE PAVED HIGHWAY; ONLY $5000; TERMS. Ask for F. J. Marshall, with FRANK La McGUIRE, 203 Abington Bldg. Mnln 1068. Third St., h"t. Wash, and HtHrk. OVER a quarter acre with a duinty 4-room bungalow: city water snd gas, garage, some fruit trees and berries ; close to car with 8c fare; $2350; EASY TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U McOUlRn. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. 6""ACRES. HOUSE. FRUIT. BERRIES. $2250. Tf you want a real place to raise chickens, here It Is, eaay terma MrFAKLA.i.'. rvosiLor, suing nmi, WILL DIVIDE choice Park Rose acreage into 2, 1 or m acres, sll In cultivation and aet to fruit; modern home, terma. Tabor 2676. APPLY that rent money on your own kama for vour wife and baby. Move In. ' pay rent. The bouse and one acre of level ground Is yours. Phuns Mar. 784. n Acitr.s. TAK AUTO FOR EQUITY. 10 acres of fine land near lieedvli:. Four blocks from paved road. Dandy new house, garage and woodbhed. Take auto worth $l2"t for equity. M'PKEY INVESTMENT CO.. flOft-lu Panama Uidg. Main 3042. ACRE AND BUNGALOW. ONLY $150U. New 3 -room douhie constructed, ligius, fine soil, nice grove of trees close i 8. P. electric. See owner. 500 Concord bidg.. 2d and Stark. Will (Inanoe ex- serv 1 1 " ein e n . ' ' t ur Salt lintincaw Property. SCHOOL district No, 1 offers for sale arious parcels culanfl no lunged ummi for school purpose, adapted. howeer, for business or factory needs. Full deserlpilon may be obtained from the school clerk and business menagfi' room 401 Courthouse. K. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Managor. Dated October 15. 1P21. V l LD an industrial ttte across the street from the new American t an Co. ani within a block of the Montgomery Ward p. ant int. rent you? The nita has 20 fcjt facing on main thoroughfare and 100 feet deep, with track an a. This is a splendid place for a manufacturing riant or a varehouhe; very reasonable f sold before the first of December. Call Main 7l7, ask for Douglas Powell. GOOD east side room Inn houie un let 50x150, two-story building, it rooms with ft-room cottage on back of lot. all furn iahed and rooms full, income nets about $150 per month: iil;al location as investment; price $10 Ono. soma terms KElPI'KIl A STIiA" ART. 514 Ky. Kxch. DJdR: RLSSCLL ST., NEAR WILLI A MS AVF. 50x 145 lot. occupied by 6-room house and small store building; price $4500. It will pay yeu to investigate this property If you want a snap. K. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Bank BMg. Main 2422. , KNOI 111 LI 4. in gmd location, 3-story brlrk. a.'l rooms furnished, about 6 3-ruom apt. Income net about $1000 per mo. No leas. Everything goes, f . 0,000 Rock, 4o3 Couch bl il g. FOR SALE VERY REASONABLE" MY OWNER. FINE CORNER 100a HHl, SUIT. 'AHI.E FOR APARTMENT OK BUSI NESS BLOCK. CALL KAST J27l OK K V ST 2n12. $3S.(M)0 50x145. WITH new brb k building; beat business corner on Coo bay. the coming seaport; ideal for theater or de part nj e n t wio r o. 1 1 1 10 1 te o w n er. K;."t BVH . FtR SALE Business placa located 4H North Third st. Apply fifr North 3d at. For Mule Aoreugp. 12 ACRES, 17 miles from center of Port land; on rocked road; good loam soli, 11 acrH under cultivation, tio waste land; water piped to house, good spring. 43 bearing fruit trees, stra wberrlen. rasp berries, etc.; good 3 -room house with attio; dairy barn 24x30, with lota ef -stanchions; chicken house, etc.; 7 acr. of land seeded to clover; barn cost over $10u. Place offered at big bargnin with. $1000 cah, easy terms oil baluue. lu kpvuted by Nelbon. ' 4t FURNITURE INCLUDED. Nearly 2 acres, 3 blocks from eleotrlo station, 10 miles from center of Portland 3o minutes out; god cur service. Good land; some young fruit trees, 6-room lionae. witn I'ortlana gas. Tins puc is well furnlahttd end. Included at $J700, $-oo cash ; or will discount and kcwp furniture. John Ferguson, Realtor, Gerllnger Bld-g., Over 600 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. IN THB GRESHAM DISTRICT. 6, 10 AND 20-ACRtC TRACTS. $5.0 TO $100 AN ACH. Small cash payment, easy terms; owned by a Portland bank which has taken It on foreclosure and can aell it at coat to them; 40a fare, frequent trains, 20 miles from Portland; land level, fertile, red-shot loam, fre from rock, near highly improved farms. Fred F. Huntress, exclusive agent, 120 Grand ave.. S. K. cor n e r of BA hi er.. East 6-IQ. AN OPPORTUNITY. Land auitable for all kinds of ber riea, fruit, vegetables, diversified fann ing, dairying ; excellent transportal.ua- 20 acres $ 00 80 acres 0o 40 acres 1200 J See us at once. JOHNSON-DODRON CO , 633 Northwestern Bank Bhlg. 6 ACHES Foil ONLY $l35u7" T Located about 12 miles out, in "Wash ington Co., close ta Hoedville ; small house and barn; 4 acres In cultivation. You will find nothlnR in this locality te compare with this fur the above twlcu. $500 cash will handle. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Nnrt hwos t e r n Un n k Hl.lg. FOUR CITY ACRES. Fast 30th and East Harrison, hard surfaced streets and all Improvements in and paid for: consider smalt resi dence and Income bearing property in a trade. WILLIAM P. MERRY. 3n-2 Title Trust P;dg. LOGANBERRY LAN I). Land suitable for growing loganber ries. $30 an acre. Why not buy a tract, plant it to loganberries and make it wort h $ 1000 an acre ? Where caa you do better? He us at once. JOHNSON-DOLSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3T8T. T E N-ACRE SNAP. At Palatine Hill, very sightly and suitable for sub-division ; administrator closing estate, offurs this whole trujt at $0000: terms. WILLIAM V. MERRY. 1 301-2 Title A Trust Bldg. v LOOK AHEAD. If you are wise buy land near new proposed highway at only $30 an acre. When highway la complete will be worth, much more. Get particulars at once. JOTINSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 10-ACRE TRACTS. 11750. Only 4 left, ,30 minutes' drive on good road; 4 In cultivation, 8 blocks to school, eleetriclty and water; $300 cash, balance easy monthly payments. Asso ciated Securities Co., 712 Lewis bldg. Broadway BSOtt. FIVE-ACRE SNAP. Near Hoffman road and Bertha, very sightly, fine soil, 4 acres pasture, city water, gas, electricity; $600 per acre; good terms. WILLIAM P. MERRY. 301-2 Title A Trust Bldg. 2 4 ACRES NEW HOUSE. -A little gem of 4 rooms, facing tha Barr road; rich, deep, red shot soil. Priced to sell quickly at f2500. $500 cash and $25 per month. It's a snap. STRONG A CO., 608 CHAM. O F COM. SIGHTLY 10 ACRES. 72d near Division, all in cultivation, and cheap to close- an estate; good terms. WILLIAM P. MERRY. 301-2 Title A Trust Hld. W RITE for map ot western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERH AUSEIl TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. 2 ACRES BARR ROAD. Can't be beat for soil and price 1 $1250, $50 down and $15 per month. JiT RON'il ft CO., 60 tt CHAM. OF'COHf. j 2 CULTIVATED acres for $000; right at tnt ion; $13 monthly payment. W. M. Utnbdunatock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. B roa d wav 1058. 1 30 ACRES RUBY JUNCTION. A dandy piece, close to station; $600, $25 down and $10 per month. STRON't 1 A CO.. QUO CHAM. OF COM . 20 ACRES with creek. 2 V mllea south of Grrsharn. Owner, Tabor 8648. Tabor 8025. FOR SA LE Half suction of unlmpro e.t land in Hood River county. All or part. E E Wrcnn. It. F. D. 4. Albany. Or. - 6 ACRES at Orenco, Or., all cleared 1 fenced for $1000. Call Woodlawn fi'. tlnnicMleud., , Keiinqulanments. 3 RELINQUISHMENTS 300 rods from town. Joins $30,000 ranch near Grants Pass, nil plow land, $2000 spent on one; has creek and timber. 301 Corbett bldg. cheap or trade for cattle 320 acres, homestead rllnqulahnient. In Mnn tana; every foot plowable. AP 147, Ore s' o nian . IWANT the best homestead relinquish ment near Portland that money will buy. 302 Railway Exchange bldg., ask for Lewis. FOR A good homestead or relinquishment see E. W. Helm, 422 Chamber at Com merce bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale. Inq u Ire 71 Corhett streets. ! rnlt Lin 1 ds fo r Sa le or 1 te 1 1 1. REAL successful walnut orchards that bear a full crop every year are hard tt buy In California at from $3000 to $5000 per acre. Can aell just as good snd pcr hsps better In Ore gym at a fraction 0 that price. Address T. Wlthycomba. 43J 12th st., Portland, or. For Sale Farm a. 10 ACRES cultivated, rich, loam soil, Tnir Improvement, cannot work; must sell; 3H miles from Hi.lsboro, Washington county; good roads. R, F. D. and milk route, value $3000. good trms or lib eral discount for larger cash payment ; mlsht trade. Wdln. 1 -'4. bl ACRES deep son, unimproved, easy clHared. 15 acres nearly ready for plow, fine creek. Joining ranch been worl.cl for 23 years, fine outrange, west Me MlnnvlUe; $000 cash In full buy this. 3i"l Corbett bldg. FOR SALE at a sacrifice If quick sab. Is made; 10-acre poultry ranch at Grants I'ass. Oregon; fully equipped for looo layers. Reaaonabls term. For Infor mation address M. P. Upson, 711 Mult nomnh St., Portland. WII.LAMINA farms, level, cleared, fenced. 6 ac. good 8-rm. bouse, $1450; 5 a a., fair S-rm. house, $1200; 5 ac, no bldgs, $1000; terms. J. H. Sharp, 63ft !d..u Li