THE MORNING OKEGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1921 -a . - 1 . , ' . I r0R 8Ai,E TO 6ALE-AITOMOBILM. I " ' - , i - I - - - I .c.. onn wruivnit I PlftiiM. OrtADR ufl Muairai ioniruMMri,m, i " - : . I - 1 -Farms. GOOD GOING DAIRY RANCH, 42 acres, no miles southwest of Port land, mile to high and grad school, rnstadamixed road, good wire, fenoea, all under cultivation, aprlng and well, one acre aaaorted orchard; good 6-room houae, large harn 50x70. garage, chick en hoti'e, cement alio, other buildings: Included with place, IX hlgh-grad milch cows, 4 heifers. S horaea. chickens, rrrant separator, milking machine and ery complete line of machinery, 25 tuna enallago, 100 bushel oata, 10 tona wheat hay ami other f ed ; lota of i paature: offered at a tremendoua bar gain; $60011 cah. eaay4erma on balance. Consider Portland houae or amall acre ana up to $.Voo The Income from thi ranch la over $5C0 per month. HIGH-GRADE FARM. 71 acrea, on good road, $ mllea from rnunty seat town. 71 mllea weat and north of Portland. Ml acres cultivated, 10 acres more readv to plow, no wante land, good creek, family orchard; new attrartlv 6-roora bungalow, full cement r-aarment, large harn. chicken houae, other bulldlnga; Included with place. 11 milch rowa, It helfera. good young team, very large anil complete line of ma chinery Including grain drill, threahlng machine, etc.: alao hnuaehold furniture and player piano and cropa; price $12.54)0 for everything, eaey terma. Consider good house or bungalow In Portland for I40IH) or $0000. Ranch Impeded by lierger. CHOP. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 20 acrea. 80 mllea aoutheaat of Port ion,! milea from aood town and high achool; U acrea under cultivation, 1$ acrea can be cultivated when cleared, aome timber for wood, creek, one-acre family orchard brrrlca; good ft-room houae. barn. 2 chicken houaea, root cellar; Included with place, one he. fee all chlckena. plow. Ill- la tor. harneaa. buggy, toola. 150 buahela grain. 4 tona, hay, atraw, H cre lotatoes, etc.; price $2200; terms on 'JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Oerllnger Bldg. Largest farm dealer on pacific roast Over ft'))) amall placea near Port land. Uet our extenalve claaal- fled Itata. SO ACRES, clay loam oll. r.8 rock or gravel. Ilea nearly level, well drained; all in cultivation; 7 acrea wheat, a acrea clover and timothy, 1 -, acrea potatoea. It acrea or chard, t acre atrawberrlea, 1 acrea garden and yard; ft-room . houae, harn 40KO. chicken house, potato houae, granary and wood ahed; fenced Into four fields; 2 good well, lota of fine water; on gravel road. 1 mile from paved Pacific highway, eaat of Pioneer In Clarke county, Waah.: 4 mile achool, R. K. P., cream route and telephone; 4 mllea eaat of Rldge fleld, 13 mllea north of Vancouver. Two horaea. weight 240O pounda. harneaa. 1 freah cow, 1 cow freah 2 niontha. 2 cowa freah in eprtng, 1 100 chlckena, moetly Pulleta: 7 tone of hay. aome atraw. Imple ments and toola. Price $.1300. caah $3000, balance term See owner, Fred Johnson, 1 mile eaat of Plo-. neer, addreaa R. 1, Rldgefleld, Waah., or ATKINSON PORTER. 705 Main St.. Vancouver, Waah. THE BEST HCT IN TUB UMPQ.UA VAI-l.ET. 164 ACRES IIII1HLY IMPROVED. Located II miles from Roaeburg on a-ood county road, 1 mile from store, poatoffics and school. 105 acres In cul tivation, of which there are 10 acrea In 7-year-oM Italian prunea; family or chard. The aoll Is a dark sandy loam and lies with Juat aufflclent slope for good drainage. The balance of the farm not In cultivation is In paature and oak timber. AT. under good fence; aplendld Improvements, -room plaatered houae. hot and cold water, lighting ayatem. good barn, 50x50; machine ahed. gran ary and garage, tank houae. gas engine, nav In burn and aome Implements go with place. Price $i.0OO, $5000 caah. I'lenty of lima on the balance at 8 per cent Interetl. For particular write W. A. Bogard Real Eatats Co.. Roaeburg. Oregon. "NICE LITTLE HOME RANCH 10000. 9 acrea In culllvalon. good well, tank and creek, running water In the houae. barn and chicken houae. neat little 4 room bungalow, with concrete Porch, fireplace, barn ROxSO. two modern chick en houaea. 2 wagona. buggy. 2 P'owa. harrow, cultivator, feed cutter and all amall toola. 2 fine cowa. $00 laying White Leghorn chlckena. good horae. 2 hives of beea, 12 tona of hay and all crop; about 200 large aaaorted bearing fruit treea: mile off raved highway, thla aide of milaboro. We have eamplee of corn grown on thla place that will make you open your eyea; $3000 caah. yars on the balance at 8 per cent. Fred V. Ger man company, realtora, iS2 Cham, 01 Commerce. H!l ACRES. STOCKED AND KtilMPI'ED, lHOM TERMS. Thla piace of 811 acrea Is located on I.ewla river, northweat of Battle Ground, 40 acrea under plow. S acrea orchard, eranea ami herrleB of all klnda, fine black loam aoll. bus takee children to . n.i from achootA 2 aorlnga. a-room houae with bath, b.irn 40x80; all necea- aary outbuildings; full set or larm iouib, ram wnnralnr etc. N COWS. 7 helfeTS 8 ralvea. 3 horaea, 7 hoga, beea, chlckena and crop, 0 to Hit tons nay in rarn, lust ateo In and Income goea on. Price only $mx0; $4.V0 cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE 4 CO.. 501-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. HERE IS A C. E NT NEMAN'S HOME OF 10 ACHE. Ul.tfi IP, inn i v-uo i j $2S,0t0 TO PRODCCE. Owner Is going to sacrifice for $12,000. T.arge H-room houae with porch all th way around, modern plumbing with own water ayatem. about 4 acrea of very fine orchard.-all klnda of ornamental ahruh Verv, amall greenhouae, 2 4-room houaes now rented, only a few minutes' walk from the street car line, short way to paved road; this property will stand In vestigation from every angle and w will be pleased to show It at any time. STEWART A JOHNSON. 31.1 NorthweaternltankBlilg. "" ACRES NEAR REEPvTl-LK. ALL UNDER CULTIVATION. Improved with a fl-rooin houae. small barn and a large poultry houae. good family orchard. acra loganberries, other berries for home use. on main county mad with mall ami telephone. Price la $2700. t 7 acrea adjoining thla can be bought for $1H00 on eaay terma 1 Vj acrea ' cleared and the balance In bruah. STEWART JOHNSON. 315 Northweatem Hank Hldg. SACRIFICE. 81 acres, located only few mllea from Portland, 43 acrea under plow, all kinds of fruit and berrlea; only 8 miles to elec. line; good 8-room houae, 2 barns 82x50 and 50x58. engine boua- and tool shed, engine and tank for ater: Portland milk and mall paal door. The owner must eel I. $3500 caah will handle. See ua at once. F L. EDDV. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE ft CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. BARGAIN IN SMALL FARM. Muat Bell my lovely home and 14 acres Of land; two acres of timber, balance cleared and under cultivation; good .1 room house with bath, full cement baae II harn and chicken houae; family orchard. Can be bought very Teaaonahly. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. Ulo-11 Panama Bldg , i 3d and Alder Sta. it x t' n ir.M aome cleared, amall houae. barn; half fenced: neat school and poat orrice. $7.v: $250 down. iraper, 408 Board of Trade. WANTED REAL F.STAT E. HAVE Overland HI model, in good con jiin nrlce t.loo : will trade In as first navment on houae up to $4000. K 80, ircgonian. WANTED From owner, 4 to 8-room houae up to $2300, have 1 4 acrea on Oregon Flectrlc. near j'orriana; win py mi a n c . caah. Ildwy. 4H.17. 223 Henry blilg. KoCMK wanted, around o-room. muei oe raaonahie. flrat paymenta. give Informa tion and carllne it a near. U 48, Orego man. iTXvE 2 clb'nta waiting for bargalna In a nn M.rnom houae. close In. Irvlngton Holladay. 327 Hoard of Trade. J. R. Hiilght. Realtor. Hilar. 2"43. a t--r ,ti till l. K wanted for good equity In It acrea, new modern bungalow, near Red Electric. Bertha district; nifty piece .Murpliy. .taranau a.i. WILL PAT caah for an aonttion or au to 100 lots or cloae-ln acreage, aultable for .,ih.llvla on: no agents, pirsse. n. w, Cary. 1210 N. W. Hank blilg. TTTnTt bnnualow or houae. good district mix studebaker and high class lot. paved street. Owner. Main 4888. a op; 7-ROOM Sunnyalde home In good condition; $1000 caah, balance terma Marha!l 3'J"2, TTjt vnm hnjiiN and property with ir we can't a-ll them. giv It up. McOs ft Dennl.' 8"' Union ave. Wdln. 58t4. ITivTvn to buv for caah. a lot, Irving ton Alameda or ijiurelhursL Rummell Rummell, TkOim bungalow value to $35IO; $00 caah; no dealers. C W87, h Van couver avenue. TOTvT HOI 'HE ON 8ELLW0OD CAR. 5 or 8 rooma. caah or time paymenta Phone Mar. 1022. S nonu k Ina: m II - f be UD-tO-date. . .ii un to $0O0: $1000 caah, W ooo. Oreaonlan. T' ou s.unoM home on which to appl c..h and eoldler'a bonua. Tabor XM2 CASH for a cheap lot: muat b close to ATTENTION Owner of homes In l-au-relhurat, Irvlngton and Roe City Park. Our Mr. Bveraon has been unusually auc ceaaful in aelllng home "In the above d'ltrlct. If your property la reasonably priced we will guarantee you a quick aale. Call us today. CO M T IS A KoHLMAN. M. 6550. 206 Cham, of Com. Bldg. HOUSES WANTED. Have, buyers fur medium priced houses with small pment down and large monthly payments: alao have parties with Improved aod 'unimproved acreage, cloae to Portland, that will exchange for Portland hoiwe tnat Is priced right. Ask for Mr. Newman, with John Ferguson, Oerllnger bldg. LIST YOUR SUBURBAN HOME. We have hundreds of calla for sub urban homes from S acre up. We can sell your place. 1.1st with us for quick result. Aak for P.- C. Mar-hall, with FRANK L. McOUlRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg.. Main 1068. Si St.. Bet. Waah. and 8tark. PA CASH FOR WELL IMPROVED ACREAGE TRACT. Want 5 acrea and up. good house, with modern conveniences main essen tial. HAROROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 8th ft. Broadway 431. WANTED THE BEST - APARTMENT HOC HE LEASE AND FURNITURE FROM fSooo To $10,ooo. MARSHALL 1684. MRS. BERRT. Wlt.l. THinR.flR SELL Lots or tracts, residence or business; good demand If priced rlght- J. I,. HARTMAN COM PA NT, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WILL traCe 11)18 Chalmers touring. In tnnH rnnrilMnn for rlealrable lot In Irv Ington, Hawthorn. Laurelhuret; mint be on paved atreet. Tabor W475 evenings. or addreaa HF 43. Oregonlan. WANT houaea. one about 5 rooma. Roae City, this aide of hill: 2 In Alberta or Jventon. one close In, accessible to W. 8. or R. M. cars. Quln, 200 Morgan bldg. Realtor. HAVE client wishing bungalow; $2i00, $200 down. P. M. BORLAND, Win stock Exch. Auto. 520-04. WANT, for oulclc sale, attractive bunga low or well-located vacant lota. See A. K. Hill. 428 Lumbermena bldg. DEAL WITH OLD. RELIABLE FIRM. WANTED Bunsalow for lot on Ladd ava. and cah. IIC 52. Oregonlan. Farms Wantea. IF VOU WISH TO LEASE OR REN TOUR FARM list with us at once as wa have calls every day for farms to rent. FOR WUICK ACTION SEE F. C Mar shall, with FRANK I McGUIRK. 105 Ablngton Bldg.. Main 1088. Third St.. Bet. Waah. and Stark. EX-SOLDIER wishes to use slate loan on 20 to 40-acre farm, partly Improved. P. C. Richardson, Beaverton. Or.. K. 1 Wanted to Rent rarms. $10011 CASH n an ennitv of itnoo In a 8-ronm bun' galow In Portland, whole value $2400, to pay on a lease equipment and stock of a small nairy ranrn. MaclXNKS EXCHANGE DEPT., HITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where Tradea Are Made. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Got land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buv equipment If priced right. JOHN FEROCSON. Oerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. Bmri.' ranch email or lane, west of Cae- cadea. Might buy If suited. Give full details in first letter. Address Charles W. Warner. iclo. tjregon. WANTED To rent dairy farm. -O to 39 cowa: ran furnlan Deal 01 reierences. AV 8Hl, oregonlan. FOB RENT FARMS. FOR LEASE. NO. 528 40 ACRES TO RENT, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres, about 10 mile from Vancouver. fair bullt-lns. will leave 8 cowa on the piece. 10 tons hsy, some chickens, some farm machinery. Price, Including 1 year's rent. $350. NO. 51480 ACRES. 80 acres. 40 acre under cultiva tion, new house and barn. 18 head cows, Jersey bull. 1 head fine work horses. 2 dnxen turkeys. 2 doxen chickens, 85 tons hay. 130 buahela oat and vetch, all neceaaary farm machinery. Will give two-year leaae at $300 per year. Rent paid until January 1, 1022. Price on personal property. $2810, $1400 rash, balance can run 18 months at 8 per cent. This Is the very beat of aoll and atock and equip ment are firat-claaa. SEE MR. BLAIR. WITH THOMPSON. SWAN ft LEE. Realtors. Jd and Main Sta., Vancouver. Wash. ARE YOU LOOKING rnn a nnnl) DAIRY RANCH T Here, la one for leaae; 100 acres. 80 acres clear, balance paature, 2 ml. from paved road and good achool and high achool. Fine stream runs through place year round; 4-room houae, good dairy harn and other bulldlnga: 2-year leaae at $300 per year. No rent due until April 1H 1U1'. I ne Following peraonai prop erty for sale: 22 head good milk cows, 2 heifers. 1 bull. 8 work horaea, 2 colta, and all farming Implements. 85 tons ha: some oats and oat atraw. Ail this per sonal property for $3100 cash. If you mean bualneaa write the owne av aim. URt.uu,iA . . FOR RENT 15 acres Beaverton dlstrlc all ra cultivation; is acres in clover; good bulldlnga, fine team, 6 milk cows, chickens, fnrm tools, feed and seed; fair price for personal property; rent $4.10; some terms;. one of finest places In that district. LUE DDE MANN COMPANT. 013 Chamber of t;on:merce. FOR SALE or rent. 40 acres on Oregon electric, jo mllea norm or sairm; aooui half In cultivation: houae, barn and poultry houatr; over 4 tons of berries this year; enough personal property to run the place Immediate poaseaalon. Owner. 8Q.1 McKay COLUMBIA river dairy, well equipped with Block, farming impiementa, noueenoia furniture, plenty of feed. LT. S. How land. 442 Holladay ave. Phone East 226. .3.1 ACRES. 31.1 clear, 20 paature; good bldgs.. .ood school, near nignway; some personal property for aale. Call Main 4700. ACREti. 4-room house and barn; $7 per month. SellwoiSd 8114. TO F.XCHANf.E REAL KSTATF- SEE US FOR EXCHANGES. . What have you to exchange for acre age? All aixea, any location; want city property; BIG DEMAND. MARSH McCAHB CO.. Realtor. 322-:l-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3003. TO EXCHANGE farm of 60 acre, all In cultivation, v miiea or city iimita. t room houae. fine ban. on good road; cowa Implement hay. grain, poultry; will take houae to $4000. aome caah. bal ance term; price $18,000. X 45. Ore- gonlan. WILL TRADE. We in) prepared to arrange a trade for vou: bring In your proposition and a. . will match vou on anvthlne of merit: lota, houaes. acreage, farm or stocks of merchanillae. E. R. S.. .113 Couch bldg WILL TRADE 180-acre New Mexico bean farm, one mile of good small town and high school. for Portland property; will stand Inves tigation Owner. Geo. Matllck. Phone Eaat 4Q.1H. NEWBERO PROPERTY. .Vlrat-claaa corner, hard-surface all around. Probable value. $.100; want good flat property; prererfweet aloe; will 4 oma- auhmlt whatever vou have. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 834 acres Harney valley, fine land. 200 acrea natural meadow, deeded water rlsht: running water on place. Will take 10 to 20 acrea close to Portland. AV 813. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange, stock and dairy ranch, lto acres, improvea. a-tuuu; idud riant outranae: Lincoln county. 20 mln utea' waik to school and K. R. 1433 Macadam St. 10 HLDG. lot. 43d, Dlvialon ata., value gOOOO: tiear excepi cur uena, want leaae .nit fit-nitura aDt. or hotel, city or any rood town. J H. McMahon. 2606 Eaat 43d. Tabor 38H1 WILL take Improved property and part caah for my equity or n.u'-j in a 120 room, hotel: beat location In town: no agents. Address room 2o0, 248 Yamhill street. want attractive bungalow In city small suburban place: have snappy late model car, value $1400. to exchange for ssme. See owner, a-n t.uttipermens piaa. lao-ACKK stock ranch, amall houae and K.-n will conalder Dodae aedan. Th! lace la In Yammu county. iau atain 7031. Tabor 3810. SELL or exchange very choice Improved tu.-acra near Laureinurat park, r-nt $33 per month. Owner wanta fam. 72-A. MIlwauKia. kt. EXCHANGE equity in 2-acre tracta, all cleared, rloae to Portland, for light car. Main 8201, ' KXfHANdE a 40-acre ranch for apart tnent house in Portland. Mrs. Ma Fox, HOTEL FOR EXCHANGE FOR GOOD RANCH. We have a hotel to exchange for good ranch and some caah; hotel la located In the Coos Bay country, town of 1500 peo ple, large sawmills, fish cannery, cream ery and many other large Induatriea are located near; house conalata 87 rooms and was built S years ago; furniture new. only hotel In town; dining room leased out for $40 a month; neta $330 a month now; In a month will pay $0; mills are all starting up. Price $14,500. Will deal with brokers. Phone Mr. Tlce. Main 048. or call at Pacific N. W. Hotel News. 714 Couch bldg rvrw a vr.E OFFICE. YOU MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. Expert opinion given on your propo sition; trading a specialty: l ean possi bly better your financial position; your proposition can be matched. A. GORDON ROS3. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. SPECIAL. 320 ACRES CANADIAN WHEAT LAND. TRADE EQUITY FOR PORT LAND INCOME OR RESIDENTIAL. MIGHT PAY SOME CASH AND AS SUME. LAND IS GUILT-EDGE IN VESTMENT AND 18 LEASED FOR 8 TEARS. PROVISIONAL LEASE. PHONE E. 6:2. OWN KM. STfir-kT il DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acre located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and hllL 800 acre in cultivation, 3 houaea fair barn: price $40.ou0; would conalder city property. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER COMPANT. S3 Fourth t Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 1715. 40 ACRES, Improved, good location, near St. Helens; want to trade for general store. ATKINSON ft PORTER. 703 Main SL, Vancouver, Wash. MY $a200 EQUITY in 10 acres close to town lor JOUU gooa oreea m chicks, or what have youT tall Main 7115 or see me at 204 Henry bldg. TO F.XCH Aycr-MUfE rXA N KOI B. WILL exchange niy 1020 soort model Nash for diamond or negoiiaoie ppr. East K-n. TWENTY-FOOT motor boaL new hull and engine; win trace mr corn uub.. must be good car. Sellwood 3205. FOR BALK. Horaea, Vehicle. Livestock. nnrxin kows. Must be sold at once, 12 brood sows, will farrow soon; sows and pigs, two heifers. lVj-ton Republic truck, house hold furniture. Will accept any reason able offer. C. P. Brandon, Sycamore sta tion. Aut. 848-37 8 HORSES, wslghlng 1150 to 1800 lbs. from 0 to V yeara oia. wen ofe gentle: Daoo-lb. team, harness and farm wagon. $140; also 2 good farm wagons and harness. Haxelwlld Fuel Co. 6840 Foster road. Ml. Scott car, wxvTF.n An all-around family mare, single and double; muat oe aoeoiuieiy Bound, true, gentle for women and good action. Weight l- or i-jou ids. W. B. WALKER, Route 2. Beaverton, Or. TWO REGISTERED - young Perecheron mares, will take a span or geiainas suit.. hi fop farm work aa Dart oayment. E R. Throop. Portland. Or., R.F.D. No. 2. or phone East 8837. i.uat.1. dairy. 8 cows. est. milk route, all retail customers. laae caiacaaa car i Wilson station, walk south to big red barn. FA KM outfit. 2800-lb. team, harness and farm Klfon. DlBlfl narrow anu iuikei tools of all kinds. Woodyard, 827 Front st. HOLSTE1N Jersey cow, freah one week; eacond calf: tub. tested, nooayara, tit Front atreet. , horses fcr aale. hire or exchange. Key lone Stable, 381 water su, loot Mom- gomery. Phone Mar. J10. i.v-tu Ri reasonable Drlcea. Holman JfUOi Dura f via n w streets VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6.188 FOR SALE Registered bhropsnirs ewes and ram. Holman roiei v.o.. wa mn ii. BIO TEAM young mules; sell cheap. Call at woodyard, ai rrom street. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone alllwaUKie n:-j tor peat atrr.n-g. HIDES bought or tanned. Weat Coaat T nlng Co.. HO.2 Tcnlno ave. Sell. 231)8. WANTED To buy a flrat-clasa galted aaddle horae. F. E. Bowman. Main BU2S. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Auto. 827-84. WANTED Good milk Dairy. Caldwell. Ida. Jersey GEESE, ducks and chickens. fine milch cow s. I none .into i Al JER8EY cow; write or phone . Bledsoe, Beaverton, ui. rianue. Organ- and Musk-al Ipatromenta UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK huitmewick with 10 record. .....S120 VICTOR with 20 record 120 COLUMBIA with 15 record ........ 100 PATHE with 10 record 80 COLUMBIA with 10 records 75 fTRADIVARA with 10 record 70 VICTOR with 15 record JO VICTOR with 8 records 20 $5 or more cash, $4 or more monthly. Bchwn Piano Co.. 101 10th St.. cor. 8tk. nt i vrt utnH.r.RADE SPECIALS. If you want a really high-grade piano at a medium price, don't fall to see th Instrument llatea oeiow. LnKA man pflM a heaUtl- ful tone ' .$80 $ 900 Chlckerlng, mah. case, all rt- flnished like new $a30 $1200 Chlckerlng Grand, 'mah. case (practically new $8"0 O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 8th B SEE OUR wontlorful bargains In new an nmnoa- tv . are ovpnimfteu au-.i iar-l:eM of nrice auch stand ard makes as Chsse. Kroeger. Bernlng, li 1 . - ct.,,n,ann A nH manv OtheTB. i.linoi .ncluded. The price and terms will aurnrlse you. Our guarantee with each inat.-ument. sol I F. BROS. 188 Iflth St.. near Morrison i-aif ti K1V.OPHONE SPECIALS. $150 Bueacher "C" allver $140 $1.10 Conn alto, sliver $1-3 $215 Conn "C." gold Jiw $1)5 Conn alto, brass $ oS All guaranteed, completely overhauled and sterilised, a goou can mt Terms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th St. USED PHONOGRAPH SPECIALS $337 30 Victor AVI eiec, man a- sqi- o virinF XVI elec. oak $2 i 1.100 Brunswick, mah $ 00 $11.1 Brunswick, osk s $ 6.1 $75.00 Columbia, mah . .$ li Other box Columblas at $3730 and $40. Call at our etore and aee our full line. O F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th St. 'i-ci-n PI1VO SPECIALS. Bradbury piano, mah.. In a good plain rase $235. A Schulhoff. in walnut case t $'"43 J. C. Fischer in mah. case at $273 A real bargain In a Hallet ft Davis piano, mah. case, plain. $300 Terms on thes planoa many other a "JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th St. onnT flSH PAID FOR USED PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. PIANOS AND MUSIC ROLLS. SElL. RENT OR TRADE. NEWMAN S RECORD EXCHANGE. 1 "S First near Alder. Main 4l0.. 627-46. I.-1 vi Ul 1.1, PIANO. NEW. Regular $030 new Klmt ill piano, oak or mahogany case, at the special price of $300: terms given. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St., between Wash i n.t.n and Alder. KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO, NEW. Regular SSJU new xviiTiuan piano In oak, walnut or mahogany, at the special price of $52.1; terms given. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th at.. between Wa-hlngton ana Aiacr. '" VHTHCH PIANO BARGAIN. New standard player. mahogany wood; regular $03O, yours at $450. 164 E. Broadway, day or evenings. 1 H5 CASH will take my Victor player V i.a. ...... m ... ,..k ann X.IO Fn rolla. Phone East 8628 or call apt. 102, Stiver Court apts. ALL USED player roll price, reduced to 23C. aiuee up i . " . -, 384 Yamhill au Planoa aold. rented, re paired iita ui-va Ana mahogany player piano, " . j . i ..I,. in. nri.. an .nil periect eonumwi. . V. ..... V. mntt atool. A .1 45 beat music. AJ Oregonlan. $75 TAKES $150 Columbia grafonola. prac ttcally new; 20 late records and three albums. Call raawy. mow, tocai ao. ana ask for Frank. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. Anv make, guaranteed workmanship. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. Main 8586. rni.rMRIA Graohonola. best of condition. $75 See this bargain. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st.. bet. Washington and Alder. i-ltvil TUNING AND REPAIRING. Expert workmanship, guaranteed work. Main 8586. Selberllng-Luca Music Co., 12.1 4th at., bet, waanington ana Alder. BRL'XSW'lt'K phonograph for sale cheap. Sellwood 2143 WANTED To rent, piano player not over IS. A P 30. Oregonlsn. FOR RENT Grafonolas with Iste music. $3 month. Empire Transfer. 254 Bdwy. PIANO WANTED from private party; pay cash for bargain. Mar. 1532. MUST crlflce good tone piano very rea onable. 744 Eaat 78th St. North.. VICTROLA with 25 record for $25. E. Oak. East S5U. ti2 noa-vcT.tDU RCUW&N PIANO CO. $875 Singer upright, mahogany.. ..$2J $850 Kimball upright, mahogany... 3J $00 Btrger. upright, oak 4"J $730 Adam Bchaaf player-piano.... 4 $000 Btelnway ft Bona upright 8 $475 Hallet ft Davla upright...... IB $10 or $25 cash. $ to $12 monthly. 101 10th St.. at Washington and Starlc. cxoaiNO out: security btobags co $450 Emerron upright piano $1J $730 rianiata player-piano 2J . $27$ Collard ft Collard upright..... 8 Parlor organs $18 and $25 cash Piano bought and sold for caah only. 103 10th St.. cor. Stark. USED PIANO DEPARTMENT. Thi. Wulr'a flfferliiaa: Helns. upright piano 1J Hallet ft Davla piano - J KlmbalL, large, mabagauy Arlon, walnut ' Cash or $5. $8 to $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT. S New Brunawick discontinued model 7. mahogany, each 8 00 New Stradlvara Harmony, each.. 125 X New Stradlvara Chopin, each.. 150 1 Used Victor, nearly new 10 1 New Sonora Melodle 80 Prices cash, but you can pay a little $5 or $10 caah and $4. $i or $ a month If dealred. 7th Floor. L1PMAN, WOLFB ft CO BAXOPHONK BARGAINS. Conn C melody, gold trimmed. Ilkt Martin C 'melody. s:!ver. like new... 110 Conn alto, gold trimmed, like new... 1-3 Buffet tenor, silver, good condition., lto Conn tenor, silver, like new ll..rf.t Ka.llnna nlnkel CAOlt COUdl- non : ronn baritone, allver. like new 150 i-nu vh"T HlRilAINS. TTnltni. allver new 80 Holton. silver, good condition....... 8J Buescher. gold, excellent condition.. King. gold, like new .......... 83 Vega standard, sliver, good condition IK A number of Conns at from $33 to $00. .1 .ka.a at ..Ir.TTI.lV ldW DflCC Write for our bulletin. Just Issued, of famous Buescher saxophone and band instruments. SEI BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 725 4th St., bet W.aahlngton and Alder. PIANO SALE. Positively every piano In stock re duced, whether It be a new . or used piano. See them and be convinced. . ' Vniiv guaranteed. i ci ii, n - - - - - - - J n a. a. a-l.ha. Iinrlrhl a U11D ....... .. I 9 $750 Hlnze player, uew, now $530 Hlnxe upright, new. now.... Hardmsn. plain mahogany case Klngajry, oak case Frankin. walnut case Bush ft Lane player, allghtly used Man all Wendell, almost new Rice, mahogany case Mer.dfield, walnut cae 675 325 315 170 275 SOU 30.1 2.10 2i And many others. See them. SEI BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 124 4th St.. bL Washington and Alder. UdED CORNET SPECIALS. $ 04.50 York, silver $140 00 Holton, gold $ 00 0O Conn, silver . $101.30 York, iilver ..$ 53 , .$100 . .$ 63 ,.$ 83 $ H7.50 Conn, silver .$ 40 $ 04.50 Buescher, silver "" $ 0.1.00 King, silver ........ -O-OO All guaranteed, overhauled and sterll led. A good case for each. Cash or G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th St. PIANO for aale, bargain for caah. 673 E. Waah. st. PIANO WANTED Pay cash. Main 8586. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE BARGAINS. SALE OF THE MEIEH ft FRANK STOCK OF Furniture, draperies, overstuffed furni ture, etc., damaged at warehouse and re moved to . 840-S51 OAK ST., Between Broadway and Park. Across from Telephone building. These g-od are In perfect condition and an offered at price unheard of b''or- living ROOM. Taptsery overstuffed davenport, regu- j lar $100. now $50. Tapestry overstuffed chair or rocker to match, $25. Velour overatuffed davenport, regular 113.1. now $70. Velour chair or rocker to match, now 3Genulne mahogany bed davenport with chair or rocker to match, cane Insert, beautiful tapestry covering, complete, ''iin'hogaiiy davenport table, reduced Mahogany piano lamps; reduced to $9. RUGST PORTIERES. ETC. 0x12 Axmlnater rugs. red. to $28 75 up. 8.3x10.6 Axmlnster rugs, reduced to 2 -3 9x12 velvet rugs, red. to -'" xl2 seamless Bruaaels rugs. red. to 1.Ij 6x sesmless Bruaeela ruga, red. to. H.00 0x12 rag rugs, red. to 0.73 8x10 ra$t rugs. red. to 8-3 11.8x12 wool fiber rugs, red. to.... 13.25 Others too numerous to mention at a great aaving Stair carpet. 40c yard. Portiere, good selection, from $-.u0 per pair fPblN.INO ROOM Mahogany and walnut extension ta bles, period deelgna. from $20 up. Oak extenaion tables, round or square, $12:50 up. 1 1 , v. - - Ba w aa $7.50. Quarter-sawed oak buffet, from $23.50 up. Oak. walnut or mahogany chair at a big discount. Ivory gate-leg tables reduced to $7.50. BEDROOM. Walnut ulte. consisting of bed, dress er, dressing table and nuunier, wunucr '..t tlal.h st-jM.m Ivory 4 -piece suite, hand decorated. llo.o. , n.K- ...Ilea aa low aa 380. Ivory or natural dresser' a low a THnl. mirror dreaaing table. $15. Simmon 2-lnch poet bed and teel springs, all flnlahea and sues complete, tlrt nil 2-lnch steel beds, reduced to $S R5 up. De Luxe coll springs, r4 siir, o. Children- cribs, reduced to $5. rit.-FinE FURNITURE. Flat-top djf-sks, standing desk, filing cabinet, cnairs. etc. 340-H.11 OAK ST., Cohn Bros, ft Director. tn-uT i--t.l. TODAY all of my high-grade furniture, including sideboard, leather riavennort. dining table, rockers, brass haH ivorv dVeaaer. library tablea. rugs draperies, writing desk, maeelve leather rocker, dlanea, manogany peucatai, new aewtn machine. bedding. canned fruit, city directory, typewriter and atand. framed plctuiea. refrigerator, combination breakfast table, etc. Will sell all or by the piece; priced for quick disposal and all like new: come early and take It away. Hawkins, apt. 24. Morton apta.. 607 Washington su Main 4128. I SAVE MONEY. Try cur sale department If you want to hnv or aell household goods. Reduced freight ratea to moat all points In our through pool cara. Expert packing, re nal r 1 n a and refinlshlng. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low Inaurance ratea SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. S3 4th su. opp. Multnoman notst. Phone Broadway 3713. Mi:fi-r B.rtrt.ra and be aold at once, on awt nm nooKc.tae. tiDrarv lame, ifnun f..i rhti. rirai. electric vacuum cleaner. all new equlpnent. lady's white Ivory writing desk and cnalr. wxi2 rug. om full e- of dli'ie. white and gold re frla-erator. window bllnila. lawn mower, ii Hall inlaid linoleum, servln i.hi. L-i.a Rt.r heater, folding chat and older art.clea. isi Marshall. Bdwy. 4247. LARGE WALNUT SIDEBOARD FOR ait. at ar p.ti nirn.i r nr. BEVEL MIRRORS: JUST THE THING FOR RESTAURANT OK MtJlSiU. Aft. NO. S. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N. 22D ST. nf a uTKR-si WED oak dining table, taath.e int chairs. $30: rocker. $5 .leather seat rocker, $10; bookcase. $13. Fina condition. No jung. ioj x.. juin Sellwood 2S30. cntt. nr wood ranae with gas plate i,,..brit table, kitchen chair, dinin room table, with chairs; bedroom suite, two wicker chairs. 1 wicker table, aani tary couch. Call Sellwood DON'T SACRIFICE your, rurnlture if golni eaat or to California. We can save yo money on your freight In our througl aa- flrenroof artoraKO. C. M. OlsO Transfer ft storage -o.. -t" am at. FOR SALE One beautiful blrdseye mapl three-quarter Deu. tnpie iinnni w.n, table ana cnnir. tomo n -. bargain. Mnln 3087. tiiuiir.lW furniture at sacrifice; din in. annm lihrarv and bedroom furniture terms to responsible parties; phone Auto. 310-26 for SPPOintment wi-n VITITTK of soft drink parlor for sale tables, chair and caah register. 83 North Fifth st COMBINATION cook atov. beds and other nouaenota aooua. uw ............ Broadway oao. FINE dl.tlng ,-oom set. 3 beds, springs, mttrcres. cheap. 1200 E. YamhliL Tabor 2S02. PARTY leaving city will sell st sacrifice furniture OI O-roortt nou-e. nia c. inu FCRN1TCRE of 4-room apartment for aale. Bdwy. tain. GATE-LEOGED breakfast table, unfln lahed. 4H-1nch top. $11. East 4.1M. BARGAIN Ivory gate-leg breakfast table, new, $4. Tabur iiSw. iii YOU CAN PO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. WHERE BUT AT MISH FURNI TURE COULD YOU FIND SUCH A BARGAIN T 8-PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE In wax ok. consisting of a 42-in. round pedestal tsble. 6-foot extension. 8 sturdy chairs nd a handsome buf fet with French piste mir ror. We are offering thi fine suite at the amaxlngly low price of $60.75 EASY TERMS NO INTEREST. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-100 FIRST STREET. YOTT CAN DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. , TRADE IN TOUR OLD FURNI TURE FOR NEW. We will make you a liberal al lowance for your old furniture In trade for new and If desired make terma to suit your convenience. Somebody can use the piece you do not want. MISH FURNITURE CO., 13S-1U0 FIRST STREET. SLIGHTLY USED BUFFET CHEAP. MAR SHALL 3204. Office Furniture. LOWEST PRICES OFFICE EQUIPMENT. ..I, Miinl.rl S Burroughs adding machines, models. 5 and 9 bank. RemltKtrtcm No. 10 . ...... Monarch Remington Mimeograph latest ....$00 . ... 30 . ... 60 Edison dictaphone Check welters, all make. .... 1 25 K.r. caoinet full of filing equipment. 2M addressographs. New and uaed deaks. files, chairs, ta . A. tri.u 1 . . a ...I In ritv. D. C Wax Office Equipment Houae. 24-26 N. 6th. Broadway 2730. JUST IN Six flat-top aesks. 8 roll-top desks. 2 flat-top typewriter desks. . orou-head tvDewnter desks, 2 bookkeep era desks, SO chairs, 4 drawers, letter "bUSHONO ft CO.. 01 Psxlt 9L Binvi-.d IV DESKS TT. nave new rieaka and office tables, .n.htiv flawed in manufacture, which we aell direct to consumer. We make fine deska exclusively. 103 style, ore- gon Table Co.. fc.aat 1-. BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, chairs, flies or safes, visit our salesrooms and Inspect what we Dave to Vae iBtrtv.HODItON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TK AT STARK. ADDING machinea. deskB, t hairs, type writer, blue printing titaconic-, ni. cabinets, for sale chesp. at old North west shipyard. Northwest Machinery Co. Main 21B1 Typewriter. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington Su Main 668L REBUILT typewriter, all make, rental. repair. supplle. Distributors Corona port a Die. aunuriim. a - "a ...a......--. Main 22S3. E. W. Pease streeL Co.. 110 Slxttt ALL MAKES adding machines and comp tometers repatrea d mtwu ,,,,, R. Mahoney. a54 it. - J NDERWOOD typewriter, $40, $15 down, $4 a month. Empire Transfer, 2o4 Broad way. N DER WOOD and Remington typewriters, $3 month. Empire Tranafer. 2j4 Broad- way, play. REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell; suppllea Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. to4tf. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon iter to., i a.. - - NEW. rebuilt aecond-nana rentaia i u rates. P. o. t;o., aai a". av. c. SMITH, good condition, cheap. Ap- ply Broaqway at .t.. Poultry. irnn stl.K CHEAP. Husband having died, will sell up-tt-nAirrv nlant. eauiooed for brood ing and a large laying house, electric lights, automatic drinking fountains, oat sprouting room and every thing needed for the chicken business. See owner at 5021 5'.)th ave. cor, outn at. a. . ,.,-.T--n j.i tA-hi.a I.eahorn hens ipuuet. AT . hv Port land Seed Co.. $125 each. It coat., no more to feed the atna ts . 42 Nortli Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white osk. Weatern Cooperage Co.. 806 N. 14th St.. near Pettygrove. l-none -n. urn-... n Rabbit. Birds and Pet Stock. FOR SALE Labrador retriever pups from the imported parents. Skegness Tony and Skeaneas Lady; tneae pupa i., "? offered for aale in thi. country; if you want a real gun dog buy a Labrador, price $100 either sex. Call evenings only after 5 P. M.. 05 East 62d st North. nfar ulisan PEDIGREED English pointer male P"P; only tnree .en; i" -- Vi clan field doK. brother to pup ; hm before you buy. Hoagtln Soap Co.. at Vancouver. an. tMj on v French bull Duppy: blue rio- bon tot-K: lirea uy iiaoi - - Hov. East 74".. 3S. Robs it. m va.. u. .11 u.l.arfa.a..1 1 TTIO OIQ. DOT" mala ll.l. Itl.I UUldi and 3 r. M 6KIN3 and fura tanned. Weat oJ J a n ni i n n. imiuu a ' w.-. WELL MARKED pedigreed Hoaton terrier pups, $35. Call laoor jr.i iuH SALE Irish spaniel puppy, ral tall. Call Mr. Haines. Main ow-o. ANDKEASBEBU rollers, superb songster, alao females. 43H RodneyEast4,yg. itT.Vt.. launches and Marine Equipment. FOR RENT or sale, strictly muoeru a-'"""' i.,.ai,!i,ri nouse DOBb. - club. Sellwood 1032. Coal and Wood.; .... 77d two l.OAns $10. Block and slab mixed, first growth i a au ..... nan- '2A a-rowth cord- coruwuo'i, a' kv. -." - a- -o A T njl naa nnrd 1 COUntry lub. $U.OO per cord, woodlawn an'-. ....... r-t . -a .nrM.,nil in: oak and aah $10. &0; aelivery rventuu. y - - - pnone S9 T. route 2. Vancouver. Wash PlMtmnni. JOnn. o. - , LlRECT from the forest by truck, second a ...aaonrd. good measure No. 1 old growth fir. Ii.ta a cor... . . ... cords. $7 50. Phone Main 1UH2. 420 Hall. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Sprlnga, RoyaU Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick . Tile r-o . hi ntn at.. Detwwa phone Broadway la f5RY FIRST-GROWTH fir and oak, dl piling wood, green lb and bloc mixed. Immediate delivery. Wdln. 201 dry ock nronoqt W. what, wanting your wood aawsd call Kelly. E. ALL KINDS of building material for sale; also woodyard at Second and Columbia. I'hone Main old FOR SALE 2d growtn large ti- $7.50. 1st growth $8; delivered anywhere Main i ) t LOOK Old-growth fir cord wood. $7.75 de livered xtrst xone. sen. m... BEST o'n-growth cordwood. $ per cora green etlabat 1 II IO. DIU.U..J GOOD seasoned t ak wood. 0 ?eS.0Ja flr wood al si.oo per com, f,-. BEST old-growth cordwood. $S per cord areen slab. $3.75. Broadway 4110. CALIFORNIA grapes, o cents per pound. Inquire at 631 4th at. Main BlhB. MEAT market nxtures for aale; A.-1; make an offr. Mah. 7'.)03. , AT A SACRIFICE uiue uira washer, 11)5 cash. Tabor 401. LADIES' GOOD-LOOKING used apparel home. Reasonable prices, labor -s.o. ONE ONE-GALLON gasoline pump. A-l condition. Aut. 325-08. COUNTER and shelves $lo. 6-hoie range SS. 24 K. Klllingswortn. mini. u...,. MAN'S leather driving coat, fur collar, good aa new. Broadway 4340. BROWN duvetyn dress, almost new. $65 wholesale. $211. Aut. 516-6. onuui.i.'TP'. aet of Alexander Hamilto natltute pusiness cuumr, e"". ..mi. GOLDEN OAK oxtenlon dlning room table, o extra leavea. BICYCLS for slle for boy 14 to IB yeara 5"9 E. -3th St. N. Phone East 110. 0x12 RUi IN od condition lor $12. 42 Glenn ave. Soi,th. GRAPES for aa.e. delivered. TeL Oa Grove iiv-n- REMINGTON .30-31': bargain. Tabor 2420 Machinery. MACHINERY from Northweat Bridge Iron Co. ahlpyard for aale cheap. Apply at plant. Main 2164, DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, gone therapy or con ductive anesthesia. Without danger or after effect. We perform all dental op eratlona without pain. Coma in and 1st u prove It to you. DR. A. W. KEENB. Above Msjestlc theater. 831H Wash. 80,000 ROSE bushe. shrubs, truit " berry plants and nowering pi.i.i- - sale prices until October 20: free at livery In Portland. We plan nd plant, estimates free. Phone us: we do tne rest. Portland Roee Nurery. 18" Division st.. one door west Artiaana home. Phone Auto. 636-tO; SiSWINU- MACHINES, new nd tcona- band. aold for lea: no agent ropi-. Complete line of part lor all make; machines repsired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. MAIN 9481. 100 Third St.. near Taylor. . LADIES, , Are you weary or exhausted standing all day on your feetT If so. be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water waah with Takara Antiseptic Pow. der; 50c and $1 box- Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LOOK. DUCK 8HOOTERS. T haua a fin. lake on th lOWff end of Bauviea Island. It will shoot four men nicely. Am feeding it now and have decoy on It. The price is $400. Including watchman. Phone Automatic 828-52. USED OFFICE EQUIPMENT. Get our prices on furniture, typewrit aaa .1 ,. ananKJna. ft I Ct B n h OnCB. StC. before you buy. Lowest prices. D. C. Wax Office EcuId House. 24-28 North 3th. Broadway 2T:i, t h v. vriT.KK hack hotua will cherish an nnrH . f a . anuvenlr frm Oregon. Send them something uaeful a well as beautiful. Oregon agate Jewelry mount ed In solid gold. A wonderful selection to chose from. Moderately priced. Miller. sxt door to the Majestic tneater. titrchT huntera for rent, mv great shootln preserve on Sauvles Island; thla lake Is one hour's drive from Portlsnd. fine csbin, lots of birds, bag limit the open ing day to responsible party oniy. BD 88. Ore gonlan. SELLING cheap, ail equipment, supplies. office furniture, adding machines, ad h!,i. nrint ItlBPhlltH. CtC. B the old plant. Northweat Bridge ft Iron romoanv. ortnweat aicmunj pany. Main 2184. mi!!-n RHKKT STEEL 17. 8. armv heating stoves. 28-Inch di ameter, suitable for large warehouses, etc; will take 4-foot wood; price $13. MAY HARDWARE CO.. 124 FRONT ST. WHY A substitute roofer t Why not i .. 1 .. . .nan, ,Mf.rl We TO' pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofa Phone Broadway iB. L.FE8 Flro and burglar-proof sates, new and second-hand, at right price- bought aold and excuanged; easy tertug it de- NORRIS SAFE ft LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Mailt 204.V IF DAVIDS CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materials usad. DAVID'S, Jewelers and Opticians. 343 Washington St- atBrodwy: thou- SHOOTER WANTED. I have room for one man to shoot on my lake. The price Is very reasonable. It Is considered one of the best lake on Sauvles Island. BC 53. uregontan. GREATEST BARGAINS IN PORTLAND. SHOTGUNS ANU ALSO BUY. SELL OH TRADE. NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 128 First, near Alder. Main 44H.1. 627-46. SPORTSMEN One more member wanted. Best duck lake in Oregon, au mmui i auto. Lot of birds, fed since August. No fortune required to Join. See Walker, 11 North 2d sL RANGE, first-class condition, excellent baker; a wonaer. oargatn, tow, una p. include S-hole gas plate; hav alao large rocker and a baby- high chir for sale. mi4 Greenwood ave.. t ooflatoca car. IlOT WATER TANKS. 30 gal.. $7; 40 gal.. $0; teatea, guarameea; stove nu nac colls, gas heaters Installed; plumb ing. East Side Welding Shop, 2u3 Ad am. E. 8316. DROPHEAD sewing machine. $12.50 to $43; Singers. New Homes, wnuea. w. W all make machines rented and repaired. E. H. Slevn, 142 Grand ave. East 23o. nn a p EU-nvmil D GRAPES. Plana nrrinri now: olcking starts Oc tober 1. Write, phone. Grebe Fruit farm. 40th and King sis.. amwauKie. yir. LADIES! Mia. Shaw buys and sells nign- nlaaa alle-htlv Uaed Clothing at 92l E. Hoyt at. Special prlcea for men'a sulta Phone East 502U. FOR 8ALE or will exchange new dress suit, sixe 3K-40, for traveling bag. 208 West 31st St., Vancouver. Wash. Phone 730Y. at ACU-A WPFffc-lNti CO. All kinds of building material and wood for aale. yard 2d and Columbia, Main Bis WOMEN'S suits, coats. Ureases, skirts am hlouaea at Peteraon's. sscond floor. Pit lock block. This week wo are ahowing some wonderful speclais. HOOPER SENIOR sweeper, cost almojft $200: w.ll take small Hoover in trade thla ca.i be bought cheap; hotel or apart men t size. Ma- 2. GRAPES. an . lh at the vines. St. Theresa sta tlon. Oreaon City tar line. See Mr. Huud!t-son ki.u u vv ubRuiN aoDaret anoo. ladles' and gents domes ouugni, euiu and exchanged; best prlcea 2hm Park St.. near Jefferson. Marshall 1000. Ft l h SA-E Diamond engagement ruifc immediately a' bargain. Call alter 7 P. ill. ah I. a.. , o mnununK: mull an .M. room 304 Biackatone hotel r-oMPUTlNG SCALES, casn register, cof fee mills, meat cuoptiata aouv aC... a, ators r.xiures at 226 btark aa. Fl rat and Second at. o.v VICTHI1I.A and SO records. $ 1 black bear rug. $50; new violin and case, $5; several small ruga, van taoii Alnaworth ave. FOR SALE Reglatera, fountain, popcorn machine, floor caaea, meat nicer, num ber of other fixtures, sacrifice prices cash, credit. Z4U aaimon. tivKIl HA BY BLGGY f-v... i-.7 .-.ii- ".in aell for $.tu: used few month, owners moving. Phone Broadway 3.i05. FERTILIZER for ssle, well-rotted cow manure; lull measure guarantee!, oa livered In any part of the city, rnon Woodlawn 6233. cni.I'MHIA river salmon, fresh every morning, tor canning; unnvcrcu aw w pound. Wdln. 43U7. I- . R -I l,a UHraunttDlU KUICU WttUUU. ooeratlon. can or w i . ac.aa Second and Morrison t.-ou sAl.K Bosch hlxh-tenalon magneto, tvDe u--v-s; price; . .., . ........ l Phone labor 232j. D1EBOLD safes, new and second hand; apeclal prlcea. s-acitic en a o.avi Co.. aS Front L Broadway H6a. HUDSON seat coat for aale. length. snulrrel collar; s'xe oo. mn eiio, uet. GRAPES Concorns and green, r irst roaa east OI RlSiey s.aiiuti. uuia waa uiun 37-M. Aak tor anipiiiaii. FOR SALE The lineal pocaei oiuiara tltOle maae, IS oranu uen anu tv.. fu,ui will sell cheap. X 53. Oregonlan. COAL HEATER. ; wooa neater, ; gaS range, St., Uttawi u. limine luia. SeilWOOQ JOOl MULT1GRAPH complete with motor and type, $lou, lerma. , CLOSING out llnena, basaets, orieniai goods, spienatu a, a. l.ane diqb. FUR SALE Bea'iliful cameo ring, suitable for Jvma or wo'; am.. iui.i- Call Marshall 4i42, ONE HAMILTON BEACH carpet washer and equipment. nr.iiL'u o -. a..- tlce at 2IW t:eh. .'15 Everetl at. UltUUNU BOO fuel ana sawausi in car loBtla or truck lot. Wetrn Coopsraga Co.. Columbia 52. REM M INGTON automatic 12-gauge shot- , un.5boxes shells. $45. 757V E. Stark. RUUD water heater, cost $20. sell for Xl.50. eaat iowi .-v,. .... GOOD rug. DxU. $18. t-an nam. mia o.t Klrby street. BOTTLES, barrels, stoneware, corks, etc fortianq ncveii r-ut., .... a. Ti CORD WOOL ana diock ana siao, partly dried, $5 load, 2-load lots. East 2041. National ' rtnvwoOD AND SLABWOOD. Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood Co., 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 417$. FIRST-GROWTH cordwood, $8 per cord, "delivered anywhere. Wdln. 2303. OLD-GROWTH best fir. No. 1, 4 per cord; 16-ln. $ pet cord. Wd 1, 4-foot. S In. 623. OLD-GROWTH cordwood, $7.76 first gone. Frompi oetneij. mi., a . a. DRY COUNTRY labwooo. nort maid blocks and rail tits Marshall 2843. A-l CORDWOOD del. aide and 8. E. only. $B a cord, on cast C3R S3. west SIDE FUEL CO. WOOD AND COAL. BDWY. 29$. DRY COUNTRY slab, first growth fir, f and $S a cord. Call Aut. 632-71. . FOR SALE Dry cora wooa. ii per cora; delivered In 2-cord lots. Wdln. 6:.12. BEST flrat-growth fir cordwood. $8 per cord. Sellwood 314. BLOCK and slab mixed stove lengths, $11 per double load. Bdwy. 4110. KK1CK. iJr sal for cesspools. Col. 126J. IF YOU appreciate splendid watcn repair ing or Jewelry repairing. e Miller, next door to Majestx tneater. ATTENTION Furs. aKlns and nines bought or tannea. v. est ...-.-. Co.. 892 Tenlno ave. Sellwood 231)8 SEWER work promptly attended to; Cen tral Plumbing neauna v-u., ia Gllaan. Bdwy. 4004 RUUS washed on your floor with Hamll- ton-Beacn electrio carpet waan-i . vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. OR RENT Electric vacuum clranera. 24-hour day, 85c: delivered, guarantee good condition. Woodlawn 123B. trnnA KS We buy. aell, rent nd ko- daks. Sandv. 8'.'0 VVathington at. TALL Univeral heater. Are set alao small move, practically hw, aa.. 74th N. M. V. car. ; FOR SALE 16 yards of blue silk sunburst drspes: all in one piece, ma inmes m, $l.e3 per yard. Thone East 6621. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $17. o tor s-u, iuriiir.u to oaas Inspection. Woodlawn 3701 MU?T sell today, Dalton adding machine. computing scale, meal ncer. anowcaaoa, safe. 240 Wsahlnglon St. vt.-1 v T a.,iitar hanio. mandolin, trom bone, cornet, violin. Main .. aiiu. 627-46. 62.1-S2. tl a box: aweet cider made dally. 173 K lllngswortn ave., near dfiitiw" high school. I- I U" ItFAll Beautiful elk head for sale. 701 Bavler atreet SHOWCASES, new and used; scales, cash registers, pool tame; ao v itauinat"" FOR SALE Combination Alcaxar range wood Bm or coal: cneap. .-.ihih nn.,.. MAKE your own drinks; for supplies. Portland Beve-mge Supply Co.. 4.11 Stark. GRAPES for ssle at Oregon city line. Concord station on FOR SALE Caah reglater, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. sivnvli.lllND tenta and cover for sal. Pacific Tent ft Awnina; to.. co. i tat su EVERYTHING eictrical repaired; quick service, low cnargea. roooa xuwr. ELECTRIC flxturea for 5 rooms. $16. 207 Chamber of Com, bldg. Broadway 4233. STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill, C a 1 1 Taylor-street pock, saatn twoo. SAFE, fire-proof, combination lock. 70 sixth street, near iaa. VAULT door, second-hand. 70 Sixth St.. near oalt FOUR 30x3i Universal lire filler, quire 226 Strk t. MALT syrups and auppllcs. Portland Bev erage Supply Co.. 431 Stark st. A. B. GAS range and hot water heater. East 86.11. NEW wood and coal range $30 below mar ket price: no dealers. vain. omi wrr rinora. windowa. mirrnra. furnl ture repairing, caoinet wora. v inn, laoi. GENT'S white suit; coat No. 40. fhone Eaat 8354. SINGER drop-head, good condition, $20 leaving city, rnone -taoor ooo. FOB WALE ArTOMOBIMM. 1010 FORD touring. Kelsey body, one-man top. the beat of anape, only $.io. uong easy terms. UN'IVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. and E. YamhilL West Side Brsnch, Uroadway and Hoyt. Open Sundays snd Evenings. 11IJ0 FORD roadster, looka like new; won derful mechanical condition; tJou, eaay terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. Weat Side Branch. Broadway and Hoyt. Open Sunday! and Eveninga. 11117 STl'DE BAKER 4 Good mechanic condition; new top; win aemonstrate; n reasonable offer rerusea; maae your ow terms. Broadway 14."i6. Ask for Dick. IBIS DODGE. A-l condition, good tires, with extras: owner going east ana musi ell car. Cash, $4tio. ;i.t N. ntn. for Mr. Howard. Broadway 3074. MODEL O HUDSON BPKEDMER Win whaa .. humDcn sno. spoiugnt; nas ru only $701)0 miles; like new; will sacrifice. I'hone cast tap-. k'liMll ma.lMter. 1111 i. speedometer: 1'yrene. OemOUntaOie wneeia. tua carrier, nuuu tirea and top, $175 caah. Owner. Mai MM 5. CADILLAC, '14, 7-paaa. ; my high-grade car. new paint, new top. runs iiks new; bargain $650, terma See Lyman. -814 Railway Exchange. 11)21) DODGE roadster, $25, terms; 2 cord tires, uaoriel snunners, apotngni. Looks and runs well. Bllllngsby Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at 8th. Eaat 7. CHEVROLET touring, overhauled, good tires new top. must sett, ,o oown, a-a-per month. 087 E. lth st. N. Phone Ta bo 5539. Block south of Ssndy blvd. THE CLASSIhlST Ford bug in town at a price tnat will surprise you; an alumi num body and other extras, Talbot & Cayey, 1 Grand Ave. COLE S. Looks JuM like new: new cord tires; must be sold quick. Private phone Wdln. .Mil 6 11)20 FORD roadater. good condition, shock ahaorbera. apotngni. kou ruDoer, etc. Will sacrifice at $3110 and give easy terma. Mr. Hlggerataff. Kaat 41)1). 11)20 STEPHENS roadslt-r. new paint, new tires. In lirst-cissa conoition. it you are looking for a good car call Boxell, Bdwy. lioort for demonatrntlon. BEAUTIFUL 6-cyl.. almost new C-paaa., 3-door chummv roaoater; coal aj-l.m; muat be aold for $1150. Owner, Eaat 22S, 1U1S STUDEBAKER. -cyl.. 7-paaa., newly painted, gooa urea, ttrai-ciaaa me chanical condition: price $3000; terms. Broadway 2645. DELIVERY, 1020 Chevrolet. $S.V); thla car haa Oeen CUinilli-iri u,nau,ru, ma u-,,, amounting to $140; It is in excellent con rt itlon: private party. Marshall 600. JTkj UbED CAR PRICES STOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. IF YOU want to purchaae a brand-new roadat.T at leas than the facturv price, see Leslie Craitr.ourne, Y. M. C. A. Main H7t)0. $1000. Hudson super, series 1010. 6 cord tires, spot light; hester: A-l condition; cash or terms. Main 7QM. 19'0 CHANDLER CHUMMY, 6 cords, spot, light wheel lock, bumper, double rack. Instruments and chain. $1100. Call, even ings. Tsbor 6HI14; votni lit-'n atarter. shock abaorbera. apcil light, overaixe tirea; A-l condition; $325 caah. Tabor 6164. ONE OF the clt'Bieat and speediest llttie 'bugs In Portland. $100; big discount for c an h 405 E. 211th N. Last lo..o t u ri a-rin In A-l ahaDe: haa had goo. rare: must sell: can be bought right. Berrv. Main -.--to. v-oo lllld Ford touring, fine shape f.heao- reed cash at once. 170 12th at. apt. l iriTltsoN suoer six, newly, painted, perfec mechanical condtilon; price $550, terms. Broadway 2tvta. lB'O CHEVROLET, new tires, car In per fect condition: will sacrifice for $425 and a-lve terms. E. 4- in. ,.in lit'K-K roaoater. cirriiriu conuiiion uaed only on paved road. I'hone owner. Marshal llliu. in. an, mi a iroRO touring, extra good ahape, de mountable rims, new tire, cheap. Wdln. 500 1 NEED some money and will sacrifice my late lll-U V noium .."-an. wan son, E. tiis- WE PUT steel teeth in yjur Old flywheel; crankshaft turning. H. B. Black ma chine shop. 634 Alder Brlwv. 26S1. tsi nic 5-oaaa. Dixie Flyer, A-1 condl inn . new tires, for a Ford rnndatrr. 3.1 N. 14th. aak for Mr. Howard, Bdwy. 3074 rnTg MODEL 00 country club Overland, overhauled, new tires, new paint Job. E. 4376. v. i-t- ti Httdan suoer-aix touring look and run like new: new tires and license. i " Di-ir-L- rnnnlna. good rubber, license. $K0. Bring your mechanic. Campbell'B, 15th and Alder 1019 MITCHELL, overhauled; cord tirea. looks like new. c.i 4v vniuu ava. a.. 4376 1914 FORD touring. Al ahape. $150. Car at 150 Union ave. E. 4376. iu-'l OLIiSMOBlLE 6 bv owner. May; $1275. Main .111)0. bought In 11)17 MITCH EL touring, must be sold at Once: 4." ill neniney -i. STUDEBAKER chummy roadster: an ex ce otlonal buy for $1 :,0. Main 14 76 FORD coupe, late llljo niooe owner. Eaat 2471. Mrs. Mil model, for aale by ler. FORD touring car body, cheap. 345 Will iams ave. cmoi i PARTS Or?gon Auto Wrecking Co.. 428 Helmont. near Sixth. MUST sell Eaaex touring car. 1020 model. ;i private P'iUiip nwuman .I'm, 165 BUYS Maxwell touring car In running " .... nwa Ui.-aa If a a 11111 COnalllon. r nunc -. 1022 CHEVROL.h.1 touring; run leas man 5O0 miles: sacrmce. tauor o.i.)n FORD, 11)21, starter, dem. rims, spare tire, tools and runs use new. moor ntnt PACKARD Twin Six. 5-paaa., fine ahape, orlce today. 43.', vv interna IF YOU own a tar Mr. Shnnahan. '.'. and need money, N. Broadway. DODGE touring, new top. A-l shape, fin cushions. $4115. East 4222. NEW 1021 FORD louring; $400. way 32. FORI) touring. 11)21. fully equipped. $3,111 caah: 5 mo.'s Int. paid. Phone East 113", i-PASS. Mitchell touring car. In very goo vouullion; very cueup. io-n aut otn.. Eld USED CAR BALE. We will hold a special sale of used cars on our vacant lot near our store, corner Broadway and Couch St., start ing SunCsy. 2.V Sale will continue one week. Our prices are all marked down ami we have the biggest bargains In Portland. , We hav tha follow Ini ran to oelect from: Fordej Oakland Chevrolet Chalmers Maxwells Chandler. Overlarua Elglns Ttulrks Studelakcr Franklins Oldsmobrcj Moat tf theso car are In fine condi tion, but we have a few that need Blight repairs, which will be n-nw.i . given ""Don't miss IV le. Com early In the we-'k and set flrot choice. Cash. Term or Trade. Open Sunday and Evening. OLnsMonii.K co. of orkgo Corner Broadway and Couch Sis. rtlfl REPUCTION' IK USED CARS. 1021 Ford roadater. 1021 Ford touring, loll) Ford touring. 1018 Ford touring, litis Ford bug. lill Bulck 4 touring. 1PIS Bulck 8 touring. IHJit Chevrolet touring. 1010 Oakland touring. 1018 Maxwell touring. Claasy Chevrolet bug. Best Ford bug In town. f.7 A. A. Cadillac. 4-pass., $-30. Warren Detroit roadater, $."0. Stoddard Dayton touring. $100. This is Just a sample. Call and look over our large stock. THE USED CAR "WAREHOUSE. "Portland1 Lrgeat Used Car Stors.M Grand Ave. al Eat Taylor Street. FORD FORD FORD TOURINO CARS, ' ROADSTERS. COUPES. SKDANS. TRUCKS. Also some Chevrolet and Overland very cheap; good dock, low prlcea, easy terms. DUNNING MOTOR CO., Incorporated. Authorised Ford Agents. East Broad way and Union Ave. Phone Eaat 30.1. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. i AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU PUT OR PTA.U ANATTTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH T1TE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE! CO.. 207 SELLING BLDU.. SECOND FLOOR. CHANDLER DESPATCH. A claaay eport car. equipped with cord tlrea; completely overhauled and re painted: this car haa never been abused and will give you perfect satisfaction: call for demonstration; term can be ar ranged. A. C. STEVENS. Ilayne Distributor. Phon Bdwy. 1614. 531 Waanington. HUPMODILE ROADSTER. An extra good value for a traveling man that la on the road all the time: haa overaixe cord tire with a brand-new apare; spotlight and niolometer; terma can be arranged. A. C. HAYNES. Haynes Distributor, rhone Bdwy. 1611. 531 Washington St. THIS IS IT. B-paaa. Overland, tllrt cheap. Almost nothlt.g down; chase you for the rest. I have no use for It. SURK IT RUNS. CHRISTENSKN'S AUTO REPAIR, 1Q7 13th St., Off Wa-h. FRANKLIN SEDAN. 1020 MODEL. RUN 0O0O MILES: PER FECT CONDITION; SACRIFICE AT $;S50. CALL VANCOUVER 644. OAKLAND 101S touring car bv own er; $4.0 for quick aale. Phuue for dvinonatrallon. East bOoU. AUCTION SALE of automobiles. Saturday. October 1; alao Urea, tubea. rlina. toola and many other acceaaorlea: 1 P. M Corner of 6th and Everett, weat aide. 11)20 FOR I roailater, beat of condition; cannot be told from new; $375, easy "'UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. and E Yamhill. West Side Branch, Broadway and Hoyt. Open Sumlayaand Evenings- t-l-'il ('II KVHOt.kVl 5 passenger; this csr haa had th best of care snd haa never been off the pave ment: only driven THI mllea; 5 new Urea, windshield deflectors, spot light, car looks like new ; an excellent buy for $JO0. terms If desired. Eaat W25IK 1020 FORI) SEDAN, now 55. Looks and runs like new. .. UNIVERSAL CAR r.At.n a. tie Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. Wt-at Side Branch. Broadway and Hoyt. open Sundaya and Eveninga. WILL SACRIFICE MY MODr.L. in) OVERLAND, wnicn la in kqu niBcnnn lial condition. Including five good tires. bnap for CASH. .... Mil. PICKENS. .-.OI Burnslile St. Broadway DPI. "ihau i'l'ITV AUTO TOP CO. ALTO ToPS. SEAT COVEH3. CUSHIONS. UPHOLSTERING. $42 SANDY BOULEVARD. COR. EAST 27TH ST. p 11 ONE EAST 21)33. RKAL bargain, muat are to appreciate, lll 'O Col "6," aero model, cord tires. 2 new extras; muat sell by flrat of month; $111)0. m cash and easy payments. Main 55X4. 11)17 FORD TOURING ar in fine me chanical conoition. ! tlris nd shock abaorbera; If you want a good Ford at the right price, call Tsbor 31)13. Terms If deslied. SACRIFICING. Studebaker Big Six. early 1021 modal 1th extra equipment, gift $1550. Terms isy be arranged I'hone Main7102. SACRIFICE 1020 Ford coupe, in perteci mechanical conuiuon; i on. in a.. ""' " and shock absorbers; don t mls this If you wsnt a real buy; terms If desired. Call Tabor 3013. "in-i HtMCK. 5-PASSKNGER. Run leaa than looo mllea; motomeUr. bumpera front and rear, extra tire and tube, apotllght and othar extraa: price only $1050. terms. Broadway 2645. BRAND-NEW 3-rooni nouse. t." uonn. fruit trees ana Derrirs, ioi owm.,.,, ....-a to car line and paved street: price $1000; will taka mortgage on plate; located at I.enta. Call Broadway 2045. FRANKLIN. FOUR PASSENGKR. Perfect condition, runs and look Ilk new; offered at $500 less than real value: each or terma Main UDDS. or Marshall 5611. utTlt'tc TOURING. 1018 Bulck; this car must be sold st once; new paint and top, cord tires, extra tire, spot light.- bumper, runs like new ear; a bargain st $750. terms. East 6251). NEW CHEVHOLKTS. BUY ritus P II. DUNN. DEALER, Cor. Mllwaukle and Bybee Ave. Phone Sellwood 191)$. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories. tubes, roto parts, nam s.i"--. " -do towlna. Open day snd night, LONG at S1LVA. Phone East 6X40. 4)12 Hawthorne. T02TDODt;B BROS. TOURING. Thla car la in unuaunlly fine condition and Is well worth your consideration. r.",3 TaylorJweatslile; EXTKE.M ELY late model 11)20 Kuril coupe. motor ana niraiini ""ia Would like to gi-t caah. but may ar- range termjLj?ellwood :tiiil. LATK 1020 Stephens, oveiimuieii ann guarameea jui - ,t car Can handle amall car sa part pay ment. Call Propst, Bdwy. . 10"O FORD touring, starter, spt-etlometer. large wheel, etc.. $:ih.."i. terma. Killings. ley Motor to., naauiuniu I bill. East l . CHUMMY Overland, good contlll Ion, $27."i. 3.1 N. 14th, ssk for Mr. Howard. Btlwy. 3U74.' WU MAXWELL touring. In good mo han-li-al condition and good rubber. 1."0 for quick sale Ferguson. Bdwy. 1572. BABY Saxon, l'.lli; .ix.i tires, newly pann ed new lop. good condition. Brlce. labor 2X1. LAT"E 101" Hupmohlle. excellent cord tirea all around; some terms to right party Phone Sellwood 3""l. A BSOl.UTEI.Y new 1021 Stuileliaker light 'six at bargain price. Mulu 113. Mr Buckley. WE TEAK m up and sell the pieces Portland AUto om-iini V.M.. tat aiuit ..... a. V ? " ' 4 1 7th. CARS WANTED 323 Everett, weat side, cor 6th sntl Everett. Day phone Bdwy. 2320. Nlnhl phone VVdln. 5HJL fillO CHEVROLET TOURING A good light csr al th right price: will con sider terms. Phone Sellwuud 3u71. Xoncalla. Or. pavement- aa oa, yr"1"""'