TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF AMUSEMENTS. ORPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude- vJH. This afternoon. BAKER (Aider ae Eleventh) Baker Play er;, in "The Girl In the Llmouiln." This afternoon and tonight- X-VRIC (Broadway at Morrlaon) Mualca) romedjr, '"ihe Prince of Budwelser." Three ahows dally2, 7 and P. H. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhlll) Vaudeville and roovlnr olcturee. 2 to 8, 8:4S to 11 P. M.. Saturday. Sundays and Mondays contlnuoua, 1:15 to li P. M. PA XTAGKS' i Broadway at Alder) Vaude vl'lf. Three ahowa dally, 2, T and 8:09 V M Ltceum Dikectors is Session. An nouncement will be made today of the distribution of funds of the Elll-son-Whlte lyceum bureau at the ter mination of a meeting of the board of directors, begun yesterday In the offices In the Broadway building. The directors In attendance are: J. R. Ellison, C. H. White, H. E. Cross, president of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua association; Mrs. Jose phine Corliss Preston, superintendent of public Instruction for Washington state; George W. Gearhart, Port land attorney: C. W. Tenny, president of Gooding college, Gooding, Idaho., and A. C. Strange, superintendent of Astoria public schools. Governor Davis of Idaho and I T. McCoy of Bed Bluff, Cal., other members, were unable to attend. Jewish Services Announced. Serv ices will be held at the Congregation Kovah Zedelc Talmud Torah, Sixth and Hall streets, tonight at 6:30 o'clock and tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. The Finals Succoth services are scheduled for Sunday morning at t o'clock and Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Additional services will be held Monday morning (memorial serv ice) at 9 o'clock and in the evening at 8 o'clock, also on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. Abraham I. Rosen cranU will officiate at all services. All are welcome. - Russell Brton Transferred. Rus sell (Russ) Bryon, who has been chief of the department of Justice office in Portland since the removal of his brother, William Bryon, yesterday re ceived an order of transfer to Butte, Mont., where he will assume the posi tion of chief of that office. Mr. Bryon has been in the department of justice for a number of years. He has orders to turn over the property of his office to l A. Watt, chief of the operatives of the department of Justice In Spo kane. It is not known whether Mr. Watt will be put In charge here. Greek Sailors Are Sought. Im migration authorities yesterday asked the police to assist in a search for six Greek sailors who made their escape from the Greek vessel Fotls, which is docked, at the Northern Grain & Warehouse company's dock. The escapes are: John Caravas, age 17; John Patlkis, age 20; John Mathlos, age 24; Petro Danalis, age 21; Deme trios Vapladis, age 32, and Andrew Papamlchalopulos, age 20. All were wearing dark clothes and several Were wearing dark sailor hats. New Inspector Authorized. Mem bers of the city council have auth orized the employment of an addi tional Inspector in the plumbing divi sion of the bureau of bulldngs. Com missioner Barbur informed the coun cil that the plumbing division was more than two weeks behind In its work because of inability to cover the ground with Its present force. The new inspector will be employed Until January 1, 1922. Lodoe Honors Veteran Mason. Colonel Milton Weliller, who has been chief clerk of the Portland fire de partment for more than 25 years, has recelwd a silver Masonic medallion commemorating his fOth anniversary of membership in the Lancaster (Pa.) lodge. Colonel Weldler became a Ma son July 24, 1S67. The medallion reached him a few diys following his 81st birthday, which he celebrated last Friday. Audubon Socia-rr to Meet. The Oregon Audubon society will hold Its regular weekly meeting tomorrow night in room A at the central library. The speaker of the evening will be John Gill who will give a lecture on the "Indian Life on the Columbia," which will describe the life, habits, culture, voyages and wars of the tribes along the lower Columbia and Willamette rivers. The public is in vited. Bishop Sumner to Speak. .Right Rev. Walter T. Sumner, bishop of Ore gon, will be the principal speaker at the luncheon of the Realty Board at the Multnomah hotel today at noon. The bishop will take as his subject "Pragmatism." W. B. Shively. chair man of the legal committee, will con tinue the discussion of the "statute of frauds." Rodney L. Gllsan will be chairman of the day. W. C. BlRDSALL fiCRIOUSLT ILL. "Vv C. Blrdsall Is seriously ill at Sellwood hospital. Mr. Blrdsall Is manager of the Pilot Butte inn. at Bend. . He underwent an operation in this city four months ago and returned to Bend. Two weeks ago he again be came 111 and was brought back to Tortland. His condition Is considered grave. Mrs. Blrdsall Is with him. Cadets Inspect Phone Plant. Thirty cadets from the Hill Military academy were guests of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company yes terday, when the boys were taken on an inspection tour of the company's plant. George Adams', instructor of si'lence. was in charge of the cadets. The boys are making trips of this kind as part of their study of science. Fair Interests Easterners Peo ple throughout the east are reported to be enthusiastic over the 19-1'5 ex position and thousands of prospective tourists are planning to come to Port land by auto to attend the fair, ac cording to Pr. Hubert F. Leonard, who with Mrs. Leonard, and their family returned to the city yester day after a seven weeks' trip. Two File Bankruptcy Petitions. With her liabilities totaling 115,000 and her assets 29T5, Mrs. Anna Read filed a voluntary suit of bankruptcy In the federal court yesterday. George W. Wayt of Ontario, a hardware mer chant, filed a voluntary petition list ing his assets at $11,176.05 and his liabilities at 112,773.30. Concert Is Announced. Mrs. E. E. Everts will give a concert at the Men's Resort tomorrow night at 8 O'clock. A programme of instru mental music as well as vocal music has been arranged. A motion picture also will be on the programme. Kiplacb that unsatisfactory plate with a correct denture mado by an expert. lr. K. C. Rossman. the plate specialist, makes satisfactory teeth. 311 Journal bldg. Adv. Prtinu Eyes can't see into a safety deposit box in the LAdd 4 Tllton bank. And It's the best insurance against loss of valuables and valuable papers Adv. Eioht Per Cent roR Five Tears. Bonds of liooo. 500 and 1100. Loan f lia.O'.w on business property wortn fSO.OOi). A 151, Oregcnian. Adv. Clubhouse for rent to responsible parties for dances or entertainments. Phone T. A. Wood. Mar. 621, or Tabor 1657. Adv. Mrs. M. E. 'Norton has returned from Sao Diego and will open her studio In the near future. Adv. Dr. Maris Equi has resumed prac tice. La Fayette bldg., 3134 Wash ington st. Tel. Main 3928. Adv Washington Plaster Wall Board Da's no equaL The J. McCraken Co Blake-McFall bldg. Adv. Dinner Dance, Hotel Seaside, Sat urday evening. October 22. Grlbler's orchestra, Adv. Albany Alumni to Organize. For mation of a local chapter of the alumni of Albany college will be taken up and the extension pro gramme of the college discussed at a banquet of the alumni of that school to be held at the Seward hotel tonight at t:i0 o'clock. Addresses will be made by Dr. Al'red M. Williams, president of the Albany college, and Rev. W. W. Smith, campaign director for the college in Its endowment and buildln-r campaign. The local alumni committee consists of Miss Martha Montague, chairman; Dr. 'M. B. Mar cellus, Professor U. A. Wiley, Miss Olive Baltimore and George A. Prlchard. Woman Motorist Fined. Mrs. R. E. Plnney was fined $50 and her driver's license was revoked for nine months by Municipal Judge Rossman yester day after she had been found guilty of a charge of reckless driving. Mrs. Plnneys automobile crashed into a motorcycle ridden by Lester Campbell at East Fifty-fourth street and Sandy boulevard, September 28. Campbell died later as a result of his Injuries. Testimony at the municipal court hearing Is said to have disclosed that Mrs. Plnney lost her head momen tarily and ran her machine Into the motorcycle. Stock Sbow Visitors Reserve Rooms. Twenty-one suites of rooms have been reserved at the Hotel Portland by O. M. Plummer, manager of the Pacific International Livestock ex position, for a special party of 28 eastern capitalists who will be the guests of the stock show during the week of November- 5-12. The hotel reservations were made by Mr. Plum mer upon receipt of a telegram from Fred S. Stimson, owner of the Holly wood farms, at Seattle, and president of the Pacific International organiza tion. Passing Bad Check Charged. Arthur J. Gettings, 26, was arrested at Sixth and Stark streets yesterday bv Police Inspectors Leonard and Hellyer on a bad check charge. At police headquarters he Is said to nave confessed passing a bogus check for 119.30 on James Jarvls, a fruit dealer, Wednesday. The check. It Is said, was signed by Gettings, who used an alias, and was made out on an Ore gon City bank where he never had a deposit. He is held for obtaining money under false pretenses. Site for Hospital Urged. At a meeting of the executive committee of the Ross Island-Council Crest fair site organization at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday noon steps were taken to urge upon Mayor Baker selection of a site near Council Crest for the proposed children's nospitai to be. erected in Portland by the Shrlners. Selection of a site for the hospital for crippled children has been left by the imperial Shrine com- lttee to Mayor Baker. Red Cross Meeting Called. The annual meeting of Portland .chapter, American Red Cross, will be held at library hall, public library building. Tenth and Yamhill streets, Wednes day evening, October 26, at 8 o'clock. Reports for the year's work will be read. The general public Is Invited to attend this meeting. Facts con cerning the local chapter. It Is held, should be known to every person whose membership In the Red cross Is solicited. Nine Divorce Suits Filed. Nine divorce suits were filed in the cir cuit court yesterday. Tney were. Florence I against Clarence H. Brown, r S. aealnst Jessie D. Jonnson, Gladys H. against Charles J. Fish. Daisy V. against Thomas W. Coop, William Morris agilnst Amelia Emily Parmely, Grace against "Wllllara J. Petrlck, Mary Etta against Raymond Nelson. Vivian de Sahlstrom against Lloyd Elmer Gllham and Marion Merle against Carl Henry Rogers. Oitt Abattoir Plan Investigated. Investigations are being conducted by a special committee of the Progres sive Business Men's club on the feasi bility of the city's erecting and main taining a municipal abattoir. Meet ings have been held with government meat Inspectors ami Dr. E. E. Chase, chief meat Inspector for the city. Upon the suggestion of. John H. Hartog, further investigation is to be made before a report Is offered to the club. Autos to Bring Millions. That 4 0 00,000 automobiles will visit Port land during the 1925 exposition was the prediction of V. D. Williamson, retired business man of Spokane, who was in Portland yesterday and visited exposition headquarters. Mr. Wil liamson estimated that the automo biles would carry an average of four people each, which would mean that 16,000,000 people would visit the state in that way during the exposition. Admiral Mato to Speak. Admiral Mayo, retired, formerly chief in com mand of the United States naval forces during the war, will speak at the smoker of the Spanish American War Veterans to be held Tuesday evening In room 575 of the court house. Arrangements for the smoker are being made by a committee under the chairmanship of R. M. Dobie. Re freshments will be served. Do Not Forget to call up East 308S when you want the Salvation Army auto truck to call for cast-off cloth ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture, eta Address 24-26 Union av. Major John Bree, district of fleer. Adv. Three good tenors wanted for small local Glee Club. 203 Tilford bldg. Adv. Lewis-Stenger. Morrison at Tenth, grind razors, scissors, knives perfectly, Adv. Dr. Hubert F. Leonard returned. Adv. Dr. Dayton, glasses. Swetland bldg. Adv. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. Only installation In the Pacific northwest of Yale 4 Towns Change able locka It's worth your while to find out how this lock differs from all others. All Sizes now available. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. Sixth and Morrison. Adv. CARDS OF THANKS. We wish to express to our friends and relatives in Portland and else where our sincere thanks and appre ciation for the many kindnesses and beautiful floral tributes tendered dur ing the Illness and death of our be loved daughter Virginia. Adv. MR. AND MRS. H. R. PAINTER, I desire to express my sincere ap preciation to all my friends for their svmpathy and assistance during the 1. In ess and death of my loving wife, Marguerite A. Dixon, and also to those who so generously contributed the many beautiful floral offerings. Adv. JOHN M. DIXON. We wish to thank all the friends who so kindly assisted us in the ill ness and death of our beloved daugh ter and sister. Minnie Andrews, and for beautiful flowers. . MRS. ELIZABETH ANDREWS. E. H. ANDREWS. W. A. ANDREWS. O. S. ANDREWS. MRS. EDITH HOWARD. Adv. MRS. LILLIAN PUTNAMS. $6 Per Week Up Make Tonr Winter Home at New Perkins Hotel Fifth sad Waahlncton Streets LICENSE PUN DEFERRED OPPOSITION TO REVISING CITY SCHEDULE FOUND. Mayor Orders Further Investiga tion of Proposed Ordinance to Increase Income by f BO, 000. Although months have passed In preparation of a revision, of city license schedules, with the view of In creasing the city's revenues about $60,000 a year. City Commissioner Pier, author of the revision, withdrew the proposed schedule when the coun cil met yesterday to consider the pro posal. . After S. Grutze, clerk of the' council, had read the title of the proposed ordinance Mayor Baker, who some years ago led a successful battle which defeated a proposed occupation tax, turned to Commissioner Pier and asked him If the new legislation was not In fact another occupation tax. "Well, perhaps It Is," answered Com missioner Pier. "You can call it by any name that you wish." Commissioner Pier then informed Joe Hutchinson, chief license Inspec tor, who drew the ordinance at the request, of Commisioner. Pier, that it would be wise to withdraw the ordi nance. "I do not believe that this is an opportune time to present this ordi nance," commented Commissioner Pier. "Some members of the council seem to be opposed to it, so I would like to have the ordinance referred back to me." "Do you wan to give It the sleep that knows no awakening?" inquired Clerk Grutze. "No," answered Mayor Baker, "Just send It back for more investigation and consideration." As a result, merchants of Portland will not be required to pay additional license fees for a time at least. TRAFFIC MEN ARE REQUESTED TO MEET WITH GOVERNORS. Promotion of Oregon Exposition Object of Big Gathering at Livestock Show. Telegrams were sent to officials of the IS great railroad lines traversing the li western states yesterday by Julius L. Meier, inviting them to be In Portland November 8, which will be governors' day at the Pacific Inter national Livestock show, and to join with the governors as guests of the 1925 exposition. Plans already have been made for having the governors here at that time, invitations having been sent to the executives by Governor Olcott. It Is hoped at the gathering to cement the activities of the different states and of the different railroad com panies for the coming exposition. It was announced that a programme of entertainment would be t worked out. This will Include a western bar becue at some place to be decided later, and a. trip out the Columbia river highway. There will be a mass meeting In the auditorium at the Pacific Interna tional the afternoon of governors' day for the purpose of taking up the plans for the coming exposition. Reduced Daily Round Trip Fares Oregon Electric Railway. On and after October 21 the Oregon Electric will sell round trip tickets every day from Portland to the points and at the fares, Including war tax, shown below: Salem $3.00 Woodburn 2.10 Hillsboro 1.25 Forest Grove 1-70 Tickets are good for return to and Including the second day following date of sale. Adv. Kelso Bank Commissioner Reports. KELSO. Wash.. Oct. 20. (Special.) T. H. Adams, deputy supervisor of banking. In charge of the liquidation of the Kelso State bank, has filed his report covering his receipts and disbursements since the closing of the bank. When he took charge there was cash on hand amounting to $16.- 780. Receipts, including assessments Today! 1.800.000 cup vvcre jarved ettha PANAMA.-PACIFIC Mernatioml EXPOSITION- Coffee 4s3 - feS 13 Unoui W fa ouiE" tasHSZIgs .r l , How would you like a lens for near or far, vision (for your winter reading) that looks like one solid, piece of glass the famous Kryptoks? COLUMBIAN OPTICAL COMPANY Floyd F. Brower, Mgr. (Not connected with any other local optical concern.) 145 Sixth, Near Alder ill jffr OhJl lisp "Never put off till tomorrow tvhal you should have done yesterday." After this idea soaks in we'll simply say the reigning styles in raincoats are at The Lion Store. Prices that have had the ivater squeezed out of 'em. $25.00 ' ' ' buy here a genuine crav anetted gabardine or whipcord coat that will compare favorably with others at a much higher cost. Men's and Boys' Wear Morrison, Corner Fourth S. & H. Stamps on stockholders and the price re ceived for the Kelso State bank build ing, aggregated 177,682, of which S70, 251 was paid in dividends to creditors. The expenses of liquidation to date are $5900, leaving cash on hand of present of 118,263. Expenses of liquidation will not be heavy from now on. Offsets total J9422, and J4365 In notes have been satisfied upon court orders. - 8. & H. Green Stamps for cash. Holman Fuel Co., coal and wood. Main 853: 5S0-31. Adv. A FOURTH STORY I TODAY, TONIGHT j 4 PUBLIC T"t ft Auditorium Sd and Clay. Phone Mala 720. TODAY, TONIGHT, coNTixuors a to ioiso p. m. ALSO TOMORROW FEATTRB BEIilXS I 2:30, 4iSO, 6i30, 8l30 REMEMBER, coxTisruovs, a to ioim. FEATURE AT 3i30, 4i30, i30. 830 ACCOUNT LARGE CAPACITY Children I fin Children Qfln Under 6 -I UU tolO-Uu ADULTS 30c s.r sir VALUE TOUR HAIR As Yon Do Yonr Health. Give It the Best of Care. Use. "O-K-B" HAIR TOXIC It gives most satisfying re sults; prevents dandruff, stimu lates hair growth and restores gray and faded hair to its origi nal youthful color. Not a dye, nor is it harmful. Prescription by pupil of W. Ger linger, Prof, de l'Akademle Fran caise de Parts, recipient of gold, silver and bronze medals. Manu factured .by O-K-B MANUFACTURING CO. For sale In Portland by the Owl Drug Co.. Rosenthal Sisters with Ltpman, Wolfe & Co.. Mary Eliza eth Shop at Portland hotel, Lewis Stenger Barber Supply Co. "1 II 111 i BV J' III I II I I II Hill til J II ' if HAZELWOOD PASTRY English Muffins English Crumpets' Scotch Pikelets Delicious toasted and buttered HAZELWOOD DAIRY STORE 126 Tenth Street BROADWAY HAZELWOOD PASTRY DEPT. 127 Broadway "A STAR OF THE FIRST MAGNITUDE" .-.. 7 ft1- U .-. . - r - " CYRENA VAN GORDON Contralto, Chicago Opera Association. Auditorium Monday Evening, October 2. Prices (2.20, J1.65. $1.10. Including tax. Seats on sale at Sherman, Clay Co., October 22 and 24. Mall Orders Now. Make checks payable to ELWYN CONCERT BUREAU ' SOS Piatt Bids;. a, cold, house V A IL r;ght"you say-"What's i" the answer?" It is simply this you can have more heat with less fuel and have this heat evenly distributed throughout the day with myj Heat Regulator. Tbe Hemxtof th H-umtlnc Plant . By its automatic regulation of thm drafts and dampers wasteful cxtrerx are positively prevented. This even temperature means comfort, health and economy. The "Minneapolis' is used on any type of heating plant burn ing coal, gas or oii. Write or Phone Broadway 152, William E. Worth, Portland Distributor, 516-517 Artisans' Bid. LADIES TAKAtfA ANTISEPTIC POWDER A Soothing, Cooling Germicidal and Invigorating Wash MUd, Yet Efficient Affording Immediate Relief From Irritation FOR SALE AT Portland Hotel Pharmacy AND All Other Drug: Stores 9J MS V , V V k ' n YourEngine Works this Wind-Stield Now yon can drive in the worst rain, snow or sleet storm have a perfectly clear, clean windshield with both hands absolutely free all the time to control your car with your mind at 4 ease and a greater assurance of safety, if your car is equipped with a It is positively automatic and it is ponfthre in Its action it works by suction from your en gine. As long as yonr motor is running the mere turning of a button starts the cleaning arm to owing back and forth, fast or slow as yon like, until you stop it. There is nothing about the little suction motor, which is attached to the top of your windiield frame, to get out of order it never requires any attention whatsoever no ad justments, no oiL In fact, it is so simple, so posi For Sale by Leading Dealer and Garages Distributed in Portland by BALI-OtT WRIGHT, CHANS LOR A LYON CO., WIGGINS CO.. IXC SO Broadway. . Broadway and Couch. 306 Oak at. P. J. CROMX CO., MARSHALL-WELLS CO, Corner Tenth and Flanders. 151k and Lovejoy Sts. MAYO-SKINNER MFG. COMPANY, Chicago Don't Be Scared by the bug-a-boo of high cost of home heating. Wood and coal are the most economical and healthful fuels, and econ omy and health come f irs. PIPELESS FURNACE will heat your entire home as economically as and better than with stoves. Manufactured right here in economically and better than with stoves. Sold on Easy Terms MONTAG STOVE WORKS Manufacturers of FURNACES RAXGLS, HEATERS, FURNACE STORE AT 106 SECOND ST. Near Washington Phone Automatic SS3-83. Em, i upir-i-w-m r t nrmr rr" ir- u - syr.yT"T,sJ "" in i.i hit i. Li in i.'ll Congregation Beth Israel Twelfth and Main Streets. RABBI JONAH B. WISE SABBATH SERVICES Friday, 8 P. M. The Mantle of Elijah; or, Nom It Must Be Told Saturday, 10:30 A. M. Turning the Other Cheek Sunday Morning Assembly 11 o'Clock SATAN: A Jewish Legend or a Theological Fact Phone Your WANT ADS to The Oregonian-Main 7070 A 560-95 , f . iff 1 u kiv. fosnr Asnob mrm mhvaj fnu to apvat yoar ear. Jamt turn a httim baftxm anJ thm cleaning arm mtartM to wfork, ftat or oloo) at you Jiro, Torn thm CrCfa bmttott ogam Bnit you mant it to top. So mmolm It motor nmodt attoxtton. Guaranteed for Five Years. Price $!Opol-3 KINN Automatic wind-SWeld. Cleafteif tive, so well made that its perfect operation Is Guaranteed for Five Yean This most necessary device can be attached to your car quickly and easily. Do it yourself or a mechanic will do It for yon in a few rnitmlre. Cannnt impair the efficiency of your engine. For safety's sake, for real comfort and conven ience in your driving, get a Mayo-Skinner Auto matic Windshield Cleaner today. Semember the name and look for it in checker banded carton, I mm ill ii It's the Colonial Fire Pot Which Savea Fue. it n i i' i l "My house shall be a house of prayer to all peoples" (Isaiah). . . All synagogs are open to men and viomen of every faith. 1 1 I 1 PILES Fistula, Fi a sure, Itching and all other rectal condi tions except Cancer perma nently cured without a sur gical opera tion. Mv method 'a palnlefcs. requires no anesthetlo and Is permanent. Tbera Is no confinement to bed, no In terference with business or social engagements. I eliminate all doubt aa to results by agreeing to return your tea It I tall to cure you Piles. Call or write tor booklet. DR. C. J. DEAN 24 and Morrison St, Portland Or. uention thim DRDer when w rill nr. i 1 Over 400 Stock Forms AT A BIO SAVINS Our tervlca Dept. eflM valuable aarfea- Uou la ewtatnf ayyiutad I Pacific Stationery & Printing Co. 107 2hoSt. r.i. Penuwa WHEN YOU GO TO SAN FRANCISCO SHOT EL STjEWAR On Geary St, Just off Union Sqnars. clou to best stores, cafes, theatres. Good accommodations at moderate rates. Best known meals In the United States. Breakfast, 60e, 60c, 76c; Lunch, 650. (Sundays. 76c) ; Dinner S1.25, (Sun days, f 1.60) . Municipal car passes door. Stewart Bus meets trains and steamers. Advise making reservations In adrance. V iik ' 9 Kl ftfeK' V NOW 'AyJ. Hefrf ed by over 'tour CZZZilfi'V t nmMon people- emmallr iH2SS53ff5i It -will tncrrue the 'f Tf,'f ""rrvT VT strenetb wr-..-JjjSis :- i-7nerua, run-down i a'xy toUrs in two weeks' y rrme In many in a $3anV stances. Ask your ' doctor or drusait