THE HTfmXTXCl' QREGOyiAy, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 18. 1921 mmm 1 1 T I nvivrtll. 1 FOB BENT., Furnished Houses 0 LET A commodious "dwelling hous. fully furnished. Ior . '"Vnnm i Possession Nov. 1. Lsrge llvln room, mall library and average-.lxed .' I room on main floor; two '" dr?h. : with two of moderate and bathroom, on .econd floor; two serv I ant.- room. In attic. .?in JJ, "?i.i..S? 800.' moRntn. '. f. 10. Oregonian. - "- cfFVif LODGE lUliAwr, l B24SCHht.LTerr.c.; three rm : Urge glssed-in porch; "".ii httrt of in c.ty; 20 "r on Morrison fisfSr o" "4r k't.'? pprecl- . j i .ant for winwr. . 8L If. rir-u ui-ru -- " , - - n r. i h ri house. 2 bed- i ?;r,r.nn:.rorbr,:.on."rE,.nrv3r8. .. a.t C200 BCStVES., OPllftTTJ.'lA'J- H. W. OSBORNE, Realtor. Working Man'. Hotal in-.1ft0 Well built houae of 24 room, on 100 xioo lot. also garage, bikiku ' i a . uniniwd and JO in k room, whuidi ' . T bedroom, furnished above average, IM eated near car .nop. ' "V,.i harl furnace heat Kd la a wonderful bar grain at aawv. i n. " " ' He 1. In a foreign country and bard vTrory .id put you in yvma-coo" T-,,x-fi a t r.v . . Y:NISi ;;Vv fVrnl.hed. winter". , rorrtirit8 epon.lbles only con.ldered. 84S. Aul 5 -. rrrr. 4-ROOM furm.hed new modern bungalow garage, etc.; lea.e 105 " Interstate Co.. Realtor.. , ..ft ..rv Bide. Bdwy. 4751. iB-ROOM bungalow: beautliui J" ?' ' L", t an Meal home; must u- -V." ( Seriated; piano, garage; 8.8: will ' .-.. Dt!l. B-.ll. w wa - J en ft- ,.rea.v" I) L- U I r it. vrw . bik. to car. East 3253. jt'lNB modern houae; all convenience. large, airy room, E. ellanie tenant iwi j 'Tin. a.RY comtortable. modern 1 -room f 44th S. K AUnost completely fur- pished, tall aui. .i.i-u .nBACTIVKMOOaiNaiTBLJ S '"iS"F6R 6 MONTHS OR LO.NU . . J OR LP BXRNISI f furnace Mill atl Knot 21 LRMSHKD -rom . furnace. iW'WP"" ,,lr.d. Call mill .ip.; ' KMl Tim VaLNUT Park di.trlct. 4 mnl '''; 1 nice home, .tnci.jr hie Trent. with or without i-rage; ron.ble rent. 11 i, Koaney, curuc. " J30 -SUBURBAN 4-fJ;D';i;W! JaiS 81- uJln, Wor. 20S Failing ""huim- for Kent Furnlturejor Sale. Mouhts ior ivfriit 1- . w " - t a rrkurmnn t ntftf TIVE-ROOll nou.e. on ",r.,-1 -Friia 27th; J15 per month. V altef ield. irriea A t.0., tin tfoR SALifci furniture for o-room house I and house for rent. No. 4 Ka.t 2tttb, fcROOM modern bungalow lor I to party ouyma w 77 r.. I.nunu. 821 Chamber of Commerca Bldg. BrSTXESS nPrOflTTXTTTEg. I UTO "REPAIR SHOP, fully equipped, ln- acetylene cutting and welding outfit and all kind, of reamer., wrenche.. ate. Large enough, for .ixc.ra. -ated elo;. f or Lnlon ave. Ai.o, f-rom , .p.r. nou.e, :n iirwL-c - - excellent lighting fixture., etc. .ot 123. .hop and hou.e on Mm 1o'-. complete with tool., or 3U0O wunout. BiT .acrlflc.. a. lot alone I. valued at $i0; hUf cash will handle Leaving city and mu.t ell immediately . Union avenue N. Automatic 841 -.3. $35,000 RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. qarriflred at 124.000. on lerms. ' HUl corner foc.tioo: beautiful hulldlng and grouna.; nni.i r. nlture; hardwood floor.; Wilton rug.. Sit. 1300 per month; filled to capacity alway.; a flr.t-clas. l'rtn,nliin'00o re... who will buy furniture at l".000 and take lea.e for S year, at J1.5 per month. See F. C. Mar.hali. with FRANK L. McOUIRE. 203 Ablngton Bldg Main 108. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. . . mrr'C V t ' . . , frrlT VTTd V HOTELS A.u Ario.. oJririT ABOLT 2000 PAIRSOF ALL-WOOT, AND wool, JV;irT,vi ,jSades. nice patterns: NO iTEC ONUS- OK nrifiva. MER'8 SAMPLES OF ALTO ROBLS WILBUR WOOLEN CO 903 TITLE & TRUST BLtJO. PHONE BDWY. 8258 OR EAST 3SjO. W( HAVE A -WAITUfO LIST OT BUYERS. .... For apartment houae. noteia, rooming house, and restaurant W can get you action. QUICK SALES BEALTT S25 Railway Exchange. Main mm FOR REAL BUSINBS3 MBNI fufng F A.- ?rom a comercfa? "VTandpolnt that Su'b.tanUal SS5S-F of .oca buainea. men ha. now Deen lonueu, - -" Story factory la nearly completed and ,111 commence production In a few daj Tfcere Is no atoca jer " r.itrf tlon nece..ary. xne neia "'U','" "il and the product, a Thermostatic K"" Fire Detector, ha. absolutely no com- Detltion. 11 1. .owi 1 " reduction It will make In ln.urance rate. fTmt year. Alao baa numeroua by-product To men of broad ri.lon the proportion offers an exceptional opportunity to be oome Identified with a concern and with a product that will build fortune fo, the men wno ",'""," .,. agera to take over exclu.lva territory are now wanted. Thl. will require an irve.tment in merchandise from $100 to J100O aepenaing uw. "!"-r Thl. la a clean-cut proposition and you can get on tha ground floor. For further particular, write Percy M. Johnson. Apt 2. 8 Trinity. Portland, or phone Bdwy. 14o ior aP?'"""J'" , J",ai0 - una non. mvuiu . .T orvirca HPPO RTITN1 TIES. Buwinewi Opportanitieta Wanted. U5IIICW1 m.a. - WANTED COUNTRY GENERAL MDSE. inrolclng not le than 110.000. to trad, for beat 80-acra black loam farm In w, u lamett. valley. Aak for F. C. Marahall. Wlt' FRANK L. McOUIRE. 203 Ablngton Bldg. Mai h 1J Thlra t.. Dei. " ........ Stocka aJMl Bon da. 30 SHARES of Sound """',,, , fnr saie or traae iw O 1H3. uregonian. Hotel, and Rooming Honsca. 1 U One xa-room. u. . , Alway. full. The more caah you have tne lea? the price will be. Rent 163. with A-l furniture. Ll.t 252. One so-room, n. a. very ' ' . . 13th .t. Income about 200 mo. Priced to sell. My machlna la at your wirvlca. Sea Mr. ivenneuj, w.i , M7.10 rhnm. of Com. Bldg. XUTO repair anop, excellent location. valuable leaae, low rent, wwi w. 2 mechanics can handle; sickness forces sale: excellent proposition for one or two mechanical can bo bought for less than invoice 01 come In and get detail.; can make bet ter than 400 month. Goes for 5SO. Surety Investment Co., 810-11 Panama bldg.. aq ana aiuc - 10 rooma sood location, furnace heat. eleara over 150. price 11450. terms, lsi ' 848. 11 rooms., well-iocateo, ... ,'n ijo. xurnace ncav, List 332. , 19 mom., aood location, furnace heat. $2000 terms. List 844. See lira wsy-pooL 42-room brick hotel, fin. busy lease. Particulars this oiuce. - - BO-room apartment house, good cor ner, good leaae. .uou, 858. . orrT?TY. WESTERN BuitBJu. "i.. 818 VORTHWESTERN J'A''- BLIKJ- CIGAR store, lobby of one of the . commercial noteis in ' " aqulpped. large tock. cigars, tobaccos, candles, big news and magaxine ' trade. This is a splendid money maker, .tilt J for lady or gentleman; clearing 8200 ne, per month: worth 2500; owner retiring End will .ell for IliMO. Surety Invest ment Co.. 810-11 Panama bldg., Sd and Alder t. DANDY cafeteria, aeats 64 people, every thing new. fine place, doing from so to $180 per day: soda fountain, cigar case., an ior - Restaurant, doing 130 day. rent 835, . .... .ri ior quick s.i.. Lunch counter, has done 8H0 per day. right party can 00 it iia, BARRA.ND REALTY CO.. 349 Salmon St. painting business; have Plenty of work a lit . .. itl Kaa San t lsrrfss1 Willi I on nana, 11 yui " " j'jnu monin come hu to j mnt Oo., 310-11 Panama bldg.. Sd. and Alder Bia. and apartment nousea; must fi WERDON BEAUT COMPANY. - al- DITTlVk' BLOCK. 10TH AsD WASHINGTON ST 3. . . . nrTva GOOD MODKlwi .ri. w,nH.m: fins location; B-year lease; sn.uvu. location; 24-apt. modern, west slds location. year lease; 14.500; ,.. lM. . ?"Vnf!t';. tSK- terms. uon; -"'.'--". '"a buys. aa" KERR. Realtor; 891 Tamhlll. MHil!- TRANSIENT BABUAU-"" 82 room., down-town Rooms clean, clears over . ' - th. only 14260. About hall dVtandS place tor tne wo... tha business, oes 'if-i";'.',TflRS. I. E. SPENCBKaw--.--- B17-1H unam. ot iHioOM cottaKe for rent; furniture lor sale -X'-" :all 806 Holladay. gi HN-lTUKE of It-room flat for aale. flat V" rent. Fine locatJonMar.hall 2515. CHEVROLET (direct) agency " re'J shop; a territory mi sale, return, with low overhead and lit tle Inve.ted capital; no used care to - be purchased; a real opportunity to obtain a gOOQ little ousines. J ' ... son5 for Mlllns. to take over Chevrolet agency in larger leruwij. yonian. .ts.rsa and I.UtlllWW fli Sm. rental. 10 year., building to ult II en either. Marshall leai. I fKR DESIRABLE pac In fireproof wara- homa pnone pi nu FINE light floor. WxluO; long lease; cheap rent. w a. Offices. K.t . ground-floor office with window ?.? de.k" chair and typewriter: ex ..u.l hiu.iness location. Hdwy. 5044. SeTSk room wVth telephone and st.n gr.phln eervice. ru... - : fRONT offlc. modern. In Railway Ex- CjvrvrATEffli-e Including desk and chair, w.!i vr stnrk Exchange bldg, i'UUL riAuu. , 1,-n in tnwn: very nice VMiiy . Q hv Drtl- equipment; s.islwuo . j ' - . ent owner; long lease, cheap "!'; Pr' SDOOU. :jow um a" " best buy offered this year. imfiKET INVESTMENT CO.. unn.lii Panama Bldg. Main 3042. ELECTRIC BAKERT.LUNCHAXDDElj ICATESSEN. ALL KEW .ELABORATE fLL."M: iv tivpi town ?O0 MILM FROM POLANTJ A MONEY-MAKER. CAN BE HAD AT A 1 OW FIGURE AND TERMS. PAr" TlCULARs! .PHONE BDWY. 825S AND EAM rt.u llMeU.nro"i. CASH grocery, a real bargain almost at your price; fine fixtures; iars. staple stoca; a iiijib ---- --.,rtA ture: good clas. of trade; clearing .i. montn net win i'-" r r" , Worthy of investigation. 2u00. Surety i.m, Co.. 810-11 Panama bldg.. 8d and Alder sts. IroR RENT Vacuum clesner.. one week. fAHTNKR -wanted chauic. to buuii t-nif Interest In r im ual I gamiss.1 L II 111" " " , - i?op;'?M,M r-ln'wiU warrant 830 week for each partner. iwm nnnu.r.. and . , l'an&ma bldg.. a anu Aider at.. BILLIAHliM A.iw ,fY"";. . Have R-year lease, swell rent: best valley town, r z-. Vt once with fixtures for same on 50-64 hiisl. Al- 11". AUTO 8l!KV..a ei"v;, Busv ntreet; large tilNIO ZW&V; a' deslr'abla opening for active mnn. Room 411 ll-Kum SOME TKKA13 IU Old-establtahed business; owner wlsJ'" to retire; long iee; w " .i. and any good buslne.. man can handle It. positively n" P"i"" ?mtK? fMa'TMExf CO.. . c: . . .. u. . ; nno-io I'anaTna num. Main "3042. 1850 buys small grocery, living room; 11250--Caab-and-carry grocery doing 35 to 40 day; living room.; rent 2o; BlTSHUE.'518 Cham, of Com. Bldg. 1 . D 1.1 Large garage In choice west side loca tion; TS-car storage now. Good ! Reasonable rent. A REAL PLACE. Be.t location In the city. 1) UDrtt I i.vnai.Jii,' y1'"., eioo-in Panama Bldg. Main 3Q4Z. RIERDOX REALTT COMJAST. 637 P1TTOCK BLOCK. 10TH AND WASHINGTON STS. $:15.000 HOTEL. 60-ROOM HOTEL. With nearly one-quarter block of ground: . 40 sleeping rooms, kitchen, dining room, office anu --veral parlors: everything com pletely furnl.hed with the very be.t;. elegant west side location. Can be ThindUvJ with 813.000 down. 4U-ROOM HOTEL. West side location strictly modern and well furnished, leas, at $273 par month; price !" Can be bandied with 85000. bal ance monthly. -rTwaa CENTER OF BUSINESS DISTRICT. MODERN' BRICK BUILDING. . With 74 well furnished fP!"$ rooms: good lease This U . good for oo per month net. II you have 10.000 com. ind Can arrange small balance easiiy. i nsr avr FOrND. . THE FOLLOWING articles were found on tne cars or tne runi.u ., at Power Co.: Oct. 15 1 umbrellaa. -lunch boxes. 8 purses. 1 Pr- ff.., packages. 2 band bags. 1 pr . 2 sgi. roves. 2 books, part of gun. key. "ase. nail clipper, 2 raincoats, .mall bar rel, velvet tarn, i pr. coat, roil, music rack. Oct 10-T.11 umbrella. 1 lunch box. 2 purses. 1 knife. 1 .ultbox. 2 pr. glove.. 1 raincoat, chisel. ChrlsVSn Sclenc. book. Owner, may ob tain same upon proper Identification at I irgt ana Aiier DOWNTOWN nui.u". More than 70 rooms; fine transient lo cation ; running aw .Ul?l: downstairs lobby: 2-year lease, very rea sonable rent; 812.000 bandies. . . . V rr and COld 04 rooms, s-story unvn.. "-- - .... ,0 w.ner in rooms: nets more than oou per month. Bargain for all oasn. 40 room., not modern: stove heat : Tery reasonable rent; net. J400; 8200 casn handles. 87 rooms. Northwestern heat, fine lo cation, newly renovated. V'iwS- iM0 good ord-: rent less than ,82000. looOO. terms, jirs. Ai.nnn... . , . , JOHN? FERGUSOV, Oerllnger BI01 LOST A orown aog hall houna. fower'autooblT. from Toledo -.bout 3 ijrKi.U "-rtlf0 Frl'd HTalor, Toledo, Or., and receive re- ward LOST In Roes City fark TtclnlUF ucu n-wh7t.mhead ma'rked black. Reward. Tabor 22oL 655 Eaat LOST-vicinity. Rose City Park. Great Dane dog eignt iouu.... about 150 pounds. Phone Manager LIBERTY" BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. . . . r'mvfl TOIJ BUT OR SEl-tj ASn"ioEY BILE. WE FURNISH IHB 0NKY OUR SERVICE alui.. JiHST.Tv rv OREGON BOND i "VSf? M obit 0 bELLlNU BLD.. SECOND FLOOK. . ... want. tO LUMBER manutacturina h'."' Ti Vnd Amounting' .J W:"B of additional capital required - -ceptlonally favorable logging and milling location. it ---r,. Br(1.d. CSmllh. sio Henry oiu... way B231 lor run pini'.. CASH paid ror mortgage. ---Tact? on real .stale: gpn. BJ. tomv. o1 . ITXANCIAU . Money loLoin 4rls sidjiih'rje- DAN MARX A CO.. 313 Washington St.. near otn St.: m:id v.. only hlgh-cias. jewelry store In city ' With room for ladies: business .trlctly con fidential: under state .upervl.lon; ail articles held on. year; oo ousiuew w.l old-f staousnea mm. AUTO and olhf r chattel mortgages bought, money loanea on w- - lateral security. 814 Conwilldated Securlll.a Bldg.. Loans Wanted. WE BUY flr.t and s.cond mortgages and sellers; contracts... .02. 210 Chamber ot 10m. "'".j " - : Money to lan on Itesu won Hill. HIOH-CLASS ROOMING AND BOARD- . Hon of thirteen- roomi. ten h.droon hardwooa lioors, iivkv- rr V", to furnace, modern tn everj r. . ---- -sell It completely furnish.?. eX.e17, 1"?, ,v... for aome one. Will tak. l.-.nno rash to handle. See Frank Ma- honey with CUE A. MCMi UVT-T1 v...rih .t. Main 88T1. MbiAl AlAHft.i. . . . urocery lime, . .. , v - . i .. . ....i.ii nm. and see me. X have many Darguui. 317-19 tnam. or torn. ituaia Lin 0.-.AA-. Five rooms and bath. h. w. floors, fire place, bookcanea. buffet, Dutch kitchen and nook. Full cement basement. BOxlOO lot. Bast front. 3400 down. See Michael, 712 Lewis bldg.. Bdwy. 83B3, Partner wanted In this established business, plenty orders, at big profits. if a mechanic, can buy half Interest for .150 down. . Room 511 Railway Ex change WASKAAI 70 room.. Walnut and mis-"' Good carpets. Terms on the 310,000 cash to handle J"' nwUn .mall bal. See me at once. Sal get with I. E. SPENCBiK or , "- Hlrte I list 1 112. 517-19 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ONE OF Trie .., fln. 42-room mooern im., , - , Price 311, ooo: loin mi"' . Caiiley. with Wm. A Hughes Oo.. 218 Ry. SOME good buys in .mall """'"..S""- 8 rooms!' Nob Hiil, H. K.. very fin.. '97rooms. H. K., J630 nlftefh- BARlTMn j nHvfltn oat no. A.HughesCO., 218 By. Exch.' bldg. Main .. snnva with best of furniture, some 14 ROOMS wnn oe.L d overstuiieu. ... i:" in most ruK'-..,.. White Temple location: ,7.rwon"t Ustrcom. irly- IftfSEl, tlon given over phone. Columbia Realty COUNTRY HOTEL. TOWN UF bouw runj'.."j" . eo-room hotel ouiiauis -" ----j equipped kitchen and dining room and 111 furniture In room.. Total price for property and furnishings l.ow. u third ca.n. Daiance ir... " lean eating place In town: 2 large saw ml", in town and surrounded by fin. farming nisirici. ,.. Laundry building on proi..j ,.V,.i Pnnama Bldg. Main 3042. LOST Sunday. Oct. . broach. Templar .mblem. Malte.e and red cross gift of rr.y 1st. Mra t p.,.., Parkhur.t apts. , LOST Feather marabou between East 87th and 2d. re- nlght. tail iaoor o. LOST-A . gentleman-. Jl.8a.i,v.'r Meier u --- trimmings, name u" -- LOST A pointer dog. brown and white L.t: .u. end of Mfrrl.on-. briaffe; PLEASE return brown umbrella,, amber i'" '" '. ' To "418 N r VV Bank LOST By on. who needs It. a email purse p0hon.SeKIl. 1219 or call at 421 Spalding rr-: . t. with LOST Engll.h - lemon phor E. 8022. I turn 35J i. ti 1 nrlnnull LOST-Dark green silk umbrella at Owl Drue UO. lavatory . i.i, bVis.11 rlml. LOST Pair of .Pota.. - . ve"" ."LT: r' ReVard. J'.'O Dili anu aej9. PERSON who found brown Bilk umoreua on Knot,t near hu., . LOST-Bunch of keya. Multnomah football field, al., wet. i --' e-- waru M. K. b -a 1. t.y' '1 m an 823-4-5 NORTHWESTER- f;- LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT pv.v.'i'r. s.;; t,r.v nw bki.i.. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER .14 LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. can line. 1300 RESTAURANT and bakery: B-year !?- , rent, e?-., aivmsa t . - east siae locution, inis i rw; Linton & Royce, 418. Railway Exchange, Main -i'vo AN Al lumber-hauhng contract, yp- lonr worn, mui ire .v reliable company here in city. Hawv. owjb : tvcuiim , wtsi " NEW AND socond-hand furniture .tore one 01 tne iarnwiL land; doing enormous business In new and second-nanu lurnivu.v, . money-making proposition; full Prtl; lnrs st Surety Investment Co.. 810-11 Panama bldg.. 8d and Alder ats. Cast side location, apt. and residential . , . j., -1 a M.h.Anii.GArrv : section, uwiiii -" " .... j , , . ..i,. 1 1 .-, with 3 living rooms. 314 Railway exenanxe unis. Auto top business; new auto tops, also repairing and upholstering; want assist ance of steady man. must be a worker. w"fl teach buyer the business; profits 8200 month for each partne rl h1' tirest only 8S00. Call room 401 Dekum bitlff mnn. uoom y: -al l.,'oV.BV.,mW"n,YyT2l1";V;ck--il. Wjj iH'ARAY'So 4f Silmnn trt. .L --.r. T. 77, i?l j i CHOP. - Established over 10 'years; nice . ."I". "" 1" ! 3750. CaU living run.... - Mat n 2MIS. A I'VUTNElt WANTED. Light manufacturing, a going business .t .irvlces of ordinary business a"0, a'aw week, also Profits: llloff nulred. Room Jl'i " ' - , JSaittiom. HUi-ERS Before closing a 41 -of so-c.W interest In r. '? HUi"Vf, oTeaon bTog. Phon. ; ,ni .' rrr: r..uulrlng : doing fine tJL.Ii-iv 1 Pnrt. rUn,,vvSe,t "ideT up-to-date machinery. w Min.-rstiip. m . FOR-TALE -Large c;r!c '''"'" lunch counter "V" ,eitaurant CI.EAN- restaurant outfit, county seat. Co lumbla highway. srrf. terms: .t. 30 neonle' long counter. 13 stools. l.w Cl rttiH, tables. HTiens.. .llverware. ninhe.. etc.. refrigerator, cash register linoleum: city and river 'arte. Main 3R72 Show by auto. McFarland. realtor. calling pun- CI west side corner. Old estab- trio. 18(100: no bonus; good lease- low rent. We also have other.. nuTlRET INVESTMENT CO. .no. in Panama Wide. Main 3042 IF YOU are looking for a small business. we have them, cigar atores, ii. restaurants, many small propositions Mourju-N uu-vaak. sale gas oil. tires etc.: rent only 8100 month with a lease over th. fair: ha... good reason, for - ling and am willing to sacruice ... .j. - - Call room 401 Deknm Mflg. MY HALF Interest transfer express busl profits 8150 each partner; 3000. Bdwy .T.'B4. TO SELL or exchange for a neat little DUSineSS BUliaOir HM llliumr-a. - ....- man. 4-room cottage, Rose City Park. t; m. urenuniAH .. . . . . . r. oovaivn RHOP New l-ioiirnan a... v,i. ..-nltiir' ronnonable Tent ' "ease; center of apartment houae district; hurry ll fo; -" DUDREY INvESTMl!"NI,C;?-,n4 Panama Bldg. Main 3042 ,re , . --, tn vHTuTiVilOCERI-One of the best lo cJ on. on street; W W"-"-, '" L.AX 4?nSL TH'"" Ty'- ju'ifth? piaCcS'?or "T.n Tnd 'w'lfeVlceOu' 4,K fash. Linton Hoyre 41Rallway Kxrh. Main Xo"ujD all-round blacksmith wanted: l . Kor.ahoer. good wages must on a ...... .. , , w T snd a fine shop to work In. w. A. Untten. Vernonla. Or. irofPTiNT or sale, full vulcanizing equipment- .took, tires, repairing material ITS 'terms. 812 ave. ft ,-, ;3 . - . - i -. w .t-u.t Rnnth ana CA.i.U my s.i t grocerlcr wUh living r"m"yc!o.'s in. Eaat 8133. Square Heal Co. " AUTO HKPAIR PHOJ. ..nnl oner .l'-k: 8210 paid on 8-year fBllo liviner ' .rt. in buey TrTArvOVST of .li-kne.s. grocery J in A ...ling stock. rr' Mr iSr iffce; fl.UHl cash. Deal with owner. tr .p-,mtm.'nt phone Main i rrr ........ . i - uTwnQ fx.-'r' h.v. them'' big and little, some .?,. rh,"h Mm. If f- interested call room Ml Hallway F.xrhange. , C'cucn imiK.. .- . tTaTk r.sti.urant and lunch counter: best of equipment: must .ell: make u. an offer Average t0 day. H.rpor with ln- """...Ijvml r.. 24S Stark st T,sio .( liNl'-lifTU'NERY and drugs with "fljllt, long lease, some terms. Harper. 24S tnrk St. .. . ?TlS SALE Good bUflness. Will take F""me ca.h and trad, for house and lot " fori land. Box 41. Timber. Or. Tsoi-T drink, and Unlit lunc". .""'..JIJ for sale. 354 Wa.h. at.; price 81450. ...a-..- Ail4 . ' ' . . . . r hit.lne.a F,d1ocat7oi?'hon. East TTTf can be permanently cur.d without 1 o??n. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec- onil and Morrison ...n. Duinv Avn ni.ocK. C"Ni-K;'- f offer com Partner.nip "'"""'y"",- .V.V. hrlrl plete plant, ounning -- t :: - and block machines no rent and cheap aand. experience rurt dona In west .ide location; near law apartment nousc. " t-- n" niTDRKY INVESTMENT CO. nno-m Panama Bldg Main 3"42, WANT to meet party thorough y exp.r ne.:." whoC'ha."at least") .0.000 cash to put In a unique proposmou u. f I . ... . .,..i.r amount Involved. J 1 1J, uregonian RESTAURANT SNAP. WEST KIl'K. LONG LEASE. Hurry If you want It. PUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 500-10 Panama BUlg. Main 3Q42. .. . ,.. o w . u tirp: STORE. AUto pftiw. . "..InAr equal Interest wun eipiniv can soon learn tne direction; profit. t JJoO will nart'iie u. itim i" 7 .- 1 LIVE MFC bUFlnens, must Fell my in ttreat. koou pruun taiA - - , - will teach you all you must know; close mvt"a?lon invited; ? 2500 for H .Inter ... u 1 Ann.iHt hands and terms. M 141, Oregonian. MerchandiL,. store, fimn Vo0n mo bunRalow. frarage; rent P n ,l..s. irncir. xi. ax. d""h 4th St. . Grocery store, bulldlna;. stock and fix .ond llvlm.; rooms. For in formation call Woodlawn 4019. A tVL . I It 1 Vl I t-'v iv 1. .. Tt Hv. town brick buildlnir, rent only 2. month; $30 to $40 day cash Inun p Il.'l) i: B. m.l.O uuauicf. 4(tl Dtkxim Mdg . t a riia living rooms r-nt $25: doln good busing-sir. We have mtnrm. 1H00 un to $7000. See ua v... v-., r. .14 Rallwar Exch. blnf PPORTUNITY for energetic man io u .ii.nuvlnir automobile selling busi- ..,vv .u",f7' r. . Onrllnnil with let'dlngrautomobile firm. $10,000 required. W lill, v ' r" 11 4 h T". - . . -r C-.t3 TAQ t ftill 1 7 V rV 7 WAV 1 $315 caah puts you In business making OEOROR 248 StnrkSt. . ntWTVflPVT SMALL rrt hatha 42 rooms, it apwii'- VJAi; swav-preoq. g-13 Chamber of Commerce mag. ?.. EesldesVrofor' ..j.,. Price 8H000; S211UII casn. Wm. A. Hughes oo.. zio av. a.v Main 010- ONE 8-ROOM 'j?t for rent ana turnip for sale at a wcrnnr. , " .,. ., . for rent and ltur for aale jt a bargain. Close in. J. A. Cobb, a . m .i.n Us-- wnnn in- I 12 rooms, n. k " iSK'.V.;. Seel come; -oo n.u. fnvo Via--., H,. uur. w GRUSST, . 1. n.A.rf of Trade. Main T4:i2. 10 ROOMS, close In; this Is no beauty show ELY & COMPANY. 128 14TH STREET. , V T 1.C1R1C of rod .Ument or "rooming" house, west s'de.. Phone m. right now or .ti see me. a.. ... Main 3B4. . - HOTEL 32 room., good dl""10""' 'J. tlon; brick. rormwo.. .... . vr straight lease; rent 8175, nets HJw. Price ,13500. 832 Railway Ex- change nlng . ..MS 4TS.A T.TT-W r. T CCT.T. IF yOU WAM 1J out. va buAinesa. hotel, rooming or apartment bouses ox tat. i F. Rierdon, 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. nvtt. iit Kinds of Insurance. - J : r ' . - mrnnA fllT- ntture; 4 bathe; hot and cold water. This Ho te 30 rooms' nets 8400. located on best transient street In city good furni- Ltntoa & Royce, 418 Railway Exch. Main 2:i l5. . .. . n.,-..rit c ptflf TTTq 14 rt. iv. rooms, a - r and furniture; 2 bath.. 2 toilet.; rent 5; net. i2o; --ov. so""-- K. B-room lower tiai. i location. onu lerm.. ........ --- and email. J. Wm. Howard Co., 210 Park street. rA"'J1,:-,'"r-.k. on 03 apartments, in rmjm.. ..i...- ---town, west aide; all apartments rented, fine furniture, mostly new; "-year lease. low rent; best buy in ron,. ,u, ....-, 810.000 cash handles: exclusive wltn SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 810-11 Panama Bldg.. d snd Alder Ssts. LOST Lady's watch, valued ai I 8 lift from dead ratner; nnu.r - - tv.u'.rd ASTMaTTiox terrier. I y old. small head, wen marAiu, ..u - i , .T t, ...,. rH Phona East SOIO. LOST Nine month.- old Airedale dog; ?,h.ii irk7 Hereford st. PARTY Is known that took blue serg. suit out ot room -iu rn nnri HO OUeailOIlS araru. IaoST weanaaw i."".. .cv0,ec,: tween,Ai",a..s re warn. t " " - TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY. KKA " . i 1? ' v.w r-ICXT Five-year period repayment privilege or sivu or .nj ;u"":., a il-i rrvr ' INSTALLMENT A.yAJ, -- 'v-'V..pV;".""k.- inlv small or tne vaiue ui .. "r:. monthly psyment requ.. w.-- ------ z you may pay more or all on the first OI ?. mo n v u. . r.ul LOANS. BLS1NA1.S r rv. i 1 . . .' 8V. .r.-i. Five-year p.rlod repaying privilege. brick mukauava , th Portland mortgage on....... Prudential Insurance Company of America lIU-l.ll leuu Am.. . . mill TH A (1 Ti. ' For re.'ldencea. apartment house, and som. other Income properly . . . ". ; .... aw TIME. AN I ami'. oh.rses. No penalties, no ... . - . Other fund. also, as tor th. past 14 yara, especially '-,. The most complete loan aervlce. EDWARD B. uci.a,e.. v... Unlt.d Statea AJana. .u.. MONEY to loan on Willamette vaney farm.. Lowell current raiea. Liberal repayment prlvl.eges. Prompt closing. ctorDiTitrR COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES 1 Third St!. Portland. Or. SEE US TOLIAI .u... ci property; choice loan.; - - . montniy paynieu... . J - , , IT,, li suit: contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Oasco bldg.. otn anu ... PVl .1. A KS-.MLR lU.i .v. AHIPl .- " ' 7 . ' . ,,,.i ,r vond reel WE HAVS. xunus ....-.- -,, f,.r KIl.? Prope'r'" aTTowest available MORTGAGE BOND CO.. "KSl W llCQX Bldg- FRANK U MctiLIRE. "with ills years of . . . . . ... s. nl experience ana eiJeiv value.. I. In a poilllon to .afeguard your every Interest In locating your money. llUnureu. Ill Apii,Lva..,ii. A". - - flee of personal aervlce. 1-et u. ,0n your money. J. .'." manager of loan department, Ablngton LOAN WANTED. gitinn loan w.nieu on oig .u..... building now producing excellent tnll paving mv ou . ..".. . 8.M1 for auto call to enow you tne 1 CAN place your money .afely la .urns . ....... , .,.. lrtlani nruD. Ol .AWU Ul VI. uni-viAw - " ' erty. Strict appralaaU and prompt rv. Ice guaranteed. K. E. Raymond. i4 stark .u -Main on.i . ilOOO LOAN wanted for 8 y.ars. 8 per cent. v . . .. a ,n i ..... K n.r cent. 1-wi loan aaniriA .u. . v - - - - IlioilO loan warned for 8 yeara. 7 ;'r cent. The above loans are all oa nprovea street., new bu.U.n g. O UT. Ores ona n. jlll'A.W showing as.el. ot In healthy condition want, refinancing of Installment paper and mortgagee. AU pamenl made promptly by ua. D H llrconian. WANTED To borrow on ItiO acres carry ing 0.umonu ira i ai ama lira. cated. J4000. Addrea. box AV 404. Ore- goman. WANTED VAN 1 ED arm loan. nvi.. preferred: Interest lu per cent net: se curity 8 to L Addrrs. box 117. Conueil. W-yh I WANT 81000, two to fiv. years on six- 1 i.i . Ai iisi ' mil v. nei room reiuBiit.V yi .v. ------ 1 1 WANTED $..500. 2 yara, at 8 per cnt. on BOoaeaMi niorigage. v.iuti ivvv. - - LOAN wanted from private party; 1V)UU. Kinvinii lnt J SH. Uregonian. WANT $150 ao days; ofier liberal bonus " " . -7.... .... a. Mnslsaui. frtl S1H ana -ou reai c u r i t y. v io t . yj y b . SiCiSs Mb! about getting 10 on your money. . , II g .V 11. seialtV. 1J jLsilWia -VH Sr.'iriJ n'.'r,,.on':0l",'ioCU''y ."per i"?7 r-all It t'"3 Uiasco bl.lg. Main 112. MURTOAUE, 11300. repaying .N0 monthly. 7 per ceni, v.,. $2300 ON NEW 5-rooiii sinctiy modsra hunea ow: nose vui. MORTUAGli LOANS In any amount at lowest rat-. on city or cumu , -i.. Prompt ana ncii"' r l.KK PAGET. Realtor. - rorhett Bldg. Main 8-30. . . : - . ITT T 1. wall vn set 25 BE AHU . I i. - - " h , t 0;.am. .-, I lost Sunday, medium sixe Irish .etter FOUND White curly-haired male dog. no FOUND Sum of money found. Inqulr LOST- A cameo pin. Reward. Broadway . . ' ' - Ai...i. n. B.tu hall. LOST Downtown u..... ,,f --i -ham bracelet. Reward. Mar. 837. J70!iTUmbrella. collee stana . a- 1,.. fie&se nnone ...a." v. . FOUND Boy'a bicycle; pay for ad. Mar a l. A. LOST Great Dane pup. black and tan strlpea. itewara. jaiai.. t,An.y:"'. ,n loan at insurance comu-iu ' ,1,',". ,: Vll. lowest current rates on A inm".6l -I1 JJ Ji V EsKR.Af.(JJV , , a,- 87 Sixtn St.. ronn". yt. . . a . . TTV -v-Q An furrn or city property. Prompt and . . . . i . moral rsnn vmpnt nriv neipiui lorviuf.. i.u.-. -a--. ao r ourtn oi.. A-u.v,"".. MOKTUAUr. taia-.n. . .... a. .mounts, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privilege.. A. H. BlRRELL-OlLL, CO.. .11 v tv Ttank Bldg. Marshall 4114 Sl'FCIAI. NOTltlES ProiKisal. Invited. ... .u'i, HI l". 1.1 1 A XS. Residence and City Property. 84 and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO. n s . i m. ii I. r v wl n r. iitrounu r itjtM. mi" . $a,w, 840.1. 83UO. 8700 81001.. 8120U. 81 .uou ana up. "'-", int-rest 5;,ye.Groon Mortga.. cV ,.631 Cham- er Ol inmmtri w.p, MORTGAGE LOANS on iinprovtd farm Enrt sld-o corner location; no fixtures to buy; living room; rent $U."; lease; ,iv, rr hn.lnPM. 314 Rr. Exch. bldg. r-OOI HALL for sale; fine tables, front and baca oar, lunuit, t - - central. BARBER shop for aale, 4 chairs. $ti00; . . . i . i 10111 tsi Hrnfl n wav. gOOQ IDCHU'MI, If- TK THREE-CHAIR barber hop. well equip , . , i..inn Tnnna Alnlll 7411. pea; gouu iq..i.''.. . : 8700 TAKES cash grocery. Call evenings at Il'M r.. oib'a. BARBER chairs on sale at big reduction Portlana cutlery Itu-lnem Opportunities Wanted 1.1.-. A AV.V ' " ' We have several buyers -antlng a good business. Aney are rw. -low. If your price Is right, we can sell f. R.. us at once. All information treated confidentially. DEER POWNDER. . llg w W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. .. " . . . . r ' who "-f,a?..?: nmuitlbi"ab..: to" conduc. ;.j;.a. dining room. Call at " v. .. .11 h k. menghL fVjd ...v. heat, rent 4: ;';, $100. in.w.i - - must leave city, ahmiah .- - . . .... , , LA , M I I I . K JollOU VV lAAAA rfv,,. Investment rnun Bdwy. Zi-os. 22 rooms. Northwestern heat: rent I'juu; moaern 118 ' '1 . , .' 7. . vate Daina, oricte, uuuiiiB . - tion; net inrome about $300; easy place to run, saiMiw; mu. C. O. IVAil.A., ,.....- , sm T.mhni Mar. n!M. 2 rooms, Drira. diur.. ui furnished, $2500. $100 cash, balance So'rooms. brick building, hotel, steara beat and nox. com . . 11 fj . A I O. v- 50HN.dPt . . .va-s MritA x " V O . term.: 14 room., h. k.. 813tl. terms; 9 well furnished h. k. rooms, 8x.0. terms. B-room flat, fine place. $0M.; -room house, snap at, auh a,i.. J Wm. Howard Co.. 210 Park St. A- Urt yuiv-a . . . , ...... . . .. n , . n n enom . ing house, with ua You, -Interest, will always be proiecieu. .... ""'"j ' era waning m' - See Mrs. Keller. riBQ. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Y.on Bldg. PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS. INC. 714 Coucn mag. r ...... .r ........ - Portland agents for hotels and apart ment housea vve Oregon and wasningioo a,u.... """-Tj oa are in 1 ' - or wire. 14 rooms, excellent furnishing.: ry PrT. 8SOO0" 81300 rndle Main 3631 Krli? rA- r-o.. S15 Cham, of Com. 27 ROOMS, good furniture. "?JeY?,ooM hou..; net income 8-1-0- price -00 iTse mrir at.V city.- Phone a.iv. BOARDING house, everything tapl; fine furniture; ime v..-,. - gTod money: small capital required. F Ills. Oregonian. . - 11 ROOMS h. k.. close in. west side; will A-nnaider trade. List 251. I B SPENCER & CO.. REALTORS. ' M7-19 Cham, of Com. Bldg. A SNAP BY OWNER. Aot snd transient of 28 rooms, cen trally located, west side. Phone Main 2H2fi. Oregon anu If you are 1 e.ll. nhone IVHllBi ir..nri.n. 21 rooms, in heart of city; good furni ture, corner nouse, an 'V.Too. iion ting 8200. rent 80: price 811400: 81500 cash, or will take car up to 8 000. S-e McCauley, with Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 Railwny r.x. oihk. i..,.i.. .m ...n. tTiJd VOVT1T FOR JIEN 1 A-l rr.A. .... 27-room hotel, modern conveniences. lses7 between 12 and 2 o'clock, or my ""WAKEFIELD, FRIES 8b CO.. 85 Fourth Street. O.I A . . . . t i ir a- alMnlfiel V rooms, pan ai. a.., - ' - I rent 835 per month; vet Income Brt gofng ouVck at 750; UrmV 301 Yam- HI... .Mar. ' HAVE tltioo equity in -room """.", ceptionaiiy -... .".-;- ,-... ,hl. Close lO t-oriiani. w... Tu H.i. ploce. What have youT Room 78. Ral- nier hotel, rorimim, HAVE 1820 Ford and cash for grocerj and conrectionery ua. "ooms desired. Phone East 7190 aftel 9 A. M V A.. . . TCTlNVEST. 82000 wlth service ttd. vTcln"fy;BrefeSrence."a.ked for and given. C 141) ijreguui.i. Wanted, barber shop runi?In1l7tWOre more chairs, for cash. E 137. Ore - "'ai ... , m m Ill HtnX?lc.eVt Forrtlcuiar;; 527 Chamber Of to: 2U ROOMS. 8 kltchenettea. lH-year lease, rent 833 net, 8140: all housekeeping. stoVe heat; $2200 terms. Realty Sale. Co.. 332 Railway Exchange bldg. w 4.NTED To rent hotel or rooming . . ...f..l,irlnr town, fur- Sfshed but no dining room, with priv- Knvinor. c ftH. Oregonian. 11 ROOMS, nicely furnished, steam heat ed. .uitable for roomer, and boarder, across from dental college. 428 Pacific " . . . . i . ..t nn re- for balk '""r::.:, a-"i.w quired on l o-room p..., apartment nouoe ruva . ... --- fhorne district: unincumbered l."'?a" property preferred. East 2348. 711 E. j FOR RENT, for 0 years. Upshur apta., 40O1 Norm .mo .i.. A.-.iA. - -r steam heat, hot and cold water. Sea Mr. B'"wAKEFIELD, FRIES CO.. 83 Fourth Street. STONE U. 8. Engineer Office 216 New Postottice ouuuiug, ."-""---;"-Sealed proposal, for furnishing stone for the north Jetiy at the entrance to Ya- qutna bay. Oregon, win u. until 11 A. M . November 14. 1921. and then opened. Information on pi"'i-"i- l,k,.alllAnIUH. NOTICK OF SALE UF (JOVEKNMsiN a . aXAV.mrj.... ,.., C. October 4. CLi wii. and given that .UDjeci to .t.i. ". - ,-T,,,. flmltation. of th. act of June 11 (39 Stat., .isi. a"" , H.,-.m. the secretary ot tne "5, -,fmh.r tver 15. 1911 140 aa. u.t .-', on the following lands .1 1 be soia .o vember n. iv-a. ; a y---- -- - , public auction at tne 1 i,. office at Portlano Oregon. t est bidder at not lees than the appraiseu value as .nown u, ". -"". ,. ..cretarv subject to tne apt""-' .!,. of the Interor Ae our...- with an aaoiitona. .,.. ---,,., 1 per cent "iv;;. f allowed, must De i,,',"u , . Ml., money to b. returned If sa e 1. not approved, otnerwi. ........ --. for the timber, wnicn i - '. "elvid within ten years. Bids alll be receoev. fromncUlxn. of the Unlt.d But.. elation, ot sucn a;....-... - - - r t'..or5,n,'V0orUnv state, territory or district .hereotonly. Upon arPl'c-atlon iveTar.ubd.Pls.o-n will be offered s.P "ately before being Included In any ot- '"T 1 I R. 8 W . .ee. 25. lot 1. r 100 M.T ntSto be Jold ior .... th.n 15 S0 per n" W." i flr 1700 M.:jot i. Br 2225 M : 402-Mflr 2nVt0tib.S-..Eo-.d,4fo;r- le.hafln 81.75 per M. WILLIAM SPAY. PommllQ""- C.eneral Land Office.,,, NOTICE. The undersigned has this day pur: chlsed a haif Interest In the garage op erated by William Fry at Number .J9-41 Alberts street. Portland, Oregon. All b'ls against said garage should bepUsVnfed'1 within five 15 . day. from iSnV'Bid. -E.TMnpHREY3. rii-toher 15, 1921. 'riXy-. "favoTablV rspayln. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO LTD am, T.i.,t Viiriir Main ,ioil. ' ...K.UI .K51I1III1 XI UOU xlillo. ..wv NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. .Loan, quickly c'jo.a. I. . ..... .C, i vv .1, illTllAUK (XL. r. oi.nui-'i' ' -' - - - - . . .... t,i..o ffvr-uivcK III. nil. WANTED from private close-In resklence. Alar. a471. WANTED 82UOO arty. 81500 on ..inrilnw nrlvata party. 7 per cent.N14U. yrcgonlan. PERSONAL. PSYCHOLOGY. Find out what you were meant to do and .tnrt to do it. The p.oat Important tiling in the world to you I. VOUKSBL1. Human analysis as given by Mrs. Anna bel Malone at th. Multnomah hotel de termines the work you are fitted for. You were born lo be a success at some thing. Find out what It Is. A 13-mlnute Interview free by appointment only. Phone Broadway 4OS0. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. Several men are solicit Ing work in per son and oy teiepnon. " themselves to be from the BIsUou Chim ney Swep, and complaints of their work come to my office. I am not renponsllile for their work as I do nut solicit. office Tabor a8S. R. W. Vrlt. llianag'1 LAlllUH, TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a soothing, healing gerinlcld. and Invigorating douche; a great aid In feinaie ui.-orders; lino and 11 pit box. A-ortiaiia ouim .n......... LR NETTIE BENSON, L. P., Lang, min eral .teiim baths, hot and cold showers, cientifio maage. electricsl. violet ray and vital treatment, for both sexes; also tractlun treatuieiils for lame backs. .11 lilili:. Alain 77S9. . MORTGAGE loan. In sums to suit; city ST. ""."v-S' "vr Specialty. VV -yE; ..' 215 Falling Uldg. r.ioo. 81000 AND upward on linjrovsl real S" John B.ln. 307 Spalding Bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate "elty at l,?' .W .-hamber "of Commerce, iToo. 8400. 8.-.oo;87oO. 8.000 and UP L.Z "?i T:t2 Chamber of Commerce. . , . a V a 1 current rates on wen-iu 1'r.i . farm, and city prupenj. a. . UliT A-ulylfli; NU.T-U.- SIVA. treatiueii.e ior rneuiua i.a... Electric blanket, vibralor massage and balii. Lady a..Htanl. 540 Coluiuoia sU mar litn St. .'linn J-i"o. Kpalrllng bldg. PLENTY of money to loan on real esiaie 7 per cent ii 11-i.a"1! - ." T. Ma . ii'! I nam. . v ... laW'.TO LO AN on flrat-class Lauremurst or irvinnv'iii ni...u.... ... -r . Bdwy. 8368 morn Ing. or evenings. ilOOO-TO-r000 PRIVATE fund, on Im proved Portland real e.tate. No com- miaeiun. . w ATTEND all the o-called sale, and then come to Petersons- any day In tils week and save money on your coats, .ult.. dresses, .knt. and blouae.. beoond tliior. Pittock lilock. . SALESMAN wllh car making all the coast between here. Ta. onia. .tympla, Natlle, uu the line, offer, other milesman or sale.w.inian truiwportaili.n for V. ol car x P e "es. E Hill, Ur.gonj ajL TkaTnEI. nun," gives niinerul. .team baths lor olds. rlieuiii.tlMin and lum l.aAio: si-KntllU- body ma.siiK'i. 1". cyokl 1. P.. 822 Fleldner bldg., loth iin.l Waslllligton nt.. GRADUATE chirupoiiisl. nia-sage under medical super, nun i. ...T. Suniiu.. Removed from .10. i',. lo -10 A'ikv b'dg. Third and Morrison. 'mi iKTiIAUK LOANS, tt and 7 Per ce n t. Salnmon A Co . 8pjtlw.yJach.Jbld.. SKB1UirElTN-rN'..t MORTGAOB CO.. 210 i.t: MHPirv BEST BUSINESS IX PORTLAXD- 1 ' 7 ... 8-fiA vnnnt Vi net: Hotel paytuR t'" " , V lease rtini 5 years; will glv. some term. Call at iia- A.C10 A BARGAIN. Furniture for sale. 12 rooms, all house keeDlng; good location; good house and furniture.; better than thi average; good "rms j. A. Cobb. 228 W. Broadway. FOR SALE The depot building belonging FOR ALn. An. company, slt- .. 5 near the east end of the ateel bridge ' Portland: purchaser to remove the building at hla own "Pense IS "he premises clean and free ,r0m,ears win b. received up to noon Oct. 80. For further Particular, address a H ROBINSON, Purchasing Agent. Room 412 Wells Furgo Bldg.. r-ortiana, w MONEY on Improved city and suburban property. S. S Gillespie. 703 Dekum bldg. M7inev to Loan Chattel, ana naiarir.. what can you offer a party with $1000 WHAl can . ... Oreeonlan. ,nd service" " WANT rooming hou.e that 300 cash will An- 'oa'wav 68n. Mr. Prather. ... . .-t a-rocery store and meat market. CaU ml at ones. Bdwy. 686. Mr. Prather. t. ft 1 1 - ' - 7V f'nR BEST barsaln in apartment house, see members of the Realty Board. Yates TA,ni r 245 Fourth street. PARTY wishes -11--room roomin house. close in. rnuuTT ..ov - 11 houBekeepInff rooms, food , fX ?000AChndle.Se. lyir7X" "ilim 8102. HOTEL for sale cheap, 27 rooms. 22 North tsixtn BireeA. WANT rooming house on west side. Main 7452. No agents. T4.ST A'D POrND. T H K. ROOM. Close In, electric . bath. ". . ArA X. Q.a n satrn A 1 SI 17in IL rnm3i.-""-3ii. " . LOST Green ilk umbrella at Peninsula ivajA- ce. ctvai Reward. rlirK BUiiuHY v " i WILL trade 11 rooms. H- K.. on m. Pay- ment on mrsci J LOST At Meier & Frank's. bck leatner v..k. - R.wn.rd. East 5904. WILL not be responsible for any dent, from Oct? If7 on. Theodore Hltt.U. FINANCLVL. MONKY TO LOAN OK ATJTO- MOBILES. OREGON BROKERAGE CO.. Room 1838 Northwe.t Bsjik Bldg. Rt'Y NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. 11. BVtf;. iri T'riiA.l. bids.. 4th and Oak sts. POF6aT aar, orWro.. 20 rilscouni. 1 8i,c w. 1 . . -i.M.'"ri mvPT AT LEGAL RAT E. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE., PIANOS. V1CTR0LAS. REAL ESTATE, unvnu h TP If your payments are too large on your automoDtl. or luniuuin -ii .ham un and advanc. you mor. mnnev If needed. We make a .peclalty of ?h. . loans and leave the security In your posstM.slon and you can repay us In small monthly payments. W fc ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried peo ple on own note. Rti r.a.oii abl. Private offices. All business strict- " pSrTIAND LOAN COMPANY, (Licensed). 808-807 Dekum Bldg.. Marshall 8288. S. W. tor. iniiu .iiia v l.l ' I,' I TK Why postpone and suffer I glv. re lief Dr Jruiislde. SOU Broadway blilg. ilnin JO.' Eiecuiu cabinet bath.; nurs assist. , i KKUVhiT & HANMIiUT. leading wig and tour, inak-rs; finest .tuck Human hair g,; peiiiiaiieiit nnd marcel waving. scalp tlealliienls. 349 Aider. -Main filH. HAVE your pri.peny allundeU lu at Goodman s; right at rigut price. Pronilit .ervlce. Thouannd. of satl.lled pa i ro n s. ::U9 Murrl sun. ,Mal n V124. ATTtTvAiir" FaTENAUD RYstB'M. Benson hotel, for treatment of the scalp and skin marcelling. and maul iurligxper)perAilors. ll.l y.4 1 1. 1 LADIES, rid yourself of excess lat. eleu- trlc sweat, piv-ii uj i i . . Uondertul results, clear, the complexion, ouiltie. the blLiilhonelainjs AU-i-tFrTde to San Franclaco. Ilg .-P-s. ?. -V Mh st. N. Mr. McCoy. "SALARY LOANS, CHATTELS. Wnl L.U A.-. .ii,.ia. a on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, .emi m'nthly or monthly Payinenta. bach trN0MORnTGAGBy To ' So RSER. fcBEtVTKLT NO SECURITY We alao loan on household goods, 'COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (Licensed). a niTI IVll BT Tifl r-AT.t. AND INVESTIOATB. hKJUV BNATK your tired - and uervou. oltfla , Larstu. bil4 biug. 'ilalu 1 9119. ITg-ets boy. feet, ;'! '"V: who doesn't hull you; 8 yrs. hero; exam. fa Globe bldg.. 11th & Waslvlidy:2i24. MONEY to loan on aiamond. and Jewelry. ... ..ii-Arnmnnt licensed oonlioenuai ..... -jj--- - and bonded brokers. Zel'.,5r0" -' 2S3 Wash. St.. between 4th and 6th. Marshall 727, M'l fall' uevuo ....... permanently removed by mulllple need., method; consultation free. ,i04 Saet faf, bldg.. am at Wa.h. Main UK'S. . SULPHUR steam oatns. mai-tage. violet vousness, poor circululiou; bra 10 to 8. 420 Ciay. Main ell.-i9. VIT-O-NET sneats for cojils. bmly n""'; age rauiani i,.... - i :, ., nTentS for iieurllls; 10 A. M. to I P. M. ments ior " ,,,,, Malll Tr.7. ....... r- .-l T n A J on good. In storage. Bank rate SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO pnone nninui'Bj MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry. to.; legal rats; article, held on. year. Vine., Jeweler, corner o" a.... Jiooo SEASIDE hotel stock for 8300. D lot, wicr."'" tl r W CI" I " - a- Secured no's : con'f Identia." !n ?ei.lta. ma Cham. 01 -wom. POLLY AND HER PALS . . ,' i a ..a 1 1 1' wanto nirt- fW V KH hoUfnnii. lift - - r sells like hot cake; 1200 hand"-s. iv..ilg.te this. o" H..III.O.O ,n call snd .oe our list from 81500 "P- l'.oom 311 Railway l.xoxiange, Vau.DsTw man want. r"ner 8300 handles; plenty of work. 8 to 88 day. Mi4 Buchanan bldg. . X.' 3u4 Buchanan hl.lg. '. ' . -..e tMHt lo ihOO I tit 1 Ni l OUSlIli SS neii ill. ----- , . I ni.iith. For particulars see Sllchael. 1 12 lx-wls Tt'.lg. no'vy .."i.i. - V, ;.:7 .oft drink." fruit. 234 8d ao.l Alanison . I l llR SA1.H ilarage business. Ford .erviCS I ...Ion Vslu. 12300. Box 488. N.w- . it. Or BIH-IK SHOP for .ale. flr.t-class outfit, al. most new: for further particulars ad- ,lress H x En terprl ssjO r. OS ACCOUNT of Illness will sell for cssh half Interest la lunch room. 1200. D 132 Oregonian BE Kt'OME KICK: t or 48.livmi dime (rolnt and 2c return envelope. ii nan, '"'" tTrV . r.-. i. . .iri.'l himiness that $-50 TTi 1F.RE Is a .mail". n..i L..n. mi rminbf of Commerce bldg. QUOD DANCING PROPOSITION; SOME ...-f a I 1-117 OREGONIAN. i7iu;i .tore, west .lite; will stand clo.. TOTAL STR-AaIcSERS fJ r Htyi ' 1 I A II 1 I HtRT-1 1 r r PSt. I , ' rJV, Ral SmokiaI GTRA-4tEJg tVtC w. WAS KMtE. r HiiSH TO A V I taor! 3a wk m YntSSER T ml) txfa Saves the, aaoiev yooii- I Goo& vjcmaS SGiJMdered Osl Smoke.. VaSffT . oyM rrU uTul RttS.x ACS 1 s- 1 DR J. SMITH, Oiicupyins i. .... AV. ,.,.i ..III neeiiov roonw 41)1-402, "4th floor, same bldg., Monday, October riiia. Portland", upstair, furrier The Fur Bhoo 614-1 " l Ellers Music bldg.. Wash, ?h.OP-Arn and Main IU24. . gTnjjRK HKSSEKLlNtl. drugl... phj. SoiE'lO ,t. . 51 'Vlllng-Hirsch bldg.. ' W Park and Washington. Main 77MI. , IRENE. STOY. .SJirKr,XrZ.7wii Hlracn uiob.. mv.. blilg. . : - wno WANTS .heap Irlp to soutnern i.aii V HO ."A-,',;;. . to nticdv uartv. O iornia.- Air.. - - 14:1. oregonian. OLD all at souTCll liniment for mile by ri A .Masse Wll 00 Wal.L'h 'hotel taking order.. tniropiaciie, iiiA.fA... 210 bwetlana uiue. rmTTT 11 a -r 1 s Sfl r.A. e. . --.:. llr. largart hbj Main lf'-l iTXsSAGE brths. rheumatum, ronsupa MAbSAun,. ...... nr. Elna '".-.MlglPanama bldg. Main .u8t. kTTTJerflUOUS hair, moles warts re- moved by lo-neeille method: trial free ". "-in lev. r,14 Bush & Lane. Main UBbg til KS can be permanently cured without 1 ope?at n. Call or writ. Dr. Dean, S.o- ond and .Morrison. . COIT-RE, enlarged glands Cur. yourself. A HT Strachan. rout. 8. Hill.boro. Or. No agent, or representatlv.a TjASSAoTTOK U-111JMIO, ETC. SIS Buchanan b'dg.. Wash. bet. 4th .nrt sts. Also Sunday, and evenings. FTrri.--; switches niauii 01 oui .oiu- 81 EMLl.. n " h vrti Allsil A9 JL CRl:8ADEn, TH,S MAKES ACT MAOO.C FEEIa BLrE-BV CM STERRaTTT. mas. Cake pfrtladUBev.rMP! . . and aUODiies. Portland at" All Kl.rk St. erage auuu ..- prnjsfATi. trouble cured without opera-. .ion nr. At. - r : ri-ARN beauty culture .vviiinga Maoaiu curi'i.. Marshall 1702. BOTTLES, barvel.. .loneware. cork. etc. Portlan q ue.c'a ajcr -r JITNICIDE will cur. rheumatism or money back. 408 Dekum blilg. PrIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2218 lliorniliga -fTrilfsN-T Tom, Dick or Harry pay youf "aiV Vlereck. collectors Dekum bldg THOMAS, niassi-ur: aieam , C..H..J bldir Hours 11 (jBORtTB. wriTe to sti-fla anil Ted. address. . . LEaTiN to sew at Mrs. Clark Raleigh bldg. Mar. 2oJ. to 5uS Invastlgatlon. Marshall S944,