TOE MORNING OKECONIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1921 ' 10 : i - I .. . ... ., . ,1 sxviriB miiu nwuJtuK ,...-. I I .,,ie, ru.u.-. GAR AOS AND BUILDING 40 mllM from Portland; on highway; $r stock; bout 415O0 of tooTa, doing 870O business per month. feuoo; will accept or aa first payment and cash. ' -room rooming houia, good district, floou; Ford, 1U10 modal. 250. ball sr trade for grocery. 1200 cash-and-carry grocery, west Ida. good Krrni, will taka Hood Mcurad sole or mortgage aa part or all. LCNi'H I'Ol'XTEK. 2.10 ch will handle a, dandy lunch counter. 4173 up on 2-year 1m. baa Harper, 1NTER.TAT1C UND CO.. 24 mark ft. PAltT.VERMUP CIFKBRKD to congsnlal Dita In on, of the moat complete and beat paying auto top and auto painting; hope In Portland: employing number of expert mechanics: doing bualnea with the lrget flrma and hotela la city; need man to give general assist ance In office and help take charge of outalda work; can draw HO week and hare equally monthly profit. Exper ience not necessary, itooka open to Inspection; aatlaly yourself before mak ing Investment: reference xchanged: 41500. Call ;H0 Panama Bldg., cor. Third and A Mr am. HltiH-CLASS west aide grocery, dally av 12i. Price $0000. Lease. Will In vole a, 114.000. Bakery anil delicatessen: five years' established business, east aide loca. tlon, or will consider partner. 60-40 For grocery bargain com In and aee ma. 850 and up. R M. BORLAND. SOS Stork Auto. .120-04. GROCERY, WITH LIVING KUOMe; BACKll-'ICE. Splendid buy for man and wife In fine suburban location Cloee to large school, no competition, handles groceries. rhool supplies, candles and cigar, complete La pie atock. with good fixtures. Dally receipt! average better than f'tt. Very low rent. wn good lease. Price only $1850. Thl la a real anp that will be quickly eol.l. Apply 816 Plttock bik.. loth and Washington tAST 81 LB LL'NdL Tlellcateesen. con good fectlonerv and Ice cream parlor tend. I13IXI. BAHUEIts See thla place after yM nave een the other ihops; 4 chalre, com pletely equipped. 42.l.'0. CA KETCH 1 A, downtown. eat 80 people and a good buy; 420H down, be lom roy. TllOMSON A- 1HOMSON, Realtors. ?0 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4S80. ClOAR STORK, new op-to-date end a foun tain, back bar air pump, fountain pump. 10 card tables and restiurant for ale on main at. of Washington town of 10 000; daily taklnga of cigar etore and fountain 4100; dally taklnga of reataurant 4100; leaae of restsurant ceases at will on day of sale; $5000 cH-h handles; easy terms; rent of building 4170 per month. Box AV 842. oregonlan. IIAUr INTEREST IN OARAOH East alder cloee to Broadway bridge; fully equipped; working 5 people; UVi year leaso; pines now clearing 45O0 per month; price IJ.'ioO; part cash. Will take In en me property; want man with com mon sense; need not be mechanic. ANt'HOH ISVBSTMKNT CO.. ' Healtora 4-n-T Panama HMg Third and Alder, R IUkVmm (llttU ND KI.OOR. MKSSMAK1MI OR TAII.ORINO. flood fl-room flat, furnlehetl complete with good furniture, on ground floor In buelnreM center of weat aide: fine loca tion for dnraamaklng or tailoring. Price for all $"' terma. DUDRKY INVESTMENT CO.. BOO-10 Pannma Bldg. Main 304j liHot'KRT. Fine eaet elite location. Some notlona. candiea and rlgara. Price of flxturea iWK and Invoice. Total price about I2&0U. DUIiRKV l.VVEHTMENT CO.. BOO -111 Panama flldg . S'l and Alder. Al TO RKPaTk. til'KClAL.. One owner called away, want to ell hie Intereet. which la paying fine; land rigid Inveetlgatlon. loO required. M 1 Rllwy Exchange. ' OHi H'KKT, Rmall caeh and carry grocery In fine eael aide lm-atlnn Prl.e ell.VI. DITDRKV IN VESTM KNT CO.. IMi!-li) Panama Mldg.. d and Alder. CAUTION. BUTERH before cloeing a dea. of ao-ralled Intereat In establlahed real extate bualneaa get advice of Portland Realty Hoard. 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway IH02. UAKBKIl SHOi'H. We have eevnrel good ahopa. From 1400 and up. re ua at DUIIRKT INVESTMENT CO.. ftoft-io Panama nidg.. 3d and Alder. BBSTAl'RANT. bar flxturea good location, low rent, leaae; bualneaa (30 day; 11400 will handle. 401 STOCK BXCHANOE BI.DO. C.Uill GROCERY. At Invoice, low rent, doing lino day; apartment dlatrlct; will Invoice; a anap. Itoom fill Hallw:ty Kxrhango. 1MH r.UOI'KHV: iiveragfd laat month $4n; two nli'e living rooms. Learn heat, hot and cold water. 7.. ea kins. nir. t'ourh nidg.. inn 4th t. OLD-KSTA Itl.lSH KI grocery and confec tionery, doing good bualneaa; muat aell at once, account alckneea. Ileal with owner, Mra. Clifford, 72a Powell at. GARAOK Repair shop anil arcceaorlea for 42O0 caah: rent only 415 per month, located on Mockn' bottom fair aite. Call at SWH W. Lombard at. PRINTING buln-e In Oakland. Cal., for aale. 42000 caah or 42.100. 11000 caah. terma Cleared 42O00 laat year one man ahop. Br.g 691). Oakland. Calif. WANTED Good partner In good paying bunlncsM; must have $250 or $300. Call 4h:10 6.1th St., Arleta station. Mount Scott car. between 6 and 7 P. Jd GROCERY BARGAIN. Established grocery on busy atreet, must be sold at once; 41500 handles. Call owner, Woodlawn 2327. No dealers. COMB IN AND 8KB US for that bueinesa location. We have many. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. CASH-AND-CARRY GROCERY. Receipts 44l day: rent 42A. snd 2 liv ing rooms: west side apt. diet.: 42300. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BL1XJ AM FORCED to sell on account of alckness small thriving business out of town. $1200 If taken at once. BD S, Ore- gonlan. WANTED Partner to take active part In a good going business; reason, too much work for one man to handle. AV 330, Orcgonlan. WANTED Partner In auto necessity, quick seller. If you are looking for something g owl, gtooo handles. rw7 Couch hid g. XliUO Investment; I have a good propo sition for druggist with few hundred dollars to Invest. O 21. Oregonlan. PARTNER TO JOIN MB IN BUYING CORDWOOD PLANT ON RIVE It, 41200, AN 47. ORKOtlNIAN. GARAGE and steam heat; Conch kldg. repair shop, new building, eil at Invoice, eoVKI. Ho7 yon SALE Restaurant, oft drink, cigars and tobacco, good location; 6-year lease. 26 N. 2d st. CIGAR stand In office bldg.; low rent; lease: lady can handle beat buy In city. 4Q0-410 Couch bldg. WAN'IED Iidv partner In rooming house; must make Inveatment. Call at Couch hotel, 3d and Couch ens. Room 311. FOUNTAIN, aoft drinks, candy, cigars and tobacco; cheap If sold this wsek. Main 8377 FOR SALE Soft-drink nd light lunch nd confectionery. 6.14 Wash, it, Prlc I moo casn. Kiwy. 4?j. CASH-AND-CARRY grocery. 4050; west aide, hurry If yon want it. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. FILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writ Dr. Dean, bee nd and Morrison. GOING out of town, will veil grocery store ' furniture Included, at a bargain. Call at 14 Russell atreet. CORDWOOD Job and toola sold together. oneap. Aaureee y. ice. uregon city. vr- box 100 route 8. care Dan Evana GARAGE for sale in small town on paved highway; small cash payment, rest terma Csll Brosdway Hotel, room 833. FOR SALE Sign shop, doing good busi ness In llv town of 12,0tX. AV 300, Ore gonten. SMALL restaurant and oystsr house; part nera disagree; 45O0 cash. 241 Wash ington CONFECTIONERY store, corner location. for sale. 3S N. 2d st. RESTAURANT with living room for sala 2W. rront St., jciyerson qepot. BEAUTY psrlor equipment special prices for cash. Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th at, BAUHEH chairs on sale at big reduc tion jVrManclCutl eryJ?cJhJlthat. SMALL cleaning and pressing; leaving city. Phone Main 2024. LATEST modl rasor blade grinding ma chine. 86 6th St., bet. Stark and Oak. CONFECTIONERY complete for sala; beat location In Astoria. 333 Commercial at. STORE location. 24th and Vaughn: fly llvlngroomaj rent 430. Main 6597. GROCERY for aale. Phone Woodlkwa 43116. 823 Mississippi ave. PARTNER for dance A L 8. orego nlan. hall and academy. GROCERY with living rooma; reasonable. 7"i. noon FOR SALE Half Interest In 100x100 auto parking yard. Inquire st 68 N. 6th at FOR SALE Barber ahop, best location In north end. It N. 2d at. Quick sal $850. $ Half Interest good paying auto re- paJr ahop. 097 Couch bldg. S50 HALF Interest small mfg. business, good profits. 607 couch bldg. NEW RESIDENTIAL garage stores W lu- tos. cloee In; a snap. "7 Couch bldg. BARBER SHOP. 4 chairs, good local Ion, eaay. jyAyuieut. aaasui awva OROCERT. riTS. With Al living roomi; good location, juat the place to get a start. 44.'VO FrRNITURK. Enough for 12 -room house; could aally bring fluuo It placed In a room ing house. OROCERT. 3000. No fixtures to buy; doing around $100 day; good est Bid location; runt sou; lump or Invoice. , OROCERT. 42000. Weat aide corner location, doing $.13 day cash-and-carry; will invoice or lump; living room. KEIPPER rJTEWART. B14 Railway Exch. Hldg. 4th and Stark. KKSTAUR ANT 8PEC1AU Mr. Keataurant man, here la the chance of a lifetime. Downtown res taurant, the moat modern equipped houee In the city, bar none, 6-year leaae, at 93O0 a month, doing a fine paying bueinene; owner wants to leave the city and will sacrifice 45000 of the cost of the equipment. Now Is. the time for you to get in right. If Interested, see lr. Tice without delay, as this . buy won't laat long. PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS, 714 Couch Bldg. K. EST AURA NT, I.-.S0, l.1-:.0 caah. '.(00 reataurant, 1000 caah; two-year leaee, rent $0.". $I2.1 down puts you In rexfsurant do ing $.'U) day business; total price 412.0. Restaurant, Jut th placs for man anu wite, s.73 cash. Good reataurant In heart of city; I22..0; doing good business; reasonable rent, LINTON A ROYER. Main SOO-V 41 Railway Exchange. GROCERY BARGAINS. Will Invoice about (4AO: recelpta' IOO per day; rent $oO; living rooms; ga raere; high-class trade. Pries 12000; fixtures. .WO; will In voice; rent 425; S living rooms; brick building. f 14O0. Receipts ISO; rent $23; 2 living rooms. 212 BOARD OF TRADE BI.DO FOR SALE boft-drlnk and cardroom bualnees; 7 card tables. 2H chalra bar and back bar 20 in. by 14 ft.; lunch counter. 21 In. by 14 ft.; about 41S0 worth of stock, candles cigars, tabac soes, cigarettes, etc Rent $2.1 for build ing. 837 Union eve N. If all cash will ell for 4300. Value about 41200. bee G. Relger, owner, 3i Union ave. C. Klyagrekl. 24 C. of C. bldg. Phone Main 48. 22 Koo.Mii 2 and 3-roora auitas, rent $60, wun teass; nets li. 21 rnoma. dandy furniture, price $2900. $1300 bandies. West side. 24 3-room apts., brick bldg.. fins fur niture, $14,000. Terms. Has waiting Hat. 8. M. BORLAND. 303 Stork ExT h. Auto. 520-04. I'WI, HALL. SACRlKHTh? SACRIFICE. On account of ickncsn must eell old established place; rent 420 75 with good lease; 4 pool tables; back and front bar: ateel safs; counters, show cases; good slock. See my sgnt snd make an offer. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Healtora 4.'--T Tansma Bldg. Third and Alder. TAILOR SHOP. Well eetahliahed; good cash trade and following; doing excellent buelnem all year round; good location, reasonable rent clean nd equipped right; clean ing and preeslner big side lasue; will sell leave and place. Including material on hand, for 4-iU'i, as I am retiring. 1. M. Paulson. 3o.s Union ave. N. CIGAR HTA.VD HOTKL LOBBY. Choice location In large commercial hotel, downtown: -well stocked; attrac tive fixtures; always a steady money maker; should easily clear over $2.M) every month. Prtc only $1S.V. Bull able for lady or man. A real oppor tunity that Is seldom offered. Call 316 Plttock blk.. loth and Washington. PARTNER WANTED In old-established auto repair shop; fully equipped, good buntne. plenty of work on hand; exper ience not necessary If willing to work and learn the businetes; each can easily clear $I2. month from the start; excellent location. Only 4400. Surety lnveotment Co 310-11 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. CONCHKTB GA RAG E SPECIAL Choice lcatlon on main traveled st btorage more than pays the rent; sell gas. oils, tires, repairing, etc. Been clearing over 4.H10 month. Everything goes. Including service car. all for 414O0. 4looo cah balance. .'a month. Room 4Q1 UfKum Ding. POOL HALL. Good pool hall with fine soda fountain and other first-class equipment Nearly $2000 stock. In very center of large out side town. Good lease. Rent 4 Si Price lor all only 3tm. DUDHKY INVESTMENT CO.. V)I-HI Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. CAKE AND B-A K Ell Y working 4 people; rent $73; seating capacity .; T.e-loaf capacity oven: com pletely equipped. Price for half Interest ItJOU. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Healtora . 4Q3-S.-7 Tanama Hldg. Third and Alder. CONK KCT 1 ON E R V . MVINO ROOMS IN CONNECTION. Have a fine confectionery doing steady business: waiting room stand; A uvins rooms. f'rice e-'im- DUDHKY INVESTMENT CO. 509-10 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. CLASSY CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH. npiennia east aide location, beautiful future, rent with building, three living rooms and bath; doing $2.1 day; can be doubled: rine place for baker, 41150. KIM MS. 610 HENRY BLDG. SHOin.D you be Interested in a businem Investment that will bring vou bis re turns for your money on a line of goods that will Sell, with exclusive county nxnt, writ or call xor information. Selble Air Springs. M. A. Lojhr. 225 xienry dips;., 1 orcianq. ur. RESTAURANT SACRIFICE. Worth 440UO. Price Only $2200. Cloae-ln west side location. Very nice ly equipped. Here's a real buy. with lease over ratr time. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. Son-lo Panama Bldg., 3d jind Alder. FINE CHANCE FOR MECHANIC?" Accessories, gas, oil and tires. In good little town on Pacific highway; plentv ot room tor snop in rear; rent only 830 mecnanic can mine big money; owner getting larger business: $500 will handle tnis. a r 4o. oregonlan. A PARTNER WANTED. Auto palnti-a buslneeat; $42.1 will buy eqjal intereat with ejeperfenced part ner! handy man can soon Dick the work up under his direction: 15o month clear prom ror eacn partner at present time. i an room en I'eaum mag. 24-.ROOM boarding house, steam heat, good building, all full; money secured. Only 1S00. psrt time; big net Income; mint iqr someone. I es. terms, J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR. 201 West Park. . Main 2500. STORK fixtures for sale: cash register, showcases, scales, typewriter, adding machine and meat illcer. 246 Washing ton st. $3(H) CIGAR, coffee, doughnut stand: rent only 810; can make more than wagea Ran so m, 400-410 Couc h bl d K. BARBER ahop, clearing 430 week; $350 will handle. See it. 401 STOCK EXCHAVOB BLDO. FORCED to sell account of alckness. small restaurant, less than half pries. 210 Co lumbia st. SECOND-HAND furniture store for i cheap. Inquire 1603 13th st. S. E.. call after 6 P. M.. Auto. 524-52. Business Opportunities Wanted, LADY will pay cash for good grocery, with living preferred. C 045. Oregonlan. WILL buy from owner restaurant or hotel. Mr. Mnys. 8.10 Thurman St., Portland. I Pf-FdSE 4uTtT4ii ThAT IDioTiC tArPTiST WHlLfc "6U PRIMPS FDliy. y 1 1 J I V I I " I rr, I " I I I uutuuu UDimruiuHm " . i ' . BOLD IN TEN DAY8. For quick action list your business with a live concern. We bavs real buyers waiting. BUSINESS IS GOOD with ua Lowest rates. best service. Expert salesmen bring our buyers direct to you. Ws can sell your business In TEN OAia. MAKE US PROVE IT. Phone Broad way 28.11 for Immediate service. "12 Successful Years In This Business. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO., Suite 316. Plttock Blk.. loth snd Hash. LUCRETIA COURT. Furnished light airy basement room, light housekeeping- or aleeping; hot and coid water, lights, bath, toilet as sleep ing room. $12 per mo.; aa housekeeping with gaa, $15. Rcferencea. Mar. 200. CASH BUYERS WAITINO for stores, pool rooms, reatauraatl, garagea, or any gooa business. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. Broadway 2872. WE HAVE cash buyers waiting for small stores, meat merkela, preaslng snops. cigar stands, barber shops; In fact, most all linos of business. 4250 to 41000. Strictly confidential. 607 Couchbldg. HAVE $3000 to Invest In a good grocery. residential district; stata location, rent, lease If any. I don't know the city so please direct me bow to get you. N 3D, Oregonlan. WELL established firm of certified public accounlanta (Washington) desiring to locste In Portland, will consider pnr chsse of clientele of retiring accountant. Address AV 801. Oregonlan. ir CAN BE bought right am Interested In purchase medium slxe sftwmlll In op eration; must bs modern and well lo cated for water and rail shipments. Box AV 324, Oregonlan. IK IOU WANT TO SELL OR TAKE A PARTNER. PHONE MAIN 1775. For Quick Action WANT DAIRY. Hare $2500 cash for dairy witb equip ment and stock. 601 McKay Bldg. HAVE numerous inquiries for up-to-dats rotary bakery, either gaa or eiectrtc Have you something to offerT C 11. Oregonlan. WANT APARTMENT HOUSE. On west side, from owner. 41'kM) will hsndle. Must be brick and modern. AF 44, Oregonlan. WANT a stock of groeerle to $2000. will pay casn ana deal quickly, pnons nawy. 2H72. DO YOU wish to dispose of your rotary oaseryr Am in the market it price is right. Must be flret-clasa N 14. Ore gonlan. WANT suburban picture house; must be a money-maker. Give particulars. Can pay cash. D 10. Oregonian. OWNKR LI rooms. White Temple: mod Prlcs ern; good furniture: 3-year lease. $l4O0. 8M00 cash. Main 4.174. WANTED By young, experienced woman notei or apartment house to manaKe; cash bonds If required. Call Etui 5S42. IK YOU HAVE a business place for sale list it with the Panama Brokerage Co., 41 Panama bldg., Third and Alder. ANTED To buy drug store In thickly settled district from owner only for cash. D 1.1. Oregonlan. YOUNG man can invest 1300 to $100 with services; i years' merchandising experl ence. o 43, Oregonlan. HAVE buyer for flrat-clasa rotary bakery. gas or eie;iric. wnat nav you to offer? C 10, Oregonlan. IX HEAR from manufacturing plant mak ing a specialty ol novelties, writ P. O box 117:1. ROOKS repaired and palmed; all work guaranteed. Give us a trial. Brady A Garvin. 1031 E. Main. Tabor 6216. WANTED To buy or lease a photo studio in l'ortiano. J. 11. Wilson. iau a. An- kenr YOUNG business woman available for po sition of trust. Address 8104 65th ave. S. B. W'HAT have you In a rooming house that Oregonlan. JloiMlcaeh will handle? D 14. WANTED Good grocery store, suitable for nan ana wire. lor casn. u 17. oregonlan. KOK QUICK sale list your garage with Ralph Acklev Land Co., 627 Corbrtt bldg. WANT to buy a good grocery store. $1600 to l nop casn. call Tanor 7.H47. Mocks and Bond. STOCKS and bonds, any markst. Harrlsg. ton Co. Mn. .1117 Tltls A Trust bldg Hotels and Rooming Houses. 1U ROOMS, h. k.: all nice and light; this la close in. netting about I12A. per mo. rent 470. Autos at your service. Call Mr. Currle. J. W. GRUSSI, SIS Board of Trade. Main 7452 12 LARGE rooms. 7 kitchenettes. 4 h. k. lease; water In rooms, electric light, hot water heat; clears 8225 per month; you w-111 have to see this to appreciate It. Price saoiio, terms, t ail smt Taylor. FIVE-ROOM flat, first floor, good fur niture, goon building, west side location, near car; $S50. See this today. LINTON A ROYER. Main 20U5. 4IS Railway Exchange. HoOMS. fist, near White Temple: good furniture; S1000. only $500 down. Can rent out sn or part. J. EUGENE HEDGES, REALTOR. 101 W. Park. Why walk? Main 2MK. THIS IS new on the market; White Tem ple location, is rooms, n. k.. modern. good furniture; clears alio per month. Can have lease; $2000, terms. Call at 3X7 Taylor. HOTEI !."i0 room. right downtown. $7000, half cae-h: will net $1000; 6-ory brloK; rent $; collects 4.i'.'0 from stores; 10-year lease. X12 Block Exch Hldg. 4 ROOMS, steam heat, close in. west side lease, big money-msker. $.1500 handles. Better grab this; glad to ihow. J. EUGENE HEDGES, REALTOR. 201 w. Park. Why walk? Main 2.VH. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. Thirteen rooms. Income $135, rent' $30, Price noo. Terma 4'iH Railway Exchange. 6 ROOMS and lalh. all housekeeping. $.O0; Income $.0; 1150 handles. Call after S P. M., Bdwy. 3800. Must sell at once. PARTNER WANTED. 4250 will put you Into a good live bus! ness If you sre alive and lull of pep. all :ioe. cnamner or ommerce blrlg.' 10-HOOM, h. k.. White Temple diet.; high claig p:ace; price ir.Hiu, terms. I. E. SPENCER A CO.. 517 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6127 TWENTY rooms, all full, nets over $100 a montn. good, lease; s::.vni. xirvoo cash. Linton A Royer. 418 Railway Exchange, WANTED 10 to IS rooms, well located, with garage or room for garage; right p r i ce and terms, i w.l.. oregonlan. IS H. K. ROOMS. 410O0; good place to fix up ana get netter income. Harney Johnson to., realtors. 171) mm st. 16 HOUSEKEEPING, extra well furnished, clean, nice apartment for self: 41700. 151 Lownsdale. loth and Morrison. kor LEASE 70 rooms, filled, central 422.1 month; nothing for good will. B 46, Oregon Ian. WANTED Hotel or apartment house. 30 to 75 rooms, good caah payment. Q 004, Orejtonlan 11 NEWLY decorated h. k. rooms, close In. west side, electricity, good net In. come: $1200 ; 2-3 caslr 68 N. 9th st. FOR BEST bargain in anartmsnt house see members of the Realty Board. Tales Realty Co., Z40 e-ourcn si. 51 ROOMS foe 12100; 10 housekeepln rooms and 11 sleeping rooms; good loca- tlon. Call Auto, ols-so. FURNITURE rent 428.50. 5 - room Owner. flat, lovely horns. aoo Market St. FOR SALE 8 h. k. room at sv bargain. Call 4:12 Jefferson St. CIGAR store on good comer, 4HK0. 806 Chamber of Commerc . bldg. "xCU MUST. PA EVERyOJt ELSE )rrfe.-?fe.STErs JaI ATT. MR PERr-flS"? BOMB GOOD LITTLE PLACES. 13 rooms, well located, clears ovsr $75 month; Ii0 handlas. List 822, 11 rooms, good location, clears $50 mo. $600 handles. List 832. IS rooms, fins location, furnaca heat, nice place, $3000. terms. List 840. 19 rooms, fine corner location, clears $200 month; $2500 handles. List 281. si rooms, good place, fine location, clear $300 month; $3000' handle. List 282. We hava large lltlng of good rooming housea, all Hated ainc last Saturday. See us Xor something good. ' SOMB APARTMEJNT HOUSES. 17 apartment, fine location: clear about $3'K month; 6-year leaae; nice place; $4000 handles. Llat 810. 4 3-room Apartment nous, dandy loca tion; clears 4400 month, lease; 45000 handle. Llat 817. iFlne modern Apartment honse, swell location; clears over 4000 month; three year lease; about 100 rooms; $10,000 handles. List 80S. Modern apartment house, fins corner, nlcs place, cieara 43.100 per year on In veatment: building, gronnd and furnish ings, $16,0O0, term; $0000 caah. List 813. High-class modern brick spartment house clearing over $300 month on in vestment: will sell building and furnish ing; $75,000. term; $20,000 cash. List 23. High-lsss fane modern brick corner apartment house, sbout 100 rooms, big Income; building, ground and furnishings. $100,000, half caah. List 2U. We have largs listings of fine apart ment house leases and Income property for sale. See us If you want something good. WrTSTERV BROKERAGE CO. 818 NORTH WESTERN BANK BLDG. MEMBER REALTY BOARD. . CITY HOTELS. Town town transient hotel, comer brick. N. W. heat, hot snd cold water la all rooms, 40 rooms with bath, splen did furniture and carpets, doing capacity business, 8-yesr lesse, rent less than 47 a room, nets $14,000 a year; it takes 820.OOO cash to do business List no. 70-room corner brick, 6-year lesse. at $.1O0, In fine condition, all furniture of the best; nets 11000; $10,000 cash to handle. List 67. 42 rooms, corner brick, close In, 5-year lease at $350, neta $500; $5000 Cash to handle. List .10. 70 rooms, brick bldg.. ground floor lobby, close In, 5-year lease; neta $600; $50)N cssh to handle. List 66. 70 rooms on Washington St., fine brick, dsndy lobby, fine transient house; nets 47O0. good lease; $12,000 cash to handle. List 80. These are only a few of tho many good hotel buys we have. If you are In the market see us before you buy. PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS, 714 Couch Bldg. . WE HAVE a purchaser for a lease and furnishings of a modern apartment house; It must show good Income; can make first paymeat of $5000 to 6K0 cash aod will pay balance In monthly Installment. See Mr. Motes. RUMMELL A RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. Phone Main 6729. HOTELS. HOTELS. HOTELS. Why run all over the cltv looking for something, when we can show you a few of the beat hotel buys in Portland? Most of them have leases to fair time, and longer. Prices are RIGHT. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. lOtl-lo Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. THE VERY BEST TRANSIENT BUY. First time on the market; o4 rooms on one floor; every room an outside one; all modern, corner brick bldg. Rooms rent as high as 8-1 per night.' Lease al $125. This is an absolute gift. For the fuH price of $40OO cash. No phone In formation. See Mr. Sallger, with L S. SPENCER A CO., 517 Chamber of Com merce hldg. M. E LENT COMPANY. 528-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDO. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THS BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. 47-HOOM apartment house, steam heat. good lease, cneap rent, close In; clean aa a pin. $60ou. Terms. 22-room h. k., good w. . location; cheap rent; lease. 81650. Terma. 13 h. k rooms, rent $40; Income $100 net; 2 baths. 3 toilets: close In: $15oo Terms. J. W. Howard Co.. 210 Caak St. HAVE party with flret mortgage notes of $6000 which he will give as first pay ment on the leas and furnishing of good apartment. See Mr. Motes. RUMMKI.L A RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. Phone Main t729. 15 H. K R., stove heat, wateY and sinks In sll rooms; all In fine condition. Price $12110. $70O caah. ebalance at $23 a month. Rent $O0. with two-year lease; have others from 48O0 up to $10,000. Call on us before you buy. JOHN BROWN CO. Realtora 322 Ry. Exch. Bldg. RRICK HOTEI TO TRADE. Established 12 years; rent 4550; heat X'JU; lease lor 7 years; zuo beds: will trade for propertv; what have tout ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtora 405-6-7 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business hotel, rooming or apartment bouse of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rlerdon, HITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. 43-ROOM modern apts: 2 to 5 -room suites. Running water In most; very reasonable rent with 27 yeara lease; very little more than $10 per room with furniture much better than average. 4:tO00 handles. balance Sio per montn. Mrs. Alhaugn. J O H N FERGUSON. GerllnKer Bid j PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS. INC T14 Couch Bldg. Phone Main 048. Portland agents for hotels and apart ment houses. We also specialise In Oregon and Washington country hoteli If you are In the market to buy or sell. call, pnone or wire. $3500 ASTORIA BARGAIN. Hotel doing excellent business, best Industrial coast town in state, corner location, on car line; 45 roouu. Good money-maker. flloO cash. - 212 BOARD OF TRADE. MAIN 2010 DOWN TOWN. 8 rooms, first-class place, always full; and a real home, $459 caah gives you possession. Mr. Sallger, with I. ii. Spencer A Co.. 517 Chamber of Com merc eBldgJIalnfi12J. 20 ROOMS, H. K., near courthouse; t tractlve. net Income, terms in reason. Glad to show this place. J. EUGENE HEDGES. KEALTOR, 201 West Park. Main 2.190. O A. BOON REALTOR. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS IF LISTED WITH US AND PRICED RIGHT WILL BE QUICKLY SOLD. 938 N. W. BANK BLDO. MAIN 7861. MEAT MARKET. County seat town, by owner; good fix tures and buildings, best of location; big payroll to depend on: alaughter house. Tabor 2186. flu 6 E. 60th N. 4S50 CASH buys east side location r. h.. 11 rooms: good furniture, furnace heat: dandy place: Investigate; also good place on weat aide. $000, terma 307 Panama bldg. POLLY AND HER PALS OUT SAY AS I IS." fcJufc. IT MADE A DEEP IMPRESSIOW OS L IseP-Sfc WHITE TEMPLE: MAIN 8638. 11 rooms, S sleeping porches; rent $43; especlslly clean; good furniture: nets $70 and apartment over expenses; all h. k. ; (1600; tlooO handlea C. B. BOWDK-N CO.. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. iV HOIM3 houfekeeplng; lease, rent, $75. Right downtown; nice and clean; nets 42110 and apt. free. Only $25oo caah seeded. J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR, 201 W. Park. Call In. Main 2590. WEST BIDE BARGAIN. 13 rooms, h. k.; rent $00: price $2000; $1000 cash If sold this week. 1. E. SPENCER A- CO.. 61T Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 612T. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNTY WARRANTS Notice la hereby given that Multnomah county warrants, all classes, the same having been drawn upon the general fund and that were presented and Indorsed "Not paid for want of fundA" from June 2, 102L to June 16 ,ltrjl, both datea inclusive, will. If properly Indorsed, be paid on presenta tion at the ofTica of the county treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland. Oregon. Sentember 23. 192L JOHN M. LEWIS. County Treasurer. Proposals Invited KOT1CE Ot sals of government Umber: General Land Office. Washington. D. C. August 11. 1921 Notice Is hereby gives that subject to the conditions and lim itations ot the act of June . 1016 (39 Btat 218) and the Instructions of the secretary of the Interior of September 15, U17 4 L. D. 447), the timber 00 the following lands will be sold Oct. 8. 182L at 10 o'clock A. M. at public auc tion at the United States land office at Roseburg. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not leas than the apprlcd value as shown by this notice, sals to bs subject to th approval of tbs secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with aa additional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent tbereof, being commissions allowed, must b deposited at Urns of sal, money to be returned If aala la not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the tim ber, which must be removed within tea yeara Bids will be received from cltl gena of the United States, associations f suoh ciUseos and corporations organ ised under the laws of the United States r any stats, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified Surchaaer. ths Umber on any legal sub ivlslon will bs oKered separately before being include la any ofler ot a larger ""'l S, R. 6 W.. See. t. lot J. r 1150 M.. cedar 60 M.. hemlock 29 M.j S. W. N. K. A4.. nr .25 M. ; S. E. 4 N. B . ?r 950 M 8. B. 8. W hi. fir 000 fl None of ths Br to be sod for less thaa $1.60 per al. and non of the cedar or hemlock to b. sold for I ea. than $1 M. Commissioner General Land Qgica cirirvn wins will he received at the office of the underaigned, 401 Court house. Portland, Oregon, until noon, ib-inlu a 1U1 for enuinment and sup plies for 'Benson Polytechnic School. i : i ,i , win ,neneft bv the board " Room 304. courthouse, at 7:00 P. M., the same day. Biwoifii.atinna mav bs obtained at tne office of the superintendent of proper ties. Old Falling school. A certified check, payable to- R. M. Thomaa school clerk and business man- ajrer. for ten Dor cent 10"jt) of th amnimt of the nroDosal. must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or all (Signed) K. H. THOMAS. School Clerk: and Business Manager, Dated September 22. j2t. ON ACCOUNT of the regular meeting of the board having cnangea irom umi davs lo Wednesdays, bids heretofore ad vertised to be received until noon Octo Ker A will ba received not later than noon October 5.' 1021. by the under signed at 44il courthouse, for the gen eral work of the third unit of the Rose -it,, p.rit seKool and for the general. electrical, heating and plumbing work of the James John High school. Bids will b opened by the board In room S04 courthouse, 7 P. M.. October 5. 1021. Plans and specification may bs ob tained at the old Failing school. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated September 20. 1121. CIRCULAR NO. 522 Sealed proposals will be received at orrice ot general purcnas lng agent, Alaskan Engineering Com mission, room 422 Bell street terminal. Seattle. Wash., not later than 11:30 a u Sentember 26. 11)21. for furnish inr wool socks, felt insoles, wool shirts. undershirts and underdrawers. canvas gloves, mitts and suspenders. Copies of this circular may be obtained upon ap plication at this office, from Alaskan Engineering Commission. 2.18 New Post office building, Portland. Or. C. E Dole, general purchasing sgent. U 8. ENGINEER office, Seattle. Wash. Opening ot proposals xor construction ol structural steel emergency dams tor Lake .Washington snip canal iocks, oeaine Wmh. has been postponed until 12 M October 22, l'JL Intormation on appli ratlnn at chief of engineers' office. Washington. D. C. and U. 8. engineer offices. Seattle. Wash.. Chicago. 111., or Pittsburg. Pa. Miscellaneous, BALE. WATI.ROAD AND SAWMILL LOCAT ED ON THE OLYMPIC PENINSULA. STATE OF WASHINGTON. Subject to prior sale, sealed hid will be received at th office of ths United States 6pruce Production Corporation, Couch Building, Portland. Oregon, up , - Oo .Aitn Kovember 1. 11)21: and then 'nuhliclv ooened. for purchase of Sprue Production Corporation Railroad No. 1. Clallam County, Washington, and he Soeuee ProdUCUOO Mill. tOti AO eles. Washington. Jointly or separately. n-c-BUa nw RIDDING AND SALal No bid for less than 81,500,000 will b accepted for both properties; no bid for less than 81.000,000 will ba accepted for th railroad property; no om ior than $600,000 will ba accepted tor U mill. Aa t, ahnva VnlnfmUtft SRlOtllltS ar considerably below th commercial and reproduction valu of these properties, the Corporation reserves th right te accept any offer In excess of ths abov minimum amounts tor slther ons or both of these properties, on or befors October 17, 12L In ths event of such offer or offers being accepted notices will be promptly mailed to all tho who have applied for turthar lotormauoa Ae kiihtn!! lad hlda. Purchaser of Railroad most agree te operate same as common carrier, re ferred payments (at 2 Interest) ever period of 10 years will be allowed. All bids muat be accom Denied by certified check for $26,000, made payable to the United States Spruce rrooucuoa or viMilnn. k, m a to be retained as llqul- dsted damages upon failure of bidder te complete purchase on award; but to be Immediately returned In event of rejec tion af bid. Klchts ars also rstalnsd to reject any and all bids. All bids must be made on forms and under con ditions contained In ths prospectus which will be supplied upon request. Tittaa to real nroDertv. timber maps. layout plats of mlil and master index of machinery may be examined at ths offices ot the UNITED STATES SPHITCIB PRODUCTION CORPORA TION (A Government Agency organized under Act of Congress, entitled "An Act making Appropriation tor ths support or tne Army. etc appivin . 1918 ). COUCH BU1LD1.NO. POBTLAND, OREGON. STATE TREASURER'S SECOND NOTICE. Stat of orearon. xreaurers vmce, cm. lam Oration.. September 20, 192L Notice la hereby given that there ar funds in the tt treasury with which to redeem all outstanding state war lists drawn on th general fund. In doiaed. "presented and not paid for want of funds." prior to August 22. 182L All such warrants, properly inaorsea win ha nald uoon. presentation at thl office; Interest thereon ceasing from and after September 1. l2L O. P. HOFF, Stat Treasurer. PA BY CLIFF- STKRJtETT. VmEAsI T? t3A' VDl5VE si 1 1 VAS A'StTfiA UErI NEVER SEEaI A PsCtJRtj . ' -that aaate, WV C I 0 .7 ffi The-CDre BOSTEtV ) Ptm. nn, V. s-et rae, , Sa, Pee. r.l. rlrMi ewreX EF .Sf?fr3T7 Setr' STATE OF OREGON, Department of Stat. Salem. Notice Is hereby given that tmrstiant to the provisions of Sections 2726-27-J0. Ore gon Lews, the following state warrants issued for a period . of more then seven yesrs prior to July 1. 1921. will be declared votd snd payment thereon refused by the State Treasurer of Oregon, unless presented for payment at the office of the State Treasurer. Snlem. Oregon, within 6ft davs from the 23d day of eVptember. 1921. the date of the first nubllcatlon of thia notice: GENERAL FUND. Warrant Date No. Issued. In Whoss Favor. Awt 11756, July T.lflis oer A Cummins. $21. 1241. An. 51, 191. Burke. C 1 00 12347. Aug. 21. 1913. Garrlgnes W.... 100 1211. Aug. 21. IBIS. Thomas H n 1.K71. Sept. 22. 1918. West, Rnv 4 On 1.1703. Oct. 28. 1918. Davis, J. B 10.2.1 1112. Oct 21. 1918. Reed. Bdwln P.. 1.40 6107. Oct 31. 1913, Minn. Acsdemy of Social Science Z OO 16226. Nov 8. 1918. Farmers' A Mer chants" Tel. Co 13 on 484. NVv. 21. 1918. Osthers-. Oscsr.. 5 61 M94. Apr. 80. 1914. "Portland Seed Co. 7 4. B4?t Mv 29. 1914. Pst. Tel Cable Co. 8.40 HATCHERY FUND. DISTRICT NO. 1. 89737. Nov 30. 1912. Newman. John A. 6 00 GAME PROTECTION FUND. 999R. Julv 21. 191S-. Thomas. C. F. . . . 18 91 nasi. Sept. 22, 1913, Baldwin. Geo. T. 8 50 14S3T. May 26. 1914. Fowler. J..W.... 4 on 14912. May 26. 1914. Ixiwe. W. A 100 14974. Mav 2S. 1914. Marry. John T... 1.00 in.!. May 2, 1914, Slavton. o. A H .1062. May 2. 1914. Stevens. R. T... 190 110S6. May 2S, 1914. Tipton. Hurt.... 1 0 15182. May 5. 1914. Clark. .T. E 5 90 15118 Mav 21. 1914 Johnson. John... 1 00 IflOft. June 2. 1914. Smith. Geo. N l.on 1718 June? 1914 Workman. James. 1.09 10014. June 19. 1914. Bmwn. Chsa C. 1.90 128. June 2rt. 1914. S-tsrr. M. R. i on .SB. June n. 1914. Krnmllng, A. I. . 2 lflS7 June 80 1914. I.ammert. Georve 1.00 UNIVERSITY OF OREC.ON CURRENT EXPENSE FUND. 79986 Anr 24. 1911. Snringfleld High School Nonparlel 1.21 In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and csused the Seal of the State of Oregon to he hereto affixed thla 19th day of September. 1921. (Seal) ham a. KOArcrt. Secretary ot Stata. LOST AMI FOOT). THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars or the Portland Railway, t.ignr AV Power Co. Sent. 21: 10 umbrellas. lunch boxes. 2 purses, key, shotgun In cane. 2 handbags 2 or. gloves. 2 books. 10 packages, umbrella cover, knife, hair ribbon. 2 or rubbers. Dark ssck. raln- I cape, overcoat, garden shears, clarinet in case. vrwnem may oinmn saline ui"m proper Identification at First and Alder street station. LOST Female Boston bulldog pup Sat urday In vicinity of East 24th and Ankeny streets. Brown motliea wun fine white line on face and white chest. Reward. East 6418. LOST In Olds. Wortman A King or Meier AV Frank a or between those two storea on Alder st.', crescent brooch of sapphires and pearla Reward. Major w. P. currier. ancouver l-arrac-KS, wasn. LOST Tan-colored raincoat in automobile of party who brought owner rrom uni versity Park to Broadway and Larrabee Monday. September 10. Broadway 4500, local lotv WEDNESDAY, in or near auditorium oi on street car to ltn ana Gllsan. Kern lngton gold medal. Finder kindly return Behnke-w alker college or mis orrice. LOST Suitcase on Alder bet. 4th and 6th st.. about 10:SO P. M. Wednesday. 21l Will pay liberal reward return same. Call Bdwy. 3180. Frank Clay. LOST Tuesday evening on east side, pre sumablv Hith. near Hawtnorne. buncn of keys: name, address, phone number at tached. Suitable reward. REWARD of $10 and no questions ssked If hat box with full contents let returnea by messenger to Dunning' East Sid Undertaking parlors. LOST Sept. 12 or 111. a good Brussels rug 9x12 feet, between lanby ana l, a ton . or, Finder receive liberal reward. Wm John.ton, Gaston. Or. LOST In south park blocks, between Main and Madison, gold bordered rimie: glasses In black case. Call Tabor 104 and receive reward. 'LOST A Gybson tenor banjo, between Dunsmulr and Weeds, Sept. 18. Notify E. A. Jackson, 153 E. 70th St., Portland, or. Kewara. LOST In ladles' lavstory. Olds A King's. small black leather foiuer containing 8 currency. Reward. Woodlawn -74.1. LOST A gold watch, open face, on E. 52d and Sandy road, on concrete Job. Reward, pnone aul hii-h. LOST Wedding ring: initials lnitide H. K. to J. iv., 7-4-iie.n. i,lDeral rewara, Main 31.19. 5S4 Front St. LOST Lady's gold bracelet, Halsey 2sth st. Bring to 33d and Sandy; ward. Call East 4.18. LOST 1 Collie pup. tan with whito ring around neck. Tip OI tall white. Please call Tanor 7i:u. LOST Monotrram from watch fob: Inltl K. 8. M. Write to E. 8. Murcble, Mer ced. Cal. LOST A cameo ring at ladies' reatroom in auditorium wen. nitTDt, Please Iran to Oregonlan office WILL party who found' purss at Cofr man s Saturday noon please return? LOST Brown suede purse; name Gene Billlngham. Broadway 4102. LOST on Broadway bridge, a spike tire lock. Finder call East 2676 LOST Cameo brooch. Liberal reward. Johnson t. 751 FOUND Shetland poay. J. IHI7 Bord of Trade bldg. M. Thomas, FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED, ' AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUT OR FELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. t-VRROON BOND A MORTGAGB CO. 07 SELLING BLDG-. SECOND FLOOR. INCORPORATING new mill with adill tlonal timber and want loan of $5000 and oartv to take stock for 1JOOO SMHH): nartv can take place In mil organisation. Books open to inspection. Address AF 41). Oregonlan. WE BUY first snd second mortgages and sellers' contracts, r . K. Bowman uo 210 Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 30: pa rh rut I it for mortgages and sellers con' tracts on real estae ; Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 816 Lumbermen bldg. BUY NOTES, contracta mortgages. V. rL Lewla 713 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak s'.a FOR SALE at a discount. $735 first mort gage. Main 6416. Money to japan on Real Estavte. $1000 Ti LOAN, 8 per cent; no corrunis slon. J 48. Oreconian. Money to Xxaaa oo Beat .Estate. 1500, 81000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms, no delay, no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding Bldg. LOANS at current rates on - well-improved arms and city property. K, K. Baxter. Spalding bldg. $1200 AND $1000, 7 per cent residence e- curlty. Jacob Haas. Mare-hall 3324. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGB CO., 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per Salomon A Co., 307 Railway Exch. cent, bldg. I MONEY to loan. 7 and 8. George LenL 717 Corbett Bldg. .etetk e,e ak TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY.. KBAD THIS! RESIDENCE LOANS. 84 FER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of 4100 or nny multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS 6 PER CENT. Five-year period: will loan 60 per cent of the value of your borne; only small monthly payment required with interest; you may pay more or all on the lirst of tach month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS, OS PER CENT. Five-year period repaying privilege. BRICE MORTGAGE CO., Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Company of America. 1210 1217 Yeon bldg. Main 8308. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" For lesldences. apartment housea ana eoine other Incomw property la offered by one ot our correspondent. Pay hers ANY AMOUNT. ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges. Other funds also, a tor th past 14 year, especially In LARGE AMOUNTS. ' The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. GOUDEY COMPANY, United Stales Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. Automobiles or other security. All business confidential. OREGON BROKERAGE CO.. Room 133$ Northwest Bank Bldg. SEH1 US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on cholcs loans; long time and short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; aoma ia ... i r - pnn tr.ciN second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 6th and Alder st. CBI.URH-Ml'RTUa o. unuTCAUU 1A1AN8 on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ilege, loweat rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTOAGB CO., HO Fourth St , Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount at lowest rate ,on city or country property. Pompt and Helpful Service. B. LEB PAGET. Realtor. 622 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230. WK HAVH funds available for good reel loans; also insurance money ror business property at lowest available rales. MORTGAGE: BOND CO., Main 2S31. Wilcox Bldg. Farm loans. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms: no commission, no delays. DUVERhlAUX MORTGAGB CO.. 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or MORTGAGE- LOANS. Any amounts, low rates, promptlv closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A, H. BIRRBLL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 8"4 and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. 4300, $400, 4500, 4700. 41000. $1200. $1,100, 2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action. Pay off $10 or mora at any interest date. Gordon Mortgsge Co., 631 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1370J MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., 309 Piatt Bldg. Main 6371. HAVE 41250 and (2000 to loan on Rose City, l,aurelhurst or Irvlngton security. C. A. WAGJ.ER CO.. Main 81.10. 230 Stark SL MORTGAGE loans In sums to lull; city, farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM O. BECK. 215 Falling Bldg 4 1 OOO i 1 .100 4 2000 $ 2.100 (3000. NO DELAY'. We ar loaning our own money. lnans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON. 615 Chsm. of Com. Bldg. WILL discount seller's end of contract: froperty clear; good as first mortgage. 17.10. Payable 425 month and Interest. BD 27. Oregonlan. $300, 4400. 4500. $750, 41000 AND UP Iaw rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Chant, ol Com. Main 044.1. MONJY to loan on reat estate security at going rates of interest. Otto A liarkson Itea 1 ty Co.. 418 Chsm. of Com. PLBNTY of money to loan on real estate st 7 per cent If security Is ample. Edw, P. Mall. 309 Cham, of Com. WE BUY mortgages or contracta 500 Panama bid g. Ma 1 n304 2.j Money to Ixian Chat tela and Salaries, DO YOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. IX1ANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE, PIANOS, V1CTKOL.AM, KSAIj ItaiAlla, BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracta we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We make a specialty of these loans and leave the security In your possession and you can repay us In mall monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried peo pie on their own notes. Rates reason' able. Private officea All business strict' ly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANT. ( Licensed ). 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 82A6. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington SALARY LOANS, CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi- montniy or montniy psymenta alaca transaction strictly conriaenllal. MO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household good. pianos, etc. CULUMBH DISCOUNT COMPANY. (Licensed). 218 FAILING BLDO. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. DAN MARX A CO.. St6 Washington St.. between 4th and 5th sta; established over 35 years; only hlgh-clsss jewelry tors In city with loan department la connection; private room ror laaies; boat . ness strictly confidential; under stat supervision; all articles held ons year; Go ousiness witn an oia-estaousnea firm. MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry: confidential service; government licensed and bonded brokera Zell Broa A Co., 23 Wash. sL. between 4th and (th; Marsnaii i-i. MONEY TO LOAN on goods In storage. Bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A THANSFEU CO. Phone Broadway si 10. QUICK money to aalarled people on un secured note: confidential Investigation. 816 Cham, or com. lL.lcensea). MONEY to loan; diamonds, Jewelry, etc.; legal rate; articles held one yesr. Vlnss, Jeweler, corner go ana wssningxon. Loans Wanted. OUR CLIENT wants $700 for 3 years: at tractive Interest and ample security In residence property. Marahsll 322. $1000. 8 yeara on 6 -room residence. Reed college section; safe risk, 7 per cent- W 31. oregonlaru u-iVTKn On beautiful Laurelhurst new horn 13500; will pay 1; best of ref erences. flrst-c'as loan, phone 310-73. 0o0 FROM private party for one year or more, interest 77a. A.-1 security. W 848, Oregonlan. WANT to borrow $1500 from owner, good close-in rented property. BD 41. Orego nlan. iriKT t '.rvnn a-iva sood second mtr. snd pay bonus; plenty aecuiity. B Don, Ore gonlan. ci'.t: me about getting IOU, on your roonev. A-l security. Roy H. Keagy. 712 Lewi blDlt. WANTED To borrow 31000 on good I curlty. Addres AV 870. Oregonlan. aS00 2 YRS.. 7 PER CENT, flr.t-clas modern home. Phone R. T. Street. FRANK L. McGUIRK, with hi vjar of experience and expert knowledge of values, is In a position to safeguard your every Interest In locating your money. Hunareds of applications for loans, or flce of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. I-ogle Richardson, manager of loan department, Ablngton Mdg. Main 10HS. INVEST your funds locally; help prepare for 1U25 fair; all securities handled in my olTlce are an aid In developing our own community. 1 am serving many careful and coruaorvatlve Investors. Let me serve you also. First mortgage loans only. B. Lee Paget, 022 CorotHt bldg. Main 6230. . ffje e'r 8vi Offer the following first mortgage loans on improved Portland properly, all drawing v.: tllilil. .I5H. 1'Ichj, jii;,u and 4150". We will be glad lo ahow theee lYopertla. Fred W. German Co., 7J2 Ch. of t om. bldg. , WANT I tool) at 7 per cent on Rose C.ty Park bungalow; lot looxlOO; good ae curily. C. A. WAGNER CO., Main 81.10. 230 Stark St. WANT 427.10 for 3 yeara. or repay In about 450 monthly payments, about 7 per cent interest, property worth 45IMV0: title in- auram furnished; prefer direct, plea All 11.1. oregonlan. WANTED By private party, J;!2."iO for 3 yeara at 7 per cent; first mortgage on farm near Portland; valuation 8 10 L AL Boo, Oreironlan. WANTED from private partv chattel loan 4H000 on reulstered anil glad Guernsey cows, also Include increase. AM 15, . Ore K o n j a n. WANT llluiio to finish store building st important suburban corner, stores rented and Income assured. i'hone Automatic 611-7.1. 3:lS N. W. Hank bldg. WANT to borrow floiM) for one year at , lo per cent. Interest In advance; good security. liPjH. Oregon! n. SEE OREGON l.N'V. MORTGAGE CO., 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. 40H0 ON PORTLAND pioperty, e interest. Muln 7bl5. rr.RsoNAi.. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, xone therapy or con ductive anesthesia. Without danger or after effects. We perform all denial op erations without pain. Come In and 1st ua prove it to you. DR. A. W. KEENE. Above Majestic theater, 351 ',4 Wash. WE GIVE acientlllu general massage, me- cnano - therapy treatments, medical baths, especially good for anaemic, run down, all-ln caaves, nervous, rheumatic and skin diseases. Graduate nurse in at tendance. Kor appointment call Mar ahail 2775 or 1115 N. 21ld St. WE GUAR A N T E EKE S I ' LTS. DR. NETTIE BENSON. DP., formerly of 1104 Dekum bldg., now at 322 Flledner building, loth and Washington. Mineral steam baths, hot or cold showers, ex pert mat.atfe, vibration and vital treat ments. All chronic disease treated. Hours 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. LEARN a profitable business and bs In dependent; very best methods of skin and scalp treatment, marcelling, hair dreading, etc.. taught at Madame Paten aud's School of Beauty Cuitura Benson hotel lui prove.-nent sh op. CORNS, Ingrowing toenails or any foot trouble see Dr. Bachman, the better kind of chiropodist; licensed by two eastern medical boards; all work guar anteed. 301 Broadway bldg. Appuiut nienls call Main i lisi LADIES, are you weary or exnausted after stanaing si. day on your reetr it so, be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water application with Ttkara Anti septic Powder, 6ou and 61 box, Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DR. LOUISE NET.EL gives treatment for rheumatism, lumhuKo, neuralgia, etc. Electric blanket, vlbratur massage and bath. 546 Columbia St.. near lith at. Main 65QH. open Sundays. IF YOU ARE TIRED AND NERVOUS, re. juvenate your nervous center and poor circulation by having a scientific body massage. Dr. Ovldia Larsen, 034 Morxsa bldg. Main 1 DUD. Lady assistant. CliillUI'KACliC BEST STEAM BATH, chiropractic vl oratory and electric massage. Dr. Mar garet Haynle, 215 bwellaad bldg. Baa- aoname prices. MINERAL STEAM BATH Hot and cold ahower expert massage, violet ray and ainusoldal treatmenta for both aexea 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. Lady attendant. 304 Dekum bldg. Main 77M. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER la a eoolhlng, cleansing, healing germicide and invigorating douche; a groat aid in female uisoruera; 5oc and 61 per boa. Por Hand H ot el Ph a r i n ac y. CRATER LAKE and return Portland by Bend; S-day trip: write for time and number desiring to go; coat 4.15; one day at eome good irout lake. A. C Nowe.l. Clacken,ltN Ojr GRADUATE chiropodist, massage under medical auperviaion; upen evenings and Sundaya Removed from 2051 to 21$ Alisky bldg.. odand Morrlaon SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple needle method; consultation free. 504 Swellsud bldg., full at Wash. Main 1.1UM. FEBVET & HANEBU'A, leading wig and loupe makers; finest stock human hair ' goods; permanent and marcel waving; scalp treatmenta 841) Alder. Main 646. DK. CLAIRE HENSERL1NG. drugless phy sician; steam baths, scientific massage; hours 10 to 6. 51 Selling-Hlrsrh hldg., W. park and Washington. Main 770. HAVE your eyes properly attended to al Goodman's: right glaissee at right prices. Prompt service. Thousands of satisfied patrona 200 Mori isou. Main 2124. WANT Information as to William Johna formerly motor driver of Wadebrlge, Cornwall, England. Letters to Dunn t Baker, solicitors. Exeter. England. 61 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Kston'a tne ciiiivoi oviot aim n ivv.ii Drial., who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th A Wash. Bdy. 2824. CHILE. SOUTH AMERICA. Seldom settlement opportunity. Free booklet. W. Fahrenkrog, Loa Angelea Cal.. 20.13 East 4th st. (JEOttGta RUBENSTEIN, the veteran op tician, will fit your eyes better snd cheaper than elsewhere. Kxpert optician. Keaeonsbls prlcea 226 Morrison St. ALL LINES beauty worK ana hair mak ing. Experts. Bonnie Dee Shop, special. Islng In arm and neck massage, bleaches, hair dyeing. 205 Plttock. H:l wy. 3475. GOING to Los Angelea 27th. Will carry two passengers to help defray ex. Ad dress boa AJ 47, Oregonlan. Give ad dress or phone. FUR a Portland's upstairs furrier. The Fur Shop, 614-16-16 Ellers Music hldg.. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 6424. PASSENGERS wanted for San Francisco. lvs Angelea Pierce-Arrow, Wlnlon; chesper than rail. Leave Sept. 27, Ty rell Trips Co, Ma'n 8. RADIANT LIGHT THERAPY VIT-O-NET swrata body massage, violet ray, 10 to 7 dally. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7679. RESPONSIBLE party leaving for Calgary, Alberta. OcL 1 will transact business. A 70C)reonlatv SULal'HUR steam baths, massage, violet rav and vibratory treatments for nerv ousness, poor circulation; hra 10 to 8. 4 ClaV. Main , TTZ io lessons; popular songs Immedi ately: advanced course for playera ParkerPlsJoBchoo 6HEllerbldg. 57THELNA SORENSEN, dniglea phya, massage, hatha kidney, constipation, rv.-imatlsm. 5l8 Panama bldg. M. 6086. TtTK HOME of late fashions Peterson's, second floor Plttock block, sulta coals. Urease, skirts, wslsts, millinery. dresses, w STUD 8 passengers for uto trio to Seattle Chalmers car; leaving next week Woodlawn 8i3. MEDIUM-WEIGHT car going to Medford Sunday morning; room for 3 or 4 paa ?.aaerV V 8'J. Oregonlan. ciTpiiltKLUOLS hair, moles, waru rem h, iu-needls method: trial free.. Jose ey 614 Bush a l-ane blug. Main ( oved Pin- 63 68. WANT lady partner, teach private school dancing; If established Investigate this: my clnes of work will bring buslnesa Y 42, Uregonian. tTTisKlKS KOR IXMIIAf.O. ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., beL th nd 5th sts. Aleo Mundaya snd evenings. STEAM BATH and massage, violet ray and vibratory treatment. Hours. 10 te L 4 1 7 Swetland tldg. FEET Bore? See Or. Ethel A. Racry; pedi curing and manicuring; open evening and Sundays, om snirun oiog. PILES csn be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sea- end and Morrison. CANCER Want to communicate with per sons afflicted with external canoar. V sons 8M. Oregonlan. make your own clothes. M-ht school. East 2014. Mra dark's JI'NICIDE Will cure riicuiiisiisui w money h-elt 408 Dekum bldg. iTuiMEDA. BALM, formerly called Balni viaa 844 K. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings, it ALT syrups and auppllea Portland Bev- .r..eyupply C-i . 431 Htsrk street. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? Be. Vlereck. collectora Dekum bldg. WlTTLKH. barrela stoneware, corks, etc Portland Beverage Supply Co.. 431 Stsrk. 'phOSTATB trouble cured without opera- "Xn. Dr. n. A. Phllll pa, Broadway bldg. wak.E your own drtnka; for auppllea Portland Beverage Supply Co.. 431 Btark. ti-ARNbeuty culture evenlnga Madam Lr.,rtla. Marshall 1703. VIOLIN taught. reasonabis ratea Call Hroadway 707. Ask tor Mr. Gray. f'.ioo WANTED on beautiful six-room. house, Irvlngtoa. Call Mar. 111.