THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, ltrZi ' 1, KWTOCA! I Mk: I KKAt. ESTATE. R TATt ESTATjB. ; I '"SffS FoT, ! FoHlSBr " FoalcllQUses. , - i i ' ' . Ladles Har Yoar Old Carpets, tlnga and Woolea Clothing. Let La Make Jtt Hugs for Von. Wmmm 1 A, ..J J The oldest anil leit equipped fac tory. Fluff and rag rules, woven all tzrn; carpets . refitted; 8x12 ruga ateam cleaned, $1.50. Wo call and deliver. 188 E. Eighth St. Phone East 3580 I WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. I 54-S4 Vnloa Ave. Eaat 8S1S Send us your old carpet, old rugs and woolen clothing. Wo nitk reversible oaou-wovea FLUFF RUGS. 8x6 Rag Rugs $1.50 Mall orders. 8end for booklet. Feath ers Renovated, Carpet Cleaning, Refit ting, etc. I-ir'ent, finest equipped Car pet Cleaning, Refitting wlu. In Oregon. 0x12 Rugs steam cleaned $1.50 We Call and Deliver. I UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT I Carpet Cleaning Refitting-, Slslnsr, Binding;, Ke. 9X12 RUGS e;-d $1.25 Rugs Dry Cleaned and Shampooed OLD MATTRK8KKS MADE NEW New Kollerf-edg I'ure Cotton 40-lb. Mattresses. $3.75. Featheni Renovated Work Guaranteed Mm-I)itr Service. Hail Order Dept. PIOXKF.R CARPET CLEANING AM Jf A ITHKSS WORKS M.iel Modern Equipped Plant In Oregon. Phone 17-07. 10a E. Lincoln St. Union Avenue Flats $7500 Four 5-room flats In good condition on Union avenue near Alberta: income $100 per month, can be Increased; lot aoxioo. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR Z43 Stark St. Main 831 E. BURNSIDE NEAR 22ND Splendid residence -with very large living room, in fact all rooms are large; sewing room, lavatory and toi let on first floor; two fireplaces, good basement with furnace, linen closets; 60x100 lot. Price $6350. with terms. IIEXRV IV. GODDARD, Realtor, 243 Stark St. Mala 831, STORAGE SPACE CENTRALLY LOCATED ON TRACX We can move and store your poods in a fine sprinklered building. HAILING, PACKING, STORAGE. CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 434 C.Hsan St. Bdwy. 8470. IRVINGTON 1500 down, less If large monthly pay ments. Thoroughly modern 7-room home. Near school, 3 blocks to car. Hardwood floors, indirect electric fixtures, breakfast room. Now va cant. SEE IT TODAY. Here's where you beat rent. No phone information. R. T. STREET. Better Homes FOR RENT NK-5TOnT BUILDING. 90x100, OR AND AVE. and E. BURNSIDE r,OCOUII E D BT OH EVROLET MOTOR CO. AS SALESROOM. ... EDW. P. MALL. 309 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE FLUFF RUGS Made From All Kinds of Old Carpets t or quality. Service and Economy. ' .... ORF.GON FLUFF KCO CO., 104 . Murk tit. Tabor 7314. Edward E.Goudey Co. ' MORTGAGE LOANS Tnltcd Slates Rank Building JNO. B. COFFEY Sl'RETV IIODS IftSt RANCH 4nt Wilcox Bids. Main 8020. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. 2-FLAT HOtTSS. $3500. O rail, above and 3 below; this flat I not quite completed and should bring $6000 with very little expense; husband Is dead, widow unable to complete bldg.; abundance of fruit, fine Harare, close to car. loyeiy view la good district. Price only $.1000. MRS. LUCIUS, EAST 4981. APARTMENT v,i S-story flat building netting over $400 nwn'ui on tine corner, most modern stoam heating system; fine store rooms first floor. Any reasonable terms will handle, or will consider good farm land. On account of health, owner must get Into the country, $30,000 value MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors 822-3-4 Fallln gJIMg Marshall 390.1. WEST SIDE fiOlTTW A real snap, eight apartments. 8 rooms smd bath each, furnished: good Income; price Includes ground, building and fur niture. Only (500. $3500 cash, balance vtiey. v-hii inr j. .lonnson. JOHNSON-IXlDSO.V CO , 6.",3 K. W, Bank Bldg. Main 37ST HOME. INCOME. Owner leaving city, will sell 2-story frame building with 18 rooms, divided into 2, 8. and 4-room apartments, and 50-foot lot, centrally located, east side. Live in one apartment and get good In- i-uiiie irm me oiners. frlce 47500 terms. Owner. A.T 89. Oregonian. WBST SIDE APARTMKNT. S-story brick, all furnished an.- ments. 25 3-room apis., bldg. and fur niture; Is class A: sell all for 70 000, $23,000 cash. Income $10OO per month net. AH 725, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE MODERN FLATS Completely furnished, paying big per cent on Investment. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4684. For Sale Ixta, DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? Three lots for nly Hot). Marshall o.i.i. - $8.VI ROSE CITY I'ARK BARDATv' Choke corner, 68th st., nea,- Sandy I'lvti. r.itwy i-rms, i s nor .0iS TITLE INSURANCE saves tlmi money because no abstract Is required. , ilic c iruBt vw.. ,i r ounn reet. rn ROSE CITY i'ARif BARGAIN. Fine 80x100. .'. blocks from Sandy Mvd., sewer In street. Tabor 4S03. i'UKTUND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. See me for ' bull.ilng site bargains. BROOKE. Mar. 4X-'7. Phone momln gs LOT. ROSE CITY. $400; Irvlngton, $1300. Tabor t.l '.7 R. C. P. LOT facing E. for sale, very cheap. Tabor 602. SY kSTMoRE LAND Select lot JOxliK); tlni location; J7i0. tetius. W 11. Oregonlao. NEW PARKTROSB 41 HOMES NOW BEING BUILT. NEW ADDITION ACREAGE. VERY EASY TERMS BUYS YOUR TRACT. LUMBER ON EASY TERMS FOR YOUR HOME. 20flx4OO Ft. $132.1. $13 DOWN 413 MONTH. TREES RUNNINO WATER. 115I0. 20 DOWN 20 MONTH, v NEARLY 5 ACRES. ' 48325, $33 DOWN 433 MONTH. 200x400 Ft. RICH SILT LAND, 41283, . fit MONTH. $175fX 120 DOWN 20 MONTH. NATURAL PARK , HOME SITE. RUNNINO WATER. NO BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. LOW COUNTY TAX. RICH BILT GARDEN LAND. SELLING FAST. COM H OUT TODAY. BIO VALUE. EASY TERMS. J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BRANCH OFFICE. OPEN EVERY DAY. END OF PARKROSE CAR LINE. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. ROSE CITY PARK LOTS. 050 (0x100 on ALAMEDA DRIVE, facing south, 50 fu east of 45th street, all Imp. in and paid; 400 down. tSOO 50x100 on E. 61st St.. facing west, 100 ft. north of Klickitat; all imp. in and paid. (1000 CORNER LOT, 50x100, on S. E. corner Siskiyou end 661 h stsv all imp. In on both streets and paid. 230 50x100 on E. tiTth St., facing west, 100 ft. north of Klickitat. LAURELHURST. $83050x100 on Wasco street, facing north, 150 ft. woyt of 33d St.; ail Imp. In and paid. 11000 50x100. located 2 blocks east of the park; all lm?. In and paid; 9450 down. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. . 900 4flxl00 en E. 27th St.. facing east. 45 feet south of Mill St.; IS0 down and easy monthly pay menta. -1125050x1)0 on Harrison street, facing south, 50 ft. east of E. '-"1th St.; all Imp. in and paid: $250 down and easy monthly payments. WESTMORELAND LOT $750. $750 50x100 on East 18th et., facing west, 20O ft. south of By bee ave. ; all imp. In and paid. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. $1560. 122x370 FEET. $20 DOWN. PARKROSE. . Trees for shade, balance all cleared, ready for plow ing, good building site, rich garden land, running water, near Sandy blvd. and carllne, monthly pay ments only $20. this Includes in terest per cent, we will sell yoa on easy terms enough lumber to build a little home. Branch office end of Parkroae carllne. open every day. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 308. WHY RENT? when $50 will permit you to make your home on this 50x100 lot on Sumner near Interstate. Cement walks, curbs, sewer, water and grading In and paid, balance $500 fn easy monthly In stallments. RITTER, LOWE- A CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldit. WESTOVER VIEW LOTS. Equal to 2V4 lots, with very fine spring, which can be used for fountain or aquarium, will sell all or part, MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4004. OWNER SICK IN CALIFORNIA Instructs us to sscrlflce beautiful east front cor ner on Brasee st. in Irvlngton for $1600; only requires part cash now; let us show you. RITTBR, LOWB A CO.. Realtors. J 201-5-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' BEAUTIFUL view homeslte.. 50x121 choice variety bearing fruit; among the finest homes west Mount Tabor; price $1600. everything paid. Also splendid lot in Westmoreland, all Improvements paid, for $050. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. $650. $50 down, $10 a month: near S. P. shops on Crookham ave., near Milwau kie ave.; on macadam street, sewer, sidewalks, all Improvements paid, JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 83.1 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. ALAMEDA PARK Beautiful south front on Skidmore, near the carllne; only $000 If sold soon, some terms: also corner bargain on Glenn for $1000. all liens paid. RITTER, LOWE CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINOTOX. Owner leaving for California will sac rifice three choice Irvlngton lots, singly or together: all Improvements In and. paid for; lots clear; fine location; cash or terms. First deposit will get them. Phone immcaiatciy. t,ast 44. 4 ROSE CITY Level, 50x100, on E. 48th, lust south of Sandy, nice bungalows across street; only $900. It's clear of encumbrance and all In cultivation. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA SACRIFICE. Out-of-town owner has authorised us to sell two splendid lots at $800 each, best locations; all assessments paid. W. M. Umbdenstnck a; Co., 210 Oregon bldg., Broadway 1858. IRVLNGTON 50x100 on E. 14th near Stan ton, for $1100; ought to bring J 1500;. see us for lota in Portland's model home section. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $875. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $100 cash, $10 a month; ail improve ments paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 3S N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. BEAUTIFUL building site. 1 block south Peninsula park, near grade school, high srhnol. library, etc.. fruit trees, berries; $1150, $600 cash, balance mortgage. Also lot between Piedmont and Kenton, $400. E. 8128. IRVINGTON' CORNER Hake offer, cost owner 12800: soxino: S. W. cor. E. 14th .and Stanton; for quick sale no reasonable propnn'tinn refused; go look, then see us. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtor! 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LA I' HE I. HURST special Select lot. only 4ou reet rrom parte, rturrounaea oy rin est homes. Cost $2200. You may have for $130O If taken Immediately. Make your own terms. J. F. Compton, 100 Ablngton bldg. IRVINGTON PROPER Must be sold this week; owner sacrificing for caah ; 75x100: east facing on 17th st. ; some one Is go ing to buv this for $1700. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. $A0 TERMS TO SUIT. All Improvements In and Included In price; on ii 20th N., near Ainswo.-th. This is real value. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 3S N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON SPECIAL 75x100 for $1700; must be cash; E. front on E. 17th: 80 ft. street, 13 ft. parking; fine new houses all around. RITTJOR. LOWE 4k CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 2 BEAUTIFUL lota In Alameda Park: all improvements In and paid for; lot 6. block 20. $1000; lot I. block 44. $1100. See owner, 414 Ry. Echange bldg. Tel. Main 442.8 IRVINGTON CORNER On Brasee for 11600, all liens paid. It's a dandy level east front and close In. RITTER, LOWE ft CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1.1 J 1 JJAItLjAi.N. A few mighty nice large lots et only $200 each while thev lat. These are big bargains, but must be closed out. Call at 1317 N. W. Bank bldg. WAY BELOW VALUE Fine fuil slxe lot, all Improvements In. close to Laurelhurst and R, C carllnes. Tabor 140. CHOICE 50x100 lot. good location, near Portland blvd. and Mock fair site, grad ed street and sidewalk paid; $350, easy terms. Phone Wdln. 8537. YOU CAN resell your place without de lay IS you have a Title Insurance policy. Title Trust Co.. 81 Fourth street. NEW! NEWI NEWI All the world la- searching for some thing "new"! Come In and look these new ones In homes over. See FRANK L. McOTJIRE. To Buy Your Home. UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD FOR HOME SELLING. Over 1200 Photographs of Homes for sale. Every Home Personally Inapeoted and Aonraised. IF NECESSARY, WE'LL HELP YOU ! MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT 1 ! 2S 8a!esmen at Tour Service. Open UNTIL V Eveninks. LAURELHURST. ' $7750 LOVELY LAURELHURST offers . you this Immaculate bungalow, artistic In every detail, nice enough to please the most dis criminating; 6 beautiful rooms with every Imaginable device for comfort; breakfast room and sleeping porch; old Ivory and tapestry finish; IN MIRIMAR PLACE. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITT. $6500 This is actually one of ROSE CITY'S most beautiful and dis tinctive bungalows, being built for a REAL HOME. 0 rooms, sleeping porch and garage pat , terned after house; hardwood floors, artistic built-in features, billiard room with table, furnace, fireplace, beautiful lawn, flowera . and shrubs. E. 53d st, "BE LOW THE HILL." $300 Down) 0-Room ROSE CITY. $4750 ONLY $500 downl This Is a wonderful bargain In a Real American Home of a airy rooms: rustic bungalow lines, low, broad and hospitable hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, very large built-in buffet In dining room with beamed ceilings; extra large butch kitchen, big white enamel bath room: 100x100 lot with trees, shubbery. flowers. JUST the place for a big happy family. E. 84th st. $2790 APARTMENT HOUSE DWELL ERS LOOK ! Here's a beauty spot In a "Jewel" of a bungalow-apartment la a lovely nat ural grove where the air Is fresh and free; built-ins. everything spio and span; combination liv ing and dining room, etc Mil ton st,; easy terms. ON THE PENINSULA! $5490 A BIG ROOMY CHEERFUL 8 room bungalow IN HEART OF PENINSULA. Very attractive lines, well built and meant for a home. In first-class jconditlon throughout; den, built-in labor saving conveniences, large airy bedrooms with closets, linen closets, etc.; grounrl 100x110 with garden, fruit and shrubs. Amherst st. SOME GOOD ALBERTA BUYS. $4425 Decidedly attractive and home like, one of Alberta's best built . bungalows; $ rooms with every modern convenience built-in; din ing room is full paneled; lots of windows for sir and sun: beauti ful lawn; 8 large fruit trees; ce ment runway and garage: H block to car. E. 24th at. YOUR BUNGALOW. $2750 NORTH IRVrNGTON BUNGA LOW of 5 rooms, very cozy and peat; with all modern oonvsn lenoes: bath, plumbing: electric ity; gas; paved st. paid; easy terms. East 7th street. $200 DOWN ALBERTA. $0504200 down. A comfortable 8-room ALBERTA cottage In nice loca tion; close to car and school. Only $200 down, . 23d street. $500 DOWN CLOSE IN. $3090 $500 down. Just across the Broadway bridge on Brasee St., is this good substantial attractive modern homelike 7-room home; cozy library; cheery living and dining rooms In white enamel; nice bathroom 8 large, light bed rooms, 50x125, with worlds of fruit; shrubbery. FINE VALUE. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW! $3790 Cunning little 5-room NEW BUN GALOW with hardwood floors and built-in conveniences; paved " street paid. Corner lot. Division st,, close to car. FRANKLIN HIGH! $2400 $500 down. ONLY 8 blocks' to FRANKLIN HIGM school; pretty 7-room seml-bungalow-type home; practical, neat and very comfort able; all modern conveniences; best white enamel plumbing; 85x100, with beautiful trees. SEE THIS ONE TODAY. 54TH ST. MT. SCOTT $300 DOWN. $1450 $300 down. In a good home district. Here's a comfortable plaatered cottage of 4 rooms, din ing and living rooms combined; Dutch kitchen with handy built ins: 2 airy bedrooms upstairs, each with closets, VACANT! MOVE IN TODAY! If necessary, we'll help you make your down payment. 41st avenue. OPEN T5VERY EVENING UNTIL 0. DEAL WITH AN OLD, RELIABLE FIRM. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. Entrance under the big electric sign. PORTLAND HEIGHTS VIEW HOME $2850 $2850 4 rooms, bathroom, fireplace, breakfast nook, large lot with beautllul view of Tualatin valley. Take CC car to Mt. Zlon station and go 400 ft. eouth on Fairmount blvd to 7j. House not quite finished on Inside. Is being sold for less than cost to date. REAL HOME ROSE CITY. Located Just off the Alameda adjoin ing the finest houses in the district. 7 large rooms and two sleeping porches; plate glass windows, every modern con venience; full lot, beautifully improved with flowers and shrubs. Paving and all Improvements In and paid in full. This la . "home," not Just a house. Conven ient terms can be arranged or might take light car as part. Owner, 091 East 51st N. NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. At 681 E. -7uth at. N., on paved street In Rose City. See this lovely- double constructed 5-room bungalow, with at tic space for 2 more rooms, hardwood floors. fireplace, furnace, breakfast nook, everything In built-ins; price $4500 with $500 cash. bal. terms. ROBNETT A McCLURE. REALTORS. Marshall 3292. 302 Couch Bldg. HOME BUYERS! I must sell 7-room house, completely furnished, account of sickness: am leav ing city; furnace, fireplace, all bullt-lns, new Bluebird washing machine, piano. Columbia phonograph, new dining room suite, writing desk, china closet: 4 ton briquettes, 3 cords wood; 2 garages; block from school. Term, 1021 Tllla mook st. By owner. HOl AN .Alameda Park bungalow, new, all ready for you; 5 rooms and attle, liv ing, room, dining room, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcaaea, buffet, Dutch kitch en, bkf. nook, two bright, charming bed rooms, furnace and garage; lot seeded; block to car. We are going to sell this house. Take a look at It today. S6 Bkldmnre. near 2:)th st. Open 2 to 5 only FOR LARGE FAMILY In Mount Scott, oa hard surface street, two blocks from car; eight large rooms all In best of shape; 2 lavatories, ga rage, 100x100 lot; all fenced: lots of trees and shrubbery. $3800. terms. OTTO & HARKeJON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8398. ARE YOU looking for a wood proposition? We have Just found something fine and rich in a fine place of 20 acres, fine land and soil, estimated 1200 cords of wood, very near Oregon City car line, not far from city; good road and $3000 takes land and timber and M rash will do liusineaa C. L. Becker, 1834 First st MRS. ELVA STRINGER, AUTO. 530-05. ROSE CITY bungalow, near Sandy; ce ment basement, fireplace, furnace, nice buffet and Dutch kitchen; paved streets, everything paid. Price $5000 on very easy terms, or trade for small suburban home near car line. ' ELVA STRINGER. AUTO. 530-05. ALAMEDA DRIVE SNAP. Delightful 2-story. 7-room colonial borne on ridge, with unobstructed view of city; Immense plate-glass view win dows. 2 view porches, billiard room, gas heat, large grounds, double garags. Never offered before. Tabor 407. HERE la a real buy; 3-room double-constructed house. Including new Vulcan gas range; water In; near car, $800, $400 cash, JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. MY EQUITY in a alx-room bouse for ssla. $1300 caah. the balance. $2105. to be . paid $25 per mo. and interest at 8 per cent; a splendid bargain. Call at 20 West Church, 1 block north of Klllinga- worth: no agents. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 8-room house, cement blocks to second story; corner lot. 88 feet; frontage on Montgomery drive. Further details or sppolntment for inspection through Mar than 1720. WANTED CONTRACTS. If you are going to build a home ee Daggett & Kalian, contractors. We fur nish blue prints, estimates and specifica tions free on old and new work; all work guaranteed. Phone East 1112. LENTS diMrict. corner lot 50x100; new house 12x16. 8 blocks from school. This Is a bargain: $r0, $;mo cash. 300 Chamber oi lonuuerce Plug. HT'tr T Trn T? . unun fc'OT TO SELL. ROSE CITT PARK Five rooms and Sleeping porch bungalow, absolutely mod ern; full cement basement, concrete tubs, splendid furnace, banging fruit shelves, white enamel kitchen with fine built-in cooler; screened breakfast porch, built-in buffet, built-in writing desks, built-in book cases: attractive nook, open fireplace; many built-in conveniences; casement windows; modern bath room with built-in linen box: attractive light fixtures: exceptlonslly large closets, one with outside window, one with three full length beveled mirror doors: built-in clothing chests; Interior decorsrion by Portland's best decorator; grounds 50x , 100 feet, attractive with large fir and birch trees, grape arbor, loganberries, currents, raspberries and blackcaps; one block from hard-surface street; petition for paving already filed; owner leaving city, sells at sacrifice. Price $6000. Terma 1640 Alameda, corner 63d. . Phone Tabor 9598. ROSE CITY PARK. $4250 Don't pass your opinion on this until you have seen it. There is a real value for your money. A beautiful 6 room bungalow with fireplace, furnace, pavement and sewer In and paid; located under the hill, and there is nothing better for the money In Rose City. The owner has left town and has instructed us to sell at once. This property can be handled by any one who Is entitled to the bonus loan, as there is no mort gage. If you have a small payment of $2U0 or $300, you can handle this prop erty and we can give you quick action. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. Open Sunday. WEST SIDE VIEW HOME. Franklin at,. Willamette Heights, best borne environment: 8-room modern house, big living room with fireplace, spacious dining room, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, complete kitchen, 4 nice bedrooms and bath: 50x100 level lot. Price $7500, (250O cash will handle. A home out of the ordi nary and a very low price for this locality. See J. W. Crossley, with JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 'Better Types of Homes," 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. ROSE CITY PARK. $5000 To the man who can get the bonus loan, here Is the biggest snap we have ever offered, you can pay $500 down, apply the bonus loan and will take the second mortgage for the bal ance; this Is a real up-to-the-minute ' bungalow, has that large living room you have been looking for and that large plate glare window; faces east on one of Rose City's best paved streets; If you are looking for a bargain on easy terms, you cannot find the equal. For appointment. see HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86, Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. Open Sunday. IRVINGTON HOME, m blocks from Irvlngton snd -Broadway cara Large rooms, hardwood floors, French doors, ivory woodwork: new Gasco fur-' oace: grounds 68x110. $1500 cash snd about $65 a month, 8 per cent interest handles this. McDonelL East 419. HERE Is a real buy; 6-room 2-story house on 80xl00-foot lot. corner; good base ment, all plastered; 4 blocks to car: chicken house, fruit. Only $3000, $700 cash, terms. 5-room modern bungalow In Alberta. SOxlOO-foot lot. gas fireplace, 3 blocks to car, $3350, $700 cash, terma We have homes listed from every dis trict In the city. Come in and see us before buying. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Re a Itora, Main 7027. LAURELHURST. We positively have the greatest bar gain that has ever been offered in this district. Not an ordinary house, but one of those wonderful creations that are seldom offered tor sale. For all particulars, call HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 88. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. Open Sunday. CHEAP WEST SIDE, NOB HILL. 7-RM. HOUSE, near 21st at. carllne and Couch school. In apartment district and walking dis tance; full lot, fine ahrubbery; house can easily be remodeled: $6750. GEO. J. SCHAEFER. Realtor, Broadway 5167, or Main 60S. ROSE CITY HOME ON 52D ST. FOR $500 DOWN. Six-room bungalow-type home on paved street, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, garage, six bearing fruit trees; ' no assessments, $5250. - OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6398. DANDY 5-room bungalow on paved street, ltt blocks from street car; has furnace, fine built-in buffet, china closet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement and other modern conveniences; nice lawn and roses; good as new: near University Park. Price $3400, very easy terma A. F1NLEY. COL. h8. FROM OWNER EASY TERMS. New modern 5-room double construct ed bungalow, ivory finish, all built-lna, breakfast nook, fireplace, cement base ment; 1 block to car; open evenings; it is a fine location and well-built house. Key at 988 E. 2Sth N. Auto. 822-04. ARTISTIC California-type bungalow, three rooms, sleeping porch and bath; hard wood floors, ivory woodwork, large stone fireplace, lovely lawn, chicken yard: Ideally located in the midst of wonderful trees. By owner. R 55, Oregonlan TOUR HOME! Mr. Family Man, don't pay that com mission; come out to 993 E. 83d N. and I will give you the benefit of the agent's com.; 7 rooms, modern In every respect; newly painted outside and inside; Just like new. Owner at 893 E. S3d N. $12.500 LOOK around, then see this bar gain In Irving, on; 8 rooms, two bath rooms, two hreplsces. hardwood floors throughout, full basement, garage, lot 75x100; an Ideal home; must be seen to be appreciated. Sa:e by owner. 535 Eaat 18th N. Telephone East 580. REAL VALUE. Woodlawn district, good B-rm. cottage, sewer, water, electrlo lights, gas, 50x100 lot, beautiful lawn, shade and fruit trees, a sacrifice at $1800, $500 down, balance eaay. W, M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 'An ideal modern 8-room house, large grounds, all kinds of shrubbery, good view; owner leaving city, will sacrifice for quick sale, terms. See Mr. Jones, F. E. Bowman se Co.. S10 Cham, of Com. Bldg. GOING TO BUILD T We design snd build residences, of sny building. Assist In flnsnctng same. Tha best service at lowest cost '.o you. Es tablished 13 years. Security snd satis faction assured. L. R. BAILEY CO., inc., 924 N. W. Bank bldg. WISH to sell or trade for late model car my $S00 equity in new 4-room $2900 bungalow, lot 48x100; nice lawn and 8 big fir trees on place; this price is a sacrifice, as I am leaving town. 1617 Milton st., same as 62d and Milton, Rose City. Phone Auto. 310-10. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Only $150 down payment, balance $30 per month, 5-room, 46xl00-foot lot, paved and paid. This beats paying $50 per month rent. See Rock. 403 Couch bldg. Mar. 8332. IRVINGTON 8-rooms, sleepT-ig porch, bardwood floors up and down, all very modern; concrete garage; hetutiful lawn and ahrubbery; price $7'0. A fine home and well worth the vaoney. East 8592. 5-ROOM new modern bungalow with ga rage, ML Tabor, now vacant, $6000. A anap. also 6-room modem bungalow In Laurelhurst, $5950. For terma J. P. McKenna. Realtor., 1151 Belmont, at 89th. Tabor 6493. FOR QUICK SALE. Will sacrifice my beautiful new bun galow at lowest price; old Ivory through out, 6 rooms. 1140 B. 10th St. N.. Al berta. Woodlawn 4225. $1900 ROSE CITY PARK. - 4-room bungalow, large living room, Dutch kitchen, gas, electric lights, good plumbing, nice full lot, fruit, lawn and snrupnery; assess, paia. Tabor 4M3, $0500 6-ROOM modern bungalow: highly restricted district; 1 block to Irvlngton car; hardwood floors, beautiful electric fixtures, wonderful lawn; appointment only: no agents. Main 5134 till 8 P. M. BEAUTIFUL 7-rm. home, corner: furnace, fireplace, hdw. floors, cement basement, 50x100: $2000 handle. R. C. P. diet. FRED LAWSON. 6U McKay Bldg. IRVINGTON home, modern; 6 roonw. In good condition: will accept smsll pay ment down; soldier's bonus will bandis; price $5750, Woodlawn 4468. TITLE Insurancs is quicker, safer snd cheaper abstract method. Ask your banker; he knowa Title A Trust com pany. 91 Fourth street BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton colonial In perfect condition; bulH only two years. Bdwy. 4664. WELL constructed and very attractive 5 roora bungalow with garaga, Frice $3500. M rs. Snow. Bdwy. 46S4. MODERN 5 rooms, bath, hardwood floors; garage, furnace, close to school, street cars, paved street. Tabor 7296. SEVEN-ROOM up-to-date bungalow lu fine district: must sell. Auto. 642-95. FURNISH ED or unfurnished 5-rm. bunga low 1808 E. Hoyt. Tahor 2888 BARGAIN in Park Rose screage. modern bonis; garage; terms. Tabor 2676, BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW IN ROSE CITY. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. READY FOR HOUSEKEEPING. Located In the finest part of Rose City. Thia beautiful home has 0 large rooms on the first floor, 1 finished room, storeroom and sleeping porch upstairs. This fine home is modern in every detail. It has fireplace, bookcases, beau tiful buffet, modern Dutch kltch in, full cement basement, fine cor ner lot, all paving and aewer in and paid; new garage; handy to school and Rose City car line;, short distance to R. C. club. Owner leaving the city and for quick sale is offering this complete layout for $7250. Elegantly furnished, ready for housekeeping. The bungalow Is In fine clean condition. The fur nishings are practically new. Quick possession can be had; here Is your opportunity to get a fine home ready to welcome you right in, and one of Portland's most se lect districts. . For inspection See E. W. HUGHES, $08 JOURNAL BLDG. MAIN 2858. ROSE CITY $5000. " Unless our properties are absolutely good value we do not solicit your busi ness: here is a genuine bargain in a 6-room bungalow that merits Immediate attention; 2 blocks from car; corner lot; paved sts. ; garage; oak floors, fireplace, Uasco furnace, concrete basement and a finished attic; to inspect is to inspire. Terms. HAWTHORNE $4500. Sunny residence of rooms located on a corner lot close to car and schools; surgically clean, and wholesome sur roundings; practically new; oak floors, furnace, concrete basement, garage, ' paved sts. Pleasing to the eye and sub stantially built; $1000 down. - ' IRVINGTON $10,000. A remarkably low price for one of Irvlngton's most distinguished residences; 9 rooms with hardwood floors through out (except servant's quarters); 8 flre- filaces, gunroom, tapestried walls, flu hed in excellent taste, expensively sub dued: you, too, will run to superlatives on inspection- COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS. ONLY $1800 EASY TERMS. Four rooms, basement, good plumbing, elec, gaa, 1 year old; sewer, paved st.. all paid. If you want a nice little home VERY REASONABLE. SEE TH1S1 EDGE OF ALAMEDA $2750. 75x100 CORNER EASY TERMS. 5-room bungalow with good attlo, cab inet kitchen, concrete foundation, base ment; like new. Sewer and cement walks paid. IRVINGTON PARK NEW $3300. 75x100 CORNER PAVED STREET SEWER. Extra well built bungalow with ac commodations ol 4 rooms and plenty at tic room for 3 more rooms. Fireplace and bullt-lns. WON'T LAST. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors, 822-8-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 839S. GOING TO BUILD? SEE US. We have hundreds of designs to select from: bring In your ideas and we will embody them in a set of drawings; we finance your building; we have 10 lots at 25th and Madison, opposite Colonial Heights, the swellest addition in the city to build on; we have Tor sale a colonial bungalow. 5 rooms, attic and basement, enameled and solid oak floors through out, tile bath and kitchen, pedestal stand, low down tub. Mammoth fire place. Just completed; if it's quality, here it is. O. W. TARR, E. 6018. 407 McKay Bldg. Main 6203. EX-SERVICE MEN. APPLY YOUR BONUS ON THIS HAWTHORNE BEAUTY. MOVE RIGHT IN THIS ATTRACTIVE FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW: LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH Fl REV LACE, FINE BUFFET IN DINING ROOM: HANDY DUTCH KITCHEN WITH LARGE BREAKFAST NOOK: TWO LARGE, AIRY BEDROOMS: GARAGE; WILL ALSO SELL FINE FURNITURE IF DESIRED. STREET IMPROVE MENTS IN AND PAID. DUE TO SICK NESS WILL SACRIFICE FOR 4723. R. SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 2478. 320 U. S. NAT. BANK BLUti HAVE you a good cash payment? If so, here Is a sacrifice; 6 rooms and sleep ing porch; the popular story-and-half bungalow, with one bedroom and lava tory on first floor; 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath on second floor; very nicely arranged; fireplace and all built ins; lovely corner lot, paved street, close In; only $4400. A decided bargain. O. A. PEARCE CO., 20t Oregon Bldg. Broadway 4835. ACTION DEMANDED. Beautiful 7-room home, close to fine school; good car service; has wonderful living room, 25 ft. by 14 ft., den and dining room finished in tapestry; white enamel kitchen and bath, full cement basement, . furnace and fireplace, newly painted outside and redecorated inside; s bargain at $4500, $1000 cash. Buy from owner. 993 E. 33d N. , . WE ARE offering an 8rroom. double con structed home with furnace and fire place, and close to carllne. Lot Is 50x 128, Could be used as two flats, making excellent income property. Drive by and see this place at 415 Eugene street, and make us an offer. ROBNETT & McCLURE. REALTORS. 802 Couch bldg. Marshall 8292. EX-SERVICE MEN. ATTENTION. I have a modern 6-room double con structed bungalow newly reflnished and in the best of condition; good district and close in. near 2 car lines; will con sider smsll cssh payment down and wait on balance for your bonua Call Woodlawn 3991 or 290 Prescolt street, near Williams avenue. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. Laurelhurst; 5 rooms; modern In every way; garage. After you satisfy your self as to house values, phone us; $6100, easy terms. Main 9012. 811 Mohawk bldg. LAURELHURST. 6-room bungalow, brand new; oak floors throughout, tile bath, elegant p'.umblng. Ivory nnlsh, .beautiful decora tions, double garage; lot 50x158, near park. Come out today to 1178 Eaat Ankeny St.. near 30th. N. O. EKLUND. Owner and Builder, tabor 680. " FOR BONUS MAN. ' An Ideal 7-room modern home, ga rage, built for a home of the very best material in a restricted district, near car and school; price $5250, worth $7000. You can pay monthly payments until bonus is available. Rock, 403 Couch bldg. Mar. 83 5 2. ROSE CITY. $4650 TERMS. New, 5-room bungalow with large sleeping porch, large living room, fire place. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full cement basement with furnace, paved street, close to Sandy; select your own paper and tints. R. SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 2478. LAURELHURST. We have 3 choice bungalows, close to the park, of the latest type. 5 and 6-room. prices $7000 to $8500. No. they are not inflated: they are real bungalows Let us show you and Judge for yourself. DERR I'OWJiDER, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. As an Investment, look here. 6 rooms, old Ivory, plats glass, strictly modern, attic, garage. This property will rent for $75 or more a month: with a year's rent In sdvance. 715 U. 18th N; $6600; terms. Broadway 8093 IRVINGTON CORNER BUNGALOW, $6000. New 5-room modern bungalow; hard wood floora. fireplace, furnace, large at tic, cement basement, garage; alghtly corner, 17th and Skldmore sta. 2 blocks from Irvlngton car: open dally from 2 to 5. Phone own er. Main 27. ROSE CITY. $5250 Attractive 6-room bungalow, large plate glass windows, large living room, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, break last nook, 2 large, airy bedrooms, fine furnace: easy terma R. SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 2478- FOR SALE BY OWNER. Just finished, nice, up-to-date 4-room bungalow; gaa. bath, garage. 2 lot, some fruit trees; number of house 3543 East 77th St.. close to Powell Valley road; price $2000, $300 caah. bal. terms to run 6. Go see the property and call up Sellwooa 443. owner. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Before letting a contract to build your home see us. We will save you money and show you real construetion. Deal with an ex-service man. Soldiers given every consideration. ROBNETT tc McCLURE, Marshall 8292. 302 Couch bldg. CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE. 10-room house, arranged - for 2 fami lies; live In it and let other apartment pay for It; completely furnished, $7000. It is worth looking Into. DERR & POWNDER. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245, 1 i ,t t . o.ii. .-.. ". IRVINGTON, fine home, 2 blocks from school; 9 lovely rooms, corner lot, all In perfect condition, $ijS0U, easy terms. East 419. ..... ROSH CTTT 6 rooms one floor. Totjr last chance to get this artistio Bunga low at a sacrifice price. It not taken in the next two days I will buy It my self. It Is all modern except hdwd. floora Owner Is leaving town. The price Is only $4240, all Improvements in and paid; fine community, close to school, car and store. Phone for an ap pointment, don't delay, or you will let another bargain slip away. Go look. BRUCE HOLM AN, Realtor, Main 6327. 20 Falling Bldg. SCHUTLER-ST. BARGAIN. Very attractive, modern, nearly new 1H -story bungalow, splendid big rooms, fireplace, furnace, five nice bedrooms, hot and cold water on both floors, full cement base ment; entrance to garage through basement; a very nice home; close to Fernwood school; price $5800, $1400 cash will handle. See J. W. Crossley, with JOHNSON-DODSON CO "Better Types of Homes.1 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. - Main 378T. ALAMEDA. A REAL UP-TO-DATE BUN GALOW WITH ALL MODERN BUILT - INS. HARDWOOD FLOORS, FURNACE, BEST LO CATION. $5750, REASONABLE TERMS. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK A CO., 210 OREGON BLDG. BDWY. 1668. FURNISHED HOME $150 CASH. A neat, substantial four-room cottage In good east side district. Usual con veniences bssement snd bath. This horns is completely furnished with good furniture. Owing to quick decision sale will give possession for $150. bal. to suit. Full price $2400. You could never get a better start. Call for appointment. Main 1575. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO, REALTORS. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. LAURELHURST NEW COLONIAL BUNGALOW STONE-TONE STUCCO WITH GRANITE. 7 rooms. A beauty. 1084 Multnomah St., near S5th. Rose City car, go south 2 blocks. Phone Auto. 310-73. Owner on premises after 2 P. M. ROSE CITY NEW BUNGALOW $500 CASH. An exceptionally pretty new, five room bungalow, 'In heart of R. City. Every convenience and bullt-lns; ivory finish, hdw. floors, bite basement, etc. Special at $4750. $500 caah. Call me evenings at bast 442U or ouring any at Main 1576. If you mean business the price, terma and style will sell this wonderful home. ' No agenta IRVINGTON CORNER HOME. I must sell my beautiful home at once on account of financial difficulties. This is fact, not sales talk. I am the owner and you can do business with me pretty easy. My house has 8 large rooms and has been' built Juet one year. Has sll modern conveniences, nardwooa xioors an over house: double garage, fine lawn and lots of select shrubbery. Get, busy and save some mouey. Phone Automatic 328-52. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS BUNGALOW, r.or. 17th and Skldmore Sta. New 5-room bungalow, cosy breakfast nook, fireplace, furnace, buriet, nara wood floors, plate glasa window, fixtures. shades, etc. Elegantly finished in Ivory and mahogany; grand view corner. This is tne oesl ouy in roruana; tan, balance to suit. Open daily from 2 to 6. Sea owner, 1102 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 27. K-RM BUNGALOW $500 DOWN. Cement basement, laundry trays, Dutch Ttltchen. built-ins, good condition, corner lot witn paved sis., one ciuua to st- j;a.'s. jrr'co eouu. A. FINLEY. COL. 868. ONLY $3700. Five-room double constructed bunga low in the Peninsula district, only a block from Willamette blvd and two blocks from the car. Fully modern and up-to-date, even to having a furnaoe; 50x100 lot; no assessments; $1000 cash will handle. OTTO A HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8398. EX-SERVICE MEN. We have large listings of desirable home sites and can help you finance building. Our office has full Informa tion to your interest regarding applica tion of bonus loan. W. M, UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. Established 18U6. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1058. I.-i.-.OO ALAMEDA 81500 DOWN. Can you equal this for a bargain?-l-story house, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, attic, lots of built-in fea tures. Garage, too In Alamedal We've seen no other In the district at such a real bargain price. J. H. HA1GHT. Realtor. 327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. HOMES IN RESTRICTED D1STK1CTS. -WE HAVE IT. The price Is $4000. Just finished. 5-room bungalow In Alberta, near Ala meda; 2 additional rooms can be added upstairs. Purchaser can have own se lection of electric fixtures, furnace and wall paper. Phone .Bdwy. 1058 or call 210 Oregon bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 14250. On OOth st., near Sandy; owner forced to sell this real up-to-date bungalow, Just 1 year old; has hardwood floors and couldn't be duplicated today for $500 more than Is asked; reasonable terma W. M. Umbdenstock se Co., 210 Oregon bldg Bdwy. 1653 6-room plastered 1 ome with cement casement tor onty -.uu. ah luuuia large and pleasant and in good condi tion. A fine opportunity for handy man to make $500 quickly. Full-sized lot. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. IRVINGTON !i BLOCK. $3000, with easy terma south and west front. A-l location, 100 ft. from carllne,' improvements all paid. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN A CO., 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. HERE IS A SNAP. INCOME PROPERTY. Besutiful 3-room home In excellent condition, wonderful location for one to keep roomers; tnis is an opportunity; don't overlook It. $6500 for quick sale on any reasonable terma HERE'S A REAL SNAP. $3500 Any reasonable down payment: brand new 6-room bungalow, finished in ivory: on full size lot, sewer and garage, You will look a long time before finding a better one at this price. Call Main l O'J. 160U CASH On 2Sth st. N.. new. modern 6-room bungalow, ivory finish, all built ins, breakfast nook, fireplace, cement basement; I diock to car; jnvy. a splendid buy, a fine home and worth more money. at am (ujo. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. A new five-room bungAlow, real fire place, lots or bullt-lns, breakrast nook. If vou want a new home see this. "W. D. RODABAUGH. REALTOR. 1046 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 42:. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 8-room house, cement blocks to second story; corner iot, 88 feet frontage on Montgomery drive. Further details or appointment for inspection through Marshall 1720. BETTER HOUSES FOR LESS. If you have a clear lot and $500 we will build you a modern bungaiaw. RYAN REALTY BUILDING CO.. ' 416-6 Ablngton Bldg. Marshall 5818. Hf2000 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Nifty new unfinished 6-room bunga low, fireplace, cement foundation, base ment: lot 50x100; trees, garsge; 23 feet from isanoy piva. inpor o.o:. BY OWNER, modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buf fet and bookcases. Dutch kitchen: 1 ft blocks from car and 1 from school. Auto. 625-91. VERY attractive 3-room modern bungalow, full cement basement, furnace, furniture, -chickens: lot 40x120; H hlork to car. Owner. 5721 "th ave. a. E. Tel. 610-05 $2000 NEW BUNGALOW, breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, full plumbing, 50x100. shade trees, $500 down. Call McClure, Bdwy. 1658. 210 Oregon bldg. HERE la a -rood buy -8 rooms. 3 fireplaces good furnace, close In. good residence etctlon; soldier's bonus will handle; price t4inm. wooQ.awn ioa. MY. EQUITY in modern 8-room houset close in, fine for renting room a East 2997. FOR SALE By owner, 7-rm. strictly modern Laurelhurst bungalow, near park. 0S4 E. Ankeny, near 32d. ; $6900. YOU ARB sure of your title If you Insist on Title Insurance. Better be safe than. sorry. Title at trust company LARGE listings in restricted districts; cars at your service. J. R. Height, 327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 204S. 5-ROOM new house, unfinished, on Russett between Minnesota and Miss., $1400, nothing down. Owner. 60 East Watts. 5-ROOM bungalow 100x100, fruit trees, garage; must sell. 832 E. 81sL Wood- tor K car. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Best buys In nice modern homes. BROOKE. Mar. 4327. Phone morning. LARGE listings In restricted districts; car at your service. J. R. Halght, 327 Board of Trade. . Bdwy. 2045. WV'iWV.-l A CHANCE. $4730 New, modern, 6 rooms and break; fast nook in . HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. To be finished In enamel with tapestry paper. Hardwood floors. Ilreplece, tiled bath, recess tub, tile draln bosrds, full cement basement, laundry trays. A bonus man with $250 cash can handle this. 102x100 IN ALBERTA. $4300 Two-etory, 7 rooms besldea a re ception hall, paneled dining room, 1 bedroom down and two up. full cement basement, lots of fruit. This can be bought on terms. ALBERTA. $3350 6-room bungalow, Including flen; 1 bedroom in attic: garage, fire place, fruit. In fine condition. Only $700 down, balance easy. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP. We still have some of those small bungalows with only $100 down that will be a rent-saving proposition for some wise families. Let us show you. J. A WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 5S3 and 1004. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $4750. 100x100 AND GARAGE. Here Is a home exceptionally and splendidly built: hardwood floors, fire place; ideally located opposite one of Portland's most beautiful parks; pavjpg paid; $2U0 and bonus loan will handlo. HAWTHORNE. $4750. New 5-room bungalow of unusual beauty. For quality of material and workmanship you will go a long way to beat it; hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, tile floor in bath, tile dralnboard, expensive tapestry paper; $200 and bonus loan will handle. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 8092. Branch. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 5K6. A SACRIFICE. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. $5500, TERMS. COMPLETE IN E.VERY DETAIL, ALL READY TO MOVE INTO. SIX ROOMS FIRST FLOOR, ONE FINE ROOM UP- ' STAIRS. FURNACE, UNUSUALLY FINE GARAGE. ALVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR, BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. BDWY 37. EVENINGS, EAST 2061. MT. TABOR BARGAIN, ' " StiOOO. Do you want to take advantage of this sacrifice? Owing to Illness owner must make milek sale: strictly modern 7-room bungalow type of house, easy walking distance from rranklln nign, f irenlnre. everv built-in convenience, large living room, dining room, with oak floora artistic butret. Dutcn aitcnen, large orurwuui iuu -t-.iu u nio, ,ivi, 8 bedrooms and bath with toilet and wash basin upstairs, glassed-ln sleeping porch, full concrete basement, Quaker rurnace, trays, cupnoaros, etc., garage all on 80x100 Jot; terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Renltor, RITTER, LOWE CO.. 101-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade PltliT. ALAMEDA SACRIFICE. 15900. One of the choicest 5-room strictly modern bungalows in Alameda's lovely district, the rooms sre beautifully ar ranged, the hardwood floors sre highly . polished and the whole arrangement of many built-ins, breakfast nook, fireplace, etc.. is becoming. The basement lias a splendid heating furnace, complete with garage, on pavement; only $1350 needed to handle. Jfalanre mommy payment, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. $1000 CASH BUNGALOW. ROSK CITY PARK. New. very attractive, with big living room across entire front, cove celling. Ivory finish, hardwood floora, artistic fireplace, all bullt-lns, breakfast nook, shower bath and recess tub; full con crete basement, hot air furnace, garage. There are 6 rooms. Including 3 bed rooms In this lovelv" bungalow home. The price Is $0200. Pay $1000 cash. See Mr. Everson today. COMTE ft KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce BMg. WEST SIDR BUNGALOW. $8500. Would yon care to own one of the most attractive west side bungalows? Strictly modern, 5 rooms, sleeping porch and large attic, fireplace, every built-in feature. oak floors. Dutch kitchen. breakfast nook, electrlo range and hot water heater Included, full concrete baaement. Gasco furnace, easy terms. RICHARD W. M AST, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A OO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Honrd of Trade nUg. $500 DOWN $500. Sunnyslde, lovely modern 7-room resi dence, beautiful narawooo rioors, new pipeless furnace, cement basement, laun drv trays, absolutely perfect condition and a wond.-rful bargain at $1500. He sure to see the lovelv Interior, fruit, nuts. berries, grapes. Call 1036 js. Taylor, before 5:30 P. M. Marshall 7401 fore noohs. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW $500 CASIL AUTO OR LOT AS PART PAYMENT. Six big. fine, bright rooms with all ordinary built-ins, hdw. floors, larae porches, roomy easement: tun iot witn lota of fruit. You'll love the style and appreciate the big home value in this excellent new nuntcaiow. uoon east em location: only $4250. For appointment call Main 1575, evenings East 4420. O. H. Skothelm Co.. realtors. 408-11 Couch bldg. Main 1573. A SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN, janoo. Tf you want a renl bargain close In on E. Yamhill St.. don't fall to see this good 6-room residence, fireplace, full basement, splendid garage, only 14 blocks to Mt. Tabor car; some furni ture. F.ICH ARD W. MART. R-lltor. RITTER. LOWE '"O.. 201-2-3-5-7 Po.-ird of Tnrte Blrg. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. 5 fine rooms, breakfast nook, floored attic, furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, practically new end in rirst clasa condition: close to Alameda drive. An exceptionally good buy. $5500. Smnt! down payment and good terms on bal ance. J. R. HAIGHT Realtor. 82T Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. HOMES IN RESTRICTED DISTRICTS ROSE CITY PARK. LAURELHURST. If you are going to buy In either of tnese popular aisincts, you owe u to yourself to Inspect our listings. Those who want to sell naturally list their property with us. No obligations positively. A. O. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4lh. Main 800" Branch 40th snd fand.v Tahor Q.W, $2700 HOME IN PORTSMOUTH. 4-room bunralow on paved street. A nifty little home with all assessments paid, and can be handled for $000. Look at tnia witn us. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624, HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, 0 RMS. 6-room fine bungalow, oak floors, fire place, bullt-lns, cabinet kltohen, cement basement, trays, lot 45t10O, east front, fine location, near Hawthorne ave. Price only $4200, $1000 cash. Ask lor Mr. Currle. J. W. GRUSSI. 318 Board of Trade llirig. Main 74X2. CLOSING ESTATE. $3500. six-room modern, 37Hx100 lot. $3400, stx-room moaern, iMtoxiuu lot, in TC Ankenv. $3fl(, 8-room modern, 52x100 lot: $1000 cash will handle any one or tnese. KEIPPER STEWART. 814 Railway Exchange Bldg. $1750 TERMS Close to Franklin high school we have a dandy modern style 4-room bungalow. Full lot. fruit, garden, etc. Come In snd let us show vou this bargain before It's sold. A. K. Hill, 426 I.tlmhermens bMg. STOP PAY1NO RENT. 2 houses, close In. 1 5-room, 1 7-room. I own both, muM-seU them. Come and see then. - Owner. 625 Railway Exchange bldg RARE IRVINGTON BARGAIN'. Owner going south: sacrifice of mod ern 2-story 7-room house with sleepr Ing porch snd garage. K. 19th N., near Knott. Easy terms. Tahor 407. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, sleeping porch, one room finished shove: furnsce. com bination fixtures: garage; fine district: paved. Bv owner. I3S00. terms; less for Cash. Sellwood 2046 ALAMEDA PARK. Save tha commission by buying from ownoT! 6 rooms, modern In every detail. $5700: all built-ins. wooniswn ,i7':7. VERY attractive and strictly modern 5 room bungalow near Franklin high school, only $3200. Easy terma Owner, Aut 6.16-20. LISTEN A $10,000 home In Rose City for $7000, $2500 down; 7-room modern house. 3 lots, must sell. Barrand Realty Co., 349 Salmon st. 6-ROOM seml-mo.1ern cottage, corner lot. cement basement. $2350. $300 cssh. $27 month. Including Interest. Tabor 6403 $2100 4-ROOM, newly enameled, white enamel bath. Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement. Phone Tabor 040. $350 CASH New 5-room bungalow on Kllllngsworth ave. A real good buy at J.1200. Main 7036. $250 CASH New 4-room bungalow near Union ave. Some bargain at $2700. Main 7036 SACRIFICE, leaving city, nice 5-room cot tage, attic; on car line, -..fine fruit; $1750 terms. 804 Spalding hlrtg FOR SALE 8-room bungalow. Call Sell wood 12SU, .. .. FURNISHED BUNGALOW SNAP. It has 6 lsrgs rooms all on one floor, full cement basement, mod ern bath, lights and gas, fine cor ner lot. paved streut and sewer all In and paid; 2 short blocks to car lins, handy to Mount Tabor school: handy to stores. Extra well furnished, ready for house keeping and one of the best snaps in Portland for $3000. Reliable party can have this property com plete for 50 cash, balance like rent; no mortgages or liens to as sume; pay down $300, the balance will be eaay. Soe E. W. HUGHES, 507 JOURNAL BLDG. MAIN 2853. ROSE CITY BEAUTY. $3800 TERMS. VERY ARTISTIC. NEW, 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, CALIFORNIA STYLK, WITH CASEMENT WINDOWS. TEK GOLAS. FIREPLACE IN LARGE L1V INO ROOM; EASTERN OAK FLOOR ING TWO FINE BEDROOMS. CON NECTING BATH: FINE DUTCH KITCHEN WITH LARGE ARTISTIO BREAKFAST NOOTC: FRENCH POORS, CEMENT BASEMENT. FURNACE. LAUNDRY TRAYS, GAS WATER HEATER. GARAGE. R. SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 24i8. 320 U. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. ANOTHER STAR BARGAIN. ROSE CITY. $4500. FIVE-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, CLOSE IN, FIREPLACE-. BUFFET. BOOKCASE. DUTCH KITCHEN. LAUN DRY TRAYS, CEMENT BASEMENT, ON PAVED STREET: NO LIl'INS. SMALL CASH PAYMENT. TERMS. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. REALTORS. 512-13 WILCOX BLDG. MAIN 5604. EVE. 810-87. FIVE - ROOM. MODERN BUNGALOW. BUILT TWO YEARS, FINE CORNER LOT 55x100, CLOSE TO CAR, VAVKI STREET, GARAGE, CHICKEN HOUSE, BERRIES. A BARGAIN AT $2750. TERMS.. $750 CASH. BALANCE $.10 AND INTEREST. OWNER, 1070 FRAN CIS A VH . FURNISHED BUNGALOW $1000 DOWN. 5 nni. all on one floor: built-in l-iiffer Dutch kitchen, cement basement laundry travs. nice carpets and other household furniture, window shades and curtains; paved streets; near Hawthorne car. All for $42011. MRS. LUCIUS, EAST 4991 U-ROOM Rose City bungalow, living room i:ix:4, preitv Iirepiane, nwnwiwo, yu. lshed oak floors, plate glass windows, verv fine, bullt-lns. pretty and con venient Dutch kitchen, complete In everv wav; garage; below the hill, near Sandy: price reduced to $5500. Broad way 4S.15. , NICE LITTLE HOME $2000. R.mnm rot tnsre. In splendid condition, eoncrete foundation, basement, modern plumbing, 12 bearing fruit trees, all kin. is of small fruit and berries, good garage snd chlcRen nouse, 101 mii.j $500 rash, $23 monthly. Fred W. Ger man Co., realtors. 732 Cham, o' Com. U KSTOV ER HEIGHTS HOME. Coxy, compact, 2-story, 7-room home, with garage, center entrance, large main rooms, view porch, 8 bedrooms, sleeping porch, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, oak floors, hot water heat; unobstructed view of city, mountains, river, 'lanor l.AlIliKl.IICHST COLONIAL. Classy 2-story 7-room southern colo nial on large corner near car nnu jiai-, center entrance, lots of French doors; ih ivnrv. walls natiered: breakfast room; 2 fireplaces; garage; must sell. Tabor 407, r .owl iir-nT TtilVfiAl.nw. ir....lf;...l T-rnnm hunralnW W 1 1 H SA rage, on corner near car and park: large living room, oreaaiaai room, o uiun ivory Liuinu, m " e 3 ... -- oak floors throughout: beautiful shrub- bery. Terms. raoor 4'. "T,f.-.-.o t, iitvt Tinnu nisTRlfT. 5-room bungalow In excellent condi tion; fireplace, gns stove, w ater hi nter, 8 bearing frolt trees, lots n small fruit; cor. lot, 50x124. 1273 E. Yamhill. Auto 222-7:1; $suo down. LAURELHURST, 111)00 will buy my equity In new 6-room colo nial bungalow, purchased fall: owner eav nir c;tv October 10. lauur -uui 1226 E. Pine st v-i.-aw i.-vn nir BROADWAY CAR, Only $1SOO for quick sale; nice little 5-rm. brown sningteu uunsuiv,, Ing, gas, etc., terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 8.13 N. W. Bank Bldg., Main 8,37. 8 ROOM modern house at $3000. also beau tiful small place, $2000: would consider small car. uwuni. ... . ,.u- , ....... croccry Woodlawn 2S48. ONli OF Mt. Tabor's most beautlfu hn-naa. 8 TOOniS. Strictly UP-tO-dllte large corner lot; leaving city, must sac rifice. I ail owner. . DvvivKiTi.A dlstrlcL by owner. 5-room ,,irn hnnB--i.iow. cRment basement Dutch kitchen, fruit and berries; price S2M"0. sli.tlt down. iau o-iiv,iMn o-t"',. LAURELHURST sacrifice, beautiful home modern throughout, completely- fur nished: $7,100. terms. Tabor 20i6 a 1,,-,, im,ve double garsge. trulls trees', garden; lots 150x72. 84 E. 52d st. N . cor. or l.oucn. i-ru. ' iruivwv 5-room house at a bargain, cl In on Broadway: deal with owner; neeii money. ai i nenry inns. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, all lniprove- menta In: almost now; oniy terms. 2021 E. 47th st. South. Suburban Homes, BEAUTIFUL ACRE HOME nv HIGHWAY! Tr-lne. acre with 40 assorted beating -,.! all kinds of berries: 6-room hnmralnw with bath, fireplace and all -itv r,.nvenlnnrea: large double garag- Right on Capital highway. This Is only $5000 with terma ask tor r. i. jum- shall, with FRANK McGUIRE. ... 203 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Wash, snd Stark. " mil TVi it AH ACRE ONLY $3000. All In cultivation. 16 assorted fruit trees; 5-room house, with electricity , .. . . , ham. mlllc house ar.ri chicken house; on gravel road about half mile from Multnomah station. EASY TERMS. Ask lor F. C. Marshall. with FRANK I McGUIRE. .... 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1065. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. i.(liin ACRE BUY FOR 81700. All in cultivation; all kinds of ber cottaee with gas and city water. electricity available; chicken house and other buildings; 5 blka to school and half mile from Erroll sta tion. Terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall "h FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bidg. Mnin IOCS. Third St.. hot. Wash, and Stark. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW 1 ACRE 8500 DOWN. RIGHT ON MAIN HARD-SURFACE nnin ahnut 8 blocks from Gilbert sta tion; fine 5-room bungalow with bath anil ritv conveniences. Od Ivory fin lh: garage. Acre Is sll fenced. Only $4000. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK I- McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1008. Third St.. bet, wasn. ana MirK, 2 ACRES, only 8 miles from courthous.". naved highwav. few blocks from elec tric station: 7-rm. bungalow, city water. gas etc.: cnirKen nouses, nam ana nu merous outbuildings; abundance of fruit berries, grapes, etc. If you wnnt ti chicken ranch you can't beat this lo cation. Trice $."."iO0, $1000 down. Par ticulars see X. K. Jesse, 627 Corbett Mrlg. Main 7141. l-AfRF. HOME 3(l0 DOWN. All In cultivation, young orchard, ell kinds of berries; 5-room house with gas and cltv water: barn snd chicken house; $2200. Ask for F. O. Marshall, with FRANK I- McGUIRE. 203 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Wash, and Ptark FOR SALE With '4 to 2 acres, 6-room, modern bungalow: rurnace. nrepiiic. Dutch kitchen, fruit trees and shrublieri sll !h, garase. Call Main 7115 or UUw) "A.1S. At Henry bldg. Also dandy 7-room house, modern bullt-lns. Onlv 2 blocks to depot. Sacri fire niv eniiitv for $2500. $"2500 TAKf-.S a beautiful, sightly tract o; grOUnU, 1IIV1111,, Willi IIKMICI II luur-iuim house, not far from Multnomah station property can be bought on eay term. For particulars see BEN R I ESLAN I ' 404 Plait bldg, 127 l'ark St., or hi sirent, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomai office. POWELL VALLEY. $1050 We have a choice 2-acre tract, with good temporary buildings, front ing on the highway; Just a convenient arid delightful drive from business cen ter. Ideal spot f'r your suburban home. See A. K. HK1. 4211 Lumbermens bldtr. FOR THE NEWI.YWEDS. ONLY $2100. Fine new 4-room bungalow; plumbing lights, bostlng. swimming: a fine gro of trees: close to electrie station an- auto road; very easy terms. Owner. $0v Goooera b,ag., second and blark sU.