18 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1921 HFI-F WANTED MALK. HARD CANDT MAN. t m The M.l.r A Frank Companr require th. service. o an e.p.rt.nced man for making hard candlee. Apply at onca ta Employment llur.au. Blxlh rioer. Malar jrrank C CARH1ER wantad for Orenlan root In Mouth Portland nr and ot N. A 8. car line: munt pa la years of asa or over. Apply rliy c-lrculaUott dapt.. room 204 Oresonlan bld(. tOI'NO MAN!!! Taka thla tip The ona beat placa In thla city to aaalat YOU In flrxlin. a poaltlon la tha Y. M. C. A employment Department You ran tat reliable information and they wlii mul tiply your chano.a and put you next to opportunities tbat you would navar (tod ibrousb yoor own alforta alonn. All youns men, and especially .tran vara, ara corl.all. lnvlt-d to talk with on. of I ha aaoratarlaa. Room Io7, Y. M. C. A . EXPERIENCED LfOOAOE SALESMAN: I'EKMANKNT POSITION. WONDER FI L OI'I'OHTCNITV KOR ADVaM'K )IKNT. APPLY EMPLOYMENT 11U KAU P KKOK E HI .30 A. M. L1PMAN, WUU'li CO. WANTED EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE OPERATOR. Alio a a man by mall city newspaper; open ahop, American plan; permanent situation, yearly contract; state lie. ex perience, speed, last employment. K 60, Oregon Ian. WASTED Kap.rlenced man to taka care of five-acre tract home, nillea from Portland. Home ona that haa had pruc tical eiparlenca In (artlcnlnK and tha nandllnc of poultry; no objection to man and wife. If tlia laily can taka care of houi.-hnld dutlea; only practical and experienced parti. a neel apply. J. M. Trmmaa. K07 Board of Trada bids. Main 1070. tDUKHMAN. l. .'. 2 laborere for planing mill; 'i t rim mermen, 1 grader. Help l anted Mirnmre, bAI.IvSil K.N Hera la your opportunity to make b( money; nuithty fine Invratment for purchaser and nice proportion to ell with wonderful future selling' our data pruna orchard Inveatment con traota; purchasera may buy only five treea or aa many mora aa deaired; fine propoaltlon ahead- aa district managers lor good salesmen. Kor particulara wrlla or a-e the old rellabla unson Nuraery Co., room 700-710 Broadway bldg, purt- lurxl, Or. WANTED Competent heatliut boiler aalea. men; commission baalaonly. to aell to tha traila a wall-known and nationally ad varttaed heating boiler for ateam, vapor, vacuum and hot water heating; large and complete (lock of these boilera and repairs carrlad In flock on tha Pacific coaet. Apply, giving experience and ter ritory you ara covering, AV 30. orego nlan V A NTE D Salesmen In well-eatabllahed organlxntlon. ell high-grade offlia ape clallv. Men with typewriter, loose leaf or eard filing exrx-rlema preferred. All or part time. Bamplea furnished. Commlasloo paid on receipt of cuatumere alirned or der at Loa Angelea. Kor particular, write W. U. Newcomer. -l I. W. lieil m n H 'lf , lxa Angcl'w. SaTksMKN To men who believe in elec trical appllanrea and can cloae a aale I have a aplendtd propoaltlon to offer. If you mean business and want to make money from honeat effort come and se me any morning. Mr. Lyman, 419 Washington st. COTTON I'"lKr GOOIH Salesman to call on retail and manufacturing trade: ex tensive Una; good money-making oppor tunity. Ulve detailed list trade territory desired; experience; 5 per cent commls einn. Richard Mills, 677 Broadway, New York city. All O.MOI1I LE 8 VLEHVI EN'. We can use three more clean-cut, hnn st live wires; attractive retail propial tlon with our Portland fnrtory branch V MAXWELL-CHALMEKi. East 3d and Oregon at riiOMIXKXT WESTERN "OHPORAT10N haa opening for hgh-grade man In Port land an1 several Or-nnn counties who can develop "Into salesmen: previous ex perience Immaterial If ft hard worker Te'ephone Mr. .Matta. jiarsnau u.u. If" Y)i; ara looking for a aide line that will give you exclusive territory and commission on repeal oraers, give us m chance to ahow our Una. AK DO. Orego nlan. 4A IESM KX covering Oregon territory to handle quirk selling article aa aide line. Oood rommlxNlon. universal demand. See Mr. Hendle. room 7 Hwe'iund bin fiAl.KSMAN r man who haa ability and desire to become salesman. Call or write North Ridge Bruin. Co., 2t Aril Mti Rldg. 8AI.KSM EX Experience not nerpmiary ; article will aell wlf. Apply T-eHoy-Oll-ver M (k. Co., booth 4ft. butilneaa ahow, lll.eln in f WANTKU Three young men of neat ap pearanre.for ateady position, aa aala mn; alary or commlaalon. 403 Title V SALESMAN to rover local territory aelllnK dealera; guarantrfd aalary of 1100 week for rlKht man. The Klcharda Co., 20Q fith ave.. New Tork. N. Y. CITY MALK3 prt.poltiun. dltfnifled and at tractive; prefer man with lumber or au- newxvKllJ aa lurlftncg VVrldle IF YOl? aee a future In the electric ap pliance hualnrri and If you can clot ulea. call t'.'H loth at. If not don't .rail. M AN'H IOR A.T MWB PAY. EXI'tiKlfclNOKL) retilty aaleaman with car. A Orr;nnln. WAXTKI 2 hiKh-cIana apecJblty aalea mn with cars. 2Jt Htark at. WANTKI AC.FNTS. ANTK rv A a; e n t a for the aale of the new headllajht ad for boosting the world's fir ; rirrutar-nhape, titm In aide of any had light ; exclusive contrarta ajlven by rnuntlea to local dealer or firm. Call or write Kactua Chemical Co.. 20U Jef t rrnon at. WANTED Worker In applied paychnlogy for healing claaa; free leanona; at art 11:1.0 A. M-. noon alienee. Apply after 10 A .M.. B 73 4 ,Houth K lrit, near Grant. SiAUAZINK and newnpaper men for work at the falra;' liberal proportion. Ihu1 E. Joy. S10 Board of Trade. Call or write voi KN to aell all ka In each community. J'art or whole time. liood pay. No Inveatment. Oriental Fllka Co.. Atf3 Mar ket 9t., Han Franclaco Cal. A G EN TH W A NT K Il'a y in g pro pon 1 1 lo n, per cent profit. Koom 14, 4 til atiaat M orrlnon. AGENTS ran make good money by call Ing at Iwt. , aUK A LTH. accident and Monpuat inauraoca. Big commlaalona 001 Corbett bldg. ITKt.P WANTKf MA T.F OR FT! MAT. Fa, WANT E 1 Man or woman rapahle of do ing nulalde otk for county aeat weekly, know led k of printing trade valuable : wplendul fleld and munt be huatler for nea and rapable of aelllng and prepar ltt.T advertUina : atate nalarv and all In first letter. loik County Ubaerver, lal laa. ( i regon. VaXTKD HtenoKrapher having experl enre with machinery preferred, $70 mo. to atari. Fcrdan Halca A Service. Eaat Sa I m on n n d Wate r p tw. V'A NTE1 nrnei. drumi and cello play era; amateur for Junior concert orchra- tra. I'hnnn after 11 A. M. Mar. 717 so. U A NTFACTl'RER wanta several good houee-to-houne anlirttora for houahnld necenslty; good profit. Call 7 Cnlon ave. IIFI.P VANTF.f- WITH INVESTMENT. yoi'Nd man with fine record a aaleaman for pa at two year with larice whoraie house In city, dealrea good connect Inn with reHabl firm; no get-rlch-qulok aelllng propt.alttona wanted. Let me have an Interview ; can f urnteh excellent ref erenrea H 32. Oregontan. ANTED ttiial p eaa manager for live dal'y newpaier In bei location on fa ride roaal-. reasonable aalary to pernon of experience ; muni maKe aubstantlal Invratment In bualneaa. A V 4 Mi. urgo- nln n. i TAR TN E R anted, mechanically Inclined who can Invent $!.ihi; have nrdera now and proflta begin at once. Answer quick ly aa a email fortune awaits us. S 44, Pregonlati. WANTED Single man with $1!,0 for traveling; no aaleaman, easy work, good aalary. no experience needed. AM 33, Oregonlan If A RTN KH to manage few women In small factory ; $ J04MI required ; we have big future and no competition. Box. S 48, Oregon tan. JiAVE permanent city hauling contract. Require purchase of truck. Apply a, once. 430 W. Uurnttide. HFI.F WAXTKIV-FFMALK. TAILOHEss wanlttti. Uivorne ava. Apply XUott Haw- HELP WA.1TED f EM ALE, IXPKniEXrtD OTXTVE (AirsWOMAN. APPLY EMPLOYMENT BL'RhVAU BB tOHB 10:30 A. M. LIPMA.V. WOLFE COMPANY. WANTED SEVERAL TOI'NO LADIES for general office work. Apply 8 to Itf A. M- Montgomery Ward A Co., 27la and Vaughn. TOUNO lady to do laboratory work la doc tor office; must be competent to do the usual routine laboratory work. State age. experience, salary and referencea. M 27, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER wanted for doctor'a of fice, niuat hava initiative and be able to handle collections; one who can do typ ing preferred. State age, referencea and alary U 10. O regon tan. 1KMVI.K HELP WANTED Woman 2A to 4 wltb high school education or a bual neaa experience, for educational work. Permanent poaltloa; flOuo first jrer. A OregoniiiH. WANT ED Cook for small country hotel, nice ptace. prefer mother and daughter aa general heper; muat be good cook, answer Immediately, give phone number a n d sta te salary. AL tfTi. Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN In city wants caretaker and housekeeper; permanent home for soma one. Give particulars In first lett e r. C 7, O regon lan. YOU NO LADIES. 1 to 21. aalea work travel, tranaportatlon furnished; experi ence preferred. Write for Interview, your own time and place. O 10, Oregontan. WANTED- Oirl or e.derly lady to help In housework for two in modern home, for winter. Address Mrs. Carl Gibson. Sa lem, Or. Itt. 4. Box 37. .. WANTED AT ONCE. Olrl for lunch room, muat be good cook, pie and cake maker. &77 Waah- Ington. WANTED Young aeffinen to -nter training school. For information apply to super intendent of nurses, Hoquiam General Hospital, Hnquiam, v an AN V 1..IKU In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Uescus Home. May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 84.10. DM car. LADIES Evwry car owner wants an Allen auto waaher an! bruh. Why not take orders? Make S3 to Stf per day. Allen Pales Agency. 4iq Chamber or enmrnert-e. WANTED Experlenctd girl for cooking and general hou-fwork: references necea aary. Mrs. Jordan Zan. 8tf N. 19th. Broadway ' THE Ki-OHla..NCE CRiTTEXTOX home is ready to help any girl in dlatresa 9ii East Gllsan. "MV" car. East sl. 8CIKXL girl may have room and board reasonable for Hjrhl assistance moraing and evening; two in family; use of pisno. K l.V Oregonlan 1 EACH EKH" wanted Immediately, normal graduates desirable location. Yatea Klaher Teachera" agency, Broadway b 1 d af. B lS I NESS girl may have room and break fast very reasonable for light services mornings: two adults. E IS, Oreg-onian. 1 OCiSU a omen wanting employment at telephone operators, call at room oui Telephone bldg.. Park and Oak fctreeta LADIES For pleasant outside work, 2 to ft hours a day. tall 1 to 4:.tO P. M. H27 Cnrhett bldg., corner 5th and Morrison. CAPABLE nurae girl to take cars of b month old baby : permanent position. Phone Main 174J after 0 A. M. WANTED Elderly woman for home cook ing, one who can bake. Call Bdwy. 14.V 8 to 11 A. M. ' W A NTE D A young married woman that can do shorthand and type. $60 to start. Apply M North Ninth ft. STEADY employment lor girls between IS ana so years oi age in w uuu wui ning -1 1 ry. W extern Cooperage Co.. St. J ohm, EX PE KI ENC K D cafeteria girl; call at office Imperial Dairy Lunch, 37) Wash. street, WANTED Experienced alteration Beam aires Apply L. N. Levlnson, Morrison .wtreet at Parkj YOL'.NCi Ijdy sliwters wanted for ladles' chorus. Knowlton music studio, 202 TU ford bldjc. W A NT ED Lady chiropractor and mas seuse . good opening. W 44. Oregopian. WANTED Woman or girl to work In a bakery mornings. 70 Thurman. WANTED A waitress. 83 17th at Thur man street. WE WA NT hustlers to handle the Holt he U; b l g com m. 23 Filed ner bldg. ll OllOi'O LATE dippers. Vogan Candy Co., East l rth ana r isnaera. WANTED Olrl or middle-aged lady to assist with housework. Tabor 58. BhiST wages for experienced second maid; references required. AJ 50. Ort-gontan. EXPERIENCED unrtv girl, llaiel TaXfy Parlor. 1J0 Broadway. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 409 E. Morrison si. Star Caftf. EXPERIENCED cloak and suit salesladies wanted. The Popular Store. t;iKL wanted. "Penny Arcade. 26 North 8d. WTXT waltreaa B2 "Third atJ Wanted lymeatlra. DESIHABLE housekeeper for particular family of four; good home with good people; modern, convenient house; wom an over S years of age preferred. S56 Holman. Woodlawn car. WANTED Capable willing girl for mother's helper to assist with care of little children and second work; ref erences required. Main W4Ti. YOL'NO WOMAN Tor general housework In family of 2 adults and a young baby; give references and salary expected. N 1, Orecnnlan. WANTED A Protectant to come in and do upstairs and laundry work f r private family. Call Marsh. ii35. mornings. 247 N. 24th. WANTED Oirl fox general housework, ex perience not neceswary. 835 Glenn ave. North. Woodlawn 4311. Broadway car. YOUNG woman for housework who la neat and industrious; $30 to $40 per montti. Call East 551. " YOUNG girl to aeMst with general house work; t.o cooking and no family work. Call s:i.;-ii. WANTED Oirl or Japanewe for general housework; three adults In family. Phone ' East 1312. WANTED Reliable. neat housekeeper; beautiful home; all modern conven iences ;noashlngTabor6i3. OJKL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; OOOD HOME. OOOD WAOES. PHONE WDLN. 1213. FEM A LE help w anted for general house work, foreigner preferred; desirable place; wages $30. East 84KI1. . PERMANENT, reliable girl for general housework; no washing. $25. 850 II an c t c k. Bdwy. car. East 636. GIRL to aaalat with general housework, family of 2. Main 3354. WANT girl for dining room work at the P a 1 1 o n ho me. 8 75 A llchl g ana ve nue. L EXPERIENCED girl to aaalat with houieworkj $-Q a month. Wain 5C46. EXPERIENCED woman for general house- wo r k. city re f e rence; 2 adults. Main 523 HOUSEKEEPER wanted, one who likes children. In modern house. Aut. rt.T7-32. WANTED A girl to help with general nouweworK in a rwmiiy. Kaat znn RELIABLE woman lor general house work. Phone Milwaukle 45. WANTED A girl to asniat with housework and children; no washing. Wdln. 2--.H0. EXPERIENCED girl for general housed work, best wages. Phone Main 182H. OooD girl for general housework and anoint with rooking. 730 Kearney. NEXT girl lor general housework. Tabor t;i3l. P1TIAT1QNS WANTKD MALE. JAPANESE wants position as Janitor in hotel or apartment. Phone 32-336. I'AiM'r.K, pap-rhangrr. wants work bv day or contract. Pearson. Marshall 4065. CEMENT work of ail kinds; good work guara n teed. Sell. IMP. PAINTING, tinting, papering, good worn, reaso nable Sellwood 131 HI. CHAUFFEUR Truck driver; driving les sons; repairing. Auto. :12-U3. Will lams. WOOD SAWING DONE RKASONAULs TABOR 34 TO. EVEN LENGTHS CARPENTER and builder Jobbing built-in new work. Auto. 5JQ-8 L 5! IT a! HOUSEKEEPER wanted for h tm nT rtv- AV Oregonlan. CARPENTER, repair work: no Job too large or too small. Phone 528-48. PAINTING tinting for reliable work. Call Main 4H0I , a pt 22. HoLSE painter and carpenter wanu steady work, Call Broadway 5 S3 ft. R ES H INGL1NG and new work. Call East 8T17. WANTED General hauling. 3 -ton truck; day or contract. Wdln. X9. PLUM LUNG Uor.e very reasonably by hout or J ob. A ut. L UoOF repairing a specialty. The man you are looking for. Woodlawn QQM4. IIOL'SE painting, tinting. Inside reflnish lng: guaranteed. Auto. 614-43. PAINTING and tinting, good work, rea sonahle. J Clausen. Wdln. 5414. CALL Tabor 4tM to hv your old" roof made new. Shlngtlng la my bunineas. WANTED Work. 4 hours mornings. C. R, Wright. 945 East Salmon at. PAPER hanging, painting, tinting. E. Ben. nctt. "in Union ave. N. Woodlawn 201. WANTED Houe painting, good work at r;gnt pncea. tan uoi. i:.. FIRST-CLASS all-around cook and pastry .uian. IL iiala MTVATION3 WAVTFD MALE. COOK and waltreaa, married, desire poal tlon first-class country hotel; man haa had International experience all branches of the business; wife good, capable walt reaa; best of care taken of kitchen ex pense Phone apt. 10O,- Main 6o&V Ad dress 174 13th at.. Portland. ' PAINTING AND PAPERING First -class work guaranteed; refer ences given; prices reasonable. " East 74X PRIVATE secretary, expert stenographer 10 years' experience and graduate of law. now employed, desires change nnd will be In Portland after October 10. Prefer commercial to professional con nectlon. A 871. Oregon lan. SHINGLING. Low prices, best material and work manship, reshlngling a specialty. Call Mitchell Uogaa, Main 7739. after 6 P. M. LAWYER Five years' experience In gen eral practice In Montana, expert stenog rapher, desire connection with good law firm, bc t74. Oregonlan. MARRIED man with family must have steady work, teamster, truck driver or ranch work. C. Jenkins, 403 Second iL, Portland. Or. Main 5537. SITUATION wanted. Janitor, married, on deratands ateam and plumbing; object, steady employment; references. AK 7, Oregonlan. m MAN WITH 1-ton track would like con tract or special delivery hauling for reliable wholesale house in city. X 24. Oregonlan. WOULD like position In some home as a handy man, inside or outside; wages no object; 1 want a home; references fur nlwhed. George Peer. V 4ft. Oregonlan. RADLEY 4 CO.. builders, will build your home complete on contract work only ; reasonable price. 6123 62d ave. S. E. Automatic 623-48. NEW LAWN'S made; old ones repaired. All kinds of landscape done; also prun ing. Main 1C9J. E, A. Darr. res.. Main 613 MAN AND wife want cooking Job In a camp or hotel; can give good reference. R A. Rand, Bridge apta., Vancouver. Wash. WANTED By experienced man and wife, fo take full charge of hotel or apartment house, either In city or country. Ad dress B 21, Oregonlan! DRUGGIST Registered graduate, 10 yra.' experience; married; now employed, want to make a change, AV 347. Ore- gonian. CODL.EGE woman, accustomed to meet ing people of culture and refinement, w isfteg poaltlon. K 8, Oregonlan. TWO GOOD carpenters wanted, work by day or Job; city. Box 694. Phone Main 1082. . JOB WANTED by family man; ateam en gineer; 22 yea re' experience; holds a chiefs license. H 28. Oregonlan. WANTED Carpenter work, repair work, reshlngling and repair. O. W. Mercer, 828 South First st. Phone Main 8106. MARRIED man wants Job on ranch. Call , or write I. c. Carpenter, Portland, Or. uir.ro Bl. a. E.. EXPERIENCED man and wife as Janitor for apartment house; apartment and some wagea. refs. Bdwy. 434tt. "THE LITTLE Jobs that Dad won't do " Roofs repaired snd treated. Tabor 43. Automatic 623-39. A YOUNG Japanese wants a position at a schoolboy in good family. Phone Bdwy. 2-"-'ft. iHl Burnside st- MARRIED man nee-ds work: painting, kal- eomlnins. furniture polishing. Maclln. Eat ISlfl. MAN WITH a family needa work; can do auto repairing or drive a fuck. Phone Main BIG 17-YEAR-OLD boy wants to work on farm for board and clothes. W 29, Ore gon! an. COLORED, all-around chef desires posi tion, city or country. No. 275 Pacific st, phone East 1356, James. TOUNO Japanese, 19. wants general house work near the Y. M. C. A.; attending au tomobile scnoo.. Automatic HOUSE painting, tinting and Interior fln Ishlng. experienced workmen, moderate l UU... ll.U IIU1 JANITOR and wife, experienced, fully able to take care steam, water and gas fit tings; best references. H 2. Oregonlan. CARPENTER, new or repair work, small Jobs promptly done; estimates cheerfully given. lapor JAPANESE wUrftea to do cooking and washing in family, city or country. AF 32. Oregonlan. - RELIABLE elderly man, would like a job as night watctiman or light Janitor work. Wdln. 4H64. MECHANICAL driver. careful driver, wants to drive to California; referencea Write box 142. Gresham. Or. WE BUILD small houses and garages a ad repair old ones at rock-bottom prices. 7S5 E. Main st. East 350. BLACKSMITH and horses-hoer wants work In town or out; will consider helper Job temporarily. A J 41, Oregonlan. COLORED man, exp.. wanta Janitor or porter work: night or day work. Lowe, Broadway 2247. ( TOUNO MAN. 19 years, would like position where he can travel; railroad preferred. Woodlawn 4139. ELDERLY dishwasher or any kind of work, g 020. Oregonlan. REASONABLE, reliable, referencea, paint er. Call Automatic 621-57. BUILDING contractor, new or alteration, targe or small, day or Job. Auto. 630-25. PAPEKH ANG1NG Hoc pr single roll. Esti mates on painting. Main 1032. Itookkee per. Stenographers, Of fleet. HOTEL CLERK, man with long experience and training In office work and as aalea man, wants employment at clerical work tn hotel. Phone Marshall 1870, or ad- dress V P01. onggonlan. MAN DESIRES work of some kind; can clerk, keep books; have had seven years In business; 27 years of age. X 42, Oregonlan. TOUNO married man. law student, wishes position In lsw office or -legal depart- merit of any firm. Call Bust 5J55. TOUNO married man wlphea position as typist. Anthony. Phone Main 2359. even. Inge. YOUNG man. 32, 15 years' general office perience; also drive auto. Wd 1 n. 17 64. HIGH school boy wants work alter school. Main 6183. Referencea. BRICK contractor, everything in the brick II n e. Tabor 87fl 3 DOCTORS say stay out in the air; have car, want line to sell. R 82, Oregonlan. SITUATION B WANTKn FKMAT.F. LACE AND Silv SCRIM A. WD MAR- cu'IHETTE CURTAINS done Jp like new V.'tll call. F.ast 8516. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady want! hoosecleaning. washing. other work Goodwork guaranteed. Wdin. 6803 m EXPERIENCED lady wants washing, ironing, cleaning; city reference. Wdln. 2089. COMPETENT laundress wishes work Thursday. Friday. Monday; referencea Woodlawn 1611. ELDERLY woman will do light house work In plain home for widower with one child. K 47, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED girl wishes housework by hour. 4'ic per hour. Carl Bdwy. 447Q. EXPE11I &NVED cook wanta position, k 1 1 ehe n only. Marshall 44i9. RE I J ABLE woman wants work by day or hour. Wdln. 8tM3. WOMAN wishes day work. Call evenings. Auto. 626-Sfl. DAY WORK WANTED. AUTOMATIC 615-43. COMPANION and helper to C. S. practi tioner, moor n i . morn i ng-g. CARE for children In my -ome, Mrs. Par rlsh. 83 Yamhill st. WOMAN Want day work, can give refs. UmaHw 41 -I ft CLEANING and Ironing, well done. Broad way 34-23. COMPTOMETER operator with five yars' exp. wants position. Call Colombia 1U44. EXPERIENCED woman wanU day work; care of children evenings. Woodlawn DEMONSTRATOR wants position. S 22. Oregon lan. EXPERIENCED woman cook wishes posl tlon out, camp preferred. Main 3022. DAY WORK by hour or chambermaid work. Broadway 264'J. Book keepers, rtenugTapiier. Offica, CAPABLE young lady wants position aa bookkeeper or assistant and tvpist. No shorthand. Experienced in fire Insur ance, w bolesaie and other lines. Tabor 2.'. 8 J. AMBITIOUS young lady, experienced bookkeeper and typist, no shorthand, wanta work, permanent preferred; will accept anything; beat referencea Call Sellwood 3721! CAPABLE bookkeeper and eteno., 10 years' experience desires permanent position. R 31. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. 5 yra. excellent experience In wholesale and manufacturing. East 1276. YOUNG woman wishes office work of any kind, greatly In need of work. Phone Wdln. sr. 23. ST E NOG R A PHER, legal experience, de sires pout tlon, temporary or permanent. Aut. 632-1.4. YOUNG LADY wants position as stenog rapher, any kind offc work, day or evenings. Call Woodlawn 534. YOUNG lady, experienced bookkeeper and typ 1st, wishes clerical work. Sell. B721. WANTED POSITION AS OFFICE GIRL. PHONE COLUMBIA 1430. TT PINO wanted. 3-3 ChiUU. oX Com. bld. Main 233. SITTATTONS WANTED FEMALE. Dreaama kera DRESSMAKER, designer; your Ideaa and mine will meet with your satisfaction; perfect fit guaranteed. Broadway 6241. Madame Rosen. 304 Globe bldg. WILL make winter dresses and coat, also remodel and rellne coats and dresses, all sewing done reasonably. Phone Broad way 4976. TH F. GLAD 6HOP Dressmaking, remod eling; new fall styles; moderate pncea Main K3.4. 10O1 Broadway bldg. ! EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day; ref erence .ttroanway iaiit. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress; re fa. Mrs. Honychurch. Bdwy. 2315. GINGHAM and wash dressea $2 and up, silks l- up; coats and aultg Wdln. 266. DRESSMAKING, reasonable, taffetas, sa tina, serges, reliable. Main 254. SILK dreasea a specialty ; prices reason able. 422V Morrlron, room ft. npataira. !lLAH HUT OH INS on gowna, 902 Broad I way bldg. Phone Main l'Sft. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable; home or day. Phone 5I7-9. HEMSTITCHING. c yard. 1006 Broadway b'.dg. Main 647S! DRESSMAKING, reasonable, home or day. 11A9 Malt St. Sellwood 8603. PRACTICAL nurse, no objection to ob stetric cases; would consider position In smal.1 hospital. In or out of city. E. 8569. NURSE tnkes maternity cases in her home. Best care. Reasonabie. E. 86S. PRACTICAL nursing by day or week; prices reasonable. Woodlawn 1701. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse wants po sit Ion, excelle nt references. Wdln. 12 4 1. Housekeepers. POSITION as housekeeper In hotel, apart ment or rooming houss by experienced middle-aged woman; no objections to leaving town; best references. AN 45. Oregonlan. , TWO YOUNG ladles wish position as housekeepers In widower's home or take charge of small hotel or apartment house. Phone Main 2674. apartment' 22. POSITION as housekeeper for several men, or man with children, by capable, middle-aged woman; referencea AN 44, Oregonlan. WOMAN, with child 2 years old. wishes position In small family; beat referencea. BC 29. Oregonlan. Hooseyleanlng. HOUSECLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel cleaning;; floors wajied, fur-ntau-re polished, carpeta cleaned, win dow1 wtished CITT HOUSECLEANING SBRVICE. 188 Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. WAXTFD TO REXT. U oases. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS. SBCURITT STORAGE A TRANSFER COy 53 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 87 KV WANTED To rent small unfurnished house, went side, new house preferred. Phone Bdwy. 619. WANTED To rent by tept. 1. modern -unfurnished bungalow of five or six rooms, with or without garage, by couple who will take best of care of prr mlsea. Phone Broa dwa y 1075. refs LIST your houses and flats with us for rent. We have many daily calls for thtm in all parts of the city. PARRISH, WATKINS A CO., 2.12 Stark St. Main 1644. WANTED TO LEASE MODERN FUR NISHED 3 OR tt-ROOM HOUSE; MUST HAVE SLEEPING PORCH; REFER ENT E3SKLLVOOp2i4. WANTED To rent between now and Oct. 1. 4 or 5 -room unfurnished bouse, west side; .steady tenant: rent reasonable. Main 7 .". Ask for Mrs. Thompson. WANTED To rent any time during next 60 days, house In good condition, on west side; references furnished. BF 980, Ore gonian. . k CAREFUL, conscientious family of 8 want to rent unfurnished 6-room house by October 13; Irving ton district pre ferred. East 8S59. WANT neat furnished or unfurnished house on B. Uth st., wltliln five blocks of E. Harrison. Box 981. Astor.a. Or. 5- ROOM modern house with option of buying In spring; prefer Rose City. 8 23, Oregonlan. FURNISHED house 5-7 rooms; give loca tlon, price. S. C. Carroll. Rainier hotel. Apartments. WANTED By married couple, before Oct. 5. unfurnished 3 -room apartment with heat; walking distance, weal sde. K 15. OreT"nlan. Rooms. YOUNG gentleman with car wants com fortable home In business man's family; garage; man of the house may ride to the office morning with me; references If desired. Wade Woodbury. Io07 Yeon GENTLEMAN wants comfortably furnished outside room with private family IK modern apt. house If possible; light breakfawt. E 1HI2. Oregonlan. Rooms With Board. YOUNO couple from Spokane want room and board in private home; pleane state rateei and car line. Write to 418 Hoyt hotel, t-iiy. Housekeeping Rooms. NEAT, single, steam -heated H. K. room, ;t 75 per week. 445 Columbia. KOR RENT. SLEEPING room, one and 2 apt. 655 Washington t No children Furnished Room. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. 81.23 PER DAY, 6 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GAR AGEtS. CALL AT T. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate priced rooms for young men In all parts of the city. Including rooms at the central T. M. C A., with telephone In each room, ahower baths and club facilities. NETHERLANDS HOTEL, 12A 13th St., at Washington. New Management Newly Renovated. Fireproof, attractive, spotless rooms, with or without bath, $4 week up. II day: close to business center. ANSONI A HOTEL. 124 14th st. at Washington. Rates S4 per week up, $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close , to amusements and shopping center. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington street. Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone and rannlr.g water In each room, rooms with or without bath, $3.50 per week up; excellent home-cuoked meals next door. HOTELS ROWLAND, ANNEX. MARYLAND VIRGINIA. 170 guest rooms, 207 4.-211 Vi 4th st. Ratea 75c, f 1 per -ay. Wltta hath. Il 50 da uo. bath. $1.50 day up, TAIT HOTEL All outside rooms, best $1 day hotel in try : rooms 4 to 7. and with bath $8 to $10 p;r week; pleasant lobby. Automatic elevator. 12th and Stark. HOTEL HARDING, 88 Grand avenue; steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms. Clean and respectable place, $3 50 and up. SINGLE or double rooms at moderate price. Special weekly rate; modern con veniences. Empress hotel. 6th and Stark. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by wevk or month. SUBLET FOR SIX WEEKS. Beautiful "urnished 5 -room and s'p. porch ; outside comer apt. Will sublet to adulta for 6 weeks. Mar. 230. THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th, corner Alder. A RESPECTABLE down-town HOTEL Rates 75c up. Private bath $2. Special rates by week or months HOTEL CON R A DINE. 22 North lOth St.. 1 blocks north of Washington St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. EUCLID HOTEL. &73 Washington, at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private bathsi Ratea to permanent guests. Bdwy. 2'2. ROOMS for 2 or 4 gentlemen in a d. sir able home and good location; reference. Main 4M6.V y0 Clay street. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Washington and Fifth Streets. Spec 1 al permanent ratea ARTHUR HOTEL, 17 Eleventh at., near Morrison ; clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable ratea HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at 10th. $1 day, weekly $5 snd up. Free phone and hatha. Light and airy. NICE large front room for two people; home privileges, board if desired. .Call Marshall 41H. HOTEL BARR. 112 Nortb Sixth, two blocks of depot. $1 per day. $ 5 per week and u p. MARLTN HOTEL, 17TH AND COUCH. Large, attractive, modern rooms by week a m-rrth; rates reasonable. 50c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d . nea r Jffferto n . BUCKINGHAM hotel. 62 Wash, street. Mod. rooms, free phone, bath, reasonable. NICELY furnished sleeping room; modern conveniences 2 fid 12th st. MRS. H. PETERS' PLEASANT ROOMS. Board If dralred. 371 Sixth st. ROOM and garage on the west aide, $16 a month. Call Main 4732. 8J7 SIXTH Large, desirable front room, X ire place, furnace heaL Use ot piano. FOR RENT. Furnished Roonie in Private family. LARGE, pleasant room In refined home on first floor with bath, all conveniences, double bed. suitable for 2 If desired with . or without board; very reasonable, Woodlawn 3907. AN ATTRACTIVE front room; hot water heat; In Irvlngton home; suitable for middle-aged business woman or gentle man. Phone East 1726. N E WLf furnished room, walking distance, furnace heat, phone; seen to be appre ciated. Call after 5:30 P. M-. 7s0 GUsan North. Marshall 1791. BEAUTIFUL room in privets home; twin beds, parlor, piano, home conveniences close In ; congen.al young man wishes roommate. 61 K. 18th st. Broadway 2721. ONE LARGE light pleasant parlor and a'.p room combined, on 1st floor;: one light pleasant sip. toom on 2d floor. C. S. pre ferred. . 4256. 354 Ross st, LARG E, comfortable rooms, nicely fur nished, suitable for two: home con veniences; walking distance; breakfast If desired. Automatic 318-76. COMFORTABLY furniahed front room in private family, walking distance, east side. Board if deaired in immediate neighborhood. East 1UW6. FRONT room, aultable for two gentlemen; furnace heat, bath and phone; walking distance; breakfast if , desired. Phone East 5037. TWO NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms; bath, steam heat, hot and cold water. In private apartment. Call 2lK 12th St.. apt. No. 2. DE.SIR ABLE room with home privileges In exchange for teaching a child to sing. Protestant; references exchanged. East 6031. CLEAN sleeping room with closet for rent $10 per month. 500 Jefferson St., nesr 14th. LOVELY large front room in modern house, private, on west side ; walking distance. Broadway 34'.8. TWO GOOD rooms, 2'. East 2d St., near Hawthorne; bath, light, phone, furnace heat: meals if desired. Auto. 224 -rK. FURNISHED sleeping room with house keeping privileges; 1 blk. from Saudy b!vd. 7ttl E. Irving gt.. cor. E. 23d. LARGE front roem for two. with or with out board. In private family; everything clean, steam heat. Wdln. 4545. ROOMS for 2 or 4 gentlemen in desirable home, good location, references. Phone Main 4h65. Call 2 Clay. BEAUTIFUL furnished front room, break fast If desired, reasonable. Marshall b35. 6:0 Dovejoy at. LARGE front room, fireplace. furnace heat, kitchenette. Use of piano. 327 Sixth st. NICELY furnished rooms, with or with out board. 660 Union ave. N. East 81X3. NICELY furnished bedroom with running water, modern home, walking distance. East 2143 after 6 P. M. PARLOR, dressing room, sleeping- porch and garage: gents; ref. ; west side. Broadway 4321). N1CJSLY furnished room at Oufl Northrup at. Phone Brd. 8H. Ladiespreferred. CLEAN room, hest and phone, breakfast privileges aesirea. 4U3 12th st DESIRABLE front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. 2H0. Clay. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms; hot and cold water. 2ti0', h ifth street. 269 14TH ST. Cnoice room, uioaern con venlences; walking distance Main 813. CORNER room in good residence; Use of garage; $20. Auto. 320-59. LARGE, neatly furnished bedroom, walk- Ing distance, $2.25 per week. 42U 0th at. NICELY furnished front room, all home comforts. 741 Hoyt st. IRVLNGTON ROOM. PHONE EAST 3447. Room. W ith rsoara. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPD4.LL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WA3IUXGTON ST. Two of the beat known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan. with or without bath. $2.50 a day up. -rates by day or month. Meu la served to transients. WHITEHALL HOTEL SIXTH AND MADISON. Under new management, thoroughly renovated, hign-ciasa family hotei room, en suite or single, with or with-, out board, for families and business men and women at reasonable rates. Come and make your home with ua. ROOM and board In fine home, nicely furnished, steam heated, outside rooms, good meals, home conveniences, garage, etc.; especially suitable for married couples, families, or two girls or men whthlng to share room: reaonab'e rates. 2.':t E. 2Uh a. Phone East 7:1M. NORTONl A HOTEL, Portland s downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the cumiorts of a home. Reasonable rate,, ROOM and board for business girls; al' modern conveniences: w a Iking distance; $5 per we-k. Auto. 210-74. 12 E. 7th st. MARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL for busi ness girl at moderate rates. &0 loth St. Marshall 1251. DINNERS 5oc at the Souie. cooked like mother cooked. Dl 11th st Rooms With Board In Private lainily. BACHELORS' HOME. Men, I am making a home for you. where you can have a-1 the comforts of a home; everything new and absolutely clean; hot water heat, two hatruj. larg llving rooms, in Holladay addition. Phone East Mil . ATTRACTIVELY furnished, steam -heated room for one or two young ladies; excel lent meals; all conveniences; home priv ileges; eaJty walking distance. Bdwy. 2138. 5671,. Gllsan street. LARGE, airy room to middle-aged gentle man who appreciates home cum Tort ; breakfast and dinner If desired; rent reasonable. Phone Main 4tii or call at 2H!i Clav st. IUVINGTON ELEGANT DOUBLE ROOM, SINGLE ROOMS. FIREPLACE, GA RAGE, LAUNDRY PRIVILEGES, EX CELLENT HOME COOKING. EAST 6d4.i. LARGE front room for 2, home cooking. In private family; everything clean; ateam heat; also single room; cln. C. 8. home. 414 Mnrket st.. corner of llth. NEWLY furnished rooms with best of meals. In congenial home; close In on weat side; home privileges. 654 Love Joy. ROOM to share with young lady; alao in closed sunny sleeping porch, newly tint ed and furnished. Modern residence in Overlook.; close in. Wdln. 822. NICE modern front room, auitsble for two bualneaa girls; husband and wife or two men; close in; on west side; home prlv lleges. AQto. 51W-&6 DESIRABLE ro.m on third floor for 2 fen tie en; . hot water heat; in modern rvington home; excellent meal a. East 321. " LARGE, nicely furnished rooms, with board In private family; beautiful loca tion. Phone Woodlawn 4716. LARGE room in modern home suitable for one or two gentlemen. Excellent home cooking. Tabor 4SS!. POUR boarders wanted to hare two rma. Clean board, home privileges. Phone Sell. 477. BOA RD and room for 2 who like fine meals and a real home in private family. Sell. 2270. ROOM and board In weat side apartment; walking distance. Young lady preferred. Bda y. 45. CLEAN room in modern home, close In, good location, reasonable. Main 30 US. 349 6th at. VERT desirable front room with board; mbdern.. walking distance; fine loca tion. Phone East 5713. NEWLY furnished rooms in congenial home, with best of meals. 6G4 Lovejoy ifr, near awn, LADY living alone will room and board 2 ladles or married couple reasonably. Woodlawn MH2. DES1RA RLE room In Irvlngton with brenkfaat for gentleman; referencea. Aut. 310-06. ROOMS with board, home cooking, splen . did home atmosphere, good car service. 713 E. Taylor, or call Aut. 212-37. A LADY at her own home would like to take rare of an elderly Invalid; lady or gentleman. .Main 336. CAN ACCOMMODATE a few more people for table board 4; East 16th N. ROO.M with board for 2 gentlemen, 553 East Couoh. East 80'.0. FINE room, near Multnomah club, home cooking; reasons pic. w?tin -m LARGE front room. 2 if desired, first class board. 34 Columbia st. Main 2M14. BEST home care for small child. Call Tabor 1ST. Furn Ished Apartment. FOR RENT 2-room furnished H. K. apt. St. Johns car. Woodlswn 4210. 15-DAY STORAGE FREE. Movln g for less. Phone Bdwy. 214 5 . NEW YORK apartments, furnished, 7th and Belmont. East 23S. BUEN V VISTA 44 Harrison. First-class ana ?- um .'- " UNION AVE., and KUlingsworth ; fur. apt. $ 2 1.50 ; all complete ; concrete buildings. FURNISHED 2-room apartment. 273 H Broadway. FOUR rooms, modern, 2 bedrooms, pri vate bath and phone. 561 Gllsan. iTTiOOM "furnished apt. Juliana apla. 43 Trinity place. Marshall U.S3. THE PENROSE. Grand ave. at Belmont. East 4548. Choice 2 and 3-room apta, DRP'KSTON APT. 44S 11th St.. one 3- room modern furnished apt. CL E A N well-furnished h. k. apts.. very reasonao'e. on mi. STOP looalng; we have them. Alia Vista aar2.euLs, Ml Petty grove. - FOR RENT. Furnlnhed Apartiuenta. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished apartments, 1 to 5 rooms, with sleeping porch, ,n. r di-ntial district. We have the very hand somest furnished apartments In the c ty: white enameled woodwork, Ivory willow furniture, Chlneae ruga, pongee hangtnga, exceptlonally clean and modern; also for refined genUemen or ladies, bachelor suites and rooms with and without batn; permanent and transient; references re quired. 166 fat. Clair, corner of Waan lngton. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Fiv minute' walk to Meier A Frank store, good surroundin-gs. strictly mod em 2 and 3 -room furnished apts.. out side with French doors and balcony. Permanent and translent- THK JACKSON. 61 Dillon Ave. North. Tr ree-room apts., $30 and $40; private bath, stram heat, hot and cold water, pbone service; 15 minutes' walk to Mb and Alder Rose City car. East 2846 KINGSBURY APTS.. Vista ave., near Washington and 23d sta., 3 rooms; 2 apts. available last of Sept. Can bt seen now; 1 with fine view; outside bal cony; very good furniture; h'gh-claaa apt, no use. : , . , " 1 1 U ,n I . L Il A ArAHi JITi Sl0 T welfth U, near Hall, modern 3. t and 4-room apartments. Will have a vacancy today. Phone Main tt-70 before 12 noon. ELM WOOD APTS, Completely furnished, 2 and 3-room apts., in first-class apt. house; new Wilton rugs. Period furniture. $55 aud $75. Adults. 415 loth. Main 6OQ0. THE STAN FIELD. Modern outside 2-room apts. Light, heat, phone, laundry facillii:, $20 and $-'2..-.Q. Main 7:U2. ' , THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon. 2. 3. and 4-room apts. ; permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main 6'41. CUMBERLAND APTS. Two-room furnished apt., outside rooms, newly tinted and enameled: walk Ing distance. West Pa r k and Col umbia. FURNISHED apts.. single housekeeping rms., $ 15 and up ; hot and cold water, steeam heat, electric lights. Phone service free. Broadway 210. Lawn apta. NICELY furnished front room, bedroom and bath and kitchen, walking distance, modern, $40. Phone and heat. 553 Tay lor, cor. Chapman. 2 ROOMS and private bath, rent $25. In cluding phone. water and garhace. Phone A. M., East 7737. P. M.. Wdln. 6111. MARSHALL apartments; 3-room apart ment, also semi-basement apartment. 624 Marshall st. Bdwy. 3851. 3-ROOM apt.; dining alcove, private bath, steam heat, phone. 806 East 6th N. Woodlawn 4071. BUSH M ARK. Wash., cor. 17th., modern, steamheated 1 and 2-room apta. Sleep Ing rooms $4 wk. up. PARK APARTMENTS. 853 Harrison st. Attractive furnished 4-room front apartment. HOL'SM AN APTS. Large 3 or 4-rm., all outside, closets, sleeping porch ; extra well furnihed. Main 1352. 730 Hoyt. THE JEFFERSONIAN. lth and JefffWu ats. 3-room suites, large rooms, nhely furnished : usual convert., mod, ratea. MODERN 3-room sunny basement apt., steam heat and phone. Rates reason able. 4!4 Market st., near 14th. ALICE COURT East 8th Burnside; newly decorated. 3 rooms, fireplace, phone. Ivory wo odwork. 2 beds. East 3506. THREE-ROOM apt., modern, private hath, hot and cold water. 727 Vi Milwaukle st. Sell. 1719. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, furnace heat. fireplace, walking distance. Hroadw ay 2327. CLACKAMAS APT., 2-room furnished apt.. $30 per mo.. Including light, heat and telephone 272V, Williams ave. 3-ROOM fur. apts., steam heat, free phone. 27th and Sandy blvd., 1 b.ock from 2 car lines. Vacant 25th. 843 Nelson St. KINGS HILL APTS. Large 4-room furnished apt., new rugs, mah Or a ny bedroom sua e. Main 5744. AND 3-ROOM clean furn. apartments, walking distance, 71 Grand ave. N. E. 2; : ; . COZY two-room furnished apartment. piano. ii nan sl. 41am -i-vy . MORTON APT 3-rm. furnished apL, 6i7 Washington at. Main 1082. SAN MARCO. EAST ST It AND COL'Cll 3-ROOM MODERN APTS EAST lll'Ja tplurn'-ueu Apart roc. NO. 325 10TH ST., NEAR CLAY. 6-room apt., front veranda and sleep. Ing porch: hardwood floors, water heat, gaa range, refrigerator, linoleum in kitchen and bath; everything in first clasa condit ion ; strictly modern. CUMBERLAND ,fTS. Three-room apartment, faring the park, large br windows, newly tinted and enameled; walking distance. Main K86. CHOICE corner apt., 17th and Tillamook. Rent $HMI per mo. F. E. Bowman Co., 210 C. of C. Bidg. Main 3026. IONIAN COURT. 1Mb, Couch: 4-room mod ern front corner epaument. c.wse in, adults. Phone Broadjaay26L LORENZO APTS.. 4 J 7 Salmon st. Main h7H. Unfurnished 2-room ground-floor a pt. WatT. 11 ght. phone. GA RFI fc-LD 3-room. sleeping porcn, rea sonable. 311 Failing st. W. Union. 4-ROOM front apartment, light, modern, Irving Apts., Hist, Irving. .Main 0Ja. THE AMI- K ICAN. mourn D 5-room apart ment. Bdwy. 3360. FIVE rooms, modern. . steam heat, gas stove. 5;i Gllsan. Furnished or I nturnlstied Apart roenta. JAEGER APTS., 701 Washington St., one 4-room furnUhed; also one 4-room un- furnlfhed. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th at., near Taylor. Mar. 128. 5-room furnished and unfurnished apts. SHEFFIELD apta. Broadway and JeffeT son ; nice 4-room furnished or unfur niehed apt. Mat.. TWO NICE FLATS FoR RENT. Nob 3'.1 and iXA. lttih St.. between Montgomery and Hall; 5 and 7 rooms Rents $45 and $55. Strong A Co.. OOo t'ham. of Com. FOR RENT Oct. I., new modern flu!, 4 rooms, $tK, 7,'il East Burnside st. See owner, 747 East Burnside st., cor. East 22d. Phone East 3414. CHOICE" 5 roonxH. upper flat, 253 E. 17th near Hawthorne ave, $45 mo. Lease fr one y.-s,r; adults only; references re-qul'-ed. Phonp f3:l-."i5. MODERN 5-room lower fiat; hiu a fire place, porch, furnace, etc. Walking dis tance; rent $10 month. Call 4ol Dekum bldg. 5 ROOMS, garage, modern, lost in. east side. See owner. 7'. E. HHh N., cor. E. Ever ett sL. aftc r 0 P. M. N It" ELY furnished modern 3-room flat. Call before 10 A. M. and alter 7:30 P. M. 22 Beech St., corner Williams ave. $.15 PER MONTH Five new, clean rooms, with bath tn man and wife who will board to men: no children. Main 1207. 6-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view; fireplace, furnace. 3Mi 10th st. S.. Montgomery, Av-anapic x pr. j. inney. UNFURNISHED Mat, 1 larg. outside room. newly tinted, near Montavilla car. free bath, light and water. $10. 60 E. 22d al. -ROOM flat. $21; adults. "WH st. In quire 7ms Cham, of Com. bldg-. Broad way 1 75'.. 4-ROOM flat, heat, water, light and gas, furnished. $30. 6211 S2d st. S. E. 3-ROOM FLAT. $1. 327 E. 13TH N. Furnished 1- lata. NICELY furnifrhed large front room, bed room, kitchen and bath ; modern, $40, including heat and phone; walking dis tance ; adults only. 555 Taylor near Chapman. FOR RENT Oct. 1. new. modern flat. 4 rooms, $lO; 751 East Burnside st. See owner. 747 East Burnside st.. cor. East 22d. Phone Hast o4 14. FIVE .large rooms and bath, beautifully furnished, cloae to car line, good loca tlon. PM.0 East IHth st. north. 4-ROOM furnlfhed flat, lights, phon and water, walking distance. Call evenings. East 71HU. TWO LARGE outside rooms, newly tinted, free bath. Hcht and water; near Monta villa car; $l a month. 09 E. 22d. WIDOW wishes to share her ft-room fur nished flat with congenial people; $J0 month. 2 15 V La r ra by e a t . FURNISHED upper flat, 4 rooms. bath and bar-ement; adults; $30. 662 Eat Kth st. North. Wdln. 2M FOR SALE The furnishings of a 3-room fat. a bargain, flat for rent. 263 Broadway. CHOICE flat for rent; elegant furniture for sale. 59 Trinity place. Call before 2 or after 5 P. M. THREE-it Oo M flat, modern, no children 5'1 East 22d M. South, SMALL, nicely furnished f hit . permanent, res ponslble tenants- East 220W. NICELY furnishtd and located 5 room a bath, porches $40. Main 4350 3-RoOM lower, clean, good furniture. 63 6th st.; west aide. Call between 2 and 3. $:.". I-ROOM upper furnished flat, near 2 car Unea. 1HQ Mallory a we. Adulta only. NICELY furnished small fiat permanent, reLnble tenant. close in. East 22W. SMALL nicely furnished flat, permanent, responsible tennta East 2200. Housekeeping Rooms, HE BEAVER. 12th and Marsnall Far nlshed H. K. rooms. $15 up. including hot wntcr. electric lights, laundry room. FRONT room and kitchenette. single roo a. Hrm. convenient, tt.5 Flanders 2 A P x RTM EN TS. furnished fur house t keeping. 34 Park St. CLEAN, stoain-heated houseketpiCg room, $4.60 A week. 117 LH- St, FOR RENT. Housekeeping Room. LARGE front room and alcove; also two connecting rooms. Newly decorated, all modern including ateam heat, walking distance, reasonable, 2 blocks from 14th and Montgomery. 501 Harrison. Aut. MS-13 FURNISHED H . K, roo ma, 1 roo o with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electric lights, steam heat, five minutes' walk to town. 2b 1 Columbia, near Fifth. LA RG E, clean, well-furnished room : hot and cold water In room, heat, light, phone furniahed; suitable for people em- ployed. 101 North 2-'d Marshall 22SS. 3 BEAUTIFUL houoekeeiilng rooms, newly tinted, painted, first floor; also 2 or 3 housekeeping rooms second floor, rea son alIe. ini Hawthorne, near 3-d. THESE rooms are different, light, .clean, airy housekeeping room; alpo one lovely sleeping room on first floor; rent rea aonable. 62 North 21tat. . 2 LA RGB h. k. rooma and single h. k. rooms; walking distance; furnace heat tW2 Flanders at. 3 CLEAN, well -furnished h. k. rooms. $-5 per month. 3us Coi umbia. Phone Mar. 1 -74. 2 NICELY furn. front housekeeping rooms, every convenience. 348 Clay st. Main 3 1 50. 1 ARG E turn isheil housekeeping rooms; very reasonable 253 Vi Wash, at., cor. 3d. TWO LA KGE front rooms 1st f.oor. See this. 65 5 Flanders. SINGLE and double II. K. rooms, pric $1. and $17 per mo. N. 21st. 5 WEEK up, completely furnished h. k. ! I te The Cadi. lac. :M near Jefferson. 3-RO M 1 urnished housekeeping apart- ment. $6 per week. 350 Hth st. LIGHT, clean housekeeping rooms, with heat. 2ti4 I 2th st. . II on e keetng Rooms in Private 1-amUy. NICELY furnished sleeping or light house keeping room, gas, light, bath and use of phone. Call Monday. Wednesday and Fridav. between 12 and 4 P. M. 050 4th or .Main IMS. LA KGE cln h. k. room, hot and cold water, electricity, clot hesv closet and laundry privilege. Walking distance. $0 a month. il!.", Davis, near 21st st. 2 FRoNT rooms, windows east, south, north, clean, dt-sirabie. private entrance. rarHg, cement floor. 321 East blh N. hone Rant 2110. LOVELY 1 urnished one or two front rooms, kitchenette, with running water, heat, phone, bath; working couple; reasonable. 2vt n. 1.4th. BASK M ENT housekeeping suite to let. suitable for 2 men; cosy and. clean. 414 Murk ct st.. corner 11th. SITTING room, bedroom, bath, kitchenette, telephone. $30: south of City Hall. Main 4 . Oil. References. UNFURNISHED 2 Urge light outside h. k. rooms, very nice, central location. 221 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly furnished: room lor auto. 0 East 7th. Phone East 37HH, THHKK iHrge furnished and unfurnished room a modern, near Broadway, 3S2 E. First st. . 1 AND 2-ROOM suites. $2 a week end up; nice and clean, no objection to children. ftoo-fti)2 Front st, H. K. ROOMS. 22 D ST. 735 EVERETT ST. NEAR ONE SLEEPING or housekeeping room. 174 East 35th.. Phone Tabor 302. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance. 875 Williams ave. East 5707. Ms. W 1 1 Ico . CLEAN. wrlI-furnJnhed housekeeping rms. ("lose to Montavilla school. Tabor l.T-'H. IRVINGTON, 1 sleeping or h. k. room. 4 til East 12th North. i H. K. ROOMS, walking distance; furnace heat. 5:t4 Mill st 2 ROOMS in clean, modern home for coup le OS 7 Gl is an. Marshall 3111. $,-, WELL furnished apt. In modem home. .121 Kugvne st. East 2.105. $ Id PLEASANT 2-room suite; all con venlences. 052S Thurman. Iluu PIANOS moved. $3; a:aira extra. $1 each f'.l-tht; .io days' free storage on all house hold goods); furniture moving; one-ton truck, $2 per hour: large truck, $2 75 per hour; we are experienced and have good parking. Cail Broadway 12o7. Atlas Transfer A Storage Co.. 104 N. 5th at. Open Sundays and evenings. f.Ko)M houMe, two blocks from HUh nnd Wash., west side; furnace, shower bath, electricity, stationary wash tubs and gas; extra large fireplace; $.0. Inquire 54 N. IHth. CLL BKDWAY 50 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWliU HE AT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. T-ROOM house. 811 Larrabee; ask ten ants to Inspect It; vacant Oct. 1; rent $23: two months In advance; then come to 100 Front at. No phoning. A MODERN 11-room house and garage. 100x230 lot. furnished or unfurnished; fine residence location. Wakefield, Fries Co.. 54 4lh st. FIVE home on Portland Heights fr rent Oe tolier lo; II room, sleeping porch. rag: convenient to car line and school. A pplv K 7. Oregonlan. MOD. n-R. DUPLEX house, good con dition, partly furn . sleeping p. garage; would lease; ref. 834 E. Yamhill. Mar. 3 103 FOR RENT or .ease s-room modern Irv lngton rome: splendid location; reason able rent. Dan Kelaher. 4S0 Belmont. COZY 8 -room house and sleeping porch All kinds of fruit trees. 8 lots, chicken house and run. Call at 1164 East 1Mb st. N. Alberta car, FOR R KNT A 5-room bungalow, all fur nished. S block from car, paved street. reasonable rent. an MODERN 3-room unfurnU-he.l bungalow for rent, on paved street, V blk. from cur. CaM Sell 1'tftV M O E HN S-roo 111 bungalow In Wavrreigh Hts.. beutlful Mew. give lease. 000 E. Slt.. near Kelly. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-dia-tnce hVJlln-r a specialty. O. W. Truck Service i'oltl 2d at.Ihone Bdwy. 5121 " ELK'TRANSKER STORAGE CO. 15 days' stornge free: furniture mov ing for less. Broadway 2443. t:, 7 ROOMS, 271 N. 2 1st. $27. 50. A rooms, f4! Front; clean, modern rnnven lences, pood neighborhood. Marshall 4 140. 6-KuOM buna alow, $.t5. 120'. East Sal mon, near 3iKh. Modern except furnace and fireplace. W H EN moving, cit v or country, get the bet at lowe-t price. Green Transfer Co.. I a 1 n 12. 1. 2Q2 Ainff r s treet. MODERN 3-room bungalow ; adulta only ; $:t5 per month. 2'.Vl Kaat 74th st. N. Tabor FOR RENT 1 rooms, bath, garage, pear Mississippi ave. car line, , labor 47oi(. dEVEIiAL houses for rent; n.thlng under $1"0 per month. Taoor r:i 3-ROOM furnit-hed house, $2500. Hawthorne. 111)9 7 OR 1 1-Roo.M house. , Nob Hill, partly furnished. East 743 8-ROoM, garage, walking d 1st s nee. lease to good ir nan ta 124 K 15th. 1 to 3 P.M . $25 .VHUOM house; plastered attic, gar den, fruit and flowers, labor 2M72. 6--ROOM houHC, close In. good condition, clftnn. Thonr East 1-TnS 6-Khom, 1 -story house, reasonable. 540 Tacoma ave.. Scll! Key 7-ROOM house, Rant 57. 774 Roosevelt. Inquire IRVIN4JTO X 4 10, $75, $100 houses. T. Street Furnished House. EIGHT-ROOM A RSOLt'TELY MODERN HOCSK. COMPLETELY FCRNISH ED IN BEST OF TASTE. REFERENCES RECJt'I RED. 1 ! 2 1 ST : $125 PER month. inqcirb wa kefield- F R IKS 4k CO. BROADWAY 2!'. NICELY furnished 2-room basement suite, built-in conveniences, kitchen has range, gas plHte and sink; fuel, electric lights, etc., furnished ; private entrance; close In. reasonable. 14 N. Hit h at., corner Flanders. Cal! at store, same address. EAST SIDE, one block from Williams ave.. In good locality; modern and very nicely furnished house; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, $": to grown-ups only. THOMSON-THOMSON. Realtors, 0 I lenry Bid g. B d w y .4 S S 0. STRICTLY modern tt-roorn completely fur nished house; Willamette Heights dis trict; references required. For further Information see WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., "54th ft. tt-ROOM furnished houe, mot her and diuchtcr or elderly couple. - Owner wishes to occupy part. References. 206 Fast H?h North. East fl3. MODERN tf-room bungalow, well furn iahed, fireplace, furnace, close In, Irvlng ton. Main 734tt from 8 to 6, U:i2 Mo hawk b:lg 6- RXM midern furnished house ne.r Franklin high' aohool. Good location. Call Aut. 3K-34. NICELY furnish-.! 4-room flat, furnace heat and garage. 53 Eaat 17th. one Mock RM car. FO'l RENT 4-ronm inrnlshed cottace In Woodstock district. $25. Phone Wdln. 5 5 4 5 SMALL furnished house for rent; adults only. Wdin nr.os. WILL share home ; wil! rent 3 rooms, fully furnished. Fast 3151. FOR RENT ti-room .urnished house. CaU 3'i8 Cook ave. 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. 1 OR KENT Furnished 5-room house od car llne Sellwood 3510. FC RN 1SHED boat house on Und ; $23 a month. Inquire l' Broadway. $25 I N'lO.S" ave., near Killing sw 01 th. Call r.:;tl-ftd or M i In 54."i. 4-R oM unfurnished house Inquire H31 E. 2i h st. S. Sellwood 1032. WILL ni e lady room and board in ex-rh-m ftr piano Woodlawn .'hin3. ii-KO)M house, furnDhed, $i; Myrtle Park. Phone 02tr-5i. FOR RENT. furnished Houses. CLOSE TO BROADWAY B1UDGE. WALKING DISTANCE. Five-room house; rent $4U per month: swell furniture, almost new ; $54)0 takes the furniture. Houn for rent to party who buys) furniture. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6-7 Pana ma ICd g. Third snd Alder. 100 FEET FROM CAR. Will let my 5 rooms of good furniture snd piano In Richmond district ga at $400 and rent houe for $25 per mo. Sue my ugentv A.SCUwk INVESTMENT CO., Realtor 405 -ft-T Panama Bldg. Th lr1 and Aider. NICELY furnished 2-room basement suite, built-in conveniences, kitchon has range, gas plate and sink; fuel, electric lights, etc., furnished ; private entrance; cloe In, reasonable. 14 N. ldth St., corner Flanders. Call at store, same address. Open all day and evenlpg. 5KtlKRN ti-room furnished house. $30. East 3N3. Houses lor RentFurnuura for stale. VERY FINK FCRNlTCRE For'sALE. ft ROOM Hol'SE FOR RENT; DOl9HLK GARAGE. 4114 41ST ST. WOODSTOCK CAR TO DottR. CALL BEFORE 11 A. M. OR AFTER 4 P. M. HOl'SK for rent, furniture for sale, hard wood floors furnace, every convenience. Cl5 Davis st Pl RNlTUKE of 5-room fiat fur sale. Flat for rent. EUht minutes' walk from town. k s on. Au t o. 52 M -; t H-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. It must be sold at once. Phone Droud way 53H. FLRNITl'RE of eight-room house for sale, house for rent, clean and reasonable. U. 221. FOR R EN T Six -room house ; good furnl til re forsale cheap. Call Tabor l(i 5. Fl'RNITrRE of 5-room house for sale cheap by owner. Marshall 2t70. 8ture and Buwineaa ilaca. GOOD storeroom with back bar and soda fountain, near new Montgomery Ward plant ; suitable for barber shop, soft drinks, pool hall or c onf ectionery, next to restaurant and apartment house, rea sonable rent. Call W M son's cafeteria, 2dth and I'pshur. Also 2-room furnished apartment. B 0. Oregonlan. b OR R ENT Stores; will cut up to suit t-nanta In building. SW. cor 15th and Washington streets, close In. Also 25,ooo feet garage space, modern, equipped. Rent $diii per month. Or 15.000 ft. spmcs for $;i50 per month. GoUtsmlth & Co., 2 s3 St ark. All In same building. ENTIRE floon or parts of floors. SwelUn. bide. Fifth and Wash in ton ats. Kor lease, long term. Arranged to suit ten ant. Excellent location for upstairs shops. A pply loop .jlQ'l. FOR RENT-Wlndow anl space in dress maklng sh op. reason a b le. Bdwy. 4 2. STORE ROOM 25 bv 50. 2J2 Iarrabee at. Tele tihoneKa?t 5-171. Reason aiilo rent. hvti Dtwf-IRABLE space In fireproof ware rh o'jse. phone Broa dwa y 37 15. STORKS', lofts and buildings, all parts oi city. J. F. 8TAVER. Maclcay bldg. USE light floor, 5i;x10U; long ioaae; cheap rent. Wax. 24 North Fifth. STORE and basement for rent, 454 Burn sirie. Phone H road way ftiMMI. FO K RENT Corner Store. 354 lat Phone Tabor 1114. OFFICE with furniture for aale. suitable for real estate business. AM 27, Orego- nlnn. PAKTLV lurnUhed prl ate of flee wit h Joint reception room; broker or lawyer pre- f ejr ed In quire 405 Henry b 1 FRONT of 1 Ico. modern. In Railway x rhange bldg. Apply room 312. DESK room In fine light office. 440 Wash. b 1 d g., cor.41 h and Was h. DESK room w:th telephone and steno graphlc service. Thone Bdwy. .'.715. MiM-rlluiiroua. LARCtK halt, furnished, for rent, on Miss issippi avenue suitable for dsncee or meet mgr. 7l2 Mississippi avenue. BrBIXBSS OPPORTPNITIFS. j Alt' if C i O . II ' r. Best growing district in Portland and being on main traveled street ; has big salp gas. nlk tire, etc ; K-year lease. Storage for 45 cars. Auto repairing, etc.. and bluy all the time. If you want a live fta age prlcad rik"bt see this one. THE PIONEER AGENCV. -fill L'eKlim IW'Ig. Ml'lU KHAN GRoCeUyY. Postofftre In connection which pays about $75 per month. Clean stock of groceries: and somo feed and hay. Fix tures leased with building. Price for all. $1700. Rent $25. DL'DRKY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Pannma Bldg., 3d and Alder. $150. Nice little west side restaurant ; Just right for man and wife. Rent $15. CONFECTIONERY AND CARD ROOM, near Labor temple, $soo. Let ua show you these. 314 STOT-K EXCHANGE GROCERY Sell for $:uhmi, or will invoice; doing a grettt big business, verv finest kind of trade and locality, nice fixtures, clean stock, living rooms In connection; part terms, easy rent. Portland. Drop in for further details. .1. RCGENK HEDGES, REALTOR, 2'M West Pnrk Main S5IW). KILLING SI ATION. Is also a servh e and vuh-anlxlng sta tion, fully equipped with slock of ac c wsorle ; good location ;. clcara $200 RtO, Rent $10; price $2-mm. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-g-T Panama B!dg . 3d and GARAGE HEADQUARTERS. We have good buys In garages and repair shops, in various parts of thrt rity. Also will build garage building for desirable tenant. DI DREY INVESTMENT CO.. SOP-Hi Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. SHOE REPAIR SHOP. Modern shoe repair business, located right downtown. Hearing $350 per month. Price only $22110. This Is a real bargain. Call 316 Pit lock block. Tenth and Washington. CONFECTIONE RY. Downtown location. Sell at sacrifice. Would consider selling H Interest to good candy-mft ker. Price $57on. DL'DREY INVESTMENT CO.. SOfl-10 Pans ma Hid g., 3d and Alder. FAST HELLING house-to-house article. 1 o not want canvas ra, but do want County Distributor w ho can finance himself o handle canvassers. Big prof its. To aee it Is to grab It. W U3. Ore gonlfin. CIGAR STAND. Close In, west aide. Very nice fixtures. About $350 stock. Rent $25; 4-year lease. Price $1100. DL'DREY INVESTMENT CO.. 50O-10 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Aider. LA I "N DRY. Wet wash laundry with up-to-date ma chinery, nd doing good buslnesn. Will sell at low price. DCDREY INVESTMENT CO.. ML1 Panama Bldg., 3d nt.d Alder. DOWNTOWN lunch room, in the busy district. This place Is clearing $300 to. $500 a month and runs Itself. A live one ran at rich here; $25 00 and terms, loo; good lease. SIMMS. 010 HENRY HI.PO. Bt'TCH ER SHOP. FINE CORNER LOCATION. Dandy little butcher business; no credit, rnre finnu. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. Bon. lo Panama Bldg 3d and Alder. CAH BUSINESS FOR SALE. Good stock, f Ixt ures and equipment and three living rooms: good location: plenty of storeroom. Price $ 1000. See A. B. Chrlsicnson, 410 Henry bldg. Broad w-ay 4 7 5 1. RESTAURANT. $!3A. with terms: 15 stools. 6 tables, room for more; located on 3d St.; lease, low rent. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. A PARTNER WANTED. Owner of this profitable business needs interexted help; will show him can make $2o month. S."K required. Room 511 Railway Exchange. Bl'TTKK. Cheese and del ha lessen, good paying business, old established. In the heart of retail district; grtod reasons for selling ; particulars address owner. A J 33. Oirgnnian. PARTNER FOR ACTO BUSINESS. Have opening for steady man ha ndy with tools and am httioua to lea rn auto repairing, etc. Good profits. $700 re- qutrrd. Room 4 Delyim b!dg. A PARTNER WAVTE'd. Wood and coal yard ; huv and must have interested help; will sell equal In terest to Industrious man. $1150 re- qu I red. Rni m 401 P" k u tn bldg. A WELL-HEATED greeVhouse, 150x10 feet, threw acres ground ; four-room house. A good business that must be eold by Cct 1 : $:t20o. terms. 41 Railway Fxchnn ge A LA liGK .1AHAQ3. West side; has "0 cars atsdy sir ace; big repair and accessory trace. Pome terms to rtgnt party. Railway Exchange CLOSE IN. weal side garnge, machine shop; bnttery dept. stores 85 sutns, plenty of work; full of storage; rent $150. Clear $3' mmth i7 t 1 u " 11 ui.im. 1 Aon CHOi'KIt V snd eon feci Ions; $ nde IDing rooms; $'0 day average. eah husiners; best buy in Portland; new Iit- Jr-ACjNl4 313 Conch Bldg.. 100 4th st ' RESTAURANT ON WASHIN(;foN. MOO will handle; price STOO; takes In 15 to $40 dally. Mis- Burke, Qick Sales ReaHyCo.. 525 R.v. Exch. bldg. Rl-:STAU R A NT doing good business and well located ; making money ; must be eold this week on account of sickness. Price $22on; H cash. 314 Couch bldg HAVE permanent city haul.ng contract. Require purchase of truck. Apply at onve. VV. Burnside.