5 THE 'MORXIXG OREGONIAX, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1921 HKI.P ITANTrD MAIE. HARD CANDY . MAN. Tha Meier Frank Comptnr requlrls tha aervlres of nn experienced man for making hard candlea Apply at one to Employment Bureau. Sixth Floor, Meier A Frank Co. SALESMEN Unusual opportunity for high grade salesmen now calling on drug, de partment and general atorea. hairdress ers anrf heaiifv narlora to rarrv a long- established and complete Una of quality hairnets and toilet preparations; exclus ive territory; commission basis, rang ing 10 to 15 per cent: eettlementa month, ly or two weeks; drawing account after four weeka. All our men now making not leas than $5000. If you have fol lowing and own automobile wrlta at etw-e for territory. Bloch Chemical Co, Inc., 18 8th ava.. N. T. TOUNO MAN!!! Taka tola tip. Tha ona beat piece In this elty to aselet YOU In finding a position Is tha Y. M. C A. Employment department. You can gel reliable Information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you neat to opportunities that you would never find through your cwu elforta alono. All young men, and especially stran gers, are cordially Invited to talk with ona of Iba aecrourlea. Boom U7. I. M. C. A. . ABB YOU TIRED OF BBINO A WAOB fLAVB! Do YOU WANT AN 1N4.IE 1'E.NDBNT 1XCOMH FOR THE COMIMi WINTER? WK HAVE AN HUNKS t AND REFUTABLE FRuPOsJTloN FOH A MAN WHO HAS FBI- ENOUGH TO GET OUT OF HIS OWN WAY AND WANTS TO WOK K. OUH MEN EARN ., r- I.' T- Tlth'IR PAY BVEHV DAY. NEAT APPEARANCE AND AGGRESSIVENESS ARE THE ONLY REQUISITES. CALL, MORNINGS, JU STOCK EXCHAXUE HLDO. OLD-LINK life Insurance company asslrua to communicate with men who are ambl tlous and willing to work bard for real success. Wa have bank connections throughout tha atata and will casr, promptly all good notea. pur supervisor will work with you fur a few days untl, you can st.nd alone. Call ' boons or write M. C. Tipton. 11M Wllcoj PIUS CKANUEKHl I 1- r. n. no. Pickers for tha big cranberry crop; families preferred; adults average about 14 day; children average about I. day. Accommodations for families; about a weeks' work. Kara $1.75. IMcklng now on. fUBTLANl) UBUR AGENCY, 1 1 x-, . . v. h nt WANTBb Hlgh-grsda linotype operators . and hand compositors; good wages and best of working conditions; 48 hours per week; open shop. Apply by letlter or wire 4-Hour league. 5on Chamber or Commerce Building, bpokana. Waahlng- ton. GOOD men can make big money Introduc Ing blgh-claM. easy selling household appliance In Fortland and suburbs; lots of prospects; liberal commission and a permanent position to man who makes good. Call IHI H-nry bldg. WANT a carpenter, plasterer, cement man. painter and wiring; take good lota as psrt pnvment for labor on bungalow at fcaet truth at. and Morrison. lnqulr on ground mornlnga bt-fore 1 P. M. GHiKtll setters 8 hours. $4.80; 5holfr setters, no office fee. $4.40; head rig ger, $5.50; burkers. $4 25. CART EH 8 EM P. AGENCY. .Mi Ankeny nt EXPERIENCED sash and door machine. Two cabinet makers. One stair builder. OREGON DOOll CO., Foot SpokaneAve. Sell wood 62. ADVERTISING solicitors; Rand McNally pocket guides, trada papers, weekly, monthly publication Clyde, 210 Stock Exchange. Branch manager wanted for H-attlc. 2J HUSKY men, used to lota walking, for survey psrty. able to handle aa and cut trail, work for a big lumber company; must havs bedding and good shoes; age 21 to 4Q years. i.an - J' muyn. WANTED First-clues shoe salesman, good salary to the right man; In applylnK give telephune number; reference. 1. M. a yherotcr. mrjnnnviur. "'r"" PRINTER-OPERATOR, should be able to make ordinary adjustments on machine and set 1.V0 lines 8 point an hour. Oraphec. Newnerg. or, WE WANT good, steady men between 19 and au for employment the year round. Inside work. Westers Cooperage Co., St. Johns mill. WAN I MD Ulijr to wore, iium u.iuvv to F. M., clerking In auto pari store; high school boy preferred. Paragon Tool Co.. Bdwy. 860. - J, NTED Cutter and chopper. Experience ne-ceeaarv; steady work, good wages. Ap ply Brownsville Woolen Miii blare, 3d ann Morrison eta. WANTED 1 shingle sawyer. 2 packers, for Grays Harbor plant. Apply 4-L, Em ployment office, 33 North 3d at., near Burnaride. WANTED One wheel boy. muni be hus tler; none other need apply: aalary 10. flee Chanalor, Lyon Co., 8th and Flan ders BtB. WANT 3 live portrait agents, men or women; new method; work here In city. Fay every night. Call 8 to 12. 463 Morrison WANTED Boy to milk and taka csre of 9 cows; must ba good milker; board, room and wages. Sellwood 1061. JVl R ST -CLASS coalmaker for country town. Steady work and good pay. Apply Det mer Woolen Co.. HI Fifth at. WaNTSD An all-around furniture man. Apply Hogg Bros.' Furniture store. Ore gon City. Or. TEACHER wanted Immediately for manual training and mathematlca. $1700. Ystes FUner Teachera' Agency, Broadway bldg Al'TI) mechanic. 10 yeara' experience, will take any work In garage or driving; beet local r efcrences. AJ '-ft, Oregonliin . MAN AND WIFE to work In small hotel at Seaside; no cooking; wagea 130 mo. Fhone Tabor X0 YOU want a permanent position, lim ited by your own efforts 7 2ui Artisans bltlg. See Hougen. WANTED Man to take charge grocery department in depsrtment store st Mon mouth. Oregon. S Hfia, Oregonlan. WANTED Flrst-clas finisher on men's coats; muflt ba able to make buttonholes. Norman Hro.. N. W. Bank bldg. I'WO-Cl'LINUKIl preea feedera wanted at once, for night shift. Columbia Paper Box Co.. E. -oth St. and Holadav ave. WANTED Experienced operator and preaser on panta. u4 GoodnouaTh bldg Main .-147, MAN TO help with forma, handle dirt, shovel concrete, handla lumber, etc. 1095 The Alameda WANT young man to learn bilking and pastry. Address P. O. Box 4JU, Port land. WANTED Boy for shipping clerk. Apply Metropolitan Hat k. Cap Co., U1V, 2ii si. ad floor oTLKMUD opportunity for man with car and ability to sell real estate; call before 10 A. M.. .11 1 Couch bldg. WANT Experienced carpenter, 3.'i day. a houri. i all evenings, phone East 17. CAHI'ENTEK to contract labor to build houae. Hll'7 The Alameda. FUR TRAi'FEU wants partner, chanan bldgJ 504 Bu- WANTED Boy to do chores; preferably one who can do some cooking. e.il. 1HHI. JCXI'ERIENCED parly, clear 4 acrea by contract. Phone Wdln. 2111 after 3 P.M. WANT houae shlng7 aa first payment oo good lot. P!. Oregonlan. MAGAZINE men call at 211 Slock z- . I - knlMtn. 'WoUl.D like mlesman with car; good mistier. -u nortrq or I rage Did g. LXI'KIUENi.'KU fur cutters, liners and op ernt'ors wanted. BIT :trt. Oregonlan. CARPENTER wanted. CaJl 44 Ablngton bldg. l'Hjij Third St. ALL-AROUND tailor wanted. Sellwood. cor. J3th and Tenlno avs. Help Want ed Saleamen. PIANO salesman, first-class man, wanted for warehouse and city seliinaj. AN 908. Oregonlsr WANTED Kalesmsn to sell Ford cars and trucks; good opening for hia;h-grade man. Talpot A Casey, Grand avs. and Kaet Ankeny. SALESMAN to cover local territory selling dealera; guaranteed salary of S 100 week for right man. The Richards Co., 2u0 5rn ave.. New york. is. r TWO MEN to assist the manager, no pre vious selling experience necessary; char acter references required. North Kldgs Brush Co., y' Artisans bldg, TWO GOOD salesmen to sell stock locally In going development enterprise. K. L. TfoVe. 113rt Northwestern Bank bldg. SALESMEN Both sexes, big money. Ex perience unnecessary. '0S block Ex change bldg. &PLENDID opportunity for man with car and ability to sell real entate; can before in .v ait i our-n oiog EXPERIENCED shoe and clothing eales- msn: not strain to work; oot of city. F J9, Oregonlan. SALEKMAN wanted who can produce large volume and accordingly large salary. AN POO. Oregonlan. WANT E D H Igh-class salesman, large In- come assured. AN D30, Oregonlan. FEW MORE live wires with cars. Every auto owner prospect. 871 10 Ih st. HELP WANTFD M ALE. ""Help Wanted Salesmen. EXCELLENT opportunity for live, ener getic salesman to work with us (not for nil on a straight commission baaia. Wa bave list of good prospecta. If y.u are a SALESMAN and can deliver the gooda. call at 313 Wilcox bldg. for par ticulars. HIGH-POWERED specialty salesman with car and money enough to buy a reason able amount of patented article he la selling csn secure an exclusive selling arrangement thai will earn him $30 a day catling on merchants. This is a legitimate proposition and only appli cants of character will ba conaldeied. AJ4l, Orcgonian SALESMEN Wa want men who have the ambition to make good as district man agers in the sale of our data-prune or chard Inveatment contracts; must first make good In tha local territory as pro ducers. See our display of dale-prunes at 349 Morrison st., or address Oregon Nursery Co., rooms 709-710 Broadway blrtg.. yortianq COTTON PIECE GOODS Saleeman ta call on retul and manufacturing trade; ex tensive Uns; good money-making oppor tunity. Give detailed Hal trade territory dealred; experience; 5 per cent commis sion. Richard Milla. 377 Broadway. New York city MAN WANTED In this locality to handla sales on world's new reversible, refut able Twlnko Broom; use of both ends of broom-corn body and re-use of han dle; big seller; exclusive; write quick. "Twlnko Broom Co., 4tttl- Bnilshole ave., Seattle.. Wanh. MANUFACTURERS' reprfsentatlve now assigning territory; Chicago, Detroit. New Orleans and other large cities open. One-at-a-tlme sanitary toothpick hold ers, sells $4; every restaurant buys. Salesmen must buy holders. clea Mr. Benson. Rh ma po hotel. SALESMEN ATTENTION. At once, an experienced auto aales man familiar with high grade cars. A man that Is a real liv wire wanted, others need not apply. Special sales proposition. Apply Standard Eight Mo- tors Co.. Park and coucn. in person WANTED Salesman or sales lady, ,10.000 a year to right party. We have 200 lots In the center of Astoria on easy terms. Expenses advanced to right parly. For particulars wrlta Sam H. Webb. Astoria. Or. WE WANT four apeclalty salesmen with cars to sell automatie auto signal, has approval of state and city official over the U. S. Men with pep can make a good Income. H.'O Morgan bldg. 1 A-l SALESMEN or solicitors with an toe. to sell established auto device to own era direct; every auto owner a pros pect. Can make from loO to 3273 per month. 20 Morgan bldg. before 11:30 A. M. Hanxllk. CAN USE TWO YOUNG SALESMEN OF GOOD APPEARANCE AND NOT AFRAID OF WOliK; GOOD PAY FOR RIGHT PARTY. CALL 310 ORJJGO NIAN BLDG., 8:30 TO 3 P. M. TERRITORY going fast, 4 salesmen will make big money selling my Una of Amesbllt Ford bodies. Call Monday between 9 and 11 and I la a S. Jobn son. Y. 31. C. A. HUMTL1NG salesmen with autos, suc cessful auto necessity. Can earn from 8130 to 2.'i0 per mo. Must be go-getters; liberal commission. O 40, Ore gonlan. WANTED AGENTS. WOMEN to sell silks In each community. Part or whole time. Good pay. No Inveatment. Oriental Silks Oo..CV3 Mar ket at., San .Francisco. Cal. HEALTH, accident and hospital insurance. Big commissions. 301 Corbett bldg. HKI.P WANTED FEMALE. SECOND cook. Institution, out, t0; 2 ex perienced waitresses, out; second cook, hospital, out; dress embroidering, experi enced; good cooks and second maid private homea, good wages; experienced child's nurse, $50; laundry and house work, no cooking, $00; cooking and housework, oul of town. Scott's Em ployment Bureau. 829 Henry bldg. MIDDLE-AGED woman to care for little girl, aged 3, during day while mother works. Reasonable wages and board. Call 122 E. 20th St. after 2 o'clock Sun duy. or from 8 to 1 o'clock Monday. DIGNIFIED woman over 23 for business opening In Vancouver; ona who has a higher and deeper Incentive than merely earning money; not aa office poaition. Q 21. Oregonlan. Ti: S MEIER ar FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of an experienced ribbon novelty maker. Apply employ ment bureau, 6tb floor, Meier 4k Frank Co. LADIES. Our ladles are averaging from $1 to $1 30 per hour; pleasant outside work; short hours: must be energetic, well groomed. 627 Corbett bldg. WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers. Chocolate Truffles Co., Grand ave. and East Stark. WOMAN cook on ranch. $4o. room and board; chambermaid, hotel. $33, room and board. CARTER'S EM P. AGENCY, 243 Ankeny St. SINGLE woman not over 33 years to take care of 2-year-old boy In own home or keep house for widower, call 220 couch St.. 9 A. M to 2 P. M. WANTED Girl or elderly lady to help In housework for two In modern home, for winter. Address Mrs. Carl Gibson. Sa lem. Or. Rt. 4. Box 87. WANT firnt-clasa saleslady for ladies' coats, suits and dresses; good aalary. Apply at once by letter or telephone. D. M. Nayberger, McMlnnvllle. Or. CAPABLE woman to taka complete charge of sanitarium ; large proposition; muni be A-l and furntah best of references, large salary. A K .:t. oregonlan. AN V GIRL, In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 3Isy falr and Alexander atreeia. Fbona Main :u.",0. DM oar. WANTED Reliable girl (high school age) to care for child of 7 years afternoona; will pay 30o and carfare; references. East 1820. WANTED A good plain lady cook for a small workmen's hotel. Apply at Bur lington Hotel, St. Johns. Portland. 720 Burlington at. LIVE wire young woman who Is really anxious to advance. Position permanent If qualifications are right. F 12, Orego nlan. WANTED Elderly woman to take care of aick woman; $2 and board. Main 4141, fter 1 P. M THE FLORENCE CH17TENTON home Is ready to help any girl In distress. 933 East G I lean. MVr car. East 310. FINANCIAL house wants telephone opera tor; must operate typewriter and wrlta legible hand. D 917. Oregonlan. WANTED Middle-aged woman, young girl to do light housework, can fi;o home nights. Y 33, Oregonlan. WOMAN to accompany Invalid going to southern California, part fare paid. Waltero. cane Glenwood hotel. ltiU.Nli women wanting employment aa telephone operators, call at room 6ol Telephone bldg.. Park and Oak streets EXPERIENCED power machine operators wanted and experienced shirt seller. Call Oregon City Woolen mllla 244 Russell st. STEADY employment for girls between 18 and 80 years of age In woodworking fac- ...... U'..l,ni Cnnnormm t ' r i, I.I... LADY to take care of ladles' checkroom Wednesday and Saturday nights. Apply 212 Washington st. WANTED For amateur night singing, dancing and talking acta ood pay. Ap- ply Manager, ftar theater. WOMEN to work on pears. Star Fruit Produce Co.. 321 E. Yamhill. GIRL wanted to pack candy; mutt have experience. Bdwy. 113. GIRL or woman wanted for help In the kitchen. 409 E. Morrison. 8tar cafe. GOOD alteration hand for tailoring. 225 Vj North 23d st WANTED Exp. operator on pants. 604 Ooodnough bldg. Phone Main 3147. LXPKR1ENCED chambermaid, 202 Flan dera. Royal Palm hotel. WANTED Ex. waltreae. No. 8 N. 3d XL, old Seattle restauranL WANTED Lady chiropractor and mas seuse; good opening. W 44, Oregonlan. WANTED Teachers for mlaelon school. Apply 170 First street afternoons. WANTED Girls to sew. Apply at ones Enke's City Dye Works. GOOD hand troner. 271 11th sL Diamond Laundry WOMAN for pants and vests, cor. 13lh and Tenlno ave., Sellwood. WANTED Chambermaid. 29 N. 4th sL, Qulmby hotel. WANTED Neat girl for office work. $10 per week. Room 1ft. 243 4 Morrison at EXPERIENCED fur liners and operators wanted. BO 42, Oregonlan. WANT girl for soda fountain. Northern Pacific Pharmacy. 3d and Morrison. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Dejt mont Reataurant. 40 6th at. N. W anted leomcwtlni. OUNG girl lor Iro use work! Good borne. Main 7272. GIRL to assiat with nousework; small family; $-0 per mo. Auto. 320-33. GIRL for general housework. CalFWood- lawn s.-ua. GIRL or women to go to .country. Broad way 2033. GIRL for cooking and genera houaework. small ramtiy. pnone r.aat iw.'o. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Main 2.10? GOOD girl for general housework and aaslat with cooking, 739 Kearney. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Maid to do plain cooking; and downstairs work: Portland Heights: maid's room has private bath; reference required. Phone Marshall 839. ' WANTED Reliable young woman for cooking and downatalra work: must be first-class cook; good wagea; perma nent: references. Main 5010. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and housework in fsmily where nurse Is kept for children; best wages; city ref- erences required. Call Main 610, WANTED A girl to care for children and assist w4th housework. Phone between the hours lO and 1. East 037. - WANTED Girl for general housework, ex perience not necessary. 833 Glenn ave. North. Woodlawn 4311. Broadway car. WANTED A middle-aged woman for light housework; 2 adults in family. Ap ply 21M College st., corner of Fifth. GIRL to aaslat light housework and chil dren; west aide, good home to right glrL Main Su.in. GIRL or woman for general housework in country; 6-room modern home, good waxes. Auto. 310-26. YOUNG single woman, housekeeper for man and 2-year-old boy; small wages and home; steady work. Call 2Jf Couch. WANTED Girl to help with 20-months-old baby, deiy time only. Fbona Sellwood :H12. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work; must be good cook and fond of Children; good wagea. Phone East 7177. WANTED Reliable hlBh school girl to assist with houaework: room and board and some wages. Eaat 34'2. WANTED Girl for general housework and part of laundry, 23. 492 E. 24th si. N. Irvlngton. EXPERIENCED nurse girl, not under 20 years. Address Box 2V, Vancouver, asn. Uive pnone pumper it any. U'JxT maid to do general housework from 2 to S P. M. Apt. 47, Trinity Place apta. Marshall 1417. ' GIRL or woman to assist with housework. A good home. 313 K. 33d. Hawthorns avenue car. RELIABLE girl or woman to assist with general housework; children. Call Tabor S422. ' WANTED An experienced girl for cook ing and downstalra work. Main 2937 or 3M Jackson st.. Portland Heights. WANTED Girl to take care of baby. 171 Tillamook St.. Tabor 8473. HFI.P WANTED MALE OH FEMALE. THE FIRST WEEK a man and wife made over $60 In commlasiona. If you are of good address, energetic, honest and out of work, why not try It? Old established concern. See Mr. Hudson or Mr. McKennt, 608 Artisans bldg. HIGH school students In all parts of the city and state to work in spare hours; big pay and bonus. Apply S 919, Orego nlan. RELIABLE party to taka orders Good year Allweaiher coats. 20 E. 6th ,N, room 4. 1 P. M. WANTED College man for athletics: some teaching. College woman for lang. and math. Call Auto. 512-13. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. DO YOU want a nice, clean business that with an inveatment of $300 full security will net you better than $23 a day? Factory representative here wants dis tributors for several counties for a real specialty, needed In every home and automobile. Any hustler can handle this. I want a man who will place a sub-agency In every town. Retail mn In California netting $23 per day and up. No oil stocks, bonds or Insurance, but a meritorious article and a winner. Call Room 215, Seward hotel. Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 to 12. Phone for appointment. Bdwy. 1594. DISTRICT MANAGER. Large corporation going to open a branch In Portland; position open for district manager; cash bond, together with gilt-edge references required; per manent position, attractive- salary and chance of a lifetime for the man who qualiftea Address Sale Director. 417 Hewes bldg., 993 Market st., San Fran cisco. WOODSAW man wanta partner, money maker. 504 Buchanan bldg. BITfATIONS WANTED MA I.E. "THE LITTLE Jobs that Dad won't do." Roofs repaired and treated. Tabor 43, Automatic 623-39. WANTED Hauling of some sort for a 1- ton truck. Address Hector Anders, Ea- tacada. Or., route 1. WANTED Work In country ahop by middle-aged all-around printer. AV 328, Oregonlan. SHINGLERS. Old or new work done by reaponelbls parties. Wdln. $r6a. HAUIJNG wanted for 2ij-ton truck, cov ered body, by day or ton, Broadway 21127. CHEF First-class- European and Ameri can experience, requires situation. C 21, Oregonlan. BRIGHT young man deairea work of any kind; experienced In office work; steady and reliable. BP 48, Oregonlan. MACHINIST, good all-around, desires em ployment; machine ahop or anything In mechanical line. A J 20. Orearonlan. EXPERIENCED man will assist around undertaking parlor. Call Main 3783. room No. 2. POSITION wanted by Japanese boy to help housework after school for board and room. Phone 518-4.V BOY WANTS Job In wholesale house: ex perienced In packing. Mar. 3399 after 6 P. M. HOUSE painting, tinting and Interior fin ishing, experienced workmen, moderate prices. Phone Main B.ipa, JAPANESE man and wife want work on farm: man Is good cook, wife will do housework. Auto 324-83. Henry Kawat. JANITOR and wife, experienced, fully able to take care steam, water and gas flt tlngs: best references. H 2.1. Oregonlan. YOUNG Filipino, who Is going to high school. Is willing to do any kind of work after srhool. tall Bdwy. 1474. YOUNG Filipino, who has had much ex perience as bus boy, needs position in restaurant or homework. Bdwy. 1474. CARPENTER, new or repair work, small Jobs promptly done; estimates cheerfully given. Tabor Mil", JAPANESE wlshei to do cooking and waahing in family, oity or country. AF 32, Oregonlan. WANTED Poaition by married man on fruit farm, or will taka contract clearing land AN 40. Oregonlan. MECHANICAL driver. careful driver, wanta to drive to California; references. Write box 142. Ore-ham, Or. WE BUILD small houses and garages and repair old ones at rock-bottom prices. 733 E. Main st. East 3.VMI. BLACKSMITH snd horseehoer wants work In town or out; will consider helper Job temporarily. aj -it. oregonlan KAN AND WIFE want work In apart ment houae or other lnalde work. AN 43. Oregonian ALL-AROUND reataurant cook. 1751 Denver ave.. Kenton. - POSITION by experienced middle-aged man. Janitor or watchman. Tabor 8779. HAULING wantod for 2-ton truck, Wdln, 1403. ! PLUMBING done very reasonably by bout or Job. Aut 235-31. ASSISTANT Janitor wlahea work; expert en cedjillorparttlmeT a bo r 4110. ROOFS painted, repaired and water proofed, flat roofa a specialty. Tabor 929. SHINGLERS When you need reshlngling done. Call Mar. 1072. HIGH school boy wants work after school. Main 13:l. Reference ROOF repairing a specialty. The man you are looking for. Woodlawn 6084. 2 CARPENTERS want work by day or Job. P. O. box 694. HOUSE painting, tinting, Inside reflniah Ing; guaranteed. Auto. 614-43. JAPANESE, experienced cook, wanta place in family Phone Main 6S17. YOUNG Japanese. 19, wanta general house work. Automatie 536-29. PAINTING and tinting, good work, rea son able. JC-ls)jenJWd In. 5414. CALL Tabor 4bo to have your old roof made new. Shingling Is my business. CARPENTER Finisher, practical, quick repairs, short Jobs. Broadway 716. Al CARPENTER builds and remodels cheap by contract, wooqiawn 126. PAPER hanging, painting, tinting. E. Ben. nett. 799 Union ave. N. Woodlawn 209. PLUMBING of all kinds. large or small Joba Eaat 4852 PAINTING. TINTING. PAPERH ANGI.NO. WORK GUARANTEED. EAST 118. TIRES vulcanized, 5 months' experience. 126 N. fltri, PAINTING. tinting. For reliable work call Main 4691. apt. 22. CEMENT and concrete, large or small Jobs contracted. wooqiawn lowa. PALNTING. tinting, papering, good work, reaaonable. Sellwood 1399. FOR BEST shingling and reaningling. call Col. 47 BRICK contractor, evarytblng in tha brick line. Tabor 8793. CEMENT WORK, all kinds, and garages; reasonable. Tabor 6o70. MIDDLE-AGED man wanta light work, room snd board. Bdwy; 1791. CHAUFFEUR Truck driver; driving lea son: repairing. Auto. 32-fM. Williams. WOOD SAWING DON E REASONABLE. TABOR 8479. EVEN LENGTHS YOUNG man wishes position aa chauffeur and mechanic. &aat sua. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. AM DRIVING through California, would hke to distribute bills or demonstrate some good article; would accept perma nent Job If aulted; experienced salesman. Address. Tuesday only, Mr. Heaaey, Hotel Medford. SHINGLING. Low prices, best material and work manship, reshlngling a specialty. Call Mitchell at Hogan. Main 7739, after 6 P. M. JANITOR, young man with several yesra experience aa third-class engineer i"1 Janitor of bank bldga.. apartments, r -ldence and other public bldga.. desires position. P. O. Box 4202, city. . DAIRYMAN, 42. with Iiva experience, wants position aa manager or foreman. Wife will bodrd the help; no children. BF 2.1. Oregonlan. CONCRETE WORK WANTED. Forms filled by yard or contract; hava mixer and equipment; ail kinds of ce- rn r n t w nK . very chra p. M 746 e v e a EXPERIENCED reliable chauffeur; beat referencea, wiahea position with private family: handy around house. B. Rosens, Eaat 6992. YOUNG man wishes to learn fountain dis pensing or will acoept bakery work of any kind; beat referencea E. 930, Ore gonlan. MAN WITH 1-ton truck would Ilka con tract or apeclal delivery hauling for reliable wholesale house in city. X 24, Oregonlan. YOUNG man. 21 yeara old. wanta work on farm or ranch; can handle team and I lx cows: good worker, iv flln. 5244 JANITOR position wanted In apt. houae; experienced. Letter address, Agglngton, 166 1MB st. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. HOTEL CLERK, man with long experience and training in office work and as sales man, wanta employment at clerical work in hotel. Phone Marshall 1870. or ad dreas V 901. Oregonlan. - WANTED By married man. anything In accounting, collections, expert book keeping; banking experience. K 22, Ore gonlan. BOOKKEEPER wants set of books to keep nights; audits and financial slate ments made. AJ 16, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer with book keeping knowledge wants position. BC 22. Oregonlan. YoUNG man. 32. 15 years' general office experience; slso d rive auto. Wdln 1764. Salesmen. SALESMAN wishes position. 2 years with last employer: no house-to-house work cniuridered. What have you to offer? AR 1. Oregonlan. SALES promoter, covering largest cities in the States, would like to handle some product direct for manufacturer. IN 908. Oregonlan. SITrATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Poaition by two middle-aged widows, cooks in logging camp for men. or cook and housekeeper In private fam ily, on as conk and downstairs work, one for upstairs work; good with chil dren: best of referencea 204 First at., Hanthorn hotel, second floor, room 10. AM AN elderly woman, want a quiet place as h. k. or companion, or any light work: will take day work or care of children. BF 9. Oregonlan. RESPECTABLE widow with boy 14 years wlshea to keep house for widower with family. Write to Mrs. J. Baker, 415 Van couver avenue. Portland. Or. YOUNG lady dc-alres position In doctor's or dentiat'a office, with eome knowledge of typing: experienced in meeting the public, call Bdwy. -uoo. GIRL wants work mornings or evenings, or both, except Saturday morning: will work Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Call Tabor 953, mornings. RELIABLE lady wishes day work on Wednesday. Phona . 3862. Mrs. Thompson, EXPERIENCED cashier and checker, rapid and accurate, wanta position: a, bo under- atand pantry work, call Main ii'm. EXPERIENCED women capable of taking charge of apartment bouse for own avt. and amall salary. P. O. box 40113. city. A RELIABLE colored woman wanta day work; laundry, cleaning, putting up fruit. Broadway 2112.', LACE AND SiLK SCRIM AND MAR. QUISETTE CURTAINS dona up ilka naw Will call. East 8518. YOUNG lady with her father wishes to care for child at her home; best refer ences. E 928, Oregonlan TWO COLORED women would like clean ing offices evenings by Oct. 1. Call after 6 P. M. Reference. Bast 1337. WANTED by woman, day work. 8:30 to 4:30; also practical nursing. Phone Wdln. 5613. 709 Patton ave. GIRL desirous of learning business rou tine, wanta poaitloa aa office glrL Phone Col. 1430. WANTED Cooking for amall crew or will accept housekeeping where can take amall baby. 2Q6V 1st L. room 22. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wantt housecieanlng, washing, other work. Good work guaranteed. Wdln. 6305. INEXPERIENCED girl wanta poaition in office, aasistant bookkeeper, miewering phones and typing. rell. 2.I4H. WOMAN wanta cleaning, laundry, by day or hour. Main 8122. COLORED lady wishes day work, morn lng work or chambermaid. Wdln. 8439. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED, 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST C199. WOMAN wishes day work. Automatic 620-:i WANTED Day work t,r chambermaid. Phone Broadway 2649. DAY WORK Experience washing and cleaning. -Main nil.i. Apt, o. WOMAN wanta work by hour; Wednesday, Thursday. East lt49. room 6. WILL care for children while parents axa away. References. Woodlawn lull. DAY WORK WANTED. AUTOMATIC 61.-I-43. LADIES want afternoon or night work. Phone Tabor 9449. LADY Second cook. In hotel or restau rant kitchen. W 47. Oregonlan. WOMAN wanta day work Tuesday. Broad, way 3540. room 19. Bookkeepers, ritenugrapliem, Offlca. CAPABLE young lady wants position as bookkeeper or aasistant and tvplat. No shorthand. Experienced in flra Insur ance, wholesale and other lines. Tabor 2582. EXPERIENCED stenographer with some knowledge of bookkeeping wanta tem porary or permanent position; capable of doing general office or secretarial work; references. Tabor 3182. BOOKKEEPER A STENOGRAPHER. 5 yeara' experience in ahlpplng, whole sale and manufacturing; have held re sponsible position. Best referencea Phone East 1276. BOOKKEEPER Experienced Burroughs or Klllot-Flsher machines; rapid, ac curate; not merely an operator. A J 32, Oregonlan. COMPETENT stenographer and book keeper wishes a part-time poaition: 6 years' experience; excellent referencea. F 32. Oregonlan. YOUNG lady, experienced bookkeeper and typist, wants work. Permanent pre ferred. Best references. Sellwood 3721. LADIES' TAILOR Will cut patterns any faKhion; great aatlaf action guaranteed. 24-" oth at YOUNXl woman wishes office work of any kind, greatly in need of work. Phone East 5309. GIRL attending buaineas college would like office work afternoons and Satur days. Eaat 1106 after 8 P. M. POSITION desired as bookkeeper and typist; 3 years' experience; reference Tabor 1137. INSURANCE stenographer, thoroughly ex perienced, deslrea position. AN 15, Ore gonlan STENOGRAPHER, law. secretarial execu tive; excellent credentials Mar. 333. COMPETENT stenographer desires poai tlon. Tabor 1699. STENOGRAPHER with two months' expe rlence wiahea poaition. Call Wdln. 2475. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKER, designer; your Ideaa and mine will meet with your satisfaction; perfect fit guaranteed. Broadway S24L Madame Rosen. 304 Globe bldg. WILL make winter dresses and coal a also remodel and rellne coats and dresses, all sewing dona reasonably. Phona Broad way 4976. I WILL do dressmaking and ladies' tailor ing at my old address, 8S10 62d St., S, E. Auto. 638-27. Mrs. L. E. Myers. run GLAD SHOP Dressmaking, remod eling; new fall styles: moderata prlcea Main 3354. 1001 Broadway bldg. SMART FROCKS for Junior and school girl. Expert work at moderate prices. Phone East 7215. HIGH-CLASS dreaamaking. hematltchlng. Riley A Clinton. Merlin apta. Mar. 2377. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and altera tions reaaonable. 422 4 MorriBon. rm. 2. DRESSMAKING, coata. fura rellned. Aak for Dreaamaker. Main 2222. BILK dressed a apeclalty: Prlcea reason a ble. 422 S Morrison, room 6. upstairs. LELAH HUTCHINS on gowns. 902 Broad way bldg. Phone Main 17M8. SEWING at home or by the day. 787 East Main St. East 8143. HEMSTITCHING, bo yarn. 100 Broadway blds Main i478. DRESSMAKING, reaeonab'e, home or day. 1159 Mall St. Sellwood 3603. DRESSMAKING by the day, satisfaction guaranteed. tapor ia.'-i WILL design or make any type of wear ing apparel. Call Broadway 9HH. ifiAfbKli'.t.r.u areaamaaer anu taiiorea I rata. Mrs. Hoaycburcb. Bdwy. 315. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Nnrsea. GRADUATE nurse would like position In small hospital, capable taking entire charge: references. BC 23, Oregonlan. ri'ACTICAL nurse, experienced, would like cas-; maternity preferred. Wood lawn l.VV PRACTICAL nurse, ref. given; will care for children, elderly or aeml-lnvallda in my own home, labor 2aa. TRAINED nurse will taka all kinds of cases except maternity: price $21 per week. East 849. room IS PRACTICAL nurse would like more ma- ternlty cases. Broadway 3083. NURtB takea maternity lan-a In her home. Best care. Reasonable. E. 808. WANTED Practical nursing, by day or week. Marshall 2.',.3. TRAINED nurse takes all kinds of cases; reasonable terms. Mar. 3 49. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good cook, house keeper for couple employed or club of men: competent. Main 3.-128 REFINED German lady, short time In thla country wishes position as governess or housekeeper. O 43. Oregonlan. POSITION by experienced houaekeeper In modern borne; preferably where thera are 1 or 2 children. Marshall 2660. Domestics. EXPERIENCED reliable young lady wanta cooking where second girl 1 kept. Auto matic 819-74. Houaeclcanlng. HOLSECLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel cleaning; f.oors waxed, fur niture polished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSECLEANINQ SERVICE. 188 Chapman SL phona Main 1137. WANTED TO BENT. Uouaee. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us: quick results and good tenanta. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 63 Fourth at., Opp. Multnomah Hotel, Phone uroaqway j.ie. LIST your bousea and fiata with us for rent. We have many daily calls for them in all parte of the city. PARKISH. WATK1NS CO.. 252 Stark St- Main 1644. A CAREFUL, conscientious family of i want to rent unfurnished 6-room house by October 13; lrvlngtou district pre ferred. East 38.TJ. WANTED To rent any time curing nexi 60 daya, house In good condition, on west side; references fuxniained. BF IM. Ore gonlan. C-ftOOM modern, good dlatrlct, furnished . , , , 1 , 1 . , a: 1 : 1 ,,.a Or UIII UIIIIBliru, uu u , ,. ,.. Woodlawn 5757 WANT to rent. S-room modern bouse with garage. In good district, Oct- 1; perma nent; referencea Phone Tabor 8832. WANTED To rent small furnished bunga low. Sellwood 3485. Apartments. WANTED Three or four-room furnished apartment or flat, deelra something nice. First-clasa references and permanent. East 004. Rooms. REFINED Japanese gentleman wanta room In private family.. T. Shlmasakl, care Suzuki Ac Co.. Board of Trade bldg. am. Kooms With Hoard. WANT a good home In refined family or widow'a home, preferably near Fern wood school, for my boy of 8 yeara; 1 will pay liberally for right parly. O 873, Oregonlan. GOOD, honest boy, going to high, school, wishes to obtain room and board and work for half of ssme; must be good home; referencea If desired. AJ S4, Ora gonian. BUSINESS woman desires room and board in private family, west aide; Protestant; kindly give particulars and phone; ref erences exrhangea. E 826, Oregonlan. WANTED Two rooms and board In pri vate family. Irvlngton district, by couple and daughter; first-class references and permanent. East 6K4. Housekeeping Booms. ELDERLY business man wanta sleeping room, kitchenette and bath In quiet, well-heated house with or near garage. Would prefer west side suburbs. Refer ences exchanged. S 923. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. SLEEPING room, one and 2 apta 635 Washington at. No children. Furnished KUioma. CLASSY. MODERN, STEAM-HEATED. LARGE, LIGHT. BEAUTIFULLY FUR NISHED ROOMS, $3 WEEK AND UP; TRANSIENTS $1 AND UP. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH. SPECIAL KATES TO TWO IN ROOM. NICB ENOUGH FOR ANYBODY. THE BAKER HOTEL. 2654 STH 8T. MRS. RHINE PKTER8ON, PROPRIETRESSES. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST BIDE HOTEL. BAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST 6TH. OUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. It 21 PER DAY. $6 PER WK. AND UP CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT OARAOE3 CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderata priced rooms for young men In all parts of the city, including rooms at the central Y. M. C. A.., with telephone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. NETHERLANDS HOTEL. 126 mth St.. at Washington. New MaiTagement Newly Renovated, Fireproof, attractive, spotless rooms with or without bath. $4 week up, $1 day; close to business center. AVSnvlA HIITKL 124 14th at at Washington. Ratea 84 per week up. $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, closa to amusements and shopplnf center. A.NOULA HOTEL. 123 Washington street. Larga lobby, automatic elevator, phone and running water In each room, rooms with or without bath, $5.50 per week up: excellent home-cooked meala next door. no 1 Ci,S. ROWLAND, ANNEX, MARYLAND. VIRGINIA. 170 gueat rooms, 207V.-211S 4th St. Ratea 73c, $1 per day. Wltb pain, eifu u,j F. TA1T HOTEL All outside rooms, best $1 day hotel In cl-.y; rooma $4 to $7. and with bath $3 to $10 pjr week; pleaaant lobby. Automatic elevator. 12ih and Stark. NICELY furnished front, room, fireplace and stove heat, hot and cold water. Lady mav have privilege of doing light house keeping. Referencea required. - 244 11th street. HOTEL. HARDING, 88 Grand ava.; steam beat, hot and cold water In rooma, clean and respectable plaua. $3.50 and up. SINGLE or double rooms at moderate price. Special weekly rate; modern con veniencea. Empress hotel, ttlb and Stark. WASHINGTON llUTBU J2TH AND WASHINGTOW STS. Attractive rooms and suitea at reason able rate by week or month. THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th. cor. Alder. A RESPECT A BL1A down-town BOTBU Bates 6c up. Private balai $& Special rates by week or month. HOTEL CONRAD1NK. 22 North 10th St.. 2 blocks north of Waahlngton St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at vary reasonable rates by day or week. " EUCLID HOTEL. 578 Washington, at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooma, private batha Rates to perinanentguesta Bdwy. 26V2. LOVELY furnlfhed room with and with out bath, also furnished housekeeping room lor ladies employed. School teach ers dealred. Mar. 2o30. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington ana otn bta Special permanent ratea 1 LARGE houaekecplng room, 1 large aleeping room; free heat, phone, light; close In. Main 7408. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventn St.. near Morriaon: clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable ratea lauibL oCKLEY, Morriaon au. al lota. $1 day. weakly $5 and up. Free phone and batha Light and airy. HOTEL BARK. it N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot. $1 per dsy. 13 per week and up. BENTON HOTEL, corner of" Broadway, antranc on Alder. Clean rooma at' popular i'- "MARLYN HOTEL. 17TH AND COUCH. Large, attractive, modern rooms by week or month: ratea reasonable. $0c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths tree. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson. BUCKINGHAM hotel. 6524 Wash, sL V rooms, free phone, bath, reasonable. A PLEASANT ROOM. board If desired. 371 Sixth at. NEWLY renovated rooms reasonable. 95 Vk 13th st. N. Phona Broadway 8385. ROOM and garage on the west aids. $16 a month. Call Main 4782. FURN ROOMS. GENTLEMEN, FINE LO CATION. 54 N. 16TH. NEAR WASH. $4 TO $5 COSY rooms for gentlemen; ru n nlng water, shower. 59 Trinity place. FurnUhed Rooms In Private. Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, hot and cold watev, steam heat; roflned home. 215 14th st DESIRABLE front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. 269 Clay. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms: bot and cold water. 269 & Fifth street. WELL furnished front room, good loca tion, for gentlemen. 231 10th. FURNISHED rooms for rent; references 430 Broadway. NEWLY furnuahesd front room, can bo arranged for h. k. East 840. 269 14TH ST. Choice room, tuodern con v sciences; walking distance. Main SsltA, FOR BENT. Furnished Kooms in private Family. TWO WELL furnished front corner rooms. 1 with twin beds; large closets, good heat, plenty hot water, strictly private family; no other roomers. Nob Hill district; gentlemen; references. Mar. 8891. BEAUTIFUL room In private home: twin beda, parlor, piano, home convenler.cea cloae in; congenial young man wishes roommate. 61 N. 18th at. Broadway 2721. GOOD clean room. 403 Broadway, west aide, for young working woman; kitchen conveniencea. $12. other rooma, $12 and $14. . FURNISHED front room enillable for two; three larga windows, large closet, heat, light and phone furnished; breakfast If desired. Tabor 8846. ' ROOMS and board for 2 In cultured home, Mt. Tabor district; ladles preferred. Ca.i between 1 and 0 o'clock Sunday. 45 E. 62d North. DESIRABLE room with home privileges In exchange for teaching a child to sing Protestant; referencea exchanged. Eaat 6931. LARGE, comfortable rooma, nicely fur nished, suitable for two: home con veniencea walking distance; breakfast if desired. Automatic 518-76. CLOSE IN. for two, attractive and desira ble room with connecting bath, twin beda. Also serve breakfast. 409 Clay st. Main 2228. FOR RENT Two beautiful furnished front rooms with birdseye maple bed room suite. 736 Kearney st,, or call Marshall 3932. . FURNISHED raim with private entrance, open fireplace, real homelike; walking distance: also asleeolna norch. auita- ble for a gentleman only. 331 W. Park FIRST floor of my home, 3 large rooms, pantry, well furnished and clean; quiet neighborhood; gaa. llghta, water;. $25. Brook Ivn car. 014 E. th st. S. NoB HILL, large rronl room, fireplace, 1 Vi blocka from G. S. hospital; kitchen privileges. Main 7 SUB. DESIRABLE room for geniieman. with or without aleeping porch; west side. 784 Petf grove. NoB HILL district, beautifully furnished room, every convenience, walking dis tance. Marshall 1980. NICELY furnished rooms, with or with out board. 669 Union ave. N. East 3iu3. WAUNITA rooms, 383 YamhllL By day cr week; steam heat; ru under new man- agement. Mar. 1322. THREE first floor front rooms, well fur nished for housekeeping. 496 Clay sL, near 14th. weat side. BEAUTIFUL large rooms in attractive Irvlngton home; business woman; ref e re n c pa. Eaat 6336. NICELY furniehed bedroom with running water, modern home, walking distance. East 2143 after 6 P. M. ROOMS for 2 or 4 gentlemen In desirable home and location. 300 Ev 22d SU S. Referencea Eaat 1223. 1HVINGTON Beautiful room and break faat, $35; one block from car and Braxee st., near club. Eaut 419. COMFORTABLE steam-heated room for gentleman. Very convenient. &04 Couch st.. apt. J, NEWLY furnished rooms, hot and cold .water In every room; nil modern con venlences. Call Main 2436. 1 PARLOR, dressing room, sleeping porch and garage; gents; ref.; west side. Broadway 4329. FULLY furnished corner room, select neighborhood: gentleman only; no chil dren, wdln. asoi. NICE clean outside room, light, bath and phone; ateam healed; close in. i49 Washington, bet, lllth and 17th. LARGE. well-furnlahed aleeping room, private apartment: large closet, steam heat, phone: west side;. 320. Main loou. LARGE, airy room, beautifully furnished in a lovely private home, suitable for 2 young men. Cloae In; 71 Trinity place. FURNISHED, modern, with or without board; good car service. 390 KllUnga- w orth. ' ROOMS for 2 or 4 gentlemen In desirable home and location. 300 E. 22d at, S. References. Eaat 1223. CLEAN, pleasant, aunny room. $10 per month. Tabor 8846. GENTLEMAN accustomed to refined home, near Mult, club Call Main 6o02. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HO YT ST8. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEIa, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the beat known residential be tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up, ratea by day or month. Meals served to tranalenta. WHITEHALL HOTEL, SIXTH AND MADISON. Under new management, thoroughly renovated, high-class family hotel rooma, en suite or single, ivith or with out board, for families and business men and women at reasonable ratea Come and make your home with ua ROOM and board in fin home, nicely furnished, steam heated, outside rooms, good meals, home conveniences, garage, etc.; especially suitable for married couplea, families, or two girls or men wishing to share room: reaaonable rates. E. 2oth st- Phone East 7:tM. NORTOMA HOTEL, Portland downtown high-class family bote); rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for famlltea and business men and women. We give you all tha comforts of a boma Reasonable rales. ROOM and boat d for bualness girls: all modern conveniencea: walking dlstanee; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 B. 7th sL MARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL for busi. neaa girls at moderate ratea 8&4 lot St. Marahall 1251. . 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. Choice rooma and board; modern conveniencea; walk Ing distance. DINNERS Soc at the Soule, cooked like mother cooked. 11 11th it. Rooms With Board In 1TI vate Family. HAVE a good front room, clean, light and fileasant,, good board with home prlvl eges, for young lady or gentleman em ployed. Price reasonable. Phone Sell wood 2203. IKVINGTON ELEGANT DOUBLE ROOM. SINGLE ROOMS. FIREPLACE. GA RAGE. LAUNDRY PRIVILEGES, EX CELLENT HOME COOKING. EAST 6645. ROOM and board In private family for young lady employed during the day. For partlculara phona Tabor 4748 at 12 M. IRVINGTON Strictly modern room with or without aleeping porch. 1 block from Broadway car on 22vl ; breakfast and dinner if dealred. AK 952. Oregonlan. EXCELLENT room and board, $8 a week; cloae in. west side. 320 Montgomery st. Main 5370. - ROOM and good board, home privileges; prefer ona or two young men. Phone East 19-':l. 233 Eaat 15th. corner Main. LADY living alona having a large at tractive home would like one or two people to room and board. Wdln. 3'Ml FURNISHED room, newly papered: fur nace heat; walking distance; wttn or without board. . Phone Main 1106. LARGE, nicely furnished rooms, with board In private family: beautiful loca tion. Phone Woodlawn 471W. NICELY furnished room with board suit able for two. $33. per month. 305 Hal- y St.. near Union ave. PLEASANT rooms, furnace heat, light, bath, phone, home comforts, Ba like one of the family. East 8443. IKVINGTON Attractive home wishes two business people for room and 2 meala East 6402 ROOM and board for neat and clean man or woman; references exchanged. Tabor 4fl"fl. EMPLOYED couple desiring room and two meala a day In Laurelhurat, $50 per mo. each. Call 233-21. ROOMS with board, home cooking, splen did home atmosphere, good car aervlce. 712 E. Taylor, or call Aut. 212-37. ROOM, with or without board, for 2 ladies employed, or man and wife. Wdln. 5612. ROOM and board with young couple; Irv mgton and Broadway car; private bath. Call Eaat 1231. A LADY at her ow-n home would like to take care of an elderly Invalid; lady or gentleman. Main 8436. BOARD and room for 2; getitlemen pre ferred: widow's home. 32 2d st. LAKGti front room, suitable tor 3; niodera home. 770 Irving. Mar. 4410. BOARD and room, children, responsible. M r. Baldence. McMlnnvllle, Or. ROOM with board for 2 gentlemen. 533 East couch, fcaat 'r.iv. CHILDREN boarded for $2.50 per week. Phone Bdwy. 4211. WILL board one or two amall children In private home reasonable, -"all Sell. 2 i3. LARGE room on firat floor and board reasonable. 120 N. 18th St. ROOM with breakfast for young man; references. Auto. 310-06. NICE room with good board for two; reasonable; Nob Hill district. Main 4121. Furnished Apartments. CHETOPA APTS. One 3-room and one 2 room apartment for rent. Bdwy. 4:ul. MODERN, front, two-room, reasonable. 414 4th. NirE clean modern 2-room apt. 30 N 19th St.. near Waahlngton. FOUR rooms, modern. 2 bedrooms, pri vate bath and phone. 561 Gllsan. NICELY furnished 8 and 4-room apt., all outside, Bdwy. 2071. ARDMAY TERRACE, 393 12TH ST. Large, light, front two-room apt, COMPLETE furnishings. 4-room apt. for sale ; w. a. apt. Main 4128. 2-ROOM apartment, walking distance. Marshall 824. i LARGE corner room, running water, gaa. wall furnished; adults. Eaat aoM. FOR RENT. Furnliied Apartments. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished apartments. 1 to 5 rooma. with sleeping porch, in resi dential district. We hsve the very hsnd somest furnished apartmenta In the city: white enameled woodwork. Ivory willow furniture. Chinese rugs, pongee nangtnga, exceptionally clean and modern; also for refined gent.'emen or Isdles. bachelor suitea and rooms with and without bath; permanent and transient; references re quired, let St, Clalr, corner of Wash ington. LARGE, LIGHT. WARM. CLASSY. MOD ERN FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM APT., $00 MONTH Suitable for two to four peraona; iovelv furniture and all conven iencea; first-class Janitor services guar anteed. No better apartments than these In all Portland at any price. THE COLUMBIAN, 11th and Columbia. THIS is a beutlful 4-room, very nicely furnished apartment In Immaculate con dition; old ivory enamel finish, steam heat. Janitor service and telephone serv ice included; adults. The Meda apart ments, 377 Vancouver ave. Just across the Broadway bridge, Vii block uorth of Broadway. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sta Flva minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store, good surroundings, atrlctly mod em 2 and 3-room furnished apta, out side with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. THE JACKSON. Sltt Union Ave. North. Tt ree-room apta.. $30 and $40; prt ate bath, atram heat, hot and cold water, phona aervlce; 13 mlnutea' walk to 3th and Alder. Rose City car. Eaat 2846 BIRMINGHAM APARTMENTS. 390 Twelfth it, near Hall, modern 2. 8 and 4-room apartments. Will have a vacancy today. Fhone Main 8279 before 12 noon. ELM WOOD APTS. Completely furnished. 2 and 3-room apta, in first-class apt. house: new V illon rugs. Period furniture. ?35 and $75. Adulta. 413 10th. Main Ofino. KINGSBURY APT. 1S Vista ave. A nicely furnished 8 room apt., with two disappearing beds and a nice large balcony. Call Main 3-s.. From $7 ,'j0 ug THE ST AN FIELD. Modern outside 2-room apta Light, Beat, phone, laundry facilities, e20 aoo $22 30 Main 7392. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner loth and Salmon. 2, 8 and 4 room apts. ; permanent or transient; slrn single rooma Main 6041. HAWTHORNE APARTMENTS, lively outside 8-room modern fur- nlshed apt. with 2 disappearing beds and private balcony. 2.1I 12th St. 5 COM PLETELY furniahed apartments; one cozy basement room where a man could batch. $2.50 a week. 407 Co lumbia. SUBLET FOR SIX WEEKS. Beautiful furnished 6-rooms and sleeping porch; outside corner apt. Will sublet to adulta for 6 weeks. Mar. 2830. BEAUTIFUL apartment with fireplace; sleeping porch, suitable for 3 or 4 young men. Vacant Oct. 1. 61 North 18lh. Broadway 2721. CUMBERLAND APTS. Two-room furnished apt.. outside rooms, newly tinted andjenameled; walk ing distance. West Park and Columbia. WICKERS 11 A 31 APTS. Six rooms, three bedrooms completely furnished; walk ing dlatance. Rent $110. BD 8, Orego nlan. 8-ROOM furniahed apt., private bath, steam heat, phone, front apt. East 3611. THE AI.TAMONT. One beautifully arranged 8 and 4-room apartmenta. with braaa beda at reaaon- nhie rent: adulta only. 304 College. THE CHELTENHAM 4-room apt.,' un usually well furnished, all outside rooma 19th and Northrup, Bdwy. 8658. COMPLETE apt. In high-class resldenra Near Jefferson high. 1034 Williams KINGS HILL APTS. Nlca four-rm. furnished apt. 5744. THREE-ROOM front apt . wlth private hath, light, water and phone, $30. 882 E Ash. BUSH MARK. Wash., cor. 17th., modern, steamheated 1 and 2-room apta Sleep- lng rooms It WK. up. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS Two and three-room, strictly modern; elevator, tile bath. Main 339. HOUSMAN APTS. Large 3 or 4-rm,. all outside, closets, aleeping porch; extra well furnished. Main 1332. 780 Hoyt. pi.kasant 3-room apta, well furniahed: ail outside rooma; $30. The Arcadia, 706 Everett. THE JEFFERSON! AN, 16th and Jefferson sta. 3-room suiiea. large rooma, mieij f u rn Is h ed ; liaual conven., mod, ratea. ALICE COURT Eaat 8th Burnslda; newly decorated. 3 rooma fireplace, phone. Ivory woodwork. 2 beda. Eaat 8306. NICELY furniahed 3-room and balh. Call before 10 A. 31. 282 Beech st. Williams ave. and Beerh MARSHALL APARTMENTS Attractive 3-room iront apartment, o-a juarsnaii st. Broadway 3S..1. CLEAN 2 and S-room apt. for working people, bachelors or couples, $12 to $23. 414 19th st. MEREDITH 3 rms, modern, walking dis.. free phone, low rates. 22d and Wash- In gtnnjlmo!; FOUR rooms, dresalng room and bath steam heat; completely furnished: walk ing distance; $17. 30. Marshall 32611. 31 ER LIN APARTMENTS. Broadway and Grant: nice 2-room furnished apt., $23 mo. Mar. 426. AUDITORIUM COURT Three rooms, two d isaPPearing Pens, icifpnone. .i.t I ,iq si. MORTON APT. 3-rm. furnished apt., 697 Washington st. wain ionj. 6 AN MARCO. K AST 8TH AND COUCH 3-ROOM .liuuin.i aria. r..A a 1 lunu 1.1-DAY STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2443. &EW yoHK apartment, furniahed; and Belmont East 238. BUKNA VISTA 134 Harrison Flrst-olass 2 and g-rm. apta Main iuox. UNION AVE, and Kllllngaworth; fur. ape 2 BO: all comoieie: concreie punqinga 4-ROOM front apt., clean, modern, 21st I rvin g. Irving apta. main a.au. 8-ROoM turn. H. K. apt. Clean, walking distance, pnone Main i.-.'u. THE PENROSE. Grand ave. at Belmont Choice 2-room apt. Eaat 4348. FURNISHED Broadway -room apartment, 273 St LARGE living room, kltrhen and bath outalde apartment. 333 Hall. Main 7375 SUITE 2 rma., large, airy, pleasant, newly fitted. Call noon oraiierai. ii.te Morrison Lnfuru'aned Apartments. HIGH-GRADE duplex apartment. rooms, hlirhlv desirable location, walking dis tance west side, no carfare; references required. Sea Wakefield, Fries A Co, CUMBERLAND APTS. Three-room apartment, facing the park, large ba- wlndowa. newly tinted and enameled; walking dlatance. Main 106. UNFURNISHED 4-room apartment for rent. $35 per month. Apply Janitor, Caruthers apartmenta. 212 Caruthers st. CHOICE corne' apt., 17th and Tillamook. Rent $loo per mo. F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 C or i.. niog. aiam .yv-v. 6 LARGE, outside sunny rooma: hardwood door, porches, heat and yard. Ca.l Main ''" Northrup. , IONIAN COURT. 18th. Couch: 4-room mod ern front corner apartment, oioew in a d u : ta. rnone urosuway , i m S ROOMS, sleeping porch, semi-modern ; no furnace; large grounds,, garage: $3o. 2:;0 Shaver t. Phone Auto. 227-16. POKTI.AND HEIGHTS I rooma modern, suitable for buelneaa couple. AM 19, Oregonlan GARF1 ELD 3-room, sleeping porch, rea- aonable. 361 Falling bldg. W. Union. THE AMERICAN, modern 3-room apart- ent. Bdwy. .1.11H1. 4-ROOM steam-heated apartments, mod ern, $35. .Mam i MOKDAUNT 5 Everett, large modern 4 rooms, nomeiiae. come nt 'iiiftiv. FIVE rooms, modern, steam heat, gas stove. 361 Gllsan. Furnished crl ntumlahed Apartmenta. i FURNISHED and unfurnished apts sin gle housekeeping rooma, $15 and up; hot and cold water, ateam heat, electric lights. Thone aervlca free. Broadway 264. Lawn Apartment JAEGER APTS, "01 Washington at, one 4-room furnished; alao one 4-room un furnished. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th st, near Taylor. Mar. 128. 5-room furnished and unfurnished apta SHEFFIELD apta.. Broadway and Jeffer son; nice 4-room furnished or unfur- niahed spt. 1 lata. MARRIED couple or 2 gins to share beau tiful flat; home comforts. West aide. 551 Tavlor. eojs MODERN 4-room lower floor, sult- able for 2; walking distance. 628 Eaat Main LOWER modern 5 rooma. In 2 flat bldga, clean, garage, etc Cor. E. Main and lhth. $;,5 DESIRABLE large big porch, good view, 5-room flat at 179S Vi E. Morriaon. Call before 1 P. M. MODERN upper flat, easy walking dla tance from center of city. Phono Eaat 4L'fVV $15 PER MONTH Five new, clean rooms, with bath to man and wife who will board two men; no children. Main 1207. 6-ROOM modern, beat location. 173 10th. bout. Intjuir FOR RENT. Plata. TWO NICE FLAT3 FOR RENT. Not. 391 and 39.'!. 16th at, betwae-a Montgomery and Hall: 3 and T rooms. Rents $45 and $05. Strong A Co.. 60S Cham, of Com. FOR RENT OCT 1 New, modern Bat. 4 rooms. $60; 751 K. Burnside st. . sea owner, 747 E. Burnside St., cor. E. .2d. Phone East 8414. . NICE 5-room Irvlngton flat for rent to people without children; ground snd building have good care; rent $15. Phone mornings, E 1761. FOR RENT 5-room lower flat, modem, with sleeping porch. 445 E. 80th it, $45 per month. J. L. Wella Co., 501 Gasco hldg. 5 ROOMS, garage, modern, close In, east aide. See owner, 79 E. 19th au N, cir. E. Everett, Sunday all day, after P. M. weekdaya. 6-ROOM flat, walking distance; nlca vlev; fireplace, furnace. 8M 16th st, S Montgomery Available Sept. 22. Vlnney. FOR RENT 3 -room flat, gaa, bath atd electricity. 103 Beech street. TH KEE-ROOM flat, modern, no cnlldrej. 51m East 22d street south. Furnished Fiate. NICELY" furnished large front room. be. room, kitchen and bath; modern. $41, Including heat and phone: walking dis tance: adulta only. 533 Taylor near Chapman. ALL NEWLY painted and tinted, furniahed, flat with piano, on main floor, and ga rage, at 804 East 12th North. IRVINGTON Large 2 room lower flat, private bath, dresalng room. clot,et and pan t ry. East lo-'O. 4l:l E. 13th art, N. FURNISHED upper flat, and basement; adults. Wdln. 29.-.11 , 4 rooma.1 balh 162 E. 8th t, N. FIVE large rooms and hath, beautifully furnished, cloae to carltne. g-iod loca tion. KMtH Eaat lMh St. north. CtiMPLICTKI.Y furnished rlat, 6 room and bath, fireplace, furnace: 10 mln. to busl- not center. Bdwy. 1294. 3 30 to 8 P. M. FOR SALE The furnishings of a 3-room flnt. n. bargain, flat for rent. S68. Brontlway. $45 MO. 4-ROOM furnished flat, garage, 827 Buxton St., near E. 28th and Gllsan. Call IMI4 4-RooM furnished flat, llghta, phone and water, walking dlatance. Call evenings, Knst 70111. $25 COZY flat for two. private bath, sleeping porch, walking dlstauce, block to car. East 3520. 4-ROOM furnished fiat, with bath; adult only. East 3070. NICELY furnished five-room lower flat. Furnace. 4s:t East Couch St. 4-ROOM furnished flat. Main os.lti 203 Hooker at. NICELY furnished small flat, close In; permanent, reliable tenants. East 2209. 4-hoo.l furnished lower flat; adults. 2U0 Fargo atreet. East 4707. , Housekeeping Rooma. FURNISHED H. K. rooma l.room with kltchanetta, hot and cold water, prlvata phona, electrlo lights, steam heat, flva minutes' walk to town. 291 Columbia, near Fifth. NEAT, clean, 2-room apt.. $6 ekly; unny well nrefer two bOVI em ployed; large, bay window; 2-room apt, clean furnished, large enough for four, $30 monthly. 170 loth st. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marahall Fur nished H. K, rooms, $11 up. Including hot wster. eieotno ngnis. lauuuij , num. vii-i.' arn.room mnla. : el . ohnne and bath; $2U and $22.30 mo.; alao alngle aleeping room. $12 mo. 4m Union ave, 2 NICELY furn. front housekeeping rooma. every convenience. 848 Clay st. Main S4..9. 1 2 AND S-ROOM furn. H. K. apartmenta Clean, reasonable. 194 Lownsdale. cor. Taylor. . 2 AND 8-ROOM steam-heated furniahed apartments, $28 to $32 month. 402 H 3d street. , CLEAN furn. or unfurn. h. k. apts; hot and cold water In rma. Bdwy. 3011. $3 WEEK UP, completely furniahed h. k. suites. The Cadillac. 3d neaj Jefferson, ONE AND 2 furnished h. k. rooms, heat, light, bath, reaaonable. 170 13th st. FRONT room and kitchenette, atngla rooma. w arm, convenient. 0,'i.'i Flandera LARGE room and kitchenette; electrlo light a, furn a ce heat. 627 Ta ylor St. TH REE-ROOM furnished housekeeping a pertinent. $6 per week. 350 14th at, NICELY furnished two-room apL 291V4 Morrison. 2-ROOM H. K. apta. ; phone, light, gaa; reasonable; close in. 2'.K1'3 Weldler at, LIGHT, clean housekeeping rooms wltb heat. 2i4 utn H K. ROOMS. NO CHILDREN. 630 PA VIS, AFTER 10. CLEAN, steam-heated housekeeping room. $4.30 a week. 147 i:n at. Ilousekeeiiln g Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED nouseaeeping room with kitchenette, heat, gaa and light fur nished; $23 a month, also furniahed bed room, $15 a month. 671 Rodney ave, East 4144. ; $19 SECOND floor, nice aunny suite of 8 large furniahed- h. k. rooms, including sleeping ponh: beautifully located; llghta free; walking distance. 564 E. 8th at. Phone Sell. 1109. LOVBLY furnished room, kitchenette, run nlng water, heat, phone, bath; nut couple: reasonable; also two nice girls, beautiful furniehed corner front room; breakfast privileges. 2.'l N. 24ih t. NICE, clean furnished housekeeping rma.. phone, light and heat if desired. Prion East 6443. 583 East Main St. 81NNY 2-room apartment, also front single housekeeping room. 805H4 Jef ferson at, corner Fifth st. TWO LIGHT H. K rooms, with bath. In private family. 402 Dekum ave., Wdln. 2'I08. TWO ROOMS with kitchenette, gas, electrlo lights, phone and heat fur niahed. Fast 404 H K. ROOMS, close to Waahlngton high school and walking dliMance. 633 Eaat Morrison. Call East 4t"i.. LARGE modern front housekeeping rooms with hall. B650 85th st. S. E. Aut- 624-16 H K. ROOMS. wslklng dlstsnce. 27 W 1 1 1 lama a ve. Eaat 3797. Ma Wilcox. 3 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, walking dla tance. $-'0 per month. 5"2 Enat Pine. 2 itOOATsl firat floor, separate entrance, cloae In: C. 8. preferred. Eaat 2170. Two DANDY h k. rooms wltb sink, on first floor. 8Q8 10th st. TWO CLEAN furniahed h. k. rooma $40 E. Stark. CLEAN, w ell-furnished housekeeping rma Cloae to Montavllla school. Tabor 1326. THREW furnished H. K. rooma (ground floor) $6 week. 692 Front. House. 8-ROOM modern Ladd Addition home for rent at $50 per month; cloae in, haa ga rage, furnace and fireplace. An Ideal place for person to rent room or two. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO, Realtors, Ttdwy. 475 1 . 410 Henry Bid g. t 1501 ALAMEDA. In Boa City Fark; seven large rooms snd screened sleeping porch. Modern throughout. Including gas fur nace. Ruud automatic heater, Radlant flre, ahower bath: double corner lot with fine trees. Inquire at nous. Open all day Tuesday. 11 ROOMS for $'i3 per mo. Strictly modern, practically new. on S-d ave KUMMKLI. A R U M M ELL, FOR RRNT Fine 8-room modern Irvlnr ton home: renovated lnalde and out: will leaae for 8 yeara Dan Kellaher, 40 Belmont. Eaat 8433. FOR RENT or will leaae $35 R-room mod ern bungalow, partly furnished; Wood stock car to 30th ave, 2 blocka west. IQ-'Q K. 39th st. CALL BROADWAY 50 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO, LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. r $45 NEAT cor, furn-ace. flreplac-a, wartc lng distance; 3 large rooma, vacant Oct, 1 Look at (10 EAST 12TH ST. NORTH, rnr. Davis. Main 480.1. Ta'xir 8104. COZY 3-room house and sleeping porch. All kinds of fruit trees. 8 lots, chicken houae and run. Call at 1164 East 18th at. N. Alberta ca r. PORTLAND HEIGHTS For rent, 8-room modern house, 2 blocks from Alnswotti school, furnished. $85; unfurnished, $63. Phone owner. Msrshall 3498. ROSE CITY PARK. By owner, modern 5-room btlngalowt block to car; no children. $30. Marshall 4400. Apt. 21. . FOR RENT at Multnomah station, 3-roonl house, unfurnished or partly furnished. Call Main 4623. 4-ROOM houae. cloae In. bet. railroad and Broadwav .bridge; east aid. Inqulr 620 l.iim hermens bldg. MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace, close in: adulta: reference. ftC4 Van couver ave. 4V Woodlawn 1f6. 6 ROOMS, newly painted Inside and out. Woodlawn district; references. Rant 127 50 Call Bdwy. 1734. MOVING Planoa furnltur and tong-dts-tsnce hauling a speclslty. O. W. True gsrvlce Co, 40 2d St. Phone Bdwy. HIL "ELK TRANSFER A 8TORAOB CO. 15 dsys' storage free; furniture mov ing for leas. Broadway 244V W H EN moving, city or country, get tha beat at lowest pric. Green Transfer Oo, Main 1 261. 202 j Alder atreet. FOR RENT 7-room house, block from carllne, close to town. O-lll Kaat 3364. '-ROOM modern. Alameda dlatrlct, $0 per month. Cover A- Gregory. East 24,1. ROOM bungalow, $35. 1209 E. Salmon, near ::9ih. I to n c. in r Vr V P A Tt 1 - 7-oroom house, $70. Marahall 1031. 1 MODERN 6-room houae, 129 E. 20th at.; walking aigiaaooj, do to aitaraooo.