BrsINE- prrORTCMTlKH. OKHAT XUKTIILKN HHOKEHAUK CO. Mult 111 FICturk 11 lock. Hull and Wash. Fhn Broadway -rt.M. OBOUON a UViiKI BROKERS. TwIv ncwmfnl year In thla bl lless qualify us to Hfur for eur buyers tb brat posalbl values. All till guaranteed, Our client protected. HinH-CI.AS.I OARAOB BUSINESS. Fireproof cls.s-A building, choiwil location, near downtown district, fully quipped, gas station on street, etc; 10 year lease at low rental: any business man can clear never lees than $lu"U month here; $4,100 cash wilt Handle. AUTO REPAIR SHOP PARTNERSHIP. Hers is the beet opportunity In Port land to learn tbe auto repair business: first-class rnechanio In fine busy loca tion Willi ful.y equipped shop In con crete building has more work tlian he can handle alone: prefers steady partner to hired help; If you are handy with tools and a willing worker this Is your chance to make better than $200 per month, for yourself from the start; enual half Interest only $M0. Bee this befture yuu buy. ft HO 19 RBPAIRINO 1WMNBSS. Klne. buey locstlon. close In; com pletely equipped In every wsy, buffer, sewing machine, 1-h. p. motor and all necessary hand tools to conduct the business; Is now clearing 12.10 a month. Owner has other Interests and la forced to sell; price, $700. A real snap. FOOT, HAM,. PRINKS AND CIGARS. Busy Im-atlon. right downtown: com pletely equipped. 3 modern tables. 60 foot mahogany bar, handles drinks, elvers, candles snd light lunches; weil established stesdy business; good lease, one wr two buMlness men can easily clear better than $4oo per month here; price iMtt; full value In sight. OARAGE BARGAIN. ' . Fine, modern, fireproof garage; busy Clnae-ln east side location: 40 cars stor age; fully equipped, with gas and nil station: excellent repair shop. Price only flooo. An opportunity for any business man. VULCANIZING BI'SINRHS. EWl'AI, HALF INTER EST. Price 1400. In long-established tire nd vulcanising shop; fine, buey loca tion; very low rent; no experience necessary If you are willing to work and learn, as remaining partner Is ex pert tire man and will teach you the business; you will easily clear $200 every month for yourself. See this be fore you buy. CJ'IAR STAND SNAP ONLT II una Klne downtown location In lobby of leading commercial hotel; clean ataple stock, attractive fixtures; stand slso has outside opening on buey street. You ran easily clear better then $HOO every month; suitable for lady or man. This Is a real snap that Is seldom offered. OR FIAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. 8TH Plttock Hlock. 10th and Wash. THE UNUIKHIONEU will receive sesled bids for a stock of merchandise, prln ctpslly groceries of the Inventory eslua tlon of H04 03 and fixtures pertslnlng to the same of the Inventoried value of IK.tS.2a. total I14M.20, located at Huth erlln, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon. Saturday, Oct. a, 1921. Tbe Inventory may be seen at my office, snd the stork will be shown on Thursday. Oct. 6. 1921. The right Is reserved to reject sny and all bids O. A. Cote. 641 plttock block. M 1 1,1, IN K. R Y AND URKKMMAKINd. ladles. Investigate this: on Missis sippi car line we have for sale a mil linery stock with sll fixtures. 4 nice liv ing roome In rear, bath, fireplace, mod ern quarters. The price of the stock and fixtures Is 112.10, This Is a fine proposition for a milliner and dress msker. Hee Mr. Terry today. ,1'OMTK KOHL.MAN. M. rl.1.10. 2lM Chamber of Commerce Blilg. CoNFECTlONERT store and parcel of property for sale on very liberal terms; confectionery averages over $.10 per day. building brings l5 per month. Will sell on a very liberal long term offer; tftooo down and balance li)0 per month and t per cent takes sll. Price $ This business and property loclUed 17 miles from Portland on highway. AV 8H4. Oregonlan. CONCRETE GARAGE. Wonderful west side location, apart ment and hotel section, filled with steady storsge; fine repair shop, catering to high-class trade; bis; supply oils. gas. auto accessories, etc.; lease to carry you over the KA1H: business will warrant 700 month above all expenses: 13000 hsndles. 810-11 Panama bldg.. Sd and A Irter st s. ' $j PER DAY Ul'HI X KSH I'ONFKC-" TItNERY AND 1.1'IHT LUNCH CoHN EH. Trial given. Open for Investigation. Have got to go to California. If you mean hunlneeM. can show you a real buy; l-30 wl. I handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 44-:- Panama Hlilg. Third ft Alder. PR I'd STORES. ONE FOR I7.V10 ANOTHER FOR 122.000. Both of these are very choice loca itlons, anil are the best buys to be had In Portland. DUI'HF.Y INVESTMENT CO., 300-10 Panama Bldg.. 3d anil Alder. PARTNER WANTED. Wanted by .an experienced hotel man a partner to take over a good paying hotel In the city, one who Is a mixer; H(HH Is all that Is required. See Mr. Tlce at the Pacific N. W. Hotel News, st once, 714 Couch bldg., or phone Main 04. BUSINESS CHNCE OFFICE. WELL, ESTABLISHED. Will offer for one week only one of the biggest Ill'SINEn.4 CHANCE office In Portland; downtown location, doing good business : would consider live partner. V fi2. oregonlan. O IK K'tll T AND ROOMI.NO HOCSB. Grocery doing about 140 day; 13 rooms furnished, 8 unfurnished; and 1 stores: all full; rent on bldg, $123 month. In come about ?M month, store rent free. Price I.1M0. term a 614 Railway Ex change hldg. CON F ECT KiNEIlT, CIGARS AND ST) FT DRINKS. Fine corner aland on west side, doing g good busineew. This will Invoice mure than price saked. Price only 11700. PL'PREY INVESTMENT CO.. SOt-IP Panama HI. Is., d and Alder. BUBiTRBAN OROCERT AND BI.DQ. No competition; doing l-io to Irtrt day cauah and oarry, corner, 1-atory bldg., J rooms and sleeping porch. KOxloo lot, price $3300, bids, and fixtures; Invoice Mock, about ll.VHl, $:wo cash will ban die. 314 Hallway Exchange bldg. GROCERY. POSTOFFICE LOCATION. In fine thickly-settled suburban locs tlon. Poatofflc alone pay about $73 per month. Price II70O. DUDKKT INVESTMENT CO.. SOO-10 p A N AM A Hl.n V 3D A f.PF.R, A 40-CAR CONCRETE OARAGE. Choice location; lease; sell gss, oils, tires, etc.; doing a big business: for best of ressons must sell; price very reason able and easy terms. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. F KHT AL'It ANT SACRIFICE 4-YUAR LEASE PRICE I22O0. r"lna west side location: this place) 1s worth ll.'pOO more than price askeaV miDRET INVESTMENT CO.. reV-IO P (NAM A ni.IXI. 3D A ALPTtft. EAttT SIUK GROCERY. Rant 182, dsndy living room, all kinds of fixtures, covered by I'JOOO Ineursnca. doing a fair business. Illoo takes It. ANHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 4Q4-B-H Panama Hlilg.. Sd and A Ider. POOL, HALL NEAR OH AND AVBNUU AND HAWTHORNE AVE. Vyear leaa. fully equipped. 4 pool tables'i will steal this place. AV'HOK INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, IM-J4 I'lnimi BM. Third A Alder. I.ITNCH COUNTER BUSINESS. A real sacrifice; this la really worth Investigating; must sell. BAKItANP REALTY CO., 34W Salmon St. GARAGE. WEST SIDE. Storing about 70 cars with a good Esa, oil and accessory trad and can be ought right. 401 STOCK EVCHANCK BI.DO. I1700 GROCERY STORE. About I14O0 stock, fixtures. Including meau allcer, furniture of two rooms: a good buy. Rent 2U. Owner, X 41 Ore- gonlsn. A COUNTRY GROCERY. T a live town, not far from Portland: will Invoice 1120; eales 1.10 to 140 day and gfnd profits; rent only 125 month; a real bargain. Room 401 Dekum bldg. (XiRNKR G ROC KRY. West side living room, rent ISO, doing about 31 day. cash and carry; Invoice about $1700. $14 Hallway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE bv owner, grocery store stock, fixtures and building. 9 good living rooms. For Information call Woodlawn 4 WO. $000 OPENING for stesdy msn hsndv with tools In suto buslnees; pay $200 month. Room 401 Dekum bldg. PILES can be permanently cored without operation. Call er write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. W A s 111 NGToN-STREET reelaurant for sale. Il.'ioo; one-third down. See Jaeob son. At ly . ape. N. W. Hank bldg $ 7e0 LIGHT grocery. west side, aversges $2.1 a day, lease. See Harpert with In terests Land Co., 21" Stark street. yiKST CLASS cafe for sale in live town. If Interested write Raymond Meat Mar ket. Raymond. Wash t'l'-TO-DATE cafeteria, worth 18000, fort quick sale will take $2000. Look It over at 14 N. lulrd street. URYGOODS business, center east side, worthy of the strictest Investigation. Main 0307. WILL sell ail or half Interest In weil aatabll.hed. good-paying real as Lata of- BTSINF.S8 OPPORTfNITIF,S. I EST grocery buy In Portland, apt. house district, west side; lease; S living rooms: Just enough fixtures; $3250. Can't be beat. Bakery and delicatessen, five years In buaineea; will take a good, reliable part ner. $7000: hss two stores. This Is a very good proposition. East side grocery. 100; I large llv 1ns; rooms; residence district. S. M. BOI.AND. 0g Stock Exchange Hldg. Ant. 329-04. fcl.KCTHIC light and power plant, located In a railroad payroll town In eastern Waehlngton; this Is a fine water-power plant with the oldest water rights on a mountain stream: it Is a revenue pro ducer year In and year out; Juet the proposition for the practical electrical man to run and manage for himself snd be Independent. Address owner, 212 8. Jersey street. St. Johns. Portland. Or., or nhnne Mr. Hrysn. Columbia 0.'. PA HTVKRSHIP OPPORTUNITY. To buy equal half Intereet In good paying, well-located, fully equipped auto repair ahep; experience not necesnsry. as I cannot depend upon hired help and will teach man willing to work and learn the business; owner expert: csn each easily make $173 and up a month: 1.100 required. $10-11 Panama bldg.. Id and Alder st GARAGE. A REAL BUY. In one of the choice west side loca tions; good storage snd lots of shop work. Price only $3OO0. A fine place for two good mechanics. We also have other good buys. DUDRBY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama Hlilg , 8d and Alder. H INTEREST. POOL HALL. $W. Good lease, rent $23 per month; back and front bar. 4 pool tables. $60. -ork linoleum on floor. 2 barber chairs, benches), chairs, show casee, counter. ere. root beer barrel. More than one man can handle. Mao with common sense coa- ASrHOIl INVESTMENT CO . Realtors. 40-.VB Panama Hldg. Third Alder. GARAGE Hest proposition In the city: a going buelness paying good profit now; favorably ft or 10 years' lease on new modern two-euiry concrete building, loox loo. located on corner with entrances to both ftoora on street level; other in terests force us to sell this profitable business. First and Harrison streets. Phone Main 4343 CON FECTIONERY AT UA1LKOAD DEPOT. One of the grandest and best propo sitions in the cltv of Portland today. Trial given. A real store and a god mine. Beat of reasons for selling. $.!OOU caah. No elghteeers. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 4,,4-7, Panama Blflir. Third A Alder FOR S A I.E. Hotel and butcher shop with cold stor age plant In thriving town on Columbia river highway; no Incumbrance. On ac count of sickness will sell one or both at a bargain: you can't afford to miss thin If taken st once. leal with owner. John Elder. Mosler. or. GARAGE HALF INTEREST. OVi-YEAR LEASE CONCRETE BLPO. Flrllv equipped, battery charging out fit, blacksmith outfit, lathes, motors. In fact a real place working five people. $1.Vfl will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 4ni..1-n Panama Dlilg. Third A Aider. .'1,1 aw avi virwa STIV1I In lobby of prominent downtown com mercial hotel; beautiful fixtures, large staple stock cigars, tobaccoe. candles, magazines, etc.; low rent: man or woman can handle: can easily clear $200 month above all expense; a bargain tor su. Call 810-11 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder FINE garage, carrying a sub-dealership for Chevrolet automobiles with rights to sell anywhere In city of Portland; old and eetabllshed buslnees: mv only rea son for selling Is to take a much larger dealership elsewhere. Address owner, 42 Marguerite avenue, Portland, Or., or call after 7 o'clock evenings. GROCERY. PRICK ONLY 9S0. On clnse-ln west side corner, 5 show raaca caah register, counters, shelving, etc. Rent only $40. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 300-10 Panama Hldg.. 3d and Alder. SWELL SUBURBAN GROCERY. . DANDY YARD AND LIVING ()MS. Rent 113, long lease, ftrert -class fix tures. $43 per day buslnees: sickness compels me to sell. Price $2200. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 4l4-3- Panama Hlilg. Third & Alder. A PARTNER WANTED Auto parts, tires, vulcsnlslng. etc.: equal partnership In a profitable store for only $H0O; need the services of a steady man not afraid of work: expe rience Is not necessary. Call room 40l Dekum bldg. . $.'..-. 0 REST Al'RAN T T50. Tables snd counter, well equipped, doing e good buslnees, plenty of room and cheapest rent In city; a dandy work Ingman's place, not fancy but makes the money: oolv $-'130 cash: right down town. Peters, 1.1 N. Fifth street. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY. Sales over I30OO a month; good lease, nice store: llftoo worth of fixtures for $7.1 and about $2200 clean stock at In voice. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLPO. MAN To take over buslnees. material costs S cents, sells for 30 cents: new In vention, big demand, flte every auto headlight, no competition, only device of kind; no experience necessary; exclusive rights. Call Sundays or evenings. Head llght. Venshle hotel. 228 Third street. OROCERT AND MEAT MARKET. Fine neighborhood, no close competi tion; DOING $73 TO $100 DAILY. 4 good living rooms and bath; rent $38; Plica I2v. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLPO. CLEANERS. ATTENTION. A cleaning snd pressing establishment In growing town of eOO, no competition, doing $:tr to $-0 week besides suit bunl ness; reason for selling, sickness; $200 rash; Investigate this. AV 31)3. Orego nlan. BANK RUPT STOCK for sale, consisting of store fixtures snd assorted stock of Pl.UMHINO SUPPLIES and SHEET METAL In Astoria. Won derful opportunity at bargain prices. For Information apply to AP 7f. h-egonlan. MAKE 1400 TO 1500 MONTHLY In strictly first-class CONFECTIONERY AND CARD ROOM. Fine location, long established place; no "bunk" or blueaky; MJOO rash will handle. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLPO. HARRFiR SHOP. 9-YEAR LEASE. RENT 75. 4-chatr shop, close In, west side loca tion. Price orfly $:oo. DUDRET 1NVKSTMT7NT CO.. 300-10 Panama Hldg., Sd snd Alder. A PARTNER WANTED. Want Interested help and will sell equal Interest In busy auto painting bust, ness to Industrious msn for only $425. Will teach buyer the buslnees; profits are good. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. REPAIR SHOP. One-half Interest In one of the best mnney-msktng shops In the cltv: clears over $100 per month. Price $2230. DUDRET INVESTMENT CO.. a.00-10 Panama Bldg., Sd and Alder. OOOD I.ITTI.H GROCERY, $1000. Nothing but stock to buy and that at Invoice; good location, cheap rent, long lease. STVVS. 610 HENRY B LPO. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing a dea. of so-called Interest In established real estate buelness get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bid. Phone ti-o.Hw.v nip;. FOR SALE General merenandlee store and stock of sbout $30O0. sltusted on west side highway, postofflce and cream station in connection. Apply box AV 887, Oregonlaji; i PARTNER wsnted. wood snd coal busi ness; need help of steady man; good pay; $1130 required. 401 Dekum bldg. FELLERS. (Sits B4CK FRCM "THE. fTlHM. Ill, t W.wipa ) RAT A S C OF (T I 1 J SeWlBO? BfBlXF.Sa OFPORTryiTIFa. BAST SIDE GROCERY With ft-room flat upstairs. Rent only $25 with 3-yr. lease. Very classy store, ONLY $25O0. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET. Doing $175 dally. Long eetabllshed east side location. Long lease. Bquipped with up-to-date refrigerating plant. Hest of fixtures. Stock will Invoice $5000. M A R SlH McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Hldg. Marshall 8098. $.'D0 FOR FIXTURES and invoice atock. about $4,10 will buy small confectionery; rent 110; lease. $5.10 for fixtures and Invoice stock about $1100, will buy dandy grocery doing $40 to 1.10 a day; rent $20. fHon buya dandy grocery, living rooms; rent $25. $IH.M buys essh and carry grocery doing $40 to $50 a day; living room; apartment house district. HUSHUB. 81H Chamber of Commerce. TALK about a bargain. Mr. Homeseeker. Juet look at this.. One of those modern seven-room bungalowe In the cholceet Part of Hose City Park, with garage, choice flowers and fruit; hard surface, only 13.100, 11000 cash down. 1 have many others from $2,100 to 14000 each, on which I can quote a homeseeker ressonable prlcea and terms. J. H. HOLHROOK, Realtor. 214-213 Panama Bldg. POOL HALL S MILES FROM PORT LAND ON PAVED HIGHWAY AND RAILROAD. A fully equipped pool hall. 4 pool tables), 80 ft. back and front bar. card tables), show cases, stock, brick building, fine farmers' community. Clears IOO " per month. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-3-0 Pans m a Blil g. Third A Alder. POOL HALL. PRICE ONLY $3000. Nine table pool hall and the equipment of barber shop In connection, all goes at the price. Very low rent, and good lease. Brick building on one of Port land's busiest corners. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 900-10 Panama Bldg.. Sd and Alder. $1 Dill GROCERY. SWELL LOCATION AND LIVING ROOMS. Rent 12.1 a month. 2 glass showeae. S counters, large refrigerator, awning, cheese t utter, oil tanks, shelving, etc On Has'thorne avenue. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-3-11 Panama Hlilg Third ft Alder. THOMSON THOMSON, Realtors. NEW LISTING. Dandy little restaurant. Sixth street location, good lease, low rent, doing splendid business. See this bargain; IJielO, part terms. M RS. THOMSON, 620 Henry Building. BAKERY. Small bakery In good west vide loca tion: 3-door gas oven and other equip ment Including show cases, cash reglerter. shelving, etc.; 3 living rooms. Rent $40. 2-vesr lease. Price $100 DUDKEY INVESTMENT CO.. r.OO-10 PANAMA 111,1X1. 3D A ALPE-R. A PARTNER WANTED. Old, established downtown battery and electrical aervlce station wants partner to handle office details; salary $-10 per week' 3-year lease; Investment secured. Csn double salary In six. months. 6o7 Couch bldg. ItESTAURANT FINE FOR MAN AND WIFE IN LARGE BRICK HOTEL. Seats SO people; 1400; some terms; enough roomers In hotel to keep you busy at all times. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 404-3-0 Panama Bldg. Third A Alder. toil SALE Well established new and second-hand furniture store In good lo cstlon: good, clean stock. Will sell at a sacrifice. Have good reasons for sell- Ing. AN eel, oregonian A U1DTVITH WiVTED. Owner of sign shop needs Interested help- will sell half for $8.10; guarantee right party $200 month. Call ill Rail way Exchange. THE BEST coal mining proposition In Washington requires $11,500 at once; will closes Investigation; an un usually attractive proposition. Bo 01. Oregonlan a I "Pi i n kpa I FUNG BUSINESS. Opening for good man, experienced, as partner In a good going buelness; only $300 required. Call 611 Railway fcx- change. "a PKil. BITY IN LUNCH COUNTER. Heart of downtown district, lease over the fair; fine new equipment. See this and give us an offer. Harper, with In terstate Land Co.. 248 Stark street. PARTNER WANTED. One of the best-paying garages snd msrhlne shops In town: ten-year leane; clears $2-10 each per month. Investigate this. "7 couch Plug VVRST SIDE GARAGE. 100x100. low rent, good lease. TO cars steady storage; pays $ month: $35O0 will handle; stand full Investigation. Room .111 Rallwsy Exchange. r.BDl'KRV WEST SIDE. This Is a real buy for $27O0. Come In and wa will convince you. Caeh and tarry, apartment house district. 4Q1 STUCK F,.i rl A ' r. FOR SALE Shoe repairing shop, good lo cation, complete outfit, doea good busl ness; "proprietor wants to go south. In quire St Af St. jrrKUTU.iL. FOR SALE By owner. Vj Interest In well, equipped auto repair shop; good loca tion: 3U0 caeh. Call Wdln. 3103 after 7 P. M oitsTiKRAST. ON THIRD. One of the best buys In the city for only $050, terms; dandy place. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. FOR SALE Confectionery, fountain and lunch room, must sell on account of sick ness; this place at a bargain It taken at once. 377 Washington. SHOE REPAIR SHOP, good location for real shoe repairer; fine outfit; $75 cash, balance very easy terms. R 27, Orego nlan. . MOVING picture theater for sale, town 1500 no competition, clearing $0000 per year! Call on George C. Mates, 390 Burn aide. RESTAURANT, Washington street loca tion; averages 4o day; rent $40: $1200. George, with Interstate Land Co., 248 mark street. $3.-,0 LEASE, pool, confections, cards, lunch, fixtures Included in rent; big profits for two men. Inquire Ransom, 4110-410 Couch bldg. WILL selThalf interest In grocery; sales $2000 per month. Rent $30. Mr. Kings- ley. 212 Hallway r-xepange piria- 2-CHAIR barber shop outfIL Apply at 2m Washington Uunlneas OlrwrtunithaVnti WE RU1LD small houses and garages and repair old ones at rock-bottom prlcsa 7:15 E. Main st. Esst 3.".30. I WANT a partner In centrally located auto parking grounds; must have $1500 cash. It an. uregonian. CONTRACT of $1100 payable at $44 per . . . .) eAe eaanle aencjev stock F 73. Oregonlan. HAVE 1U19 Stevens car and some cash to exchange for grocery store, doing fair business. l a:', uregonian. FIRST-CLASS mechanic with $1000 wants partnership In good garage and repair shop. I l. uregonian. HAVE a client for a hotel or apartment up to $20,000. All Information conil- dentlal. Main 3S.1. 2 GIRLS want lunch counter that requires small InvestmenL What have you J U 48. Oregonlan. WANT a email rooming house. Tea, I am a dealer. Main 385. t YOUNG man with $1000 to Invest. What have you? V SS. Oregonlan. WANT good small business up to $000, N 84. Oregonlan. WANTED To buv or rent barber shop. not over three chairs. 8 64. Oregonlan. INCOME business property to trada for mdse. stock to 81'). OHO. Woodlawn 1184. WANT a rooming house. Main 7S4. Out 'till) 'at Brtuuti rLf-t I Bl' SI NESS OPPORTUNITIES. Business Opportunities Wanted. BUSINESS OWNERS. FOR A QUICK and satisfactory sale, list your business with SURETY INVESTMENT CO. 15 YEARS' successful selling experi ence. THE LARGEST and most progressiva selling organisation In the northwest. EFFICIENT salesmen accompany all buyers In their sutos. PHONE MAIN 2990. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. $10-11 Psnama Bldg.. Portland, Or. Corner 3d and Alder S:s. SOLD IN TEN DAYS. All lines of business sold, partners obtained; additional capital procured: lowest ratee: best service. We have many buyers waiting. BUSINESS IS GOOD with u. Our selling system Is perfect: nothing left to chance. Expert salesmen bring our buyers direct to you. We can aell your busineas In TEN-DAYS. Phone Broadway 2601 and MAKE US PROVE IT. Twelve successful years !n this buslnees. GREAT NtfUTHERN BROKERAGE CO. 8ulte 316 Plttock Block. 10: .1 ana wain. WILL buy gene-al merchandise business in good sgrlcu tural district, but must be a paying buMness and at right price; something arouid $23,000 to $10,000: be specific In Aran letter. AP 53. Orego nlan. V E''H A NIC with $300 cash wants to buy half Interest in auto repair shop with plenty of work: references exchanged. BO 87. Oregonlan I HAVE $1000 to $1300 to Invest In a good paying busineas; must deal direct. H 8H. Oregonlan. htocks and Bonds. LOCAL Industrial stocks and bonds. N. E. Imhaus. Cnrhett Bldg.. Main 1240. Hotels and Rooming Houses. NICE HuME WITH INCOME. Modern flat, well and completely fur s' nlshed. rent $4,1; clears 10O over ex penses; $750 will handle, quick sale, 'is rooms, all apt, rent $113. nets ' $2H besides lovely apL for own use: very best location, well furnished, clean; $3650, good terms. 13 roome. all apts., rent $60, good location, good home, nice Income; $2200. best of terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620 Henry Building. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. RITTER. LOWE ft CO., ' 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS. INC. 714 Couch Bldg. Phone Main 948. Portland agents for hotels and apart ment houses. We also epeclalixe In Oe--gon and Washington country hotels. I. you are In the market to buy or sell call, phone or wire. 13 H. K. ROOMS, stove neat, water and sinks In all rooms: all In fine condition; price $1200, $700 rash, balance at $2.1 a month: rent $. with 2-year lease, west side; have others from $HU0 to $10.0110. Call on us before you buy. John Brown Co., Realtors. 322 Ry. t-xc. puig. la.-.IHI ASTORIA BARGAIN. Hotel doing excellent business, best industrial coast town In state, corner location, on carllne; 47 rooms; good money-maker: $l.ioo casn. 212 BOARD OF TRADE. MAIN 2010, 70 HOTEL ROOMS, all full, Income $1400, net $700: B-year lease. Modern place. $14 000. terms. 13 rooms, 9 h. k., 4 sleeping, best White Temple location, $13.10, terms. J. Wm. Howard Co.. 210 Park st. I WANT TO BUT FURNITURE AND LEASE of first-class hotel in some good town In Oregon or Washington. K. R. S., 61$ Couch bldg. O. A. BOON REALTOR. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS IF LISTED WITH US AND PRICED RIGHT WILL BE QUICKLY BOLD. 93t N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 7861. 12 ROOMS, extra good furniture, good ruics. hardwood floors, white enameiea corner, good lease, fine for bosrdlng house. J. W. Grussl, 81S Board of Trade. Main 7452. FOR SALE By owner. 8-room flat In first-class condition: good furniture and reasonable rent: White Temple district: come and see It. 194 13th St., cor. Tay lor. Phone Main 3.159. 1 ROOMS H. K.. electric lights, atove heat, extra good furniture, west side location; rent ": net income situ ana 2 -room apt, $3O00; terms, 391 Yam. mil street. l-I-l'VITf l,L" , C l,n.,. T I . ) 1.1, close in, extra good furniture, furnaca neat, rent 4.i. 5ee mis. I. E. SPENCER & CO..-317-19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A REAL ONE, 16 rooms, good furniture, rent $40. nets $173: close In. west side; $2,100. $MiO .down; and 5O0 others. Realty Sales Co., 3vt2R aliway Exchange nmg. .Main B34 1, WE HAVE some splendid buys In rooming houses and hotels, come In and aee us. Barney Johnson A Co., Realtors, 170 Tenth street. SEVEN rooms, all H. K, Rent $35. Elec. stoves, newly papered, well furnished. Price $600; $400 down. ELY A CO.. 128 14th St., Realtorg. 20 H. K. ROOMS, close in. all light, clean and well furnished; no Junk; $3000. terms: would consider car; no agents. Auto 320-20 10 ROOMS, good furniture and rugs, clean as a pin. close In on west side, modern, rent $43; nets $110, $1700, terms. Main 3341. 21 ROOMS for little over $ loo a room. JHO rent; close in, west side; running water In. ranges, clean; excluaiva listing. 191 Park st. 14 NICE clean rooms, east side corner, brick bldg.. 6-year lease, all full; price $1000; good terms. 814 STOCK EXCHANGE BLPO. 34-ROOM hotel in Al shape, good location, running water, heat, and good lease. See this and make ma an offer. M, 032, Oregonlan. HAVE a number of small apartment houses that $300 to $soo will handle. RIOHEY-KINOSLEY REALTY CO, 12 Hy. Ex. Bldg. 15 ROOMS and bath; rent $25. aU H. K. Stoves, elec; fair furniture, Prlca $1050. Terms. $700 down. ar cu.. iw jatn st.. jteanora. 6-ROOM, close In. good neighborhood: rent $28; good oalc furniture, also piano; $850. $3O0 caah. Mr. Klngsley, 212 Ry. Fx. hldg. THE BEST buy, 35 rooms. $3000. $1800 rash, will clear over $200. Call Mrs. Haya. SOI Vj Mala at., over C. C. store Vancouver. FOR SALE A 12-room modern hotel, sit uated 1 blk. from Pacific highway. Mra. MRe Fox. Yoncalla. Or. 15 H. K. ROOMS for $400 cssh first payment, reasonable rent, one joor; full price Tn. ll Park at. DOWN lows. 12 rooms: special business opportunities in this location; part cash. 426 Burnslde. bet. 10th and Ilth. HAVE $2000 cas.i as first payment on west side ap'a. and lease; prefer dealing with owner. A r 7 o, uregonian T ROOMS, light, furnace heat, good In come, rent $40; rooms all rented; walk Ing distance. Bdwy. 10B5. WANTED Good furnished apt. house, up to $8000; $2000 or $3000 down, from ownera AJ 81, Oregonlan. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale: 10 rooms, very Una furniture. 887 Taylor, near Tenth. 16 H. K, ROOMS, rent only $55, Income $220; price 12000, easy terms. Sea this place. 870 Yamhill. 8-ROOM house for rent to party buying furniture; good Income, best of loca tion. Phone Marshall 2flS. FOR BEST bargain in apartment house see members of the Realty Hoard- Yataa Realty Co.. 24$ Fourth sL POLLY AND A "LIGHT LIE, AS IT WERE. !!iBp'iiD Jit ;!'tPvi mmJ CD : m 4 house gggV' tffymiil ! rp.i-'. md utj.. ; uju Let, 11 jggiM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Bouses. YOU MAY NOT BELIEVE THIS. but tha most difficult thing In our busi ness la not securing listings or gettlug buyers. Moat anyone will sell at a price, and we have plenty of calla from people looking for business opportuni ties. What keeps us awake nights Is finding places for sale that really are good buys at tha price arkrd. We are not In business lor our health, and we cannot see any profit In advertising places that are over-priced. We Can't sell 'em anyway, so what's tha use. The following have paseed the acid test, and If you are In the market it will pay you to give them the "once over. GROCERY. Strictly cash-and-carry place, doing $00 to $100 per day. Close In, every modern aid to business. It takee about $3230 cash to buy this, but It aura lias tne value. RESTAURANT. Cloaa-ln place, doing $40 to 30 per day. but opportunity lor more buslnees If you know bow to get It. This Is one clean little place and It can be bought for leas than the coat of fixture; Uoo cash, LIGHT MFG. BUSINESS. Here Is a little manufacturing busi ness that can be bought for $1200, with half cash. Now clearing about $15 per day, but can be worked up to quite a bit more. This will especially appeal to someone that knows something about candy, but such knowledge nol essen tial. CAN TOU DRIVE A TRUCK? Woadyard man wants a partner that can drive and look after 8-ton Denby truck. The wood business ought to be a good paying propoeltion. Judging by the price we pay for wood. You can buy a half Interest In this for $0.10, but you must have the coin right In tha old hip pocket. BOURN-WHITE CO.. 812 Couch Bldg. Main 173. CITY HOTELS WITH 3-YEAR LEASE. 92-room corner brick, modern with elevator, ground floor lobby, 40 rooms with bath, the best lease In the city; 8 years to go; nets $10ou a month, $20,0u0 caeh to handle. 45-room corner brick, brand new fur niture and carpets, everything new and In first-class shape; nothing to buy for two years; 5-year lease; house nets $0iM a month. If you are looking for real value and a money-maker see this house without delay. Price $10.5uo, some terms. 70-room corner brick, close in, big money-maker, fine furniture and rugs; everything modern; 5-year lease at $."hhj a month: nets (1000 a month; $10,000 cash to handle. 70-room corner brick, ground floor lobby, modern all through, 5-year lease, neta $600; $AI)uO cash to handle. See this bouse soon as this buy won't last long. For further Information on these and other buya see Mr. Tlce, PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couch Bltr 8 ROOMS and large sleeping porch, close In on east side, fine location for board ers, but good Income as rooming house; spotlessly cleHn. good, new furniture, mattresses and bedding, also erarsge; rent only $40. with lease: 1000. Including one month's rent; will give some terms or discount for all cash. This place Is well worth 1 1 200: you'll like It better when you sea It Mra AlbauRfa. John Ferguson. Realtor, Gerilnger Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP. IDs-room corner brick, flrat time on market In years: 2 and 3-room suites, all with bath: rent $310 a month for 8 yeara, think of it! $3.50 a room nets $800 a month. Now, If It la a bargain you want and a payer, here It Is. $13,000 will nanme. see tne PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couch Bldg. M. E. LENT COMPANY, 823-4-6 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLPO LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. THE VERY BEMT AIT. IN THE CITY $14,000 will handle a 135-room. strict ly modern A -1 f urtvlbhlngs. good lease at less than $3 per room. This well net $:tS,0o0 during life of lease. One of the few that la always full wlt.h waiting list. Just listed. No phone Information. See Mr. J-Tanger wnn 1. c. rvpencer ee a-o., 317-11 Cham, of Commerce bldg FIRST-CLASS B-room house, elegantly furnished, birds eve manle and Ivory furniture, lovely carpets, 8 rooms rent at 130 each, others .at good prices; $1000 win give you pos session. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10t7 Yenn Bldg. HOTEL. LEASE OVER FAIR TIME. 70-room hotel, right down town: on of the popular hotels of Portland; nice ly furnished; price 118,000. Part cash and terms. PUPREY 'INVESTMENT CO.. 30-10 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment and room ing houses wltn us; your interests win always be protected. We have cash buy ers waiting for your proposition. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. GOOD MONEY-MAKER. Fin little hotel. 44 rooms; rent $2.10: 5-year lease: corner brick building: hot and cold water all rooms; prlca $6500, $6000 will handle. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10"7 Yeon Bldg. PRICED BY OWNER FOR QUICK SALE. My 12-room housekeeping apartments; have a good Income, clean and desirable, very close In; take $1200 to handle; price $1700: no agents. See 1210 iNortnwesi ern nana x,nia APARTMENT HOUSE. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 24 room. 12 apartment, running wa ter, atove heat, gas ranges, corner loca tion, rooms alwaya rented, $4000, terms. Broadway a.ili.t. IP1PTMEVT HOITSE SITE. About 110x100x140, close In, White Temple dist., $.1000 mtg., whole price $12,O00; will entertain offer; will help finance. See Mr. Magoon. with I. K. Spencer ft Co., 517 Cham, of Com. bldg. HOTEL FURNITURE Downtown location, 70 rooms, ground floor lobby; netting about $700 per mo. J price $14,000; will take good acreage Improved up to $7000, $3000 cash, terms on bal. Rock, 43 Couch bldg. 1 WANT LEASK AND FURNITURE Of apartment house, west side pre ferred: have good 6-room house. 100x200 ground.' pavement, clear of debt, and $2010 cash. E. R. S.. .113 Couch bldg. DO YOU want to make $2000 on. 42-room modern apt, house, brick bldg. Priced special until Oct. 1. See Daddy Kenne dy with I. E. Spencer ft Co.. 811-19 Chamber of Commerce bldg. OOOD BUY. 82 rooms, part h. k.. part transient: rent $80; lease, net Income $300; fine location; N. W. heat, extra well fur nished: $6000; some terms. 301 Yamhill. NINE rooms, housekeeping, good location, electric and gas; good Income. E. 66.12. IXlST AND FOUND. LOST Small solid gold pin. wing such as naval aviators wear, priced as keepsake. Reward. Phone East 8622. GOLD "Truth. Hop ft Charity" pin. last gift from, mother In Norway. Finder please can sen, .p.o. LOST Yellow cat. answers to name of Sandy. 981 Thurman at. Marshall 567. I niia S pet. nfwam LOST Orange Persian cat, Sunday, 23th. Return. Reward offered. Marshall 44.1. LOST A female Boston bull. Answers to the name of Chub. Auto. 325-08. LOST -Monday. Sept. 26. yellow and while fox terrier. East 4282. HER PALS BY CLIFF 8TERRETT. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Raliay. Light Power Co. (Sept, 28. 121: 6 umbrellas, 3 lunch buxes. 2 pins, 1 suit case, 1 handbag, 1 pair gloves, 2 books, school tickets, 2 coat belts, hat, basket. 9 packages, watch, key. 2 boxes. 2 axes. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at First and Alder streets station. LOST If the parties who robbed a house on East Couch street last Monday eve ning will return the scarf pina and oth er articles of Jewelry a generous reward will be paid and no queatlons asked; or. if In their flight, same were thrown away to avoid capture, finder please phone Broadway 4oo or write F 72, Uregonian and receive rewnrd. LOST or stoleu, two sorrel mares, white mane and tall; weighing about 13oo pounds, missing since Tuesday night. Call Main 23od, or writ V tu. Klchterlcn, Hillsdale. Or. LOST Turning gear shaft with gear on eacn end, under please leave or can Long ft Silva garage. East 8th and Haw thorn avenue, i'hona lv&sl 6540. Re ward. WANTED at once, the name and ad dresses ot live ex-service men wno were In the 4th division, 4th regiment, com pany C. Address Carl llufford, Klon dike, Or TO ALL CONCERNED I deny em phatically the recent reports of my mar riage to Walter HaURixarmcr, Gloria C. 1'almerton, 404 Larrauee street. FOUND 1 large red cow, 1 medium red cow with bell, 1 medium liolstein cow. Inquire of May Hoffman, Barnes road, letter box 4. LOST llrlndle Engliah bulldog. black leather collar with bras plate: answers to name of Rowdy; reward. 484 Mull nomnh st. East 4472. LOST Female English bulldog, about 1 feet tall, he.s got sore spot on the back. Apply J. Matty, Broadway 1074. ilu4 Burnslde street. LOST A cameo btooch. gold mounted, be tween (1130 uoth at. and Sixth ave. sta tion. In Ml. icott diatrlcl; liberal re ward. A 040-48. LOST Leather case containing catalogue, order blanks and note booke; reward for return, Preer Tool Supply Co.. 811 Oak st. PARTY finding lady's hsndbag In ticket office. 3d and Wash., please call Wdln. 5707. MONOGRAM watch fob, E. F. D. Suita ble reward. E. F. Douglas, East 226.1. FOUND White mare, Sept. 20. 1763 Hurst st. Col. 671. SPFCIAL N0T1CF.S, HAVING purchased the equipment of the Beau Brummel shop at 60U Washington St., notice is hereby given that we are not responsible for any debts contracted by the previous owners. V. M. BARNES, MRS. BESSIE ROSS. Dated Sept. 10. 1U21. at Portland. Or. IlieoeliaiiroiAK. SALS. RAILROAD AND SAWMILL LOCAT ED ON THE OLYMPIC r'li.NLNSULA, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Subject to prior sale, sealed bids will be received at the office of the United 6tates Spruce Production Corporation. Couch Building, Portland, Oregon, up to 12:00 noon, November 1, 1921; and then publicly opened, tor purchase of Sprue Production Corporation Railroad No. 1. Clallam County, Washington, and th Spruce Production Mill, Port An geles. Washington. Jointly or separately. TERMS OF BIDDING AND SALE: No b.d for less than $1,500,000 will be accepted for both properties; no bid for less than $1,000,000 will be accepted for the railroad property; no bid for lea than $300,000 will b accepted for th mllL A th aboTe minimum amounts are considerably below the commercial and reproduction vaiu of these properties, the Corporation reaervea the right to accept any offer in excess of the above ffliuimuai amounts for either one or both of these properties, on or before October 17, 1D2L In th event of such offer or offer being accepted notices will b promptly mailed to ail those who bav applied for further Infurmatloa er ubm;tted blda Purchaser of Railroad must agree ta perate sam a common carrier. le ferred payments tat 2'M Interest over Eerlod of 10 yeara will be allowed. All Ida must be accompanied by certified check for $23,000. made payable t th United State Sprue Production Cor- S oration. am to be retained as llqul tad damage upon fallur of bidder ta complete purchase on award; but to b Immediately returned In event of rejec tion of bid. Right are aiso retained to reject any and all blda All bids must be made on rorms and undsr con ditions contained In the prospectus which will b supplied upon request. Titles to real property, timber maps, layout plat of mill and mastsr Index af machinery may be examined at the Offices of the UN1TB.D STATES RPRUCB PRODUCTION CORPORA TION (A Government Agency organised under Act of Congress, entUled "An Act making Appropriation for th support f tb Army," ct t. Approved July a, 1918.1. COUCH BUILDING, PORTLAND. OREGON. STATE OF OREGON. Department of State, Salem. Nol ice Is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Sections 2726 2720. Ore gon Laws, the following state warrants Issued for a period of more than seven vears nrlor to July 1. 11121. will be declared void snd payment thereon refused by the state Treaaurer or Oregon, unless presentea for navment at the office of the State Treasurer, Salem, Oregon, within 60 days from the 23d day of beptember. lJl. tne date of tbe first publication of this notice: GENERAL FUND. Warrant Pate No. Issued. In Who Favor. Amt. B786. July 7.1H13. Oeer ft Cummin. $21. 30 1234.1. Aug. 2.1. WIS. Burke. C 1 00 12347. Aug. 25, 191.1, Garrlgues. W.... 100 123.11. Aug. 2.1. 1013. Thomas. H a u 13871. Sept. 22. 1013. West. Ray 4.00 1.1703. Oct. 23, 1913. Davis. J. B 10 2,1 IBS.1. Oct. 23, lni3. Reed. Edwin P.. 1.40 16107, Oct 31, 1013, Minn. Academy of Social Science 2.00 16228. Nov. S. 1(113. Farmers' ft Mer chants' Tel. Co 12.03 17434, Nov. 2.1, 1013, Ost berg. Oscar.. 6 6.1 2.1194. Apr. 30, 11114. Portland Seed Co. 7 48 16478. Mav 2. 1014. Pet. Tel. Cable Co. 8.40 HATCHERY FUND. DISTRICT NO. 1. 89737. Nov. 30, 1012, Newman. John A, 6.00 GAME PROTECTION FUND. OftOS, Julv 2.1, 1913, Thomas. C. F. . . . 18 93 10881, Sept. 22. litis. Hald-wln, Geo. T . 8.60 14837. May 26, 1914. Fowler. J. W.... 4 00 14012. May 26. 1014. Lowe. W. A 1.00 14H74. May 28. 11(14, Marry. John T... 1.00 1.1030, May 28. IBM. Slayton. O. A.... 8 00 1.1062. May 28. 1914. Stevena, R. L.... 100 1.1086. May 28. 1014. Tipton. Hugh.... 100 15182. Mny 28. 1014. Clark. J. E 5 00 15M3. May 28. 1914. Johnson. John... 1.00 IMIOO, June 2. 11114. Smith. Geo. N 1.00 JhTia, June 2. 1014. workman. James. 1.00 1601 4. June 19. 11114. Brown. Chns. C. 100 16268. June 26. 1914. Starr. M. R 100 16386, June iW. 1HI4. Kromllng, A. L.. 2 M 16387. June 80. 1014, I.ammert. George 1.00 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. 7Pn86. Aug 24. 1911. Springfield High School Nonpariel 1-25 In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the State of Oregon te be hereto affixed this 19th day of September. 1021. (Seal) SAM A. KOZRR. Secretary of Stata. NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALH. Notice I hereby given that th under etgned, pursuant to an order of tha circuit court of Multnomah county, state of Oree-on. will, on Thursday the 20th day of October, 1821. at th hour of 10 o'clock A. M . at 850 East Washing ton street. Portland. Oregon, offer for sale at public auction, for cash, all of the property and aseta of Triumph Ma chinery Company, a corporation, con aistlng of an assortment of mill, laun dry and general machinery and ac counts. Dated September 28. 1921. J. II. GALLAGHER. Receiver of Triumph Machinery Co. V3 A4 The. f -Tut .j - 4 MIrellaneous. TO WHOM It may concern I will not be responsible from this dste on for any bills contracted by my wife. Mr. J. F. Hill. MR. ELMER MAY gives notlc that he will not be responsible for any debts contracted by Mrs. Erf: or Mra Elmer May. UNA NCI AL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 207 SELLING ULDU., SF.CO.ND FLOOR. WE BUY first and second mortKagea and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 8026. CASH paid for mortgages slid sellers Coll tracta on real estate; Washington, Ore go jil1Coble3l61Lurn be rniens bUlg. BUY NOTES, contracts, morTKagcs. F. H. Lew-Is, 713 Lewis hldg.. 41 h and Oak ats. $040 FIRST MORTGAGE for sale at Uls- count. Phone Main 6416. .11 ouey to I.011 n on Real fCslatc. TALK AHOUT 1.1 IIERAL1T Y. READ THIS! RESIDENCE LOANS. OVj PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of 1100 or anv multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; unly small monthly payment required with Interest; you may pay more or all on th first of ach month; no penalty. BUMNESS PROPERTY LOANS. PER CENT. FIve-yar period repaying privilege. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Company of America. 1210 1217 Yeoa bldg. Main 8308. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" For residences, apartment houses and ome other Income property la offered by one of our correspondents. Pay her ANY AMOUNT, ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges. Other funds also, a for th past 14 yeara, especially in LARGE AMOUNTS. The most complete loan service. EDWARD K UOUUKI COMPANY. United States Bank Blug. Skis US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on cnoice loans; lung time and short tune; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 723 Gasco bldg.. 6th and Alder sis. CK1.1.A RS-M U KfuN CO. MORTGAGE LuANJs In any amount at lowest rate on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET, Realtor. 622 Corbelt BUig. Main 6230. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city properly. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ilege. Lowest rales. WUSTBHN BUND MORTGAGE) CO.. 0 Fourth st,. Portland. Or. WE HAVE funds avaliuble Cor goad resi dence loans; also Insurance money tor business property at lowest avallabls rates. MORTGAGafl BOND CO., Main 2831. Wilcox Bldg. FA RM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farina; no cuiumisaion, no delaya, DalVERalAUX AloKTGAGBl CO, b7 Sixth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGbl LOANS, Any amounta, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment prlvllegea A. II. Ill RR ELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Hldg. Marshall 4114. MuRTGAGhl LOANS. Residence and City Property. 6 V and 7 Per Cent, UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Groun d Floor, Henry Hid g. $300. $400. l.'iOU, $100. $1000. I120U, 1.100. $200o and up, lowest ratea, quick action. Pay oft $10 or more at any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Cham ber or commerce Bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commiaaion or neiay. THIS UKEOON AlUHIUAuil CO., LTD., S9 Piatt Hldg. Main 6371. MORTGAGE loans In sums tu suit; City, farm or suburban property. 1.U1LDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLI AM O. HKCK. 218 Falling Hldg $ 1000 4 1300 $2UUO $25UO tJOOtT Nu DE1.AY. We are loaning our own money. !ans quickly closed. F. H. EES HON. 613 Cham, of Com. Bldg. 1300, I4O0. $500. $730. llOoO AND UP I.OW ratea, quick action. Fred W. tier, man Co.. 732 Chum, of Com. Main 6448. PLUNTY of money to loan on real estats at 7 per cent ir security la ampl. ads, P. Mall, 3'J9 Cham, of Conu $300, $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms, no delay, no brokerage. John Haln, 007 Spalding ltldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of Interest. Otto ft Harkson Re a I ty Co . , 413 C h a nib e r or C o mm e r c e. $13,000 7 PER CENT and commTssTorT: well Improved city property; no agents. Ak 68, Orcgunlan. LOANS at cuircnl rales on well-Improved farms and city property. K, K. Baxter, Spalding bldg MORTGAGE LOA.S 6 and 7 per cant Salomon & Co.. 8U7 Railway Exch. bldg, MON&Y to loan, 7'v and b. 'Jeorg K Lent. 717 Corb'itt Uldg bErJ OREGON INV. A MORTOAGB CO.. 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. IF YOU own a car and need money, sue Mr. pnn nanan . 1 b .n . a r o a uwa y. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE t TOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE, PIANOS, V1CTROI.AS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS, ETC. If your paymenta are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts ws will pay them up and advance you more money iz neeaeu. we maKe a apeclalty of these loans and leave tbe security In your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried peo ple on their own note. Rate reason able. Private offices. All business air ici ly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed). 806-807 Pekum Hldg. Marshall 8286. 8. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS. CHATTELS, WE LOAN MONEY on short notlc to salaried or working men on their own notea; weekly, semi monthly or monthly paymenta Kach transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDOHSEB, ABSOLUTELY NO 6ECUHITY. W also loan on household goods, pianos, etc. COLUMBIA, DISCOUNT COMPANY. (Licensed), 218 FAILING BLDG. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. DAN MARX ft CO.. 815 Washington St.. between 4th and 6th ata. ; established over 86 years; only high-class Jewelry atore In city with loan department In connection; private room for ladles; busi ness strictly confidential; under atate aupervlslon; all arllclee held on year; do business with an old-established firm. MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry: confidential service; government licensed and bonded brokera Zell Broa ft Co., 283 Wash. St., between 4th and $tb; Marshall 727. MONEY to loan; diamond, jewelry, eto. ; legal rata; article held one year. Vines, JwIr. corner 3d and Wahlngton. QUICK money to salaried peopl on un secured note: confidential Investigation. 816 Cham, of Com, (Licensed). Fust "Thic46 mau'u. e r-x ' - TEF GrufT. SAMBO.J XttF STUFfl 8f -ME OP Qi ThE METER ' rja Monry to linn f lmttrlrt and Si1rlri, AlONEr TO LUAN on iromla in at untie. Unnk rat. SttCUHlTT 8TOK All K A TKANflfr'JCK CO. I'horr Urntilwiy 371ft. I-uana Wantrd. . FRANK la. MriJL'IRK. with hln V"Ar of xprlnr and extort kno wledK of VH.uea, la In a poaluon to ifcituitrd your evt ry Interest In luntilnc your mon-y. Hunu.'etis of nppllrntiuns for lon. Of-fl.-f of ptraonHl at-rvict. I-t ua loan your money. J. 1kI Kirhnrtlaon, mnnas-T of loan department. A blag tun Mdic. M a 1 n J LKT l,s atiow you how you can iet a a lilKh aa lu pir cent on firat inortnaa aerurtt y. With our rxknmt buiMtriiC upTni tuna and loann rt-quirvd on hmm a ao.d throuKh our offl.t- tan alv uur inon v on Al erurtty. J. A V'1CKMA. C'.. m ?H4 'ark M Mi. In tWM. FIKeST M0KTiAGJ. LOANS O.SLY. Thfin ItM'itl urlt ira li.p I lv $ltval-opim-nt of our uv.ii . 'inn muni t y aunt M In prt-parlnc for lha HJ. itr. I am nerving many en refill a ml runaervuliv luveaiui a. J.t tut -r r ou a.tu. U. I.KK 1'AUfcT. , Cor I -f t tJbM M a i njl'2 3 V WANT l.i.W at to p-r cent. I.V.O at H ir cent, $:k) at h ptr rnt, at h pr cent. $mni at If per cni, H-'-uo at h pr cent ; ei'urd hv t irr t mnrtKMK Inn in on Improv ! rpal emtate. r're-l W. Wur man I'n., 7.1J cjianiltrr f toji.m"rey I Al ("ST-havi iTS.uoo'afTTi.t'' ; wiil p.iy luO per cent anil nerure the loan with my huMlntta value.l at ,i.V0o0. Mr. Watauii, 'Jl li Hallway KichuhK'' t'l'ltf. m WANT Kr.'Hi, 7', J Y K A US. On building on Kat Itrottdwuy, vwlu llu.oOu, r r-ponixihit- wrty NO i-OM.MlSfK'iN. K 1.U. Or.-Konlan. FOIl SAI.F? Klrt iiior:R Ra on city dwell ing!, l0, ,K), liotnj. I1MH); S pr cent, Cail at T-'i Oaco bldg. Main 2. FUU SAL. K Portland v h.:e.lei- inn few atrtetly hlgh-grndw ahurt-trrm trada ac oeptnncea to dlfi-ount. Mainl-i. Foil lill.T-fc-lHtb. flrat murtKitK" luana bee A. K. HID. 4 JO Lumbermen bUlg. HKl.IAHl.K SfciUVlCt-;. SEE ME about getting lO1 on your money. A -1 accurity. Hoy ii. Kcagy. 112 Liwil b'rtg. SfclK OHK'ION I XV. MOHTGAI.K CO., 210 M'MllheK EXCHANt.K HL-IX3. WANT SXtU0 on good aecui Uy, Una; City Park. H 71', Oii-gmiian. TKHSONAI.. I'HVCHOl.Oti V. Ftnd out what you were meant to d and atart to do It. The nimt Important thing in th world to you la yoUKM'll.K. Human analyila aa Ktvt-n by Mra. Anna bwl M alone t the Multnomah hntfl, n terminea the work you are fitted for. You were bora to he a aurcera at mme thing. Find out what It In. A ..Vmlnuta Interview free, by appointment only. I'honp Uroadw ay -WHO PKNTtSTRT WITHOUT VAIX by nerva-Morklnj? t rone therapy or con ductive anpRtheftiii. Without danger or after effect. We perform all dental op eratlnna without pain. Co mo lu and lat us prove It to you. IIl. A. W. KKENR. Above Mr J i-ii t lct h e ate r ,3 . 1 M W nh. OK. J. W. HATUoKe ana Iaiy uwwlHtant, formerly of 3i4 1 -ekum bldg., now at 711 S wetland hldg., treating chronic and nervous diaeuna by new methoda; med ical k.v tntiaHtU M. mineral Htcain bat ha. hot and rold ahowera, scientific tnaaaaga and electric treatment; both aexea treated. Hours 10 A. M. to 8 1'. M. and by appointment. Main 77h. CHOI CK SALMON delivered to your door for to pr pound, dreaaed, caiiKht and shipped the sam day, no shlptneni under 10 pounda; Caah with ord-r.$.a kkkn'imlts. tjki.;hto., or UA1HKS. TAKARA ANTISKi'TIC POWDER la ft soothing, cti'atiaing, healing germicide anil lnlgoratlng douche, a great aid In femule diMorderH : 0c and 1 1 per boa Tort land II tit el I'hartnacy. LKA K.N orof 1 labia bualnena and be In dependent; very beat methods of akin and acalp treatment, marcelling, hair dreaalng, etc., taught at Madam Paten audi behool of Ht-auty Culture, liunaoa hotd 1 m provenu-nt whop, IF YOU AlTfc. TlllliiJNU NKllVoCS, re juvenate your nervoua center and poor circulation by having a aclenttllc body niaeaage. Dr. Ovldla Laraeu, 034 Morftta bldg. Main 1 flUU ad yaa.-latant. "PKOvIT PA Ki K" D reuses af now being shown at PMer aon'a, second floor Plttock biock. There are none prultiur and think of what you aave! til I It' il'H ACTIO. BEST KTUAM HATH, chiropractic, . vlliratory and I'leclrlc niahiaa. ur, Dr. MarKart llsynl., iilb Swt'tiand Mil hi-Hwunal'ls prices. Dlt. l.ui'ISK NKT.Kl. Klvus tr-slmni for rhfUiiiatlHiii. luMibSKo, n.-uiaiKla, tU'. KltTtrlo liiank.'t, Vllirulur inaanaxo mitt bath. I.adv assistant. ,'i4(l c'oluiimla Ml,, ni-ar 1 7 1 rt st Miiln .V",", W ANTICIl l,aily or K-ntl'ii"tn, ho wishes In Ki to han Kra nclm'n, t'sl., I'J auto; caniplng an-1 sharp small expi-nsu; give phoiif. AV ai'7, tirfgonlnn. rUTI'liUFl.UOUS HAIR psrmsnently r-intivtMl by multiple nsedl mstriod; consultatluu frso. MI4 Swotland bill:., 6th at Waa. Main 1H1I8. FKBVKT HANK lll'T, li'uillhK wlat and loupft maker; finest stork human hair goods; permanent and marcel wavlnK. senlp treatments. 3411 Alder. Mill n M'l. VlT-u-NKT .w.,ts for eolds. body maa auiae. radiant lirfht and violet ray treat ments for neuritis. In A. M. to 7 1'. M. dull V. 4 .0 M or s a n b 1 (I a . M a 1 n T S 7 U. HA VIC your eyes properly attended to at Goodman': rlsrht glasses at right prices, l'rompt service. Thousands ol iatl!lcd patrons. IMlll Morrison. Main "14. $1 tiKTS both feet fixed up at Ir. i:nton'a, the CHIKUIMDIKT and AKCIl HI'l-ST., who doesn't hurt you; o yrs. here; exam, fee (II ohf hid K ,j Ith At Wa sit. HdyL' 4. W A NTK1 Clothing anfl underclothing for four destitute hoys, aged 4 to 14 years. Fhone 1'ortland Commons, lidwy. A nil.'.. . CHILE, SOUTH AMERICA. Reldom settlement opportunity. Frea booklet W, r'ahrenkrug. Los Angeles, C'al., Kt 4th st. OKllHUB Hl'UKN'STKlN, th veteran op. ticlan. will fit your eye better and cheaper than elsewhere. Kxperl optician. Reasonable pric" Morrison st. ALL. LINES Imaiilv work and hair mak ing. Experts. Bonnie Hen Shop, special ising In arm and neck massage, hlcacht' hnlr dyeing. -'o I'lttnck. H.lwy. SKa. FI'KH. Portland's npstalrs furrier. The Fur Shop, I4-I!i-1 Kilers Music bldn.. Wash., bet. 4th and nth. Main ffliM. I DO NKSTI.K permanent waving, nat ural, soft and silky, absolutely clean the scalp of dandruff. Can furnish best references. H'J7 4'Jd. Tahor atsl. DIl Cl.AlltK HKNSKKLINl. drugless phy sician; steam baths, scientific massage; hours 10 to 6. .11 Relllng-Hlrsch bldg., V. 'ark and Washington. Main 77S8. SL'IaTHL'K steam baths, massage, violet ray and vibratory treatments for ner vousness,1 poor circulation; hra. 10 to 8. 4 Clay. Main H !. GKAIIUATE chiropodist, massage under medical supervision; open evenings and Sundays. Removed from 2"f to iiltl Allsky hldg.. Third and Morrison. VAPOR baths, massage, electrlo therapy, relieves nervous headache In 10 mtn. Vr J. C. Kilter, office phon 612-41. Bdwy. Klill), 8 U-I'fl. 7IH) I )ekum bldg. MAS.SAOE. baths, rheumatism, constipa tion kidneys. Both sexes. Dr. K!na Sore'n serKfiiH Panama bldg. Main ni'HU. 81" l'ETtKH'Ol'S -hair, moles. warts re muved by Ill-needle method; trial free. Jose Finley, ,M4 Hush ft l.ane. Main MASSAC.ES KOK I.I MTVaCO, ETC. 41.1 Buchanan bldg. Wash., net. 4th and M hst s. Also Sundays and evening a. WANTKI) Home In small city or country for orphan boy, 10 years. II 87, Ure. gonlan. . DUCK lUINTHItS Have opening for two; good Inke, cabin with fireplace, I J. Iitnh, tttlfV Corhett hldg. . 8TKAM HATH and massage, violet ri and vibratory treatment. Hours 10 to 417 Bwetland bldg. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writ Dr. Dean, bc- ond and Morrison. MASSAOE Foil l.i;.MHA10. ETC. 41$ Buchannn bldg. Wash., bet. 4fh and .Mil s-ts. Also Sunday and evening. JXZZ 10 lessons, popular songs Immedi ately; beginners or advanced. i'arker l'lano School, Ml Ellers' bldg. D11SIHE to learn of a regionalize family who would adopt a bright girl 12 ears old N 4o Oregonlan MAKE your own drinks; for supplies, Portland Beverage Supply Co., 431 Stark. Vol'NG man must get to Seattle; csn drive Ford to pay passsge. Tnhor Hit. MALT fvrupa and supplies. Portland Bev erage Supply Co.. 4:il flark Ht. r til istXtiC trouble cured without opera- tlon Pr. R. A. Phillips, Bdwy. bldg. LKARN beauty culture evenings. Madam Curtis. .l arsnaiiiio- STUDY MASS AHIJ. Portland Prhool (Inc.), felllng-llirscn mna, ..iaiu ijtlTTl.ES. barrels, stoneware, corks, etd. Portland Beverage Supply Co., 4:U Stark. VIOLIN" taught, reasonable ratea. Call Broad wa v 7"7. Ask for M r. C. rayJ jT'NICIDE will cure rheumatlsra or money bs c k 4ng Pek um bid g. FlTlMEPA BALM, formerly called Balm of' Flga H44 F.. 3:M. Sell. 21 3tnnrnjngs. DOESN'T Tom, Dick: or llarry pay yout Be Vlereck. cnd'e'2.ra Dekum bldg. R II K A A- ROSS, psycho-analvst, 818 Buch- caa kd( Vasb utar bih, 1 tg 6 r. At Asa. Jaaia I.M4,