TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1921 RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING oae-tlm rmtp advert lain mMt rum la roBMrativf l ne. Ona tlm 12prllna Two time aoh lwuf1....11c pr lln ThrM tlmra ach imii . . . 10c pr Una Hvn tlmti (rarh 1mu) . . . IH) par Una On to alx months, par month , . . . . $2 M par Has Blx to twalva month, par ' month $2 25 par Una TIm ! rat apply to all beading a With the following r it-optional fltaattnna Wan tad ' Each Inartion 0a pr Una Help Want! No ! left, and Found hprlal Nnt.MNi lnwnnl Funeral Notleea Prorot-.la InvlOd Meeting Notirea On tima lfto Pr Una Two tltna arh laaua) .... 14a par Una Thraa tlma tch 1pu) . . . . ISo pr Una $Svtn tima (aaott luut),..,Uo par Una Ona month 13 iar Una KFW TODAY, Hataa Par jLint I1ty Sunday Ona tlma lo 20e Two tlmea ptr luM... 1"o 1c Thraa tlmaa pr .aauM.. 14o lHo Fvan tlmaa pr Imu lAo 17o Una month, daily and Sunday .... MSO Count f1ra worda t th Una. o ad taken for Ittaa than lw line. Ada run bund ay a only charged at one-ttme rata. Adver1lement (errept Personal a and "Jlltitinw Wanted") will be taken over the telephone If the advertiser ia a nuhacriher of either phone. Tha Oregnnlan will reeelT ropy hy mail provided aufflrlent remlttanea for deftnlt-t number of luar la went. Ae knuwledgeraant will ba furwardcd prtimptly. Advert lemnUi are taken for Tha Pally Oregnoian until 7:.t0 P. M.t for The Hnnday Oregon an until 6 f. M. bat orduy. KEV? TO OAT. ENGLISH COLONIAL Jrvlngton plcturesciue home built on corner with beautiful view, mawfi -with flowers, arched prrola. sun room; large center hall In mahogany, French doors to beautiful living; room 10x35, with arched case celling- and French door to pergola porch, wood work In washed Ivory, trimmed In mahogany; walls In Japanese grass; French doors to dining, paneled In San Dominion mahoxiny; massive Mary and William sideboard; rent In Ivory; kitchen, billiard hall In base ment; three bedrooms, white enamel, with hot and cold water; two sleep ing porches, hardwood floors, garuge; onlv l,7.m, easy payments. F.aat 1:147. Indies Have Tear Old Carpets. Kirn and Woolen Clothing. lS La Make New Rug. for Tea. Ttas sldest and bast .quipped fas lor, Fluff and fag rugs wseea aU sla; earp.es refitt.4: HU rugs si.am cisenso, $i.s. call and d.Uver, II B Eighth C Jtaoos East IS- 1 Hi 2X .B,.U t- Kndnra.M Tha Imprortd ennatructloa mrnktaa a RBD1MADH a battnr, mora aubaiantlal ara tha beat built aaotlooal buildiaga oo in racirio mm. i Flnt-elaaa llnnaea, Garage for Ieaa. Eractad In Port land Practical to ah I p. Hedlmad Uldg. Co,. Portland. Or. e nth s.Bd U.vrkt Phona IL. A114. Oowntown aalea offlc. Commonwealth bldg., Ota Aneny. rnoni Aiawy. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. A4-M t'nlon Are. East Wis. send us y.ur old csrpots, old rugs and Kool.n clnthlng. W. mk. rsv.rslSia, baad-wov.n Ft.t'FF FUGS. SlB ft.g Kus. 1.M Mall ord.ra Bend (or booklet. Feath ers Ilraov.ted, Carpet Cleaning. R fu lfil , eta. Largrnt, finest equipped Car pal Cleaning. Kifltting ski in Orsgoa. valV Huss sta.in cl.nd Sl.&M W. Call aud tallvlf UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Carpet Cleaning Refitting. Mains;, lllndlng. F.tr. 9X12 RUGS Mtea a"- SI.25 Cleaned Kugs Drr fTleaned and flhampoosd OI.U MATTKKHMKSl MAUK MiW r Kollrri-etlae Pure f'nttoa 40-ib. MatlreMies. S.l.li, Feathers ltenovatd tVorke Guaranteed name-llur hervU'e. l,l Order lM-t. rinFKn ca n i'kt ci,Krixa AMI MA'1'IHKN WOltKM M.tsl Modern Koulpp.d riant In IMinne fIT-n7. lull K. I.lneoln ft. STORAGE SPACE CEXTR.4LLY lOATKD 0 TRACK Ws can move and store your goods In a fine sprinklered building. JIAl LI;, PACKING, STOHAGE CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 4n4 .lln St. ftdwy. MTO. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Property, Inntaltment Re payment If Iveaired. Ilalldlna Loana. Current Ha tea Prompt Service. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. 31fl-2la northwestern Rank llulldlng. Marshall 4114. JNO. B. COFFEY gt HFTV IIO MIS l.NSl HAM'K 400 M'llenc Itldg. Main K021. FLUFF RUGS Jfsile from All Kind, of Old Carpets For Quality, 8rvU. and Economy. oitKtiON Fi.trr kiii to.. 104 K. ttutrk M. Talwr 7314. Edward E.Goudey Co. MOHTIIttir. LOAN'S I'nltrd Itr Hank llulldlng RFAf, F"TATFJ. Inf sale Flat and Asitment rrnpert " "WKST I1)K AVAKTMKNTS. Well hutlt. brlrk vneer. ituren build ing, cnntninlng St well furnished spts. ; wl, consider llS.Ocifl rssh. bslsnr , terms: no trsde. R. W. Csry, exclusive ,.,ni lilll N W. Hsnk bids. wksT IIIK APARTMKN'T. t storlrs with hsmenl. brirk. 24 spts., J! furnished with good furniture; Income about 41010 nrt pr month: selling for a B."r-K. fVcVr.; h 1U.T.Q. Kor Male IjOts. TT.A.MfcUA 'AK lot. streets all paid. ife The Improved 1 ,,ou' joiiN.soN-noDaoN co . - tSi N. W. Hank ilidg. . Uia 8787. REAL F.ST ATE. For hale Lota. R0SB CITY PARK LOTS. Ar.AlIBDA DRIVB. t B50 SOsIVO. facing south. M ft. east nf 4.)tb si.i all Imp. in and paid; terms. aoU down. 800 sosluu, on K. lst st.. fscing erest. 1,0 ft. aorih of Kllckllat; all imp. in and paid. I 850 50100. on R. 67th St., facing west, loo ft. north of Klickitat st. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. Boo iHilOO on R. 27th St.. facing east, HO ft. north of Mill St.; terms. ' 81 mi cash and monthly payments. I12SO 40x90 on Harrison St.. faciag south. So ft. east of K. Oth St.; all Imp. in and paid; terms. 1.10 cash and easy monthly paymenla. HBNPERSON-BANKUS CO.. 28 Henry Hidg. Hdwy. 47S4. VtjUR UREAM HOME will be bui.t right her. on nKAl'TIFUL CApITOl. H1LU Tha Idral H-;(ul Horn. HU.. ONK-FOlMtTH ACRE! 84'H) total pries, 8to down, 81 per month. On west side of the river, with no tire some bridges to cross. Beautifully lo cuted homesttea that sr. being offered in a great citasn-up sal.. Two oloeks to car; fine rich soli; all cleared ; no gravel; elty water II tract; gas, electricity; tele phone available; 4 blocks to public school. This Is your great neeer-to-be-found-agsln opportunity. BU NuWI Ask for O. W. Hordfrs. with FRANK U Mt-1U1RK. To Buy Your HomeSite. Ahlngton Hl'lg. Main lOttt. KILLIN'iftWrtltTH A VK. BNAPH HKE THKKB TODAT. 8375 el. W. Cor. E. loth and Killings worth. 8300 Kllllngsworth, fac. N., 60 feet E. of 11th. 8400 a. K. cor.. E. 12th and Killings worth. H0O 8. E. cor., B. 13th and Killings e worth. 1450 N. E. cor. E. ISth and Killings worth, t Very ressonAhle terms can be arranged. HITTER, I.OWK CO.. 201.2-3-0-7 Board of Trsde Bldg. DRIVB OUT TODAY LArRELHT'RST TRACT OFFICE. EAST 3HTH A NO GL18AN. Rome big bargains In lots. Just think of It! Foil lot in nice location, with all street Improvements paid, for IUO0; an extra large corner, near the park, for I'.SO. Hro me before buying. Office on the property. Stub, and E Ollsan. Tsbor 84H3 Phone for auto. Eve.. East 7138. I'KLAHL'NTY. OPEN EVKN1XQ8, IKVINGTON DISTRICT. Just think, a dandy lot on K. 18th st. Paved, sewer, all liens pnld. Price ."" 0. Or corner adjoining for 8iOO: can make reasonable terms to right buyer. You'll have to hurrv. HITTER. IjOWR CO., 2ni-2-a-5-7 B os rdo f Trade B Id g. STOHAUK Hf lEllINO OR SMALL M F(l. PLANT. An opportunity to pick up a good corner lot, boxluO, east side, dote In. Will tak. 8-'0 cash, bal. id mortgsgs: 8-'ooo cash; H-M, terms Owner East 44.'.4 WE.-ITMORKI.AVD. East 10th, near Clsybourns, only 87SO. All lens4,sld; also N. W. cor. E. 1Mb and Bybes for $l-'50; clear. He us for lot bargains In this district. HITTER. LOWK CO.. 201-2-3-.V7 Board of Trade Bldg. lRVINtJTON DISTRICT. lioo cash, 810 a month, all Im provements paid; seversl new houses un der construction around this lot- On oar, near school, close In. JOHNHON-DODSON CO., m V. W. Hsnk Hitlg. Main 87N7. 810 DOWN. Move right on this dandy west front on E. 24th. 10O feet south of Jarrett. save rent, cement walks, curbs, grading, water in and paid. P.ITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-2-8-5-7 Bonrd of Trsds Bldg. IRVINUTOX. CHOICE LOT FOR CHOICE, HOME. If you wsnt a beautiful corner lot, 100x1110, at a low price, one of the best loestlons In lrvlngton, phone owner. East 44.',4. A low price for Iminedfste sale 1IT. TABOR. Beautiful view homrsite. a rare Jewel among the ststelv home of west Mount Tsbor. Sacrificing for 8IG00. Improve ments paid. A. K. Hill, 4Jfl Lumber mens hlrig. BrHI.VF.HS CORNER, looxino N. W. cor. E. 14th and Davie; good location for flats or opts, bee us for low prlre snd easv terms. BITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-2-3-1-7 Hosrd of Trnde Bldg. VIEW lot, overlooking city, about 50x140. firiim. AL.AMKIIA f'AKK. Thla Is en exceptionally fine site for a tbme. Improvements ail paid. jrH.no.--roDBON Co., am N. W. Hank Blrtg. Main 37ST. ItMlxlOO PAYMENTS 82 WEEKLY. Let me show you. Only t.1, includ ing assessments. Butld as you please; $2 down; Alberta car. R. W. Cary, 11MP X, W. Bank bltlg. HO X 10O. COR. AINSWORTH AND MARYLAND. S00: terms, fee Mr. Rlchsnhsch METZOER-PAHKEH COMPANY. 2C.II oak. ti'Mir Fnurth St. Hdwy. TOl'R OI'PORTVNITY. I.atirelhurst lots, while they last, at extremelv low prices. 8e. J. A. Me Carty. 270H fftark. Main 1700; svs nlngs, Tsbor no.'i7. 2 KKAlTiKl'L iou In Alameda Park; all Improvements la and paid for: lot 8: block 81U00; lot 8. block 44. 81100. See owier 414 Ry. Exchange bidg. TsL Main 4VJS tl WEEKLY BUYS SOxlOO. Cem.nt walks, sewer, gas, electricity; Alberta csr. tose to school. H. W. CARY, 1JIK N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S,4a. Residence, Main 1377. PORTSMOUTH DI.XTRItrr. VrxliHi. l.'.-.o- very good terms. Dee oar. mrnsnoncn. w MKTZUKH-l'ARKKIl COMPANY. 2111 Onk. near Fourth St. Mdnjr. .18, "18. IRVINOTON BARIiAlN. Lot ,Vxloo la very fine location for sal. by owner. Reasonably priced for y pricad riN-3- ruif-K aig. rnin. r..nst m. 14 1HVI.NUTO.N HA HO A 3d lot north of Knott, facing east en 11th st.; only 10.".0. , It. F. KELLY. Siv.t snd Bklg Mlln 771. 870 ROSE CITY PAH K. Nice .loxloo, pavement paid; 1 block santly hlvd. Eiay terms. Tab or 4 8 0:1. You CAN resell your place without de lay U you have a Title Insurance policy Title A Trunt Co., 1)1 Fourth street. LAURELHURST LOT BARUA Bee J. A. MrCarty, 270, Si Mnln 1700; evenings. Tabor oQ.17. WESTMORELAND, SOxlOO lot, facing esst; all Improvements In and paid Ad'er. the Taylor, 201 Third st. 2 LOTS, cor Dana-Angeil .u. University Park Add.', cheap. Call 121 Webster St. morninse - . HOSE CITY PARK BAROAIN. C'holre corner oth st.. near Handy blvii. F.ssy terms. Tsbor r."."0. CORNER lot. ni3 y located, 00x110; a bar gain: some terms to the right party. Th hor '."..114. T1T1.K I.N8UKANCE saves time and money because no sbstrsrt Is required. Title A Tmt Co.. 01 Fourth street. ALAMTDA I.ota 1 and 2. block 22- nne location; deduction If sold by end of month. East n'.71. EACH for 2 lots 40xla.- esrh: A SNAP FOR SOMEONE. 813 Chamber of Com merce bltlg. I or Hule House.. FTAR BARGAIN. LAt'RELHI'RftT. o-Toom, modern bungalow, full beauti ful lot. hardwood floors, dining and liv ing room across entire front, Dutch kitchen, bullt-lns. cement baement. laundry trays, furnace, screens, psved street, sewer; no liens; no mortgage; one of the finest hungnlowa. I10O0 CASH AND 150 PER MO. STAR REAL EfTATE A INV. CO., REAI.TOH8.. 812-18 Wilcox Bldg.. B. E. Cor. 8th and Wash. $23J.'i LARi-iE B-rm. bungalow, nesr oar and school, esst slope of Mount Tsbor; Full lot, good basement and- plumbing; sewer connected; streets paved and paid, electricity, gas. neat and clean. Terms Tsbor 2'ct4 ROBE CITY PARK BNAP. 81700. Corner bungalow, 8 large, bright rms.. Ivory finish, tapestry paper, garage, beat location tiwncr. innor limit f tot oow.V buys this cozy Montavlll. bun gAlow: flreplsoe. modern plumbing: full cement bns--ment; a good buy at $2400. Kee Mr. Hughes, 218 Railway Exchange mug. ia;n 011 J3.MHI 1 4H DOWN, lrvlngton Park; 8 OlocKS 10 car; n piesssnt rooms, modern Plumbing. Dutch kitchen: full basement: this Is a rest buy. See Mr. Hughes. 218 Railway Bxchsnge blrtg. Main Bin LEAVINii CITY. MUST SELL TODAY. Oood 0-room house on car line, Dekum ave.; fine fruit: 81700, terms. Dubois, Ho, dn-l.lln SRVINISTON SACRIFICE, fin. home. lHth near Htsnton: owner going to California, quick sale; 7 charming rooms, all oak floors. Neuhsusen. Esst 34. Main W07H. 8-R00M housx, o lots, 211 fruit trees. 1 4 blks. fronagood school, 83hH). IMinj down, balance 2j month. Auto. 832-01. 47U4 t'.'th st $310 CASH, new 8-room bungalow, on Kllllngsworth see.. 1.12.10. Will be glad to sell to ex-service man. Main 7030. 1 1 anil ALIIKRTA district, four roon a. bath, pantry, closet, electricity, gas; easy terms. Wdio. 8688. It EA L ESTATE. ror bale Hoo J. A. WIOKMAN CO.. THURSDAY HPECIAL-S. RODE CITY PARK- 85200 Owner says money talks; I am going to sail, i.t h.r go at that price and some one gets a bar gain; ft rooms and large attic; fireplace, bookcasea. buffet. Dutch kitchen wirh breakraat nook; full cement basement; garage and will install furnace; street Improve ments in and paid. 83330 Surely this will sell today so hurry; 5 rooms and bath down. 1 room up; fireplace, etc.; a dou ble constructed home) that looks and is a real borne: fruit trees; garage, berrlea, flowers: terms. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. 840004 rooms and bath down, 8 rooms op; flseplace. eement basement; garage; paved atreel: terms. Ex-asrvlce men. we have horn., on which bonus loan can apply or w. will If you like build for you either on your lot or one of our own. Only 8250 down, then apply loan. 14750 Beautiful bungalow borne of 8 rooms and breakfast nook; full cement bsaement, fireplace, buf fet. Dutch kitchen with tiled drain boards, tiled bath with re cess tub. hardwood floors, etc. Now under construction. Buy now and have finished to suit. J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 284 Stark tt. Main 1QB4 and tM3. ALMOST ANYONE WOULD BUY THIS ROSE CITY PARK HOME. IT'8 THAT GOOD When 1 went through thla beautiful little bungalow the thought otruck me that surely here Is a wonderful bungalow considering th. moderate prlre. The outstanding feature was the enduring construction. The lo cation, the plan of the house, the dee orations, the workmanship displsyed all stamp thla aa really the limit ona could possibly expect for 8.10O0. A com plete home with 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Come see this. BOMETHINO ABOUT ONE OF LAURELHURPT'8 MOfT BEAU TIFUL Bl'NOALOWS. ITS ON LADDINOTON COURT Just south of Ollsan. For class snd distinc tion you'll go a long way to beat thla apleyidid bungalow of rooms. Words simply csnnot describe Its real beauty and charm. Draw on your imagination as strong aa you like, pioture the home you want and here It Is. It don't cost any thing to Investigate. You'll be under no obligations; positively. It's cheap at 87l)io. A. a. TEEPB CO.. West side office 270 Stark St.Maln 8092. East aids officeto and Sandy. Tabor .. LAURELHURST 8"K-"0. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW AND OARAGE. L, am Tory anxious to sell this beau tiful home at once. Considering the high quality of material used and tha work manship, you'll agree the price is low, very low. Hardwood floors In every room snd closet. Oreat big living room, light, cheerful dining room with massive buf fet. The kitchen Is the acme of" perfec tion. Adjoining la a breakfast room. Light bedrooms also papered. You'll admire this and want It for your home. Investigate. Very liberal terms. Phone Tabor I'.lSd. BX-SKRVICE MEN. APPLY YOUR BONUS ON THISv HAWTHORNE BEAUTY. Move right in this attractive 5-room bungalow, large living room with ftre plsre. fine buffet In dining room, won derful Dutch kitchen, breskfsst nook. 2 large, airy bedrooms, finished In white enamel snd beautiful tapestry paper Practically new; has a garage. Sacrifice for 14723. Will also sell bsautiful fur niture with house If desired. R. SOMERVILLE. Bdwy. 2478. 820 U. S National Bank Bldg. FURNISH ED IRVIVOTON K-ROOM HOME. -ONLY IttOOU TERM8. If you want a substantial, well-constructed residence, furnished, including piano, this will appeal to you; 4 bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch on 2d floor, large living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen and pantries on flrM floor; full concrete basement. Fox furnace, laundry trays, toilet, etc. RICHARD W. MAST, REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-1-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. m A HOME AND AN INCOME. 83200. Why not Invest your money where you can earn something with It 7 We have a good 10-room house with two a-room and bath apartments on 1st floor and 4 bedrooms on 2d floor: house Is newly pslnted and tinted throughout and In first-clsee condition and genuine bargain- 8110 cssh. R1CIHRD W. MAST. REALTOR. R1TTF.H. I. OWE A (AO.. 201 -2-3-1-7 Board of Trsde Bldg BUY AN INCOME WITH YOUR HOME. Something exceptional: Flat or duplex bldg.. fine east side location: two 8-rm. apartments, new and absolutely modern . bldg. of attractive design. Corner, near csr. An unusual value at 7,lot. Only 81000 cash and balance like rent. Rent one apartment and pay for this prop- Oy'H. PKOTHEIM CO.. REALTORS. a18-ll Couth Bldg. Main 1073. Office Open r.venings. ROSE CITY 81000 CASH. May consider lot as first payment on BOth at., new and handsome modern bungalow home .1 nice rooms, ndw. floors flreplsce, breakf. nook. 2 porches, bssement. etc. In fact, everything you can poeelblv get Into a home for only I4H.10. A real home value. .Near school snd car. call Main lili. Office open '"h.'bKOTHEIM CO.. REALTORS. 40H-11 Couch Bldg Main !" IRVINOTON. Owner transferred to Cal. Very at tractive new a-room bungalow, 2 ad ditional rooms upstalra. hardwood floor Ivory finish, large living and dlslng room. French doors, breakfast nook, all bullt-lns. full basement, furnace. Ruud heater, laundry trays, lawn, shrubbery and window boxes. Terms. 781 East 18th North. Auto. 822-18. "HAWTHOR NE BARGAIN. 142.10. Lovely 8-room modern home with polished hardwood floors, flreplsce and many wlndowa. beautiful 'awn. A home of, super construction. 81000 cash buye. Must be sold. - INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS, Bdwy. 4731. 410 Henry Bldg. ALAMEDA. I .,.-.( 10. Brand new 8-room bungalow: will be completely modern when finished: ail Improvements In and paid; two blocks to Broadway car. and we can assure you your money's wnrth. Other places like this one bring 8!on and over. J. BOBBINS. , Msln 70.H. 'Tabor !HH. j.ROOM and sleeping porch, modern every respect flreplsce. bookcases, cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, all im provements In and paid for. garage, fine view: thla is- a splendid buy st I.10OO; will take 11000 cash. Let us show ,OU' DEKUM A JORDAN. 828-4 Chsmber of Commerce Bldg. 4th endStsrkSts. Msln 2238. SOHUYLER-eTREET BAROAIN. Beautiful comer lot, lOOxioo. all Im provements in snd psld. fine 2-story, 7 room house, cement basement, furnace, wash trsys. close In on 82d St. Owner needs mojiey and will sell for the price of 14710 JOHN SINGER, REALTOR. 420 Chsmber of Commerce Bldg. 8230 DOWN PAYMENT. $'T, A MONTH. SOLD TWO ONE LEFT. Modern, nifty, brsnd new bungalow, off Sandv rd.: everything In and paid. Only $2000, J2.10 rash. To see this is to buy It. Cell tndsv. Main 1373. O H. SKOTHE1M CO.. Fourth F'oor. Couch Bldg. IRVINOTON CORNER BUNOALOW. 000. New 5-room modern bungalow; hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, large at tic, cement basement, garage; sightly corner. 17th and Skldmore sts.. 2 blocks from lrvlngton car; open dally from 3 to 8 Phone owner. Main 27. iliMEDIATB POSSESSION. TOUR OWN TERMS 5-room bungalow. ,l!)th St.. 2 blocks car basement, screened porch, Ruud water beater. .10x100, fruit and berrlea Make sn offer ss to terms. J. C. CORB1N CO.. 30VB-7 Lewis Bldg. NEW 5-ROOM modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen, bookcases, writing desk built in All In old Ivory finish; breakfast nook, flreplsce. eement basement. One blk to car: SOxlOO; on 2th St. N. e1"". cash 800. Balance monthly. Mala 7038. '10 MTIAN-D HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Beautiful, new, 8-room bungalow; greatest bargain in Portland. Can be bought for less than It cost to build. You get a lot for nothing; buyer can choose colors for Interior decoration. Marshall 4127, call this, morning. IR VINOTON-A LA M EDA BUNOALOW, tnooo. Easy terms; east fscing. block from Brosdway car: 8 rooma. attic, garage, furnace, fireplace. Neuhauser. East 894. Main S07S; PORTLAND HEIGHTS Convenient, well built 8-rnom house, best part of heights. Fine view of city, beautiful level lOOx 100 corner: close to csr. BROOKE, Marshall4A27. call mornings. TrvTnOTON NEW COLONIAL. simply charming, well built, esst fscing. eboice locstlon, all 'oak floors, ivory finish, art paper garage. Neuhausen. Main 8078. Esst 394. : .. I2IHM) ROSE CITY PARK CAR. Nifty new unfurnished 8-room bun galow, fireplace, cement foundation, basement; lot .Vision, trees, gsrsge, 23 feet from ssnny nivn. isnor .,,-, A POSITIVE SACRIFTCE. Portland Heights, modem 10-room res idence, splendid condition; gsrage. Two blncka Leaving city; will make bar gain pries. Turns Owner. Mar. 2438, REAL ESTATE- LAURELHURST. 810O0 will bay my equity In my new colonial bungalow. This will maks the total pur chase price . 87300. I paid 88300 for this bungalow 11 months ago. It la necessary that 1 aell at once on account of going back east about Ootober 15. Six large rooms finished In Ivory enamel, colonial period throughout, hardwood floors, large flreplsce. tile bathroom, Kobler pedsatal wash basins, latest fix tures throughout, acreens. window rode and shades, etc; hot water heater; fuel; lawn, flowers, shrub bery, on. block from park. Call Owner. Tabor 2881. 1228 EAST PINE BT. Must be aeen to be appreciated. BUILT FOR A HOME, NOT TO SELL. ROSE CITY PARK Five rooma and 1 sleeping porch bungalow, absolutely mod ern; full cement basement, concrete tuba, splendid furnace, hanging fruit shelves, white enamel kitchen with fine built-in cooler; screened breakfast porch, built-in buffet, bullt-ln writing desks, built-in book cases: attractive nook, open fireplace; many built-in convenlencea; casement windows; modern bath room with built-in linen box: attractive light fixtures; exceptionally large closets, one with outside window, one with three full length beveled mirror doors; built-in clothing chestsrlnterlor decoration by Portland's best deoorator; grounds BOx 100 feet, attractive with large fir and 11 inri, Kiuvr, i1 " " , , . currents, raspberries and blackcaps: on block from hard -surface street; petition for paving already filed; owner leaving city, sells st sacrifice. Price 800o. Terms. 164U Alameda, corner 83d. Phone Tabor 93S8. KENTON KENTON. $3330 Aa up-to-the-minute four-room bungalow with all of the modern hunt ings. Yes, it Is brand new and only one block from a paved street. 83200 Another almost like It In the same location. There are two sleeping rooms in each, hardwood floora in the living and dining rooms, standard set of plumbing, Including laundry tray, break fast alcove, with disappearing table and ironing board; cement baaement and ce ment porch. R.asonabl. cash payment and the balance easy. We are the own ers and builders. RYAN REALTY A BUILDING CO.. REALTORS. 413-8 Ablngton Bldg. , Marshall 8848. OWNER MUST 8 ELL. Very attractive modern 14 -story bungalow, nearly new, splendid big rooma: fireplace, five nice bedrooms, hot and cold water on both floora. full cement basement, furnace, stationary tubs; entrance to garage through bnsement; A very nice home on 8chuyler st. Price only 8.1K00. 81400 cash will handle. See J. W. Crossley. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. "Better Types of Homes." 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HAWTHORNE. 14260 EASY TERMS. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, ATTIC. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. BUILT-INS, CEMENT DRIVEWAY; CLOSE TO CAR, GRADE AND HIGH SCHOOL. ALVIV JOHNSON. REALTOR. BOARD OF TRADE HI. DO. PHONE BDWY. 37. EVE'OH. E. 2",U ROSE CITT PARK SACRIFICE. $3000. On account of financial circumstsnces, I am forced to aacriflce my new, modern, 8-room home, representing sn investment of over IHOOO; hardwood floors, attrac tive paper and fixtures, full cement base ment, all wiring in conduit; 8 additional rooms can be fintahed at email expense; No. 17.12 Siskiyou st.. Rose City csr to East Sth, 1 block south. For further information call Main 8203 morninga and evenings. - , TWO GOOD HOMES. A builder built a bungalow and Is now short of money. He must now sell this big 4 -room beauty, with attic, for less than cost. On hard surfaced street, close to W. 8. car. Frlce 83O00; terms Five rooms and attic In this house. on paved street, a nifty home with newj root, newiy painteu, on nice corner lot. Closa to car; $2oO with 8430 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO.. SI8 Cham, of Com. Main B824. P f hTI t ri V T K not 11 A MONEY MAKER. Fine 2-famiIy home, 2 asperate arts of plumbing; 3 rooma and bath on lower and 8 and bath on upper floor; fireplace, laundry traya; Bin I (Ml lot: street paved. You can live in downstairs and rent the upper floor for $40 a month. If you can pay $l.lo0 cash see us today. COMTB A KOH LM AN. Main 8.1.18. 2UH Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEAR JEFFERSON HUiH. $3SlMj NEW. If you are looking for a five-room bungalow, don't fail to see this; five large rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, concrete basement, wash trays, .loxloo lot. improvements all in and paid; you can move right In. . $700 cash, balance $-'0 peri month. t'OE A. McKENNA 4 CO.. 82 Fourth Street. Main . 8S71. RORB CITT PARK. 80S East 4Hlh 8L North. Attractive bungalow, attic, breakfast room, gss best, garage, lawn. etc. QUICK SALE DESIRED. Bee 1 to ft P. M. Tabor 5U48. owner. LAURELHURST COLONIAL. Classy 2-story. 7-room southern colon ial, on large corner, near car and park; center entrance; French doora to au-fc living room and to dining room; old Ivory: wails pspered: breakfast room: 2 fireplaces, 8 bedrooms with dressing rooms, sleeping porch; garage. Must sell; never offered before. Tsbor 40L KOSE CITY PARK. This wonderful s-room bungalow, with hardwood floora and all built-lna. fur nace, fireplace, garage: glaed-tn sleep ing porch: this home faces east and only une block from the car line. $uouU, $100O cash, balance terms. ROBNETT A McCLURE. REALTORS. Marshall ll-'Q-j ai)2 Couch Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Home extraordinary: a rooms, full concrete basement, garage, paved street, full lot. fireplace; furnace, oak floors, half block to car; an exceptional buy at -.moo. $loOu cash, balance $40 month. , t'OE A. McKENNA A CO.. Realtors. 82 Fourth S:. Main 4.122. LAURELHURST. 8 rooma large attic, tile bath, tile drain board and fireplace. hardwood floora in all rooms, mirror door, large plate-glass windows, garage, 8-foot run way, shades, fixtures, house well built. Tsbor W27. owner and builder. STRICTLY modern new Laurelhurst bun galow for sale by owner; 3 rooms on main floor and 2 rooma finished in at tic; hardwood floora downstairs, French doors In den; garage; good view of park. Phone Tabor 1400. 884 E. Aa keny. near 82d st. $12.300 LOOK around, then aee this bsr galn In Irving. on; 8 rooms two bath rooms, two tfreplacee. hardwood doors throughcut. full basement, garage, lot 7.1x100: an ideal home; must be seen to be appreciated. 8a. e by owner. 03e East lllth N. Telephone East ,lso. " ALBERTA. New 5-room modern bungalow; near ear line. $3jr,0; Just being completed: owner will have aelectlon cf flxturea and wail paper; this Is worth the money; easy terms. W. 11. Umbdenstock 4b Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. ltiftS. REAL VALUE. Woodtawn district, good ft-rm. cottage, sewer, water, electric lights, gas. &ox 100 lot, beautiful lawn, shade and fruit trees; a sacrifice at $18no, l.lftd down, balance easy. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1K.18. MOM7AVTLLA BUNGALOW. $373 down. Double constructed mod ern 4 -room home, fireplace, Dutch kitch en, etc. Easy monthly payments. Main 8S0d. QUIN. 20d Morgan Bldg. REALTOR. $2600 BUYS A dandy little new, four-room bungalow, modern, on Buckingham Heights, close to Multnomah station; sightly residence property. Easy terms. For particulars csll on BEN RIE8LAND, 404 Piatt Bldg., 127 Park St. ALBERT A BUNGALOW. 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, bullt-lns. screened porch, floored attic, dsndy lot and fruit. Monthly pay ment $30. at 8 per cent. QUIN, 200 Morgan Bidg. REALTOR. ATTENTION If you wish to buy a house by October 1 st a bsrgsln. phone owner morning, Wdln. 4X48. If not sold by then will rent furnished. REAL ESTATE. IRVINOTON BE AUTIFULj DUTCH COLONIAL. -V 17TH NEAR 8T ANTON. Artistic home; 7 lovelr rooms, east front, wide cement porch, central en trance into elaborate hall, which bas two mlrrora. ftxH; three Immense tapes tries, lined stairwsy walla, pretty leaded doe- leads to breakfast room; large living room. Rockwood fireplace. French doors to porch: three fine bedrooms, large sleeping porch on secoud floor. The grounds are beautfttrl. Pergola driveway and wonderful ehrubberv. See this before building and get something la the best part of Irving ton. . McDONELL. EAST 419. REALTOR. 8CNNTSIDE 1300 DOWN. I am offering an honest 7-room home In absolutely perfect condi tion, end modern, at a very great aacriflce, $4.10)1. It really muat be seen to be appreciated. New pipe less furnace, 8 pairs French doors, lovely hardwood floora buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, fruit and nuts, ber ries, grapea Call 1038 Taylor aft ernoon or phone owner morning, Marshall 740. IRVINOTON TtEAUTIrTL STUCCO HOME $13,000. This Is one of lrvlngton'. beautiful homes; no classified sd can describe this: 3 beautiful tiled bathrooms, 2 tiled fireplaces, solid mahogany, old Ivory and hardwood floora throughout. Servants quarters on third floor: esst facing; concrete front and back porch; electrlo stove and Instantaneous heater. Bea this real home. McDonnell, bast 4i. HAVE YOU $100 TO INV EST 7 Thla nronertv will oav vou better than 13 per cent yearly on your money; 8 large rooma and bath; run cement Daaemem; on Bunnyslde. best carline In the city, onlv 12 minutes to west Bide. If you'll buy this home we'll agree to rent It for $40 a month. You'll look a long time to find a better Investment. The price Is $3,1.10 with only "0 down, bee us today, COMTE A KOHLMAN. Main 01 50. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SMALL DAIRY IN THE CITY. This place Is a money-maker. 130x200 with good 7-room house with full base ment and furnace, good barn with ce ment floor, stanchions for P cows, Isrge hay loft, milk house, all kinds of fruit. berries and grapea You will find this a nice home. . wnere one oan nave an in come. Price Is fSOu.0. $1300 cash will handle. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. Fine corner home of 8 rooms, targe living room, all bullt-ln conveniences, fireplace, hardwood floors. French doora full cement bssement. furnace, wash trays; a good buy at $8000; reasonable terms. LITEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce HOSK CTTY PARK 14250. On eoth st., near Sandy; owner forced to sell this real up-to-date bungalow, juet 1 year old; haa hardwood floora and couldn't be duplicated today for $.100 more than la asked; reasonable terms. Phone for appointment. Our autoa at your service. W. M. Umbden stock 4b Co.. 210 Oregon bldg.. Bdwy. l ttr.K. IRVINOTON K-ROOM BUNGALOW. $H730 TERMS. This Is a very nice home with fine sur roundings, cobble stone front and fire place, furnace, fireplace, hardwood, tir finish; garage. J. R. HAIOHT, 827 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 2045. Homes In restricted districts. KBW ENGLISH COLONIAL. $(1300 $1,100 CASH. A bargain, with 8 bedrooms and sleep ing porch. Thla Is less thsn the house would sell for In common district. J. R. HAIGHT, 82T Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 2045. Homes In restricted districts. mir. (MTV PARK! Out-of-town owner soys: Sell my bungalow and do It quickly." $42.10 for a beautiful little 3-room bungalow with fireplace, furnace, full basement, paved street, under the hill In Rose City Park. Will take tsjil cash and $40 per month. H1LLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange Bl'lg. Main 88 Branch office, .loth ft Suntly. Tabor ROSE CITY DISTRICT. BEAUTIFUL HUl. Modern 7-room, two-story. Ivory finish, hardwood floors, flreplsce. full cement basement street Improvements In and paid' reasonable terms. J. C. COSTELLO. Owner. 414 Board of Trade. Main 3177 or B. 8314 TWO IRVINOTON HOMES. $.17.10. $1300 down, maybe less. 3 rms. snd sleeping porch, bath, hardwood firs, and ivory finish throughout; garage; east front lot; full basement. $300 down, 7 rms.. thoroughly mod ern, like new throughout, near school. R. T. STREET. BETTER HOMES, East S4; Residence East 42H0, WALNUT PARK. $7000. Eight large rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, full basement, furnace and one of the flneat In the district: $lluo cosh will handle. Six blocks Jefreison high. COE A. McKENNA CO.. f2 Fourth Street. Muln flSil, BEAUTIFUL NEW 5-ROOM BUNOA LOW. 7.1xino-ft. lot, paved street, garage, ce ment basement, living room, 12x28 ft.; hardwood floors, tapestry paper In liv ing and dining rooms, half block to car. Three rooms can be finished upstairs. Easy terms. OWNER. Main 7027 or Auto. 320-23. ALAMEDA. A real, up-to-date bungalow with all the modern bullt-lns. $00O; would take bonus loan and arrange easy terms on balance; thla Is In a good location and la worth the money. Phone for appoint ment. W. M. I'mbdenstnck A Co., 210 Oregon bldg.. Bdwy. . hu.k. PIlcnMnxT RARGA1N. 8-room modern bungalow, all bullt-ln. and complete In every detail; only $5730, $2500 cash balance terms. W. W. SARIN. REALTOR. 108? tNION AVE. N. WDLN. 889. SPLENDID HAWTHORNE HOME. B-KOOM 111 ,UA1,U . In excellent condition, lovely lot; nice built-in features; a very attractive place; we shall be glad to show this. RALPH HARRIS CO . 818 Chsmber of Commerce. Msln 3824 1 HOOJIS-4 BEDROOMS $.14.10. Modern semi-bungalow. looxloo-ft. lot; ?arage. paved street, half block to car. oi blocks to school. Cement basement. e.,rnece beautiful terrace. Terms. OWNER. Main 7027 or Auto. 320-23. inVivcTOV FORCED PALE. Owner going south must sarrtftt-e mod ern 2-story 7-room house with sleeping porch and garage. Esst lth St. N.. near Knott. Fine condition; easy terms. Tabor 4Q7. "Sect- rlTV PARK BUNGALOW. 8 rooms and aleeplng porch; hardwood floors In living, dining room and hall, i-ement driveway: garage, furnace, fire place. Fine lawn and shrubbery. By own er. 478 Bast Mst st. M. Tabor 07.12. IGOO0 MODERN 5-room oungalow on Mt. Tabor line; 40x100 garage; sewer, streets paid; liberal terms; now vacant. J. P. McKenna. 1151 Belmont, at 30th. Tabor 48. ATTRACTIVE 7-room modern aeouse, built in buffet. Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, near Jefferson high, wonderful bargain at $:i2oo, $1000 cash- Ownsre phone - WoodlawnTo, i ROSE CITY PARK. 8-room home, -fine condition, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace; must be seen to be appreciated: terms. Tabor 5.147. 8115 East 51)th North. $1700 4ll0 DOWN A good little Kenton home, 5 -rooms, full size lot, 1 block to car' why pay rent? Buy your home from Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 8102; 4 HOMES in Jefferson high school district and Peninsula park district, see The Kll llngsworttt ave. Realty Co, 121 Killings worth ave. Phone Wdln. 4122; eventoge and Bundays vtoooiswn sou. HOUSE PLANS. "Dlr"nctlve Homes" Illustrated book of ovr 100 designs. $1: blueprints. $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. ,M)nni'wi,a n i , n umg. BETTER HOUSES FOR LESS. If you have a clear lot and $500 we will build you a modern bungaow. RYAN REALTY BUILDING CO.. 415-8 Ablngton Bldg. Marshall 6848 BARGAIN In brand-new 5-room bungalow, $3suO- everything Included; $.!K down, tjo month. Owner on premises 2 to 4 today. 2S08 East 43d St., a blocks Rich mond cs WE HAVE already examined the title to your property and can issue title tn sursnce policy without delay. No ab stract required. Title A Trust company. 81 fourth street BONUS MEN. I We have several desirable properties' on which bonus can be applied later. ; Or will build. Our lot or yours. Fabri- i cated Construction Co. Auto. 514-30 f " NSAR GOLF LINKS. ( That attractive Old English cottsge, new ; $(Vo0 ; open for Inspection. 21st and Pybee. OWNER'S modern bom. Kom City Park. Tabor 431b. REAL ESTATE. "For Sale llousee. THIS IS WHERE YOUR HOME IS. . , in . .1 ..l.rt It TODAY. Mors than 12o0 homes to chooae from, j Every one personally inspeciru. ap praised and photographed. IF NECES SARY. WE'LL HELP YOU WITH YOUR DOWN PAYMENT. SEE FRANK L. McOUlRB To Btiy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 28 Autoa at Your Disposal. Open Until 8 Every Evening. NEW TODAY. 840PO HERE IS A TYPICAL bunga low home. ROSE CITY PARK, t cheery rooms with every mod em feature; built-in labor-saving conveniences: fireplace; In fine eondition; In beautiful Belle Crest, Just north of Bandy on E. 60th St., paved St., paid. SACRIFICE SALE! $500 DOWN! $3200 UNDUPI.1CATED BUNGALOW BARGAIN In the Ideal Haw thorne home district: owner forced to sell AT ONCE: cosiest possible little 5-room gem; large living room, attractive dining room with massive lended art glass buffet: clean white enamel Dutch kitchen; 2 airy bedrooms with abundant closet space; cen tral hall with built-in linen closets; best white enamel bath ami electric fixtures; paved St., ONLY $300 down. BEE THIS TODAY! E. 50th St. NEW TODAY. 22300 ARTISTIC ALIIKRTA bungalow In Onkhurst addition. 4 rooma, dnlnty gray shingled exterior and latticed front porch; combination living and dining room, dm. bullt-ln convenlencea; berries, fruit trees: E. 15th st. Terms. I1B90 WALKING DISTANCE 1 $.100 down 1 entrsl b. roruana, nent, comfortable cottage on K. Wash Inrtnn st.. 5 rooms, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, close to nign ana graoe scnoots. S7.!fJ SIO dawn, coev MT. SCOTT cot tags of 2 rooma: lots of fruit and shrubbery; no matter -now num bie, there's no place like home.' 84th st- OPEN 1'NTIL 9. BEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1088. 3d St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. Entrance Under the Big Electric Sign. $330 DOWN. $37.50 PER MO. INCLUDING INT. 8 rooms, large attic, garage. 24 blocks from Sandy blvd., below the hill. This price is $4000. with a 8100 A. B. com bination range thrown in. If you don't want the range tne pries la ana such easy terms. You buy on a straight contract, no mortgage to assume. Just pay $3.10 down and $57.8 a month. Bee Mr. Bricknell with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch of floe. 43th and Sandy blvd. w linn nows Here Is the chance of a. lifetime; the very beat of soil. Tins bungalow Is located Just off Union avenue in tne Wnorflawn district. The Drlce is $47.10. mortgage 80tsl at 8 per cent and the balance can be handled Just to suit you. Now, If you want a real home on easy terms, call us for appointment. MILLER BROS,, REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange Hlilg. Main ad. Branch office. 50th A Sandy. Tabor 841.1. IRVINOTON COLONIAL BUN. ALOW. Concrete Dorch. eaat front, larc living ruom, French doora. break fast nook. hardwood floora throughonut ; flrnt floor 5 rooma. 2 on aerond floor; lHth t.. near Blakiyou. H-nl bargain: tT'-T'O. UcDONKLL. KAST 41. IRVINOTON tI STRICT BUNOALOW. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, .arfre living room and tlininir room fin ished In tapestry paper and lvoryl fire pi nee, hardwood floow. built-in kitchen and breakfast room, very bent electrlo fixtures, wired for electric atove, full oment ba ftyment and furnace, larite garage : only 1 block to lrvlngton car. Prlca y05Utr easy terms. Consider good auto part. A. H. AKER90N. 420 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. SMfl HUSH CITY PARK. $4250 A new .".-room bungalow with full cement basement, hard wood floors, fireplace, faces ent on one of the best streets In Roue City. Now If vou want anmething new and modern with a $."i(M) payment and balance ljaa than rent, be sure to se this. IUL.LKU. BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railwtiv Exchange Bldg. .Main Bran ch office. .th A Sandy. Ta bor MS.-. HONKBTLY It Is a quick turnover we want on this Alameda Park bungalow of five swell rooma and large attic, all dolled up in tha latest fashion, haa hard wood floora. French doora, fireplace, fur nace and garage. If It la a home you want ate this today. Priced to sell now, terms. Open for Inspection, 2 to R:'A(I. Don't delay. HSt Fkidmo re st.. near '-MHh. HL'ILD TO SATISFY. Before letting contract to build your home see us. We will save you money and show vou real construction. Deal with an ex-servhe man. Soldiers given fvprv ronHiarat ion. POBNETT A McCLURE. REALTORS. Marsha1) :.21U. Couch Bldg. IN LA I'KhiLH L'HiST, Six-room bungalow; owner lesvlng the city; will sell at a ancriflca this brH uttrul home in leaureihurat. Prtc .'!t.-.0. Ion't fall to aee It today. Irlv out to the Laurelhurat tract office, Kst HIM h and UINn. Thune Tabor S4i3. Evenings E. 7738. N K W I K VI N O TON B T N 1 A LOW. Something c liferent : Hollywood. Cali fornia, trne: K rooms, attic: old Ivorv latest electric fxturea. garage, full base ment, large lot ; t he last word In style. 715 E. imh ft North. Facrmce I'l'.iw terms. Owner. Broadway 3'W.l. I.Vstui W I LL buy a good nix-room house, lot, watr, heat, good fireplace. Inlaid hardwood floora, large sleeping porch. Small dn built-in pantry, with cooling closet, concret garage, corner, all im provement a In and paid. Call Tabor f.44. owner. LAURKLHt'JsV.HT. OWNER LEAVING CITT. If you really mean business and want to buy a strictly modern 6-room bunga low with garag at an exceptional re Auction, also furniture for sale, call at 1125 WASCO ST. Bl'ILO TO SATISFY. Before letting contract to build your home see us. we win save you money and show you real construction. ROBNETT A McCLl'KE, Realtors. Marshall S2A2. A 802 Couch Bldg. IKV1NUTON hoiiiT, modern throughout; would cost about f2VU0U today. Selling arcouni ousineas iransier eastern atate. Bargain price; terms. East 51H4. TITLE Insurance ta quicker, safer and cheaper aosiraci niecnou. Ask your Danaer: n Knows. ruie m Trust com pany. 91 Fourth street. FOR SALE by owner, 8-room house, sleep Ing porch, modern, good location; 1 block from carline; terms. 715 E. Burn- LARGE 8-room plastered house, close to car: small payment down, balance like rent. Call Wood lawn 5510. After o clocic can woouiawn zmu. FOR SALE 4 -room house, also sleeping porch: garage: 2 blocks from carline: 91300, :00 down, balance $15 per montn. inquire bi nisr at. a. l. MODERN 0-room house, fireplace. hird wood floora and all built-lna, near school and car on paved atrcet. Owner. Main J 778. FOR SALE $1400 contract on Portland house, close in; payable $40 month 7 per cent inttresi; payments are prompt, j H. L-. San Anselmo, Cal... ViSRY attractive and strictly modern 5 room bungalow near Franklin high school, only $3200. Easy terms. Owner, Aut. :.-2Q. .NEARLY an acre of ground, fruit trees, roses, etc. Splendid new huse, barn and poultry house. Corner 5u(h st. and Powell VaUey road. Owner. Aut. iMtQ-20. YOU ARE sure of your title If you Inslwt on Title insurance. Better be safe than sorry. Titie A Trust company. LALKELHURST Sacrifice beautiful home, modern throughout completely fur ni!hed. I7.V'U. Term. Taoor 'Jti'9. ROSE CITY PA UK., N. W. corner 4Rth and Siskiyou and lot next north. Will gs I separate. Phone East 5114. ATTRACTIVE 8-room residence, breakfast room, den, reception hall, garage; walk ing distance. East 2SW7. IFA HOME Is worth buying the title la worth insuring. No abstract required. Title A Trust company, 91 Fourth st. HAWTHORNE district by owner, 5-room bunnalow. Price $.0'K. 431 East 37th Mi)iERN 8-rm. home. Mount Tabor, : Iimi lot. shrubbery and garage. Owner, Talior -t"l FOR SALE By owner. 8-room houu on Overton between 22d and 23d. By ip polntment. Call Main 8742. Nc agents. CLOSE your real eat at deal quickly through title insurance. j uie A Trust company. Bl FuurfaV street ATTRACTIVE- looking, two-fami'y flat; bargain Phone Tabor 42H0 MODERN 5-room bungalow. hardwood floors, furnace and garage. 8 2 J K, 41at. real bungalow of o rooms the flrM floor snd three bedrooms fijrs.d in the attic; lucated on a large. pV f ground 1.10x100. making three 5oaKwlots: ha. REAL ESTATE. for hale Houses USE YUL'R HiiNUH ON ANY Or TIIBfK. RO.HE CITY. $1'.'I0 R.17 E. 4UTH tT. N. ONE OK THE REST Hl'YS IN ROSE CITY. VERY ATTRACTIVE R-ROnM lU'NUALUW. I.ARUK FLATE-lll.ASS WIXIHIWH IN KINB HIU I.IVINU ROOM. FIREPLACE. MIRROR POOR; HKAUT1KI I DIN1NU ROOM WITH LARUE I'LATB UI.ASS WI.NOOWH HIFFET. imTCH KITCH EN. BREAK FAST NOOK. RKKKIEH ATOR RUOM: L FINE .AIRY BED ROOMS, LARUE ATTIC. Fl'RNACE. UU1LT BY OWNER FOR 1118 HOME. ROSE PITY RI'NOALOW. $SS0( TERMS. VERY ATTRACTIVE NEW, 4-ROOM nVNUAI.OW, CALIFORNIA STYLE, CAHH M EST WINDOWS PERdOLAS. I.ARUE LIVING ROOM. FIREPLACE. OAK FLOORS, 2 FINE BEDROOMS. CONNECT1M1 BATHROOM. HANDY HUTCH KITCHEN AND BREAKFAST NOOK, Rll'll WATER HEATER, CE MENT BASEMENT. CIAS Fl'RNACE. FRENCH DOcK.s: OARAUE. A HEAUTY AND A BARGAIN. HAWTHORNFJ BEAUTY. 14.1110 TERMS VERY ATTRACTIVE J ROOM Bl'NO. AI-oW WITH iRAiiE: LA ROE L1V IN! ROOM. FIREPLACE. FINE IU'F FET IN PINIMI ROOM; HANDY IH'TCH KITCHEN WITH BREAK FAST ALCOVE: 'J LARGE AIRY WE1 ROOMS. E. 44TH BT. ISfi.10. ATTRACTIVE R-ROOM RITNO AI.OW. FINE DISTRICT, ON 1'A VED STREET. CEMENT BASEMENT: ALL TONKS IN OLD IVORY; 2 BLOCKS FROM CAR; NEAR HIST ST. SNAP: .! DOWN R. HOMEHVILLE. BROADWAY 1M7S. SiO U. S. NATIONAL BANK HI.lnl. .l( HIKE BAROAINH. ROSE CITY PARK. We are nderina for auli'k sale a beau tlful ft-room, double constructed, strfi'tly modern bungalow with bullt-ln effects. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc on a MixllH) lot. facins east: all street Improvements In and paid; close to scnooi ana carline. Tnis pries la snaiu under tits sctual value. It would pay anyone to mvestiiats mis. ALBERTA P18TRICT. What would you think of a It-room modern hunicalow, on paved street, with narowooti Tlnors ana mouern conven lencca for l.'tii.lil? Fine lot. We can de liver . this beautiful little home on i small payment down, balance monthly with B per cent Interest. RICHMOND DISTRICT. For larae family, a-room, 2-etorv, anunie-con.iructea .st'siiience, moaorn with furnaee, fine ffiraKe. street paved, 2 blocks school and car; only $45011, on terms. MT. TABOR. Cost modern 5-room residence, full cement basement, furnsce, large attic, I , tt'i-inA . a i - . 1 block sctino'l, S blocks car; lots oi xruit; oH-can, balance terms. SIOORE BARGAIN'S. See House Ijent. GEO. T. MOORE CO., lOO 7 Yeoa Bide. STOP. ' 18 TOUR INVESTMENT FOR THO FUTURE T In btiylns; your home are you consid ering one that will Incresse In value durlne the next few vearsT BEAU MONT ANNEX Is the BEST of Its kind in the city, and besides If the 2 houses lor sale there now are not exactly what you want it will be built. We will fi nance that on easy terms. THIS IS UNl'tfUAL. IT IS OUTSIDE the CITY LIMITS but HAS ALL THE CONVEN IENCES with LOWER TAXES. Don t pass this by. Call me and let me tell you what this can mean to you. STEWART WEISS. Tsbor 80711 Main 4f2, STAR RARQAIN. $lh'll. 4-rnom cottaRe, double garase., bath, pantry, large rooms and closet, nice porch. Dutch kitchen, sax and electricity. A welt-kept, neat place, only 'J blocks to csr; $000 cash; very small monthly pay ment, v ny pay rent i Visit our office. We have more bar- sains iroin i-tHi to siii.noo. STAR REAL ESTATE l.NV. CO.. REALTORS .11-13 Wilcox Bldg. Main .1004. Eve., S10-07. PORTLAND HOTS. VIEW HOME JS,10 (i0 CASH. 4 rooms, bathroom, brelkfast nook, fireplace; not quite finished up Inside. Price asked Is less than cost to date. Take C. O. car to Mount .Ion station and gn 400 ft. on Falrmounl blvd. to 7i.i. Owner on premises, or phone Main 1775. II'-MO. Thoroughly modern 6-r. bungalow; beautlrul white enameled Dutch kitchen 2 bedrooms, music rooai. Ilreplace fur nace; all sitreet improvements In and paid for; high, sighlly lot; tine location: 4UW1 b"e"-la- Ca" Ior appointment. Kaal STAR UARllAIN. 1475(1 ROSE CITY M7.W BRAND NEW ll-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors, cement basement all modern built-ins and conveniences,' on paved street, block tu car; IDio cash will handle. STAR REAL ESTATE ft INV CO REALTORS. Main JU04. 612-13 Wilcox Bldg isnoo nuNQALow j:moo Dandv fl-r. bungalow. Vt block from Hawttiurnn en ra ,...,nun, dry trays large. liBht rooms: built-in buffet! ..liyllHi.rt ln, nn I - a . j;d neighborhood; lO0U down, balance MRS. ELVA STRINGER. Auto. 6.10-00. LACKKLIU UST BLNOAIJW. Reautlful il rooms and bathroom: sleep ing porch, breakfast room down etulra. '. roomm upstalra; hardwood floors, til. In bathroom, dnitle garage cemenl porch; must he sold. Price l.sisln j.1ih down, balance monthly to suit. Set Mr. RIoliHiiliarh. ML'ev.GICR-PARKER COMPANY Oa k, near Fourth St. Hdw y .13,11 WE ARE olferlng an H-rrtom double corT ftructed home at a prlr. that will In terest you: furnace, fireplace, spactoui rooms, close to car line, and could b used aa two flats, making excellent In. come property. Lot Is SflxlJH. Drlv by and see thla property at 4 LI, Eugenl street, or call us for njipnlntmrnt ROHNETT & McCLUHK. REALTORS Marshall :l'-'l. :inj i-oiuli Hldg DM V i 1 1 D v i , , u ,.. ji oi cast imn street .North, -on paved street In Rose Cltv. ace this lovely rioiilil ,nn-lni,l.,l - k. ua- low. with attic apace for 2 more roo hsrrfwooil floors rir.iil.i,. ri,...,.. kb ims. fst. Imllt-lnu lt- 4.-,on wlui l.'.oo cash, baisnce terms. n..r.-,r.i i ec ctl.Lr.. K h.A I, I UK Marshall .'ll'QJ. :mj Couch Ji WALNUT PARR. NEAR HAIOHT AVE NEAR JEFFERSON HIUH SCHOOL. Beautiful It-room home, full basement. luiiinL-a, iiKiuniitMi iioors, r reni'P floor., fireplace. 3 lovely bedrooms and large hath; Sl.lnil r.uh nn,l h.l-nd EAST 411). ROSE CITY PARK II UNO A LOW. Colonial style, .1 rooms. and bathroom downstairs, 1 room snd sleeping porch Uls-talrs; corner lot, SOxlOO. For a quick sine win tuse sno.iu, si.iou casn. oalanc. like rent See Mr, Richanbach. M ET7.GF.It-P A HKER COM P ANT. 2Il Onk. near Fourth St. Bdwy. . RICHMOND BARGAIN rooms newly decorated. Just off the enr Hue: mis la imieea a bargain. 9,1-J.,0. f.KHI cash, balance terms. 006 East l!Mth street. ROBNETT McCLURE. REALTORS Mnrsha'l :r.1r'. .I02 Couch Hide. HURRY! LOOK! SEE THISI 7-ROOM Hl'NOALOW, PARTLY FURNISHED. S3000. Alberta. 1.1th St.. move right In: every thing goes; leaving city; only $Kon cash, balance like rent. I'hone Mar. 1U22 be fore ft o'clock. A MODERN 7-room bungalow, juet com pleted ia Alameda Park. All bullt-lns. fireplace aud furnac 0:13 East gist St. N. HAWTHORNE district, completely fur nlehed ,1-ioom ciincalnw; sacrifice If sold this week; SKMi cash, balance terms. Owner, lanor 1 .1 Ruv from owner new. modern S-room semi-bungalow. 037 E. '-'Nth N.. 2 blocks from H. W. car; 1 1 '"0 will handle. ALHINA A VE.p KN INSULA PARK. 7-room house, bath. ftllxloO lot, paving and sewer paid. 1000. Terms. Tabor 4J!"I. MT. TABOR. Beautiful colonist bungalos bargain. Tabor MM. A fins FOR SALE A lovely horn, to a lover of a home. Must sacrifice; leaving city. Aiito.22.-.S; : 2o0 CASH, brand-new 4-room bungalow . on Kllllngsworth ave. A splendid bargain nt -sr,o. .nam t".in. 8-ROOM modern house; $.1000, $500 cssh, bnlance $30 per month. Mr. Rlchsy, 21 S Ry. Ex. bldg. REAL F.STATK; "For bale Houses. $100 CASH, PRICE $1X00 4-room butigaloa, lot 44xliiO. lights, water, gas. garage, good gravel atreel; some shrubbery snd fruit; close to both grade and high schools; 1 blocks to Woodlawo car; balancs very easy pay menla $8.10 CASH, PRICE $S1S0. 7-room modern plastered house, 40x 100 lot; lights, gas. water and good basement; paved streets snd three blocks from the Alberta car on 21tt at. Balance a,ssume first mta, and eon tract for small ami. per month. Tbls Is a bargain. DUTCH COLONIAL HOMB IN LAURELHURST. Nearly new Dutch colonial home, sit uated, close to Laurelhurst park; fur nace, fireplace, full cement bssement, Dutch kitchen, and everything right up to th. minute. Takes $2000 to handle and the balance may run aa first and second mlga. Fur parllculara aee Mr. Newman. John Ferguson, Realtor. Cerllnger Bldg. Phone House Dept. Main H52K, MAOrNIFICTENT VIEW HOME. Franklin St., Willamette Heights, beat home environment; a-room modern house, big living room with fireplace, sparlous dining room, hardwood floora, breakfast nook, complete Kitchen, 4 bed rooms, hardwood floors, breakfAst nook, complete kitchen, 4 bed rooms, hath, 60x100 bval lot. Prtc. $7,100, $;,Mi0 cast! will handle. It's n. very low price for this locality. Ses J. W. Crosaley with JOHNSON-DODSON CO., "lietler Types of Homes." 33 14. W. Bank Bldg. Mam 878T. FINE LARGE HOME. BUNNTSIOB CORNER 1500 DOWN. Splendidly situated, especially welt bunt. 8-rm. modern house, on S.lxlOO-ft. corner, only two blk. from best car service In city; hss reception hall, liv ing room, dining room, den and kitchen downatalrs, four nice airy bedrooms snd bath up. Full cement baaemsnt and fine furnace. $115 per mo. on baisnce snd no mortgage to assume. fries $0500. J. I HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. VERY OI.ABST BUNGALOW. Wisteria drive, grand view, fins modern 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, very large rooms, garage. This Is a bunga low in a clssa by Itself. Is of fered at less than cost. $1,100. JoHNSO.V-DODjjoN CO., 'Better Types of Homee." 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mala STST. -ROOM BUNOALOW WITH 2 LOTS. WALKING DISTANCE. IJ7HI ONLY $.1700 IIAIJ, ENTRANCB WITH COAT CIAISET; LIVING ROOM WITH F1HE I'LACM AND FRENCH DOORS; DIN ING ROOM WITH BUILT-INS: CON VENIENT KITCHEN; SCREEN ED-IN BACK PORCH; BEDROOM AND BATH DOWNSTAIRS; 8 BEDROOMS UP STAIRS WITH HOT AND COLD WA TER. APPOINTMENT. MARSHALL lt4. MRS. BERRT. LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST. NEW COLONIAL BUNGALOW. VERY ARTISTIC, WITH GARAGE. A wonderful home, distinctive In de sign, exterior beautiful stone-tone stucco and granite, beautilul, spacious rooms, 3 large plate glens windows, swell beveled plate buffet, bullt-ln bath tub, pedestal wash basin, tile bath floor, tile sanitary dralnboards, oak floors, colonial columns, French doors, Ivory woodwork, tap.stry paper. Phone owner, Auto. 310-73. BEAUTIFUL HOME 1500 DOWN. Sunnyslde. lovsly hardwood floorst beautiful modern eleo. fixtures; new plpeless furnace, cement baaemsnt! ao solutely perfect order; fruit, nuts, berries, grape., 2H short blocks to best car line in city and stores serving your every wish; also theater, school, churches; price only $4.1oo. Your own terms in reason. Call after 1 P. loan E Taylor or phone owner, fore noon, Mftrshnll 711. ALAMEDA PARK. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW, t 7 ROOMS. $.1750 This is a dandy, and owner wants to go to California, so Is making the' price low tu close It out before going; 5 rooms on first lloor. modern In every respect, 2 bedrooms on second floor, old Ivory finish, art fireplace, furnaee; buy now and select your own shsiles and fixtures, tll.l Chsmber of Commerce bldg. ROSE CITY PA R K N B W B U N G A I .O W . 5 rooms and breakfast nook; all bullt lns. oak floors, latest design In every thing. Pries $.1001), $1000 cash. Lot Mix 4Hl, liens all In and paid. We have sev eral other bungalows In lrvlnaton and other good districts. Ask for Mr. C'urrle. j. w. cnussi, 31 S Bonrd of Trsde. Msln 7412, $J.lo CASH $2.10. Nice ,1-room bungalow, 4SV1O0 ft.; psved anil paid; price $3250, balunce like rent. TAKE LOT AS PART. ,1-room cottage near .Iffferson high and grade school, unly J2500. terms. Marshall 3352. 403 Couch Illilg. J. II. ROCK. ' hose criY snap. Wonderful ,1-room bungalow In Hp top condition : corner lot; all Improvements In; tills bungitluw with hardwood floors, furnace, firepiaue. breaklaet nook, sll ltil;t-lus, tun be bought at a bargain. . Give iim an offtr. ROBNETT Ac McCLURE. REALTORS MiuHlinil 32H2, 1102 Couch Hldg. E S V TERM . 111150 IRVINtiToN-HOI.I.AnAT; M MNDIATE OCCUPANCY: SIX ROOMS: IVORY FINISH AND BEAUTIFULLY PAPERED. BEST OAK FLOORS, P.OYNTON FURNACE; GARAGE. SEE THIS. PHONE TODAY. EAST B04 R. T. STREET. $100 DOWN $1.1 MONTHLY. Large A-room house, with ground not 200. facing on if streets, large bearing fruit t-ss, house needs the services of a handvman. but offers sn opportunity to do a 'little fixing at a profit: price llftlio. Fred W. German Co.. Realtora. f32 Cham, of Corn LAURELHURST. Mv elegant new bungalow of large rooms. Just finished, every modern con venience, open for Inspection, low Lsd dluglon court. Just south of Gllsan st. WEST SIDE APARTMENT SITE. ON GI.ISAN STREET. NEAR 22D. Occupied by house containing 7 rooim, ceiled attic, basement and furnace; rent ing for $10; price JUUOli, some terms if W"""d- E. M. BROWN. 112- N. W. Bank Illilg. Main 2122. I. A UltEI.HUHST BUNGALOW. Magnificent 7-room bungalow with gs rage, on corner near car and pnik; large living room, breakfast room, 8 bedrooms. Ivory finish, mahogany trim and doors, oak floors throughout; beautiful shrub bery. Terms. Tabor 407. AI.AMKDA DRIVE SNAP. Delightful 2-story, 7-room rolonlal home on ridge, with unobstructed view of city; Immense plate-glnss view win dows. 2 view porches, billiard room, -gas heal, large grountla, double gurage. Never offered before. Tnbor 407. WESToVeH HEIGHTS HOME. Cosy, compact, 2-story, 7-room home, with garage, center entrnnee, large main rooms, view porch. 8 bedrooms, sleeping porch, 2 baths, 3 flreplsces, oa tioors. hot wster heat; unobstructed veiw cltv. mountains, river. Tnbor 407. uf nrilN'tl TO 11UILDT We design and build residences, of sny building. Assist In financing same. Th. best service at lowest cost to you. Es tablished 12 years. Security and satis faction assured L. R. BAILEY CO., Inc.. 1124 N. W. Bank bldg FOR SALE bv owner, attractive home in Alameda Park. Eight rooms, turns. ., hardwood floors, bullt-ln features. Pitts burg water heater; double garage. Pries $11 000. Location 2i Brycs sva. Phons Wd'ln. 433.1 YOU WILL BUY THIS ONE. Six rooms, modern, plastered, sll on first floor; lot .lOxo, In good location: a genuine snsp at $1X0(1. $700 down han dles It. A. Kasovac, 410 Grrllnger bldg. V.arshall 3401. . FROM OWNER Vernon district. 1 blocks to car. B rooma, double con structed, new bungalow, basement, ce ment floor, Dutch kitchen, buffet: cheap for cash, some terms. For appointment call Woodlswn nov I UK ID ROSE CITY PARK. 4-room bungalow, large living room. Dutch kitchen, was. electric aghts. good plumbing, nice full lot. fruit, lawn and shrubbery. Assts paid. Tabor 4":i. isubiirhnn lltimcs. ' 5-ROOM"bUN(IALO w $2(MI I lO WN. tin paved street. Just 4 blks. from csr. 8 rooms, with bsth. electricity, gas and city wster; a buv for Iltioo. Ask for F. 0. Marshall, with ' FRANK L. McGUIRE. 201 Ablngton bldg. Main 1IH1S. Third sl.j bet. Wash. and Stark. SUBURBAN' TRACTS AND I.OTS Overlooking lovely Oswego luUe. el. to Pacific highway; Ideal soil, no ro. k and a magnificent iw thrown in. RALPH HARRIS CO. US Chamber of Commerce. Main 5024. 4