THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1921 ET. TTT. (or hale--tlniiea. IF YOU'RE oot.NG TO HI T IN KU-.B CITY PARK OR UkL.RKI.HUKT. 1 ., SF.K A. O. TKKPR m. ROSE CITY PARK 4J1300 A epiendld 5-room bungalow with great big living room; below the i- Mil; hardwood floors, fireplace. buffet. Dutch kitchen. furnave; a, dandy buv. ROSE CITT PARK. 94800A. new R-room bungalow with large attic An exceptionally at tractive bungalow, wonderful construction, lota of class and distinction. You'll want thla (or your home. 33000 LAURELHURST. Here tnily fa a wonderful bungalow. Ona of .hnee real good-looking bunga lowa, built by one of Portland'a beat bulkier. Complete la ovary way and garage. 18100 LAURELHURST. Folks, you ' want to Inspect thla exceptional bungalow home. Ideally located on Laddtngton Court, near car and park. Cine of the. finest lo cations In LaurelhiirsL As to construction aud finish, there la nothing to excel. Oak floors throughout, tiled bath, most mod ern plumbing. Just aee for your- salt Inspect our houai you'll be under 1 Kto oblLgatlona A. O. TEFTPB CO. Wert sMe office: an stark. Main 8092. feast aide office: 40th and bandy. Tahor Q.'tSI. TORTLAND HEIGHTS. $2t5u, $2S50. $60O CASH. New 4-room bungalow and bath room; Tie fireplace and breakfast nook; large lot 6.4x105; commands wonderful view of the entire Tualatin valley; winter's wood foes with this place; house Is not quite Inlshcd InaisVt. but man bandy with tools cui finish. It for small amount of money; go out ami see It this Sunday; i C car to Mount Zlon, 4 feet south on Falrinount boulevard to No. 795. Thla Is without doubt the cheapest buy on the heights today and la a sample of the bsrgalns we intend to offer discern ing buyers. BOITON-WHITE CO, Realty Brokers. (13 Couch Bldg. Main 1775. LATmET-TTT-RST HOME. IVKI,V DUTCH COLONIAL. Thla Is an extremely rlassjt 7 room home with delightful sun parlor and real breakfast room. The Hvlnr room Is 16x30. with beautiful fireplace. French doora Into sun parlor, also Into hall and dining room. Three Large and one medium bedrooms, oak floors throughout. Ivory and tapestry paper, tile hath, alio tiled drain hoards In kitchen. Lot (V.xloo. Double garage; really a wonderful home, cioee. to park. D. W. ALTON. AUTO. 320-10. WA VKIIt.EIGH HEIGHTS. $l.V,0 VVII.l. TAKE HON US. tVroont bungalow, modern throughout: furnace, fireplace, ell bullt-lns. a nifty home end priced right. PIEDMONT $3.-.(V. T-room residence, needs some repairs to make a fine home; beautiful 60x100 lot, Dvsr park; pipeiese furnace. II A WTnORNE $inon. fe-rnom bungalow, hardwood floors1? (Tandy home on corner lot with garage. WAWII A McCABK CO., Realtors. . J22-2J-24. Falling li.dg. Marshall 3003. $.-.ncl CASH IOWN. I1MSE CITY PARK EX-SERVICE MKN, HEAT. This lovely huniralow Is practically new, and fur I.vjiio l a mighty good buy. A a; beautiful rooms. Including a fine glsHd.'d-ln sleeping porch, fireplace, an artialic built-in buffet; all other bullt-lns. including wardrobes; hard wood floors, full concrete basement, hot air furnace. Rarest!, large lot; block to car. The grounds are beautiful with shade snd shrubbery. We haven't seen a nicer home In Rose City Park for the price. Pay $."00 and apply your bonus latur. Cull Mr. Everson, CO.MTB A KoHLMAN, M. fmo. 2PH Chamber of Com Tlldg. FURNISHED HOME- SNAPS. The cheapest snd quickest way to get eettled In your own home is to buy the borne ready furnished. We mske furn ished homes our specially and have a good list to choose from. If you want a . furnished home or an unfurnished home, plesse come In and let us show rou what we can do for you. "We sure y can be of great service to you and locate you quickly and safely and very easy terms csn be bad. See K W. HI'DHES DEALER IN REAL, ESTATE. MOT Journal Hldg. Main 238. LAUKELHUHST AUTISTIC II UN OA LOW fn best part of tract; (1 rooms on one floor; large living room; strictly mod ern; garage- $7500; $2500 cash., bal. easy. J. R. HAIUHT. 82,7 Board of Trade. Hdwy 2045. Homes In Restricted Dlnrlcts. NEAT FIVE-ROOM HOME for $17oo, with first payment to suit your own pocketbook. This little home cannot be beat. Hard-surfaced street, nil conveniences . In and paid for, no mortsage against property. Close to school and car. , RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main BT?4. LAlREl.lll'RST BUNGALOW. Magnificent 7-ronm bungalow with ga rage, on corner near car and park; large living room, breakfast room. 3 bedrooms. Ivory finish, mshogsny trim and doora oak floors throughout: beautiful ahrub b'Ty. Terms. Tabor 407. KX- SERVICE MEN. 8mall down payment and bonus on pretty 6-room modern home, garage, etc., full lot. fruit, etc. Move In now. It's good and a snap. Ol'IN. -'"" Morgan Ttldg. Realtor. 9 YOU are going to build, bring In yout Ideas; It will cost you nothing to have them embodied In architectural draw ings. We build and finance homes and apartments. Main tt'-'O.I. East 6918. O. W. Tarr, 407 McKay bldg. IT. TAHoR bungalow, new, modern, well built, five rooms, breskfsst nook, ftre place. bookesses. buffet, hardwood firs-, tspestry paper large attic, furnacs. ga rngs, paved street. Km Bth near Ptark. Call owner. Marshall 1 l.'l.1. ROKK fITY PARK. 1400. cash or terms, new. classy fonr yoom spartment bungalow, one bedroom, hardwood floors, all Imaginable bullt-lna. Cement porch, paved atreet. Owner. 810 1 FOR HAf.K. A LA MI-DA. Bungalow six rooms of slngnlar charm and beauty; leaving for California; t-tPu. Y.r 1.147. OUK RixjllS OVEIt HALF ACRE. IL'-'.-.O Jim DO WN .".'.K. 4-room plastered eottsge. electricity, gas. wster, near car, two blocks fine Tod "21 minutes out. W VI ITW-WA'iPNKK CO.. STOCK KXCH. ( I 7i in 14ili) DOWN A good little Kenton home, 5 rooms, full slxe lot. 1 blk. to car. Why pay rentT Buy your home from Wm. A Hughes Co.. 218 Hallway Exch. niilg. isin oi"- l n I ' MIC PLAN'S. "Distinctive Homes." Illustrated booh of over 100 des.gns. tt; blueprints ftltt. DISTINCTIVE HOMtS COMPANY. ;4 Northwestern Hank Bldg. l'tR BALK in-room house and lot. 2 baths, an Columbis. near 14ih. Owner haa same leaeo ror ,l years, bringing $..ii per month rent; terms. I30O0 cash oitnn'e. i - - Mft.". P.OSK CITY PARK BLNUW-OW. fioxlis) comer, clone to Pandv road; a yeal clsasv 5-room bungalow, large attic cabinet bathroom: a real buy; goo j terms. Phone Auto. -17. l.s.AI'TIFL'L new house, a large rooms, eewing room: strictly modern; nice ga rsge; msgslflcent view; Colonial Uta djlrlct: built by day labor. OWNER. a".1 Esst 2nth 8t. 2if OWNER Just finished, 5-room bun gsaow, floored sftlc, full cement base ment, flrepl-, bullt-lns, artistic through out; reasonable terms. East eStu. 1 blk. south of IMvlslon HMI0. A BKJ SACRIFICE. Six-room bungalow, almost new, ga rage; nice district, full lot., forced to sell t h is week 3,, iJl'm down. Wdln. Srt4. ROOM house, semi-modern. 6m loo HiL -i No. KnO E. hth st. N. Shows k appointment. Phone Eaat 133 after ( ifrm". iia.isio HooM huu. fine rtistrlct, cloe in. fin nardwooa noors. comoinauon llxtures furnsce, fine garage, bullt-lns, all un to date; Hloo. Seilwood l'm(j. TriR SALE- by owner. New modern t-room bungslow in overlook addition; reason able terms Phons Wd!i 4-'l. siihi bUNNYSIDE. 6 rm. modern house" $1000 down. bal. terms, owner. Auto. :;;" i M T. TAIIOR. Beautiful colonial bungalow. A fine bargain rsnor mh. liol'ERN ana -'-room noue. improve ments rsld; $300) down, balance terms. M aln 1 1 ." m "SxtH SALE House, lot lOOxlOO, fruit trees, nut J. fferson high, by owner, terms W.lln. B-J4. "FOR SALE by owner, lovely lrvington nome im rwrir .....riiirutr, llhJUV this Is a bargain; Phone E. fl.ts.1. MY EQUITY In attractive 8-room nouse, hardwool floors downstairs, bullt-lna. garage, r.nsr ti. l7t'"lN'GTON New 8 room house. :iJth and ' . i . k 1 1 r-i $taillwn IUVva a mvtm . KEAf. KSTATK. For rale Houses. READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT CAREKCLI.Y. Owner malclng sacrifice, -room house on esst Broadwsy: this la a double constructed throughout, modern In every way. hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace: one of the sleeping; rooms haa Knench windows; It " and you will like the design; price ISJOo. '"Taoo-lA snap buy on Randy brvd. It la a corner 6-room; Jut think a modrn home on Sandy at thla price; yes. It has a garage; thla place will not last many days, for we can aell tt with oiO cash, balance teima , . t.V.OO Sunnyslde Thla la an old-style house, but a vry good one, lot 4.1x140. nicely Improved with fruit and berries, concrete garage; can make very easy terms $31.10 On Woodstock car. near East 8fth st., 6-room bungslow semi-modern, hO-xlOO lot. large chicken house, garage, lota of berries, a nice home; very eey terme. Mr. Investor, here Is a two 4-room flats building, bringing tit per month, owners live out of city snd must sell their equity of about $lno; the prlcr?' the property ss per contract is $.VMV. you should look at this. This Is a few of the many good buys we have. Call . Bdwy. K43. or Main 102S (Sunday or venlnga). UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRLST CO.. 204 Osk Street WILL TAKE nWlD LOT ON THU BEAUTIFUL Bl'XNTSmE FESrOENCE, IT IS A BANKERS HOME. HAS SEVEN LA ROE ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH AND FLOORED ATTIC FINE BASEMENT. THREE FIRHPLACKM AND FI'RNACE HEAT EVERY CONVENT ENCE IMAGINABLE !4 BCILT IN: THE HOME IS DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED TM ROl'l IHOI'T. IT IS HANDY TO SCHOOL, STREET CARS AND HI CI I SOIIOOU AND ONLY A FEW MINUTES FROM THE CENTER OF THE CITY AND ONE OF THE BKflT HOME VALUES IN THE CITY FOR 7MM); WILL TAKE GOOD LOT IN OOOD DISTRICT. OMB CA.SH AND FINE EAST TERMS ON BALANCE. ALSO CAN TAKE SOLDIER BONUS LOAN IF DESIRED: IF YOIT WANT A OOOD HOME, SEE THIS ONE; IT 13 A SNAP. SEE E. W. HUGHES. fW7 Journal Bldg Main $307.1. 33D7.V WONDKRFUL OPPORTCNITT. Magniricent home, 3 large bed chambera, den, full plumbing, ce ment basement, tapestry dec. ele gant garage, cor. 6tlon, paved sts., S blocks of lrvington car, beautiful lawn, ahrubbery. well kept, neat place; seven complete rooms; only 73 cash. bal. like rent; no mortgage or liens, street Saving, etc., all paid. Tabor S1II4, lain 4bo3. (Owner In the test now.) O. C. GOLDEN BERO, Ablngfon Bldg.. lorn. Third St. "Jl Years In Portland." $100 DOWN. Here Is . chance of a lifetime: real bungalow of five rooma on the first floor and three bedrooms flnlehed In the attic, located on a large piece of ground W0 feet by 100. making three AO-foot lots; has the very best of soil. This bungalow Is located east of Union avenue. In the W'oodlawn district. The price Is 47.M. mortgage $3(MJ0 at per cent, and the balance can be handled Just to suit you. Now If you want a real home on eaay terms, be aure to aee this. HILLER BROS., Realtors. Ill Railway Exchange Bldg. Main go Branch Office. 6oth and Bandy. Tabor H4S.V HOSE CITY PARK.. If you waut the best In Rose City, we have It. Six rooms and sleeping porch, a beautiful bungalow, located un der the hill, one block from Sandy; built two years. The owner Is leaving for California and Is offering a real bar gain. Now all we ask Is for you to look at it and compare It. You will find that It la $1000 less than anything you have seen for Its equal. It Is strict ly modern, there Is nothing that can be added. Price $H.MM. HILLER BROS. Realtors, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 88. Branch Office, 6uth and Sandy. Tabor MSS. ROSE CITY. t.m.Vi TERMS. VERT ATTRACTIVE NEW 4-ROOM Bt'.VOALOW. CAL. STYLE: CASEMENT WINDOWS, PEKCOLAS. LAP.OE L1V -1NO ROOM. Fl REPLACE. OAK FURS. TWO FINE BEDROOMS CONNPCTlNtl HATHHOOM: HANDY DUTCH KITCH EN. BREAKFAST NOOK. RltD WAT ER HEATER. CEMENT BASEMENT. OAS FURNACE. FRENCH DOOK3; OA RAGE. A BEAUTY! , H. SOMERV1LLE. BDWY. 2478. 310 P. S. NAT. BANK RI.DG. $JSiu ROSE CPTY PARK. Oood. solid, new furniture, nifty 4 room bungalow, double constructed, (rood condition, fireplace, large porches, fine plumbing, wash trays, large Dutch kitch en; spienflad location, one block from aandy blvd. Street paved. Owner reav ing city, terms. Tsbor tj..10. . Suburban Hosnes. 5-ROOM houne. beautifully finished, ga rage, barn, henhouse, an Kinua oi oear- Ing fruit and walnuts. See this and you will be convinced. ttUMMA (10U0 cash, balance terms, 8-room bungalow, 5 lota, 60x100; 1 - 1 , n all In fruit. This Is a , dandy place and In flrst-clsss condition. Price $ OUOU, s juuv casn, oaiance munuiij. 8 ,M. BORLAND. n stock Exch. Aut. 620-04. FINE HOME WITH INCOME ?u acres ail cleared and in cultlva tlon; splendid fruit and good berries; 4-room bungalow with concrete base ment; gaa. elec. and Bull Run water can be had; close to ejchool. A SPLENDID VALUE AT $400U, TERMS. Ask lor IT. V Marshall, with FRANK L. McOLIRE. 203 Ablngton Bids. Main 1008. Third St.. bet. Wssh. and Stark. HALF ACRE 7-ROOM HOUS tiOO DOWN. All In cultivation, large roomr house anl sll ouiDiugs. ; oniy oias. irm Kendall station: just the place for a large family. ONLY 41Suu; ask for V. C. Marshall, witn FRANK 7 McOUIRE. 205 Ablngton B'.dg. Main 1068. Thlrtl St. nel. v asn. inn urn . NICE SUBURBAN HOME. Two acres, choice land In logan and strawberries, everbearing; 4-room cot tage In good condition, full plumbing, city water, gaa, close to railway station, school, church, store; good chicken out fit. 11 mllej out, psved road; price $.v00, half cash, balance 8 years. per ""si. OATPWOOT) ft CO.. 4th tt. l-IVISH THIS AND SAVE MONEY! Ji lots, all In bearing fruit trees; four room house all lathed ready for plaater Ing: outside completely flnlehed; city water In; on good county road In Irving ton Park. $IH0. on EASY TERMS. Ask for r. C. Msrtnsn. wnn FRANK L. McCUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg Main I08. Third St.. Bet. Waah. "d Stark. IDEAL HOME. OHCGOX CITY. Coxy 5-room house, electric Ilghte, bath, city water, large chicken house fenced in. ansa; corner, a iois, oeauu viaw close to schools and store walking distance. Am leavrng city, will therefore sacrifice. 312.V0: small pay ment down; easy terms to leeoonelbie people. i'hone Ksst ON CORNER of 2 Improved county roada. 100x200 ft., with modern 5-room house: choice, sightly location: only $.'!50o. on easy terms; thla le close to good station on the Oregon Electric; Just the place for your permanent home. For par ticulars rail on BEN R1ESLA.ND. 404 Piatt hldg . 127 Park t. SAVE YOUR RENT. ONLY $700 Almost acre and half, with 2-room house; all cultivated; on fine county road, close to Oregon electric; $A0 down will handle, balance easy. Call 600 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts RIVER FRONTAGE. -acre touching river at Oak Grove, T-room modern house, gas. elec. lights, plumbing: an Ideal location for country home, I..OOO; tiwo cash, balance mort gage. See this. R. M. OATEWOOD ft CO.. 1B6S 4th at. CHOICE TEN-ACRE TRACTS. See me aoout thoee ten-acre tracts In the Hlileboro, Oreneo and Heaverton sec tions; prices ranging from $1375 to $4000 O. B. RIPPEU REALTOR, 610 lll McKay bldg. 3d and Stark. HERE IT IS. 4-room house and one ouitlvmted acre, young fruit trees, chicken snd wood houses, imo fare: price $1tt.o; amsll pavment down, $25 per month. Set Mi'ciure. 210 Oregon bldg Bdwy. 1858. 4-ROOM ceiled bungalow, lot 60x168. all kinds of small fruit, bearing fruit trees, just outside of city limits: walking dls tsncs to Sellwnod csr. 1 block to Esta cs d a. $1200; $tiOO down. Sell. 21)37. WANTED TO RENT Urin first-class furnished house or bungalow, outside city limits, on good highway pavement road, for chicken dinner place: slate location and rent. W 43. Oregonlan. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1401 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley I'.stlon. on Oregon City car line. bEALTH compela immediate aacrifice; Park rose acre or H acre; choice corner, modern bungalow, garage; terms. Tabor BARGAIN and on easy terms, 8-room house and 1 acre of good soil: also ad joining acre: owner. Auto 628-47. jTvi CASH, coxy 8-room bungalow, new futl wooded sere. $127 easy terms. McTarland. Beartor, FalLlnc bio. REAL K8TATE. For Sale Acreage. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND TIOARD. 4 acres, close to Cspltal highway. 1 mile to school. H mile to electric sta tion; good garden Isnd; 8 acres under cultivation. 1 acre pasture. 1 acre bear ing orchard In fine condition, berries of every kind- Oood 3-room cottage, barn 2tix20. chicken houss, woodshed. The place Is well furnished and garden Included at 300l, 81lvoO cash, balance for two years. Or consider small house or bungalow In Portland of same value, and priced rlihL Ranch Inspected by Hunter. Nearly 1 acres, on paved road, lost east of Portlsnd. H mile from station. 4 mile to school; 65 bearing fruit trees, lots of berries, good soli. 4-room plas tered house with basement; chicken house. Convenlencea can be had. Price 83600, 81000 cash. OREOON CITT LINE. 8 acres, located ik mile east of Court ney station, near Garfield road: 1 acre under cultivation, all can be cultivated. 1 acre onion land; city convenlencea can be had. $2M cash, balance $10 per month 7 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. 5. 10 AND ifl-ACRB TRACTS. $23 AN ACRE AND IP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a 5-scrs tract In this addition of 800 acres; down the Columbia river on the Oregon aide, close to Columbia highway and river: fine transportstton. railroad, river, auto stsge end truck; beautifully lying land, free from rock and gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are giro some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL, 818 Hallway Exchange Hldg. 13 ACRES, 7-R $RnO AT GREHAM. A beautiful 7-room house, scr-ft-d porch on two sides, full basement, ejsr.h trays, pressure water, bath and toilet, fireplace, barn and coop for 30o chickens, fsmlly orchard and berries; 10 minutes' wslk to high school, churches and ahowa. Here's a bargain. Ten acres, 84.VKI; 6-room house, fine barn with stanchions for 20 cows, fruit and garden, good water; Joins the above place. Am the owner of both places. O. W. TARR. East 8918. 70S E. Msln St. Main 8203. OLSEN STATION. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. Finest location west of Portland. 8. P. electric station on the place: Bull Run water, gas and electricity. . Ideal home sites. 17 mlns. from center city. $1200 per acre on very eaay terms Cere at your service. MARSH A McCABE CO.. Realtors. S22-3-4. Falling Bldg. Marshall 8988. LTNDHURST Just a few acre tracts left. null iun water, rinu i . , . ' . - walks In the street paid for. close to Multnomah, on the Oregon Electric; Just the place for your future home: price ranging from $i23 to 81230: 10 down and $13 per month. If you are tired of paying rent, pick up one of these acre tracts and etart a real home. BIOS' P.IKSLAND. 404 Piatt bid.. 127 Park St.. or Mrm. Grant, agent at the Multnomah office. EUI'IPI'E"!) 40-ACRE RANCH WITH MODERN 8-KM. HOUSE. $3S00. Two good cows, heifer, two horses, chickens, farm Implements, aome In crop all foes with deal, 30 acres, splendid soil, lies good, lo acres good pasture, all fenced, fine water system, hot and cold bath and toilet, on main county road, phone In house. 42 miles from Portlsnd. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of commerce mm t LU.1&-l- At n c c. Hardly any other Investment pays such profits as acreage close In to a thriving city. We are privileged to offer an exceptional buv In thl line; 10 acres m miles from city limits: fine garden soil: no rock or gravel. $323 acre with $300 cash. BOURN-"WHITE CO.. 312 Couch Bldg. Main li75. EX-SERVICE MEN. We have large listings of desirable farma and home sites and can help you finance building. Our office has full In formation to your Interest regarding ap plication of bonus loan. We will help you arrange all details Our experience and large listings at your service. W. M. UMBO EN STOCK CO.. Established 18U. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1BS8. NEAR PA R K PLACE. 8 acres. 2V4 cultivated; good 8-room celled house: good barn and outbldg. ait kinds fruit and berries. 1 .. . n i ft ralv.. 1 jw)W. 3 shoatS. 4 small pigs. 100 chickens- Price only 83o00. I10OO down. Daiance icnua. KUMMELL at RLMMELL. 274 StarK M. HOW MUCH CASH HAVE TOUT We have 2S4 acrea of cleared land with a new 4-room plastered house and good well: can get more land If de sired. Will sell this on easy terms or make extra low price for larger cash payment. Price $2700. This Is on good road, close to city. Strong; ft Co., 606 Chamber of Commerce. . FOR SALE Large 8-room house, electric ally lighted and ass. half acre, fruit trees, berries, shade trees, etc.. 2 blocks to city school, stores, pavea auio roau. Take Mt. Scott car to Woodmere. 1 block south of school. 7810 B.sth avc. cor 78th st. Owner. $150O. $HHI0 cssh. bslsnce $13 mo. Fine for chicken ranch. EXCELLENT land, only slightly rolling, near transportation, school, church and postoffice. Only 830 per acre and you may have any amount you want Beau tiful creek through the properly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 888 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. BEAUTIFUL ACRE TRACTS One to five acres, close to new i-scmo nignwar. wonderful view of mountains, lake and river. Finest of land, no stone. Very best of terms. R A LPH HARRIS CO.. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5824. FOR SALE A snap for $1800: ten acrea of good lana. pertly ciearea, new one room shack furnished, some tools and a good well; north of Vancouver. Wash., on Pacific highway. Terma, $800 down, balance $10 per month. J. Hutchinson, fW.-i E. 27th So. Phone Sell. 12B0. ONE sere and house, with outbuildings, located on hard-surfaced road. 2 blocks from school ana car, city water ana gaa. fine orchard and small fruit, one mile from city . limits, terma. Phone K40-81. fc'RlllTVALE acreage. 10-acre tracta. un cleared, on county road. 8 miles from Vancouver; owner. 080 Bavenavlew d rl ve. Portland. Or. WRITE for map of weatern Washington showing location, low prices and eaay terms orreren to settlers WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. T.avn aale. 150 acres. 1 mile from Cen trslla. Wash.; uncleared, has spring on It and marketable limber; $25 an acre; In 8. E. V Sec 10. T. 14. R 2 W. Box 3119. Oakland. Lai GREENHOUSES Small acreage 7 miles to Portland; orchard, house, bam. etc.; fine proposition: very cheap. Write A. G. P-napll. iieaverton. r. U-ACRE. 6-room house, 15 minutes' out on csr line, city water, gas, fruit. Price $150: $2."0 down. - . ...... , .... T, , . I IR A I r-n.. vi'o nuiiu n J riot 2 ACRES with 4-room house, right at station on Bull Run electric. Snap for I15O0. Call 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 163. 17 4 ACRES fine berry or fruit land in Willamette valley 6 mllea from Forest Grove cannery. Owner. AJ 1, Orego nlan. WELL-LOCATED ACRE, bargain, only $30 down. $15 per month. Owner Auto inatlc 626-47. $100 PER ACRE, 20 acres oordwooa, good soil, psys for Itself, $200 cash. McFar- land. Realtor, r ailing Ding. FOR SALE 7 acrea. close in. Thos. Allan, 6131 82d S. E Homesteads. KellnqulenmeDle. SPECIAL PRIVILEGES FOR SERVICE MEN. A timber homestead worth around $7000 for an Initial coat of $252. From your government to you. Why waltT Go this week with my weekly party of home- ekere. 1 have had over 20 year of timber experience. My references, over 200 satisfied settlers I located. Certified mapa of this land mailed tor $1. See mt at once. M. J. Anderson. 1102-4 Rall- wsv Exchange bldg., Portland IF YOU haven't used your HOMESTEAD right, now Is your opportunity, while the roads ars good, as this Is your las: chance to get a desirable claim In Ore gon 1 also bsve some go d rollnqulsh menta. E. W. Halm. 316 Board of Trade bldg. 40 AND 80-ACRE homestead location on auto road, 50 miles to Portland, nice creek on place; fine neighbors; 1 acre In garden. $200 caeh. 301 Corbett bldg. 2 RELINQUISHMENTS and 2 open clalma. water, farming and timber to $.".000 In value, $400, $.100 and one 40 tor $100, for quick cssh. 301 coroett rJlQg IF YOU want a "homestead" 1 can locate you on the best claims In Southern Ore gon. It will pay you to Investigate thia. Frank Nltkey. 832 Morgan bldg. Fruit Lands for Male or Rent. 17 ACRES of Ideal filbert land, ready to plant; also 12 acrea of tine berry land, all tiled; near HUlsboro: 1 hesvy besrlng walnut orchard; alt near Pactfle highway; also fins sheep ranch- Ad dress T. Wlthycombe. 432 12th sc. city. For Sale Farms. ON YAQUINA BAY 127 acres. 80 of tlde . land; 8-roora house; $13,000 farm for gainlO cash: must have monev. Call I gVeUwood 1721. ALra. J. JL Hood. REAL KSTATB. For Sal. l'arma. LARGE CHICKEN RANCH. 1200 chickens Included. SO acres. 8 miles from good town. mile to school. 25 miles from center of Portland; 13 acres under cultivation. 26 acrea can be cultivated, 2 springs, 10 acres timber, good bearing orchard. 3 acres of ber ries; macadamlxed highway by place that will be paved. 5-room house, fin ished with plasterboard; barn. 2 large chicken housea. 1 brooder house, fruit cellar. Included with place 120O chick ens. 1 team. 2 cows, cream separator, ha neas, wagon, plow, harrow, cultivator, mower, crops, etc Price for every thing $7000, clear. One-half cash. Or consider small piece of acreage near good town or residence In town for part. 18 acres, nesr Oregon City, IK miles from electric atatlon; 5 acres under cul tivation; 15 acres can be farmed when cleared: now in heavy fir timber, over 150O cords of wood: smsll shearing or chard. 6-room house with wster piped In. bam. 28x40. large chicken house. In cluded with place goes cow, 73 chick ens. Price for everything $4000. one half cash. Consider Portland house. Ask for Mr. Nelson. 28 acres. 11 miles south of Salem, m miles from electric station; good wire fences; macadamised road: all under cultivation. small orchard; 5-room house, barn, chicken hoise, etc. Price 82HOO, $800 cash, balance 8 year. 6 per cent- JOHM FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerllnger Bldg. Over 5O0 amall places near Portland. Get our extensive classified liMs. 8o200 WORTH OF PERSONAL PROP ERTY GOES WITH THIS RANCH. ALL FOR $GfiOO. 10 cows, pedigreed bull, about 30 more. Including good 2-year-olds, yearl ings and calves: 2-year-olda weigh over HMiO log, a!! stock In fine condition, good team of horses, wagon, harness. other necessarv farm tmnlements In good repair; big new barn with 50 tons of rfisv. house and woodhouse, fine orcnaro, berries. 40-acre ranch, well fenced, splendid graea for all stork. 55 miles ' from Portland, 5 miles from good town and R. R. Phone In house. 1 mile to school, good well and creek. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. BldgJ FOR SALE BY OWNER. 25 acres. 15 under cultlvstton.. 8 acres easy cleared. 4 acrea In raspberries, lo ganberries: 5-room house, new barn and outouliaings; fsmlly orchard; good wen. anrina In Dasture: with nlace sroes 1 team, 1 set harness and complete set of farm Implements, 2 horse power gas en gine, connected to pump, cresm sepa rator, 6 cream cane, milk cooler, clover cutter, none cutter. Incubator, brooder, garden tools. 2 cows. 2 hors. 40 chickens. 15 tons of good hay, 40 bushels osts, 30 bushels wheat, about 25 sacks potatoes; $7000. $3000 cash: will take city lota as psrt cash. AR 22. oregonlan. W'ASHINUTON" COUNTY. 42t4 acre all in cultivation, one A. prunes, one A. asst. fruit, grapes, ber rlea; 8-room houae, barn 4Kx70 ft-, ga rage and outblda-s., new silo, 21 milch cows. 4 heifers- 8 horses, chickens, milk ing machine, 8 H. P. engine, machinery and tools of all kinds: 11 miles Portland, clooe to school, store, church. Price $12,500; half caah. Will take house or suburban home up to $5ao R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 4th st 58 ACRES. 28 acrea In cultivation, 7 acres clover. 20 acres nearly cleared, balance pasture, some timber; 5-room house, new barn, outbuildings, garage, gas en gine, wster syetem, family orcnara, teem horses, fresh cow. calf and heifer. 80 chickens. 14 tons hay, 50 bushels wheat, loo bushels oats, farm machin ery: 18 miles from Portland; f 1OOU, good terms. B. H. Stewart. 15 4tn street. "GRESHAM FARM." 40 acres choice rolling land, 38 A. In cultivation, no waste, creek springs, lota of fruit, 9-room modern house, full plumbing, gravity water, barn, garage. chicken houae, good road. This i a cnoice property, $iz,; ftouu catn. balance long time at 6 per cent; will take In hnue up to $3O00 as part. R. M. OATEWOOD A CO., 10.H4 4th at. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 80 acres. 30 acres In cultivation, bal open Dasture. timber: 4-room Dlaatered houee. barn, outbuildings; 8 cows, 2 horses, 3 2-year-old colts. 8 brood sows, 18 pigs. 200 chickens, 15 tons hay, SO0 bushels oats, 50 bushels wheat, farm Im plements; 18 miles from Portland: $0600. Consider city property up to $.000. B. H. Stewart, 33 V, Fourth street. CLOSE-IN FARM. 109 acres, 45 acres In cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture, creek and many springs, 20 miles Portlsnd. ry. sta tion on land; 4-room house, 2 barns. stocked ana equipped; land lies good; orchard, berries, grapca. Price $11.540 Good terma can be made; would take small farm or suburban trsct for part. R. M. OATEWOOD A CO., 16o 4th M. DAIRY FOR SALE. 400 acres, lower Columbia highway: will aell H interest or lease for $-'"0 month. Dairy barn holda 100 Holsteln cows: cement floor, running wster. mod em hldgs.. bath; stock and equipment. $22,000. $12,000 down; consider some trade on bal. LAWSON, 801 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE. 20 acrea. new house, spring water In sink, county road; 3 cowa. 1 beef. 2 pigs, chickens, 1 mare. 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 1 harness, hay, crops, separator, cream cans. $2000 Includes everything, terms. Address H. H. SHUMWAT, Goble. Or. Route 1. . OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY. Are you looking for a farm that will double your money 7 Over 100 acrea. shout 30 mllea from Portland: price $10,000; 4 .acre orchard, mostly In prunes: good house and barn, stocked and equipped. Will consider some trade, phone Marn 4125 for particulars, or addresa Y O'll. Oregonlan. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO.. Realtors. Specialix In Clackamaa county FARMS, ACREAGE, SUBURBAN HOMES. 82 years In Clackamas county, fcxpert agricultural advice free. GLADSTONE. OR. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. FOR SALE-- 400 acres of land nesr te-it well that furnishes enough water for lOo acrea; also have some cattle and horeea. Price of land $15 acre: cattle. $:M per , . n .1 . umj. . J , i.U .mi. ib ciir. as It Is sure to go up. AV 327. Oregonlan. FOR SALE SO-ecro ranch, good grain land and orchard; good buildings; will consider amall place In trade and some cash down. Price $125 acre. For In formation. Llsxle Blahop, Junction City. Oregon P.t. 1. 40 ACRES, about 12 acres under cultiva tion: nice running creek, good soil, 814O0: $250 down, balance email yearly payment. DRAPER. 408 Board of Trade. 100 ACRES, 17 miles X. E. of Vancouver. 20 acrea clear. All fenced and cross fenced: house, barn. etc.. mile from atore. church and school. Inquire, write or csll. 2300 K st.. Vancouver, Wash. 03 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon; 65 In cultivation, well fenced: a good buy. or Will ou". awwr (MUa. CHOICE Improved Yakima valley alfalfa. grain, veg., iruu. unr sou poultry land. Joining town. Cal. Ranch. Buena. Wash. $000 CASH. 6 acres, bouse, berries, near Vancouver. A nice little place, $2300 McKarlsnd Realty Co.. Falling bldg. 304 ACRES, , level, timbered land with creek, near electric and highway; can divide Jeaee R. Sharp. 83 H 3d st. FOR-YEAR lease on strawberry ranch. Hood River; good Income assured. AV 320. Oregonlan. , 20 ACRES, stocked and equipped; 6 miles out. $"h00: take $35O0 down, terma. 601 McKay bldg. FOR SALE 000 acres for $75 acre, near Portland; fine dairy and fruit land. terme. J. W. Greene. No. 2 N. 2d St. FARM of 30 acrea, 20 cultivated, with buildings: 11 miles from Portland; 34600. Eaat 7316. 475 Holladay ave. WANTFD KF.AL ESTATE. DESIRE small modern bungalow frpm owner who will accept 1018 model Bulck six touring aa part payment; may add some cash If required: Bulck Is in ex cellent condition, with many extras. N 34. Oregonlan. or Marshall IttM), HAVE clients for lots In Piedmont and Walnut Park; If you have one for Bale give us your best price. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Main 831. WE HAVE customer for medium-priced home on good terms; must be reasona bly priced and In good location. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main B624. HAVE buyera lor houses or fists on the west side,' I csn sell your property It your price li right. JOHN SrNOER. . 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED 3 or 6-room bungslow or house at about $4500 that can be handled on the soldier's bonus loan; let ue know what you have at once. Ralph Ackley. 627 Corbett bldg. WANTING a good income property In city from 825.000 up to $150,000? I want the lowest cssh price. Name aud location In letter. From owners only. AF 724. Oregonlan WE CAN SELL your lot if the price and terma are right. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 838 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WANT modern 5-room bungalow, not over $o0O0; with reasonable payment down. X Oil, oregonlan. WILL trade Chevrolet touring car for lot. WANT home ior $200 down and. monthly payment. Main 7133. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $."oo per acre: easy terms: best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarlar.d. realtor, 20S Failing bldir WANTED REAL ESTATE. FURNISHED HOMES WANTED. We make furnished homes our special, ty; if you are lo a hurry to get away and want to sell your home and furnlsh inga quickly, come In and list It with us; without douot we csn mane , sale for you; do not hesitate to come in J and give us your listing. 11 you reaau want to aell. see E. W. HUGHES. Dealer In Real Estate. 807 Journal bldg. Main 288. nave nuyers lor meaium pin., houses, with small payment down ana large monthly payments Also have parties with Improved and unimproved acreage, close to Portland, that will ex- t-uaoga ior 1 ortiana nouse inn .-- right. Ask for Mr. Newman, with John rrtniiwin. oerunger ping. WE WANT to hear from owners of small reasonably priced home. We have a live sales force and are specializing In these properties. BOURN-WHITE CO.. Realtv Brokers. 812 Couch Bldg. -Main 1T7. WE WANT lots or houses In any part of the city. Buyers are watting. See us snd let's talk It over. STAR REAL ESTATE A 1NV. CO.. Realtors. 812-513 Wilcox Bldg. Main 5804. 8. E. corner 6th nd Wash. WANT MODERN HOME. Good dlatrlct. near car. school: 8 to 7 rooms, garage; prefer year lease with option to buy; have good residence lot to apply on purchase; furnished home considered. Owners or dealers whet have you T BC 10. Oregonlan WANT to buv at once 6-room bungalow. Alameda Park or lrvington; must have large living room; pay large payment down. RTJMME7.L ft RfMMELU 271 Stark St. LIST YOUR houses and property with us: If we can't sell them, give It up. McGee A Dennis 30') Union sve. Wdln. 56l4. Farms Wanted. FARMS WANTED. We are selling some ranches. If you have the right kind of A ranch with price and terms to suit, we can sell it for you. See Sam Hewey, at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. WANTED 10 to 60-acre farm with stock that can be handled on the oldirr s bonus loan; we have a party wanting this kind of a farm at once. RALPH ACKLEY. .127 Corbett Bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANT TO RENT. Have client for small dairy near Portland. Several parties wanting to lease places without personal property. Many clients wanting amall placea. If you have a place for rent, aee 11a at once. F. EDDT. Realtor. HITTER, I,OWE A CO.. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port lsnd preferred Some people will buy the piece after leasing for year or more We make lota of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANTED To rent small dairy ranch with stock or to work on shares, S 20, Ore gonlan WANTED To rent a dairy ranch. Write to 4303 E. 91st st. S. E.. Portland. Or. -. - ' TIMBER LAXT9. WANTED Party with mill and logging equipment to cut and log tract of 23 million yellow fir on railroad; rough mill cutting squares and cants; will con tract per thousand or percentage basis; mus' have 60-inch head blocks to handle timber and be good operator. AR 12. oregonisn TIMBERLANDS for sale or exchange. For well located Portland property, im- proved. Address BP 40. Oregonlan. WANT GOOD OAK STUMPAGE. 213-214 Henry Building. Broadway Kft.12. FOR SALE Two timber clalma. Jackson county; cruise 7.000,000: deal with prin cipals only; sacrifice. Phone Main 940. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT SO acrea. southeast of Lenta. Or : rent $250 a year, and equipment for sale $1300. John M. Flnley. Lenta Sta., Portland R. 3, box 354, WANTED 31an and wife, or bachelor, to rent farm on shares; cows, horses, sll Implements. Call of address 303 Pitts burg st BIG DAIRT farm for lease, personal for sale; retail market for milk. If you are looking for a good dairy proposl tlon. write owner. AM 14. Oregonlan. FOR RENT Furnlehed farm near Salem of 160 acres; by Oregon Electric atatlon. Equipped for poultry and general farru- inir. rnone r-Mt 45-ACRE DAIRY farm, t mile from paved highway: good buildings; all good bottom land. 507 Wygant at. Phone Wdln. 700. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. nL iun.i ... . . . 4K acres of unimproved land at Huber station, on the Oregon Electric 11 miles from courthouse, gas, water, electric bents available. Wonderful location. Want to turn In as first payment on modern home In city up to $3500. See Mr. Stephens. Fred W. German Co., .. ........ T, , V II. ... L' 1 T 1.- realtors. 732 Cham, of Com KITlll'RHAN HOMESITE. 41 acres of unimproved land, at Huber station, on the Oregon electric. 11 miles from courthouse, gas. water, electric lights available. Wonderful location: want to turn in as first psyment on mod dern home In city up to $3300. See Mr. Stephens. Fred W. Germsn Co., Realtors, 732 Chi.mber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 8-room -modern 2-story bungalow, beautiful oak floors, 2 fireplaces sleep ing porch, furnace, laundry trays and bullt-lns: good garage, lot 60x100 ft. with lots of shrubbery, will trade for smaller bungalow. For particulars see Bob Roles, 320 Lumbermen's bldg., 5th snd Stark. Broadway sow 80-AC RE dairy farm, 40 acres cultivated ait acres rjasture. 8-room house, semi- modern, outhouses and Implements. 11 milch cowa 8 hesa horses, large barn with SO tons hay, 5 hogs, brood sow; will take small place near electric line up to $5000. balance terma to suit. 200 Tl ford bltlg. 160 ACREo In TiiiamooK. about 20 acres seeded to grass; log cabin 14x22 and small barn; about 2.5O0.0OO feet of timber: will sell all ior soou casn, or might trade for a smaller piece of land In Willamette valley. Inquire A. Al bertsen. 824 Salmon at , Portland, Or. WILL TRADE. 160-aere farm located near Oolden dale. Wash., for Portland ptoperty. This property is free and clear of ail Incum brance. ROBNETT ft McCLURE, Realtors. Marshall S2f2. 302 Couch Bldg. 46 ACRES. 20 miles: 30 acrea cultivation; good bouse, barn, outbuildings, orchard, roada water piped; will take good prop erty in city: all or part: will make quick deal; best of reasons. Richards, fjito i oucn ping. WILL TRADE. We aro prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring In your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit; lota hounes. acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. ti. aia couch bldg. MONTANA LAND 320 acres Fort Benton district with small Improvementa. close to Missouri river. Most can be culti vated. Rented one-third crop. $25 acre reserving one-fifth oil royalty. Owner, r w TrlDD Albany. Oregon. WILLAMETTE valley general merchan dise business with clear realty and house, about $10,000, for Hood river ranch home, west aide preferred. AV 813. Oregonisn SALE OR TRADE 5 acres, all. improved, at Vancouver, Wash.; smsll house, barn, fruit trees, etc. Will consider automo bile or lot up to $1500, N. A- Boody, care Roberts Bros. WHY NOT trade your property and get quick action? Special attention given to exchanges. See Mr. Brace. 314 Couch bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, by owner, for Improved acreage. 3 lota house, bam and garage; assorted fruit trees and berries 273 3d St. Main 8733. iiRnol house. Woodstock ridge, fine view fruit; trade for shop machinery; might consider gooa touring car. y. ore gonlan. OWNER will trade Improved farm, tlm hr land or lots for equity In Portland property. Call 430 Lumber Exchange bldg. alter 1 r. ai. SALE OR trade. 160 acres. Wasco county land, value $3200; want valley or coast land; small naraware. a-n tv otn St. .N 160 ACRES timber, good location, trade equity In home or lots, assume. Realtor. 508 McKay bldg. $3000 EQXITY In Portland residence for unincumbered farm property. AV 330. Oregonlan MY EQUITY In Rose City lot; will trade for light automobile; Main 6102. See Mr. Robbing. COME AND SEE I'S. WK CA-N TRArB YOUR PROPERTY, 1 H&NRX BLDG, TO EXCH AVCF REAL F STATE. . WANT good business Prefer hard ware or general stock of goods, or smsll caoh grocery. Portland. Have 43H acres 10 miles sn couver. on paved road. Electrlo light line; R. K. D-. telephone, cream and milk route, stsge line. H mile grade school; Vancouver high school br auto run by district- 30 acres In cultivation. 13H acres ilaahed and burned, good paeture ; 5-rm. celled nous, barn 40x00 and other buildings, fenced. 4 wires Good well water. All the very beat prune soil; no rock or gravel. Well drained. Price $12,000: will take $.".000 or $'DOO In merchandise. This will stand the ver closest Investiga tion. J. B. ATKINSON. 705 Main SU Vancouver, Wash, WK HAVE SAID WB COULD. We hsve said we could trade any thing for you. no matter where It Is located or what the description or price Is. . We hsve farma to trade for property and property to trsde for farma. We deal In rooming houses, hotels and all kinds of business opportunities. We can please you aa we have pleased others. Call and aee us. Your propo sition will Interest us, no matter what It Is. . QUICK SALES COMPANT. 4Qg Couch BldR Auto. M1-00. EXCHANGE OFFICE. YOU MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. Expert opinion given on your proposl tlon. trariine- a aneclaltv. I can roB sihly better your financial position. Your proposition can oe matcneo. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, Bdwy. 475L 41ft Henry Bldg. fiTnrif avn nalRT RANCH 1132 acres located near coast, about balf bottom land balance bench and hill. 300 acres In cultivation. 2 hourea fair barn: price $40,000; would consider city property. SECURITY. STORAGE ft TRANSFER COMPANY. 63 Fourth st. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3713. COOS BAY North Bend loie to trade for lot In Portland. AJ S3. Oregonlan. to nxcnANOE MiscFt.i.Ayrorg. FOR SALE or exchange for a good car. a beaver fur coat, turban and muff; first cost $1200. Main 3151. Phone after Sunday. BLOCK on paved street, will trade for auto, bee rank l-ucaa. i. stn at. aiaiu .s.-.sfl. PAINTING, kalsomlaing. for car, lots, fur niture, anything of value; pre-war prices, all work guaranteed. Main 76011, apt. 4, EXCHANGE my Hudson car for diamond, value about 81 100. N 44, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Uvewtock. CROWN STABLES. INC. Just arrived! fi.'t head of horses from eastern Oregon. Have horses from $2o up. and they are all good, healthy horses from 3 years to 15 years old. Every one of them will do a good day'g work: a horse Ior every person and everV lob. Give us the once-over. Our prices are right. We will exchange for horses, mules or cattle. Have all kinds of wagons, harness, farm Imple ments snd grading tools. We hire by the way, week or month. Rather hire than sell to responsible people. We take liberty bonds. Everything gusranteed as represented. Phil buetter, presiaeui. 2So Front st. AUCTION SALE. THE BIG CREEK DAIRY. KNAPPA. OR. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 11 A. M. 30 Holstein. Jersey and Ayrshire cost fresh, some springers, sll young cowa beat Droducltis berd in this section ; come. you'll not be disappointed, tuberculin tested: registered Holsteln bull, large team horses, saddle norse; roro oeiivery truck, 0 horse power gas engine, feed cutter, harrow, spring wagon, .etc. H. KOCH. Owner. Col. W. S. Wood A Sons, Auctioneers. Vancouver. Wash. EAST EIGHTH -STREET STABLES. Just arrived from eastern Oregon, car. load of horses and mares from 1200- I60O pounds, 4-8 yeara old. noma gooa alngle horses, also some nice matched paira These horses are right from the wheat fields ami bought out of work. If In ned of a horse, come and see these, aa they are priced lo aell. 240 East 8th st SPAN of bay mares. Just off of highway work; wt. 2IHM) lba, with harness. $150. Span of white marea wt, 1000 lbs., very gentle, work any place, with harness. $100. Young bay team, wt 2700 lbs, free of blemishes, $225; also many other different size horses at Columbia Stables. Front and Columbia- G. K. Howltt. EXTRA nice team Percherona. more an. horse, well matched, weight about 3400 lba, 5 and 6 years old; sound, true ana gentle: in flrat-clase condition for any kind of work; will eell at a reasonable price. Keyatone Stables, 3S1 water at-, cor. Montgomery. 11 HORSES, welshing 1130 to 1300 lbs. from to 9 years old. well broke and gentle; 2300-lb. team, harness and farm wagon. $140; also 2 good farm wagons and harness. Hazelwild Fuel Co.. US40 Foster road. Mt. Scott car. BROOD SOWS. Am closing out all of my brood sows and piga See them on the ranch at Sycamore atauqn. xs. ' . unuuuu, a ui. 646-AI. SPAN logging horses, weighing about 34O0 lbs., with good harness ana eft 01a Hickory wagon. Price $4aj. Inquire Tom Pettereon team. Keystone Stables, 31 Water st.. ft. of Montgomery. uau U.X ftflA IN Purebred vearllna Lin coin rams, $7.50. 8 for $20; 2-year-old l.lncolns. also Cotawolds. 110: crating free; heavy anearera in rare cooanion- Shade'.and rarma. Amity, or. SPAN of Belgian maree. good, true, gentle work team and nearly new heavy breeching harnesa Price $250. 1037 Francis ave woodstocg car. GOOD sound mare, 11 years old, weight 1"50 lbs; wagon and harness for $s5. Williamson Bros., corner e-d ac and 7oth ave. B. E. FOR SALE or trade, team of 9-year black geldings, weighing 8300 lba Col. 352, FOR SALE Six boreas; reasonaole prli Holmaa Fuel Co, barn Ja. 6th and 1 cea voa streets. i TEAM 9-year horses, good garden team. Will sell cheap. R. V. D. 2, Box 24, Mliwauklc. Or. HORSES for sale, hire or exchange. Key stone Stables 881 Water st,. foot Mont gomery. Phone Mar, saia. ,uK aLE Several fresh family cowa; prices from $30 to $70. Tabor 3004. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6368. FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes and rams Holman Fuel Co.. 94 5th st, DEAD horses and cattls taken quickly. Phone Mllwaukle 60-J for best service. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call flay or pignu ama 0-1-os. HIDES bougbt or tanned. West Coast Tan ning Co., osa lenmo ave. pti. ,.no. MILCH cows fresh or coming fresh, and " . r . k a 1 rm- ...... 4 neavy nur. n... jjuwj. GRADE Jersey cows, with good cream route. r. A. null, mnw.iime, ur. EX 'PR A good Jersey cow for sale, Phone IHJ-Ol 2500-LB. TEAM of mules, 8 and 7 years old. Atlas Woodyard, 327 Fron FOR SALE Two fresh young cowa Ta bor 6.s. GOATS for sale, 2 does, i little nannies. East iz. SHETLAND pony, 5 years old, broke to sad lie and cart. Col. 4!1. WANTED Horse, sbout 1000 lbs., hack and harness. L. Mann. 2S2 N. 16th. 2 GOOD young cows cheap, tuberculin tested. Atlas Woodyard, 327 Front. I.IC.HT horse, gontle. for lalt Wdln. 10. r H nos. Organs and Musical Ifiatmmenta PIANO taken In on mortgago. sell at bar gain; used leas than a month. 228 13th street. i-S CASH buys a mahogany case Kohler A Campbell piano In Al condition. 705 E. 16th St.. or pnone aeuwooq im, p OR SALE Muster pisno at reasonable price. It Interested call and aee It at 2100 Westanna st.. take St. Johns car. $700 STORY ft Clark piano, mahogany, only $230, on terma; almost new. 811 v nrwii . a CHlCKERINd piano, almost new, about 1-3 the price of a new one; terma. Bro- Iterage t-o.. an orcraier Plug. enn SA UE Second-hand piano 111 good . S,. n 1II41U East 20th NT Phone Woodlawn 564. 11400 WEBER piano. Only $375, with 1 v. sll Worcester bids'. l7j PIANOS, $H5 to $250, on easy terms; many fine makea 311 Worcester bldg. WANTED Good used piano for cash. Main 4424. FOR RENT Sweet-toned piano. Empire r. -- HI RrniilviV. BHwv 1K4 ONE VIOLIN, case anld bow, Stradlvara. for child, beginner size. East 8473. PIANO WANTED from private party, pay . . . 1- vr---k.ll i .,-, casn tor oaraa'". ...w. COLUMBIA phonograph, practically new. Good bargain. Call East 6160. FOR SALfcl Square piano, bargain : or will trade for phonograph. Woodlawn 4940. WM KNABE grand, almost new, less ft prlre, on terms. 811 Worcester bldg PI ANO WANTED, pay cash. Main 85S8. tor aaia. Call Broadway 102, FOR SAI-F,. rianos. Organs and Muelcal Instrument. SAXOPHONE BARGAINS. CONN C melody, gold trimmed like new .." 812 MARTIN C melody, silver, like new 110 CONN alto, gofd trimmed, like new 125 CONN alto, silver, excellent condi tion 100 BUFFET tenor, silver, good con dition 113 CONN tenor, silver, like new... 123 BUFFET baritone, nickel, good con dition 90 CONN baritone, silver, like new.... 150 SEI BER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and Alder. PORTLAND'S Bill MUSIC STOKE. CORNET BARGAINS. HOLTON. gold, new $110 HOLTON, silver. new SO HOLTON. silver, good condition.... 55 BUESCHEK, gold, excellent condi tion 80 KING, gold, like new 85 VEGA STANDARD, silver, good con dition I 60 A number of CONNS at from $35 to 60 CONN VICTORY model, ailver. like new 73 CONN VICTORY model, jrold. fine condition .. 90 Many others at extremely low prices. Write for our bulletin. Just issued, of used Instruments. Sole agent for the FAMOUS DEI'SCH ER SAXOPHONE AND BAND INSTRUMENTS. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and Alder. DOWNSTAIRS SCHWAN PIANO CO. $673 Singer upright, ma hoga ny . . . . $205 $n.10 Kimball upright, mahogany... $000 Steger. uprlgnt. oak 415 $7:0 Adam Schaaf player-piano.... 40A . $000 Stelnway A Sons upright 8U1 $475 Hallet ft Davis upright Ill $10 or $25 cash, $6 to $12 monthly. 101 10th St.. at Washington and Stark. CLOSINO OUT; SECURITY 8TORAOE CO 8450 Emerron upright piano.. $161 $750 Tlanlsta piaer-piano 2V3 $273 Collard ft Collard upright 61 Parlor organs $16 and $25 cash Pianos bought and aold tor cash oaly. 103 10th St.. cor. Stark. USED PIANO DEPARTMENT. Thla Week'a Offerings: Helnze. upright piano 8103 Hallet ft Davis piano 203 Kimball, large. 811 Arlon, walnut 2U5 Cash or $5, $6 to $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT. 2 New Brunswick discontinued model 7, mahogany, each $ 90 ? New Stradlvara Harmony, each.. 123 New Stradlvara Chopin, each.. 130 1 Used Victor, nearly new ....... 140 1 New Sonora Meiodle 6U Prices cash, but you can pay aa little aa $5 or $10 cash aud $4. $5 or $6 a month if desired. 71 h Floor. Lll'MAN. WOLFE ft CO BAND INSTRUMENT SPECIALS. All stsnAard ruaranteed makes and have been completely overhauled and aieruixed; a good case, for eacn, SAXOPHONES $180 Buescher "C" silver Saxophone. $140 130 Conn Alto silver Saxophone... 125 215 Conn 'C" gold Saxophone .... lo 95 Conn Alto brass Saxophone.... 63 $50 Albert L. P. B. fist Clarinet $30 55 Albert L. P. U. flat Clarinet.... oJ 75 Albert L. P. A. Clarln-.-t 50 $ 94.50 York Cornet, sllter $ 53 140 00 liolton Cornet, gold 100 90.U0 Conn Cornet, silver 65 101.50 York Cornet, l.ilver 85 87.50 Conn Cornet, sliver 40 94.50 Buescher Cornet 65 95.00 King Cornet 50 Just the thing for school bands and orchestras. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St PIANO SALE. Positively every piano In stock re duced whether it be a new or used piano. See them and be convinced. Terms given. Fully guaranteed. Fisher upright, a anap $175 $050 Kimball, new, now 300 $0OO Kimball player, new, now...... 67,1 $750 Hinxe player, new. now........ 4.0 $350 Hlnxe upright, new, now 325 Haines, slightly used 235 Hardman, plain mahogany case..... 813 Kranich A Bach, walnut case. 3-"0 Kingaburg. oak case 273 Franklin, walnut case 275 Bush & Lane plsycr, slightly used.. 5oo Marshall Wendell, almost new 300 And many others. See them. 8EIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and Alder. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. BRUNSWICK with 10 records $120 VICTOR with 20 records 120 COLUMBIA with 15 records loo PATHS with 10 records 80 COLUMBIA with 10 records 73 ETRADIVARA with 10 records 70 VICTOR with 15 records 60 VICTOR with 5 records 20 $5 or more cash. $4 or more monthly. Schwan Piano Co.. lot 10th St.. cor. Stk. THIS WEEK SPECIALS. Wheeler ft Co. pianos, wslnut case. $245; Hallet A Davis piano, mah. case, perfect condition, $275; Bradbury piano, mah. case. $235; Schulhoff p'ano. walnut case. $2.'0, and many othera; terms. Q. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 tllh St. $0J5 BUYS beautiful baby grand piano, dark mahogany case; apartment-house etlxe. This is the best grand plnnu buy in Portland: sell cheap; no room for display. Terms. McDougall Music Co., 120 10th Bnwy. mi RARE PIANO BARGAIN Brand-new hlh quality wholesaler's sample piano, used only short time for displaying sheet music; only $305; must be sold at once. Terms. $110 cash, $12.30 mo. McDougall Music Co.. 1211 lth st.. Hrtwy, 2S21 PIANO SNAP Melville 'Clark piano, one of the high-grade makes; mut -be sold for we have no piano department or ?lano salesman. Price for quick sale. 245. $25 caah and $10 month. McDougall Music Co. 120 10th St.. Bdwy. 2S21. PIANO TUX I NO AND REPAIRING. Expert workmanship; guaranteed work; estlmstes gladly given. Main 856. Selberllng-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 rourtn street WHOLESALER'S sample baby grand, brand-new. late model, rich dark ma hogany. This Is a quality for the most exacting musician. McDougall Music Co.. 121 loth et. Broadway 2S21. BUY. SELL. RENT OR TRADE. i'nonograpns sna itecorus. Music Rolls and Musical Instrumenta vL-wuivs RBconn ri'Hii:i: 128 1st. Main 43. Auto. 627-46. 623-82 FOR SALE -Hoi ton Revelation cornet. witn case, nign snu io lovtii, with gold engraving; a real buy; leaving a-. .. n.,,-t .ll.iinaA nf OllleUlv. A P.nrA h33 Garfield avenue. CHICK ER1NO a-rand Dlano. a wonderfu buy at a small cost. This piano Is In fine condition. It won't last long at the price, $0.0: terms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 8th St. ORGANS! ORGANS! ' 81A and ud: In good condition and good terma SEIBERL1NO-L U C A S MUSIC CO.. 125 4th at., bet. Washington and Alder. BltL'XSWICK phonographs. 15 months' to pay; no interest, .ate Artirey, Aumor Ixed Dealer. 379 E. Morrison. Evening Sell. 2143. ALL USED player roll prices reauced to 25s. Values up to $3. Harold 8. Gilbert, 8t4 Yamhill st- Pianos sold, rented, re- pslred. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. Any make; guaranteed workmanship. Selberllng-Lucas Music CO., 125 Fourth street. Main h.iWH. WANTED Sweet-toned piano for all cash. Call Marshall 5.00 Furulture for Salr xfRviTVRE OF 12-ROOM HOUSE, Five beds. 3 commode. 2 dressers, 3 besting stoves. 3 gas stoves. I kltcnen cabinets 2 oak dining tables, 0 dining chairs, parlor chalra and rockers. 4 rugs, 100 yard carpet, dishes and mis cellaneous articles. Price for all $4o0. 4S6 Chapman St. lake C. C. car to Myrt le st. wain z oiks east. MAKE YOU R OWN j'L'RN i T U KE. Dave war. Because of changing to detk manufac ture v have unassembled parte for din ing and library tables; easy to erect; full laalructlona OREGON TABLE COMPANY MANUFACTURER. Esst 8652. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If going esst or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson TrsnsfT A Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. BEAUTIFUL furnishings of a large home In mahogany, and oak, willow; rugs, hangings, picture dishes, rangca etc. Main 73 MAHOGANY dining room set. 110-Inch ta hi. fiva leaves, asbestos pads, five chalra and carver; very beautiful; sac rifice for 81S5. Phone East 2042. HANDSOME American walnut 60-Inch buffet and China, new, direct from fac tory, $130. Call Main 8666 or Wood- lawn a-. FOR SALE 2 sanitary cots, wicker chslrs, linen cupboard. Kerr wide-mouth fruit Jars, all practically new. Main 477S. No dealers. FURNITURE for 4 rooms, good aa new, sacrifice. Call before 1 P. M. Haw kins, tl'.lf wasninmon. BARGAIN Walnut dining set, davenport, elather rocker, Simons brsss bed, dress ers, rugs, china. Automatic 561-44. GOOD- oak bedroom suite, library table, writing desk and chair, oak rocker, rug. East 1323. MASSIVE mahogany library table, 34x60, $100: mahogany typewriter desk, new, $ ). Phone Esst 2942, FOR SALE Mahogany chiffonier, cane trimming; good condition. $25. Auto. S26-2. 2 NAVAJO ruga red. white, black and gray; one coucn. Main jjoy rMAHOGANY William and Mary dining room table. $-'. .viarsnan n.imi. VERY nice oak dining room set, very rta-ec-QAble, Jbast 6808. FOR SAI.F. Furniture for Sale. YOTI CAN' DO TiETTER AT M1S11 FLKNITUKE CO. We hsve Just received a carload Of heaters, wood, coal or comhln-a-tlon. and offer them at much low er prices than last year. If your old stove Is pretty well burned out. why not turn It in on a new one? ONE DOLLAR DOWN WILL DO! Rebuilt heaters on aale In our gtove department. MIST? FT'TvNTTT'nE CO., lsh-l'.M FllitfT STKEET. AVE MONEY. Try our sales department If yon want to buy or sell household goods Reduced freight rates 10 most sll points In our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and ref inlehtng. Mon-y loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY SToKAdE A TRANSFER CO., M 4lh st , opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. OLD IVORY REED PAVKNTriRT TWO CHAIRS. 2 RiKKEUS WITH SPRING SKATS. COM FY CUSHIONS, MATCHED PKT. ALSO 2 IKS. 1'vl2 HI. I E CHINESE I'KONV HKMiAI. WITH SMALL lll'ii TO MATCH. CH1FFMN N1ER, OATK-l.E'l TEA TABLE. TF.A WAiliiN, LIBRARY TABLE IN BROWN MAlloiiANV, WISTERIA GLASSES OV ALL KINDS. ADAMS COMMUNITY SILVER. 3 3 IVORY lltON BED AND SPRING, AT CHEAT SACRIFICE. CALL 54 Si'llTH 16TH, CORNER DAVIS, AFTER 7 P M Office Furniture. I.! ' V V: S of . FF I C KF I ' R NIT! " R K. We hae a larto stock of both new and us-d furniture. Here aru some bar gains in used equipment : itetnliiKton typewriter. $'10. Monarch Renufiyton. $3u. Burroughs 5 bank, II column, very lat est model, almost new, $110. M Imeournphs, t-'.i sn.l $.".11. Time clocks. I.luo; lliimlvs. $100. Dictuplione machines, caeh. $75. These are In perfect condition. Pee , lis bcloro vou huv. I). C. WAX OFFICE EQUIP. HOCPR, 24 North Fifth. Hroaiiwny 27.T.I. JUST IN S.x flat-top disks.-3 roll-top desks. 2 flat-top lypen rlter desks, 2 drop-head typewriter desks, 2 bookkeep ers' desks, 30 chulrs, 4 drawers, letter files nrSITONfl A CO, PI Psrk St. 11EFORE desks. urchasiug new or second-hand irs. files or safes, visit our salesrooms and inspect what we have to oiler. the ir.wi x'-hodw co.. FURNITURE DEPT. 10TII AT STARK. T3 pew rite RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPE W KIT E K& ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD OUARANTEB CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE 'A' X I'EWrtlTFR CO 821 Washington SL Main 66sL REBUILT typewriters, alt makea rentals, repslis. supplies. Distributors Corona portable Sundslrand. adding macblnea Main 2285. AV. W. Pease Cj.. 110 butt, street. REM INGTON No! To! good ss new. $ 50, $13 down. $3 per month. Empire Trans fer. 254 Broadwsy. Phone B.lwy. 1 33 REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; suppllea Type- yvritcr 1 n . peel Ion Co . .1 lj: r-1 a rk. M ,b.lH. ALL MAKES rented anil repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 04 5i h st Main 30'iS. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark St. -Main 1407. fl E M I XfiTON t Tpev. r 1 tc r, good condition. $!. dish. Main ..Oiil. roiursgT" YOUNG While I.i uhorn laying hens. $1 each. Rhode Island Red pullets. l.i each. J. K. .M u lie. 7S7 Oregon St., near 24th nnd Sandy. ' . 10 LAYING hens.- 11 Phone Aut. 032-4 avc. S. E. 1. Reds. 3 yeara old. or call 5704 53lh FOR SALE Pure-bred V.allnrd call ducks, trio. S7.50 Ready to ship. Je pair $ rome Badg leyrOT a y r-t'-Or5Jw023. READY to lay. P.. I. Red and Barrel Rock pullets. J. R. Maguire. 77 Oregon SL WHITE Pekln Uucksfor sale Call at 272 East 3Sth X. 20 RHODE ISLAND pullets, laying noon, 81.75. Tahor 3207. Koga mid Itarrelti. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 3011 X. Hth at., near Peltygrove. Phone A 519-10. BARRELS (ol s.tle, nil sixes, at 223 Lar- rtibro street. Cell Kust oti-4. log. Rabbits, II 1 rUs aud Pet Bloc k. BURGLARS won't bother the home that has a Chesapeake Hay dotf They are excellent wutch dogs, lovable compan ions; a boy'a pal and the best duca re triever. 1 hve three pups left, four mom ha old. $25 each. Hurry and get yours. J. R. Macuire. 77 Oregon st. FOR SALE Dandy mule Airedale puppv. pedigreed. 3 niuutlls old; prlcu $25. CaJ labor 1307. ENGLISH BETTER BIRD DOGS. REGIS TERED. Phone Main 8350 during busi ness hours. FOR SALE Thoruughbred English set ter, 2 ls yeara old. male, open fur regis tration, .-ouiii .i-v-.. THOROUGH BRED bob-tailed male sheep dog, 7 months old. Call Aut. 632-S1. bKlNS and furs tanned. V csi Coast lan nlng Co.. S02 Teillnu ave. Sell. 2308. KNGl.TsH ectters for sate, one tenia. e. one ma e. Tabor S1'.!. lloata, Lauuches and Marine q,ulimena. BARGAINreasy terms, modern houseboat, furnished. 24 Oregon Yacht club Phong weekdays after 6 P. M Sell. 23S; Sun day any tlmror see caretuker. Coul aud Wood. $10 50 FOR TWO LOADS $10. 0. Block and slab mixed; first growth cordwoid. $S per cord; 2d growth cord wood, $7.50 per cord; country slab, $ per cord. Woodlawn 4102. Dl R ECTf r o m tlis forest by truck, south side delivery, good measure No. 1 old growtn fir, $7.75 a cor.1, 8 or more cords. $7 no I'none sum ni. nan. FIRST-CLASS cordwood, S; oak and ash. $1US0; delivery Kenton, Woodlawn and Piedmont, St. Johns. S. K. Howell, phone HI") YroutcJacouer! aslL FIRST-GROWTH Ilr, Hock Sprlnga Koyal. Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick A Tile Co., 83 5th su, between Stark and Oak. V h o n e Broad w ay 1 8. . . XBOUT 50 cords of fallen hard timber la city limits; your hid Invited. O.-w. A i. Airplane Co.. Lewis & Clark field. WOODSAW. When wanting your wood sawed call Kelly. K. 'i'sio. GROUND HOG luel ana sawuuat ta hi loads or truck lota Western Coopsrage Co.. Columbia 32. WOOD country dry slab. 16-Inch block, dry and green; also ury railroad Ilea Marsha. 1 3n77. . GOOD. dry. second growth fir wood, de livered Moutavilia district. $7 per cord. Auto. 317-56. nnVUiiillJ AND SLABWOOD. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co.. 1201 Macadtu. Phone Main 4173. 5T7d-GKoWTH best fir. No. 1, 4-foot. $8 per cord; Hl-in. per cord. Wdln. 6233. FIR OAK nnd ash wood; we deliver from timber. Robertson Fuel. East 1723. OLD-GROWTH cordwooil, $7 75 first xoue. Prnmnt delivery. Wdln. 6179. BIG LOAD oi boxwood $3 50. Call Wood lawn - 5004. or113:i 3tontana ave. A-l COKDWOOD del. $S a cord, on east sideiindS. E. only. 638-33.. k 1REP!.ACK. oak, $10.50, west skie, close in east side. Wdln. 3423. POLE oak. $10.50, west side, close in esst side. Woodlawn 3423. KfcsT lirai-growtn lir curdwood. a par cord. Sellwood 314. m GUARANTEED best old-growth cordwood, $S 30 per cord; green slab. $3 73. B. 4110. BLOCK aud slab mixed, stove lengths. $11 per double load. .BjlwyjllO; . ' WEST SIDE FUEL CO. W O O TJA N DC OJ. L. 1 i D W Y A-l OLD-GROW 1H fir cordwood; prompt d el.: first sons $7.7.'.. Phona Main 5n. FIRST' GROWTH cordwood. per cord.. delivered anywhere. Woodlitwn 2308. ASH WOOD. '. at vwisonvuio ucpok .1 11 ms Nvdl. Wilsonvllle, Or. GOOD, seasoned oak wood, deliver, $10.50 ncr cord. Call Sell. 1440. Machinery. CIRCULAR cordwood saws, brand new. 32 Inch diameter. 10 gauge. l-t,-lnch arbor hole, 72 teeth, at each. Also have 22 and lS-lnrh diameter saws. Joseph GaroW ner. 330 Walker bldg., Seattle. Wash. n V.. SINGLE-I'll ASK electric motor; excellent condition; Just the thing for garage tM); will exchange. Wdln 4107. MiscellantMiua. WALNUT reed artcralt electric phono graph, or trade for Ford. Wdln. 5346. ejjY HOUSE fs so unhandy"; then call Wood I a wn53l. TJOOD aalr mattreaa East 633 ti.