18 TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBElt 11, 1921 J1 Et,PVAXTETM. I.E. Help A V antral halfwmfn. BALKS MANAGERS. I want Immediately three high-class fnen, preferably trmn who are mechan ically inclined nn-1 have had selling ex perience In ome branch of the automo bile industry. These men are wanted to become District Managers for the or ganization and operation of this terri tory for an automobile necessity; one which has no competition, and for which there la a, tremendous demand. These men will not be required to make any Investment excepting 100 per cm of their time and energy. Their territory will be exclusive. They should have cart and be able to finance their own expense during the organization stance of the business. I want to talk only with men of proven ability, of (jood personality, and established reputation, men who will not be p.iu.fi"d with earning less than f 10.000 per year. To three such men I can offer a busi ness opportunity of a. lifetime, one which will be pleasant, prof i table and permanent with future possibilities lim- ' Red only by the ability of the men themselves. Phone Mr. Runvin. Room .120. Port land Hotel, for interview Tuesday or ft ednesday. HELP W.WTKD-KEMALK. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general housework, small house, 3 in family; highest wages paid. Main 702S. II.' I Frankiin L WANTED Good respons.ble girt or woman to stay with children during day while mother works; $15 month, board, and room. MM doing St.. A Iberta car. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANT reliable woman to care for fiat by the week. On; to sleep at home preferred. Easy place. Phone Auto. .11't-u7. between 0 and 11 A. M. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and housework, 2 adult; gn furnace, no washing, good wages. Telephone Still- wood Ml. CACABLK, experienced girl or woman to care lor children, a. 4 ana o, .oiaiu NEAT, congenial middle-aged wanted for general housework riren; wages $oU. Tabor U'tml. COM I'KT KM. cook In famiiy racks. woman 3 chil neral housework. ; Call at 14'JA Vancouver bar WANT an experienced woman for general housework; good wages. Call East or 5H0 East Madison. HOW MUCH are your brains worth? We can tell you If rou are honest and Indus trious, be you banker or rancher; we can how you how you can Increase your in come by applying your brains and Indus try to a business that is dally growing; where your income is limited only by your effort; we start you in business without any investment on your part ; selling ability Is essentia! but not neces sary; choice territory Is available in Oregon. For full particulars address Binrtch f'hemical company, fi70 3d St., Oakland, f'al. responsible: salesmen. Best moneymaker ever on market; combination burglar alarm and window lock, will Jock window In any position and give efficient burglar protection; r tails for 7o cents, netting you from $2 40 to $ on each mile; responsible sales manager wanted for Htates of Ore gon and Washington : must be able to carry own stock financially. N 78, Ore gon Ian. V"K HAVK a position open for 2 or 3 good men who have made good selling stocks, bonds, life Insurance or books; to such a man we can offer a position where his earning power Is unlimited ; we want men of mature age and experience; If not. do not bother us. Ask for Mr. Win ters. ;i28 Artisan bldg.. lO to 12 A. M. or 2 to 4 I. M. b KAN E a good deal for a live salesman. See Mr. Clark. 522 Veon bldg. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Man aa partner for trip, take motion picture. "S. Oregonlan. HEALTH, accident and hospital insurance. Big commission. JVOt Corbett bldg. IIKTJ' WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Two well-educated women, over 2H years of nue and under 45, with pleasing personality and good appear ance; leeching, business or sales expe rience; you must be foot-loose and will ing to study and follow directions; work Is pleasant, dignified and profitable ; rou will be Associated with women maki ng $.1000 or more per year; salary and railroad fare to start; do not answer this ad unless vou, have qualifications specified. Mr. Phillips, 6 E. Randolph St., Chicago. . HIGH school or business college girl to assist with housework for room, board and small wages. Marshall P10. Apt. 44. WANTED A strong middle-age woman to do housework for three, victor Han dles, Forest Grove, Oregon GIRL or woman for general housework. East K33. WoMAN mr general housework, two aduUs and one child. Woodlawn 2171. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE, WANTED A FIRfaT-CLASS PASTRY HA K EH, DAT WORK, STEADY POSI TION. SELLWOOD BAKERY, 650 UMATILLA. thi-:h hi is a fine opening at the Oregon bath house at Salem for a firM-dass gentleman and lady masaeux; preferab.y husnana ana wire. HELP W A NTED WITH IN V ESTM KXT. WANTED A man who understands the laundry business and who has a small amount of capital to take over a laundry that has a good future and all ready to operate. This Is an opportunity of a life time. Chapin Staples Investment Co., Reedwport, Or. HAVE fine proposition In manufacturing business for live young partner wun $2.10 to $300; wonderful opportunity -and Immediate returns assured. Y bO. Ore gon tan "WANTED Reliable partner to help open real estate office; some traveling snow ing farms, hotels, etc.; $4 required (business). Write Mr. Parker, or ca.ll 110 W. 8th at., Vancouver, Wash. WILL sell territory in state of Washington on back guaranty article 10 epeciuaL? salesman. AM 10', Oregonlan. WANTED. Male or female to invest 20O to $1000 with services. X 942. Oregonlan. BrrrATioNs wanted mams. CHEF" First-lass cook, European or American dishes; best references; gooa man for hotel or club. K 101, Orego HOOK repairing and painting, any color. 1'rlce irom l to a cents a qi. nunurrur, of satisfied customers art our references. Main :71 or Main 1134. SALESLADIES. We are In need of 2 or 3 Intelligent amlesiadies who can handle a real man's Job. It requires self-confidence, a pleas ing personality and lots of pep; to such a lady 27 years old or over w can offer a position where your earnings can be limited only by your own ability; please do not call unless you can measure up to the above requirements. Call for Mr. Winters. 328 Artisan bldg., 10 to 12 A. M. or 2 to 4 P. M. THB OLD 3. WORTMAN ft KTNO STORTC requires the services of an experienced candy saleswoman. Must understand packing, tleing, etc. Apply superintend e uts office. U:15 to 10:30 A. M. WANTED SEVERAL TOTTNTJ LADIES for positions In our offices typing and general office work. Apply, 8 to 10 A. M., Montgomery-Ward & Co.. 27th and Vaughn. EXPERIENCED woman for general house work, small family, modern home; must be good cook ; highest wage. E. 306a 62U E. 20th N. CA lU'KM'EH AND CEMENT WORK. General contracting 20 years in cltx. best recommendations. Call Main 7i26. 4s;t W-t Park st. PAINTING AND PAPERING. FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED AT REASONARLE PRICES. J. H. JENKINS. E. 7842. COMPETENT married man wants apt house to manage; exp. engineer; only first-class place considered. BD 111, Oregonlan. MAN OF responsibility, business and elec trlcul mechanical operating experience, desires night work, b hours. AK 108, Oregonlan. THOROUGHLY experienced apt. or hotel mgr. and wife want position ; take full charge; will give bond. Phune Marshall 3 02. . . A NO. 1. JANITOR, building and offices; expert window washer; not afraid, of work; married. T. Wilson, 1113 F. St., Oe n t ralia. Wash. WANTED Connection with firm whose future offers nossibllittes for wide iwuke. rtroe ressive voune married man capable executive, experienced retail at ore management, general merchan dise. clothing, furnishing a shoes, cred its, collections, sale letters; road sales experience; open for anything except oil stock or lite insurance; turnisn own car if necessary: references. Phone lidwy. 3910. Mr. Ward. YOUNG ex-service man. 30. executive married, desires opportunity to advance in reliable Portland firm; business piui university and college training; continu Ing with reading of law: has held re sponsible positions, foreign, middle west and coast: nas car lor business ana can invest; references exchanged. BU 111 Oregonlan, CONCRETE WORK. Have con. mixer, will figure any kind of concrete work cheap or fill your forms by yd. or Job. Phone even,. Mar. 740. vnirv: viRRipn rVYTTPr.w willing to do any kind of work; good cook nd housekeener. farm work, jani tor or general handy man. BD U7, Oregonlan. FILIPINO wants work by contract, spe ftlnlizA In fruit harvesting. aDDle nick ing or any kind of work by hand; wood cutting and land clearing; country or city. Address Y 7, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED automobile mechanic wan La position; can run shop and handle men, 14 years' experience; will go out of town or state if necessary. AK lid, Ore- gonian. PAINTING. TINTING. FMmt-fliiKH work reasonably, best ma terwiiu and workmanship. Gaither, Mar shall 2703. BOY, NEARLY 1. wants position with chance of advancement ; noi going i school. Phone East 8430. 435 Eat 9th st. South. PAINTING house, painting, tinting. For reliable work call Main 4W'.n, a pt. . Bovkkeeprrs, Wtenograpliers, Office. MARhlKD man US vears old. stenograph er, bookkeeper, general office man, witn executive ability, desires position where there is a chance or advancement; ex celient references. H Oregonian. boo K KEEPER, 15 years' experience an n f nArmatienf or tMiiimrarv DOsKlon, in or out of town ; can furnih best of references. A M 10:. oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants per manent employment; general oriice wor preferred : can furnish reference. AK 101, Oregon ia n. YOUNG man. lt 12 years' experience bank ing ana general omce worn, aesires jjh mediute position: best relerenoes. AM 1 (W. Oogonlan. EXI'EKIENCED bookkeepr wants part time work either mornings or evenings, AK 123. Oregonian. OMIKTKT c-irl would lfk DOtiition doctors assistant; is aiso stenograpner. A J 1 . Oregonian. Salesmen. SALESMAN, experienced, hustler, any line have car. x 4. oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE.. WANTED. POSITION: ANT KIND OK CLERICAL WORK. GOOD At r 1U- i; RES. EXPERIENCED IN FILING AND SWITCHBOARD. CALL EAST '2VM. A WOMAN of 40 want general office work or a position in a small store business tralnine : capable and willing city references; $15 per week. Phone Automatic 311'-12. O. S. MOTHERS. ATTENTION. Leave your kiddles at "The Play House" when shopping or at work; lunches, games and stones. Information, call .Mar. 3!73. ' MIDDLE-AGED lady with business expe rience wishes full cnarire oi large, moa em apartment bouse; references. G 11 oregonian. MRS. RUTH OLSON BROWN. M. G.. giad uate from Stockholm, Sweden ; massage and medical g mna sties; home treat ments for hidles. Phone Marshall 1U1. COMPETENT woman wishes care of chil dren or second work; children prererrea excellent references; beat w-ages. Wood lawn B1DT. ' GOOD took desires position; mall hotel or camp, married. Address T. Wilson, 1 1 1 K St.. Centralla, Wajh. CARPENTER New or repair work; small jobs promptly done; enttmates cheerfully given. Tabor rQM, 'THE LITTLE jobs that dad won t do." Roofs repaired and treated. Tabor 43. Automatic HiM-'.. WANTED Work for 2Vi-ton truck. Will take any kind of hauling. Have trailer If needed. Call Marshall IiSiS. TEAM WORK WANTED. Plowing lots, digging basements; reasonable pricey. Main 1 lox. WANTED Women to trim Apple a, Bryant &. Co., lath and Tacoma. Seiwood car. WANTED A well-educated and resource ful young woman to represent Educa tional Association In Oregon and Wash ington. Rapid promotion for right per sn. B lott. Oregonlan. CuiU'KTK.N'l', trustworthy Homun, over o. for -housekeeper and care of 2 small children while mother works; must take full charge ; good wages to right pajty. Call :,: East Couch st. EXPERIENCED ales woman to travel for special proposition connected with child welfare work. R. R. fare paid and liberal commission, with chance for advaacu tmnt. Y SS. Oregonian. ENERGETIC, capable woman who has reached years of discretion for business opening in Med ford. Mut be sympa thetic and Interested In humanity. Not an office position. R 10s. Oregonlan. VANTED a energetic . women who can spare from 2 to i hrs. a day. Pleasant outside work. Can make 1 to $1.50 per hour. C'.'T Corbett bldg. AN V U1RL in need of a fnenl app'y to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair nd Alexander streets. Phone Main JH.-.O. DM car. STUDENTS of applied psychology to make calls HJid enroll student, etc.. attrac tive commission: steady job. Apply 073 W 1st St.. cur. Grant, after 10 A. M. SioCSHK EEJ'ER to work few hours after- noons for her apartment. ave. Heller ajmrtnients. t home. 2UMi Grand cor, MaW COOKS, private homes, $70; gen. house work, tU; exp. second maids and other fositions. Scott's Empl. Bureau, 320 lenrybldg. fiTENOGRA I'liEll, assistant bookkeeper, checking invoices, able to take trial bal ance; very pleasant office. Williams Personnel Service. 504 Spalding bldg. SoLNG woman to wuh silverware, S.'ttPa, month, board and room. Call 24 Burn slde tiT K NOG R A PIIER for farm loans, insur ance and real estate office in small town. Main IttS. IF WANTED expressman at a rea-sonable price call E. Calvin. Tabor b010 or Main 4S40. We make early tripw. PAINTING and kalsomintng done, prices reasonable, estimates given. Clausen. 654 Johnson street, phone Hdwy. 6 IB. CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK. Oarages, driveway, general contract ing, reasonable. Main 7MV -H4 Mill st. CAUPENTKR. and builuer; :to years ex perience; lew or repair work. Estimates free. Get my fjgm-vg. East fi.tT:.. WANTED Hauling or delivering for a IS -ton Reo Speed Wagon, nearly new; wholesale house preferred. Wdln. 3QtS. AS JANITOR, experienced and has excel lent references; office building preferred. V regonian. or phone East 47. COl'l'LE with experienco wislna to ti.ke care of apt. house for apt. lidwy. 4Jy.". Apt. 4. ALL AROUND machinist wishes work in shop, manufacturing place or anything. AN 8S, Oregonlan. CHEK Experienced, first class. desires position In hotel, club, city or country. H. y. Tanaka. 5S N. 4th st. JAPANKSE boy wifihes position as family cook ; can alw drive car. Automatic 3IS-60. room 3i'T. RELIABLE woman wants housework. downstairs work and cooking; no wash- lntr and Sundays off; fUl weekly. East 4 it::;. r WCULD like to hear from someone who will rive first-class music lessons in ex change for services in home, room and hoard. A V 44. oregonian. EXPERIENCED, trust wortby isay wants housccleauing. washing. other work. Good noilc guaranteed. Wdin. 6H0i. EXCELLENT piano teacher (colored) will come to home ; beginners a specially Woodlawn 340. LACE AMD fciALlv SCRIM AND MAR WUISETTE CURTAIN3 don up like new W i il ea li. East b3lB. WANTED Hy an experienced middle-aged woman as clerk In bakery. Phone Tabor KUD. CA PA RLE w oman with child would like charge of rooming hoouse or apartments. Y M. Ori'gniitn. , WILL care for children evenings while parent axe away ; references. Wood lawn 1U1 1. TWO LADIES would like work la cracker or candy factory or any kind of light work. Main l.m4. WOMAN wants upstairs work, large home out ; menu, sew ; reierenees. ijla, i re g o n i a n . EXPERIENCED day worker. Phone Sell-wood KKLI A Bl.K woman wants housework, small pi aln family. Woodlawn ljjo. WOMAN want dav work. Tuesday and Thurfwla v. Woodlawn t'T. WILL board children in my home ; tiikfn. Phone Aut. U'-t-V.V babies FIRST-CLASS demonstrator available. Ad. dress 104 tiatn ave. s. r-. WOMAN wants day work. Call Wood lawn r,ac,. CJ'KAMNC, window washing, laundry. Mrs. Chnstensen. Mnln M!!1.'. HIGH SCHOOL student. a worker, wants work for board and room. East OUINI STUDENT, -0 years old, wants work after school and Saturdays. East 212, apt. 38, after 4 P. M. REGISTERED dTUggist wants 4 or 5 hours' work each day. AK 14, Oreffo nian. , A POSITION as watchman; have expe rience; married; reliable. T. Wilson, 1112 V St.. Centralia, Waoh. - A. NO. 1 GARDENER and lawn man. n-ot afraid of work, married. T. Wilson, 111 F st.. Centralia. Wash. CARPENTER, contracting, alterations and repairs, reliable mechanic. Shop 24th and Washington sts. Res. Bdwy. 24S7. AUTOMOBILE mechanic desires employ ment in shop or garage. Call Broadway 1S2, room 5. EXPERIENCED shoe upper stitchers. Ap ply Theo. Hergmann Shoe Mfg. Co., til Thurman st. ftlOL'SE KEEPER wanted, middle-aged woman. Inquire grocery More, corner Yam hill an d Park. WA NTED Experienced young waitress good pay. Appiy at 713 Main st., Van couver, Wash. yol'N'G lady to operate dictaphone and do general office work; state experience. A J IL'4. Oregonian. WANTED Lady to care for 4-ruom apt. and be companion for Invalid lady during the day. 5'.'"J Salmon, apt. -. THE KLOKtALL MwTi&M'OX home is ready to help ary girl In distress. 9$i East Gllaan. "MV" car. East 3 1 6. 1 O L A j woms:i wanting employment as telephone operators, call st room oi Telephone bidg.. i'ark and Oak streets SEVERAL ladles experienced In selling for an attractive Xmas line In and out of city. See Mr. Phelps. tUl Co uch bldg. GIRL wanted for light housework In small a pt. 411 Rrni t d w a y . fcTjONOOHArHKK. state experience -ilary desired. Y 7lt. Oregon ian. and VrNT practical nurse and to assist with iwcjml work. Marxha 1 1 vii L for general housework and care of ty. Call Woodlawn 4771. wanted. ;4.-. fth ft. Apply I. L. GIRL wanted for lunch room. Main 31tt. Wanted Domewti cw. WOMAN for general housework; must be good plain cook; $tl; references required. Tabor .y.OO. COMPETENT young woman with refer encea. for general housework. Marshall WA NT girl for -ooktng and downstairs work In small family; best wages. Phone mornings. Main .".-. 4". AN EXPERIENCED second maid. Apply to 554 Davis st., or phone Bdwy. 3743 before 11 A. M. References required. WANT experienced girl for general houwe work. small family; references required. Auto y.Utt-.T.V WANTED Good girl for aeneral house work, rmall family, wages $25 per mo. Phone Tabor 131. GIRL for general housework, good wages. Mnrshall 4MV.1, 747 Glisan st. G1KL Xor general housework. Wdln. 34-4. EXPERIENCED gardener wants work by day or month. R- S., u'J7 Division St., ctty RESHINGLING. BY EXPERIENCED SH I NGLER. EAST BPS 4. CARPENTER work wanted; and repairing. E. R503. new work SHINGLING done, any kind and any kind weather. Tabor ."7:ui. WANTED Work on dairy farm. BD 106, Oregonlan MAN WANTS any kind of work lu city. Aug. Neuman. Marshall 334-'. SHINGLERS WHEN YOU NEED A SH 1 NGLER. CALL MAIN filOO. XO PUT wood in basement, reasonable. Cflli Woodlawn 3413. 2-TON .truck wants work. Call day or night. Seliwood at.so ROOFS r'-paired and painted, reasonable. Tabor 0. MA K K I ED man needs work, painting. Kal somining. Mat 'in. Fn.t 11U. WORK, wanted, cement finishing of any kind. Call Mir, ti'.ft. WANT job in grocery store, some experi ence; small wages start. ISfQA E.jiruhst. CEMENT floors. - drives. steps, walks, walls and garages. Woodlawn 1TS5. CEMENT cesspool, sewer connections, base ments. Call Marshall 3510. PA PHR HANGING, etc., Bennett. 7i3. Union nve. N. Phone Wdln. l!i0. CONTRACT cutting cord wood. lM.it Concord st. Address COLLEGE student wants Job after 4 P. M. to puy tor bd. and rin. M 71. Oregonlan ROOF repairing and shlngung, prices rea nonable, work guaranteed. Tel. SHINGLING and reshingllng done very rea sona bie. East S.' 0. Wood sawing done reasonably. tabor 347'j. even lengths. BRICK contractor, everytmng in the brick line. Tabor 87D3. CEMENT work or all kinds good work guaranteed. Sell. 01. PAINTING and tinting, good work, rea sonable J Claui-en. Wdln. 5414. ROOFS painted all colors. Leaks repaired, first-class work, reasonable. Wdin. toj. SHINGLERS When you need redhlngdng done, call Marshal 1072 POSITION by experienced man a janitor, watchman or caretaker. Tabor 877!. CALL Woodlawn 4'il.'i for painting .and tinting-, best material. JAPANESE want position a.t porter. Call alter 3 P. M. Auto. 513-H.V ODD JOBS, DAY OR HOUR; REASON ABLE. ROOM 17. EAST :fl7. HALTING WANTED 3-ton truck; wood or lumber. Y 111. Oregonian. PAINTING and tinting reasonable. I have tools, Woodlawn 6vo. 163 E. 17th N. WOMAN wants day worK washing and ironing. Auto 635-81. EXPERIENCED woman wi?hes work in art or mu.ic store. BD Oregoplan. DAY WORK OR ODD HOURS. U7, EAST 567. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST BluO. WANTED Work by the hour on Mondays. Tuesdsys and Saturdays. Call E. 5783. Bookkeepers, Stenographer. Office. EXPERIENCED, refined, well - educated young lady would like position as as sistant book-e-eper; can operate type writer, telie distaphone dictation or any kind of clerical work; good references furnished. Phone E. 4170. CONSCIENTIOUS young lad desires posi tion In office as assistant where there is chance for advancement. Have typing and shorthand experience. Phone Broad way 'J037. STENOGRAPHIC work and bookkeeping done outside of your office at a flat monthly rate. Professional. technical and commercial lines. Satisfaction guar anteed. 1014 Wilcox bldg. Main 8140. EXPERIENCED stenographer, familiar with legal work, desires position in small town near Portland. Phone Tabor 9Gti or 3S3 E. fth st., Portland FOR STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS AND OFFICE HELP CALL Mar. 3153. Williams Service. 004 Spald ing bldg.; no charge to employers. YOUNG lady desires clerical position with light stenographic work: some experi ence. Phone Miss Erickson, Marshall l-'tMt. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. N arses. PRACTICAL nurwe will care for children. eiaerly or mml-invalids in my own home. Splendid ref. Tabor li.-.S. NURSE wishes position in physician's of- nre. r.ast ISIS, apt. 3U4. CHEERFUL practical nurse; women or cn iinren. Broadway 3u. apt. 3 . Jlousckeepe rs. LADY, with child, wants h. k. on west side, or chambermaid in small hotel. Phone before noon. Main room 3. YOUNG lady wishes housekeeping for young gentleman with 1 or - children. or young men s clun. Knone i-.ast REFINED English lady wants housekeep ing for widower or doctor. K 61. Ore-gonlan. Ml Di ) LE-AGED woman wants position as housekeeper for widower with children. Marshall 3038. Ilousecleaniiig. HOUSECLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur niture polijhed. carpets cleaned, a win dows washed. CITY HOUSECLEAN1NO SERVICB. 188 Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms In Prtvatr Family. WEST SIDE: Clean, front room, well heated; reasonable: for 1 or 2 gentle men; close in, near library, no carfare. Phono Main 075S. BEAUTIFUL room in private home; twin beds, parlor, piano, home conveniences, t clojiein; congenial young jnan wishes roommate, $3.50 per week, ttl N. lbth st. Broadway 2721. PLEA 3 ANT room in modern Portland Heights home: near car. furnace heated and convenient to bath; breakfast if desired. Marshall 2!84. DESIRABLE room in steam -heated apt. three windows, walking distance, west sine; references. Phone Mar. 4t- even i n g-s. L.a dy employed. LARGE, sunny, front room, beautifully furnished, meals if desired; suitable for 2 men ; no children. C. S. home. 414 Market st.. corner 11th. WANTFD TO RENT. Houses, i RENTAL BUREAU. 1,1st your houses, fiats or spartmntj with us; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., d3 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3714. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. Would Ijte to rent a strictly modern house wita high-grade furniture. Can give best of references. Must have 6 rooms at least. Wlil not pay over $73 a month. Must have house with garage. Phone Auto. ilS-o2. TWO ADULTS with reference, permanent, desire a six-room unturnii-nen Dungaiow in choice district before Nov. 1 ; best care will be taken of premises. Phone Mr. 'Young, Broadway 6300 after 9 A. M. Monday. Oct- 10. LlS't' your houses and tiats with us for rent, we have many dan cans lor in all parts of the city. PARRlSii. W ATKINS A CO.. 2.12 tark St. Main 1644 MODERN well furnished 6-room bunga low with garage, not too far out, in lrvlngton, Laurelhurst or Portland Hts. dlstnot. Broadway 5U0H. RESPONSIBLE business man wishes to rent 4 to o-room comfortable iurnisnea house with garage. Good locality. Moore, Ea.-t 1134. WILL lease for year or more, seven (7) to nine (u)-room iurnisnea nome on easi. side; want something fine. East 2794. WANT a good home for girl 13 years; must furnish reterence. a.m i"i. uregonmn. Apartments. GIRL would like share apt. with, girl hav- Ing one. C 1M. Oregonian. ROOM for 2 girls or man and wife enii ployed; could also give kitchen prlvi leges to either; reasonable. Marshal 4'n;t LARGE, well-turnished front room, suit ablet for two; meals or housekeeping privileges if deelred. 241 E. 3,7th, cor ner Main. Tabor 222S. CLEAN, comfortable room in refined home suitable for two; reasonable. Call Ta hor 5rt0. a LOVELY" front sleeping room in private family, close in, east aide. 620 East Main St., near lOr h. YOUNG lady in own home will share home with congenial working girl; home priv ileges; rent reasonable. Call Tabor 5tJ0. LARGE, clean room with congenial people lor young man; to per mo. out oiisan. tiroaa way L".'.-u. FOR gentleman, comfortably furnished room, all modern conveniences; walking distance, jo t. tn. r. NICELY furnished bedroom, next to bath steam heat: near Good Samaritan hos pltal : ref. exchanged. Main J44'.. NICELY furnis-hed room, bath and phone walkuig distance; 3. 301 14th st. Auto. LA RGE, neatly furnished bedroom, walk lng distance. $2.23 a week. 421 0th st. Itoorm With Hoard. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HO YT STS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential ho- re is on tne Pacltic coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.30 a day up. rates by day or month. Meals served ro transient. STEAM-HEATED room, private entrance preferred, by middle-aged man. u luo. ( regonian. Koom s Hit h Board. BY OFFICE man. good habits, clean; wish room and board in congenial rrotesiaui home where someone p. ays the piano, aj 1 U3, Orego-n;an. Flat 8. DUPLEX Hat of 4 rooms and sleeping porch, or five rooms; must be modern, hardwood floors and preter ivory wooa work. Main 4tiCi. Housekeeping Kooms. LADY employed wants housekeeping room in private family. ni r:a, oregonian. SuineKS Places. WANTED To rent s-tororoom with living room. In good location lor grocery store. Wdln. Jh3ti. FOR RENT. A WELL-HEATED, llfiht and airy room and bath; also a suite; rent to remieu bachelor or lady employed; reference re quired. 106 St. Clair at., corner of Wash ington. -. Furnished Room. MODERN ROOMS. 7t WEEK AND UP. $1 PER IJIGHT AND UP CLASSY, .vinmo with nrlvHie bath, clean. Well furnished. light. warm; all ouuide rooms. They're right. THE BAKER. 203 FIFTH STREET. The Misses Rhyne and Peterson, Props. HOTEL CLIFFORD FRINCIFAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST fiTH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. 1123 PER DAY, $ PER WK. AND UP. C .''VENlENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES. CALL AT Y. il. C. a. to see free .!st of moderate priced rooms tor young men in all parts of the city. Including rooms at the central Y. M. C. A., wltt. telephone in each room, shower baths an club facilities. GORDON HOTEL, 174 West Park st. Main 202. Clean, modern room at reasonable prices; telephone service Included; tran tticnt and permanent guests desired. NETHERLANDS HOTEL. 12ft 13th St.. at Washington. New Management Newly Renovated. Fireproof, attractive, spotless rooms, with or without bath. Ji week up. 1 day; clore o business center ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st. at Washington. Rate $4 per week up. 1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms. close to amusements and shopping center. ANGELA HOTEL, 23 Washington etreet. Large looby, automatic eievaior, pnone and runnii g water In each room, rooms with or without bath. $3.50 per week up; excellent home-cooked meals next door. ONE OF THE finest homes in the city, now converted into an exclusive famlU' notei. catring to families, business men and women ; home conveniences, home cooking, large grounds, porches, sleep Ing porchet. garages, etc. Rates rea son ahleFhoneEa. t7 3 S4. 223 E. 20th. WHITEHALL RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, ..3 8TH STREET. Portland downtown lamlly 'hotel. rooms, en suite or single, with or witn out board, for business men and women and famlliea. Come and make your home with us; reasonapio rates. NORTON1 A HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without loard. for families and. business meo and women. We give you ail the com foils of a heme. Reasonable rates. LARGE sunnv front room with board, suit able for 1 or 2 people. Furnace heated, close in on west side. Home privilege. Very reasonable. Aut. Mft-36. THE NORTON. 12th and Morrison ; family hotel : rooms en suite or single, wun or witnout ooaro. reasonable rates. . UN DER new management : Parkview resi dent la 1 hotel; modern and up to date In every respect; walking distance; mod erate rates. JSo Montgomery st. BOARD, room and nurse old people; best or care and trained nurwn; reasoname. Carolina home, 472 Seilwood blvd. Seli- wood 3 BO 4. ROOM and board for buMne.se girls; al modern conveniences: walking distance; per week, uto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st DINNERS 30c at the Soule. cooked ilk mother cooked lt 11th st Rooms With Board in Private Family. PLEASANT corner room, modern home, suitable for 2, also room and board for young man willing to share room, with congenial young man. Phone Marshall M. CICELY furnished room with board; beau tiful home. Nob Hill dlsttict; furnace heat, home privileges; h block carline; $3 month. 738 Kearney. Marshall 3952. CLEAN, pleasant room. with best of meals, also single room in congenial home; other boarders; furnace heat, hot water; reasonable for 2 men ; close in. tiM Lovejoy. " NIJ ELY furnished rooms and board in private family; have double rooms with beds, all new, furnace heat, all home privileges: walking dista nee. East 131 S. LA RG E, nicely furnished room with good home cooking, suitable for 2. 3 or 4 men; price reasonable. tt(9 Union ave. N. East 3t;3. TWO LARGE furnished front rooms In modern home, with refined family; fur nace heat, hot water, home cooking. Tabor 4SS. ROOM and board In musician's home. $33 per month each if two young men room together. Call at 1U East isth st- M. T. or S. S. car. HOTELS ROWLAND, ANNEX. MARYLAND. VIRGINIA. 170 guest rooms, 207-2114 4th ml. Rates 73c, 1 per day. With oath. 11.30 da: UP- WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate jy week or month. THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th, corner Alder A RESPH-UTAiil- aown-town numu Rates 73c up. Private bath, 12. Special rates by week or month EUCLID HOTEL 373 Washing-ton. at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private bat ha. Rates to permanent guests Hdwy. 2682. HOTEL CONRAD1NE. 22 North 10th St.. 2 blocks north of Washington st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. 2 WEEK. Clean furnished room: steam heat, hot water, bath, etc. 403 Park L, corner HarrUon. WE HAVE a warm, rheorful room for two; will serve breakfast; reniusj home, charming locality ; splendid car service Aut. 218-71. LARGE, pleasant room, furnished or un furnished, with board; furnace heat, walking distance ; one block from car; fine location. Phone East ti.03. I HAVE opened my 1-room home to working girls only. With all privileges and comforts of your home. 474 East Ash 5t. East :i."i33. BOARD and room $1 a day; breakfast with room, $15. Right in town. Call P, d iv v. 30 7 2. BOARD and room at $37.50. 47 14th st. All modern conven fences; close to Sun nyside car. Marsha 1 1 1732. FOR TWO young ladies, piano, walking distance; home privileges and very rea sonable. 4W Market. Main .1923. ATTIC room, suitable for 2 young ladi ; hot and cold water In room; $7 a week each; 2 meals. Marshall 2133. MAN WANTED to room and board; rea sonable rates.' 4030 52d sU S. E. Phone 2tl-3. EXCLUSIVE home offers rooms; home made bread and pies; close in. Bdwy. 4314. l!4 N. 1?th st. NICELY furnished rooms, close in, reason able, alw one good room on intra, xioor, cheap; neat, clean home; modern. 5ti Johnson street. SUITE or single rooms at moderate prices, special weeaiy rates. mooern con v e niences. Empress hotel. Cth and Stark. RECTOR HOTEL N. Broadway, new and modern, i ale iocks on uoors. l a day and up. I" per week up; private baths. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Washington and Fifth Street Special permanent rates. ARTHUR HOTEL, 17tl Eleventh St., near Morrison ; ciean ana inouern rooms oy day, week or month at reaycable rates. MARLYN HOTEL, 17TH AND COUCH. Large, attractive, muaern rojmi oy aay, week or month ; rates reduced.. HOTEL OCKlET, Morrison St.. at 10th. $1 day, weeai. a ana up. ree pnone and baths. Light ar.d slry EXPERIENCED stenographer and general office assistant desires position; would prefer doctor's office; can furnish best references. BD lu7.' Oregonian. GIRL wishes to assist with work in office, inexperienced. Call Tabor 1531 until Tuesday noon. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition. Tabor 341H. . EXPERIENCED biLer, boo kkeeper; references typist, assistant Tabor 6ti"4. Drew makers. fc WILL make winter dresses and coats; also remodel and rellne coats and dresses. All serving done reasonably. Hdwy. 4i7I. DESIGN I NG. tailoring, remodeling, per fect fit guaranteed. Madame Rosen, Hroadway 5241. 304 Globe bldg. DRESSMAKING. beading, embroidery, self-titled brassieres for stout women. Woodlawn lus". Mrs. Smith. FIRST-CLASS tailored or fancy party gowns and hemstitching. U0O Wash Phone Bdwy. 4U21. GOWNS and tailored suits to order; per fect in lit and ultra smart; reasonable. 45 11th st. Main 7S!H. DRESSMAKING and tailoring, also re imnie.ir.g done by day; reference. Tabor 3213. SEWING, reasonable, good work. done. Main 234. SILK dresses a specialty; prices reason able. 422 Morrison, room 6. upstairs, LEL AH HUTCH INS on gowns. 902 Broad way bldg. Phone Main 1788. HEMSTITCHING, 6c yard. 1004 Broadway b ! dg Main 6473 MRS CLARK, dressmaking and tailoring. HOTEL BARR. 112 North Sixth, two blocks of depot. SI per dcy, per weex ana up. BUCKINGHAM hotel. 652 Wash, street. Mod. rooms, frew phone, bath, reasonable. ftOo DAY, 2.0 WEEK up; clean, baths f.ee. Hotel Cadlliac. 3d. near Jefferson. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water. 2tfufr 5th st. NICE, clean, quiet front room, 1st floor, clo!e In. 2U 14th st., near Jefferson. I'nfurnihbed Rooms. THREE rooms in building at Fifth and Stark. Apply Dr. 3. Locb. Stevens bldg. $10 LARGE living room in hajement, cor ner -2d and Sandy blvd. Main lfitft. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. EXCELLENT, newly furnished front bed room ; all privileges included ; 10-min-ute walk. Apt, three, the Knickerbocker. NICELY furnished, clean, sunny rooms, walking distance; home privileges, breakfast If desired. Main 76S1. A COMFORTABLY FURNTSHED FRONT ROOM FOR A GENTLEMAN. TELE PHONE MAIN 0000. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms for rent, suitable for one or two people. 3S North lilst st. Broadway 12L". COZY front room for man accustomed to nice things; quiet, modern place. Mar. 1780. an-jfr Park st. 2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping . rooms, kitchenette, pantry, bath, gas and elec tric lights. Nob Hill. Phone Main 2 s tj . FURNISH ED lower sleeping room, bath, phone. Nob Hill. Phone Main 2-SfI. WANTED DRESSMAKING. CALL EAST ' PARLOR, dressing room and sleeping porch, gents: west slde. Drtwy, 432:. ROOM Suitable for one r two ; private g a hi e e. Phone East 2tlu. DRESSMAKING; your home or mine; guars nteed. Reasonable. East 23l'2. LADIES" go w ns. and mi.-i-.ea' suits. Call Tahor l.V2. coat and N urses. EXPERIENCED, prsctical nurse wants positl o n; excellent references. Tabor 3323. SWEDISH massage at home ; ladies only. Alias Poulsen. Woodlawn 073. COMFORTABLE room for gentleman. 7S4 Pettygrove THREE rooms, furnished. E. Alder. Auto. 220-43. modern. 9 as WIDOW alone has nice front room west side, clo.e in. AJ KH, Oregonlan. NICE sleeping porch with clothes closet, SS per mo. 431 West Park. SMALL front sleeping room for working gir!. near Y. W. C A Marshall 107.".. FURNISHED room to ltU East SJJ3. LARGE front room, with board, suitable for 2. modern, walking distance, fine Wat Ion. East 5713. FOR KENT. FamUhfil Apartments. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished apartments, 1 to 5 rooms, with sleeping porch. In resi dential district. We have the very hand somest furnished apartments in the city; white enameled woodwork, ivory willow furniture, Chinese rugs, pongee hangings, exceptionally clean and modern; LOTS OF HEAT; also for refined gentlemen or ladies, bachelor suites and rooms, with and without bath; permanent and transient; references required. 166" St. iair, corner or Washington. TAKE MY TIP. THIS IS RIGHT ! Large, modern, completely furnished 4-room apt., equipped fr from 2 to 4 persons; bedroom and 2 davenports; cor ner, all outside rooms. it's a dandy; first-class janitor service guaranteed; rent J5 month, steady. THE COLUMBIAN, 11th and Columbla. THB CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. FIt minutes' wa.k to Meier & Frank's tore, good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3 -room f urnlsned apts.. out side with Fresco conn and balcouy. Permanent and transient. THE JACKSON. Bl Union av-e. North. Three-room apts., S 3.2. 50 to $37.50; pri vate bath, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter, phone servile; i. nun. walk to Mh and Alder. Rose City car. East 2Mt, KINGSBURY APARTMENTS, Vista ave., near J3d and Washington sts.; 1 very desirable three -room apartment, newly decorated. iantrv nmir Mi-tinticaliv furnished, outside balcony ; high -class ttnrifiifni nouse. FOR RENT. Flats. FOR RENT 1 rooms, unfurnished flats, new end modern, central location, de sirable neighborhood.. Call, see owner. 747 E Burnside st. FurnUhed Flats. FURNISH ED VITKll FLAT. Fin furnished five -room Hat ; large outside rooms, furnace, fireplace, b op ing porch; near Sunnystde school. East Yamhill treet. cxce.lent neighborhood ; best car sertce; rented $4i month, la bor 3!MM $3- STRICTLY modern Ave rooms and Keeping porch, bath. etc. ; west tdde; three months' rent in advance: adults. A M 1 13. Oregrnlan. FURNISHED UPPER FLAT. Modern convenience sleeping porrh, kitchenette, living and dining room. 7drt E. Main. Haw! home cur. Adults Tmly. FU UN ISH ED tVroom lower f .at, nice and fclean, coe in on east Mde, rent $42 So; would sell furniture to party renting flat. Phone East 2!M. L0,t. KFNX-. lloltHCft. PIANOS moved. $3 ; stairs extra. $1 each flight: 3d das Ir-e ktorsgn on all hou--hoid goods; luti.imre moving; one-ton truck. $2 per hour: larg? tiuck. $J 7." per hour; we ure exponent ?d and have good packing. Call Broadway 1J7. Alias Transfer & Siornje Co. HH N. 5th sL Open Sundays and e ten ings. BEAi;TIKUL .s-roorn hou- with garsgeS sleeping rooms hIko 3 large di easing rooms with built-ins and one small s eeping room : hardwood f :oors; sun room, facing the finest block of resi dences In l.uureihurst. Wiii lease. $'J0 per mo. Auto. SL.'3-ll. 4-ROO.M. attractively furnished fiat, adults only, Sunday or-evenings after 6. 630s Marshall st. 4-R m i.M furnihhed fiat, strictly clean and modern, sdults only ; garage. Phone A ut 'Ji'fi 3!i. TH REE -Room lower Mai at e2t Vaughn St.. between 24th and J.'tth; adults only, r.ill 74."Ms Roosevelt, or Miir. 3TRt. BONNIE BRAE. Corner apt., a rooms, witn alcove and sleeping porch ; hard wood floors, w hite ename.. newly painted and tinted; beau tifully furnished. Rent reasonable. o!4 Hancock. 2-ROOM and kitchenette, everything in the bett of phap, very clean; attractive parlor and the finest furniture throurh out. Prlc $W per month. 321 uth. Marshall 4!2 RE1URNTNG AV UKKERSI Looking lor winter quarters 7 Se our and room apts. ; clean and comfortable ; $ 12 to also singie h. k. rounia 412 l.Uh t. North. THK 1 E N N 1 S O N New management, hiph-cla- outside room, stem heat, private taths and phone; prices reasonable. Tabor 4ii. BU7 u Be i mon t. LARG E front 2-room apartment, nicely furnished, first floor, free light, water, bath. Laundry room, phone and good hot water heat. $3; also $25 apartment; adults, "iii-j G!i.x a n . THE ELM WOOD, Flrt-class '1 and 3-room apts.. com pletely f urn. ; permanent and transient. 415 10th t. Main 1 ini'J or Main FOR KENT Beautifully furnished four- room apartmeut; giasscd-ln Sleeping porch, mahogany furniture, oreintal rugs; adults only. East 4J7H. SUBLET well furnished K-rouni apartment. lu1 min. walk from postorrice. To aauus only. References roiiUired. Phone Main o.Mt between hours of tl and l P. M. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room furnished, strictly mod ern; tile bath, elevator; lltn and Mont gomery. M a i n 3 ''.. LA RGE two-rm. furnished apL. and one three-room furnished upt. : nice ajid clean; rent reasonable, oli) 5th tL Main 7. Ti.'.S. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon, 2. 3 and 4 room apts.; permanent or transient; also single, rooms. Main tiH41. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. WEST PARK AND COLUMBIA. 3-room furnished apt., absuiule'.y 1st cIhss ; aduits only ; w aikln g distance. CLACK A M A ri A PT. Two-room, completely furnished, for $30 per mo., including light, heat and phone. 272 Williams ave. 3-RoOM ground-floor apartment, large room hardwood tioor, good furniture, water, light, gas, free. $4 7.50. 38 1 W. 12th st. Phone Mar. 2(24. LEONCE APTS., ISO N. 22d St. Furnished 3-room apt., $45. Marshall 22.SO. 3-4-ROOM furnished apts., steam heat. free phone. 2ith and Sandy blvd.. 1 block from 2 car lines. b 13 Nelson st. ATTRACTIVE front, 2 rooms, running water, good gas range. lai'Ke porch, Call Main S23. m N. Jlst st. ALICE COURT u.ast hth. Burnside; newly decorated, A rooms, iircpiace. phone. Ivory wood work; 2 beds. East 3") 00. BUSH M ARK. Wash., cor. 17m.. maera. i.entn heated 1 and --room apta. Sieey Ing rooms 4 wk. up. THE EVERETT 044 Everett Ft., furnished 3-room apt., an outflow rooms, with ual cony. walking distance. WESTON I A APT Nicely furnished bath. $43. .. (it G LI SAN. -room apt., private 3-ROOM APARTMENTS. NEWLY FUR- 412 E. UTH ST. N. S-RotiM flat, hardwood floors, tiled bath, sleeping porchK fireplace, furnace. 310 Glenn av, Fl V E-Rt it M f ui ni.-hed fiat, beautifully clr:in and modern. Phone Mir. 217. NICE LY fur. 4-room f Utt. permanent, re sponsible, adult. 47 E. th st. N. FURNISHED 4 R'OM FLAT. VAUGHN. MAIN rt.V7. 2STH AND MODERN low. adults. 243 K. r flat, suitable for two 17th ft., nejir Hawthorne. LOWER fi-room flat. 3l'S I'ark street, open J A. M to S P. M. Bdwy. 4 4.M. FO UR KXT Finely furni she d 6 -r oo m flat, $75. 330 13th. Main UW.i. 6-KO( i.M steam-luated flat for rent, fur nihhtngs for sale. r Com-h. flat 4. M iUKK.N 4-ioMtn il't ComniTci;il nicely Iurnilwd flat. t. Pho-ir 31!t-01. $2s 3 ROOMS, modern. cW-an, whole floor to itself. Adults only. .'l2 Ml! Housekeeping iioomn. RIOHT downtown, small, airy h. k. room to boy employed. $J..S0 weekly ; lnre, clean room with kitchenette; prefer 2 girls or boys employed. $."i weekly; large two-room front sunny bay window suite, very well furnished, instantaneous hot wa: er. gas ranee, etc. Large enough. A 113, Oregonian. $3 I'lilC WEEK and up for housekeeping rooms and suite, every convenience, iiot water, linen, bath and phone f ree ; suit able for single men. The Abbott hotel, II-" ''i Ws.-h inn ton. fT'!!N1SH fTi") H. K rooms, 1 room with kitchenette, ho and cold water, private phone, electric lights, si cam heat, five minutes' walk to town, 'jl Columbia, near Fifth. t ONE FURNISHED housekeeping room on the main floor, suitable for 1 or 2 per (ton. walking disiauce. HIS North ISth street. 170 CHAPMAN st., near lth and Morri son : 1 housekeeping room : desirable neighborhood. $3.5tl per week. Bdwy. FRONT li-room suite; heat, electriciiy. plionc, h. and c. water, 2 beds ; suitable for 2 or 3 re lined ad u I us; $10 week. :i"il 12th. EXCEPTIONALLY clean. comfortable. single h. k. room, close in. for particular people. Marshall 1M.". Hit 13 th and Morrison. I N1ER NEW MANAGEMENT. Hotel Melvin. 3.".3'-j YHinhili at Park. I.iuht hniisckfppint; and sleeping rooms. 4 I'NFURNISHEIi rooms, tncity ; month. Tabor .171. Ku stove, eiec Lower Albmu. 2 LA RO E, a iry housekeeping apartments and large single housekeeping room. 2 I La i rabce. keck. 02 kOHKI! ft- RtxM R KM HENCE. NO. T2 CI.Af'KA M AS STREET. I it VI NO To N" DISTRICT. CORNER UT; VERY DK SIR A RLE ; Wll-L LEA SIS hXR ON B YEAR. RENT S7.V PARISH. WATKTNS CO NO 22 STARK ST. $;u ,!,, .MOUNTAIN VIEW BLVD.. Port land Heights; K rooms and large sleep ing porch; beautiful grounds; eloctric range; everything up-to-dste; now va cant. MBTZGER-PARKER CO., 2tn Q:iic st . n-nr 4th. Hdwv. HIOII-CLASS lrvingtoii home for icase to reliable family; lully modern R rooms and sleeping porch; in first-class condi tion; will give possession at onc. Par ticulars. O. A. Sarles. 10 J Northwestern Bank bldg. S-Rt .M strictly modern Irvington reai denre, 814 Halsey pt.. $; 0-room modern hmihe. 1730 Daunt st, near Columbia i'ark, $L.. 2-roorn modern flat. 1771 Belmon. $1T. FRANK L. M' CI'IR K. Main M. MODERN house, 341 E Rich sr. N , corner Weid icr ; in perfei-t order ; be.nt of neigh borhood; near Broad wav and Irvington cars; key next door. I'non Mrs. B. F. We.t ycr. Multnomah hotl. 8-ROmM hiuijie. one large bedroom down stairs, with lavatory nd running water; 3 Urge IwmI rooms up!Hlrs; ifw sewing room. Near H-ist 2rtth and Burnside i"" Jfirt. ("ill Auto V'J'J .".! CLEAN, nat 4-room bungalow, bath, gas. elec. ; rent $22 MX Sm it at 1(32 K. 27th t. N. then see us at MS Chamber of Com mere FOR RENT Fine home on Portland Heights, nine rooms, sleeping porch, garage; convenient to school and car. Y "2. 'rr goninn. FOR RENT Furnihfid 4 room modern cott age. cIoho in, S block to car; pri vate bnth and phone. n Tillamook st. Phnn Hast lli'.n. -RO M cottage YiimhMI ..trcet. and fiaraRe uGJ Kjst ft-lI(HUl house. lightN, c'ose tn ga.i. bath and electric Apply 42S J I arrifon l'lirriltliel I louses. SCENIC LOlHiE COTTAC.ES. ft2l Heights Terrace; t hree-rm. : Is ree glared in porch ; finest view mountains in city; 2 minutes' walk to heart of city, or Hall street car on Morrison to 13th, 2 blocks west. Se to apprecl ate. Reduced rent for winter. Mi 'I'KKN (l-roiuu hou.se. nicely f urnlhl, lean, sanitary; g.ia plate and laundry trays in b.i.senient. furnace; very desir-abb- location, walking distance, near 2 carMnes; adults only; rea-sonuble; refer ences exchanged. 71(1 E. Davis st. Call Tab.r 1 -';' L h I H T -ItuuM A Itviii.CTELY MODERN H o US E. COM l'L E T E L Y FUR N ISH K I) IN PEST OF TA6TK. REFERENCFS I i E 01 : 1 1 ; E D. lilt 2 1 ST $ 1 2 PER month. inquire v a k k k 1 a l d -vn n:s ro . i:m a pway u;so. BllAl'Tli T LLY fui i.ihe.l A-ron"m bunga hi Ro.-e City Park, modern conveni ences, bui It -:n.-, ha rdw ood floors, f ur na. . f, replace, garage; adults only; will b-a.-c to responsible pal ly ; i eferem es. AK lu 7, drrui man . MDEHN .S-le-.mi llcli.-e, J KlorifS. with KixmI basement and at tie ; part ly f ur ntshed it desired. 4 UH 44th st. S. E. Auto. tJ.'IN-in-kji E . '-i n. ws car block N. 11. K. RiHJMS. suite or single, by $2 ad up. Special rate by month. "rand ave. STANTON ARTS 1-2-1 rooms, h. k.. steam heat; $2 ." week : childre n y Icq me. 23 St an to n. SA RO EN T HtiTEL. Huwtnornn and Oratid. b k. and sireping rooms, hot and cold water. stf-Hm heat, E 2'.'1. H CLEAN, loiiifm laid i per week and up. K. rooms, (2.50 Hawthorne. LA K' IE room and kitchenet to first floor, ' single rooms. (l."a Flanders. COMFORTABLE single- II. K. $ I ; hat h, electricity. ii.2 ... 2 rooms Thurman. FURNISHED I m iWNTO W N i i. K. rooms; rhi'aii rent. 2.';i lj Wash., cor. 2d. SINOLE steam-healed h. k. room, $4 a w pi'k. 117 Uth s' reet. l" AND 2-ROOM modern h. k. apts.. clean nnd well furnished. 507 Clay, near lath st. CLEAN, heat. . modern In - room a pa I t me nt, slea 111 171 West Park st CINCINNATI Court, 2 rooms and sleeping porch, lurnlshed, JO; wa.ktng distance. 401 Blth st. Main 24SO. NICE LY furnished, spot Icon ,y clean, front apartment, A rooms, first floor, priva te entrance, close in. 474 Clay. Mar. 4 RM. Hi ADDON HALL 11TH AND HAl.i.. 4 -room apt., bath, phono, balcony, hardwood floors. FURN ISH El i 1 room. $;i: h. k. roniiis, transient. $A. 2 rooms. o Wash, si MAN' R shall 2i HOTEL, it!. Ti 271 Mot rioii st, Mar - room apart mnt . ROOM and sleeping porch, everything furnished and modern except heal. 3."2 San Rafael wt.. near Union ave. ML' N C E Y A 1 A R 1 M E N T. 2 rooms and kilc bene tte; $45. 3'.U C'.a y t. WILL share a cosy apt. with reiitird young lady over -a; went sloe; returencect ex changed. A Oregonlan. MORTON APTS. 3-rm. furnished apt. ti'J7 Washington st. Main BW2. GIRLS want one or tn girls to hare nur;Kilow; very reasonable rent. wuin. T, Call after 5: :to 1 NICE, clean h. k. suitable for a or 4 adults, block Laurelnurst pirk. M East 35th, cor. Stark. 4 niurn'uhed A part m-n i. 3 LARGE rooms and bat h. steam heat. hot and cold water, stove and bed lur nlshed ; good location ; good car service, rent reasonable; no children. 14tlti Union avenue N. Wdln. .W)ti. FoUR me -. -an furnished housekeeping rooms. m 2t.-I Hooker !t. Main -H. 2il FOR FIRST Hoop kliclu-n suite; oilier pleasant roomy ;i'-r .".tMM.iin 2."i4. T"' CLEAN, an y H. K. rooms, 118 per month. 1 7."Q:. North L'h t. r I v atr I an 1 11 y . si keeping, ground hooi age taken ; Broitklv n cars. HoiiteUrcimig Roo'Hh in 2 ili Ri IOAIS lor h floor, children under iiear Woodstock and .A7 K 2Hth t S. t'al 1 a t house t"Lth Hve., 2 b! TEN -ROi j.M in oiler ii bungalow. whits kitchen, luilit-nis, 2 baths, near car. Just pa : n ted nnd arn ished completely nice ly furnished; 10 minute car ride; $.j0. Call after II A. M. Mar. 3142. 11 andsi i.mhi.v i "urn ished Mode rn home. Eight rooms; lease for (i months to a yir. adults piefeiTcd; references. W inn. ( tregoman. 4 li'ilMS, well Iiirnished; furnace heat, fireplace, strictly nmd.rn. attractive sur. rou mil tigs; Jti.'.. in.ludlii heat. 407 E. ;4t h i. Tnke ll.i w llioi jie ave. car to r'Jili iJl'lL i o 1 n. BEAUTIFUL count i y home for rent fuT niMied. Drive Ton Fo.ster load lo Bu k ly ave., turn south two blocks. Homo all dav Snml iv. Hob I .owe. F( pie 1 ; E N 'I K- rou in in nU-rn liou.-c i om -"ly I HI 11 Ished. ;l h pi .ttl it . w inter wotiii in. lia.f block fr.n Sel.wottd car Mto'. 'all .V'm) SMlviiiifm e. ! URN ISH I 'D lutu.-e for n-nl". Ci."nT eu.st sidr. li room. fwriui'"o. gurno. Re ioii;ti,io. Call Broadway 21'7 or Last ."on;. i-ROi:.I mod-rn hollc, .od IleiKlllior hood, cIosh in, complete; koo.1 ttu niture of me must be im;d. . ton ta kes it lo- -ji:;Vi J -' .P..l. J'7o E..st Stark. FURNISHED modern 7 moms and :ep ini porch; to n sponsible adults oniv f.i'l Til,.,!- :.il'.n liEA UTl !'( 1.1.1 fiii'iucneo larce sunny front room, lovely kitchen; next to ltntb; Kim raiiKe. boat. liht. pnone. reasonable. . North 24th HoUSEK Ei:i'l rooms for rent very rea sonable. $12. !." and $1S per month. C.;umbia U4. Uhlldren welcome. L.l:;E llollsekeetlim loom With klti tiell et te ; com I tt a ble. re.iMonable. alkiiiK distance. H72 Uth t. TWO NT' 'E 11. K. rooms for rent, 11k ht, phone a nd bath, o.lo East BuniMde. East Ttss:;;. 4 OR a WELL floor; adults -UURN1SHED io.miis. b.wer ; refiTiificeS. 7iO Kearney MERLIN, Broadway and Grant I- tne Irtko 3-room corner apt, orcsf inn rooms and bath, strictly modern, $ m per month; also small 2-room furnished apt, $2."i month IRVINGTON. Four rooms, garage, Gaco furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; rent. Auto matic 227-4. CHOICE corner apt.. 17th and Tillamook; rent 10t per mo. jr. E. bowman At --. 210 C. of C. bldtf. M aln 3U26. ROOM and board, modern conveniences, good home cooking; reasonable; walking distance. Phone East 2.M10. 373 Ross st. WANTED To board. 1 o children, private home. ss No. 2 2d. 2 motherless Phone 515-74. ROOM, breakfast and dinner, $40 per mo., before 10 A. M. or after 5 P. M. 406 Vi Bdwv. Marshall 11MM. LARGE, airy room, modern home, suitable for two; Rood home-cooked meals; Nob Hill district. Main 2R. BOARD and room in widow's home; men preferred. Phone Main 8102. 4o2i-j 2d st. "WILL care for child ren in my home, Christian Science children. Call Wdln 3 1 SO. GOOD rooms. 2 meals. 138 per month. Bouse and home. 2t0 E. 4 2d st. Auto. 22 4 - 5 S, WIDOW desires work In ir man for room and hoard. X 70. Oregonlan. MORDAUNT, 5Hi Everett La rjfe 4-room modern furnished or unfurnished re tinted, home-like. Come and inspect. DK1CKSTON APTS., 4 4 11th st. 1 2 room modern apt., all rooms linht and airy; also 1 S-room basement a pt. 4-RUOM .apartment with Karate, heat and phone. In Ij-aurelhurbt. loud llolladay ave. Near ft'id st. TWO F1H t'T lot. int., llu'ht lntu.n'krt'iiii ; modern: aio ono bedroom. 7i)o N. Irving j-Ri n M f;n nNued nuiv-jiaow ; m td.l .e.aeii eolliif, re t '1 etices ; ocr reserve mm f'non. f.s:: E'i7t li . rn a r Sa nd v. SM A pa rt ! v furnished cottage (two people. Immediate possession ; rent $17. l js:t Kavt Ej i; h t li HtL N LALCE. he.iutitui.v furniliid. romforiaoe, nii-:ern ho tne. walking distance. 1'tioiie i:i-m7 W E LL-FU RN ISH ED ." if t i ;. i 'it: rep i f-: months. Rimi.M h'tiiM r St., 2. !nV " -1 ootn I ii 1 1 tr.j ui a , f i mil v K-t.injj iam, I';il.r 117. i;:i7 ' Itn i-t , m ar Book Frank L. Mc i uii e, .Main ti-Ri 1 I .M mod . Ik. to i: t t. k. in 1- Rt n pin II Woo iiunisli . hi-wii!'.' If.iwii i;ii; t h o w t ii i e i" ; ik''. Phono .;) LA K E G R K eijo lake. M it I- M :ii;72 M l.ir an- liiini: , iR-p-t . o eriookb Piano; ad n. ts Falling l d- R l K j M and kitchenette, lso biiirU; l oom, a f. w blocks to Meier A Frank's. ;idii lith M. Mar 14.'..".. UNE RUUM and k.Iclien, aiove heat, elec tricity. K a .4. T Q tn o n t h . .iOS 1 a v 1 s. t uT.IOAN, furnished rooms, free lights, la r li. phone : ad ults. I'honrt 'd!n. :i7't. FT: iTnTsTi b'D. 1 room, with kitchenette; I ttleepinj; room. Mar. 2 4 2-IU " M t a nee. Iioi;$ekeep!nij Miim, walklntf t i -MaiMhaH S24 liUuM t inni'f, fir In: floor. it d ul ts. -LOOM a East "with lieat, reasonable. 2tu E. 2:id st. Bouses. BRUCE APT.. 2ti N. 2.1th, west side U rms., modern, steam heated, sleeping porch, janitor service Fast UUti HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 1 5-room unfurnished apt. Marshall 3tsi. OAR FIELD S-room. s.eet-'"tc porcn. rwa sonable. atil FaiUng st W. Union. THE AMERICAN. modnrn ;-room pa.ri ment. Bdwy. 33tk. THREE rooms in buildiiiK at Fifth and Stark. Apply Dr. S. l.o' b, Stevens bidg. 4-ROOM steamhented ment ; modern t'-i't. GARFIELD unfurnished apart Main 7!2. LARGE front room, suttaoie for 2; modern home. 770 Irving. Mar. 4410. PRIVATE home for children; 20 ears' experie n cc.' 714 Everett at. Mar. 2162. IRVINGTON rooms, fine board in nearby home East 3447. BAHiES to board at C2-2 Woodstock car. 02d ave. S. E. ROOM and board, suitable lor two gentle men. Call Aut. ol-'12. BOARD and room in line home and home privileges and garage. C allSeHword 32 S. . " Furnisiieil Apartment. -ROOM a part men l. private bath, laundry' travs. per montn. aast tti:t. ONE ROOM, kitchenette and bath, well furnlKneu ; waiKing insiuucc, t i-t tin .-t tj4 a MONTH, two-room, steam-heated "apartments, ground floor. 4o2 :id yt. WEST SIDE, two rooms, with fireplace. Call Auto- MS-02. BAN MARCO. EAST 8TB AND COUCH "-ROOM MODERN APT3 EAST lyyu. 15-DAY STOKAGB FREE. Moving for le. Phone Bdwy. 2445. UNION AVE., and KRlingswonh ; fur. apt. 2 l.oO: all complete; concrete buildings. TH K PEN ROSS. Gra tg ave. Hc IJe.mooL East 4543. Choice 2 and 8-soom apta. BUE N" ' IS1A I'M Harrison. First -ciasa 2 and8room apts. Main 1052 CLAYPOOLE APTS. 3 rooms, furnished, 2 beds. Adults, 421 Clay st. 3-ROOM modern apartment, phone includ ed. 4' Maraei l near inn. ALTAMONT apt.- . 304 College st. 3 rms.. nicely furnished. THE CHELTENHAM, very desirable apt., Rth and Nort.hrup. Bdwy. 3u.'8. A BEAUTIFl I furnwnea 4-room apart ment. Southampton. 414 10th st -ROv.M turnished apt.; private bath. Windsor a;tLs.. IN 7 F 14th. Kat 2!H7. 3-ROtJM apartment, clean, modern; 17th a r. d Loveloy. Arlini apts. Bdwy. 1M2. ;;-room. sleeping porch, rea.- sonable. ;idl Failing si. W. Union. 3-ROijM apt., outside. Thurman. near 2 n h . Ma rsh all 4 7t l Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington st., 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apis. 3-ROOM apt. with dreeing room and bath. East 372. FIut. CALL BROADWAY fsn FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. - LIGHT POWER H EAT. WA S 1 UNGTON A T TEN 'I'll S T FOR RENT lr li.gton, very desirable, clean, modern d-rooin house, alt con- e niencey. Adults. No doK"- Rent o0. " s "' East Broa lwaj i-J;iki.M modern liou-o good ntdghbor hood, close in, com pie to ; good furniture of ame must be sold. $l.t0 takes it to dav 1 to .". I. M. "t7Q East Stark. T-.'N-l;i m i.M lrinnl'n luoue on mx I'-onOis' least from Nov. 1. Call fore noons on I . Ea -1 .." 7 u. FINE, modern, f urn ished ho rue. brea k fat rottm, lalRe sltepitiK porch. bHsetio'nt, at t ic nd 1 irr pi ace -4S:i E. 21 1 h m . N. Kl'KN ISM 1 "il i ii house and deVTniod- ern cmt venleifcen, east- nine, K'ool ioca tion. Reftr.-ncj-s. Call Tabor 2U 1 2 A - Ri m i.M mode rn I' urn ished duplex hous, SMiOy E !'th si S.-uth. between C!a and Mai k t. ;:io. East ;23.'i. Clone in. 1' 1 II. I lit II isllt 1 roll a l,'' 4 RtuiMS. mo AIIU E Mil ft. and Mark- t, f 3M South, b E:ift :t23." t Wl ii in. (1-J; UM c-uae f"r i nl. n.uiv ue. otut- -i and furnished. See it lo appreciate. IMiJ M 1 ) pt it ve ;(i a - Ri n i.M furnished house, west Kid i'. Marshaljl ClU . tt-RuO.I tnodcrn fuirnslicd house, 2 b!ki. Sminywlde car. 1S '. E. 4Ttth st. 0-R' -M house 'AK, N. 2;tirsT.! 7T7. pcr m. i M'n today Jijn 4 Talnr lo.ti h-KunM lui nishetl IiuUm1, Iom' M.botl. r 1 4 liucba ni- n bid i:. ti-liO( i.M modern., cb an. 407 B-ach ht Adult only. East titiM). 4l per mo. with garage .MODERN ti-room house, fireplace, sleeping porch, gnruge. with furnace. 1.S2 Mead st. Phone Main 4s:s 7 Ruo.MS, ' e.egant d uplex part ment, walking ilistance; lease. Inquire Marsh. 327. Rfferenct s rc'inlred. FUR R EN Unfurnished 4-rm. very modern bungalow cottage, $.10 per month; water free. ;."i!'4 Willow st Main 77SII -Ii" X JM cotiage. 1.".70 garden, lnrae yard. ' .Hollilated Securities blH II a w thorne ; , W. Pallett. Phnn Hilw; fruit. I'oll- aw BETTER THAN A HOUSE fi-room upper flat. with magnificent view. Large attic. Furnished with gas rang for cooking, gas for heutlng In fiiepia In excellent condition. 3t;t 10th s south of Montgomery. Rent $."0. STRONG A CO.. UOrt Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 7-RooM modern. "I acres, ciosc in; bunga low, barn, orchard; )ij month. tol MeKnv bldg 3- lit )tj M house, barn and chicken houe. berries; acre ground. Owner, East 31 .VS. LOW ER ." rooms, modern, cement base ment, wash trays; newly painted and decorated ; large lot. lawn, fruit, roses. 2ti East 4.th st., just north of Haw thorns $40. Tabor 3224 or Main knn. BEAUTIFUL .".-room lower ilat in Ladd addition, fireplace, furnace, h. w. floors: adulLs only, with or without garage. C. DeYoung & Co.. M0 Spalding bldg. or call 412 Hemlock St. mornings. 4-ROOM flat, near Laurelhurst park, gas range, linoleum, disappearing oen. Main 802. Geo. bldg. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon G-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view; W. S. : fireplace, furnace, 3vj u lftth Pt , so uth of Montgomery: t'17.50. Vlnnev. CORNER, modern, conveniently located, cheap taken at once. 45 E. Couch. East 3277. A VERY nice flat. 4 rooms and Inclosed sleeping porch. $4." per month; includes heat and water. Cnll at 3-Q3 21st. $;t,"i UN FURNISH ED steam-heated, four room fiat Main 7!'2. Rot CIS, we.it side; adults; $21.00. fieri inger bldg. $,"oo BUYS 4 rooms high-grade furniture, ant, for rent. 07 Washington st: 3"7room apajvtm ent. p nishet. est s3.-. ARTLY FUR- 3 UN FURNISH ED ROOMS IN NICE HOME. SELLWOOD 2WI 4-ItooM unfurnished flat. bauliful!y U rated: adults. 3.V all Wdln. 0170. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette. S4a. 30 Ca. 4-ROOM lower flaL Bent $33. 27 K. 12th North. mode rn fruit. K Sotit heas i-rooui bouse per month. lare lot and 6U3a asth ave. SOUTH I'ORTLAND, a-rooin cottage. 10S I'ennuyer mi., between Hood and Macad htii. Rent tl"M; water includ ed. b"-R' 'o.M mod., partly lurn.; I b'k. to tar, 1 blk. to Rrooklxn school; $3o. Owner. 1 27 ti H li w I hoi ne a '.. Foli RENT New. with garaiie. $10. Vancouver a ve. 7-roim house 74 or ca'l b-.i J (j VI NG Pianos, fun. 1 1 tire and long-d is tance hauling a specialty O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Hdwy 3121 and 3-room fl.tt, (iov In. li-Ri .oM -C..M..K Ea-t 2!i:;s. $:jn .'t-Rot i.M fitrni"hed housi . including light and water. :tss 3d. Fi E mo. -Rv )i i.-.l t ui nishi 42ii Webster d bungalou. tin pi ft. .Mt 'D1J11N furnished i-NDiii house. Main 7t;:it. References. lloiisew for Rent -1'urnli lire for Sale. MODERN o-room iiousc for rent, Haw thorne district. $17 lo party nuj iiik fur niture; price $:0ii; sutuu term.-. Call pe!i. run. FURNITURE of it-room l.at for sal- and f ;.i t for rent ; fine location. I' hone Mar. 2. "it.". ' SIX-JiOOM fal for sale. SI MO, bainnce rent, :i rni" furni: lire for 2 m s Uth. N1N E-iH O.M sa le ; no at furniture for O I'ark M. I mj u I re -ROOM hous for rent. $27. Furnlturo for sn'e rensonal'ly. Marsli.Ol 1m;;. SEASIDE all w 1 n ; Del Mar Apts r. Low rates. . 2lo ."nl m. Open E;ist :tt. Mure niiil IliiHinrMM i'lMe, FOR RENT Large tore. ,1th bt. Glisan aivl llnyt; uNo looxioo .-e. nnd story, with elevator. Hart. CI.". Ry. Exch. bidg. M ii r.v ha'l I-YVT LARGI-'. ceilient luikerv loom with s'ovc, suitable for faetory or creamery. Hi'. I 2d sr .Main 1 ti'.Mi, tea Ul.."'IivAI1,.I': t.,ii e in freproof ware ho'je phon Brondway :t7 1 iV. ETOREfc. lofts and bitlldlngP, all parts of city. J. F. STIVER. Mocieay blag; HE light floor, ;i,xluo; ong ieas7cho.ro rent. Wax, 24 North Firth. if LK TRANSFER A 8TOKAOB CO. 3 days' storage free , furniture mov :ng for lews. Broadway 2443. WH EN mo1 Ing. cltv or country, set the btt'. at lowest price. Green Transfer Co., Mi i tnl 2 tl.. 2 0 2 S A : d e r st ree i. $4t- KIG HT-lUO.M house. Phone .Marsinll 307'. Grant st MoDKRN S-rnmn Pointed. B 70. Irvink'ton home, ntniy Oregonlan $20 M HiERN 'ctrieity. gas; adults only bal h. 1!M HaNey $;j;. ELEGANT home. U romiii clen n. lieht. p'.essa nt. 317 and balh, etdler B EA UT I rT L new nioilern bungalow ; wlil : a-e. owner "J" N. 1 4th. cor. Couch. $;i." Six-room houso. hard wood Union ave. Main 47W. f loora NEW ft room double constructed house, $ 4 0; F I r I a nd s t a. Tab or M7 (1 rlVE-ROOM house for rent. $2.1 per mo, .Vlb Flanders a 4-ROOM cottage, modern, g.iruse; call at B.WUIER tiiairs i.n ltS East 14th sl. after 10 o'clock. Portland CutUi Offbr. FOR RENT- Card room and soft drinks, tso 1 until counter, doing nice bu..ness. Will sell. 272 Biirnstdp DESK' room W'tu le.ephiMte and steno graphic yervit e Phone i"i. u 7 i Foli RENT Office and store room. HT'.ii Front ft. TO SU 1 'LET. nice private office wTt fi"fe- c f p ( nm roo m a t1 .1 1 7 N . W . Bank j'Mr PRIVATE office. Including desk. c!ia;r" Jt.1. 2o7 Srot-k Exchange bldg. DESK ro'.m for rent. 21 & Railway E.- change bids. MNrellnnmu. FOR RENT Vacuurr c!i imers. one-"wpi, Monday to Mon da v 112." In'l-.i'f b Uvery. K L. K n lg hl B-!v v .4 FOR fJENT Sna.-e for ii7: n u fa : uf : p u rf toses; paw er .'ti rn -bed if n . s.u close in. Phone E.isi I ! Monia IUMNKSS OPPfMUIl MTIL JO.. O'li SL .3