THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, SEPTE3IRER 21, 1921 JR K A L JEST ATK. rut Hals lis UND1B1XTK1) NATIONAL. KKCOKD FOR HOiit HKLL1NU. 8 FRANK 1,. UT.flRR Ovsr 1-00 Ihotornph of Hnmi for Pal. LAHUKbT IHHIB SEI.I.KK UN THIS PACIFIC COAST. K.ary honi lrsonalljr Inspected infl ppraid. If ntcaiMry, w'lt hrlp yuu uiHke you mak your down pynint. 2H iMtrlnvl .airmen at your serr Ic. Oi'irn aventnsa until WVOt). IirKICKKr Ki8K CITY". i;iO THAT HI'NfiAl..W "DREAM" CoMK TKUIC! tin of thla dla dlatrlct's moat artlallc cranllona in lilllt bungaluw srchltsclur! Krwnrtl door, caasm.nt windows, And 2 pretty pergola porchss cut aldr, ant but a krynot to tha at trartlva features within. Hardwood floora; bullt-lnai al-rpln porch; Harare: corner. 1,KT III CHOW VOll THIS MONDAY! K 4"th at. WONDICKKI L, HAWTHOH.VK! $MU KArtY TKKMd! HAWTHORNE HL'NUALOVV HAROA1N that you'll no fur to duplicate. 8ACK1F1CK VALU! d rooma In an exceptional dlatlnctlva type with every linairln ahlo convenience; hardwood floora. tr; furnar; fireplace; sleeping porch; large, roornv closets. K. anth at. VOLT JU ST BEB IT TO appreciate the genuine VALUE! $20u4 Comfortable K K.N TON bungalow with alaeplng porch; 6 rooma; built-in convenience. and nice white enamel bath; corner lot. IS. Holland at. f ."oii down. 0-ronm substantial. very practical modern home on Oraham near Vnlon Ave.; no aa luMincntf or mortgage to aaauuie. I'm cut lor quick aale! HUNDREDS OK OTHER HOMES In every reeitience aection of the city. KASIK.HT THICKS AND TERMS! IF NFCKdttARY. WFTI.L, HELP YOU ial.VKK YOL'K DOWN PAYMENT. 8c KFtANK I.. H'RIURE, To fluy Your Home. Successor to H. D. .McGulr Arlington Illdr. Main IOCS. 3d Mt., Tiet, Washington and Htark. ALAMEDA PARK. COLONIAL 10 UOOM3. OARAOE. HOL'SE CANNOT I!B Dt.TLICATED FOR PllICE I ASK, !W)00. TI10NK Wri.N. 4323. .NO AUli.NTS. ENGLISH COLONIAL. Thla beautiful Utile home la In a dla tlnctlva clan by llnelf and will appeal to the peraon who can diacrlmknate be tween a home and a houee. Finished In a aoft white aturco and located on the carllne only a few blocks from the golf llnka. Thia place hasn't been throwo together bv lumber butchers, but repre sents honest malerlal and thorough workmanship. Asking fliHx) lira than It is worth. An Inspection will run. vine. Price fU.'iO". Terms. Builder, '.Mt anil Hybee. Auto. 3uoo LKT I'M show you thla corner borne. 3 rooms and sleeping porch down. 3 large bedrooms and bath up; b.tsement, furnace. rose and shrubbery; near Franklin high. Kasy terma, but hurry, as thia is a real buy. J. A. HICKMAN' CO., "Shortest Way Home. 'l Ptnrk St. M.i In IIHI4 nnd SSI LA I 'It EI. 11 fit ST. fl-room bungalow, nearly completed; hardwood floora throughout, tile bath, elegant plumbing, ivory finish, double garage; lot i.0xl.-,s. located at 117H E. Ankeny st.( near E. Ulfth. Kaay terms If desired. X. O. EKt.UXD. Owner and Flu i Ifl t-r. Tahor fi0. I. A U It F.LH UI1ST HA KG A IN. Owner leaving city, will sell beautiful 6-room bungalow, modern throughout. 2 blocks to car, close to school; former price TJ."o, now $:.s.-; must have II loo cash, bul. f lilt) lung time. Owner, Auto matic jio-:im. fiOINO TO BUII.DT We design and build residences, of any building. Assist In financing same. The beat service at lowest cost to you. Es tablished 12 years. Security and alls faction sssured. L. R. BAILEY CO., Inc. 1i-' N W. Hank bldg. tiuilU 3-room cottage, lsrge ysrd. wood shed, garage, walking distance to cltv, price $sc)0; mortgage $.".00. Total l;lou. Furnl'.ure included. Here la your chance, cash or terms. See me at once. .1 am going to California. Owner, 845 Cast Stark St.. cor. I'Tfh. No phone. ROSK PITT PARK. 3!.1 EAST 4HTH ST. NORTfT. Attractive bungalow, fit, heut. attic, garage, lawn, etc. Quick, aula deaircd. bee 1 to o P. M. Owuer. KENTON HI.' NG A LOW. $ too down. Here's good home, mod ern; bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, floored attic, full lot. trees, etc.; Included is gas range, heater, etc. Payment 4-0 month. .Main .'I HOC. Wl'IN. Sufi Morgan Tilda;. Realtor. IIHOU f.MIU CASH. I EAST 76TH ST. NORTH. A-room. nice lot, sewer paid, barn, fruit. ,ow la your chance, Go look! i. C. GOLDEN BERU. AMngton Bldg., luti'.i 3d St. Main ,Hi.Y. Tabor 8104. WESTMORELAND, new. classy bungalow, double constructed, writing desk, book cases, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, screened porch, full attic, cement basement, lot 6"100. Improvements paid, close to car. lluOu; price Hl'im, Mr 1 1. 61H. Hal, easy terms. WEST H1DW view property, excellent con dition; li, lota, ? rooms, sleeping porch screened and glass, plpeless furnace. Automatic hot water heater, hardwood floors. Ivory enamel Inside finish, fine neighborhood: ldfc for children. Price right. Main 1 7. ltOSK CITY. $."3nn. Hit wonderful A-room bungalow on fiSlh. St.- Hiiw. floors throughout: close to car and a dandy buy; if Interested call Alain 7!)31, or Tabor 311). J. bob bins. CAPITOL HILL. Three-room house, garage, gas, water, elec, SKI minutes from 4th and Stark. 8c fare. lOUilOO. Price 17uu, very easy terms. MALL A VON TJORSTEL, 1Q4 S.l St. M iln 14.1H. FOR SALE It Y OWNER. ROSE CITY PARK. Km EAST 47UI ST. NORTH. Modern d-room colonial bungalow, ulerplng porch, garage. All street Im provement In and paid. On terms; take t-.:,ixi t,i handle. See 1 to B P M. LAl'RELIHHST. OWNER LEA VINO CITT. If you really mean business ard want to buy a strictly modern fl-room bunga low with garage at an exceptional re duction, also furniture for sale, call at 1 1 1;. wasco st. ONLY I.17.-.0. . 5-room modern bungalow, all on one floor, rooms nil large, full cement base ment, furnace, dandy garage and chick en house, ftju down., baL easy. Auto matic 2I0-S. KENTON COTTAGE. ISSOte Five rooms, modern snd practic ally new; .Mix 1 cm lot; Kenton-Mis-sisippl csr. $."00 cash, balance l.'S and interest. Inquire 17 W. McClellan street. LALRELHIRST. R-room bunKulow, large attic, tile bath, drnln board, hardwood floora, garage; complete In every way, ready to mov Into at HI'.! E. Couch, near park. Tabor r-7, owner and builder. A POSITIVE SACRIFICE. MI ST HELL AT ONCE. Portland Heights, modern 0-room resi dence, fine condition; garage, ; lota. Leaving; will make bargain price; terms. Owner. Marshall L'tHH. NEW IRVINliToN UC.NGALOW. Stylish and distinctive, d rooms, old ivory, latest electric fixtures, shades, full basement, garsge. large lot; ItilMHI terms, it .. mm at. norm. Broad wliy glH'3 Owner. FOR SALE i0, fl-room residence with sleeping porch, concrete basement, lo cal eu near acnooi ami canines; all i provemenia, lawn ami fruit trees; lot Until, 2-3. owner leaving city. Call at lutii r.aei otiiniuii fi. I12.S00 IN HEART of Irvlngton. 8-room nkodern house, hardwood floor through ool. two fireplaces, two bathrooms ga rage, lot 75x100; must be seen to be ap preciated. Owner. 631 East lum North Telephone East HHP. BUNGALOW, over quarter acre, wide porchea, well built, Ideai place for chick ens, near Council Crest; price fjloo easy terniav Will rent Ic responsible per son: partly 'urnlshed; rent $, .'ncluding wster. Marshall 5210. ' RICHMOND BARGAIN. A room, newly decorated. Just 100 fset from car line. ini ia inueea a bargain 1 I3J..0, -ou cash. bal. term. KOHNETT McCLL'RE. REALTORS. Marshall 3-"lJ. H2 Couch Hldg. A REAL bargain. Must be aold Imme diately, furnlahed or unfurnished. S rooma. bath and eleeping porch; Ml. Scott line. Call after 1:13 P. M., apt. 11. 731 Everett sl TWO strictly modern bungalows on Port land blvd. and Interstate ave. Must be seen to be appreciated. Owners on ground Sunday. Wdln. J 101) or Wdln. r.riKi. KO.SE CITY PARK. Puy from owner. 3-room modern bun aslow lust finished: S'.no cash and bal ence like rent. 31 02d t- N. Tabor .etfll. .NEW HAWTHORNE bungalow, furnished. Everything up to date. A real buy, and cash will la.k. Tabor 121. REAL .STTE. For (Sale -Ho SIX-KOOM BUNGALOW. I must sell at once. My price direct to you Is $1000. Yon save commission by buying; direct from owner. Nothing like It hea ever been offered In Portland for the money. Read the description. lieautiful oak floors In living room, bedroom, dining room, library, halls and even In the closets. Beautiful white enamel Dutch kitchen: full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace. Beautiful built ins. Street paved and paid. The flow-era and vines make, It the show place of the district. I must raise money at once and If you mean business call , WOODI.AWN T32. ALAMEDA PARK. New bungalow, fl rooma. 2 sleep ing porches, breakfast room, most modern and up-to-date of Ita kind. First floor all hardwood floors, tile bath and ahower. Bath room fixtures of latest design; best grade of tapestry paper: hot water heating, full cemented porch, garage. 3 blocks west of Broad way car at 8oft Dunckley ave. Terms. Low interest on mort gage. Cell owner, Wdln. UOa. Open daily 2 to 4 P. M. ALBERTA BARGAIN. 3.i. fl rooms and sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace, on paved street, close to car and school. Look at house at l K. Join st. North, then cuuie and se us. CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE. ft rooms and enclosed porch, small basement, located at 1H E. 12th st. IJmhi, $:in0 down, balance S33 per mo. bave carfare. See REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO. S10 Lewis Hldg Broadway 2'..M. ROSfcl CITY. I3HM) TERMS. VERT ATTRACTIVE .NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, CALIFORNIA STYLE; CASEMti.NT WINDOWS, PERGOLAS; LARGE LIVING BOOM, FIREPLACE. OAK FLOORS; 2 FINM BEDROOMS, CONNECTING HATH ROOM. HANDY DUTCH KITCHEN AND HREAKFAST NOOK; Rt'll) WATER HEATER; CE MENT BASEMENT; UAS FURNACE. FRENCH DOORS; GARAGE; A 1IUALTY. n. 80M ERVILT.E, BDWT. 1478. SL'O II. S. NAT. HANK HLDG. 8-IU)OM bungalow for sale by owner, wslk- Ing distance to Franklin high, also good grammar school. Hswthorne . car: lot 100x1110 feet, fin lawn. 0 fruit tree, atrawberries, grapes, slirubbery, all the garden you need. 4 rooma and fine bath complete upstairs: 4 rooms and laundry room with stationary tubs and toilet on first floor, some buiitins. screened-in back porch, cement basement, garage, fine grape arbor. Come and see it for yourself; price $1S750. some terms; this is a good buy. Win. Wood ham. Ill 10 SUth avenue Southeast. Phone Auto. O'JS-lo. ."oo CASH DOWN. ROSE CITY PARK, fl beautiful rooms including a big glnssed-in sleeping porch, an artistic fireplace, a massive built-in buffet, built in wardrobes, hardwood floor, hot-air furnnce. garage, big lot, near car, In fine neighborhood. The grounda are beauti ful with shade and shrubbery; owner baa cut th price from $ti.oo to f-'tUrtO for a quick sale. Don't overlook a good buy. COMTE A KOHLMAN. Main .-iS0. 2QS Chamber of Commerce Bhlg. AHMED. PARK bungalow, new. Call at Mill Skidmore. near 2'.Uh at., today; open from 2 to 5:30, and ace an attractive home of 3 rooma, not tittle atuny af faire, but good alzed; living room, fire place, vookcaaea, dining room a peach; buffet, hardwood fioora two rooma; very artistic hardware throuahoul; Dutch kitchen, built-in, etc.; yea. ye, large attic with frunt stairway; furnnce, ga rage, price Just reduced and will take I moo as Mrst payment. See this today. ssl Skldmore. near 20111 BEAUTIFUL HOME $500 DOWN. Sunnyside, lovely hardwood floor! beautiful modern elec. fixtures; new plpeless furnace, cement basement; ab solutely perfect order: fruit, nuta, berries, grapea, 24 abort blocks to best car line In city and stores serving your every wish; also theater, school, churches; price only $4500. Tour own terms in reason. Call after 1 P. M.. 103tl E. Taylor or phone owner, fore noon. Marshall 710. MOUNT TABOR ONLY $2000. 4-r. bungalow with attic large enough for two good rooms, nice locstion on gentle slope. KRxloO lot; in good condi tion. VERY GOOD VALUE. SOUTH MOUNT TABOR. 8-r. bungalow and slpg. porch $.'1150. ONLY $."i10 DOWN Lots of bulit-ins and in first-class condition throughout; on corn t, 50x100 lot. with good garage. MARSH ic Mcl'ABB CO.. Realtors. S22-3-4 Failing Hldg. Marshall 3WS. LAURELIIURST. FOR SALE BY OWNER. NEW. Dflo EAST HOYT ST. Modern 7-r..oin bungalow and garage.. 1 block from car. 1 block f.'otu stores. Breakfast nook. Hardwood floora Complete. Terms. $6300. J. A. IRWIN. Main 71S3. 1107 Spalding B'.dg. LOOK THIS UP. 6.17 K. 4KTII ST. N. $5200 VERY ATTRACTIVE FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW; LARGK PLATE G I, ASS WINDOWS IN LI VINO AND llINl.Na ROOMS. LARGE LIVING ROOM. FIREPLACE. DUTCH KITCH EN. BREAKFAST NOOK. 2 AIRY BED ROOMS. FURNACE. EAST FRONT. lfiASY TERMS. R. SOM ERVILT.E. BDWT. 247H PARTLY FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $3370 I.ct us show you this new at tractive bungaluw home of four rooms and bath: also breakfast nook; full basement, wasn trays, fireplace, 2 bedrooms: kitchen and one bedroom; completely furnished. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 2114 Stark St. Main lu4 and 8SS. IF I TELL you how well built, what fin materials used, what varieties of built-in features, what a large, well-finished basement, what handsome garage, what a beautiful lawn and lot 7xlU0, where thia house ia located, you cry "bunk," so get busy, come and see It. If you don't like It. have another house same size, on car line, for one-half Its price. Kssy terms. Cbarlea Jlouck, Realtor. 11.12 C. of C. IRVINOTON bungalow: five large rooms on first floor, charming breakfast nook, French doors, hardwood floors thrnugh oull artistic fireplace and- bookcases; east facing, full lot, wide cement drive way and garage; real bargain for few days. $7300. .East 410. IRVINOTON HOME. Beautiful home one block from Broad way and Irvlngton car; ,argo rooms, hardwood floors, French doors perfect condition Inside and out. Ground (13x110. McDonell, Eaat 41U. IRVINGTON SNAP. A reel buy In Irvlngton bungalow; has large living room, c'ozv dining room, breakfast nook, all bulit-ins. furnace, fireplace, garage; one beautiful bedroom down and two up; $0500. $luoo cash. bal. terms. ROBN'ETT ft McCLURE. REALTORS. Marshall 32H2. 302 Couch Bldg. 2-ROOM FURNISHED HOIISK Lot 50x100, woodshed, chicken house, 7 ssorted besrlng fruit trees, some berries, completely furnished and ready to move Into. Total price $623, $130 caah. $10 monthly. What do you think of thla aa againat paying rent? Fred W. German Co., Realtora. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 3 ROOMS, PLASTERED. $10U. .10x100 lot, bearing fruit trees, house comparatively new; good repair; costly residences In the district. No mortgage or street Improvements; will sell on a small cash payment and amall monthly ravments. Fred W. Huntress, tHJ2 spald ng bldg. Main 241. NEW IRVINGTON BL'XOALOW. Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplsce, furnace, ce ment basement, garage, sightly corner lot: to car line 2 blocks. Thla is an ele gsnt home; price $0o00. See owner, 1102 Fpaliilng bldg. Phone Main 27. .HOSE CITY PARK Five-room house with Dutch kitchen, bath between, two bed rooms; lot 100x100: $550 cash. Price $250. U3S E, 'th N. Five blocks north. 1' V OWNER Rose City bungalow, built 2 years; ft rooms, garage, furnace; $4400, 1ooo down. 1140 E. 30th st. N. FOR SALE, by owner, house and lot. 442 E. Thurman. Terms reasonable. Tabor 1043. A BEAUTIFUL 5-room bungalow, 2i48 fireplace and garage; on paved street; iioou. easy terms, owner, sell. 2704, MI ST sacrifice my Mount Tsbor residence. Leaving olty. 224 E. 53d st. South. Automatic --i-Q'v. $700 MODERN T-room house, S-mlnut ride on car to center of city, $25O0 down. easy terms. laimr nm. LARGE fl-room modern house near Rich mond and Franklin school; Richmond carline; term. Owner. Aut. 222-60. IN OVERLOOK. Modern 7 -room house, lot 50x100. 836 Longvlew. Woodlawn 1777. A COZY 5-room bungalow, modern, enam eled woodwork, term. Wdln. COO, REAL E"TATE. r'or Sale -House. LAURELHURST. ONLY $U0 DOWN $3030. fl-room bungalow, full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, buf fet, cabinet kitchen, plat glass, hdw. floors, large attic: 2 blocka R. C P. car. IF IT'S IN LAURELHURST WK HAVE IT. WAVERLEIGH HEIOHTS. $5000 6-room bungalow type, fl years old. F'ull cement basement. Caloric plpeless furnace, traya. hdw. floora fine fireplace, beautiful bookcaaea, buffet, china cloaets, three large bedrooma with dressing room; nice bath: decorations and appointments throughout will com pare with any $7000 place in the city. Owner muet leave city and la sacrificing far below market .value. SEB IT To HAY. MARSH A McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3'JU. . COLONIAL BUNGALOW. On a corner In beat part of Rose City Park; 3 lovely, light rooms, decorsted In Ivory: hard wood floors throughout, line furnace, fireplace with Radiant Fire heater, built-in buffet and bookcases, best lighting fixtures; only one year old: newly painted and kalso mlned. large plate glaas windows, electric hot wster heater and In laid linoleum go with house; terms If winteil. Sea owner. 3-S East 44th at. North. KX-SERV1CB MEN AND HOME BUYERS. before buying or building, see us, sure. Our building company can. If you desire, build for you. either on your lot or one of our own, a home constructed accord ing to plans and specif icationa prepared especially for you. Competent architect to assist you. Let us build for you in Homedsle. our new restricted subdivi sion, adjoining Irvlngton. Open even ings. 3. A. WICKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." ?04 Stark St. Main 10H4 and !H3 IRVINOTON. $5000 New ft-room bungalow, living room 13Vi22Vj. beautiful paper and fixtures, hardwoud floors, linoleum, built-lns In kitchen and bath, shades, garage, lawn. Might consider lot and cash as firat payment. Monthly payments only $46. In cluding Interest. 0(3 Fremont, near 18lh. Owner. Main H'.'o.i. Open afternoons. IRVINOTON. MODERN SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. lSth, Near Knott. Owner, leaving city, will sell direct for pre-war coat. I400O TERMS. Has 3 rooms unfurnished on 2d floor. CALL BDWY. 2V14 FOR APPOINT MENT. ' No agent. LAURELHURST. Six-room bungalow. 2 blocks south of Gllsan street car line, near 43d: very large living .-oom, 2 fireplace, good fur nace, oak floors; all rooms finished In Ivory; this property Is fully $1250 under- firlced. ro that owner may quickly real se on hat equity: $0'no. $2000 cash re quired. 1233 East Davis. LAURELHURST SPECIAL. 43D AND EAST COUCH. The most Ideal bungalow home In I.aurelhurot; that beautiful house of plate glass windows must be soid at once. Price reduced. You deal with the owners only. Don't miss this. See It today. You will surely want this for your horn. Open dally for your In spection. A. C. JEWELL. Selling Agent. Bdwy. M4. Tabor 5720. SACRIFICE SALE. This beautiful new six-room home at No. O.ifl B. Broadway. Owner says It must be sold, snd that no reasonabla offer will be refused. It Is modern In every way. a nice ga rage, on the most pleasant street on the east side. You should see this today. You can have easy terms. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST COMPANY. 24 Onk st. Broadway 043. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. MOVE RIGHT IN. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. FIRE PLACE. FURNACE. OAK FURNITURE. EXPENSIVE RUGS: GARAGE; ALL IN FIRST -CLASS CONDITION. 10S2 SCHUYLER, ONE BLOCK TO BROAD WAY, NEAR 83TH. WILL. BR THERK TO SHOW YOU A REAL BARGAIN AFTER I P. M. TODAY. PRICE 4t30. ABOUT HALF CASH. HAWTHORNE. $750 CASH $4750 VERY ATTRACTIVE B-ROOM BUNGALOW AND DEN; CLOSE HAW THORNE CAR. HARDWOOD FLOORS. Fl REPLACE. DUTCH KITCHEN. TWO FINE BEDROOMS: FULL CEMENT BASEMENT: FURNACH. LAUNDRY TRAYS. EAST FRONT. STREET IMPS. IN AND PAID. REAL BARGAIN. R. SOMERVH.LE, BDWY. 247S. ' NEW S-ROOM BUNGALOW. HAWTHORNE MOUNT TABOR. Very compact, with every modern con venience, built-in.; hdw, floors, break fast nook, full cement basement, garage that will keep your car warm in winter. DON'T HESITATE. IT WILL UO QUICKLY AT $4200. MAR.:ii tc Mci'ABB CO.. Realtora. 822-3-4 .Failing Bldg. Marshall 3'.l3. A BARGAIN if taken at once; S-room house, with full basement, lot 33Vixl25. Street In and paid for; all rooma large; big linen cloaeta and clothes closet; built-in seats, ivory finish downstairs: fl tons gas briquets In basement go with place and will paint house; 75 ft. from Sunnyside car, 4 blocks from school and church; walking distance to high scbooL Price $2X50 with no Interest; at leaat half price. Auto. 22 4-3H, BEST BUT IN ROSE CITY PARK. Designed and built by owner: 0 rooms. A bedrooms, large closets, sleeping porch. ahower bath, very latest bathroom fix tures, large living ruvni. uiiiimk room, breakfast room, all built-ins. furnace, fireplace, garage. All Improvements in and paid. Terms. Owner. Auto. 313-61. HEADQUARTERS FOR LAliRELHCKST HOMES. LAURELHURST TRACT OFFICE, EAST 30TH AND GLISAN. DRIVE OUT TODAY. Blf bargain, 6-room Colonial house, close to the park. Four brand-new bungalowa; prices range from g.luoo up to $75i)(l. Phone Tabor 3433; evenings. East 7738. ROSE CITY PARK We have on of the beat buys In Rose Cltv Park for $5250: fl rooms, hardwood floors, lurnace. fireplace, built-ins. all modern conveniences: corner iot ; Im provements in and paid; auuo casn. baU terms. ROBNETT McCLURE. REALTORS, Marshall 32112. 302 Couch Bid g. LAURELHURST. BRAND-NEW BUNGALOW and ga rage: breakfast alcove, hardwood floors throughout, tapeatrv paper. faultless kitchen, floored attic. fireplace and built-ins. The price is right. $5soo. Terms are easy, xhhhj down. ..'0 Haselfern place, near 4let. owner. Auto. x-jn-aT. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Cute 8-room place, French door and windows, good sixed living room, dandy kitchen, lots of built-ins. electric lights, gas, water; full lot; fruit, berries, shade trees. Only $1373. See ROYAL. 72d and Sandy. Tsbor 1 33. Evenings. Tabor 7174. IRVINGTON S-room. ideal location on carline. near schools, church, club; new. ly renovated; four bedrooms. bath, snlendld kitchen, all In Ivory enamel: large closets with windows, fine family home, owner. r 22.12. FOR SALE by owner, attractive home In A!amda Park. Eight rooms, furnace, hardwood floors, built-in featurea. Pitts burg water heater: double garage. Priae $11,000 Location 923 Bryc av. Phone wniu. i.ijvv IRVINGTON. $4000 Eight - room house and garage; not strictly modern, but in first-class condition. Fin lawn and flowers. Tabor 31 it!. i.argc 6-room plastered house, close t car: small payment down, balance like rent. Call Woodlawn 5519. After o clock call vs 0011 lawn wn. a.nnnM house, semi-modern. fiOxlon i clear, No. S9 E. 8th st. N. Shown by appointment. Phone East 1323 after yt M. terms, oaiqaiii. TWO ACRES good oll on 52d St., near Holgati. o-room nouse. oarn, henhouse, lots of fruit: $5000. BARRA.ND REALTY t G. . fmn.on BEAUTIFUL 4-room bungslow. Kenton district, ready for Inside finish; choose your own color and woodwork. 1x1 . Russet. yooniwn n. . 1 r n w li 11.1 r fv. Six-room modern house, fins condition fruit, flowers, close to school, $500 down' , trt suit Tabor 8374 ' 7-ROOM bungalow, strictly modern, on block to Fernwood school, easy term, no mortgage, a bargain. Owner, call East $5.ino BY OWNER, modern 8-room house with sleeping porch, hot-water beat, hardwood floors, garage. In Rom city i'ara. Call Tabor . ' REAL KSTATK. For Sa le Houses. KENTON DISTRICT. 5-room cottage on full 1M. near car. Price $1430. cash $2u0, balance like rent. Marshall 8352. J. B. ROCK. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Six-room modern house, full cement basement, laundry traya. furnace, alt built-in conveniences; gsrsge: $70v down, balance monthly. Tabor 142. ATTENTION For somebody who want a good horn cheap, a good 5-room house, furnished, on 33th and K. Morrison; must aell at once to settle estate: $2uG0. Tabor 8107. HOME for sale, modern In every detail, surrounded by all conveniences, schools, car. atores: no mortgage to ass-ime; ev erything paid; open for inspection. Ta bor 51101. $130 DOWN. Balance $13 per month. Brand new S-room cottage, close to car line and single fare. Price $1000. Call owner. Tabor 4202. FROM OWNER EASY TERMS. Nw double-constructed S-room bunga low, strictly modern; between Broadway and Alberta car; key aW-Wos E. 2sib su N. Auto. 322-04. HOUSE PLANS. Dl!ncttv Horn," tlluatrated book Of ovr loo deaigna, $1; blueprints, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 024 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, GARAGE, pear Franklin high, block from carlin; fine garden and trees: screened porch; $.t."00, eay term. Owner, 21S Piatt bldg.. Park and Washington. R;SE CITY PARK $i'k.00 Beautiful fl-room home, close In; fire place, hardwood fioors. old Ivory wood work, linoleum Included. Owner, B 23, Oregonmn. FOR SALE A modern 10-room furnished house, hardwood floors, fireplace, sleep ing porch, large lot, fruit trees, etc. E. side, close In. Phone Broadway 8813. Evenings and Sunday feast i:i. $27."0 S-ROOM house, attic. plastered, modern, fruit, flowers and garden, near business school and two car linea. Call Tabor 2072 for Information or write owner, M. Federson, Estscada, Or.. R. 2. FOR 8LE by owner. S-room house on Overton St., between 22d and 23d. Full particulars bv calling Main 3742. Shown by appointment oiny. u sktih FOR SALE fl-room bungalow, completely furnished, furnace, fireplace, etc. ; fine garage and lawn. A great bargain. Phone Res. E. tw. office M,n 1417. Suburban Home. 8 Is ACRES SNAP BUT. $230 DOWN $23 MONTH. Only lli miles from Lents and Mt Scott car, small house and outside city; 4V4 acres In choice strawberries, bal. un improved: a real bargain at $lsoo and look at th term. Se Mr. Chessman with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Main 2U!. CHEAP TO CLOSE ESTATE. THE IIEITKEMPER PLACE. Beautiful country home of 7 acres, fine grounda. ail kinds of nut and fruit trees, 4 acre In grapes, ornamental shrubbery and hedgee. Part beaver dam. Has never failing spring and ram. On hard-surface road and Oregon City car line at Courtney station. Might di vide. Inquire across the road at Lily Pond nursery. SIGHTLY TRACT, 200x140. on Improved county boulevard, overlooking the Tuala tin valley and near Multnomah station, with nearly completed bungalow, wh.cll we have been erecting for oar perma nent home. Must leave the city within the next thre week, and will sacri fice for $2400. on easy terms. For par ticulars, call Main US", week days only. FOR SALE $3500. 5-room house with furniture and ga rage; Bull Run water; all modern con veniences; 2 lots; berries and fruit; large screened porch: 2 blocks from Oregon City line. Island Station: 87O0, $.to month, fl per cent. Phone Mllwaukie 83-M. . NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, all built-ins. has breakfast room, finished In 1J days; acre, mostly in berries: right at atation: ha gas. Bull Run water ar.d electricity; here is a very good place for $23oo; would like 1-3 rash. Come to Stanley station. Ask for Miller (owner), Eata cada carline. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1.U0 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City car un. liEALTH compels Immediate sacrifice; Psrk rose acre or H acre; choice corner, modern bungalow, garage; terms. Tabor 20. . HAVE dc-iirable half acre at Multnomah: high, excellent view; gas. water and electricity ad)oinlng. BF 31, oregonlan For Sale Acreuge. CHICKEN RANCH. 20 acres. 5 acres In high state of cultivation. 13 acres timber, 1200 cords good wood, contract now cutting for half the wood; good well water, family orchard, good new plaalered bungalow 24x 30; wood shed and summer kitchen 22x20; modern brooder house, O. A. C. type. 12x24; brooder house 22xS0. modern; barn 2x4u; buildings are ail new. The soil Is deep loam soil, nearly level, alopes slightly to the river. It is three miles from Camas and 12 miles from Vancouver, 1 mile to school. The drag saw, some farm implements and tools go with the place at $.10011. half cash, balance 8 to 5 years at 0 per cent. ATKINSON A PORTER. 70S Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 13 ACRES, 7-R.. $8000 AT GRESHAM. A beautiful 7-room house, screened porch on two sides, full basement, wash trays, pressure water, bath and toilet, fireplace, barn and coop for 300 chickens, family orchard and berries: 10 minutes' walk to high achool, churchea and showa Here a bargain. Ten acres, $4500: 5-room bouse, fin barn with stanchions for 20 cows, fruit and garden, good water; Joins the above place. Am the owner of both places. O. W. TARR. En st 6818, 793 E. Main St. Main 8203. CHOICE ACREAGE One to flve-acr tracts near Oswego lake, rapidly grow ing district o mites from center 01 city; one-fourth mile to I.ake Grove atation. on S. P. electrlc:good road to city, now being paved, passes this property; gar den soil, line school; easy terms: owner on ground Sunday. T. (i. Rees, 40o coucn bldg. Phone .Main 024. IN THE GRESHAM DISTRICT. 40 acres. $1000, generous terms. 20 mile from Portland, half mile from electric railway. 40c fare; fertile soli, small creek, not rocky, near highly Im proved farms, now open pasture, easily cleared; will divide into amall tracta. Fred F. Huntress, Main 24 L v02 Spald ing blhf. HOW MUCH CASH HAVE" TOUT W hav 2 acres of cleared land with a new 4-room plastered house and good well: can get more land If de sired. Wll'. sell this on easy terms or make extra low price for larger casn nsvinant. Price 32730. This is on good road, close to city. Strong 4k Co.. bod Chsmber of Commerce. IN THE GRESHAM DISTRICT. Five acrea, $250, amall caah payment, small monthly paymenta; 20 mllea from Portland. W n.Iie from electric railway, 40c fare; fertile soil, not rocky.' near highly Improved farms, now open pas ture; easily cleared. Fred F. Huntress. iM(2 Spalding bldg. Main 241. FOR SALE: A snsp for $1800: tan acre of good land, partly ciearea, new one room (hack furnished, some tools and a good well; north of Vancouver, wasn., on Pacific highway. Terms, JSO0 down, balance $10 per month. J. Hutchinson, 345 E. 27th So. Phon Sell. 12I. FACING BASELINE RD. 2.88 acres, lies Ideal, In good grad and high school district, near car Un A nap at $1075, on very easy terma R. H. Confrey. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201 -2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL ACRE TRACTS On to five acres, close to new faciric n.gnway; wor.derful view of mountains, lake and river. Finest of land, no stone. Very beat of terms. RALPH HARRIS CO., 818 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. AN ACRE IN CULTIVATION. Out Section Line rd.. Just outside city limits; Bull Run water. A good buy at $ti0. very easy. R. H. Confrey. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE CO., Iflt-2-8-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 17i ACRES of Ideal filbert land, ready to plant; also 12 acres of fin brry Isnd. all tiled; near HUlsboro; 1 heavy bearing walnut orchard; all near Pacific highway; also fine sheep ranch. Ad dress T. witnycomD. 3l2in St.. city. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. HOUSE, bsrn. five acrea: on East 82d at. Will rent or sell on eaay terma W. H. ROSS. T100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. For. SALE 7 acres, clos In. Thus. Allen, 8131 2d 8, , REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. WE JUST found something exceedingly fine and beautiful; finest we have Been and. if you have $1250 cash, you can possess It clear of encumbrance. R'd thia carefully: 8 acres, very finest soli, portion termed near beaverdam, fin never-ceasing stream: every portion is tillable. Ilea beautiful, very easiest clear ing, lots of largo open spots cleared and only small bru-h In clusters, some very old rotten stump, all eaaily and quickly cleared; fer.""d with woven wire; quite a large buTTTng. easily converted Into amall house: on county road and. note this location, one mile and H Tom, HUlsboro poatofflce. few roda outalde of city limits, 7-10 of a mile Portland Hlllsboro beautiful highway, close to Oregon Electric station. A wonderful hu at this srlcf . Will be found as herein. C. L. Becker. 1:13V First st . ,e t-o r icn t- aZ ACRES. $10 paymenta. Alberta car. City water. No assessments or gravel. K. W. Cary, 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. Homesteads. KeimquisnmeDia. IF YOU haven't used your HOMESTEAD right now Is your opportunity, while th road are good, as thl la your leat chance to get a dealrabl claim In Ore gon. I also nav aom gojd relinqulsli mrnts. E. W. Helm. 818 Board ot lrade bldg. 2 RELINQUISHMENTS and 2 open claims, water, farming and timber to f-'OOO in value, $400, $;00 and one 40 for $100, lor quick cash. 301 Corbett Bldg. TIMBER homestead on Sluslaw river; railroad cut corner of claim; station quarter mil away; fine timber cheap for caah. L. E. Joy. 316 Board of Trade. Irrigated I-anrts. 23 ACRES 8 acrea alfalfa, 2 a. mixed fruit. 13 a. good pasture, aub-lrrigated . fair 8-room house, shed barn, other buildings; good well water; 1 cow, 7 head young beifera, splendid team and wagon, harness and other tools. T h s Is on the -Yellowstone highway. mU blgh school, m miles R. R. station. The soil is the very beet volcanio aah and will produce 7 tone of alfalfa In a ea, on. Thl Is a real bargain and will pay big Interest. Price $300O. only $2000 cash with paid-up water right. ATKINSON & PORTER. 70S Slain St., Vancouver. Wash. For sale Farms. THE BEST BUY IN THE UMPQLA VALLEY. 184 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED. Located milea from Roseburg on good county road. 1 mile from atore, poatofflce and school. 105 acres In cul tivation, of which there are 10 acres in 7-year-old Italian prunes; family or chard. The soil is a dark sandy loam and lie with Just sufficient slope for good drainage. Th balance of the larm not in cultivation is in pasture and oak timber. Ai: under good fence: splendid Improvements, u-room plsstered house, hot and cold water, lighting system, good barn, 60x50; machine hd. gran ary and garage, tank house, gas engine, hay In burn snd some Implement go with place. Price $13,000. $3000 cash. Plenty of lime on the balance at 8 per cent Interest. For particulars writ w. A. Bogard Real Estate Co.. Roseburg. Oregon. 38 ACRES. 13 acres cleared; has raised over loo busneis or oats m some excellent timber, running spring water, beat ot soil ; mile from pave ment on good road: In excellent dis trict. It must be sold; 2jO0. or $1000 will handle. . . , . 40 seres. 1 mile from Pacific high way, best of loam soil, lies fine. lent drainage: 20 acres cleared, good farm buildings: 4 head horses. 4 head cows. 13 head of hoga. 80 bushels oats. 18 tons hay; acres good spuds; good woods pasture, water for stock; some fruit; near school; $5000 hss Mnml farm loan $1200 half cash wl.1 handle. ATKINSON PORTER. 703 Main St.. Vancouver. W asn. FOR SALE. c n . s'l In KiiltlAt nn. 4 acres tim ber, good 8-room house, good large barn family orchard, good cellar and o her outbuildings; one team horses. 1-wu pounds each: harness. 2 wagons. 3 cows, 4 hoga. 60 chlckena. cream separator and full sot of farming Implements; 4 miles from Oregon City. 20 miles from Port land, on good macadam road. An estate to be settled. , . Price $20.000 good terms: would con sider a small tract as part payment at CA1ddVre1se"A. 6. Achilles. Oregon City. Route 3. Box 41!. Molalla road, or call on or phone O. D. Eby, Oregon City. Or. phone 2'.!'.iv FOR SALE 70 acres: 35 acres under cul tivation, 18 acres in crees. 01111.0111 . free from stump or rock. 3 seres In standing fir timber; soil is rich black loam; all level ground; no waste land; 30 fruit trees. So tons of hay In barn; 4-room house. .a.rge barn, other outbuild ings; good well on plsce: 3 milch cows. 3 heifers, 1 ffood work horse, 2 dozen chickens go with place: good free outside range for stock: IV, miles to postofflce. school, high school and mnasium; delivery wagot.; daily mall: price $4O00. Address si. HULSTROM, Toutle, Wash., Cowllts county ... , c iTi f! II V nwNKR. 40 acres 13 miles Vancouver, run ning water. 7-room house partly fur nished, large barn. silo, blacksmith shop, garage, chicken house 25x50. 8 cows. 1 calf 1 boll, fine team horses, all crops. Implements Include binder, mower, hay rake plow, harrows, disc harrow, culti vator, 2 wagons, cream separator; house and barn wired for electricity, hydro electric plant under construction, rural telephone; Income about $100 per month caah; price $0500. $2000 cash, balance terma to suit. Phona Tabor 10 10. i8 East "5th st. einu cur-rttFICR IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. ALL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 300 acres, 200 acres cleared. 70 acre bottom land. One of the best sets of farm buildings in Oregon. On paved highway; personal property alone worth $17,000. Price only $32,000 for all. Owner has plenty of money and will accept small payment down and eaay payments on balance. 1W11REY INVESTMENT CO., non-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. . "0 ACRES, all under cultivation, 8Va miles N. E. of Vancouver, near Slfton car line; 4-foom house, barn snd chicken house; good well. Will sell at reasonable price and give terms. 853 Mississippi ave., Portland. FINE PRUNE AND GENERAL PURPOSE FARM. 109 acres near Dallas, Or.. 110 acres are In cultivotion. 13 acres of prunes 4 years old, 15 acres one year old, balance timber and pasture; all fenced and crossed; 7-room house. 2 barns, clear of Incumbrance and will aell on very eaay terms. Price $-'K per acre. F. H. DESHON & CO., 615 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Jlti.UOO FRUIT ORCHARD FOR SALE. Price $12,000. Have fine fruit orchard, about 26 acres. 4 miles west Hood River; good 8-room house and fruit packing room, barn, etc.; springs, mater in houe fur nished by two large rams; also hav Irri gation water for ochard; crops with place. Write F. O. McCarty. executor. 7 W. Schofleld st., Portland, Or. Can be seen at Ru?sl st. g arage day times. POLK COUNTY FARM. 169 acres located near Dallas. Or. 110 acres high state cultivation Includ ing 80 acres prunes, about 70 acres choice bottom land, balance rolling hill land; good 7-room house. 2 barns, other outbuildings, wire fences, running water; no incumbrance; take small farm In ex change, balance long time; price $34,000. Agents welcome. Owner, S4o East eOih st. North. Tabor 7h:3. ATTENTION. SEPT. EGOP. 50 C ENTS PER POZEN. 5-ACRB POULTRY FARM. 500 yearling hens, tloO pullets, 8. W. L.s; full-blood Jersey cow. fine barn, modern poultry house, nice five-room bunralow, all recent construction. A BARGAIN AND TERMS. Will consider Portland home or grocery. T. O. Bird, 526 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALK Glenn farm, 83 acres. Just outside west Pt. Helens, on tha Tankton road; 1 hour from Portland; 2it acrea un der cultivation, rest open pasture, ex cellent soil, nice orchard and berries, well at house, creek through pasture. 4 room house, large barn and chicken house; must be sold quickly; no cora mission. R. E. Moe. Houlton. FREYTAG-MEEDS CO.. Realtors. Speclallx In Clackamas county FARM ri,, ACREAGE. SUBURBAN HOMES. 8-' years In Clackamas county. Expert agricultural advice free. GLADSTONE. OR. OREGON CITY CAR LINB. FOR SALE fiO-acra ranch, good grain land and orchard; good buildings; will consider small place tn trade and some cash down. Price $123 acre. For In formation. Lixxls Bishop. Junction City, Oregon ft, i WHAT about a 1040-acre wheat farm. .100 acres ready to sow. Two miles Condon, Oregon- Particulars M. Kltxmaurlce, Condon. Or. 03 ACRES, tlx- miles south of Lebanon; 63 In cultivation, well fenced; a good buy. or will trauc wi'sji. inur CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $30 to $.00 per acre; easy r-OT Kstst anil: farms for sal 1 1 .. McKarlar.d, realtor. 1'og Falling bldg. 1 1 . i l L' I nr-i-v Vavrl TlVlmi VaU.v 1 '.. ' CHOICE Improved Yakima valley alfalfa, grain, veg.. fruit, dairy and poultry land. Joining town. Cal. Ranch. Busna, Wash. IShj ACRES level, timbered land with creek, near electric and highway; can divide. Jeage R. Sharp. 83j 8d t. WILL sacrifice 160-acre Tillamook hill ranch for $1300, asseaaed valuation 812QQ. 1892 Base Line road. Tabor 9n:3. CLARKE CO. 40 acres, 20 ml. Vancouver: fertile soil; bouse, barn, prunes; only iiuvo from owner. Va cash, Wuln Ho'J'J. REAL ESTATK. For Sale -Farms. LINN EM AN STATION. 80 acrea. 63 under cultivation, good house and bjrn, alio, fruit trees, 0 miles east of Portland on paved road. 40 acres at $230 per acre, 40 at $400 per acre. SMALL FARM. $3OO0. 10 acres. 8 under cultivation, good house, new bsrn, orchard, near school; 5 miles from Greshsm, on excellent road; will trade for home In city. MALL A VON BORSTEL, 104 2d St. Main 1430. WANTED HEAjRSTATR. HOUSES WANTED. Have buyers for medium pnceo oy-' -with small psyment down and large monthlv payments: slso have parties with Improved and unimproved acreage, doe, to Portland, that will exchange for Portland houne that is priced right. Ask r , v.m.n with John Ferguson. oeriinger pioa. . HAVE buyer for 4-room bungalow, on ... . nn. censsinv eallroad or Broadway bridge. Want to hear from owner whoae price is right. ' HOLCOMB REALTY CO., 211 Washington Bldg. aiain ti.ii'1 .lias. Ill M-H". WANTED To rent imiii jurmancu with acre or two of ground, on Oregon r.i.v Multnomah or Greaham electric lines; will lease or buy on rental basis; ...,. .nms nnntiiiiii intra for chic kens, etc. Call Mrs. Worrall. Tabor 7 JUU. W E HAVE a cash customer for a flve- v . I n vra.H kv the H S car. priced between 82000 and 83000. Phone RALPH HARRIS CO.. ,oJ 818 Chamber of Commerce. Main 88-4. IF you WISH TO SELL TOUR lot or housj see us, we get results. Mr. Rlchanback. In charge hous and lot sales department, ' METZOER-PARKER COMPANY. 2fl Oak Street. Broadway 83.18. WANTED S-room bung, at about J4000 that can be bandied on the soldier s bonus. I will pay 820 a month until bonus la payable. Write and tell what you have. E. P. Nap. 201 Sheridan sU, Portland. Or. A KIVE or six-room bungalow, furnished: muet be modern In every way. Monta vllla. Sellwood and other outlying dts trlots will not be considered; will deal with owner only. East 1408. HAVE buyers zor houses or flats on the west side, I can sell your property if your price Is right. JOHN SINGER. 4?8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED. About 8-room house on terms; have good vacant lot to put In on first pay- T"a.' HENKLE, 812 Perl L'ger Bid K. WANTED A lot within E. 8th, 10th. Simpson and Holman sts.; state best price for cash, and building reatrlctlons, if any. AP 42. Oregonlan. WANTED A lot within E. 11th. 14th. Davla and Pine sts. ; tte price for cash and all restrictions. If any. AP 43. Or- egonlnn OWNERS ON LY. WANT B-ROOM MODERN BUNGA LOW, ROPE CITY. $4jO0. 81000 CASH. EAST 8313. HAVE car and cash as first payment on four or five-room house. Alberta pre- lerreu. n . j "- WELL.-LOCATED LOT, ocean view, at Canon Ll each. Oregon. State location and price. B 13. Orenonlan. WANT modern T or it-room house, east of .V.ih, between Yamhill and Division sts. Tahor A'lWV WANT bungalow or house, good district; trade 1918 Rtudebak er and high class lot, p a ved atreet. Owner. M a 1 n4 H 6 . LJ.ST TOL'R housea and property with us; if we can't sell them, give it up, McUee A l)ennu 3Htf union ave. vain. pom, TOURINU car, first payment on ft or S-rm. bungalow up to 3.'iUU; In good district. H -7. Oreronlatv WILL, pay cash for lot In Irvlngton. K. B. HKedorn. liQ lttn jwreei. 5-ROOM houtte, small lot. Clone In, $17UU to $li00; terms. V AS, Oregonlan. CASH paid lor lot lu Irvlngton. V Oregonlan. WtutPdto Rent I-arms. DAIRY WANTKD. Have client wanting dnt-jr proposition close lo Portland. 18 to 8-0 cows; prefer wholesale proposition; will buy stock and lease farm. Let us hear from you at once. P. I. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWK & CO.. 201-3-3-1V-7 Hoard of Tradg Bldg. WANTKD TO KENT. SMALL. PLACKii. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farm, close to Fot iand preferred. Some people will buy the place after leaalng for year or more. We make lot, cf sales this way. Will buv equipment If priced riirht. JOHN FKRGt'SON. Gerllnaer Bldg. largest Farm Dealer on 1'aclflc Coast. STOt'K ranch, small or lance, west of Cas cades. Might buy If euiied. Ulve full details in first letter. Address Charles W. Warner. Sclo, Oregon. FARM or dairy to responsible party, will pay cash or shares. W SO.Oregonian. r T FOR RENT FARMS. ORCHARDS AND VINKYARDS IN BEARING TO RENT. At the present time a number of Placer county fruit growers are ready to rent their properties. This presents an opportunity to experienced white fruit growers to obtain a home tn the wonderful Placer county fruit growing belt. In order to take advantage of this offer, immediate action Is necessary If interested, call or write at once to the Placer County Chamber of Commerce. R o.te v 1 11 e. Cal. H. D. Pottinger. Sec. DA IKY outfit for aale and farm for rent. HV2 acrea, house, barn, outbuildings, rent $7 a month. 2-year lease, 22 cows,. 5 heifers, 1 Holsleln bul., 1 brood sow. 1 horses and chU-kene. .'0 tons hay, 6 acres kale, 1 W acres potatoes, all dairy and farm Implements and tools, price $3500 for all. For more information call or write Joe C. Oentlemann. It It Railway Kxchange bldg., 3d and Stark at.. Port? land. Or. 30-ACRE farm, all cleared. 13 acres in clover 1 acre In loganberries, family I orchard; six-room house, 1 good barn; very best or sou. level ; a soum of Dayton, Or. Writ or call evenings, M 7lth 9t. corner of Pine. 160 ACRES for rent, stock and equipment for sale; fulty stocked and equipped; $1000 lakes it all; rent only $100 year. Good house and wster. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 8H3. BIG DAIRY farm for lease, personal for aale; retail market for milk. If you are looking for a rood dairy proposi tlon, write owner. AM 14. Oregonlan. OWNER wanta reliable tenant for A -1 farm. Cash rental. No stock nor lmDle- ments furnished. H. H. J., 17'J3 Dnver ave. SMALL dairy. 8 cows, est. milk route, all retail customers. Take Estncada car to Wllssn atation. walk south to big red ba rn. 130 A. WILLAMETTE valley grain ana dairy larm; eu a. in cultivation, juar. 4376 A K 48. Oregonlan. 60 ACKKt), 43 under cultivation, 4 miles ea?t of Oregon City. Owner. Phone KM 31 3S. TIMBER UtvKra. WANTED Job hauling logs: have 2 new 5-ton trucks equipped with ft-ton trail ers. M. C Matthews, .North puyaiiup. W ash. TO FX CHANG E R F.A L ESTATE. WANT DODGE CAR. Hava corner lot In Sellwood district. all free and clear, to turn in on good used car; preier iooge. r. i. tvinney, owner, at Multnomah hotel Friday and Paturday! BUSINESS. Income $1700 to $..000 a month: bona fide proposition; will ex change thia for city or suburban home. S. M. BORLAND, itnj Stock Exch. Auto. 529-04. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 334 acres Harney valley, fine land. 200 acres natural meadow, deeded wster right; running water on place. Will take 10 to 20 acres close to Portland. AV 34H, Oregonlan. OUR CLIENT holda $4."00 first mortgage on farm; wanta to trade mortgage fur suburban store and butcher shop. ROBNETT & McCLURE. REALTORS. Marshall 32fi2. H02 Com h Bldg. WILL TRADE 30-acre valley farm with stock and equip. ment for city property. ROBNETT McCLURE. REALTORS, Marshall a-.'-'. "-' i oucn uny. FOR 8ALE or exchange, stock and dairy ranch. 1C0 acres. Improved. $40U0; abun dant outrange; Lincoln county. 20 min utes' waik to school and R. R. HiO Macadam et. EXCHANGE Good timber claim four miles from Columbia river, county cruise almost eight million feet, for home In Portland. Will assume. Phone Main 8702. CONTRACT or mortgage wanted for 1020 Dodge touring car in good condition ; pay cash difference. Call Hurley, Main t"q imnnBj cfci-u. mug. FOR SALE 20 acres, near Cottrell. or will trade for city home. J. B. Bedgwlck, 1 litti Kerby et.. city. WILL you exchange improved Portland firoperty tor larno, inumj-im-jnivea vai ey ranch T Add. AF 37. Oregonlan. ley ranct. i mtB"iuiu. TOURING car. nrsi payment on a or 6-rm. B 27. Oregonlan. rLOTS in Rose city Park, block 114. for a good house close la. AF 3d, Oregonlan. TO KX C H A N G E K K A L KSTATK. 10 ACKKS 1STOCK ED. Thl dairy f.rm has itO cra n1vr cultivation and bu acres ilmoii ready fVr tha plow; lower Columbia district. Rood 7-room hous, dwtiry barn tlmoct m-w; achool H mi.; high school ntar; crushed rock road. axceUent aoll, wU watered. I milts from town and transportation; 11 com. fair dairy equipment including sep arator. Will accept city property to Hmiu, good terms. . it. ., Couch bldy. OITaT KDOB INVESTMKNT. Portland, wBt side; (truss In come over $10,000 a year. Will take Rood residence property up to flO.iHM). cah eK'.YWm. and terms on balance at tt per cent. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main fcL, Vancouver, Wash. STOCK AND DAISY RANCH. 1132 acres located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and hill. 8G0 acrea in cultivation, 2 houses. Isir barn; price llu.uuo; would consider city property. SECCRITT STOMACH TRANSFER COMPANY. 63 Fourth st Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3713. ACREAGE AND HOME NEAR TOWN. 13V acres, highly Improved, good six room house, almost new; 30"0-gal. tank with gas engine pump; 3 acres berries lngans, raspberries, atrawberries; a good dairy fuliy equipped; milk route bringing In good Income. Good school, in fact an ideal place for a home and an in come. Will exchange for a ciiv or suo urbxn home. E. R S.. A 1 SC ouch bMt,. SEE US FOR EXCHANGES. Acreuge all parts of Oregon and sev eral other states and Canada to ex change for city property, income or oth er acreage. Wo have exchangee for lots and autns. WE EXCHANGE EVERYTHING. MARSH A McOABK, REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. TWO THOUSAND DOLLAR equity in irri gated Twin Falls North Side Idaho land for sale or trade. What have you to of fer ? This gets Immediate possession of 0 a crew, 8-room house, barn for 13 head of atock. well, 7-acre family orchard. 83 acres alfalfa; federal land bank loan rune for 34 years: easv payments; big snap? Add reus E 24. Oregonlan. SKK US FOR EXCHANGES. Acreage all parts of Oregon and sev eral other states and Canada to exchange for cltv property. Income or other acre age. We have exchangee for lot and auto. WE EXCHANGE EVERYTHING. MAR SH & M cCABK, RE ALTORS. WILL EXCHANGE 7-room mouern house, rents for $33 per month: a I mo two splendid business lots, with small store room, best location In town, in one of the best bus'nesft towns in Montana, be tween Helena and Great Falla. for a go ing business or Portland property. AV 334. Oregonlnn. Wl LL trade U-rooin house and 0 lots on Portsmouth ave. for 5 or 6-room bunga low and 1 lot or sell for 85200. Will trade 5 acres, 3 -room house, garage, near Cherry Grove, for house and lot in Port land, or sell for $l.loo. BA RR AN D REALTY CO., R0 Pnlmon. WILL TRADE LOT FOR CAR. Have two good lots In Irvlngton Park, paved street, car line, cment walk, city liens all paid. Price $1000; will trade for good used car. What have youT K. I. Kinney, owner. See me Friday or Sat urday at Multnomah hotel. KXCHANGE SMALL HOUSE FOR LARGE ONE. 6-room, neat, pleasantly rltuated bun galow, cash value $-tloO; no Incumbrance; trade for larger houte. closer In : will aasume some mtg. What have you T J. A. HENKLE. 312 G.-rllnger Bldg. ll0 ACRKS MINNESOTA. CLEAR OF DEBT. Legal description, lot 82, township 113, range 82, within 8 miles of three rail roads, good auto road by place ; wilt trade for Portland or vicinity and pay rash difference. K. R. S,. 313 Couch bldg. n ILL 1 tlAt'B,. 160-acre farm located near Golden dale. Wash., for Portland property. This property la free and clear of all Incum branre. RoHNETT Ac McCLURE, Realtors. Marshall 3292. 32 Couch Bldg. WILL TRADE. One acre, highly improved, with mod ern bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, clear of debt, on Oswego lake, for good 6-room modern home In Irvlngton or Laurel hurst. Will assume. . R. S., 13 Couch bldg. Main :;! 4. EXCHANGE or for sale, 100 acres Joseph. Or., Wallowa county, all level, fenced, ready for the plow; five -room house, cellar, fireplace, bathroom. Will ex change for large house in Portland. 3o4 Buchanan bldg. COOS BAY North Rend iois to trad for lot In Portland. A J 30, Oregonlan. to Kxrirwr.F viscn r.rorw. BLOCK on paved atreet, will rnde for auto. See Frank Lucas. 123 4th si. Main 2 I KVINGTON l'A'K lots for ditimoiiiU. VlctroU. piano or car; no liens lo ti- aume. East s.H Whiteside. WILL give lady room and hoard in ex change for piano. Woodlawn .'.ov. EXCHANGE my' Hudson car for diamond, value about $Uo0. N 44. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Homes. Vehicles. Livestock. 0 HORSES, weighing 1130 to 1300 lbs., from 6 to 9 years old. well broke and gentle; 2300-lb. team, harnesa and farm wagon. $140; also 2 good farm wagons and harness. Hazelwlld Fuel Co.. u&40 Foster road. Mt. Scott car. 3 GOOD hlg work horses. Just off the grade ; 00O-lb. mule, several wood w ag ona with wood racks and dump boxes ; several dump wagons, also top bUKfty, light d .utile harness), single- buggy har ness nnd several spring wagona. Foot of Main street. SADDLE pony, weight about feOO pounds, age M years. Al driver double or single; saddle, bridle and buggy Included. Call and see for yourself. Take St. J otitis car to Columbia park, get off at Wonl scy, walk 4 blocks n o rth. Hou.e 1713. BROOD SOWS. Must be sold at once. 12 brood sows, will farrow soon; sows and pigN; 1 'it ton Re-public truck, household furniture. Will accept any reasonable offer. C. S. Brandon, Sycamore station. Aut. 646-37. BIG TEAM of horses, harness and new wagon, by Frubiger, one-half mile west Of West school house on Taylor's ferry road. TWO FRESH young cows. 1 Holsleln second calf. 1 Jerxey fresh three days. Call 47th and Klllingsworth ave. Al berta car. FOR S A LE Team of horses weighing 3300 Ida, aged 4 and 3; sound and true workers; will sell reasonable. &35 E. K e 1 1 iv s t. Sellwood t a r. GOOD sound mare, 11 years old, weight 12r.o lbs; wagon and harnesa for $V. Williamson Bros., corner bJd su and 7oth ave. 8. E. IIOKSE3 fcr aaie, hire or exchange. Key stone Stables. 3M Water St., foot Mont gomery. Phone Mr. Jul 3. W ANTED M llch cows, f rewh or coming fresh; state pricw. 3G1 GiUan. iiUwy. 620. 10 HEAD of horses, 4 to 8 years old. 12n0 to ISoo Ihs. Some cheap ones. Inquire 3 fl I Nurthrup st. FOR SALE or trade, team of 0-year binck galdinga, weighing 3300 lbs. CoL 832. FOR SALE Six horaet; reasonable prices. Holman Fuel Co.. barn E. tkh and Ivon street a HORSE, light wagon, hit mc, 2 plows, cultivator, harrow. $loo. 1M1 Division at., corner 6nth. Phone Aut. 687-20. FOR SALE Little pig, ready to wean; also Plymouth Rock chickens and Mal ard duck. Tabor 6S73. SPANISH black mare and one year-old colt, set double harness, set of single harness. Rural mute a. pox i-tw VETERINARIAN. Tn. HOWKH. TAHOR 6"ftA FOR SALE and rama. Registered Shropshire ewe Holman Fuel Co , 04 Mh at. DEA D horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Mllwaukie 6-.T for best service. HIDES bought or tanned. West Tan ning Co.. M2 Tenino ave. Sell. 'M'.iS. FOR SALE Fresh cows. Stark street, corner 7Hth. at Ilu7 Kat WANTED To buy a flri-cla.s gaitfd aa ddle horse. F. E, Bowm a n. .Main 3"l' 6. WILL trade good work horae lor milch cow. Tabor 4! . WANTED 2 mules, slate age. weight and price. H. Wegesln, Mossy Rock. Wash. iEAD horses snd cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Auto. 627-64. A TEAM of young horses for sale. Owner, 804 Rodney ave, MCE YOUNG MILK COWS, FRESH. WDLN. 4-l FRK-H Jeraey cow. great cream cow. F lot QT mm iire. pla-noa. Organs and .Musical liiMrunimts. HAINES piano for sate. Just like new". goto. East 3ftth st. Call Tabor 7S 4 7. F AND C. FISHER, $270; lone value $000. Fhone a.o-io. WANTED To rent, piano player not over 3. AP 3. Oregonlan. FOR RENT Orafonolaa wltji late music, $3 month. Empire Transfer. 234 Bdwy. PIANO wanted; must be cheap for cash. No deslers. Phone Bdwy. 37 1. NEW MAHOGANY VICTROLA WITH RECORDS, $100 CASH. MAIN 811!4. FISCHER and Emerson pianos, bargain. Room 20H Washington bldg. $1400 WEBER piano. only $373, With bench. 811 Worcester bldg. riANO WAN1ED, pay cash. Main 83.S6. FlNfB tone i in ball rlauo. i'Uune 70o4. FOR HALF. Pianos, Organs and Musical InMrumenta. SAXOPHONE MA ltd A I NS. CONN C me.ody, gold trimmed like new ..? $1? MARTIN C melody, silver, like new 110 CONN alto, gold trimmed, like new 12J CONN alto, ailver. excellent condi tion BUFFET tenor, allver. good con dition CONN tenor, silver. like new... BUFFET baritone, nickel, good ron- 100 IIS 123 n ii inn . 00 CONN baritone, stiver, like new. f. 130 SEIHKRI.jNG IA.CAS MUSIC CO . 12ft Fourth St.. be i. Wash, and Alder. PORTLAND'S BIG MUSIC bT'JRE. CORNET BARGAINS. BOLTON, gold, new 1110 BOLTON, silver, new 0 IIOLTON, silver, good condition.... 33 BUKSCHER, gold, excellent condi tion KING. gold. like new R0 b3 V EG A STANDARD, silver, good con dition A number of Conns at from $33 to CONN VICTORY model, silver. .Ike new CONN VICTORY model, Rol:. tine condition no 60 73 00 Manv others at extremely low nrlcea. Write for our bulletin, Just Issued, of used Instruments. Sole agent for the FAMOUS BKUSCH ER SAXOPHONa. AND BAND INSTRUMENTS. Slil BER LING-LUC AS MUSIC CO., 123 Fourth St.. bet. Wash, and A Ider. DOWNSTAIRS SCHWAN PIANO CO. $073 Singer upright, mahogany. .. .$205 $i;.0 Kimball upruht, mahogany... Hit's $'.M'0 Steger, npngut. oak 4 ''.J $730 Adam Bchaaf player-piano.... 4!t !iiO Stetnway ft Sons unrig lit 3-' $473 Hallet A Davis upright li $10 or $'J3 cash, $ti to !. monthly. 101 10th bt at Washington and Stark. CLOSING OUT; S1CCURITY 6TORAGE CO. $Ki0 Kmrrron upright piano ...$l"S $750 Planlsta piaer-plano -1 $273 Cullard A Cullard upright 63 Parlor organs $la and $1!5 cash Pianos bought and aold for cash ouly. 10J 10th St.. cor, mark, USED PIANO DEPARTMENT. This Week'a offerings; rfelnxe, upright piano .......... ..$13 Hallet A Davis piano 23 Kimball, large, mahogany ......... 843 Anon, walnut Cash or $3, $6 to $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT. 2 New Brunswick discontinued model 7, mahogany, each $ tV) J New Stradivara Harmony, each.. l'J3 3E New Stradivara Chopin, each.. K0 1 Used Victor, nearly new 140 1 New Sonora Meiodle 60 Prices casn. but you can pay as little as $3 or $10 cash and $4, 3 wr $6 a month if desired. 7th Floor. Ll I'M AN". WOLFE A CO BAND INSTRUMENT SPECIALS. AH standard guaranteed makes and have been completely overhauled and eLerillxud; a guoti us. so for each. SAXOPHONES. $160 Rueacht-r "C" silver Si xophnne. $ 1 40 l'tO Conn Alto silver Saxophone.,. l'J- 213 Conn "C" gold Saxophone .... Ihi U3 Conn Alto brasa b.xupliuua. . . . 0j $.0 Albert L. P. B. flat Clarinet .... $30 33 Albert U P. It. flat Clarinet.... 33 73 Albert L. P. A. Ciarin-t 30 $ 14.30 York Cornet, silver $ Vi 14000 liolton Cornet, gold I'M Conn Cornet, .lvr EiV KU Mt York Cornet, t liver Hi hi 3o Conn Cornet, silver 40 14.30 Buescher Cornet Vsi.oo King Curnel iM Just the thing for school bands and orchestras. G F. JOHNSON PIA NO CO.. 1 Iff 6th S. PIANO SALE. Positively every piano In stock re duced whether it be a new or Used piano. See in em nd be convinced. Terms given. Fully guaranteed. Fisher upright, a snap $173 $o;o Kimball, new. now a.") $'.ioo ktmbail player, new, now 3i3 $730 Htnxe player, new. now 4-0 $'30 Hinxt upright, new, now 323 Haines, slightly used 23- Hardman. plain mahogany case 8 1 .1 K h & Bach, walnut tjas 30 Kingshurg. ok case 273 Franklin, winut case 273 Bush A Lsne player, slightly used.. 6oo Marshall Wenlell. slmujt. new 800 A nil ninny ot hers. S e thntn. SE1 HER LING LUCAS MITSIC CO.. 1 U. Fourth St bti t . a sh; a n d A 1 d rr. LNOUAi, BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. BKUNs W ICK with 10 records $1?0 iCTtiR with 20 records f20 Columbia with 13 records jm PATH E with 10 records 80 CO LUM HI A with 10 records 73 TH A DI V A R A with 10 record 70 VICTOR with 13 records 00 VICTOR with 5 records 20 $3 or more cash, $4 or more monthly. Schwan Piano Co. lol 10th st.. cor. Stk. WHAT HAVE YU TO TRADE for a Jlolton trombone or cornet, violin, hanto, Kuliur, mandolin, clarinet, pkculwi or tuiki'ig machine? WANT MloTGl'NM OR RIFLES, OR WHAT HAVE YOI? Wl l Give or Take Difference. NEWMAN S EXCHANGE. 12S KM! st. It E T. A LI ' K R..ND WASH. THIS W KkK Kl'Kl'IAI.s" nee ii-r at hi. immiimm, niinui ruP", 243;' Hallet A Davl.i plan . mah. case, n r feet com! it ton. $ 273; Bradbury piano, tiah. cane, $23.'i; Schulhoff p arm, walnut t'iMi .....I ....... , W h (! r A I'd nlumiM t, at I n tit 243; pe cm Me. &L!.i0. and niHliv u I tiers: terms. G, F. JtHINSQN PIANO Cm. HQ th St i II. BY grand piano, almost brand new; latest dull mahogany; owner must sell at once, make offer; alo a Chlcker ing foi $:t73. and $Uoo Weber for Unit Terms. Brokerage Co., .J 11 Worcester h!dg t BU V. SELU BENT OR THADE. Phonographs and Records. Music Holts and Musical 1 nst ruments. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 12S 1st. Main 4403. Auto. tt27-4d. 023-83. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. Expert workmanship; guaranteed work; estimates gladly given. 31a tn Hi SO. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 12 Fourth street. USE YOUR brains wnen buying pianos; save money ; dealers, schools and col leges buy from urn. They know where to save money; terms. Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldg. CI I ICK EKING grand piano, a wonderful buy at a small cost. This piano is In fine condition. It won't last lung at the price. $030; terms. G. F. Jol : S t N PIANO CO., 1 4ft flth St. O KG ANSI ORG A N Si $10 and up; In good condition and good terma HEIBERL1NG-L U C A S MUSIC CO.. 123 4th sL, btu Washington and Alder. B R U N S WICK phonographs, 13 months to pay; no InterrM. Nate Ardrey, Author ized Dealer, 37U E. Morrison. Evening, Sell. 2143. ALL USED player roil price reduced to 2.iC Values up to $1. Harold S Gilbert., 3t4 Yamhill st. Planoa sold, rented, re- paired. $3."0 BUYS fin mahoanv player piano, Eerfect condition; price include rolia est music, and stool. AJ 4ot (iregonlnn "PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. Any make; guaranteed wurknmnshlp. Seberllng-Lun.s Muslo Co., 123 Fuurtn street M atn h.'.sft, $700 STORY & Clark piano, mahogany, only $230, on terms; almost new. 311 W o rrejM t er b;t- CTUCK EKING piano, almost nw, ahout 1-3 the price of a new one; terms. Bro kerage Co.. 311 W orrester bldg. 10 PIANOS. $f3 to $2.".0. on easy terms; many f inemakts. 31lWorcester bldg. WANTED Good used piano for cash. Main 44241 PIA NO WANTED from private party, pa cash for bargain. .Marshall 1 33!. W.f KN ABE grand, a.nioht new, ,lens price, on t-r m i 811 Worcester bldy. W A NT E D Sweet-toned piano for all cash. Cm 1JMs hall 67L PIANO FOR SALE FOR $123. PHoNE Furniture for Sale. AVE MONEY. Try our sales department if you wsnt to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rstea to must all points in our through pool cars. Expert packing, re. pairing and ref inlshing. Money loaned on goods in stomge. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates SECURITY bTORAGK A TRANSFER CO. 63 4th st.. opp. Multnomnh hotel. Phone Broadway 8713. 6-HOLE rang", $-0: cooker chief, $10; healer $ . new ma nog.tny n intng tanie, $:ti; chairs to match; k. chairs, $1 up; arm chair, $2; dresser. $13; kitchen treasure. $3; Eng. brf table. $i.73; D. L. table, $3.."o; fine organ, $.!.'; bed and spring, $2.. Ml; loo player piano rol.s, 23c each . good curtains, dishes, cooking utensils, rugs and carpets cheap. East i;it.")7. 113 Grand ave. DOVT SACRIFICE your furniture If going east or to California.. We can aav you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof snorage. C. M. Olsou Tr a nsfer A Siornge 'o . 21S Pine st. FURNITURE for sate, U-room house, llav Iland china, one of Meier & Frank's dis- continued patterns; good chance to fill In. East 1203. . FOR SALE A. B. combination gas range, toood as new. $i0. Phone Sellwood 32. Adlrejw 1 K0 Boise st. oml"!p,!S.5'B PRACTICALLY new Laundryetta washing machine: only used 3 months. Call Main :.nS0. KIN OAK. chnlrs suitiihle for oTflce or din ing room, $20. 712 Lewis Bldg. Broud- wmv 3:iti't. KoUND OAK. 6-hoU range. 3-plate gas attachment : can burn wood or coal ; a bargain; $:t. cash. Call Marshall 2 S3 3 . GAS RANGE, wood and coal steel rang J. 176 Laud ave. . 2333.