" ' THE WORXiyG ORECONIAy, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, IPS! 17 - , NKff TODAY. 1 REAtESTATE. 1 REAL ESTATE. ! M J, ! PJ. '1 I I . I RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In nrdrr ts rarn the more than oat-lime rate advertising; nut run In consecutive- luanea. One time 12c per line Two times (each lisna). .'..11c per lint Three times (each issue) ... 10c per line Seven tlmea (each issue) .. .Bo per line One to six months, par montn $3 50 per Una Elx to twelve montha, per month 12 25 per line The above rate1 apply ta all headings wlla the following exceptions! Hit natlona Wanted Each Insertion Jo per Una Help Wanted Notice Lost and found Special Notlrea Fereonal Funeral Notices Proposals Invited Meeting Notices One time 15c per line Two timee (each Issue) ... .14c pet line Three timee (each Issue) . . . . 13c per line Seven tlmea (each lesue) . . . .12c per line One month IS per Una NEW TODAY. ' Kates ler Line! Daily Sunday One time 18a 20o Two tlmea (per Issue). 15o 19o Three tlmea (per Issue).. Ho 13o Seven tlmea (per lasue) . . 13c 17o One month, daily and Sunday. ...$3 30 Coant ftve worda to the line. No ad taken for leaa tlian two II nee. Ada run buildup a only charged at one-time rate. Advertisement (ereent "Personals' auid "Situations Wanted")' will be taken over the telephone if the advertiaer la a subscriber of either phone. The Oregonlan will receive eopy by mail provided sufficient remittance fur definite number of laauea ia sent. Ac knowledgement will be forwarded promptly. Advertiaementa are taken for The Dally Oregonlan nutil 1:30 P. M.i for The Sunday Uregoniuo until f. M. baiarduy. VEW TODAY. nit Y ii . ii -ii I inf ill t - Market For space in new east side wholesale terminal apply at our office. rOWAWaM 35& IRVINGTON !75 Thompson street, corner 19th. on 100x100. cor. lot facing Boutheast. STATKI.Y -HOOI and attic SOI TllliH.V COLO VIAL, IIOMU. Solid mahojrany dining room, larpe living room, billiard room, HOT-WAT12R UK AT, two fireplaces, double rarane; mag nificent trees. Between Irving - ton club and school, f 1 1,500. Sold to present owner, who has left Oregon, at $17,000 HEFOKK advanced costs. By appointment only. Immediate occupancy, B. T. STREET, Better-Homes Realtor. Lad Ira Save Yonr Old Carpet. Hki and Woolen Clothing;. Let La Slake Ae Unit for Vonu . ,ii .H mi ii neW'trVtwr' I fllll i van i iiiiin iiiIimi. e.i, ini ii mn, iminawi The oldest and beat equipped fac tory. Fluff and rag; rup woven all all's; carpeta refitted: 9x12 ruga eteam cleaned, $1.60. We call and deliver. iss E. Elarhth St. 1'h'one Eaat 3.180 Carpet Cleaning Refitting;.' Slalnir, Binding. Ktc. 9X12 RUGS $1.25 Oriental Kugs Cleaned. 7cta so., ft. Rugs lrv Cleaned and Shampooed Oi.l) M ATTKE8SKS MAIIK NEW New Kullrd-rdgA Cure Cotton 40-lu. Mnttreeara, 43.75. Feather Renovated Work Guaranteed Same-Day bervlce. Mail Order Dept. PIONEER CAHI'ET CLEANING ' AMI MATTHKSS WORKS Moat Modern Kqulpp.d Plant la Oregon. rlione 237-07. 1072 E, Ltnroln St. STORAGE SPACE CENTRALLY LOCATED CN TRACK We can move and store your (roods I In a fine aprlnklered building. i HAILING, PACKING. STORAGE. CLAY S. MORSE, INC. fM Gillian St. Ild r. 3470. DON'T YOU BURN! PREVENT FIRE! Put play Nafe Insured by R. T. STREET, A Kent. Fifteen 'yeara' fire service, writ ing thousands of policies in thin atate. I WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 154-1)4 Union Ave. S. Eaat 6518 Send ua your old carpeta, old ruga and woolen clothing. We make reversible hand-woven FLUFF RUGS. 4x4 Rag Rugi fl.50 Mall orders. Send for booklet. Feath ers Renovated. Carpet Cleaning. Refit ting, etc. largest, finest equipped Car pel Cleaning. Refitting wka. in Oregon. 11x12 Hugs ateam cleaned el. 60 Wa Call and Deliver. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Edvard E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS United states Wank Building- REAL ESTATE. lor sale FlatandApartmentFroprty. 12 ROOMS INCOME $1700. Pays out cost Inside 5 years: price 1X500. Including all furniture; big lot, 12-room solid bldg. well constructed, 3 furnaces, 2 fireplaces, basement, paved street; near east Broadway bridge, walk ing distance, steady tenants, (1500 cash, first-class investment: we show you. McFarland, Realtor, 20S Failing bldg. APARTMENT BUILDINGS. We have a number of apartment build ings, flats and business buildings. Also good apartment sites. SEE US. MARSH A McCABJfi CO., Realtors. 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall For Sale Lota. BEAUTIFUL. CARSON HEIGHTS! GREAT CLEANUP SALKI Less Than Half Price! Theae 100x100 tracts are Ideally locat ed on the beautiful rolling hills of south ern Portland on the west side of tne river only 18 minutea out. by car, no bridges to cross, no delays, or you can drive out over Terwllliger Blvd. deep rich soil, no gravel, sightly location to build the little homo of your dreama. convenient to school and car. FORMER PRICE $1000. Sale Price $300 ,. ONLY 10 DOWN. 27. PER MONTH! Many of these lots are all cleared and in grass; aome have beautiful ahade .trees; Just imagine thia ONE-HAL . BLOCK in this desirable district for only lauo! Values are sure to double between now and the FAIR. This is your oppor tunity. One of our salesmen will lit pleased to call for you at any time In his automobile and take you out eve nings or Sundays. Ask for C V. Bor- . wlANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Homesite. AMnctnn Blflg. Main ll.lfiO. PARKROSB. , 120 DOWN J20 MONTH. ' 122x370 FT. Trees for shade, balance all cleared, ready for plowing; run ning water, rich slit land, beauti ful building aite, 123 ft. from graveled street, Just a short dis tance from Sandy blvd. and car line. See this today. J. L. HARTMAV COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20a. MEVER.MEAD! METKRMEADI NEW ADDITION. TRACT8. 475 AND UP. Fronting on three roads Base Line. Barker and Villa roada electric line aiation on property: beautliul suburban sites facing on paved and graveled road; pay 1 or more monthly; don't you realise that acreaee on paved roads leading out of Portland Is being rapidly taken up? Don't you realize that you'll psy perhaps 41500 an acre for these acres before the big falrt Don't you realize that there la no aafer Invest ment than suburbsn acreage? Thla is your big opportunity; get in on the ground floor. Call us today. COMTB KOHLMAN. 10 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 6.150. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Property, Installment Re payments If ueslred. iiuitdins: rnana. Current Hales. J'roiupt service. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. 218-219 Northwestern Bank llnlldlng. Marshall 4114. FLUFF RUGS Made From All Kinds of Old Carpsts. For quality. Service and Economy. . OKKdON FLUFF KIT. CO., ID! E. Mark Kt. Tabor 711. ROSB CITY LOTS. I100O Southeast corner E. Bth and Siskiyou sts., all Imp. in on both streets, ar.d paid. 11,10 Alameda drive, facing south, 50 ft. east of E. tStb, St.; all imp. in and paid. $ 7o IS. 8th St.. facing east. HO ft. n.p(K nf Thnmnaon St.: all imD. In and paid. I 7iu b. 48th St.. north of Alameda drive, all imp. In and paid. $ nOO Southeast corner K. 69th ana Fremont sta; sewers, walks and, curbs in snd paid. HENDKRSON-BANKUS CO.. B2S Henry Bldg. Hdwy. 4734. JS30 NICE LEVtL LOT. ONE BLOCK 1U to 1 . JUna LAH 1.1 - ttcwar " " sidewalks in, street graded, on Russett St., facing north. 225 ft. east of Penin sula ave. You will know It by the trees snd the little shack on the back of lot. Thla Is a bargain. Let ua tske you out. Phone for appointment. Main fiti7. HITTER, LOWE c CO., Realtors. J01-'J-3-ri-7 Board of Trade Bldg. i0U0 WEST SIDE VIEW LOT, facing east on Corbett St., 100 ft. north of Cus ter. This level lot overlooks the river and has an unobstructed view of nearly all of east Portland, including The Oaka feaey terma to the right party. JtXTTKH, LOWE ac CO., Realtors. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON. 80x100 ft. lot. one block to Broadway car. near Brasee et. Fine homes on both ides of lot. Al location, everything paid. owner requests us to sell at once; terma if desired, rrlce (isuu. bee Jir. Jones. K. E. BOWMAN CO.. 210 Chamber cf Commerce Bldg. 50. 2S CASH. 5 A MONTH. All improvements in and included In price; 1 Vi blocka to car: near school, on East 20th. near Ainsworth. JOHNSON-DO DSON CO., 638 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main D78T. KinHTT.NINE DOLLARS EACH. tn down and 10 monthly buys four 26-tt. lots on macadam street, gas, city water, very sightly. 6 biks. from car; original price of theae four lots was 160. Fred W. German Co., realtors, 7S2 Chsm. of Conr IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Corner, 10io. 1100 cssh. 10 a month, raving, aldewalks, sewer in snd psid; block to school and car; surrounded by new homes. JOHNSON-TK)DSOJI CO.. B3S N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. UNIVERSITY PARK LOT. FOR A OUICK SALE 1225. will buy 80x100, near Columbia park: other lots selling here for $350; so here's your chance. Owner. Tabor 2321. 60x100 LOT NORTH of Peninsula park; native trees. H blocg from car. side, wslka snd sewer In and Included In price; $725: easy terma JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. M3 N. W Bank Bldg. Main 8787. ALAMEDA. We have 3 of the best situatsd lots In Alameda: will sell one or' both st a real sacrlfica on essy terma W. M. Umbdenstock 4 Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1B58. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $500; 80x100. $100 cash, 110 a month: east face, sidewalks and curbs in an paid; this is real value. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. BS3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8797. NEW TODAY. See FRANK L. McCUIRE To Buy Your Home. (The Easier Way.) NEW! NEW! .VEW! NEW! NEW! We've many new attractive listings on our Special Board TODAY! Come In and make your selection; 28 courteous, experienced salesmen with autos to show you homes In any part of the city at times most convenient to you. Personal appraisal and Inspection are Important FEATURES of our 100 System. open tjxt1l evenings, rosb city Park. $6850 THE PERFECT TYPE of Home In Lhe famed "bungalow district!" Six rooms replete with all that heart could desire; exquisite tapestry and old ivory finish; hardwood floors; a solid paneled dining room with wonderful maa eive leaded glass buffet; immac ulate bedrooms with sleeping porch alcove: there's utmost In household conveniences: clothes and duet chutes; 2 lavatories, etc lavedtt. E. sath St. OPEN YOUR EYES. $4280 COSILY INVITING and very prac tical. 5-room airy California bun galow In Rose City. Across the entire front are cheery combina tion living and dining room with pretty built-in bookcases and handy buffet; complete Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, plpeless furnace; garage; nice grounds Paved t. paid. Terms. E. 00th St. PROFESSIONAL MEN! $5400 HERE IS AN IDEAL HOME for you! Right on Broadway carllne In Holiaday-Irvlngton ; 4 rooms, built for a REAL HOME! Artistic, substantial, hoapltsbie! Every up to date feature; built-ins. furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch. Only $700 down will handle this! THIS KIND DON'T LAST. $4400 FOR A GENUINE COMFORT ABLE liveable home you'll have to go far to outdo this for the price! I sctually one of the big gest Home Values In HAW THORNE TODAY! Two-story, six room AMERICAN HOME; built in conveniences; superior plumb ing: .beautiful lawn, fruit, grapes. Garage and aolid cement drive way. All Improvement paid. One blk. to S. 8. car. E. Yamhill. JUST INVESTIGATE!. SELLWOOD'S COSIEST! 13490 A LITTLE WARM BROWN bun galow with maesive pillared big front porch; 5 homey, cheerful rooms all In old Ivory, nice built in buffet; 2 airy bedrooms. White enamel plumbing; chicken bouse; Vi block to car. Ellis Ave. t Paved.) CLOSE TO THE PARK. $2790 OLD IVORY THROUGHOUT and easy to keep neat and clean. There's 4 comfortable rooms and sleeping porch to this. Very sub stantial, attractive bungalow in Waverly-Rlchmond, 50x148 with ail kinds of berries, fruit and two big chicken house, near Kenil worth Park. EASY TERMS. Glad stone Ave. t ON THE PENINSULA. $3990 LOVELY NEW BUNGALOW In Peninsula! Just completed. Great big living room 13Vx'J3 with French doors leading to dining room; beautifully waxed floors, rich o!d ivory throughout. Built Ins; Dutch kitchen with sunny breakfast nook; sleeping porch, attio Is large enough for eeveral rooms, big ehade trees, etc. One of the prettiest of the newer bun galows. Foater St., EASY TERMS. MONTA VILLA MUST SELL! $3400 FORCED SALE! EASY TERMS! Mnpt attractive 5-room modern bungalow Just as homelike - as can be! Living room with cheery fireplace, dining room with built in buffet. large clean Dutch kitchen: white porcelain bath and fixtures: 2 airy sleeping rooms with closet Playground, berries, garden. One block to car. E. Flan ders St. RUSSELL-SHAVER CAR. 41890 $50O down! Bargain in a neat comfortable 5-room bungalow cot tage: conveniently arranged; white enamel plumbing, electrici ty fas. AH lmDrnvements In and paid for. Monroe St. ASK. ABOUT u: UNDUPLICATKD FIND! ttrm DOWN'! $4410 DOWN! $3875 WONDERFUL NEW BUNG A- 1AJW just compieteai inio nas Individuality! Five roome. Im maculate throughout. Large com bination living and aining rooms, rlnh old lvorv : taDestrv finish; buffet, white enamel Dutch kitch en: French door: very attractive light fixtures; excellent piumo lng. built on a lot with fruit trees, etc. 67th St. DAINTY BUNOAt.OW OF YOUR DREAMS. $2M DOWN! $200 DOWN! $1290 $2H) down! Just newly papered and cleaned! Homev 4-room M'f. RfOTT rofctare: built-in buffet: woodshed, chU'ken house and lots of berries. YOU liL iJfc C(JJi' PORTABLE here; 42d Ave. WE WILL HELP vm, aV viiii - rinwn navment If neces sary! Come In at any time, day or evening, and one of our salesmen will take you out and show you any home in which you may De lntrreieu. oeo FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. Ahlngton BMg. Main 10A8. Third St.. Bet Third St. and Wah, Kntranre under the big electric sipn. FACTORY SITE ON TRACKAGE. 100x300 ft., fronting on paved street and car line, sloping gently to R. R. track; $3000; terms. Address M 87, Oregonlan. 50x100 CEMENT WALKS $350. Including assessments; gas, water; close to school and Alberta car; $1 weekly. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank hlrlif. ALAMEDA PARK. Alameda park lots cheap. Call Mar shall UT. LAURELHURST. LAUREI.H URST. For less than auction. lOOxlOO feet, on Roval court, near Gllean; only $2000 for 100x100 feet. Rock. 403 Couch bldg. LOT. EAST 62d street, 80x100. level, ce ment walk, sewer, water, gas, electric ity, price $450. on your own terma W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bUt. WANTS LOTS Rose City or like diet. O. C. GOLDENBERO, Builder, AQington j'.ing . iim .in mi 1011x100 ALBERTA CAR $580 Including assessments: $2 down, $2 week. R. W. rry. I2i; N. w. Bank bldg. $rt.,0 ROSE CITY PARK PICK UP. oHth st., 1V4 blocks from Sandy. Sewer fn street. Taoor JNO. B. COFFEY Sl'RF.TY BO'D9 l.Vl RANCH 400 Ucux AUd, Alain BOZO. CHOICE lot in good location, west of Tied- mont, wun street improvement paia; $350. easy terms. Phone Wdl n. 8537. $.0 ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Choice corner, fibth at., nesr Sandy bivd. Essy terms. Tabor 4553. YOU CAN resell your place without de lay If you have a Title Insurance policy, -Title ft Trust Co.. 91 Fourth street. TITLE INSURANCE saves lime and money because no aos'.ract is required Title A Trust Co., 91 Fourth street. FOR SALE or trade. 8 lors. For lnforma tlnn. nhnne Auto. 518-H2. i MT'T sMl at once, 75x100, sMewglk la. uu CAsn. uwaer, jusjsuau edaA LAUREi-HURST BUNGALOW. 100 FEET FROM PARK. You owe to yourself to motor out to 1171 East Ankeny street and see this new home of 4 wonderful rooms; living room extending across entire front. Here you will find every convenience that one could desire; the price asked will convince you that this Is the best buy in the city of Portland. Owner and builder eo, premises. LAURELHURST JUST COMPLETED. BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. GARAGE. JF YOTJ WANT TO SEE THE MOST ARTISTIC AND WONDERFUL HOME. DISTINCTIVE IN DESIGN AND FIN issHirn IV ROCBOND STONE-TONE STUCCO AND GRANITE ON THE EX TERIOR. A riSl.lH THAI- 1 Kiun AND DURABLE. COMB TO 1084 MULT vmiiu ST Jl'ST SOUTH OF THE SANDY BLVD. TWO BLOCKS. NEAR IMPERIAL AVE. laarn en. PHONE ACT. 310-73. SELLWOOD BUNGALOW. , WONDKRFUL BUY. Just a real clever 8-room bungalows 3 blocks from car. A real well-built nearly new home. The price is only 41500. $700 cssh or will take in car or vacant lot See this right away. D. W. ALTON. Automatic, 328-19. ROSE CITY PARK. New bungalow, living and dining room combined, a bedrooms, complete kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, built Ins, hardwood floors, cement basement 80x100 corner lot. feces east: all street liens paid: price $5100. $800 cash. JOHNSON-DO DStfN CO.. 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 ALAMEDA PARK HA VVTHOR.Mi IRVINGTON LAURELHURST ROSB CITY PARK. Did you ever stop to think of the real SERVICE a good selling organisation has to offer? EXPERIENCE, KNOW L EDGE OF DISTRICTS and A COMPE TENT SALES FORCE are what we have to offer the PROSPECTIVE HOME BUYER in the way of SERVICE, and you will find. If you are looking for a real home In any district, that we can lighten the burden of HOMESELixING materially. ... A good many EX-SERVICE men with only a moderate amount as an initial payment have found that our SERVICE meant much to them. We are always .glad to be of service to the HOME SEEKER and We don't feel that our moral obligation has been fulfilled until the buyer has been fully satisfied. For Real SERVICE In HOMESEEKINO See J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. 'Shortest Way Home." -244 Stark St. Main 883 and 1094. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. ' A CHANCS FOR THS POOR MAN. Would you like to have a nice little home adjoining Rose City Park? We are opening a new eubdivision and we have 60 beautiful lota, with water, gas and electricity, which we can sell you for $500. There are no restrictions on these lots and you can build any kind of a home you wish. They are Just outside the city limits and there will be no city inspectors to tell what to do. Ws can a. II you these lots on easy terms and will build you a house t-suit you. If you want to save rent and be your own landlord, save city taxes and be " independent. For all particulars, see HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 84. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. Tsbor 845. . LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. MOST CHEERFUL HOME. This Is certainly a charming 4-room bangalow. Such a you would desire for a home. They are very large and most delightful rooms, hardwood polished floors, ivory and tapestry paper, won derful Dutch kitchen, with a most clever breakfast nook that Is different. The price is. very reasonable for this clsss of hornet Only $7950. You should see this at orice. D. W. ALTON. Automatic 329-19. THOMSON ft THOMSON, REALTORS. $100 down buvs-this 4-room modern home. A full 60x100 lot with garage, lawn and shrubbery; full basement with cement walls. Price 42350, will consider a car as part payment. 5-room modern home in Hawthorne, only $700 DOWN; close to car; a bar gain at $2400. Modern 5-room home In Rose City, ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace etc. Price $.'.000, $1000 WILL HANDLE. We have other if these do not please you, come in and see our listings. 620 HENRY BUB.. BDWY. 4880. HAWTHORNE HOME $250 DOWN. 4-room houss, nicely arranged: Dutch kitchen and othor built-in features; all large light rooms: ce ment basement; street improve ments all in and psid; price only $4500, $250 cash, $45 month in cludes Interest. MRS, LUCIUS. EAST 4001. ELEGANT BUY $2800. Best home, close in Mt. Scott, B2dy st. B-rm. modern to the letter. Worth $3500.. Only $600 cash. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Bldg. Main 4803. 7-ROOM house and Ihi acres ground, all fenced, Just outside city limits, three chicken houses, one good barn, wood shed, garage, city water, gas, toilet and bath, plenty built-ins, the price Is $3B"5. The furniture in this can be bought for 4H00 and a bargain at that, $1000 cash, balance $23 monthly. T. H. DICKSON, 174 13th St. Main BS53. " IRVINGTON. . As pioneer operators In "men-grade homes, one will find it to their advan tage to call and see our Mr. Jones be fore Investing. We also have a number of choice homes In Alameda and Fort land Heighta F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. -1 tflon. Price $2400 Jefferson High Furnished. A dandy B-rm. home, substantially built: full lot. Parties sacrificing for quick sale both house and furnishings, or you mv buv without furniture. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. Realtors, 408-11 Pouch Bldg. Main U,7.i. IRVINGTON $10,500 EASY TERMS. On I2d; 'i baths, 2 fireplaces, extra lavatory in guest's room: living room 83x22. large library; 3 large bedrooms, glassed-in sleeping porch; east facing; full lot; oencrete garage. McDOXELL. EAST 419. ROSE CITY PARK $4800. BELOW THE HILL Distinctive 5-rm bungalow, cement basement, furnace, trays Urge living room, built-in kitc hen, hdwd. floors. 50x100 lot. VERY NIFTY. MARSH A McCABB CO.. REALTORS. S22-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 8i3. B-ROOM BUNGALOW. Lot 80x100, 1 biock from car: larsre burn, lots of fruit and berries; price $2500: will trade for house closer In and pay difference: 4 blocks from school. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 40,1-6-7 Panama Bldg. 3d anil Alder. wira-!. Ginh' T.rnnm house overlooking river and mountains; near 2 earllnea; nice .rAimrii Invent with Dergoia. i" house, modern. 2 toilets, separate from v.u . v. if ,.,, want a rood nrnDertv tn best 'neighborhood at right price phone Main ft- or can at naieiEii i ivv-rnv read near Wlllbridge. bv owner, Double-constructed 6-room bungalosf, al most new. tun rioorea attic, cement ibuu. datlon 2 basements, electric lights, gas, .... . v. ..a -n c nhl.-ken house. 2 Inlg. Price $3100. For terma. see owners. 811 Savler near 2tn NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 8-room modern bungalow, all on one floor. Just 2 blocka from csr. all im provements In snd paid: R0 down, bal ance $45 a month. Interest Included. Auto. 210-88. i2 At-RK AND 4-ROOM HOUSB. 6 blocks to school, chicken house, lots pf Iruil trees ana oerncs, pi ivu eicw, $800 down, balance $25 month. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-6-7 Panama Bldg. 3d snd Alder. $11000 WALNUT PARK. Six fine rooms and music room. French doors furnace, fireplace, hardwood firs. In perfect condition; near Haight ave. and Killingsworth. EAST 419 IRV'NOTON 2' fine colonials, one $8850 near Siskiyou, other nesr Braxee, $10, 000; also fine corner bungalow near Brasee and 17th; $8500. MePOS'KT.T,, EAST 419. NEW TODAY. 5-room modern, $3600. $1500 cssh. 4-room bungalow, $1650. $450 cash. 4-room house. $1200, $300 cash. LANE & CARROLL, 422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DON'T overlook thla swell new home of 6 rooms, breakfast nook and attic, hard wood floors, all built-ins, fireplace, furnace- and garage, locatedS in Alameda Park. 1 block to Brosdwsy csr. Open afternoons only. Call at 884 bkldmore, near 2!th. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Modern 5-ronm bungalow. 1A blocks to car line; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, all built in effects: street paved; price $5000; $1250 cash, bal. like rent. VIS Chamber of commerce nnm LAURELHURST. For Sale by Owner. Beautiful 7-room, sleeping porch, ga rage, modern and blgh-clnsa. Must sell quick. Make me an offer. 1193 E. Couch. Tabor 4S09. IRVINGTON PARK. $3600. EASY TERMS NEW BUNGALOW ON 75x100 lot. Extra well built with all modern convenient built-ins. MARSH ft McCABB CO.. REALTORS. 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3903. SIX-ROOM bungalow on Waverly Heighta, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitch en, built-in buffet snd bookcase, 1 block from car. jrood view, paved streets; price $3750. $754 down. Alvie Flnley, Columbia 068. ; BY OWNER Modern 8-room house, Al condition, full cement bssement, laun dry trays, furnace, garage. 4 blocka to Laurelburst; cash or terma 1167 Bel mont, near 8th St. WE HAVE already examined the title to your property and can issue title In surance policy without delay. No ab stract required. Title 4s Trust company. 91 rourtn street. TITLE Insurance is quicker, esrer and chssper sbstract method. Ask your banker; he knowa Title A Trust com- S-ROOM houss, modern, Holladay Addi tion, walking distanos, city schools, ehurohes. cement garage, $6000; terma . . . ,.1.11 n . tO A U MODERN 5-room and bath, large attic and basement, built-lna, fireplace, near Mount Tabor car; terms, $1200 cash. V 79, Oregonlan. 11TSO CASH Alh-rta home sneelsl. rlis- cuual utuy. uwucr. llni fct X'-ia N, USE YOUR BONUS. Wonderful 7-r. modern home, garage: this home cost more to build 8 yesrs ago than price asked. $5250: vacant: you csn pay rental until bonus money Is available. Rock. Mar. 3352. IRVINGTON COLONIALS We have four beauties, 4 rooms, 7 and 8 rooms, latest finish, best construction, $6500 to $15. 000. Neuhausen, 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. FURNISHED HOME. 4-r. modern home, garage, about $1000 worth of furniture, all tn fine condition, near schools. Just east of Lsureihurst; price $3500. terms. Rock. Mar. 3352. $225 SECURES NEW BUNGALOW. This amount cash will secure posses sion of brsnd new 4-rm. bungalow. R. C. district. Price $2575. Call evenings Last 4420. 8-ROOM house. 807 'East Ash, gas, no bath, fine yard, close in, near grade and high school: cheap. Owner, 405 East Couch street. Telephone East 1236. COLORED family. House near new church and district among good colored fam!llea.-for aale by owner. Address M 62. Oregonlan. HOUSE FOR SALE. New 4-room bungalow in Irvlngton district. $.1200. Terms to suit. Phone 967 for appointment A BIG BARGAIN, $500 down. 305 E. 49th N. 5-room bungalow, floored attic, full baaement, hardwood floors. garage; some buv. $4850. Tahor 3"01. NOW VACANT. . Six rooms, fireplace, furnace, near Slst. Bdwy. 921 Woldler st. $4750. easy terms. Main M56. Main 0012. LARGE listings In restricted districts; car at your servics. J. R. Haight. 327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. IRVINGTON Six rooms. 2 stories, modern; hot water heating system; bargain. Own er. Kant a. TRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 6 rooms, oak floors, garage, Neuhausen jjlOd l-ROOM. new ivory enameled, white enamel bath. Dutcb kitchen, full cement basement. Phone Tahor 940. fJLOSE your real estate deal quickly through title insurance. Title A Trust company. 01 Fourth street. 42O0 AND SOLDIER'S BONUS LOAN, 8 ROOMS AND GAKAu , Here, surely, is a bargain. No mort gage or encumbrances of any kind. Lot 63x100. Has furnace, fireplace and ga rage. Truly an opportunity for some one - ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $4S50. Splendid bungalow, with finest kind of hardwood floors throughout, wonder fully constructed, fireplace, furnace, located near Sandy blvd. Remarkable terma Splendid opportunity for ex aervice men. HAWTHORNE $4750. Nifty 8-room bungalow, with hard wood floora, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, tile bath, tile drain board and back, expensive tapestry paper; 4200 and bonus loan will handle. LAURELHURST $5h5t. 5 rooms and large attic, hardwood floors throughout. For class and dis tinction nothing like it for the money. Easy terma A. O. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st.. near 4th. Main 8092. Branch, 40th and Sandy. Tabor !.". FLAT BUILDING. TWO FIVE-ROOM FLATS. Thla aplendid flat building is lo cated in Sellwood on nice corner lot. 2 blocka from car. In finest repair, very clean and neat; is renting for $77.50 per month; rent could be raised. The price is $7000 with a small sun of $1400 cash down; balance $40 per month and Interest. If you have $1400 cash buy this and rent will pay off the balance. This is a staple invest ment. D. W. ALTON, Automatic 8 -J-19. - ALAMEDA SACRIFICE, $5000. One of the choicest 4-room strictly modern bungalows la Alameda's lovely district, the rooms are beautifully ar ranged, the hardwood floors are highly polished and the whole arrangement of many built-lna, breakfast nook, fire place, etc., is becoming. The baae ment has a aplendid heating furnace, complete with garage on pavement, only $1350 needed to handle. Balance month " ly payments. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. , Broadway 4751. 410 Henry BMg. WALNUT PARK 8-room bungalow on a choice corner lot 60x100: all modern conveniences, Including hot water heat: built 2 years ago; cost $8200; will sell for $6900: $2500 cssh. balance terms. Owner, 1125 Mallory ave. ROSE CITY. $6000. Bungalow of six rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace, corner lot 50x100, Improvements all In, garage, nice lawn and shrubbery, close to Sandy. Don't fail to see thla $1500 cash will handle. COB A. McKENNA A CO.. Fourth St. Main S71. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Beautiful 8 rooms and bathroom, sleeping porch, breakfast room down stairs. 2 rooms upstairs: hardwood floors! tile In bathroom, double garage, cement porch; must be sold. Price $8000, $2500 down, balance monthly to suit. See Mr. Rlchanbach. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, 569 Oak St.. near 4th. Bdwy. .1355. $3600 $600 CASH. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BUNGALOW. 5 large rooms, 2 attle rooms, oak floors, fireplsce, .pipeless furnace: 50x 100 lot: 2 blocks to car; it's great value; let us show you. W. D. ROD A B AUGH, REALTOR. 1046 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 4209. LARGE modern ll-room house, in choice close-in residence section of ths east side, which owner must sell on account of leaving the city. A dandy buy, on easy terms', suitable for large family or for rooming or boarding house: hardwood floors and all modern conveniences. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st We have large listings of desirable home sites and can help you finance building. Our office has full Informa tion to your Interest regarding applica tion of bonus loan. W. M UMBDENSTOCK A CO.. ESTABLISHED 1806. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. WE HAVE IT. The price Is $4000. Just finished: 8 room bungalow In Alberts : 2 additional rooms can be added upstaira Pur chaser can have own selection of elec tric fixtures, furnace and wall paper. Phone Bdwy. 165S. or call 210 Oregon bldg HO.MB5 FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $1800. Very nest, well-built, B-room cottage, with electric lights, gas, patent toilet, 7 large assorted bearing fruit trees, extra large cnicxen nouse anu i-iin:n-u iu. right on the carllne. $200 cash. $15 monthly. Fred w. German Co., real to8, 732 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY J45O0. tlftOO DOWN. Tn all your dreams no home like this 5-room bungalow, on noon, ntoi'i, furnace, garage, 80x100 corner lot, paved streets, sewer In. and the house is nsw. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. urwe r-ITV PARK BUNGALOW. Colonial style, 5 rooms and bathroom downstairs 1 room and sleeping porch upstairs; corner lot, 50x100; for a quick sale will take $02."0. $1500 cash, balance like rent. See Mr. Ttlehanbar h. METZOER-PARKER COMPANY. 160 Oak St.. near 4th. Bdwy. MM. ALAMEDA PARK. Buy from owner, new .modern 6-rom semi-bungalow, fully completed, for $5600; $1500 will handle. Owner going sway and must sell this week. 937 E. 28th st. N Two blocks from Brosdway car. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 5 large rooms, large attic, beautifully decorsted Interior, class A plumbing, oak floors, all bullt-lns, close to csr; a won derful home; good terms and a snap for cash. Phone A B.'3-ll uaWTHORNIG DISTRICT. Five-room bungalow that Is reslly a Jewel; fireplsce, numerous built-ins; $3500 will buy it, $500 cash, by appoint ment only. . n Knn a pownder. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. LARGETlstlngs in restricted districts; cars nt your service .7. p. Halcht. 427 Eoaxii oX Trad. JKH. aOiS. bvivi-.TfiM pnRXKR BUNGALOW. $600' New 6-room modern bungalow; hard wood floors, fireplsce. furnace, large at tic cement basement, gsrsge; sightly cornsr. 17th and Skldmore sts.. 2 blocks from Irvlngton ear; open daily from 2 to 5. Phone owner, aiain -i. itvtov AVENUE $:1800. 50x125 facing Union, with fair 5-room rottage; terms: also 50x150 facing San Rafael, near Union, with 8-roora oottage, for $3300; terms HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark St. Main 831. ALAMEDA. A real up-to-date modern new bunga low with all modern built-lna hard wood floors, gas furnace, best location, T rooms; reasonable terma W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon "bldg. Bdwy 165 rr,OSE IN 4-room bangalow-style home, all new ly painted and papered Inside and out, all Improvements In ar.d paid, good cat service and close to school: only $3800. $650 down, balance ju a inonm. uv 210-38 I WANT to sell my 16-room house. It nets me $1x0 a month. Will take smsll grocery op to $2000 cash, rest back mortgage. I ask $12,000 for bouse, lot and most ail lurnnuro. East 73MI. CLUh-l. n.Ai-. $300 puts you In possession of this neat 6-room house; pay balance like rent; lo cated on paved street near Union ave. See A. K. Hill. 426 I.umbermens bldg. flttOO ROSE CITY PARK. 4-room bungalow, largo living room. Dutch kitchen, gas, electric lights, good p.umning. nice mi shrubbery, sssts. pa'.B. Tabor 4'V. ' ... I .I...U. ,.nr.h hardwood floors throughout. 2 fircplsces, large rooma Owner leaving city. $8250. r.H.i o.,i. rENINSULA district, by owner, 6-rojm modern bungalow, cement basement, Dutch kitchen, fruit and be ies-,- price r:..n ...... j r.it g.nnnH nine CLOSE-IN, 2 blocks off Sellwood car line large 6-room oungaiow;.iot iwmw, fruit trees. You will spprsciate this . . t, cll OIT wnen ,,u n" FOR SALE, by owner, $3000, 4-room bun galow, very modern, large lot. paved street. Stt blocks to MV car, $600 cash, balance terms. Main 7789. v-u-ttr pH'TlMflNT 7 mil., large living rm.. mie rm. ; taDestry paper, latest finish. Will please discriminating buyers; ga- ra ge. H.l. ei.M.u rami. mi. u,.... ROSB CITY HOME seouo. Corner, modern, 8 bedrooms, sleeping; norch. lot 65x100, closs to csr. E. 643t. CORNER lot, 50x100. 3-room house, fruit trees, sidewalks in, desirable location, 1 Mock to car 1SUS Van HecUa aireeL St. Johns car. MODERN 4-roora and bath, built-in cop boards wash trays, etc, near Mount Ta bor ear; $220O terms. V 78. Oregonlan. SWE commission. Modern bungalow in Rose City, i large rooms, attic and ga rage. Auto. 321-68. LARGE listings tn reslriotsd districts; csrs IBt a'ir rrt.i.r .' , v. -a.ti-i.1, fi- I Haiti Hi 'Itsaia, Bdwi, 2vi, nrtrr Hnrsra m:YS. LAURELHURST 6-room strictly mod ern bungalow, aleeping porch. In first -clasa condition; near the lake, the cream of Laurelhurst: lot 50x 150 feet; $8750; good terms. WOODSTOCK 6-room modern bungs low, sleeping porch, breskfast nook, fireplace, wssh trays, full basement; lot 60x100 feet; $1500. $1000 down, bale nee easy. 6T. JOHNS Four-room modern bung-alow, sleeping porch, sewer In; Bur rage and Ainsworth streets, $200. $.MK down, balance easy. MONT A VILLA l-room modern bun galow, sleeping porch, lsrge bath room; $1910. $400 down: $30 month. HAWTHORNE 7-room modern bun galow, furnace, fireplace, large attic, basement, paved streets, in first class condition, $5250, good terms. ALBERTA Six-room modern bouse In first-class condition, newly painted. 2 blocks car; $4200, $10oO down, bal snce easy. WOODSTOCK -ronm bungalow, nice bath, gstrsge, neat snd clean, $2000. $500 down. $25 month. SELLWOOD 6-room house. 4 lots BOX 100 each, lots of fruit and berries, paved street, near school, $4500. any reasonable terms, or would take sol dier's bonus and little money. HAWTHORNE 5-room modern bun galow, floored attic, cement base ment, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, lot 40x128 feet, fruit, grapes and ber ries; this is nice; $5250. $1200 down. $40 month. R. M. GATE WOOD ft CO., 105 M 4th St. OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY FROM 2 TO 5. ONE OF ROSE CITY PARK'S FINEST HOMES. HERE, POSITIVELY. IS ONE OF THE FINEST BUNGALOWS IN ALL OF ROSE CITY PARK. LOCATED AT 401 EAST BIST ST. NORTH. JUST OFF BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA DRIVE. YOU WILL FIND THE FINEST HARDWOOD FLOORS IN OiVERY ROOM. TILE BATH. TILE DR A INBOARD AND BACK. BEST FURNACE. GARAGE BUILT TO CONFORM WITH STILE OF HOUSE. FRENCH DOORS BE TWEEN LIVING AND DINING ROOMS. FINISHED IN RICH OLD IVORY AND WHITE THOROUGH OUT. EXPENSIVE TAPESTRY PAPER. EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BUY. YOU WILL GET SOME WONDERFUL IDEAS FROM THIS HOME. BUT WE DOUBT IF YOU COULD HAVE IT DUPLI CATED FOR TH B MONEY. BUILT BY ONE OF PORTLAND'S BEST BUILD ERS. PHONE TABOR 3721. ROSE CITY PARK. $5000 This Is one of those pretty substantial bungalows that ou have admired and wanted. This bungalow consists of living room, dining room and kitchen, beautiful breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms and a very large aleeping porch, also an excellent ante. It has hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-in conveniences, is well arranged,- and tne exterior is especially pretty, good base ment with furnace. This property laces on paved street, with pavement and sewer in and paid. You haven't seen anything like this for the money. Just come in and tuke a look. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 84. Branch office. 60th and Sandy. Tabor fclNJ IRVINGTON COLONIAL. CHARMING HOME. This beautiful 7-room colonial home is located right In the very heart of Irvington'a new high class home district, with lovely home surroundings; very large liv ing with French doors leading Into dining, larse plate glass win dowa Very fine Dutch kitchen. 8 nice large snd one medium bed rooms, tiled bath, sanitary tub up; floors throughout are polished hardwood: finish le Ivory and tap estry paper. This is a lovely, high-class home offered at real value; $1500: D. W. ALTON, Automatic 329-19. ROSE CITY Six-room strictly modern, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, all built-in: ga rage. $6JU0. $1300 cash. One blk. to car. . , Beaumont. 7 rooms. 2 sleeping porches; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace: all built-ins. plate glass front windows: an elegant place, $75O0. $;;uoo cash; will take Buick, Hudson or Dodge on first payment. GEO. K. CROXFORD. 4S4 East 4lth N. cor. Sandy. Tabor $6500 IRVINGTON $9500. EIGHT ROOMS. ,. YOU ENTER A VESTIBULE. THEN INTO A FINE LARGE LIVING ROOM. AND ON INTO A GOOD-SIZED DIN ING ROOM. THE DOORWAYS HAMS FRENCH DOOKS, MADE OF BEVEL PLATE GLASS. THEKB ARE FOl'R BEUKOC. S AND SLEEPING P.HU'H. THE HOUSE COULDN'T BE BUILT FOR THE PRICE ASKED. ALV1N JOHNSON. REALTOR. BDWY. 87. EVENINGS E. 2981. NEWLY BUILT. THIS 8-KOOM BUNGALOW. Ideally located on corner lot at East 47th and Madison sts; outrivals descrip tion: 6 rooms, bath, breakrast nook, all bullt-lns. lull cement basement, wash trays, electrically equipped, storage rm.J . In attic, narawooa iioors in uiuiuh room and sitllug room; lovely buffet and fireplace. A thoroughly modern residence and Idual home. Open from 1 to 4 P. M. dally, part cash snd bal ance terms to suit. Take Hawthorne or Mt. Scott csr to 4th st. $11.500 LAURELHURST $11,500. A really wonderful Dutch Colonial home of rooma sun room and break fast room. This Is the most modern and complete home overlooking the park In this beautiful district. Hardwood floors throughout, rich Ivory finish; ex pensive tapestry paper, tile baths, hot air furnace, double garage. This home was designed by a master In the art of building. It's the last word In con struction. Csll Mr. Everson. COMTB ft KOHLMAN. M. 4550. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $3000 $800 CASH. 4-rm. comportable home, mod., full basement, complete plumb ing, elec. and gas. fruit twos. 100 xluO; block car. AuU 63S-&0, Main 4803. G. C. GOLDEN'BERO, Abington Bldg. $5 yra la Portland. KOSSMERK, 6-R. NEW BUNG ALO W. Brand new 6-r. bungalow, 8 bed rooms, doubly constructed and excep tionally well built; oak floors, furnace, fireplace, all latest built-ins, cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook, lot 50x100, ga rage, imp, all In and paid. East front; restricted district. Can t be beat for a home. Price $6200, $1000 cash. Ready to move Into. J. w. uriusai. 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 1 ACRE. 6-room bungalow, finished in Ivory and white enamel, full basement, white enamel plumbing, cabinet kitchen, all larce rooms. 1 acre with all kinds of fruit, ' located close to Hawthorne car. south of Division st. Price $4000. terms. You csn make a small down payment and apply your bonua loan. HENDEHSON-BANKUS CO.. 428 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. ROSE CITY PARK. , $4250 Complete. This Is a beautiful bungalow of 6 rooms, hsrdwond floors, tapestry paper, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, garage, streets paved and paid, sewers In and paid, faces east on outh, north of Sandy blvd. We offer you tn unusual terms of $500 cash and balance monthly. HILLER BROS., Realtors. , . 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 88. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. ' Tabor 84h5. IT WILL PAY YOU In the long run to buy a place with ground enough to make your living at home. I have just com pleted a 4-room bungalow with 2 bed rooms, modern to the minute, on two lots, with all klnda of berries now bear ing, chicken house and garden spsce. one block to Mount Scott cat, 2 blocks to Foster road. Price $2650. with $2.0 cash, balance like rent. Wilgua l. Smith, owner, 6f0 Williams ave. Eaat 1298 or Wdln. 5861. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Beautiful 4-room bungalow style house, artistic and good: living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and lavatorj with wash bowl downstairs; 2 bedrooms, bathroom and large finished storeroom upstaira; fine basement: garage with ce ment runway, fireplace, hardwood floors; has only priming coat of paint, o buyer could decide on color scheme, both In side and out. Owner must sacrifice. Cail In morning. B moke. Mars hal 1 4827. n m:v your HOME DRIVB OUT TO LAURELHURST TRACT OFFICE E 3TH AND GLISAN" STS. Mr. Delahunty, the man In charge, has specialised In Laurelhurst property for 12 years and Knows EVERY BARGAIN OFFERED. Savs money by seeing him first. Special today, fine 9-room bunga low for $5900, fine location. Phone Ta bor 8433. Evenings, East 77.18. WILL take good automobile and $1500 cash as first psyment on a wonderful . 8-room and 8. P., fully modern. Rose City home; bevel plate glass windows, polished oak floors, fireplace, built-ins. furnace, double plumbing. Just 5 yesrs old. in perfect condition; price $7500. O. A. Pearce Co., 201 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 4335 H 1 WTHORNK DISTRICT. ' $3500, cash $U)0, balance like rent: 5-room modern bungalow and nice lawn, full basement, improvements in and paid; must be sold this week. See Mr. Kich anbarh. rtnvfoivr MtTAiiMi-rAnivcrt " ' . . 19 Oak St.. near 4th. Bdwy. 53r,5. 569 Oak S OWNER MUST SELL. New 7-room H4-story bungalow et P3fl East Broadway: double constructed throughout. oak floors. Rudy furnace. garage, full lot. Improvements raid: look It over ana East 4373. owner. in and submit offer. IRVINGTON 7-room fully modern home, best double construction, oak floors, fire place, built-ins. furnsce, garage; owner sacrificing $124)0 on this; must sell at once; a beautiful home, only $4254), any terms in reason. O. A. Pearce Co.. 201 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 4833. ATTRACTIVE 8-ROOM BUNGALOW, 2 LOTS AT 761 E. EVERETT; WALKING DISTANCE; MUST GO THIS WEEK. BY APPOINTMENT. OWNER. EAST -6787 OR MAR. 1681. MRS. BERRY. $12 500 LOOK around, then see tms bar gain la Irvlncion; 8 rooms two bath rooms two nreplaces. hardwood lloors throughout, full basement, garage, lot 75x100; an Idea! home; must bs seen to be appreciated. Sale by owner. 635 East Tin leici'i'uf LARGE NEW l-RM. BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE DUTCH KITCHEN. CEMENT BASEMENT. BUFFET, I BOOKCASES. VlREPLACB AND FIXTURES TO SUIT; IVORY FINISH THROUGHOUT; SMALL PAYMENT DOWN, BALANCE LIKE R K.N I . w U1..1. "r.QINfl TO BU 1 LD 7 We design snd build residences, of any building. Assist in financing sama Ths beat service at lowest cost '.o you. Es tablished 13 yeara Security and satis fiction assured. L. R. BAILEY CO.. Ino.. 24 N. w. rcana oma. mvTvr.TON PARK. 5-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, buffet- full basement; plenty of fruit snd berries, for $250. small cash payment takes It: hurry: must sell this quickly; only 1 block to car. Main 5604. evenings 81H-9T. FOR SALE by owner, neat bungalow, lot 50x100, fruit trees and shrubs., near Scott and Hawthorne carllne. high and grade schools, rhone T'ahor 7526. 1412 V Clay street. Price $3200: $1000 cash WEST SIDE SIXTH AND CARUTHERS. Bungalow. 6 rooma. big lot. trees, etc. Only $3200, terms $20 monthly If desired. QUTNN 26 Morgan Bldg. Realtor. ISOO 4-ROOM house, In good condition, lot 60x100, K, loth St., between Fremont and Shaver. Will consider late model, mall car as part payment, balance trms. 42 r.. sin IRVINGTON FINE HOME, 18th near Stanton, artistic design, oak floors, 7 rooms. Ivory finish, garage. Owner leaving city. Neuhausen, East 394, Mall 8(1,8. ean in. w. .nn ttiiiA tiann 4-room plastered bungalow, Dutch kitchen, gas, electricity. 2 blocks to Ken ton car: $200 down, balance like rent. Alain MVH. evenins" Q" 4-ROOM modern bungalow; U lots; no agenta Owner, 4225 44th st. S. K. I'hone 43.1-41. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS F.XCLUSIVELY. ttt huva in nice modern homes BROOK E. Msr. 4827. Phons mornings YF A HOME Is worth buying the title Is worth Insuring. No abstract required. Title ft Trust company. 91 Fourth st. 1 A mt Kl.H i hst NEW NEW. VERY CLEVERLY BUILT bungslow of 6 rooms and full-fioored attic. Fuli cement basement, trays. Fireplace, all modern bullt-lns, cabinet Kitcnen. nnrnn eUHt noelc Ivnrv and tanestrv interior hilwd floors. SEE THIS AND MAKE US AN OFFER. MARSH ft McCABB CO., REALTORS. 322-8-4 Falling Blilg. Marshall 30113. IHIttin I'ROPKHTV FOR $2200. Large 2-story 7-room house, plastered, with plumbing, electric ngncs ami bub. e.inneeled with the sewer: lot 168 W X 112H:; doxens of large bearing fruit trus; It, blorks from car; place Is In poor ccsadltlon and needs the services of a nanay man; iuu casn, e-- Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber of fommerce. mr.H.i'l.ASM Itl'.SI DUNCE. For sale far below value, one of the most modern homes In select part oi Nob Hill, with ample grounds; owner will not permit advertising. Particulars and Information regarding this property can only be furnished on application at my office. Price 125.000 WILLIAM P. MERRY. 301-2 Title Trust Hldg, BIG LOT. fruit, berries, grapes, charming little 6-room plastered home, clean as a pin. electric lights, bath, basement. This Is a very great bargain for $2150, very easy terms, vacant; drive out Powell valley to 76th st. (paved), south to 4,"th ave., 1 block weBt, 1 block north, 4334 75th St. Owner, Mar. 746 forenoons. " BEAUTlKl'l. PENINSULA HOME. ONLY $.'0 DOWN. 7-room residence, modern, fireplace, etc., large lot and fruit galore, near car and school; part of house now rent ed out; easy monthly payments, bal ance $3000. CJl lNN, 206 Mnrg an BMg. Realtor. HKAI. VALUE Woodlawn district, good 3-rm. cot tage, sewer, water, eleotrlo lights, gas, 5o10O lot; beautiful luwn. shads end fruit trees, a sacrifice at $1S00. f.-.oo down, balance easy. W. M. Umbden stock ft Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. Itj.'S. UIWU f'lTV PAHk $4250. On uth st., near Sandy: owner forced to sell this real up-lo-date bungalow. Just 1 yr. old; has hardwood floors and couldn't bs duplicated today for $500 more than Is asked; reasoiinbls terms. W. M. Umbenstnek CoH 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. LOSING $;15H0. MIST SELL. IRVINGTCI.N rlU.vlni, l.fH'ii. 4 rooms wlih sleeping porch, bard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, near car; $1000 cash, balance like rent; no mortgage, leaving city. See It. T. O. Bird, Marshall 1022, Sellwood 2706 evenings. H A WTHOKN E N E W. 42O0 $5(10 DOWN. Nifty bungalow of 5 rooms, breakfast nook, all modern bullt-lns. hdwd. floors, garage, in fine location on 49lh St. Near tilencoe school. JIAHSII & McCABK CO., REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 31193. LAURELHURST. $1000 down, sacrificing a strictly mod ern 4-room Monlsl bungalow, hot-water heater, a pedestal bowl, a built-in bath tub hardwood floors, living room 18x19. lawn, shrubbery snd flowers, garage, large lot. Tabor 2601. 1220 E. Pine St.. nesr 4 1st. nnslR.1V COTTAGE- l.tL'00. 749 IRVING ST.. NEAR 2211 ST. 5-room cottage. In fine condition In side and out; cement basement, cabinet kitchen. $32K), terms. HENDEHSON-BANKUS CO.. 628 Henry Hide. Bdwy. 4754. ITUMSKEU BUNGALOW. 5-room modern bungalow: Moored attic, garage, paved et. : 50x100 ft.; M. A. car. completely furnished, good furniture; $4000 $1000 cash. $40 mouth, lnclud- R.nGATKWOOr A Co.. 16.-.U 4th St.' U400 $400 DOW N, 4-room Montavllla bungalow, close to car and school, best of condition; has fireplace, full rement basement modern plumbing, etc. Win. A. Hughes Co., 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 4102. l'OKTI.AND HEIGHTS. " Modern small house, compact and convenient, on paved street; wonderful view; neur car and school, 5-, 3 Paris drive. Auto 527-2S. or 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1106. " EX-SERVICE MEN. ATTENTION. Use your bonus to build your own home. We will furnish you a lot or 1 to 2 acres snd take second mortgage on the land. For full particulars call Mr. Gray. M. 6550. I) to II- A. M. JUST COMPLETED. IKVINGTON. As a home or speculation: 6 rooms, utrlrtly modern; all built-ins, plme glaas. fixtures, ivory, attic, garage, !nrge lot- $1W0: consider some tratie; $1500 rnsh handles. nroanway .nr.,.,, c'wnr. WOODSTOCK SNAP 7-room modern residence, hullt-lns, sleeping porch, etc. Require $758 to handle, or trade equity for lots or close-In acreage. CJUINN. 206 Morgan Bldg. Realtor. $ino$300' DOWN, five-room house In Alblna ave., toilet snd bsth, 2 bedrooms; on paved street and sewer In and paid. Wm A. Hughes Co.. 218 Railway Ex change bldg. Main 6102. 3250 BEAUTIFUL modern bungalow, Hawthorne ave. enrs, psved streets, a strictly first-class huy and worthy of at tention. Main 3672. MeFARIAND. Realtor. Fa I ling Bid g. -,.j,-,o "NEW BUNGALOW, breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms, full plumbing, 50x100, shade trees, $.",00 down. Call McCiuro. Brtwv 1458. 210 Oregon bldg. WELL located, 7-room modern home. Im mediate possession, bargain for cash: w-ould give terms on part. See owner a t ter 4 P. M. 31 East 22d St. N . iiouo BEAUTIFUL home. I rooms, with sleeping porch. Sell. 680. SoS East 85th st. s 8-ROOM bungalow, partly finished. 40x125 lot. 8 bearing fruit trees snd berries. $750 easy terma AK 106. Oregonian. B OWNER 6-room hnn.-.e, r:.u-e aauiilice. Lst u La-1. &!-. in, a YOU ARB sure of your title If you Insist on Title insurance. Better be safs than nrry. Title ft Trust company. FOR SALE BY OWNER, 8-RM. HOUSE. OVKKTON NEAR 231). BY API'UINT MEN'T. MAIN 8742. NO AGENTS. BY OWNER, In a good location, 7-iootn house and sleeping porch; no agents. Tabir 1926. SEE THESE EXCEPTIONAL. VALUES. These are Just a few of our GOOD BUYS. We have many otliors and wl l bo glad to show them to you st any time FX-SERVK'K MEN, WE HAVE A N. I; HER OF BUYS THAT REcjUlKK Lit SMALL CASH PAYMENTS. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. . .,. $1000 HAWTHORNE EX-SERVICF. MEN ONLY; NOTHING DOWN and $111 per month buys this six room home on 66 2-3x100 lot; Dutch kitchen, cement basement improvements In and paid; real opportunity. $4750 HAWTHORNE B-room bunga low with oak floors, fireplace, cement basement, furnace and garage; nicely finished through out and located In the best of Hawthorns; easy terms Call to day. R. L. MoGREW. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. . Tabor 8892. HOME. Home Is the dearest word to the heart of the American cltlxen. Do you want a real home' Then come with tue to Rose City Park and look at this lovely 8 room bungslow, full basement; hot wa ter heating system; beautiful hardwood floors, large, light, airy kitchen; toilet off back porch; three bedrooms and In closed sleeping porch. You will have to see this home to fully appreciate It. Lot 80x100, garage: eeveral Irult trees and some berries. The price of this lovely home for a quick sale has been reduced to $r.S00. terms $1500 cash and $." per month and Interest. For bargain in roal estate come to MKTZGER-PAKKEtt COMPANY, 2111 Oak St.. near 4th. Hdwy 8156. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Just below ths hill from Alsmeda Park. Broadway car. 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in, Dutch kitchen, full basement, trays and furnace; a very pretty Int. fruit anil shrubs; all Improvements In and paid; price only $4750. DEllit ft POWNDER. 7215 N . W. Ha nit Bldg. M s r524 5 HOUSE, AUTO REPAIR sYlOP AND TOOLS. 60x125. with good 3-room cottsge. auto repair shop fully equipped with tools. In cluding electric motor. Owner hss put his best price on thla for the next week, so make your Inquiries before It . la too late. HENRY W. OODDARD, rtenltor. 24'1 Stark St. Main 831. WALNUT PAHK. Best Part of District. Home of eight very large rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, full basement, furnace, lot 80x100 and graveled alley; six blocks Jefferson high and grade schools. COB A. McKENNA ft CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 8871. PRETTY HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Six rooms, full cement basement and splendid furnace. Attractlvo Inside and out. Al! big rooms. No mortirag. straight contract at 6')!-. $4200 with '.l cash. On 44th st., hi block from Haw thorns car. HAl.PIt HARRIS CO. 816 Chamber nf Commerce. Main 8621. CLOSE IN. east side, 12 rooms, good value, wllli speculative possibility: 2Vi storv bouso. arranged for light house keeping rooms: income, not including living quarters of owner, $150 per month Price $S0O0, terms. Lot alone Is worth total price. P. H. Gran t. Wdln. 5535. FRANKLIN HIGH. $1750. Here's a liurgain; modern style 4-rm. bungalow, only 2 blocks from Franklin high school. Full lot with fruit and garden; easy terms. See A. K. HlU. 426 I.umbermens bldg. ST. JOHNS HEIGHTS"! neur Willamette blvd., 7-room bungalow, new, full ce ment basement, garage, large lot; extra well built: a bargain for $3800, small payment down. Columbia 605. FOR SALE Irvlngton home. $5500. ?,0 down; 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, nlco toinfnrtiible home. Woodlawn 4168. $2550 MOUNT TAHOR $350. 7-room. modern except basement: two lots, fruit. 1 MJnssJJN rgonts. t HOMESBKKEKS 5 room bungalow; price right: corner 558 Killingsworth. Suburban lliiinea. xtoiif.RN 6-room K. C. biuignloff and ' garage. llvW, Jtcaa. 2abvr 614. EX-SOI.D1ERS, ATTENTION ! 2-acre suburban home, sll equipped snd ready for you to move Into, for Jl.iU and apply your bonus: 4-room cottage with gas snd city water, new barn. 50 chickens, 2 hogs and 1 good cow go wlih the Place; this Is Just 3 block, o f Sandy blvd. and 8 blocks from school a buy for $3200. Ask fur F.. C. Marshall. witn FRANK L. McGUIRB 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third st.. bet. Wash.andStark "l'UT YOUK NEW KUliD IN ON A HOME. cm.ii beautiful 7-room bungalow with full cement basement all city conveniences; right on the hit-n way and 6 blk.. from Multnomah sta tnm; extra large lot with ...me fruit an berries; only $4750 with terms, or will accept Ford in us part of (lr,t P llienl. V C. Marshall, wun ..... . t ii;liIRE. enx Ahlnirton bldg.' Main 1068. Third sc., net. Wash, and mark. ' SMALL FAKM-LAUGE IN .OJis. 7 Hi acres. 1 acre in v,""",," In cultivation, rmo m'a '"' ?,""' trees and other kinds of fruit trees shun.lance of berries: 8-room house with f irenlare. electricity snd gas avallnhl, . ml!.' from" l.e.ver.on. At sn unu.u.l nrire of $400, good terma Ask for r . ! . ....k..ii u-it 1. "FRANK" I.. McGUIRE. 205 Abington BMg. M'n 10 64. Third st. b't. Wash, and Stark. . rTritK beauty, all in cultivation, groi.es. berries currants, frull. modern bungs. uZ 'plastered, fin. finish. '"' nrlvate water svstem, engine snd tank. modern chicken hou--. barn, ga rage" close to paved hUrhway. n.in-ut.-.' walk to depot. ,n7,',I:-,,Sw) 10 mile, to Portland; only $5500. $- rash, balsnce on time, or "",."" gent a John w. Anon, trade, no nrcinn. Box 78. GOOD HOME ON AN ALUS- 1 sere, all In cultivation with fO young fruit trees; 4-rooin col tags with FRANK L. McGLIRfc. 205 Abington bldg. Main 1068. Third el., bet. VashsndKtarJt ..-.-.7,7; iFTia Ul-Il-K ACTION.. rienoilfiil country homo. Just Isbed; srtlstlc rusllo bungalow flri- 4 roci nis i..i ..ditiir H-W "west f" onV" e.,.; on good b' Tl,v.r'.":.anr,y.,1,o':nerrst sacrifice W. M. I'mbclen.to.k & Co.. S,o i-irenon bldg. Broadway 16-8. . all r l'.TCTi.-' l.uel rich bottom land, cultivated. 'good rnrk roud. close to stn flon school and smr.s: 3-r. house good ban . orchard, running water, "no for chickens, ducks or dairy; 20 miles out; '-.uil $500 cash, halance tonus. - A. M HOWELL. 408 Hoard of Trane HOME SITE AND BUNGALOW j . c. i e"' Over quarter-acre with 8-room bun galow water, gas. electricity; only 4 bToek. to Pacific highway; "-cent com- muters' fare; small down Pff" '" nnsseaslnn. See owner, ouu h!,lc. 2d and Stark. Concord "oh rarllnes: 5-r. tottev. ei-cjci ii ii . cement casement, ui. - --. for 500 t iii. keiis. running water. J rlco and term, right 40 Hnar.l of Trade. fir SUBURBAN bungalow. 1 ncre. rir trees. Bull Run water, gas. $18.i0; $350 cash, n.lanco terms: bungalow unfinished but can be occupied and completed in spare -.oe E. P. Vlgars. owner. 120U Welle-FsrgO bldlt. CoTnU to California, my 2'., erea, fine nil. mostly cultivate,!. Hi 4-room house, ror jiooo on i-i ! " Umbdenstock Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Broa djvav 1 658. jTifrTsV Mar. 7'.!tl for suburban homes and ncr'ej One log cabin. 5 acres, luiel; -tw L house. 1 acre. $750; 8-rm. house, west side; all bargains; part cash or trade b a 1 , ncee a s v l e rlMj J 6 Corbel t St. cT'T E3 -ROOM" B 1 ! N G A I. O" W $ 1 1 3 0 . $300 cash, balance easy terms, wooded ,c"e, near electric station and Portland; electric lights, piped water "I..I s go! M c F a r 1 a nd. Realtor, Falling bldg. NEW-sTtooM. 4 ncre, on carllne: south ' of 72d st ; water, gas. lights; $lo75. $250 down. B57Mrgnhrlg. iV.-.n SM I.L house, 5 acres, fruit, ber ries garden land, sll cultivated. lie Farisnd. Res!torFslllng blrtn. For tvtle Acreuge. Sackks to acres. Alberta car; city water: city achool; no assessments or gravel: $10 dnwn. $10 month. . W. dry. 1219 N. W. Bank bl d K- 5 ACRES. 1 S'-re In berries, 2 seres fom-ed ; small shack; shout 150 cords "f wood, not cut; 0 miles from city limits of Portland, price JHioo, terms. 153 Vi 1st etj room 1. Nelson. 7-A c It E chic ken ranch, rlKhl nn paved highway, smsll bouse, barn, fruit, extra good buy at $1250. $150 dnwn. DRAPER. 418 Hoard of Trade. J3K30 GOOD 16 acres, 3-room house, bain. 2 henhouses, orchard, near fhool and paved highway, terms. McFanand Realtor. Falling bldg. FOIt SALE tin acres, 1 inlla west of M'' Mlnnvllle, easy terms. Inquire W. K Webb, M cMlnnvtlle. ( ir. BY OWNER. 0 beautiful acre", cleared, fine soil, close to Portland; w-,,iild divide. Phnnescjj. 1381. HI) lib. oreji on i.i n 77Ttntr'B-. mi.,uM ,-i.,-e in .t in i, ..T, .... I VAUcr, Last ili. - .