THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1921 1ft KKAL KSTATK. . I MEAL ESTATE. HEAfj KSTATE. REAL ESTATE. I REAL ESTATE, I VANTED-REA,. ESTATE. I TO EXCHANCE-REAt. ESTATE. J 0Zt! ,u.umcn: - t. i .. : i c-t ..... i ci. I r op (aie farms. Knr -- i ror khia iioanm. i u v . , HOMES IN RESTRICTED DISTRICTS ROSE CITY. Choice 5-room and attic bungalow, ft replace, hardwood rioors, 2 blocks from bandy blvd.; $-1500, $500 cash. eara old, strictly modern, with garage; .5500. 4 750 each. ft-room and attic, strictly modern with tMM) II.UMk rah. garage, in.'.xi, slaw cam, New England colonial, 6 rooms, sun room, den and sleeping porch, with Ka ra go. $6200, $ 1 500 cash. IRVINGTON. 8-room artistic story and half bunga low, with garage. $'1750, $2250 cash. MANY OTHER BUYS. J. K. I1AIOHT, REALTOR, 827 Bd. of Trade. Bdwy. 2045, Humes In restricted districts. ROSE CITT PARK. LAURELHURST. If you are going- to buy In either of these pnpuiar districts, you owe it to yourself to inspect our list ings. Those who want to sell, nat- uraily list their property with us. No, obligations positively. A. O. TEKPE CO.. Insurance Realtors Loans. 270 Mark St., near 4th. Main 8092. East 6ide Office, 40th and Sandy. Tabor ifbUG. RUSK CITY PARK. y,V00 To the man who can get (he bonus loan, here is the biggeat snap we have ever offered, you can pay 9300 down, appiy the bonus loan and will take the second mortgage for the bal ance, this la a real up-to-tbe-mlnute bungalow, has that large living room you have been looking for and that large plate glass window, fares east on one of Roue City's best paved streets; if you are looking for a bargain on easy terms, you cannot find the equal. For appoint ment, see HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office, 50th and Bandy. Tabor MY Open Sunday. IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW. Concrete porch, east front, large living room, French doors, break fast nook, hardwood floors throughout; first floor 5 rooms, 2 on second floor; IHth st.. near Sis klyou. Real bargain, $7250. McDoNNELL, EAST 41. ALAMEDA. A REAL UP-TO-DATE BUN GALOW WITH ALL MODERN BUILT - INS. HARDWOOD FLOORS, FURNACE. BEST LO CATION. $3750, REASONABLE TfclRM. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK CO., 210 OREGON BLDG. uowr. loos. INCOME PROPERTY. At 19S, 200, 202 Knott street, also Just around the corner at 651 Commercial street, we have 4 houses for tale. These have 5 or 6 rooms each and are excel lent Income properties, also walking dis tance and near Eliot school. Price lOooo, terms, or will sell singly, would accept mortgage paper In exchange KOBNBTT McCLURE. REALTORS, Marshall 3202. 3Q2 t'nurh Hldg. ROPE CITT PARK. K03 East 4Hth st. North. Attractive 6-room bungalow, attic, breakfast room, gna heat, garage, lawn, tc. QUICK HALM DESIRED. See 1 to 5 P. M. Owner, Tabor 504S. EX-SERVICE MEN. We have large listings of desirable home sites and can help you finance building. Our office has full Informa tion to your Interest regarding applica tion of bonus loan. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK A CO., Established 106. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1659 A REAL FAMILY HOME. 94H.'o $1000 DOWN. Lot loos 100, all sorts or fruit trees, berries and flowers, wonderful lawn, fine garage. The house is almost too well built. H has four bedrooms, one large one li on the first floor. ALV1N JOHNSON, REALTOR, 204 Board of Trade. Broadway 37. WE HAVE IT. The price is $ tooo. Juat finished. 5-room bungalow in Alberta, near Ala meda: 2 additional rooms can be added up t airs. Purchaser can have own se lection of electric fixtures, furnace and wall paper. Phono Bdwy. 103S or call 210 OregonMdg. ROSE CITY PARK. 4250. On Hoth at., near Sandy; owner forced to sell thia real up-to-date bungalow, just 1 year old ; has hardwood floors and couldn't be duplicated today for $5H more than 1 asked ; reasonable term. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co., 210 Oregon hid Bdwy. 105M I HAWTHORNE. $4,100. Six-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, and a beauty. This Is equal to anything we know of under $oo0O. Some terma. COW A. McKENNA CO., 2 Fourth St. Main 4522. 913.-IO WORTH 9 1 830. House and U acre, fruit trees, base ment, gas, city water, flowers, suburb; extra nice place. Owner must so east. Easy terms. McFARLAND REALTY CO.. Kalling Bldg. THE SNAP OK YOUR LIFE. 9LHHH) Five-room cottage and 60x100 corner, one block to car; street is all In and paid except $150; can be handled on easy terma. 015 Chamber of Com merce bldg. 9100 DOWN, Balance $13 per month, on brand-new 8-room cottage In Lenta. Fruit trees and shade trees, close to rarllne and school, near paved street. Price 91000. Tabor 2645. KENTON NEW BUNGALOW. 9273 down, swell, cozy, 5-room mod ern home, big lot, near Kenton, MA car, and school You will appreciate thia Payments about 923 monthly. Main 3500. QUIN. 200 Morgan Bldg. Realtor. ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. 9200 down takes one of the best Mon iavtila homes, fully modem, Dutch kitch en, fireplace, etc., balance $2250, month ly payments. Call at 206 Morgan, bldg. Main 300. $3650 iMT. TABOR DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow In excellent condi tion; fireplace, gas stove, water heater, H bearing fruit trees, lots of small fruit; cor. lot. M)xl24. 1275 E. Yamhill. Auto. 222-73. Bv owner. BETTER HOUSES FOR LESS. If you have a clear lot and $50 we Will build you a modern bun gal d w. RTAN REALTT A BUILDING CO., 415-6 Ablngton Bldg. Marshall 58 IS. CLOSE IN NEAR SANDY BLVD. Cosy, convenient four-room house, near R. C. and M. V. car, exceptional value; $2650; $40 rash, balance monthly. 122 E. 27th st. N. East 0012. SOME BUY. fltrlctly modern 6-room bungalow la Walnut Park. W. W. SARIN. Realtor. 1032 Union Ave. North. Wdln. (IW. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern 6-room bungalow, 907.10, monthly payments or other terms ar ranged; leaving city: would aeil furni ture. Owner. Main 3S36. FOR SA LE A six-room modern bunga low, two lots, chicken house and fruit, four blocks from car; 9SOO cash, balance like rent. Call at store, b2d and Powell Valley road. 646-73. li Y OWNER, modern 3-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buf fet and bookcases, Dutch kitchen: 1H block from car and 1 from school. Auto. H23-" BUY FROM owner, close in on east side, 6-room house, 1 block to car, cement eiu-" i m "iwjii iiHj, vvruer ioi P rice 9 2300. Sellwoo d 3.". 13. 92S00 NEW BUNGALOW, breakfast nook, bedrooms, full plumbing, Trflxloo, shade trees, 9r.n0 down. Call McClure, Bdwy. loK. 210 Oregon bldg. 9237JS NIFTY 4 -room bungalow In Rose City, plastered, and Dutch kitchen. Sea this if looking for a snap. H 64, Ore-pjonlan. JN WESTMORELAND t-room modern bungalow. Colonial, cement porch, hard wood floors. French doors and windows, 1307 K. 10th st. Sell. gOSO. must disDoxe of my equity In 7-room modern lrvlngton residence, newly pointed, best district. Make me an off nr. Aut. ai-o-L'L-. ROSE CITY PARK. t.tnOO 5-room bungalow. Just complet ed, furnace and garage. Owner. K. 4144. PRETTY 5-roon: modern bungalow la Walnut t'ara, oniy W. W. SARIN. Realtor. 1032 Union Ave. North. Wdln. 889. MY EQUITY in modern 8-room house, close in, fine for renting rooms. East 2int 7. EX-SERVICE MEN. ATTENTION I We have any number of really desirab.e bungalows on which the prospective loan csn be spplied. One in particular in the HAW THORNE DISTRICT U exception ally deairable and can be han dled on an initial payment of $250 DOWN and the baiance on easy monthly payment!. Thia Is a new bungalow now In course of con struction and will have 5 rooms, with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, with breakfast nook; tile floor in bathroom, recessed tub, shower, eto. Located on corner lot. Thor- , oughly double constructed. A. Q. TEEPE CO., Insurance Realtors Loans. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3092. East tilde Office, 40th and Sandy. Tabor U5b6. $30O CASH FRICE 92100. . 5-room plastered cottage on 60x100 St. Paved street, 4 blocks to ML ott car. Improvements in an dpaid. for. Water, gas and lights. Balance $25 per month, including interest. 9000 CASH PRICE 91RO0. 4-room bungalow, lot 44x100; lights, gas and water, good gravel street and garage; some shrubbery and fruit. Close to tooth grade and high schools; 3 blocks to Woodlawn car. Balance very easy .payments. DUTCH COLONIAL HOME IN LAURELHURST. Nearly new Dutch colonial home situ ated close to Laurelnurnt Park. Furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, Dutch kitchen and everything right up to the minute. Takes 920"4 to handle. For particulars see Mr. Newman. John Ferguson, Realtor, Gerllnger Bldg. Phone House Tept., Main W528. ALAMEDA. SACRIFICE FOR $3000. NEW, MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. SLEEPING PORCH, HDWD. FLOORS, FIREPLACE. LAUN DRY TRAYS. MODERN BUILT-INS. FINISHED IN WHITE ENAMEL. NO LIENS. SMALL CASH PAYMENT. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., REALTORS. MAIN 5604. 512-13 WILCOX BLDG. IRV1 NG TO X 1 0Ox 1 00. The big lot, 100x100. on which this bungalow stands Is a regular little park, beautiful with shade and shrubbery; there are 6 rooms and In addition a sleeping porch and sewing- room ; the bungalow Js heated by a hot water heat ing plant; of course it la ail modern, with oak floors, fireplace, garage, all built-lna. The price la b000, on terms, Cal 1 Mr. E verso n t od a y . COMTE & KOHLMAN. M. 6350. 2S Chamber of Commerce. $300 DOWN $300. Sunnyslde, lovely modern T-room resi dence, beautiful hardwood floors, new pipeless furnace, cement basement, laun dry trays, absolutely perfect condition and a wonderful bargain at $4500. Be sure to see the lovely interior, fruit, nuts, berries, grapes. Call 1D3H E. Yamhill, before 5:30 P. M. Marshall 746 forenoons. REAL HOME ROSE CITY. Located just off the Alameda adjoin ing the finest houses In the district. 7 Jarge rooms and two sleeping porches; plate glass windows, every modern con venience; full lot, beautifully Improved with flowers and shrubs. Paving and ail improvements in and paid in full. This Is a. "home,'' not juwt a house. Conven ient terms can be arranged or might take light car as part. Owner. 00 i East r.lst N. TALK about a bargain, Mr. Homcseeker, just look at this. One of those modern seven-room bungalows In the choicest part of Rose City Park, with garage, choice flowers and fruit; hard surface; oniy $:".! 10, $100O cash down. I have many o there from 92500 to 90OO0 each, on which I can quote a homcseeker reasonable prices and terma. J. B. HOLUROOK, Realtor. 214-215 Panama Bldg. NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. At OKI E. 7oth st. N., on paved street In Rose City. See this lovely double constructed 5-room bungalow, with at tic space for 2 more rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace. furnace, breakfast nook, everything in bullt-ins; price $4300 with 951M) cash, bal. terms. KOBNBTT & McCLURE, REALTORS, Marshall 8292. 302 Couch Bldg. HOME BUYERS! T must sell 7-room house, completely furnished, account of etckness; am leav ing city; furnace, fireplace, nil bullt-ins, new Bluebird washing- machine, piano, Columbia phonograph, new dining room suite, writing desk, china closet; 4 ton j briquettes. 3 corda wood; 2 garages: i block from school. Terms. 1021 Tilla mook st. Bv owner. - NEAR GOLF LINKS. New 5-room house, large living room, fireplace, tapestry paper, shades and fixtures, Dutch kitchen, something new In a breakfast nook, furnace, all Im provements in and paid; price 96500. Open all day for Inspection. Cor. 21st and Bybee. HO! AN Alameda Park bungalow, new, all ready for you; 5 rooms and attic, liv ing room, dining room, hardwood Moors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitch en, bkf. nook, two bright, charming bed rooms, furnace and garage; lot seeded: block to car. We are going to sell thi house. Take a look at tt today. HMO Skidmore. near 2?th st. Open 2 to 5 only. YOU ARK sure of your title if you insist on Title Insurance. Better be safe than sorry. Title tit j ruit company. OWNER'S modrru home. Rose City Park. Tahor 4S1S. MCE home for 9750; all kinds fruit; forced to sell. Plume 80 W, alilwaukio. LAURELHURST BEAUTY? Beautiful white stucco bungalow at corner of Peerlesa and Hassalo, uncom pleted ; lawn and shrubbery in; living room 35x28, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath and drainboards; for sale through any broker or by owner. Owner on premises. Tabor 24H1. Terms. MONT A VILLA SACRIFICE. 92400; 9400 down. This is a very nifty 4-room bungalow; kitchen finished In white; fireplace; white enamel plumb ing. Kull cement basement. The best Jn Montavllla at this price. Call for Mr. Linn, Main 6102. ALAMEDA DRIVE SNAP. Delightful 2-story, 7-room colonial home on ridge, with unobstructed view of city; Immense plate-glass view win dows, 2 view porches, billiard room, gas heat, large grounds, double garage. Never offered before. Tabor 407. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 8-room house, cement blocks to second story; corner lot. bS feet; frontage on Montgomery drive. Further details or appointment for inspection, through Mar shall 1720. "MONT A VILLA SNAP." 4-room modern bungalow, like new, good chicken arrangements; lot 75x100 ff et, clone to car, well fenced. $2400, 930O cash, balance easv. R. M. OATKWOOD ft CO.. 1034 4th St. NEAR END OF BROADWAY CAR. Only 91H00 for quick sale: nice little 6-room brown shingled bungalow; plumb- ing, gas. etc. ; terms. ' , JUH.NSO.N-1JOUSUN "0., 03.1 X. W. Bank Bldtf. Main 37S7- NEAR Jerfenson hlrh chooI. 8-room house. all white enamel, hardwood floors 1st floor, 2 fireplaces, furnace, large porches, full basement, good attic. Will be at house all dav Tuesday, ifc blk. to car. 204 Sumner st. Mrs. Glafke. W A N 1 E D C O N T R A C T S . If you are going; to build a home eee uaggett tc Kalian, contractors, w rur nish blue prints, estimates and specifica tions free on old and new work; all work guaranteed. Phone East 1112. GREAT ALBERTA SNAP. ONLY $3200 PAVED ST. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 9630 cash. Hurry! Main 4b03. G. C. GOLD ENB ERG. Ablngton Bldg. 4'35 Years in Portland." PORTLAND HERSHTS. 8-room house, cement blocks to second story; corner lot. 88 feet frontage on Montgomery drive. Further details or appointment for Inspection through Marshall 1720. RARE IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Owner going south; sacrifice of mod ern 2-story 7-room House with sleep ing porch and garage. E. 10th X., near Knott. Easy terms. Tabor 407. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, sleeping porch, one room finished above: furnace, com bination fixtures; garage; fine district; paved. By owner, $3800, terms; less for casn. Kenwood 1411. LENTS district, corner lot 30x100: new tiouse 32xlH, 5 block from school. This 1s a bargain; 9530, $H00 cash. 300 Chamber of Commerce bid g. $12 PER MO. 5-RM. BUNGALOW, GARAGE. FIRE PLACE. BUFFET. BOOKCASE, DUTCH KITCHEN, FURNACE. LDRY. TRAYS. WHITE ENAMEL FINISH; DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED. A BARGAIN AT $30541. TERMS $12 PER MO. AND 6 PER CENT INTEREST. NO LIENS. STAR REAL ESTATE A INV. CO., REALTORS. MAIN 5604. 512-13 WILCOX BLDG. WALNUT PARK, near Jefferson High and Halght st. Very artistic home in perfect condition. Full basement, 7 lovely rooms, bathroom and extra lava tory on first floor; $1300 cash, balance terms. Immediate posses sion. McDonell, East 419. . LAURELHURST NEW COLONIAL BUNGALOW STONE-TON" E STUCCO WITH GRANITE. 7 rooms. A beauty. 10S4 Multnomah St.. near 53th. Rose Citv car, go south 2 blocks. Phone Auto. 310-73. Owner on premises after 2 P. M. ROSE CITY BARGAINS. T rooms and 2 s. p.; h. w. floors, fur fireplace, a'.l bullt-ins. plate glat windows; elegant home; 97500, terms; will take auto. 4 rooms and bsth. modern. 2 blocks to car; abundance fruit; $2850, 9750 cash, $25 month. 7 room and s. p.: 3 bedrooms, h. w. floors, hot water heat, full cement base ment, concrete garage: comer: 95SOO. GEO. E. CROXFORD. 4M' E. 4ftth St. N. BY OWNER Attractive, substantial and exceptionally well-built bungalow; beau tiful cor. 50x100, on the Alameda; 6 large rmi. and bath rm. 0x9, and a real breakfast rm. The usual built-ins. Tabor 7-120. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Cor. 17th and Skidmore Sis. New 5-room bungalow, cozy breakfast nook, fireplaoe, furnace, buffet, hard wood floors, plate glass window, fixtures, shades, etc. Elegantly finished in ivory and mahogany; grand view corner. This irt the best buy in Portland; 91250 cash, balance to suit. Open dally from 2 to 5. See owner, 1102 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 27. B-RM. BUNGALOW $500 DOWN. Cement basement, laundry traya, Dutch kitchen, built-ins good condition, corner lot with paved ats., one block to St. cars. Price $3200. A. FINLEY. COL. 068. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Most beautiful and charming; a won derful home, distinctive in design, large spacious rooms. 10S4 MULTNOMAH. NEAR IMPERIAL i;t5th street.) PHONE OWNER. Auto. 310-73. $5500 ALAMEDA, $150 down, seven rooms, 1 4-story, In this beautiful dis trict, furnace, fireplace, hardwood, at tic, bfiilt-lns; a real home and at a price that cannot be beaten. J. R. Height, realtor, 327 Board of Trade Bdwy. 2045. Suburban Homes. ONE-ACRE TRACTS JOINING CITY LIMITS ON EAST. fJOO AND UP. Highly Improved farm; luet been subdivided; lies level, produc tive soil; face good macadamized road. Bull Run water and beauti ful view of mountains and city. Some tracts with bearing cherry, pear and apple trees nnd others with raspberrlee. loganberries, tra wherries, currants, grapea and asparagus. Terms $H0 down and 950 every three months. SATLER E. SMITH. 313 Railway Exchange Bldg. PENINSULA district, by owner, 5-room modern bungalow, cement basement, putch kitchen, fruit and berries; price IU3U gown, t-gu aeuwooq g40fl. VERY attractive and strictly modern 5 room bungalow near Franklin high school, only $3200. Easy terma. Owner, AMI- n-.'W- LARGE Ratings in restricted districts; cars at your service. J. k. Haight, I Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. 6-ROOM semi-modern cottage, corner lot cement basement, 92350. $300 cash, 927 month, inciuning; interest. Taoor 6403. $2100 4-ROOM, newly enameled, white enamei nam, tuicn aucnen, run ce ment bssPiTirnt. Phone Tabor 940. MODERN 8-rm. nome. Mount Tabor, 63x juu 101, snruuoery ana garage, owner. lioor inno. FOR SALE 6-room bungalow. Call Sell wood 1289. FURNISHED or unfurnished 5-rm. bunga low 1808 K. Hoyt. Tabor 2888. BARGAIN in Park Rose acreage, modern home; garage; terms. Tabor 2676. 5-ROOM bungalow, bullt-ins, garage, imns choice property, $3500. Owner, Sell. 2704 FOR SALE A country home of two acres; fine land, under full cultivation; orchard for family use. apples, pear, plums and cherries, all full bearing; raspberriea. loganberries and Everbearing strawber ries; chicken houses and runs; a rose embowered live-room house with garage; hardwood floors In living room and din ing room; electricity, g-as, telephone and Bull Run water; full cement basement; with In 20 minutes by automobile from Portland, over the scenic Terwilllger boulevard ; Oregon electric station three minutes' walk; wonderful view Mt. Hood and valley; an ideal country home, all for $6000. Why do I want to sell? My business necessitates my moving to Cali fornia, otherwise It wouldn't be for sale at any price. No agents deeired. Tele- pnone .Main i..,. SUBURBAN HOMES. Two acres choice garden land. In cul tivation, lots of fruit and berries; 4-room neat cottage and outbuildings, near sta tion on Oregon City line; $3000, half cash. Five acres, 2 acres In cultivation, new 3-room cottage, furnished; 10o chickens, near school, railway sta., 10 miles out, $2750, $tiO0 down, balance easy. Six acres, extra choice land, running water, also large spring; on the pave ment at the railway station; 4-room house, barn, lots of fruit and berries; lo miles out; 901100. rood terms, or will sell half with buildings; this Is nice. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. $11)1)0 FOR QUICK ACTION. Beautiful country home, just finished. Artistic rustic bungalow. 4 rooms and sleeping porch; in beuutiful cedar grove, 14 mites (west) from city, on good road; 2 acres, nearly all In cultivation. This 1 a reaj buy. Owner must sacrifice. Terms. Call 210 Oregon bldg-. Bdwy. 1 0 58. FOR SALE With ht to 2 acres. 5-room modern bungalow, furnace, it replace. Dutch kitchen, fruit trees and shrubbery all in, garage. Call Main 7115, or Bdwy. 244S. At 24 Henry bldg. A Iso. dandy 7-room house. modern, built-ins. Only 2 blocks to depot. Sacri flce my equity for $2500. $2500 TAKES a beautiful, sightly tract of grouna, iwux 10. wun moaern tour-room house, not far from Multnomah station; property can be bought on easy terms. For particulars see BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg , 127 Park st., or his agent, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah office. FOR SALE With i to 2 seres. 5-room modern bungalow; furnace. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, fruit trees and shrubbery all in, garage. Call Main 7115 or Bdwy. 2448. At 204 Henry bldg. Also dandy 7-room house, modern bullt-ins. Onlv 2 blocks to depot. Sacri tlce my e quitv fo r $2 50. AT HUBER STATION. 2 acres choice garden land In straw berries and logans; 4-room neat bunga low and outhouses. $3500, 91750 cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. R. M. GATE WOOD fk CO.. 1H54 4th Pt. OSWEGO BARGAIN. . ONLY 316O0. 100x120 with new 4-room bungalow. lights and water; very easy terms. See owner. 30 Concord b!dg., 2d and Stark. NEW 3-ROOM. i acre, even with 72d St. Gresham car; $1750. $250 down; water, gas, lignts. .Main 4i For Hale Acreage. FOR SALE by owner, 1 1-3 acres, 10 miles out. o min. walk to depot. Smal house: tine place for chickens; only $850. 9204) down; also 10 acres, 8-room house and outbuildings: s-ood olt: some timber; iota of bearing fruit trees; $500 down buys t his. immentate possession. Main 7115, or 204 Henry bids;. Bdwy. a beautiful country homeslte on Clear Creek; 45 minutes' ride from city; beau tiful treea, creek and good roads; 5 acres; price $750. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE 6 acres dike land near Clats- kanle atatlon. S. P. A S. R. R. lower Columbia river nignway; cost 1300, will take $700 cash, need money; no agenta Henry Doen, Sherwood. Or., R. 1, Box 210. $2400 BUYS r.n acre and new bungalow; must leave the city In the next ten days; easy term?. For particulars ca:l on my representative, BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg.. or his agent, MRS. GRANT, at Multnomah. SEE US FOR ACREAGE, both Improved and unimproved. In beau tiful Tualatin valley, the place for love ly homea. COE A. McKENNA A CO., Realtors, 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. WRITE for map of western Washing-ton. showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO Tacoma. Wash. LAND in tracts from ten acres to one section. Good unimproved land at low prices. Wm. Newell, Oak Point, Wash., locator, CONVENIENTLY LOCATED MODERN rlOM c.. Two acres. In good town, on paved st.. Improvements paid; 26 miles from Port land; good high and grade schools; woven wire fences; orchard of apples, pears, cherries and grapes, raspberries, strawberries, evergeens. etc. Modern 7 room plastered house with basement. 2 fireplaces and white enamel plumbing ; garage. Price $5000; easy terms, or consider Portland residence for full amount. This is a valuable piece of property offered at real bargain. OREGON CITY LINE. 5 acres on graveled road, one mile from Oregon City: one mile to school ; wire fences; 100 bearing fruit trees; 6 room house, good barn, chicken bouse, woodshed, fruit house. Included with place : Cow, 3 tons bay, 1 year's wood. Price 94000. clear. Terms or consider house In Portland of less value and some cash. x John Ferguson, Realtor, Gerllnger Bldff. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. DID YOU ever stop to consider that if you bur your acreage or farm from the agent that Uvea in the country you want to locate In, when he sells you a place he makes a neighbor out of you and there fore will want to retain your confidence and good will. Our best friends are those we have had business dealing with. A FEW OF OUR ACREAGE LISTINGS. 2 acres, 4-room modern house, city water, gas and bathroom. Finest black loam soil, I acre ever-bearing strawber ries, bal. In loganberries and other fruit, large chicken house. Over 9500 worth of strawberries and plants alone have been sold this season. On rock road handy to large school, stores and sta tion. Price $3500. Terma. STROUD A CO.. Inc.. Beaverton. Or. SMALL FARM BARGAIN CONsilJtrt HUL STj. 14 acres. 10 miles from Portland, on macadamised road. 35 ft. from pave ment; 10 acrea under cultivation, balance first-growth fir timber; 65 young bearing- fruit trees. Best of loam soil. Small house, barn, chicken house. Some tools. Price $4500. Clear. In Sunnyslde dis trict. Wii! consider houe in Richmond, Waverly or Hawthorne for full amount. A very favorable located piece of land. YAMHILL COUNTY. OREGON. 24 acres, on rocked road, 2 miles from McMtvnvllle; IS acres under culti vation: all can be cultivated when cleared; good family orchard; 6-room large barn, chicken house, etc. Included with place: 4 goon cows, one young team, plow, etc. Price 90500, terms; or consider Portland house up to 91000; easy terms on balance. Will ac cept soldier's bonus. John Ferguson, Realtor, Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 mali Places Near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. DIVERSIFIED FARMING. Before you buy be sure and look at those 5, 10, 15 and 20-acre tracts in Sunderland acres at E. 20th st. X. and Columbia blvd. PROTECTED RIVER BOTTOM LANDS excellent for growing best qualities of fruits and vegetables. This is that NEW CLOSE-IN ADDITION Jubt outside city limits; low taxes; MOO to $000 per acre; 10 per cent down, balance annually. ELROD Ot. DRYER. OWNERS. 283 Stark SL Broadway 1188. ft. 10 AND 20-ACRB TRACTS, $23 AN ACRiS AND UP. 910 down and 95 per month buys a 6-acre tract In this addition of 800 acres; down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck; beautifully lying land, free from rock and gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES PELF EL, 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. SOMETHING exceedingly fine; finest rich section of country. 3 acres, all in culti vation, fruit and all kinds finest berries and final 1 fruits, fine well of water, fine 6-room house, finely finished; all kinds of closets, built-ins, etc.; porches, screened porch; good barn. modern chicken house and brooder house, com plete ; woodshed ; large patch of kale, 700 white Leghorns, all kinds of neces sary tools; a most desirable proposition; mile highway, H mile electric sta tion, 2 miles Hillsboro. and price for evervthlng is $5500, $3500 cash. C L. Beck er. 1334 First st. 5 YEARS WITHOUT INTEREST, CROP PAYMENTS. 100 acres. 75 acres plow land, good soil, no waste land, $5000. buildings and equipment; electric lights and water system; 32 miles south of Portland, m miles east of paved road. S. P. electric atatlon 1 mile on graveled road.. First jayment one-eighth (H) of purchase price, after 5 years 6 per cent mortgage for 5 years on balance due. J. M. CRAWFORD. Phone 4x7 Dayton central. R. F. D. DUNDEE. OREGON. GOING EAST Forced sacrifice; something rich and fine, your opportunity ; 10 beautiful acres, richest soil, all in culti vation and in clover; delightful location and associations, thick settlement; elec tricity, finest water, shallow depth ; land has sold for $3000, and just look at this sacrifice price; on rock road, k mile or less electric station, 15 miles west of Portland, and $2800 gets title; $S40 cash, pay balance any way desire. Nothing finer. C. L. Becker, 133 S First st. THIS SIDE OF NEWBERG. 20 acres, ail tillable; 14 acres In cul tivation. 6 acre of timber, 2 wells. 3 acrea of 10-year-old orchard, consisting of prunes, apples, cherries and pears; 6 room plastered house with brick founda tion, la good condition; barn 30x40; chicken house and woodshed : 1 mile from Exs elation. Price $.HH. $3000 cafh. bal. to suit at 6. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co., realtor. 732 Cham, of Com. CORNELL ROAD BARGAIN. $138 AN ACRE. Speaking of bargains, here is one that beats them all ; on the west side, only 3 miles in a straight line west of the city we have 28 acres that you can buy for $138 an acre. You need pay only $385 cash, balance long time. Property much farther out is held at almost double the price. See Mr. Underdahl. COMTE & KOHLMAN. M. 6350. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SALE OR TRADE. 30 acres. 7 acres in cultivation, 3 acres pasture, 2-room cheap house, small parn. 12 fruit trees, 2 miles Rex station, S. P. Ry., 2 miles Buttevllle, near river, $1200; any reasonable terms or will take lot in Woodlawn district for equity of $600. R. M. OATKWOOD CO., 365'$ 4th St. $75 DOWN, $20 per month; 14 acres on macadam road, a few minute' walk from Columbia highway, near Rainier; no rock or gravel: a No. 1 land for ber ries, fruit or garden stuff; almost level, .lust enough slope for drainage; cabin 12x24; price $75 per acre. I have also some tools snd furniture on the place. wi)ch. If deaired. I will sell cheap. AV 300. Oregonian. FOR SALE By owner. 1 1-3 acres, ten miles out. 5 mln. walk to depot. Small house. Fine place for chickens. Only $850, $200 down. Also IO acres, 3-room house and outbuildings. Good soil. Some timber. Lots of bearing" fruit trees. $500 down buvs th is. Immediate possession. Main 7113, or 204 Henry bid. Bdwy. 244S. Homesteads. Relinquishments. CAN SHOW yod ' homesteads offering exceptional opportunities: stock raising, nut growing, bee keeping, etc. Inquire or address F. G. Thompson, care Rainier hotel. TWO relinquishments, mile to R. R. towr, fine highway, near Grants Pass; joins $30,000 ranch; $2000 improvements on one; $800 and $000. 301 Corbett bldg. FOR A good homestead or relinquishment see E. W. Helm, 422 Chamber of Com merce bids:. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. 17H ACRES of laeai nibert land, ready to plant; also 12 acrea cf fine berry land, all tiled; near Hillsboro; 1 heavy bearing walnut orchard; all near Pacific highway; also fine sheep ranch. Ad dress T. Withycombe. 432 32th st. city. I'or Sale Farms. 22 ACRES 30 miles from Portland; all un der cultivation: 6-room house, la rare bam silo and several outbuilding: this is a Koino: mace and first-class soil; will seil or lease; stock and feed for sale. Address route 1, box Huooara, or. m. Turner. ONLY $65 AN ACRE. 98 acres; 33 In cultivation; house, bam, team and wagon; 20 mi lea from Port land. W. W. SABIN, REALTOR. 1032 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 589. 5 ACRES. All cleared; very best of soil; close to Glilis station and new Mount Hood loop highway; Bull Run electric. Snap for $1300. Terms. W. M. Umbdenatock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. SO ACRES, 26 miles out; 3-room house, barn, 13 tons hay, gas dragsaw, 8 horsea, 2 wagons, over 2000 in cordwood on place; $750 down, easy terms. 504 Bu chanan bldg. JAWBONE doesn't go any more; if you have $0X100 to pay down I will sell you the nicest 480-acre of wheat land you ever laid eyes on. M. Fltsmaurice. Condon, Oregon. $1500 MUST SELL my 1 acre, all in fruit, berries and garden; fine soil, spring brook. 4-room house, 30 minutes out. Terms. Call W. M. Umbdenstock Sc. Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1058. IDEAL farm of 30 acres1, five-room house, barn, etc.; running- spring piped to house and barn: fruit and berries: 20 min. out on paved road; cheap if sold this week; city phone in house. Call Main 0413. WILLAMINA farms, level, cleared, fenced. 5V ac good 3-rm. house, 91450; 5 ac, fair 3-rm. house, $1200; 5 ac, no bldgs, 9100O: terms. J. R. Sharp. S3H 3d. st. 31 ACRES About half of this in cultiva tion; good land; cheap at $1100: $22 down, yearly payments on balance. DRAPER. 403 Board of Trade. 7 ACRES, part in cultivation; small house, barn, fruit, facing rig;ht on paved high way Price $1250. 9150 down. TWO CULTIVATED acres for $600. Right at station. $15 monthly payment. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg-. Bdwy. 1658. LITTLE farm In the city. 2H acres at end of Hawthorne car line: 91000 per acre; a chance. Owner, 615 Ry. Exch. bldg. Mar. 1385. ACRE tracts, close in. city water, lights and gas. $10 down, $10 a month. &IAOLD it, CO., lac. Beaverton, Or FOR SALE OR TRADE A g-ood ranch, 820 acres; will consider city property or good auto as part payment. Auto 214-40; call on Sunday. Ask for Hague, CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre; easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, all aisea. YlcFarland. realtor, znjf Failing bldg. 40-ACRE farm. 33 cleared, house and barn. $150 per acre, good road. G. W. Goddard. R. 8. Vancouver. Wash. CHOICE Improved Yakima valley alfalfa, grain, veg.. fruit, dairy and poultry land. Joining town. Cal. Ranch. Buena. Wash, 60 ACRES, cheap, at Tigard. Writs F. J. Ham bach, Tigard, Or, ONE-ACRE TRACTS JOINING CITY LIMITS ON EAST. $000 AND LP. Highly Improved farm : juet been subdivided; lies level, produc tive soil: face good macadamized road. Bull Run water and beauti ful view of mountains and city. Some tracts with full bearing cherry, apple and pear trees and others with raspberries, logan berries, strawberries, currants, grapes and asparagus. Terms $100 down and $50 every 3 months. SAVLER E SMITH. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. I AM CUTTING UP SOME. 1200 acres. within 2-hour drive of Portland, close to good town on Columbia river and highway, good grade and high school convenient. Land lies well, all good soil, no rock, "0 per cent culti vable, good part creek bottom, well watered with springs and creeks. Can raise anything that grows anywhere in Oregon. Some cultivated land and build ings with nearly every subdivision. Lots of outside employment in prospect In vicinity where large lumber and milling plants are under construction. Prices range from $25 per acre up. Easy terma Might consider some trade. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO BONUS M EN. J. A. Melssner, 822 Gasco Bldg. Main 7602 FOR SALE lOO acres. 50 acres in culti vation; all fenced and cross-fenced; good pasture; creek runs through the place; located 33 miles from Portland, good road; 9-room house with all good furni ture and household; barn 32xo. chicken, bog and milkhoiwe. garaae. orchard, gar-ripn- 13 cows. 1 bull. 13 yearlings. 2 hogs, 2 horses.- with harness. 00 chickens, 2 farm wagons. 1 buggy. 2 12-in. plows, disc, 2 double set harrows. 1 rake, mow ing machine. 1 separator, 1 cultivator. 1 2V- engine and all small tools for farm and dairy; 40 tons hay and potatoes: price for all $17.0"0; some cash, rest 6 per cent. For more information see or write Joe C. Gentemnnn. 210 Railway Exchange blag., inira ana eiarit, -un land. Or. ONE MILE OF RIVER FRONTAGE. 2069 acrea of practically level land, first-class soil, thousands of acres of outrange adjoining. 8-room plastered bungalow, with complete modern plumb ing, huge fireplace, another large house, two large barns and all kinds of out buildings, splendid orchard, 40 acrea In cultivation, 15 cows, 1 brood sow, chick ens, turkeys, implements and tools, about 50 miles from Portland, on the beautiful Lewis river. Price $15,750. This is posi tively one of the best stock propositions we have ever had listed. Photos at office. Seven keen salesmen to take care of you in connection with the sale of this place. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. FARM BARGAIN IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Over 300 acres. 200 acres cleared. 10 acres of bottom land; one of the finest sets of farm buildings in Oregon; hard surface highway through the place; lots of good outrange; running water, and fine water system for buildings; over 100 head of fine stock; 4 good horses. -0 hogs, lots of farm machinery, a cream separators, etc. Ail included in the price of $32,000; any reasonable pay ment, and terms on balance. Absolutely the beat buy in Oregon. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 5O9-10 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. FARM FOR SALE One of the best stock, dairy, grain or berry farms in Marion county. 24 miles east of Salem, 5Va miles east of Stayton. on Santtam river; 300 acres: over 300 acres bottom land. about 185 acres in cultivation, balance timber and pasture; good i-room nouse, 2 big new burns and other outbuildings; adjoining land soiling $100 per acre up; price $00 per acre; $0000 will handle, balance on time. This is the best buy In the valley. Step on your gas and look it over, it won't last long. T. P. Farrington, 715 Overton st. Phone Auto. 517-71. Eve., Broadway 5500. FOR SALE 100 acres. 6. in cultivation, on good rock road; beautiful . view; about V1 miles east of Clackamas, 1 miles eout h of Damascus, on road be tween Damascus and Barton; well im proved with all equipment, stock and crop ; $1 8.000, terms to responsible parties. E. J. Chapman, R. 1, B. b7. Clackamt.s, or room 10 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MY" PLACE in La Center, Wash.. mile from town, 12 acres, nine acres clear, five acres young clover: 3 Jersey cows, 0 tons of hay, 40 chickens, 40 bushels of chicken feed; 5-room house with some furniture and brand-new barn; $3300, 1 cash and the rest on terms, 6 per cent Interest. Owner, Erik Dalin, La Center, Wash. "GRESHAM FARM." 40 acres in cultivation, choice land, orchard. 9-room modern house. full plumbing, gravity water, barn, garage. cnicKen nou?, a 11 in line tonumon. Price $12,000, $4oo0 cash, balance 6 per cent. Will take house up to $3000. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 1654 4th St. $12.50 PER ACRE wilt buy 1C0 acres in Clackamas county, souineasi 01 jioiaua, s-ood for a atock place, near range; some buildings, springs and creek; 60 acres can be cultivated; about -o acres par tially cleared. I. G. Daviddon. Chamber of com. biug.. I'ortiana. FOR SALE ; fenced; all barn and every day; Vancouver. Christensen, Wash. .jk 10 acrea with runnlnc water. under Dlow: fa r houee ana outbuildings; mail at door good roads; 8 miles north of Price $3000. terms. Peter , R. 2. box 1 32. Rid gefleld, at Salmon Creek store. lfc ACRE, 4 sidewalk to tion. Price STROUD & room house, city water, gas, school and station; fine loca $1600. Terms. : CO.. Inc.. Beaverton. Or. WANTED REAL F.ST ATE. WE HAVE a client with $lo0o cash to pay on 5 to 6-room modern bungalow up to $4500. Can make good monthly pay ments. R. M. GATEWOOD CO.. 163H 4th St 1 HAVE a good auto worth $1000 and $250 In casn as nrni pay m ni on a nome. What have you? Answer J 66, Oregonian. ATTENTION. BUNGALOW OWNERS! Want H-rm. modern, with furnace Laureihurst. R. C. or Hawthorne. Pay no commission. ( oregonian WILL Day $1000 to $1300 cash for 4 or 5 mnm house, near streetcar, any district. St. Johns vicinity preferred. Call 5713 50th ave. a. wooaaiocK car. WANTED 1 or 5-rm. house, any outside district near to car. from $1000 to $1200 rash: total price fajid. outn ave. s. E.; WoodstocK car. hcii'se wanted, calla for moderate nrire homes, good monthly payments. low initial payment. See Mr. Koenig, 206 Morgan bldg. WILL elve someone my beautiful 6 cylinder almost new auto and vacant lot and casn ror moaern Dungaiow, Private party. East 6228. WANT modern bungalow, not over $5000, Rose City or Mount Tabor. $500 cash: will apply the bonus loan, and pay bal ance montniy. 1 uregonian. WANTED Small 4 or 5-room bungalow on easy terms; must not be more than $4000; prefer Sell wood or Woodstock. Y 11. Oregonian. . NOTICE Parties advertising for a bunra low have found what they desire. Please do not can r,ast any more. w a vk buver for 3 to 4-room bunralow: owners only. C. E. Daggett, 225 Henry bldg t must have 4 or 5-room house in the next few days. Will pay cash. Prefer Alberta district. .Main aou-t. fiivu t ft lots near Alberta as first nav inent modern $3000 residence. Owner. 141 69th North. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY solicit your real estate business. We have placed our salea and ex change, department under the su pervision of JOHN H. GIBSON, formerly located at 26$ Stark at. Bring in your listings. M ETZGER-PARKER COMPANY. 20 J Oak St. Broadway 5355. WANT 10 TO 40 ACRES. Not over 20 miles from Portland, with some Improvements, in exchange for a two-flat building, well located and con stantly rented ; valued $IM)0. MacINNErt EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I have a number of clients that want acreage for Portland homes. For ex pert service list with us. . Exchanges of Merit Only. HOUSES WANTED. Have buyers for medium priced houses with small payment down and larg monthly payments; also have parties with Improved and unimproved acreage, close to Portland, that will exchange for Portland houe that is priced right. Ask for Mr. Newman, with John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. LIST YOUR SUBURBAN HOME. We have hundreds of calls for sub urban homes from Vs acre up. We can sell your place. List with us for quick results. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGLIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg.. Main 1068. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. WANT resideace, give either choice 13 a., Vancouver t S miles, plastered house, concrete basement, fine locality, 94500 ; 20 for 945CO or 80. Including 300 cords seasoned wood, for $0000, both near Ore gon City: also b0 Polk county foothills; some Improvements, $1050. Owner, 141 East 60th North. , REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED. Fine opportunity for good man In one of the best offices In city; must be ex perienced and have car. BO b61, Ore-gonlan. HA VE five prospects for houses up to $5000. For quick action list your prop erty with us. COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 671. WANTED FOR CASH. Four-room bungalow; owners only. hOI.CO.MR REALTY CO., 211 Washington Bldg. Main 5306. FOR CASH, small store building or a shack In good location. Must be a snap and close in. Give location and price. Y 36. Oregonian. Farms Wantea. IF YOU WISH TO LEASE OR RENT YOUR FARM list with us at, once as we have calls every day for farms to rent. FOR QUICK ACTION SEE F. C, Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 03 Ablngton Bldg.. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. WANTED Small farm, 5 or 6 acres, well improved: good house, 6 or 7 rooms; lo or IS miles from Portland, east of city on paved highway ; want good soil but little fruit; will pay cash. J. T. Cole, General Delivery. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED DAIRIES. We are having many calla for dairies and have cllients waiting; we want an si zee, botA wholesale and retail propo sitions. Let us hear from you. V. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PL AC ES Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small arms, close 10 -oi-iand preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Wilt bu v equipment If priced right. 1 jOh v FERGUSON. (JerliiiKer Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer 01 Pacific Coast WANTED To rent dairy farm, 20 to 30 cows : can furnish best of references. AV 389, Oregonian TIMBER LANDS. MUST have nome cash, 25c per M. buys 60 million principally yellow fir; all good timber. Address R 61. Oregonian. FOR SALE 160 acres timber in town ships 33 S. range 3 W. A. N. Parsons, Grants Pass. Or. FOR RENT FARMS. NEWBERG FARM. Want .renter for 300 acres near New berg 100 acrea under plow; building. 2 acres prunes, family orchard; either cash or share rental. E. Murrey, "00 Chamber of Commerce 40, NEAR Oregon City, rent two years. $330; also 500 cords seasoned wood, on place. x B.i. owner, in ej. "inn .ur. NEAR Beaverton. to responsible person 36 acres, fenced, 6 cleared, house, or chard. Broadway 4441 GARDEN LAND near city for lease. A 8, fKUIIlitil. TO EXCHANGE HEAL ST.VT A GOOD FARM INVESTMENT TO fcAL H A.w C. 139-acre farm, east side of Willamette river, near Wilsonville. Ore. ; good soil ; a bargain for a practical farmer; stock and equipment $2HiO; total price $20.hio. What have you to trade? Submit your proposition to A. B. Chrlstenson, 410 Henry bldg.. Bdwy. 4751. STOCK. RANCH. 1150-acre stock ranch, near Corvallls, 200 acres fine creek bottom In cultiva tion, balance slashed and seeded down; fair buildings: worth $30 per acre; will give or take difference on any good city W. C. BECKTELL. 1317 N. W. Bk. bldg. TRANSFER and storage business, doing about $2000 a month; has good lease on warehouse; in business for several years; will take good home in exchange and give good terms on balance. This is exceptionally good. S. M. BORLAND. 303 Stock Exch. Bldg. Auto. 520-04. 10 AlKtft Al . C v n r. r v.'rv ouuu, All good, rich, tillable land; a. of bearing orchard; apples, pears, cherries and prunes; running water; on th main market road to Lafayette; trade for house and lot or sell on very easy terma. Ra'.ph Ackiey, 027 Corbett bldg.. Main i I 1 WILL TAKE LIGHT CAR IN t. A. K, tX A. . Km E on this Alberta bungalow. Six rooms in Al condition. Close to car. This Is an excellent place and Is being sold at the right price. Only $3250. Will take WOULD like to exchange my bakery in a good terminal town with a big pay roll ; brick oven. 2-bbl. dough mixer, doing about $300 and better a week. Would like to exchange for a good little bungalow and pay cash for balance. My price is $1B00. Write AV 390. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL residence site In Charleston, Wash. ; 8 lot overlooRlng navy yard, fine view, near paved street; $1000, terms; will consider trade for small pay ing business or property in Portland or on highway near. Fred G. A. White. Bend, Or. WILL TRADE. "We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit; lota, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. K. R. S.. 513 Couch bldg. FINE STOCK RANCH. 320 acrea, part in cultivation, all fenced, some buildings, fine grazing land. What have you to offer? F. H DESHON Sc CO.. 615 Chamber of Commerce BMg. 4-ROOM house, city .water. 2 lots, fruit trees, berries; price $2500; want acre age; prefer Beaverton dist. Will assume up to $2000. BOCK H OIlD BROS.. REALTORS. 001 Swetland Building STOP. LOOK. READ, ft rooms; h. w. floors, all built-lna, 4 bedrooms; strictly modern; 1 blk. to car; 96000; want 10 to 13 acres, improved, cloe In, on good road. G E O. E. CROXFORD. 4S4 K. 40th st. N. 7-ROOM strictly modern bungalow with all built-in conveniences In Laureihurst district. $7000, to exchange for 20 or 25 acres improved ranch: southeast of Port- land preterrea. i-ou iast, uuaan 80 ACRES prune land covered with oak and fir, 15 miles south Salem, exchange for close-in city lota; also 160 acres wheat land 8 miles from Condon. M 55, Oregonian CHOICE 12 acrea. 8 miles from Portland; house, barn, bearing fruit; will take as cart small bungalow in city or lots on . . .. . ,. j- . ti . orw FORD touring and cash to trade for house and 2 lots with fruit and berries not to exceed $2000. Ar oregonian WANT small 5 or 6-room house with 2 or more lots; py all cah; give details; . - n 1 rt nracAnUn WANT bungalow or house, good district; trade 1918 Studebaker and high class lot, paved street. OwnerL Main 4866. WANTED Good lot. will trade light six car for same, or part payment on good lot. C 71. ure;onian. WANT well located corner lot in Pied mont: priced right. Henry JC. Goddard, 24 starg st. WANTED to buy largest house and lot for 94000; $2500 or 93000 down; oat to far out. O 3. Oregonian. 6-ROOM modern house; good residential district: terms deelred. E 72. Oregonian. WANT acreage for southwest corner 25th and Savier ats. Auto. 327-08 or B16-1L 40 ACRES improved land, within 10 miles. t 51. urcgoman BRirK APARTMENT. FURNITURE AND LASE; INVESTMENT 9U0.O00. . 61JL 160 ACRES, level, ready to plow; 5-room bouse, barn, all fenced, 1 mile P. O. ; will trade house on west side. 504 Bu chanan bldg FOR SALE or trade for lot in vicinity of Jefferson h. s., a 1018 Dodge touring car, good condition; new batteries. By owner. w ooaiawn ' EQUITY in 10-room house; walking dis tance, with good income; want unim proved close-in acreage on car and cash. 435 Williams ave. . CHOICE 15. near Vancouver. 144 culti vated, good improvements. $4300; terms, or accept good 93200 residence. Owner, 141 East 6th North. b 214 ACRES grazing land, near Bend, Or., for residence lots , in Portland. Ditch across land J. V. Olson, 211ft 4th at. Main 6635. WANT 4 or 6-room modern bungalow, paved street.. In exchange for 1020 Cole 8 roadster; will pay cash difference. C. E. Daggett. 225 Henry bldg. HAVE 160 acres, southern Oregon, clear, and good 5-pass. car as part payment on apts. or any run-down property. S 73. Oregonian, , LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS. ONLY $1SOO EASY TERMS. 4 rooms, basement, good plumbing, elec, gas.. 1 yr. old; sewer, paved st.. all paid. If you want a nice little home VERY REASONABLE. SEE THIS! EDGE OF ALAMEDA $2750 75x1 00 CORN E R EASY TERMS. 5-room bungalow with good attic, cab inet kitchen, coneret e foundation, base ment ; like new. Sewer and cemeut walks, paid. IRVINGTON PAR K NE W $'! iW. 75x100 CORNER PAVED STREET SEWER. Extra well built bungalow with ac commodations of 4 rooms and plenty at tic room for 3 more rooms. Fireplace and bullt-ins. WON'T LAST. MARSH Sc McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg Marshall 3W3 WAVERLETGH HEIGHTS. VERY COMPLETE WITH ALL MOD ERN conveniences; ' Lot of extras; 6 rooms and sleeping porch. Full cement basement, pipeless furnace, trays; larse living and dining rooms, oak floors, beau tiful fireplace. elegant built-ins, cabinet kitchen. Fine extra larRe bed rooms. Beautiful location. ONLY $5250. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS. MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3003. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED." 40 acres extra choice land 30 arret in cultivation, 10 a. old stump past ure. -reck; 8-room house, barn and outbuild ings, orchard; 10 cows, 4 heifers. I calf, 2 fine mare; machinery and tools com plete ; l mile off pavement, w Inch Is rocked; high school; mihs Portland; $U.00O. want house up to $6000. Little money bal.. 6'r, long time. R. M. GATEWOOD CO. 1 65 14 4th st. 3-ACRE suburban home to trade ..r a house and lot In Portland ; located at Tiuard. 3 block to railroad station : all rich loam soil, level and covered with loganberries, atrawberries. rhu barb and a small family orchard: good 6-room plastered bungalow with cement basement, laundry trays, hot and cold water; good barn and chicken houe. Ralph Ackiey, M'7 Corbett bldg.. Main 7141. or Mrs. Cnne at Tigard. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acres located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and hill. S00 acres in cultivation, 2 houses, fair barn; price $40,000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER COMPANY. 63 Fourth at. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. IN COM E property, grocery, confectionary, barber shop, bringing $05 month; price $1(500, equity $3573 ; have cont ract for balance at $50 month a nd 6 pr cent ; located In Hillsboro; will sell or trade; will take auto and cash, Foster, 7 Well apts., Hillsboro. REO SPEED WAGON, late model, hfl'f price; will take close-in acreage. Williams ave. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. I WANT to trade my 1020 model Nafh car for contract or mtge., or what have you? Car is sport model. In A-l mechanical condition. Can be seen at 003 E. 33d North, or write X 36. Qreconlan. WILL exchange my 1020 sport, model Nash for diamond or negotiable paper. Y 37, Oregonian. COUNTRY :lub model 00, new tires and mechanically perfect, to trade for larger car. 403 Fourth su DODGE touring. A I shape; want Ford Vlctrola. Edison and cash. East 4222. FOR SALE Dining room furniture at bar gain. d 4 tin st. rs. . FOR SALE. Hones, Vehicles, Livestock. KEYSTONE STABLES. Team Percheron mares. 5 and 7 years old. weight 2000 lbs., price $25; span 5-year-old horses, weight about 20'0 lbs., Tr'ice S250: tea m voune brown mares. weight about 2500 lbs., price $200; 10 head horsea and mares, weighing 1200 to 1700 lbs., price $75 to $225; wagons and harness; trial allowed. 3M Water st., cor. Montgomery st. $250 BUYS team hay horses weighing about 33i0 lbs. with good harness; these horses are right out of hard work and are In good shape. Inquire Pannebaker'a team. Keystone stables, 381 Water at., cor. Montgomery st. BROOD SOW. Have a few brood sows left; also sows and pigs; will sacrifice. h. n. arnuon. Sycamore station. Aut. 646-37. TEAM young chunky built mares, well broken and gentle, weighing about 2no lbs., for $!". inquire leea burn, tni W a tor st., w est slue. HORSES fcr saie, hire or exchange. Key stone Stables, 381 Water St., luo. Mont gomery. Phpne Mar. J.15. VHP uai.k Six hordes: reasonable nricea. Holm an Fuel Co.. barn E. 6ih and Ivon strctis VETERINARIAN. PR. HOWES. TABOR 6566 FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes and rams. Holman Fuel Co., 04 otn et. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Milwaukio 60-J for best service. MILK goats Tognenberg does and buck, for sale. 7 E. 64th st. N. HIDES bought or tanned. West Coas-t Tan nin gCpNi! DEAD horsea and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Auto. 627-64: CHOICE young registered Hampshire ram, 910. E. E. Richards. Mllwaukie. Or. RIDING and driving horse for sale. Call from 12 to 3 P. M., 351 E. 67th st. N. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. THIS WEEK'S DOWN STAIRS STORE PIANOS. 9 600 Geo. B. Bent, Concord J31S 650 Emerson, good as new 335 650 C. A. Smith, large upright.... 285 475 Haliet & Davis, small l'3 noil Ktcffpr & Sons, mission oak.. 43 750 Adam Schaaf Player Piano.. 445 loSrt Singer, oak p'.ayer piano .... 605 $10 or more cash, $6 or more monthly. 101 Tenth St.. at Wash. 1TKF.11 SAXOPHONE SPECIALS. Pan-American sop. silver, with case. $05 Fan-American sop. brass, with case $w Buescher tenor sliver (new), case $!' Conn C mel. silver, with case $120 Mnrttn C mel. brass, with case ! fftrin ultrt ttrAHN Willi CaSA $'" York sop. silver, with case $io Conn sop. silver, with case '0 If vou want a saxophone now la the time to get it. Terms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th st. CQirn PIIDVnc ( X I'll It A KG A INS. VK'TROLA, stvie IV $17.50 PORTOPHONE camping machine. 2o.OO si-PH imviHA. PHONOGRAPH. ree $75 for 40.00 rrk t I'M f-t I 4 CRAPONOLA. cabinet size 73.00 Terms Given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4 th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder. USED PHONOGRAPH SPECIALS. A $337.50 Style XVI mah. Victor elec irin for 2.V). Another In oak. at $225 A cabinet Brunawick at $!; also one at 5. Columbia box machines at $35. $37 5 and $40: several small Victors at sj.v $35 and $50; many others at our store. Terms. . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th st, SPOT CASH PAID FOR USED PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, PIANOS AND MUSIC ROLLS. SELL, RENT OR TRADE. x-cwvfAVS HK(V)RO EXCHANGE. 128 First, near Aider. Main 4405. 627-46. REMOVAL SALE. PIANOS, TA LK1NG MACHINES, PLAYER PIANOS. PLAYER ROLLS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3H4 YAMHILL ST. NO NEW LOCATION YET. firm- iv -octave Moline oraan for sale. AHrireiut "17 E. 82d st.. city. Call or phone Tabor 713 after 6:30 P. M. or Saturday atternoon. DECKER & SON player. $2.i0. with rolls and bench. A real bargain for a good Slaver piano. SEI BERLIN G-LUC AS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th at OAK VICTROLA, model X, and 80 records, $75; black bear rug, $50; mantle clock, $5; Torrlngton electric cleaner, $35. Call Kast ill". $405 CASH secures $1200 Knabe scale; Haines Bros, new upright piano In fine mahogany at Security Storage Co., 103 'l entn. at omiiv. CHICK BRING piano. mah. case; a won- o er i ui ua-i n i 't , fcri,..D. .-.t. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6thr St. BUY IN Haddorf upright, a real lntru- ment In oak; perxect conamou. moor 7S17. ORGNS $10 and up; term given. SEI BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4ti t.. bet. Wash, and Alder. VATjIyE" GEM piano, oak case, made by BaUiWln Ac (-O. nam i r. . i j erms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 flth st. FOR SALE McPhall upright piano; mag- niflcent tone: mahogany case; first-class condition, $300. Qyner, Main 3836. KNABE piano, mah. case. all reflnlshed; Just as good as new. $585. Terms. G. F. JOI-l.aL. j -i. a nin wx. TRA DE $250 Vlctrola and records, new, for a used piano. Call Main 85S6. J. & C. FISHER piano for J275; $000 tone value, rnone a-u-m. FOR RENT Grafonolas. late records. $3 month. Kimpire Transfer, .:." nroanwny. ORGAN for aale, In fine shape. Phone Kast 1S80. 304 K. 1st North. PIANO WANTED Pay cash, from private party ror pargain. Jiarsnaii lo.s-' FOR SALE A vei y sw eet-toned black up- rtght piano. i'Ry. aiu PIANOS wanted. Pay highest cash prices. Main 2060. $200 MAHOGANY phonograph for sale at bargain. 500 Hawthorne ave. NEW PHONOGRAPH for sale, reasonable; no dealer need apply. 245 Fifth st. .$2M . V-tS . 263 . 210 . 205 . 3H5 . 31 3 . 215 . 265 . 355 305 305 PIANO WANTED Casa deal. Mula SibO, SALE CARLOAD FACTORY RENEWED PIANOS. "Some oweriit Toned Than Many New Pianos." A Sterling upright for as little as. A W ellman upright piano, smaii . . A Runbcll upright In wainut A Binning upright In ebony Another Sterling upright piano A Smith A Barnes, in mahogany... A splendid Everett In oak A Bacon & Kerr upright for only.. A New England renewed upright.... A Ktmbaii, again like new A Werner upright in Flemish oak.. A fine Chas.e In m ho jenny Another Chase in splendid walnut.. 3.5 A YVtthbiirn upright, mahogany. . . at.i Another Kimball, la rge mahogany . . S'-1-' And a Dixon In mahogany at You can pay as lltt.e as $13. Cash or all cash as may suit you beat, bal ance 96. 9H or $10 monthly. Seventh Floor Lipm an. Wo'fe A Co. t PI A NO BARG A INS. See our used pUno bargains We can ae you money. Every una guaranteed. HVrms Klven. FISH ER. small upright 1 ' HARDMAN mahoaanv case, plain.. ;1U GAYI.OR. plain mahogany case RICCA. mahogany case -') KINGSBURY, oak case FRANKLIN", wainut case 27.. BUSH & LANE PLAYER '"m KIM HALL, new piano 300 HINZE, new piano iJ5 And Others SE1RERLING-1.UCAS MUSIC C"V. 125 4th .St.. Bel. WmsIi. and Alder. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $550 F. P Chase, large oak. cash.. $23 305 345 2 15 165 2'J5 8N0 Conover, magnificent style. 65o Kimball, bent style, t ah 0'tO Krt-ll in fine mahogany, cash.. 475 Emerson. smal, cash 750 I'lanistii plater piano, cash.... 250 Collard A Coliani small up- rich! Some parlor organs $20, $2H and $3a to $5S cash. 103 10TH ST., AT STARK ST. 6 NEW PHONOGRAPHS With Five-Year Guarantee. Was. N'nw. $310 $225 $225 $125 $115 $65 Late Records 5"c Easv tnna. Ch II Bdwy. 1 30 437 STARK ST. CORNER I2TII Furniture for Sale. YOTT CAN DO BETTER AT M1SH FURNITURE CO. TRADE IN TOTTR OLD FURNI TURE FOR NEW. We will make you a liberal al lowance for your old furniture in trade for new nnd if desired make terms to suit your convenience. Somebody can use- the pieces you da not want. MISH FURNITURE Cf., laa-100 Filial; STREET. SAVft MONET. Try our sales department If yon want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars. Expert parking, re pairing and n finishing Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof, tturaga. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 63 4th st., opp. Multnomah hotel. Puono Broadway 3715. . LEAVING town, must dispose of hou.o hold furniture, in oak ; leather daven port, two leather -seated rockers. ' ali leather roeacr, new Siradivara, Jacobean oak dining room set, cooking utensils, ice box, electric sweeper. Acorn gas range, side oven. 701 llawthorno ave. and 20i h st. Phone East 0011. BOOKCASE, 2 library tables. bed and springs, dresser, dressing table, 2 rock ers, telephone stand, velvet rug, dining table. 5 chairs, kitchen table, lawn mower, smail typewriter, frn stand. $1M takes all or will st.ll separately. Kast OU'l. 21. 'I Cherry st. FURNITURE enough for a timom bunga low now located in beautiful modern west side front apart men I ; big sacri fice, for quick disposal. Apartment can bo rented if desired, ready to move right in. Call m oriung.s. Main 4 12H. DON'T SACRIFICE our lunuture if KOlnj; east or to California. We can sav you money on your l rein hi in our through cars; fireproof Htorago. C. M Oijutt Tra nsfer othba C".. 2 IS Pin e st. CHENEY' phonograph, new; paid $275. Will take $150 60 records. New "U hite Kotarv sewing machine. Cost $S5. Will sell $40. 31 E. 12th St. IVORY enamel metal bed. hprinss and mat trend quart-r-a wed oak dicing tallewithleaves. 1 V M a rwha 1 1 20S I. MUST sell at once, 7-ptece mahogany din ing toont suite, in Drat -class condition. Call 345 Fl. 121 h st. AIi.Mi ST new Superior common a t ion range, reasonable; also ismall saie, leather chair, bu rea u. Ca 1 1 E;w t 1 DINING room table and chairs, In Wil liam and Maty style, 1 wicker table and 1 anitary couch. Call Sel. 3150. FURNITURE for sale, flat for rent. 44i) Broadway, west side. HAVE a bt autif ul mahogany living room s v for sa 1 e, including ru g. Btiy. 3 102. WHITE ivory reasonable. bedroom set for sale very B ro.i d w a v l 1 o '. 3 GOOD Haiiitary couches chu.ip, Kas heater. l7 10th st. FoR SALE Baby bed, carriages and some furniture. 1042 E. Taylor. Tabor 1077. FURNITURE bv the piece and player piano for alc. See, lL llo E. 2nh. near Alder. Fo R SA L E Ivory dressing table, parlor aet, furniture. 500 Hawthorne ave. FURNITURE of lo-ruoiu houae. Mar shall 2 4. . Office Furniture. LOWEST PRICES OFFICE EVUU'MENT. 2 oak counters. 2 Burroughs adding machines, latest mode s. 5 and 0 bank. Remington No. 10 $60 Monarch Remington 30 Mimeograph 60 Edison dictaphone 3 Check writers, all makes. 1 mimeoscope 25 Safe cabinet, full of filing equipment. 2. 2 addressographs. New and used desks, files, chairs, ta bles, etc. Prices lowest in city. D. C. Wax Office Equipment, House, 24-26 N. 5th. Broadway 230. JUST l. Six desks. 3 roll-to? desks, 3 flat-top typewriter desks. 2 drop-head typewriter dtska. 2 bookkeep ers' desks, oU chairs, 4 drawers, letter files. BUS HONG- A CO., 01 Park 8L BEFORE purchasing new or second -hand deska, chairs, files or safes visit our salesrooms and inspect what wo have to otier. THE IRWIN-H0DSON CO. FURNITURE DEPT., 1QTH AT STARK. SAVINGS IN DESKS We have new desks and office tables, slightly flawed In menu lac lure, which we sell direct to consumer. We make fine desks exclusively, los styles, ure gon Table Co.. Ka.st6052. T pewrtters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITER ALL MAKES. . IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 321 Washington SL Main 56SL REBUILT typewriter all makes, rentals, repairs), supplies. Distributors Corona portable. Sundsirand. adding machines. Main 2233. E. V.- Pease Co.. 110 buua street. ALL MAKES adding machines and comp tometer repaired by factory expert. P. R. Mahoney, 3S4 Stark at. Bdwy. 1103. UNDERWOOD and Iteming ton type writers, 3 a munlh. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. NO 1 ROYAL typewriter with tabulator, firstclass condition. Also mimeograph. Ross, ("40 Cham, of Com, bldg. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co., 312 tark. M. 6540. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. VI 5th st. Main 3603. NVV rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark Bt. Main 1407. NO 5 UNDERWOOD, like new, not used; snap, $55. Mr. Larm. Ramapo hotel. HogM, Rabbits, Birds "dFet Stock. WE SPECIALIZE in Airedales and wire haired fox terriers. When in the market for a real one, write us. for we have that kind. Coxcomb Kennels, P. O. box 475. Astoria, Or. BEAUTIFUL St. Andreasburg rolier sing ers and female. Best stock. Main 5471. 3 27 Mill Htrcet. YOUNG St. Andreasberg roller, $5. East b874. 6S7 Multnomah street. SKINS snd furs tanned. West Coast Tan ning C p.. 802 Teni no ave. S ell. 23 98. FOR SALE: Irish spaniel puppy, rat talL Call M r. H a w e s. Main 3020. ALASKAN Spitz. Eskimo pup. Call Ta bor S104. . GENUINE Andreasburg slngor In full' song. $6. Tabor 5017. BOSTON bull puppies for sale reasonably. Call Wdln. 3555. PAIR canaries and large cage, $1.50. Call Tuesoay, i ! nor fi'.t. Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment, FOR SALE Boat repair yard, equipment? tools and material. Located In the city. C. 22. Oregonian. A GENUINE Edison battery; has no equal for UohtUig; lfc Vk N. Broadway, i