9 - . TTTE OKEGOSIAy. TIIUIISDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1931 ai-viru. AIMiTriTiM I i.nvr nn..nTi'ViTiri. I Ttt 8INKS9 orrORTI NITIES. I BrKIXEXS orFOBTTOTTntS. I BrsiXESS JPTOBTTMTIES. BrECIAyCM: J rTtrmX v..-..'. 1 w.'mwT J7.- (ilio, A-l. IIvihk luumi; good loca tion. Kar worth price esknl. sjnoo w-st slue ro . with furnished Ilvin room: dome- good cwh and carry bUMln?aa; runt 3il, corner locution; A-l place for man aul wife. Invoice. faiKM Ciro., east lid, doing about 190 day; no fixtures to buy; lump or invoice; rnt 7iuh Oro. and bids., east aid cor ner location, paved streets. TKsloH lot. dolnK about !u day business; fsOUU cash will handle. f4ixiil Cunf. and lle-ht ro.. In one of the bat apt. houae distrlcte In Portland: S apt. and Ktore, ft. year lease; rent S1U0 month: dnln $M day business. KKII'I'KR 8TEWAHT, HI Kiillway Kxchanif Bids;. DRUG STORE, went aide. dolnK h! busl neaa; owner's health mnkes scllliif; nec essary. Prlre fT-loO, :.K caah, bal ance arranged. Ilflno, irnod business, first-class esst aide location; rent 4L'n0. dandy weat aid grocery. In clu'lfa all the furnltura of five room a. Kent :io. Runnjralrie grocery can be bought about 130'iu, mighty good buy. 8. M. BORLAND. ' SOU Stork Kxrhana-e. Ant. nO-O-t. ULUCATks8.N -U HUCk.lt k -UAKKKl'. ..Iihiii. Here la a bin money-maker. East Irte dellcatesacn, grocery and bakery with all atock and fixtures. -year leaae. rlsht on car Una. fine location. Ha ceipta could be Increased by putting In randy and aoft drlnke. Uecflpta now HO to ;u a day. If you have 3KK) all cash, aee thla quick. It'a a big money-maker. S-e Mr. Terry. CUMTK KUMLMAN. M. MSO. tx Chamber of Cnmmerce HMg. KHUliUISTS OIM'UUTUNITY. If you want a real store, making ex ceptionally large profile on Its capital. Investigate thta store to the fullest extent and you will be aatlafled; altuated on the weat aide in a good location on a corner occupied by a drug store for 1ft years; will aell sock and f.xtures at their real value; you pay nothing for leaae and ee tabhshed business; price 1000; there are reasons why it will pay for Itself In a yeur. J. U. Ralnty, 017 Ablngton bldg. Main ILllK. OA RAO R SNA r 1 Fireproof, modern concrete bldg.. Ideal location, close to downtown district west aide; floor space Uil.miu ft., capaolty ISO cara; fully equipped; gas station on paved street, repair shop, etc.; 10-year Juaae at low rent. Any business man can handle and eaally clear over floou a month; other Interests force aalu. Kor full details call 31 l'lttock bik., luth sift! WashlnKtnn.. TA !LOII SHOP. ' Well established; good caah trad and following; doing excellent business1 all year found; good location, reasonable rent clean and equipped right: clean ing and presxlreg big aide Issue: will sell lease and place. Including material on hand, for e-iOO.. as I am retiring. 1. M. I'aulsun, 3i;s Union ivc. N. A PA RTN'E It WANTED. Auto pnliiilng business; l-rj.l will buy equal interest with experienced part ner; hnndy man can soon pick the work up under his direction; l."0 month clear profit for each partner at present time. t'nll room 401 Iekutn Mdg. HAKUWUOD mill for" sale located near Myrtle Point. Or., complete with all Fear necessary. Immediate operation. In cludes large tract maple, myrtle and ash timber. Have contract good portion output. Wirt or write N. K. Junes. 201 fallfornl it.. Han Kranclsco. Cal. 1'ciol, HOOM A.M.) SUIT URIXK. :iim" f..r a fine place, doing from $3'0 to Umi per month In a town of 1.1.0h) inhkbltanta. Kent only $o per month. This is a barvaln. InvistiKate. F. U 111, A .M'H A K D. Kealtor. 401 -'J Hwetland Didg SHOULD you be Interest?.-! in a business) Investment that will bring you big re turns for your money on a line of goods that will Still, with exclusive county rixht, wrltd or call fur tnforntion. Koible Air Springs, M. A. La.-hr, 22i Henry bldg., Portland. Or. ClOAK STAND HDTBI, LOPUT. Choice location In popular commercial and turtrtt hotel downtown; elejrant fix tures, large ataple stock. Will never clear lca than tJoo mtnth. Price 91400. A genuine bargain; nuitable fur lady or man. Call 81U i'lttouk bik.. loth and " iifhlnirt(in AKIO Tl'U looking for buitineaa or an In vestment? We have leases to aetl, drug stores, restaurants, theaters, bootblack stand. V can give you the latest re liable Information nnd It will pay you to talk It over with us. Weaton as Co., TL-ow .-v. w. Hunk hldg 2IM t; HOCK It Y. Invoice, one large liv ing room, no flxturca to buy. rent J5 month. U-year luaae; average $30 tiny. Confectionery, card room, lunch. 2 rhslr barber ftiop: rent $4o; 2-year lease; doing Ho day. siihki fnr all. t.VTKHSTATK 1.AXI1 Ci., 21. Stark St. K1XK CIIANCK KOK MKt'HAMC, Accessories, gas. oil and tires. In good little town on Pacific highway: plentv of room for shop In rear; rent only $110; mechanic can make big money; owner getting larger business; ."oo will handle this. AP 4", Orcgonlan, hl'LKN 1)1 1 opening for a live, widtawaka couple to start general store, postofflce, lumber yard, real estate business, eta., at electric station, 10 miles from Portland; about lot) families close by: rto store near. A. M. Howell. U Board of Trade bldg. NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY. Doing loo day, mostly cash, 3 good living rooms, rent $3.1. lease, corner lo cation, no competition. Price about $2000, Invoice. SIMMS. 810 HENRY BI.DO. FA.T SEI.LINO hoiiNe-lo-house article. 1h not sent canvassers, but do want County Distributor who can finance himself to handle canvassers. Big prof its. To see It Is to grab It. W 3:1. Ore- fon ik n $J."iO CASH Columbia river highway res taurant, local and river trade; splendid outfit, Including range worth $3."U; own er must sell at sasriflce; only $So0, terms. Will show by auto. McFarlanu, leaner, ran ins n I o g Owner of established buaineaa needs Interested help, mecanlcal lines, guar antees 1200 monthly to right parly; NJ0 required Room .111 Runway Exchange. MODERN" butcher shop and grocery, icing machine, etc.. business about $120 a day; llwht overhead expense: at Invoice about $mm0: a-.iod terms to right party. Walter. 4i'1 Couch bids'. CASH ItUVKR WAITING. For good denning and preaaing shop. Your place la aold if good. IXrilRET INVESTMENT CO.. vm-lo PANAMA num.. d and Alder. WOOD HAULING CONTRACT. Have contrnct for 700 cords at $1 1)0, half-mile haula; flfHio cords more can be had; will take 1700 to buy tractor, 8 wagons and outfit. Call E. MOT. NIt ELY furnished large front room, bed room, kitchen and bath; modern, $40. Including heat and phone; walking dis tance; adults only. 303 Taylor near Chapman. $1000 (iltOCERY and confections, four moilern living rooms sverage sales $110 day cash business. Z. Eaklns, 313 Couch bldg.. lot) 4th st. sv.MlHE sliicK of art needlework stamped and finished goods, threads, silks etc. "Needle Craft Shop. Ill lath at. Jit. W. Huberts, admlnlstra tor. FrintIN'i business In Oakland. Cel.. for sale, 12000 cash or $2000, $1000 cash terms. Cleared liflOO last year is one- . ms n shop. Bi g Still, Oakland. Calir WANTED Oooii psrtner In good paying buMneic; must have $230 or $.1O0 Call 4au u.)th St.. Arlela at-ttlon. Mount frvott car, between 8 and 7 P. M. OKOCEKY BARGAIN. Established grocery on busy street, must be sold at once: 10OO handles Call owner. Wootllawn 2.127. No dealers. WANT partner In good paying business, tnat can be Increased, with additional capital. Best season during fall anl winter; Call Main 7110. roR SALE A well equipped TUlcanlxlng biiojj. uiiina a gooo. Business: in one of the best towns in southwestern Oregon. a AV 2HM. Orcgonlan. $1100 OR INVoicE. grocery doing good business: 4 nice living rooms; must sell by Saturday. y. E AK I XH. 81-1 Couch hldg., ion 4th St. RESTAURANT doing good business end well located; making money; must be sold this week on account of sickness. Price $220; cash. SI 4 Couch bldg. A PARTNER WANTED. Bowling alley business, par aalary and big profile; $:t2.i0 required, fully secured. iloom 401 Dekum bldg. G A II AO K West side. high-class place; looxluu, two floors, full to capacity; good stock and equipment: price $ikoo. Wal- ter. 4li:i Cnu. h bl.lg. HAVE permanent city haul.ng contract. Requires purchase of truck. Apply at once. 430 W. Ilurnslde. FOR SALE Restaurant, aoft drinka. cigars and tobarco, good location; 8-year leaae. 2(1 N. 2d st RESTAURANT, gelling out account ot sickness; a sacrifice; first best offer. 21i2 1st st. DAIRYMAN wanla partner buy half Inter est In stork, auto; guarantee $13 Seek. nov nurnaniin nxilt GROCERY doing $10 to $00 a day. rent $2(1; lump or invoice about $1300. Bus hue, OH Cham. Com. WOOD, coal man wanta partner, going! business; guarantee $2.io month your haif .lot Buchanan bldg NEW STORE Ill lI.Di.NG. 4 ROOMS Il-'IKI. R. C. P. Cl ) RXEH. II'H M cK AT B LDG . PARTNER Join me In buying enrdwood plant on rlvef, ll.'no. AN 47. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Half interest in liiOxtod auto parkins yard, inquire at 88 N. 6th sL SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 310 Panama Hl'lg. Portland, Or. Cor. :ld end Alder Sts. SURETY CLASH "A" OAI1AGE, the best garage and machine shop in the city: ttO-car capacity steady storage: doing enor mous repsir business; valua ble lease, low r.-ntal. carry ing complete llne of "every kind of auto Accessories; full est Investigation invited. The best money nuiker in town. $4IMH) handles. . OURETT AUTO REPAIR SHOP, located In one of the best located garages In Portland; have ex clusive right to do all repair work for garages; complete equipment: sickness cause for selling; exceptional proposi tion for 2 mechanics: books w ill show $4 .0 monthly net profit, sacrifice for s:.o. SURETT Grocery. excellent location. fine fixtures, good large stock: living rooms: doing :10 day business: catering to good , ensh trade; stock will Invoice almost price asked. (luOO. SURETY ClOAR, STORK, located in the . lobby of one of the myst prominent down-town hotels: s Is beautifully equipped: large, c lee n staple stock; splendid protMisition for 'one man or couple; can easily clear $'-'."0 month above all expenses: valuable lessc at low rental, can be bought for 1"30. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 310 Panama Hldg.. Portland, Or. Cor. 3d and Alder bta. WE HAVE a proposition In Molalla, Or., that haa unlimited possibilities. foVO cash will handle. Call at our office for particulars. First-class restaurant, doing a big business. A snap. 23-room apt. house on east side; good leaae and cheap rent; $3000. Fine hotel and rooming house, a bar gain. PR AH AM WELLS. 307 Couch Bldg. Main 6023. RESTAURANT SPECIAL. Mr. Restaurant man, here Is the schance of a lifetime. Downtown rea taurant, the most modern equipped house In the city, bar none, A-year lease, at $.100 a month, doing a fine paying business: owner wants to leave the city and will sacrifice I.'iOOO of the cost of the equipment. Now Is the time for you to get in right. If interested, see Mr. Tlce without dolay, as this buy won't last long. PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS, 714 Couch Hldg. HERE A It Is SOME DAIIOAINS. Suburban pool room doing f.'iO day; rent $2o, long leaae. ONLY $2000. East side grocery, busy St.. all cash and carry; rent $-0. ONLY $1000. RESTAURANT, good location, SNA $4.-.0. MANY OTHERS, ALL PRICES. MARSH A McCARE CO.. Realtors. 822-8-4 railing Bldg. Marshall ail'.H. OROCKKV HAIttiXlNS. Will Invoice about $4."0O: receipts $100 per day; rent $00; S living rooms ; ga rage; high-clusa trade. Price 2ouo; fixtures. $.V)0: will In rolce; rent $23; 8 living rooms; brick building. $14oo. Receipt $30; rent $23; 2 living rooms. 212 BOARD OF TRADE BI.DQ 1IAHUAIN FUR JdAN AND WIFE. The best grocery business In Portland for the price. Fine suburban location, with $ coxy living rooms in connection; near large school; handles groceries, school supplies, candles and cigars: clean . ataple stock, complete flxturca. Leaae 2 years, rent $25 for both store and rooms. Can easily clear better than $2.'0 a mo. Price $2130. A real bargain. 818 Plt toek bIK.. lQlh and Washington. FOR SALE Soft-drink and cardrooit. business; 7 card tables. 2S chairs, bar and back bar 20 la. by 14 ft.: lunch coupler, 20 In. By 14 ft.; about ll.'.O worth of stock, candles, cigars, tabac voes, cigarettes, elc. Rent $2.1 for build ing. HI I nlon ave, N. If all cash will sell for $00O. Value about $1200. See . O. Reiger, owner, H81 Union ave. C. Klyageski, 24 C. of C. bldg. Phone Main 4n. UAttliEK niul' The best buy In town; long lease, big business, beat fixtures Price $2000. A buy tnat Is worth seeing, a grocery store on east sloV. Does about $100 dally. Will lump or Invoice. Won't cost over $:iiki. see Pomeroy. THOMSON-THOMSON-. REALTORS. B2i Henry BMg. llroadway Jt'ST LIKE A RANK GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK. ."O mileet from Portland. In ennd town of lOlHI pop ; a good clean stock. Invoice aoout sio.oou; can reduce stock If want ed; will sell on terms: does between lito.ooo and lloo.ooo. Rock, 403 Cuucb bids;. Mar. 3.I.-.2. DKUO STORE. $7000, part cash. Oooil west side cor ner. You should clear $.100 or $400 a month here and the business can be largely increased. WESTON CO., 120 N. W. Hank Hldg. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. A modern garage, 40-car storage; need steady man to evil the gas. nils tires. etc.. and be generally useful: profits are good now and can be Increaatd with in terested help; $1000 handles equal half merest. ju room iii oekum bldg. i, .iiiiiih a irooo ousiness. clears $."oo month, lease, west side, only $1000; can handle with $1(100, balance easy terms. A. J. DeFOREST eV CO., REALTORS, 820 Henry Bldg. Broadway aiilio. iinnrir&v Rent $4.1. $loo day business; clean stock; owner there 4 yesrs; agree on fixtures and Invoice stock. Room 311 Railway Exchange. CAFETERIA and Confectionery combined, right in the heart of the cltv, doing a goHl business; rent $00 a month; living rooms In the rear; all fixtures, furniture and stock goes for IIB00. Wdln .1!.4 ulBesiJ)nurtunltlett anted. DO YOU wish to dispose of your rotary bskeryT Am In the market If price is right. Must be flrst-clasa N 14. Ore gonlan. WANTED To buy a clrar store that $0oo will make the first pavment; give price location and full particulars. AJ 4t' Orcgonlan. HAVE numerous inquiries for up-to-date rotary bakery, either gas or electric Have you something te orferT C. M. Oregonlsn. WANTED By young, experienced woman hotel or apartment house to manage cash bonds if required. Call East .142! WANT good location for tobacco and fruits or any other business. BD 42 Ore gonian. YOUNG man can Invest $300 to $400 with services; 2 years' merchandising experi- ence. O 43. Oreconlan. HAVE buyer for first class rotary bakery ?. ?T '.V";'0- TVhat nv you to offrr? C 10. Orcgonlan. ROOFS repaired and painted; all work guaranteed. Give us a trial. Brady a t.arvln. ln.11 E. .Vain. Tabor .-1218. YOITN'O -business woman available for po sition ot trust. Address 8104 63th ave. 1 !iT , J?UT.,,m'"1 a oi-k or hand c" KA W ATA. 02 N. 4th St!. LA Hvhn.W'.J!!.r,!"h f,"0i 8roc"y. With C 1)4.1 n...i.. """ r;: -..."' "t have your X " V n "v. .!'?' V,n.I. f"r 'mal1 c"f- e-nd gr " - locate tnis neek. s'r'bl,'.'KeT''" restaurant or hotel: lr. Moye. 830 Thurman St.. Portland. rDOsJT Stole. vvurxa MV BUM6Ef?SHCCT. 1 I, l it I-.-- .- . j . BUSINESS OWNERS. FOR A QUICK and satisfactory gale, list your business with SURETY INVESTMENT CO. 1.1 YKAHS' successful selling expe rience. -THE LARGEST and most progressive selling organisation In the northweet. KFFICIENT salesmen accompany all buyers in their autos. PHONE MUM 2ft"1. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 810-11 Panama Bldg . Portland, Or. Corner 3d and Alder Sts. SOLD IN TEN DAYS. For quick action list your business with a live concern. Wo have real bnyers waiting. BUSINESS IS GOOD with us. Lowest rates, best service. Expert salesmen bring our buyers olrect to you. We can sell your business In TEN DAYS. MAKE US PROVE IT. rhone Broad way 2001 for Immediate service. "12 Successful Years In This Business." GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO.. Suite 310. l'lttock Bik- loth and Wash. $1200 CONTRACT, due at $42 .10 a month and Interest, on dental Tqulpment worth $2100. This is secured by mortgage on houae and lot. Owner will trade on grocery and assume. 8. M. BORLAND. 303 Stock Exch. Aut. 520-04. CASH BUYERS WAITING for stores, pool rooms, restaurants, garage, or any good business. FIMM3, 810 Henry Bldg. Broadway 28T. HAVE $3()iio to Invest In a good grocery, residential district; state location, rent, leaee if any. 1 don't know the city so please direct me how to set you. N 80, oregonlsn. WELL established firm of certified public accountants (Washington) desiring to locate In Portland, will conalder pur chase of clientele of retiring accountant. Address AV 301. Orcgonlan IF CAN BE bought rlaht am Interested In purchase medium sis sawmill In op eration; must be modern and well lo cated for water and rail ahipmenta. Box AV 324. Orcgonlan. WANTED Country hoteia. Buyer wait- ing; give particulare. , WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. HIS Northwestern Bank Bldg. HAVE $1000 to Invest in good paying busi ness, where my services will be re quired. All replies strictly confidential BD 28. Oregonlan. . . WANT a small grocery business with liv ing rooms to rent or buy for cash, or frive lota, part payment. V 40. Ore gonlan WANT a stock of groceries to $3000. will pay caah and deal quickly. Phone Bdwy. .?' IF YOU HAVE a business place for sale list it with the Panama Brokerage Co.. 401 Panama bldg.. Third and Alder. WANTED Small grocery that will ac cept $10(H mortgage, 8 per cent as first payment. 2 4 Stark St. Main .1420. Mocks and lion'l. IIOCK8 and bonds, any market. Karrlng ton Co.. Mn. 3sl7 Title Jk Trust bldg Hotels and Rooming Houses 13 MODERN apts private baths, good looking bldg., good lease, furnishings are exceptionally good; some mahogany, new curtains and drapea, fine Axmiastcr rugs, etc. Owner called away and la willing to sell on easy terms; $3000 will handle. Balance to suit. 21 rooms, rent $118. lease.- Fine loca tion, extra good furnishings, clears essily $100. besides lovely ant. Can be handled with $1700; price J 3 200. This wetk only. 13 moms. 8th st. rent $70. lease to 1023: stoves elec. 2 baths; pinno in cluded; price $2400, terms. Big die count fur cash. 12 h. k. rooms, good house, rent only $3.1, fur., dec. clears over $100 besides apt. Price reduced to $1800. Requires $1200 caslt. SEB MRS. McCLAIX. M. E Lent Co 2.14 N. W. Bank bldg. J. H. ELY A CO., REALTORS. 47 ap'.s., in 2 and 3-room suites, with private bath, close In. 10-year lease; small down payment will handle. 13 rooms 2 baths: rent $00: all h. k. ; 1 prlre $1800: $1000 down; bargain for cneh. 14 rooms, close In. for $1800: $000 down: will take Ford car as part payment. 12 rooms, rent $30: rss lights; can make 3 more roonw; price .; s.ov oown. T rooms, rent 10; all h. k. ; elect,: nrle IROn rooms, all h. k.; price $373; $200 down. We have good buys on rsst side and in Vancouver, with lona- leasea J. H. ELY ft CO.. I.'S 14th St. HUTVl. rtCV fc'.H-t Pt.KANE NOTE. This: magrlfb-ent brick hotel In heart of business section, nearly w room un der long lease: netting over $i:hm. Ei -entlonal furniture. Electric elevator, ' ground floor, lobby and one of the really fine transient hotels at about half what othere would nk. Full price. $2O,(M10. We may arrnnge some terms. Greatest hotel list In city, see us rirst. O. H. liKOTHKlK CO.. Realtors. 4fte-ii couch l:i tig. - Main 1173. UNUSUAL HOTEL BUY. Exclusive brick hotel In heart of city, under long lease: N. W. heat: Income close to $1,100 per mo.: less then $10,000 cssh handles. FU1I priee sio.ooo. splen didly furnished and a real mint. Among our many bargains. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., Realtors. 40S-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1.173 10 H. K It., stove heat, water and sinks In all rooms; all In fine condition. Price $I2. $700 cash, balance at $23 a ' month. Rent $00. with two-year lease; have others from $Hoo up to $10,000. Call on us before you buy. JOHN BROWN O. Realtors :r-'j ny. r.xcn. rt o g f liPTU Till' VI I I V IT 20 rooms, sleeping: rent $110; high- class place; Income $.110. Price $8300 I. E. SPENCER 4t CO.. M7 Cham, of Com. HMg. Mnln 1T. 22-ROOM APARTMENT. Close In. west side. Income $3.10. rent $7.1; price' $3700; terms. John Brown Co.. Realtor, a.z ny, a.xcn. oiag. Mar shall 3131. APARTMENTS 48 RMS. 4S)0. Went side; '.-year lease. Onlv $2400 cash. Newiv 'umisrted. Some bargain. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., Realtrs. 4"-11 Couch B.dg. Main 1.178. $R45 11 ROOMS $043. -and easy terms; very good furniture, near 13th and Morrison. Just the place to clean up and sen again. PETERS, of course. 1-1 N. 8th. 12 ROOMS, a fine cor. house, modern, rent only $3.1, good oak furniture, brass beds. good beus ana neaning, urunsens car pets. A snap, $1200, terms if desired. Garland. 201 8d. 12 ROOMS, extra good furniture, good rugs, hardwood floors, white ensmeled corner, good lease, fine for boarding house. J. W. Orussl, 818 Board of Trade Main 74Bi SMALL, modern apartment house, seven threes, private bath with eAch apt.; nice ly furnished and very clean; price $4000 and terms. waiter. 4o:i oucn Phlg. $1300 BARGAIN. Nine rooms, fine furniture; west side, dandy location. Some income. Owner, Marshall 2103. 8 ROOMS. A-1 FURNITURE In nice modern house, rent only $33. lust across Steel bridge, a bargain for $430 on terms, peters, 13 North Filth st. R. H. ON W. S. $10lM). 22 rail. h. k Nets II. Hi. Only 12000, II POO cash. Call Main 1070. ROOMING house. 8 rooms, well furnished. h. k., fine location. Price $030. terms half cash. See Garland. 201 8d. FURNITURE 3-room flat, lovely home. rent $28 oo. owner ouu Market at. BE -flBSUfSD. f' St&aL Dl)r Sic I suspect the Ss-vttT HEART OP irp APARTMENT HOUSES. 84 rooms, corner brick, all 8-roora suites with bath, 3-year lease. $300 a month, nets $.1iK). Price $13,300. some terms. List 227. 21 rooms, all housekeeping, very clean, rent $0 with lease, nets $170; $2000 cash to handle. List 213. 48 rooms, corner brick, modern, fine furniture, close In, 8-year lease at $3tn); nets $300; $tHI00 caah to handle. List 220. 40 rooms, modern with bath, the cleanest and best furnished small house In the city, nets $200. Price $0300, some terms. List 208. 34 rooms, corner brick, 2 and 2 -room modern suites: rent $100, good lease; nets $200; $3500 will handle. List 2.10. For further information in these and other good buvs see Mra Myers. PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couch Bldg. BAKERY RESTAURANT SODA FOUNTAIN. A rolng first-class business. Owners built this up from nothing; can show large profits: west side location In best district for high-class place. Other busi ness forces owner to sell; stock and fix tures all firat-clasa Price $.1'0; will ' take out cash register and office fix tures and sell for $.1.V)0. Mr. Pownder. C. M. DERR. Mar. 224.1. 121.1 N. W. Bank Bldg. $4.-.nn DANDY west side location, lncoms $340. best of furniture. $0000 'cash handles west side apt., clearing; $000 a month; long lease. 14000 Nine apta., rent $60, nets $175. 8. M. BORLAND. 303 Stock Exch. Ant. Q2B-04. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 858-4-8 NORTH WESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. 8EE THI3 TODAY. 30-room apartment house, east side, walking distance, newly painted, good furniture; nets $2s3 month. ONLY $.".4HU. MARSH MeCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg, Marshall 31)03. '0 ROOMS, hot and cold water In every room, steam heat, ground floor lobby, food lease. $ 12.0O0 cash Handles. 40 rooms, modern but good locntlon and Income, amply furnished; nets bet ter than $4(0; $32(10 handles. MRS. ALBAUGH. John Fer guao n, Gerlln gcr Bid g. THINK OF IT 2.1 A PTS. $ 1 4.000. Positively a mod. building, brick;, elec rant furniture Nets about loo per cent Takes $7ooo to handle. Must make a change. Get this before the advanoe. Fine money-muker. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. Reeltrs. 408-11 CVmch Bldg. Main 1075. 0 ROOMS and 8 kltchenettea, sleeplni porch, on 3d st.; all h. k good furni lure, wajih trava. modern, good build Ing. lease, rent $33, net $l."o; price $2300. half cash and will take small first mortgage on first payment. REALTY SALES CO., 332 Railway Exchange Bldg. ROOMING HOUSE. West side 1J rooms, paving $123 net excellent location for thos engaged in business: 2 carlinea or Is walking dls tanca. Price $20()O; $1,100 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 833 N. W. Bank Blrigj Main 37S7. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR BELL business hotel, rooming or apartment bouses of any Kind, anywnere, ses F. Rlerdon. HITTER. LOWS A CO.. 201-2-8-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds ot Insurance. PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS. INC. 714 Couch Bldg. Phone Main 848. Portland ae-ents for hoteia and apart ment houses. We also specialise In Oregon and Washington country hoteia If yoa are IB the market to buy or sell. can. pjlODQ or wi re. "Ti.KKI SPECIAL. 48 rooms, west side, gold lease, rent only $100; furniture AI; clear -u mo.; some terms. A. J. DeFOREST CO.. REALTORS, 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway Bono. CHOiCE west side apartment house. 44 rooms, net Income eooo per montn; excel lent location; very exclusive property. Price iii.ih.hi. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 831 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 1.1 MR) ASTORIA BARGAIN. Hotel doing excellent business, best Industrial coast town In state, corner location, on car line; 43 rooms. Good money-maker. 810OO cash. 212 BOARD OF TRADE. MAIN 2010. is1 vol: wish to buv or sen rooming house hotel or apartment house, see ua 23 years' successful business record.. Main 8073. WESTERN BROKFP.AGB COMPANY. 81S NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDQ. 90-ROOM modern apt. house, close In. hriek buildlnsr. S-vcar lease, good furnl ture; clears $3o0 a month net; $8300 handles. A. J. DeFOREST CO.. REALTORS, 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 50!l. O A. BOON REALTOR. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS IF LISTED WITH US AND PRICED RIGHT WILL BE SLICKLI SOLD. !:l N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 20 ROOMS, close in on Park St.; fine fur niture, hot and cold water in all rooms. Price $3000. half cash, or will take car as part of first payment. See McCauley, 21 rtaltway r.xrnange ping. joainoio. 10 ROOMS, ideal home and Income, furni ture fine; clears $10(1 month: lease; rent reasonable. iooo will Dannie. A'. J. DeFOREST 4 CO., REALTORS, 320 Henry Hldg. Broadway .1.100, THAXSioiXT or h. k. rovms. 13 rooms. $00 rent, two-year lease; can get longer; one floor, brick bldg.. clean, hot and cold water In rooms, good furniture, outside rooms, ibi Para. SMALL rooming houae. good location, prac tically new furniture, rent $40, can get lease; 1300 cash firat payment: modern and clean, lfll park st. WANTED TO BUY. From owner. 60 or 70 rooms apart ment house, must be good lease, not more man sm.i.,,. uirniunu. ROOMS and bath, all housekeeping, $."oo; income $S0: $100 handles. Call after 6 P. M.. Bdwy. 380U. Must sell st once 47-ROOM hotel, nearly modern. -loe in, west side, fair furnitnre. a-year lease price $4000 for all; a bargain. Call 1C3 4 W est parg st. see o. r . Anderson. WANT a rooming house. 10 to 30 rooms prefer to deal with owner: White Tem- ple district preierren. no eo. oregonlan WANTED 10 to 1.1 rooms, well located. with garage or room for garage; right prlre and terms. I m.i. oregonlan. FURNITURE and lease of 0 rooms in cheap rooming house. Must sell. Call at woodyard. 327 Front 16 HOUSEKEEPING, extra well furnished, clean, nice apartment for seif: 11700. 131 Lownsdale. 13th and Morrison. FOR LEASE 70 rooms, filled, central; $22.1 month; nothing for good will. B 40, Oregonlan. WANTED Hotel or apartment house. 30 to 7.1 rooms, good cash payment. G Ut4. Oregon inn. 11 NEWLY decorated h. k. rooms, close In. west side, electricity, good net In come: $1200 ; 2-3 casn. H X. nth St. FOR BEST bargain in apartment -house see members of the Realty Boaro. Yates Realty Co.. 240 Fuurth St. 21 ROOMS for $2100; 10 Housekeeplni rooms and 11 sleeping rooms; good loca tion. Call Auto. 318-4.1. SMALL transient hotel for rent: a good proposition to right party. AN 41, Ore- gon lan. IF YOU WANT a good buy in a rooming or apt. house, see us. 807 Panama bldg. POLLY AND Ja See- Him ? j Satrrletit, let I, sf tensaw Fwis Serrtss. tsc. Brest grksls rwjaw tesrreel MEAXISG AJT UMBRELLA, OP COURSE! BTJ CtlFF STERRETT. GOOD HOTEL. One ot the most beautifully lo cated and best paying -hotels in the city, about lot) rooms, ele gantly furnished, neat downertairs lobby. This place Is strictly mod ern. Has a good lease and can be handled with $.l3.0oo. 35-ROOM HOTEL. This is a strictly transient house and well furnished, modern brick building. Lease it: takes $0000. APT. HOUSE. 80 fine apts., mostly S rooms each; modern brick bldg. and first-class location; leaae for $ years at fair rent; $10,000 will handle. Small bal.. easy terms. WASH INGTON-BT. HOTEL. 73 well-furnished rooms, nice lobby, corner brick bldg., city heat, several private baths, good lease at less than $10 per room. For price and further particular call at office. 70-KOO.M HOTEL 70. Large downstairs lobby. fine brick bldg.. a real transient loca tion, good lease. Here 'a an op portunity to get in the hotel busi ness with $11.. loo. 35-ROOM HOTEL 55. Here is an opportunity; mod ern brtck bldg, all outside rooms, plenty of private baths, long lease at $S per room; $lo,o00 will do business. SMALL APT. HOUSE. IS nice little apts., well fur nished, 4-year leaae. good west side location. Can be handled with about $4000. F. RIERDON. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE CO., 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GREATEST OF BARGAINS IN HOTELS. Considering the 3-year lease and large net this very choice brick. Inside dis trict, hotel is one of the city's excep tional values at $'.I0(. Yes. terms. Has very fine furniture; N. W. heat and nets over loo per cent on money Invested. Will advance. Is worth more. See us at once. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. Realtors. 40S-11 Couch Mdjr. Main 1.17.1. 9 H. K. ROOMS, $1000, $000 handles; rent $4.1; Nob Hill location, lull ol sieauy tenants: clears $0.1 very good. lo h. k. rooms, $1200, terms; rent $.10, .clears $73; Nob Hill location. Have sev eral flats. BARNEY JOHNSON CO., Realtors, 170 loth St. WE HAVE real buyers for good places from 10 to 40 rooms, also severel buy ers for moderate-size modern apartment houses, and if priced right and listed with us will be sold without delay, TRY-US REALTY CO., Realtors. 160 W. Park st. . BEAUTY. 42-room modern apartment of 2s and 8s, private baths, elevator, fine furni ture, evervthlne- un-to-date. 5-T. lease. Price $11,000. good terms. See Mc Cauley. 218 Railway Exchange bldg Main 6102. " BEST BUY ON THE COAST. 10 rooms. H. K., good furniture, stove or furnace heat: fine carpets and arap erles. 2 baths, must sell, terms arranged no reasonable offer refused. See Ken nedy. .117 Chamber of Commerce bldg. List No. 174. NOB HILL D1ST. 10-room with garage, rent reasonable, Price $1373, $000 cash. See Mr. Saliger, with I. E. 8PENCER A CO., 317 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 8127. WE HAVE hotel and apartment housea in all parts of the city from $2000 to $240,000. with leases. Come In and look them over. REALTY SALES CO., 832 Railway Exchange Bltlg. Main 8341 10 ROOMS, oak and mahogany furniture, Including niano. good rugs: near G. S. hoepltal; furnace, wash trays, modern, garage, going to California; good, clean home; lady boards some ot roomers; $1000. Main 8341. lo st and rorp. THE FOLIA) WING articlea were found on cara of the P. R L P. Co.. Sept. 20: 80 umbrellas, 4 lunch boxea, 1 pair rub bers, 2 pins, 2 suitcases. 3 handbags, 2 pairs gloves, 1 book, box prunes, buck saw, 2 coats, carpet sweeper, box fruit Jars, basket, 8 packages, photograph, key. Owners may obtain property upon proper identification at First and Alder streets. LOST Tocketbook and keys In ladies room. Portlsnd hotel, Tuesday noon, greatly Inconvenienced by loss of keys. Would appreciate it if person finding same would return to Mlaa eSlorie. Buah nell studto. Reward. LOST Saturday, off of truck taking fol lowing route: 11th and Market to Jef ferson, to Broadway, to Main, to 4th. to Alder, a white wicker doll buggy top. Reward. Tabor 70311; LOST Female Boston bulldog pup Sat urday In vicinity of East 24lh and Ahkeny streets. Brown mottled with fine white line on face and white chest. Reward. East 3418. LOST In Olds. Wormian A King or Meier s; Frank's or between those two stores or. Alder St.. crescent brooch of sapphires and pearls. Reward. Major W. P. Currier. Vancouver Barracks. Wash. LOST Rv teacher. Friday afternoon,, on Columbia highway, near Corbett hlRh school, tlack leather traveling bag: lib eral reward. Telephone 614-18. 0120 02d S. E. LOST Chain of amber heads, vaiued as keepsake, between O. W. K. store and Park st. Call after 7 o'clock. Columbia 8(1: reward. . REWARD of $10 and no Questions asked If hat box with full contents Is returned by messenger to Dunnlng'8 East Side Undertaking par.ors. LtlST Sept. 12 or 13. a good Brussels rug 0x12 feet, between Canby and Gaston. Or. Finder receive liberal reward. Wm. Johnson. Gaston. Or. LOST A Gyhaon tenor banjo, between Dunsmuir and Weeds, Sept. 18. Notify E. A. Jackson, 133 E. 70th st, Portland, Or. Reward. $10 REWARD Lost, female shepherd dog. yellow with white on neck snd breast, short tall, answers to Bell. Call East 1847. LOST A gold watch, open face, on E. .12d and Sandy road, on concrete Job. Reward. Phone Aut. 311-87. LOST On Selijvood car, brown silk um brella, lvorv handle. Initialed "L. G." Reward. Sellwood 787. LOST On the street or In store, box con taining ladv's gray hair swlteh. Call Marshall 3311. Reward. LOST Man's gold watch at about 3d and Alder. Liberal reward. Aut. 31 5-07. LOST A black plush scarf Tuesday even ing. Phone Marshall som. LOST Yellow Persian cat. 480 East 10th North. East 8201. Reward. LOST Sept 2(Hh. pair of glasses. Return Mrs. A. Hansen. Y. W. C. A. SMALL purse with silver and keys on chain. Marshall 2208. Lost 20th. LOST Cameo brooch. Liberal reward. 731 Johnson st. BFKCIAL NOTICES. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any credit ex tended to my wife. Mra Katie Fries. Conrad r rlea. Propoaala Invited U. S. EN'GINEEK office. Seattle. Wash. Opening ot prupoaais lor construction ox structural steel emergency dams for Lake Washington ship canal locks, Seattle. Wash., has been postponed until 12 M. October 22. 11121. Information on appli cation at chief of engineers' office. Washington. D. c-.. and U. S. engineer off,es. Seattle, Wash., Chicago, 111., or Pittsburg. Pa. HER PALS ajo Sir. but Last a1i6ht WERE. G-AViaIio FAKEV36ELL. CNer There. BV The r IIiIOOEII A .QtkITI ' yrviDnut,' " NOTICE at sale of government Umber . . , t AffiM IVuhlnnon. D. C. August 11. 1821 Notice is hereby gives that subject to the conditions and lim itations of the act of June . 1W8 (3 Stat 218) and the Instruction of the secretary of the Interior of September 13 1J17 (48 L. D. 447). the timber on the tollowlng lands will be sold Oct. 8. 121. at 10 o'clock A. M. at public, auc tion at the United States-land office at Roseburg, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised alue as shown by this notice, sale to be ewbject to the approval of the secretary of toe Interior. The purobase price, with ao additional sum of one-fiftn of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at lime of sale, money to be returned if sale Is not "!" otherwise patent will Issue for the "sa ber, which must be removed within tea years Bide will be received from CIU ' ,k i-ni-H Gr . associations r such cltlxens and corporations organ ised under the laws ot the United States r any state, territory or district '" only. Upon application of a, qualinsa Surchaser. the timber on any leal " Ivlslon will be ottered separately before being included m say ofier at a larger "'si S.. R 5 W.. Sec. 8 lot J. Ir M., cedar 30 M., hemlock 2$ Mj 8 . N. E. ur 426 M. ; 8. S. U K. B. fTr 900 M.? S. B. 8. W. . fir 600 fl. None of the -Br to be sold for less than $1.40 per M. and none of the cedar or hemlock to be sold i!?! r.nmlsa1oner General Land Office. ON AlAVL.M oi-tne regular i.cc....e - ox tne ooaru navms -"" dave to Wednesdsys. bids heretofore ad vertlsed to be received until noon Oclo ber 0 will be received not later thai noon October 3, 1021. by the under signed at en counnouK, o eral work of the third unit of the Koee i. 1 . n .1 ,,w tha electric.. iiji..a ...... e " . ... , of the James John High school. Bids will be opened by the board In roo 304 courtnouse. f. jm... otiwun e-. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at tne utu ratline -"" (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. , a . 1 .in lull oaiwn .-lepieiiiner -v, Miscellaneous. SALE. AATLROAD AND SAWMILL LOCAT ED ON THE OLYMPIC PENINSULA, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Subject to prior sale, sealed bias win be received at the office ot the United Rtatea SDruce Production Corporation, Couch Building, Portland, Oregon, ap to 12:00 noon, November 1. 1821; and then publicly opened, for purchase of Spruce Production Corporation Railroad P.O. l, uiauam coupij, - hiuaiui -- the Spruce Production Mill Port An Waahlneton. lolntly or separately. Tt-RMR OF BIDDING AND BALE: No bid for less than $l,soo,oo0 will be accepted for both properties; no bid for less than $1,000,000 will be accepted for the raliroaa propertyj no oiu mr tw than $300,000 will be accepted for the mill. As the above minimum amounts art considerably below the commercial and reoroductJon value of these properties. tbe Corporation reeorvee the right te accept any after In excess of the above minimum amounts for either one or both of these properties, on or petore netnher 17. 1D2L In the event of such offer or offers being accepted notices will be promptly mailed to all those who have applied for lurmor uuuriuaiios or eubmltteci bids. Purchaser of Railroad must agree te operate same aa common carrier. De ferred payments tat 2Vw Interest) over nerlod of lu wears will be allowed. All bids must be accompanied by certified check for $25,000, made payable te the United States Spruce Production Cor noratlon. aama to be retained 'as Haul- dated damages upoa failure of bidder to complete purchase on awara; out 10 oe immediately returned In event of rejec tion hf bid. Kishta are also retained to reject any and all blda All bide must be made on forms and under con ditions contained In the prospectus which will be supplied upon request. Titles to real property, timber maps, layout plats of mill and master index er machinery may be examined at the offices of the UNITED STATES SPRUCB PRODUCTION CORPORA TION f A Government Agency organised under Act ot Congress, entitled "Aa Act making Appropriation for the support of tbe Army." ett, Approvea .tuiy , 1B18.). COUC4X SSUiA-DliSU. roll A l''. OREGON. PROPOSALS fnr construction of a brick power house and improvements to the heating plant. Department ot tne in terior. office of Indian affairs. Washing ton. D. C. September 8. 1021. sealed proposals plainly marked on the outside of the sealed envelops, "Proposals for a brick power house and Improvements to heating plant -Chemnwa, Oregon," and rid riiejuM tA the "Commissioner of disn Affairs. Washington. D. C ." will be received at the Indian office until o'clock P. M., of October 5. 1021. for fur tilshine materlata and labor for the Con structlon of a brick power house and imDrovemente to the heating plant. ba lent Indian school. In strict accordance with the plans, specifications and In' structlons to bidders, which may be ex amlned at the office of the paper or periodical In which this advertisement appeara. tne united Blaiee inaian ware housee at Chicago. Illinois. St. Louia Mo., San Francisco California, and the Builders' Exchange, St. Paul. Minnesota. and at the office of the superintendent of the Salem Indian school. Chemawa, Oregon. For further Information apply to the superintendent of the saem. ore iron, Indian school. Charles H. Burke. Commissioner. STATE TREASURER'S SECOND NOTICE. Slate of Oregon, Treasurer e Office, ba lem. Oregon., steptemner xu, lust. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In the state treasury with which to redeem all outstanding state war rants drawn on the general fund. In doised. "presented and not paid fo want of funds." prior to August 22. 1921. All such warrants, property Indorsed w 1 be paid upon presentation at till office; interest thereon ceasing from and after September in. 11121. O. P. HOFF. State Treasurer. CROWN STABLES. INC. Notice! Nine head of horses and panN'f mules with harness to be sold for feed bill. Anyone who has horses at this barn must pay their bills snd take their horses within the next five days, as we have advertised them for the last six weeks. Phil buetter. presl dent. 280 Front st FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. Ton TITTY OR SELL AN AUTOMO. BILK, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. UUK HKnVlLK V, ILtLi rii&ASB, X U U. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 207 SELLING BLDG.. siECONO F LOO ft We BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman 8V Co., 210 Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 3026. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real eslar: Washington, Ore go rvH;E;X h 1 a. 818 I.uni bermens bl d g. $2700 CONTRACT on first-class Rose Cltv property, psysble $00 per mo; 7 per cent I nt. Will d iscou :it. Call Tabor 8083.. SELLERS' CONTRACTS snd second mort gages bought and sold. C DeYounf Co.. Bio apaldlny Diag. BUT NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H- Le w Is. 713 Lewis bldg . 4th and Oak a. a FOR SALE at a discount, $733 first mort gage. Main 0418, , CONTRACTS and mortgages bought by private party. V 36. Oregonlan. .11 oney to l-oaa onReal Estate. WE BUY mortgagee or contracta, 308 Panama bldg. Main 8042. $10ihi TO LOAN. 8 per cent; no commis sion. J 4.8, Oregonlan. as ThE-V ? I HEARrs HIM IsiHISPER , DAiajK, RHoHT ; AAA tT5L Money to Loan on Meal K tale. TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY. READ THIS! RESIDENCE LOANS. PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of 1100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS 8 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loon 80 per rent of the value of your home: only small monthly payment required with Interest: you may pay more or all on the first of nrh month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS, OVj PER CENT. Five-year period repaying privilege. BRICK MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Company of America, 1210 121? Yeon bldg. Mnln 8308. THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" For residences, apartment houses and softie other Income property Is offered by one of our correspondents. Pay here ANY AMOUNT. ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges. Other funds also, as for the past 14 yeara, especially In LARGB AMOUNTS. The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. UOUDEY COMPANY. United 8tata Bank Bldg MONEY TO LOAN. Automobilt-s or other security. All business confidential. OREGON BROKERAGE CO.. Room 1333 Northwest Bank Bldg. SEB US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission wo choice loans; long time and short time; monthly paymenta: pay aa you can; sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 728 Gasco bldg., 8th and Alder sts. CEI.l.ARS-MURTON CO. UIUITIIAIIK LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ilege. Lowest rstea. WBSTBRN BOND MORTGAGE CO., 80 Fourth St , Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Pompt and Helpful Service. B. LEB PAGET. Realtor. 822 Corbett Bldg. Main 8230. WK HAVU funds available for good real denes loans: also insurance money ror business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE! BOND CO., Main 2t-3I. Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms: no commission, no delays. DBVURHAUX MORTGAGE CO.. 7 Sixth St., Portland, Or. MORTGAGU LOANS. Any amounts, low rates, promptly closed. Attructlve repayment prtvllegea. A. H. HIRRSII.L-OII.L CO.. 217 N. yr. Bank HldR Marahall 4114. MORTGAGH LOANS. Residence and City Property. 8 to and 7 Par Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Ground Floor, Henry Hldg. 1300. $400, $300, I 00, $1000, $1200. $1300, $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action. Pay off $10 or more at any Interest date. Gordon Mortgsge Co., 631 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOAN'S on Improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. TUB OREGON AlollTGAGB CO., LTD., 808 Piatt Hldg. Main B371. HA VB $1-' rto and $2(K)0 to loan on Rose City. Laurelhurst or Irvlngton security. C. A. WAGNER CO.. Msln 81.10. 230 Stark St. MORTGAGE loans In sums to suit; elly, farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM O. HECK. 213 Falling Bldg $ 1 OOO $ 1 300$ 2000 $2.100 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money, lians quickly closed. F. H. DESHON, WIB Cham, of Com. Bldg. WILL discount seller's end of contract; froperty clesr; good ee first mortgage. 1700. Payable $23 month and interest. BD 27. Oregonlsn. $300, $400, .1O0. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6443. MON'tCY to loan on real estate eecurity at going ratea of Interest. Otto s Harksoa Realty Co.. 418 Chum, of Com. PRIVATE money lo loan on real estate, low rates, no delays. C. Ie Young at Co., K10 Spalding bldg. 1'LJuNT Y of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent If security is ample. Kdw. P. Mall. 3o Cham, of Com. $000, $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms, no delay, no brokerage, John H.tln, .107 Spalding Bldg. LOANS at current ratea on well-Improved farms and city property. K. K. Baxter. Spalding bl dg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO 210 LUMBER- EXCHANGE BLDG. MORTGAGE LOAMS. 8 and 7 per cent. Salomon Ac Co.. 307 Railway Exch. bldg. MONEY to loan. 7T- snd 8. George P. l.ent. 717 Corbett tung. .llotsey to latan" Chattels and iSslorlea. DO YOU NEED MONEY T " AT LEGAL HATES, QUICK SHRVICBT YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. IaJANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. - BONDS, ETC. If your payments are tod large on your automobile or furniture contracts we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a specialty of these loans and leave the security In your possession and you can. repa.7 us In small monthly payments. WK A I .SO M AKB SALARY LOANS to salaried peo ple on their own notes. Rates reason able. Private offices. All business strict ly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed). 808 307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3288. H. W. Cor. Third and Washington. 8ALARY LOAN8. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY en ehort notice to snisrted or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly pnymenta Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORflKR. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc. COLUMBI DISCOUNT COMPANY, . (Licensed). 218 FAILING BT.D0. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. DAN MARX A CO., 313 Washington St., between 4th and 8th sis: established over 8.1 years; only high-class jewelry store In city with loan department In connection: private room for ladtes; busi ness strictly confidential; under state supervision; nil articles held one year; do business with an old-established firm. MONEY to loan on diamonds and-Jewelry : confidential service! government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros ee Co. 2h3 Wash, at., between 4th and 8th Marshall 727. MONET TO LOAN on goods In storsge. Bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Phone Broadway Sil.l. QUICK money to aniarted people on un secured note; confidential Investigation. 316 Cham, of Com. (Llcsnsed). MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry, etc.; legal rate; articlee held one year. Vines, Jeweler, corner 3U and Washington. Loans Wanted, WANT $0000; give good second mtg. and pay, bonus; plenty sweurtty. . E 1)00. Ore- goniaiT. SEE ME about getting 10 on your monev. A-l security. Roy H. Keagy, 712 Lewis b!dg. . FIFTEEN' hundred on splendid security prlvste party. BC 48. Oregonlsn. $S.KHI 2 YRS. 7 PER CENT, first-class modern home. Phone R. T. Street. SEE OREGON I XV. MORTGAGE CO., 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. JUl 8wt' FRANK U McGUIRK. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values. Is In a position to safeguard your every interest In locating your lnon- y. HundiTds ot applications for loans, of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Kirhnrdaon, manager of loan department, Ablngtou onig. .via in lotia. WANT IIIMI0 at 7 per cent on Knee C.ty J'ark bung-alow; lot looxloo; good se curity. C. A. WAGNER CO.. Main 81.1(1 23(1 Stark St. WANT $270( for 3 eara, or repay In about $00 monthly payments, about 7 per cent Interest, property worth $.'t('(l; title in surance furnished: pretL.dti'cct, please. A H 1132. Prajtonlan. $1000 AT 8 PER cent on beautiful c. .until' residence with four acrea, security worm more than double amount uf luan. B. Lee Paget, 022 Corbett bldg. WANTED By private party, $3200 for 3 years at 7 per cent; tirst mn icakc 011 farm near Portland; valuation 3 to 1. AL HOP. Oregon Ian. WANTED from private party chattel loan $tiooo on registered and araile Guernsey cows, also Include Increase. AM 10, . Oregonian. WANT $31100 to finish store building at imiiortant suburban corner, stores rented snd income saaured. i'bme Automat. o 81 1-7.1. 83s. N. W. Hank bldg. $1000. 3 years, on 6-room I'sidenee, Reed 7 per cent. W college section; sate risk, 31. orcgonlan. WANTED On beautiful Laurelhurst new home $3.1ou; will pay 7;; best of ref erences. flrst-c'ass lo an. Ph o 1 1 e :l 10-7: 1 . $(iou FROM pritate party tor one year or more. Interest 1, A-l security. W 84S, OregoKian. WANT to borrow $1000 from owner, good close-in rented property. BD 41, Oreko nlan. W ANT ED $40110 on Rose City bungalow. 100x100 lot C. A. Wuglier Co.. 230 Stalk St., Main 8130. FFRSONAI., PHSYCOI.OG Y. Find out what you were meant to do and start to do it. The most important thing In the world to you is YOU it HEALTH. Human analysis aa given by Mrs. Annabello Malone. Multnomah ho tel, determines the work you are fitted for; you were born to bo a success at something. Klnt out what it la. Fif teen ml nuts' Interview free by appoliu- mcnt o nly. Room 8ii:i. W'E GIVE scientific general maesaire, nte chano - therapy treatments, medical baths, especially good for anaemic, run down, all-in cases, nervous, rheumatic and akin diseases. Graduate nurse In at tendance. For appointment call Mar shall 2773 or 130 N. 2.:1 st. WE QUA R A XT E K It ESI UTS. DH. NETTIE BEXSON. D P., formerly of 304 Dekum bldg., now at 322 Fliedner building, loth and Washiutltm. Mineral steam baths, hot or cold showers, ex pert massage, vlbrstion and vital treat ments. AH chronic diseases treated. Hours 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. LEARN a profitable busluesa and be In dependent; very best methods ot skin and scalp treatment, marcelling, hair dresslng. etc, la 111; lit at Mxdama Paten aud'e School of Beauty Culture. Benson hotel Improvement shop. CuKNS, Inirowmg toenails or any foot trouble lr. iUchinall. the bctli r kind of chiropodist; i lot-nurd by tun AMttrtt mdicul bomrda; all work kuht anived. 8U1 llroadway bldg. Appoinl- niy nt a cull M a in U d. LAD IKS, r you weary ur exnauated mttnr t ami ing at. day on our feat? If ao. be fore you ait down for a rest ua warm wtr application with Tksra Anti aeptto Powder, 6uc and $1 bu. VorU.nd Hotel lharmicy. DH. 11L'1.SK NKTZKls nlw trcaiimnta fur rheuiiiaiUiii, lunihHjrn, neuralgia, i-i . Kiectrlc Mankf t. vibrator m k and hath.- Md Columbia nt., m ar 17ih i Main R.o.v open .Sunday. 1' VUU A it fa. TlJtKO AND NKHV'UlU, ir Juvenaia your nurvuui cr liter and poor circulation by having a acluntiile body iuaaK. Dr. Ovtdia La r sen, tK4 Moraaa bldg. ivl a In ll'HU. isady aa-mtunt. CHIKOrHAC'A'iC. BEST Tfc,A.U liA'i'il. chiropractic, 1 bravtory and aiectnc ii.aa-, Dr, Alar trt liaynle, 'lib bwL.auu bldg. Ka- jon a Pita yvc-. WiSt It AL HTKAM BATH Hot and cold ahower expert inaanaKe. vlol-'t my and atnuftoidal treat miii for both at ira. 10 A. M. to 7 t. M. .Lui.v attendant, SO lrkuin bldy. Main 7 7 Ml. TA KA H A A N T I S m T 1 0 POWDi-.K la a aoothinir, i-U'anaitijr. prilling g.t mh iua and Invigorating dourlia; a gru.it aid in fmult iinrUeia ; 'oc and 1 per boa. l'ortla n d H otel IMi a r 1 1 1 u c y. CK ATKK LA Kbl and return f'ortltind by llcnd ; 8-dtiy trip; wi ll, for lime nnd number daii!tiK t go; cost $.!.. one . at aome good trout lake. A. C .Nt-Mt.., r C lur k a in it a. u r. GRADUATE uhlropoUiat, ni.tM-.aKe und r nifdlcal auperviMiim; open ev'iiing mid Sunday a. Jtvinoved f i mn 2t). tj to -Id A lmky bldg.. d and Mom won. 8 U V 1C H V L.V O US " 1 . A 1 H permanently removed by mult I pi needU method; vouaulintluu free. u04 tiwetletud bJ Gt h? " "j u 1 4!; ('IkB V fasT 11 ANKl'o'i. leading wig nd toupa tnakera; fineal atotk human hair gooda; permanent and ma reel w aving ; acalptreatnn nta. 8- Alder. Main 6 -Id. UK, CLAlii re H LNSKKLlNli. druKl''Miph" atcltin; aleam butha, ncii-ntific iiiHr;Kf ; houra 10 to 0. C I Helling-H ira h Muk.. W. I'ark and VaihliiKtoii. .Main 77stl. HAVK your cyea properly attended Uoodman ; right cutanea at right price. from pi aervne. inuuaanua oi ipt aatialltd patron a. sftHs Morriaon. Main WANT Information aa to William John, formerly motor drivrr of WudehrlRe, Cornwall, fcnglaml. l.ettrra tn Dunn k Baker, aohcitora. Kxe ler. K ri g I :i nd . BULlAbLK, experienred chauffeur d.ri position driving auto party anuth for r- ?enaea. Call or write, tittm Levlua, rltol hotel. DK LI XK electrh and magnetic matsa4is fnP tumhaxo, Ptc. .41.", J.uchunnn hldg , Wanh., bet, 4th and 5th, JO A. M. to & '. M. Alio Hundaya. tl Ufa-TS both feet fixt-d up at Dr. liuton'a, the CHIROPODIST and AHCH bPUT., who doean't hurt you; t yra. here; tmm, free. Ulohe hidg 1 1 1 h ' a a h .JJ 'ly. " CH ILK, KOL'TH AMICKICA. Seldom settlement opportunity. Fre booklet. W. Fahrenkrog, Loa Angulea, Cal.. .io Kaft 4th t. IvLIiCTRIC cabinet hatha, aiiowtr, ma ang a and violet ruy treat mania; experi enced nurM aMbJta; houra it) to 7, iiOi Broadway bM. Main ."Ki. UKoKGI- KCBKNbTfeilaN. tna veteran op tician, will fit your eyea better and cheaper than elaewhere. t Xpert optician, KeaaonaMe. prlcca. 2'2i Alorriaon it. ALL L1NLS beauty worn and hair maki ing. Kxprta, Bonnie De Hhop, apeclal iaing In arm and neck maaaae, bleaches, hair ri velng. s!01V 1'lttoiK. HJwy, aiT.i. KLKS. Portland'! upntaiia furrier. The Kur Fhop, 6U-1"'-1 Kilura Mualc t-ldg., Wash.. t. 4 1 ha nd 6 th. Mln0 i. PASSl-;NiKHS wanted for tin Jbran'i(.ro. Loa Angelea, - I'ierce-Arro w. AVinton; cheaper than rail. Leave Kept. 7. Ty r..n Trip Co.. Ma'n 8. HAD1ANT LIGHT TllKflA.IT VIT-O-NhlT Mweatg, body niarwuige. violet my, 10 to 7 dully. 4.'0 Morgan bldg. Main 7:7,. . KKSJ'ONSIHI-KJ partv envinjr for 'alary. Alberta. Od. 1 wlil tranaact buaineaa. A h7'.. Ore , atJLpiTljR atoam bat ha, maaKhff, vioiet ray nd vibratory ireatmcnta for rierv ouanena. poor circulation; hrg, i( to S. iM. Clav MainNiloK. jXzZ 10 leaaona; popular aonga Immedi ately; advanced courae for playora. Hark e r i'lano Sc h oo I, .',! K i je ratij (j g . nu KLNA KOKENWK.V, druKlaa "phyV, niaaaage. batha, kldneya, conatlputlon, rheunuitjJ'm. oOX ?annma bldg. M.j,nstl. HK HUM h. of Ittt laxhlona IJetcVrou;, pecond floor l'lttock block, auila, coat, d r v a ae p. akirta, waiati, miliine r y. FKUT aoreT See Ir. Kthel A. Hmry; peIi curing nd manicuring; opon evening and Sundaya. loT H.tleigh bldg. PJLBH eta be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Lean. hc ond and r : CANCKK Want to communhatc with pcr aona afflicted with external cancer. V 3i"-K -: VVA NTKI 3 piiMngt-Ta for auto trip to Seattle, ChrLlmert4 car; leaving next week. Wooillawn JUKDU M-WKIOHT car going to Medionl bundv morning ; nKm fr 3 or 4 p nags- n gera. V 3'. trei;unian. BUl'IiKr'LLOLS hair, molea, Wt,rta remove, by lU-necdle method; trial fraa,. Joae Kin ley. 514 Bu-'h fe Isane blg. Main rt.iiH, SI K AM B A Til and maaauKe, vioiet ray and vibratory treatment, lioura. 10 to 4. 417 K CJ? n d sf- JMCILK will cure rheuinathm or niun-y hack. 4"H prkum bltlg. nri-rNK " TOY. for in r 1 y of &1 Seiinis; Htrach bid g . mov e :tott Broa d w a y b I 1 k. lklt EDA BALM, formerly cailed Bnhn of Figa:g4 K. 3:td. Hell. iri'Lt mornings. Id ALT ayrupa and aui'piiea. Boriland Bv erage Supply Cm.. 4.U Stark r--et. DOKftNTT"Tom' Dh'k or ILirry pjiy youf Ce VU?recJc,oj2ectorii. I' ltunt Jld. UOTTLKS, b.trreia, alone w re, ci-rkn. etc. r o r 1 1 n nd Beve riy g eS u i iytl".4 1S t a r k pTisTATE trouble cured without opera mn. Dr. tt. A. 1'hill ipa. BroitdwayJi.lg. AKK your o n drinka; ftr auppi mi, I'ortland Be verage Suppy Co ,JM s t u aV. LKARN beauty culture evening. Madam Curtia. M--inhU 17'J. OOlNO to Krlaco, will take pKM imi'r who wUl help pay cxpenwew. Mam(L'7. VIOLlV taurht, reaaonnhle rates. Cafl e road way 77. AK for Air. Gray.