"""- 1 . ' I F ... .. - I For Kale Houses. I ror Ml! liouara. I CARPET CLEANING REFITT1XG. I7.IXG. BISDISO, ETC 9x12 RUG BTEAM $1.25 CLfclA.NED Ruira Dry Cleaned and Shampooed. Moat Modern riant In Oregon. NEW MATTRESSES Direct From Manufacturer te Tlnme. l.aaMra. Mava Jl.l to u I'er Oat. am Rriular 40-lb. I'ur Cot tost Mattress, 3.0O. Delivered. OLD MATTRESSES MADE NEW FEATHEHS KENOVATED, WOliK OUAKANTKEL). llMR-nil ojF.RVICFi MAIL UHUtll DLfAHTMEM'. PIONEER CARPET CLEANING & MATTRESS WORKS 107a h. i.i.roi.N t. ruu.U 2J7-07. The Improved .r:-r. r . ' aV . . 'rV L-s-'l " "Unlit ta i nnara. Th Improved construction mske a RED1M ADB a better, more substantial building at no greater eot to you. They re the brat built eectlenal buildings oa tti Psolfic coaet. First-clans House, tlarage for Less. Erected in Portland Practical to ehlp. Krdimade Bldg. Co., Portland. Or. ' E. llttt and Market. Phone K. 6114. Downtown srvles office. Commonwealth I bldg., 6th Ankeny. Phone Bdwy. 4331. I million. ui'irinrnrrivrivrr" "" NEW MODERN HOMES Also vacant lota in Irvlngton. ljiureinnrst. aiihiiqi o n.ul hniid ia mult on anvnna's lot. Ric- Consl ruction Co.. R. B. itlce, agent. Tele phone E.isl '432. REAL ESTATE. l or Swlr Hit and AlarlmcjitJiyijr, XOB HIM.. 15-room 2H-story building, newly dei-ornted. arrsnged 7 npts., run ning wntcr. Fox furnace, fireplace, laun dry. 'J fine hatha and toilets. $4X00. in cludes carpets and ranges; bslnnc con tract, "c. Owner, Man-hall 8. for hale Beach Property. FIVE BEACTf LOTS. AITA1H-TI1.1.AMOOK BEACH, i fAiir nhnim lota, all together. two racing the I'aclflo ocean; board walk, rnuniv road and railroad run In front of proprrty. The other two lot. tnin that tarn above and face on tn . ,. .i ia tum .... All an iuir the depot. hotel and Rockaway: slxe of lote la 25 fret bv about 7U feet ana m iibv tlonai:v well adapted for business realdrnce. Price $125 and (luO Addreae 8 8S9, Oregonlan. For Hale I.ota. each. OO LOOK. SUNDAY. Irulnrlnn lllMlrlL't IjOtS. Surrounded by nw homes: all city Imps, in and paid. Near school. Irvlng ton oar and new prk. $750 TO $.175 INSIDP). $100 DOWN $10 MONTH. If you are looking for real value come out Sunday to Eat Inth and Fremont and make your choice. Suloeman will meet you from 10 A. M. until u 1". M. JOHNMON-DODMON CO.. 33 N. W. lienk Bldg. Main 877. DRIVE OUT TODAY. LAITRELHURST TRACT OFFICE, EAST H'.lTH AND OLISAN. Some big bargains In lots. Just think of It I Full lot In nice location, with all street Improvements paid, for $!00; sn extra lurge corner, near the park, for IJ200. See me before buying, otflce on the property, auth and E. Gllsan. Tabor 8(3.1. Phone for auto. Eve.. Eat 7738. DEf.AHLNTY. OPEN EVENINGS. "Olt SALE At sacrifice, it choice view lots in Laurelhurst. 'i blocks north of Montavllia carllue, on Laddtngton court and 4'Jd at. . ... LOT U FT.OCK. 84 $1100 LOT 10. BLOCK 4 H0 LOT 1.1. BLOCK Bl 1700 Teieph one Eaat 34 75. 70xT4. LAURELHURST. On Davis St.. nesr park, high and sightly, nice deep lot: here Is a dandy that cannot be beat for the price. HARRY BECKW1TII. Main S,;!L Realtor. 104 5th St. IOOtK'O IN ROSE CITY PARK, corner 4Hth and Siskiyou. An Ideal homealte; build your home facing aouth or eaat. Price snd terms reenanle. owner lesv Ing eltv. Call at .13 East Olid St. N., or phone Auto. 812-RS, I'(IHTI.AXI) HfcliiliTd. Building pile for exclusive reeldenee requiring spacious landscape grouuds; for ea'e or trade at net coat. GORDON MORTGAGE CO., MlCha m. of Coin. Bldg. Main 1370. (10 DOWN and $10 monthly buya desira ble lot in Woodxtock, 1 block to school and tir. We will build the house yon want on this lot If vou have $500. GORDON MORTGAGE CO., . eUl Cham, of Coin. Bid g. Main 1370. ROSE CITY PARK. Sightly corner lot. located In the nicest part of thla district, both atreeta paved. I! Vs blocka to car, convenient to achool: will accept 1U2D or VK Ford In part pavmint. Phone East 7l(l2. TOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laurelhurat lota, while they last, at extremely low prices. 8ee J. A. Mc carty, 270 ' Si ark. Mala 1700. Eve nings Tsbor 6057. 0(1x100 RICHMOND $650. A dandy slvhtly corner, close to car. grade and hixn school. HARRY BKCKW1TH. Main (ISlin Realtor. 104 5th St. ONLY U0. ROSE CITY PARK. DIS TRICT. Lot 50x100. asrsrrvrnts paid, cement walk and curb, water, gas, elec. Tabor 4Hti;i. ROx 100 S AC R I PICK $.300. Close to psvement, good graveled St. On 61st atret. HARRY BECKWITH. Msln mud. Realtor. 104 5th St. WESTMORELAND 511x100. near 10th and Tolman: Ilea well. Improvements in and paid; $700. Inquire new houe at 21at snd Byhee or call Ant. 224-50. CORNER NEAR LAURELHURST $1000. 102x100, on 5Sth St.. 1 block to car. A aacrifice. HARRY 71ECKWITH. Main SB0. Realtor. 104 5th St. gOOO ROS1-: CITY PARK PICKUP. Lot 50x100. pavement paid, one-half block to Sandy blvd. Easy tsrms. Take 2d mtg. Tabor Q...". OWNER will aacrifice a nice 60x100 lot weat of Piedmont with street Imps. paid. Price $350. On terms. Phone WUln, 8587 or 8798. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Two vacant lota on Capitol Hill and Garden Place, for candy and cigar store. Wentkowskl, i n nuspeu pi. GREEN HILLS. VIEW PROPERTT A few very choice building sites for sale. jonn nam. i npaiaing Hldg. LOT 7. frms. block 1, 7th ft. Trrreces, easy Inhn Tlaln RAT 0 .... 1 .1 . . .. , ' K-i.iilia; -TWOS. PRETTY view lot In Laurelhurst. hslt down, isii qui rtaiiway exensnge bldg. FOR SALE Lot in Rose City facing west, street Im p.aldloo, terms. East 6"R7. ROSK CITY. 6id and 54th sis. north of KlPklyoUft. l,x.. fall flellwood 87 GOOD 0-room houi' on p. school and car. $:t.Mi0 c aona hie terms. Owner. .vcd street near fh or very rea Main 2778. Mv BTtjuiiI in sitrsitive n-room noue, hardwood floora downstairs, built-lna g ara g e. caa t -i'ni. BIX-ROOM houae In Al condition: all bullt-lna. garage, fruit trees, $4000. $looo down, icrnis. i;u b,. i;itn ,n. Wdln. H13 II ROOMS. In 8 sparlmenta, good income; mint sell: only $2000. $250 cash. Scarlo, 11,- r.. ttnHn. NEW HAWTHORNS modern bungalow garage and all Improvements. sls- fur. niture of latest design. Owner. Tabur 621 ROSE CITY. $4.inn'. easy terms; 8 rooms, all 1 fioor: furnace, f Irepl. r, bullt-lna, red St., block to car. Main 8;i27. pave fi.to a la Hue, iota, nouas opposite gas company. iai ins i.mniuu ruau; exenange. 218 Waah. Main :i:'.:7. FINE Irvlngton home; lakep $7000 to han dle; balance terms. Address AK 2, Ors- rtnlan. JIT ST pacritiia my Mt Tahor reaidenre. Leaving cllv. .' OJd su South, Aiitomafln 221.HH, I H V I N G TO N $.V.(I0. Good square home In heart of district. 7 rooms, full lot, aaiy terms. East 41D, A QUICK sals of 8-rjom houae. $167,0 Ap ply Ul.i r.. ii''in si. fnooe eeii. j-mt. IRVINOTON .New 8-room noua. 25tb an Hlnnron sts. I'hone East 1101. .COTTAGE for i RIVI Varo at. air. Inquire of osrner at Phone r.ait 2720. IF YOli are looking for g room Siinnyplde home. a bargain In call Tahor 8:110, BRAND- N K W 5-room. 3;im, $10 niont'iJ Tabor 5::d1. $1100 down, tCHIFICE Beautiful. modern Laurel burst home. Us. T. Orr. Hi Grand ave. rjs I rl. rSTATK. I REAL ESTATE. I n k. , - i. .i. ,.rrrr, For Sale harms, ATTRACTIVE VROOU RESIDENCE. S-OUOU. Located at 771 K. Salmon at . large living and dining rerun, buffet, fireplace, white enamel kllclS n.. 4 bedrooma, bath and doable Bleeping porch; full concrete baaement. Boynton furnace. laundry traya. fruit room. etc. all newly painted and tinted throughout: large attic; In winding carpels tn reception room and living room; 50x100 lot. See thi and ubmit an offer, aa the property must be aold at once and all reaaonable of fera will be conaluered, alao eoldiera' ""nEAT 3-KOOM BUNGALOW. (3830. v Strictly modern with hardwood floor, fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases, etc.. white enamel Dutch kitchen, concrete baaement. only H block from oar, paved at., beautiful view, term. CORNER BUNGALOW, (2600. 50x100 corner bungalow of 8 large attractive rooms, baaement. newly plaa tered and tinted. 1 blk. from paved at., 8 from car; can take light auto. Ford or Chevrolet, aa part of first payment, bal. easy terma. WEST PIEDMONT, 1 .17 00. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, 100x100 lot. 2 blocks from Killlngiworlh. living and dining room, kitchen, pantry, etc.. and 1 bedroom downstairs, 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs, basement, easy terms. WEST SIDE BUNOALOW, VIEW LOCATION. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, every built-in conven ience, white enamel Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large view porch, large atrsctlve living and dining rooms, In . eluding all linoleums, electrlo range and water heater, etc.. full concrete base ment, Gasco furnaoe, located on paved street on lot, commanoing sn ex cellent view; owner ia forced to veil and will give any reasonable terms. Can. use soldiers' loan. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. R1TTER, LOWE CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trede Fldf. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. . WESTMORELAND. Eaat Eighteenth Street 75x100. 1254 F1VB NKW BUNOALOW Five large rms. and bath, double constructed, enam el finish throughout, ce ment cellar, fine fireplace, oak floors, all built-lna, linen cloeeta. linoleum, large floored attic, eha'i-s up; close to Milwaukle ave. car; reaaonable price and terms; w in divide lot if desired. Main 30...1. or QUI. 3.1J Railway Exch. IRVINOTON. VBRT DESIRABLE MODERN HOME on full quarter block, worth $1 OHO. la for aale at $12,000. It's a splendid buy. Prospective buy ers of an Irvlngton home will do well to see our Mr. J. W. Crossley at once. ELDROD A DRYER. "Better Types of Homes." S8S Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. LOOK THIS UP. B.17 EAST 4WTH ST. N. ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN ROSE CITY; ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUNGA LOW. WITH LARGE PLATE GLASS WINDOWS. T.ARGB LIVING ROOM WITH FIRKPLACE, NICE BUFFET IN DINING ROOM. DUTCH KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST NOOK. 2 NICK, AIRY BEDROOMS; FURNACE. EAST FRONT. R. SOMERVILI.R, BROADWAY I47. LAURELHURST. Six-room bungalow, sarage. 2 blocks rsr: $iViiio If told bv Oct. 1: $2500 cash wl.l handle this. M E. Davis st. ALBLRTA BUNGALOW. Modern 5-room bungalow In fine con dition, located on nice corner lot. streets paved and sewer In. Near car,' schools snd stores. Price $3400. Terms. 641) Webater St.. Alberta csr tn K. 12th i one block north. Wain. B'-'lW. FOR SALE By owner. In Hawthorns dls trlr-r 5-room bungalow, finished attic. hardwood floors, bookesses. buffet and Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with wash trsys. fireplace, furnace, ce ment garage: price $4X50. $1000 cash. balance terms. Csll Tabor P5S3, t'l2il0 4-ROOM house, neat, clean, gas, lights, water, sink, 50x100 corner, chick en house. Will take furniture, cow, ralvea or 1150 as down payment, bal ance $15 month and 8 per cent. 4N50 84th si. (4uth eve.) S. K., near Foster road. . r.nixr, to build T ix'r Ammtrn and build residences, of any building. Assist In financing same. The beat service at lowest cost to you. Es tablished 12 years. Security and satis faction sssured. L. R. BAILEY CO., Inc. H24 N. W. Bank bldg. GREEN HILLS, The advantages of city and country combined: 0-room English cottage, mod ern, with dining and alp. porches. Large wooded lot and fine view, $7000. easy trrfris. John Bain, owner. 607 Spalding Bldg. 844 WASCO STREET. $5000 Owner will sacrifice modern 7 room houae on 60x100 lot; completely redecorated and n splendid condition 81000 down and balance on easy terma Phone East 3438 or see L. U. Hoffman, 707 Gaaco Bldg ROSE CITY PARK. 81)8 F.AST 48TH ST. NORTH. Attractive bungalow, gas heat, attic, garage, lawn, etc. Quick sale desired. bee 1 to 6 P. M. Owner. IDVICTO DISTRICT. Swell home, center hall. French doore to living and dining, pergoia, Dreaaiasi room, U Ledrooms, servants room, cor nrr lot. $Hnoo. $1000 rash, $.i0 per mo. DELAHUNT. Fast 134T. 6 ROOMS, 1 floor, hdw. floors, fireplace, built-ir.s. ivory iinian, cove ceiiinga, cr ment baaement. furnace, trays, 1 blk. to r nn Flsnders st, eaat of Laurelhurst , sacrifice. $4ono, $350 down, balance rental terms. Main u.fji. EX-SERVICE MEN. About $100 down and bonus on thl dandy home of 8 rooma. modern; with garage, etc. Full lot. garden, fruit trees galore, ready to move into. . OUINN. 'on Morgan Bldg. Realtor. $100 NEW BUNGALOW $100 4 rooma Dutch kitchen, living room, 2 bedroom, enamel finish, full plumb' Ing. full baaement, nice light fixtures snap. $2250. Rent terma Tabor 42 Evenings. Tabor 7808. SURVIChl MEN. Move right In, new 5-room modern bungalow. $3750. . Only small flepoai now. Apply your bonus later. W. 5L Umbdenatock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 15H. MT. TABOR bungalow, new. modern, well built, five rooms, breakfast nook. fire. place, bookcases, buffet, hardwood firs. tapestry paper, large attic, furnace, ga rage, paved streeL East 80th near 8 lark. Call owner. Marsh all 1433 ROSE CITY PARK. 643 East 48th North. Six-room modern house. Bleeping pch, Ivory woodwork, tapeatry paper, hard wood firs., furnace, flreplaoe, east front. Sacrifice by owner. gr.a.iP. AMERICAN RADIATOR, HOT-WATER HEAT. COSTS NO MORE THAN FURNACE HEAT. EXPERT ADVICE FREE. ASK FOR MR. MAILLER. BROADWAY 4904. EVENINGS. MARSHALL 30!SL 819O0 ROSE CITY PARK. Four-room bungalow, good condition large living room. Lutcn kitchen, gas. electricity, piumoing. run basemen 60x100 lot, lawn, shrubbery, fruit. Ta bor AQ FOR SALE. Irvlngton district, swell a-room bung alow, hardwood floors, garage; $4500, (1000 earn, .) per montn, a per cen East 1347; FOR SALE A new 4-room bungalow bath; fruit treea. berrlesv aidewaika In; lot 50x100; nice lawn; for $2boq. A 1172 Eaat 15th at. North. Wdln. 28. MODERN 5-room colonial bungalow. Haw thorns car line at B2d street; very tractive surroundings; cash or terras. Srr owner next door. 8-ROOM Colonial ; extra large lot: every modern convenience; garage; beautifu home for sale by owner at sacrifice. 4! 53ih, pear Division. WEST SIDE. Walking distance; large house; eplen did flat proposition; $6to0. terma. Broad w av '"' FOR SALE by owner. New modern 5-room bungalow in itvrrioos: aaauion: reason able terms. F'none wqin. e.'l. 7-ROOM modern houae. partly furnlahed lot 50x125, 1 block to R. C car. Owner, 7 r;. it.'tn at. laoor foai. NEW 4-ROOM double constructed bouae, Drummond aV Willis blvd.. $11100. East 4S42. -100 SUNNYSIDE. $lomt down, baL 2.".o-it. 5 rms., modern house terma. owner. Auto. 12 y OWNER 5-room houae. East 22d near Clinton. 8100O down, balance lime. NC.2 Corbel t st. MT. T A Boil. Beautiful colonial bungalow. A bargain Tabor 63S2. fin BY OWNER 5-room modern bungalo garage, tt-.oo. $linio down. bal. terma e.411 K. 5oth st. North. TWO BLOCKS from Laurelhurst. 7-roo house and cue or more lota Tabor 862; TIIE MORNING . , , t I REAL ESTVTE. .1 KEAT. Wg TO mWB-KAt KSTATE., J. A. WICKMAN CO., (ll0 Specials. 1100 down. 4 rooms and bath. Never oc cupied; cement basement, laundry trays; OOxlOU lot. $20. $100 down. Total price IJ100. We have two of theee double constructed bungalows at this price. 1100 down. Price $3000. Thle has three large unfinished rooms in sttic and 4 rooms and bath down. Don't overlook theno buys. LAURELHURST LAL'RELHURST. We have in l.aurelhurt 8 wonderful BUNOALOW BUYS. The prices ore $7-'00, $7.r0 and X600. All of these are MODERN TO THE) LAST DETAIL, and it will be a pleasure to show you. HOMBUALB HOMED A LB. Aak us in regard . to our new RE STRICTED PLAT HOM FDA LE. Let us how vou thla BEAUTY SHOT before you select a site for your home. You will like the location. Owr BL.ILDI.vr COMPANY can ar range to build for you and a competent ARCHITECT ia ia our office for your convenience. Open evenings until o'clock. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. "Shortest Wsy Home." !14 Stark St. . Main ftMl and 1004. BRAND NEW. BRAND NEW. rnmn,llilnn rirfled In Value. Double Conatructed; Wonderful Value. $1850 Firepl., hdw. floors, slpg. porch. attic, tapestry dec: 8 rms . paved St.. Haw. dist.: f. c bast t.. $1j0 tlx., eleg. buffet, enam. plumbing. (5000 Furn., flrepl.. hdw- rlrg.. attic, ga rage, buffet, brkfit. room: bk. car. paved at., lull lot; restricted dlat. (6000 Furnace, flrepl.. hdw. firs., garage. attic. brkfat. nook. numerous conv. ; view; Irvlngton.. His., a block a car. ... TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT ( high-grade homes in high-grade localities. ., ARTISTIC BUNGALOWS: EVERY ONE OF THEM F I N 1 S H E D T O THE LETTER. NO DISAPPOINTMENTS 0c!lGOLDEXBERO (REALTOR) U. C. GOI.DENBERG (REALTOR) ABINGTON BLDG.. lOHM, 3D. Main 4!iUS. la Dor ij. "35 Years In Portland. IRVI NGTON, (8000. Do yon need a well-constructed i- Hj..,.t We have room .1 " - ; ......... - -- - . . ni.nrfld location, near Knott st., 4 bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch) upstairs, large reception room, living room, uln i room, kitchen. 2 pantries on 1st floor, coal and gas range In kltcnen. piano and mahogany parlor sex in n.uia . home has full concrete baaement. Fox furnace, laundry traya and toilt, oox 1U0, level lot. Terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE ft CO., 101 -2 3-5-7 Board of Trsde Bleg. ONLY t-'ieio. ONLY 2ki0. ONLY $2K00. a i. ...ih.. rr thla nice, coxy ...ii ..An..r..rea v.rm bung '. A -1 clean-cut oroD.rtv at this attractive I... h..-t rlonrerl attic, porcelain .i,.mi.n. u tat rm eleo. lights. neatly dicoraled and painted; elegant buffet. Dutch kitchen: all for only '" cash. bal. easy; hard-surface car. 52d st. Main 4mo:1. Tabor at . near I bl04. O. C. GOI.DENBKKU. Abington Bldg . UMi'i 3d. "35 Yrs. In Portland. IRVINOTON DISTRICT. FIRST-CLASS HOME. ON BROADWAY CAR LINF .nnn.1 u 11 r CAflH BAL. IVe e ' -' .(renins- ncirch and at- I tie i,nndrv room, sewing room. Dutch i.i,'.i..i, rirenieee cement basement. fruit room hardwood floors, hot-water i .. - ,'(..!.. wrii hunt for owner fori convenience: cement garage: grounds 100x100; bearing fruit trees, shrubs, ber- - . imnrnvrments all in and paid for. No' Incumbrances. House double I constructed throughout. For sale by the I owner. I'nunc j..-n- OWNER MAKING REAL SACRIFICE. LOVELY 8-ROOM BUNGALOW, (8500 SOME TERMS. a -w.rrta and sleeping north. Ivory finish throughout, hardwood floors, fine basement ana turnace, init a--. .niu ermen drlvswav and beautiful lot; elegant furniture in this beautiful home alao for sale at a great sacrifice. MKd. SNOW, BROADWAY 4084. ROSE CITY. eulT.T. piVUKVT DOWN. 83A50 VERY ARTI8TIC 4-ROOM m'v-nilMI t.ARC.P! LIVING ROOM. rm.-vi.iriil HOOKCASES. OAK FLP.S. TWO FINE BEDROOMS. CONNECT- imo HATH. nlTTCM KITCHEN. BKFST. NOOK. GAS FURNACE, RUUD WATER HEATER AND GARAGE. CASEMENT WINDOWS AND FRENCH DOORS ; CALIFORNIA TYPE BUNGALOW. j BEAI'TY R. BOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 2478. IRVINOTON. (3000. New 5-room bungalow, . living room 1 UuiJ2H. beautiful paper and fixtures. hardwood floors, linoleum, bullt-lns in kitchen and bath, shades, garage, lawn. Might consider lot and cash ae first payment. Monthly payments only $48, including Interest. 5 Fremont, near 18th. Owcer. Main 8205. Open P. M. HEADQUARTERS FOR LAURELHLRSr MOM r.s. LAURELHURST TRACT OFFICE, EAST SHT11 AND GLISAN. l.RiVE OUT TODAY. Big bargoln, 8-room Colonial close to the park. Four brar.d-new bungalows; rsnge-from 85900 up to $75uo. Tabor 8433: evenings. Ksst 7738. house. prices Psoas LAURELHURST BARGAIN, OWNER LEAVING CITY. Will sell beautiful 8-room bungalow absolutely modern throughout, former price $7250. will sell for $on. Give quirk possession. Inquire at Ties gro cery. 2th and tandy blvd. Ask for Mr. Clayton. I. A unEI.H URST. Five-room bungalow, oak firs., fire place, a:l bullt-lns. cement basement. furnace, near car. Price reduced for few days only to $50o0. with (1500 cash- Mar. 3352, eve. Tabor .-.000. J. B. ROCK. (12.500 IN HEART at Irvlngton. 8-room modern nnuse, naiawoou uuwri inrousii- out. two fireplaces, two bathrooms, ga-ruR-e lot 75x100: must be seen to be a p- preoiated. Owner. 585 Hast 13th North. Telephone r-.ast 30. I HAVE icaldence. Portland Heights. 8 rooms, living room msnogany. dining room oak, wonderful view; will take part cash, balance time. Address B. Trenkman. 533 College St. itor HALE or exchange, modern four-room bungalow near car ana scnooj; tree oi Incumbrance: want modern six or seven room bouse on improved street. Phone owner. Woodlswn bct. HAWTHORNE 3 ROOMS $4500. $1000 cash: hardwood floors, fireplace, modrrn bullt-lna: 7 yeara old; excellent neighborhood, cloae in. near car. Come per it. Mar. 1022. or Sell. 27nn SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW: GARAGE. Block from car; near Franklin high school; surrounded by fir and fruit trees: screened porch. $3500; easy terms. Owner, 218 Piatt bids 8-ROOM HOUSE: LOT 50x65 FEET. NO. 2!M CAKUTHEKS, CUK.NlUrl Oil Bl. PRICE $4iMM. TERMS. PARRISH. WATKIN3 A CO., NO. 252 STARK ST. 8-ROOM plastered houae and two lots on K4th st.. a-ood sl'uou value: win xaas god automobile part payment. Call Woodlawa 8373. Addres 623 V Vancou ver ave. SACRIFICE SALE. A'Vrta district. 5-room bungalow. lot 50x100; fruit trees snd berries. Price $2200, $"00 cash, hslsnce $13 per mo. J, R. Hoaglln. East 85115. ALBERTA BARGAIN. 8-room modern bungalow with attic. two lots, fruit and flowers, 32d st. ; I I32O0. aood easy terms. R. M. Gatswood A Co. 185 4th St. IN A PARK. Fine modern home, built last year; furniture, winter fuel, all for $5o0. or $.200 without lurnnure; casn or terma. Woodlawn ma. ownrr. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Very desirable 7- room house, hardwood floora Ivory woodwork, level lot. close to car. IdOOO. terma This Is very maeh less than bouse could be bum ror roone. Mar. 4.127. 500O PIEDMONT 15000. By owner 7-room bouse, tile bath. laundry trays, furnace, cement cellar. nice lawn and fruit treea; earner sol 335 Portland blvd. East. S1250 ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Nifty 5-rm. bungalow, modern in every respect;, well built. A-l condition. Very convenient and attractive: Immediate possepplon. Terms. Tabor .-5u. LiY OWNER Fuinlshed or unfurnished hoUMc. g rooms, batn and sleeping porch; ' on Mt. Scott carline; good value. Mrs. lip Manbey, 735 Everett st. Main 3509. CLOSE-IN, east side, modern 9-roum real dence. newly finished, ready to move In terms; will take $2000 In liberty bonds or other good paper: 1.-S..OU. Kant ZHH. IP.V1NGTON S5IA1.L BUNGALOW 85850. 6 rooms, attic, breakfast nook, garage, oak floors, fireplace, ivory finish. Neu- n-aiwn. S in N. w. Hank bldg. Main K078. 8-ROOM modern bungalow, full cement basement, furnace, furniture, fruit trees, i chickens; lot 40x120: , block to car; reasonable. Owner. 5721 Woodstock ave. I I AM in a poaitlon to build and finance I several private reaidences or Btore build- I inga on my own property or youra N I 907, Oregonlan. OWNERS MODERN HOME, ROSS CITY J Alt. AA-BOll Ui9, . . . EVERY DAY IS BOMB BARGAIN DAY. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1200 photographs of homes for sale. Every one personally appraised and Inspected. YOUR EVERY INTEREST 13 FULLY PROTECTED. Open Sunday and Evening Until 28 Salesnen With Autoa. IF NECESSARY WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT. (4950 Franklin high bungalow that de flea competition. All material and ooaatreoUan are of the beat to be procured. Flniehed In every detail. Thla la one of the finest built hew bungslowe in the city of Portland. Six rooms, hard wood floors and every imaginable. device for comfort. bleeping porch, garage. Will stsnd the cloeest Inspection. Fiftieth, at.. right on car. Terma I (8990 Walking dlatance. Here Is won-I derful value In a splendidly built ', 7-rooin central eaat roruana home, close to Washington high, in best of condition; 4 cheerful bedrooms, all In white enamel, with roomy closets tn each. Every modern convenience. rfm si. Ask us about thia Coxy home for a large family. (3290 $400 down. Look at thla Com pletely lurnianea. inciuuins pisuu. Come right in and make youraelf at home In this pretty, homey, 5-room bungalow. Waiting for you. Owner forced to sell. Your opportunity to atep right in. East 71st street. $3590 Spick and span. Double con- etructea ana on. bo cosy, win you find this little 4-room dou ble constructed, artistic. waFin bungalow apartment. Handiest bullt-lns, white enameled Dutch kitchen, best white porcelain plumbing fixtures, convenient to csr and school. Shaver streeL $1950 $550 down. Comfortable Kenton cottage of a rooms witn oatn. electricity, gss; 75x100. with 8 big fruit trees, etc. E. Wlncnell street. HUNDREDS OF OTHERS. Over 1200 photograph of home for ale. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. . See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. ' Main 1068. Abington Bldg., Open Evening Until I. 3d St.. bet. Wesh. snd Stsrk. ROSE CITY. $5250 8ix-room bungalow, all on one floor. hardwood floors, fireplace, concrete baaement. furnace: 50xloo lot. Oarage Imps, all in and paid. Thla Is fine and if you have $1000 cash and want a home De quick.. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $4760. Here 'Is the bargain you have been looking for: 7-room bungalow, fireplace. lull concrete Dasement. turnace. rooms all extra large and finished In old Ivory, 60x100 lot, nice shrubbery, you must have $1250 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per e?nt interest. You must hurry if you want a chance at thia. WEST PIBDMONTj-$8300. Five-room bungalow, hardwood floon. fireplace, concrete basement: 50x100 lot. Imp. all In and paid; house all finished In old ivory and like new; vacant ana ready to move light In, (750 cash will handle, bal, to suit you. COB O. McKBNNA CO.. Realtors, Main 0871. 02 Fourth St. LAURELHURST BUNOALOW, Attractive 8-room bungalow, large attic. Ideal location; occu pied only a abort time and for . ssle by owner at reduced price. If you want a good house, don't tall to see thla place. 1288 East Pine. Near corner of E. 41st st. TEN-LOT HOME. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT. 8even-room house, $500 cssh, (15 on Interest monthly, buys this splendid property. The house le old but Is plas tered; has part concrete teundation and basement, and with a very little work snd expense can be msde Into a very desirable property; chicken house, chicken yard and a good large barn; 19 larva aapnrract h.Brlnr fruit trees, rasp berries, grspes. loganberries, chestnut trees and all kinds of holly and orna mental shrubbery. Located between the Montavllia and Mount Tabor car lines. Price (2700. A very decided snsp. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtor, 7S2 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ROPE CITY. $750 CASH. l-,0On ATTRACTIVE NEW 8 - RM. nuvfiAl.nw WITH LARGE PLATE OLASS WINDOW IN LARGE LIVING Piml MAKHIVR FIREPLACE. FINE TUNING ROOM. LIGHT, HANDY hit -KITCHEN WITH ATTRAC TIVE BREAKFAST NOOK. TWO LARGE. AIRY BEDROOMS. CALT US. R. SOMERV1I.LE. BROADWAY 247S. ROSE CITY PARK. Owner leaving city will sacrifice mod m T.Mnm house, oak floora through out: -large living room, fireplace and bookcases, buffet and china closets In dining room. Uutch kitchen and break fast room. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bathroom second floor, full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, corner lot 50x100. Phone Tabor 5301. HAWTHORNE. S4.100 TERMS. ARTISTIC 6 - ROOM BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE, VERY ATTRACTIVE LIVING ROOM. WITH FIREPLACE FINE BUFFET. HANDY DUTCH KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST AL COVE. TWO LARGE. AIRY BED ROOMS: ON 45TH ST. R. SOMER V1LLE. BROADWAY 2478. BARGAIN DAY SHOWING 8 SIX-ROOM BT.NOAl'OW. .Muucn.-i, i wo i - i 71 EAST EVERETT. (5700. TERMS. MRS. BERRY. MARSHALL, 18S4. . i7IRINGTON Artistic new bungalow, rooms, break fast and sewing rooms; stylish electric fi.i.irM: full basement, attic, garage larire lot: $n.i0O. 715 E. 16lh st North, Terms. Broadway 3003. Owner. ' !-.v0 MOUNT TABOR $350. 8even-room modern, except basement, fruit, berries, 2 lota treet and sewer paid. gss. electricity, bstn school, churches and atorea 136 K. 61st street South. near car, No agenta HOUSE AT MULTNOMAH. $2300. Pretty bungalow, fireplace, ga rage, modern, near school and station, 83O0 down, balance easy. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 831 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Mai 1370. ffg ca"N build your house at a big saving; artistic uri"-, your approval; can help you finance; have desirable lot. W. M. Cmbden stock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1658. LAURELHURST. OWNER LEAVING CITY. For quick sale, will sacrifice etrlctly modern 6-room bungalow with garage; alao furniture for pale. 1125 WASCO STREET. lino NEW BUNOALOW $100. 4 ROOMS, Dutch kitchen, living room, I bedrooms, enamel finish, full plumb- In lull parrmcuv, nn, ibi. ii-ui-. A snap. I22W. 42n. Evenings. Rent term. Tabor Tsbor 7608. skooo (350 DOWN, o-room nungaiow V ' . . r-ann aieit-tlv modern larva worm .,.-, v. floored attic, cart make 4 additional rooma Unlesa yon want to buy at once, don't answer. I hav no time for shop pers. Main 6327; OVERLOOK Furnished 5-room bungalow. moaern, - -1 " , . . ' , large cement basement, all bullt-lns; white cabinet kitchen, good condition; owner only; take soldiers' bonus. Wood lawn 4411 l-ROOM modern bungalow, all modern conveniences, witn concrete isrmr, no paved street, close to school. $4800. or will exchenge for acreage with mod ern bungalow, nn a bard road. Phone Tabor 7U44. 1227 Lincoln. HOUSE PLANS. "Dlstlnotlve Hnmee," Illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 924 Northwestern Bank Bidg. IF YOU ar going to build, bring In your Ideas; It will cost you nothing to have them emooniea in pn-niivciuni araw lnaa We build and finance homes and apartments. Main 6203. East 6918. O. W. Tarr. 407 McKay bldg. BEAUTIFUL new house. 6 large rooma. aewlng room; oiwij iii.uc, , hiw it rage- magnificent view; Colonial Hta diatiiet: built by day labor. OWNER. 363 Eaat 28th St. FOR SALE. Modern T to 8-room house with double garage, on corner lot. At 285 E. 15th. I BY OWNER Just finished. 6-room bun- galow, floored attic, run cement baae ment. flrepl.. ouni-ins. amine tnrougn-out- reasonable terms. East 43th, 1 blk. south of Division. $4500. A f LEAVING city, must sacrifice beautl ful bungalow, 7 rooms and sleeping porch: every modern convenience; In perfect condition; fine garage; In district Ca B,yOl Duuiva vun? . SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1031 - GOOD 3-room cottage, large yard, wood shed, garage, walking distance to city, price 8-00: mortgage $500. Total $130". Furniture Included. Here Is your chance, cash or terms. See me at once. I am going to California. Owner. 845 East Stark St., CO. 27th. No phone. IRVLNGTON NEW COLT3NIA L SNAP '. Choice location, old Ivory, art paper, oak floors, 2 fireplaces, garage. Neuhausen, 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 80,. Suburban Homes. FOR SALE lH-story. new, double con struction, 8-room bungalow, modern, with IV acrea clear land, near TlEard. on macadgm road, 3-10 mile from Cap ital highway, 6 minutes' walk from Oreenhnrs station on Oreron Electric Ry. Good train service, low monthly fare. 2&-mfnuta rids from Jefferson-sC station. Some term or small payment down and soldiers' bonus, taking 2d mortaase at 7 per cent for balance. House nearinr comoletion. will make changes to suit. For further particulars write owner or call. W. WEST (Oreenburg 8tatlon Route No. 1. Beaverton. Or. NEW ADDITION. ACRE TRACTS ACRE TRACTS. BEAUTIFUL MEYERMEAD. GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR. Base Line-Barker road and Villa st.: beautiful suburban building sites, some on paved and graveled road, electrlo Una station on the property; acre tracta and less, $473 and up; pay $10 or more monthly; free auto trips to the property every day; phone ua and we'll aend an auto for you; don't delay; get In' on the ground floor. Comte A Kohlman. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 8550. CHEAP TO CLOSE ESTATE. THE HEITKEMPER PLACE. Beautiful country home of 7 aetee. fine grounda, ail kinds of nut and fruit trees, acre In grapes, ornamental shrubbery and hedgea Part beaver dam. Has never failing spring and ram. On bard-aurface road and Oregon City car line at Courtney elation. Might di vide. Inquire across the road at Lily Pond nursery. SUBURBAN HOME. BY OWNER. Lovely bungalow with 5 rooms down large floored attic, all the bullt-lns. hard wood floors, cement basement, furnace. rireDlsca. cltv water, m and lights, lot 80x294 feet: 31 assorted bearing fruit trees, small fruits, etc.. large poultry house, ar.d fame: 5 blocks from cat line: $6750. $2000 down; discount for cash, 9th and Et Gllsan. Box 1 SO AT WILLAMETTE. OR. B-rrom house, electric lights, city water; 4 lots 130x140: 2 blocks to eighth grade school, free fare to nign scnooi all kinds of fruit; pavement all way to Portland; a snap; terma. Auto. 814-32. Portland. RIVER FRONTAGE. Ai acre touching river at Oak Grove, 7-room modern houre, gas. elec. lights, plumbing: an Ideal location for country home; $5000. $1500 cash, balance rnort gage. See this. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 15'j 4th St. 24 ACRES, large 4-room house, near e'ec trie line, 15 miles from Portland. Owner must sacrifice for $15oo. This Is a real buy. Essy terma W. M. Umbdenstock A Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1058. OWNER NEEDS MONEY. lH-acre tract, large 4-room house, gas and water, convenient to two csr lines, close In; ground alone worth price. $2760. $ 1000 cash. L. J Lamb. Corbett bldg. 4-ROOM ceiled bungalow, lot 60x158. all kinds of small fruit, bearing fruit treea Just outside of city limits: walking dis tsnce to Sellwood csr. 1 block to Esta cada. $ 1 200: $800 dow n. Sell. 2937. TWO CHOICE acres with good 3-room house. niocKB xrora Jennings Loaie on Ciregon City car line, abundance of fruit. Price (5500 with term. Oak Grove 104-M or Broadway 3118. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 8d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line. HALT! WHO GOES THERE? Modern bungalow. 1 acrea fruit, ber ries, chickens; city conveniences: come out, make offers Automatic 633-34. NEAR Multnomah station. 6-room resi dence Just being finished; unsurpassed view. Price right and easy terms. Phone Main 5473. Homesteads, Relipquisnmenta. PEC1AL PRIVILEGES FOR SERVICE MEN. A timber homestead worth around 87000 for an Initial cost of $232. From your government to you. Why wait? Go thla week with mv weekly Dartv of home- -.ekers. I have had over 20 yeara of timber experience. My references, over 200 satisfied settlers I located. Certified maps of this land mailed for $1. See me at once. M. J. Anaerson. ou.-i ntn way Exchange bldg.. Portland. INVESTMENT IS FORTUNES FOUNDA TION; TiHoLK iOUAT S bLS t IN VESTMENT. INVEST YOUR HOME SEA D RIGHT. IT'S WORTH THOU SANDS. USE IT. LET ME SHOW YOU HOW TO CASH IT ON CLOSE-IN PROPERTY. PLEASE CALL AFTER NOONS OR EVENINGS. G. S. EH LE (TIMBER CRUISER).. RAINIER HO TEL "EX-SERVICE MEN." Do you know your service mean money to you? The government makes it easv for you to acquire 100 acres of valuable land. Does not Interfere with vour state bonus. Investigate this. FRANK NITKEY. 832 Morgan bldg. Main 524. IF YOU haven't used your HOMESTEAD right, now is your opportunity, while the roads are good, as this is your Jest chsnce to get a desirable claim In Ore gon. I also have eome good relinquish ments. E. W. Helm, 818 Board of Trade bldg, RELINQUISHMENT. 180 acres, 100 acres tillable, lots fer tile bottom land, good timber, fir snd cedar; no Improvements; near rural route, mill, etc. Oregon City 12 miles northwest. Call at 208 Morgan bldg. HOMESTEADS FOR EX-SERVICE MEN or others; original entry or relinquish ments; will locate you on timber or farm lands, taking you out In my own car E W. Helm 816 Board of Trade. 40 AND 80-ACRE homeslesd location on auto road. 50 miles to Portland, nice creek on place; fine neighbors; 1 acrs In garden. $200 cash. 301 Corbett bldg. For Sale Acreage. THIS is rich. Just got it today. 40 acres, said to be a very fine piece of- land by a neighbor; lies pretty, great soil, 2 acres near beaverdam land: running stream and one of finest springe: a great abundance of very fine cedar and some fir; good road, z rruies r. r. station ana town. Fine modern property adjoining; clear title to you for (1700 spot cash. something rich and beautlfnl. A real genuine show down. Must be sold In next 24 hours; 12 miles from Portland, wrt aide 64 acres, all richest land an citivetinn fmred. modern 5-room bun galow, fireplace, barn, modern chicken houses and runs. gas. fruit and berries, cow, 0O0 high-grade chickens; on gravel ed road; classy section oi luuiiiij, 7x lle eleflrlc atatlon and finCBt highWgy. A great monev-maker; must sacrifice quickly for (sooo and (3000 cash necee aarv to do business. Csnifbt duplicate this. C. L. Becker. l.".3ij First street. a -rm thacT: located 1 mile south Oswego depot: all cleared with dandy spring: 2 acres fenced: finest of soil; lust the place for a close In suburbsn home, and cheap at $1800 with $400 cash. - RALPH HARRIS CO . 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6824. j "Di-auiM DISTRICT. '816 AN ACRE. Near hlghlv improved farms. 20 mile from Portland, half mil from electrlo railway, 40o fare, open passure. easily cleared. Small cash payment accepted. c.ii Main 241. 902 Spalding bldg. Jrred F. Huntress. FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT 13 acres. 80 In cultivation, a b . "7"- crop, stock and machinery goes with nlace- 8 miles from small town. Room 18. Zorn hotel. 29 Hi Morrison St., Port land. Or. WRITE for map of western tvaemngion. howing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. aw ACRFS sTl In cultivation, on paved road' -r! house and cow and some chickens, all for $2750. terms, or will trade for apt." ho tse John Brown Co realtors. 7122 RY. Exch. bldg. c , ie vim acres Deal Dalla Or.. mostly In cultlvstlon, well improved. Price $125 per acre; will take aoine trade. Write T. R. D"!' owner. Rlckreall, Oregon. R. Y. D. No. 1. , a 11'KKj AT BlAllU.1!. Facing carline at Ruby Junction. This la a snap Price $000. $50 caah and $10 r month. Strong A Co.. 600 Cham, of Com. tiioa- LAND sale. 150 acres, l mile irom cen tralis. Wash.; uncleared, has spring on it and marketable timber; $25 an acre; r. S E. VI Sec 10. T. 14. R 2 W. Box 599, Oakland, Cal. FOR SALE LnCM lu 71 wcira. n miles from Portland. IVi miles from Sher wood 8 acres clear. lnouirs room 20L Hotel Ohio. Front snd Maldson ata 1 ACRE. On 73d ave., fruit of all kinds, 8 room modern house, all In fine shape. Vacant. Terms to suit. AuL 612-29. GREENHOUSES Small acreage 7 miles to Portland; orchard, house, barn, etc. t fine propoaltlon: very cheap.. Write A. G. Trendcll, Beaverton. Or. CHANCE of lifetime, 1 acre with small house, 6 blocks north Rose City car. Terma. J. Lleder. E. 72d and Prescott RULLD A SHACK. MOVE IN. 1 acre, all In fruit and berrlea: city eon veniences: nothing down. Aut. 833-54. in ACRES nesr Newberg highway: cleared: four-room house: cheap, on eaav terms or trade. W. G. Schulxe. n. Second st. FOR SALE 7 acre, close in. 6131 V2i 8. E. Thoa, Allen, NEWBERCt FRUIT SECTION. 40 acrea red shot land, all cul tivated and planted, 4 a. In apples, 6 In prunes. 5 In cherries, 5 In blackcaps. 8 In strawberriea 12 in clover. 190 wslnut trees. Fruit alt bearing and one of best producer In thla .section. Resd the above items over again and figure the Income from this place; good 5 room house, hot and cold wnt"r. bath. barn, machine shed, chicken house complete set Implements, team.' one cow. chickens: located 8 miles from Newberg, on good road: price $20,000. half cash: buy this now and get the crops. Shown from Portland by appolntmenL HARVEST 13 READY. 8 35 acres Canby garden land, all In crop, potatoes ready to dig. gar den crops to harvest, asparagus And rhubarb roots to sell. Bra pis. berries and )oung fruit treea This ia one of the best garden tracts in tins section. You don't pay for high-priced Improvements: build to suit yourself. Price reduced to $270U. $1200 will handle. See this U you wantayour moneyy worth. MILK AND CHEESE IT. ISO acres in Tillamook county. 8 miles from Beaver, oa good road, land slightly rolling. all deeo loim soil, no rock, tine ereek snd bottom land, springa 14 a. under plow, 4-room box house. barn, fruit trees; splendid dairy propo sition: surrounding land held at $80 per acre: price on this only $12.60 per acre. Part cash. SERVE CHICKEN DINNERS. seres of choics land on paved Pacific highway: no better soil, fine lot of fruit and berrlra house of 8 large rooma all plas tered, besides kitchen and milk house, with concrete floor, barn, hen house to accommodate 1000 hena This rsnrh Is located right on Pacific highway, near town. Here is a place where you can serve chicken dinners to tourlsta Rsise the fowle and serve them to tourists: do the same with the ber ries, getting all the profit your aelf. REDUCED FROM $4000. 10 acrea extra good soil for any purpose, all under cultivation ex cept grove at bouse, half acre fam ily orchard, well with force pump, barn, hen houses; here you get a fine horse and 40 hens snd 60 young chickens, farm loola etc. Near Gladstone; Oregon City csr line. See thla at once. Owner forced to sell. Price $3200. $1500 cash, balance mortgage, 6. FRETTAO-MEEDS CO.. Gladstone, Oregon. Oregon City Csr Line. Phone Oregon City 209 J. 337 ACRES of land for sale., best climatic condition for irult and oerries; lugsn. hrer.ee e.nerlallv A-l nlsttlng PrOPOSl tlon: blr money to be resllsed. Price $35 per acre. $4795 cash, bal. $1000 per annum with interert at 7 per cent. Only within 4 miles of town; close to Olympic hlchwav: land Is sub-lrrlgatecL For further particulars address Lewis Levy, p. o. box, 207 Port Angeles, wsan. SMALL acreage with building and fruit Zorn hotel, 29IH Morrison, room 18. Fruit Lands for Bale or Rent. CROP GOES W'lTll PROPERTY. 80 acres, 38 acrea In bearing apple or chard, stsndard varieties; lu acrea tim ber, balance rartlally cleared; very good bulldinca amDle water aupply. K.tckltat county. Wash. Convenient to ralL Good crop. Jolm Bain, 607 Spalding bidg Portland. Or. 17 IA ACRES of ideal filbert land, ready to plant; also 12 acrea of fine berry land, ail tiled; near Hlllsboro; 1 hesvy bearing walnut orchard; all near Paclfla highway; also rine aneep rancn. AO' dress T. Wtthycombe. 432 12th St.. city. California Real Kstate. MILLER A LUX own 800,000 acres Cali fornia land; 82.000 acre tract of their choicest land la cut up for settlers: no slumps, stoaes. alkali or hardpan; level snd o enty cheap gravity irrigation water; school, town, highway and rail road on land, selling for less than one half its value, on easy terma Phone Tabor 688, or call 1027 Vi Belmont st. to talk with Mr. Gelger. from Callfornl Send for map and folder. Kramer, Lake A Co. For Sale Farms. HOOD RIVER FARM. Upper Hood River val'.ey ranch of 150 acres, with 120 in cultivation. f inest soil in the vslley for potatoes, clover, grsln. etc. Exceptionally good house, bunk house, tool sheds, ample In every way a-nd In excellent condition. Th re. miles from postofflce. store and railroad half mile from the new loop road. Ad lacent to large acreage of outrange fine for grazing. Under Middle Fork dlteh. - Ith plenty of water. A most attractlvs location and a good concern Price $30,000. J. W. CRITES. Agent. Hood River. Oregon. CANADIAN FARM LANDS Last great block of Canadian 1'aclllc Railway company reserve lands, remarkably cheap, on long and easy terma Land seekers' excursion party leavea Port land for Calgary. Alberta, on Saturday, September 24. Reduced railway rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific Railway company. 208 Railway Exchange bldg. L., P. Thornton, dis trict representative. ' FOR SALE SMALL DAIRY. 14V acres, 8 acres of diked Columbia river bottom, 2 acres In bearing orchsrd. 44 acres pasture, running water; good 6-room house, woodshed, chicken house and run. good barn, 10 tons hsy, 4 choice milk cows. 1 Isrge horse, l hsck, I wagon. 60 chickens: locsted 1 mils north of Rsinler on good road. Address P. O. box No. 695. Rainier. Or. BEST FARM BUY IN OREGON. On paved highway; modern buildings; over 100 head of atock and implementa included In price. Peraonal property alone worth halt the price. RfiO acrea, 200 acre cleared. Price (32,000. binail payment and easy terma KUDRKY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. CENTRAL OREGON SNAP. 820 acres. 200 acres cultivated. 4-room house, bsm. good water, windmill, 1 mile of new experimental stats well, which ha developed abundant flow of water; on state highway; m miles school and church; (8 acre; H cash, bal ance terma to suiu E. R. 8.. 618 Couch bldg. Main 58H4. FOR SALE. 20 acres, pew house, spring water In sink, county road; 3 cows. 1 beef. 2 pig", chlikena. 1 mare, 1 wagon. 1 buggy, 1 harness, bay, crops, separator, cream cans. (2500 Includes everything, terma Address H. H. SHUMWAY, Goble. Or. Route 1. HOOD RIVER home and orchard, 30 acres, 11 acre in Spltxenbergs and New towns; good crop; a splendid 7-room house: electricity, bath, waterpower absolutely perfect location: no Incum brances: price very reasonable; terma caah or part caah and the equivalent; crop Included If taken aooa. AF 911, ' Oregonlan. FOR SALE at a bargain, 225 acrea, only 9 miles from city limits; so acre in cultivation, bal. pasture and timber: plenty good water; lot fruit treee; ideal place for dairy or stock ranch; good set of buildings; water piped to house. For particulars see A. Wildman, owner, 28 North First street. HOOD RIVER orchard home. 30 acrea, 11 acres Spltxenbergs and Newtowns. good crop; splendid 7-room house, bath, elec tric lights, water system; price very rea sonable. Terms cash or part cash and the equivalent. Crop Included In price If sold soon. No Incumbrances; splendid lo cation. AJ 2. Oregonlan. (20 PER ACRE will buy J60 acres of fine land, 4 mues irom i.yie, on rsortn rfang R. R., In Klickitat county. Waahlngton. There Is a small cabin on the place. About ten acres cleared, balance in scattering brush, pine snd oak; watered by aprlng and creek. Easy terma John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg., Portland. Or. FINE ranch of 35 acrea; beautiful home; fine barn: 22 acres planted In clover and alfalfa. Wonderful Irrigation and spring In Trout Lake valley. Warn., near White Salmon river. Price $6::ou. About the value of house and bsrn. -Fine summer home tn view of mountain. A.N 1000. Oregonlan. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO., Realtors, SpeciallSJ In Clackamas county FARMS. ACREAGE. SUBURBAN HOMES. 82 years In Clackamas county. Expert agricultural advice free. - GLADSTONE. OR. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. 60 ACRES, all In cultivation, near Hllls boro. (8000, good terms:! 12 54 acrea, modern 7-room house, good barn, (8000, just outside city limits. Wlsmer A Haase, Hlllsboro Nat. Bank bldg., Hllls boro. Or. FOR SALE by owner. 13 V4 acrea. high state of cultivation, improved; 10 miles out fine road; $6000. $2500 caah, bal. lor.s time 420 N. Syracuse at., st- Johne. 93 ACRES, elx miles south of Lebanon: 85 in cultivation, well fenced: a good buy, or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre; eaav terms; beet soil; farms for sale, all sixes. M c Fa rl a nd. realtor. 2'iS Failing bids. CHOICE Improved Taklma valley alfalfa, grain, veg., fruit, dairy and poultry land. Joining town. Cal. Ranch. Buena. Wash. 16W ACRES, level, timbered land witn creek, near electric and highway; can divide. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 Mi 8d St. 160 ACRES for rent or sale. $li KuuUcr. 2M , alUl jt City. 80 ACRES, 50 culllvsted. 40 rich bottom. on rallrosd. river; nungeiow. u bldg., 45 ton hay, 1000 bushels oats, wheat, cows, tesm, equipment $II.noo, one-third cash. H. B. Allen. Gaton.Or. WANTED REAL F.STATE. HOUSES WANTED. . . Have huyera for medium Pr,f" houses, with small payment down ana large monthly payments A " parties with Improved and unimproved acreage, close to Portland, that will ex change for Portland hou.e that )s priced right. Ask for Mr. Newman, with John Ferguson. Gerllnger bldg IF YOU have a rooming houae. noiei. . . .,nre ni 1HV Other OUSI- ners to' sell I will dispose of It or you. within ten days If your price Is rlgni. Call ms today. Mr. Terry. COMTE A KOHLMAN. Main 6..S0. '.'OS Chamber of commerce BAYS buyera tor houses or fists on the west side, I csn sell your property if your price Is right. irtilM BTvnir.Fi 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE HAVE client with Jiriuu M.n i ern 6-room residence close to :WJ car. south of Alameda park. $4000 to $5250. See houae dept. .. GEO. T. MOORE CO. "1007 Yeon Bldg. ONE HOUSE with at least two lots. Mi. laoor or nawinwin -"' .. - i, w . . c-ii T,w SO after 7 P- M. not over r on Sunday or write T. H. Hawse. 1012 W Belmont st. . . WANTING a good income property in city from $25,000 up to $130,000? I want the lowest cssh price, name sju iury... In letter. From ownera only. Aa uregonlan. WANT seven or eight-room house to $5..0U nn Weat nine or cioas in r,,n r-ii. - ill cash for bargain. Main luoO. 609 Ch. of Com. Bldg. ... -r rt..e-M.,, hunffalOW With SltlC close to Hawmome csr nnr. r-i to 60th st. $1000 to $1500 cash. Call al 385 East 45th at. I AM BADLY In need of good lots, make your pr ce rlgni ana 1 csn mi 11. ii i HARRY BECKWITH Main 688B. Realtor. 104 Fifth St. FIVE-ROOM modrrn bungalow, garage: Hawthorne aiairici. nm ivv, ... cash. Rodsbsuith. Tabor 4299. IRVINOTON or Rose City lot for good light SIX aUIO. lO-iU. IU pel let:,, vuuuiiivu. D 982. Orcgonlan. 5-ROOM house. cloae In. on or near car; r price, terma K 6. Ore- small lot, 101 gontan. WANT lot In exchange for Franklin road- eter, $700. Call or aaareaa wuu uv,, ra tion. fl-"n Schuyler street. WANTED From owner, a sma.l moaern home In Sellwood; please state sise price. AN 2. Oregnnlem WANTED $4000; Rose City Park bunga- low; private party. B aia, oresonia 11. FROM owner, modern 4 or a-room noun. Hma I payment onwn. r. i.--.i. . r-... WANTED Beat lot bargain vicinity of Piedmont. H 17. oregonian. WILL trade Chevrolet touring car lor tuu 1133. Oregonlan Wanted to Kent Farina. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or email farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or mors. Ws make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Paclflo Coait. DAIRY farm with 10 to 30 oows wantea An .here AO. All bSSla Wnem C very I II 111 S la furnished. Address E. W. Lambdin. Gsaton. Or. wanted To rent a dairy ranch, write to 4303 E. 91st st. 8. E.. Portland. Or, SMALL fruit and dairy ranch with tlon of buying. Y 823, Oregonlan FOR KENT FARMS. an a crura oiin cult ival Inn. B.rooni house bsrn and other buildings; fruit of sll kinds; all tools furnished: lease to run . . rt . .... . . t xa.no ner vear. The fol lowing property for sale: 8 cows, brood sow. 8 pigs. 70 chickens, big team. .An h.rnll. SO tfltll of haY. 100 bushels oats. 43 bus'hels whest. 4 acres Burbank potatoes, one acre Kale sno car rots. All goes for $1600. Take Eslacada car to Boring, Inquire at Monger ga rage for direction , mit KENT 7 miles north of Vancouver on Paclflo highway, 40 acrea. 8 acres in cultivation, balance good pasture modern 8-room Partly furnished house, arranged with hot water connectlona. fireplace; chicken house and fine or chard. Address M. J. Chapman, box 117, route 6. Vancouver. Waah. FOR RENT First-class location for dairy or farming on macadam road within 10 miles nf Portland: rood hui dings. 1 acrea under cultivation, part eeerted. lots of pasture land: ret.ter must turniau own atock and imp'ementa: icrme caau. au dresa owner. AV 491, OregoniatK FOR RENT 50 acrea. 40 mllea south. For sale or rent, 50 to 2O0 acres. Who will Join me in setting out prune orchaid? Call Main ta'M. FOR RENT OR LEASE 2S acres In high state of cultivation, on asn L.ine roan 10 mllea from city; no buildings, rtooa lawn 5603. o'.u ACRES for rent aoioininc O. A. C. Sharea or cash. Nothing furnished. 661 Gllsan. FARM for rent, some equipment for Charles Chllds. Brownsville. Or. TIMBER I.AND3. TIMREIl LANDS All or psrt Interest ll mine- aaw mill on R. R. and river: have aiorage room In river for 2. 000. 000 feet of lora: mill cutting zs h per aay. w-uh &O.COO 00O feet of timber available. Addrraa room 415, Hotel Ramapo, 14la and Waahlngton. TO FX CH ANG F K F A f , ESTATE, liai ACKES In Tillamook, about 20 aire ae,.ded in eraea: loa cabin 14x22 and small barn; about 2.600.000 feet of timber: will Bell all for $HO0 cash. might trade for a smaller piece of land In Willamette valley. Inquire A. Al bertsen. 824 S.tlmon St., Portland. O aa irRl-a. 20 miles: 30 acres cultivation goodihouae. barn, outbuildings, orchsrd, rosds, water pipnl; will take good prop rtv in city: all or part: will maki onlcjt deal: beet of reasons. Rlotiarda. f,i i3 Couch bldg. WILL exchange Ave eoree onion land, good houae. barn, on eicciric line, near pavo ment. for modern bungalow, small apart ment house, nais or iiicomo property will sell on terma Box 144, KL, 6, or phone 6-F-4. Vanrouver. Wash. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trad for you; bring In your propoaltlon and we will maiun you ou any mm ni mniii; lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. SC. R. S.. 313 Couch bldg. MONTANA LAND 320 acres Fort Bento: district with small Improvements, close tn M ssourl river. Most can oe cum vated. Rented one-third crop. (23 acre reserving one-fifth oil royalty, owner, R. W. Tripp. Albany. Oregon. I WILL sell or trade for houae and lot In Portland, my nice I5-acre place fronting on the Columbia highway at Sprlngdale. Take a ride out and see It. Too much to write In an ad Eiick Enqulst, owner. R. R.. Troutdale. Or. ' (0 ACRES. Mont, farm, under Sun river Irrigation; will sell or exchange for Im proved acreage near Portland. For par ticulars write L. J. Gynka, 8. Sll Hatch at.. Spokane. v aan. WILL EXCHANGE furniture and hard ware stock for Improved olty property or for vacant lots. Irvlngton, Mount Ta ' bor districts Agents Invited to answer, O 4, Oregonlan MY 7-PASSENGER Studcbaker. 4 -cylinder, model 1917; in perfect condition, good tires, one extra, looks good and la good. Value (700. For lot ot same value. D 918. Oregonlan. HAVE 1920 sedan, "-pan., In A-l condi tion; never been off th pavement; run less thsn 10.000 miles. Will trade for equity in home: will assume. What have vou? Msln ItirtO; 10 ACRES, nesr Newberg highwsy. cleared. 4-room nouse, cneap, any terms, or traoe. Might consider something at Spoksne. W. G. Schulxe, 28 N. 2d it. Phone Bdwy. 727. BY OWNER. For sale or exchange. 6-room house and family orchard; 3 acre of (round. Tahor 103 SIX ACRES near Gresham, one mile to ststlon: exch. for lot, house equity or auto. Bdwy. 5549. A. H. Akerson, Hen- ry bldg COME AND SEE US. WE CAN TRADE TOUR PROPERTY. 619 HENRY BI.DO. IMPROVED 640-acre corn and wheat farm in Montana oil dlatrirL $30 acre, part trade. R 007. oregonlan, ACRE, near city; will trade for car of rooming bouse. Main 3397. 219 Waahing- ton at. , WILL take 1 acre of land cloae to city for niy $1000 equity In $3300 tf-room house. aoih St. senwooq am. io ACRES land In Florida, trade for light car or lots. 1018 E. 11th st. N. Phone Wdln. 4449; WILL trade 80 scree with 4.000,000 feet A-l timber. A bargain. What your of fer? H B. Bowea Sell. 8039. t ACRES on Columbia river highway, at Rowena. Trade for car or rooming houae. 219 Washington at Main 3397. IrToO- EQUITY in ten-room houae. rented for $35. Total price $2500; some trade and email amount of caah. Auto. 631-h.y COOS-BAY property for salo or trade for Los Angeles piwi'-QT- i "" main am.. 6-ACRE orchard tract at Rex station; Call Main 1070. trade ior Improved lot. TRADES! TRADES) TRADESI We have built up a trading bualneas that we are proud of. We can give you a trade on almost anything you want. We have beauti.'ul farm In Oregon, Washington. California. Idaho and Can "ada to trade you for city properly, vie have some very fine acreage tracts close to Portland to trade. We also have some nice homes In the city to trsde for land. Come In and let us get together. We are sure we rsn get you what you want. (JUICK SALEM CO., 408 Couch Bldg. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1131 acrea located near coast, about bslf bottom Isnd. balance bench and hill. :oo acres In cultivation. 2 houpes. fair barn; price $ 10,000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. (3 Fourth st. opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone B road way 3 715. FOR SALE OR TRADE for 6-room modern house and 50x100 lot; 1 acre, 8-roum house, H aore rasp berrlea and loganberries, 40 bearing fruit trees, gss. Bull Run water, garage and chicken hotiMe. This Is a snap for anyone that wants acreage, close In; 13500 takea it. L 934. orcgonlan. SALEM HOME AND FOUR ACRES. In city limits of Salrm. clear of debt, good 4-room houae, plastsred, electrlo lights, street csr by door; will exchange for 4-room houae Portland to $2.VM) and take mortgage tor difference. E. R. tt.. 513 Couch bide. Main 5L O TR first rRADB A lot In Ladd'a addition as psy't on small ranch, aultabis for chickens; must have some fruit. K. H. Patterson, Newberg, Or. to r.xriiANor Misrr.t lanfocw. SkARLY new 10-hors' oow For lumber or anythftig. gaa engine. B. 8443. roit SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. B ROOD SOWS. Am closing out all of my brood sow snd plga Sea them on the rsnch at Svramore station. B. F. Brandon. Aut, 646-57. KEYSTONE STABLES. 80 head borer and mares, welshing 1200 to 1700 lbs., 6 to 8 years old. In fine shspe and ready to work; price reasonable; wagons and harness. 881 Water St., foot Montgomery. RAM BARGAIN" Purebred yearling Lin coin rams, $7.oo. tor .o: z-year-oiu Lincoln, also Cotswolds. $10: crating free; heavy shesrers. In rars condition. jlh adeland Farms, Amity. Or. HEAD or horaea in good working order, from 6 to 10 years old. weighing 12U0 to 1350 pounda Liberty Coal A Ice Co., 21 East 3d st. I'hons Eaat 62l. TEAM dappl-grey horses. 5 years old. weight SbOUt nllir in. rii lariri pnim snd sound. Price $2M. Keystone Stsbles. 311 Water st.. foot Montgomery. 8PAN chunky-built RelKlan mares. 6 years Old, welgnt inaui lur. irn, fuuiiii and gentle; for $820. Inquire Reed s t earn feed b arn. H 1 Water St.. weat side. FOR SALE Six horses: reasonable prlcea Holmal run - streets. FOR SALE 3000-lb. team wsgon and harness, in goon cunomoji. tvcui urua vard, 34th and Tlllnmook. 1400 BAY HORSE. 5 years old. KUsran- teed good worker; no male; ai-u envap. Woodyard. 327 Front. (90 BUYS bay horse, weight 1600 lbs.. In gooa snape, reauj m num. o. " at., weat aide. "TEAM 9-ear horsea, good garden team. Will sell cheap. R. F. D. 2, Box 24, Mllwaukle, Or. HORSES for sale, hire or exchange. Key. stone staniea em wairr iu, tout siom- gomery. I'hone war, gaia. FOR PA L.K. oeverai irean lamiiy cowa; prlcea from aati 10 sio. jaoor aooa. VETERINARIAN. DR. JlOWKS. TABOR 6566 FOR SALE rteglatered snropanire ewee nd rama. ttoiman r uei to., sa otn at. DEAD horaes and cattle taken quickly. Phone Mliwauaie eii-j ior ow ecrvics. DEAD horses and cattle takrn quickly. Call day or nignu sum, o-i-ni. WANTED To buy flrat-cUas galled eadd.e horae. r. r-. uowiii.n, ji.iu au.o, U1DKS bought or tanned. West Coaat Tan- Plug CO., Bee leniii" ii oaii. riio. ' Plds" FOR SALE. TABOR 1602. TWO GOOD young cowa. cheap: luburcu- lar trated. wooayarq, a-l rrom. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. nnurvun-'ilim rtCHWAV PIANO CO. $il73 Singer upright, mahogany ... ,$2!J (ii50 Kimball upright, mahogany... 8H3 $000 Strger, upright, oak 4M $750 Adam Schaaf player-piano.... 40 J $000 Stelnway A Sons upright. .... 80S (475 Hallet A Davis upright 195 (10 or (23 cash. $6 to $12 monthly. 101 10th St.. at Washington and Stark. CLOSINO OUT: SECURITY STORAGE CO. $150 Kmerron upright piano (105 $730 rtanlala plsyer-plsno 2U3 $275 Collard A Collard upright 65 Parlor organs $18 and $28 cash Piano bought and aold for caah only. 103 10th St . cor. Btara. USED PIANO DEPARTMENT. This Week's oflertnge: TTelnse. upright plsno .(19a Hallet A Davis piano 25 Kimball, large, mahogany 815 Arion. walnut 95 Caah or $5, $6 to $10 monthly. PHONOORAPH DEPARTMENT. S New Brunawlck dlacontlnusa model 7, mahogany, each ( W 2 New 6tradlvara Harmony, each.. 123 2 New Stradlvara Chopin, each.. 150 1 Used Victor, nearly new 140 1 New Sonora Melodla 60 Prices csah, but you csn pay aa little aa $3 or $10 cash and $4. (5 or $4 a month If deatred. 7: h Floor 1.1PM AN. WOLFE A CO. BAND INSTRUMENT SPECIALS. All standard guaranteed make and hav been completely overhauled and terllixcd; a good case for each. ( 9LR0 York Comet. llver 140.no llolton Cornet, gold 90 oo conn Cornet, silver 101.50 York Cornet, silver 87 50 Conn Cornet, silver 94.50 Bueacher Cornet 95 King Cornet ..( 53 .. J0O .. 65 .. a .. 40 .. 65 .. 50 (30 Albert L. P. B flat Clarinet (30 55 Albert L, P. B flat Clarinet 85 75 Albert L. P. A Clarinet 60 (160 Buescher "C" llver Saxophone (146 150 Conn Alto sllvsr Ssxophone. .. . 1-5 215 Conn "C" gold Saxophone Ijn 95 Conn Alto brass Ssxophone.... 6-i Juat the thing for school band ana orchestrss. . . . G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. PIANO bA LE. Positively every piano In slock re duced to a price that will move them. Compare price and be convinced. Term 'IVrn- A... FISHER. mII slse. nprlght (175 HAINES CO.. walnut caae 231 H AR DM A N, plain mahogany case . SIS KRAMl'H A BACH, walnut caae... 850 KIMBALL, new 450 Ill.NZK. new 850 K1NGSBURG. oak caae 275 FRANKLIN, wainut caae 273 R1CCA. plain mahogany cass 250 MARSHALL WENDELL, almost tear 825 KIMBALL player, new 87 BUSH A LANE player, roll and bench JJJ HINZE player, new 850 REI BE RLI NO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. ORGANS ORGANS. Almost given away, $10 and op, terme flven See them. bEIUERLlNG-LUCAS 1USIC CO, 12.i Fourth at. BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS. 15 mot to psy; no Interest. Nate Ardrey, AU THORIZED DEALER, 879 E. Morrison. TCvenlngs phone Sellwood 2143. flOO STORY A CLARK piano, almost new, only (230, terms. 811 Worceater bldg'. $135 BUYS $7j.'j0 Martin Bros upright piano In nice oak case. Terms given. 811 Worcester bldg TWO PIANOS taken under mortgage; will s-ill for what I have against them. Room 208 Wsshlngton Bldg. A BARGAIN: mahogany finished phono graph, $50 less than cost. See It. Some terms. Going away. Tabor 8922. HIGH-GRADE piano for sale cheap; owner leaving town. Call between the hour of 1:80 to 8:30. East 6184. j-OR RENT Piano, Gratonola, late rec ords, $3 month. Empire Transfer, Bdwy. 155. , BRUNSWICK, slightly used, 15 popular record. $80. Call Main 1J17 after 6:80 pMralldaySunday. WILL take a standard make phonograph In trade on late model light touring car. Kast 74 3H. woo Weber player piano and bench only $4Q0: laie style. 311 Worcester bldg. S00 KRANICH & BACH piano. $300, a,, H'...,..P.. klrf. FOR SALE Haines 7N47 or 'JWi'x E. piano. Call Tabor 8llth Ft. FOR RENT sweet-tonea Trsnpfer. 254 Broadway. piano. Empir Bdwy. 155. Ys: BUYS uprigui p.ano. on Worcester bldg. WANTED Usod piano, spot oaah. Main 44 24 before 5 P. M. WANTED Good-tone piano, pay cash. Call Marshall 5709. JB.'.O W. W. Kl t e rms. 311 W' KIMBALL piano. only $215, oreeater bldg. $10O0 CHICK BRING piano, only (376, oa THIS. oi a. PIANO WANTED. Pay caah for bargain. Main 8588. riA-NG sjauted. Pay caao. AUrsuaU mj. 1