TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1921 21 TRANSFER PARTNERSHIP. An equal half Interest, price $900. In an old established transfer and wood hauling business; Iin suburban location, very low rent, two trucka and all neces sary equipment in fine shape; too much for on man to handle; ho experience re quired If you are honest and willing worker. Tou will easily clear better 1 than $250 every month for yourself. A real buy that will he quickly sold. Call 316 Pittock blk.. luth and Washington. AUTO FA I NT I NO BUSINESS. An equal half Interest, price $I30. In an old established busy shop; fine loca tion, on auto thoroughfare, with low rent; no experience required. If you are willing to work and learn, as owner Is first-class pointer and will teach you. this la your opportunity. Tou should never clar les than $U0 every month for your-If. Call 316 Plttoca blk.. 10th and Wash. fOUNTRT GROCERY. AA unusual opportunity to buy an old estuhlished grocery, excellent location on Pacific highway, in food payroll town, doing a business better than $100 per day; has 3 nice living rooms, good fixtures and clean, staple stock. Price rijy 4 200. This Is a real money-maker thru will pay you to Investigate. Apply :n Pittock blk.. 10th and Washington. A C H AS CE THAT WON'T LAST. Up-fco-date fully equipped cafeteria, west side, well located. 6-year lease; cats h"; good bu sines. Price $4000, $l.UO down and baittnee as you make It or WuI'f.D CONSIDER MODERN liOF'HK OR GROCERY IN TRADE. THOMSON As THOMSON. Realtors. HJO HKM1Y RI,U. BDWY. 4S0. Uni'HKH SHOP. PRICE ONLY $."00. Oood outMe town, thickly settled dis trict all around. Complete shop equlp- Knt that cost double price asked. Brick jr., cment floor. Dl'DKKT INVESTMENT CO., gno-ln PANAMA BLDG. MAIN :Q42. 7--ROO-M. moirn. corner brick; best loc.t tlon on Washlnglon ; 3-year lease ; rea sonable rent; nearlv all outside rqpma Plentv of bath. Hotel Is always full. $12,000 will handle. If you are looking for a money-maker to keep or turn., Bfti thin today. Quick Sales Realty Co., Rail a v K x cbn ge. S Miss Burk. OPPORTUNITY FOR MKCHANIO to buy a well-equipped auto repair shop; busy location, with (rood lease; a splen did opportunity for one or two men de siring a re (i I paying business; price $."', value In sight for every dollar Invested. Ch i aift p I tfnek bid k..10th an d w ash. MODERN. it-T'J-DATR. THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED RESTAURANT. Best side location; seats about 70; cah fjintO; small balance. 53 Rail may Exchange. See Miss Burke, Quick Swle Realty Co. HKKK'S a chance for a first-class baker to get Into an electric bakery and lunch room at Invoice ; best of reason for selling; particulars at Klelschman Yeast Co AN At lumber-hauling contract, year long work, must be taken at once, with reliable company here In city. Requires purchase nf 24-ton truck. Call Wtttner. Bdwy. 8S0; evenings. Marshall 301. OlM'ORTt'NITY for energetic man to no Into well-paying automobile selling busi ness In I've city, near Portland, with leading automobll firm. $10,000 required, W 1 : 1 , reif onian. CLEANING & PRESSING SHOP. Established over 10 years; nice, steady business; west side location; 4 furnished living rooms In connection; $750. Call Main LT.nS. A PARTNER WANTKD. Light manufacturing; a going business, need service) of steady man; requires small Investment; draw $3." week ; alo profits. Rnorn 4H Dekum btdg FURNITURE FACTORY. Partner wanted In this established husint; plenty order at big profits; prefer mechanic; pay good wages and pro ft. R oo rn M 1 It a Uway Exchange . CAUTION. P.UVEUS Before closing a deal of sn-calb-d Interest In established real estate business vet advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon btdg. Phone Broadway 1002. A C( H.'.N'TH V UHlH'KRV. Tn live town, brick building, rent only $'.." mouth ; $.10 to $40 day cash sales; Invoice $120i; a safe buslnetM. Room leknm bldg Wi T-S1DE 4-CHA1K BARBER SHOP. ;.m) down, balance $2& per month; price- 113(10 ; Rood raie. ANCHi H IN VESTMENT CO., Realtors. 4U4-.'-o Panama Bids.. Third and Alder. MODERN CONCRETE GARAGE Fine location, 40-car storage. Large sale ka, oils, tires, etc. Rent only $luO month, long lease; will sell cheap. Room -4t 1 liektim Bldtr A (ioiiD liuInrBK that man and wife can handle; downtown; good leaae, cheapest rent In retail district; established trade, nil cash; If you have $8.VM write owner, ! 1, Or-goiilan. YAMHILL Mkt. dlsL, meat mkt., doing wholesale and retail business; absolutely a clean proposition ; If you have some money for a real business look this up. Urnailway J'itV VoK SA LE Grocery and hardware ature In excellent businean point In vat-ley. A good srock and will be sold right. Will Invoice about $tM0. Address A V V.t'J, Oregon inn. GROCERY, $750 WEST SIDE. Corner location, 4 nice living rooms; rent. $'-"; doing good business. We have several store. $SOo up to $7000. S-m urn for bargai n h. '.14 Railway Exch. Bids;. GROCER Y $IU00. Rn-st sld lo-ation. apt. and residemtlaJ section, dolnv $-.i a day cash-and-carry; r.-nt only $!. wth 3 llvljis; rooms. 614 Railway Exchange Bldg. EST A HUSH Ef express business), one-ton 1!U1 truck, storase can clear $2,M month, $4iMl, some terms. George, with Inter stnte Land Co.. 243 Stark street. GROCERY JS0U. East side corner location; no fixture to buy : 11 vlna; room ; rent ; lease ; dolnte good builne-ss. si 4 Ry. Exch. bKlg. GROCERY, doing $140 cash and carry, $M0 for fixtures and invoice; stock about $J()00. Z. E uk Ins, 313 Couch btdg., 109 Fourth street. 80.M E good groceries, close in. with 2 to 3 living rooms- rood buy in apt. bouses and rooming houses, close In. Square Inal Co.. 1..4 K. nth St. 8. E at 3103 GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION. Busy at rvet. large ante ga-s. oils. etc. Plenty repair work. Good service cat. Illinn. Room 401 Iikum bldg. FOR ISALK -Large electric "eat" si ten, lunch counter, stools, back bar, range, ice box. hood, numerous restaurant gooda. 1S l, I'.Td at. a i' to repair ni;;iNEsa. Fender-radiator, welding, etc.. fine lo cation, profit lu'OO month clear. Price nnlv $ fton. Room -(01 pekum bldg. A GOOD all-round blacksmith wanted: must be good horseahoer. good wages and a fin shop to work in. V. T. Batten. Vernonia. Or. a.ST.'i-w"lLL HAnOlk restaurant, close In, nlel' eulpped, Ions; 1-aee with deposit. Burner, with Interstate Land Co.. 24S Btark st. KICK new stock of groceries for sale, will Invoice, $loo worth of fixture, for $ stK. 1 nq u I re '27 Grand ave. 8. Alex 11 unter ft Co., real estate. LA IU E H. A T T E N f I ON Bandy little gro cery with living room; lady can handle and make. gd money; ana quickly. Jiu; M.rttan Uldg. t"OK ENT or a, full vulcanizing equlp ntent; stock, tires, repairing material; Hsy terms, D1U allsslasippl ave. East .VV3. WEST SIDE GARAGE. 7o cars steady storage, fine shop, high class trade. $:t.iot will handle. Partlo ulnra M 1 Railway Exchange. CALL at 1M East Sixth street South and see my lists of groceries with living ronms, close In. East 8133. Square Deal Co. ON ACA'tit'NT of sickness, grocery for sale. Including tock. delivery car and post olTlre; $ 1 SOo cash. leal with owner. For up no In tin in t phone Main 144?. LONO JOH, with a small Investment, In a new truck at half price; 1 will give you a year's contract. Call Mir. 2WH; ask for Joe. WANT KL- Part ner with 4n cosh to J dn me in buying out restaurant In good In rt ion. Reference exchanged. E 131. Oro-gnnlan. llltiK'KKY :ind lalry produce; I have the hoot location on Yamhill at ; long lease; will take about tfnoo to handle; a money naker D 1''7, tregonlin A DANDY GRCEIY. In good location, has . living rooms, rvnt for nil $J.. doing to $".o, cash price $-"..t". Call .Ml Railway Exchange. GROCERY Ideal cast lde location; doing from Ho to $.0 day. month' cash and .nrry; nit e nemi stock and nxturu; y i::u egontan. IIAKHEK .:,oi for sale. on of the beM illppei, o-t located J-chalr shops In town; selling below cost. BD 142. Orego- niiin. IK Y''l have $V and late model Ford to turn In on a good business, we can show you here you can clear $50 a 1- OR SALE Good business. Will take co in e ch and t rade for bouve and lot in Portland Box 41. Timber, Or. WlHH AND COAL. A fine hu'ine for sale. $1$00 handles it 4" i i--mi:u mug. tiui 'l onn.is and light luncn. rent $73, for sale. SM Wash. St.; price $1430. Bdwy. 40? PARTNER WANTED Downtown auto parking site. 007 Couch Mrtg IF Tor are locking for a paying business. Investigate this: mll capital will buy ; own er leu v ing city. 431 St a rk . IF YOG ant good corner business propo sition, tires acceorle vulcanising. gnsoure, on location, i'ij ranqy oivq. FOR SALE Conf-ctionery. rountaln. ci gars, tobacco, soft drink, fruit. 34 3d and Madison. SMALL grocery with living room.; a bar inrrygi orronTrTTTrw. FOR RBAL BUSINESS HBN! Four yean ago a highly success ful engineer of Portland perfected one of the greatest inventions, from a commercial standpoint, that has been brought out in years. A subatantial company of local business men has now been formed; a new four story factory is nearly completed and will commence production In a few days. Tcere Is no stock for sale and no promo tion necessary. The field is unlimited and the product, a Thermostatic Electric Fire Detector, has absolutely no com petition. It Is absolutely proven and the reduction It will make in insurance rates will often pay the Installation cost the flrat year. Also baa numerous by-product Uses. To men of broad vision the proposition offers an exceptional opportunity to be come Identified with a concern and with a product th&t will build fortunes for the men who start now. District man agers to take over exclusive territory are bow wanted. This will require an li-vestment In merchandise from $100 to $1000 depending upon the territory taken. This is clean-cut proportion and you can get on the ground floor. For further particulars write Percy II. Johnson, Apt 2l. 39 Trinity, Portland, or phone Bdwy. 1410 for appointment for personal con sultation. Evening calls. Mar. 1050. J03O DANDY barber shop on good busi ness street. This is an awtully good buy. See me at once. Want a partner with $10,000 or flft.000 in a business that has been established 15 years, small town outside Portland. This has to be seen to be appreciated; only one of its kind In town. $1600 Grocery store on east side, 8 living rooms, nice business. $3230 On west side. spL-house dis trict; 8 nice living room ; one of the best buj'S In Portland. S. BORLAND, 30.1 Stock Exchange Bldg. Aut. 320-04. H. W. OSBORNE, Realtor. Working Man's Hotel. Well built house of 24 rooms on 100x100 lot, also garage, kitchen and large din ing room, completely equipped and 18 bedrooms furniuhed above average. Lo cated near car shops and factories, has furnace hat and is a wonderful bar grain at 9HW0. The owner paid $13,300. He la In a foreign country and hard pressed for money. $4O00 cash will put you In possession of property and 821 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. tiros (l way 53H7, ALTO REPAIR SHOP, fully equipped. In cluding shafting, motor, electric drill, acetylene cutting and welding outfit and all kinds of reamers, wrenches, etc. Large enough for six cars, located close in on east iide, 3 blocks from Broad way or Union ave. Also 5-room modern house, in first-class condition, fireplace, excellent lighting flxturt-s, etc.. lot 30x 123, shop and house on same lot; $tKM0 complete with tools, or $."x00 without. Big sacrifice, as lot alone is valued at tiiH0; hclt cash will handle. Leaving city and must sell Immediately. 428 Union avenue N. Automatic 831-23. POOLBALL NETS $300; B AS LIVING ROOMS. Has complete poolhall equipment, sods fountain complete, card tables and chairs and good stock confections, to baccos and cigars; rent $30 per month, including six living rooms; right on Pa cific highway, good outside town; slot machine alone pay expenses of busi ness; price $4230, $3000 cash and terms on balance. DL'DKET INVESTMENT CO.. 809-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042, WE HAVE A WAITING LIST OF BUYERS. For apartment houses, hotels, rooming house and restaurant. We can get vou action. WUICK SALES KEAT.TT. 523 Railway Exchange. Main 2990. POOL HALL. OUTRIDE TOWN LOCATION Only pool hall In town ; very nice equipment; established 9 years by pres ent owner; long lease, cheap rent: price $.5000. $3000 cash and terms on balance; best buy offered this year. Dl'DR E Y INVESTMENT CO., 300-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. POOLHALL, LIVE TOWN. Clearing over $300 par month; brick building, good lease, rent $40; four pool tables, card tables, lunch counter, back and front bar and other equipment; $3i00. terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 4IH-S-6- Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. PRICE 34O,00. SOME TERMS TO RIGHT PARTY. Old-established business; owner wishes to retire; long lease; a big money-maker, and any good business man can handle It. Positively no phone Information. Dl'DREV INVESTMENT CO., 3nn-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. DRUG STORE. Close In west side corner. Old estab lished place, present owner there many years. Price $$000; no bonus; good lease; low rent. We also have othera DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 300-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. SMALL restaurant. Just right for man and wife; rent $20; price $4o0. landy restaurant with doughnut ma chine in connection; $700 will handle this. Washington st. restaurant: $12.0. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE RMQ. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP. New Hoffman press, first-clam equip ment; also some furniture; reasonable rent ; long lesse; center of apartment house district; hurry If you want It. PfDRKY INVESTMENT CO.. 300-10 Panama Ping. Main 3042. REST A IT RANT SNAP. WEST SIDE. LONG LEASE. Hurry If you want It. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 300-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. EAST SIDE GARAGE; storing 00-70 cars steaay ; close in; lu-year lease; line place; $3000 will handle. Country garage; 80 miles from Port land; will Invoice and give 5 -year lease. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. CONFECTIONERY for $.'.00. nice living rooms. You can't afford to ciose a deal until you have looked over our many valuable and skillfully selected listings. MH) up. Z. Eaklnm, 313 Couch bldg. 109 Fourth street. CONCESSIONS FOR RENT. 5-year lease in new central atate ter minal at Eugene, Or., to be opened Dec. 1. For Information address P. O. box 97. Salem. Or. EAST SIDE GROCERY; $00 dally business; rent $23; fixtures, $730; invoice stock. Dandy east side grocery, doing $60 dsily; $3100; rent $23. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDQ. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Grocery store, building, stock and fix tures ; 3 good living rooms. For in formation call Woodlawn 4019. MY HALF Interest transfer express busi ness; 2 trucks, office and equipment; profits $130 each partner; $000. Bdwy. 32 4. FOR SAI.K Garage business. Ford service station. Value $2304. Box 483. New pert. Or lOOL HALL for sale; fine tables, front and back bar, lunch, cigars, candy; very central. 124 2d st. ' BA KBKR shop for sale, 4 chairs, $000 good location. lZ-S Mroaaway. THREE-CHAIR barber shop, well equip rA mnA Inroflnn Phone Main 749. $700 TAKES cash grocery. Call evenings at 1PS1 E. Stark. Owner. BARBER chairs on sale at big reduction Portland Cutlery Co.. 8rt 6th st. GOOD DANCING PROPOSITION; SOME CAPITAL. C 117. OREGONIAN. A OBSTiAlTt A CDtAl PjSSOaI as PAJ. PCO.V. BUSINESS OPPOKTryiTIEa. . $430 WILL buy you one-half Interest in a going mfg. buntneas where you can noM wn C. of C. clear s-up mo. 3' c Business Opportunities Wanted. BUSINESS OWNERS. FOR A QUICK and satisfactory sale, list your business with SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 15 years' successful selling experience THE LARGEST and most progressive selling organization in the northwest. PARTNERSHIPS FORMED. AH buslnes dealings absolutely con fidential. EFFICIENT salesmen accompany ail buyers In their autos. BEST OF BANK AND COMMERCIAL REFERENCES. Phone Main 2!0. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 310-311 Panama Bldg., Portland, Or. Corner Third and Alder Sta. SOLD IN TEN" DAYS. Alt lines of business sold; partners obtained; additional capital procured; lowest rates, best service. We have many buyers waiting;. BUSINESS IS GOOD with us. Our selling system is perfect; nothing left to chance. Expert salesmen bring your buyers direct to you. We can sell your business In TEN DAYS. Phone Broadway 2601 and MAKE US PROVE IT. 12 Successful Tears In This Business. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO., Suite 316 Pittock Blk., 10th and Wash. WANTED GROCERY STORE OR CONFECTIONERY, ABOUT $2000. Will trade my ft-room bouse, clear of Incumbrance, in a live town close to Port land; value $1800, but will take $1300 and pay cash difference; must have liv ing moms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 41M-5-6 Panama. Bldg., Third and Alder. LIST YOUR BUSINESS. We have several buyers wanting- a good business. They are ready to act now. If your price Is right, we can sell it. See us at once. All information treated confidentially. DEER POWNDER. 1213 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. DO YOU want to sell your little corner store, confectionery, light groceries and other businesses? We can make a quick sale for you. Do not hesitate to come In or telephone us and we will call and list your offering. See or call HUGHES REAL ESTATE CO.. 507 JonrhaTBldg. Main 2858. I'LL SELL YOU OUT when all others fail; 1 never undertake a sale In earnest but what I make It; that's confidence, but I can back it VP with results. J. BRUCE- OODDARD. 301-2 COUCH BLDG. IB years' experience in Portland. SMALL GROCERY STORES WANTED from $800 to $15O0. Have cash buyers waiting. We can sell any kind of busi ness If your price is right and location Is good. See our system before listing with anybody elce. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. TO EXCHANGE. Nice 4-room house and lot In Gresham. on carllne; to exchange for small gro cery; not particular as to location. See C. Edsser. with QUICK SALES REALTY CO.. 523 Ry. Exch. Bldg., Portland, Or. BUYERS. TAKE NOTICE. I have some remarkable buys in apart ment houses, hotels and small rooming houses; let me show you; don't wait to buy or you'll pay more. J. BRUCE GODDARD. ftOI-2 COUCH BLDG. HAVE $1600 equity in 9-room house, ex ceptionally well furnished. In good town close to Portland; will sell or trade this place. What have youT Room 78. Kal- nier hotel. Portland, or. WE HAVE two grocery buyers that have $r00 to pay down. 306 C. of C. Bdwy. 2.-.3. WANTED At once, small grocery; pay cash. Tabor 5206 WANTED Small hospital, sanitarium or apt, house. BD 130. Oregonlan. WANT going lunch stand or will buy In. V 13n. Oregon taiv WANTED Confectionery and light lunch that f."t0 will handle. Bdwy. 6Hft. WANT ED Tailor shop location. Bdwy. 8. WANTED Meat market, right price. Bdwy. flSfl. WANTED Small grocery and lunch room. Bdwy. 686. Hotel and Rooming Houses. SMALL APT. HOUSE, $2H"0. 14 apartments, lncl. some singles; easy walking distance w. a ; good income; only $1300 cash; will be sold on sight. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. IS LARGE, clean rooms, close In on west side; Income more than $300; price right. L-257. See Mr. .McNeill, with L E. SPENCER & CO.. List 247. 1 317-310 Chsmber of Commerce Bldg. $7000 WILL handle 70-rm. modern brick hotel. lease over the fair, large lobby, unusual income. Easy term on balance to right parties. THOMSON & THOMSON. Realtors. V2Q Henry Hlflg. BQwy. APARTMENT house. 6 apartments. 4 3 room and 2 2 -room apsrtments. all pri vate baths; strictly modern ; Nob Hill location; furnishings above average; price $3100. terms. 332 Railway Ex. bidg. HOW MUCH CASH HAVE YOU? 9 rms., beat dist.. w. s. ; everything goes. Including linens. silver, fuel, scuum sweeper; clears good living. Broadway 4bd. 15 ROOMS $1030. FULL PRICE. Here is your chance to develop a real place; walking distance w. s. ; low rent; $70n eath handles. 409-10 Couch bldg. EIGHT rooms, light housekeeping, good district, never vacant, good income; rent $20; $300 will handle. See George, 34& Stark street. 11 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, right downtown, electricity, gas heat, net Income $i0, $500 handles. 64 N, vtn st. 8 rooms, h. k., 3-year leare if wanted, about $30 net. only $300 cash, $430 full price. Main 1573. MUST sell at once at cost, completely fur nished 9 -room house, 3 apt., Al furnace, splendid neighborhood. Phone Main 52J3. No agent QUICK SALE. 34-room hotel, brick bldg.; new fur niture, all light rooms; rent only $150 month: price $.i500. B 132. Oregonlan. IF YOU have an apt. house, west side, with house for sale, we have the buyer. -Kight-Amsburr Co., 318 Wilcox bldg-. 31a i n3 300, IT WILL, pay you to Investigate this 40 room apt. house; nine-year lease. $8000 cash- Main 0020. MODERN brick of 12 3-room apts.. lease with $331 income; good west side lo cation. $:tWt handles. Call 3.S7 Taylor. FURNITURE of 9-room house for sale, all housekeeping rooms and rented to good tenants. 434 Jefferson, cor. 12. FURNITURE of 13-room apartment house for sale by owner account of sHckneaa. Main 52X . $700 10 H. K ROOMS, net $70. full price $120O. Call 407 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. $330 DOWN. 7 h. k. rooms, nets $33. and owner's apt., neat w. a place. Call 407 McKay bldg.. 3d and Mark. CLEAN, fresh, 23 rms., h. k., east side, always full, netting better than $lo0 month. Broadway 4633. 10 H. K. RMS., w. s., 2 baths, gas, eleo., $1000' cash required. Bdwy. 4035. WANT 20 to 30 h. k. rooms; half cash. half trade. AP 146. Oregonlan. IF YOU want to sell your rooming house call Main 3157. WANT rooming house, lO to 20 rooms, from owner. Mornings, Bdwy. 3879. FRDFOSlTlOJ MA. SFVJ T BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels i ad Rooming Hoo.se. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS. 10 H, K. ; eec. and gas. stove heat. c?os in. netting $73 mo, and good home; rent only $J3; good furn. and ciean place. Price $1300, $1000 cash. baL as you make It. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. 16 H. K. rooms, dandy fine park loca tion, netting over $150 per mo. and own art. ; elec lights, gas. furnacs or stovs heat: very fair rent and full all the time; $2100. J '.mO cash. bal. at your own term a YOU CANNOT BEAT THIS. The finest home place. H. K bouse, in well Nob Hill location: 20 rooms; fine furn. and rugs, hardwood floors, 2 baths, 3 toilets, garage; two-year lease at $1H per mo., with a renewal; priced at $4W0. $2000 cash, $1100 mortgage; hot and cold water nearly all apt.; also kitchenette. TRY-US REALTY CO.. Realtors, 100 West Park St. SOME APARTMENT HOUSES. 60 -room corner apartment, good place. 3-year lease, $700; will take clear home part payment. List 338. Brick apartment bouse, lease, clears $300. Price $12,000. half cah. List 330. Fine corner brick, about 100 rooms, lease, wonderful house. Price and terms this office. List 313. Here's a dandy apartment bouse, beau tiful location; $10,000 bandies. List 303. We have large listing apartment house also income property. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. SIS Northwestern Bank Blg. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. Most tastefully furnished residential hotel in the city; finest location for high-class clientele: house full of regu lar boarders and all-the transients for dinner that you can take care of; nets from $500 to $8O0 per month ; good building, new garage; newly painted and decorated and In first-class shape In every way; 60OO bandies building, lot, furniture, business and everything, bal ance like rent; or will give liberal dis count for large cash payment. The owners will lose $4000 on this place, as important business calls them away. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. . WANTED. Two good salesmen to ?H hotels and apartment bouses; must have machines, RIERDON REALTY COMPANY, 637 PITTOCK BLOCK. 10TH AND WASHINGTON STS. . S3-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOTEL. FREE FUEL. GOOD LEASE, RENT $130; LIVE CITY. ON PAVED HIGH WAY, ELECT R I C LINE. B US LI N B. HOUSE ALWAYS FULL; CLEARING OVER $300 PER MONTH. OPEN FOR INVESTIGATION; PRICE $3300, SOME TERMS. FULL INFORMATION AT OUR OFFICE. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. PATTISON & THOROUGH MAN. 10 rooms, 5th st., $1000 will handle. 10 roorws, 24th St.; fine furniture; clears $100. Pay $1000 down on this. 14 rooms. 17th at.; good Income,; nice location. $1000 will handle. 14 rooms, brick bldg., 5-year lease; $131)0 will handle this. Many Others in Our Office. 314 Stock Exchange Bldg. MULTNOMAH REALTY CO.. 30 C. of C. Phone Main 2.M3. 12 H. K. rooms. Central West Side. $1200. $SlH) Down. 15 rooms, beautiful furniture, netting $103. Prl-e $33f0. term White Temple. $0OO WILL H ANDUE-lOS-room hotel. 3-year lease, private baths, steam heat, corner brick, splen did investment, price im.w". OWNER'S DEATH necessitates sale of a beautiful Nob Hill rooming house, ele gantly furnished; beautiful mahogany and oak furniture In living rooms, Ivory bedroom furniture, Wilton rugs, etc.; dou ble garnge; an ideal place for boarding If so desired; grosa income easily be $1500; investigate this at once. SEE MRS. McCLAIN, M. H. LENT CO.. 324 N. W Bank Bldg. YOUR OPPORTUNITY 54 roonib, steam heated, brick bldg., corner, rent $2W, lease; almost new furniture, brass beds, all steel springs, extra nice dressers, etc.; gross income from $450 to $600; this Is" a bargain, selling this week only for $3300; easy terms given. SHE MRS. McCLAIN, M. E. LENT CO.. 3''4 N. W. Bank Bldg. WHITE TEMPLE PICKUPS. 14 H. K. rooms, extra good carpets and furniture; 2 baths. 2 toilets; rent $r5: nets $125; $2250. good terms. 6-room lower flat, good furniture, best location. $530 terms, many others, large and small. J. Wm, Howard Co., 210 Park atreet. FOR QUICK SALE list your hotel, apartment and room ing houses with us. Your Interests will always be protected. We have cash buy ers waiting for your proposition See Mrs. Keller, CEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bldg. PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS, INC. 714 Couch Bldg. Phone Main 948. Portland agents for hotels and apart ment houses. We also specialize tn Oregon and Washington country hotels. If you are In the market to buy or sell call, phone or wire. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING HOUSES. If You Want to Buy or Sell, Pee Me. Oldest Established. Reliable Firm In City. BT. W. Garland. 201 3d. Cor. Taylor. SMALL place, very pleasant rooms, clean, extra well furnished,. fine piano included; rent only $3250; price $1375; requires about $b00 cash. SEE MRS. McCLAIN. M. B. LENT CO.. 324 N. W. Bank Bldg ONE 5-ROOM flat for rent and furniture for sale at a sacrifice. One 3-room flat for rent and furniture tor sale at a bargain. Close in. J. A. Cobb. 228 W. Broadway. I WANT FURNITURE AND LEASE of a good apartment or rooming house. west side. Phone me right now or come in see me. h.. K. 513 Couch bldg Main 50H4. APARTMENT house, close In on east side; six 4-room apartments, 6 3-room apart ments, all modern and clean; good buy. 146 East 6th S. East 3153. Square Deal company. HOTEL 32 rooms, good downtown loca tion; brick. Northwest heat, clean; S year straight lease; rent $175, nets $400. Price $5500. 332 Railway Ex change bidg. FOR SALE 12-room house, all h. k. rooms, electric light, furnace and stovs heat, rent $43; net Income $90; price $1600, some discount for cssh. Owner must leave city. Inquire 635 B. Morrison. BOARDING house, everything complete; fine furniture; fine chance to make good money; small capital required. F 130. Oregonlan. A SNAP BY OWNER. Apt. and transient of 28 rooms, cen tra 1 ly located, west side. Phone Main 2H2 8 ROOMS, west side; rent $30. $730, $200 handles; 0 h. k. rms.. near library, good furniture. $1200. terms. Ella J. Owen Co.. 374 Yamhill st. Main 4574. 11 ROOMS, nicely furnished, steam heat ed, suitable for roomers and boarders; across from dental college. 423 Pacific st. East 8404. NICE, clean little home place of 7 R., all H. K., with an Income of $00 ajjd two nice rooms for self; only $400 cash. $200 at $25 per mo FOR BEST bargain in apartment house, see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co., 245 Fourth street. 7 H. K. ROOM, close in. electric, bath, rent $35. $750 cash. See owner. 181 17th st. HOTEL for sale cheap, 27 rooms. 22 North Sixth street. SEVEN room attractively furnished. $030, $50O cash. Main 6026. POLLY AND SLIM CHAXCE, PA BY A5?te.. S'RPSiaH Let ThE ( Wt SPiaI 'j fates ( I COA r decide'.) 1 1 1 " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. RIERDON REALTY COMTAXT. 637 PITTOCK BLOCK. 10TH AND WASHINGTON STS, $35,000 HOTEL. 50-ROOM HOTEL, With nearly one-quarter blocs: of ground ; 40 sleeping rooms, kitchen, dining room, office and several parlors; everything com pletely furnished with the very best; elegant west side location. Can be handled with $15,000 down. 40-ROOM HOTEL West side location. strictly modern and well furnished; lease at $275 per month; price $$h0. Can be handled with $3000. bal ance monthly. CENTER OF BUSINESS DISTRICT. MODERN BRICK BUILDING. With 74 well furnished sleeping rooms: good lease. This Is good for $0AO per month net. If you have $ 10,000 come and see me. Can arrange small balance easily. 15 ROOMS, H. K., rent $63. Income $240. Furnace heat, extra well furnished, price $3000, half cash. rooms, rent $40; extra, good; well furnished. Price $1300. S rooms, rent $35; furnace heat Price $lo30. $550 down. Many good buys at Nob Hill and White Temple. See ELY CO.. IL'S 14lh st. GOOD MODERN APT. BUYS. 16-apt. modern; fine location; 6-year lease; $14,0o0; term. 24-apt., modern, west side location; 5 year lease; $14,300; term a 33 apartments; modern; fine location; 9-year lease; $16,000; terms. Have many other good buys. E. S. KERR, Realtor. , Sl Yamhill. Marshall B594. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 623-4-3 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF TOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. SMALL-APT. house, west side (43 rooms), good lease, low rent; nets over $300; hot water heat; very clean. $4300, terms. 21 rooms, all apts.. rent $0O; lease; elec, furnace, clean, easily managed. Nets) over $200. west side, $2100 down. THOMSON & THOMSON. Realtors, 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY". 4S0. TRANSIENT HOTEL. S2 rooms. Northwestern heat; rent $200 ; modern in every way ; some pri vate baths, brick building ; tine loca tion; net income about $300; easy place to run, $5$00; terms. E. 8. KERR, Realtor, 391 Yamhill. Marshall 3594. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND. 73 rooms, 2. 3. 4-room apts., rent $300, with 3-year lease, nice corner bldg., downtown location, nicely furnished, nets $650 a month; $7000 cash will handle it. SEE MRS. HAUG. 326 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1004. JUST LISTED FIRST TIME OFFERED. 87 H. K. rooms, $S5 per room, rent $50. Income $310; no vacancies for 3 yeara This is sure a good buy. See Mr. Ken nedy, with. I. K. SPENCER 9t CO.. REALTORS, 317-10 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IF YOTJ WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. RTTTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. APARTMENT HOUSE. o3 apaimenta, 114 rooms, right down town, wert side, all apartments rented; fine furniture, mostly new; 5-year lease, low rent; best buy In Portland; $23.0O0, 10,ono cash handles. Exclusive with Surety Investment Co., 310-11 Tanama nlrtg.. Third and Ainer Hta GREAT APT. BUY STOOD CASH. 28 apartments: brick bldg., with B-vear lease at $305 rent; nets nearly $560 a month; close In: good oak furni ture and an attractive buy at $14,000. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. Realtors. 40S-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. SACRIFICE SALE ef 9 H. K. rooms, close in. A bargain at 3HO0. See Mr. Sevan, with L E. SPENCER At CO., REALTORS, List 254. PI 7-19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A BARGAIN. Furniture for sale. 12 rooms, all house keeping; good location; good house and furniture; better than the average; good terms. J. A. Cobb. 228 W. Broadway. MODERN WEST SIDE APTS. Good brick bldg.. long lease: rent right. Well and completely furnished, nice apt. and $450 clear. $7000 down. THOMSON & THOMSON. Realtors. 620 HENRY BLDQ. BDWY. 4ShQ. A GOOD BUY. 11 rooms, first-class; furniture almost new, fin location; nets $123 and 2 rooms lor self; price $1000; $800 cash. SEE MRS. HAUG. 626 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1P04. $3.'hio AS FIRST payment on west side apt. house; want good lease. N 132 Orego nlan. TORT AND FOUND. LOST English setter, female, white Uh lemon ears; name on collar; re turn 385 E. Morrison. Phone E. 3022. Reward. Grinnell. LOST Oregon Electric commutation ticket Dook, i uesaav a. m. e.i oruanu downtown district. Finder please phone owner. Main W318 or Main 8220. LUST Garnet dinner ring in ladiew' pub lic ret room, 6th and Yamhill, Sunday afternoon; liberal reward offered. Mrs. H. O. See. Newberg. Or. LEFT In sedan, brown overcoat. Would gentleman who picked uo man on Lom- Btu-tt.1. evening? LOST $20 bill between Lenta and Jones Lbr. Co. or on M. S. or fiton cars. Finder please write to 5332 02d at. S. E. R e ward. LOST Brown leather key holder, con taining about ten keys, Monday night, between 6 and 11 P. M. Reward. Re turn 325 Lumbermcns bldg. LOST In business district, lady's bar pin with ruby set in center; liberal reward. Phone Auto. 631-40. 712 E. Taylor. LOST Bracelet with Intlals A. C. T. to J. G., 1H12, mod. eve. f lease return to 82 E. L'Tth St. soutn. rtewara LOST A ring with turquoise setting- and 16 pearts. Valuable as keepsake. Re ward. Call Wdln. 4033 after 6 P. M. LOST on street blue silk scarf, red and yellow stripe through center. Finder piease leave at oiiice i wrg-oniau. LOST Dark green silk umbrella at Owl rru Co. lavatory Monday afternoon. Call Tabor 0177. Reward. LOST By stranger, on east siae, naiuiam wrist watch, black, ribbon strap. Leave LOST Pension check, $O0. Roaetta L. Mc Kennett. Reward. Room 17.. Union de- pot. Broaflway ug. FOUND Dog, white with red spots, plain collar; answers to "Spot"; near Madison brid ge. Phone Main 3741. LOST Small black dog, cropped ears and tall; goes by name of N in key. Sal Har rison. Marshall 3tM)3 $25 REWARD for return of Llewellyn set ter dog. name "Pep"; license 81L Phont East 3806. 409 E. 9th North. LOST Tuesday morning, bar pin set with coral and pearls. Kewara. Phone Main 4446, LOST Sunday, medium size Irish settee Reward. Call Main 71. FOUND Sum of money found. Inquire Knight Shoe uo., Morrison st. HER PALS HEADS. Vfco ESCORTS WA(X me TO The 'mcviES VfeR' TAILS, YOO IAxr&i iy ME "to AWtAJRE- 15ER1 CLIFF STERRETT, L- " I iiiTww mc. at, owma nca wi m LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co. Oct. 17 : 27 umbrellas. 1 lunch boxes, bank book, knife, coat. 3 handbag. 4 pr.. 1 sgl. glove. 1 book. 1 pr. rubbers. 3 packages, pencil and com pass, overalls, roll of wire. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at Firs and Alder st r e e t st a t ion. LOT" Somewhere between Parkrose and Troutdale in a small suit box a black broadcloth dress with black satin pan els, back and front, with black fringe on bottom of panels, both back and front; also cuff and collar set in box. Finder please call Sell wood 2707. Re ward LOST A young Drown dog. half hound, has the appearance of bird dog. Fol lowed automobile from Toledo about 3 A. M. -Monday, May 23, headed for Wil lamette valley. If found, notify Fred H. Taylor, Toledo, Or., and receive re ward. . LOST Between Heillg theater and 23d and Love joy, dark blue leather double handbag containing check book and papers, valuable only to owner. Phone Marshall 43U1. Reward. LOST Vicinity Rose City Park. Great Dane dog eight months old; weight about 150 pounds. Phone Manager tuppoarcme. Main m. PLEASE return brown umbrella, amber handle, taken by mistake Sunday from First Science church to 41S N. W. Bank bid. LOST A small brlndle bull pup with a white mark on his upper Up: answers to the name "Jigga" Phone East 20. VS. Re ward. LOST On Oct. 18. a seven-Inch leather belt, 21 feet long. Call Nicolal Door Mfg. Co.. Woodlawn 736. and receive reward. LOST Child's embroidered black sateen dregs. Please call Broadway 38Q6. LOST Downtown district or Swiss hall. gold chain bracelet. Reward. Mar. 857. FOUND Boy's bicycle; pay for ad. Mar. 2141. LOST $43 somewhere in business aaction. Return to Oregonlan. Reward. 6PECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. CIRCULAR NO. 520 Sealed proposals will be received at office of general purchas ing agent, Alaskan engineering commis sion, room 422 Bell Street Terminal. Seat tle. Wash., not later than 11 A. M. Oc tober 24. 1021, for furnishing explosives and blasting caps. Copies of this cir cular may be obtained upon application at this office or from Alaskan engineer ing commission, 216 New Postofflce ouuaing. Portland, or., and Aiasaan en gineering commission, 30 ti Custom House. San Francisco. Cal. S. E. Dole, general purchasing agent. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER. General Land Office. Washington. D. C. October 4. 1021 Notice is hereby clven that subiect to the condillon and limitation of the act of June 9. 1D16 (3U Stat.. 2l. and the instructions oi the secretary of the Interior of Septem ber 15, 1017 (46 L. D., 447), the timber on the following lands will be sold No vember 17, 1021. at 10 o'clock A. M.. at public auction at the Lnitea states iana office at Portland. Oregon, to the high est bidder at not les than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sal to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the Interior. The ourchase price. with an addlltonal aum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be depot! ted at time of sale, money to be returned If sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will lseue for the timber, which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, asso ciations of such citizens ana corpora tions organised under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof onlv. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered sep arately before being Included In any of fer of a larger unit: T. 1 S . R. 3 W., see. 23. lot 1. fir 300 M.. not to be sold for less than $2.30 per m. T 13 S-. R. 6 W., sec. 31. N. E. N. W. fc. tir 1700 M.. lot 1. flr 2225 M. ; lot 2. fir 2440 M. ; S. E. hi N. W. . flr 1U40 M, not to be sold for less thao $1.75 per M, WILLIAM SPAT, Commissioner, General Land Office. NOTICE. The undersigned has this day pur chased a half interest in the garage op erated by William Fry at Number 739-41 Alberts street. Portland, Oregon. All bills against said garage should be presented within five (3) days from date. Sale to be made at the offices ol the Surety Investment Co.. 310-11 Pan ama Bldg-.. Portland, Oregon. ROSS fi. HUMPHREYS. October 13. 1921. FOR SALE The depot building belonging to the O.-W. K. xv. at e. company, sit uated near the east end of the steel bridge at East Portland; purchaser to remove the building at his own expense. leuving the promises clean and free from all aeons. Offers will be received np to noon Oct. 80. For further particulars address O. H. ROBINSON. Purchasing Agent, Room 412 Wei's Fargo Bldg., Portland, Or. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND i MORTGAGE CO.. 2U &ELL1NU BLDH SECOND FLOOR. MONET TO LOAN ON AUTO MOBILES. OREGON BROKERAGE CO.. Room 1333 Northwest Bank Bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate; Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 816 Lumbcrmens bldg. WE BUY first ana second mortgages and sellers contract a F. E. Bowman Co.. 210 Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 3026, cnivfl concern would like to get in con nectlon with parties who can handle stock Issue. Ar iai. uregoman, BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. II. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. FOR SAL 875 shares Ore.-Wyo.. 20 discount. Write O. Janke. 02 17th st. N. $1(MH SEASIDE hotel stock for $300. 131, urejtnrmtn. Money to Ioan on Real Estate. $5U0, $1000 AND upwara on Improved real estate; favorable terms, no delay, no brokerage, jonn nam, not npniunig omg MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of Interest Otto & Harkson Jt e a 1 1 y UP.. Ila nam per o v-m uinrr ub. $300. $400. $-00, $750, $1000 AND UP man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. at current rates on well-improved farms and city property. K. K. Baxter. Spalding bldg. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent n security is am pie. a.aw, P. Mall, 309 Cham, of Com. $2500 TO LOAN on first-class Laurelhurst or Irvlnarton Improved property. Phone B d wy. 8368 mornings or evenlnga $1000 TO $3000 PRIVATE funds on Im proved f urimuu i oai rakio. w vviu mission. J 0. Oregonlan. PRlVAThl funds, lowest rates; prompt at tention. See A. K. Hill, 420 Lumber mens bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, b and 7 per cent. Salomon Co., au7 itanway xcn. mag. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 210 LU MdCIK tiAtnAfUH liUUKi. MONEY on improved city and suburban property. 8. S. Gillespie, 703 Dekum bldg. V T Aiwrrl IP A MiaIUTE. FER6lTTi4' ErxSE VOU CLu&'Trrt. OLt Club! rr i rvSWrcEfc" -OCT. FTAC1AL. Money to Loaa on Real Estate. TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY, READ THIS! RESIDENCE LOANS. PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS 6 PER CKNT. Five-year period; will loan 00 percent of the value of your home; only amall monthly payment required with interest; yon may pay more or all on the first of each month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 64j PER CKNT. Fire-veer period repaying privilege. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Company of America 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main S3U8. 'THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the aast for residence, apartment houses and other Income real estate. Pay here ANY AMOUNT, ANT TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges Other funds slso, a for the paat 14 years, especially In LARGE AMOUNTS. The most complete loan service, EDWARD E. GOUDEY COMPANY, United States Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on Willamette valley farm. Lowest current re tea Liberal repayment privileges. Prompt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY, 91 Third St.. Portland. Or. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city propertyi lowest rate, no commission on choice loans; long time and short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 723 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sta CELLARS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main fffflB. WE HAVE funds avullabla ror good reii dence loans; also Insurance money for Dusinesa property at lowest avaiiaoie rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2831. Wilcox Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount st lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service, B. LEE PAGET, Realtor, 622 Corbett Bldg Main 6230. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no del ay a DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., 87 Sixth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ilege. Lowest rates. W ESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO, 80 Fourth St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amounts, low rates, promptly Closed.. Attractive repayment privilege A. Jri. UIKKKIX-UILL 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 6Vi and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. $30, $4UU, $5U0, $7lM). $1UOO. $1200. 15U0. $2000 and ud. lowest rates. Quick action. Pay off $10 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., &i Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD.. 3ni Piatt niag. .Main naTi. $1000 $1500 $2000 12300 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON. 613 Cham, of Com. Bldg. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city. farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM Q. BECK. 215 Falling Bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO TOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? XOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS, VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts we will pay them up and advance you more money IE neeaea. we maKe a specialty of these loans and leave the security In your possession and you can repay us In small monthly psymenta WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried peo ple on their own notes. Rates reason able. Private offices. All business strict ly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (Licensed). 806-307 Dekum Bldg., Marshall 8286, S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS, CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes: weekly, semi monthly or monthly paymenta Each transaction strictly conil Jentlal. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goo da, pianos, etc. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (Licensed). 218 FAILING BLDG. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. DAN MARX CO., 813 Washington at., near 6th at.; established over 33 years; only high-class Jewelry store in city with loan department in connection; private room for ladles; business strictly con fidential; under state supervision; all articles held one year; do business with en old-established firm. AUTO and other chattel mortgages bought, money loaned on chattel or col lateral security. MOTOR LOAN ASSOCIATION, C. W. Pallott, Treas. 814 Consolidated Securities Bldg., 64 Sixth Street. MONEY to loan on uiamonds and Jewelry, confidential service; government licensed and bonded brokers. Zeil Bros st Co., 2H3 Wash, st., between 4th and 6 th. Marshall 727. MONEY TO LOAN on goods In storage. Hank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Phone Broadway 3715. MONEY to loan; diamonds, Jewslry, etc; legal rate; articles held one yesr. Vines, Jeweler, corner 3d and Washington. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note; confidential investigation. 816 Cham, of Com. (Licensed). ' Loans Wanted. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and 8 mortgage bonds In local concerns see Oregon In vestment & Mortgage Co., 210 Lumber Exchange bldg. RESPONSIBLE party, good security, A-l references, wants loan of $000 for one year; $6 per month Interest. Phone Main PB14. WANTED To borrow on 100 acres carry ing 6.00O.000 feet of tir timber, well lo cated. $4000. Address box AV 464, Ore- gonlan. WANT $130 30 days; offer liberal bonus and $250 real estate mortgage for se- curity. W 134, Oregonlan. SEE MB about getting 10 on your money. A-l security. Roy H. Keagy, 713 Lewis bldg. LOAN of $2000 at 7 per cent wanted on strictly modern 6-room bungalow, oocu- pleq py owner, at jjh, regoman. $2000 AT 7 PE.K. CENT on 3-room mod ern bungalow. Insurance $3000. B. Lee Paget. 622 Corbett bltlg. Main 6230. FOR SALH First mortgage on olty dwell ings, $500. $600. $1000, $1300; 8 per cent. Call at 723 Gasco bldg. Main 112. iSEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDQ. WANTED from private party. $1300 on close-in residence. Mar. 8471. ui ATAAxaS Oi (OO TD YEr 19- e j r r FINANCIAL. Loans Wauled. FRANK L McGL'lHE. with Ms years J experience and cxDert knowledge of values, la In a position to safeguard your every interval In locating your money. Hundreds of applications fsr loans, Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. l-ogie Richardson, mansger of lonn department, Abington Bldg. Main loo-. . HAVE you small sums to invest? We can get you H per cent net On following nri mortgare loans: $300. $4oo. $4:.o. $7o0 and fluoo. Let us show you these prop erties. They are all improved, in Port land and vicinity. Fred W. German c. ia. i nam oe r or t omrnrrre p,-. $lrtuo. 8 per cent. 3 years. i ""w, a per cen i, s vars. $300. 10 per cent, 6 nuintha. Allan L. Mr A f e. INTERSTATE INVES1MKNT CO.. REALTORS. , .Bdwy. 4731. 410 Henry Bid I WANT $:iooo for 14 months to enlarge my business, will pay i' r interest ana fi Lti of the year's net profit as a pre mium. This Is the best proposition In Portland; good security, bt rcfuiencea AT 143, Or-Kon)an. . LOAN WANT K D. $(000 loan wanted on big concrete building now procuring excellent rent ; paying 10' on -4,1 Co. lhon IldwF s:)M for auto call to show you ins property. LOAN wanted. $o.to0, at 7 pr c-nt tor S years on one-story brick g:intK. west side; Income $123 a month. sJe Mr, Ballifl. WAKE FT BLT. FRIES A CO., 4 4 th St. I CAN place your money surely In sums Of $1000 up on first-class Portland prop erty. (Strict appraisals and prompt serv ice guaranteed. K. IS. Raymond, 261 Stark st. .Main o3 COMPANY showing ats of over $:i0.000 In healthy condition wants refinancing of Installment paper and mortgage A1 paments made promptly by us. 1) 14 J, Oregonlan. WANT $350 at 10 per cent. $.100 at 0 per cent; to be secured by firpt mortgage loans on real estate. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chsmber of Commerce bllg. 01LT-h,l'OK M Til. LOANS SKK A. K. Ill LI 420 Lumbcrmens Biug. RKLIAHLE SMHV1CK. WANT $liUO Ivan on huim- on Knott kL Write owner, P. O. box lOitl. V Kit SO N A L. IS VCHOLOO Y. Find out what you were meant to do and start to do It. The moat Important thing In the world to you is YOURSKLF. Human anitlym as given by Mrn. Anna bel Malone at the Multnomah hotel de termines the work you are fitted for. You wiTe born to be a success at some thing. Find out what It is. A l.Vminuts interview free by appointment only. Phone Broadway 4QSQ. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, sons therapy or con ductive anesthesia. Without danger or after effects. We perform all dental op eartions without pain. Come In and let us prove it to you. X-ray work. DR. A. W. KKKNK. Above Majestic theater, t-nt. SM H Wash. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. Several men are soliciting work in per son and by telephone representing themselves to be from the Bishop Chim ney tiweep, and complaints of their work come to my office. I am not responsible for tlit-lr work, as I du not solirit. Office Tabor 8s83. R. W. Yett, manager. MARY X., now is our thame to get tnat fox choker you have always wanted at a very reasonable price. I taw soma choice ones in the brown, taupe, black, platinum and other snauea at thu Setril Opns Fur Co., 405 Morrison St., as low as $1D-00. Do not fall to see them. A FR I . l. LA DIEM. TAfCARA ANTLStfPTIC POWDER Is a soothing, cleansing, healing germicide and invigorating douche; a great aid in female disorders; uuc and frl per box, Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DR. NETTIE BENSON, D. P., Lang's min eral steam bath, but and cold howers, scientific massage, electrical, violet ray and vital treatments for both sezus; also traction treatments for lame backs. 711 Mwetlo n db 1 (I g. Main 77M. Ltti. L.oUii ; NrrzL gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc Klectrlc blanket. vibrator massage and bath. Lady assistant. M0 Columbia iu, near 17th st. Main ATTEND all the so-called sales and then come to Petersons' any day in the week end save money on your coats, suits, dresses, skirts and blouses. Second floor, Pittock block. SALESMAN with car making all the ooaat between here, Tacoma, Olympla, Seattle, up the line, offers other salesman or saleswoman transportation fur H of car expenses. K 'M, Oreyonlali. TRAINED nurs gives mineral, steam batbs for colils, rheumatism and lum bago; scientific body massage. Dr. Chybkl, D. P., 812 FU.dner bldg., and Washington sta. REU'AHU will bu paid ' for Information as to whereabouts of Nina Burton and Lora Stone. C. N. Johnson, district at tornoy, Kugene, Or. Lse phone or wire collect. GRADUATE chiropodist, masKage under medical supervision; open evenings and Sundays. Removed from 205 to lilt! Alleky bldg.. Third and Morrison. ' NEUKI TIS. - Why postpone and sufferf I give re lief. Dr. Ironside, 300 Broadway bldg. Main 0. Llectrlo cabinet baths; nurss a sslat. F B T & HANHHUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hlr goods; permanent and marcel waving, sralp tt eat nwn is. 34 ft Alder. Main Mu. EXPERIENCED detective will get evi dence in private casea of any kind; charges reasonable. Address Y 132. Ur- gonian. HAVE your ejc property attended to at Goodman's; right glasses at right pricea Prompt service. Thousands of eatisiled patrons. Morrison. Muln ?2i. MADAME PATEN A CD hi i' STEM, Benson hotel, for treatment of the scalp and skin, marcelling, ialrdressing and manl curing; expert operators. Bdwy. 41 1 LADIES, rid yourself of excess fat. elea trie sweats given by experienced nurse, wonderful results, clears the complexicu, purifies the blood. Phune Alain 7748. VlT-O-NET sweats for colds, boay mas sage, radiant UKht and violet ray treat ments for neuritis-; 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. daily. 4 .'KJ M organ bldg. .Mai n 757 i. AUTO ride to San Francisco, Big 7-pas. car, leaving Portland Oct. 20. H A. M., will carry 4 pusse.ngera. Call Wdln. 51-JU. 7i k. bth st. N. Mr. McCoy. REJUVENATE your tired and nervous body by a scientific body massage. Dr. Ovldla Larsen, 034 Morgan biug. Main 1 WK $1 OETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST , who doesn't hurt you; 8 yra. here; exam, fee. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wash. Bdy. '2b'2-k. permanently removed by multiple needle method ; consultation tree. i04 Swet- 1 an d bldg., 5th at Wash. M ai n 13U SULPHUR steam bam, manage, vlolut ray and vibratory treatments for ner vousness, poor circulation; bra 10 to a. 46 Clay. Main 8350. LR. J. KM ITU, occupying room 23, 2d floor Fluidner bldg., will occupy rooms 401-402, 4th floor, same bldg., Monday, October 2. FUR 3. Portland's upstairs furrier. The Fur Chop. 014-15-10 Eliers Mulc bldg.. Wash, bet. 4th ana .iai n m.-i. DR. CLAIRE HENSEKLING. drugleas phy. slcian; steam baths, scientific massage ; hours 10 to 6. 61 Selllng-Hirsch bldg., W. Park and Washington. Main 77SO IRENE Si TO Y. lormeriy of 1 gulling Hlrsch bldg.. moved to SUO Broadway bldg. NEW O E N I" IN E A 1 ;uk un sea 1 cape with, beaver collar for sale half price. Depend- a b ! e Cleaners, t'none g8t .w.n. CHARLES MARSHALL, son of John Mar shall, come to Castle Rock, Or. I a in alone. John Marshall. OLD SCOTCH liniment for sale by all drugglsta. G. A. Massa will be at Wabash hotel taking orders MASSAGE, bths, rheumatism, constipa tion kidney a Both sexes. Dr. Kin a Sore'nsen, &UH Panama bldg. Main SuBo. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, wart a re moved by B)-needie method ; trial fre. J o se Flniey, 514 Bush at Lane. Muln 03 H 8 FILES can be permanently cured without operation. Cail or write Dr. Dvan, bo ond and Morrison. MASSAGE FOR LUMBAGO. ETC. ai.'i Buchanan bldg.. Waih. bet. 4th and 3th sts. Also Sun. lays and evenings.. MAKE your own aruiKs. tor supplies. Portland Beverage Supply Co.. 431 Sia.ru. lALT syrups and supplies. Portland Bev erage Supply Co., 431 Stark St. PROSTATA" trouble cured without opera t i o n. Dr. R. A. Phillips. Bdwy. bid g. LEARN beauty culture wveuinna Mailaia Curti i. Mara h a li 1TU2. BOTTLES, bar'.els. ston wars, corks, eta, Portland Beverage bu p ply Co., 4:tl ruarit. JUNIC1DE will curs rheumatism or inunay bs c k. 408 Dekum bid FiUMKDA BALM, formerly railed Balm 0t Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Barry pay youf Be Vlereck. collectora Dekum bldg LEAKN to sew at Mrs, Clark's, ioj Ra I egh bldg. Mar. Skq, STEAM BATHS, chiropractic, masKHfre. pr. Margaret Haynie, Pwetland bldg. rP. PT.KASTS WRTTR HILDA. L.EAHN beauty culture evenings. Madame Curtis. Marshall 17"2. LADY desiring fare ha If -paid lo Aliua apolU, call Tabor 2177. gain, caii auio. U i m n