TJIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAT, OCTOBER 4, 1921 21 F OHEIGN BUTTER IS OFFERED cons T Canada, Australia and New Zealand Seeking Market. LOWER PRICES QUOTED Availability of Ontsldo Supply May Prevent Market From Advancing Here. Imported butter If being- offered to the trade on the Pacific coast and creamery men are of the opinion that thla will tend to prevent any advene. In prlcee here. Wben foreign butter began coming on the market last year tt bad an adverse effect n prices. Canadian butter la making Iti appearance In th. northern cltlea and Is being quoted at 41 cents, delivered at Seattle. Both New Zealand and Australian shipper! are offering butter for November delivery at San Francisco at 41 cents laid down. Locally, butter was very scare, partic ularly the beat grades of cubes; and for tkeae 43 it 44 cents was bid. The manu facturers are not dlapoaed to rataa the price of prints and think It probable the present price may be maintained for tne next three or four weeks. They look for some easing up of the cream situation In the meantime. The San Francisco market was firm and active during the past week and trading at no time Indicated any weakness. Re. celpts of all grades were unusually light and the continued demand from the south (or the heat butter, together with good local demand, kept dealers' stocks at a minimum. The recent hot weather caused additional use of butter for Ice cream. The price of 02 score showed a net gain ot IVi cents from Friday to Friday, but dealers do not prefer to see too high prices. The out-of -storage movement hs been very heavy and holdings at Port land, Seattle, Las Angeles and San Fran cisco total 1,81:0,207 pounds, as onmpared with 8, 109,288 lost year, a shortage ot 1.339,016 pounds. Unless New Zealand butter la Imported, moat dealers think that It Is not likely that there will be any surplus on the Paclflo, coast before January. The scarcity of fine butter and good demand for 90 point and above has held all eaatern marketa firm on these gradea, causing advancea. Although quality shows Improvement, the proportion of fancy butter is light and cleans up rapidly. Undtrgrades have been In excessive supply, but fair demand throuichout the week cleaned up the supply fairly well, espe cially In Chicago, but concesaluna had to be made and orders were for small lots. Cars of centralized ruled firm on the fancy grades but 88s and Mis were In ample supply, moving slowly at consider able variation in price. Good cars are at 114 scarce. The steamer Frederick the Eighth brought 1250 casks of Danish butter. It Is estimated that 3000 to 4000 casks were shipped last week. Canadian butter Is arriving at New York. Extras are offered at 44 cents. Danish 93 score knit - r.rr--A . 1 . ALL GRADES OF WHEAT CENT LOWER White Oats SO Cents Hisher on Bid at Merchant Exchange. The wheat market was firmer yester day with the east, but aside from an ad vance or 1 cent In bids on all gradea at the Merchants. Exchange, there was to general change in the situation from the close of last week. White oats were AO cents higher on bid and November yellow corn was 00 centa lower. Other offera for coarse grains were rtnehsnged. A news bureau report said: "The sta tistical view of the wheat situation the world over la about as strong ss ever. There have been larger accumulations than expected perhaps In the Canadian and American vialble stocks, but these rains have been at the expense of the Interior reserves, as receipts in this coun try have surpassed all previous records." Snow places the condition of corn at 83. S per cent, estimated production 3, -148 000,000 bushels: spring wheat 198. 400.000 bushels; winter wheat 642,000 000 bushels: oats l,025,Ou0.O0S bushels. The irport Is bullish on wheat and oats. World shipments of wheat and floor last week equaled 13.209.000 bushels. New-crop prospects In Argentina are excellent and farmers' offering are fairly liberal. Terminal receipt, In ear, wer re ported by the Merchants Excbsng as fol low: Wheat Barley Flonr Oat Hay Portland Monday 178 Year ago 59 Se'c to date. 11X03 Year ago 4800 Tacoma Saturday .... K8 Tsar ago 82 Sea'n to date. 4003 Year ago 1303 rleattle Saturday ... 21 Year ago M Soa'n to date.2V.ri Year a-o 1252 1 20 T 10 ... 4 t t 97 S7S SOU 62 105 185 3U0 ...14 3 4 4 70 413 59 173 28 230 65 273 a it s 3 2 S 21 H ens 17 4ns 85 98 76 607 CARLOT BALES OF APPLES SLOW Boxed Fruit Generally Steady to Weak In Eaatern Market. Few ewrkot sales of apples were reported at shipping point yesterday. The eastern markets were generally dull with the tone at most points ranging from weak to steady. The latest sales of northwestern boxed apples at New York were at the following scale of prices: Jonathans, extra fancy, large, $4 64.25, few sales 14.5004.75; medium. 13.5008.75; small, $3.253.30; fancy large. $3,509 8.75; medium to large, $3lf3.25; C grade, medium to large, 1202.50; Comb, extra fajicy and fancy medium, $2,5063; orchard run extra fancy and fancy best, 12. 230 2-30; poorer low as 11.50. King Davids extra fancy large, (303.23. few high as $3.50; medium to large, $2,6002.73; fancy medium to large, $2.25 0 2.75; C grade me dftim to large, $202.50; Winter Bananas, extra large, 13.50ft 4; few high as $4.25, medium mostly $3.50; fancy medium to large, $3.25 0 3.50. SHORTAGE OF REFRIGERATOR CARS Trotrnt Made to I'tiion Paclflo by Yakima Apple Shipper. A shortage of refrigerator car for ship' merit over the Union Paclflo line de. veloped during the past week and prompted the Yakima Valley Traffic Credit association to send a strong mas sage to Vice-President H. M. Adams of the Union Pacific protesting against ap parent lack of preparation for the valley ample shipment. With 4000 oars of Jona tamna t roll in the next three week, the association pointed out, that this was a critical period for a car shortage to de velop. The belief of shippers, though not expressed In their official communica tion, la that the Union Paclflo is taking ARE TOP LOOKING FOR A DE PENDABLE IKODIT'E DEALER? Veal ' Butter Pork lieeM Poultry :gs Honey Any Product ' Get our prices, Kl'BY s CO.. ' 189 Front St. Portland. Or. Sixteen Tears Reliability. care of California wine grape shipment at the expense of Yakima fruit. The Northern Paclflo Is still equipped and will accept shipments from both Union Paclflo and Northern Pacific terri tory, but may not be able to furnish suf ficient car for all shipments. Wenatchee shippers have been notified by the Great Northern railway of a prob able shortage of cars about October 19. This 1 causing some concern, as It 1 tbe only railroad entering the valley. The Wenatchee growers are reported to have sold a heavy percentage of their crop to dealers, but a smaller percentage of the total crop has been shipped than from the Yakima district. Moderate Increase in Visible, apply Increase. 1.636.000 1.047.0U0 8.226.000 S,263.0ilO 14.000 Th American visible wheat etatement compare as follows: Bushels, Oct. 8. 1921 62,786.000 Oot. 4, 1920 27.3fl.O00 Oct. 6. 3919 77.475.000 Oct. 7. 1918 91.27X 000 Oct. 8. 1917 7.794.000 Tbe corn visible Is 11.795,00 bushels, a decrease of 726.000 bushels: oats, 65.843.000 bushels, a decrease of 802,000 buahela: eye. 5.131.000 bushels, a decrease of 295,000 bushels; barley, 8.918.000 bushels, a de crease of 90,000 bushels. The Canadian visible wheat supply In creased 1.3S4.OO0 bushel. Oat decreased 5'2.0O0 bushel and barley decreased 92, 003 bushels. OILS STRONGEST STOCKS RAILS SLOW AND SPECIALTIES ' GENERALLY WEAK. Bid for Yakima Jonathan. Cash buyers In Yakima were reported paying $1.7$ to grower for extra fancy Jonathans during this week, with a few exceptional Bales at $1.85, and the gen eral run of prices $1.63 for future delivery. Total carload shipments of fruit and vegetable from th Yakima valley passed the 5000 mark for the season during the past week, the total up to September 29 being 5041 car. Total shipments for the week over all lines amounted to 832 cars. These shipments were largely apples, with a few car ot pears and aome potatoea. More PuUet Egg Received. There was no Improvement In the egg situation yesterday so far as fresh ranch stock I concerned, but a more pullet eggs are coming In, it Is hoped there will be relief soon. Prices on both fresh and storage stock were unchanged. Receipts of poultry and dressed meats were light and Saturday's price were reported. Linseed Oil Decline. A reduction of 8 cents a gallon In lin seed oil was announced yesterday to the basis of 89 cents for raw In barrels and 91 centa for boiled in barrels. 26.50 26.50 2700 27.00 20.00 25.00 Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were -as follows: Clearings. Ba'ances. Portland $.-i.ii7.(.".3 $l,:i(iu.740 Seattle 5.0O4.4.M 1.UH0.31U Tacoma 0O4.020 10:t.Stil Spokane 2.22...(il 921,044 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour, Feed, Etc. Merchants' xchans;e, noon session: aid Wheat Oct. Nov. Hard white $1.09 $l.i9 Soft white 1.08 1.08 White club 1.08 l.iw Hard winter 1.10 1.10 Northern spring ............. 1.00 1.00 Ked Walla l.o5 1.03 Uata No. 2 white feed Barley Brewing Standard feed Corn No. 2 E. Y. shipment 29 00 26.00 FLOUR Family patents, $7.80 per bar rel; whole wheat, $6 20; grahsm. $6.00; bakers' hard wheat, $7.25; bakers' blue stem pstents. $6.75; valley bakers', $8 00. 1ULLF1SED Price, f. o. b. mill: Mill run. $22 per ton; rolled barley, $34 036; rolled oats, $36; scratch feed, $49 per ton. CORN Whole. $36: cracked. $39 per ton. HAT Buying pries t o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, $15 per ton; cheat, $12012.50; oat and vetch, $13013.50; clover. $100 10.50; valley timothy. $15015.60; eastern Oregon timothy, $18018 60. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extra. 43 "4 044c b. ; nrlnts parchment wrapped, box lots. 47o: cartons, 48c. Butterfat. buying prices: No. 1 grads, 4c. delivered Portland. IX.liS Case count, 4O04:tc; candled ranch, 4r03Oc; association firsts, 53c; as sociation selecta, 5c; association pulleta, 44c. CHBBSis Tillamook triplets, price to Jobbers, C o. b. Tillamook, 24c; Young America. 25c pound. POULTRY Hens, 160260 lb.; springs, 25030c; ducks, 20020c; gee, nominal; turkeys, nominal. PUKiv Kancy, 15c per pound.' VEALi Fancy. 1H n l()4c per pound. Fruit and Vegetable. FRUITS Valencia oranges, 14 2507 50 per box; lemons, $5.60 0 8.25; grapefruit. $011 per box; bananas, 8Vi09c lb.: apples, $1.2503.25 box; cantaloupes, i 03:25 crate: peaches, $1.2501.50 box: pears. $1.75fr3 per box; huckleberries, 10 si lfc per pound: grapes, $1.3.0 3.73 per crate; casabaa. 20 2Vfcc per pouud; cran berries, $4..O05 per box. POTATOK3 Oregon, $2 0 2.25 per pound; Yakima, $2.20 hundred; sweet po tsOtoes, 4 0 00 per pound. ONIONS Yellow, $3.5004 per sack. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 3&3c lb.; lettuce, $2.000 2.73 crate; carrots, $1.50 0 2 per sack; garlic, 10 0 20a per pound; beets, $202.60 per box; cucumbers, 73 0 90c per box; beans, 7 0 8c per pound; green corn, $2 0 2.50 sack; celery, 7Oc0$l.lO dosen; eggplant, 7f8c pound; toinaloe. 4oc0 2 25 box; green pepper. 601Oo pound; cauliflower, $202.70 per dusen; pump kins, So per pound; squash, Jo pound. Staple Groceries Local lobbing quotations: SUGAR (sack basis) Cans, granulated. 8.50c pound; beet, 6.35c. NUTS Walnuts, Manchurlan, 20 0 22s pound; Brazil nuts, 18020c; filberts, 150 18c; almonds, 24y27feo; peanula, 011i, pound. RICE Blue Rose, 6e per pound; Japas tyle, 5.8006c per pound. BUiNa small white, 4 90e: large whits, So; pink. tc; lima, 7 He; red, H4C per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk, in drums, 14 0 16 '-c per pound. SALT Granulated, barrel. $3.2004.03; half ground, ton 60a, $17.20; loos, $16.25; lump rock, $20 50. HONEY Comb, new crop. $8 50 0 7 per ease. DRIED FRUITS Dates, $4.2$ per box: flga, $1.40 03.75 per box. ' Hide, Hops, Ete. TALLOW No. 1. 8tt04o; No. . 2020 per pound. CASCARA BARK Five cent a pound, delivered Portland. HOPS 1921 crop, 27 0 30c per pound; fuggles, 82c; 1920 crop, nominal, 20c. HIDES Fresh cured, 404V4O per pound; calf, 11c per pound; kip. ttc per pound. WOOL New clip, 8 0 200 per pound. MOHAIR New clip, 16c per pound, de livered Portland. Provision. HAMS All size. 33035c; skinned, 800 $7c; picnics. 18c; cottage roll, 2uc BACON Fancy. 42 047o; choice, 29 O 84c; standard. 23 O 27c LARU Pure, tierces, 15o pound; com pressed, tierces, 13 Si a DRY SALT Backs, 19023c; plates, 18c Oil. LINSEED OIL Raw. In barrels, 89c; 5-gallon can. $1.04. Boiled, In barrels, 91c; 6-gallon cans, $1.0. TURPENTINE In drums, $1.00; 8-gl-lon cans. $1.15. WHITE LEAD 100-pound kegs, 12Ke per pouud. COAL OIL Tank wagon and Iron barrels, 17 He; cases, 80037c GASOLINE lank wagona and iroa barrels, 20c; cases. 38 Coffee) Future Steadier. NEW" YORK, Oct. S. After opening at a decline of 8 to 14 points under scattering liquidation, prompted by lower mllreis quotations from Klo the market for coffee futures turned steadier on scattered cover ings and trade buying. There was no spe cial change In the news, but the esrly decline to 7.64 for December made a re action ot 86 points from the high price of lest week, which seemed to bring In some renewed support from cotton or Wall street houses and there was some future coverings against spot business. December rallied to 7.77c and closed at 7.70c, with the general market closing at a net loss of only 2 to 5 points. October. 7.60c; De cember, 7.75c; January, 7.77c; March, 7.81c; May, 7.86c; July, 7.82c; September, 7.92c. Spot coffee, quiet: Rio 7s. 8V to 8e; Santos 4s. 11 to 12o. Orpheum matinee today, la-26-60-Ad. First Issue of Liberty Bonds Active and Higher; News Develop ments Encouraging. NEW YORK. Oct. 8. The stock market was hesitant today, favorites moving within restricted areas, while specialties continued to denote the Increasingly doubtful prospects Indicated in th less essential lines of Industry Foreign and domestic oils were firm to strong, especially the cheaper or low-grade shares, these deriving tt.elr better tone from the higher prices quoted for crude products. Coppers moderately enhanced last week's gains under what seemed like pool operations. . Ralls, excepting coalers, were unusually slURglsh and many ot tne motor, chemical and food Issues showed progressive weak ness, incidentally establishing lowest quo tations for a year or much longer period. Conspicuous features of the latter class embraced American Sugar, common and preferred; Cuba Cane preferred, Cuban American preferred and Pierce-Arrow pre ferred at extreme recessions of one to about five points. Sales amounted to 635.000 shares. Advices over tbe week-end were mostly of an encouraging tenor. Railroad ton nage moved more rapidly to market and western and southwestern financial centers reported gradual growth of confidence in the business outlook and expansion of In vestment demand. A firmer :one waa evinced by the local money market, call loans opening at 6tt per cent, presumably in consequence of last week s deficit In clearing house re serves. On the very limited Inquiry, how ever, the rate fell to ft per cent at noon. London furnished a higher level of exchange rates to this market, although Italian and Belgian bills reacted here, marks also falling to within a point of their low record. Exchange on Greece weakened In connection with the mors adverse economlo conditions in that country. Heaviness of French and Belgian war issues, aiso Mexicans and Cuba Cane 7s, detracted from the strength of the bond market. Liberty 3Hs, which lagged In the recent rise ot that group, were active and strong. Total sales, par value, $17,375,000. i CLOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com pany, Portland.) Close. 50 134 36 54 85 61 23 hi Tk 46 83 hi 7114 27 87 27 hi 81 128 1USV. 111 44 514 10 50 60 83 22 48 0 104 4 Sales. High. Low. 200 50 4 50 '"ibb "is '35" "i.'noo '24 i '23 ii 200 58 l,oo 800 46 46 600 84 S3-, ""506 'ii'vi 'ii'hi 100 37 37 ....... 27 27 "160 i'ss'hi iisii '"'ioo "ii i "200 " "i "sM "'ioo "son "6 1.3O0 84 S3 200 22 22 100 4S 48 400 91 90 100 14 H 500 10S 2.800 12 300 86 86 27 864 83 '55 1 "i4-s 107 It 60 88 113 28 2K4 42-, 60 '16 12 25 23 S4 35 66 25 5 44 "is" 27' 33 78 68 63 "5 13 12 Adams Ex ... Advance Rum. do pfd .... Agr Chem ... do pfd ..... AJax Rub ... Alaska Gold.. Alaska Jun .. Allied Chem.. Allls Chal.... do ptd Am lleet Sug. Am lfosch.... Am Can Co... do pfd Am C & F.... do pfd ..... Am Cot Oil... do pfd Am Drug Syn Am Hd & Lea do pfd Am Ice Am Int Corp. Am Linseed.. do pfd Am Loco .... do pfd ..... ..... ..... Am Saf'Raz... 1.70O 41 4 Am Sp & Com 200 6 6 Am Smelt.... 2.74)0 SU 80 do pfd 200 76 73 Am Snuf ..... Am 8teel Fdy. 400 Am Sugar ... 16.000 59 BR do pfd 2.000 85 81 Am Sumatra. 2.200 41 40 Am T & T .. 600 108 107 Am Tob 300 125 124 do "B" .... 900 1 23 122 Am Wool .... 5,200 704 75 do pfd ..... Am Zinc .... 300 10 10 Anaconda ... 8.100 41 40 Assd Ull .. Atchison do pfd . . At. Glf & W I 2.200 2S Baldwin Loco 6.400 88 do pfd 2(0 98 Bait & Ohio.. 300 384 do pfd ..... Beth Stl "B" 2.600 56 B R T 500 8 Butte C 4 Z Butte & Sup. . Burns1 Bros... Caddo Oil.... Cal Pack .... 000 60 Cul Pet 1.700 40 ao pra a - Can Pac Cen Leath Cer de Pasco Chand Motor. Chi & N W.... Chgo fit W... Chgo Gt W pfd Chill Cop Chlno C M St P C M St P pfd. Coco Cola..... C & O Col F A I.... Col Southern.. Col O & E. . . Colum Graph. Con Gas Contl Can..... Contl Candy.. Corn Prod.... Corn Prod pfd. cosden oil.... C R I P... CRI&P A pfd. OHIP B pfd. Crucible Crucible pfd. . Cuba Cane. . . . Cuba Cane pfd Cuban A Sug. Del A Hud... Dome Mines... D A R G DiRR pfd.. End Johnson.. Krle Erie 1st pfd. . . Erie 2d pfd... Famous Play. Fed M ft S . . . Fed M ft S pfd Flsk Tire Gaston Wms.. Gen Cigars.... Gen Ec Gen Motor.... Glen-Alden. .. Gen Asphalt.. 20.700 53 Goodrich 400 32 Goodyear Granby 200 20 Gt Nor Ore... 4O0 28 Gt Nor pfd... l.SoO 75 Greene Can... 200 24 Gulf S Steel Hask Barker Houston Oil... 2.0O0 58 Hupp Motor.. 6110 11 His Cent .... 1O0 97 Inspiration .. 1,000 36 Int Agr Corp ..... do pfd Interboro .... 600 2 do pfd 100 6 Int'state Cal.. 9K 4 Int Harv .... 8.600 79 Int Merc Mar do pfd 400 48 Int Nickel ... 2.000 14 Int Paper .. l.lOO 49 Invlnc Oil ... 5.800 "12 Island Oil ... 5.800 2 Jewel Tea ... l.OOO 10 K C Southern 800 26 K C So pfd Kelly-Spring.. 8.700 44 Kennecott ... 2.300 22 Keystone Tiro 200 11 Lack Steel ... 600 ... Lee Tire 200 26 Lehigh Val .. 8.900 89 Lorillard Lowe Theater 1.100 15 LAN 100 100 Mex Pet 27.600 101 Miami 1.700 22 Mid States Oil 23,300 13 Midvale Steel. 400 26 M K ft T do pfd .... 100 2 Mont Power Mont Ward .. 400 18 Mo Pac 600 20 do pfd 2.100 41 M St P ft SSM M ft St L 100 8 Nat Enamel.. 200 38 Nat Lead .... Nevada Con.. 800 12 New Haven... 4.800 14 Norfolk ft W.. 1.000 96 Nor Pac .... 1.300 77 Nov 81-0 Steel: 200 25 N T Air Brake N Y Cent 1.700 73 Okla Prod ref. 10.100 2 unl ativer . Ont ft W .. Otia Steel . . Pac O ft Elec. 200 58 58 Punta Allegro 300 27 27 Pac Oil 10.300 88 87 Pan Am Pet.. 8,500 47 46 do "B" .... 000 43 43 Penna 8.000 87 88 Peo On 1.200 52 61 Pare Marq ... - 4110 20 20 Phlla Co .... 400 80 80 Pure Oil 5.000 27 25 Pierce Arrow. 4.600 11 n Pierce Oil ... l.OOO 7 T Pitts Coal . . . 200 60 60 Pitts ft W Va 500 27 26 do pfd .... ... Pr Steel Car.. 80S 59 58 Pullman 1.000 93 93 - Ray Con .... 2.000 la 13 500 114 600 2 1,100 30 300 43 . 600 70 "iiio 8.500 12 4,300 26 20 23 1.200 40 500 36 4(10 . 66 100 25 "s'.roo 'si 7,100 5 "3110 "ii" 100 8,200 78 V.306 'ik" 2,000 34 IOO 78 IOO 68 2,100 64 'V. 300 "6 7,300 16 600 12 "ioo "iW "l.ioO 65' "1,306 'is "'266 '23 600 12 ' l',5o6 125' 1,000 10 40 64 4 23 12 124 10 39 '26" 28 74 24 87 11 97 S3 2 6 4 77 '47 14 40 10 2 10 25 42 20 10 '26 58 'l3 100 99 21 12 23 "'2 18 19 40 ' 7 '12 13 96 76 24 "72 2 800 22 22 3U 75 103 24 67 79 41 107 125 123 75 92 10 40 90 Ml 80 27 87 96 31 51 55 7 4 14 109 12 6.1 88 73 113 28 28 42 60 7 16 12 25 2.1 8 33 55 24 36 61 5 89 44 78 107 29 83 79 67 6.1 S3 3 13 J2 102 18 1 6 13 19 13 65 6 22 12 67 125 10 8 84 81 10 20 8 75 24 89 58 67 11 9.1 85 8 88 1 S 4 78 10 48 14 48 12 2 10 25 60 43 21 10 41 26 5U 146 13 100 101 22 13 25 2 2 60 18 19 40 68 9 87 7.1 12 14 94 76 25 Sli 72 2 4 22 9 58 27 7 46 43 87 51 19 80 26 11 7 60 26 7.1 68 94 Reading ..... Replogle St... Rep I ft 8.... do pfd .... Rep Motors .. Roy Dutch OH Ry Steel Spg. Sears Roebuck Shattuck Ariz. Shell T ft T.. Sinclair Stand Oil Cal. Sloss Shef .... Sou Pacific... Sou Ry do pfd ..... St L ft 8 F.... Stromb'g Carb. Studebaker ... Swift Co. . . . Tenn Cop ft Ch Texas Oil Texas Pac... Tex Pac C ft O Tob Products. . Tran Con Oil.. Union Oil Del. Union Pac .... United Alloy.. United Drug.. Un Feed Prod. United Fruit.. Un Rds ot H J do pfd Un Ret'l Stos. U S Ind Olco.. U S Rub do pfd ..... U S Smeltg.... U S Steel do pfd . . . . Utah Copper.. Va Chem do ptd Vanad Steel... Vivandou .... Wabash Wabash A pfd. Wabash B pfd. Western Pac. do pfd West Union .. Westing A B.. Westing EftM. West Md White Motors. Willys-Overld.. do pfd Wilson Pack.. Wis Central... Woolworth ... Worthtn Pump W ft L E ... $.600 luo 2.200 8,500 20 1.000 '"466 13,900 400 Y.266' 600 IOO 100 T2 23 53 46 84 71 84 21 76 SO" 20 46 23 72 2S 62 46 84 69 S3V 20 75 79" 20 46 23 5.100 74 73 500 24,800 6i0 12.9O0 60O 17.400 6.000 1,000 200 2.100 4,400 3O0 8H 2.4O0 2,000 700 8.466' 600 2,300 400 8 38 22 24 66 9 18 122 27 58 13 109 62 46 50 91 80 110 53 80 32 8 7 21 . 8 87 22 22 65 8 17 121 27 . 67 12 108 62 46 49 90 79 110 62 29 'ii' 8 7 20 800 400 6'0 400 809 28 22 600 100 Si 10 100 "466 100 100 200 "266 400 84 88 4.1 9 84 6 26 84 26 "ii" 8 82 86 44 9 84 6 28 84 26 "io 8 72 23 62 80 10 46 84 70 7 S3 20 7tt 38 711 20 46 23 20 73 93), 8 87 22 23 6.1 8 18 121 . 25 5S 13 108 8 18 52 4.1 411 90 34 79 110 62 SO 75 81 8 7 20 14 22 60 82 86 4.1 9 83 6 26 84 26 113 40 8 Ex-dividend 1. BONDS. TJ S 2a, reg...100!N Y C deb. 6s. 75 U S 2s. coup. loo Nor. Pacific 4s. 76 U 8 4s, reg. .104jNor. Pacific im. 57 U S cv 4s. cou104!Pac T ft T 5s.. 87 Pan 3s. reg... 7,Penn con 4s.. '86 Pan 3s. coup 76lSou Pac cv 0s i2 Am TftT cv 6sl02Sou Ry o..'80 Atchen gen. 4s 78 U nion Pac 4a.. 81 D ft ii cons 4s 07IU S Steel is.. Ii Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond quotations furnished by Overbeck ft Cooke company ot Portland: Closing High. Low. bid. Liberty, 3s 88 80 88.50 88.62 Liberty, first 4s 90.76 Liberty, second 4s 90.62 00.56 90 62 Liberty, first 4s 90 06 (10.84 90 86 Liberty, second 4s 90 70 90 58 90.64 l iberty, third 4s 94 02 93 94 94.00 Liberty, fourth 4s ...91.00 90.90 90.96 Victory. 4s 911.48 99.40 99.42 Victory, 3a 99.46 99.42 99.42 Mining BOSTON, Oct. Allouex Ariz. Com..... Cal. ft Ariz. . . . Centennial .... Cop. Rge. C. Co. E. Butte Cp.M. Franklin Isle Roy (cop). lake copper Mohawk .. Stork at Boston. 3. Closing quotations: is I Osceola .... 01 North Butte 49 8 80 9 2 20 2 Old Dominion .. Qulncy Superior Sup & Bo Min Shannon ...... Utah Cons. ... Wlnon . 50 I Wolverine 27 10 23 30 2 2 90 3 40 11 Money. Sliver, Etc. NEW YORK, Oct. 8. Call money firm er; high, ruling rate and offered at 5 per cent; low, closing bid and last loan. 5 per cent. Time loans steady; 60 days and 90 days 5 05 per cent; six months. 6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 805 per cent. Foreign silver 70c. Mexican dollars 53 c. LONDON. Oct 8. Bar silver, 42d per ounce. Money. 8 per cent; discount rates, short bills. 4 per cent; three months' bills, 404 9-16 per cent. Swift Co. Stock. Closing prices for Swift Co. stock at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck ft Cocke company of Portland aa follows: Swift ft Co $ 93 l.ibby, McNeil ft Libby 7 National Leather 6 bwlft International 22 . New York Bonds. New York bond quotations furnished by Herrin ft Rhodes. Inc., of Portland: Maturity. Price. Am Tob 7 1922 100 do 7s 1923 1U1 Anaconda 7s B 129 9.1 Anaconda 6s A 1929 90 Armour cv. 7a 1930 100 Armour 4s 1039 82 Argentine Gl 6s 1145 77 Am Ag Chm 7s 1941 Beth Steel 7s 1022 100 do 7s 122 luo do 7s 1923 98 do Eq 7s 1935 96 Belgium Ext 7s 1943 100 B.lgium 6s 1925 9.1 Belgium 8s 1940 99 Bergen 8s. city of 1945 100 Htrne 8s, city of 1943 101 Brazil bs 1941 99 Canadian 5s li31 92 Chicago N W 7s 1930 103 C M ft St P gnftrf4sA 2014 58 Can Nor 7 1040 103 Chil 8s 1941 98 Christiana 2s. city of 1045 101 Cor per Exp 8s 1922 IDUn do 8s 123 100 do 8s 1924 101 do 8 125 102 Cuban Am Sugar 8 1931 91) Con Oil cv 7s , 1925 102 Dia Match 7s 1935 104 Denmark 8s IH4.1 103 Danish Mun 8s 1943 101 Dupont 7s 1931 99 French ext 8s 1943 French 7s 1041 93 Grand Trunk 7s 1940 103 Goodyear 1941 103 Gulf Oil 7s 1933 99 Ilershey 7s 1930 98 l.-t Rap Tr ref 6s 1966 53 )nt Mar CT 6s 1941 82 Kennecott 7s 1930 95 Morris ft Co 7s 130 101 NYC call 7a 1930 103 Norway 8s 1040 102 Northwest Tel 7 1941 104 Ohio C a 7 1925 94 Ohio Power 7s 19.11 94 Pan Amer 7s 19.10 92 6s 1936 102 Srr. Paulo 8s 1936 97 Southwt Tel 7s 1923 98 Swedish Gvt 6s 1989 98 Standard Oil N T 7s 1931 105 Stand Oil of Cal 7a 1925 lo4 Steel ft Tube 7s 19M 92 Swiss 8s 1940 107 Sears Roe 7s 1922 98 do 7s 1923 97 Solvay 8s 1027 99 Sw:ft ft Co 7 1923 100 In Tank 7a 1930 102 V 8 Rubber 7s 1930 101 Wilson Is 6s 1U28 83 West Eleo 7s 1:123 101 Westlnghouse 7a 1931 102 Zurich 8s 1945 101 Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furnished by the Overbeck ft Cooke company of Portland: Rid. Belgian rest 5s ............. 65 Belgian prem .Is 67 do 7s. 1943 102 do 8s. 1941 101 do 6s. 1925 95 Brazil Ss (new) 99 British 5s. 1922 374 do 5s. 11S21 R 6.1 do 5s. 1929 36.1 do vky 4s 280 do ref 4s 270 Bordeaux 6s. 19.14 63 Canadian 5s. 1926 .. 94 do 5 'is. 1929 9:t do 6s. 1931 90 do 6s. 1921 99 do 6s, 1927 86 Chilean 8a, 1941C 98 Currency 8 Denmark 8s. 1945 103 Dan. Muni. Ss. 1945 102 French 4s. 1917 40 do 5s, 1931 5.1 do 7s. 1941 9.1 do 8s. 1943 100 Paris 6s 99 German W L 5s 6 Merlin 4 .. Hamburg 4 do 4s Leipslg 4s do 5s Munich 4s .......... do 5s Frankfort 4s Italian 5s. 1918 Jap 4s. 1931 do 1st 4. 1923... do 2d 4s. 1025 .. Norway Ss. 1940 .... Russian 5s. 1921 .. do 5. 1926 do 6s. 1919 Swiss As. 1929 .... do 8s. 1940 D K 5s. 1921 do 5s, 1922 do 5s, 1029 do Ss, 1937 7 I 1 8 7 2 7 81 70 8.1 85 106 14 ,1 90 107 99 98 91 89 Ask. 68 70 102 102 9.1 100 884 875 878 200 280 84 94 94 !0 700 88 98 10 10.1 102 46 66 93 100 100 I 9 9 8 9Mj-f 8 . 10 8 82 71 86 86 100 16 5 16 91 107 100 $?- 90 Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rate at the close of business yesterday, furnished by North western National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent of th foreign unit in United State funds: Country. Unit, Rate. Austria, kronen $ .0013 Belgium, franc 0708 Bulgaria, leva 0082 Czecho-Slovakia. kronen Denmark, kroner England, pound sterling Finland, finmark France, francs Germany, marks Greece, drachmas Holland, guilders Hungary, kronen Italy, lire Jugo-Slavia. kronen Norway, kroner Portugal, escudo Roumanla. lei Serbia, dinara Spain, pesetas Sweden, kroner ................... Switzerland, francs China Hongkong, local currency. Shanghai, taels Japan, yen NEW YORK, Oct. 8. Foreign exchange Irregular. Great Britain, demand $3.72, cables $3.73; France, demand 7.09, cables 7.09; Italy, demsnd 3.97. cables 3.9S; Belgian, demand 6.98. cables 6 98; Ger many, demand 79, cables 79; Holland, demand 32.04, cable 32.10; Norway, de mand 12.20: Sweden, demand. 22.3.1; Den mark, demand, 18.00; Switzerland, demand. 17.40; Spain, demand, 13.03; Greece, de mand. 4.78; Argentina, demand, 32.73; Brazil, demand, 13.12; Montreal, 90 15-16. .0110 f .1815 I 8.7400 I .0153 1 .0712 .01186 .0490 .321.1 .0023 .IH02 .0005 .1240 .1(1X0 .0O1M .0183 .1.110 .221.1 .1740 .5775 .8200 .4800 pittic iiwn wigs mink! uni ill niiu uuuu nim PRICES LOWER WITH MODER ATE RUX AT XARDS. T VISIBLE SUPPLY INCREASE LESS TIIAX EXPECTED. Decrease In Quantity on. Passage Also Has Bullish Effect on ' Chicago Market. CHICAGO, Oct. 8. Bullish view regard ing the domestic visible supply figures and about the amount of wheeu on ocean pas sage led to a sudden upturn today In the price of wheat. The market closed nerv ous, to 1c net higher, with December $1.18 4o $1.18 and May $1.23 to $1.23. Corn gained to 0c and oat to c In provisions, the outcome was unchanged to 12 cents higher. In tha beginning the wheat market showed considerable depression, with bears putting stress on the apparent absence of new export business and on predictions of a liberal enlargement of the United States visible supply. Later, however, the mar ket developed notable strength, largely ss a result of correct anticipations that the increase expected In the visible supply would be much smaller than was the case a week ago. A decided curtailment of the stock ot wheat afloat on the ocean counted also as a stimulus to the buying side. On the other hand, profit-taking sales in the last half hour wiped out a good part of the day's advance. Surprise over a shrinkage In the visible supply of corn helped to rally the corn market. Earlier, though, December corn had sold at tbe lowest price yet this sea son. Oats merely reflected the changes in wheat and corn. Provisions averaged higher, with hogs, and as a result of some decrease in the stock of lard here. The "Chicago grain letter, received yes terday by the Overbeck ft Cooke company of Portland, follows: Wheat It was apparent from the start that the liquidation, which was so con spicuous late last week, was temporarily at an end. Active buying by eastern In terests found the market very responsive. There was also a change In the general character of news, especially statistics of the visible supply, the passage statement! showing a decrease of more than 10.000.000 busheis. while the United States visible. In the face of large receipts and small clear ances. Increased only bushels. The seaboard reported 750.000 bushels, mainly Manltobas. The local cash market was strong with premiums higher for good grades. Country offerings to arrlv were light. , , Corn New low levels were established early In the day, but the market showed good resistance thereafter and later in the session a short covering movement set In with the posting of the visible supply, showing a decrease of 726.00O bushels, where an increase was expected. The cash market was lower at the start on receipts of 1475 cars, but closed firm at Saturday s basis. . Oats Had an Independently strong tone most of the session, meeting good buyer on the email decline, followed later by rather aggressive short covering. Visible decrease smaller than expected at 802.0O0 bushels. . Rye Scattered buying by the seaboard was aatlsfied by hedglnr sale from the northwest and the market fluctuated with in a comparatively narrow range. Leading futures ranged aa follow: WHEAT. High. $1.20 1.20 CORN. .50 .50 OATS. .36 .36 .40 .41 Dec. May. Dee. May. . Open. . $117 . 1.21 . .49 . .04 Dee. May Low. 11.16 1.21 .48 .64 .35 .40 Close. $1.18 1.23 .49 .55 .36 .40 MESS PORK. Nor. . . Jan.. . Oct.. Jan. . LARD, 10.12 10.12 9.20 9.22 SHORT RIBS. 10.05 9.1ft 17.00 15.00 10.03 9.20 Oct " ' J Jan..... 7.95 7.95 7.92 7.92 Cash prices were: Wheat No 3 red. $1.21; No. 2 hard, $1.1601.17. Corn No. 2 mixed, 4647c; No. 2 yellow, 47 047c. Oats No. 2 whit. 34033c; No. S white. 82 34c. Rye No. 2. 92 c Barley 50.19c. Timothy seed $4.2304.75. Clover seed $12018. Pork Nominal. Lard $10.03. Ribs $7 8. Winnipeg Grain Market. WINNIPEG, Man, Oct. 8 Cash wheat No. 1 northern. $1.27: No. 2. $1.26; No. 3, $1.22: No. 4. $1.16. Futures Wheat, October, $126; No vember, $1.27: December, $1.22. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 8. Cash wheat No. 1 dark northern fancy, $1.4301.47; No. 1 dark hard Montana, $1.2601.28; No. 1 bard Montana, $1.2401.26. Barley 88055c. Flax No. 1. $1.85 01.87. Futures Wheat, December, $1.28; May. $1.29. Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE. Oct. 3. Wheat Hard white, hard red winter, $1.10: soft white, white club, $1.09; soft red winter. $1.08; northern spring, $1.12; eastern red Walla, $1.06; Big Bend bluestem, $1.18. . City delivery Corn who! yellow, $37; cracked. $39: feed meal, $39; barley whole feed, $34; rolled, $36; ground, $16; clipped, $41; oat whole feed, $36; rolled, $38; ground, $38; sprouting, $41; wheat, re cleaned feed, $45; all grain chop, $38; chick feed. $o7; chick mash. $04; grow ing feed, $55; growing mash, $02; egg mash. No. B. M., $47; scratch feed. $40; wheat mixed feed. $23; cocoanut meal, $27; linseed oil meal. $00; soy' bean meal, $08. Hay Alfalfa. No. 1. $20; mixed. No. 1. $22; timothy, No. 1. $27; straw. $18. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 3. Grain Wheat, milling, $1.9502.02; feed. $1,950 2 02; barley, feed. $1.1701.20; ship ping, $1.2501.32; oats red feed, $1,500 1.60; corn, white Egyptian, $1.7001.80; red mllo, $1.7001.75. Hay Wheat, No. 1; $15018; fair, $130 15; tame oats, $12015; wild oat, $100 12; alfalfa, $12014; stock, $8010; straw nominal. QUOTATIONS ON DA1RT PRODUCE Better Price Ruling aa Butter, Cheese and Eggs. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. . Dairy Prod ac Exchange closed XTVTxr vnn W n.t a nittte Vlrm Creamery higher than extras, 45 046c; ereamerv extra. 44 045c: creamery 1st. 87 044c. Eggs Firmer. Fresn gatnerea extra firsts. 47 0 50c; fresh gathered firsts, 42046c. Cheese Firm. State whole milk flats, fresh specials, 22022c; state whole milk twins, specials, 21 022c CHICAGO, Oct 8. Butter Higher. Creamery extras, 44c; standards, 88c; firsts, 84 0 43c; seconds, 30 0 32c. Eggs Unchanged; receipts. 9204 cases; firsts. 88040c; ordinary firsts, 84038c; miscellaneous, 37 0 33c. SEATTLE. Oct. S. Eggs Select local ranch, white shells, 68c; do mixed colors, 60c; pullets. 88040c Butter City creamery, cube. 46c; bricks or prlntat 48c Cotton Market, NEW YORK, Oct. 8. Spot cotton (toady. Middling. 2X830, . , j All Grades of Cows and ITeifers De cline Quarter a'nd Hog Di vision Loses More. The run at the stockyards yesterday was lighter than usual, amounting to 99 loads, of which 25 loads were through sh.pmenta Notwithstanding the smaller supply, the market ruled weak, particu larly on cattle and hogs. The three grades of cows and heifers were a quarter lower and the regular top on steers was established st $5.75. though a load of fancy cattle shipped In by Harry 3IcNutt of Roblnette, Or., brought an ex treme top of $6. The range In the hog market was from 5" to 75 cents lower than Saturday's clos inir, with prime light -hogs quoted at $;0.25. The eastern Oregon experimental station at Union shipped in a car ot fancy berkshlres which, brought a premium, selling at $10.75. Three loads of hogs among the receipts were a direct ship ment. There was no change In the general tone of th sheep or lamb marketa Receipts were 1990 cattle. 145 calve, 773 hogs and 2823 sheep. The day's sales were as follows: steers 6 steer 8 steers 5 steers 16 steers 2 steers 4 steers 8 steers 20 steers 2 steer 4 steers 11 steers 27 steer 23 steers 28 steers 17 steers 2 steers 12 steers 5 steers 13 steers 27 steer 26 steers 21 steers .12 steers 40 steers 22 steers 6 steers - 2 steers 10 steers 14 steer 2 steers 24 steers 27 steers 9 steers 5 steers 3 steers 31 steers 4 steers 4 steers 5 steers 4 steers 17 steers 19 steers 27 steers 11 steers 14 steers 3 steers 18 steers 3 steers 24 steers 26 steers 14 steers 8 steers 26 steers 12 steers 6 steers 8 steers 12 cows 6 cows 22 cows 2 cows 2 cows 2 cows 4 cow 2 cows 6 cows 8 cows 2 cows 6 cows 14 cows 10 cows 2 cows 6 cows 19 cows 4 cows 3 cows 5 cows 2 cows 16 cows 5 cows 4 cows 8 cows 11 cows 2 cows 4 cows 10 cows 2 cows 8 cow 8 cow 2 cow " 2 cows 5 cows 8 cows 3 cows 28 cows 2 cows 7 cows 5 cows 8 cows 2 cow 6 cows 4 cows 2 cows 28 cows 20 cows 8 cows 8 cows 31 cows 3 cows 31 cows 13 calves 2 calves 2 calves 8 calves 1 calf . calf . f . calf . calves calve bull bull bull bull bull bull atag stK Wt. Price . 968 $4.80 .1121 4.75, 868 . 928 .1070 .1140 .1053 .1183 . 931 . 980 .1014 . 94 .11117 . 898 .1191 . Uhi .11.10 .13J0 .1120 .1105 .1080 .1148 .1136 . 1036 .1046 .10.1.1 . 7.13 . 904 .1086 .1047 .1145 .11119 .108.1 .1086 . 924 .1036 .10.1O . 862 . 8S2 . 976 . 805 . 995 . 910 . 975 .1120 .1023 .1203 .10(18 .1200 .1111 .1018 . 938 .1012 . 92.1 .1043 .1166 . 912 .. 929 .. 892 .. 8.1.1 . . 925 .. 795 . .10SO . . 902 . . 883 ..1073 ..1008 . . 90.1 ..1018 . . 994 ..1124 ..loot) ..1071 . . 1004 . . 9.15 ..1090 ..1024 . .1020 .. 985 ..1098 . .109.1 .. 988 .. 064 ..11.15 .. 927 ..loss .. 90.1 .. 968 .. 905 .. 900 ..1140 ..1098 .. 893 ..146 .. 985 .. 940 ..1022 .. 793 .. 883 ..11.10 ..1070 ..1010 .. 7.1 . . 9K3 .. 668 .. BS9 .. 860 ..1009 965 947 290 3.1.1 17.1 2.18 340 4 3.1 5. (Ml 4 50 4.50 4.50 5.20 4.. 10 1 5.0(11 5.001 6.001 5.001 4.7.1 5.00 4. .101 4.2.V 4.2.1, S.OOl 4 (10 4 85 5.2.11 5 2.11 4.75; 5.0O S.OOl 29 4.701 4.00 5 s.ool 4. 3ll B.0OI 5. 4. .101 5 oo 5.501 5.501 4 75 4.75 4.75 4.00 4.7.1 4 7.1 4.75 5 40 6.10 6.2.1 5.2.1 5.2.1 6.001 5.7.1 6.3.1 5.3.1 4. 4.801 4 .1(1 4.6.1; 4 GO 8.80 4 10 4.2.1 4.2.1! 2.8.11 4 (1(1 4.00 4 001 8.501 2.5(11 4 00 3.5011 hog . 1 hog 1 hog .. 13 hogs . 17 hogs . 16 hogs . 44 hogs . 13 hogs . 15 hogs . 1 hog .. ft hogs . S hogs . 24 hogs . 4 huKs . 1 hog .. 2 hogs . 1 hog .. 21 bogs . 21 hogs . 64 hogs . 20 hogs . 13 hogs . 7 hogs . 13 hogs . 5 hogs . hogs . hog .. hogs . hogs . hogs . hog . . hogs . hog . . 10 hogs . 6 hogs . 2 hogs . 2 hogs . 4 hogs . 28 hogs . 16 hogs . 1 hog .. 7 hogs . 15 hogs 1 hog .. 6 hoKS . 1 hog .. 8 hogs . 14 hogs . 1 hog .. 1 hog .. 4 hogs . 70 hogs . 25 lambs 39 lambs 26 lambs 22 lamba 1 lamb , 89 lambs 5 lambs 8 lambs 49 lambs 15 lambs 1 ewe .. 8 ewes . 1 ewe . 12 ewes . 13 yearl 9 yearl . 53 yearl , 1 yearl Wt. Price. . 815 09.00 . 825 7 00 . 810 7.00 . 198 10.00 . 203 10.23 . 173 10.2.1 . 196 10.20 . 186 10.25 . ll4 10.23 . 120 10.25 . 2.10 9.60 . 1.18 10.00 232 9.50 210 420 425 3O0 276 9 60 6 50 8.50 9 00 9.00 9.00 195 10.00 2(19 10.00 225 10.00 267 9.50 2.12 10 00 248 9.50 172 10.00 310 8 00 146 10.00 275 9.5(1 200 10.00 8(8) 8.0(1 213 9.50 340 8 00 202 1000 2(18 9.75 . 135 135 97 116 82 32 9 00 9 50 9 50 9.50 9.50 8 00 138 10.00 17.1 10 00 370 8 00 4.401 4 401 4 .001 4.401 8 501 4.501 4.501 4 501 8.00 S 50 8.50 3. .11)1 3.2.11 2.50 4.50! 8 00 4 501 4 .101 4.001 4 50 3.50 8.00 1.50 4.00 4 no 4.50 4 00! 4.00 186 . 470 . 216 . 223 . 801) . 340 . 2(15 . 14.1 . 57 . 64 . 70 . 63 . SO . 6'.) . 66 . 63 . 1 . 87 . 80 . 113 . KlO . 120 . 110 . 94 . 86 . 91 . 102 . ISO . 870 . 810 . 841) .1063 . 9.12 .1075 . 873 .1081 . 999 1123 4.501113 yearl . 4.731 1 weth . S.OOl 1 steer . 4 B0 1 steer , 4.001 1 steer . 4.501 17 susers 4 001 13 steers 8.501 2 steers 4.401 29 steers 4.40 6 steers 11 steer 2 steers 8 steers .10(13 8SO 990 995 741 90S ..1170 ..1020 ..1(120 .. 872 ..11.10 ..10CO ..1130 ..1028 . . 8 SO .. 998 .. 900 .. 9i7 ..10(18 ..1000 ,.110 .. 920 .. 41 4H0 2 steers 8 steers 27 steers 17 mixed 2 cows 1 cow ., 1 cow ., 2 cows 23 cows 11 cows 8 cows 1 cow ., 22 cows 1 cow . 10 cows 2 cow 4 cows 8 cows 8 cows 1 cow ., 3 rows , 4 hogs , 1 hog .. 67 hogs 12 hogs 4.001 10 hogs 4 00 1 hog .. 5 8.11 17 hogs 7 501 2 hoes 9 (101 21 lamba 6 .101 7 lambs S. 001248 lambs 110 10.001 5 lambs 220 10.001 1 lamb 120 11.001113 lambs 182 10 .101 50 lambs 9 6 .10 9.7.1 9.20 6 30 8 3.1 8.3.1 9 3.1 4 7.1 4. .10 4 50 4.00 4.50 4.8.1 8.00 8.00 4.00 5.00 3 00 8.00 2.50 2.00 8 00 4. 10 4.50 8 00 4 .10 8.00 5..10 3.00 5.00 6.00 S.0O 4.75 4.00 5. .10 s.oo 5.00 6.00 S.OO 5.00 4.50 2.50 2.50 8 00 3 00 3.00 4 .10 8 7-1 8.00 2.50 4.00 8.00 4 40 2.75 2.00 4 10 8.75 3 00 3 50 7 7s 7.7.1 205 10.7.1 193 10.00 262 10.2.1 190 10.25 175 10 00 2.10 0.OO 73 64 81 68 70 80 83 148 70 91 95 99 90 1(12 83 86 84 125 6 00 6.00 6 00 4 00 6 0 6 00 6 00 2. .10 2 00 2.00 4 7.1 4 00 4 50 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 3.50 tin Ion 5 S0" 5 75 B.259 5.50 4 50f 5 00 3.7.1'a) 4 .10 4 2.1(h) 4 75 5 2040 4.26 4 25 5 50 3 7.1i 4.25 SOOftf 3.75 2.2.1 lit 3 00 1.25W 2 2.1 2. 50 8 2.1 10 .10f 11 00 10 00010 .10 7 00 10.00 5.500 7.00 10 00 910.23 8 .K'W 9 .10 7.50fl 8 60 5 OO'i 7 00 lO.OO'irlO 2.1 9 50"i 10 00 4.00 0 6.00 . 823 3 501 5 ewes .1320 8 001 1 ewe ...1190 8 2.11 9 ewes ...1210 S00II9J yearl ...1390 3 2.11 11 yearl ...1.190 8 001 4 yearl ...1(100 3. 001 8 yearl . .. 910 8 001213 weth .. 925 8 501257 weth 11) mlnil . 475 5 901275 weth 6 mixed . 420 5.7.11 45 yearl 16 hoga .. 181 9 .101 Price quoted at the Portland etrwkvarda Were SS follOWSl Choice steer . . . .' I Medium to good steers Fair to medium steers Common to fair steer Cnolce feeders Fair to good feeders Choice cows and heifers...... Mtalum to good cows, heifer Fair to medium cows, heifers Common cows Canners ..................... Bulls Choice dairy calve Prime light calves Medium light calves Heavy calvee Hogs Prime lijrht Smooth heavy, 210 to 800 lba Smooth heavy. 800 lba up.... ltrugh heavy Fat plga Feeder pigs Stags Sheep East-of-mountaln lamb 6 00W 6 30 Best valley lamb 5.50W 6 00 Fair to good ft.OO a 8 .10 Cull lambs 1.00M 8 00 Eastern Oregon feeder 4 AO'S 5 00 Feeder lambs , 1.500 8 00 Light yearlings 4 00 f 4.50 Heavy yearlings 2.507s 8.00 Light wethers 8 50fr 4.00 Heavy wethers 2 00r 2.00 i.vse 1.000 3.00 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 3. (United State bu reau of markets.) Cattle Receipts, 20. 000; beef and butcher cattle generally strong to 20o higher; common grassers unchanged; early top, $11.15; bulk beef steers. 69. 75; bulk fat cows and heif ers, $3.8506; bulls, stockers and feeders, steady to strong; bolognas largely $3,850 4.C5; veal calves, slow to lower; heavy calve, steady. Hogs Receipt, 30,000, mostly lOo to 20. higher than Saturday's average; top, $8 45; bulk lights and light butchers, 18 1508.40; bulk packing sows, $6,500 6 90; pigs, 10c to 15c higher; bulk desir able. $7.25 0 7.50. Sheep Receipts, 89.000; opening mostly sttsdy; fat sheep strong to 25o higher; early sales fat nativs lambs to packers, $808.25; top city butchers, $8.50; some held higher; fed western ewes, $4.75; heavy natives, $3.2503.50; feeder demand strong: first sales feeder lamb $7; sev eral loads held here. Kasias City Livestock Market, KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Oct. 8. (United States bureau of marketa) Cattle Re ceipt. 41.000; fed steer steady to weak; early ale, $708.75; best yearling of fered $9; grassers numerous, very few sold early; ta.klng weak to 25c lower: fat ah stock steady to weak; many bids lower' on better grades; early sales cows $3 7505; heifers. $406.50; canners and cutters steady, canners mostly $2,500 2.75; cutters, $303.50; bulls, steady, most ly $3.2504.23; calves, steady to 60c lower; good vealera $9; odd cholcs lots, $9,500 10; most heavy and medium weight $5 06.25; stockers and feeder rteady to 250 lower; early eale atockers. $406.25; feed ers, steady to 25c lower; early sales stock, era, $400.25; 'feeders, $0 stock Buy Simple to It is as easy to buy a good bond at this bank as it is a sack of sugar at your grocer's, because no bond is sold unless it , is suitable for the bank's own investment. For Yields Ranging to 7.25- Issne Hue. Port of Portland 6s .1926 City of Bend 6s 1931 Province British Columbia 6s 1925 Province of Saskatchewan 6s 1924 Argentine Republic 7s '. 1923 Tie-Id. 5.70-, 6.25 7.25 7.25 7.20 Deschutes County, Ore., 6s Due 1932-42, Yield S.875 A $16,000,000 security with a $175,000 debt Broadway and Oak calves steady to strong; many sales, $9 0 6 25. Kogi Receipts, 6500; fairly active; un evenly 10c to 15c higher with last week's close; best 195 to 225-pound welirhts to packers snd shippers, $7.90; 225 to 260 pound ' weights, $7.80; bulk of sales. $70 7.8"c; throw-out sows, 1525o higher: bulk, $6.250 6 50; piss, steady to 10c higher; top. $8 85. Sheep Receipts, 15,000. killing clssses generslly steady; top westerns, $8.40; bulk. $8 08.30. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Oct. 8. (United States bureau of marketa) Hogs Receipts, 3000; un even, steady to ISo higher; bulk packing gradea. $06 40; bulk medium and light butchers, $; top. 18. Cattle Recelpta. 14.700; fed steers, steady; early top yearlings, $9.75; west erns and she stock steady to 20c lower; bulk veal steady; stockers and feeders, steady to 25c hijthcr. Sheep Receipts, 25,300; all classes strong to 20c higher; early top western lambs, $8 50; some held higher: wethers. M.75; ewes, $4; early top feeding iambs, $7.00. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Oct. 3. Hogs, steady: re ceipts, 75; prime, $11011.50; smooth heavies, 1809; rough heavies, $6.6007.50; pigs, $9.50011. . Cattle, weak; receipts. 887; prime steers, SG06.25; medium to choice, $506; com mon to good, $405; best cows and heif ers, $505.25; medium to choice, $41i5: common to good. $3(84; canners, $1,500 2.50; light calves. $10011; medium calves, $809.00; heavy calves, $00 8; bulls, $304.50. SAN IHANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits. Etc.. at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 8. Vegetables Squash. 40-pound lug. SOc 0 $1.25 ; potatoes. $203.75; onions, yeiiow, $3; brown, $3.2; tomatoes, $ lug: cucumbers, 5(lc0 $1 lug; bell peppers, 804c; beans, string. 46c; limas. 80loc; carrots, $1 0 1 .25 sack ; egg plant. $101.25 lug; corn, $203 sack; lettuce, $1.25 crate; celery, $304 crate; peas, 810c pound: spinach, 4o pound; sprouts, 64 08c pound. Poultry Hens, 25033c; young roosters. 20 0 2.1c; old roosters. 10018c; young chick ens, 30 0 48c; ducks, 21c; dressed turkeys, 40c: live turkoys, 30 050c. Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $408 25; lem ons, $4.5000.20; grapefruit. $405.50; ap ples, 8H and 4-tler, $12002.50; straw berries, per orate. $1.25 01.50; raspberries, per drawer, 7508.1c; blackberries, per drawer, 50060c; peaches, per small box. 8.1e$1.75; cantaloupes, standard. per crato. $203; figs. slnKle layer, 0.108.1c; plums, per crate. $202.50: casabas. per dozen. 6.1e$l; watermelons, per dozen. $203; grapus. per crate, seedless, $1,600 175: others, $1.2501.75; pears, per box. $2.5003.75; prunes, per crate, $1.2502.20; cranberries, per box, $.105.50. Receipts Flour. 4.1(14 quarter sacks; wheat, 16O0 centals; barley. 178 619 centals; corn, 2400 centals; potatoes, 6119 sacks; onions, 1441 sacks; hay, 233 tons; hides, 800; livestock, 200 head. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 8. Copper, steady: electrolytic, spot and nearby, 121 012c; later, 12c. Tin. stesdy. Spot and nearby, 26.87c; futures, 27c. Iron, steady; No. 1 Northern, 121022; No. 2 Northern, $20.50021; No. 2 South ern, $19.50020. I,ead, firm. Spot, 4. 70 4 75c. Zinc, steady. East Sl Louis delivery, spot? 4.50c. Antimony, pot 5 ft 5.25c. Naval Stores. etAVATTNATT. r-a.. Oct. 3. Turpentine firm. 60c; sales. 300 barrels: receipts. 221 barrels; hlpnients, 1442 barrels; stock, SSRol (rteady. 8a!es. 568 barrels; re ceipts, 898 barrels; shipments, 4717 bar rels: Stock. 74.034. tiuote: B. $.1 90; D. $3.91: E, $4; F. $4.10; C. f 4.10; H. $4 I. $4.35; K, $4 60; M, $4.90; N. $3; W G, $3.40; WW, $0.50. nop at New York. NEW TOR K, Oct. 3. Hops quiet. Ptate, 1921. 38040c; Pacific coast, 1921, 83042o; 1920, 2029c; Dnlnth Linseed Market. DTT7.TTTH. Oct. 3. Linseed on track and to arrive, $1.884: New Tork Sugar Market. yww YORK. Oct. 3. Raw sugar, cen- Toledo Edison Prior Preferred Stock S Cumulative Par Value f 100. An attractive Electric Light and power security. Net earnings after Interest re quirements $1,297,900. Dividend requirements on thla issue two hundred thousand. Price 98, yielding about 8.15 Circular reqnest tor OR -4 It The National City Company Office in more than SO cltlea. Yes Bids;., Portland. Telephone -Main 6072. WHAT'S IN A NAME? Maintenance of a high standard of quality in a product used by the public over a long period of fine eventually impressed the name of the artiole on the retina of the public eye In a way that makes the name symbolic-of perfection. For example: The words Vlctrola and Phonograph are synonymous; and the name of Warrenite-Bltulithic always occurs to one's mind In connect'on with the highest type of pavement on account of Its resilient character and Its extraor dinary durability under all conditions. trlfugal, $4.23; refined fin granulated, $0.50. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK, Oct. 3. Evaporsted apple nominal. Prunes steady, Californlas, 0 17Sc; Oregons, 714 018c. Peaches firm, standards, 11c; choice, 12iB12c; fancy, HiflJUc For October Investment Portlnnd Imp. 8s, to yield about B.7.V1-. $3000 est. Feb. 1, 1927, C 101.50. Douglas Co., iYn rood 6s to yield 6;. $2(101) May 1, 192.1, m 100. JOHO May 1, 1021, 100. Enterprise Imp. 8, to yield 6, $2000 est. Jan 1, 1924. 0 100. I ,os llanos, Cal., water 6Vis, to yield 6"r. $1000 April 1. 1024. 0 9S.R6. Fresno Co., Cal., road 7s, to yield 6'-4'. $10(10 April 22. 19!!i. 0 100.92. $1000 April 22, 1920, fir 1(11.74. $1000 April 22. 1927, 0 1U2.4.1. Tort of Sluslnw s, to yield OV'irA. $1000 Jan. 1. 1!I2(I, '(f 98.17. $20(10 Jan. 1, 1931, da 9(1.10. $1000 Jan. 1. 1932, 0 911 30. rullmnn Imp. 7s, to yield 77r. $2000 est. Ju)y 18, 1922, 0 100. Toppenlsh Imp. 7s. to yield Ifr. $-.00 est. Sept. 15, 1922, luO. Cnlnnrv -h. diet. . to yield 7.60. $0000 May 1, 1022. 0 99.10. Greater Vancouver sewer 5s, to yield 87r. $2000 March 8, 1923, 0 90 00.. Kdmonton 6s. to yield 9. $1000 Sept. 1, 1922, 0 97.42 Bethlehem Steel 7. to yield 7. $1000 July 10, 1922, 0 100. Canadian Northern 6s to yield 7 -4. $1000 July 1. 1923, 0 9S. Flsk Knbber Co. Ss. to yield 8.10. $13,500 Sept. 1, 1941, 0 99. Nevnda-Cntifnmlit Electric Corp. Ss, to yield S.SOTv. $7000 April 1. 1926, 0 90.30. New Issues. Port of Portland 6s, to yield 6.65. July 1. 192(1. 0 101. .10. Government of Argentina 7s, to yield 7.20. October 1, 1923. 9 99.625. Cull or Write for Detail. Rl'sss a as m aa Svir rtttiririix . sMrrr WOUND FLOOSt WAMP bun ) miuHU fir-ru aub srrasuc CO avsss ST) OWNERS frequently find that the time spent in managing their property is worth much more to them than the fee for a more com plete manage ment service. Strong 6 MacNaugmton CORBETT BUILDING PORTLAND OREGON Free to Investors How to Figure Margin Fully explains marginal trading, equities, short sales, odd lots, etc. Write. for b-: Edwin E. Kohn & Co. ssaben) Oonaolldsted Stork Exchsngi ef Nw Tork SS Broadway, N. Y. HERRIN& RHODES, Inc. Established 1896. BROKERS Sew York Strvrkii. Bond, (irnin, Cotton lliinrnl of Trade. f 201- TUUway KxchitnRe Bldff. Telephone Main .i!i3-2M. HOTEL HOYT Strictly Fireproof. Near both depots and coovenltMit car nervlc to all parte of city. Slnjcle Rooms Without Until, fl and o biiijEi- Room- WiU KiilIi. 'i and up J-XUsbKT b. aUOUsK. MaJUMrer.