THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1921 BFAL FSTATL "For hsdV Houae. LAURELHUR3T. I1CKH) wflt buy my equity In my nsw colonial bungalow. This wilt mik the total pur Chase prlc 17500. I paid $30O for ttata bungalow It months ago. It la necessary that I sell at one on account of going back cut about October 13. Six large rooms finished tn Ivory enamel, colonial period throughout, hardwood floors, large fireplace, til bathroom. Kohler pedest aI with basins, latent fix tures throughout, screens, window rods and shades, etc. ; hot water hatr; fun I; lawn, flowers, shrub bcy, one block from park. Call Owner. Tsbor 260L 1226 EAST PINK 8T. Must be aeen to be appreciated. JTUILT FOR A HOME, SOT TO 8 ELL, ROSE CITY I'AKK Five rooms and rVrpins; poroh bungalow, absolutely mod ern; full remcnt basement, concrete tubs, splendid furnace, hanging fruit shelves, whits enamel kitchen with fins bullt-tn cooler; screened breakfast porch, built-in buffet, bullt-ln writing deeks, built-in book cases; attractive nuok, open fireplace ; many built-in conveniences; case men t windows; modern bath room with bullt-ln linen box; attractive light fixtures; exceptionally large closets, one with outnide window, one with three full length beveled mirror doors; bullt-ln clothing clients; Interior decoration by Portland' best decorator; grounds f0x 100 feet, attractive, with Urga fir and birch trees, grape arbor, loganberries, currents, raspberries and blackcaps ; one block from hard-surfacs street; petition for paving already filed; owner leaving city, sella at sacrifice. Price $60Ou. Terms. 1040 Alameda, corner 03d. Phone Tabor 0508 $:WK CASH PRICE $2100. 5-room plastered cottage on 60x100 let; pavet street. 4 block to Mt. Scott car. Improvements In and paid. 'Water, gtis and light. Balance $-o per month, including interest. $750 CASK PRICE 13200. Xew 5-room bungalow. Dutch kitchen, light, gas. water and half basement ; fruit and berries. Just off Portland blvd., H block to Kenton and St. Johns cars. AMume $.Vm mig. Balance In enmy payment. For particulars see Mr. Newman. $400 CASK PRICK $2350. 4-room plastered bungalow on 50x1 OO lot, 3 blocks to Wood law n car; gas, lights, water and good cement basement. Lois of shrubbery snd 9 bearing1 fruit trees. Balance on ery eay term, bes Mr. Newman. J 0 11 N KKROVSOX, REALTOR, CK-KLIXUKK I Mj. - Phnne Houmi Dept. Main 852. K E NTON KENTON. $3350 An up-to-the-minute four-room bungalow with all of the modern built in k. Vss, it is brand new and only one block from a paved street. $3200 Another almost like tt In the same location. There ara two Bleeping rooms In each, hardwood floors In the living and dining room, standard set of plumbing, including laundry tray, break fast alcove, with disappearing table and Ironing board; cement basement and ce ment porch. Reasonable cash payment and the balance easy. We are the own ers and bulldra. KTAN REALTY A BUILDING CO., REALTORS. 41V Ablngton Bldg. Marshall 5S4S. LAURBLHURST $5S50. NEW ft-ROOM BUXOALOW AND GARAGE. The owner Is very anxious to sell this beautiful home at once. Considering the high quality of msterials ued snd the workmanship, you'll sgree the price is low very low. Hardwood floors in every room and closet. Great big living room, light, cheerful dining room with massive buffet. The kitchen Is the seme of perfection. Adjoining is a breakfast room. Light bedrooms, also papered. You'll admire this and want tt for your home. Investigate. Very liberal terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Insurunce Realtors Losns. 270 Htark st.. near 4th. Main 3002. Branch. 40th snd Handy. Tabor 05S6 ROPE CITY PARK. SACRIFICE. $3O00. On uccount of financial circumstances. 1 am forced to sacrifice my new, modern, 3-rootn home, representing sn investment of over $00OO; hardwood floors, attrac tive paper and fixtures, full cement base ment, all wiring In conduit: 3 additional rooms can be finished st small expense; No. 1752 Siskiyou St., Rose City car to Kant Ofith. 1 blo.-k south. For further information call Main 6203 mornings and evenings. $500 CAtill. 14H50 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT -$4H50. New 5-room bungalow, has large, light living room with hardwood floors, fire place and bookcases, dining room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen in white enamel, cement basement with furnace and laundry treys, street Improvements In and paid. ery easy terms. J. L. KARXOPP A CO.. Main 673. 310 Railway Exrh. BMg. THREE beautiful homes, direct from the builder ; tow prtres. reasonable terms, fine locality, close In; street Improve ment a all In and paid for; lovely high property. 140 feet deep; theae houses sre real homes, double constructed, hard wuumI floors, French doors, furnaces, gs rages. cement runs, breakfast tiooka and all the bullt-ln; 871-875-877 Woodard ave. Come and see them and save yourself $r00. Builder, phone 218-32. 1Q10 Brooklyn. p-KUO.l. 2-story houe on 80x100 lot. only 3 biks. from' car and good school. An abundance of fruit; no assessments against thin property. ' All for $3000 kith only $70O cash to handle. Mod'-rn 7-room aeml-bungulow with 4 bedrooms, 100x100 ft. lot. garage, paved atreet. sewer, ' blk. to car, 8 4 blks. to fhoo). Cement basement, furnace, beau tiful terrace. Kv trma arranged HI'KK H AltPT BL'HlNfciSrt Bl Il.DERf. 4 13 Piatt Bldg. Realtor. Main 7027. 5-ROOM COTTAGE IN RICHMOND ' DISTRICT. 100 ft. from car line. Including fi rooms of furniture. Owner has no ut for same, will sacrifice furniture, house, lot 50x100. streets in and paid for, $2700. $500 down. Never before for .i le. ANCHOR INVESTMENT COMPANY, REALTORS. 404 S O Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. $3.00 NEW. If you are looking; for a five-room bungalow, don't fail to see this; five large rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, concrete basement, wash trays, AOxlOO lot. improvements all in and paid; you ran move right In; $730 cash, balance $20 per month. COB A. McKENXA A CO.. 2 Fourth Street. Main 0071. ROSH CITY PARK. 3JWt East 4Nth St. North. Attractive bungalow, attic, breakfast rovm. gas heat, garage, lawn. etc. QUICK SALE I ESI R E I . tie 1 to ft P. M. Tabor ftlMM. Owner. ROSE CITY PARK. This wonderful 6-room bungalow, with hardaortd floors and all built-lns. fur nace, fireplace, garage; glansed-ln sleep ing porch; this home faces east snd only one block from the car line. $Oooo, $ 1imm cash, balance term. ROBXKTT A MvCLUKK, REALTORS Marshall r21-i. 3Q2 Couch Bldg. WALNUT PARK. $7000. Rtght large rooms and sleeping porch. Sard wood f oors, two fireplaces, full basement, furnace and one of the finest In the diet rut; $i.M0 caah will handle. Six blocks Jefferson high. COB A McKENNA A CO., S2 Fourth Street. Main 7! LA UR EL HURST. 3 rooms, large attic, tile bath, tile rtrln board and fireplace, hardwood f hors In all rooms, mirror door. large plate-glass windows, garage, 8-foot run way, shades, fixtures, house well built. Tabor 127. owner and builder. $U..'U0 LOOK around, then see this bar gain In Irvine. on; H rooms, two bath room, t wo Ore places, hardwood doors throughout, full basement, garage, lot 7."txl00; an Idtil home; must be seen to be appreciated. Sals by owner. Mi Kat lith N Telephone East .".SO. 4-HOOM house. rGxl0O; lots of fruit, ga rage, ek.c. llg'.its. gas. sewer connections; no Incumbrances: $l,"oo. $000 cash, bal ance t; suit. Owner. 2.11 E MJd st N Take M V. csr to 8 2d . 4 blocks north. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN TRACTS AXDToTS. Overlooking lovely Oswego lake, close to Pacific htghwsy; Ideal soil, no rock, and a magnificent view thrown in. RALPH HARRIS CO., M. Chamber of Commerce. Main 3124. 3 BE A UT IFUL ac res of gro u n d an d a lovely a-room house. modern. near Powell Valley: a snap at $ 4000; part a tari: easy terms. laoor 43tM. i ' 1 1 1 1 1 i - IT. plvar mwA V,.. . - 1 tracts at a big sacrifice. A. Risley, Mil-I waukie. Or., rout 1, bux 268. River road. R T. A L EMT A J K. Huborbsa Home. SUBURBAN INCOME PROPERTY. 3500 ALOHA STATION 13300. Fruit and poultry lanch. almost 4 acres; 1 acre In fruit, full bearing; 6 rooiu house, celled and papered ; gas hest, garage, barn, large chicken house, 'J good wells, a fine vineyard, which is now heavily laden with a splendid crop of Concord grapes. Thia is an attractive home on a good gravel road and only about 6 minutes' walk to H. P. station: cash 1 1000, balance $25 per month, bee lata out. M. E. DeJOICE COMPAXT. 221 Henry BMg. Broadway 1831. $2600 RYAN STATION $200. Almost 4 of an acre. 4-room plastered bungalow, with white enamel bath. French mirror door, era a heat, wired fof elec.. basement; city carfare, city water, phone, fireplace. garage, screened-ln chicken house, choice orch., SPLENDID VIEW, all conveniences of city In a most popular suburban district, cloas to car service and school; located on good stone road; caah $600. balance $20 per month. It will pay you to see Us, as this la a genuine bargain. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY, . 221 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1 63 l. CHOICE ACREAGE. SUBURBAN HOME SITES. Close to heart of city, healthful coun try air. 1 to ft-acre tract; 30 minutes' out on red electric cars; no bridges; H mile north of Lake Grove station and Oswego lake, 8 miles from Wsshlngton st.; line soil, good road, now being paved past this property; fine school, ex eellent neighborhood, rapidly growing district; reasonable prices, easy terms. T. U. REES. OWNER. 403 Couch Hid. Maln 302 4 . or M a 1 n 2473 even ings. ACRE A RTIXTIC HOME. Newt ling a mo no- a beautiful grov of native trees, with striking exterior and very convenient room arrangement; Dutch kitchen, full plumbing, built-in bookcases, cheerful fireplace, gas and electricity; full cement basement; ga rage. Jt la situated In the de luxe resi dential district; Just 2 miles esai of 82d st., and facea directly on the Powell Valley road. $4250, $100O caah. R. H. Confrey, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE ft CO., 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade BMg. COI.TlM HI A RIVER HIGHWAY. . ncres right on the highway all in cultivation; ail kinds of fruit. 5'M) straw berry plants: :t-room house, garage, chicken house, hog house, place for ducks; creek runs through; waon calls for scnooi children; .to minutes to As toria. Price only f looo HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 -Stark Street. Main 831. BARGAIN in Park rose acreage; modern home, garage, terms. Tabor 2876. For Hulr Itunlnewi Property. .Vtxl4.', WITH new brick building, best business corner on Coos Bay; ideal for theater or big department store. Phone owner. Eaat 3Sft9. For Su le A c rea ge. 11 ACHES. Hi miles from center of Port land; H mile- from electric station; all under cultivation. Bearing- orchard and berries; 6-room plastered house, cement banement. Dutch kitchen, barn-, chicken house and other buildings, all new; In cluded with place: lot) chickens. Will divide the place, or consider house in Portland in good dlMrict up to $;000; easy terma on balance. Property clear of Incumbrance. ACRE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH. On macadamised road; best of soil, no rock nor gravel; very close to electric line; c commutation fare, city water, Jan, electric lights; nice slfrhtly ground, 'rice $700 per acre up; very easv terms Or will an half-sere tracts. Nelson. JOHN FF,f:GlHON. REALTOR, GERLIN'lER BLDG. Over ,00 Small Places Near Portland. Get our extensive clnwslfletl lists. RIVERFRONT RIGHTS. We have Just platted a larae tract in River Villa, near Courtney station, Ore gon City line, into homesites of approx imately of an acre up. with prices running from $4.V) per tract up. terms $25 down snd $7 50 monthly ; some of the are on paved road; a tract of sev eral acres of riverfront In connection . with this property has been set aside for the Joint use of all purchasers of this trsct for bathing, fishing, picniclng and mooring of boats. River front rights are scarce snd we advise early Inspec tion. Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. THINK THIS OVER. 1 acre, facing macadam road, just out side of city limits, high and sightly, all In cultivation, splendid view; Bull Run water: lots of new buildings going us around It; buy before It Is gone; prica $0O. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. K ACRE, facing directly on Baseline road; gas and running water; about 1 miles from city limits; this Is a real snap and should Interest you; prica $040, only $t& cash. R. IT. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE ft CO., 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. .VACKE SNAP. Near Hoffman road, at Bertha; 4 acres car, balance grove; good soli, magnifi cent view ; city water, gius, electricity ; Ideal aite for country home; $000 per acre, terms. W 1 L.L1 AM P. MERRY, 302 Title A Trust Bldg. $100 DOWN. $17.30 MONTHLY. 10 ACRKrt of good cut-over land on county mad, near Hlllsboro; 1 acre tn cultiva tion, house 18x24; land practlca'ly level, splendid creek and well, best of "nil. no rock or gravel; total price $1:100; a chance to double your money. Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. $30 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. Buys a tract of 3 21 acres .of land, some heavy timber, close to electric line miles esst of city limits, prlte $4O0. Do you realize that this is only $123 per acre? Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Chain, of Com. biXCbLLKNT land, only slightly rolling, near transportation, school, church and postofftce; only $30 per acre and you may have any amount you want; beau ttlul creek throuKh the property. JliKNHONrDODSOX CO., 033 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE fl acres dike land near Clats kanle station. 8. P. ft H. R. R lower Columbia river highway; cost $1300. will take $700 caah, need money; no agents. Henry Doen, Sherwood. Or., R. 1. Box 219. BEAUTIFUL Vi acres to acres; city wa ter, city school, no assessments or gravel, close in; $10 down, $10 month 1-et ma show you. R. W. Carv, 1J19 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1043; resl dence, Main 1377. ACRE NATIVE TREES. $30 down. 310 month: beautiful frarf only $1200; no assessments or gravel. City water and school. Better hurry. R. W. Carv. 1210 N. Wr. Bank bldg. WRITE for map of western Washins-ton. showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash, 20 ACRES, $00 per A., with cordwood tlm ber abott 1000 cords free; good level land. M. 3072. M'-FA R LA XD. Realtor. Falling Bldg. ACRES, V, ACRE, ACRES. $10 payments. A.berta car. City w titer. No assessments or gravel. R. W. Carv, 1210 X. W. Bank bidg. WIDOW must sell home, 7 acres, fine soil. In good town on highway, 00 miles from Portland; good buildings.- $J0OO. Call Wdin. 0.170. 2 ACRES $1230. Fronting on Barr road. 3 miles from city; $."0 down and $15 per month. STRONG A CO.. O0 Cham, of Com. DIKED LAND, Columbia blvd,. near 42d. 3 and 10-acre tract; easy terms. R. . Cary. 121 X. W. Bank bldg. 3 ACRES unimproved land near Cook; 2-3 bottom timber; for log bungalow. $050; easy payments. Woodlawn 1IH4. H omewteud, Reiinquis nmen t . 1 HAVE Just cruised four hFgh-grade homesteads that should bring the lucky parties who flie on same around $7H0. Do not wait, as it la first come first served with the government. My refer ences, over 200 satisfied settlers backed by 23 years' of timber experience, over 12 years with government. M. J. An derson, 802-4 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland. IF YOU bavsn't used your HOMESTEAD right, now Is your opportunity, while the roads ar good, as this is your las: chance to get a desirable claim la Oro gon. I also have some goxl relinquish ments. . W. Balm, 410 Board of Trad bldg. TIMBER homestead on Siuslaw river; railroad cuts corner of claim; station quarter mils away; fine timber cheap for cash. L. E. Joy, 310 Board of Trsde. 3 CLAIMS, ItlO a. each, HKJO wortbtlm" ber on each; auto road, cloae town, school; $Hito. 3400. 30O; In south. Ore. f;trm and fruit district. 301 Cor be tt bldg. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. 17 Sfc ACHfa-S or loeai filbert land, ready to plant; also 12 acres of tins bsrry Isnd. all tlletl; near Hlllsboro; 1 heavy bearing walnut orchard; ail near Pacific highway; also fin sheep ranch. Ad dress T Wtthycombe. 432 12th St.. city. California Lands. WE ARE leaving Oct. 2 with par tie to buy Miller ft Lux land. Start your auto south on Pacific highway, join our party Sunday night at Rose burg- auto camp, and come with us to look at the best land In California; deep, mellow, silt soH ; perfectly level ; no stumps, stones or hard-pan. Social easy terms to set tlers. Phoma Tabor Kramer. Lak A Co.. B',27 "4 Be Imon t st. For Snle Farms. FIXE $10,000 suburban farm, accept $4000 bungalow part payment. Owner, AF 34 Oregoniao. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 40 ACRES, south of Portland In Lane county. Or., on good macadamised roaa, 4 mile to store, church, school, etc. 1J acres under cultivation, 10 acres more easily cleared; lots of pasture. 75 Irult trees. 3 -room house. Darn, cnicaen house; water piped to buildings; spring and creek. Included with p. ace: ive cows, 1 horse. 4 shoats, 50 chickens, hsy. corn, carrot, wagon, bus ay. cream separator, household furniture, etc. Price $2200 for everything; flioo caah. vrop arty Inspected by Berger. 14 acres between Portland and Hills bo ro, one mils from electric station and paved highway; good wire fences, 10 acre uixIt cultivation; 4 acres timber; 4-room plastered house with room for 2 more rooms upstairs; barn, chicken houne and other building; good bearing orchard. Included with place 2 cows, 1 home, farm machinery, crops, etc. Price $4500 for everything, or sell less land for $4000. Exceptionally nice piece of land, favorably located. Inspected by Berger. JOHN FERGDSOW, REALTOR. GER LINGER BLDG. Largest farm dealer on Pacific coast. Get our extensive classified lists. NICE LITTLE HOME RANCH $6000. 9 acres In cultivalon. good well, tank and creek, running water in the house, barn and chicken house, neat little 4 roorn bungalow, wtth concrete porch, fireplace, barn 50x30. two modern chick en houses, 2 wagons, buggy, 2 plows, harrow, cultlvato-. feed cutter and all small tools. 2 fino cows, 300 laying White Lea-horn chickens, good horse, 2 hives of bees, 13 tons of hay and all crop; about 200 large assorted bearing fruit trees; mile off paved highway, this side of Hlllsboro. We have samples of corn grown on this place that will make you open your eyes: $3000 cssh. 5 yesrs on man company, realtors. . 732 Cham, of Commerce WONDERFUL SMALL HOME RANCH. 14 ACRES. Located near Sandy blvd.. only a few miles from Portland; modern 3 -room bungalow with bath, full cement base ment, cement walks around house; the house newly painted ; barn, chicken house, family orchard and berries; two acres fine timber, balance under culti vation, close to school, stores, church; 4 min. walk to street car; absolutely the beat buy In the state; MMM cash or will consider terms. AM 871. Oregonlan. 40 ACRES, 1 mile from Pacific highway, best of loam soil, lies fine, excellent drainage; 0 acres cleared ; good farm buildings; 4 head horses, 4 head cows, 13 head of hogs, HO bushels oats, 16 tons hay, 3H sores good spuds; good woods pasture, water for stock ; some fruit ; near school. $3000, has federal farm loan $12iM); half cash will handle. ATKINSON ft PORTER. 703 Main St., Vancouver. Wash. 40-ACRE FARM " From owner, for only $2000; 32 miles from Portland ;- large barn, poultry house, 4 good cows, 3 heifers, 3 hqgs, lo chickens, 1 horse, harness, wagon, buggy, gas drugasw, a lot of toots, 16 tons of hay; 1 mile to town and rail road; $1.V"o cash. OWNER. H. ROMAN. Hotel Glenwood. th and Bumslde. 42-ACRB FARM CLACKAMAS CO. Stock. equipment, furniture; good house, barn, outbuildings; 22 miles to Portland ; good paved and macadam road; fine stream and springs; land and soil Ideal; only $4ooo. Owner Mick; a sacrifice. R. F. FEEMSTER, 417 Ablng ton bldg. $J.43 PER ACRE. 320 acres, all tillable; 40 acres In cultivation, 4-room box house, base ment: barn 14x24. good well; 40 acres fenced; 12 miles from Paislev In Lake county. Oregon ; all cash. Here Is a pick-uo for you. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. FREYTAG-M EEDS CO.. Realtors, Speclalls In Clackamas county FARMS. ACREAGE. SUBURBAN HOMES. 82 years In Clackamas county, fc. xpert agricultural advlc free, GLADSTONE, OR. ORKGON CITY CAR LINE. 70 ACRES near Turner, fully equipped, acres loganberries, 1 mile to school. Good buildings. Will take good house in trade. Value $11,000. MARSH A McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3003. WHAT about a 1040-acre wheat farm. 500 acres ready to sow. Two miles Condon, Oregon. Particulars M. Fiumaurlce, Condon. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $30 to $000 per acre: easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, all sixes. Mcrariana. realtor. ,m railing oldg. CHOICE Improved Yakima valley alfalfa, grain, veg., fruit, dairy and poultry land. Joining town. Cal. Ranch, Bums, Waao. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LOTS WANTED. 1RVINGTON. ' ALAMEDA. LAURELHURST, ROSE CITY PARK. As real estate operators and builders w have clients with cash waiting to buy lota to build on for their home. It will be to owners' Interest to see us at onca. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN ft CO.. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. HOUSES WANTED. Have buyers for medium priced houses with small pay ment down and large monthly payments; also have parties with Improved and unimproved acreage. cloe to Portland, that will exchange for Portland biuwe tnat is priced right. Ask for Mr. Newman, with John Ferguson, b Qerllnger bldg. LIST YOUR SUBURBAN HOME. We have hundreds of calls for sub urban homes from acre up. W can sell your place. List with us for quick result. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U MCULIRE. 203 Abir.eAon Bldg.. Main 1069, 3d St.. Be t. Wa.-h. and Stark. LOTS at once. In Improved districts; also some close-in unimproved acreage. J. I. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cham or Com. Bldg. Main 208. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR BUSINESS PROPERTY. Store bldgs.. flats, apartments, hotel bldgs, and investments In good Income real estate. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. Realtors. 2QT-2 t-.-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE cuh tamer with all cash for five room bungalow, one floor; muat be snap py and a bargain at $4000 to 0000. RALPH HARRIS CO., 810 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. HAVE many calls for improved 1 to 3 acre tracts close enough for purchaser to work In Portland ; must be on good road and worth the price. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor. 213 Stnj-k Street. Main 831. WAXT Improved 1 to 3-acre tracts, also 10 to 20-acre ranches, not too far out, must be good property, have buyers every day. J. W. GREGG. Room 31 84 6th St. WANT houses, one about 3 rooms, Roe City, this side of hill; 2 In Alberta or Kenton, one close In, accessible to W. S. or R. M. cars. Quin, 206 Morgan bldg. Realtor. A VIEW lot overlooking the river in Sell wood for our client. ROBNETT ft McCLl.'RE. REALTORS. Marshall 3-".rJ. 302 Couc h Bldg. r'OR CASH. small store buiUiirrg or a shack in good locstlon. Must be a snap and close in. Give location and price. Y 30. Oregonlan. WANTED. About 3 -room house on terms: have good vacant lot put on first payment. J. A. HENKLE. 312 Gerllnger Bldg. WANT, for quick sale, well located vacant lots; also want moderate priced and at tractive 4 or 5-room bungalow. tee A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. SHORT LEASE wanted on 2 or 3 lots at Seaside with option to buy; prica must be right. Phone East S67M. WE HAVE customers on hand all the tlma for all kinds of real estate; list youra 1M3 vfr wsanin g ton st VVANT bungalow or house, good district; trad 1918 Studebaker and high claas lot, paved street. Owner, Maln4 866. WANT 3 or 6-room modern bungalow: have lot on car line and substantial cash payment. Tabor 65M1. LIST YOUR houses and property with us; if we can't sell them, give it up. McOee ft DennK 3tf Union ave. wain. 6614. 3 OR 6-ROOM home on which to apply cash and soldier's bonus. Tabor 8i2. WANT acreage for southwest corner 23th a n dS a v 1 er s ts. Auto. 3 7-0 8 or 31 6 -11. 4 OR 5-ROOM house. $200 down. $20 a month. X 63. Oregonlan. Farm Wanted. IF YOU WISH TO LEASE OR RENT YOUR FARM list with us at once as we have calls every day for farms to rent. FOR QUICK ACTION SF.B F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. - 203 Ablngton Bldg.. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. EX-SOLDIER wishes to use state loan on 20 to 40-acr farm, partly Improved. P. C. Richardson, Beaverton, Or.. R. 1. Wanted to Ke-nt Farm. STOCK ranch, small or large, west of Cas cades. Might buy If suited. Give full details In first letter. Address Charles W. Warner, Sclo. Oregon. WANT to lease good dairy farm, about .0 acre and 10 cows; will buy stock; must have good buildings. AP 26. Ore gonlan WANT to Vent outside of Portland. 20 to 40 acre, with option to buy; must have good house. Y 38. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent 20 to 100 acres farm, close to Portland : house, bsrn : Dosaiblv bottom land. X. Kato 60 N. 4th U I WANTED REAL ESTATE. Wanted to Rent Farm. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. He aeveral people wanting to rent acreage or small farm, close to Pot land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing lor year or more. We make lot cf sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANTED To rent dairy farm, 20 to 30 cows: can furnish best of references, AV 3S9. Oregonlan. FOB RENT FARM. 3t ACRES, about 27 cultivated: good soil, rftrw building', spring, 1 team, cow, 2 helfera, chickens -and Implements, feed and hay; t73, Including 1 year's rent; must be cash; 2 to 3 years' lease; 20 m. eaat of Portland, mm. N. E. of Pleas ant Home. S. Konnerth. Greaham, Or. R. A. Box 279. . FOR SALE or rent. 40 acres on Oregon electric. 10 mile north of Salem; about half In cultivation: house, barn and poultry housr ; over 4 tons of berries this year; enough personal property to run tne place lmmeaiaie possession. O w ner. 605 McKay bidg. FOR LEASE 'm to 10N acres redeemed marah land, drained, ditched, ready for rroo: verv rich soli: must rurnisn equip ment ; very favorable terms. Land near Klam ath Faua. Oregon, i ureg on ian. COLUMBIA river dairy, well equipped with stock, farming implements, household furniture, plenty of feed. U. S. How land, 442 Holladay ave. Phone East 226. iJ't ACRES. SIT. clear. 20 pasture; good bldgs.. fcood school, near highway; some personal property for sale, Cail Main 47ii. FOR RENT 521 acres, $2r0, year lease; $1400 for stock equipment, crop. 001 McKay bldg. FOR RENT 14 acres with big barn for 28 cows, mi Ik house and small house. 47th and Killingsworth.. Alberta car. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. D0 ACRES, STOCKED. This dairy farm ha 50 acres under cultivation and 0 acres almost ready for the plow; lower Columbia district, good 7-room house, dairy barn almost new; school ml.; high achool near; crushed rock road, excellent soil, well watered, 5 miles from town and transportation; 11 cows, fair dairy equipment, including separator. "Will acceptidty property to $4otH; good terma E. R. S 513 Couch bldg. SEE V3 FOR EXCHANGES. 100 acres 4 miles from Toiedo, Or. Fully equipped, family orchard, straw berries. Cows, horses, chickens. pig, prl ze goa t s, been, about 2,000.000 feet timber. Water piped to house. Mort gage $2000, running 3 years. Will take 6 or 7-room house, suburbs Portland, for equity. MARSH ft McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3003. EXCHANGE OFFICE. YOU MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. Expert opinion given on your proposi tion. Trading a specialty. I can pos sibly better your financial position. Your propoaltion can be matched. A. Gordon Ross, INTER ST A T E IN VEST M ENT CO., REALTORS. 410 Henry Bldg. Broadway 47M. ACREAGE AND HOME NEAR T O W X . 13 4 acres, highly improved, good six room house, almost new; 3000-gal. tank with gas engine pump; 5 acres berries logana, raspberries, strawberries; a good dairy fully equipped; milk route bring ing a good income. Good school, in fact an Ideal place for a home and an In come. Will exchange for a city or aub urhan home. E. R. H., 513 Couch bldg. CHOICE FRUIT FARM. Clarke county. 20 mile from Portland, 4 miles from highway' 12 acres bearing prunes, excellent condition ; select stand of walnut S; apples, cherries, pears, good 8-room house, hot and cold water, bath, choice shrubbery; will exchange for city home to $4000; some cash, balance terma E. R. S.. ri:i Couch bldg. SPECIAL. 320 ACRES CANADIAN WHEAT LAND, TRADE EQU1T Y FOR PO KT LAND INCOME OR RESIDENTIAL. MIGHT PAY SOME CASH AND AS SUME. LAND IS GUILT-EDGE IN VESTMENT AND IS LEASED FOR 3 YEARS. PROVISIONAL LEASE. PHONE E. 0128. OWNER, ' STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH, 1132 acres located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and hill. 800 acres in cultivation. 2 housea fair barn: prica $40,000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER COMPANY. 53 Fourth at. Op p. Multnomah Hotel. . Phone Broadway 3713. loO-ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE. If yon have good income property or paying business and $50OO cash to ex change for a good farm, valued at 324. OOO, submit your proposition to A. B. ChrlHtenson, 410 Henry bldg. Broad way 4731. 00 ACRES, A3 cultivated, 5-room house, barn, outbuildings, family orchard and berries; 1 mile to school, good road. 1 mile to town. Linn county. -Want from 10 to 20 acres nearer to Portland. Price $l)0OO. BOCK HOLD BROS., REALTORS. 001 Swetlnnd Bldg. Main 3700. FEE US FOR EXCHANGES. What have you to exchange for acre age? All sixes, any location; want city property: BIG DEMAND. MARSH ft McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3003. KANSAS RANCH WANTED. I have highly Improved ranch, stocked and equipped, adjacent to one of the best Willamette valley towns; for per sonal reasons I want to go to Kansas; will make somebody good deal. E. R. S.. 313 Couch bldg. SELL OR TRADE. 5-room neat plastered cottage, built in conveniences, concrete foundation, pleasantly situated; no Incumbrance; put into bouse 6 or 7 rooms up to about $4000; will assume some. J. A. HENKLE. 312 Gerllnger Bldg. WILL TRADE. We ara prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit; lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. R. S.. o!3 Couch bldg. S.-0 3-ROOM house, rustic, painted, gas. electric lights, woven-wire fence, lot ftOx UK), near car and paved atreet ; easy terms. J. A. HENKLE. 312 Oerllnger Bids?, 7-ROOM strictly modern bungalow with all built-in conveniences in Laurelhurst district. $7000. to exchange for 20 or 23 acres Improved ranch: southeast of Port land preferred. 1260 East Gllsan. GREAT chance to get 2 HO-acre partly im proved farm, 6 to 8 million fir and cedar at hslf value. Owners, Venard, t20 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE 12 acres, 8 miles from Portland; house, barn, bearing fruit; will take as part small bungalow tn city or lots on Council Crest. Broadway 2002. DENVER FOR PORTLAND. Vacant lot in Denver and some caah as payment on home In Portland. J. A. HENKLE, 312 Gerllnger Bldg. LATE model tar. excellent condition, for equity on Improved property ; will pay some cajh. Morris. Bdwy. 13S0. HAVE good farms to exchange , for city property. rea u. uwiun to.. 601 Mc Kay bldg. MY X.tJOO EQUITY In 10 acres close to town for 10O0 good breed this year's cnicas. or wfiai nave your can Main 711 a or see ma at i'Q4 H enry bldg. ACREAGE WORTH $730 to trade for house equity or a lot. A 71, Oregon ian. EXCHAXGE a 40-acre ranch for apart ment house in Portland. Mrs. Mae Fox. y onca it a. or. LOTS to exchange for Ford. Jones, 1!4S Marx street. Main sia. SMALL grocery for Ford car. 24S Stark TO EXCHANGF MISCELLANEOUS. WA NT ED I'se of piano In exchange for atorasre. Two adults only. Will give good care. Phone Marshall 2h99 eve- mnri after o :.. FREE and clear lot. worth $600; will ex change for light auto or carpenter work. Tabor 78S4. WILL exchange plans, building supervi sion and ' carpenter work for auto. Mar shall 3202. WILL exchange mv 1120 sport model Na.h for diamond or negotiable paper. Y 37, Oregonlan. COOS BAY North Bend business Int. clear, to trade for Ford coupe. R 38, Oregonlan. CARPENTRY or cabinet work to exchange for dentistry. Call Marshall 2146. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicle. Livestock. HORSES fcr sale, hire or exchange. Key stone Stable. $81 Water St., foot Mont gomery. Phone Msr. 3515. FOR SALE Six horses; reaaonable prices Holman Fuel Co., barn E. 6ih and Ivon streets. TEAM, harness and wagon. $100. In quire goat dairy, corner 82d N. and Fre- VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566 FOR SALE; Registered Shropshire awes and ram. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th at DEAD horse and cattle taken quickly. Phone Mllwaukie 60 -J for best service. HIDES bought or tanned. West Coant Tu nlng Co.. 8i'J Tenino ave. sen. -J3a. WANTED To buy a flrat-clas gaited saddle horse. F. E. Bowman. Main 326. DEAD horse and cattle taken quickly. Call day or nitihU Auto, 62.7-04. FOR SALE. Ho rs es, V chicles. Livestock. CROWN STABLES. INC. For sale, hire or exchange. 130 head of horses; we take in wagons, harness, cat tle, liberty bonds, farm lm piemen ts In exchange; have some of beat orchard chunks ever been shipped to Portland; also have good assortment of horses taken in trade that will do a few years work, as well as a $230 horse, for $30 and $00 a head; we sell on time and guarantee everything as we represent It. Phjl Suetter. pres.. is3 Front st. CROWN STABLES. INC. We have more horses, more new and second-hand harnesses than any stable In town to pick from; we aim to sell 23 per cent cheaper, as we handle lots of them at small profit. - Phil Suetter, prea, 2h3 Front st. BROOD SOWS. Must be sold at once, 12 brood sows, will farrow soon; sows and pigs, two heifers. I H-ton Republic truck, house hold furniture. Wiil accept any reason able offer. C. S. Brandon, Sycamore sta tion. Aut. 646-37. 6 HORSES, weighing 1 150 to 130O lbs., from 6 to 9 years old. well broke and gentle; 2300-lb. team, harness and farm wagon, $140; also 2 good farm wagons and harness. Haxelwild Fuel Co.. 6840 Foster road. Mt. Scott car. WANTED An all-around family mare, single and double; must be absolutely sound, true, gentle for women and good action. Weight 12H or 120 lbs. W. B. WALKER, Route 2. Beaverton. Or. DAIRY MEN. ATTENTION! Two fine Holxtefn cows, young and Just freah. See them and make an of fer. Good 40 lbs. dally. i'hone Mar Khali 8003. CROWN STABLES. INC. For sale for feed bill, pair mules with harness; good workers; $180. Phil Suet ter. pres.. 23 Front st. CROWN STABLES. IXC. We are in the market for SO head fresh cows at once. Phil Suetter, prea, 283 Front st. GEESE, duck aid chickens. Uau nuicu cows. I'hone Main 701 S. Pfitnos, Organs and Musical Instruments. DOWNSTAIRS SCHWAN PIANO CO. $073 Singer upright, mahogany $203 $0.'0 Kimball upright, mahogany.... 303 $000 Steger, upright, oak 405 $7:0 Adam Schaff player piano 403 $0410 Stein way. A Sons upright 303 $473 Ballet & Davis upright 103 $10 or $23 cash, $6 to $12 monthly. 101 10th St.. at Washington and Stark. CLOSING OUT; SECURITY STORAGE CO. $4.'iO Emerson upright piano $103 $730 Ptamsta player piano 213 $273 Collard ft Collard upright 63 Parlor organs $18 and $23 cash Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 10th St., cor. Stark. USED PIANO DEPARTMENT. This Week'a Offerings: Helnxe, upright piano $103 Hallet & Davis piano 2ii3 Kimball, large, mahogany 343 Arlon. walnut 2io Cash or $3, $0 to $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT. New Brunswick. discontinued model 7, mahogany, each $ 00 2 New Stradivara Harmony, each.. 123 2 New Stradivara Chopin, each.... 130 1 Used Victor, nearly new 140 1 New Sonora Melodfe 60 Prices cash, but you can pay as little as $.t or $10 cash, and $4, $o or 30 a month If desired. 7th Floor. LIPMAN", WOLFE ft CO. SAXOPHONE BARGAINS. Conn C melody, gold trimmed. Jlke new $123 Martin C melody, silver, like new... 110 Conn alto, gold trimmed, like new,.. 123 Buffet tenor, silver, good condition.. 115 Conn tenor, silver, like new 123 Buffet baritone, nickel, good condi tion Conn baritone, silver, like new 130 CORNET BARGAINS. Holton, silver, new 80 Holton. silver, good condition 53 Buescher, gold, excellent condition.. 8U King, gold, like Rew 83 Vega standard, silver, good condition 30 A number of Conns at irom ida to sou. Manr others at extremely low prices. Write for our bulletin, just issued, of famous Buescher saxophone and band instruments. SEIBERLINQ-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 4th St., bet W.ashington and Alder. PIANO SALE. Positively every piano In stock re duced, whether it be a new or used piano. See them and be convinced. Terms given. Fully guaranteed. Fisher upright, a snap $173 $7.0 Hlnxe piayer, uw, now 575 I.Vrt! Hinze upright, new, now 325 Hard man, plain mahogany case. ... 313 Kingsbury, oak cafe 273 Franklin, walnut case 273 Buh ft Lane player, slightly used. 5oo Marshall Wendell, almost new Sot) Ricca, mfthogany case 230 Meriafleld, walnut case 263 ,And many others. - See them. SEIBEHL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO, 125 4th St., beL Washington and Alder. IN USUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. BRUNSWICK with 10 records $12 VICTOR with 20 records 129 COLUMBIA with 15 records 100 PATH E with 10 records 60 COLUMBIA with 10 record 73 STRADIVARA with 10 records 70 VICTOR with 15 record 60 VICTOR with 6 record SO $3 or more cash, $4 or mora monthly. 6c h wan Piano Co.. 101 10th st.. cor. Stk- W ONDERFUL bargain in player piano ; seven latest model players specially priced this week at $347, $3S2 and $427, Including free delivery, bench and li brary of music rolls. Every Instrument guaranteed in first-class condition and sold on reasonable terms of payment. Come early, they will not last long at these prices. Reed-French Piano Co., 12th and Washington sta. Broadway 7.10. PIANO HIGH-GRADE SPECIALS. If you want a really high-grade piano at a medium price, don't fail to see the Instruments listed below: $1100 Knabe, matt, case, a beauti ful tone $650 $ 930 Chickering, mah. case, all re- flnished like new $530 $1200 Chickering Grand, mah. case (practically new I $SO0 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 143 6th St. USED SAXOPHONE SPECIALS. $130 Buescher "C" silver $140 $130 Conn alto, ailver $123 $213 Conn "a" gold $180 $03 Conn alto, brass $ 65 All guaranteed, completely overhauled and ' sterilized. A good case for eaoh. Terms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 6th St. USED PHONOGRAPH SPECIALS. $337.50 Victor XVI elec., mah $230 $337.30 Victor XVI elec., oak $223 $115.00 Brunswick, mah $ 10 1 15 Brunswick, oak $-" $75.00 Columbia, msh $ 35 Other box Columbias at $3750 and $40. Call at our store and see our full line. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14 6th St. USED PIANO SPECIALS. Bradbury piano, mah.. in a good plain rase. $235. A Scbulhoff. In walnut caae at $245, J. A C. Fischer In mah. case at $275. A real bargain In a Hallet ft Ds via piano, mah. case, plain. $300. Terms on thesa pianoa many others at our store. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. SPOT CASH PAID FOR USED PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, PI A NOS AND M USIC ROLLS. BELL, RENT OR TRADE. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 First, near Alder. Main 44P.V 627-46. KIMBALL PIANO"." NEW. Regular $650 new Kimtill piano, oak or mahogany case, at the special price of $300 ; terms given. Seiberl In g-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St., between Wash ington and Alder. BABY grand bargain beautiful Circassian walnut case, $0H.". gee this In our window-; some terms. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.. 12th and Washington sta Broad a s' 750. ' ANOTHER PIAXO BARGAIN. New, standard player, mahogany wood; regular $654), yours at $450. 164 E. Broadway, day or evening?. $285 CASH will take my Victor player piano with bench, music rack and $50 In rolls. Phone East 8628 or call apt. 1o2, Silver Court apta. ALL USED player roll prices reduced to 23c. Values up to $3. Harold 8 Gilbert, $84 Yamhill L Pianos sold, rented, re paired. GOOD used piano, plain style, only $207. Looks Just like new. Reed-French Pi ano Co., 12th and Washington sta Bdwy. 75(. FOR SALE A real bargain for cash; up right plnno, dark oak case snd In per fect condition; call after 6 P. M. 826 E. 0th S; PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. Any make, guaranteed workmanship. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st., bet. Washington and Alder. Main 8386. COLUMBIA Graphonola, best of condition, $75. See this bargain. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th at., bet. Washington and Alder PIAXO TUNING AND REPAIRING. Expert workmanship, guaranteed work. Main 8386, Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 1J3 4th st.. bet. Washington and Alder. SPLENDID parlor grand piano, wonderful tore, offered cheap on term; would take Ford car. Wood lawn 11S4. BRUNSWICK phonograph for sale cheap. Sellwood 2143. PIANO WANTED from private party; pay cash for bargain. Mar. 1532. PIANO for sale, bargain for cash. Wash. st. 673 E. WOULD like a good piano for use for store rent; no children. Phone Tabor 2260. PIAO WAITED Pay caah. Alain 8566. FOR SALE. Piano, Organ an d Muslca I Instrument. USED CORNET SPECIALS. $ 94.50 York, silver $ &3 $140.00 Holton, gold $100 . $ 00 00 Conn, ailver $ 55 $101.50 York, silver $ 83 $ 87.50 Conn, silver $ 40 $ 04.50 Buescher, sliver $ 65.00 $ u.VOO King, silver $ 50.00 All guaranteed, overhauled and stern ixed. A good case for each. Caah or terma G. F. JOHNSON PTAXO CO.. 140 6th St, KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO, NEW. Regular $850 new Kimball player piano, in oak, walnut or mahogany, at the special price of $525; terms given. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th at., between Washington and Alder Furniture for Sale. TOtT CAN" DO BETTER AT . MISH FURNITURE CO. TRADE IV TOTTR OLD FURNI TURE FOR NEW. , We will make you a liberal al lowance for your old furniture In trade for new and If desired mak terms to suit your convenience. Somebody can use th piece you do not want. MISH FURNITURE CO., lba-100 FIRST STREET. SAVE MONET. Try cur aale department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through, pool cara Expert packing, re pairing and ref inishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates, . SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. 53 4th st., opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 3713. MUST sell today: Mahogany dining table and chairs. Singer sewing machine, two box couches, golden oak dreser, drop leaf kitchen table, kitchen stool, white sewing rocker, mat tree and springs, fluff rug, bolster, dishes and kitchen utensils; no reasonable offer refused. Call Bdwy. 1310. BRIDGE BEACH range, like new, $30; combination heater, $18 ; mahogany W. & M. dining table, $27.30; chairs to match; oak buffet, $30; leather seated rocker, $0; new ootton mattresses, $0.50; rugs and carpets, cheap. East 0057. 113 Grand avenue. SAMPLE. Slightly used furniture in A-l condi tion ; library table $20; davenport and mattress. $45; large stradivara and 45 records, $103; baby's Ivory bed and mat tress, $17.50; eltetrlc heated. $6. VS0 E. 28th st. North. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can sav you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof atoiage, C. M. Oiaou Transfer ft Storage co., Z4S rine St. 4 ROOMS high-grade furniture at big sac rifice, including rugs, draperies, dishes, canned fruit, type writer, etc. Come be fore 1 P. M., apt, -4, Morton apt. Main 412S. FURNITURE of soft drink parlor for sale; tables, chairs and cash register. 33 North Faith st COAL or wood range, with gas plate, din ing room table with chairs, wicker chairs, sanitary couch. Call Sell. 3139. FIXE dining room sot. 3 beds, springs, mattresses, cieap. 12U0 E. Yamhill. Tabor 2802. $200 MAHOGANY phonograph. $85; Ivory dressing table, ioiuu furniture. - 300 Haw. thorne ave. Office Furniture. LOWEST PRICES OFFICE EQUIPMENT. 2 oak counters. 2 Burroughs adding machines, latest models. 5 and U bank. Remington No. 10 $'0 Monarch Remington 30 Mimeograph 60 Ediaon dictaphone 75 Check writers, all make. 1 mlmeoscop 23 Sate cabinet, full of filing equipment . 250 2 addreasographs. New and used desks, fUes. chairs, ta bles, etc. Price lowest in city. D. C. Wax Office Equipment House. 24-20 N, 5th. Broadway 273IK JUST IN Six flat-top aesas. 3 roll-top desks, 1 flat-top typewriter desks, 3 drop-bead typewriter desks. 2 bookkep ess' desk. 36 chaira, 4 drawers, tsttsr fiiea BUSH 0 NO ft CO , 01 Pa rk St. SAVINGS IN DESKS. We have new desks and office tables, slightly flawed in manufacture, which w e sell direct to consumer. We make fine desks exclusively. 108 styles, ore- gon Table Co., Last B0o2, BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand oesks, chairs, files or safes, visit ur salesrooms and laspact what w nave to rerTHE 1RWIN-H0DSON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TH AT STARK. MUST BE SOLD. Office furniture, consisting of dsven port, roll top desks, flat lop desks, chaira. rugs, etc.; can give someone a Kood bar gain. Call Mr. Wella. Marshall H2J. ADDING machines, desks, chairs, type writer, blue printing machines, filing cabinets, fur sale cheap, at old North west shipyard. Northwest Machinery Co. Main 2161. . OAK KULL-TOP desk, office tables, elght ft. counter, pa reed -post scales. ele trie fixtures and other fixturea. Apply 420 Washington st. T pew rtter. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington Su Main 508L REBUILT typewriters, all mskes. rentals. repair, supull. Distributors Corona Bortable. tiuhdstrand. adding machine lain 2235. E. AV. Pea Co.. llu Sixth. BtreeL ALL MAKES adding machines and comp tometer repaired by factory expert. P. R. Mahoncyt as atra si. uuwy. no REPAIRS, rent, buy. seii; supplies. Type writer Inspection lo.. ii aiara. J. j. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon T pc writer Co., 04 5th st. Main 3008. NEW, rebuilt second-band rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark sU Main 1407. LATEST model Oliver typewriter, cheap for cash, .mi ypaimng onig ROVAL typewriter, like new; cheap for cash. 24 Henry bldg Koga and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak Western Cooperage Co., 306 N. 14th St.. near Pettygrov. Phone A 510-10. Logs. Rabbits, Bird and Pet Stock. FlVtt Knslish setter duds, registered and pedigreed, over five month old ; can hunt with this eaon. inyuir ,o ure gun street. Pitx s x i.k KrKRch bull buuDv: blue rib bon stock; sired by champion Bonnie Boy. East i4.. Ju koss st. rpaMKI. and shepherd male puppies weeks old. $5 each. 410 E. Lincoln at. n-ar Grand ave, oKlXS and fura tanned. West Coast 'iw ping Co.. B02 Tenino av. Sell. 23tfS. FOR SALE Irish spsntel puppy, rat tail. vail ai r. nanica, ttv-v. mtu 14 n.l rase. 30. 20. 20. for sale. t Lnion ave., room i i. v ""k BOSTON terrier puppies, 4 males. 3 males. S weeKB oio. Am. FOR SALE Male dog. 8 months old. Call Marshall 130. OR SALE Irish spaniel puppy, rat talL v al .r. na c, ,iih Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment, 20-FOOT launch, almost new, for trad for Ford roadster; will give some cash; niUSl DC B.OOU vr. w Machinery MACHINERY from Northwest Bridge ft Iron Co. shipyard for sale cheap. Apply - Vim VIA Coal and Wood. CORDWOOD and block and slabwood. $5 a load in two-load lota Eaat 2041. Na tional. FIRST-GROWTH cordwood, $8 per cord. delivered anywhere. Wdln. 2303. OLD-GKOWTH best fir. No. 1, 4-foot. $9 per cord; 16-ln. $ per cord. Wdln. 6 233. OLD-GROWTH cordwood, $7.75 firat so Del r r o m pt uwnrrj. DRY COUNTRY slabwood, short lnsid blocks and rail ties Marshall 2643. A-l CORDWOOD del. $8 a cord, on east side and S. K. only. C3S-S3. WEST SIDE FUEL CO. WOOD AND COAL. BDWY. 203. FOR SALE Dry cord wood. $7 per cord; d e livered la 2-cord lots. W d 1 u.613 . BEST first-growth fir cordwood, $8 per cord . Sellwood 31 4 BLOCK and slab tn'xed stove lengths, $11 per double loao. pawy. nu. LOOK Old-growth fir cordwood. $7.75 de ll veredfirstxoneSeJLSSS. GOOD seasoned ok wood. $10.30 per cord; nr wood at i.-u per com, gen, aw.rfi 4-FOOT No. 1 nr. mill run and heavy country slabwood. Main 6133. BEST old-growth cordwood. $8 per cord; green slab. $5. 75. Broadway 4110. DRY. FIRST growth cord wood, $6.30 a cord. I'Vi cora iota. aii Am. nj.vna, SLAB in carload lota $4.50 cord. Bdwy, 3715. Shepard. FIKST-GROWTH fir $7.25. Close in, Wdln. 3 42 J, 7 to V.oQ A. AL . I FOR SALE. Coal and M ood. $10 FOR TWO LOADS $10. Block and slab mixed, first growth cordwood. $S per cord; 2d growth cord wood. $7.50 per cord; country siab, $5.50 per cord. ttooflUwn 4H. FIRST-CLASS cordwood. $tf; oak and ash, $10 SO: delivery Kenton. Woodiawn and Piedmont. St. Johns. S. R. HowlL phone 66 Y, route 2. Vancouver, wain. DIRECT from the forest by truck, second growth, well seasoned, good measure No. 1 old growth fir, $775 a cord. 3 or more cords. 7.a. I'hone Main ivn-. -w nan. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springs. Royal Owl Creek coaL Standard Brick ft Tile Co., 83 5th st., between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway IS. ' DRY FIRST-GROWTH fir and oak, dry piling wood, green alabs and block mixed. Immediate delivery. Wdln. 20ltf. WOODS AW. When wanting your wood sawed call Kelly, E. 6840. ALL KINDS of building material for sale; also woodyard at Second and Columbia. Phone Main 6132. FOR SALE 2d growth large cordwood $7.30, 1st growth $6; delivered anywhere. Main 7237. , NO. 1 old-growth fir cordwood. delivered xone L west aide, $7.75; special rate un orders of 50 cords ormorc. Bdwy. 4H6. BOXWOOD AND SLABWOOD. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co.. 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4 ITS. FIRST growth A -No. 1 cord wood. $S per cord. Dry slab wood, $0.73 per cord. Phone Tabor (1134 M iacellaneons. DIBLOCO P1PKLKSS FURNACE. $70.00, $135, $132. More efficient, less fuel; 5-year guar antee. We prove our claim; enthuniastic indorsement whore installed; nothing loflt by investigation. Wdln. 2103. I. T, Woodruff, 1 H'Jl Mallory avo. FOR SALE Ford touring, first-class con dition, starter, demountable rims, car rier and extra tire, nw tires, Hassler shock absorbers, speedometer, spotlight, extra tubes, good set tools. Price reason able. Sellwood 274S. lLiW Gladstone ave. FOUR-BURNER Garland gas range, lurge, high double oven, simmerer and pilot lighter; excellent condition: half the original cost at $55, 355 Ankeny st., near Broadway. HOOVER SENIOR sweeper, cost almost $200; will take small Hoover in trade; this can be bought cheap; hotel or apart ment size. Mar. 20&6. Kb) WAN EE water system for sale at bar gain, 72'-gaIlon tank, pumps on 1 -horse motor; flrst-clats condition. AK OOS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Marlin pump gun. 12-gauge. walnut stock, with recoil, practically new. $37.3 0. Tabor 4009. ONE GRAY fox fur choker, broadcloth dross, several pairs of shoes; reasonable. Main 1630. CONCORD grapes, apples, wind falls. 73o sack, $1.25 picked. K2d to Clackamas, then 4 miles past. Graves. FUMED OAK hall tree with mirror, $10; large fumed oak rocker, $5. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. NEW SHIP bunks cheap; good for camps or duck huts. Apply old Northwest Brld ge sh Ipyard. APPLES rick them yourself. 50c box. Box 473 Milwaukie, 2 mils east of Mil waukle on Clackamas road. FOR SALE Toledo six-hole range, wood or coal, good condition. $30; stuare din in gtab 1 e$4Ii(04nters t aloave. FOR SALE Bosch high-tension magneto, type D-N-4; price $35. 1176 E. Clinton street. Phone Tabor 2325. Dl E BOLD safes, now and second hand ; special prices. Pacific Scale Supply Co., 4S Front st. Broadway 1066. HUDSON seal coat for sale, length, squirrel collar; s'xe 33. Main 4073, bet. 0 A. M. and 5 P. 31. FOR SALE Concord grapea. just right for Jelly, 7c pound. Bring baskets, 35th and King. Miiwaukle. SHOWCASES, cash registers, scales, add ing machine, safe; many others. 246 Washington FOR SA LE The finest pocket billia rd table made, is brand new and cost $150, w 1 11 Be 1 1 che a p. x aj. oregonlan . COAL HEATER, $6; wood heater, $6; gas range, $12; dresser and dining table. Seilwood 8Q3 1. MULT1GR A PH complete with motor and type, $130, terma 7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SA.'.E lieii'Hiful cameo ring, suitable for Xnias or birthday gift; very cheap. Call Marshall 474, GROUND HOG fu'l ami sawdust in car loads a; truck Iota Western Cooperage Co., Columbia 32. IF YOU appreciate splendid watch repair ing or Jewelry repairing, see Miller, next door to Majestic theater. GRAPES fur saie. 5c ID., on River road, be tween vineyard and Xaef station, Oregon t ny canine. ATTENTION Furs, skins and hide bought or tanned. Weat Coast Tanning t o., nj jenino ave. uwoou SKWER work promptly attended to; Cn tral Plumbing ft Heating Co.. S52s Gllsan. Bdwy. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamil ton-Beach electric carpet washer ; also vacuum cleaning none. Kast 404.Y FOR SALE cheap, one used w ood-burnlng furnace in good condition j suitable lor KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchi.nga ko daks. Bandy, 320 Washington st LICENSED Independent electrician wirs S rooms for $12, 5 for $20, guaranteed to pass instection. wooaiawu aiwi. WANT ruitar. banjo, mandolin, trom bone, cornet, violin. Main 44'J5. Auto. 627-40. 023-S1'. APPLES $1 a box; sweet elder made daily. 173 Killingsworth ave., near Jefferson high school. HANDSOME black overcoat and large Eng. lish driving coat tor sate at sac mice MacRae. 473 Washington rt HEATING stove for coal and wood, used 3 months, cost $32; sell for $30. 251 N lltth st. $25 BUYS a 4-burmr enameled Vulcan gas range in pneci conumon. cnone Aut. 635-4,1 or call 42l 3Sth ave. S. E CONCORD grapes, hi nil. East Kendall, 1 mi. south Lents; yellow house and high tower. W. L. Powell. APPLES Soitxenberg and Wolf River. A $1.0o a box; plums, $ I a box. Call 700 East y tar K. 4'ho n e Las i J t . FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. K'ic a day delivered ; guaranteed good condition. Woodiawn 1250. SLIGHTLY used, very fine reed baby car riage, dove gray, all Improvements, good si vie. Kast 7732. LARGE All gas range, fine condition. $40. Also oak bookcase, baby sulky, law n mower, etc. 1H West Blandena. FOR SALE Expensive wicker baby buggy, $:t0 Auto. 622-33. EIGHT loop gas radiators, only $10 each, Old Northwest Bridge shipyard. FOR SALE Gas range, $10; combination heater. $13. Call Auio. .ii'u-44. LARGE skunk coat collar and cuffs at bar- gain. 444 Kamapo notei alter i today. A. B. GAS range and hot water . heater. Main h322. LARGE mirror. 4x10 feet. Harris Candy store. 12U4j Bin. ONE ONE-GALLON ganoline pump, A-l condition. Aut. .-m-ut 0x12 RUG IN god condition for $12. 428 Glenn ave. aoutn, GRAPES for ie. delivered. Tel. Oak Grove 1 ;i-K. WICKER baby buggy for aale. Columbia 1362. BICYCLS for le for boy 14 to 16 eara ,,mo E. .'tn St. . . I'none r.t l hi. BOTTLES, barrels, stoneware, corks, etc. Portland Beverage Hupply Co., 4:tl Stark. BEAUTIFUL mink mnl ermine cape collar. line " '' ' WooDSAW, machine working; all or half Interest. 2i N. ISth. Bdwy. 4237. UaBTeSGOOD-LOOKIXG used apparel In a home R e a s on a b 1 e p r 1 cv s. T a bor2 s 2 3 NATURAL color lynx skin for sale. Phone Wood I a wn 57 4 . RaNGE In good condition cheap. 10 East 10th st. N. ADDING machine, nearly new; 7 bank, big snap. 812 Stark. $110 DIAMOND engagement ring; for sale; 63 for linmeaiaiesaie. i aoor js: FINE Vulcan gas range, $30; heating stove, $30. 721 Hawthorne. E. a 266. WHITE ROT. sewing machine. 300 Kui sell St.. apt. 6. COSTLY wardrobe trunk. $35; Ford chains. $4: csmera iiu. K. SHOWCASES, all sixes; scales, cash reg ister, safe, other fixtures. 246 Wish. MAKE YOUR own drinks; for supplies, Po rt 1 a n d Beverage Supply Co., 4 31 Stark. GRAPES for sale at Concord station on Oregon City line. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase, 43 1st st., nnr AsU. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for saie. Pacific Tent A Awning Co., No. 1 1st st. EVERYTHING electrical repaired; qul'k service, low charges. Phone Bdwy. 4203. ELECTRIC fixtures for 3 rooms. $13. 27 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4253. "STAR" A STAR"' shingles direct from mill. 11 Tsylor-street dock. Main Bon 5. SAFE, fireproof, combination iock. 70 0;h treet. near ua. VAULT door, second-hand 70 Sixth St., near Oak. FOUR 30i3H Universal lira fillers, In- quire 229 star at. MALT syrups and supplies. Portland BeV erage Supply Co.. 4:tl Stark st. SCREEN doors, windows, mirrors, f urnl ture repairing, cabinet work. Wdln. 147. P RICK fjr sale for cesgpoola. Col 12H3. REMLNUXON .-U-2C; bargain. Tabor 42u, Miscellaneous. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, gone th-rapy or con ductive anesthesia- Wtt hout danger or after effects. We perform all dental op erations without pain. Corn in and let u prove it to you. DR. A. W. KEENE. A b ov M a Jestic theat er. 831 H Wash. 50,000 ROSE buahea. shrubs, iruit treea, berry plant and flowering pisnts at sale prices until October 20; free de livery in Portland. We plan nd plant; estimates frte. Phone us; we do tne rest. Portland Rosa Nursery. 13 Division st., one door west of United Arfls a ns horn e. Phone Auto. 636-70. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold for lens; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEAVIXO MACHINE EMPORIUM. MAIN 0431. 100 Third St., near Taylor. LADIES, Are you weary or exhaustt-d after standing all day on your feet? If so. be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water wash with Takaru Antiseptic Pow der; 30c and $1 boa. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to Snowf!ake Laundry; clothes was In d snow white in separate compartments. Thursday, Friday and Saturday 15 pounds 00c; additional pounds 4c each. PHONE M33. LOOK, DUCK SHOOTERS. I have a fine lake on the lower end of STauviea inland. It will shoot four men nicely. Am feeding It now and have decoys on it. The prlco Is $400, Including watchman. I'hone Automatic USED OFFICE EQUIPMENT. " Get our prires on furniture, typewrit ers, add tug machines, dictaphones, etc., bffore you buy. Lowest prices. D. C. Wax Office Equip. House. 24-26 North 5th. Broadway 27:10. THE POLKS back home will cherish and appreciate a souvenir from Oregon. Send them something useful as well aa beautiful. Oregon agate jewelry mount ed In solid gold. A wonderful selection to choose from. Moderately priced. onier. nexi noor to .Majestic theater. DUCK hunters, for rent, my groat shooting" preserve on Sauvies Island; this lake is one hour's drive from Portland, fine cabin, lots of birds, bag limit the open ing day to responsible party only. BD 3S, Oregonlan. SELLING cheap, ail equipment, supplies, office furniture, adding machines, ad dresaograph. blue print machines, etc.. st the old plant. Northwest Brldgo A Iron company. Northwest Machinery cum Pny, Main 2164. ROUND SHEET STEEL U. S. army heating stoves, 2-lnrh di ameter, suitable for large warehouses, etc.; will take 4-foot wood; prica $15. MAY HARDWARE CO.. 124 FRONT ST. WHY A SUBSTITUTE roofer? Why not a genuine snd permanent roofer? Wo re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate alt kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and dlslntegrated old leaky roofs. Phone Broadway 70. .A.FES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and aecond-hand, at right prices bought, sold and exchanged; easy term if da aired. NORRIfl SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Serond st. Main 2U3. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH, GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch material used. DAVID'S, Jewelers and Opticians. 343 Washing t on St., at B road way. DUCK SHOOTER WANTED. I have room for one man to shoot on my lake. The price la very reasonable. It Is considered one of t he best lakes on Sauvies island. PC 33, Oregonlan. BIXGEKS, Whlt. New Homes, like new, $25 to $45; other guaranteed drophead $15 to $1H; latest Singers; cash or terms: rental $3 per month. Singer Store. 1UJ rith, M aln 6S33. UHKATKST BARGAINS IX PORTLAND. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. ALSO BUY. SELL OK TRADE. XEWMAXS GUN STORE, 12. First, n c a rA I d o n M a I n 44 1 5, 627-4 0 HOT WATER TANKS. 30 gal., $7; 40 ffai7, $0; tested, guaranteed; stove and fur nace coll, gas heatera Installed; plumb ing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams. Kast 8316. 2d DROPHEAD sewing machined. $12.'0 to $45; Singers, New Homes. White W, W.; all makes machines rnted and repaired E. 1L Steen, 152 Grand ave Kh t 2:t.V . LADIES! Mr. Shaw buys and sella high clsss slightly used clothing at K27 K Hoyt st. Special prices for men s suits. I'hone Kast 3020. ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kinds of building material snd wood for sale, yard 2d and Columbia. Mji I n6 1 ,TJ. WOMKX'S suits, coats, dress, skirts snd blouses at Peterson's, second floor. Pit -lock block. Thia week we are showing some wonderful special GRAPES. 6c a lb. at the vines. St. Theresa sta tion, Oregon City car line. See Mr. Huldson. M R S. S. W. II K R MAX. a ppa re 1 sh o p. ladles' snd gents' clothes bought, sold and exchangr-d; best prices. 2M1 Park st., near Jrfferson. M ill 1 1 H ML LVM P UT ISO sn 'A LK S, cash register, cof fee milla meat choppers snd general More fixtures at 226 Stark St., between First and Second streets. 1 OAK VICTROLA and so records, $75; 1 black bear rug. $50; new violin and rase, $3; several small ruga Call 156 '.s A i n s wo r t h ave. FOR SALE Registers, fountain, popcorn machine, floor cases, meat si leer, num ber of other fixtures, sacrifice prices; c ,i s h, cred 1 1. 2 tn Salmon. FERTILIZER for sale, well-rotted cow manure ; full measure guaranteed ; de livered In anv part of the city. Phon Woodlnwn 6233. COLUMBIA river aalrnon. fresh every morning, for canning; delivered 10c per pound. Wdln. 4307. PJLKS can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. FOR SALF AC TOMORII.KS. HAVE $400 equity in light ft-paas, car. 1110 model, run only 15M0 miles: will sell equity nr trade for Ford or lljrht road ster. Phone Broadway 4239 after ft PM. 1110 CHALMERS; good paint, good top, motor In A-l ahape; has lots of extras; would take Ford car aa part pay: let me demonstrate this car to you; this I a real buv. Bdwy. losft. 1U1H FORD This car la thoroughly over hauled, reflnluhed, has first-class rub ber, full set of tools; will take $10 down, low price, ba lance easy terms. Murphy Motor Car Co., 514 Alder st. ' 1120 HUDSON. Completely overhauled and repainted with three months' free servlcr and warranty; new Cord tires and 1021 11-ct-nse. Call private phone. Wdln. 5016 1021 FORD C UPE StHrter. dem. rims, cord tires, spare tire, speedometer, shock absorber, special horn, dash light, tool box, etc. $575. Terms. Blllingsley Motor Co , Hnwthome nve wt Mh. Enst 7. SACRIFICING. Studebaker Big Six. early 1021 model with extra equipment, gift $1550. Terma niay be arranged. Phone Maln 7102. FOR PALE 1018 Chevrolet, In "perfect condition; good tires. Will sell cheap on easy terms to responsible party. Call Wa:n. 134 m CHEVROLET touring In nearly new condi tion throughout, bumper, spotlight, estra tire, etc. Will sacrifice for $373. Phone Kast 17. 1020 FORD roadster, looks good and rung the snm"; only $205. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Broadway and Hoyt. 1020 ROADSTER, new pAlnt. good tirea, has been overhauled throughout. A real snap. Small payment down. Call Propst,Bdwy. SdoJ. 1020 FORD touring, with lot of extra; only $mv UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Brondwny nnd Hoyt. 1U1H HUDSON, 7-pass., super six, in per fect mechanical condition; practically new tires; runs and looks Ilk new; call Main OQ'.Hl; terms If desired. 1U1H DIGK touring, $005. terms. New top. looks ann runs nae new ; a good tires. Blllingsley Motor Co., Hawthorne a vf: at Mh. Ha st 7. FRANK LIN. HMO touring in good rnndi tlun, wire wheels; a snap at caah or terma. Call Weia at Main 33 or Mal thews Vain 4Ik-j. M MAXWELL touring, beat condi tion, 5 nearly new ttr-s, 2 cords; come and look. 575 Jefferson st. Private owner. U V Kit LA N D model 37. 6-ryndr. an ex cept lonal car. looaa rtne. runs like a clock; rare bargain. $rtj5; mut be sold t h i a w e y k 1 a I h t ' mj ey 1 Gran ds ve . 1020 7-PASSKNGER Case in the very best of condition; must sacrifice; term. Call TnSor 154 2 . M 1ST sell Hub k .VpajweriKfr sedan, like new, at a da rgain ; leawng city. a. n -lngs. Main 2145. FORD. 1021. fo Morrison, nci taie; run 10.000 mile West Park. DODGE touring, new top. fine battery, st n r t e r. c ush if m s, $ 4! ft. E. 42 2 2. US CD Ford delivery bod te cheap. $43 Williams ve. East HQS. NEW B21 FORD touring; $450. way 32. Broad 11HH LEXINGTON 7-p-snger. good con ditio a, 2 extra tire-a, $500. Wdln. 01-U.