1$ Tim 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1921 PORTLAND TO GET OUTS DE MITE Dr. Stansfield's Successor Not Yet Announced. OFFICERS ARE ORDAINED Impressive Ceremonies Held at Annual Methodist Episcopal . Conference at Forest Grove. FOREST GROVE, Or, Oct 9 (Spe clal.) Hope that the list of appoint ments would be read tonight at the end of the evangelistic services of the 69th Oregon annual Methodist Epls copal conference vanished when the cabinet, composed of Bishop William O. Shepard and his three district superintendents, came out of a closed session just before the services opened and announced they bad not completed the list. The four members of the cabinet worked' practically all night Saturday and throughout the various intermis sions between the services today in an effort to settle ell appointments for the conference and bring the an nual session to an end tonight. It was expected until the opening of the evening services that they would be read but Bishop Shepard told the newspaper men the cabinet would have to work far into the night to finish the list. Outside Man to Be Chosen. The pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church at Portland, to suc ceed Rev. Joshua Stansfleld. will not be announced with the other changes tomorrow, said the bishop, and it probably will be another week be fore anyone is appointed. The ap pointee will be an importation from outside the conference. Bishop Shepard said an ontside man would be chosen because Dr. Stans- fleld was being transferred out of theJ conference and it lett a distinct vacancy in the ranks of his ministers to be filled. "There are no doubt men already in our own field qualified) to take the post at the First church," he continued, "but no one has come for ward to request it, and this seems in dicative that no one prefers it. It is a particular post and we are anxious to fill it to the satisfaction or every one. Besides, as a vacancy has been created, we are entitled to another minister and shall ue the privilege. Dr. MacCauo-hey Is Selected. The pulpit at the Centenary-Wilbur church is to be occupied by Dr. Charles MacCaughey. as has been Intimated throughout the week. Dr. Mac- Oaughey comes from the Moscow, Idaho, district of the. Columbia River conference, where he was superin tendent His former place is to be filled by Rev. W. H. W. Forsythe, for merly of The Dalles, who was trans ferred into the Oregon conference at the beginning of the present session and retransferred to Moscow. The tardiness in finishing the list of appointments is said to be due to a large amount of extra work to be at tended to by the cabinet earlier In the week. Ordinarily the bishop and three district superintendents address them selves to this most Important piece of work as soon as the conference con venes, but the first and part of the second day were given over to other duties. Several Changes Considered. In addition some difficulty has been evident from the outside in making satisfactory adjustments and changes. Two of the district superintendents, interviewed separately, said this aft ernoon that about a dozen changes were still in abeyance. At one time this number was cut down to live, but new obstacles came up and necesst tated undoing the arrangements for the others, so that tonight the cabl ret raced the same difficulties as earlier In the day. Aside from the work done by the cabinet the entire day was given over to special services. Dr. 11. N. Avlson Speaks. The sermon in the morning was de livered by Rev. R. N. Avlson. the new minister to succeed Rev. C. R. Carlos at the church in Forest Grove. It was to have been preached by the bishop, .but on account of the duties pressing Vn him and due to his slight illness. Dr. Avlson was substituted. He comes from the St Paul church in Spokane, where he has served for the last year. Prior to that he was in the pulpit of the First church ia Ealera for ten years. His change back to Oregon, he said, was due to the effect of the climate in Spokane on his health. His text dealt with the effect Christian faiith will have in settling the troubles of the world. "Faith is not lacking,' he said, "and the world is not In trouble because of such a lack, but because it has found God and does not know what to do with him." He went on to say that the social, political. Industrial and moral problems facing the world would be solved by increased faith in God. Ordination Is Impressive. The ordination of two deacons and four elders during the afternoon was an impressive and beautiful cere mony. The six men were ordainel by Bishop Shepard, assisted by Rev. W. W. Youngson, Rev. E. E. Gilbert and Rev. S. A. Danford, the three dis trict superintendents. The two men to be ordained deacons were P. M. Blenkensop of Salem and F. Audley Brown, a circuit preacher in the southern district. The four new elders are Alexander Hawthorne, West Salem; John D. Woodfin, Myrtle Point; Rev. Kimrball K. Clark, a former Congregational minister admitted yesterday to the Methodist conference, and preaching at 2ayton, Or., and Rev. S. Uemera, the pastor of the Japanese Methodist church of Portland. Stop Drunken Orsrlrs, Plea. At the late conference session on Saturday a resolution was adopted asking the governor and all officials under him for enforcement of the law at all conventions. The resolution read "thafon the occasion of certain conventions there follows a perfect orgy of drunkenness and debauchery, and our officials seem to ignore all law violations because they are com mitted by members of the conven tions." It was said this resolution was introduced because of speeches made by several mayors of different cities when welcoming convention members, in which they were quoted as saying "Here are all the keys of the city, except that of the jail. You can't get in there if you try." Appointments Are Made. Appointments and elections to of fices made at the same session were Rev. W. W. Youngson, Portland, and Rev. J. O. Goltra of Salem as trustees of the Kimball School of Theology; Rev. B. E. Gilbert of Salem as offl-, cial visitor to the Kimball school. Bev. N. E. Christensen of Lakevlew was elected statistician to succeed r.T. T. D. Yarns, and Rev. H. T. Atkinson of the University Park church, la Portland was re-elected treasurer. The transfer of Rev. A. H. Thompson of Aberdeen. Wash., from the Puget sound conference to the Oregon conference was announced at the same time. He probably will be appointed to the church in Oregon City. DATE OF SARA FAIR SE Girls' and Boys' Clnbs to Stage Annual Event October 17. RIDGEFIELD, Wash., Oct. 9. (Spe cial.) The annual fair of the Girls and Boys' clubs of Sara, south of here, will be held Monday evening, October 17, in the school halL It will be under the direction of Mrst C. M. Beall, club leader. She will be assisted by the Sarah grange. Th sewing and canning exhibits will be in charge of Mrs. Charles W. Nichols garden exhibits, Mrs. Frank M. Clark, and junior club exhibits. Miss Lorena Beall. Mrs. C. T. Long will super vise exercises of the primary depart ment Vocal and instrumental musio will be furnished by upper grades. The programme will include mov ing pictures by Chester F. Bennett, county school euperintend-ent A box social will be held after the pro gramme and all proceeds will go to ward paying premiums. Polk to Vote on Road I cry. DALIjAS, Or, Oct 9. (Special.) The county court has called a special eiection to be held in Polk county on November 8 to vote on a special tax levy of 170,000 for' road construction and maintenance in 1922. Without this special levy the court contends that no new roads can be built next year owing to the tax limitation of 6 per cent Polk Fair Attracts 5000. DALLAS, Or., Oct 9. (Special.) The best county fair in the history of Polk county is the verdict of the large crowds that have been attend ing that annual event here this week. Friday more than 6000 persons paid admission into the grounds and to day's attendance is estimated to be even ii5cii Water Tank Pnt Into Cse. HARRISBCRG, Or, Oct 9. (Spe cial.) The new city water tower and tank were placed into use yesterday They were constructed by the Na tional Tank & Pipe company of Port land. The structure is more than 100 feet high, replacing a tower of ap proximately the same height which had become unsafe. AMTSEMT.yra. HisHTs 'I!j)lys. mats I I I Msts.15, ts7Ss WltHwmtOl.zS J Tin Mot TalkiM n 111 WirM HELEN KELLER 1 1IM. Iiif srt Ftmtrtr IIMI. Inljtrt ry MM I I mum NACT, lir lucMr nt Uftln hM 1 il Klee : Bob La Sails : Mariorie Bar. (rack Belnau:TbeCilis: George and; i may ls rsvrs I HARRY J. CON LEY A COj (TICKET OFFICE SALE I ( Opens Today p TJIJTT T Brosdwny at Taylor riLvlLdU Phone Main 1. -THIS- THUR9, WEEK FHI, SAT. SPECIAL. MAT. SAT. Ralph Dnnbar Presents COMIC OPERA SUCCESS "ROBIN HOOD" EICKW'EXT I CAST ) SPLENDID I CHORLS EVE'S Floor, $2: Balcony. $1.60, $1; Gallery. 77c, 60c. SAT. MAT Floor, 11.60; Balcony $1, 77c; Gal lery, 60c, Add 10 Per Cent W ar Tax. AMC8EMEXT8. A $3.00 SHOW AT BAKER FKICES. RAKED BmJF STOCK COMPANY II now playing jane cowl's supreme: triumph "SMILIN' THROUGH" You cannot Afford to miss this "Wonder Play Notice Special Notice Funeral Notice Meeting Notices . l&c per line RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In order to earn the naore than one-time rate advertising mast ran In consecutive Issues, Onetime IScpertIn Two times (each lasae) . . . .lie per Una Three times (each lame) . . .10c per Una Seven timea Ceach laaue) . .9o per Una Ona to six months, per month $2.50 per Uae Blx to twelve months, per month $2 25 per Una The above rates apply to all headings with tile following; exceptional Situations Wanted Pach Insertion ...9o par Una Rein Wanted Lost and found Personal Proposals Invited Ona time. ......... Two timea (each laaue) ... .lto per Una Three time (each Issue) ... ,13o per Una Seven timea (each laaue) ... .12c per Una One moo til ....13 par line NEW TODAY. Bates Per .Line. Dally Sunday One time , , 16o 20o Two times (per Issue)..., 16o 19a Three timea (par laaue).. lto 18o Seven timea (per laaue).. 13o 17o Ona month, dalJy and Sunday.. ..$$.00 Connt five words to the line. S'o ad taken for leas than two lines. Ads run bundajs only charged at one-time rate. Advertiaements (except "Personals' aad "Mtoationa Wanted") will be taken aver the telephone if the advertiser la a anbacriber of either phone. The Orerbnian will receive copy by mall provided aufficient remittance for definite number of leases is sent. Ac knowledgement will be forwarded promptly. Advertisements are taken for The Daily Orecunlnn nntil 7:30 P. M. : for The Sunday Oresoniaa until P. il. batordny. AUCTION SALES. At 'Wilson's Anctfnn Hnu.e 10 Furniture. 169-171 Second street. A. M. MEETING "VOTICKS. Ml-SHHf fl - THB MEMBERS OF HAS. iirwjnuu halo 1 .0 m : k. u a rffew to attend the funeral services fS.r 01 our late brother. Dr. O. VMtt5J c. Bianey, P. O.. on Tues- 10 OF day, Oct. 11. 191'!. Meet at the hall mt 3 T HX win nem at r iniey's mortuary at 2:30 O. J. KOEKEKB. N. O, W. D. BCOTT, Recy. Sec CHEVALIERS. ATTEN TION! Canton Portland. No. 1, P. M., I. O. O. F. Special ami. tatirue uniform. Assem ble at Temple, 7:30 P. AL Sharo. thin IMnndavt ntrht MAJOR E. WOBRTBXDYKK. Clerk. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication tomorrow liueiMiay), afternoon at 2:00 o'clock for the purpose of con ducting the funeral of our late hrnfhu. Ti r- f r I) i ,. .. Ulnar brethren fr e'rn.flir tend. By order W. M. FRED Ii. OLSON. Secy. WILLAMETTE LODGE, No. 2. A. F. & A. M. A special communication will be held thia Monday, Oct. 10. at 1:13 P. M to conduct the funeral services of our late brother. Wilson T. Hume. Visiting brethren wel come. Members are requested to bring autoa. By order W. M. T, VAN HEKKEREX, Secy. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A M. Stated communication thia (Monday) eve. at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the Master Maaon degree. Vla Itlne brethren welcome. W. M. DB LIN, Secy. WILLAMETTE LODGE. No. 9 A I.1 AVn A MKiwr.nl I .'An..I..HAn will K. HM ') this (Monday) at 7 P. M. Work I In K. A. and F. S. Visit in brethren welcome, iiy ordet W. M. 1 T. VAN HEEKEREX, Secy. FUNERAL NOTICES. DE GRACE In thia city. Oct. T, Amelia Wanda De Grace, aged 58 years, wife oi John De Grace of Buffalo. N. Y., father of Mrs. H. V. Rehberg and Fred De Grace of this city, Arthur and Georg De Grace of t. Paul. Minn. The funeral service! will take place from the con servatory chapel of the Eat Side Fu- nral nirirtnrs 414 K. Alder mt.. at 2 P. M.. teday (Monday). Oct. 10. Inter-1 ment Boia City cemetery. Friends In-; vited. FOSTER In this city, Oct. T. Donald C. Foster, sped 8 years 9 months IS days, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Foster.-t-iother of Raymond, Foster, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Kiser. The funeral service will take place at the conservatory chapel or the sr. o. run ning, Inc.. East .Side funeral directors, 414 E. Alder st.. at 20:30 A. M., Tues day, Oct. 11. Interment Rose City ceme tery. Friends Invited. READ In this city at the family resi dence, Oct. 9. E. 35th st. N.. Beatrice Olive Read, sue 6 years 7 months 2 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Riley G. Read and sister of Mrs. Grace Perry of Pendleton. Or., and Robert Stepheson of Portland. Private funeral services Tuesday, Oct 11, at 1 P. M.. from R. T. Byrnes Parlors. 901 Williams ava. In terment Rose City cemetery. HANSON At the family residence, 17oi E. stark st.. Oct. 6, mebe rnena Hanson, aged SO years 7 months and 21 days, be loved wife of Luther Hanson and mother of Elizabeth Hanson. The funeral serv ices will be held from the conservatory chapel of F. S, Dunning, Inc.. Eaat Side funeral directors, 414 E. Alder at., to day (Monday) ,at 10:30 A, M. Friends Invited. Interment Rlverview ,cemetery. ANDREWS The funeral services for Miss Minnie M. Andrews, late of 25 Fargo street, "will be held today (Monday). Oc tober 10. at 3 P. M.. from the R. T. Byrnes Funeral Parlors, 901 Williams ave. at Mason st Interment Rose City cemetery. Friends Invited to attend. GE1S In this city, Oct. 7, Wong- Gee, for merly of Alaska, The xuneral services will take place at the conservatory chapel of the East Side funeral directors, 414 E. Alder St., at 11:45 A. M.. today (Monday), Oct. 10, Interment .Lone Fit ; cemetery. I 6ELLE In this city, Oct 8, William fielle. aged 4J years, Deiovea crotner or Mrs. Ida Backlund and uncle of Otto Billings of California. Funeral services will be held Tuesday. Oct 11. at Portland crem atorlum. Remains at the residential parlors of Miller Sc Tracey. BtTRGOR The funeral services or the lat AJUUUI ry Ul fui w 111 uX UOIU x ucoua; , Oct 11, at 1 P. M., at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Multnomah cemetery. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, crofessional men. manu facturers, repair men, etc, classified for ready reference. iniormation as to any class of work not listed may be ODtained by calling; Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. '-l-j us R. BLACK. Dublic accountant. auditor, Income tax service. Concord "'" -a ana stark. Phone Main 7443. I MEl'tHS. accountant, auditor, cost ao- opaiding uids. Main 1171). ATTOKXKVS. ,,w f'STMAX, lawyer and notary pub llc fla Chamber ot Commerce bld ASSAVEKS Ap A.NAlASTS. MONTANA AiiSAlf OFi'lCK, 14Ji Second. Oold. silver, platinum bought. At' TO TOPS AND FAIXTINC. . . -uto lop 6t Painting; Co. bat lataction guaranteed tor both work and pJ'ce- la nd i;. ijdwy. Phon. fcjul BATHS. DR. ilcilAHON'S hatha, Portland; steam, ahowera, plunges, tuba, all lor 35c; tell your Inends. Fourth at Washington. MOILKK KEfalKUNU. INTkRSTATJS HOiLEtt AND MACHINE VVOKK.S. Kast 3KUi Koot of Knoll at. Ja.nuicturer ot tanks, stocks, eta. mackamuq repairs promptly attended to. TI?E 1 WIN-HUDSON COMPANY 887 Washington, linwy. 434. 'labor 1254. CHIKOFBACTIU. uii mcmahon (AlcMtin.). chiropractor, Portland, lath year. Short and long couraea ot treatment successful. Proot: 1 hoL'sanda ot people praising me alter companion of work and lair trial ot system. Extended time, 31 adjustments aio. Pnon. appointments. CHIROPODISTS. FCXERAt, CAK3. LIMOUSINES for funeral service. JONES AUTO LI VERT. MARSHALL 114. rCNTRAT. DIRECTORS. VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation Portland Crematorium I'kone gellwood M7 EAST FOirRTEKNTH AND BXtlKU. Aak tor Booklet. . TOMBS 81nnl or In ramriy Sections. Handsomely arranged. Built to eour. Permanent, care. Cos La na mora in SIVtRVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM We havo mausoleums in atl principal cities in siaio. i ney conuiia me oniy an:iax torn oa in uregoo. PORTLAND MAUSOLEUM CO., 838 Pittock Block. Phone Bdwy. S51. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Leas. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington atreet, between. 2oth and 21st sts.. west side. Lady assistant. Mala 268L Auto, ais-so. HOLMAN & SON (Founded 1S54.) FrXKRAL, DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sta McENTEE & EILERS Fuueral parlors with all the privacy ot noma. join ana jLvereix atreeu Phones Bdwy. 2133: Auto. 631-33. PA NT AG Eg 1HT. !' Z CTvVH. i HUH - "REVUE LA PETITE" Featuring JOSEPH (JAZZ) WILLIAMS. The Powell Troupe SENSATIONAL WIRE ARTISTS, 5 Other Great Acta HlPPODROMt TODAY SOW PLAYING TONIGHT. "The Woman of a Thousand Secrets" GLOBE 11th and i Washington Elaine Hammerstein IN The Girl From Nowhere" CIRCLE Fourth -est Washington BILL HART "THE WHISTLE" A inn a com-dv. "Rocklnr th Boat : Pathe Nfws and Mutt and Jeff. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 ociocjc the following morning. DANCING COTILLION HALL MONDAY BARGAIN NIGHT NELSEN'S ORCHESTRA FRIENDSHIP NO. 115, O. B CHAPTER. S. Stated . communication this (Monday) ' evening, at Vincent hall. 43d and Sandy, at 8 o'clock. De grees. Visitor welcome. By orner oi w. ai. ELLA DUNN RICH. Secy. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAPTER, No. 14. O. E. B. mated meeting; this Monday, 8 P. M.. E. 8th and Burnslde. Degrees. Visitors welcome. Hy order w. Al. UELLE RICHMOND. Secy. PENINSULA LODOB NO. 128, L O. O. F., meets every Monday evening- at L O. O. t. ball, 01)0 H W. Lombard street. v ap ah uaaieuowa invitea. OEO. B. OTTtitalbft Be. COLUMBUS day dance. W. O. W. hall. East Sixth and Aider atreets, Wednesday evening;, October 12, by liberty assembly. U. A. Union. -pieca orchestra. Admlaaion 3S centa. LODGE EMBLEMS, claaa pins, officers' jewels; carry large atoclc to select from; sneclal worn to order in our own lactory, Davtda. Jewelers and opticians. 843 Wash ington street at uroaa way. EMBLEM jewelry, buttona, charms, plna. Bew designa Jaeger Hroa., isi- bixth sl FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems. elaas pina and xneaaia. aio waanington st. DIED. CHAPMAN At the residence. IBS Col urn bia at., Oct. 0, Ella Chapman, aged 29 years, beloved wire or tieorge Chapman, mother of Florence Chapman, daughter of Mr. and -Mra Arthur Nelson of Baker, Or.: also survived by three sisters ana two brothera, ait of Baker, Or. Funeral notice later. Remains at the. residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. BLANET Oct. 9, at the residence, 826 K. 18th at.. Oregon C, husband of Eletba Bianey. The remaina ara at Flniey'i (Mortuary, Montgomery at f ilm, notice of funeral hereafter. GAYNOR In this city, Oct. 9. Thomas Gaynor, aged 62 years, late of 210 Hall at., beloved hu&band of Bertha oaynor. Funeral notice later. Remaina at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. - FALL In thia city, Oct. 9. James Fall, father oi James u. ran ana rrea i. Fall. Remains at Holman's chapel. No tice of funeral later. WARREN George Atkinson Jr., Oct. 9, aged 3 years 10 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson Warren, 407 Viata ave. Funeral notice later. RINGLER'S MODERN DANCE STUDIO New Hall Eleventh and Hnrnalde. Professional instructors. day and evening;. Class nights Mondays and Fridays. Private lessons daily. Bdwy. 8380. So cial, fancy, soft - shoe, clog;, all branches. Where Shall We Go? BROADWAY DANCE PAVILION VIC MEYER'S PREMIER ORCHESTRA The Prettiest Girla the Best Dancers. Every Week Night Sunday Ere, on the Blue. Bird. FUNFJtAL NOTICES. LAWSON In this city, Oct 9, at her late residence. 472 sellwood blvd.. Martha Lawson. Sister of Mrs. E. J. Morris and E. J. Church. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3:110 o'clock, at the Portland crematorium. Remains at Holman'a chapeL HUME In this city, Oct. 8, Senator Wil son T. Hume. The funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the chapel of Edward Holman & Son. Concluding services at the Portland cre matorium, under auspices of Willamette Lodge No. 2, A. F. A A. M. COBB At her late residence. 70?s 6th ave. S. B., Elvira M. Cobb. 'aged 78 yeara Funeral service wilf be held at Moaier, Or., Monday A. M. Remains at P. L. Lerch funeral parlors. East 11th ' at Hawthorne. MORRIS At the residence, g3 Bowdoln St., Oct. 8. James M. Morris, aged 74 yeara. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 3 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. GARRETSON The funeral ' service for John G. Garretson, late of 544 Sixth st , will be held today (Monday), at 2:30 P. M., at the Portland Crematorium. 14th and Bybee ate. Friends invited. J. p. Fisley Son, directors. SINCERBAU The funeral services of the late Rosella Slncerbau will be held Tues day, Oct. 11. at 2 P. M., at the chapel of- Miller A Tracey. Interment Rose City cemetery. SMITH In this city. Oct. 8, Max Smith Jr. The funeral services will be held at the Portland crematorium Tuesday after neon at 2 o'clock. Remains at iiolman's cbapei, EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (r. 3. DUNNING. INC.i 'The family sets the price." 414 E. Alder. Phone East 5- Auto. 22i-2i. DOWNING & McNEMAR. The Realdential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St.. Irvlngton Plat. Kast 54. FIN LEY'S MORTUARY MO.VTGOMERr AT FIFTH. MAIN 9. LEKCH. UNDERTAKER. Eaat Eleventh and Hawthorne, Phone Ea.t A D 7CI I ED PR 693 Williams Ave. Mi 111 t.Li.l.l.11 uuti Phone East 1088. A. D. KEN WORTH x" tc CO.. 6804 P2d St.. Lents. Auto. 618-IL evemce undertaking co. OiLHLO Third and Clay. Main 4152 BREEZE & SNOOK lVV- MONTJBrENTB. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS t 4th St.. opp. City Hall. NEC BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QDALTTY HEMOKIALS E.THIBD a. PINE STS PHONE EL 7-43 n.ORI8T8. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY S54 Washington St Main 269 Larg-eat rose rrowers In ths Northwest. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. Wlip w Si 111.5". mm, ail.. 1 W r J BS M ff f I VJ wmwm LI lH-l.t.lt-vTn ii.ii.i'iUHjm Personal attention clven wedding;, reception, tea and table decoration. Floral tribute Dromntiv attended to. fcWfcTLAMVS FLOWER SHOP Morrison st., bet. 3d and 4th Tel. Main 419. And Floral Design. 25 Hothouse. No Branch Stores. 25 Tears on Morrison street, bet. 4th and 5th. Main 7700. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florist. We sne. Clallse in funeral deslgna. Sixth. opposite Meier A Frank s. Main 7215. IRIS PLANTS FOR SALE. Choice plant 2oc; all kinds of peren nials for sale. Call Bundsy A. M. or lion- day. 106 Senate st. Tabor 3253. NOB HILL, FLORISTS. (Estate Alfred Burkhardt.) K. E. cor. 23d and Gllean. Main H'L,LAiiJ Ks'sl'a. Florello and Bewane Ie Veny, the only actentlflc chiropodists and arch specialists In city. Parlors aoi Uerlinger bldg., southwest corner bcondand Alder streeta. Alain laoi. DR- .'. - FLETCHER 1-oot troubles sci eptlflcally corrected; lady assistant. 12 'gnu OIU g. Main bTbJ. CLKAMNO AND PKtSSlNG. REGAL CLEANERS ATKR3 Cleaning and dyeing a epecialty. 127 North alxth atreet. Portland, Or. ComX'TlONS. National Collection Agency . 15 Henry Bids. Fourth and Oak ata Bdwy. 8020. NETH sV CO., Worcester bldg. Alain 1706. No collections, no charge. Estab. lDuu. OPTOMETRISTS. GEORGE RUBEXSTE1X. the veteran OP' ticlan, will fit your eyes better and cneaper than elsewhere. Expert optician. -rteasonapie prlcea 2a Mornaon st. Ml'hlC TEACUERS5. LADY violin teacher. Just Irom the eas wishes more pupils; will tall at housa. n OPUIAWH a4H. 1 ' 1 A O . Clascal vinlin. cnmnlete POSl tions, all struma Kol Keabeck, 4U YamhllL VIOLIN, piano, harmony; clasalcal, popu . Jar. All airing. Hoi Kenbeca, 4 UK Yam' L. CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and voice, nroadway 25oa. 138 latn at. VOICE production, European and Amerl can stu uy. ti. tso u r n e . Alarsnau jj PIANO SCHOOL Special ratea for chU dren. 2o3 Va Washington st. Main aol7 TAIN TING. PAPERING, palntlnsr. tlntlnit: work guar anteed aatiata.utory. O. E. IkuaeriHroni. Sellwooa H'J3. PAINTING, kalsomlnlns and root re pa ins; at moderate Drlcea: work xuaran teed; cabinet work a specialty. East C H. TERK1LL. house and algn painte papering, tinting. K. a,tn. nourqi PATENTS. INVENTORS" lose fortunes through poor designing. Engineer with inventive anil ity at your service at 414 IJekuin bldg. f none Main 43BT. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period ot 74 yeara All cominunica tiona atrlctlv rnnri(lntlal nroniDt. effi dent, conscientious service: handbook free on reauest- Mb'NN & CO.. Hobart bldg.. &S4 Market it- ban Franc iuco Chicaro office room ala Tower bldg. Washington office, room 10.1, UJi llrat. New York omce. Woolwortn piqg. B. C. WRIGHT. 21 yeara' experience U. S. ana roreign patents, ftui uettum ptug. PHYSICIANS. SR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. Rheumatism, atomach, bowel, lung, liver. kidney, bladder, rectal, prostata, feroali disorder, skin affections, blood preavure. enlarged tonsils, moles. blrtnmarKS. PIPE REPAIRING. UANCINO. 1M1KOI.1V KASMtSSEN, expert Instruc tion in modern ballroom and atage uanc Inc. ciassio ballet, toe, oriental. eUg Eliera bldg.. 261 Waiih. at. UENT1STS. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner Sixth and Washington sta Maln 2118. Auto. 2I1D. DENTISTRY DR- A- w- keEnb; UUlllOlMl Nerve-Blockinir Svstem Satisfaction guaranteed. Above Majesllo theater. a.m Washington street. FLOOR SANDING. OLD FLOORS made like new, waxing and 405 . -il iiootta, labor HATS CLEANED, BLOCKED AND ITED HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed: reasonable and satisfactory. Koyai Hat Works, 2J3 1st SL ELEkJTKICA LKEI'AIRING, MOTORS REWOUND and reDaired BULUHI AND SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone527-27 Main 8L PIPES REPAIRED Hv BxDerta. Pipe Shop. 272 Washington St. PKINTEBS. DDIimilfJ F. W. BAXiTKS & COMPA.N rnlilllilUFlrstandOalc Main 163: 511-6.1 ROOF PAINTING AND REPAIRING. ROOFS repaired and painted; Roof Security. Inc. Utn WKHKOOT PAINT: ref. Kiven. 224 Board ot Irade bldg. Main &7L Main ORKfiON ROOFING CO. Roof painting, repairing and reahlng' ling. Tapor 461 1. KOOFS repaired and painted; all work guaranteed. Give ua a trial. Brady A Garvin. 1031 E. Alain. Tabor 6216. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 60 Dekum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. BECURITT STORAGE TRANSFER CO. backing Moving storage. Money loaned on gooda in storage. 63 Fourth st.. opp. Multnomah hotel Phone Broadway 3T1J. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St. Broadway 125L DHAVAGB. STORAGS. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Eaat 7lh ana urani sis. rptn imuur Day and nighteerv2ce53veterlnarlana WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS ENGINEERS' AND MILL SL'PPI.IKH. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. THB M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-88-87-89 Front. Z " 7 . ...,, ' H4TtsAXD CAPS ' prtland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrnp. THANHAUSElTHACOT83-'5S Front aU PLUMBING SirPMES AND PIPE. yA1N'rS' ou-8 AXP GLASS. THE M. L- KLINE CO.. 84-86-8T-89 Front RASML'SSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. HIDES, WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. KAHN B ROS.. IBS Front stre et EVE RD1NO & . F A RRE L L.J 4 0 Fro n tsL Phone your want ad to The Oretro- nlan. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95. XEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. Ladles "ave Yeor Old Carpets, Hags and Woolen Clothing;. Let Us Slake New Ituus (or Ion. i'laaiiisiaMs t -tiT"" - nfin-iril The oldest and best equipped fac tory. Fluff and rag: rugs woven all sixes; carpets refitted; 9x12 rugs steam cleaned, J 1.50. We call and deliver. 188 E. Eighth St. Phone East 3580 WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 54-54 Union Ave. IV. Eait 0.W6 fiend us your old carpets, old rugs and woolen clothing. Wo xuako reversible hhvnd-woven FLUFF RUGS. 8x6 Rag Rugs $1.50 Mali orders. Send for booklet. Feath ers Renovated, Carpet Cleaning, Refit ting, etc. Largest, finest equipped Car pet Cleaning, Refitting wks. In Oregon. Hxl-i Rugs steam cleaned $1.50 We Call and Deliver. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Property. InMtallmenl Re payment If lienlrefl. llaildlnjr loansv. Current Itatca. 1'ronpt Service A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. 216-210 Northwestern Banlc Building;. Marshall 4114. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Fiat a no Ajkartiu ent Property. 2-FAllII.y FLAT. On small corner lot, walking distance, 1 blnlc from Knitt Uroadway. nI bridge. This Is a good family building. Kill en. Luna c y.s. . 101-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 12-KOOM APARTMENT. Residential apartment, west side, near Broadway and Wall, vlean, splenuia xur- nlture. furnace, good tease, low rent, money-maker, no vacancies. Price $17110. Trms on S710. See it today. KlDOey. realtor. 610-11 McKay bldg., 3d and Ptark. APARTMENT HOUSES. If you are in the market for lsrge or small apartment houses or ths fur nishings and lease, call. I have, them. F. L,. BLANC HARD, Realtor. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. 70IO KXI-KPTIONAI. BARGAIN. Store and 3 apartments, furnished: a-as ' heat, garage connected. assedHmenta paid. excellent condition; permanent net in ner year. Bee owner, owl come 1300 per "Worcester bldg. For Sale Lots. Carpet Cleaning Rrflrttnc;. Slalu(. Binding;, lite. 9X12 RUGS cV-n-n SI.25 Oriental Hags Cleaned, acts sq. ft. Hum iJry Cleaned and Shampooed OLD MATTKESSK8 JIAIIK NEW er Kolled-edge 1'ure Cnttoo 40-lb. Mattrraae. (S.75. Feathers Iteuovated Work Guaranteed Same-iuv bervics. Mail Order lepr. 'rlO"F.KH CARI'KT CL.KAKINQ AM) MAITKKSS WORKS Most Modern Equipped Fiant Id Oregon. Flione 237-07. 11)72 E. Lincoln St. STORAGE SPACE . CENTRALLY LOCATED ON TRACK We can move and store your poods in a fine sprinklered building. UAULI.G. PACKING, STORAGE. CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 4S4 Gllsan St. Bdvrr. 3470. FLUFF RUGS Msde From All Kinds of Old Carpets, For quality. Service and Economy, OBEfiON FLIFF KU1 CO., 1984 K. btark St. Tabor 7314. TONSETH'S FLORAL, CO.. 287 Washington St.. bet. 4th and 61 h. Main 5102. A. 1101. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society bas full charge of the city pound at its home, 635 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, oo-ws, horses, ic,, picked, ua, . ' 80x115 FT. 53S. WILSHIRK ADDITION. This lot is on Bryce ave., 4 blks. from Broadway car line: terms 10 down, $15 month, 2d mtg. privilege. Office open every day. Corner 33d and Bryce ave. JT. T HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2US. 20(1x400 FT. 1 1325. U DOWN 114 MONTH. . Great for garden and berries: good homeslte, low county tax: no building restrictions. J. Ta. HARTMAN COM PA NT. 8 Chamber of Commerce Btdg. Main 208. EIGHTY-NINE DOLLARS EAC1L $9 down and $9 monthly buys fonr 25-ft. rota on macadam street, gas, city water, very sightly. 0 blks. from car: oritrtnal price of these four lots was Fred w. German Co., realtors. 32 Cham, of Com. REAL F.STATE. For Sale l.oia. ROSE CITT PARK DISTRICT. 1700, 150 ft. south of Klickitat st... on east aide of 47th at. N.: $100 down, $15 per month, paved, etc $1250, N. W. corner B. 80th and Braaee sts.; paved, etc.; below the hlllwaah. $750. 100x125 ft, N. W. corner 41st and Falling sts.: terms and second mortgage privilege. $550, 100 ft. north of Sandy blvd., on eaat aide of 75th at. N.; terms. - $825. 100 ft. N. Klickitat, on -west aide 1. 47th St.. $200 down, $12.50 per month; second mort gage privilege. $1050, 200 ft, north of Broad way, east aide E. Ssth st. N'.. 1 block north of Sandy blvd., below tue hilL $S50. N. V. corner B. 79th st. and tiandy blvd., 112 ft, on Sandy. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. i 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' Main -OS. SNAPS. NEW WILSHIKH ADDITION. 10 DOWN $15 PF.R MONTH. 2I JIORTRAGK PRIVILEGE. RESTRICTS!) DISTRICT, AD- lillVIVll Al 1 VI b' I , t V $R00, cor. 110x152 ft. all cleared, E. 37th st N. S75, 100x100 ft, half fruit level and cleared. $550, 50x100 ft, on Alameda drive, between K. 35th and E. 30th sts. K. 873. 100x100 ft, beautiful fir trees, eaat front $77.1. 105x100 ft, fir trees, 100 ft on street, eaat facing. $525, 50x103 ft. all In fruit, on Bryce ave.. between J. 33d N. and 11. 35th at. X. J. T HARTMAN COMPANY. . 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. NEW WILSniRH ADDITION. RESTRICTED. loej DOWN MONTHLY TAY. HUNTS. $350 TO $900. Very choice locations In this tract adjoining Alameda park, aerved by 2 car lines snd close to school, builders' second mortgage privilege, J. Tj. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Cemmerce Bldg, Main 20s. 150. PARKKOSR. $20 DOWN J JO MONTH. 122x370 FT. Trees for shade, balance all cleared, ready for plowing: run ning water, rich slit Innd. beauti ful building aite. 123 ft. from graveled street. Just a short iis tance from Handy blvd. and car line, bee thia today. J. I j. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Main 208. 105x125 FT. IU7.V TREES TKKE3 TREE3. New Wllshire addition, north of Beaumont east of Alameda Park and Olmstead Park, beautiful homeslte; terms $117 50 down, $1.1 month. Office open every day. Take Broadway car to Bryce ave., go 4 blocks eaat J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 6 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Main 2U8. WIT.SHIRK. $50 lKDxllo FT. 10 DOWN $li 1'EU MONTH. Here are 8 '4 lots that are a real bargain at this price and cun be bought on easy ternia and will handle on second mortKuge; torms if buyer deslrea to build. J. I HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2U8. iillLUEKS, ATTENTION. Have lour lota In Kninrnn', rfll- 24th and Gladstone, owned by non-resident that can be had for $lii0; no ien ui murLKttKPB aguinat tnis property. j. . muv-v r i ii i Aninxion Mag, ONE LOT, 50x100. fruit trees and berrlea. i-iiT-ap. can or ternia. 1 aDor US. For Sale llouwes. $.150 DOWN. $1350 PARKROSE COTTAGE. Ground 05x300 ft. and coxy S-ronm cottage, pressure water, caa and e ec trie lighta, good graveled road. Iota of lir iree in yard, making it lust dandy little place. Monthly payments oniy s-o per montn ana interest J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. Main 200. Branch Office End of Parkross Car Line. $1000 CASH BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. New. very attractive, with biff living room across entire front, cove celling Ivory finish, hardwood floora. arttallo fireplace, all built-lns. breakfast nook shower bath and recess tub: full concrete basement, hot air furnace. caraire. There are 8 rooms. Including 3 bedrooms. In trits lovely bungalow home. The price la $11200. Pay $1UU0 caah. Call Mr. Evcr- son today. COUTH KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 20 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WALNUT PARK fl-room buntralow on a choice corner lot 00x100; all medorn conveniences, including hot water heat; built 2 years ago; cost $K2l0; will sell for IHD00; $2500 cash, balance terms. Owner, 1125 Mallory ave. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. Look at lot 6 In block 10. Piedmont, en Cleveland ave. This lot cost the owner over $1800. but will sell for S120O on terms. All Improvements paid. J. J McCarthy. AMngton Mdg. $10 CASH, $5 per month, full-slse lot near Hawthorne car line. Franklin high and grade school; live In garage till you can afford nous" and quit high rent; $250 per lot. Phone Tabor 2415, owners. FACTORY SITE ON TRACKAGE. 100x300 ft, fronting on paved street and car line, sloping gently to K. R. track; $3000; terms. Addresa M II, Oregonlan BARGAIN! $1500 will buy 100x100 cor ner, E. 15th at. and Skidmore; all Im provements; good view. Owner, 400 frescott st. woodlawn 20. Baldwin, Ben Davis, Kins; Apples, JV?c lb. on the tree, let blocks S. H. Oak Grove Klerrric Station. M. II. REUVUS. JNO. B. COFFEY SIRETY BONDS I.VSIKAMK 409 Wilcox Bids;. Main 8020. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGACK I.OANS United btfttci Bank fiiuldliis $6.V CASH, dpsirabla resiil?nt jot on E 4th st.. nar Hawthorne, pavement 1b in ana paia. ocon & lierry. 1038 Belmont. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. See me for building Bite bargains. BROOKE Mar. 4S27. Phone mornings, YOU CAN resell your place without de- lay U you have a Title Insurance policy. Title & Trust Co.. 91 Fourth Mreet. TITLE INSURANCE caves time money because no abstract Is required. Title ft Trust Co.. 0l Fourth street. WELL located lot on East Bint st.. with all improvements in, at bargain; must sell; no agents- E 03, Oregon. an. I HAVE a 60x100 lot on East Pine, near park, will sell at a sacrifice. Owner. Ta bor 7463. ROSE CITY. N. K. corner 41st Tillamook. Price $1100. Tabor 6441. ALAMEDA Park. 60-ft. W. of 26th. on . fcsUdmore. IS. lacing. JSOO. Tabor. 614 V HO.SH ITY. 404)0. Here Is a chance to get what you hsve been looking for. Five -room bungalow, only been built about 8 months, hard wood floors, fireplace, concrete basement. 50x100 lot, garage. If you can raise $100 caah here is a bargain. COE A. McKii.N.NA &, CO. ? 4-th St. Main 4r?2. FOR KALE AT A BARGAIN. Nice 7-room house, full cement base ment, furnace, trayn. 2 toilets, gas, elec tricity, jrarage, lot ftOxlOO; would vacate In a few d.); munt have JJiirtO cash, balance easy. Owner. 223 Skidmore st. J000O. $1200 CASH. 5-room, up-to-date bungalow, finished attic, massive fir, place, furnace, Dutch, kitchen, laundry trays. East 4Sth st., near Hawthorne, paved st. Scott & Berry. $30O, f 1200 CASH, 6-room houne. Bast Morrison st., near 8Mh, paved street, fireplace, . furnace, cement bnment. Ideal home. Scott & Berry, loafi Belmont. PENINSULA district, by owner, 5-1 o m modern bungalow, cement basement, Dutch kitchen, fruit and beTits. price i.'S.no, frVirt down. Call Sell wood a.m. REAL FSTATK. ENGLISH COUNTRY HOME ON ALAMEDA, NEAR 50TK FT. VIEW FROPERTY. Prohahlv the most complete bouse of Its kind In the city; a quiet, restful distinction removes It from Its neighbors and gives a sense of cxclusiveness seldom found in the heart of a fine resl denre section; 7 rooms, including study and sun room, finished to minutest detail; 4 rooms are view rooms; groumis S.'ixlOO feet; land scaped and terraced: reaches feom Alameda to Wistaria. To those people dejtlrlng a truly distinctive home and one barely 6 months old. this should 'warrant an early inspection. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2 US. MOXTAVILLA 4300 DOWN. SMALL HOUSE $33 MONTH. Living room, dining room, bed room, kitchen and nice break fast room ; on nth st., facing east; nice basement snd laiinriry trays; 3 blocks to car ; price $3l.0 snd no mortgage to be assumed. J. Tj. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Uln 2 US. ONLY fAOOA. Pom City Park cor. lot H01nn, A rooms and floored attic, basoment. furnace, hardwood floors. firopU.ce, built-in, hreakfant nook, nil finished In old gray and white enamel; lov-ly wall puper. This Is a sacrifice price and only ."00 In caali, balance per month. Fur bargains in real estate come to M ETZOER-PARKER COMPANY. SOU Oak Street. Bdwy. iW33. Volll CA&Il COUNTS. ft-room plastered cottage with bsth, lights snd gas, H'O feet from c.-ir an-1 pavement and only 1:I00 if sold the coming week. $rtm cash down. iOxlon, A rntufortable home and worth third more. RALPH HARRIS CO.. S16 Chamber of Commerce. M.iln 524. TO PUY YOU It HOME DRTVPJ OUT TO LArHKLHTTRST TRACT OKPMOK K. HUTU AND CIL1SAN STS. Mr. Pelnhunty. the man !n rhnrge, has spe.i.illitod In Lnurelhnrst properly for 12 years and knows KVKRY MAKOAIN 4FFEKKD. Save money by sveln? him flrct. Sperinl today, fine fl-room bunaa low for $jltn, fine location. Phone Ta- bor:i 4 :,t. lc n t n g n. Ktis t773 H. "I'OIITLAND H KUiHTA P.UNCAI.tHV. Beautiful new five-room colonial bungalow-. Just completed; garug. choice location, fine view, ultra modern inte rior, largo f.'in-ft.) living room, built by owner for a home, eTnoO, about $2ajQ e;itl. Phone M;iln ."'72M. OWXKU MUST SELL. New 7-nom 1 '-.-story bungalow al f:td y.nnt Broad wn y ; double connt rue ted throughout, "n oak floor, Rudy furnaoe, gnritgc, full lot, Improvements In and pa ul ; look. It over and submit of fir. KH.t B.'tT.'l, owner. $3imu VOH A fine 4-rnnin bunsalow with f i re pis. e ( radia nt n c ; pasemeni anti full a'tic; Duth kitchen; lot .'tlxlOO; .'.0 ft-ft from car line. Only $tiOO caah. bal ance at F. L. BLANCH A UD, REALTOR. 401-2 swetland Bldg .Mar. V 1 1 .1 -A M KTT E llKHillTS. Attractive modern tt-room bungalow reduced to $ti.o;" mat; nil icent i-w. se lect neighborhood, on car line ; leaving city. Monthly payments or tirm ar ranged. Would sell iurnituro. uwuer. Main 3i3. $12..oo UHiK around, then see this bar gain In irvinji.on; n rooms, iwo nam rooms, two iireplart-s. hardwood floors throughcut, full basement, garage, lot 75100. an lda.1 home; must bu cecn to be appreciated. Sa.e bv owner. 03 i East l:t h N. Telephone hawt rM. GOING TO BUILD T We design snd build residences, of any building. Assist In financing sains. The best rurvlcu at lowest cost .o you. Es tablished 12 years. Security and satis faction sssured. L. R- BAILEY CO., luC, VIM N. W. Hank bldg. IRVINtiTON COR.NEK IM'NUAI.OW, $(1000. New 5-room mouern oungaiow; naia wood floor, fireplace, furnace. Urge at tic, cement bast-men t, garage ; sisht ly corni-r. 17th and Skidmore kih., 2 blocks from Irvlnnton car; open dally from 2 to 6. Phone owner. M.nn 27. (Ji t'il, well-built, ft -room colt a km, west Hld ea.-y WaiKing oisiauce. wen muuuipu for work ing man home. Will take up to $1000 In vacant lutH, balance cany. Price a.'Smi. iwn-r, Alain l'.MU. Ault t'hamh'-r tif Coinmereo. Evttninga. Mar shall xii.'i or M.iln 321'.'. LA UK I'J I a 1 1 L" 1 1ST. $1000 down, sacrificing a etrlctly mod ern tl-room coloolal bungalow, tint water heatt-r, a pedestal bowl, a built-in hstli tub, hardwood floors, living room is ill. lawn, shruhbery and flowers, garatf a, la rice lot. Tabur 2001. J220 E. 1'ine at., near 4 I Mt. Y OWNER, double-construrter! fl-rootn bungalow, almost new, full floored attic, cement foundation. 2 basements, electric lights, gH, bath, garage, chicken house. '2 lota Price s:;ioo. t or terms ace uwnvrs M 1 sn vier St., near 2 Ith. ,Y EQUITY in a six-room hnue for sale, $1300 cash, the balance, $2105, to be paid $2a per mo. and Interest at 6 per cent ; a splendid bargain. Call nt 20 Wfst Church, 1 block north ot Killings worth : no anents. IV A !-. I'ONTltACTS If you are going to build a home see Paggett A Kalian, contractors. Wo fur nish blue rlnts, estimates and specifi cations free on old and new work; all work guaranteed, Phone Col. 1 1J 2. ""37,o MO U N'T TABOli I 1ST It I CT. 5-room bungalow In excel lent condi tion; ftre place, sas stove, large attic, 8 bearing Iruit trct-, lots of tsmall fruit; cor. lot. AOs P. I. 1275 E. Yamhill. Auto. 2 - 2 - 7 : t ; $ M x' down , h.H. II k ere n I. ardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bur et and bonk esses, 1 Hi ten Kitchen; 1 .locks from car and 1 from school. Autu, .25-01. our property and can issue tit io In stil rn n e- nolle without de In v. No a b- stract required. Title & Trust company, ii I Fourth street. V h f I) ti WE y 1 k v i n ; ton L i s i f ; 1 1 t. New bungalow, ft room, up to tho Tnlnute In every war. lric $7ooo fur tills choice corner, bomo terms, i'none Vt.Tft 7:14.. owner. 1KRN 5 rooms, bath, hardwood floor; a rage, furnace, close to school, street art, paved street. 325 E. 4lst. Tabor TITLE Insursnce im quicker. s;tfer and cheaper abstract m"t hod. Auk your 1 1, . V,a Ln,.as Til U Mr Trn.t pany. fI Fourth street. Ft" UN ISliKO si-room house, lot (Vnxioo; rnicken nouso. nnnicn ani irun irees. $.'tt, cash or terms. 7110 Ilb, at. S. E. 11 Sunday or evenings ROOM hout-e. tihxUO. modern : penin sula Park; plenty fruit: 4 blocks to car; real home; $2.su. jviain Uilwy, 474. UKAl'TI FL'I. born". rooms, wit h sleeping porch. Sell, 0. Eaat 5th TOU ARK sure of your title If you Insist on Title Insurance. Itctter be safe than srrv Title &. Trut company. sorry. LA ARGE listings In restricted distrirts; car at your service. J. li. H night, 327 Hoard of Trade. Bdwy. 2nt.. LAL'REI-HL'KST sacrifice, bfautiful home, modern t hroup hout, com pletei y lur n i s h e d: $ 7.VI". terms. T.t hr . r2 H"J4 6-ROO.M hou.se, double garage, frutta. garoen ; una j o. ( llt st or mirn, i uni rermj. trees, N.. cor ., cor, in v iktii ' erm j, pOK SALE JiY OWNER, h KM. uViC'SE OVEKTON NKAK 2all. liY API'oi.Sf. f vp t m n: :t 7 r ri a r: iv vtj BY OWNER, in a g.o i location, , " room house and s.eeping porch; no agents. Tahor T..2. HOuM modern hung a low in VN'avei ly Heights: ueaumui view. ov iilat. near K ! l v. Knr pale ir rent. 2100 ft-KOOM, new Ivory enameled, white enamel bath, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. Phone Tabor iMO. FOR SALE by owner, small cozy cottage. close in; tot ioxmmi, witn alley; terms to suit. Phone East 7417. HERE IT IS 7 rooms, hardwood, modern. u0xl23, sacrifice; Immediate possession. Owner, 801 Clackamas. 5-ROOM bungalow, outit-tns, garage, s. p., choice view porcn. $.Jouu, terms. Own er. PpII. 2704. IRVINUTON Eaft Broadway; 8-room good house; .xioo ground. Owner. Fteasnnahle Kawt H340. LARGE listings In restricted districts; cars at your service. J. R. Halght, 827 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 204.1.. MODERN 6-room R. C bungalow and garage etvuu. Arms, iauoc -vitl. -KO M modern bungalow; a luta ; no agents. owner, 4 22a 4 lih at. a. E. l'hn ne Bij. 5-ROOM hoiine, rf.7 East Ash st.; not mod- ern but close In; fine yard, near school; cheap. Owner. W." E. CourhBt East 1231. FOR SALE R-room house with 4 hed"- rooms, sleeping porch, garage. phone Mar. IrtPH. East 70o". Kl'NN YSIOE 7-room model n bungalow-. full cement basement, double cement K a ratio. I 'hone Th hor BI'.'S. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. liest buys in nice modern homes. BROOK E. Mar. 427 Phone mornings IF A HOME la worth buying the title la worth insuring. No a hn tract required. Title A Trust company. 01 Fourth at. CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through title insurance. Title St Trust company. 01 Fourth street. BY OWN ER t-room bouse, cloa ju, al MC-rlQca, East 2022. East ujju.