18 TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1921 Suburban Homes. ONE-ACRE TRACTS JOINING riTJf LIMITS ON EAST. $i00 AND LP, Highly Improved farm; iuat been subdivided; lies level, produc tive soil; fac food macadamised road, Hull Hun water and beauti ful view of mountains and city, borne tracts with bearing cherry, pear and apple trees and others with raspberries, loganberries, strawberries, currants, grape and asparagus. Terms $100 down and 450 every three months. SAYLER E SMITH. SIS Kaiiway Exchange Bide. REAL ESTATB. For Sale Acreage. f'OR SAUK A country home of two acres; " fine land, under full cultivation; orchard for family use. apples, peara, plums and r cherries, all full bearing; raspberries, loganberries and Everbearing straw ber- rles: chicken houses and runs; a roue embowered live-room house with garuge; hardwood floor in living room and tiin l Ins; room; electricity. ga, telephone and 1 Jiit I Kun water: run cement paemnt; !withln 20 minute by automobile from Portland. over the icnlc Terwilllger boulevard; Oregon electric station three minutes walk; wonderful view Mt. Hood t and VKtlev: an Ideal country home, all I for $0000. "Why do I want to sell? My 1 business necessitates mv moving to Call J fornia. otherwise it wouldn't bo for sale at any price. ,o agents ueaireu, Aeie- phone .v a in tt..i. A. CLEVER ARRAXGEMEXT OF 5 KOUM8. A bungalow where distinctive quail ties embody character and promote com fort It la situated In the De Luxe real dentlal district facing the pavement out Powell Valley road In a beautiful nat ural Dark of rare beauty, where yon can enjoy nature la all it a glory without d&critictne; trie comrorta oi me city, Price $42.".0, $1000 cash. K. H. CONFRKY, Realtor, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. t"EW 8-ROOM. acre, even with 72d st.. ureanam car; $iioo, iou down; water iratf, JlKhts. Main 4 1 1 J For Hale Acreage. i DIVERSIFIED FARMING. Before you buy be sure and look at those 6, 10, 15 and 20-acre tracts In Sunderland acres at-E. 20th at. N. and Columbia blvd. PROTECTED RIVER BOTTOM LANDS excellent lor growing best qualities of fruit a and vege tables. This Is that NEW CLOSE-IN ADDITION just outside city limits; low taxes; $-o0 to $hoo per acre; 10 per cent down, balance annually. E LROD A DRYER, OWNERS. 83 Stark SL Broadway 1183. 14 a. STOP. 14a. If you are looking- for a real bargain In small acreage, see this 14 a. on New berg; highway, 20 minutes by auto, five minutes walk to electric station, all in cultivation, best of Boil, domestic fruit and berries, ti-room house, good well, fino barn, 2 (rood horses and harness, 2 wagon, mower, cultivator, plows and numerous Other Implements, 2 cows, 40 chickens, winter's wood. Price $7000, terms. MR. MARTIN, COB A. McKKN'NA & CO. 2 Fourth Bt. M a In 6S71. fi YEARS WITHOUT INTEREST, h CROP PAYMENTS. 100 acres, 73 acres plow land, good oil, no waste land, $3000. buildings and equipment; electric lights and water ystem; 32 miles south of Portland, V miles east of paved road. ti. P. electric station 1 mile on graveled road.. First payment one-eighth at purchase price, after 6 years 6 per cent mortgage lor 0 years on balance aue. J. M. CRAWFORD. Phone 4x7 Dayton central. R. F. D. DUNDEE. OREGON. "THERE IS NO CONGESTION HERE." It's a safe place for the children and a playground for grown-ups; a nice level acre, along Section Line road, just east of 32d st., for $'0; buy sow on easy term and have no regrets. "OUT "WHERE THE AIR IS SNAPPY." A nice, cultivated acre, deep rich soil, Bull Run water, situated out Section Line road, just east of 62d St., in a rap Idly developing country. Price $800, $50 cash. "WHEN YOU ARE PUZZLED" and don't know where to get an acre In high state of cultivation with Dull Run water, drive out Section Line road Just east of 62d t., and you w III see our big signs and see the new houses going up. "There's your acre." $360, $00 cash, good terms on balance. THE RIGHT LAND IN THE RIGHT PLACE." Facing; directly on the Base Line road, S miles east of the city limits, facing north, small grove of trees in front, bal ance Is mostly small brush, and a few old stumps, very easy to clear; there are almost fi acres for $2150; if you fall to Investigate this you will see the time when you -will have cause to regret it. 4 ACRES OUT BASE LINE ROAD, sioo. Here Is your chance to get a nice piece of land cheap, only $133 cash ; don't wait, buy now. Only 3 miles from the city limits. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms, NEAR CANBY, OR. 10 acres, 1 mile from Canby, on grav eled road ; 1 acre strawberries, some loganberries, small orchard; 5 acres un der cultivation, all can be cultivated when cleared; 6-room house, good barn with concrete floor, 4 chicken houses. Included with place lots of garden tools, sprayer, truck, etc. Price $4500, $1M0 cash, balance easy terms at 6 per cent. 1 acre, 1 block from electric station, between Portland and Gresham, 2 miles from Portland limits; good 4-room plas tered house, lots of berries and young fruit trees, chicken house and wood shed; $600 cash, balance $16 per month at 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. Homesteads. Kennquisnmenis. 120-ACRE homestead relinquishment. 14 miles from Eugene, 2 miles from mac adam road; between 3 and 4 million feet of fir timber; road to cabin and slash ing; soil clay loam, no rocks; price $1000. If Interested write W. E. Ruefly, Route B, Vancouver, Wash. CAN SHOW you homesteads offering exceptional opportunities; stock raising. nut growing, bee keeping, etc Inquire or address F. G. Thompson, care Rainier noiei. EAST OF G RES HAM. 81 acres of fine, rich land, H mile from electric station, 1 miles to chool, good macadamized road ; 1 5 acres under cultivation ; all can be farmed when cleared; 4 acres strawber ries; 4 acres Cuthbert raspberries, 2 acres bearing; orchard; good 0-room , house, barn, garage, milkhouse and other buildings; included with place, 1 horse. 2 cows, yearling heifer, 75 chick ens, complete line of machinery and crops. Price for everything $80OO, $:t000 cash. Consider residence In Portland up to $3000 and give easy terms on balance. Ranch Inspected by Hunter. 20 acres, 82 miles from city limits of Portland, one-half mile to school; good country road that will be graveled; 2 acres under cultivation, lots of pasture, all of the Land can be farmed when cleared; some young fruit trees; 2 small houses, barn, chicken house; mile from post office; water piped to house; included with place, 2 cows, 20 chickens, household furniture, cream separator, etc. Price $2100 for everything. $1000 cash. Property inspected by Berger. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. WAXTE1) REAL ESTATE. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY solicit your real estate business. We have placed our salea and ex change department under the au- ' pervision of JOHN H. GIBSON, formerly located at 268 Stark st. Bring In your listings. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, 269 Oak St. Broadway 5355. Farms Wan tea. IF YOU WISH TO LEASE OR RENT YOUR FARM list with us at once as we have cans everv dar for farms to rent. FOR QUICK ACTION SEB F. C Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg.. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark, Wanted to Rent Farms. ONE-ACRE TRACTS JOINING CITY LIMITS ON EAST. $900 AND UP. Highly Improved farm; Juat been subdivided: lies level, produc tive so!l;-face good macadamized road. Bull Kun water and beauti ful view of mountains and city. Some tracts with full bearing cherry, apple and pear trees and others with raspberries, logan berries, strawberries, currants, grapes and asparagus. Terms $100 down and $50 every 3 months. SAYLER E. SMITn. 318 Railway Exchange Bids;. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wantlnc to reoi acreage or small farms, close to Pot- land preferred. Some people will buy the mace, after leas ins for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER LANDS. BETWEEN fi and 6 million feet- of timber. suitable for sawmill or logging, located 28 miles from Portland, mtle K. K. station, small distance from highway. F, M. Miles, S00 MoKay bldg. Main 1390. TWO relinquishments, mile to R. R. towr line highway, near Grants Pass: loini $30,000 ranch; $2000 improvements on one; a.tuu ana $uu. 3M corbett bldg, 160-ACRE relinquishment, 37 miles from i'ornana, some gooa timoer, Al soil, cree. -rice suo. ui Chamber oi Com merce mag. FOR A good homestead or rellnauinhmen se w. iieim, cnaiDber ox Com- mere e Did g, Fruit Lands for Pale or Rent. 17 H ACRES of lU-ai filbert land, read to piani; aiso iz acres or line berry tana, au.inea; near Muisooro; l heavy bearing walnut orchard; all near Pacifle nrgnway; alao line sheep ranch. Ad dress T. Withycombe. 432 12th St.. city, For So le -Farms. 40 ACRES, stock dairy ranch, 70 acres un dr cultivation, fine bottom land, ha: beautiful o-room bungalow and bath. only built 3 years; new barn and 11 pedigreed cows. 1 team, crop all In. all latest implements, in fact everything a man desires ; on good hard-surfaced ronu, o raiiea irom jwvemeni; ,uoo cash, balance to suit, or will trad for good home in Portland; give good xerms. fl. M. BORLAND, 803 Stock Exch. Bldg. Aut. 52O-04. HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR SURE! acres, all cleared and in cuttl vatlon; splendid fruit and good berries; o-room bungalow with concrete base ment, gas, electricity and Bull Run wa- tr can be had. Close to school. A SPLENDID VALUE AT $SK0O, TERMS. Ask lor 1". C. Marshall, with. FRANK L. McGUIRE. 20.1 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1048. Third St., bet. Washington A Stark. 3 ACRES O. C. LINE $300 DOWN I Most all In cultivation. 1 acre in o chard, balance in clover. acre park ; ground la ail tiled. This Is situated about 7 blocks from Rothe Htatlon; small 1-rooin house. A BUY FOR $2100. Ask lor t. C. Marshall, with FRANK U McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1069. Third St., bet Washington and Stark. uuw. sju per month; 14 acres on macadam road, a few minute' walk from Columbia highway, near Rainier; no rocK or gravel; a .No. 1 land for ber , rles. fruit or garden stuff: almost level, i Juat enough iiope for drainage; cabin 12x24 ; price $70 per acre. I have alms some toois and furniture on the place, which, if d paired, 1 will sell cheap. AV inn', urgon i.in. INCOME-BEARING 3 ACREfi. All in cultivation, fiO bearing apple trees, variety of berries, 14 acres in oats and clover, tt-room house, just H mile from Beaverton; $3800, with terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall. With. FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton BUlg. Main IOCS. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. SMALL CREEK. $25 down and $7.50 monthly buys 0.87 ere, 6 miles from courthouse, 14 miles jrom enn oi r uimn car line; wonderful view, ideal for fruit, berries, chickens and ducks; price $3.10 for the entire tract. Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. i UH SALE By owner, 1 1-3 acres, ten miles out, & mln. walk to depot. Small hou.se. Fine place for rhlckens. Only ; $sri0. $200 down. Also 10 acres, 3-room house and outbuildings. Good soil. Some 1 timber. Lots of bearing1 fruit trees. $,".00 ; down buys this. Immediate possession. Main 7113, or 204 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2448. $73 DOWN and- $15 per month will buy a beautiful country homslt on Clear I Creek; 45 minutes' ride from city; beau tiful trees; creek and good roads, 6 acres; price $750. INTERSTATE- INVESTMENT CO.. 1 REALTORS. Broadway 475L 410 Henry Bldg. Btt ACRES of fine cleared land on the Pacific highway, close to Oswego and Glenmorrle. The finest view In Oregon; i we'll prove It. Let us show you. Only ! $1400 with $'JO0 cash. 1 RALPH HARRIS CO., Sift Chamber of Commerce. Main RA24. $50 DOWN, $10 MONTHLY. Buys a tract of 8.21 acres land, some heavy timber, close to electric line, miles east of city limits; price $400. Do you realise that this is only $125 per aereT Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. 7 ACRES OF GOQD LAND CLOSE IN FOR ONLY $1X00. About 2 acres cleared, balance In brush, on good road, close to school and store, about 32 miles out. STEWART A JOHNSON'. HI 5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 5 acres; all in cultivation, 330 feet front on E. 82d St., mile south of Kendall station, a magnificent site and a splendid buy; $4000. reasonable terms. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 chamber of Oommprre. 5 ACRES. All cleared; very best of soil: close to Gluts station and new Mount Hood loop highway; Bull Run electric, Snap for $lftou. Terms. W. M. Umbdenatock 'o.. 210 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE B acres dike land near Clata" kanle station. S. P. A S. R. R. lower Columbia river highway: cost flAOft m f take $700 cash, need money; no agents. xifnry xsucm, oiierwuuu, ur.t xt. 1, Box SEE US FOR ACREAGE. both Improved and unimproved. In beau tiful Tualatin valley, the place for love ly homes. COE A. MrKENNA A CO., Realtors, H-2 Fourth St. Main t!S71. WELL located acreage, rich soil, close to paved highway, electric, garage, etc. daily mail, Portland gas; some improve ments; only $135 per acre; will trade. 13M) Burrage st IVRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and eas terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO Tacoma. Wash. JAWBONE doesn't go any more; if you nave to pay aown i win sell you the nicest 4H0-acre of wheat land you ever laid eyes on. M. Fitamaurice. Condon, Oregon. LAND in tracts from ten acres to one section. rooa unimproved land at low prices. Wm. Newell, Oak Point, Wash., locator. 7 ACRES, part in cultivation; small house, barn, fruit, facing right on paved high way Price $lJ.r.o, $Ko down. ut a m n, ma uoarq oi J raoe. JWO CULTIVATED acres for $000. Right at staiion. -.wuniiuj- payment, w . m, Vmbdenstock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg Bdwy. 1658. JtKNT or sell 3 acres; S-rm. hemae. out o i n g. ; suDuroan piac: mo. FRED G. UAW50N, 001 .McKay Bldg. FARM BARGAIN IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Over 300 acres. 200 acres cleared. acres of bottom land; one of the fines Sets of farm bulldines In Orpirnn: harrf. surface highway through the place; lots of good outrange; running water, and fine water system for buildings; over 100 head of fine stock; 4 good horses. 20 hogs, lots of farm mach Inery. 3 cream separators, etc. All included In the price of $32,000; any rtsmonable pay ment, and terms on balance. Absolutely niff ot?Hi puy in uregon. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. .V0-H Panama Bldg., .id and Alder. 94 ACRES BARGAIN. This 04 acres Is located south of pnerwooa, aoout r.o acres under cultiva tion, rour acres of blackcap raspberries, 71 rs eirawoerries, ram n y orcnara, 2 fine sort nits, water ninpd to hmiM R. F. D. and Dhone nast nlnre: R.rnnm ceiled house, good size barn, plenty of limber iur wooa, a gooa larm priced t'sui, umy .njuu casn. F. L. EDDY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE &. CO.. 201-2-3-r-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BM ACRES. $16 PER ACRE. 'It-H-lLiS AAU FURNITURE. 100 a eras, 40 acres level. 10 acres of uravernam, targe outrange, 2d fruit trees, berries for family use, 3 miles to store. 1 miles to school, 5 springs and creek, cabin 14x22, 2 barns and chicken house, 6 acres clover and timothy, all sm.u toois ana furniture included al vuijt iioimp, mniu casn. F. L. EDDY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OREGON PEPPERMINT FARMS. In tracts to suit purchaser at $100 per acre; terms very attractive. We plant In peppermint for you at this price. Pep permint Is the safest, cleanest and most vrui.iia.uie crops grown in Oregon. OREGON MINT FARMS CO., 4u U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Telephone Broadway US33. Q ACRES, PARK PLACE, $l'800. A fine tract of 04 acres with 4H acres under cultivation. 1 rt frulr trs. 500 raspberries, SOU strawberries, grapes,' "n, wen itnceu, gravei roaa, 4 room nearly new house, barn 14x20, chicken house, woodshed, eome tools in cluded at only $2SuO. $1000 cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-.-.-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TUALATIN VALLEY SNAP 53 acres, 42 under cultivation, 0 miles from courthouse on excellent road, best spring water, small natural lake, unex celled soli, dandy big barn and other buildings, good family orchard. Real bargain at $300 pr acre. MALL c VON BORSTEL, . 1M 2d St. Main 1436. MY PLACE in La Center, Wash., mile 1 rum luwn, a j acres, nine acres clear, five acres young clover: 3 Jersey cows, 9 tons of hay. 40 chickens, 40 bushels of chicken feed; 5-room house with some furniture and brand-new barn; $3300. V cash and the rest on terms, 6 per cent interest. Owner, Erik Dalln, La Center. W as h. ON ACCOUNT of a!cknes will have to sen my rarrn or iva acres; all stock and tools, grain and hay, go with ranch; 15 acres of potatoes will be ready to market in about a month. You will have to hurry, as my loss is vour gain. For particulars call Mr. WaUh, 50S Buchanan bldg. Main 5 175. 2ti ACRES, sandy loam soil, 4 miles from town; 10 acres cleared, a seres timber, balance easily cleared ; personal prop erty valued at $800; log bungalow, new barn, chicken house, garage, good well, creek. All for $3a00 If taken this week. Trms. P. D. Settlemier, Woodland. Wash. GOOD 6 ACHES. ALL CLEARED, ON ytKf)ij rvvj .- u, JIAJSE TO CAR. Improved with 6-room house, barn and large poultry house, family orchard and i acre of loganberries, all for $2700 Some terms. STEWART A JOHNSON, 31.1 Northwestern Bnnk Bldg. "GRESHAM FARM 40 acres In cultivation, choice land, orchard, 0-room modern house, full plumbing, gravity water, barn, garage chicken houe, all in fine condition' Price $12.uuo, $4000 cash, balance per cent. Will take house up to $3000 R. M. OATEWOOD A CO., 105 4th St $12.50 PER ACRE will buy 160 acres In LiacKanias county, soutneast or Molalla, good for a stock place, near range; some buildings, springs and creek; 60 acres can be cultivated; about 20 acres par tially cleared. I. G. Davidson. Chamber of Com, bldg.. Port land. 10 ACRES. 5 miles from city limits, paved uti muni an y , uuunaance or irult, 2 acres loganberries, H acre strawber ries, good 5-room cottage, barn and chicken house Price $3200, easy terms See F. R. Jesse, 027 Corbett bldjj. Main - ACRES 30 miles from Portland; all un der cultivation; 6-room house, large barn silo and several outbuilding.; this is a going place and first-class soil; will aeil or lease; stock and feed for sate. Address route 1, box 3S-C, Hubbard, Or. M. Turner. $ir00 MUST SELL my 1 acre, all in fruit. oerries ana garaen; line sHT, spring brook. 4-room bouse, 30 minutes out. Terms. Call W. M. Cmbdenstock & Co 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 16:8. WILLAMINA farms, level, cleared, fenced b ac, good 3-rm. house, $1450; 5 ac, fair 3-rm. house, $1200; 5 ac. no bldgs $1000; terms. J. R. sharp. 83 W 3d. st BUT THIS COUNTRT HOME. In Beaverton district, only 30 minutes drive to Yamhill-street market. There Is publio and high school close to place; 20 acres, good buildings, garage, running creek ; ideal for raising fish, ducks, geese, chickens, turkeys, vegetables, milk, honey, apples, cherries, prunes, pears, grapes, berries, celery, etc. There is now over two acres fine orchard, ecre grapes. This place is a, money-maker, adjacent to the city and Portland Golf club. Price $7000, good terms. See owner, 426 Lumbermen bldg. ,OtH,000 FEET 160 acres, 6,000,000 yellow fir, balance spruce, cedar and hemlock; well located; will sell for most any price or will trade for stuff In or out or city, an toucn mag, aiain man. MUST have some cash, 25c per M. buys 60 million principally yellow fir; all good timber. Address R 61, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 160 acres Umber in town ship, 35 8. range 3 W. A. N. Parsons, Grants Pass, Or. FOR RENT FARMS. COMPLETE outfit and 20M acres of seeded crop for sale on 5500-acre wheat ranch In Oregon; will give lease on this fine ranch to good tenant; outfit con sists of caterpillar tractors and farm ing machinery of every description; all in excellent condition; 3450 acres of stubbie to be summer fallowed next year; 6 miles from warehouse. This is one of the finest large wheat ranches in eastern Oregon : no trades will be considered, a nd only those who have sufficient cash to handle a ranch of this size need 'apply; references required. Address R. R. Rogers, receiver, 207 Old National Bank bldg., Spokane, Wash. FOR SALE 160 acres. 50 acres in cultl vatton: all fenced and cross-fenced: gooi pasture; creek runs through the place located 33 miles from Portland, gooc road: 9 -room house with all good furni ture and household; barn 52x60. chicken, nog ana miiKnoiwe, garage, orcnara, gar den; 13 cows, 1 bull, 13 yearlings. 2 hogs, 2 horses, with harness. IM) chickens. 1 farm wagons, 1 buggy, 2 12-in. plows, oisc, 2 double set harrows. 1 rake, mow ins: machine. 1 separator. 1 cultivator. 2Vi engine and all small too la for farm and da.lrv : 40 tons ha v and Dotatoes : price for all $17,000; some cash, rest 6 per cent. For more Information see or writ Joe C. Gentemann, 210 Railway Exchange bldg., .Third and Mark, Port lana. ur. WILL TAKE SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH OR GOOD HOUSE DOWN PAYMENT ON THIS FINE FARM. 128 acres, all creek bottom, 70 miles from Portland on good gravel road, 3 miles from county seat, close to grade and high school ; good 9-room house with modern plumbing, spring water piped to same, large new Darn win noia 100 tons of hay and accommodate 40 head of stock, about 70 tons of hay now in barn, full line of machinery and tools, everything for $15,000, on exceedingly good terms. Buyer can have choice of two cream routes. STEWART A JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg". IDEAL farm of 30 acrej. five-room house. oarn, etc.; running spring piped to house and barn; fruit and berries: 20 min. out on pavea roaa; cneap ir soia this week city phone in house. Call Main 9413. WANTED REAL ESTATE, HOUSES WANTED. Have buyers for medium priced houses with small payment down and large monthly payments: also have parties with improved and unimproved acreage. cIom to Portland, that will exchange for Portland houe that is priced right. Ask ior r. Newman, with J ohn Ferguson, ernnger Diog. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I have a 100x100 corner business lot In Woodstock to trade on 5 or 6-room bungalow up to $6500; must be worth trie money; will pay caah difference. can ait. .sc n a 1 e r . INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS, Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg LIST YOUR SUBURBAN HOME. We have hundreds of calls for sub urban homes from 34 acre up. We can sell your place. List with us for quick results. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Ablngton Bldg.. Main 1063. Bd St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. WANT residence, give either choice 15 a.. v ancouver 1 miles, mastered house. concrete basement, fine locality. $4500: 20 for $4500 or 80. including 500 cords seasoned wood, for $0000, both near Ore gon City: also 80 Polk county foothills: some improvements, $1U50. Owner, 141 Kast 60tM North. WANTEB-. AN ISLAND. I want to gat In touch with party who tias an island ot from 20O to 000 acres In lake or river, if it does not overflow, in Washington, Oregon or California; send description. F 57, Oregonlan. WE ARE in touch with two parties look ing ior small improved places ciose-ln on east side, from 5 to 10 acres; can make good substantial payment and monthly payment on balance. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANT Income business property or apart ment nouae ior s.i.j.uoo casn and over $70,000 worth of clear property to trade in. Will also assume mortgage. Give description, location, income and value of property in reply. AP 918, Oregonlan. HAVE five prospects for houses up to s-ihju. or quick action list your prop erty with us. COE A. McKENXA A CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. OWNERS, NOTICE! We want your city or suburban home to sell or exchange; expert personal at tention assured. A. K. Hill, 426 Lum bermen bldg. Realtor. FOR CASH, small store building or a snacK in gooa location. Must be a snap and close in. Give location and price. Y 36. Oregonlan. ATTENTION. BUNGALOW OWNERS! Want 6-rm. modern, with furnace. Laurelhurst, R. C. or Hawthorne. Pay no commission. C 6S. Oregonlan. WILL pay $1000 to $1300 cash for 4 or 5- room house, near streetcar, any district, St. Johns vicinity preferred. Call S713 b-'th ave. s. h.. wooostock car. WANTED 4 or 5-rm. house, any outside district near to car, rrom $1000 to $1200 cash; total price $5715. 59ih ave. S. E. ; Woodstock car. HAVE good Bulck, 5-pasa. car. in good mecnanicai conauion; win trane for va cant lot; give or take cash difference. tell. 2W6. WANT 4 or 5-room hoiute. Sunnyslde or similar district; quick deal for bargain; submit your proposition to A, K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. WILL give someone my beautiful 6- cylinder almost new auto and vacant lot and cash for modern bungalow. Private party. East 6228. HAVE cash client for west side apartment nouse, not over su.mnf; must pav good rental. See Mr. Dodson, 633 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Residence wUh large lighted rooms ior worx snaps; location near busi ness center; must have electric light, heat and water. BD 90. Oregonlan. WANTED Many lots and homes. Irving- ton, iaureinursi, Aiameaa. eure buyers waiting. R. T. Street, good homes realtor. A GREAT and rare renting proposition for someone, right against the city, about mJ0 miles courthouse, 40 rods electric sta tion; wonderful place for dairy business about 150 acres. 27 in cultivation, bal ance pasture; 3 good wells, fine large oatry barn, fair house, orchard, wed fenced ; rent $2r0 cash, lease 2 years from March, 1922; can purchase some personal property. Must act quickly t get this. C. L. Becker. I33 First st. 45-ACRE farm ; good bottom soil ; good buildings; by owner. 007 Wygant st. Woodlawn 70S. 40. NEAR Oregon City, rent two years, $350; also 500 cords seasoned wood, on place. $2.85. Owner. 141 E. 69th North. FARM near Portland. 44 acres; cleared; large orchard, cut 40 tons hay this sea son. Inquire at 1-533 East Stark st. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WANT 10 TO 40 ACRES not over 20 miles from Portland, with some Improvements, in exchange for a two-flat building, well located and con stantly rented; valued $)00. MacINNES. EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE A CO., . 201-2-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. I have a number of clients that want acreage for Portland homes. For ex pert service list with us. Exchanges of Merit Only. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR TRADE. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. (REALTORS.) OLDEST FARM DEALERS IN PORTLAND. Following are a few of the many farms we have for exchange: 440 A. FOR SMALLER FARM. INCOME PROPERTY OR BUSINESS. Two miles from high school and sta tion, in Polk county; 440 acres, 100 In cult.; water In every pasture; two seta Improvements; one 9-room modern bun galow; finely stocked and equipped; price for everything $45 per acre; fed eral loan $60OO; trade for a good busi ness. Income or smaller farm. Get full particulars our office. HANDSOME 30 ACRES. HILLSBORQ. lhh miles from Hillsboro, right at electric station; 30 acres, all cleared; best land, highly Improved; some per sonal; price $9000; federal loan $3400. Take hoUse to $5000. 18 ACRES ON PAVEMENT FOR LEASE AND STOCK. One mile from good town near Mc Minnville and facing on pavement; 2 acres loganberries, 6 acres commercial orchard, pretty good buildings. It is equipped. Price $6500; mtg. 26O0, 6 per cent. Trade equity for lease and stock on large farm or trade for larger farm and assume. EQUIPPED 148 ACRES FOR SMALLER PLACE. At station, on Yaqulna river. In Lin coin county; .148 acres, 30 cult.; 80(H) cords wood; i-room house, modern pi urn Ding, mercantile store buildlns: wit shelves and counters; new barn, out buildings, team, 10 cows, 16 younp stock, full set implements; price $10,000 want hp or more acres near some tow to $5000, balance time. 33 ACRES ON MOLALLA RIVER. Right on electric line, 89 acres, 30 cleared; 10 acres fine bottom with peach orcnara ; e-room nouse. Dam, outbuild 'in its. It Is stocked and eauipped. Price eoouu. iKKO nouse to fiouu1, Dai. 6. 33 A., 6 MILES EAST CITY LIMITS, FOR HOUSE. Trade this one even up for house In Portland; 33 acres, 6 miles from city limits of Portland; 7 cleared, bal. pas ture: 6-room house, barn, orchard; price If nothing above appeals to you ft Is Because we aon t Know what vou want. for we have them to meet any and all requirements. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th St., Near GlUan. Broadway 4381. FOR PALE. Pianos, Organs and Mubical Instruments. SALE CARLOAD FACTORY RENEWED PIANOS. "Some Sweeter Toned Than Many New pi a no." A Sterling- upright for as lKtle as.. $285 A Wellman upright piano, small .. 193 A Russell upright in walnut 265 A Behnlng upright In ebony 210 Another Sterling upright piano 295 A Smith A Barnes, In mahogany... 865 A splendid Everett In oak 895 A Bacon A Kerr upright for only.. 215 A New England renewed upright.... 265 A Kimball, again like new 8.tft A Werner upright in Flemish oak.. 865 A fine Chase In mahogany 895 Another Chase In splendid walnut.. 395 A WaHhburn upright, mahogany... 845 Another Kimball, large mahogany.. 8i5 And a Dixon In mahogany at 295 You can pay as little as $13. Cash or all cash as may suit you best, bal ance $8. $8 or $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Columbia, cabinet, oak; like new...$ 75 Vlctrola, style 9,-mahogany; used.. 125 Vlctrola, style 8, mahogany; used.. 140 Vlctrola. style 14; like new 215 Blue Bird, style 800; 50 off 125 Brunswick, style 7. mahogany 90 Sonora Melodies, mahogany and oak 60 Sonora Intermezzo, new style 175 Cash, or $10 or more down and $5 and more a month. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO., Seventh Floor. THESE THREE GREENHOUSES are good for $400O per year net. This spring from 40 cents' worth of pansy seea 1 soia iiu wortn 01 plants and from $1.50 worth of asters sold $87 worth of plants and have 2000 growing ior seea. x enjoy tne work but havi the asthma and must go to a dry climate. The home place has 5 acres of as fine rose and shrubbery soil as you will find In the state: a black eanriv lnm rich in humus. The three greenhouses cover -ooo square feet of glafs. Half I now have in MUMS and the other half I have prepared for sweet peas. The heating plant is exceptionally good and there is both city water and -private plant. The house has 6 rooms, with toilet, bath and hot water; barn, fruit house and chicken house. This is a big opening ior a practical greennouse man. I am making a sacrifice: for quick action price Is $8500; terms $3500 cash, long time on balance. r will take 134)00 cash and houee to 3000 la trade. See my agent. MacINNES, EXCHANGE DEPT.. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Exchanges of Merit Only. IRVING TON. elegant home, near 23d and Knott; east facing; 2 fine bath rooms, 3 extra lavatories and 2 extra toilets. 2 fine tile fireplaces, hardwood floors. Old ivory and solid mahogany throughout. Electric stove and Instantaneous Ruud heater. Owner leaving for Los Angeles in a week. This Is one of the moat com plete homes In Irvlngton; real sacrifice, $15,000, but $1500 to $2000 handles this, with 6 per cent Interest. MCDONNELL. EAST 419. ARE YOU SATISFIED? Are-you satisfied? If not, we can help you. We can sell you anything you want on easy terms, or we can rive you an exchange for your property, whether large or small, no matter where It Is located. We have some of the best farms in the west to trade for income prop erty, we have a few good homes In Portland to trade for acreage and we have some dandy good rooming nouses to sen on easy terms, vv e want to help you and If you are looking for a business opportunity, don't fail to see us. WU1CK SALES COMPANY, 40ft Couch Bldg. Auto. 511-09. 10 ACRES near Newberir: shot soil, all cleared; new four-room house: sale or trade. w. O. Schulze. 28 N. Second at. EXCHANGE OFFICE. YOU MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. Expert opinion given on your proposi tion, trading a specialty. I can possibly better your financial position. Your proposition can be matched. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 9 acres, all high state of cultivation, on Paciilo h inn way. 1 hour drive Portland, near good town and high school, good 7-room -plastered house, barn and chicken houses; Abundance of fruit and berries. Price $5500 on terms. or witi take small nome in Portland See F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. YOU HAVE BEEN OFFERED JUNK. THIS IS FURNITURE. Ten rooms, clean and newly decor- sted, with beautiful furniture, w. s.. on Broadway; close in; substantial net and a good home; takes $o50 cash with $400 mo. payments; buy something good. Aiam iO(.i ior appointment. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. REALTORS. 40S-H Couch Bldg. L Main 1375 STOCK AND JJAlRY RANCH. 1132 acres located near coast, about nair oottom iana. Daiance bench and hill. 800 acres in cultivation. 2 houses, fair barn; price $40,000; would cobslder city property. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER COMPANY. 63 Fourth st. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 8715. STOP. LOOK. READ. 20 acres, all in cultivation: ft-room rouse. large bam, on main road, 3 miles from Ne where:: all clear: want 7 or 8 room modern home in city. What have you t GEO. E. CROXFORD, 434. E. 40th st. N. Tabor 5S3. LARGE 10-room house in Mt. Tabor with two lots 50x100 each. 2 blocks from Hawthorne car; owner has $05 ner month Income besides own living Quar ters; will trade $3000 equity for smaller nouee. STEWART A JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. STOCK RANCH. 1150-acre stock . ranch, near Corvallis. 200 acres fine creek bottom in cultiva tion, balance slashed and seeded down; fair buildings; worth $30 per acre: will give or take difference on any good city properxv. W. C. BECKTELL. 131T N. W. Bk. bldg. WELL IMPROVED 7 ACRES AT BEAVERTON. Will take small store building in out skirts of city as part of purchase price, which la $4800; no inflated values con sidered. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL residence site in Charleston. Wash.; 8 lot overlooking navy yard, fine view, near paved street ; $1000, terms; will consider trade for small pay ing business or property in Portland or on highway near. Fred G. A. White, Bend, Or. INCOME property, grocery, confectionery. oarDer snop, Dnnging uo month ; price $0500, equity $3575; have contract for balance at $50 month and 6 per cent; located In Hillsboro; will sell or trade; will take auto and cash. Fpster, 7 Well apts., Hillsboro. SEE US FOR EXCHANGES. Large and small farms, stock ranches, income property to exchange. What have you? MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors, 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3003. MY BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME. Costing over $lo.OO0, 100x100: to trade on either improved or vacant up tf $30,000. See my agents. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., REALTORS. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. LOOK THIS UP. Want city property. Have 40-acre tract, fine farm land, close in on west side, Beaverton district. It's gilt edge muff. See A. K. Hill, 4?6 Lumbermens building. WANT equity in improved property for ciear, unimprovea acreage in Portland city limits; value $14,000. Owner, H 033, Oregonlan. WANT equity in modern bungalow for clear apartment site, value $4000, east side. Owner, BO 19, Oregonlan. GIVE two lots near Alberta as first pay ment moaern juuu resiaence. Owner. 141 69th North. auuul uii 01 ini in cultiva tion; gooa iana; cneap at $1100- $ ,-,5 down, yearly payments on . balance DRAPER. 4U8 I3oard of Trade. WILL sell my 225-acre farm, only 9 miles from city at a sacrifice. If taken at once. For particulars see owner a Wlldman. 2H X. 1st st., Portland. Or CHICKEN. FKL'IT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, loo to $00 per acre: easy terms: best soil: farms fnr al 1 1 .i... aacr ariar.q. remior. KSIling bldg CHOICE Improved Yakima valley alfalfa. griu, nun, uairy ana poultry land. Joining town. Cal. Ranch. Buena. Waah. 10 ACRES for sale, good house and barn. a., o-year prunes. . Krahmer, Gaston. Or. 60 ACRES, cheap, st Tigard, Writ F. 4 xiainuaca, 'Xigara. ur FORD touring and cash to trade for house ana s 101s wiin iruit ana berries not to exceed $2000. AF 97. Oregonlan. WANT bungalow or house, good district; trade 1913 Studebaker and high class )ot, paved street. Owner, Main 4866 WANTED Good lot. will trade lJghtsix car foi -ame, or part payment on good lot. C 71, Oregonlan. WANT well located corner lot in Pied mont: priced right. Henry W. Goddard 243 Stark st. 4 TO 5-ROOM -bungalow in Hawthorne or Sellwood; give price, terms and location. AN H4. Oregonlan. WANTED to buy largest houae and lot for $4000; $2.00 or $3000 down; not so rar qui. j o. oregonlan, 6-ROOM modern house; good residential district: terms dettlred. E 72. Oregonlan. 5 OR 6-ROOM home on which to apply cacih and soldier's bonus. Tabor SS02. WANT acreage for southwest corner 25th and Savier sta, Auto. 327-Ofi or 619-1L. SPLENDID two-story house in Alblna, close to Jefferson high, 7 rooms; newly gone over and in the best of shape ; paved street, sewer, no liens to assume. Will take good lot for equity. MR. LINN. MAIN 6102. 7-ROOM strictly modern bungalow with all built-in conveniences in Laurelhurst district, $7000, to exchange for 20 or 25 acres Improved ranch: southeast of Port la ndprferTed.!2jG0East TO BXCHANOF MTSCKLLAN EOU 8. WILL exchange my 1020 sport model Nash ror diamond or negotiable paper, x 37, Oregonian. COUNTRY club model 00. new tires and mechanically perfect, to trade for larger car. 4Hd v ourtn st. TO EXCHANGE, a Hoosier kitchen cab inet for wood and coal steel range with hot water coil. Tabor 4051. W ILL give lady room and board in ex- change for piano. Phone Wdln. SOS.Y DODGE touring, Al shape; want Ford, victroia, idison and cash. East 4222. FOR SALE. Horwes, Vehicles, Livestock. BROOD SOW. Have & few brood sows left: also sows and pigs; will sacrifice. B. S. Barn don. Sycamore station. Aut. 640-57. HOUSEHOLD goods. Including rugs, lino leum, furniture, picture, dishes, lawn mower, hose, etc. 22 Buchtel ave. Take Ankeny car. HOLSTEINS at public auction at Banks Dairy and Hog show. Banks, Or., Friday, Oct. 7, at 1:30 P. M. See D. Minton, sales manager, 813 Cham, ot Com, bldg. 15 TEAMS, grading (slip work): Blip team and teamster. $7.50 per day. Hanley Em ployment agency, 28 N. Second st. Bdwy. HORSES fur sale, hire or exchange. Key stone Stables. 381 Water St., foot Mont gomery. Phone Mar. 3515. FOR SALE Six horses; reasonable prices Holman Fuel Co.. barn E. 6th and Ivoa streets .. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6569 FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes and rams. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th et. HIDES bought or tanned. West Coait Tan ning Co.. 802 Tenino ave. Sell. 2303. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Auto. 627-64. 2 MILCH cows, $65 and $85. it. Mt. Scott car. Pianow. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. $550 F. P Chase, large oak, cash.. $245 850 Conover, magnificent style.... 305 650 Kimball, best style, cash 345 COO Krell in fine mahogany, cash.. 245 475 Emerson, small, cash 165 750 Pianlsta player piano, cash.... 205 2.0 Collard & Collard small up.... 05 Some parlor organs $20 and $28 cash. 103 10TH ST.. AT STARK ST. USED PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. VICTHOLA, style IV $17.50 PORTOPHONE camping machine. 25.00 STR AD1 VARA. PHONOGRAPH. reg. $75. for 40.00 COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA. cabinet size 5.00 Terms Given. REIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANO BARGAINS. See our used piano bargains. .We can save you money. Every one guaranteed. Terms given. FISHER, small upright $175 HAKDMAX. mahogany case, plain.. 315 GAYLOR. plain mahogany case 275 RICCA. mahogany case 250 xiauswuhl oak case 2 FRANKLIN, walnut case... 275 BUSH A LANE PLAYER fWO KIMBALL, new piano 3o HINZE, new piano 25 And Others. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder. FOR SALE. Machinery. FOR SALE No. 2 American double aprlnkle ahaper. used than 1 year; In perfect condition; prite $350. Phone East 143 Coal and Wood . SPECIAL $5 PER LOAD SPECIAL. 16-ln. good sound fir. block and slab mixed. In double load lots. $10; country lab. $5.o0 per cord; Washington lump coal. &J.tv ton. curb delivery; Ltsh (ui. $14 curb. National Fuel Co. Kast 2041. DRY first-growth fir cordwood, two or more cord lots, $S per cord, delivered on east side south of Ankeny street. Phone Sunnyslde, Farmers 7 X. Aug. Osterback, Route 8, Boring, or. 110 FOR TWO LOADS $10. Block and slab mixed, first arowth cordwood. $8 per cord; 2d growth cord wood. $7.50 per cord; country aiab, $5.50 per cord. Woodlawn 4IQ-. $10.50; delivery Kenton. Woodlawn and Piedmont, au Jonns. o. tu noweit. pnone oo x, route a. Vancouver, wain. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springs. Royal Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick A Tile Co., 83 5th at., between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. GROUND HOG fuel and sawdust In car loads or truck lots. Western Cooperage Co., lo turn oia oz. WOODSAW. When wanting your wood sawed cU Kelly. E. 6840. 5O0 CORDS seasoned wood near Oregon City. $2.85; also rent Improved 40 acres 2 years. $350. owner. 141 k. with N. FOR SALE 2d growth large cordwood $7.30, 1st growth $0; delivered anywhere. stain 737. USED SAXOPHONE SPECIALS. Pan-American sop. silver, with case. $05 Pan-American sop. brass, with case $00 Buescher tenor silver (new), case $ 155 Conn C mei. silver, with case $120 Martin C mel. brass, with case $!0 Conn alto brass, with case $5 York sop. silver, with case $!K) Conn sop. silver, with case $00 If you want a saxophone now is the trme to get It. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. REMOVAL SALE. PIANOS, TALKING MACHINES, PLAYER PIANOS. PLAYER ROLLS. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 384 YAMHILL ST. PU ISKW LOCATION YET. Furniture for Sale. 4 TOTT CAN DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNI- TURE FOR NEW. We -will make you a liberal al lowance for your old furniture in trde for new and If desired make terms to suit our convenience. Somebody can use the pieces you do not want. . ' MISH FURNITURE CO., lao-lDO FIR'? STREET. 8AV MONET. Try cur sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates, to most all points in our through pool cars. Expert packing, .re pairing and reftnishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGBJ ft TRANSFER CO. 63 4th at., opp. Multnomah hoiwL Phone Broadway 3715. FURNITURE enough for a 6-room bunga low now located in beautiful modexn west side front apartment; big sacri fice for quick dlsnosal. Aoartment tin be rented if desired, ready to move right m. . an mornings. Main 4ii. NO. 1 old-growth fir cordwood. delivered xone 1, west side, 97. 10; special rate on orders of 50 cords or more. Bdwy. 486. BOXWOOD AND SLAB WOOD. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co., 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4173. FIRST growth A-No. 1 cord wood, $8 per cord. Dry aiao wooa, $0.0 per cord. Phone Tabor CI 34. A-l CORDWOOD deU $8 a cord. n cast side and S. E. only. 038-33. WEST SIDE FUEL CO. WOOD AND. COAL. BDWY. 291 BEST first-growth fir cordwood, $8 per c ora. oenwooq on. BLOCK and slab mixed stove lengths, $11 per double load. Bdwy. 4110. 4-FOOT No. 1 flr. mill run and heavy c o untry sta d wooa. .via in o is.i. BEST old-growth cordwood. $S per cord; green slab. $5.75. Broadway 4110. DRY. FIRST growth cord wood, $6.50 c o rd, 26 cord lots. Call Aut. 525-65. FIRST-GROWTH cordwood. No. 1. $s. de livered anywhere. woodlawn 2363. DRY COUNTRY slab, first growth fir, $7 and $a a cord. Can Aut. 632-71. DRY COUNTRY slabwond. short inaide blocks and rail ties. Marshall 2643. 70 CORDS good fir wood for sale, on good roaa. joe Harrington, Lornwius, ir. LOOK Old-growth fir cordwood, $7.75 de livered first zone. Sell. 3735. Miscellaneous. .22 HIGH - POWER Savsge rifle and case, fine condition. $27.50. East 6874, or call at 6S7 Multnomah su STORE FIXTURES FOR LESS. Showcases, new and used, cah regis ters, scales, adding machine, safe. Many others. 246 WASHINGTON. HOT WATER TANKS, 80 gal..-$7; 40 jral., $0; tested, guaranteed; stove and fur nace coll, gas heaters Installed; plumb ing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams. East 8516. 10 DHOPHEAD sewing machines, $12.50 to $45; Singers, New Homes, Whites, W. W. ; all makes machines rented and repaired. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. Eat 2359. FOR RENT. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. N E W M A N ' G U N STORE. 12 First st.. bet. Aider and Washington. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture it aoln rase or to caiuornia. we can save yo money on your freight in our throug cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olsou iransrer & storage Co.. 24S Pine st. FOR SALE, FURNITURE. Beautiful furniture. 5-room huuse. ranged as two apts; leaving city; $500 ior quicK sale. Kent $30. 472 Unio ave. Kast H12S. HAVE sold home, must dispose of house noiu koooj. neatlnir stove, eas ntnve bedroom set and many other bargains. r,ant ot3;. 311 uraham ave. BRAND-NEW ivory willow extension t Die ana four chairs, beautiful design leaving city, must sen. w. A. or at, car. 251 Morris st. ALMOST new Superior combination range reasonable; two small sale, learner chair, bureau, call East 3025. ENTIRE 2-roonv apt. for ale. wicker fur. nuure, sewing niacnine. uisnes, cookln u tensiig, etc. pnone .Broadway 4 1 1 2 HAVE a beautiful mahogany living room set ror sate, mciuaing ruga. Bdwy. 3102 WHITE ivory bedroom set for salts reasonable. Broadway aiuu. 3 GOOD sanitary couches che.ip; iron bed, gas neater. Ib7 lbtn St. FOR SALE Baby bed, carriages and som furniture. 1042 K. Taylor. Tabor 1677, FURNITURE FOR SALE. 213 CHERRY STREET. FURNITURE in 6-room flat Thurman sts., cheap rent. Office Furniture. at 23d and Bdwy. 300. JUST IN Six fiat-top oesKs. 3 roll-to? desks, 2 flat-top typewriter desks, 2 drop-neac typewriter Desks. 2 bookkeeo ers' desks, 36 chairs, 4 drawers, tetter Itlei. BUSHONO A CO., PI Park St. BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, cnatra, tiles or safes visit our salesrooms and inspect what we have to oiler. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO. FURNITURE DEPT., lOTH AT STARK. SAVINGS IN DESKS. We have new desks and office tables. slightly flawed in manufacture, which we sell direct to consumer. We make fine desks exclusively. 10S styles, ore gon Table Co., East 6652. GOOD oak flat-top desk, practically new, pargain at e-u. svv uoucn Diag. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED "MACHINES, THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington Su Main 06SL BARGAINS DOWN STAIRS. $ 600 Geo. B. Bent Concord $315 650 Emerson, good as new 335 650 C. A. Smith, large upright.... 25 475 Hallet A Davis, small 105 000 Steger A Sons, mission oak.. 435 750 Adam Schaat Player Piano.. 445 1050 Singer, oak player piano .... 695 sin or more cash. $6 or more monthly, Sch w an Piano Co., 101 10th st.. at Wash. 1.S.KT) PHONOGRAPH SPECIALS. A $:i37.JW Style XVI mah. Victor elec tric for Anotner in oaic, at 9--o. A cabinet Brunswick at $'); also one nt $05. Columbia oox machines at 33., $37.50 and $40: several small Victors at $J5, $35 and $50; many others at our store. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th st. DECKER & SON player. $U50. with roll and bench. A real oargain ror a gooa player piano. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th 8t $405 CASH secures 100 Knabe scale; mahogany at Security Storage Co., 103 Ten t h, at stars:. " PIANO WANTED. Wanted, grand piano with Duo art or Ampico player; state price wanted. W 72, Oregonlan. CHICKERING piano, mah. case;, a won derful oargsin; ierm G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th st. ALBERTA bungalow of 6 rooms, 2 blocks from Alberta st. on 0th. This Is a good place and splendid value at $3250. Want good light car. See Mr. Linn at 218 Railway Exchange bldg., or Main 6102. WANT BUNGALOW. Have snappy, late model, light 6 -cylinder car. price $1400, to exchange. See owner, 426 Lumbermens bldg. POULTRY ranch, gocd buildings, on old highway; good water system; some ca&h. balance terms, or exchange city. 606 Couch bldg. CHOICE 12 acres. -8 miles from Portland; house, barn, bearing fruit; will take as part small bungalow In city or lots on Council Crest Broadway 2092. CHOICE 15, near Vancouver, 14i culti vated, good Improvements. $4500; terms, or sccept good $3200 residence. Owner, 141 East 60th North. HAVE 160 acres, southern Oregon, clear, and good 5-pass. car as part payment on apts. or any run-down property. S 73, Oregonlan, ORGANS. $10 and up; term given. SE1- BERM.NU-LttAa Jau.-Kj u., lio 4in at., bet, v agn. ana Aiaer. VICTOR machine and 25 records for $7.50. CaII bet. b A. M. and 11 A. M., 312 ttth st., room 3. VALLE"" GEM piano, oak case, made by Baldwin & Co. Plain case. $275. Terms. G F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th St. KNABE planp. mah. case, all refinished; 1ut as good as new. $5S5. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 0th St. TRADE $250 Vlctrola and records, new. for a usea piano. 1 a.i jaain aofrq. FOR RENT Grafonolas, late records. $3 mon th. Empire Transfer. 254 Broadway. PINO WANTED Pay cash, from private partv for bargain. Marshall 1532. FOR SALE-A very aweet-toned black up-rie-ht piano. Bdwy. 3102. PIANOS wanted. Main zwi. Pay highest cash prices. $200 MAHOGANY phonograph for sale at bargain. 500 Hawthorne ave. PIANO for rent. Empire Transfer Co., 254 Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 155. $125 EQUITY in good tone piano, $0 will handle. Alisky bldg. barber shop. i PIANO WANTED Cash deal. Main 5$6. I REBUILT typewriter all makes, rental. repaira, suppnea. distributors Corona Sortable. bundstrand. adding machine. Lain 2235. E. W. Peaae Co.. 110 oixtn street. ALL MAKES adding machines and comp tometere repaired by factory expert. P. it. jianoney, jai stark st. idwy. ns. UNDERWOOD and Remington type writers, $3 a month. Kmpirt Tranwier, 254 Broadway. WOODSTOCK No. 5, first-class condition. good carrying case, $60. White, room 7, Hotel McChesney. St. Johns. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type wrlter Inspection Co., 312 Stark. M. 6549. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter 10,, y ath st. Main 3068. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. NO. 5 UNDERWOOD, like new, not used snap, $55. Mr. Larm. Ramapo hotel. ROYAL week. typewriter; must 204 Henry bldg. be sold this Poultry. FOR WHAT PRICE can vou crate and de liver to the express office in Portland 200 young laying W. L. pullets? Price muyt De rignt. am 73. Oregonian FOR SALE WHITE PEKIN DUCKS. 321 E. B3D ST. .N. Dog, Rabbit. Birds and Pet Stock. WE SPECIALIZE in Airedales' and wire haired fox terriers. When In the. market for a real one, write us, for we have that kind. Coxcomb Kennels, P. O. box 47-. Astoria, ur. BEAUTIFUL St. Andreasberg roller sing ers and female. Best stock. Main 5471 327 Mill street. SKINS and furs tanned. West Coast laa nlng Co.. 602 Tenino ave. Sell. 2398. FOR SALE Irish spaniel puppy, rat talL Call Mr. Hawes. Main 3026. BOSTON bull puppies for sale reasonably. Call Wdln. 3555. ANDREASBERG rollers, imported, also fancy nrert young tnger. East 4529. POLICE DOG. about 6 mo. old, for sale. Call Portland Woolen Mills, Columbia 10. 2 LARGE made to order bird cages, choice gingers cheap. East 5586. Boats. Launches and Marine Kquipment. DEEP SEA boat. 50 horsepower, Frisco standard; In first-class shape; will sell cheap. Call A. Kuljls, Tabor 7124. FOR SALE Modern houseboat, furnished, all conveniences; easy terms. Oregon Yacht club, No. 24. Phone Sell. 258 FOR SALE Boat repair yard, equipment. toois ana material, located in the city. C. 22. Oregonlan. Kegs and Barrels, KEGS AND BARRELS Fir snd white oak. Western Cooperage Co.. 806 N. 14th st., near Petty grove. Phone A 519-18. Machinery. ONE GILFILLAN electric grinder, slightly u?ed; a Bargain. Aiken, llth bt. Radi ator Shop, loU 11th sU FOR SALE Steamer trunk, almost new; lots of dark brown hur combings, rca sonablt. 507 Wit dams av-., n-?ar Russell. LOG SAW that uost $180.50; cut 140 cords, good as new; for sale at a bargain. See It at Eshen shade's, East Morrison and 3d sts. LEAVING CITY Will sacrifice firt-claH combination, range; burns either wood or coal; 2 baking ovens, broiler and 4 ga burners. Auto. 8 1 7-08. ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kinds ot building material and wood for sale, yard 2d and Columbia. Main 6132 MRS. S. W. HERMAN, apparel shop, ladles' ' and gents' clothes bought, sold and exchanged; beat prices. 284 Park st., near Jefferson! Marshall lOQtf. COMPUTING SCALES, cash register, cor fee mills, meat choppers and general tore fixtures at 226 Stark St., between First and Second streets. FOR SALE. M iscr llSMieo as. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-Mocking ions therapy or con ductive anesthesia. Without dsnger or after efferts. We perform all dental op erations without pain. Come In and 1st us prove it to you, DR. A. W. KEENE. QTMJtic theater, 851 Wsh. 60.000 ROSE bushes, shrubs. Iruit trees, berry plants and flowering plants at sale prices until October 20; free de livery In Portland. We plan and plant; estimates free. Phone us: we do the est. Portland Rosa Nursery. 13 Division sl. one door west of United Artisans home. Phone Auto. 636-70. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. SUWINQ MACHINE EMPORIUM, MAIN 9431. IftO Third St.. near Taylor. ' LADIES, Are you weary or exhausted after standing all day on your feet? If so, be fore you alt down for a rest uae a warm water wash with Takara AntlSf ptlo Pow der; AOc and $1 box, Portland Hotel Pharmacy. THE FOLKS back home will cherish and appreciate a souvenir from Oregon. Send them something useful as well as beauUful. Oregon agate Jewelry mount ed In solid gold. A wonderful selection to choose from. Moderately priced. Miller, next door trt Majestic theater. MAKE small payment and wear your eye glasses and apeciaclea as you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second floor, Oregonian bldg. WHY A SUBSTITUTE roorer? Why not a genuine and permanent roofer? We re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs. Phono Broadway 79. tLiFES Firo and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices; bought, soid and exchanged; easy terms If de sired. N0RRIS SAFE A LOCK CO., 103 Second st Main 2045. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH, GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materials used. DAVID'S, Jewelers and Opticians. 843 Washington St., at Broad w ay. DOORS, windows, lumber, molding and mill work. See our odd stork of sash, doors, etc., for prices, D. B. Scully down town lumber store, 171 Front st- be tween Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213. A $50 GAS HKATEH complete for J0. Call East 7-Si:. FOR SALE ATTOMOBILES. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 101S (hev. touring $25 101K Ohev. touring :t5 101 S Dodce touring 4C HM7 DoiIka rondsuer 4!." 1020 Oakland touring 75 3017 Bulck touring R.'.o 1010 Olds 0 roadster 4S5 1017 Chalmers roadster 4s,"i BUS Maxwell touring 105 1017 Overland touring 27.t liUrt Ford touring Lh:( 1017 Ford touring 15 1020 Ford coupe 475 JOl'T Ford sedan ,".05 1020. FORD roadster, starter 375 Don't fail to see these cars before you buy. Some arc practically new. Others have been refinished and put In elegant shape. Terms tf desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. E, 3770. lll-'O PAIGE ft. like new, owner must sell at once; price $075; give some terms; cun be seen at COOK GILL, 11th snd Hurnside. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etu. Also do towini. Open day and night. LONG A SILVA, Phone East 6N40. 462 Hawthorne. HUDSON SUPER SIX. In flrwt-clnss shape, alt new tires, MOn takes it. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. tt'.M. Eve nlng SjM nrr I ia 11 1S3. 1010 MITCHELL, at big sacrifice, only $525 on trrniM. COOK GILL CO., 11th and Biiriiiile. CADILLAC, '14 7-pass.; my hluh-arMti- car, new pain:, new top. runs like new, bargain $50. terms. See Lyman. 314 Railway Exchance. CONCORD WHITE NIAGARA GRAPES, 5c; bring baskets. South wide Courtney road. 1 2 blocks east of Ccurtney sta. Oregon City car line. Lewis E. Reese PETERSON'S are continuing to undersell almost everybody on beautiful coats and dresaes this week. The second floor. Flttock mock. FOR SALE Three fine mounted elk heads, one side mount, at a bargain, Address box 182. Eugene. Or. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. NEW SHIP bunks cheap; good for camps or ouck nuts. Appiy om rsortnweat Bridge shipyard. DIE BOLD safes, new and second hand special prices. Pacific Scale A Supply 10., 4B Front st. uroaqway moo. LICENSED independent electrician wtr- 8 rooms for $12, 5 for $20, guaranteed to pass Inflection. YNoodlawu 3i91. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. $5c a day delivered ; guaranteed good condition. wooaia wn CONCORD grapes (2 tons). c lb., picked: windfall apples, .c box. due sack. 82d to Clackamas, then 4 miles east. Graves. DIAMOND bar ring, perfect stones, one 0tone and two for sale reasonably ; must sen at once, u i-, uregonian. DR ESS ERS, dining and library table chairs, sacks, crocks. 1120 Mall St., cor ner 37th. MA H OG A NY cabinet phonogruph and rec ords, used J mo.; cneap it taken at once. Eat 10JS or Broadway 2052. SALMON to can ; direct from fishermen; fresh every day, 10c lb. delivered. Wdln. 4307 IF YOU appreciate splendid watch repair ing or Jewelry repairing, aee Allller, next door to Majegtlc theater. WH EEL. first-class condition, new tires snd rubber pedals; reasonable. Vvdin. 3023. ATTENTION Furs, skins and hides bought or tanned. west Coast Tanning Co., 802 Tenino ave. Sellwood 2308. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamil ton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent nd exchange ko daks. Sandy, 3J0 Washington st BLACK BEAR rug, $50; mantle clock, $5; Tornngton electric cleaner. $0. Gall East 7110. . CONCORD and Sweetwater grapes, 5 cents pound. 32d and Koe hi ill, 4 blocks north of Harrison, Milwatikle. HOOD RIVER apples for sale $1.2 box. Winter Bananas and Spits. Woodlawn 001. per Call FERTILIZER, well-rotted cow manure; full measure guaranteed; delivered in any part 01 city, vtoodiawn tiJ.n. HUDSON seal plush coat, length, almost new; size between 40 ana 4; a snap. Call Mar. 5523. WINCHESTER 30. U. S. rifle. 38 special bolt and 3 nammeriess i. w. revol vers. Phone Columbia U10. FOR SALE Davenport, buffet, stove. chnlrs ana micnen vaoinet. can Aiar ehall 1716. 7-FT. Lang range, 5x6 McCray ice box. coffee urn, etc., an or separate. Anzaione, 708 Washington st. FINE SET andirons and fine screen. A2U4. LEATHER driving coat, fur collar, good as new, $40. Broadway GOLD bracelets, worth $00, for $J0. Mar shall HH L 1017 FORD; front seal cut to lay buck ior sleeping; speeuometer, 3fc-im-h tire, all around; $2tm, terms. Klllingaley Mo tor Co., Hawthorne ave. st Mh. E:iit 7. BIG Usud CAha p'kioas fcTOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentations. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 1020 BUICK light six. perfect condition", oversize cords, full equipment nd r ressorles, a bargulu for cutsh. Bdwy 4-iHl, chI 1 10. OR DER on Fields Motor Car Co. for $100 to apply on new Chevrolet car. any model; liberal discount. H 73. Oregonlan. SACRIFICE. Brand-new King 6 roadster with full equipment; make au offer. Cranbourne, Y. M. C. A.. Main K70O. 10 1 0 FO II D TOC R I NG. L JOk'S JUST LIKE NEW. THIS MUST B K SOLD y icivui , I'tinne Jensen, Bdvty. K venlngs, M a r h a 1 1 1 S3 . O'.tl. HUPMOHILE edn. like now. perfoct tonl It ion. new tires. 0.".O will hniir. or will HiTppt 5-paxs. car as first pay ment. This Ik a Knwp. Mar. 1 tins BCK'iv ROADSTER, good running condi tion; $1110 cah will buy or will sell fnt' J-jn. balance in 6 months. Call Tabor 1917 .MAXWELL touring, good condition mechanically; not run over 20,000 miles. $2.0; for sule by owner who is leaving the city. 003 Corbett b I d g . 1021 HUPP, as good as new, can save you $500 on this car. See It at COOK & GILL CO., 11th and Burnslde. PACKARD, 0-4. S. 0-PASs! Snlendid condition u-ont! ilrou' -lM .a:; or trade for property In Rood district. 7Q Wilcox hldg. Phone Main 700. 1020 ROADSTER, new paint, good tires, has been overhauled throughout. A real snap. Small payment down. Call Bo scll, Bdw y. 3G ' 0. 1U1S STUDEBAKER fl $!.'( down, brti ance 10 equal payments, $37 30 each. No brokerage or insurance. W. C. Garbe. Inc.. Rurnalde at Broadway. 112 KURD touring, starter, all brand new tires, good from stem to stern. Talbot & Casey, authorized Ford dealers. 1 Grand ave. JuY DANDY 1020 Velie touring cr U the bent buy In town at the price I am ask ing. Need the chhIi and will sacrifice Mr. Giidea at Bdwy. 304S. 1022 CHEVROLET touring, run less than 700 miles; like a new car in every re spect. If you want a new car at a dis count call Tabor 3013l $1."0 DOWN, balance on eawy terms, will nuy a jhio moa- 1 uakinnd 6 touring car Has been overhauled throughout. Culi Boze 11. Bdwy. 3tH)Q, 1020 CHEVROLET touring, spotlight, spare mc, rn.. 1 ,f, icrius 13111 ng&Jey Motor Co., Hawthorne, ave. at 8th. East 7. 021 FORD coupe at a sacrifice, $47.1 Phone Broadway 21&2 evening or Bruad- BEAUTIFUL 6-rylinder car, almost now. cost i.m, must aeu quick. Price $1100 Kant 6U2S. FORD SEDAN, fully equipped, will MI or iraue nr a touring car. fl2o' Railway Exehange. Main 2006. 1020 HUDSON speedster, wire wheels, cord in r, au jasi 1 Mr. H ol io t etc r. HUPMOBILIC One of the latest model Ns made; private owner. This fine car Is to lau ft-u. 31li. bo sacrificed. Terms. WILL trade my equity in new Ford sedan lora, aeconu-nana ora louring. Eajtt BOTTLES, barrels, stoneware, corks, etc. Portland Beverage ?-uppiy co .n .stark. MALT syrups and supplies. Portland ey- ge supply '-P.. -w &trK Bt. SCREEN doors, windows, mirrors, furni ture repairing, capinet wora. wain. 14M7. SHINGLES Snlder's celebrated brand for sale at coucn-st. qock. LADIES' GOOD-LOOKING used apparel in a home. teaonapie prices, lapor x2o. MAKE YOUR own dr4nks; for supplies. Portland Beverage supply co.. 431 Stark. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, anowcae. -ij ist st., near Ash. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning 10., rip. 1 1st at. EVERYTHING electrical repaired ; quick service, low charges, rnone Bdwy. 4293. ELECTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms. $15. 207 Chamber of commerce bldg. Bdwy. 42i3. STAR A STAR" ahingles direct from mllL Call Taylor-street dock. Main 8005. WOODSTOCK NURSE RY- fruit trees, berries, rosea. -Walnut and Aut. 610-00. EIGHT loop gas radiators, only $10 each. Old Northwest triage snipyard. FOR SALE One diamond ring, worth $00, for $2.". A 30. Oregonian. ROYAL HEATER. $14. 630 E. 77TH N., EAK SlftlVl 1VU. FOR SALE Folding bed. laday ave. Jbast iowj. $4. 285 Hol- O R SALE Jacobean buffet. Main 5333. WILL trade my 101K Bulck 4 5-pa.sbengor, A-i snape, ior ia 10 ura coupe. ltio Knntt st. lttllLOiAKLAND touring cur. just like new; i'tc 11 uafu iur jrui , must tie sold; need the money. Call Tabor 22b0. LIBERTY SIX. 1010. Good tires, just overhauled. 20M3. $73(1. Eia.Ht 10J3 HUP. 3J. $00 down and balance In Id equal payments of $ 1 2.30. each. W. C. Onrbe, Inc.. Burnalde nt Broadway. LIGHT Studebaker touring. $ 1 00 down. bn- ance 10 equal payments $22.30 each. W. C. Garbe, Inc.. Burnside at Broad - a v '. WE HAVE EXTRA SPECIAL In fT- passenger touring car; good all through; $113. Talbot & Casey. 1 Grand ave. DODGE touring. Al aha.pe, big sacrifice $4!.V Might trade. East 4222. TEACH YOU TO DRIVE any car, guaran teed. one week; male. Tabor 6 5 7 . USED Ford delivery bod tea cheap. 3ifl Williams av . E t 119 K. 1017 REO SIX, cheap; new Michelin cords Rear. Bdwy. 1707. Mr. Nehr. 117 STUDEBAKER "4." good shape. $300. Dan Ykrno. Bellevlcw hotel. HJ1 DODGE touring for sale by owner. Prlrw 023. Cal I Sellwood 310. 1020 DOIm;E delivery; screen body. Wood lawn ."o02. 1017 CHEW, la A-l shape; cheap for caali. Phone 120 W. Oak Grove. FORD touring car In g6od condition, with full set tools, $223. 1106 K. 82d St. N. 1021 CHEW 410; will trade In your used Cnev. or Ford. Woodlawn 3 002. FORD SEDAN Look at it. $400. Terms. Call Conwer, Bdwy. 240. FOR SALE Household $ooc.s. Bdwy. 2205. J Main 0IU0. !i I 1021 OLDSMOB1LE 0, by owner. ji2J0.