18 THE MORXIXG OltEGOXIAX, THURSDAY, OCTOBER G, 1921 REAL ESTATE. Fur Sale Karma. BIO FARM BARGAIN CONSIDER HOUSB. 40 acres, located 20 mile southwest of Portland, good wire fence, A4 mile to school; 33 acres under cultivation; all can be farmed when -cleared. 6-room house with fireplace, good barn, garage, chicken boiiM, bog houae, woodshed. Im plement house. Included witb place: 3 horses, 3 cows, 2 hogs, 3 dozen chickens. 4 atands bees, scream separator, grain drill, binder anfl complete line of farm Implements and crops. Consider house In Portland up to $30oO with soma cash, lit. Scott district preferred. ' ONLY 14 MILES OUT. !0 acres, on rocked road, northeast of Oregon City, 38 acres under cultivation, balance In timber, about 1500 cords of wood, bearing orchard. 4-rm. house, bam, garage, chicken house. The place Is stocked and equipped, which Is included ni aii.iw, t.vw casn. or win consider Portland property for part of the value. Part of this land Is steep, but the aWI la good. Rnnch Inspected by Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, Gerllnger BIdg, Largest Farm Dealer on I'aclflc Coast. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. WANTED HEAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. METZGKR-PARKER COMPANY solicit your real estate business?. We have placed our sales and ex change department under the su pervision of JOHN H. GIBSON, formerly located at 26S Stark at. Bring in your listings. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, 268 Oak bu Broadway 0355. WANT HOUSE TO (3000 for 40 acres near Beaverton of level, very rich sol!, suited for asparagus and garden.' Only 1133' per acre. MAC INNES. EXCHANGE DEPT. HITTER. LOWE St CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bids;. ajicnanyia ot aient uniy. BTOCTCED AND EQUIPPED. 30 ACRES ALL THIS TEAR'S CROP. ONLY 14 MILES OUT. IN WASH. CO. 40 acres In high state of cultivation. 10 acres of good timber, on good gravel road, with mail and milk route; (4 mile to school and church; with place goes 7 good cows, 4 heifers, team, brood ow. 4 pigs. 40 chickens, full line of machinery ana tools, several hundred fcushele of grain, barn full of hay, 2 ncres or Kaie, lota or roots, six-room i iium, oarn ana outDutidings; every thing complete for (11,000, half cash. STEWART A JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bidg. WE HAVE a buyer for a C-rm. modern bungalow in the vicinity of Irvington. near car; can pay 11000 down; and 2 buyers for modern homes in Rose City, around (0000, with (1000; also several wanting small places that (000 will handle. List with us for quick results. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4 880. SMALL FARM FOR PORTLAND CITY HOME. . Client owns 15 acre 8 mile from Eugene, Or., 4 acres in fruit. 2 acres pasture, balance cul tivated, fair old 6-room farm house, large old barn, good gran ary and other outbuildings, ber ries, shade trees, etc. Land good and drains well. Price (2500. cash or trade. Easy terms. What have you? See Mr. Kinney today at 324 Henry bldg., or write - ... KINNEY 4 HYDE, Realtor, Eugene, Or. HOUSES WANTED. Hits buyers for medium priced bouses with small payment down and large monthly payments; also havo parties with improved and unimproved acreage, close to Portland, that will exchange for Portland house that is priced right. Ask for Mr. Newman, with Joha Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. TUALATIN VALLEY SNAP. 53 acres, 42 under cultivation, 8 miles xrom court nouse on excellent road, beat spring water, small natural lake, unex celled soil, dandy big barn and other buildings, good family orohard. Heal bargain at (300 per acre. ' MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 2d SL Main 1436. 39 ACRES. NEAR TUB PAVED ROAD. STREET-CAR LINE. 6-room house, barn and outbldgs, winter's food. 2 cows, lota of chickens. I noro and tools. Phono In house. Some rood wood, all lor only (0100: good terms. STEWART & JOHNSON. 115 Northwestern Bank Idg. JdY PLACE in La Center, Wash., 4 from town, 12 acres, nine acres clea live acres young clover: 8 Jersey I os, v tons oi nay, 4(1 chlckeni 40 bushels of chicken feed; 0-room nous witn some furniture and brand-ne oarn; casn and the rest terms, 8 per cent interest. Owner, Erik uann. La center, w aa h. LIST YOUR SUBURBAN HOME. We have hundreds of calls for sub urban homes from ft aero up. Wo can sell your place. List with us for quick results. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Abington Bldg.. Main 1068. 3d St.. Bet- Wash, and Stark. WANT residence, give either choice 15 a., Vancouver 7ft miles, plastered house, concrete basement, fine locality. (4500; 20 for (4500 or 80, Including 600 cords seasoned wood, for $9000. both near Ore gon City: also SO Polk county foothills: some Improvements, (1950. Owner, 141 r,aat isortn. (2000 STOCK RANCH FOR TRADE. 164 acres, located 37 miles from Eugene; 10 acres has been culti vated. 60 acres slashed, balance pasture, lots of outrange, creek And springs, family orchard, ber ries, etc., 4-room house, barn and outbuildings, dally stage and mail. A real bargain. Price (2000. Have you a. good equity to trade for it? See Mr. Kinney today at 324 Henry bldg. Portland, or write KINNEY Ac HYDE. Realtors, Eugene, Or. 93 ACRES (5500. " - Located 2ft mlleg from town, about 15 or 20 acres cultivated, balance timber, pasture, fair fences, 6-room bungalow, largo barn, 50x90, and other outbuild ings; rolling land, ideal for poul try. What have you to trade for it? For information, sea Mr. Kin ney at room 324 Henry bldg., or write KINNEY CO., Realtors. Corvallis, Or. WANTED, AN ISLAND. I wmt to gat in touch with party who has an island of from 200 to 500 acres in I lake or river, if it does not overflow, in Washington, Oregon or California; send nescription. tr ot, oregonlan. WE ARE in touch with two parties look ing for small improved places close-in I vd east siue, irom a to ju acres; can make good substantial payment and I monthly pavment on balance. v STEWART & JOHNSON 315 Northwestern Bank Bier. ARE YOtI SATISFIED? Are you satisfied? If not, wa can help you. We can sell you anything you want on easy terms, or we can give you an exchange for your property, whether large or small, no matter where it la located. We havo some of the best farms in the west to trade for Income prop erty, wo havo a few good homes In Portland to trado for acreage and we havo some dandy good rooming houses to sell on easy terms. We want to help you and If you are looking for a Dusiness opportunity, aon't Tail to see us. QUICK SALES COMPANY, 406 Couch Bldg. Auto. 511-00. nile loo ACRE farm at 2ft miles of Fairfield Jdaho. 80 acres crop this year, 80 acres , in summer laiiow. ATlce (10,000, sqult t M0O0, balance on easy terms. Will t -iniue ior small improved farm, Imnl 1 ment or hardware stock In Willamette vaney not to exceed my equity. AV 42: M AtKl.1, sandy loam soil, 4 miles from town; in acres cleared, o acres timber, oaianco easily cleared; personal prop . caiuoti at enuu; jog oungaiow, ne oarn, chicken house, garage, good well, . creek. All for (3500 if taken this week, Terms. . P. D. Settlemier. Woodland, nan. iil.ou c. K ALitK will buy lltn unra- I Clackamas county, southeast of Molalla, goon jor a stock place, near range; som uuuuiiiBD, springs ana creek; 60 acre van ue cuitivatea; aoout -o acres par' tially cleared. I. O. Davidson, Chamber ui i.um. mag., I'ortianq. uii aiLn Dy owner. 40 acres; runnln water, j -room nouse. Darn. silo, carpen ter e-hnp. blacksmith shop, garage, elec tric plant under construction; complete ....o ,.i,i,, iMM'iT-iiiciua, mommy cas ,n. pi i, c i.uiiu casn. baian . term. 70S E, 05th St. Tabor 1070 jo A.,itr..-i, u nines irom city limits, nave, road most all way; abundance of fruit, z acres loganberries, ft acre strawber ries, aooa u-room cottage, barn and chicken house,. Price (.1200, easy terms. r.ee jr. n. j esse, 027 Corbett bldg. Main - ciii,s an miles from Portland; all un ner cultivation; 0-room house, large barn, '' a-.vi.i uuiuuiiuinge; mis is going place and flrst-cln.-ia anil .-ni . or lease; stock and feed for sale. Address - "v. nuuuuru, ur. At. J ur I WAXTPiwnii If you hnva 50 or ion acre . ranch to lease on Sandy road line, write HENRY P. CURA, North Third St., Portland. IDEAL farm of 30 acre, five-rnnm hn,,. barn, etc. ; running spring piped to house aim uim, inui anu oerries: 20 mln ou on paved road; cheap if sold this week i..... i.i iiuuat. imi main H4i:i. 1, i V Im ' niorel if you '"'7' l" mj uukii win sen you the in est i'i-ttuii iii wneai iana you ever im rJt. w. i. x iizuiaunce. Condon, 7l.nnr', -m-iuum iiuu.secity water, sua. sidewalk to school and station; fine loca- STROUD & CO.. Inc.. Beaverton. Or WII.LAMINA farms, level, clearedfenced" 'va au., suuu it-rm, nouse, 11450: 5 ic fair 8-rm. house, $1000; terms. J. 1200; S ac, no bldgs, i. cnarp. e.iiA 3d. st SI ACRLS About half of this in cultiva tion; good land: cheap at uno: J225 DltAPER. 408 Board of Trade.- I n ilii ten my jj-acre farm, only 9 jiiiira Hum tiLy ai a aacrince. If taken nL "i iitruiars see owner. A . Wlldman, 2S N. 1st St., Portland. Or t,HlKh..N. KKU1T GARDEN RANCHES, , u. .,uu v., n, .ivio per acre: easy i; S 'i j 'or saie. an sizes. McFarland, realtor. 208 Falling bldg. FOR SALE 20-acre ranch near M osier tr. For particulars write or see owner J. C. Mathison, Moslcr, Or. "luiti improved Taklma valley alfalfa. xiuii, ua.rjr a u u poultry land. Joining town. Cal. Ranch. Buena. Wash. w.f. UK best 40 acrfs (part full-bearing orchard). .Mosler district; (4000. L. C. .'unci, uuaan ic. Ti'ANTF.D REAL ESTATE. "ANT 4 or B-room home in Sunnvol similar district; quick deal for bargain; "uc'a waiting. Bee A. K. Hill, 420 Lumhermpim bltlK. JTOR CASH, small store building or runta. iii location. Must be a snap 7- location ana pries. WILL pay (1000 to (1300 cash for 4 or 5- rOOm hoiiae. near atreetnp onv hi-.-i- St. Johns vicinity preferred. Call 0711 ""hi are, p. jr.. yi OOUBtoCK car. .vi iLii give someone my beautiful 6 cylinder almost new auto and vacant iui una casn ior modern bungalow. HOUSES WANTED BUYERS WAITING give you quick results if priced right, have cash buyers waiting. i . v.. nirii, .liar. iu. rteailor. Phone V A. Ibli Itesidence with iarge lighted luouis ior wurK snops; location near busl. center: must have electric linht. ness heat and wa ter. BP 00. Oregifnlan WANT equity In improved property for clear, unimproved acreage in Portland city limits; value Ill.OoO. Owner, H 1)33 Oregonlan. ' WANT home of 8 or U rooms, all hard wood floors; 'close to car. In Mount Tahor; munt be something good, from . SfllO to (15U0. Call Main K71. WANT the best 5 or B-room bungalow I can get with (400 or (500 cash and sol dler's bonus. Call Main 4.122. t OR 6-ROOM home on which to apply cash and soldier's bonus: Hawthorne or . Rose City Park preferred. Tabor SS0J wanted In M-V or M-T locality -moderate size home. Call ata200 Mar- gan biilg. WANT clear side. equity In modern bunealnw for apartment site, value (4000. east Owner. BC 10, Oregonlan. WANTED from owner, modem .'-roum bung.; have well-located lot in Alberta (list, to exchange. Itroadwav 4S37 OIVE two lots near Alberta as firat Dav- i iciiuenct. uwner. WANT income, business property or apart- mem nouae ior so.uuv casn ana over l SiU.uuo wortn or ciear property to trade In. Will also assume mortgage. Glvs description, location, income and valus or property in reply. A-P 818, Orego- mau. w WE HAVE buyer for 100 or more acres of logged-off or burned-over land, near ureguu coast. Must b very iow in price, DERR & POWNDER. IvTar. 2245. 1215 N. W. Bank Tildg. xiA b. ive prospects for houses up to I .oou. for quick action list your prop erty wun us. COB A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 8S71. 226-ACRE DAIRY FARM. Located in Lane county. 60 acres cul tivated, balance oak and ash timber and pasture: very good soil; has running wa ter, well and pressure water system, wa ter piped in house- 8-room house, fire place, etc.; barn. 38x40; silo, jienhouse and other outbuildings, family orchard. With the place goes 11) cattle. 3 horses, 30 hogs, CO hens, 7 goats, binder, mow er, rake, wagons, plows and other tools, all for (50 per acre. Wants small rafich or city home. For full details see Mr. Kinney today at room 324 Henry bldg., or write KINNEY HYDE, Realtors, Eugene. Or. ' WANT buagalow below hill in Rose City I mm, o rooms ana atua, or a rooms, i ucaiiy new ior casn up to couuu. J. R. HAIGHT. Realtor. 327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 3048. OWNERS. N'OTIPH we want your city or suburban home I to sen or exenange; expert personal at tention assurea. a. k. mil, 420 Lum nermens pmg. rteaitor. HARDWARE STORE TO TRADE. Have stock snd fixtures in small rural community to trade for small farm or city home; a suing and paying: place. Will Invoice about (5000. What have you to offer In honest values? See Mr. Kinney to day at 324 Uenry bldg., Portland, Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. BENTON COUNTY STOCK RANCH. 750 acres located 16 miles from Corvallis, 125 acres cultivated, 400 . acres open pasture, balance tim ber and pasture. 4-room house, stock barn, granary, henhouse, etc., fine, never-falling creek, lots of springs, fences in fair shape, generally considered the best stock ranch In Benton county. Price (30 fier acre. What have you to offer n exchange? For full Information see Mr. Kinney at room 324 Henry hidg.. or write KINNEY & CO., Realtors. Corvallis, Or. ' THE IDEAL DAIRY FARM. Located 214 miles from Corvallis on the paved highway. 150 acres of nice level land. w-Il fenced and cross-fenced: fine 8-room plas tered bungalow with water and lights. 2 fine big barns: In other words, a fine farm with up-to-date buildings, ideal location and the owners will trade. Price $28. 000, If interested, see Mr. Kinney at room 324 Henry bldg., or write KINNEY & CO., Realtors. Corvallis, Or. FINE i acres, 5-room bungalow, chicken park; trade for Portland home; (40O0. uuooise, eot bpaiaing oiag. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and aiuslcal Instruments. PIANO BARGAINS. See our used piano bargains. We can save you money. .Every one guaranteed. i erms Kiven. FISHER, small upright II HA RDM AN mahoganv case, plain.. 315 GAYI.OH. plain mahogany case 275 RICCA. mahogany case 250 M.njsuLiii, oak case 2 FRANKLIN, walnut case 2 BUSH & LANE PLAYER 500 1V1.M I1A1.L., new piano soo nuii,, new piano 3 And Others.' SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder. DECKER & SON player. 250, with rolls ana Dencn. A real bargain for a good player piano. SE1BERLI.NG-LUCAS aiLaiu m .. io stn at. Furniture for Sale. TO EXCHANGE MfSCEIXANEOrS. 12-GAUGE Winchester pump gun with ex tra barrel, leather case, to trade for I Remington or Underwood typewriter, late I model, hi. 7(114. WILL exchange my 1920 sport model Nash ior diamond, or negotiable paper. X 37, uregoman. COUNTRY club model 90. new tires and I mechanically perfect, to trade for larger! car. eua rourtn BL TOU CAN DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNI TURE FOR MEW. We will make you a liberal al lowance for your old furniture in trade for new and If desired make terms to suit our convenience. Somebody can use the pieces you do not want. MISH FURNITURE CO.. ' 189-180 FIRST .STREET. BAVB MONEY. Try our sales department if yosl want to buy or sell. household goods Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool ara Expert packing, re pairing and reflnishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates SECURITY STORAGE) It TRANSFER CO. (3 4th St.. opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 3115. FOR SALE. Machinery. FOR SALE No. 2ft American double sprinkle shsper, used less than 1 year; in perfect condition; price (350. Phone cast Coal and Wood. .. SPECIAL 5 PER LOAD STEC1AL. 16-in. good sound flr. block and slab mixed, in double load lota 10: country siab Jo.,.0 per cord; Washington lumji .ui. j.jo ton, euro aenvery; t tan coai, 14 curb. National Fuel Co. East 2041. DRY first-growth fir cordweod, two or more cord lots, (8 per cord, delivered on east side south of Ankeny street. Phone Sunnyside, Farmers 7 X. Aug. Osteruack, Route 3. Boring, Or. (10 FOR TWO LOADS (10. Block and slab mixed, first growth cordwooJ. (8 per cord; 2d growth cord wood, S7.50 per cord; country slab, (5.50 per cord. Woodlawn 4102. FIRST-CLASS cord wood. S; oak and ash. (10 50; delivery Kenton, Woodlawn and Piedmont, St. Johns. S. R. Howell. pnone otfn x. route z, Vancouver, wun. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springs. Royal. Owl Creek coaL Standard Brick & Tile Co., 83 5th t.. between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. DIRECT from the forest by truck, good measure; No. 1 old-growth fir. $7.75 a cord, 8 or more cords (7.50. Phone Main 19B2. 428 Hall. tjiidurtu nun tuel and sawdust In car loads or truck lota Western Cooperage FOR SALE. Misceilaneoms. DODGE touring. Al shape: want Ford. v 11.-11 ui&, ,uuud ana casn. r.ast FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock, HORSES HORSES. 15 head just In from work. Span of young, blocky, well-mated. maun, souna ana in gooa condition; weignt ii.iuo lbs. $170. Span of mules, weight 2800 lbs., with neavy breeching harness. 1100. Span of bay geldings, young and fat, weight 2650 lbs., (150. Also several otner well-mated teams at very attrac tive figures. G. K. Howitt. Columbia staples. Front and Columbia sts. SIX-HOLE range, $18; wood and coal heal ers irom - to j.-ui gas range. A-l con dition. $10; k. treasure, $ti; k. table. $2.50; commode, $3; dresser, (14.50; W. and M. dining table, $27.00; chairs to match; round dining table, $10; k. chairs, $1 up: new mattresses at less than cost. $6.50; Morris chair, $5; rocker, $2.50; couch. (2; rugs and carpets cheap. East 6',i57. 113 Grand ave.. near Alder. WE are manufacturers of high-grade dav- enporis ana cnairs. we have a few numbers in our sampls line which we will close direct to the trade at nifgrs. prices. aorae terms to ngyit parties, lako Mt. Scott car to Archer place, cross track and walk one block back. .viicnaeiifon -viayson. Inc.. 5133 Foster rd WOODSAW. When wanting your wood sawed call jveuy. r. pou. BOXWOOD and ST. a r w.irTri Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood s-o.. ijoi macaaam. rnone Main 4I7S. nr. $7 Portland I GOOD dry seasoned old-growth per cord in two-cord lots; S. orders preterred. Mar. 5035. FIRST growth A-No. 1 cord wood. (3 per I cora. ury sian wood, (0.70 per cord. rnunt laoor nidi. A-l CORDWOOD deL $8 a cord, on east iqb ana o. si. only. 038-33. NEW IMPROVED RAO RUGS. SPECIAL PRICES. Mads by the Public Welfare Industry of rags of unifrom thickness, thoroughly washed, every particle ot starch re moved and skillfully stitched; nice bor ders. A much better rag rug than those sold In store and surely worth more money. TO ADVERTISE THE "PRODUCT OF lLtt 1A1IL&IKI A N L, FOR A LIMIT ED TIME ONLY. WE WILL SELL THE SIZE 30x72 FOR LESS THAN YOU WOULD EXPECT TO PAY FOR THE ORDINARY QUALITY. OUR SPECIAL PRICE $2.73. SHOES for everyone In the family also offered at special prices to sdvertise our line. THE VERY BEST PAIR NOT OVER $2. CLOTHING Many of our garments icnit line new anu are or more durabl quality than garments bought 'by peopl ui mourraie means. At lime cost win tit you out witn decent looking gar meats. . FURNITURE. STOVES. BEATER ate eagerly bought from us because our great values. Como to our store nrst. EVERY ARTICLE SOLD ON SAME BASIS, NAMELY: NOT FOR PROFIT. BUT TO HELP THE NEEDY OF PORTLAND. PUBLIC WELFARE STORE. (In business not for prono 212 Third street, near Salmon. Main 455. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WEST SIDE FUEL CO. WOOD .AND COAL. BDWY. 2SS. BEST first-growth fir cord, bellwood 3 1 4. BLOCK and slab mixed stove lengths, (11 per uoume loaq. rjawy. niu. No. 1 lir, mill run and heavy siaowooq. Main 6133. 4-FOOT country 00.000 ROSE bushea, shrubs, fruit trees- berry olants snd flowerins- nlanta at cordwood, (8 per 1 sals prices until October 20: free da livery in Portland, we plan snd plant estimates ires. Fhono us: we do th rest. Portland Rosa Nursery. 1882 Division st.. ons door west of United Artisans home. Phone Auto. 638-70. BEST old-growth cordwood. (S per cord; I B'c'i emu. j.ia Draauwty 11111. DRY. FIRST growth cord wood. 6.50 cord, 2ft cord lots. Call Aut. 823-6.1. FIRST-GROWTH cordwood. No. 1. $s de- llvereq anywhere. Woodlawn 23(13. 40 HEAD of milch cows. feed, farm im plements, household furniture; on- the highway twelve miles from Portland; $4)O0; ft cah handlss this attractive proposition. A K 4. Oregonlan. FOR SALS: One horse, 1400 lbs., (25; one horse. J4o0 lbs.. (125: one mare. 1900 lbs.. (300. J. F. Bunnell. B, 1. box iz. inquire at rox ros. atore, Trout- oaie. or. run SALt jersey and Holeteln cows. fresh and coming fresh. &4th and Glisan. Tabor 3004. Montavlila Depot car to end ot line. BEAUTIFUL gift from orient. Set of reed furniture, never been Used. Settee, value (30; 2 large armchairs, (9 each; rocker, (10; tea table, (8; large floor lamp, iw: wonderful rug. 8x12. (20. Will sell for half price; singly if do- sireu. i. -ttitn st. N. FURNITURE enough for a 6-roora bunga low now located in beautiful modern west side front apartment; big sacri fice for quick disposal.' Apartment can be rented if desired, ready to move right in. ian mornings. Main 4128. HOLSTEINS at public auction at Banks ualry and Hog show. Banks, Or., Friday. Oct. 7. at 1:30 P. M. See D. Minton, aaiea manager, aio cnam. or com, bldg. CHILD S brass crib, drop sides, oak library table, mahogany full-size cabi net phonograph; very reasonable: terms on pnonograpu. Call 1351 East 18th St. south. WANT acreage for southwest corner 23th I and saner sts Auto. 827-08 or 516-1L Farms Wantea. IF YOU WISH TO LEASE OR RENT YOUR FARM list with us at once as ws nave calls every day for farms to rent. FOR QUICK ACTION SEE F. & Mar- anall. with . FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg.. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. Wanted to Kent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. .Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Pot- land preferred. Some people will buy I xne piace arter. leasing lor year or more. We make lots of sales tills way. Willi ouy equipment ir priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, (jorltnirei- TIM a- Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. 40 ACRES. $5000. This place is located 8 miles from Eugene, all cultivated, family orchard and berries, well water, 6-room house, 50x60 barn and usual outbuildings in better than average condition. owner wants to trsde for smaller place near Salem or Portland or will consider city iiiupeny up to equal value. Bee All Kinney today at room 324 Henry bldg. w unone or write KINNEY tk HYDE, Realtors, Eugene. Or. Bit TEAM horses, wagon snd harnna. Just out of hard work; no offer refused in reason. Ask lor James. 420 Haw- tnome ave. -j nis rig must go at once. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson iransier ot storage Co., 248 Pine st. BROOD SOW. nave a few brood sows left: also sows and pigs; will sacrifice. B. F. Brandon, sycamore station. Aut. 046-57. WANTED Some Shetland pony equipment harness, saddles. Tigs. etc. Information and price to AM Q3, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP 1 complete oak dining-room set. 1 brown rug. 8-3x10-6; 1 dark blue rug, 8x12: 1 brown real leather chair and foot rest. 180 Petty- grove VAls ti!.ij -to rent furnished house, som I acreage, location wanted between Salem I ana Portland or Vancouver, Wash. J. P. 11.. K. F. 1J. , box 81. Turner, Or. WOULD like to exchange house, lot 100X 100. for stock-and equipment with prlvi-l lego to tease xarmr. Aut. d-U-uu. sooi I iiitn st. a. e. TO TRADE FOR RANCH B3-room hotel, dining room, kitchen a well equipped with new French range. egas. an modern except, neat: clearln (too month; lot 100x100; bldg. 40 square rignt in tne center or St. Jonns, Port land: overlooks river; full all the time lot of stock goes with place. Sellin on -account of baby's sickness; will gi even deal If good place. Manager. Rose city notel, 320 Burlington st. Phone i oiumnia 12.. WANTED To halves. Call Lents, Or. rent a dairy ranch write. 4303 91sL S. on E., TIMBER LANDS. IF YOU ARE LUMBERMAN. READ THIS. r-or sale it you are a lumberman and want a good large plant well located on railroad with about 500 million feet I yeuow rir with own railroad construct- I ed Into timber, new modern mill of I about 150,000 capacity, one you can se- cure on any terms most If able to fi nance operation, write us. We havs J just wnat you want. 24,000 acres redwood and pine timber I near San Francisco, Cal.. within 22 miles I of railroad and small band mill ready! to operate; new tnacninery for modern I electrically driven 10-foot band now on I ground; foundation almost up for new I mill; logging equipment, store and stock! ot gooas. loading dock for loading boats: will sell all for (1,000,000 on -any kind I or terms or lease to good lumberman able to finance operation on stumpags basis; best chance in the world to get Into lumher business: write na Vplvln . i-iansen rteaity Co., Eugene. Or. ARE YOU looking for a wood proposition?! nave Jist lounu something nne anal I'l-n in a uiie piace oi -u acres. line land ana soil, estimated 1200 rorda of wood very near Oregon City car line, not far! from city; good road and $3000 takes land and timber and ft cash will do! iiiiainpss. i.. HecHer. 133ft First at. I "STOCKED AND EQUIPPED." eu seres extra cno ce lann an ikmi in cultivation, lu a. old stump pasture, creea; o-room nouse, oarn a-nrt outbuild Ings, orchard; 10 cows. 4 heifers. 1 calf. z tine mares: machinery and tool com. piete; ft mile otf pavement, which I rocked; high school; 21 miles Portland 11,000; want house up to $0000, little money oai., u per cent, long time. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. l5ft 4th St FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Are you a practical farmer? If you know wnat can be done with 150 acres ot river bottom and beaverHam land, situated on - river and railroad frontage; 22 tallies from Portland. Price only (24.000. Energetic and consistent worK wouia increase the value to nearl OOllDie thO DriCe In a reaannahla llm. uomit your proposition to A. B. Chris tenson. iiu uenry Dldg. Hdwy.,4751, FOR SALE OR TRATIE 9 acres, all high state of cultivation on .racmc mgnway, 1 hour drive to Portland, near good town and high sohool. good 7-room plastered house, barn and chicken houses; abundance of xruit ana Denies, frlce X5500 on terms. or win take small nome In Portland Fee jr. K. Jesse. 527 Corbett bide-. Main i it i. BETWEEN 5 and 6 million feei of timber suitable for sawmill or logging, locatej 28 miles from Portland. 1ft mils R. R. station, small distance from highway. F. Jines. ouu aiclvay bldg. Main 1300. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acres located near pabii k.ni naif bottom land, balance bench a'nd hilL 800 acres in cultivation, 2 houses fair nam; price sau.vuu; wou.Q consider cits SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER COUP1VT 33 Fourth st Opp. Multnomah HotsL Phone Broadway 3715. ili-ACRE bottom farm; fair buildings. orchard, running water; 6 to 8 million! nr anu ceuar; will sell at your price. VENA RD. 1)21) Chamber Commercre. Ml sr have some cash, 25c per M. buys I i() million principally yellow fir; all I good timber. Address R 61, Oregonlan. I TRADE WALNUT RANCH FOR AITTrt 10-acre walnut ranch: treaa l- V - - old. about 250 trees on tract: mile and nan suutn or xamnni. Th la a Han piece of property for future Income. l you have an auto to i!)00 and (500 cash y'LI8,1'' you a mortgage back for 1000; land easily worth (300 an acre. -iain iw.ti. j. Konnins. iuk SALE 100 acres timber in town ship, 85 S. range 3 W. A. N. Parsons, vii an lb rasa, ur. FOR RENT FARMS, LUiii'LETS outfit and 2000 acres of seeded crop for sale on 5500-aere wheat rancu in uregon; will give lease on this fine ranch to good tenant; outfit con sists ot caterpillar tractors and farm ing machinery of every description; all in excellent condition; 8450 acres of stubble to be summer fallbwed next year; 6 miles from warehouse. This is one of the finest large wheat ranches in eastern Oregon; no trades will be considered, and only those who have sufficient cash to handle a ranch of this ane neen apply; references required. Aaaress rt. k. Rogers, receiver, 207 Old nuiii nan Ding., Spokane. Wash. 30 ACRES. BEAR XO Hnfln UIVI-U orchards with bldgs.. at $17,000. to trad for Portland homa nr Incnma , would assume: large present yields from orcnaros, traae your home or property "no lur uik annual income in greatest iiuil uiniiLt en eaim. O. H. SKITHEIM CO., REALTORS 40S-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575 LAHUh lu-room nouse In Mt. Tabor with two lots 50x100 each, 2 blocks from Hawthorne car; owner has 65 nr 4 month income besides own livtna- nua- -ters; will trade (3000 equity for smaller UUUIC STEWART sr JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 265 ACRES FOR RENT. 1M I H V PRflPOfiTTIflw An unusual nnnnrtnnliv Th I-aa, Ifalfa; 5-rOOm hOUSe. Cnnri nnrn 'a n rl all outbldgs. Owner will sell crop and furniture for (1000, and finance party to fully stock same for dairy; this won't iML lung. F. L. EDDY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldjr. STOCK RANCH 1150-acre stock ranch near Pa-v.im. 20f) acres fine creek bottom in rultivaJ tion, balance slashed and seeded Hnwn. fair buildings: worth (30 per acre; will give or take difference on any good city V. C. BKPKTELL, 1317 X. W. Bk. bAr EXCHANGE FOR LAURELHURST LOT. un Ultlfill uuuu LOCATION. Interest In rolna local minnran Ing comnany of aood atanriinir with oana reierences ana making money. FRED F. HUNTRESS. East 640. 120 Grand avenue. . CHICKEN ranch. 5 acres, fully euuluoi-d for l-'OO chickens; good buildings: Oresham district; annual rent $200. Jacob BEAUTIFUL residence sits In Charleston. Wash. ; 8 lots overlooking naw varrf ine view, near paveu sixeet; 1U0V, terms: will consider trada fnr maii n,. ing business or property in Portland or on nignway near. j red o. A. White Bend. Or. AI KL farm: anno hnitnm -nil. i I Woodlawn 7llS. fmAn w , , t ,i ii vii v rent isn .- i $350; also 500 cords seasoned wood, on viaLci-.oj. uwiitr, id r.. th North. SEE US FOR EXCHANGES. Large and small farms, stock ranches. Income property to exehanir ' wk. nave you I MARSH MoCABR CD R..Hn 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall a'flOS 141 60th North. WILL pay cash for lot In Hawthorne dis trlet. Must be bargain. W SO Ore-gonlnn. TOl R best cash price for lot In Irvington Park; will assume assessments. G 51 Oregonlan. WANT bungalow or house, good district' trade 1018. Studebaker and high class . lot, paved street. Owner. Main 4868. WANTHD Good lot, will tradeTlght silt i A ,'""- ur 'ar' payment on good Oregonlan. WANT to rent or buy like rent. 6-room modern bungalnow In Riue City or aav good district, labor .11211. WANT well located corner lot in pied mont; priced right. Henry W. Goddard 243 Stark St. ' WANT west side apartment house client wll pay all cash. Sea Mr. Dodson K.3 tt. W. Bank bldg. ' 4 TO 5-ROOM bungalow In Hawthorne or Sellwood; give price, terms and location AN 84. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy 5-room furnished house; small payment down, easy terms W 87. Oregonlan. WANTED to btiv largest house and lot for $4000; $2500 or 3000 down; not so far out. O 3, Oregonlnn. WANTED 73 to 100 lots, any district In city. See Harper, 243 .Stark street. - m near Portland. 44 acre i. u.vi.aiu, .ui v tons nay tnis aea- i. iiitiuirn at i'UJ .ast stark St. LOOK THIS UP. Want city Dronertv: hava iibn... ,. fine farm land, close In on west side. 'only .ii iiiimo irum our onine. beaverton dis trict. It's good stuff. See A. K. Hill, 42( I.umbermens bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. BEAUTIFUL CORVALLIS HOME FOR ACREAGE NEAR PORT . . LAND. ' Modern 8-room. 2-story home In the best rental town in Oregon, 2 large corner lots, east face on paved street, has large rooms, fine porch, etc. Owner will trade for small. weil-Improved acreage near Portland. Prefers something around Tlgard. Newberg, Tualatin sections. What have you' For further information see Mr. Kinney . at room 324 Henry bldg.. or writs KINNEY c CO., Realtors. . Corvallis, Or. HAVE 3 lots, corner, ft block from car anu aivu casn as pan payment, on gro cery and confectionery, not to exceed sow, on east side, near -school. See Jieyers. iij i-iatt Ding. ,.Main 7027. HOUSE, LOT; WANT AUTO. Good lot in Irvington Park nave street, etc.. Improvements in and paid ior; want used car, see me today,. Kin ney, 324 Henry bldg. - SEDAN TO TRADE. " Havs. Willys 6 sedan to sell or trade for. lots. Ses Mr. Kinney today at 324 Henry bldg. CHOICE 1. near Vancouver. 14 "4 culti vated, good Improvements, (4500; terms, or accept good J3200 residence. Owner. 141 East 6tr North. HAVE 180 acres, southern Oregon, clear, I and good 5-pass. car ss part payment on apts. or any run-down property. S 73, Oregonlan. WILL TRADE my 12-room modern Rose v ny nome,- o oiocks soutn or sandy heart of district: will consider am'! modern house to I500O. . Main 7931 J. Robbins. : WANT BUNGALOW. Havs snsppy. late Snodel, light 6-cyl-Inder car. price tl400. to exchange. Ses owner. 426 Lumbe'rmens bldg. 160 ACRES, all level and under plow; 5 room house, barn, fenced, good spring take city home; call from 12 to 3 P. AL F 55. Oregonlan. CHOICE 12 acres. 8 miles from Portland; house, barn, beaTlng fruit; will take as part small bungalow In city or lots on Council Crest, Broadway 201)2. 1C0-ACRE farm, near Goldendale, Wash., valued (0000. ciear. for 7 or 8-room house, west side; will assume a little J. D. Kennedy. 329 Salmon. EXCHANGE your real estate or business for what you want. Se Mr. Brace. 314 Couch bids HORSES fur sale, hire or exenange. Key stone Stables, 381 Water St., foot Mont- gomery. Phona Mar. 3ol5. I'OB SALE Six horses: reasonable nrlces. Holman Fuel Co.. barn E. 6th and Ivoa streets. . VETERINARIAN. HOWES. TABOR 656S FOR S.ALE and rams. -itegi8tered Shropshire ewes Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th ot HIDES bought or tanned. West Coast Tan- ning Co.. .' Tenmo ave. sell. 2308. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. i-au aay or nignt. AUto. 021-04. 2 MILCH cows. $65 at. Mt. Scott car. and (85. 4037 67th Piano. Organs and Musical Instruments. SALE CARLOAD FACTORY RENEWED PIANOS. "Som Sweeter Toned Than Many New Pianos' A Sterling upright for as little as.. $283 A Wellman upright ptano, small .. Ifi5 A Russell upright in walnut 265 "A Behnlng upright In ebony 210 Another Sterling upright piano 20.1 A Smith A Barnes, in mahogany... 365 A splendid Everett in oak 305 A Bacon sz Kerr upright for only.. 215 A New England renewed upright.... 265 A Kimball, again like new 395 A Werner upright in Flemish oak.. 365 A fine Chase in nrahogany 805 Another Chase In splendid walnut.. 305 A Washburn upright, mahogany... 345 Another Kimball, large mahogany.. 305 And a Dixon in mahogany at 295 You can pay as little as (15. Cash or all cash as may suit you best, bal ance $6. $8 or $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Columbia, cabinet, oak: like oew. ..I 75 Victrola, style 8, mahogany; used.. 125 Vlctrola, style 9, mahogany; used.. 140 victrola, style 14; like new 215 Blue Bird, style 300; 50 off 125 Brunswick, style 7, mahogany...... 1(0 sonora Melodies, mahogany and oak 60 Sonora Intermezzo, new style 175 Cash, or (10 or more down and (5 ana more a montn. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO., ' Seventh Floor. I MUST SELL THE FOLLOWING: One rocker, 6. chairs, 2 dresserB, 1 couch bed. I bed; all oak furniture. Phone Auto. 234-11 or call 542 East 36th St. S. BRAND-NEW ivory willow extension ta ble ana lour chairs, beautiful design; leaving- ciiy, must sen. v. A. or St. J. car. ..it -noma St. IV OR x chiffonier, dining and breakfast tables, cnairs, sofa, electric cooker. oriole, buggy. 1042 E. Taylor. Tabor mi i. HOUSEHOLD goods including rugs, lino leum, furniture, pictures, dishes, lawn mower nose, etc. zi Buuhtel ave., take Anaeny car. . 1 DINING ROOM table and chairs, William anu -Mary style, l sanitary couch, 1 "nnf laoie. pen. 310:1. iKfc. -j-room apt. Ior sale, wicker fur niture, sewing machine, dishes, cooking u iriisii.-i, etc. r none nroauwav 41 1. tiAvr. a beautuui mahogany living room set ror sale, including russ. Bdwy. 3101 )inut ivory neuroom set tor sale very tfiaonttuie. riruauwav uiu. DRV COUNTRY slab, first growth fir, (7 ana so a cora. call Aut. 032-71. USED OFFICE FURNITURE. Ws have Just purchased a number of nne roll, flat-top and typewriter desks, tiles, tables, chairs, adding marhlnrs, typewriters, dictaphones, mimeographs. etc.. in almost new condition. These are wonderful bargains. D. C. wax Ortl Equip. House, 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2730, DRY COUNTRY blocks and rail slabwood. short inside ties. Marshall 2643 70 CORDS good fir wood for sale, on good roaa. joe l-larrlngton. Cornelius. Or. LOOK Old-growth fir cordwood, (1.75 de- nvereq tirst zone. sell. 3 (35. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents employed. -L.ompieto line of psrts for sll makes machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, MAIN 9431. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. 4-FOOT No. 1 lir, mill run and heavy coun- try iiaunouu. jiain ol.i.1.. Miscellaneous. HOT WATER TANKS. 80 gal.. $7; 40 cal.. in; testeu, guaranteea; stove ana Iur nace coils, gas heaters Installed: plumb ing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams. East 8516. 20 DROPHEAD sewing machines. (12.50 to Jto; Singers, New Homes, Whites, W. W.; all makes machines rented and repaired, jc. k. steen. 152 Grand ave. .ast 23.1'J. LADIES. Are you weary or exhausted after standing all day on vour feet? If so. be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water wash with Takara Ant seotlo Pow der; 50c and $1 box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. THE FOLKS back home will cherish and appreciate a souvenir from Oregon. send them something useful as well beautiful. Oregon agate Jewelry mount ed in solid gold. A wonderful selection to choose from. Moderately priced. Aiitier. next door to Majestic theater. FOR RENT. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 128 First St., bet. Alder and Washington. LOG SAW that cost $180.50; cut 140 cords. gooa as new; lor sale at a bargain. See it at Eshenshade's, East Morrison and 3d sts. MAKE a smsll payment and wear your eye glasses and spectacles aa you pay for tnem. Wheeler Optical company, second iioor, uregoman bldg. ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kinds of building material and wood lor sale, yard 2d and Columbia. .Main 613! MAHOGANY parlor S68 Union ave. N. lulte. velvet couch. D1NING table and chairs, only used four montna; also uurret. Main 4356. OAK CHINA closet. Tabor 8114. Office Furniture. USED SAXOPHONE SPECIALS. Pan-American sop. silver, with case. (05 Pan-American sop. brass, with case $00 5uescner tenor silver (new), cass $155 conn c mel. sliver, with case (1. Martin C mel. brass, with case (00 Conn alto brass, with case .....$5 York sop. silver, with case (!0 Conn sop. silver, with case $80 If you want a saxophone now is the time to get it. Terms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 6th St. Wh. HAVE Just purchased a large number of used roll. Mat-top and typewriter desks, files, tables, cnalrti. adding ma- cuiut-3, typewriters, aictapnones. mimeo graphs, etc.. in almost new condition; we aiso carrv a complete new nA ni lurniture. V. C. V ax Ollave Equip. riuuse, -1--Q - . ;nn. uroaqwav 230. jusi i.-s six iiat-top desks. 3 roll-toa aesKs, 2 1 las-top typewriter desks, ' i orop-neaa typewriter aeuks, 2 bookkeep ers oesaa no cniurs. 4 orawera. latur me. BCPHONO CO.. 91 Park St. BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand deska. chairs, files or safes visit our salesrooms and Inspect what we have to otter. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO. FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TH AT STARK. SAVINGS IN DESKS We have new desks and office tables. lightly fiawed in manufacture, which w aell direct to- consumer. . We make line aesks exciuatrsiy. 10s styles. Ore- gon lable Co.. i-.ast 6602. GOOD oak flat-top desk, practically new, . pargain at a-o. ovy uoucn blag. Typewriters. MRS. S. W. HERMAN, apparel shoo. ladies' and gents' clothes bought, sold and exchanged; best prices. 284 ft Park St., near Jelterson. Ala rshall 1000. COMPUTING SCALES, cash register, cof- fee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 226 Stark st., between rlrst and Second streets. PETERSON'S are continuing to undersell almost everybody on beautiful coats and aresses this week. The second floor, Plttock block. FOR SALE Tnree fine mounted elk reaas. one side mount, at a bargain. Aaaress pox is;. Eugene, or. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write e)r. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. NEW SHIP bunks cheap; good for camps or uuck nuis. Appiy 01a iortnwest Bridge shipyard. DIEBOLD safes, new and second hand; special prices. Pacific Scale & Supply -o.. as r-ront st. Hroaowiv ihkh LICENSED Independent electrician wires 8 rooms for $12, S for $20. guaranteed 10 pass instection. vvooqiawu 3701. lOH KLM Electric vacuum cleaners. 80c a day delivered; guaranteed good tununion. vvooqiawn 1.:I. CONCORD grajles t2 tons), 6c lb., picked; win-Hall apples, 25c box, 50c sack. 82d to Clackamas, men 4 miles east. Graves. DIAMOND bar ring, perfect stones, one stone and two ni, for sale reasonably; must sen at once, u n, oregonlan. aisnu(j.(.t cabinet phonograph and rec ords, used J mo.; cheap if taken at once. n-ant 1:123 or uroauway 2052. SALMON to can; direct from fishermen; fresh every uay, luc lb. delivered. Wdln. 4307. IF YOU appreciate splendid watcn repair ing or Jewelry repairing, see Miller, next ,ooor to iviajestic meat e r. it KC.L. llrst-class condition, new tires! ana runner pedals; reasonable. Wdin. i:iq. ATTENTION Furs, skins and hid. bought or tanned. West Coast Tanning i-u.. p- icnino ave. seuwooq -tlg. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamil ton-Beach electric carpet washer; aiso vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. - KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and excht.nge ko- aaKH. canny, -it ivasntngton st DOORS, windows. lumber, molding, mill w-ork and glass; see our odd stock of sash, doors, etc.. for prices. D. B. Scully Co.. downtown lumber store. 171 1-ront St., between Morrison and Yam mil. fnone Main 4213. .22 HIGH -POWER Savage rifle and case. tine condition, 127.30. East 6874, or call at 087 Multnomah st. WHY A SUBSTITUTE roofer? Why not a senuine ana permanent roorerr we re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs. Phone Broadway 78. PHONOGHAFH BARGAIN. Pathe. used 4 months; golden oak wood; 25 records, your own choice: outnt complete $125; terms If desired. Record Exchange, at Central public market, 4th anti 1 amnin sts. f.a.FES Firo ana burglar-proof safes, new ana secona-nanu, at right prici' bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms it de sired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Main 2043. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materials used. DAVID'S. Jewelers anil Onllclana 34.1 Washington St.. at Broadway. A PLAYER PIANO C HEAP. Party In east will sacrlflce standard player, hardly used, mahog wood; 25 rolls Included. 104 E. Broadway, Just acros s Broadw a y bride, e STORE FIXTURES FOR LESS. Showcases, new and used, cash regis ters, scales, adding machine, safe. Many others. 2-IB WASHINGTON. DICTAPHONE, absolutely new. for sale cheap. Call 004 Hallway Exchange mil, infill o.oil ,. .l . to ,1 f. M HUDSON AND ESSEX. Automobiles that have been re built or renewed are in the best of mechanical condition they are also warranted the same ss fac tories warrant new cars In ad dition, we give 90 days' free me chanical service. This la not new on Hudson autoniobilea We have rebuilt and sold them with a warranty since 1816. You buy a tine qual ity car with the same salety as when you purchase a new auto mobile. Buy a car you can de pend upon and at a bargain price. Other makes ot used automobiles thoroughly overhauled. put in ' first-class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives amole time tor every purchaser to try out the cer he buys, gives him tune to havs it Inspected ss ws want only satis fied customers Watch the chance in this list of cars: Flv Super Six Hudson $1050 to $1130 1817 Hudson spreilstf-r 1050 AH 18-1919 series Hudson Super 1020 Hudson super six... 1820 Hudson speedster .. 1019 Essex 1820 Essex 10I.S Maxwell 1919 Maxwell 1820 Maxwell 1300 1550 1650 9. SO 1150 4 25 573 650 I91B 1918 NEW MAXWELLS. $735. Grant six Dodsra JH1U Dodge M ' 1919 Olds six ....7. 1819 Olds eight 1819 Olds eight. port model. 1021 Olds six 1919 Liberty. port model... 1021) Case Six 1913 Cole eight, sport model. 600 673 775 850 900 1023 1300 000 1000 1350 Th car that never wear out that is the automobile that Is known a ths Hudson; it does not vibrate, therefore docs not damage the material. For a long time ths Hudson has had the reputation aa the car that never wcara out. Used Hudsons are better than new cars at ths sams price. Ask th Hud son owner. Used Hudsons a is known for being the best used car values on th market. ..Largest used car branch tor In th city at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings, , Phone at Branch Sto-r, Broadway 4il. Also a Display al Our Salesrooms. 615-617 Warn ing ton street open week days only. C. L. BOALOIOBILE CO. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 10IS Chev. touring 101S Chev. touring H'lS I od.re touring 1017 Hodge roadster 1020 Oakland touring 1017 Bulck touring HMD Olds 6 roadster 1017 Chalmers roadster 1015 Maxwell touring 1017 tlverland touring 1016 Ford touring 1917 Ford touring 1920 Ford coupe 182t Ford sedan 1920. FORD roadster, starter Don t fail to see these cars before you buy. Some are practically new. others have been refinlshed and put in elegant shape. Terms If desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. K. 3770. .$25 . 365 . 485 . 405 . 675 . 850 . 4S5 . 4S5 . 105 . 275 . 125 . 105 . 475 . 505 375 LOOK AT THESE PRICES. STOOD A RD-DA Y YON $150 CHEVROLET V-,11 HAYNKS DELIVERY HJ0 STI'DK. DELIVERY OVERLAND TOURING 2"0 MAXWELL ROADSTER "h; OAKLAND TOURING 813 THESE CAPS WILL CO QUICK. YOU BETTER HURRY IF YOU WANT ONI-l OK THEM CASH. TERMS OK TR.ltlK. ( LIS.M OH! I.1-: COM PA N Y BROADWAY AND COUCH STS OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 20 HIT1CK ROADSTER. Here Is tlio class, hoys; rrflulahrd and new tires and low price of $0S5 with some down. hal. easy; take car in trade; long pmy terms on bal. 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR Co. 1920 PAIGE 6, like new, owner must sell at core; price $075; glvu some terms; can be seen nt . COOK ft GILL. 11th nnd Burnslde. FOR Sat LE- laday ave. Folding bod. East 1360. $4 . 285 ft llol FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WILL SELL MY MODEL 'W OVERLAND which Is In Perfect mechanical rnnriitlnn This car has been used very little and is in good condition. MR. PICKENS, 501 BT'RNSIDB ST. BDWY. 901 PAY $50 DOWN AND DRIVE AWAY cnevroiets. .Maxwells. Faxons. These are good-looking cars and In good me- cnannal condition; must be sold. Ca! and sea them. 354 East Broadway, at East Third. Auto. 310-10. SECURITY STORAGE CO. $530 F. P Chase, large oak, cash.. (245 850 Conover, magnificent style.... 395 650 Kimball, best style, cash..... 845 600 Krell in fine mahogany, cash.. 243 475 Emerson, small, cash 165 750 Planlsta player piano, cash.... 205 2.10 collard & Collard small up.... 65 Some parlor organs $20 and $28 cash. 103 IQTH ST.. AT STARK ST. USED PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. VICTROLA. style IV" 117.50 FORTOPHONE camping machine. 25.00 Bl ItAUl VAltA, rUU.NUUltAfli. re. 73. for 40.00 (.Uf-LSliiA Valt Ar UNULA. cabinet iz 73.00 -lerms lilven. SEIBER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder. BARGAINS DOWN STAIRS. $ 600 Geo. B. Bent, Concord 650 Emerson, good as new ..... 350 C. A. Smith, iarge upright... 475 Hallet & Davis, small 9O0 Steger Ac Sons, mission oak. 750 Adam Schaaf Player Piano. lu.-iu mnger. oak player piano .(31$ . 335 . 265 . 105 435 445 695 RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS; ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW , PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALES TYPEWRITER CO.. 3-i vvasuington at. .Main 568L REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentala repairs. supplies. Distributors Corona .portaDie. ounasirana. aaaing machines Main 2233. Jfi. W. Peas Co.. 110 Sixth street. ALL MAKES adding machines and comp luuiDicia iqii-iiicu iy lactury expert, 1. ft. aianoney. -oi -mm St. iaqwy. 118s. UNDERWOOD and Remington tvDe. writers, $3 a month. Empire Transfer, REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type- writtr inspection CO.. Alt stark. M. 6549. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon lypewruer -o.. we otn at. slain 3668. 1VH.W, reount second-hand rentals at cut rates, f. u. ui., 231 stark st. Main 1407. NO. 5 UNDERWOOD, like new. not used: snay. mi. i-aiiii. xvamapo notel. CONCORD and Sweetwater grapes. pounu. aza ana rtose Htil, 4 north of Harrison, Ablwaukle. 1 centi blocks nuuu K1VS.K. apples tor sale 11.25 per box. Winter Bananas and Spits. -Call , ooqiawn 11111. FERTILIZER, well-rotted cow manure lull measure guaranteed; delivered in any part ot city.- v ooqiawn 0233. LATE model Oakland roadster In fine con union; a Dargain; small pavment down, balance easy terms. Call Bozell, Bdwy. .lilt'.. JrOKU roadster, 1020 motor, dem. r.ms. starter, speedometer, ex'eilent tires; will traae lor rora truck. Call Eat 6(.sS, o to 1 I". .11. HUDSON seal plush coat, length. new; size oetween 4U ana 42; s Call Mar. 5523. ilmos snap. $10 or more cash. $6 or mora monthiv Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th st.. at Wash. ROYAL week. typewriter; must 204 Henry bldg. b sold this USED PHONOGRAPH SPECIALS A $337.50 Stylo XVI mah. Victor elec tric for $250. Another in oak, at (225. A cabinet Brunswick at $tM; also one at XK5-. Columbia box machinea at (35 $37.50 and (40: several small Victors at (25. (35 and (50; many others at our store. ' 1 erms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th st Poultry. REMOVAL SALE. PIANOS, TALKING MACHINES. PLAYER PI.VNOS. PLAYER ROLLS HAROLD S. GILBERT, 884 YAMHILL Bl. IMU 1NE.1V 1.UUA1IU. YET. $405 CASH secures $1200 Knaba seal. names uros. new upright piano In fine manogany at security storage Co., 103 lemn, at stars. FOR SALE CHEAP. Husband having died, will sell up-to-date poultry plant, equipped for brood ing and a large laying house, electric lights, automatic drinking fountains, oat sprouting room and everything needed ior tni- cuicneii Dusmess. see owner at o-j--i o-jtn ave., cor, outn st. s. E. WILL pay cash for 100 VV. L. laying pul lets, wanace s. swan, oak Grove. Or. FOR SALE Davenport, buffet, stove. chairs and kitchen cabinet. Call Mar shnll 1716. 7-FT. Lang range. 5x6 McCray Ice box. cotlee urn. etc., all or separate. Anzalone, 70S Washington st. FOR SALE Concord grapes, 3 cents. Bring boxes. Half mils west of Dunias cus. Foster road. BLACK bear rug. $50; mantl clock, (5; lornngton electric cleaner, $35. Call East 7110. LADIES, let the Original Make-Over Shop sell your discarded garments. 422 Flied- ner bag.. 100 Wash. Broadway 733. LONtORl) grapes, apples, pears. Curtis r ruit Rancn. 1 mile east Montavlila. Base l.ine road. CASH register, computing scale. Ford de livery. Templeton cheese cutter; sacrl- nce. wooqiown giMi. 1003 Vernon a ve. LUCK hunters, chance for 2 sportsmen to Join us; fine lake, good cabin, close Portland. F 97. Oregonlan. 1020 NASH touring; only run 3500 miles perfect condition; can handle small car as tirst payment. Call J'ropst, Bdwy. oiii'-i. 1918 STUDEBAKER (i50 down. bal ance 10 equal payments, (37.50 each; no nrokerage or Insurance. w. C Garbe, Inc., Burnslde at Broadway. WILL sell my. 1917 D 45 Buick light 6 tosnng car ror $4i5; car is In fine me. chanieal condition: extra good rubber, Cnll Ferguson. Bdwy. 1572. 1 HAVE a speedy Franklin bug and will sell very cheap. Mr. Brown at Bdwy. HAVE 1918 1'alge touring, fine condition, 10 trade on smaller car or real estate. Call 402 East 31st. N. 1921 ESSEX, nearly new; very reasonable If taken at once; will take good Victrola as part payment. Phone East 8628. 1920 PEERLESS eight touring car. same as new. Owner must sell and will sacri fice. Call Mr. Dalton at Main 7S0. BODY Ford touring wanted, will trade good livery body for it: must not be older than 1920. Mar. 172S. RADIANT PIKE CHEAP. MAIN 3I50. CALL TRAIT. A 1018 OLDS.MODII.E 8 touring car. in fine condition: only im; can arrange terma. Call Ferguson. Bdwy. 1572. FIRE SET. 121.4. andirona and fire screen. East BL'TCHEll ttxtures. all in good condition, nearly new. t none ;(2(l-3i. 1920 FORD touring, starter, speedometer. etc.. .tx.i, terma Billlngsley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. al nth. East 1. WE CARRY a full line ot auto accessories tures. Koro, parts, light globes, etc Also do lowing. Open day and night. LONG fc SILVA, Phone East 0S40; 462 Hawthorne. 1919 MITCHELL, (,rJo on terms. at big sacrifice, only COOK GILL CO., 1 1th and Burnslde. CADILLAC. '14. 7-pass.; my high-grade car. new paint, new top. runs like new; bargain t50. terma See Lyman. 314 Railway Exchange. BIG STOCK. UKi-D CAR'S No Mlsrenresentatfona. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. PRICES RIGHT. ORDER oa Fields Motor Car Co. for J100 app.y on new Chevrolet car, any it 73, Orego- morlel ; nian. liberal discount. SACRIFICE. Brand-new King 8 roadster with full equipment; make a.i offer. Cranbourne. Y. M. C. A.. Main 8700. HUI'MOHILE eednn. like new, perfect condition, new tires, $650 will handle, or will accept 3-pass. car as first pay menl. This Is a snap. Mar. IK11S OVERLAND TOURING. In good running order, priced for to day only (275. Call Bdwy. 1372. Ask for Mr. Fergerson. BUICK ROADSTER, good running condi tion; (100 cash will buy or will sell for $5(1, balance in 6 mouths. Call Tabor 3013. 1921 HUPP, as good aa new, can save you iuo on this car. See tt nt COOK GILL CO.. 11th and Burnslde. 1817 FORD; front seat cut to lav h.-iclr for sleeping; speedometer. .1',-ln. li tires all around; $2uo. terms. Illlllugsley Mo tor Co.. Hawthorne ave. at Sth. East 7 19211 FORD touring, starter, all brand new tires, good from stem to slern. Taibot A Casey, authorized Ford dealers. 1 Grand ave. MY DANDY 1820 Velie tourlna car la iha best buy In town at the price I am ask Irig. Need the rash snd Hill sacrifice. Mr. Glldea at Dilwy. ;;tnt. 1022 CHEVROLET touring, run less than ion nines; use a new car In every re spect, if you want a new car al a dis- count call Tahor 3913 n , 19211 BUICK light six. per t ,-unilul, "''i corns, inn equipment and sc. ces-res: a bargain for cash. Hdwy 4..in. local tin. FOR SALE WHITE PEKIN DUCKS? e;. o.iu si. n. 321 REMINGTON automatic Phone Marshall 372S. $20. IS) 1 8 FORD roadster; lota nf extras; f. quick sale J1S5. See Ferguson, 12th and stark sts. Hflwy. l.i72. PIANO WANTED. Wanted, grand piano with Duo art or Ampico player; stata price wanted. W 1 oregonlan. ICTROLA for sale, cost (150, will sacrt rlflce for $75 cash, including all late I recorus, waica will total 4::. Call 111 loin street. .nn.iit.Ki.Mi piano, man. cass: a won- ueriui Dargain: terms 10.-HI. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th t UHO.l.vs. iu ana up: terms given. SEI- SH.rCLl.tti-L.UCA .MUSIC CO., 123 4th si., oet. YYttsn. anu AiQer. VAL.E GEM piano, oak case, made bv -wain oc v. , j. nam vase. ki -. terms G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th it KN ABE piano, man. case, all refinlshed: just H kiwu aa ncw. .io-i. lerms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th st HERE IS YOUR CHANCE Will trade my late model 5-nna a. ivji u- ruuu .iiviii'Kiajii. cast 14:111. AXOPHONE. cost 11X1. Melodv AP 86. C, like new; oregonlan. 100; in'-uE, s-ou viciruia ana records new ior a useu piano. i-ail -nain 8586, OK KsiN i tiraionoias. late records $! iiuni.it. cii-"ic iinneivr, ;m nroaclWBV PIANO WANTED Pay caah. from private l"ii iy tui urn sain. am snail 1032. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. WE SPECIALIZE In Airedales and wire- haired fox terriers. When In the market zor a real one. write us. for we have that kind. Coxcomb Kennels, P. O. box au. Astoria. ii-..ioiiri,ii ot. AnureasDerg roller sing ers and females. Best stock. Main 6471. a-l .jiii street. GKINS and furs tanned. West Coast Taa- Pine, t-o.. wa- lenino ave. sell. BOSTON bull puppies for aals reasonably. AMlllHASBisriii rollers., Imported, also rancy oreq young singers. East 4529. POLICE DOG. about 6 mo. old. for sale. Call Portland Woolen Mills, Columbia 10. 2 LARGE made to order bird cages, cholc I singers cneap. g.ast o.)no. WANTED Thoroughbred fox terrier pup py. Aut. 642-82. Boats. Launcnes and aiarjne Equipment. DEEP SEA boat. 50 horsepower, Frisco standard; in first-class shape; will aell cneap. can a. kuijis, Tabor 7124. FOR SALE Modern houseboat, furnished all conveniences; easy terms. Oregon mini vim, m. j-nniie pen. -HnH. FOR SALE Evlnrude motor cheap at $25 or win iiauo. n at nave you I Aa 99, urt-Bi'iiiaii. FOR SALE Boat repair yard, equipment. xoois anu material. ijocatea in tb City C. 22. Oregonlan. Kegs and Barrels. 3 WILKINSON retread moulds cheap. 702 aantiy pivn. i-none g.ast 4iUH. $60 SI-JEWEL Elgin watch to trade for snoigun. wain 440o. Auto. 627-16. ESSEX at your own price if taken at once. Apt. 102 Sliver Court apts.. East 22d and Hancock St. TRADE sun. $.ilt bicycle for first-class shot- aialn 4-uip. Auto. 627-46. RADIANT FIRE gas heater, price 2 gain. mi Asn. 230-GALLON new. 9? i gaeoiine tank Division St. LATE model Oakland touring; Just like new car; one-tntrd down, balance on easy terms. m u r ropst. rtciwy. anno. 1921 OAKLAND 0. splendid shape: good tires, one new upare; extras; cash Vr rernia; e't"". .yinrsnan .it-i. tun oaitc a veiy sw eei-ionea Dlack up-1 ELECTRIC washing machine for sale, reasonable, almost new. Call Aut. 638-34. 12-GAUGE Winchester pump shotgun; A-l -..-no- t"l 1-uKn- Oil I I ..I 1 BOTI Lhh, oarrels, stoneware, corks, etc. r-ortianq iseveragc supply Co.. 431 tark. MALT syrups and supplies. Portland Hv erage supply Co.. 4.11 Stark St. SCREEN doors, windows, mirrors, furnl- ture repairing, cabinet work. Wdin. 1487. SHINGLES Snider's celebrated brand for sale at Loucn-st. qock. LA01ES' GOOD-LOOKING used apparel In home, neasonapie prices, labor 2825. MAKE YOUR own drinks; for supplies, roniana leverage supply to., 431 stark. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding macnint?. aiimii-Ma;. in St.. near Asn. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. r'acitic lent ac Awnmg co.. jnq. l 1st st. EVERYTHING electrical repaired; ,qulk service, low charges, rnone nawy. 4203. ELECTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms. $15. 207 Chamber ot Commerce bidg.Bdwy. 4253. STAR A STAR" shingles direct from milL call Tayior-street nock, wain 8005. as fiood ail SIM) DOWN, balance on easy terms bu fine light touring car. Call Bozell. Bdwy. 36U6 CLASSY Dodge touring car. .fine con dition, good finish, new top. $473. Call Tabor 8152. 1020 STEPHENS roadster; Just like new; guaranteed like a new car; new rubber. Call Pronst. lirln-v. 3600. MUST ell Buick new; owner left evenings. Main j-passener sedan, like city; a bargain. Phone !145. 1021 FORD coupe, in splendid condition throughout: extras; $.-25, cash or terms. Cali Main 4244 or Wdln. 5 1 3. $325 EQUITY In any kind of new Ford at $2o discount; deiiverv from Ford agent any time. Main 4837. 1918 MAXWELL ttiuting. hist conduit. .i7. Jent-aS'in. Phone Broadway 87 l -.s, Private party. BEAUTIFUL H-ryllnder car, cost $2150, must sell quick. East 6228. almost new. Price $lluo. 1020 CHEVROLET touring, spotlight, spare tire, etc., $475. terms. Hllllngslev .Motor Co.. Hawthorne ave. at Sth. East 7 HUI'MOHILE One of the latest model Ns le: private owner. This fine car la to mi. Call Sell. 3 Km. WILL trade my equity In new Ford aeiln for a second-hand Ford touring. East be sacrif li-etl. 4222. BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. F. R"7" first-class condition; will consider light car In trade. Talior 5275. 1010 OAKLAND touring car. Just like new has not been used for year: must be sold; need the money. Call Tabor 22SO I.IRKRTY SIX. Hlla Good tires. Just overhauled. 2605. $7511. WE HAVE EXTRA SPECIAL 111 TiT passenger touring car; good all through' $125, Talbot At Casey. 1 Grand ave. ' DANDY 811 Overland ear; reasonable offer refused. 4tS 1 ITU. condition ; '29 E. 80th FOR SALE Ford roadster w-ith complete camping oumi. rnunii Mar. -lUO. 414 n n st. 1016 7-PASSENC.ER 6-40 Hudson. In good mechanical order and good tires, (350 Main 5352. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Will trade my late model 5-pass. car for a good phonograph. East 7430. OVERLAND 85-4. good rubber. Main 7479. condition, good PIANOS wanted. Pay highest cash prices". PIANO for rent. Empire Transfer Co., 234 piuauns;. riiune rjuwy. joa. 25 EQUITY in good tone piano. (60 will naituig. Aiiany oiag. Daroer Shop. PIANO WANTED Cash deal. Main SiSsT KEGS AND BARRELS Fir snd white oak. western iwooperage CO., suu N. 14th st , nesr pettygrov. j-nona A 519-19. Machinery. ONE GILFILLAN electric grinder, slightly useu. a uigui. AiHca, Ilia St, Jtadl- ator Shop, 108 11th. st. WOODSTOCK NURSERY- frult trees, berries, rosea. -walnut and Aut. 610-96. EIGHT loop gas radiators, only $10 each. cjiq Northwest nrioge snipyarq. FOR SALE -One diamond ring, worth (50, for 2o. a 5. oregonlan. 1917 CHEVROLET, new upholstering; good conqumn. i u. lau Auto, ud.j-o.1. LATE 1918 Studebaker in good condition. first-class rupper and l spare. Tabor 2S1. ROYAL HEATER. $14. NEAR S1SMIUO. 630 E. 77TH N FOR SALE Jacobean buffet. Main 3333, 1921 FORD touring, used since June, cheap. i auor o loi. 1919 OLDSMOBILE 6; can handle Ford as first payment. Call Bozell. Bdwy. 3606. 1921 BUICK lik new. Sell. 2474. 1920 DODGE; new tires, got extras; $700 for quick saie, North. USED Ford delivery bodies choaD $43 Williams av. East 1198. 1917 REO SIX. cheap; new Mlchelln cords Rear. Bdwy. 1707. Mr. Nehr. 1921 DODGE Price $025. touring for sale by Call Sellwood 390. 1920 DODGE delivery; screen body, lawn 5(102 1917 CHEV.. In A-l shape; cheap for cash. Phone 129 W. Oak Grove. FORD touring car In good condition, with full set tonia, 225. 1 106 E, 32.1 St. N. $400. Terms. FORD SEDAN Look at It. Call Conser. Bdwy. 240. 1918 OAKLAND SIX. $575 A 5.1. OREOONIAN. LATE model touring to trade for roadster or 4-passenger. 122 2d St. 1821 CHEV. 40(1; Chev. or Ford, will trado In your used Woodlawn 5002,