THE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAN, MONDAY, KEPTE3IBER 28. 1021 13 tor Kale llua. ALBERT A lOOO DOWN. BUXOALOW TYPE T ROOVi On 24th at., Emarwn ; fir. wtl-tullt hom. with reception hall, llvinir room, dining- room, a. a and klt-ten ijownxwttr. Ift b.d roomn up; fin c.-in'iil has.-ment and furnar.. Pri'M at 44jru and no inort K'tica to aaiume. Fay 100 par month only. J. T HARTMAV COMPANY. t Chamber or Ommerca Uldg. iUln lius. I4sf" HAWTHinNa $nno. SIX TIOOM MI NiIAf.OW. WHOKVKn UL YS THIH GKT3 MORI? THAN II'LI, VALI B AMI IT CAN UK HANDLKI" WITH A MALI. PAYMK.NT 1'OWN. IT HAS II AKIWO ill KIAIDKH. KIHKPLACK. FlU, ( V. M K NT KASK MKXT, TRAY'S. C'KMKNT I'KIVEWAlf. ALL. IMI'H IN AM) I'AID. AI.VIV JOHNSON, K'altnr. HOARD uf TKAHE BL.IIO. FHO.Nfc) HOWT. 7. SLNOAY E. 290L IAVINOTON. $0300. New ft-ronm bungalow, ilvlng room l3Wx22l4j, beautiful paper and fixtures, hardwood floor. linoleum, built. n In kitchen tnd bath, hada, garage, lawn; might COfmilT Jnt and canh BR first pay ment; monthly j'synnii only $46, In cluding Intercut. 665 Fremont, near IHth. fwnT, Main 8205. open a f ternoon. $5000 IRV1NOTON TERMS. FIVE ROOMS. THIS Pl'N(lAI,oV CANNOT BE IMPLICATED ANYWHERE IN THE C J T Y WITHIN 7 50 O if" T ft E PRICK ASKED. NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. FULL IOT, WITH ALL IMPS. 1N A.NU I A ID. AT.VfV JOTTNpny, Realtor. 204 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. FHU.NU BLtWY. Si. BLNDAY Ifl. 2061. BEACTirt'X HOME $500 DOWN. unnyalde. lovely hardwood floora. beautiful modern elec. fixtures; new $pelese furnace, cement bus1 men t ; ab solutely perfect order; fruit, nuta, berries, grapes. !fH short blocks to beat car Una In city and stores serving your very wish; alio th fitter, school, churches; pries only $4500. Your own Wina la reason. Call after 1 p. M., luai 35. Taylor or phone owner, fore tioon, Marshall 746. 1" BARGAIN If taken at once ; 5-room house with full basement, lot 834x125. Street In and paid for all room large; big linen cloaeta and ciothea cioset; built-in aeata. Ivory finish downatalra; (ona a;ia briquet In basement ro with and will paint house; 73 ft. from teunnyside car. 4 blocks from school and Church; walking distance to high achool, I'rke $2850 with no interest; at Its. at half 'price. fliilo. 2-1-.V1. PEST BUY TV ROSE CITY PARK. Designed and built by ownrr; ft mom. t bedrooms, large dosete, sleeping porch, ahowar bath, very latent bathroom fix tures, large II vine room, dining room, breakfast room, all built -Ins, furnace, fireplace. garage. All Improvement- In and paid. Term. Owner. Auto. 313-01. UOSK CITY SNAP. Wonderful ft-ronm bungalow In tip top condition; corner lot; nil Improve ments In; trite ban tea low with hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, breakfast nook, all bullt-lns, can he bought at a bar gain. I'nmo In and give u nn offer. nOBNKTT & McCLl'KK, KeHltora. Marwhall It'JU'J an:1 Com h Hidg. iaVI.NiTJ.V HAKGAJN. A rcMl buy In irvlntfton bunicalow, haa very leraje living rnnm, beautiful dlnlntf room, breakfast nook, all butlt-lna. fur rtacft, flrepUre, ttnrK, one beautiful bedroom down and 2 up. $00 (Hi; $10UU canh. bl. terma ROBNKTT A McCLURE, Kenltora fitrnbnll 3 1 ttirj Com h Hid. l)UVVN tl." MuMHLT. t.are H-room house, with around 50x fOo, facing on 2 atret, large bearing fruit treea, houjie needa the eervlca of a handyman, but off' re an opportunity to no a I ttie flxinc at a profit; prlre ttrtoo. 'rfd W. Ucrman Co., Kealtora, 161 Cham, of Com. aVKOOM modem bnnrn'ow, fine dlatrlct. clone t- pa vine;, hardwood fioum, cornb. fixture. tr;iiHfic; 1 room finished abo, $jy0U, terma. Seilwood 214tV. fECRKTARY. Ketabllshed corporation dolna; profit able brokerage business h.ia opening for Office man taudltor referred. who tan Invent $.vmn to in,00i( with aervlrea. Investment well aerured ; handle own money; replica confidential. B -u, C'regonlan. OWN MR I.KAVINO CITY. M t r k u s h xia w a .t.vw W P l'H HKbA Nl UM0 CASH. Tit autif ul C llfnrnia bunira ow. 5 Tooma. naerl eireet; muet be aold to 1a v ; easy terma. Cnme see It. Mar ehall 1o.'J, nr Heilwnod i'"0ti, evenlnica. RUSE CITY I'.L'NGALOW. Beautiful fl-mom bunimlow atyle home, ha a all huf It-lna, brcakfxHt nook, f. re place, furnace, Interior trim A-l. full lot, nea,r car and school, move In now, about 7M down. Main 3SMfl. (,U IV JH ilnrnn HM. Realtor. 17H.-,. Five-room cottage, full basement, houae la plnatcred and pnpered; lot ftlix JtM; Very good house for the money ; 14J0 E. Davia, near K .3d at. J. .T. OKDKR, 4 flrand Ave., Near Corner E. AnKeny. FOR SAI.K bv owner, attractive homeTn A lamed a Pnrk. Kight room, f urn a ra, hardwood floors, built-in features, pltta bug water heater; double garitge. Price) $11. ooo. Location V-o Bryce av. i'houe Wdln. 43;i.".. kOM OWN KIl Vernon district, H5 blocka to car, 6 rooma, double con atructed. new bungalow, bAeement, ce ment rioor. Dutch kitchen, buffet; cheap for cash, some terma. For appointment rait Wand is. wn 4ih. RICHMOND BARGAIN. ft rooms, newly decorated. Just off from car line; this Is Indeed a bargnln. $3-'.'.0; :nh cash, bal. ti-rnn, ftllO E. ilh. RoP.NETT At McCLl;RK, Realtom Marshall 3J!'2 a2 Couch B'dg. riNE H-ruom moili-rn residence, with dou ble jleeplng porch and cement garage, corner iot. fine location on east aide ; owner in Loe Angetee, terma. O 2U, Ors ronlim. BEALTiri'L. PITNGALOW, LAHD'K ADDITION. Cloa In, flox 1 lot, large, roomy rooms, airlrtly modern; a real horn; priced right ; good terms. Auto. flJ3-17. ' f K N I N H r la! 7-room residence, modern, etc., double corner lot, about down, consider farm la exchange. Call at 206 Morgan hi d g. TjLflHARLE 7-room monern resldenre, ctoae in. Irvlngton district; modern; tot "iOx I hO feet; pnee Xtlooo, frmt, I'AKHlHli WATKINrt 4k CO., J.'.2 Ktsrk Wt. ALBERT A 7-fH lOM BUNGALOW . FU'RN ISHKD .Hkn EASY TERMS. Owner lea j In eiiv, must aell at once; Immediate poenesaum. be It Monday MsrshaH irrj-. lloMKH in Jefferson high achool distrlcl and Peninsula park district, see The Kil lingswnrth v. Realty Co., 121 Killinas worth ave. Phone wdln. 41'; evenings end Pundavs Woodlnwn 404V $jtiuo FINK 4-iooin motlern house, 2 lota, chicken hnn for nm rhlckeriH, electric lights, garimne. liO'J'J BSth avenue S. B.. at end of Woodstock car line. Terma. Inquire rc J7 Wood "tor k a V e tl u jvKl.l.-H' 'ILT, partly f .irnlshed, rooms, clear, full cement has men t, double set plumbing, furnace, B.xIMO lot, shrubbery and fruit, R-ira&e. winter's fuel in b mcnt. $'i;,ito. terms. Owner. Tabor 40i. HOUfK PLANS. Pla!nctlve Homes." llluatrated book f 0V"f 1" dealgng, II; blueprints. 10 DISTINCTIVE HoMEH COMPWY !Jt Northwestern R:i'Ht P.ldg. . V l l NT A V I I.I. A HI N'l i A I.O IV. $7.1 dnwn, dnuhle rnnfltrilt-trd mni1rn 4-riMifn bom', t rcnlnrn. Hutch kitrhn. tp, ay monthly paymnta. Minn 3Wi QI IN i'lt Mn'tin Hlrtg. !?! JX' Ft SALK hy ownvr ?-rnom houie: rnnlTn, Hn,a In, ...od rp.titnr. m.. trlit. n(VI R.nt for 140 Takd onf mr part payment. A bargain. BU 31, Orernnlan. JlJ.VI I.V( IHUVN buv, 4-room buna.low on Alt. Scott car; ftiml Ift l"l ; nul. raKV. A, II A k" FIRS' N. J0 Henry Wda-. i'KAL WITH OWNKIt. Fnr aal fheap; nli-o hniisw with 2-aer. irard.n rlKht In town. Write for rircrlp. ti..n. Fr.nk Novak Lebanon. Or. ATTENTION If you tilnh to buy by Ort. 1 at a hiiriHin, phone inner mnrnlns, Willn. 4.14'L If not aold by then Kill rent rurnlfhe'V f..nik .,iii i , s 11 J.:o per month, tiv. lir,. room. irHruon lot ; itiii naaement. Kan 1311. t.r. pom.. n. &-R m i.M bun (tufow In piedinon t, 1 liWx-k from rar. 3 blocks fn.rn Jefferson high, for sale or tra'le. Tsll Fast H713. Lai r ki.Til sacrirVbeaVarr ul homsT modern th rough out, completely f ur niahsd. $TiOO. Torms. Taoor 071 Kir lne Ilouee. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Five-room cony home, gas, hard wood floors. French glasa doora, fireplace and half cement base ment with, wash traya; the prop erty la all newly white enameled inside and newly paint etiout side. Has an abundance of nerriea. young fruit trees and flowera. The e wer. cement aidewalka and afreet paving are In and paid for. Public a hooi within two blocka. Price. $3.'i'u. Iiternl terma. ejKB WEBSTER U. KINCAID. REALTOR. 401 Lew La biug. Paona Bdwy. 4733. $.VK CAPTI DOWN. ROHK CITY PARK, ft beautiful rooma Including a big pl)tsf d-ln alee ping porch, an art lt ic rireplHce, a tnaaMvo built-in buffet, built in wardrobes, hardwood f toora, hot-air furnace, rarage, big lot near car. In fine neighborhood. The ground a are beauti ful with ehade and ahrubbery : owner haa cut the price from IdoOO to $.irp0 for a quick sale. Don't overlook, a good buv. L'OMTD KOHLMAN. Main SS0. Cham ber ' o f Commerc e Bldtf. ALAMEDA SNAP. t'00 caah. bal. 135 per month buys a Dent A-room bungalow on paved at. Thla la a beautiful, lovely home, com plete with Kuud gas heater. Pries $31100 INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REA LTORR B rtwy. 47S1. 410 Henry BMg. ARTISTIC Roae City bungalow, near Handy boulevard, surrounded by beau tiful homes in one of the bat reatdent district In Portland: 50xlOt ft. Good plumbing, cement baaement, laundry traya furnace, hd w. floor and other modern conveniences; good a new; easy terma only $4300. Mrs. Elva MrinKer. Auto. :.o-u.V . KENTON F.CNOAI.OW. ABOUT S400 DOWN. Here's good home, modern. 2 bedrooms, Put eh kitchen, floored attlo. full lot, trees, etc., gaa rnge, heater, etc., pay men's; $-5 monthly. Min SSOA. jl IN 2O0 Morgan Bldg. Realtor. S-room bungalow. In excellent condi tion, fireplace, gaa atove. large attic, corner lot ."oxl-' , 8 be.i ring fruit treee, lotn of small fruit. K Yamhill; fuo down, balance like rent. Auto. MoUKKN U-room residence, close in on east si da, ref intuhed 11 ke new ; move risrht In ; will aU on eay terms; will take liberty bonds or other good papers aa part payment, balance monthly; price Vi.-"o phone East NEW 1RV1NC.TON BUNGALOW. Bx yliah and distinctive, 0 rooms, old Ivory, latest - alectrie f ixturee, shades, full baaement, garage, large lot; Suo0. Terma - 71B E. Ulth at. North. Broad way 8003. Owner. noo. WHY PAY R EXT? Oood 5-room house, full lot; $400 cash and easy fprma. 213-214 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 6033. Ill oo. WHY PAY RENTT GOOD 5-KOOM HOUSB. FUL.I LOT, $40 CASH AND EASY TERMS. 2 1 8 -2 14 Henry bldg. Bd wy. H032. WIJL build fur you on your own plana, on a beautiful view lot at Mt. Tabor, block from Belmont cars, select neighborhood, nothing better on east side. Hart, Railway E x rhjin K eJ 1 d g . Ma r. l.')8V RIGHT IN IRVINOTON. 6-ronm house, full basement, furnace, buiit-lns. lot 4'JtH-j, l block from car, for $4-"0; lloou down and balance to suit, wcoaiawn n-t Til A I the p!acel 7-room house, FuTl basement, fireplace, furnace, all built in, on carllne. lot 5txH", for f.'ouO; $7.'.0 cash. Woodlawn r.4. o.-)1 K. BROADWAY, 7 rooms, up to date; terma. Owner, Monday Main 694. $20."i0 5-ROOM bunsalow, fireplace, ga rage, full baaement, Alberta; 4 blocka car; sacrifice; $4.V down, terms. Main T-l-i'. isroaaway im VERY attractive and atrlctly modern S room bungalow near Franklin high achool, only $.;00. Easy terms. Owner, A iit lttfl-20. BKAt'TlKUL view, Portland Heights, 8 room modern home; only $13.5i0. Zim merman, til 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. .NEARLY an acre of ground, fruit trrea, roses, etc. splendid new house, barn and poultry house. Corner o.".ih at. and Pnwt 1 1 X'aliey road. Owner, Aut. w.l-i'0. FOR 8 A LB One of the most attractive houseboala on the river; completely or partially furnished; terms. Sell. 1304 or Bdwy. 43t. $ 3 7 " LEAVING city, must sacrifice nifty 4 -room bungalow, plastered and Dutch kitchen; miiKt be seen to be appreciated; terms. E 4. Oregonian, huburban Humes, 3 BEAUTIFUL acres of ground and a loveiy S-room houae, modern, near , Powell Valley; a snap at StouO; part t a xh; e ayy terms. 'labor 4 3 f CHOiCE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car Una, from $1SM0 up. Inquire 3d houae north of Rialey atation. on Oregon City car Una. BARGAIN and enay terms. It-room honas and 1 a-re or H acre of good sow: alao iid.ioinirnr acre. Owner, Auto. 6JR-47 BARGAIN In Parkrose acreage; modern home, garage, terma. Tabor 2fl78. iameteiilM. KeltnauisnmrniM. IF YOU haven't used your HOMESTEAD right, now la your opportunity, while the roads are good, aa this is your last chance to get a desirable claim in Or ' gon. I alio have aom gojd relinquish ments. E. W. Heim, 4i Board of 'trade bldg. TIMBER home.tead on Elualaw rWer; railroad cuta corner of claim; .tatlon quarter mil. away; fine timber cheap tor cash, L. B, Joy, & Boardf Trade. 3C'1.AI.M8, 100 a. each, "4OU worth tlm br on ench; auto road, cluee town, achnol; fMH). (4IHI, film, in aouth. Ore. farm and fruit district, mil CorUntt bids. l-'rtlit Tlii'H for Sttlff or Rent. H L. ACK r-.H of lni'lai II iDtTt. land, rallf to p.ant; alao 12 scree of fins berry land, ail tiled; near jnmaDoro; i neavy bearing walnut orchard; all near Pacific hiKhway; also fine sheep ranch. Ad dress T. Withyeo mbe, 4;U lth at., eity. Irrigated Lands. MlLLElt A LL'X own the richest land in i'nllfcrma. Ask us If It will raise al- fa i la; 10 acres sown In April cut 1 H tons per tar re in june; iruit arrows pro lilUall ; bearing fruit ranch In same county sell tor $l."no per at-re; our price lei Ir-igAted Unil.'ii per acre and spec! a 1 easy terms to hnmeseekers. KramerK Lake & Co., ln-'7 li B Imont at. For Pale Acreage. EAST MTLWAT'KIE ACREAGE. ON PAVED ROAD. $230 m acres, cultivated except email grove. Hmail house. In cluding sleeping porch, gas range and h"tr In use. Hull Run water, grtrt pe, barn, chick en house, 13 fruit trees, berries. - 4w chickens and garden tools; very productive aoll. It is diffi cult to secure a better proposi tion for a complete acrea Ke home at this price. Half cash. GEO E. BXGLKMART CO., IMwy. MTfl W4 Henry Bids?. RIVERFRONT R HIHTfl. We .have Just platted a large tract In River Villa, near Courtney station. Ore gon City line, Into homesltea of approx imately 4 of an acre up. prices running from $410 per tract up. terma $27 down and -$T BO monthly; some of these sre on paved road: a tract of sev eral acres of riverfront In connection with this property haa been st aside for the Joint ue of a'l purchasers of this tract for bathing, fishing, pirntclng and mooring of bata. River front rlsrnta are scarce and we advise early Inspec tion. Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. $ino pown, $i7 no monthly. 20 ACKKS of gnd cut -over land on county road, near H illshoro ; 1 acre In cult l ra tion, house JHxJ I ; land practically level, aplendid creek and welt, beat of soil, no rork or gravel ; total price $'J100; a chance to double your money. Fred W. (firmnn Co., realtors. 7-12 Cham, of Com, ilEAl T1FLL ACHK TRACTS One to five arret, close to new Pacfftc highway; wonderful view of mountains, lake and - river. Finest of land, no stone. Very best of terms. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 8iej Osmhcr ,if Commerce. Main (1124. $r.O DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. Buys a tract of II 21 acres of land, aome heavy timber, close to electric Iln miles eat of city limits, price $4I0. Do you realise that thla is only $125 pr acre? Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. Xh'Hl level acre, with 4-ronm hous. wood Bhed and chl ken yard; valued at $14"0, In Ka.-t Vancouver. Will exchange for erood Ford or Chevrolet car and oo cash. Address R, F. D. 4. box 50. Van couver, Wash. WKITK for map of western Washington, showing location. low prices and easy lerma orrered to seM WS.YKKH AKlSKfT TIMBER CO.. Tii'rtma, Wath. ACRKS. 4 ACRKAj ACRF.H. $10 pavments. Alberta car. City water. No assessments or gravel. ft W. Cary. 1 2 1 N. W . Ha n k .bldg. I MKAX EH'FINKSS. Two acres, right in city limits; sewer and pavement In; close to school; real bargain for fewtays. r 0. Oregonian Fot. rfALB 7 acrea. ciosa in. Thos. Allen, WPLL-LoCATrln ACItH, bargain. Ony $60 down, $15 per mo, Owner, AuL 626-7. REAL ESTATE. For ule F.rma. THE BEST BUT IN THE UMPQUA VAt.I.ET. 1B4 ACRKS HIUHLT IMPROVED. Located V mllea from Rneebunr on rood county road. 1 mile from atore. postoffic. and school. 105 acrea In cul tivation, of which there ire 10 acrea in 7-year-old ' Italian prunca; family or chard. The aoll la a darx aandy loam and Ilea with jut aufficient alope for ' ood drainage. Th. balance of th. farm not in cultivation la In paatur. and oak timber. All under Hood fence; aplendid Improvementa, t-room plastered hou... hot and cold water, llirhtlnir .ystem. Itood barn. 50x50; machine ahed, gran ary and garage, tank houae, gaa englna, hay in bi-rn and aome Implement, go lth place. Price ilS.000, 5U0 caeh. Plenty of time on the balance at 6 per cent interest. For particular, write W. A. Bngard Real Eelale Co.. Roaeburg. Oregon. I AM CUTTING UP SOME. 1200 acrea. within H-hour drive of Portland, close to good town on Columbia river and highway, good grade and high achool convenient. Land, ilea well, all good aoll. no rock. U0 per cent culti vable, good part creek bottom, well watered with springe and creeka. Can rals. anything that grow, anywhere In Oregon. Home cultivated land and build ings with nearly every aubUtvlslon. Lota of outaiile employment in prospect In vicinity where large lumber and milling plants ar. under construction Price, range from per acre up. Easy terma llght consider aome trade. 81'KCIAL IMOUCEMB.Vi'a) TO BONUS 11 EX. J A. Melianer, 8?2 uasco B'.dg. Main 7602 " 1'OIt SALE. acres, 2 In cultivation. 4 acrea tim ber, good tf-room house, good large barn, family orchard, good cellar and other outbuildings; one. team horsea. 100 pounds each; harnesa. 2 wagons, 3 cows. 4 hog., tlu chickens, cream separator and full art of farming Implements; 4 miles from Oregon City. 2i mlUa irom Port land, on good macadam road. An esutt. to be settled. Price IJO.OO0 good terma; would eon aider a small tract aa pari payment at cash value. Address A. O. Achilles. Oregon City. Route . Box 43. Molalla road, or call on or phone O. D. Kby, Oregon City, Or. Phone 2:iW. CENTRAL OREGON. FORT ROCK VALLEY. 820 acre.. 2UO cultivated, all fenced, 1 mile from new experimental state well which baa developed excellent flow of water; 4-room double-constructed house, excellent water, windmill pump, highway by place. 5 miles from town, 1 , mil, achool and church; s acr. half cash, Damnce terms. E. R. S., 613 Couch b!dg. FOR SALfi Glenn (arm, 35 acrea. Just outsid. weat St. Helena, on th. Yankton road; 1 hour from Portland; 2U acrea un der cultivation, rest open pasture, .x cellent aoll. nice orchard and -errlea, well at houae, creek through pasture. 4 room house, large barn and chicken houae; must be sold quickly; no om pusslon. R. E. Moe. Houlton. A FINK 15S-ACRE FARM. Ona mile from Philomath and 8 mllea from Corvallla. 120 acrea under culti vation. 1.1 acrea In timber, running wa ter and family orchard, good buildings; Srt.T.O caah rent; part cash, balance Kept. 1 1122; will lease for 3 years If deaired. JOHN J. CRAMER. If ARRIS BURG. OR. FREYTAG-MaVEDS CO.. Re.ltora. Speclallz in Clackamas county FARMS. ACREAGE. SUBURBAN HOMES. 32 years In Clackamas county. Expert agricultural advlca free. GLADSTONE, OR. OREGON' CITY CAR 1.1NB. FOR HO-acr. rancn. good grain land and orchard; good buildings; will conaider email place In trade and aome cash down. Price $125 acre. For In formation. Llzxia Blahop. Junction City, uregon ni. WHAT about a ItHV-acre wneat larm, ..00 acres ready to sow. Two mile. Condon. Oregon. Partlculara M. Fltxmaurtc, Condon. Or. m 93 ACRES. U mllea aouth of Lebanon: 85 in cultivation, well fenced; a good buy, or will trade. Owner. Tabor S309. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. Jj0 to l.oi per acre: easy terms: best .oil; farms for sale, all alus. Mrrariana. rwnur, 13 ramus, mng. CHOICE Improved Yakima valley ilfalta, grain, veg.. fruit, dairy and poultry land, joining town. Cal. Ranch. Buena. Wash. Tgil ACRES, level, timbered land wltb craek, neat electric and highway; caa divide jene K. nnarp. oj ft w sc. WILT, eacrifice 100-acre Tillamook hill ranch for sinoo, asaeaaed valuation $1'J00. 1S1'2 Base Line road. Tahor 9033. F1.NETI10.000 suburban farm, accept $4000 bungalow part payment. Owner, AF 38. Oregonian. T. D RE A LET ATE;, tlULSl.3 Vfrt.-WC... Hav. tiuveri for medium priced bousea with small payment down and large monthly payments: also hav. parties with Improved and unimproved acreage, clnwe to Portland, that will exchange for Portland houee that Is priced rlsht. AK for Mr. Newman, wltb John Ferguson. Gerlinger mag. f iut vnl-w KI-HI-RRAN HOME. W. hav hundred, of call, for aub tirhan homes from "1 acre up. We can sell vour place. List with us for quick resul'ta. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U, McGUlRE. 205 Abington Bldg., Main 10BS. M St.. Bet. Wanh. ann wiara IF YOU WISH TO SELL TOUR lot or hous. see us. we get result. Mr. Rlchanback. In charge hous. and lot Bale, department. METZGKR-PARKER COMPANY. 200 Oak Str-r-t. Broadway 5351. WANTED HOUSES. Wanted, to list good houses ranging In price from $3000 to $0ooo. Hav. cli ents walttrs R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO., Ifto 4lh St. WANT a pood home, Sunnyside or Mnunt Tabor. Will (rive In exchanite a lovsiy 7-room modern home In Salem, clear of debt. E. R. P., M3 Couch bldg. VANTKi A home with one to three arrea; must be outside of city Unit's, $.vno o t"n down, balance easy pay ments. 4SI E. 4tith at. WANT bungalow or house, good d latrlct ; trade 1018 fttudebaker and high claaa lot. psved street. Owner, Main 466. LlrtT- Ot'R houses and property with ua; If we can't sen them, give it up. McUes A Dennir ;," Union ave. Wdln. 8tt94. Uttlft LIBERTY six, new paint, cord lirea. will aell on terma or will trade for real estate. Call Main 1797 or Tabor 1W1 I WANT 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Must be a bargain for cash or terms. Fhone Mar. 10-2. Monday, Farms Wanted. IF YOU WISH TO LEASE OR RENT YOUR FARM list with ws at once as we have ealls every day for farms to rent. FOR VXICK ACTION SEfi h C. Mar shall, with FRANK U McGUIRK, 203 Abington Bldg , Main 10fl8. Third Mt., BeL Was h. a n d iytark. anted to Iten Farms, WANTED -fy RK'xT. SMALL PLACER. Hae several people wanting to rent acreage or email farms, close to Pot land preferred. Som people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. Wa make lots of aalea this way. Will buv equipment If priced riaht. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Blrlg. Largest Farm Dealer nn Pacific '"oast. WANT to rent on shares, equipped farm, or will trade $.V)0 equity In good east ern Montana land for equipment and rent ; five years experience on Oregon farms and dairy. Rute 2, box 3, Kick reall. Or. KTOCIv ranch, email or large, west of Cas cades. Might buy if suited. Give full details In first letter. Address Charlea W. Warner, Selo, Oregon. FOR RKT FARMS, 30-ACRE farm, all cla red. l."i acres In elo er, 1 acre In loganberries, family orchard ; six -room bouse, 1 good barn ; very b st of soil, level ; t miles soutn of Dayton. jJt. write or call evenings, M Kaht IlXn at., corner of Pine. TO KXfJM NG F ft K A t ESTATK. WILL TRAliK 1.0-acre valley farm with stock and equipment ror city properry. ROHNETT A. McCLURK, Realtors. Marshall 3J'.2 302 Couch Bldg. WILL take Improved property and part cash for my equity of $14uu in a 120 roorri hotel; beat location in town; no agents. Address room 2uo, 248 Yamhir street. : , FoR TRAD K -A good Improved valley farm; 20 miles from Portland. Will take unimproved or logged-off land. Ad- dress, box 42. Rain i er. Or. WILL TRADR modern 7-room home in Salem, neat of debt, for home in Portland. E. R. 8 , 513 Couch bldg. , FOR SALE 20 acres, near Cottrell. or will trndw for city home. J. B. Sedgwick, ll!rt Kerby St., city MUDKKN 4-ronm house near car line and Hase Llrre road; equity $1250. for acre age near (ires ham. AF 54, Oregonian. T OR 1 ACRE, trade for car or what. 310 Washing ton a t . WEST SIDE income property to exchange for good building lota. A. H. Akereou. .i"n ilcnrv bldg. HAVE good 5-pnss. car. no Junk, good value, $100 aa first payment on rundown pr op erty. som e ca sjj. E 3i. Oregonia n . FOR EXCHANGES of real estate see Brace. 314 couch bldg. t COOS BAY Noieh Bend lot to trade for lot la Portland. AJ 89, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE. A HARDWARE atore at invoice aoout $ooo. in a fine town near Portland, in .xchang. tor a farm of equal value. No Junk. A ftO-acra farm, S3 under cultivation, Joining fine town in Michigan. Will trade for property in Oregon or Willi. 1 have many oth.ra. Call if you hav. anything to trade. F. L. B LAN CHARD. Realtor, 401-2 Shetland Bldg. Marshall 829. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acres located near coaat. about half bottom land, balanc. bench and hilL ' 300 acrea In cultivation, 2 houses, fair barn; prlca $40,uu0; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER COMPANY, S3 Fourth at Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broad way 3715. A PICK UP IX EASTERN PROPERTY. 10 lota. &0xll5 feet, in the city of . Jamestown, X. Y., at one-half their pres ent value. To trade for real or personal , property In or near Portland. Priced to turn quickly; S2..00; will aasume or pay .mall dlfferen-re TRY-IS REALTY CO.. 119 West Park St. EAX FHA.NLISL'U home. acven large room., modern, well built, commanding position in gotd residential district; close in; value S 10.000. Sell or exchange for Portland Improved property, equal valu might aaaum. on well-located in come property. Owner her thl. week. 8 4-, Oregon Ian, SEE L'3 FOR EXCHANGES. Acreage all parta of Oregon and sev eral other states and Canada to ex change for-'city property. Income or oth er acreage. We hav. exchanges for lota and autoe WE EXCHANGE EVERYTHING. MARSH A McCABE. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg: 100 ACRES MINNESOTA. CLEAR OF DEBT. Tgal description, lot 32, township 143. rang. 32, within t mile, of three rail roads, good auto road by place; will trade for Portland or vicinity and pay ca-m difference. E R. S., 513 Couch bldg. WILL TRADE. One acre, highly Improved, with mod ern bungalow, furnished or unf jfrniahed, clear of debt, on Oswego lake, for good 6-room modern home in Irvlngton or Laurelhurat. Will assume. ft. 613 Couch bldg. Main itil4. WILL TRADE. W are prepared to arrmre a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit; lots, houses, acreage, farm or stocks of merchandise. E. R. S.. 1 t Couch bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. S.'4 gcret Harney valley, fine lnnd, 200 acres natural meadow, deeded water right; running water on place. Will take 10 to 2U acres close to Portland. AV 34a. Oregonian. FOR 8ALK or exchange, stock and dairy ranch. ICO acres, improved. llOuu; abun dant outrange; Lincoln county. 20 min utes' wa,k to school and K. R. 1430 Macadam st. CLOSE-IN ACRE AND NEAT COTTAGE. gJiMi; cinn, montn, will take light car, clew r. improved lot or player piano, earns value. Byron hotel. EXCHANGE Good tim ber claim ?our miles from Columbia river, county cruise almost eight million feat, for home In Portland. Will aasume. Phone Main 3702. TO EXClt.tXCfS M ISCE1 lAXFOrS. 2 ACRErf at Beaverton for sale or will trade - lor grocery or cry goods store. Wdln. rH4. EXCHANGE my Hudson car for diamond, value about $1100. N 44. Oregonian. BICYCLE wanted, muil be reasonable. 4U7 Maiden ave. F0K SALE. Ve h I 1 ee , Li v es t ook. KAUT EIUHTH-ST. STABLES. 20 head of hordes and mares for sale. These horses were shipped from eastern Oregon and bought from ranches right out of work: One pair gray geldings, 8 and 9 years, 2300 lbs., well broke sin gle and 'double, price $150; pair black geldings. 5 and tt years, 2400 lbs., well mated and well broke, price also several other pairs and single horses. This stock Is for sale, so will try to pieaae purchasers both with horse and price. If in need of a horse, come and have a look. 240 East Eighth at ARE replying them with trucks and no rea ona ble offer will he refused ; 1 pair bays. 6 years old, 3000' pounds; 1 pair rt and 8 years. 3SO0 pounus; 1 pair 6 and 8 years. 2!mj pounds, 1 Pair hlacka, 20'u pounds; aiao 1 light delivery team and wagon for $75; also harness and collars that go with horses; these are good horses and were shipped from eastern Washington this spring. Creaton Feed A Fuel company, cor. 00th and Powell Valley road. Mount 6cott car, 10 nun out. ' CROWN STABLES, Inc. For sale, hire or exchange 130 head of horses; will exchange for horses, mules or cattle; have all kinds of new and second-hand harness, farm Imple ments, wagons and grading tools; all atock guaranteed a reprti etlted; we take liberty bonds; we rel'2T. per cent cheaper than anyone in the business and try and please everybody; we hire by the day, week or month. Phil Suetter, pre., 2H.- Front st HORSES. HORSES. TJ. 8. STABLES. 365 Union ave. South, corner Pt evens eU Just received shipment of 20 horses and marea, weight from LlOO to 17iM y pounds. 4 to 10 years old; all heavy bone and blocky built. We hae them from $200 a span up. Every horse guar anteed aa represented or money refund ed. Call and examine these horses be fore buying G. D. Williamson A Glaaa. SPAN of bay mares, weight 2000 lbs.; right out of hard work, with heavy breeching harness, $150. Span of white mares, work In all harness, weight 1N.".0 lbs., with good harness, $it0. Alao have IT seta of work harness ranging In price from $12 to Ab per set. Aiao wagon and plow. Co lumbia stables, Front and Columbia. BROOD SOWS. Must be aoid at once, 12 brood sows, will larrow soon ; sows and pigs, two heifers. l-ton Republic truck, house hold furniture. Will accept any reason able offer. C. P. Brandon, Sycamore suc tion. Aut. fl4rt-f7. . 9 lIokSKS, weighing 11. Ml to 1300 lbs., from 6 to 0 years old. well broke and gentle ; '.WO-lb. team, harness and farm wagon, $140; also 2 good farm wagns and harness. Hazelwild Fuel Co.. 6t40 Foster rosd, Mt. Scott car. TEAM ii-yc-ai -old Prcneron horsea. weight about 2tHK lbs., well mated and broke gentle, with nearly new 2S-Ineh har-n-as. Price $TT. Keystone tsiables, 381 W a t er St.. cor. Montgomery. KEYSTONE STABLE.S. 20 head horses and mares, weighing 12O0 to 1S0O lbs. 5 to 8 yeara old. Some matched teams, harnepe and wagona. Water Ft., foot of Montgomery. SPAN young Be gisn marea, io. heavy built, weight about 2000 lbs., true and gcnUe. Price $22".. Inquire Feed Barn, Water st.. foot of Montgomery. 34)0-LB. TEAM, true workers and in good shape, ready to work, with good bre.-ch Ing harness, for $...'0. Keystone Stables, 3M Water st.. foot of Montgomery. FOR BALE Team of horses weiRhina S.'iOft lba, aged 4 and ft: sound and true workers; will sell reasonable. 035 E Kelly st. sellwood car. SMALL dairy. 8 cows. est. milk route, all retail customers. Take Etacada car to Wilson station, walk aouth to big red barn. SHOWN Perc heron mare, weight about 1S00 ibs., 8 years old; sell for $lfo. or will buy mate to her. Keystone Ptables. Water st.. corner Mont .rorne-ry. HOLSTEIN Jersey cow. fre-i one week; econd calf; tub. tested. Woodyard, 327 Fmnt street. HOUSES fur sate, hire or exchange. Key stone Stables. 81 Water St., foot Mont- gomery. Phone Mar. Zoia JERSEY COW, fine young d" horned Jer aey cow ; must be sold. Clarke g reso rt o owe, 4tn ni wist at ave., a. i. MUST sell good cow, weens, freh, sec ond calf: eaay Urine. rieH. 2308, 602 Tentno ave. JTOR SALE or trade, team of -yeaf hUrk geldings, weighing 3300 lba Coi 352. ; , FOR SALE Six hores; reasons ble prices. Hoiman Fuel Co.. bsrn E. 0th and Ivon streets $ao BUYS young Belgian mare, weight about lOO loe.. chunky and gentle. 381 Water St.. west sine, COVERED spring wagon. aing!e or double, $25. Clarke's greenhouse, 48th at. and 31st ave, 8. E. VETBRINARIAN. TR. ROWE3. TABOR 6'f.fl FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes and rams. Hoiman Fuel Co., 14 nth et BIO-TEAM young mules; sell cheap. Call at wptlyard. 82T Front street. DEAD horsea arid cattle taken quickly. Phone MHwaukie ffn-J for beat service. H IDES bought or tanned. West Coat Tan nin g ro.. K02 Tenlno ave, Sell. 2308. WANTED To buy a first-clans gaitd saddle horse. F. E. Bowman, Main 3Q26. DEAD horaea and catrle taken quickly. Call dayorJirghL Auto. ft27-U rii ti iia', Org ana and Mimical Inwtrumenta. WAITED To rnt. piano player not over gr. A P 30. Oregon 'an. FOR RENT Orafonolns with late music, $ :t month. Empire Tra nsfer. 254 Bdwy. N W MAHOGANY VICTROLA WITH K ECORDS. $ 1 00 CASH. M A IN 3124. VICTROLA with 25 records for $25. 542 E. Oak East 3542 FOR RENT Fine tune Kimball piano, phone East 'Obi. FOR SALE. Pianos. Orcan and M uwical Instruments. DOWNSTAIRS SCHWAN PIANO CO. $675 Singer upright, mahogany . . . .$25 SA50 Kimball upright. mahogany... ftftOO Bteger. upright, oak' 4''9 405 z'Ji $750 Adam Schaaf player-piano. $900 Steinway A Sons upright.. 1475 Ha.Uet A Davla UDrleht 1U5 iu or c&sn, so " i- mimmr 101 10th 8L, at Washington and Stark. CLOSING OUT; SECURITY STORAGE CO $450 Emerson upright piano $14 $750 Pianista piayer-piano 20 $27d Collard & Collard upright 63 Parlor organs $14 and $23 cash Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 IVth til , cor. Stark, USED PIA? DEPARTMENT. Thta Week's Offerings; Helnze. upright piano ........$193 Hallet A DavU piano .' 2ti3 : Kimball, large, mahugauy &43 Anon, walnut Caah or $5, $d to $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT. J New Brunswick discontinued model 7, mahogany, each ...$ 1V t New Stradjvara Harmony, each.. 1-5 2 New Stradlvara Chopin, each.. 1M 1 Used Victor, nearly new ....... 140 1 .New So nor a Meiodie AO . Prices cash, but you can pay as Itttis as $ or $10 cash and $4, $ or $tt a month if desired. 7th Floor. L1PMAN. WOLFB A CO SA3&PHOXS BARGAINS. Conn C melody, gold trimmed, like new $125 Martin C melody, ellver. like new.. 110 Conn alto, gold trimmed like new . 125 Bu.fet tenor, silver, good -condition. 115 Conn tenor .sliver, like new 125 Buffet baritone, nickel, good condi tion oo Conn baritone, silver, like new.... 150 Hoi ton, ailver, new 60 Hoi ton, silver, good condition 55 Bueycher, gold, excellent condition. fcO King, gold, like new b Yea a standard, silver, good condi tion 50 A number of Conns at from $35 to $U0. Many triers at extremely low prices. Write for our bulletin, just Iseued, of famous Buescher saxophone and band instruments. SEIBRLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4tn St., bet. Wahington and Alder. PIANO SALE, Positively every piano In stock re duced, whether it be a new W used piano. See them and be convinced. Terma given. Fully guaranteed. Fisher upright, a snap $175 luu Hinxe player, new, now u;i 15') Hmze upright, new, now...., 825 Hanlniau. lain mahogany case. ... 81 KiiiKnOury. oak cae 2T5 Franklin, walnut cae 275 Bush Sc Lane piayer, alightly used. 5"0 Marshall Wendell, almost new 3"0 Kicca, mahogany cae 0 errafield, walnut, case 2ti5 And many others. See thm. SE1BEKLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4Lh St., bet. Washington and Alder. USED CORNET SPECIALS. $ 04. 60 York, silver $ 5 $140.00 Holton. gold ....$100 $ tk.00 Conn, silver $ o $101.50 York, silver $ 5 $ b7.50 Conn, silver $ 40 g 04.50 Buescher, silver $ 65. OO $ O5.00 King, silver $ 50.00 All guaranteed, overhauled and steril ized. A good co,je fur eaulu Cash or terma G. F. JOHNSON PI ANO CO., 149 6th St. jNU.LAu BARGAINS IS U.ED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. BRUNSWICK with 10 records $129 VICTOR with 20 records 120 COLUMBIA wltb 15 records 100 PATHS with 10 records 80 COLUMBIA with 10 records 75 STKAD1VARA with 10 records 70 VICTOR with 15 records 60 VICTOR with 5 records 20 $5 or more cash. $4 or more monthly. Bchwan Piano Co.. lol 10th St.. cor. Stk. PIANO HIGH-GRADE SPECIALS. If you want a really hJgh-grado piano at a medium price, don't fall to see the instruments listed below; $1100 Knabe, marl. case, a beauti ful tone $t00 $ 9o0 Chickerins, mah. case, all re finished like new $550 $1200 Chickenng Grand, mah. case practically new) $S00 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th tit. USED SAXOPHONE SPECIALS. $150 Buescher "C" siler 1140 $150 Conn alto, silver ..$125 $215 Conn ' C," gold $LS0 $1V Conn alto, brass $ 65 All guaranteed, completely overha uled and sterllixed. A good case for each. Terms. Q. F. JOHNSON PI A NO CO., 1 4 6t h St. WHAT' HAVE YOU TO TRADE for a Holton trombone or cornet, violin, banjo, guitar, mandolin, clarinet, piccolo or talking machine? Want s h otg u ns or ri fles. or what have you? Will Give or Take Difference. NEWMANS EXCHANGE, 12Q FIRST. HET. ALDER AND WASH. USED PHONOGRAPH SI'ECIALS $:;.17 50 Victor XVI elec, mah $2."rf) $ ::17.50 Victor XVI eieo., oak. .$225 $115.00 Brunswick, mah $ 00 $115 Brunswkk. oak 65 $75.00 Columbia, mah $ 35 Othr box Columbias at $U75o and $40. Call at our atore and see our full line. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. USED PIANO SPECIALS. Bradbury piano, mah.. in a good plain ease. $2'J5. A SchulhMr. In walnut case at $245. J. & C. Fischer in nah. case at $275. A real bargain In a Hallet A Davis piano, mah. cae. plain, $(0. Terms on thet-e pianos many others at our store. G. P.-JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. KIMBALL PIANO. NEW. Regular $0."o new Kiml ll piano, oak or mahogany case, at the special price of $300; terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St., between Wash ington and Atder KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO. NEW. Regular $S50 new Kimball piayer piano, in oak, walnut or mahogany, at the special price of $525; terms given. Seiherllng-Lut as Music Co., 125 4lh St., between Washington and Alder HADDORF I'PRIGHT. Tis always been in private handa; Is not ruated, will be glad to show U. oak finish. Tabor 7S17. ALL USED piayea roll prices reduced to 25c. Values up to $. Harold S Gtiber. 834 Yamhill st. Pianos sold, rented, re paired -y $.'0 BUYS fin menojtany player piano, perfect condition; price Include 60 rolls oest music, b.nch and stOoL Aj 45; uregonmn. PUi Mil! A PH REPAIRING. Anv make, guaranteed workmanship OniKo.llnr.l lira Mlitip "o. . 1 1!5 4th st bet. Washington and Aider. Main 8 ., COLUMBIA (,;raphono'.a, best of condition, $75. See this bargain, Selberllhg-Lucas Music CO., 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Aider 1 1 A N O TUNING AND R EPA I RING. Expert workmanship, guaranteed work. Main 8586. fiejberling-Luras Music Co., 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. BRUNSWICK phonograph fur aie cheap. Sellwood 214.4. ""Furniture for Sale. YOtT CAN" DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNI TURE FOR NEW. We wilt make you s liberal al lowance fer your o!d furniture In trade for new and if desired make term v to suit your convenience. SoiWr-body can use the pieces you do not want. MISH FUR NT TURK CO., Ib8-ll0 FIRST STREET. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department if you want to buy or-eell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and refinlshlng. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. 53 4th st.. opp- Multnomah hoteL Phone Broadway 3715. WILL sacrifice following articles: Beautiful Circassian walnut dresser and dressing table, 1 sectional bookeane, I china closet. 1 Ho-inch light oak dining table and 7 leather chairs. 1 library table. 1 fire screen, oak serving table, lady's desk and chair, cream ivory, almost new elec tric vacuum sweeper and all equipment, pictures and other articles. 585 Marshall street. Phone Hrotidway 4247; 1 MAJESTIC steel range. 1 Vulcan gas range. 1 iron bed, springs and mattress, 1 walnut bed, 1 grass rug 0x12. 1 Wil- ' ton rug 0x12. 1 gas heater, 1 commode, 1 kitchen cabinet. 617 Holly at., 1 bik. sout h of Pit h and Hawthorne. LEAVING CITY Some bargains for some one. Piano, phonograph and everything. Come prepared for you will want to take advantage of this epportuuity. Call 756 Srhuvler. East 5253. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on vour freight In our through cars; fireproof Morage. C. M. Olson Tra nsfer A Storage Co., 248 Pi ne st. FOR SALE One minute electric washer. Vacuum cleaner and other articles of furniture, all In firt-elss condition, owner leaving cit 1156 E. Salmon sta FOR SALE A. n. combination gas range, jood as new. $90. Phone Sellwnod 32. Addrepg 11"0 Boise at. Woodst nek car. 2 A R.M chairs, small table, sweeper, baby b-d 228 71st. SACRIFICE First-class furniture, 4 rmi. Woudlawh 6202 after 0 P. AL FOR SALE. Office Furniture. JUST IN Six flat-top oesns. 8 roll-top desks, 2 uat-top typewriter u drup-bead typewriter deaka, 2 bookkeep ers' desks. So chairs, 4 drawers, .eiur flies. BtTSHOXO A CO.. 01 Par k St. t SAVINGS IN DESKS We tiavo new d--ks and office tables, slightly flawed la manufacture, w nich we sell direct to consumer. We make fine defka exclusively, los styles. Ore gon Tab:e Co., Lust Ht. BEFORE .purchasing new or second-hand oesKS. cnaira. ius or saics. v salesrooms and Inspect wnat wa have to fiCPTHE IRWIN-HODSON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT., 10TH AT STARK. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCT ET MACHTNES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS, . ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington Su Main 5081. REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repaint gupoll. Distributors Corona Sort able. &uhitrand. adding machines, lain K. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth street. . ALL MAKES adding machines and comp tometers repaired by factory expert P. R. Mah one y. 3S4 Stark at. Bdwy. 11 i'8. UN DER WOOD typewriter, $45, $15 down, 4xa montn. Empire Transfer, 254 Broad way UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters, $3 month. 'Empire Traoafer, 254 Broad- way. Bdwy. i.. REPAIRS, rent; buy. aell; supplies. Type writer In spection . o. . -hj in . ALL MAKEa rented and repaired, iregon Typewriter Co.. 04 5th st. Main 3t;o3. NEW rebuilt second -hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark at. Main 1407. UNDERWOOD. No. 4. in good condition, ili Rwllwnv Exch. bldg. L. C SMITH, good condition, cheap. Ap- piy Broadway Poult r . 150 YOUNG White Lenhorn hens, good layers. Hogani2ed stock, $1 each; fine colored K. 1. Red pullets, reaily to lay, $2 each. J. R. .MaRuire, 7S7 Oiegon lU, near East 24th and Sandy. I-OULTRYMEN. attention! Wheat $40 ton, straw $10. Baae Line road. Tabor mi :. 3. . PULLETS for sjle rea so n a hie. Wdln. 1423. " Kens and Barrels, KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co.. 800 N. 14th St.. Dear Petty it rove. Phons A 510-10. DoC, Kabbita, Birds and PctStoclu CHESAPEAKE BAY retriever pup. 4 months old; make fine duck dog. J. L Magulre. 7S7 uregoa SL., near 24th ana isanny. FOR S ALE Bull pup and mother dog. all fox terrurrs. For information call Eaat 5305. VOIi Stl.K French bull ourtDv: blue rib bon itoi k; sired by champion Bonnie Boy. Eat 74-. a mi .toss st. WANT to buy, broken or partly broken male pointer setter. Call Tabor 125. 147 i 21t t. T TEN RABBITS for aaie or will exchange for R. I. Red, Barred Rock or Buff ur- p i n gt o n-y ou. L. d st.. ne a rjr o w vii . . fcKINa and furs tanned. West Coat Tan nin g Co., SQ2 T nlno ave. Se 1 1. 2 10 8. T HuHO U GHBH ED pointer lor sale cheap. Good hunt.?r. Phone East 2HltL FoK SALE Irish spaniel pup, rat t-aii. Call Air. Haines, Alain 3020. BOSTON puppies, 1 weeks old, $J5 to $(.. Auto. iIJ.-40. Boats, Launrtiei andJVlrlueJEyuipiiieut, FOR SA LE One of the most attractive houseboats on the river; completely or Darually furmetieu; terms. aen. or Bdwy. 434S. DEEP SEA gas boat in fine mechanical conditio-. .0 n. p.. Frisco Dtanuara. a d rew Kuljls, Ta bur 7 1-4 DEEl'-SEA gas boat in fine mechanical condition. 50 h. p., r nsco stanuaia. Andrew KuIJls, Tabor 7124. Coal and Wood. iiiir.n FOR TWO LOADS 810.50, Block and slab mixed ; first growth anr.ti.n,l is Der cord: 2d growth cord- wood, $7.50 per cord; country siab. $6 per cord. Wooniawn DIRECT from the forest by truf:k. south side delivery, good measure No 1 old growtn fir, $7 75 a cord. 3 or more cords. $7 50. I'none ain iyu-. i-o i- i ks r-CLASS cordwood. $8; oak and ash, $ 10 50; delivery Kenton, Woodlawn and Piedmont. St. Jonng. &. k. iiowen. phone 016 Y, route 2. Vancouver. aah. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springs, Royal, Owl Craek coal. Standard Brick A Tlie Co.. 3 5th su, between toUark and Oaa. Phone Broadway 18. t CTkY FIRST-GROWTH fir and oak. dry piling wood, green amos and block m i xcd. lmnu d i atede 1 1 v ery. Wdln. 2010. ' WOODSAVV. When wanting your wood aawad call Kelly. E. tJH4U. 100 CORDS or Dig, rougn. anuLty wowa, per load or half cai's to apartment houses. Phone 019-S4. UltoUND HoG fuel and sawdust In car loads or truck lota WesLerp Cooperage Co., Columbia 52. 1 CORD WOOD and block and slab de livered from car; fcpecial price. East L(0 4 1 . N a on iU "Hr.VVVnOD AND SLABWJOD. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co.. 12tll Macadam. Phone M a 1 n 117$ FIRS T -G R O VV T 1 1 cordwood. S per cord, ...: an.a'hiN Willi. ''.'til: OLD-URO W TH best fir. No. 1. 4-fuot. $8 per c-ord; lu-in. per cord. Wdln. 623. OLD-uROWTIi cordwood, $7 75 first aone. promut dehxery. Wdln. tilTO. JJhV COUNTRY slab wood, short luside l. locks and rail ti-s Marshall 2643. A-l CORDWOOD de.. $S a cord, on east aid and S. K. only. C39-S3. BEST first-gru lb tic oorawd. $8 per cord. Scliwood 314. WOOD for sale. $S..V, $ and $7.50 cord. first-class. Tabor 3561. WEST SIDE FUEL CO. WOOD A N D COA L. BDWY. 203. BETsTold-growth cordwood. IS per cord; g reenslab. $5 75. Broadway 4110. iThY C iUNTR Y slab, first growth fir, $7 and S a cord. Call Aut. 632-71. FOR SALE Dry cord wood. $7 per cord; delivered In 2-cord lots. Wd:n, 6.'. 12. ' Ma blnerj. 1 1--HORSEPOW ER. single phase electric motor, in excellent condition. Just the thing- for gwrage; $75, or wiil exchange. Y o i. uregonian 1 iaeelluneoua. ND'KLE-PLATED foldjng music rack. 2 pickle kegs, 3 egg cases with fillers. Fast 7045. . ' HUi H - CLAS used clothing bouu ht and old; aunts' or indies', phone Euat 5U20 or call W27 K. Hoyt - LADIES' GOOD-LooKlN(.J used anparrl In a home. Reason; ble pnces. Ta bu225. SHOWCASES. r-'plslers, scales, meat sllcrr. 146 Washington at. sTlNGER fcewina iiiach i lie-, drop-head, good aa new, $50. S-H. ulnS. tiK SALE Counter and set of snelves. 24 E nt Kli.mcswo rt n a e. noiiiawn o.i . . WILL sel m v neauiliui mina coat ir 225; pracjb a 1.1 v. new. fa 1 1 Ta b. .r 15J. SM A LI . genuine mink shoulder cape and utllow muff, in Tood condition. E. 79 45. ONE ON E-GA LLON gasoline pump, A-l co n d i -ao n . A u t . 2. -0. ... KLKCTHIG washing machine cheap; fore noons and evenings. Al h r. B1S. M KE vour own drinks; for supplies, Portland TteverBgft Supply Co . 4:11 Sinrk. vVTTorV'iieHtlng stove. No. IS Dash, nick 16 trimmings, $S. Fhone 310 55. $45 NKW BROWN silk dress, $20. Main 4 25. . . CH I LI 'S cot and Oriole baaket, perfect condition. 871 6th at. Hl'MW hnlr gwitrhes. R. F Pierce. Killings worth. Woodlawn 4.0. fTTr SALE Trunk with trays. 626 E. Main st yo K SALE Cash register. Safe, adding machine, showcase, 43 jtst , near Ash. Tvi wa1EFIELD baby carriage for $25. K ever."i ti ie ' 11 r 1 SLCOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pac if i c Tfi.t & Aw nj ng Co.,' No. 1 lat at. EVER YTB I NO electrical repaired ; quick se rv ice , lo wc h a r g y s.Phon e Blwy.un 3. liLBCTRTc fixtures fnr 5 rooms, $15. 307 C h a mbef o t J IJ? !: B 1 0 s 1 a J ' 3. STAR A STAR" shtncles direct from'miJ.. Call Taylor-street dock. Alain 8065. SC R e'EN doors, windows, mirrors, furni ture repairing, cabinet work. Wdln. 14h7 BAFE. t ire-proof, combination lock. 70 .sixth street, near Oak. rtl'TO wood saw, be t in city to 4) 20(1 Oall Wooniawn t.--" BOTTLES, barrels, stoneware, corks, etc. VAULT door, second-hand. 70 Sixth at., near Osk. BEAUTIFUL black bear kln rug, excel lent c n n d i t ion . Tahor (is 5. FOl R Jox:t t I'nlversal tire fillers. In- 1 tiire zju MB'it e MALT arups anl supplies. Portland Bev- rtrrtge supply ' Q-. i-w Mrs aK SA LE --iHrland range w ith gas plate, nnd gas heater. 22K 71st. BPOWN mahoganv tea car, with plate gins tray. Krnanwa? ONE NO 30 10 element Humphreys ra diant fire.. Call 824-80. BK1CK far sale for ceaspools. Col. for rr Mihcelluneous. FOR SALE 2x4, 26, 2xH. 2x10 and shiplap; 3x12 and 4x12 plank: timber any length to K ft.; trusses ii.i ft. long for less than the iron coat; all goes tor less than half price; wood cut from 3x12 and 4x12 plunk: bhM-k wood cut from heavy ttm . b.-r. See Walker. Coast bhipyard. Main 7:.0. 5o.0on HOSE buwhea, shruts, fruit trees, berry plants and flowering plants at sale prices until October 20; free de livery in Portland. We plan and plant; estimates free. Phone us; we do the reel. Portland Rose Nursery. 12 Division "t.. one door weat of United Artisan home. Thone Auto. H36-70 US&D UFFICE FURNITURE. We have junt purchHsed a large num ber of typr. desks, typr. chairs, tables, flies, flat-top desks, etc. all in perfect condition and almost new. Pee these before you buy. D. C. Wax Office Eqp., 24 North 5th. Broadway 27:19. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Complete line of parta for all makea; - machlnea repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, MAIN V431. 190 Third St.. near Taylo THE FOLKS back home will cherish and appreciate a aeuvenir from Oregon. Snd them something useful as well aa beautiful. Oregon agate Jewelry mount ed In solid gold. A wond?rful selection to choae from. Moderately priced. Miller, next door to th eM a J est ic theater. ROUND SHEET STEEL U. 8. army heating stoves, 2M-lnrh di ameter, suitable for large warehouses, etc; will lake 4-foot wood; price $15. MAY HARDWARE CO., 124 FRONT ST. V.'HY A substitute roofer? Why not a genuine ana permanent roofer 7 We re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all tinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs. Phone Broadway 70. A CATERPILLAR TRACTOR. $TOO for a 12-20 Cleveland tractor, lust overhauled and In f irst -class condition. Reason for selling, have no use for It. If inte-ted rail at 401 Swetland bldg. F Is. HLANCHARD, MnrshaM H2ft. A- B. GAS RANGE Leg bae, iae oven. glitss door, self lighter, fine corn it ion. $40. Jacobean tapestry upholetered . settee, like new. $15. Large oil paint ing Mt. Hood. $20, or trade for dresser. U oodlawn 5S2. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof aafea. new and second-hand, at right prions bought, sold and exchanged ; easy toi ms If de sired. NORRI3 SAFE & LOCK CO... 105 Second st. Alut. 2"4. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Ouly genuine watch material used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and opticians 343 Washing ton St.. at Broadway. LOT WATER TANKS." 30 gal., $7740 gal. $0; tested, guaranteed; stove and fur nncg coils, heaters Installed; plumb ing, fcast tide welding snop, dij au aaia. E. S:,t. 2t DROPHEAD sewing machine. $12 50 to I4.i : tSiuaers. New Homes. Whites, W. W.; all niukes machines rented and repaired K. K. Steeu, lo2 U.aud ave. East 2H50. OK APES CONCORD GRAPES. Place orders now; picking starts Oc tober 1. Write, phone. Grebe Fruit farm. 40th and King sis.. Milwaukee, or. WOMEN'S auith, coata, dresses, skirts and blouses at Peterson's, second floor. Pil lock block. This week we are ahuwtng some wonderful spec lata. LADIES, the Vogue has suits, coata. fall hula, dresses lor every occasion, new and alight lv um--. 403 AUskv bldg., 3d and ,ii rri.n i 4th ilnor. Alain. 3132. DUCK HUNTERS C ha new for 2 sports men to Join our duck club; best lake on Sauvlca island; lot of birds. BF 34, oregonian. FERTILIZER for sale, well rotted cow munure, full measure guaranteed; deliv ered in a ny part of the city. Phone Wdln. 6233. MRS. S. W. HERMAN, apparel shop latlies' and gents" clothes bought, sold and exchanged; best Trices. 2M '4j Park St., near Jefferson. Marshall 1000 COMPUTING SCALES, cash register, cof fee nil. Is, meat choppers and general store f-xiurea at 226 btark St., Dei west, . Fi.-at aud Second ts. il l. t I' be sold at once. 5 antique Turkish ruKs; one carpet run; also antique solid mahogany da en port and 2 elegant an- t iq'io mirrors. Phone Main 2076. 1 "STANDARD" computing scales, new; tvt $250, $150 terms. $135 cusli, or exchange for cash register; 1003 Vernon ave. Woodlawn 37 m?. FOR SALE R-'guuers. fountain, popcorn machine, floor csss, meat si icer, num ber of other fixtures, sacrifice prices; cash, credit. 210 Salmon. COMPLETE restaurant fixtures In storage; no ctish offer refused. 522 N. 24th st See Mondary and Tuesday from 2 to 6 P. M. . TWO men's suits, dark gray and dark blue, atxe, 38; also Oxford gray overcoat, satin llnrd, in splendid condition; also 1 a dies' $ i 0 coat for $ 1.V Tabor 873 6. GAS RANGE and double bras coil. At snape, for $40 cash. Call Monday. 255 Hooker st. . COLUMBIA river salmon, fresh erv morning, for canning; dellvored lOo per pound. Wdln, 4:tl)7. 1'iLiwS can oa permanently cui ed witiiou: operation. Call or writs Dr.- Dan Second and Alorrlaon. Fo K SA LE Bosch high-tenjion magneto. t pe D-N -4 ; price $.5. 117a E, Cilntoa at. Phone 'lalur 2H25., DlKB LD sales, new and second hand : special prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 4fi rront St. uroauwa imdo, LICENSED independent electrician wirea S rooms for $12. 5 fr $20. guaranteed IO pa" ni',ri. uii. - " " n o " 1. IF YoU apprtJiate splendid watch repair ing or Jewelry repairing, see Millar, nuxt door 10 A!H.ifi:c meater, ATTENTION Furs, sums and hldat bought or tanned. West Coast Tanuiug BENT .auip shades, panels, cgnvtx aula lenses. windsill.-lUs. Port. Art Glaes Co., 543 M adlson, cor l . tn. Main wjwj HUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet wmther; aiao vacuum ciea nlng done. Eaat 4043 FoR R fa-NT Electric vacuum cleansra, 24-hour day, ttOo; delivered, guarauieed good condition Woodlawn 125P. DInTng cabinet. Columbia graionula with recorda for ale cheap. Call at 560 E. Here h st. NorLh. LADY S Brl'M'lid nny blue trlcotine coat suit in good condition, eiae 40 Wi.l rea.-onails. Automatic 831-70. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Randy. 320 Wafchmgton -l FOB MLEArTOMOBILK, T020 FORD roadster, the best of condition, cannot be told from new ; $375, easy terma. Universal Car Exchange, Grand ave. and K. Yamhill ; west-side branch. Broadway and Hoyt. Open Sundays and evening!. . 1120 FORD roiidia'.er, looks like new, won- derful mechanical condition; $360. eaey terms. Universal" Car Exchange, Grand ave. and E. Yamhill; west-side branch, Broa'dway and Hoyt. Open Sundays and ev-ninrs. 120 FoRD sedan now $55, looks and runs like new. Universe Car Exchange, Grand ave. and E Yamhill; west-side branch Broadway and Hoyt, Open Sun rlnjf and evenings. GARAGE MEN. For a short time we will rehore cylin ders In your own shop without removing block for $15 per set. Phone Vancouver 226, or Tn bor 676 AUTO TOPS RE-COVERED. Curtains mad" and repaired, your ruhiou mad like new; B. B. Body A Top Works. 315 Williams ave. E. 1106. FoR SA LE 102t Ford coupe, good con dition. $200 worth extras. This la a good buy at $425. Cail Nirth. Chester oury hotrl.o r Hrna dway 13 hi I. ioT'0STF.l'H ENS roadster, new paint, new Tir'. In 1 trst-cUsa cond It ion. If you are looking for a good car call Bo sell, Bdwy. 30OO for demonstration. 7j0 Ft OA DST E R, new paint, good Urea, has been overhauled throughout. A real snap. Small payment down. Call I'rops Bdwy. 3io6 81 50 DOWN, ba.anco on ean terma will buy a late model Oakland 6 touring car. Hit a been overhauled throughout Call Bos-ell, Bdwy. 8606. EaTE model Bui'k; new ton, new paint, nearly new tires; car looks and runs like ro-w; a bargain at $10i5. Call my rea.. Tabor 1-12. 1010 BU1CK touring, haa Just been over hauled, gnod Urea. Some buy at the price askd. Easy terma Cal! Box HI, Bdwy. 3 01 ; ft .. . , BtlS STUDEBAK ER. 6-cyl., 7-pa km , newly " painted. good tires. first -class me chanical condition ; price $3000: terms. Broadway 2615. , jlSOLUTELY new 1021 Srudcbaker light six at bargain price. Main 113. Mr. Buckley. cTf EVROLET touring car, completely oerhauled. In flrst-rlnsa running con dition. Call Tabor 0405. AN YON E purchasing a new Olds mobile 1 anv model), tan save $50 by calling Mr 'Pearsnn. Main 327. 505 Morgan blilg. WE TEAR 'em up and aell the picva. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 581 Alder, 11th. Broadway 0254 I'll 7 H UPMoBI LE, A-l condition ; new PHlnt. w4 rubber: $350 cash or terms. (lvn'r, MMIwooq i CARS WANTED 828 Everett, west side, rnr 6th and Everett. Day phone Bdwy. 2 3 20. Nig ht ph o ne Wdln. 5164. FARTS Orgon Auto Wrecking Co., 428 Belmont, near Sixth FOR SAI.B A UTOMOBILKH. DOES IT PAY.TO BE HONEST? Our observations lead ua to hi Hove that honesty can be heavily capitalized and made to piy unusua I profits. As an example; Jut suppose that there are 100 men who are all In the market for uaed cars. Ten of them, who never k-pt posted on curent events and local conditions, who never rend the newspa per advertisements or take the advU-o of friends, who will w under aimlessly ground and pick up something from any individual owner or S'-cond-hand car dealer. The other 00 will come directly to an organtnstion such as the Covey Motor Cur Co. phint and select from their Immense stock of rebuilt, re fin ished and guaranteed motor cars an au tomobile carrying the highest possible value because of its highest possible quality and Its lowest possible price. Although w-e claim that the rebuild ing and reftntshlnt of used motor cars as produced by the company has now become an art and ceased to be a trade. It is quite evident that the doping of used cars by irresponsible Individuals haa developed its artiMtic side as well. Yea we fel that it pnys to he hon-at. These PO satisfied buyeri will each produce a t least two more purchnsera pr year, and as a result 270 cars will have been sold through the honesty of purpose that originally convinced the first 00. The Irresponsible fellow makes ft seemingly larger profit on each sale, but a distant Isfied purchaser will keep ten good pros pects awny from his door. tion travels with the speed nnd fury of the hurricane, conirt' ntlsfactton is portrayed In quiet cumulative happincas; It produces th smiles tluttomake ihoee coming In contact with you ask ques tion. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 1016 Dodge Brothers touring $ 5?3 1W17 Dodge Brothers touring 6.50 1018 Dodge Brothers roudatvr and touring 725 1TMS Dodge Brothers sedan 1150 1020 Dodge Brothers touring and roadtter 800 1020 Dodge Brothers touring and roadster 000 101ft Liberty sport model 1150 1016 Twin Six Packard lnndnulctte 2750 loli) Hudson llmouHtn1, in fine con dition, a wonderful laxicab. 1020 Overland "4" sedan 101S Overland "Oft" touring lol!) Peer lei's 8 touring, only...; 1'ilS Scripps-Booth coupe 1020 OhUmolnle "S' touring,,.. 1010 OldsmoMte ' touring.... 1 ! 1 S Oldstnolnle "S" touring.... 700 425 1475 13 50 12 .Ml 050 650 450 101S OidsnioMIe "s" touring.... 3020 Oldsmohile "6' touring. . 1110 Olrlsmobilo '6" tourlna.. 050 000 1!20 Chandler, good conUtllon. snap lloo 3IG7 CuaiidbT coupe 050 BUS Chandler touring, new lircs... 750 1010 Chandler 7-pass., very good... 5oo 1010 H.iynea touring, only 1500 1020 Haynes touring 3000 1015 Stutivbaker touring, to be aold na is 150 1017 Studebaker 4 touring 205 1018 studebaker coupe, a real buy at fioo 1010 SturlebHker big six, -pass. . 1475 1010 Studebaker "4. . .. 1017 Maxwell touring . . . 1010 .Maxwell roadster... 300 400 102O Maxwell sedaa, an excellent car for 1020 King 1020 Chevrolet 400 sedan lion 1 :.i 7oo ? 47T, r.oo 375 350 6' 0 400 373 325 1020 Chevrolet roadster In fine shape 1020 Chevrolet touring 101O Chevrolet touring ,101ft Chevrolet touring 1121 Ford coupe 1020 Ford touring 1020 Ford roudatei body with delivery 101S Ford bug 101 7 Ford coupe 1015 Lexington touring 1014 naklnnd touring, a dnndy car 101 6 Franklin 4-panMig. r, acrlea "0-A." uiidrorlced and an ex 700 400 cellent car for 1020 Franklin touring.. 1010 Bulck roadster 1020 Buick 7-pusaetiKfr . 1020 Rnick 5-pansenger. . 1150 1 7o0 1 100 1250 11S5 1 50 iimi tiiummy Stulz. car wonderful Moile "N" Hupmobile flouring 1012 51 m r i o n roadster 750 1IMI 1020 Hudson speedst r. . . . 1500 DELIVERY CARS. 1010 Dodge Brothers screen, an ex cell, nt car 101. S f Kpflge Brothers panel, In good shape 101ft Buick delivery 1010 Ford dellverv CADILLACS 823 T73 300 300 For w-nter driving, for safety, com fort, ease of operation and the mutual satisfaction Hint you have found the greatest possible value In a high-grade motor car. make your selection from one of our used, rebuilt, reflnlbhed and guar llteed Cadillacs. ALL CARS GUARANTEED AND SOL- ON EASY TERMS. WE ARE OPEN SUNDAY. COVEY MOTOR. CAR COMPANY. Slat at Washington Sit., Main 6244. Alao n big display nt the new Broad way salesroom down town. Ca II at the s.t lesroom moid convenient for you. Our automobile transportation niuk 1 tt quiekly possible for you to look over 0 entire stork. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. L1S :1" N. Broadw ay. Alain 6J4 4 BARGAIN S U . E CAItS V N D V K U.C b S. 107 NORTH ELEVENTH WKS'i PH N E RK'OA DWAY 537S. Wonderful X'nlues. Terms and Trad. Ill I.-!i i.V SI'iillSTEH. STI DEBXKEK B1U SIX. . I'PEPSON 8 STVNDAltD 8. v ELI E. PAITERPON. New 1 i'n bv, 1. at big discount. Al. C. and Nash trucks feed t Turks way under market. H.L V. CON A NT, B7 North Eleventh nrn,1vHV X.l'A or Marsha II 301. WHY BUY from a dealt T Mild pay two price. A real bargain by owner for I t75 in a late '10 model Ford delivery. Cur is In good condition; $125 will handle, balance on easy terms. See car for dmonttriitlon at Russell-st. garage Sun day afternoon, between 1 P M. and 5 P. M. On w eekdaysnfter 6 P. Al. ifiEDAN Ona of the dullest light ones in town, has wire wheels, good rubber. Looks and runs like new. Very die a p. Sm.t II pn v mcnt don n. balance easy term s. ' jH P o k eL n ilny .3 60 rt W ' CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tuhei. Fota parts, light globes, etc. Also do towing. Open day and DlghL LONG A SILVA, Phone East 6S40. 462 Hawthorns. CHEVROLET touring, overhauled, good tires new top, n-i uet sell. $75 down. $25 Ecr month. 637 E. tJMh at N Phone Ta o 5MP Block sout h of S ui lv hlvd. EARLY 1U20 Pa tterputi chummy roadntr to trade for bu1ne.s. soit drinks or pool room preferred. Box 267. Camas. Vih, 101 h l m iDGIi roadster, mechanically o er hauled. 5 oern;ae cord Mien, Alemlte system, spotlight' and other extrfc- n oK. i Fo R SA LE Cadillac roadster ; the pret tlest r.'adstcr in town. 203 E. 16th N. Pvn Et 053 $r5"6 WILX- handle 1020 Ford coupe; extra equipment. Phone East 4030 or Alain 6 350 nno LIBERTY s.x, new paint. Cord tires, will sell on terms or will tr.ide for real " f at", f'n 11 N t a n 7 0 7j r T b o r J Vr- s M UT sell at once, 1010 Buick 6 touring ; splendid condition throughout; take Ford 367Htark st, MoDEL Oh iVERLA N D The best buy In town today. Call Euat 3"2 or Mar shal 1 3 53 0e ven Ings. PA'KARD Fln Six, 17, i-pM'-senaer. Mir-g-st burgain In Oregon; must sell. 415 William ya v c iTVnYsi N "super six. nely painted, perfect meehatilcal condition; price $550, terms. Broadway 2045. 4. 'A S S ifN G K R STUT Z Excellent condi tion. Must be sold. See Geppert at Auto Rst gsrn re. M a, I n 3237 . 10 'o"cTlEVROLET. nw Urea, car In per fect condition; will sacrifice fjr $423 and gi v- terms E 42J 6 rwOOl'DrW N "spee.lsler. some cash, bal ance terms; has new top and In perfect mechanical shape. Tabor 7M7, Full H M.K. DO I 'G W ToURING CAR. TA I" H 1220, REAL BUY in litis Chevmlet, all new rubber In perfect shape; easy terms to r.-n po nnibje p.rty. C,. E 1H TJ7rs7l7Trll 1020 Chevrolet, an p'llecl shape; price right; on easy term. Call East L4on. . Hi 10 BUICK road Ml er. excel lent condition i used only on paved road. Piioue owuer, MHrs h J 6 1 7 1 V A P t 1017 STUDEBA K ER 4. Just overhauled ; $300, terma. Call Westeuberger, Broad way 136 1017 Al ITCH EL touring, must be cinf ; $ 5o. 7H Kenrney at, TRM'E 10(0 Fold touring for what have you ? Ta bor IQliO. $050 HUDSON Supor-Slx. good condition! Pioneer Garage. Sell. 272. FOltD touring $275; worth more. S-e King. 4o 4 Common wealth b Id g. l Jin- BRISCOE. $350, some buy. Audi- torl u r n g a r a g eJ 2 1 tl 2 d s t . WILL TRADE my car for furniture K a at JT 430. i 101kTkHoE car. Will take Ford and cash, Tabor 1366 .. STt'DED A K E 14 chummy roadsier; an ex- cept I o nal bu v f r $1 5i iAt a inl 4 7 6. pRA'TtR'ALLY new Mit hu touring nr. Price $750. Broadway 4747, Aland. y FTiTt 1 sdarT a50 ; good cond It Ion and extras; Columbia 273. X01 S Fo UD touring In fine cond i t lnn will be sold r heap, terms, i 'all East 303. CA IG LLAC, 7-pas., splendid cihdition P h me E a Mt 4 1 1 0 FORD coupe, late 1020 model, for sule by owner. East 2471. Mrs .Miller. FORD touring car body, cheap, lams ave. East 1108. 345 Will-