18 TIIE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1921 KKAL ESTATE. For bale Acreage. VERT MODERN SUBURBAN HO MB. 6 acres, on good road. 2 blocks from Pvffi highway, all in fruit, flowers an ahrubbery ; modern tt-room house with lee pins porch, 2 fireplaces, !i sets of plumbing, double ttlid garage wit driveway. rg. electric 11k hts: strlctl modern. Lens than one mile east of city limits. Offered at real bargain, $2300 casn, Daiance easy terms. Consider bun gaiow in Portland for part. 8 ACHES BERRIES. 15 acres, mile from electric station, near wood burn, Oregon: all under cul tlvatlon; mjle to school: 6 acres lo ganberries, 2 acres strawberries, 4-room sninirien bungalow, rood barn, wood shed, etc.; fiooo down, balance easy terms, o ter cent. Ask for Mr. nav John Ferguson, Realtor, Gerllnger Bide. juargesi larm dealer on Pacuic coast. Get our extensive classified lists. 1211x200 BClLPTNO SITES. rose city park district. New addition new addition. Ten minutes' walk to Rose City Park car and school, Bull Run water, it rave led si reel, outside city limits; no city taxei to pay. Beautiful building- sites. 12ftx 200, some smaller, for $050 to $860. easy monthly payments. Four years' time to pay. Get in on the ground floor. See us tonay, COMTB A KOHLMAX. M. 63M. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $45.00 DOWN. ONES ACRE. Beautiful building1 site; city water and fas; cloae to car and highway; all cleared. Price only .$000; balance $D per Dionin, BOONH-CLEARWATER, 600 Couch Bldg. , Always Terms to Suit. FINK LITTLE CHICKEN RANCH. 11 acres right on Mount Hood high way, 2 miles east of Oresham; 10 acres In cultivation, drill, well and engine which cost $650, some berries, 2 large up-to-tne-minute chicken houses, elec trie liKhts available, wonderful soil. K of a mile from electric station. This can Do made Into a show place. Price $4700; $iuoo cash, balance as you like it. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 cnamDer of Commerce. A2 ACRES, y-i mile from good town and f'avement; very best of sandy loam soil, ies flue; 0 acres cleared; good 6-room , jiouii, gooa oarn, a good Jersey cows, y , aero excellent late potatoes, still grow ing ; acre kale, 16 tons hay, 10 sacks wheat, 40 young chickens, 6 acres good ciover jneaaow, running spring water in house. This Is a tine home place. Price i aow, casn. ATKINSON A PORTER. 70ff Main St., Van co u ve r. Wash. OAK GROVE SNAP. 6 ACRES, $2o(K. j Beentlfully wooded; spring and creek; j near vaK urove sDea.cn ; an city conven iences available, sacrinced to ciosa es '. iate; very eaay terms, WILLIAM P. MERRY, 801-2 aiUe it Trust -Bid. ACREAGE HOME. EXCELLENT VIEW. acres highly Improved. 3 acre fine orchard, choice shrubbery, o-room bun galow ; garage, barn and chicken house; 4 blocks hard-surface; 4 blocks electric station; only 13 minutes, from court house. J. it. fc. eld couch biag. Main BH04. BERRY AND DAIRY HOME. 13 H acres near town, good 6-room house, nearly new, good water system ; 6 acres set to berries, milk route, full dairy equipment, good Income; school and high school; will accept city home In part payment, balance terms. K. A. S-. 513 Couch bldg. . 4SEE THIS BARGAIN. SELL OR TRADE. Choice 30-acre suburban tract, rich . soil, sacrificing at $200 per acre. Will consider city property in part payment. Subdivide and double your money. See A. K. Hill, 42 Lumbermen's bldg. FIVE ACRES. Alt cleared, very best of soil, close to GlUls station and new Mount Hood Loop highway; Hull Run electric; snap for $1500, terms. W. M. Umbdenstock Co., 210 Oregon bldg. ACREAGE. 10 acres, improved, close to Vancou ver, "Wash., family orchard, small frutt. Trade for house in Portland or any good property. Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 218 Rail way Exchange bldg. Main 6102. WHITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and. easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. W0 ACRES of good, land, unimproved, for sale or trade; must have $2000 cash. 27 Grand ave. Homesteads. Kelint.ulshn.enta. RELINQUISHMENT for sale by owner; So acres, 0 acres partly cleared; small wo use, oarn, toois, garden, spring; ? miles to town, good road. John La r kin, route l, nox 27. carrot ig. Washington. REAL ICS TATE. For bale harms. 40 ACRES. Columbia county, Oregon, 2 milea from jrood town and station; H mile to school, free bus to high school; wife fences, rocked road; lt acres un der cultivation; all can be cultivated when cleared ; bearing orchard, small house, good barn, chicken house, etc Included with place one cow, 25 chick ens, tons hay, plow, tools, furniture, etc. Price $2M0, $1500 ah. balance 4 years, 6 per cent; incumbrance $1-75. included in price. Consider residence in Portland, same value. ONLY 12 MILES OUT. 30 acres, 7 miles from city limits of Portland, 12 miles from center, on good macadamised road, all fenced: 25 acres under cultivation, best of loam soil, bal ance in pasture and timber: 100 bearing fruit trees; 17 large cherry trees; 5 room house, barn, garage, chicken house; $1500 cash, balance easy terms, 0 per cent ; exceptionally good piece of land, close In and real bargain. John Ferguson, realtor, Gerllnger bldg. Largest farm dealer on Pacific coast. Over 600 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. EX-SERVICE MEN. ATTENTION I lu acres river bottom farm, about 15 miles from Eugene and 3 miles from main line S. P. R. R.; 5 acres logan berries, which will be in full bearing next year; la acre red raspberries, 1 acre po tatoes and garden land ; 3-roora box house, shed for horse and cow, hen house: with the Dlace goes a plow, cul ti vator, horse, harness, wagon, berry crates, small tools, etc. trice oniy suuu; owner will accept $200 caBh. to know that you mean business, your bonus loan ror iid(K and the balance as you earn it on the place. See Mr. Hyde at 3: Henry bldg., Portland, or write KINNEY ft HYDE, REALTORS, EUGENE. OR. WANTED REAL ESTATE. ilETZUER-l'ARIvKB CO. solicit your real estate business. We have placed our sales and exchange de partment under the supervision of JOHN H. GIBSON, formerly located at 268 Stark at. Bring in your listing. METZGER-PARKER CO., gftfl Oak St. Bdwy. 8355. HOUSES WANTED. Have buyers for medium priced hoowea with small payments down and large monthly payments; also have parties with improved and unimproved acreage, close to Portland, that will exchange for Portland house that is priced right. Ask for Mr. Newman, with John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bungalow, within 2 blocks of 15th st.. Rose City or Broadway car lines; must be a bargain. Will pay cash and put In a fine Hup mobile run leas than 5000 miles, with extra fine equipment. Car value to bo appraised by Hupmoblle agency. An swer with full particulars or no atten tion paid. B 01, Oregonlan. ROSS CITY PARK.' Have client that will pay $500 down on modern 6-room bungalow. B OCX E - CLE A R W ATE R, Realtor. BOfl Couch Bldg. Main 5201. DIVERSIFIED FARM NEAR EUGENE. 92-acre farm, all good free soil, lo cated 7 miles from Eugene on fine macadam road; splendid 52 -a ere grain zieid. l acre strawberries. 1 acre loican berries. 2 acres full bearing prunes which net over $400 this year, 8H acres young prunes, grapes, garden and 12 acres pasture; close to school, church and mar ket; small house,, large barn and usual outbuildings; price $10,500, $3500 cash, Daiance mortgage. 7 years at o per cent If interested, see Mr. Hyde at 324 Henry oiag., and we will go and see the farm on teaturday, or write KLNNY & HYDH, REALTORS, EUGENE, OR. 40 ACRES, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, JjKS than jm milks out ON MAIN ROAD, 1 MILE FROM TOWN EauiDDed with srnod 6-room hntis. large barn, chicken house 20x36, brooder house and - other buildings, all fenced and cross-fenced; good team. 28O0 lbs, ; wagon ana z sets or harness, hay rake, plow, drag harrow, disc, cultivator. blacksmith outfit; 1 cow, 5 heifers. 75 cnicKens, ions ha v. Everything complete for (b000, (3000 cash will candle. STEWART A JOHNSON, 815 Northwestern Bank B 1 d g. 40 ACRES. CLOSE IN 0 ACHK.S OF GOOD ONION GROUND STOCKED AND ' EQUIPPED. One mile to electric station, Vt mile to school, R. F. D. and phone; good tt- room, nouse. Darn and outbuildings. 1 acres strawberries, 1 acres Cuthbert raspberries; good team of mares, 2 cows, brood sow, 10 goats, chickens and full line of tools, etc. All for $8000. $3,100 cash, bal. long time, or will accept Port land residence to $3500. On good rock road. Call at 101 K. 19th sL, or phone East R214. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 103 acres. 60 acres in cultivation. 43 Bcren iim.Dr ana pasture; rolling Jan a ; running water, nice family orchard. acre prunes, 6-room house, barn and out buildings; 3 horees. 3 cows, 2 heifer calve. 7 sheep, ly hogs. 50 chicken. 5 Biurias oees, wagon, ouggy, ail farm tools nu tnacmnery; miles to roruana, y4 mile to store, church, school. R. F. D. Price $12,000; $4uOO cash, $7500 mort gage. 6 per cent, on or before 8 vears; or would take house $2000. cash $2500. It. M. GATE WOOD & Co.. UK) ifa 4th St. DAIRY, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres, 34 acres In high state of cul tivation, 0 acres old stump pasture; run ning water, lots of fruit and berries; 7 room plastered house, 2 barns, granary, chicken house, garage, all in good condi tion: 10 milch cows, team horses; all machinery and tools necessary to oper ate; this is an extraordinarily desirable place; 2 miles Tualatin, 13 miles Port land; $11,500. half cash, balance 6. R. M. GATE WOOD & Co.. WoV, 4th St. TAKE YOUR CHOICE 1200 acres, all good soil, no rock, no waste land all well watered, plenty buildings, 800 acres alder bottom. 70 acres cleared, more easily cleared, with in 2 hours' drive of Portland, 2 miles to good town on R, R., Columbia river and highway; $25 per acre up. Your own terms within reason; might consider part trade. Special Inducements to bonus men. J. A. Me i saner, 822 Gasco building. TWO RELINQUISHMENTS, mile to r. town, fine highway, near Grants Pass. joins $40,000 ranch, $20H) Improvements on one, ssuu ana tuim. 301 corbett bldg. FOR A good homestead or relinquishment see 1. W. Helm. 422 Chamber of Com- merce bldg. Fruit landH for Sale or Rent. .17 H ACRES of laeai filbert land, read to plant; also 12 acres of fine berry jana. an tiled; near Hillsboro; 1 heavy bearing walnut orchard; all near Pacifto highway; also fine sbeep ranch. Ad press t. Wlthycombe. 432 12th St.. city. For Sale farms. 40 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FOR ONLY $3000. NEAR KALAMA. WASH. . This is a hlU ranch but good soli and most of it can be cultivated when cleared, 10 acres now cleared; good 5 room house, barn and outbuildings. county road through place with R. F. D. With place goes team, harness and wagon, plow, cultivator and small tools, 2 cows, heifer and hull, brood sow. 1 dozen chickens. $1500 cash, good time on Daiance. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 20 ACRES REEDVILL DISTRICT. All cleared, fine modern house, barn and other buildings; fine soil, located tu rods from paved hiehwav. 40 mln utes from Portland: can have rltv water. gas and electricity; a fine buy for $7500, t?uwv ;tiKii, DH.iu.nce lung xime. LUEDDEMANN" COM PA NT. 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 80 ACRErf 0 acres cultivation, bal. pas ture and timber; 230O cords wood; 8 room house, barn, outbuildings., family orcnara, line springs, a creeks, team norses, a cows, 2 brood sows, 50 chick ens, 40 bushels wheat, ISO bushels oats, 2U tons hay; all farm implements; 20 mnes irora, Portland. C W. Jdiilership, 1 H5 4th. "STOCKED AND EQUIPPED." 83 acre., 83 acre. In cultivation. 2 acre, pasture; creek; level land; 4 room house, barn 65x6S feet and out 'nulldlnKs; 3 ihoraes, 7 cows, 8 hojrs, 14 chickens, tools anfl Implements; 3 8 miles Portland, Rood road, $orou; $-"000 cash, nou.e tar tioOn or lesa. TU M. GATE WOOD & Co.. IrtSVi 4th St CLOSE-IN FARM. 75 acres extra cholcs fancy fat land 34 miles Portland, at ry. sta. : paved roads: being run as dairy; S16.00O. terms. or will sell 20. 25 or 3t cre, J210 per rr. hdq maae terma n interested. Ittll Bff US. R. M. OA TEW OOP ft Co.. Itaxj 4th St BIO RETAIL DAIRY BY OWNER Will sell half Interest or all. hut nr.. fer only half interest, but need addi tional help and capital; an Investigation will prove worth while: this requires at least IllMXK) cash to handle. F 09, Ore- Konian. 240-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. About J30 acres bottom land; 5-room nouse, gooa Darn lull of hay; orrhard, etc.; 6 miles from Cathlamet, Wash.: K,-n, uni. trim?, IMtO IW QUICK sale 117.000. See A. B. Christenson, 410 tienry oiag. itawy. 10 ACRES, CLOSE IN. only so-mlnute drive to Yamhill at. market, close to (traded and hiKh school, rich Tualatin valley soil. Price 93000, eouv cua aown. ciaua, i.oie, tjo Lum bermen's bid. 1VB HAVE some real buys in small and large farms where owners will take oonus loan lor iirsl pnyment. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co., 110 Oregon bldg Broadway ltt."S. 20 ACHES, 7 acres in cultivation. 3 acres pasture; 2-room house, near river 2' Tmlea out; $1200. very easy terma or lot K. M. GATEWOOD & Co., 1taj 4th St. FOR SALE BY OWNER 320 acres choice stock ranch In Mon tana, 6 miles from good town; if Inter ested address Box 137. R. F. D. 2 v.n- couver. Waeh. Well watered by springs. li ACRE-S, 8 acres in cultivation, good soil; extra good buy at 1750. I2O0 down balance small yearly payments. ' DRAPER. 408 Board of Trade. CHICKE.V. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Bear Portland. 130 to $500 per acre; easr rms; best soli; farms for sale, all .ilea, McFarland. realtor. 20S Falling blda. ONLY 8000. my tine 42 acres In Wa.h trtgton county, at Scbolls; good build higs. orrhard, all In cultivation; rock road; $4000 cash. R. Hoard. Laurel Or WII.LAMLVA farms, level, cleared, fenced, 11 ac, good 8-rm. house, $14o0; 5 ac fatr 3-rm. house, $1200; 5 ac. no bides, $1000; terms. J. R. Sharp. 834 3d. it CHOICE improved Yakima valley alfalfa, grain, veg., fruit, dairy and poultry land. Joining town. Cal. Ranch. Bu.na. Waste. I"OR SALE 20-acr. ranch near Mosler, Or. For particular, writ, or se owner, JjX-alaltijiiia. Mualer. Or, "STOCKED AND EQUIPPED." 40 acres" choice rolling land. 30 acres In cultivation. 10 acres pasture; creek, well, 8-room house, barn and outbuild ings, orchard. IS acres In grain, tools nd machinery. JO cows. 2 horses, 1 bull, 4 heifers, calf, chickens; 21 miles Port land, H mile off pavement. $11,000: take house u to $tW00; little money or one fourth down. R. M. GATE wOOT & Co., mU 4th St. WANT TO BUY OOOD HOUSE. Will glv. in payment $45!M first mort gage on highly improved 20 acres, cloae in; recently sold for $i((KK; balance paid in casn. GEO. B. EXGLEHART CO.. Bdwy. 5173. C24 Henry Bldg. 1IONTAVILLA. We want to list 4 and 5-room houses in Aiontavllla district that can be sold on easy terms, have many calls for such houses. R. L GATE WOOD A CO.. lBSH th St. HAVE immediate buyers for bungalows ana colonials in rloae city, lureinursi, Irvlngtoa and Alameda. Park, $4000 to $3000. J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR. 827 Board of Trade. Broadway 2045. HAVB bonus man with $100O cash In hand who wants 6-room bungalow or 5 rooms and . p., priced under Jiioo, any oesi a it net. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5824. Wanted to Kent farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent aoreage or small xarma, close to .roc land preferred. Some people will buy the place, after leasing for year or mora We make lota of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger BMl. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast- DAIRY WANTED. Have client wanting dairy proposition close to Portland, 18 to SO cows; prefer wholesale proposition; will buy stock ajid lease farm. Let us bear from you at once. P. L. Eddy, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade HMg WOULD like to exchange house, lot 100X 100, for stock and equipment with privi lege to lease farm. AuU 626-&U. 3d51 70th St. S. E. WANTED To rent furnished house, some acreage, location wanted between balem and Portland or Vancouver, Wash. J. P. H.. R. F. D. 3, box 31, Turner. Or. TIMBER X.ANDS. TIMBER for sale; state your requirements in first letter. 13. W. Wilson, box all, Corvallls. Or. CONTRACT wanted to log. oregonian. Answer Y 06, FOR RENT FARMS. FARMS FOR RENT. 80 ACRES CLARKE CO. 80 acres located near Crawford. 30 acres under plow, 1 acre orchard, 6 room house, modern dairy and stock barn, silo 10x24, 11 head cows, 7 head young stock, bull. This stock is all Al, which the owner has taken a great deal of trouble to get together. Price of etock, crops and all farm tools, includ ing 1 year's rent, $3000; 3-year lease. 85 ACRES. DAIRY, WHOLESALE IN CITY. 65 acres with ir acres under plow, paved road to Portland, 6-room house, fine large barn, silo, electricity in all buildings and for power; full set of farm equipment, such as tractor, plows. etc.: -ton truck with full dairy equip ment, wholesale route about $20 per day; 81 cows, 1 bull, feed; price $9000, saiuu casn. a-year lease. 225 ACRES WARREN. 225 acres, with 75 acres under plow. 2 acres orchard, 6-room house, barn 48x60. silo, pressure water svstem. full set of farm and dairy equipment,' 26 head cows, 12 heifers, team. Price $5300. Lease until juiy, 1023. Over 50 places for rent. F. L. EDDY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. .NICE 6 ACRES NEAR TROUTDALE, NEAR BTRERT CAR This la a nice little place, only a short distance off paved road, good gravel road by the door, good 5-room plastered iiisum, ukb. cuicaen nouse and wood ehed, 314 acre. In Cuthbert raspberries. ia .t.iuu. noma terms. STEWART & JOHNSON-. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CLOSE-IN FARf 109 acres. 43 acres in cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture, creek and many springs, i miles Portland, ry. sta lion on land; 4-room house. 2 barns, stocked and mulnnul? Isnrl tin- orchard, berrlejs grapes. Price $11.50o! Good terms can be made; would take .man larm or suDuroan tract for part. ... .... x rmju PC VQ., lt.' &l. "CLOSE-IN PtBM ASM .acres. 20 acre, in ernn. hnl ,... ture and timber; 100 bearing fruit trees, berries, etc.; 6-room house, barn and out. 'buildings; on good road. miles to Beaverton. 10 miles to Portland; price $7600, half cash; this place has been held firmly until today at $11,600; it s R. M. GATEWOOD ft Co.. lfWU 4th St, nuui!' iou acres unimproved, 8 acres in grass, road to place, 20 acres in creek bottom rest Is bench and hill land. Will make fine dairy or stock ranch, plenty vi uui lanso. worm .duuu. .:ash price only $1600. 214 miles from Woods and S miles from Pacific City. Fine trout stream and plenty of wild game. Owner .j. gv i-iar-K, JMC.viinnvilie, 814 ACRES, 7 In cultivation, good 6 room house, wood house, tool house and ga rage; paper enough to paper house; 200 feet from main road. 6 minutes' walk from Aloha station on red line: Dries $4200, $2000 cash, terms. J. ti. DICKSON. 174 13th S.t. Main 6853. WANTED REAT, ESTATK. IMPORTANT, Want, for quick sale, 4 or S-room bungalow, Sunnyslde or similar close-in aimrict. we mean business. See A. K. mil. iumpermen s bldg. WANTED To buy eouitv In a modern home, will give my 1921 Ford and baly Bnce as iirsi payment. am Morrison street. WANT Rose City Park home, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms; must be modern and all on one floor; not to exceed $5000. Phone Main itrji. WANT good 5 or 6-room house nr him galow. Have good Jordan car and $1000 casn. taii oio Doara of Trade. Main 74.1. WANT BUNGALOW. Have cash and snappy, late model light 6-cyl. car, value $1400. See owner, 426 Lumbermen's bldg. HOUSE wanted for our client: must i cept gilt-edged first mortgage, balance cash. Robnett & McClure. Marshall 3-."jz. svj coucn biag. FOR OUICK. action see Boone-Clearwater. We have a large list of buyers for 4 and D-room bungalows. 006 Couch bldg. Main 5201. WANT 5 to 7-room modern home Is good close-in district witn small payment WISH to work for real-estate firm; have experience ana some listings. O 84, Ore gon Ian. WANT city or suburban house, about 7 rooms, on small down payment or rent; liuiuiitc imri. v.. on. iyregoniBn. WANTED Corner building site for store or win Duy building if location is right. Call Harper. Main 542S. WANT rooming house, from 15 to 25 h. k. wen siae; ouy aireci irom owner. N 82, Oregonlan. OR 6-ROOM home on which to apply cash and soldier's bonus; Hawthorne or Rose City Park preferred. Tabor 8802. WANTED The best modern 6-room bun galow jiuvu win Duy xaoo cash. O u2, Oregonlan. WANT attractive suburban place, $2000 to .i.iuii. it you want to sell, get busy. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen's bldg. WANT 4 or 6-room bungalow in Haw thorne district, with improvements in, for $150 down. East 3737. WANT to buy furniture and lease good one. uutei or apartment nouse; have cash. O 100, Oregonlan. WANT to buy brick apartment, west side. WANTED Lot on Ainsworth ave. between union ave. ana lotn st. c 86. Oregonlan. FIVE-ROOM home, Rose City, Supnysldi Mt. Tabor district. X 83. Oregonlan. WANT or o-room bungalow, Rose City jrt- fiLaLact jm, jouu. Mia NO. 171 STOCK DAIRY AND GRAIN FARM FOR RENT. 320 acres, about 180 acres under cultivation, family orchard, dairy barn and silo, hoghouses that ac commodate from 500 to 600 head hogs, running stream in barn lot. and also pasture. This Is located 11 miles northeast of Vancouver, 4 miles from river and railroad transportation, mile from church and school, all rural conveniences faces on a good macadamized roadr will give lease, $1200 per year. SEE MR. BLAIR, WITH THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, REALTORS. 3d and Main sis., Vancouver, Wash. HERE is a fine renting proposition offered at big -sacrifice, must act promptly to secure It; 71 acres very finest productive soil. 30 In cultiva tion, fine pasture, stream, fenced and cross fenced, large fine orchard, grapes, etc; 6-room house, barn, outbuildings, graveled road, daily mail, milk route, rent of farm, $.150 per year; run 2 years from Dec, 1B21, and 2 years longer by giving 60 days notice. Personal property, good team 2K00 lbs., 8 cows. 2 heifers, soon be milking; 2 calves, harness, wagon, buggy, single harness, 50 chick ens, rake, mower, plow, cultivator, hay in barn, large patch kale, fruit on trees; one mile large store, 2 miles other large stores, located near Hillsboro, and for $1200 CASH you can step In and do business. Cannot duplicate this offer. O. L. Becker. 133 H FIRST ST. GOOD FARMS FOR RENT! Largest dairy ranch in Oregon; 800 acres, 400 In cultivation. Only 18 miles from Portland and 1 mile off Columbia highway; large barn of oats straw; 6 room house and cement mllkhouse; 3 year lease, 3 montns' rent in advance will handle. 80-acre ranch at Crawford. Washing ton; 30 in cultivation; family orchard plenty of outrange, good buildings; rent $400 per year: 11 cows, 4 heifers, team of horses and other stock and equip ment, Including 1 year's rent; for $3000. 176 acres, 60 in cult.; family orchard, 8 miles from Cottage Grove: 4-room house; water piped to all buildings; rent $350 per year. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U McGUIRE. 205 Abtngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. FARM FOR RENT. PERSONAL. PROPERTY FOR SALE. 110 acres, 30 miles Irom Portland; 5 room house, barn, poultry houses, water piped to buildings; large family orchard, lots of winter apples; 3 acres in berries; about 33 acres in cultivation, balance in good pasture; rent Is $300 a yer, payaoi. hi ena or laj; good team, wagon, harness, plow, 3 cows, cream separator, head of yearlings, mostly Holsteins; 3 dozen chickens, about 15 tons of har in the hnma ail for only $6."i0; full line of machinery Is iuuuucu wun in, rent. STEWART A .rntJTJRn-M 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. REAL HOME RANCHES NEAR SALEM. 140 acres. 120 acres in cultivation. acres prunes. 18 acres Royal Anna a Lambert cherries. 12 acres loganberriei n-room bungalow, plastered, cobb stone fireplace, hardwood floors, mod ern plumbing; large barn and other Duildlngs, stock and Implements; 7 miles irom Salem. 214 miles from railroad i-nce saa.ooo; Owner is old and wish to retire snd will take cash, income property, hotel or paving business unimproved acreage in vicinity of Port land up to $20,000, long time on the uaittnce. 60-ACRE FRUIT FARM. $14,000. All in cultivation. 9 -room house with bath and Dutch kitchen: good well with o'"iu-gai. tank tower, barn 60x75. a other old barn and all other outbuil Ings; 25 acres of commercial apples. lumny orcnard, l.l years old; 1 horse, i sows, 14 pigs, 7S chickens, 2 cows. heifer (all Jersey), all machinery and Implements; 250 bu. of wheat, 2 tons of hay, straw, etc. Improvements on this place cost owner $6000. 314 miles from f..i.aauA. yy in iraas lor i-ortiant property to full value or close-in acre age. aee Mr. Stephens, with FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. A MODEL FARM WITH STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 80 acres, not A wait, font on 1 r level clay loam soil. 40 acres In alslke clover. acres in grain, orcbard and berries. id usea ror pasture meadow; fence ana crosa-fenced la woven wire. LOCATED on 2 good roads between Aioany and corvallls, 14 mils to Elec tric mauon. convenient to O. A. C. BUILDINGS. Modern seml-bnngalo oi o rooms, oarn 40x00 for 21 head stock, modern poultry house 24x80, with concrete floors. brooder house full equipped for 1500 chicks, hoghouse foi iv neaa, siio, garage. STOCK: S head of reg. Guernsey cow., o graae cows, fl reg. Lincoln ewes, reg. duck, gooa team, lull compu ment of modern tools An9 imnleinent A perfect farm with high-grade stoc atuu equipment. . PRICE for everything $13,000. sale trade, will take house to $.1000. bal ance arranged. This Is a genuine buy. "wi'imm compels sacnrice. AlacIN.NES. EXCHANGE DEPT. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201, 2, 3, 6, 7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where Trades Are Made. No. 454 10 ACRES FOR SALE) OR EXCHANGE. 10 a., all under cultivation, close in to town, good road, 4-roora house, good barn, chicken house, hoghouse, 2 a. in potatoes. Includ ing some chickens, hogs, plow and some small tools. Will sell for $30ft down or will exchange for a house equity. See Mr. Stiger. with THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE REALTORS. 3d and Main sta., Vancouver, Wash. GROW GRAPES. MAKE MONEY. Here are 40 acres just 4 miles from city boundary that for location, slope and soil are ideal for grapes and berries. 10 acres ready to set, more easy to clear; running water, poor buildings, hut it can be bought for $150 per acre. Will sell on easy terms or take residence to .avnn,. i,row grapes, make money. MacINNES. EXCHANGE DEPT. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201, 2. 8. 5, 7 Board of Trade Bldg. Exchanges of Merit Only. EXCHANGES. SEE US SEE US. EXCHANGES. What have you to exchange for large stock and wheat ranch? For Missouri lann : ror uaKota f for smaller Ore gon farms? We WANT CITY PROP- .A11, WRITE US TODAY. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. MARSH & McCABE. Realtors. GENERAL STORE Will t&ke a Portland re.lHenee In change for this stock or building, with some casn. Building $3000. stock $3500, or win invoice. Here is a chance fo you to get into business and own you own building. On main Columbia high way. uoou reason lor Belling. -F. L. BLANCH ARD. Realtor, - 401-2 Swetland Bldg. ISO-ACRE STOCK RANCH $J000. Nine miles from Wlllamlna; from 80 to 100 acres tillable; shack house, good bizcu Darn; young orcnara, large creek, some bottom land, unlimited outrange. win tan, nouse up to $2,100. we nav photographs of this and hundreds n other exchanges and can surely match your traae. ?ee Mr. stepnens, with FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. TO TRADE. Rose City Park bungalow, close to Sandy blvd. Has paved sts. and garage lor a 2-acre tract, with house on paved highway up to $5000. MRS. ELY A STRINGER. AUTO. 530-05. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acres located near coast, about na:r Dottom lana, balance oench and hill. 800 acres In cultivation. 2 houses, ralr barn; price $40,uuu; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER COMPANY, 63 Fourth st. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Brosdway 8715. 10 A. AT NEWBERG FOR $3000. All good, rich tillable land, 8 acres of bearing orchard; apples, pears, cherries ana prunes, running water: on the main market road to Lafayette. Trade for nouse and lot or sell on verv easv terms. Ralph Ackley, 627 Corbett bldg. Main tin. SEE OWNER for west side close-in tracts: want house snd lot in Portland: will give 23 acres timber and part cultivated or 20 acres cultivated; all best of soil for vege tables, grain and clover; no waitte land: pavea ana rock road; will exchange on actual values- and assume mortgage if necessa ry. Cal 1 624 Henry bldg. GOING TO TILLAMOOK? For sale or exchange. 5-room house, -linamook t-lty, lot 100 feet square rents for $25 per month: 4 lota. Tula mook City, each 5214x210 feet: timber claim. 160 seres. 2 miles from Tillamook, about 14 mile from Tillamook bay S. S. JOHNSON. 1002 Spalding Bldg. , WE SAID SO. We are headquarters for trades. We can give you a trade on anything you want; come In and see us and make us prove what we sav. QUICK SALES COMPANY, 406 Couch Bldg., Automatic 611-00. FOR SALE OR TRADE. $2."no equity in six-room modern house, completely furnished, close in, very de slrable location, easy payments on bal ance, house is rented now for $60 per month. Will pay for itself In few years. Will take late model auto as part payment. AM .-. Oregonlan. CANADIAN LAND. First-class wheat land, 320 acres, all under cultivation. 24 miles to good town and railroad; my equity $3000, will trade for Oregon or Washington land ana assume or will taKe equity in Port- land property, aj iom. oregonlan. EXCHANGE. Six-room Alberta bungalow, modern. fuli concrete basement, close to car and school: this is a frood piece of prop erty. Sell for $500 down or take good. light car. Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6102. FOR SALE or exchange, lovely suburban home, 14 acre tract, lots of rruit; ga rage and large poultry house. 22 mln from town, close to car and school: will trade for small bungalow In Rose City or walnut r-aric. .oiou. jaoor co'.'u. MILES from Portland, 80 acres. 40 acres In cultivation, 10 acres of genuine beaverdam, 3 acres strawberries 2 years old, assorted, and peach orchard. Bet. Wllsonvllle and Buttevllle, on east side of Willamette river. Address C. G. El llson. Aurora. Or.. Route 3. FOR RENT Farm 132 acres. 0 miles east of Salem ; hard surface roas, about 60 cultivated: good 5-room house.- running water, very cheap rent; Immediate pos session. Act quickly. See us at once. McKINLEY MITCHELL. Owner. TO EXCHANGE REAI, ESTATE. EXCHANGE OFFICE. YOU MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. Expert opinion given on your propo sition, trading a specialty; I can possi bly better your financial position. Your proposition can be matched. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO , Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410 Henry Bldg. WANT HOUSE AND LOT 15 acres, close In, sell everything on public market. Rich soil, hard-surface road, truck takes milk and cream to city, graded and high school close to place. Cash price, $4500. see owner, 426 Lumbermen's bldg. WILL TRADED We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit: lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise. ' E, R. S., 513 Couch bldg. ,00 ACRES, improved, near Goldendale. Wash., will trade my equity of $3250 for land, house and Jots near Portland or for some good business in some small town. What have you. owners or agents? Write owner. V. C. Domm; Berklngfleld. Or. WILL trade Apperson 7-passenger anni versary model in perfect order; also 2 seat coupe Plerce-Arrow, in perfect order: value of each car $2500 for Port land property, vacant or improved. Room 804 Gasco b'.dg GOING to Europe, will take good city property for my half interest in well established candy factory of high stand ing in Portland; references desired. BD 115. Oregonlan. , FOR SALE OR TRADE I have 2 vacant lots in Boise, Idaho, within one block of street carline, that I would trade on a ton or 114-ton truck. Write, say what have you ? Geo. Klllan, Sllverton, Or LOT 100x100. 1 BLOCK to school, 4 blocks to car and stores, good district, value $1250. no incumbrance, for late model standard car of equal value. Call 4512 Woodstock avenue. FOR SALE or trade by owner in south eastern Oregon, 319 acres, 100 cleared, level, creek, springs, government land adjoining to be taken, $3500, terms. East 5418 after 5:30 P. M. WILL exchange 6 acres and 5-room house, full cement basement, also good barn and chicken house. 3 miles from Hills boro. for city home. Call Bdwy. 1564. HAVE Vancouver city property to trade for Improved xarm near castle Rock on school bus line. O. D. Ray, Oswego. Or. Rt. 1. box 81. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALR. EUGENE FARM FOR GRAIN RANCH OR OREGON OR WASHINGTON IN COME PROPERTY. 320-acre diversified farm located about 12 miles from Eugene. All first . snd second bottom. 100 acres in clover'rye. vetch and oats this year; 180 A. partly ciearea 121 pasture, 40 A. in asn. mapie and fir. Place has good drainage, no hill nor rock. All well fenced. New six- room bungalow with built-in kitchen and buffet. New barn 56x60, six hen houses, usual outbuildings and an old. barn 40x00. Price $20,000; mtg. $2000 at 6. due 13 years. Will trade for Income property to si'd.uoo in any good Oregon or Wash ington town, or for eastern Ore. or Wash. grain farm up to $35,000. If interested see Mr. Hyde at 324 Henry bldg., Port land, Or., and we will go and see the larm on Haturaay. or write KINNEY A HYDE, Realtors. augene. Oregon. NOW 13 YOUR CHANCE. What have vou eot to trad, fop a rood farm, stocked and equipped, suitable for j truca gardening or dairying, located on the banks of the Willamette river? Total valuation $26,000. Submit your I proposition to a. a. cnristenson, 410 ngnry plug. jju w y. .,01. 2lM ACRES Partly Improved, near Gol dendale, Wash. Will trade equity, $2300, for truck, prefer dump body, or would consiaer automomie or city property. Phone Gresham 298. TO EXCHANGE MTSCET I.AVEOrS. WILL TRADE 4-piece veneered black wal nut, marole top bedroom suite, for mil- top dek, Victrola or something I can use. ieo. i-i. vooK, pin rjpalfllng bldg. OLDSMOBILE 8 and some cat-h to ex change for small rooming house. Will assume. Apply 211 11th. Phone Main will exenange aentistry for common labor also for putting In small brick I liue. ottlce Main 7475, res. Col. 1190. WILL exchange mv 19-0 Bport model Nash for diamond or negotiable paper. Y 37, FOR SAME. Piano. Organs and Musical Instruments. SALE CARLOAD FACTORT RENEWED PIANOS. "Some Sweeter Toned Than Many New Pianos." A Sterling upright for as little as.. $23 A Wellman upright piano, small .. 15 A Russell upright In walnut 265 A Behning upright in ebony 210 Another Sterling upright piano 205 A Smith & Barnes, in mahogany.. 365 A splendid Everett In oak 395 A Bacon se Kerr upright for only.. 215 A New England renewed upright.... 265 A Kimball, again like new 395 A Werner upright in Flemish oak.. 865 A fine Chase in mahogany 895 Another Chase in splendid walnut.. 805 A Washburn upright, mahogany... 845 Another Kimball, large mahogany.. 395 And a Dixon In mahogany at 295 You can pay as little as $15. Cash or all cash as may suit you best, bal ance $. $8 or $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Columbia, cabinet, oak; like new... I T5 Victrola, style 9, mahogany; used.. 125 Victrola. style 9. mahogany; used.. 140 Victrola, style 14; like new 215 Blue Bird, style 300; 50 off 125 Brunswick style 7. mahogany 90 Sonora Melodies, mahogany and oak 60 Sonora Intermezzo, new style...... 173 Cash, or $10 or more down and $5 and more a month. LIPMAN. WOLFE CO., Seventh Floor. A SHEET MUSIC SALE. We bought the Wooiworth stores' sheet music department and are closing it out. together with nearly one-half of our own. 8 sheets of popular music S5c; by mall 42c. 24 sheets of popular music $1.00; by man st-?. 100 sheets of popular music $4.00, by man ... to. No two alike. A regular grab-bag. Buy your music now. Lay in a big supply. The largest sale of popular sheet mu sic ever held In Portland. OREGON EILERS MUSIC HOUSE, econd Floor Ellers Music Bldg. FOR 8 A I.E. "1 yprwriten.. REBUILT typewriter all makes, rentais, repairs. supplies. Distributors Corona portable. Sundstrand. sddlng mschinea Main 2235, S3. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth street. "Poultry. WANTED You to receive free a full half pound package of DR. H ESS POULTRY f AN -A-t K-A, enougn tor . nens weeks. PAN-A-CE-A will help you noullrv through the moult. It wtl start your pullets and moulted hens to laying. 11 win Keep your wnoie 110c healthy. Get your packAge at any these stores: Routledge Seed ft Flora Co.. 145 Second; The Francis Feed Co, IKS Front: The Home Merc. Co.. 29 W Burlington ave.; Portland Seed Co.. ISO r ront; Dlcason lrug . o., n-asi emn; East Side Feed Co., Inc.. 120 Union ave.: Broadway Feed Co.. 101 N. 6th Mt. Scott Lrug Co.. Lenta: St. John Pharmacy. St. Johns; Gresham Drug Co., Gresham. FOR 8ALB MiM-elluneuu. 200 YOUNG White Leghorn hens, good layers. Hoganlzed stock. $1 each; R. Reds. Barred Rocks snd W. L. pullets. $1.23 up. J. K. nisguire. lai Oregon st. near Last 24th and .sandy. S. C, WHITE LEGHORN pullets, anno raised, $1.25 each. Call 309 West Broad way. Phone Main 2n.v FOR SALE 7 months old white Leghorn roosters. O. A. C. strain Tabor 4i.M DECOY ducks. Auto. 621-54. 6310 84th St. Southeast. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. fcLA V fc, replaced my big team of mares with a truck, so will sell them for $350, t ana e years 01a. weign 30UU pounds. j-none cseuwooa m. HOGS can be economically fed on whey. uu to luoo gallons tor sale dally; only o mnes irom city ana on pavement. iv. in,, t-iregoinan. 'OK aAl.fi. jersey ana HoLateln cow.. fresh and coming fresh. 94th and Gllsan. Tabor 3004. Montavilla Depot car to end or nne HORSES fcr sale, hire or exebanaa. Key stone StaDles. 381 water St., foot Mont- gomcry. ppone Mar. 3515. FOR SALE or trade, team of black geld ings; wetgnt in lirst-class shape. t-'a.i tjoi. 3-z. FOR SAL: Six horses; reasonaoie prices. I Holman Fuel Co.. oarn 6th and Ivoa I streets CORNET BARGAINS. CORNET, bass, new $5 HOLTON, silver, excellent condition. 55 hultu.v. silver, new to BI'ESCHER. .liver, excellent condi tion 60 HOLTON, sliver, excellent condition.. . 53 HOLTON. silver, excellent condition.. . 60 KING. sold, excellent condition 73 CONN. gold, excellent condition 55 - CONN. gold, excellent condition 65 COLUMBIA, sliver, excellent condl- dltion R6 CONN, sliver, good condition 50 LOCKHART. silver, new 40 YORK, silver, aood condition S3 HOLTON. sliver, good condition 50 We have many other real bargains in used band and orchestra instruments. SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. VETERINARIAN. HOWES. TABOR 6566 FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes I and rams. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th at. DEAD horses snd cattle taken quickly. call pay or nignt. auio. ez7-04. WANTED 10 young dairy cows, fresh or I to rresnen soon, rnone Main 8S7. HIDES bought or tanned. West Coast Tan ning Co.. Tenlno ave. sellwood 239S. JERSEY cow, just fresh, 5 gal., tub. test- I ed. 24U E. nth. FARM outfit $110, team, wagon and har ness. 140 k. wtn. A SHEET MUSIC SALE. We bought the Wooiworth stores' sheet music department and are closing it out, together with nearly one-half of our own. 8 sheets of popular music, 85c; by msu .c. 24 sheets of popular music $1.00; by mall $1.21). 100 sheets of popular muslo $4.00; by mall $4.75. No two alike. A regular grab-bag. Buy your muslo now. Lay in a big supply. The largest sale of popular sheet mu sic ever held in Portland. OREGON EILERS MUSIC HOUSE, Second Floor Eilers Music Bldg. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO BARGAINS. Compare our values. You will be con vinced we can save you money on niano. Guaranteed. Reasonable terms. FISHER, small upright $173 GAYLOR, mahogany case 275 IVERS & POND, walnut case S-'5 RICCA, mahogany case 250 KINGSBURY, oak case 275 FRANKLIN, walnut case 275 BUSH & LANE, olaver rolls and bench BOO I.ELAXD, plain mahogany case 2i; KIMBALL, new 390 And Others. SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder PHONOGRAPH repairing. Any make. Workmanship guaranteed. Seiberlfng Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St. Main 856 Furniture for Sale. SAXOPHONE BARGAINS. BUEPCHER. C melody, brass, good condition $ 80 I MARTLN. C melody, saver, almost new 115 BUFFET, alto, silver, high pitch... S3 CONN, tenor, silver, three of them. your choice 125 I CONN, tenor, silver, good condition 100 I BUFFET, baritone, nickel 100 I CONN, baritone., silver, aood condi tion 130 Many other used-Instrument bargains SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, snd Alder. I'SED SAXOPHONE SPECIALS. Soprano, silver $ 95 Conn "C" melody, silver 120 Buescher "C" melody, silver 130 Marten "C" melody, brass 110 Vega "C" melody, brass 115 Conn E flat alto, brass 65 See us for all kinds of musical mer chandise, band Instruments, etc. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. TOtT CAN DO BETTER AT salSH FURNITURE CO. TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNI TURE FOR NEW. We wilt make you a liberal al lowance for your old furniture la trde for new and if desired make terms to suit your convenience. Somebody can use the pieces yon do not waut. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-100 FIRST STREET. 8AVB MONET. Try our sales department if yoa want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all point, in our through pool cars Expert packing, re pairing and reflnlshing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance ratea SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. A3 4th st., opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 8715. R. I. R. PULLETS, also rooster. Graham ave., ne;ir Unlon 355 Hogs, Rabbits, lllrd. and IVt Stock. GREAT 1ANE. If you want a real dog and a good bodyguard, buy my 10-months-old lllue Pane, weighs 200 lbs. u hi. oregonlan. THOROUGHBRED Irish setter. m year old, broken on pheasants, re trieves. $50. K. H. Stuckrath, Freewator. Or. PED. BOSTON TERRIER puppies, 2 mo. old, 8 males; $35 and $40. Auto. 225-16. 114.1 r;. jaain. PEDIGREED Airedale, male, 3 months old, beautifully marked; ten champions back, Auto. 624-16. ANDREASBERG ROLLERS. delightful songsters, also lemalea 436 Rodney East 4.i2f fik'iv.4 .nrt fnrrt tanned. West Coast Tan nlng Co.. 892 Tenino ave. Sellwood 2398. 6 WEEKS old pups, shepherd 410 E. Lincoln st ind spanlcL PUI'I'I ES Small K. 8th. type, sull che BOSTON terrier puppies, thoroughbreds, well marked, classy pups. Tabor 292S Keys and liarrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., suo in. l.tu St., near I'ettygrov.. rnone a oiu-iv. Machinery. Bit AN D new ivory willow extension table and four chairs; beautiful design. WA or St. Johns cars. 251 Morris st. Coal and Wood. SPEC1AI $3 PER LOAD SPECIAL. 16-in. good sound fir. block and slab mixed. In double load lota 110: country clab. $5.50 per cord: Washington lump coal. $9.50 ton. curb delivery; l tan com $14 curb. National Fuel Co. East 2041 11(1 FOR TWO LOADS $10. Ttlnlr and slab mlx.d. first ETOWth cordwoo.l. $8 per cord; 2d growth cord wood, $7.50 per cord; country slab, .5.60 per cord, woodlawn 410, DRY OLD-GROVV1H No. 1 iir. old-growth second grade nr. second growth fir, sea soned oak and ash; big double load of green slab and block mixed. Call W din, ui. WANTED Truck men to buy short wood wholesale, at junction of Boone's Ferry and Oswego roads; all winters supply, Woodlawn 5612. l'irst.ci.as.s cordwood. Sa: oak and ash. $10.60; aeilvery Kenton, woouiawn ana Piedmont, tot, Jonns. o. rt. nowo.i. phone 696 Y, route 2, Vancouver, w ash, FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springs, Royal, Owl Creek coaL sianaera urica ac in. Co., 83 5th St., between Stark and Oak- Phone Broadway is. DIRECT from the forest by trutk. good measure: No. 1 oia-crowin nr. n.io a cord, 3 or more cords $7.50. Phone Main 1962. 428 HalL FURNACE WOOD. Old growth fir cordwood. heavy bark. puaranteed no rot; prompt aeuvery $7,75. Sellwood 3735. GROUND HOG fuel and sawdust in csr loads or truck lota western cooperags Co., Columbia 52. FOR SALE No. 1 old-growth wood, d llvered any place on east sine, l none Automatic 623-78. S. F. Allen. SECURITY STORAGE CO. $550 F P Chase, large oak. casb..$?4 8.10 conover, magnlilcent style.... 39a 650 Kimball, best style, cash 845 600 Krell in fine mahogany, cash.. 243 475 Emerson, small, cash 165 750 Pianista player piano, cash.... 295 260 Collard & Collard small up.... 65 Some parlor organs $20 and $28 cash. 103 10TH ST.. AT STARK. BT. INLAID Sheraton dining set. colonial con sole table and mirror, hall block, daven port, overstuffed chairs, mahogany chairs and tables, Inlaid Sheraton co lonial fourposter and enameled bedroom sets, single beds, oak, willow, fiber and porch furniture, bed couch, rugs, hang ings, pictures, dishes, cooking utensils. Majestic range, refrigerator, antique clock and walnut chairs and settee; many other household articles. Main 737 BOXWOOD AND SLABWOOD. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co.. 1201 Macadam, i'hone Mam 4liS, WOOD SAWED. When you want your wood sawed call Main b2U. WOODSAW. When wanting your wood Kelly. East M". 91.'K and slab, double load. $10: 4-ft cordwood $7.75 per cord; green slab, 3 cords $15 73; dry slsh. $7. Htlwy. 4110, GOOD dry seasoned old-growlti llr, $7.75 per cord in two-cord lots: S. Portland orders preferred. Mar. 5035 BARGAINS DOWN STAIRS. $ 600 Geo. B. Bent. Concord $313 850 Emerson, good as new 335 630 C. A. Smith, large upright.... 263 475 Hallet & Davis, small 195 900 Steger ft Sons, mission oak.. 435 730 Adam Schaaf Player Piano.. 445 1050 Singer, oak player piano .... 693 $10 or more cash, 6 or more monthly. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 loth st.. at Wash. WE are manufacturers of high-grade dav enports ana onalre. we have a lew numbers in our sample line which w will close direct to the trade at mfgrs. prlcea Some terms to right parties. Iske Mt. Scott car to Archer place, cross tracK and walK one oiock baca. Mlhaelaon Mayson. Inc.. 3433 Foster rd USED PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. VICTROLA. style IV $17.30 VICTROLA. style VI 25.00 PORTOPHONE camping machine. 25 00 STRAD1VARA. reg. $75 40.00 Terms given. And others. SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. FOR SALE Mahogany, canebacked daven port with two heavy chairs to match 45-lnch mahogany gate-l-g table, three small Wilton rugs, all lor $.mj; DlacK upright Ivers at Pond piano for $150, white kitchen table, white bedroom tab! and chair for $5. No. 16 Wlckersham apartments, isth and r landers. BANQUET combination heater, $20 Hoosler kitchen cabinet, oak, wnil enamel inside. $23: china cupboard, $7.50: square, extension table. $10: odd chairs, stand, etc Tabor 3325. 1105 Hawthorne. USED CORNET SPECIALS. Conn B flat, silver $40 Bruno B flat, brass 30 Buescher. silver 63 Holton. silver Si Many other good bargains at our store. Terms. G. F, JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. FOR SALE Fine oak davenport, beautl ful ivory wood bedroom suite, 4-hol caa range. $20: dining table. $10: English breakfast table, $1.50. 313 22d st. North twest side). SELING OUT. $225 phonograph, new $150 cash. $142 phonograph, new 85 cash. $150 phonograph, new K7 cash. $100 phonograph, new 68 cash. The above prices Include tea records. Call at 437 STARK ST. 1 WHITE enamel bed. almost new; spring, mattress and dresser; 1 grass rocke and 1 grass arm chair; at a bargain. Call 30 E. oth street N., side door, afte 6::io p. M. LEAVING city, 2 complete beds, cook stove, heater, sewing mschine, sanitary couch, pictures, etc. Call Wednesday and Thursday. 11 A. ftl. to l'. 31. 300 c Seventh st. Souths REMOVAL SALE. PIANOS. TALKING MACHINES, PLAYER PIANOS. PLAYER ROLLS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 884 YAMHILL ST. r.O tNISW LULATlO.N YET. STEP IN and look over our big line of used pnonograpns. All toe different makes from $lj up; terms, o. F. John son Piano CO., 149 ntn ft. DON'T SACRIFICE rour furniture it going east or to caiuornla. we can save you money on your Ireignt in our througn cars; fireproof storage. C M. Olsos Trsnsfer ft Storage Co.. 243 Pine st. BEAUTIFUL Sheraton inlaid mahogany dining room suite, handsome over-sturred davenport and chairs, floor lamp and refrigerator, etc. .ast 4ji7. 495 cash secures siou Knabe scale; Haines Bros, new upright piano In fine mahogany at Security Storage Co., 10$ Tenth, at mara. UPRIGHT piano, $110; oak library table, $15: S beds. $13 each: buffet. $15 dresser, $15; two rockers, $15 and $4.50. 1222 E. 15tH St. N. Wdln. 4223. COLUMBIA phonograph for sale, cost $150 three months ago; will sacrifice for $133 cash, including 43 records. Call Main 8197. FOR SALE Coal and wood range with gas plate and water coil. $35; hall settee and hat rack. .10. wooqiawn eatii. nrcCKER ft SON Player. $250. aood condi. tion. Biggest Player piano snap we have ever had. beloerllng-Lucas Muslo Co., ljo sen bu i'OH SALE Furniture for 5 rooms, almost new; will consider trade on good car or roadster. Phone Main 71 37. FOR SALE Furniture, household goods, WrjklllS UB.A. .3 - . .lib kCb, v.l side. MAHOGANY Brunswick .phonogranh. ex. eel ent conaitlon. witn M assorted rec ords; price complete $i3. BD 113. Oregonlan; W. KARN CO. piano, man. case, lust like new; $260, terms. G. F. Johnson Piano t o.. H'J otn st. FURNITURE for sale In clean home by the piece. 110 E. 20th St., near Alder, 4 ROOMS of good furniture, $150, or will sell separately, rj. Plot. SMALL oak china closet. 349 Ilolladay ay. Office Furniture. FINE old Glovan Paolo Magglni violin. excellent ouy. t.au at 014 w. Tyler St., or pnone voiumoia iin. PIANO tuning. Work guaranteed. Selher- I ling-Lucas jausic to., 10 4th St. Main 8596. . . CROWN piano, oak case; wonderful bar-I gain: x-uo. terms. u r. Johnson Co.. 41) ntn st. STERLING piano, man. case; a splendid buy: 2I. terms, u. r. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th St. SOME SPECIAL PRICES. Mosler safe. $163; Pacific Coast Chrome steel chests, 6-1 t.x28-ln., $400; Kerning ton. Underwood. L. C. Smith typewriters. dictaphones, or Edlpnones. same as new, at $75: Burroughs latest flat model 9 bank. $175: 5 bank. $110: a big buy of used desks, lues, taDles, chairs, etc., at lowest prices in city; also complete new line. D. C. Wax Office Equipment House, -4-2t) n. o-th. Broaaway 139 SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. Main 4493. 128 First. Auto. 627-46. .-.O KOHLER ft CAMPBELL niano: onlv $250. plain mahogany and bench: term. I 311 Worcester oiqg. JUST IN Six flat-top aesks. - $ roll-top desks, 2 flat-top typewriter desks, 2 drop-heaa typewriter desks. 3 Doorkeep ers' desks, 86 chairs, 4 drawers, Isttsr (ilea BUSHONQ CO.. 91 Park St 30 WARNER piano, plain mah. ; only $2-3. on terms. .11 m orcester bldg. 00 STORY ft CLARK piano; Just new; S.lU ; on terum. oil Worcester Plug. BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, cnairs, xues or safes visit our salesrooms and inspect what we have to oiler. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO. FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TH AT STARK. 600 WELLINGTON piano, used 4 mo., less price, terms, an Worcester bldg. STANDING desk, oak, about 5 feet long. 3 large drawers, suitable for office 01 shop; $15. Will deliver. 201 W. Park ANTED Used piano for soot cash. Call M arshall ami'. .o agents. Typewriters. WANTED Used piano, pay all cash; can I be oiq. wain .1-.. peiore o f, XI. 1921 FORD touring, part payment, balance casn, for small nouse ana two lots; some fruit trees, not to exceed 2000. J 92. Oregonlan 6-ROOM HOUSE WANTED, 60-acre farm, 814 miles south of Cor vallls. Price $0500, some stock and equipment; submit your offer to A. B. Christenson, 410 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4ti.Sl. IF YOU have property to trade bring it in. ine uiKBr uener. Ml th, habit. "Talk with Jackson." 207 Ry. Exchange bldg. AUTO, excellent condition, new rubber, ex change for lot or house. Rose City Park. Tabor 5773. FOR SALE or exchange, 100x100 corner lot In Montavilla. Will take 50x100 J'otUana lot, u, AUrsbaU n&z. $600 SMITH ft BARNES piano; latest I style. $2ia; terms, an Worcester bidg. QRAFONOLAS. with late records, $3 mo. Empire lranster. uawr. 100. TRADE $250 Victrola and records, for used piano. Main 8586. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 221 Washington Sc. Main 668L PIANO WANTED Pay cash. From pri vate party. Marshall 1332. $125 EQUITY in $273 piano. $60. Alisky ALL MAKES adding machines and comp tometers repaired by factory expert. Sr. M. asanoney. as, stark st isawy. 1198. PIANOS WANTED Highest cash prices paid for used pianos. Main 2980. . UNDERWOOD ft REMINGTON typewrit ers sa a mania, .empire iransxer. -BOwy. 153. PIANO for rent. Empire Transfer Co., 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies Type- writtr inspection Co.. an stark. M. 34. PLAYER piano, as good as new, bargain. 310 Clay st. ALT, MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter t:o., we otn St. Main aws. LANQ )V'A.NlUiiUu tUai. Maia wod NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates, i . U. Co, 231 Stark at. Aldia ilU7. GOOD, first-growth cordwood. must be close in and price right. East 5208. K 113. Oregunian FINEST second-growth cordwood In the city. $7.23 delivered. I'hone Main 7237. A-l CORDWOOD del. $8 a cord, on east side snd S. E. only. 638-33 WEST SIDE FUEL CO. WOOD AND COAL. BDWY. 293. BEST first-growth fir cordwood, $8 per cord. Sellwood 314. BLOCK and slab mixed stove lengths, $11 per double load. Bdwy. 4110. 4-FOOT No. 1 hr. mill run and heavy c o u n try slabwood. Main 6133. DRY CORDWOOD, $7-$H per cord, accord ing to zone, i'hone Auto. 317-36. DRY country slabwood, and rail ties. Mar. short Inside blocks 2643. UKEEN and dry 10-lncll wood. $0.5(1 load. Call Wdln. 39Q4, 1133 Montana ave. A-l DRY cordwood delivered from car at a reduction. East 204 L FIR, OAK and ash wood; we deliver from timber. Robertson Fuel, East 1723. MlacelltMiroiia. JUST TO MAKE THINGS HUM! Sale of Latest Phonograph Records. Thousands of the. latest b5c Records now on sale JUST TO MAKE TH1NOS HUM! Price of 1, sny title you choose. 73c. Price of 6, any title you choose, $4.23. Price of 12, any title you choose, $8.00. Wo pay flrBt zone parcel postage. Write today or telephone -Main 1123. This sale Includes the very latest titles that you have been waiting for. Among them "All by Myself," "Ain't We Got Fun?" and "Just Keep a Thought for M." "Cherle" and "Vamping Rose," "Wyoming" and "Mello Cello," "Wang Wane Blues." "Roll on Silver Moon and "Sleep. Baby. Sleep," "Down Yon der" and "Lazy Mississippi" and "Moon light" and I Found a Itoee In the Dev il's Garden." OREGON EILERS MUSIC HOUSE. T h 1 rd Floor, Ellers Music Bidg. JUST TO MAKE THINGS HUM! Sale of Latest Phonograph Records. Thousands of the latest b5u Records now on sale JUST TO MAKE THINGS HUM! Price of 1, any title you choose, 73c. Price of 6, any title you choose, $4.23. Price of 12, any title you choose, $8 00. We pay first zone parcel poHtage. Write today or telephone Main 1123. This sale includes the very latest titles that you have been waiting for. Among them "All by Myself." "Ain't We Got Fun?" and "Just Keep a Thought for Me." "Cherle" and "Vamping Rose." ' Wyoming" and "Mello Cello." "Wang Wang Hlues." "Roll on Silver Moon" snd "Sleep, Baby, Steep," "Down Yon der" and "Lazy Mississippi" and "Moon light" and "I Found a Rose in the Dev il's Garden." OREGON. FILERS MUSIC HOUSE, Third Floor, Ellers Music Bldg. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking ions therapv or con ducllve anesthesia. without danger or after effects. We perform all dental op erations without pain. Come in and 1st us prove It to you. DR. A. W Kir.KNtC Above Majestic theater. 351 '4 Wish. IT WILL astonish vou bow Quickly Old Scotch Liniment wik relieve you of rheu matism, Ihiuo hack, sprains. alo iremn culm; a sure reliever, for sale by Plum mer Drua; (n corner Third nl. and Mrtd ion, rortlanJ, OrcRon. Notice to ui"T nd patrotttt or Old Scteh Liniment; this reliable liniment will bo sola by ail lru- 1 HtB. COUNTRY UA RAG K. Good houoo and lot, gara ff fully equipped with all kinds of machinery. Khs pump, air pump, oil drums, $.V0 worth of accessories. In fins location, no othr near you. Kveryt hlnir no1! for 4. -.00. f I6n, terms on bal. lilTMJY, 613 Chamber of Commerce hUiR. 60.000 HOSE bushes, shrubi. trim tre, berry plants and flowering plants at sal prices until October -0; free 5s Hvry in Portland. . We plan snd plant; tl mates fre. Phons us; we Co the rest, Portland Rosa Nursery. I Mil Di vision st., on door weal of United Artlians home. Thons Auto. ft3 L'itKD OKF1CB KUHMTIUK. Vs have Juat purchased a number of fin roll, flat-top and typewriter d.nk, files, tables, chain. S'ldlnff mnchinea, typewriters, 'dictaphone. nilmeonnphi, etc., in almost new condition. Theso are wonderful bargain. 1. O. Wsx ofU a Kquip House, N. .tth. Bdwy. 6EW1.NG MACUINKS, new snd second hand, sold for leas; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for all makes; marhlnes repaired and rented. bKWINa AlACHlNli KMl'ORIUM, MAIN um. 1!0 Third tit., near Taylor. LAD IKS, Are you weary or exhausted after standing sll day on your feet? If be fore you stt down for a rest us a warm mater wash with Tskar Antiaeptlo 1'ow der; 50c and $1 bun. Portland Hotel I'harm a cy . THl: FOLKS back home will cherlih and appreciate a souvenir from Oregon. Send them something useful as well ss beau'lful. Oregon agate Jewelry mount ed in solid gold. A. wonderful selection to choose from. Moderately priced. Miller, next door to Majestic theater. MAKE a small payment snd wear your eye rUskpi and apectaclea as you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second fioor, Oregonlan bldg. DOOHS. windows, lumber, molding, mill worn ana guiss; ee our oaa stoca i sash, doors, etc.. for prices. D. 1. Scully Co., downtown lumber atore, 171 Front st.. bet ween M orrison and Yam hlll. Phone Main 13, . WHY A SUBSTITUTE rooter? Why not a g-enuine and permanent roofer T w re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate alt kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs. Jr'hone Uroadway CaKES Kir and burglar-proof fe. new and second-hand, at right prlceb' bought, soid and exenungud; taey terms it de sired. NORRIS SAFE ft LOCK CO.. 103 Second st. Mali. 204.V IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUH WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only geuulne watch materials used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and Opticians. S43 yashlnnton tSt.. at Uroadway. HOT WATER TANKS. 80 gal.. $7; 40 tral.. i'.; teste. , guaranteed ; stove and fur nace colltt, gas healers Installed; plumb ing. En! Side Welding Shop, u Adams. Kast hjlrt. 20 DlUU'li E A If sewing machines, $12.50 to f-ta; Mug erf. New Homes, Whites, W. V. ; all makes machines rented and repaired. E. Jt. Steen. 10J Grand ave. East 23."t0 . APPLES for sale, good cooking, eating and keeping. Winter Hanana and ipil Kenherg. all kinds of Hood ltiv r high flavored pple.s, $1 HT a box delivered to any part of the ily. Call FHI. 3.'M. jAUi.K Nize mahogany caliimt phono- graph, nearly nw, nmat lie hold at once. What sm I offered? East 1.1-K and Hflwy. L'lK'.lV TWO -11. P. grtsolino engine, deep Well pump, &(M- gallon steel Kewnnee tank. A II for K.o. Phono 1'. W. Lew us, nrondwity llM't. ALASKA WKKCKING CO. AH kinds of building material and wood for sale, yard d and Columbia, M win BIHJ MHS. S. W. HERMAN, apparel shop. ladles' snd gentH clot hea bmicht. sold snd exchanged; best priei-s. JM It Park at., n ear J e f f e raon. Ma rah all 1 iM 'J . HEAUTIFUL fur robe, 1 pIuMi rol.e. 1 i t earner rone, 2'2 rifle, volume Ha wk Ins Electrical Guide. All at a .sacrifice. Call Fletcher, Main 4I'J1. JIltnWN JtL'tl. Uxll, $S; nice navy unit, fur trimmed. L'.t ; 1 Jap mink neckpiece. Call 24 Vs E. 1st st. N., upstairs, fore noon h. liUY. SELL, KENT AND T KADIS SHOTGUNS AND KIKLKS. NEWMAN'S UUN STOKE. Mfiln 4 4!.V IL'S First, Auto. il'7-46. CASH registers "d computing scales bought, sold, exrhanuea ana repaired. Portland CHsh Kegleter fe Scale Ex rhn ng 2-H Stark wt. ETEKSON'S are selling t he most won derful eoKts this w- k. silk lined and fur t rimmed, at 4!.iU. Second floor, Pittoek block. . . CONCORD GRAPES, SWEET and GOOD at DICKINSONS FARM, come. Hoonu'a Ferry road M the Stephennon road, to thw right 'j mile. ONCOif D grapes, apple, pcais Cm ti Frutt Ranch. 1 mile taut Montavilla. Hase Line road. FILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writ Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison i'OII KENT Electric vacuum cleaners. Kc a day delivered ; guaranteed good condition. Woodlawn 1l'.V.. MEN'S clothing, size 40. snd 12-year-old girl's coats; clothes almost new. Call 452 Morriaon, FOR SALE Winchester shotgun, almost lew, 12 gauge; JU. .rnone Aiaaiiai. 1771. or 32-S Cay. AHOUT 10O feet sealed Wire fence, 3d Inches high, new; Dargain. iiui w. i-ar. Main FERTILIZER, well-rotted cow manure.; full measure guarantee-; neuverea in any Part of city. Wdln. 6233. FOR SALE at low price, complete get Encyclopedia Kriiannica, laiesi euuion, India paper, oak stand. Call Wdln. 1277. 3 GOOD rugs. 0x11x12, sell cheap. 22414 E. lat is. w. a. car. RANGE and cook stove, wood or coal, lioo Graham ave.. near 1 mon. SAKE Medium sue. fire proof. door. AM ii.-, uregoninn. DIAMOND, carat, lady s ring; will sell cheap. Y ti. uregonian FINE Royal Sarouk rug, 10x14, hand made, unwashed, y vi. uregonian. WANTED Used piano, pay ail cash ; can be old. Main 4424. perore a r. at. EVERYTHING electrical repaired; quick service, IOW cnarges. rnone cawy. -tVA. NEW-LIKE vibrator In case, good as new, J1S. East 4JiM. - STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill. Call Taylor-street dock. Main 80H&. WOODSTOCK NURSERY- frutt trees, berries, rosea. -Walnut and Aut. U0-6. LADIES' GOOD-LOOKING used apparel In a borne. KeasonaDia prices, laoor zszo. ELECTRIC washing machine for sale. reasonable, almost nsw. iau Aut. 3s-54. IF YOU appreciate splendid wstcn repair ing or Jewelry repairing, se Miller, next door to .Majestic theater. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also Vacuum cleaning done. Esst 404a. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exeru nga ko- da k s. Sandy. 320 Wash In iro n 1 1 LADIES, let the Original Make-Over Shop sell your discarded garments. 422 Filed ner bldg., Hn Wash. Proa l way 733. ATTENTION Fur ttklns and hides bought or tanned. Went Coast 'lwnning Co.. bltJ Tenlno av. Sellwood 'J,".'.. A HEAUTIFUL mink fur. brand-new. will sacrtf.ee as 1 need the money. Call 128 Grand ave. FoR SA LE I beaut it ul i ory reed baby hayainette and b Brown Leghorn hens. Tabor 3210. Dl E HOLD safes, new and second hend ; special prices. Pacific Scale & Supply Co., 4$ Front st. Broadway 19ti6 LICENSED Independent electrician wirs 3 rooms for $12. 6 for $20, guaranteed to pass inflection. Woodlawn 3711. ONE GRAY, full enamel combination range at a bargain; been uacd one year. I'hone East 8332. HAE truck, search light and tank al ready to install on any trucK, cost 32.oU, will sacrifice for $12. Ca.ll 13 loth st. TURQUOISE ring et with diamonds, will take cash or Liberty Donu, cneap. AJ ion, Oregonlan. DON JOHN mild Havana cigar, $2.2.'i C0 box ; postage free. John Heitkempcr. maker, LM Porter gt.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE Baldwin apples. 2ith and Washington, iMtiwauKie. urs. Wood ward; bring boxes. FOR SALE Concord grapes, 6 cents a lb. delivered, aiam o.oo. BOTTLES, barrels, stoneware, corks, etc. Portland Beverage auppiy co.. 431 stark. MALT syrups and supplies. Portland BtV' erage supply wo., 4.11 starK st. WOOD heating stove. East 6101. with water colls. SCREEN doora, windows, mirrors, furnl- ture repairing, capinet worK. wain. 14t. SAFE Second-band office safe In order, cheap. up wj. uregonian. good BLODGET gal oven for small bakery or delicatessen. B7.i ntn. Main MAKE YOUR own drinka; for supplies. Portland Heverage supply Co.. 431 Stark. FOR SALE Cash register, sale, adding machine, snowcawe. 4a 1st at., near Asn. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. No. I 1st st. ELECTRIC fixtures for & rooms. $15. 207 Chamber or commerce ping, aiwy. 4253. FOR SALE A pair of black andirons. $5. fiUwoua .jci. BEAUTIFUL blue duvetyn suit with gray lur collar lor suie rcasonao.y. uail Ta- bor 673. SAWED cedar pnsto for sale. Main 1 1 10. on stALK ArTOMOBIHW. BUICK 4, touring. A real car, cheap. See Smith, Auto Sales Co., th and Couch. CADILLAC HUG. Well equtperl: price $05. Call K. n07. 101 MAXWELL touring. Must sell. Se Smith, Auto Sales Co., Oth and Couch. FINE elec. car, good condition, $4G0. 330 13th. Main 5900. HUD. BUG. cheap as dirt. .See Smith, Auto Sales Co . 0th and Conch. 101H CHEVROLET touring, Used privately; original finish; sacrifice $32.1. K. 43"t. FoKD express, curtain sides. 17.V E. 437ft. overhauled. FORD delivery, guod running order, $iii l.V Union ave.. upstairs. FORD touring, $130; good condition; need money. Call Tabor WHO. $1.10 1018 SAXON 0. In running cond; tlon ; a ffacriftr. Wdln. 1 x:s. 1022 CHEVROLET touring, $4041. Sacri- r1