THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. SATURDAY, SEPTE3IREU 24, 1921 17 lOR H4I.K. rurnitur for bale. TOTT CAN DO TIETTEf AT MI8H rCKXI'IlKK CO. Trade iv Torn or-n furni- TL'KK FOB .NEW. W will miik you a liberal al lowance for your old furniture In trad for new and If deairetl mak terms to ault your convenience. Homebody cau UM 111 pise you do not want. MI8H Ft RNTTl'R PI CO., laa-lUO tlrlbX sJTrlEIST. Offir Furnltur. BfJYEng OF OFFICE FURNITURE. W have a laraa ituck of both new fad iisid furniture. Here are some bar gain in oaed equipment: I tmlniton typewriter. fiO. Monarch Kenunrton, fjo. liurroughs a bank, column, very 1st at model, almost new. II In. Mlmiun raphe, and $00. M0 Hundy time docks. lon. lMctBDhona machines, each S7.V Theae are In perfect condition. See He before you buy. I. C. WAX OFFICE EQUIP. HOl'SB. , z, Mvrtn Firth at. Hroadway 2 7 an. )L8T l. hix flat-top oeaaa. t roll-to daaka, 2 flat-top typewriter desks, 2 drop-head typewriter draka. 2 bookkeep er' deaka, Stf cnalra, drawer, tatter tllea BP'HONO at CO . 91 Park gt. SAVINGS IN liKHKS. We have new deaka and office table. lightly flawed In manufacture, which we setl direct to consumer. We make fin desks exclusively. 108 styles. Ore- aon Tahla Co.. Kat R.i:I. aJKOfi& purchasing new or second-hand deaka, chalra. files or aafea, vlalt our alaarooma and Inapect wuat w bav to ffer. THE IRWIN-HODSOS CO., TTRN ITL'R E DEPT.. 1UTH AT STARK. ftCL,lD oak swivel offlc chair. Black leather bacK ana cuanion, oil tor- bett bint Ty pew liter. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. XHH BEST IN TYPEWK1TBK3. ALL MAKE!). rttON-CLA D GUARANTEE. TALL, OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICK LIST. THE WHOLKHALK TYPEWRITER CO., t:i WaiMmton bt. Main 6681. HE EBTJILT typewriter, all tnakea. rentals, repair, supplies. Dlatrlbutora Corona portable, bundstrand. adding machlnea. re puriBDt.- ouiiu,ii,iiu suum iiihcii int-p. Main JWSS. E. W. I'.as Co.. 11U biztb U ALL UAKE8 addina machlnea and' comp tometer repaired Dy lactory expert, tr. R. Mahoney. J"4 Stark at. Bdwy. 11118. IMjERWOOU typewriter. IIS. IIS down, ,4 a montn. r.myir xranaier, dot xsroaa way. LNUERWOOD and Remington typewriter. fj montn. empire iransier, no uroaa w ay. Hd w y. loo. tXDRWOOU typewriter. No. 6, and a food typewriter desk. 4-I.1 Davis st. itEPAIKS, rent, buy, sell: supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 ritark. M. 634U ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon f US f.lh ( Main UtlilU J,tW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rate. P. U. Co.. 231 mark st. Alain 14ut. ! C. SMITH typewriter. No. fi, good COQ- nilion. frt.T cash, alar. 1-E.Ml.NOTuN typewriter. No. 10, Juat tike new, in. Marshall nn.n. Poultry. rOULTKVMKX, attenllonl Wheat $40 ton. straw 10. loir JJas Lin road. Tabor WI33. H CHOICE Mallard ducks for decoy; orner oon. rnone uresnam in. Keg and Barrel. XEOS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co.. sua IN. 14th St., Beer l'ttyrov. I'hon A ftlB-lU. 11ARKEL8 for sale, all aizrs, at S2i Lar- rabe atrret. Call Bast Ml !, KabblU, II Ira and I'et Stock. GOOD duck !ak for rent on Pauvle's laland, Columbia river side. Call ti fcaat Pin st., after ;40 P. M. lOR SALE Registered white Collie fe male, beautiful ana Kind, usea to cnil dren. J. C. J.emon, full north "New berir. Phone InVi. liOMTON puppies 'of flneat pedigreed Diood. call at iruriens. " js. utn. near Waverly golf links, l'hone Main VHX r"OR KAI.K Hull pup and mother dug. all fox nerrlers. For Information call Vast 6 80S. I1X1HA aood d.!coy duck, ft. 7.1 each. In quire Buningtun store. Mrs. . o. wiser, l.lnnton. Or. . its I1AUUITH for aale or will exchange for R. I. Red. llarred Rock o Huff or- pington.-. oo7 K. -d St.. near Powell. a KINS and furs tanned. West Coaat Taa ping Co.. aw Tanmo ave. cell, aau. tHuKOUUH UUEI pointer for aale cheap. Onod hunter. Phnne Kaat JRI. .OLlSll setters for sale, one femai. on male. Tabor , iuK fcALE Irish spaniel puppy, rat Ull. (ail Mr. Halnea, .Main anju. lialAL TIFI I. Harts mountain rollers; guar- ant'-ed from I mporten stork. Kast fl.tMti. yon HAI.E luo Niw Zealand rabbits. nimn it n iv. w. r,. XIK SALE Canary blid with cage. e.U. .vvj Kearney at. ikl'LLKU canarlea from Imported alock. nM Kaat 4'itn st. w. raior am. ilOHTON terrier puppiea, 7 weeka old. Hi to its Auto. , aiuata, Launrhc and Marin KquJpmcnT, lOK SALE .Modrrn houaeboat of five rooma, o. i uregon lacnt club, citv water, gas, electricity, etc. beparate fuel house. A comfortah! and economi cal horn. Call or phon Sunday or evenings. rienwona 7,. BARGAIN, easy terms, modern houseboat. furnlshsd, !M Oregon Tacht club. Phon weekdsys after P. M. Bell. .2438; bun day any time, or see csretsker. Hl.VNOWS All alsea, for bait; free tow with bost rented all nay. Highway boat house. I nlnn ave. and Columbia slough. Jji;i.P SEA boat. In fine mechanical mnT inlon, iH H. P. Frisco standard. Call owner, Andrew Kuljiw, Tabor 7124. S2-FT. 20 h. p. motor boat, large fish tank ana gear, rirsi-ciaaa condition, suo. can Main -M1. Mr. HUcMoIt. XiEEP.SE A gaa boat lu fine mechanical condition. h p. r riaco standard. Andrew Kuljts. Tahor 7124. FOR 8AI.K, Furnished huuseboal. $100, rt. faroiina. rulton car. Coal and Wood. $10.30 FOR TWO LOADS $10.50. Block and slab mixed; first growth enrdwood. $4 per card; 2d growth cord wood. $7.30 per cord; country slab. $ pe r cord. W ood la wn 41QJ. XIRECT from the forest by truck, south Id delivery, good meesur no. l old growth fir, $7.7$ a cord. or mor cord, 17 AO. Phon Main 19112. 426 Hall. i'l RST-CLAHS cordwood. $s; oak and aah. I iq iq; uaiivery ivsnton, woouiawn ana Piedmont. SL Johns. 8. R. Howell, phone oin Y. route 2. Vancouver, Wash. VlHST-GHOWTH fir. Rock Springs, Royal, Owl creek coal, btanaard Brick ex Til Co.. 83 3th t-, between btark and Oak. Phon Broadway 18. IR Y FlIiST-GRoWTH fir and oak, dry piling wood, green ir and block mixed. Immediate delivery. Wdln. 2IU. WOODSAW. When wanting your wood awd call Velly. E. tWIO LUMP COAL, $10.2."; nut lump, $10, de. livred l cutd; extra cnarges xor baee- ment deliveries. Call Bdwy. 4233. CltoUND HoU fuel and sa'wduat in car- loaaa or truca iota vveetera cooperage Co., Columbia 62. A-l CORDWOOD and block and slab de livered rrom car; special price, sast 2041. national LoD. dry. aecona growth fir wood, de livered siontaviua uisincl. tt ir cora. Auto. 3l7-.'i6: BOXWOOD AND SLABWOOD. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co.. 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4173, 1 1 RST-iiKoWTH cordwood. S per cord, delivered anywhere. Wdln. 23ti3. tiLD-OROWTH best fir. No. 1. 4-foot. $8 per cord: ln-ln. t per cord, wain. 6233. OLO-i;R'JWTH cordwood, $7.75 first sons. 1'rompt aenvery. wain, pint. LiRY i:oUNTRY siabwood, short Inslds Moeks sntl ran ties. aiarsnau ni:i. A-l CORDWOOD del. $4 a cord, on east side and S. K. only. 6.18. $3. iiEeT first-growtn fir eordwood. $ cord. Kellwood 814. JrfLocK ami alsb mixed, stove lengths, $lt per oouoi losn nuwy. ;;3 IiKT CORDWOOD. first growth mixed, i cord. and big second Wdln. $123. WEST bl DE FUEL CO. WOOD AND COAL HDWY. 293. TO HAVE your wood put In bssement call Woodlawn 31-'.!. Reasonabte JiEST old-growth cordwood $8 per cord: green slsb. $3 73. Hrosdwsy 4110. 1RY COUNTRY slab, first growth fir, $7 snd $8 a cord. Call Aut. 6.12-71. "Machinery. CIRCULAR cordwood saws, brand new9 82. inch diameter. 10 gauge, IS -inch arbor hole, 12 teeth, at $8 each. Also hav 22 and 18-neh diameter saws. Joseph Gard r. 0 Walker bldg., Seattle, Wash. FOR Rtl.E. Miscellaneous. DRESSED chickens and rabbits. 11 and up. Also apples. and up. Itrtng contalnera. bierra Vlata, 1 mil eaat of Montavllla. Call third house east of etraight road on n. aide of Base Lin at first fruit and flower stand. Will A substltut roofer T Why not genuine and permanent rooferf We re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, crscked,' weather beaten, deteriorated and dlslntegralsd old lesky rcofa Phone Broadway 79. 1 OAK 11UOSIER CABINET. 1 OAK DINING TABLE. 1 COMBINATION WOOD AND COAL HEATER. 1 CwUCil. 1(MH HAWTHORNE AVE. WILL tiK-LL my New Home sewing ma chine, late model, onle ued two or three times, for 1,0, cost 4)90 new. or will trade as part payment on ' Ford car. Phon Main 7817 or call 247 Ss Taylor at. HAt'EH Fire and burglar-proof aafea, new and second-hand, at right price- bought, sold and exchanged ; easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE LOCK CO.. 1r)S Second St. Ma'u 2043. MACDONALDS Farmers' Almanac (S."th Anniversary Edition) for now ready. Tell when to plant and harvest by the moon and other astrological and agricul tural Information. Price 20c. Atlas Printing Co.. Dept. 42. Blnghamton. N. Y. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR. YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT LP. Only genuine watch material ud DAVID'S, Joweler and Optician. Si3 'Washington Bt. at Broadway. A PIANO BAROAIN. 8tandard make player, lateet model. Including 20 rolls; will sacrifice I20U. 164 J. Broadway until 10 P. M. even- ings and Sunday f. Ai FOR SALE 1 gentleman'a ovsreoat. good as anew, $20, 1 Singer sewing machine, used only a short time, price Slo; 1 ma hogany sette upholstered In silk veluur, price 115, East ll.)7. FIRST-CLASS Persian lamo coat, 112-lneh long, six 40; made from selected skins; cost 'even hundred dollars two years ago; wta sell reasonable. W 10, ore gonla. bl.NOEKS, Whitley New Home., like new. 2S to 113; other guaranteed dropheada llo to 1S; lateet Singer: cash or terms: rental 13 per month. Mlnger Store, 1W 4th. Main S33. FOR KENT. Shotguns and Rifle Also buy, sell or trade. NEWMAN'S GUN 8TORE. 15S 1st. Main 44113. Auto. HJl-iH 825-82. I, OT WATER TANKS. 30 gal.. (7; 40 gal., Ill; teated, guaranteed; stov and fur nace, coll, la, heater Installed; plumb ing. Kast bid Weldiag bhop. 203 Ad am. E. 8516. iu DROPHEAD sewing niachiuea, S12.50 to 14o; blngera New Humes. Whites. W. W.; all makes mschines rented and repaired. - . It. bteen. 16J Grand ava East 2.1.'ifl. I UASCO cast gas radiator, good as new, llo; also 1 copper triple coll gas water heater with email leak, at to 1134 Glenn ave. North. Wocdlawn 4436. GRAPES CONCORD GRAPES. Place order now; picking starts Oc tober 1. Writs, phon. Orebe Fruit farm, 4"th and King sis., Mllwaukle. Or. WOMEN'S suits, coats, dressejs, skirts and blouses at Peterson's, second floor. Plt tock block. This week w ar showing some wonderful speclsl. LADIES, the Vogue has in it, coats, fall hats, dresses for every occasion, new and lightly used. 40:1 Allaky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. 4th Hour. Main 313J. Dl'CK HUNTERS Chanc for 2 sports men to Join our duck club; best lake on Sauvi. Island; lot of birds. BF 8a, Oregonlan. FERTILIZER for sale, well rotted cow manure, full n.easur guaranteed; deliv ered In any part of th city. Phon Wrtln. (12.13 MRS. S. W. HERMAN, apparel shop, Isdies' and gents' clothes bought, sold and exchanged; best prices. 114 Park St.. near Jefferson. Marshall lOUtf. COMrUTING SCALES, cash register, cot fe mill, meat choppers and general Siors fixture at 226 blark M., Betw Fl ra t and second - la. LlEBOLD sate, new and aecond hand; peclal prlcea Peclfio Seal A- Supply Co.. 4S Front t. Broadway 1966. LICENSED independent lectrfcian wire S room for $12. 4 for $20, guaranteed to paa lni e c tlon. w oodiawn utvl. ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kind of building; material and .wood for aal. Tar d 2j and Colum bia. Main 6133. IF YOU appraclat splendid watch repair ing or Jewelry repairing, see Miller, nsxt door to Majestic thester. ATTENTION Furs, akiiis and hides bought or tannd. West Coaat Tanning Co.. ''- ave. Sellwopd 23a BENT lamp shade, panals, convex auto lenses, windshields. Port. Art Glass Co., &43 Madison, cor, l'th. Main 93u2 PRACTICALLY new Majestic coal and wood range, also wood and coal heater. Telephone Woodlawn MO". PILES can be permanently cured without operation. call or writ nr. uean. Second and Morrison. huGS washed on your flour with llamll-ton-Beach electric carpet washer; ala vacuum cleaning done. Kat 4043. UH RENT Electrlo vacuum cleanare, 24-hour day, bio; delivered, guaranteed good condition Woodlawn 12.iU. DINING cabinet, Columbia grafonola wflh records for sale cneap. can at oow Beech st. North. 3oo SACKS, all good sacks for 4c nth. Call 4itn ana svitungawona ave. .jn.i berta car. SIX GENUINK; antiqu Turklah ruga at a great uargai.i; also one carpet rug. Must Bell at once. Phone Main 2076. 9il2 TAPESTRY Hrueaela rug. oil heater. mall gaa neater, ail practically new. Tabor 14 4. ts-IIOKSEPOWEK WESTERN ELECTRIC D. C. motor. Price $17. Jo. Inquire 124 LADY'S Bplendid navy blu trlcotlne coat ult In good conaitton. bis ,r. will sell reasonable. Automatic 8.11-70. KODAKS. W buy. eel!, rent and ko daks. Bandy. 32! Washington t. ONE ALMOST new Mission heater, wood or coal burner, wiin cun. isuur or .VJ. Glenn av, tAl'GHAN dragsaw and tools, used two months: will lane siuu caan. eeo it at r.lto East Lincoln st. NICK LK-PLA TED folding music rack. pickle kege, 3 egg cases with fillers. Kast 794.V HIGH-CLASS used clothing bought and sold; gents' or ladiea. Phone Eaat $029 or call 027 K. HoyC SHOWCASES SHOWCASES. New and uaed cash reglatera. scales, ssfes. adding machine. 246 Washington. FINE old violin, good lone, will sell or trade for diamond. Main 4810 Sunday and Monday. FOR SALI'es-Edison phonograph. Eastman kodak, iifVdlcal battery. Call Sunday tt.'iVa Union ave.. room 4. LIKE NEW, large-size Reliable gas range and water heater, $10. tlbtt Albe;ta si. alter in.iiw v. 10 LARGE roae buahea, $4. 1333 Division stieet. Hawthorne cer. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st t.. near Ash. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale? Pa cific Tei.t ft Aw n I ng Co.. No. 1 1st St. KVERYTHING electrical repaired; quick se rv Ice, low charge Phone Bdwy. 4293. FOR RENT Sewing machine. 2 mo. ti. E m p 1 re rrans i er. oqwy, taa. ELECTRIC fixturee for $ rooma $13. 207 Chamber of Com, bldg. Broadway 4253. CHOICE King and Bellflower appfea, Wdln. T6i. 713 Col, blvd. "STAR A STAR" shingle direct from niiii. Call Taylor-street doc k; Main 8063. SCREEN doors, windows, mirrors, furnl- ture repairing, cabinet work. Wdln. 1437. SAFE, fire-proof, combination lock. 70 Mxth street, near Oak. VAULT door, second-hand. 70 Sixth St., near Oak. -" MAKE your own drinks: for supplies, ALMOST new drsperiea for sale at a bar- galn Tabor 6.134. "Po-tland Beverage Supply Co.. 431 Stark. ONE NO. 30 10 element Humphrey ra- rtunl fire rail X.li4..1M. LADIES' GOOD-LOOKING used apparel In a to ome. Reae-jna ble prices. Tabor 2S23. 19-INCH Lenox heater and pipe. 113. 87 West Emerson st. Woodlawn 3:lg2. 1 Rol'ND oak coal stove. Just lik new, sacrtnre. mil cisrKBmss st. FOR SALE Gas rangs and water heater. Woodlawn 4H,12J DIAMOND wanted, over Va carat; cash If bargain. Main 4424. NEW FORD roadster top $20, complete. 1404 Hawthorne ve. Palace Market. HEAVY canvas 10x12 lent, made to Order o wees ago. a si, uregonlan bINGEK sewing machine, drop-head, aood aa new. $.10. Sell, 3I8. Foil SALE Counter and et of shelves. 24 Kast Kii.tngsworin ave. woodlawn 3."30. WILL se,l my beautiful mink coat for $ 223: practically new. Call Tabor 81. 'J. WINTER apples, $1 box. on trees; petite prunes, lc pound. 8si E. 37th st. South. SMALU genuine mink shoulder cap and pillow muff. In good condition. E. 7943. MAN'S tuxedo dinner suit and overcoat for sale. Msln aosn. ONE ONE-GALLON gasoline pump, A-l conqmon. aui. .i-a-in. Veums martin bed, complete, t-i E isf H-Jtl CHILD'S col and Oriole basket, perfect condition. 871 6th st. ELECTRIC washing machine cheap;. fore noon and (venlnga. Alar, tin. FOR HA I.E. li ar e 1 1 an eou. WHAT HAVE TOU TO TRADE FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOW INO GOODS? Typewriter, office desk. Todd check writer. Manning gas burner. Radant fir heater, steamer trunk, osk dining table. N Duofold dsvenport, wood or coal heater, revolving offlc chair. Hot Point electric vacuum cleaner, new gold 21-Jewel El gin watch, also lady' gold watch. WANTED. FHOTOUNS OR RIFLES OR WHAT HAVE YOU? WILL GIVE OR TAKE DIFFERENCE. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 1st, Between Alder and Washington. CO.Ono ROSE buahea, xhruDe. truit tree, berry plant and flowering planta at ale price until October 20: free de livery In Portland. We plan and plant: estimates free. Phon us: we do the rest. Portland Roso Nursery. 18e2 Division L. on door west of United Artlfan home. Phone Auto. 636-70. USED OFFICE FURNITURE. We have Just purchssed a lergs num ber of typr. desks, typr. chairs, tables, files, flat-top desks, etc. all In perfect condition and almost new. Fee these before you buy. D. C. Wax Offlc Eqp., 24 North 6th. Brbsdway 2"3. SEWING MACHINES, new and eecond hsnd. sold for lese; no agente employed. Complete line of parte for all makes; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. MAIN 8431. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. SAVE TOUR' WIFE. Send your wet wash to SNOW FLAKE LAUNDRY. Thursdsy. Friday and Sat urday, 13 lbs. for 60 cents. Valuable premlams given. East 8433. THE FOLKS back home will cherish and appreciate a asouvenir from Oregon. S-nd them something useful mm well as beautiful. Oregon agate Jewelry mount ed In eolld gold. A wondsrful eelecllon to chose from. Moderately priced. Miller, nest door to the Majestic theater. GOOD duck lake for rent on Sauvle'e laland, Columbia river aide. Call 643 Eaat Pin It., after 5:40 P. M. FOR SALE at a bargain, Milburn oxy acetylene welding and cutting outfit, complete with o-lb. generator. Railway Equipment Co.. 2H5 Stark. FOUR iioxilts Universal tire filler. In quire 22tf Stark at. FOR SA1.K AVTOMOBII.ES. BIG hTOCK. USED CARS PRICE3 RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. FORD TOURING. 1020. Wlr wheels (5), good tires, hody and top as new, for sale at low price. See Mr. Parsons at William L. Hughaon Co. LATE 1920 Ford sedan, good condition, tartinr and lighting, bumper, oiling sys tem, cutout, extra rim and tire rack; good rubber. 530, half cah. Col. 332. FORD coupe, 120 model, car A-l me chanically, tires all good. Including spar and msny xtras; best of terms. Mln 4244, between 9 and 12. CLASSY Ford bug. top. windshield, bumpers extra wheel, new paint, spring seats, .123, terms. Call Wurtenberger, Bdwy. 136. 1U20 CHEVROLET SACRIFICE. Fin condition every way, 5 good tires; $400. need $-'00 cash, terms on balance. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. FOR BALE 1920 Ford coupe, good con dition. $200 worth extras. This is a good buy at $423. Call Nirth. Chaater bury hotel, or Broad way I3a0. UUICK, four nearly new cord tires, one extra, two mirrors, spotlight, heater, etc.; good paint and mechanical condi tion. Tabor S773. $130 DOWN, balance on easy term will buy a late model Oakland 0 touring car. Ha been overhauled throughout- Call Boxei:. Bdwy. 3"6. LATE model Bulck; new top. new paint, nearly new tires; car look and run Ilk new; a bargain at $1073. Call my re., Ta bor 1042. 8TOKAGE at low rate In our bonded warehouse; money loaned on car. Ore gon Brokerage Co., 1333 N. W. Baik bldg LOANED small amount on 1D1U Nash". Loaning party winhes to sell for amount of loan. Oregon Brokerage Co.. North western Bsnk bldg. Marshall 3718. 1919 BU1CK touring, has Just been over hauled, good tlrea. Some buy at the price asked. Easy terma. Call JJoxell, Hdwy. 3006. OVERLAND FOUR. If yon are In the market for new Overland four call Woodlawn 3O02. I can save you money. 1U20 7-PASSENGEK HUDSON. $.S50 Will sacrifice at thi price for cash by Sat noon. Thl 1 a real bargain for some lucky person Main 2004. CADILLAC 8 roadster, was Just com pletely rebuilt by Covey Motor Co. I will sacrifice this for $2200 cash or terma Tabor 732. FORD COUPE. 1920 model, looks and runs like a new csr. Tires all good, including spsre, many extras, good terms. Main 4244. MARMON, 1912. ELEC. EOUIPPED. $100 00. DUNN. SELLWOOD 1393. CADILLAC Newly painted, new top, 1914 model; looks snd run like new. Bar gain price $(lio. bee Lyman, 314 Ry. Exch. Bldg. 4-PASSENGER Overland. In good condi tion, good rubber, top, paint, etc. Price $230. $7$ cash, balance easy. Marshall 3332. 1020 Hl'lCK 3-pass.. perfect condition; run 7330 miles, exchange for hous con tract. Tabor 7833. 1920 FORD sedan, cord tire, bumper, spotlight, other extraa. Car at 150 Union ave. East 4378. COMPELLED to repossess little six Olds, ' Will sell for the' balance due on con tract. Price $ I'Vi. Telephone Mar. 3718. ABSOLUTELY new 1921 Studebaker light six at bargain price. Main H3. Mr. Buckley. 1920 CHEVROLET, new tires, car In per fect condition: will sacrifice for $423 and give terms. K. 4216. WE PUT steel leets sn your o.d flywheel; crankshsft turning. H. B. Black ma- chine shop. nt4 Alder. Bdwy. 2681 FORD touriMg. lots of extras; front Beat cut for bed. Juat the thing for traveling. Cheap for cash. 1 tut IHth st. N. 1920 CHEVROLET touring cheap. I hav to aell thi car. o make, m aa offer. 130 Union ve. Phone Johnson, E. 4.176. LAROAIN FOR $.100. cssh or terms. 1919 Chevrolet, 490. terma Call Eaat 742 for particulars. FORD roadster; If you are on the market for thla kind of car don't overlook this one. $230. Call East 400; 1917 HAINES, $::S3; owner In distress; csr worth twice the money asked; act quick; rare bargain. 81 8th at. N. 1920 CHEVROLET touring car in fine me chanical condition; good tires with up strlp, $.173 with terms. Tabor PIOH. CADILLAC. 191L 1100 00. DUNN. SELLWOPD 13lg. 3021 OLDSMOHILE FOUR. In perfect condition. Must b gold at once hy owner. Wdln. 4I'0I. WE TEAR 'em up and I1 the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co- 631 Aldr, 11th, Broadway 3234 FORD special bulli roadster In good con dition throughout: $273 cash for quick aaia. eee it at hj.vs neimont at PAIGE 3-pasenger touring car, mechani cally perfect. For quick sale $973. I'hon, Sell. 2tQ4 gundsy or evenings. 1U17 IIL'PM Oill LE. A-I condition; new paint, good rubber: $330 cash or terms. Owner, tellwnoij 12:11. 1911 FORD In fine mechanical condition and good tires; must sell this week Xor 1123. Tabor 3913. 1920 BU1CK, excellent condition; lots of extra; rwner going enet: must sacrifice Bdwy. 32S7 days, Bdwy. 3203 eycnlnir FOR SALE Bulck light six, 1919 model. In fine condition, at a bargain. Look it over at 8o3 Thurman. CARS WANTED 823 Everett, west side, cor. 6th and Everett. Day phone Bdwy. 232ft. Night phone Wdln. 8164. FORD Have $300 deposit on new Ford Will discount 3 per cent. See sale man. agaer Pilchard Motor Co. DODGE touring car for ae cheap for cash or term. Phone East 7063. MONEY loaned en cara. 781 First sL law n 31 18. PARTS Oregon Auto Wrecking Co., 41'S Belmont, near Sixth. FINEST BUG In city, dirt cheap for Quick sale; terma. Call East 1009. FORD louring car body, cheap. 313 Will iams sve. East 1198, STUDEBAKER chummy roadster; an ex- ceptionai ouy lor ti.wi. .nam Hi a. 1920 UUICK and cash for equity Kos Citv bungalow. Tabor 783.1. 1918 UUICK 4 roadster. $2o Thi la a bargain. 130 Union ave. 1919 BRISCOE, $330. soma buy. Audi torium garage. 206 2d at- 1921 FORD. Just like new. demountable rims, starter. $430. Tabor 61H4. FORD touring. $273; worth mor. Sc King. 404 Communwesith bldg. . BUICK bug. running condition; good rub ber, license. $"9 today. Moon. Main 8170. 1918 FORD bug. with $73 accessories. ued the money; $130 cash. .C.tll East 6414. CHEVROLET touring cheap, $163; owner need money. 323 Everett St., West Side. 1919 FORD coupe, good condition, good tires, $100. easy terms. East 4383. NEW FOR D, iseed moderately during sum iner. $1J3. 'labor 1224, FOB S.M.F. Al'TOMOBILW. WHAT COMES AFTER THE PtTRCHAKK PRICKT Thl Important queatlon carries ' a uou suggestion very mucn in aeeyiu wllh the purchase of used car picked 11D mliw-ellanenuHiv in the adB market. Efficiency, good appearance and good value through the medium of rebuild ing and reiinlshlng th car we offer lor sale naa replaced guessing, misrep resentation and horse trading principle. We offer our used cara at the loweat possible prices so a to stimulate their ale. Th necessity o( trading in useu car while closing new car sale de mand that we maintain an ever-Increasing used car volume. WHAT COMES AFTER THE PUR CHASE PRICE, kind reader, depend entirely with whom you pend your pur chase price. Th motive, business prin ciples, reputation, ability, equipment and financial standing of any organisation should Dlace vou In a noaitlon to Judge for youraelf whether the transaction 1 on ror profit alone or made to gain a certain neceasary volum so necessary In obtaining the desired new car salea. DODGE BROTHERS MOTORS CARS. , 1916 Dod a. Brothers Touring $373 181T Dodge Brother Touring 630 1918 Dodge Brother Roadster and Touring 725 1918 Dodg Brother Sedan 1130 101U llmlva iimrh.r. Taurine and Roadster 800 lflLMk 1 Indra Ttror h era TnurlnsT and Roadster " 1919 Liberty Sport Model 1130 1916 Twin Six Packard Landaulet. . .2730 1919 Hudson 1-imouslne. fine condi tion: a wonderful taxicab. 1920 Overland "4'" Sedan TOO 191 Overland "90" Touring 373 191ft Peerless ft Tourlnar. only -.1473 1918 Scripps-Booth Coup 1330 1920 Oldmoblle "8' Touring 1230 1919 Oldsmobll "8" Touring 930 1918 Otdsmoblla '8" Tourlna .... 630 1918 Oldsmobll "S" Touring 430 1920 Oldsmobll "6" Touring 930 1919 Oldsmoblle "e" Touring 900 1920 Chandler, good condition; nap.l40 1917 Chandler Coupe 930 1918 Chandler Touring, new tire... 730 1916 Chandler 7 pas.; very good... Moo 1919 Haynea Touring, only 1300 1920 Haynea Touring 1900 1913 Studebaker Touring, to be aold as 1 130 191T Studebaker '4" Touring 295 1918 Studebaker Coupe: a real buy at 600 1919 Studebaker Blx Six. 7 pas 1473 1919 Studebaker '4" 730 1917 Maxwell Touring.. s 800 1919 Maxwell Roadater 490 1920 Maxwell Sedan; an excellent car for 1100 1920 King "8" 1500 1920 Chevrolet 490 Sedan 700 1920 Chevrolet Roadater, In fin shape 473 1!2( Chevrolet Touring foo 1919 Chevrolet Touring 373 1918 Chevrolet Touring.. 330 1921 Ford Coup. 600 1920 Ford Sedan BOO 1920 Ford Touring 400 1920 Ford Roadster, with delivery body 8T3 1918 Ford Bug B'-'3 1917 Ford Coupe 825 1918 Lexington Touring..,. 700 1914 Ford Touring 100 1914 Oakland Touring 400 1916 Franklin. 4 paasVnger, eerie "9-A": an excellent car for 1130 1920 Franklin Touring 1700 1919 Bulck Roadster H"0 I92i Bulck, 7 passenger ; 1-50 1020 Bulck, 5 passenger .'...11SS 1918 Chummy tetu'.x. a wonderful csr 1650 Model "N" Hupmoblle Toarlng 750 1912 Marlon Roadster.. r 100 1920 Hudson Speedster .1300 DELIVERY CARS. 1I Dodge Brothers Screen, an ex cellent car. 823 1918 Dodge Brother Panel, good shape , 773 1919 Chevrolet Panel, delivery 400 1918 Bulck Delivery 80O 11 Ford Delivery 200 CADILLACS. The Inbuilt quality of Cadillac con struction preserves them so wll tht to own a good used, rebuilt or reflnlshed one fsr supercedes In actual valu some cheaper new car. All Car Guaranteed and Sold on Easy Terma W Are Open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21t at Washington St. Main 6244. Also a big display at th new Broad- wy leroom downtown. Call at th salesroom most convenient for you. Our automobile transportation make tt quickly possible for you to look over our entire stock. . BROAD W A Y USED CAR BRANCH. 28-30 N. Broadway. Main 6244. BARGAIN WEEK. A few choice buys In standard makes of cars (no orphans or jut,a tnsi nave been through our shop and repainted and all neceaaary work done to put them In Al shape. Wlnton 6-48. 7-pass x .. . . V. pnrrl tlree .$2300 12011 1100 630 Chandler Despatch, wlr wheel Biilck 8 -pass Haynea, cord tires, wjr wheels Hupmobile rosda'r. cord lire. 1921 Oldsmobll 4, like new.. 830 823 1030 It will py yoo to try these out before deciding on your new car. A good uaed car Is a better Investment than a cheap new car. Call or phon for dem onstration. REASONABLE TERMS. A. C SlUVMS, Hawgics Distributor. y 1614. 16th and Wash, Bdw REBUILT BUICKS. W hav the onlv complete stock In th city. Thoroughly overhauled, Repainted. New Top and Tlrea. Guarantee and Servlc same new Bulck. Priced $700 up. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO. BUICK DISTRIBUTORS. Alder at 12th St. Phones 382-41. Broadway 1130. BIG CUT IX USED CARS. 1917 Bulck 4 touring f 400 1918 C. C. Overland 430 1918 Maxwell touring 323 1018 Chevrolet touring 273 1020 Chevrolet touring, tike new... 4." 1918 Grant 6 touring 33 101 S Oakland 6 touring 430 1916 Oakland 6 roadster 393 1917 Big 4 Hup. new tire R30 1917 Big 4 Hup sedan 603 1914 Cadillac touring 300 1918 Bulck 4 roads., bodv coot $330 730 1920 Hudson Super-six 130 1919 Oakland coup 630 Bargains in used Fords. Bug from $130 up. VRANSON'8 VSED CAR EX. Cor. Union ft Belmont, uptaira. E. 4376. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Aden $430 1 Grant 323 1 90 .New Ford 423 1 Overland 173 1 Ford ..; 173 1 Roadster 123 I Ford truck 400 LOXO ft PILVA 402 Hawthorne. 2 car to trade for real estate. LIBERTY ' BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU VVT OR SELL AN AtTTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONET. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND ft MORTGAGE CO., 207 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. REAL BARGAINS. 19t Chevrolet $2fS 1919 Chevrolet touring . . 873 1917 Chalmers roadster 830 1916 Maxwell touring 193 1917 Overland touring 243 1019 Ford delivery, like new 393 1921 Ford sedan $93 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Enst 3770. Ilmnd and Hawthorne ave. SEDAN 7-passenger. One of the class iest in tne city, nss Deen run ices man boo miles; haa extra cord tire, bumper and many other extras. This car must be aold at once. If you are Interested In a closed car call Mr. Propst, Bdwy. 8608. for a demonstration. Will taks cr In trade and give terms. WHITE 30. 5-paas. touring car. electric starter, lights, tire pump on csr. 'ull side cur tains open with doors: 2 extra tire rims: $ tlrea. nearly new. Price $M)0. Phone Woodlawn 409JL WHY el! your car at a aacriflce when we will loan you money on it to help you out of your preaent trouble? Oregon Brokerage Co., room 1333 Northwest Rank building LATE model Scrlppa Booth Six. looka and run good. Must sell this week: 8223 cash, balance eaay. Call Mr. Bigger Slaff. Hdwy. 240. HAVE light touring car. Will take motor cycle and side car aa part payment. Call Boxell, Bdwy. 3606. $930 HUDSON Super-Six. good condition. Pioneer Garage. bU. 272, FOR RALE ArTOMOBILFsl. HUDSON AND ESSEX. Automobile that havo been re built or renewed are In the best of mechanical condition that ar alao warranted th same fac torlea warrant new cara In ad dltlon, we give 90 day free me chanical vervlce. Thi Is not new on Hndson automobllea. We have rebuilt and sold them with a warranty sine 1918. Yon buy a fine qual li y car with the same aafety a when yon purchase a new auto mobile. Buy a car you can de pend upon and at a bargain price. Other makes of used automobllea thoroughly overhauled. put In-first-class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This glvee ample time for every purchaser to try out the car h buy, give him tim to hav It inspected, as we want only satis lied customers. Watch the change In this list of tars: Five Super Six Hudsons $1030 to $1130 1917 Hudson speedster $1030 1918-1919 series Hudson Super six 1300 1920 Hudson super six 1330 1920 Hudson speedster 1330 1019 Essex ... 1920 Essex . , 1918 Maxwell 1919 Maxwell 1920 Maxwell S7S 1130 430 IW5 630 NEW MAXWELLS. $783. 1919 Grant aix 600 1918 Dodge 673 1919 Chalmers hot apot 9S3 1919-Old ail 830 1919 Old eight 900 1919 Old eight, (port model. 1023 1921 Old SIX 1300 1919 Liberty, sport model... 900 1918 Col eight, sport model. 1330 The car that never wears out that la the automobile that Is known as the Hudson; It does not vibrste. therefore does not damage the material. For a long time the Hudson has had the reputation aa the car that never wears out. Used Hudson re better than new cara at the same price. Ask the Hud son owner. Used Hudson ar known for being the best used car value on the market. Largest used car branch stors In the city at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evening. Phone at Branch Stor. Broadway 3769. Also a Display at Our Salesrooms. 613-617 Wash ington street open week day only. " C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. TOU WANT A CAR AT A BAROAIN PRICE? HERE IT IS! Chevrolet roadster ....$230 Maxwell touring 163 Oldsmoblle eight $30 Elgin chummy $30 Studebaker four 330 Ford touring . . 225 Michigan bug 100 WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, N. W. Corner 13th and Washington St. SURE A FORD. A Hughson Ford, Servlc First and Always At the Ford Corner. All Model Easy Terms. $100 TO $230 FOR BEST USED FORDS IN TOWN. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. Broadway and Pavt. The Authorised Ford Corner. CLOSED CAR TIME. SPECIAL. WE8TCOTT COUPE. We have stpeclat price on thl of $2600. This pric is only good Sunday and Monday. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY. N. W. Corner 15th and Washington. BUICK COUPE. 1919 type alemlte greasing, five cord tires, bumper. motometer, spotlight, never driven off pavement, $1350. VV. C. Carbe. Bdwy. 616. ' HAYNES COUrB. THIS CAR IS AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE, USED VERY LITTLE. HAS U. 8. CORD TIRES WITH AN EXTRA. MECHANICAL, CONDITION PERFECT. LOOK AT THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. THE PRICE WILL INTEREST YOU. A. C. STEVENS. HAYNES DISTRIBUTOR. BPWY. 1614. 16TH AND WASH. BIG SACRIFICE, $1030 FOR QUICK SALE I have a CHAND7,ER 1920 that must be sold. It has been driven but little and la In perfect condition. Read all other ad and then see thl bargain. It's a real one. PARSONS, BDWY. 321 OR 60 N. BDWY. FORD BUG TERMS. New top and side curtains, fenders, good rubber, mechanically good shape, custom built body. Call Mr. Warde. Wdln. 3113. SACRIFICE NEW LIGHT 6 SACRIFICE. Continental motor, Borg-Beck clutch, Timken axle and bearlnga. Weatlnghouse starting, lighting: this csr would cost you $2373. my pric $1400 for quick sale. Call Gething at Bdwy. 788, ave. Tabor 1HK9. HIP SEDAN. Late model in perfect condition, can't be told from new, has been run 10.000 miles on pavement; $030 handles, or will exchange equity for touring car; private owner. Msr. 1618; 1920 5-PASSENGER Cadillac. perfect shape; 6 cord tlrea. Owner leaving city, $1930. Phone Broadway 3JS. NEW CHEVROLET. BUT FROM P. H. DUNN. DEALER. Cor. Mllwaukle and Bybee AT. Phone Sellwood 1393 LATE 1919 Maxwell touring car. newly painted, tires very good, guaranteed me chanical condition. Will sell cheap and give terms to reliable party. Mr. Clark, Bdwv 2:;:i9. 1021 FORD roadster with starter, de mountable rlraa. 5 good tires, foot throttle, new paint, extra good con dition, $433. Talbot ft Casey, 1 Grand a ve. I HAVE a 2-ton White truck, also Wlnton Six auto. whV-'h I will sell or trade in on city property. Wlnton would make fine bus. Railway Equipment Co., 233 Stark. CHEAP, 1917 Maxwell roadster In won derful condition; has lots of extras too numerous to mention; cheap; $223; easy terms. .123 Everett st. lO TRADE for good lot or acreage. Oak land 8. 1917 model. In nrst-clssa condi tion; good tires. Address box 201, New berg. O. 490 CHEVROLET touring. 1920. A good car for only $200 cash, with easy terms on balance. Call Mr. Blggerstaff. Bdwy. 240. OWNER MUST RAISE MONEY. Sacrifice 1919 Mitchell. In fine con dition, fo.' $323. need $230 cash, terms on balance. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. I ATE 1920 Stephens, overhauled and guaranteed Just the same a a new car. Can handle small car as part pay ment. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3606. MUST sell my privately owned Chandler touring. In first-claas shsne- See It at the North Bank Garage, 11th and Flan ders sLs. WOU SALE At'TOMOBlLES. BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL USED CARS W do not wnt to carry our stock of used cars over until spring whn th seuing sessou opens, inerriuro, " cided to cut prices to a point wher you muw HUUIU , MW wvuu. - It I our belief that any car at th revised price will be worth that pric a yar xrom now. These car hav been renewed In our big shops, repainted and will pass for new. We guarantee them to ba In good condition. Old Revts'd Price. Price 101T Paige, 7-pass .. 1920 Paige, 5-pas . 1917 ftriitx 4-naH .$1000 600 1 TOO 1S00 23K 13110 2230 1600 1000 730 373 1100 12. .0 10O0 17O0 1917 Harmon chumm iy ... j i' i nup ........... 1921 Olds 6, sedan .. 1918 olds 6. coupe .., 1918 Olds 8. 7-pass. 1918 Dodge 3-pass .. 1918 Overland 90 fas 1918 Paige chummy , 1230 1S00 1250 650 630 'li) '. 273 8S3 Many other to chooso from. Easy termi If desired. The difference between the old price and revlaed price represents the actual loss i ar taking In order to move utem. Stor open Sunday and evening. COOK ft GILL CO.. INC., Th best equipped automotive plant In th cortnweit llth and Burnslde. Phon Bdwy. 8281. USED CARS AT LOWEST PRICES. W have a fin selection of used cara, and when the condition, fin Uh and performance are Inves tigated and compared with others. It will be found that we are of fering the lowest priced used car In the city. Com In and look Iheta over. Overland, 5-pass. ... Mitchell 5-pass ...$ 200 . .. 200 White "30," 5-pass. 4O0 Overland. 7-paea. 4.o Briecoe, S-pass 400 Mitchell roadster 5oo Mitchell, S-pais boO Mitchell, 5-pasa, thoroughly rebuilt 830 Oldsmoblle 8. 7-pass two Liberty chummy roadster.... 850 Oskland, &-pasa 830 Bulck, 3-pfs 1200 Packard Twin Six 1650 Nash sedan, thoroughly re built 1950 Mny others for you to select from. Come in snd look tbara over. We give terms. MITCHELI LEWIS ft STAVER CO., Broadway and Everett. Bdwy. 4673. OPEN EVENINGS. -T to A. M. SUNDAYS ALL DAT. 30 USED CARS TO SELECT FROM. TERMS LOWEST IN THE CITY. NO BROKERAGE CHARGES. MANLET AUTO CO., 11TH AND OAK AT BURNSIDE. BDWY. 217. BIG REDUCTION IN USED CARS. 1921 Ford roadater. 1921 Ford touring. 101K Ford touring. 1918 Ford touring. 1018 Ford bug. - 1918 Bulck 4 touring. 1918 Bulck 6 louring. 1920 Chevrolet touring. 1919 Oakland touring. 1918 Maxwell touring. Classy Chevrolet bug. Best Ford bug in oswn. f.7 A. A. Cadillac. 4-pass.. $2630. Warren Detroit roadster. $30. Stoddard Dayton touring. $100. This is Just a sample. Call and look over our large stock. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. "Portland' Largest Used Car Store." Grand Ave. at East Taylor Street. BUICK SIX TOURING CAR. MODEL D43. In good condition, good tires, new top, new storage battery, new Zenith car buretor; In fact everything to put It in first-clsss condition. SOME CAR SOME) PRICE. $400. SABLE ft ARMSTRONG. 43D AND HAWTHORNE. BUICK SEDAN. AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE IN A CLOSED CAR. Al MECHANICAL CON IHTION. HA.1 EXTRA GOOD R I'll HER. CONSIDER THIS BEFORE BUYING A NEW ONE. PRICE $12011. A. C. STEVENS BDWY. 1614. 1BTH AND WASH. DODGE ROADSTER. 1917 Dodge roadater In elegant con dition, looks like a new one. Rear tires brand new. Price $403. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANT, East .?7"0. Grand and Hawthorne aves. OAKLAND SIX TOURING. 1920 Oakland six touring, practically new. Price S673. Here Is a car that Is well worth $830. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 8770. Grsnd and Hawthorne aves FRANKLIN. FOUR PASSENGER. Perfect condition, runa and looks like new; offered at $300 less than real value: cash or terms. Main 6998, or Marshall 5811. 1920 CHE VUG LET baby grand aeJan. like new. only driven 15o0 miles on pave ment; car has been broken In right and runs like a watch. A anap buy and must be sold quickly. Price $1330. Phone Tabor 4139 1921 FORD COUPE $323. Call Wdln. 3113. CHEVROLET ROADSTER. 1918 Chevrolet roadster, newly paint ed, everything first class, bee ll and you will buy it. $293. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COM PAN Y, East 3770. Orand and Hawthorne aves. ROSE CITY AUTO TOP Co. AUTO TOPS. 8EAT COVERS, CUSHIONS. UPHOLSTERING. 842 SANDY BOULEVARD. COR. EAST 27TH T. - PHONE EAST 2933. STUDEBAKER 5-pass., 4-cyl., S good tires, good upholstering, good paint; $30 down, bal. $100 In 1 mo. Call W. C Garbc. Purnslde at Broadway. AUTO TOPS RE-COVERED. Curtains made and repaired, your ruahions made like new; B. B. Body & Top Works. 343 Williams ave. K. 119H CHEVROLET roadater. $200: $100 down, balance monthly. This car ha new tlrea and rear, and is In good shape. Marshall 1728. FORD, 1920, thoroughly overhauled, spot light, shock absorbers, large steering wheel, demountable rima, oversize Urea, all like new. $350. Tabor 6IB4, 1920 STEPHENS roadster, new paint, new tires, in first-class condition. If you are looking for a good car call Boxell. Hdvvv. 3006 for demonstration. TULSA FOUR. Like new. scarcely used; cost $176.1; make us an offer, or we might trade for property. Bdwy. 1641 weekd ays. 1920 ROADSTER, new paint, good tires, has been overhauled throughout. A real snap. Small payment down. Call Propst, Bdwy. 8609. FOB HAI.E ArTUMOBTT.ES. NOW! The only sals of USED FORDS EX CLUSIVELY ever held, and the largest assortment ever gathered under on roof on the Pacific coast. ONE HUNDRED TO CHOOSE FROM. at prices so low thst you cannot afford to be without one. No matter how cheap a car you want, w have It, and we can extend easy terms to thos who desire them. Be convinced: look through our stock: try them out to your own satisfaction; you will not hurt our feelings if you don't buy now, BUT bear in mind the fact that the UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE Is beked by all the authorised Ford dealers in Portland and you cannot help but get a square deal. No Juggling of price: every car Is marked In plain figures and the pric Is the same to all, cash or terma. OUR PRICES RANGE AS FOLLOWS: 1914 and 1013 tourings and roadster $100 to $150 1016 and 1917 tourlnga and roadslera 160 to 200 1918 and 1910 tourlnga and roadstera 21S to 2,5 1920 and 1921 tourlnga and roadsters 300 to 450 1919 to 1921 sedan and cou pe 373 to 630 1914 to 1921 deliveries and truck 100 to BOO UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. East 471. Open Sunday and Evenings. West Slds Branch, Broadway and Hoyt. Bdwy. 327. OX'R VSED CAR department x!nU only H a service to the Portland public. We rve our new car purchaser by nelllntf their old earn. Hv ealvaKlng, rebuilding and refinnhintr thetse cara we convert them Into denirabl merchandise, there by aervinr thoso who wish to purchase the highest quality used car. Investigate our ueed car service with your mechanic. ONE WEEK'S TRIAL AM) 100 PQR CENT SATISFACTION. Rtudohaker medal sedan. .. $2000 1!20 1 11 S 1020 mis l .' 11HS 3011 ly-'O Studebaker special six 1""0 Studebaker light six 473 Cole Aero 8. six-pass. sport model, ref Inlphed 1373 Stephen. 4 -pas., sport 1J-.V Huiek coupe, like new l.iti iJuick touring; . . U -." liuick 4 '"0 Chandler, 7-pass liiVW Chandler Iisratch, repainted. with .i good tires, bunipr ana spotlight Oakland Oakland roadster Ford louring fifl B W.llys-Knight Overland country club Model Ki Overland Franklin. rpntnted Ve.cott ft-pasti-, light six Chalmers 6-pasn., fine shape. Maxwell tour, like new Maxwell touring Iii)tic;e coupe, many extras. . Olds ft. 7-pHSB., fin- stage car. 17 Chevrolet touring Chevrolet baby grand tiaxon six. as is 1--.73 r.-: 3m 42.". 7IMI 7.-.0 sit:. 4J"i 1175 !no jr.u iv 100 7020 litll) 1U17 1913 101 1!1! 1!tll 11M1I 1017 JIU0 UM 1U10- 1017 Old cars taken in trade. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. W. C. GARBE, INC.. Burnidde at Broad ay. Fhone Broadway 016. FOR SALE. Late model Chevrolet coupe In A-l condition. Good paint and 5 Rood tin-. 1 am forced to sll at a sacrifice. Very easy terms or will take in Ford as part payment. Call Ttthor SM7. bACltl F1CK. li"S 7-PHKH. 11 ul n Sup-T six In perfect mechanical condition ; practically new ruhber. If you want a real car don't fail to see this one. T.-rmn if d.-sirrd. Call Main Qnttrt. If IK STUDKUAKEH -cllndT tourinK car. In fine mechanical condition; cord tires, Kpare I ro and newly palnttd; will sacrifice for $32. give terms. Call East Soi or Tahor 1727. FORD ROADSTER. Late moilfl, good tires, fine running snipe. Mut he void quick at this price. $185. Phnne Jensen, Bdwy. 6'Jl; event ni?s. Mnr. hs.V 1020 FORD TOCU1NO, With new body and top. starter, de mountable rims and spare rltns and tire. Car Is A-l mechanicAily and has many extras. Best of frms. Main 4244. SACRIFICE Il20 t'.rd coupe. In perfect merhsnlcal condition, cord tires, bumper snd shock absorbers. Don't mies this if you want a ral buy. Terms If do sired. Call Tahor 8113. FuHD litlli, thoroughly overhauled and re painted. 30x3, all around tlren A-l. Might consider good furniture or phono graph as part payment or will sell vory r'HSon hi for CHh. Tahor (1104. 1021 CHEVROLET touring car, looks and runs like n-w. carry ins; guarantee, backed by Chevrolet d int ribu tors, can give some trrm to responsible party. Inquire at East 00. JIY 1017 CADILLAC, thoroughly over hauled and in A-l condition, new top, new rubber, new paint Job; will aacriflce; If you are th right party you can make your own tfrma. East 74;tO. 6EDAN One of the clasniet Ilrht ones In town; has wire wheels, good rubber. Looka and runs like new. Very cheap. tSmall payment down. balance easy term a. Ca 1 1Moic I Bd w y. 3fl"i. 5-PASSENGER Paige in perfect condition; good tlrea and paint. flOO down will drive this car away, balance on long and easy erms. Call Boxell. Bdwy. SHnH. MY 1021 PEERLESS 8. 7-piSJMngt;r. driven less than 40o mtlea; thia is a new car; will consider car In trade and give terms of one year on balance. Call Mr. Dalton, Main 7S0. WC CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Foro. parts, light globea. etc Also do towing. opn day and night. LONJ t fcSILVA. Phone EaM M0. 462 Hawthorne. 1017 BIO 4 Hup at a bargain. 2 new tlrea, motor Al sha pe. Will consider trade. C a 11 East 4:i7H. Automobiles Wanted. WILL TRADE LOT FOR CAR. Have two good lots in Irvington Park, paved street, car line, cement walk, city lions all paid. Price fluuO. Will trade for good used car. What have you T F, 1 Kinney, owner. Pee me Friday or Sat urday at Multnomah hotel. WE PAY cash tor cara, conaliion no ob ject We s ll parts for almost every make of car and truck at one-halt. AUTO WRECKING CO. 62;i Alder Kt., at HUh HU Look for the Orange Colored Bldg. WANT DODGE CAR. Have corner lot In kellwood district, all free and clear, to turn in on good used car; prefer Dodge. K. I. Kinney, owner, at Multnomah hotel Friday and Saturday. WILL install new gas or wood furnace, either piped or pipe less, as part or all payment on late model Ford touring !n good condition. Phone Wdln. 4170 eve mngs. WE WRECK THEM Highest cash pries paid for old cars, condition no object AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., Third and GHnan. WANT Ford louring ; must bo good Imr- galn. Answer ny Minuay nignt. v ant uy car first thins Monday. H 3. Ore- poti la n. CARS bought for wrecking, parts soid for all cars. Oregon Auto Wrecking; Co., 4JS Belmont, near sixth. .East 4'6:i. CARS WANTED 323 Everett, went side, cor. 6th and Everett. Day phone Bdwy. 23J0. Night phone Wdln. Ml. SPOT CASH for jour Ford. Chevrolet. Dodge, Bulck or other light cars. l'J4 V,. tits St.. corner Taylor. WE PAY cuah for lata moaei light cara Used Car Warehouse, Grand ave. and lu Tay ior WANTED Ford roadntrr, late model, with starter; price must be right. Ad dreMS W. F. Ebert. Forest Grove. Or. CARS WANTED tt- wreck; parts for ail cars for lee. S. & S. Auto Wrecking Co., 1 5 th and Alder Broadway 03ft. LATE model Chevrolet or Buiik; must be In good order and cheap. Phone Broad way 3056 or call 830Burnslda. WILLexchange Piece-Arrow in good con dition for late model Frank tin touring r r. Call evenings Auto. 31 -18. EQUITY In choice Laurelhurat lots to trade for late model car. Phon Bdwy. HUM. or 10-MU WANTED 1017 or 1S Ford touring, con dition no object. Call Aut. 033-tiS. W ANTED Late Ford touring. Price must b reasonable, fivjo P2d st. CASH for all makes of cars, condition no obj-ct. 414 Ollsa n. cor. 10th. Bdwy. 20a WILL buy 101U Ford or later for cash. Tabor 1000- WANTED To buy light tral'er; must be right for cash. Q o, O.egouian, FOR HALF Automobiles Wanted. I CAN nse a good late-mode! auto: will trade 160 acres level land In White Horse vaMer of Harney Co, Thi ls-nd Is worth about $8 sn sore, but 1 have no use for It, but can use a good car; land is clear of all Incumbrance. Writ a j 7. orrgonlnn. W A N T E D Fo rd touring car. harg a I n . Call Aut. 0.U -OS. Must ba Mot ore new. WANTED Good motorcycle In trade on Oakland 8 in flrM-class condition; will jtive god deal to ma a with a late model motorcycle. Addret-a Fred Patterson. Ncwbe.yr, Or. lL'IH BARLEY eitattne, new green co.or. 12.V 1019 Cleveland. Presto-lite, 5. Onod bicycle, 110. Phone 43H. 205 M a i n St. . V tnro uvtr, W a sh. 1021 HENDERSON and aide car. Vou can't tell It from a new one; $100 down, bal ance on easy terms. Call Boxell. Bdwy. 3Hl)ft. m MOTORCYCLES Tnd parts, all makee. UAtiT SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-4U Grand Avenue. CLEVELAND motorcycle; new tires, runs perfectly; $75 buys thla snup. Cail Boxell, Bdwy. 8000. t FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY VS. S04-2UC 3D ST. MAIN 8130. 1021 INDIAN scout; $50 down, balance on easy terms. C a II Rny 1 1 , Bdwy. 3ttofl. Automobllea for Illrr. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOU HIRE. New 5 and T-pastiengtjr carj Buicka and Wescotts; reasonable ralea CITY GARAGE. 132 12th at., bet. Washington and Alder Bdwy. MO. AUTOS FOR HIRE with or without driv ers. Day or nlKht service. COUCHMAN GARAGE 10th and Couch. Broadway 3ft0fl, Remember our number. Broadway iUV.'H. JAK.1S USED CAR EXCHANGE. New cars for rent without drivers. Reasonable rate Open day an i night 82; Glisan st.. bet. Broadway and 0th al. Bdwy. .V.',:,. .. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR H I HE. U I. SULLIVAN. FASHION GARAGE. MAR. 232alQTH AND YAMH11.I A 12;Ut H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. aD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 107. JOKU, competent Urlvt-r, go any where and g.-t bark. Tahor 10JS. IU20 5-PASS. BUICK FOR H1RU. WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3r47 FOB SALE TRITKH ANI TRACTORS. NEW TRUCKS at HALF TRICE, We are selling new trucks at prices never heard of bef-ire. Look over our prlcea and you will be convinced. NEW COMMERCE TRUCKS. 1 H-ton capacity, electrio lights, cord tlrea. windshield., vacuum tank, Willari battery and tpotllKht. all complete Regular prti $2313 Drive it away for 141& 2-tnn rapacity, electric lirhts. cord tires, windshield. bumiW. Kfllogg tire pump, vacuum Vtank, Wltlard battury and apot light. R Kulur price, complete ...$20n Drive it away for lil5 NEW CHICAGO TRUCK. 2H -ton capacity. worm drive, pneumat.o curd tirus. Regular pri.e $j:.oo Drive it away for 220 lojii Fori truck, pneumatic Urea 800 We have a complete stock of parta. LAFFAW MOTOR CAR CO., 47 North 0th St. Automotive Ignition Bldg. NEW! NEW! NEW! AT A RIO DISCOUNT. NEW KEITH L1C THICK S. NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS. , NEW STANDARD TRUCKS. NEW STANDARD TRUCKS. These trucks are nw and must be sod: thi-y are equipped either with solid or pneumatic tires; we give easy terma. VSED TRUCKS. CMC trurks. late modHa. 1-ton with pneumatic tlrs, completely overhauled. While they last. $S50. HIS Den by, 2-ton. liilS Gerslx. 2-ton. BUM Ford. 1-lon 1020 Chevrolet, 1-ton 10 'JO Maweil. 1-ton. 101N Ford, panel delivery. 1021 Ford, one-ton. with cab. Easy terms on any truck in the house. THE VSED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave, at Eaat Taylor. BIO TRUCK SALE. Cut prlcej on all used trucks. Many must go now at an enormous sacrifice, 1itst any kind, any sis and any price. Investigate our lib eral saies policy. BUY NOW. MACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. Tenth and Davis Streets. Broadway tiOO. N K W ! N E W ! NEW! Why buy a used truck when you can buy a new one from us in ome cases as low as half of tho regular price,? We have Republic and Standard trucks at these big reductions. THE USKU J A It V A K I-Ml M Mi, Grand Ave, at East Tnylnr St. 1-TON CHEVROLET truck, in first-class condition, at a Great sacrifice. Small payment down, balance on cany terms. Call Dozell, Broadway 3ttt'd. Pneumatic tires. A REAL .IOR. 1010 2-ton truck hauling material f"r construction of Oregon City bridge. Price $J0(ni, on eay terms, and a lung Job. Ca M 4 SI W ,Oj re R n Cit y. O. M. C. LATE model, worm drive, 1-ton, oniy $00, new tires and overhauled; ternifl. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 601, eva nings Marshall 13. 1 HAVE 2-ton White truck, also Winton iSix auto, which I will sell or trade in on city property. Wlnton would make fine bus. Railway Equipment Co.. 2:i.'i Mark. 10-1 ASH. bus, fine condition for stage or school children ; guarantee goes with bus; plenty speed and power. Cull Woodlawn, even in g..l 10:1. WHITE TRUCK One of the best early models. Can be hough t on your own terms. Must sell before October 1, Call W ood n w n 3HU. ATTERHURY. lale model, worm drive. Will take Ford in trade. Terms. Phone .lenaen. Bdwy. IV.M. evenings Mar. 13. STRONG one-ton Ford truck; good buy. $ J.'.o, Call Tied ale. East 27th and Pa cific t. hast 10V MAXWELL 1-t'Jl A 1qw ("liars wMi song this fTnie and It's yours. Phone J . n f e n . R d w y i 0 L e v n A n g sM a r . 1 n 3 . FloDEItAL TRl'K Must sell new 3 '4-ton At sacrifice ; guarantee ; liberal terms. Call Wood, Woodlawn 3103. FORD SON tractor, plow and equipment for sale at a bargain; In A-l condition. E. J. La wren. Sherwood. Or. FEDERAL 2-ton worm-drlv, new tires and overhauled. Easy terms. Phono Jensen. Bdwy. evenings M ar. 13. GO TdT RUCK, $200, well-known make at thia unheard of price, 1 '-j-toti capacity. Mr. Wood. Woodlawn 31 OX FOR SALE cheap, -ton Reo speed wagon. Main 4-Vil: 1010 4-ton truck for $.Vt. Phone Jetivcn, Bdwy. tiOl, evenings Marshall 1M3. PRIVATE GARAGE. Let J install a neat, rmniwct, excep tionally constructed garage en your lot for $."tS, Can you beat it? Something different C. H. Woodward, No. 100 Ab IriKton l.ulidlntf. Main .V:13. WANT a garage, not over $.oni, mum lo in business d if trict. not !e-s than 50 car storage A F 42, Oregonian. FOR RENT Garage belonging to house. 11 (to .Ual.ry avu.. Pledmout. Woodiawa . $026 G A RAGE for rent, 17th Main 03l!lt. Call after and Kearney. P. M. GARAGE for rent. 500 East 25th sU, N. f all Bdwy. L'lHiQ. FIRST-CLASS private garage for tent, at .r3 Floral ave. and E. Couch. Tahor 3-V.7. A SMALL prl va te garage in Ladd Add tlon. $.. i:ast 4701T FOR RENT Large cement garage. 720 EaFt 21st st. AUTO REPAIRING. TOUR auto repairs at your home or mice; Work, guaranteed. Phone 20-12. 1