TTIE MORNING OKEGONIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1G, 1921 FOR KAf.K. M iMCellMlleous. SAVE MONEY READ KOLLOWIXG! HOVS' WAhll PANTS, sixes to 1 year I .OS BOYS' WAISTS, sizes to . wssh mater. si, loo to 13 Cllll.K IKKSSM (Willi), 3 to T yard. 13c to -2 UMBRELLAS, assorted styles 50 SHOES, best pair la thi store 2 M) All other srrvlc-able but cheaper shoea at correspondingly low prtrrs. MEN'S VKSTS FREE! Saturday. September 17. Monday. Sep tember a purctvase of $1 worth or mora at our stoie will entitle you to one free veal, choice of assortment, rjml worth up to $1. VICTOR FURNACE. No. . prlc when fiew $151). .lust as serviceable; take 11 away for $25. GET YOUR CLOTHING AND SHOES FOR TUB W1IOI.K FAMILY HEK i.NU SAVE .MONEY. PUBLIC WKI.KARK STORE ln Htislneea Not for Profit t 212 Third St.. near Salmon. Main 4 53. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless dentistry, by the nerve-b!ock-Ins method, without after effects. I make X-ray examination of teeth. I specialize In fltst-class dentistry at rea aunabla feea Lady attendant. Mar. 3203. DR. A. W. KEENB. Majestic Theater Bldg. 351 '4 Wssh, OLD MEXICO. Colonising and immigration laws rim plete to dure for companies and Irdl vlduala settling In Slulra. Published In English. Trice I.'. Address t. M. C. A. t o Hi; Waahlnglon Bldg.. Los Angeles. California. , SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand. aold for le.s; no sgents employed. Complete Una of parta for all makes; snschlns repaired and rented. SEWING UAl'Kl.NE EMPORIUM, MAIN 9431. 1 no Third St , near Taylor. , illB FOLKS back home will cherish and appreciate a aouvenir from Oregon. Send them something useful aa well aa beautiful. Oregon agate Jewelry mount ed In aolid sold- A wonderful selection 1o chnaa from. Moderately priced. Miller, ' am door to the Majestic theater; DIBLOCO PIPWI.EtSS FURNAC . 979.60, 9135. 8132. Mor efficient, leaa fuel; 6-year guar antee. We prove our claim: enthuataatlc Indoraement where installed: nothing Imsl by Ion. Wdln. 2103. 1. T. w oodroff. 12'tl M.illory ave. AilBKltAN KAP1ATOH MOT-WATER UK AT. COSTS NO WORK THAN FURNACE T4 EAT. EXPERT ADVICE FREE. AUK FOR MR. MAILI.RH. BROADWAY 4994. EVENINGS. MARSHALL. 8000. Ct A F K Fire and burglar-pro,. f safes, new and second-hand, at right prlcea; bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms It de sired. NORRTS SAFE LOCK CO.. ion Second St. Main 2043. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH, OIVB IT UP. Only genuine watch materials used. DAVID'S. .Tewelem and Opticians, 843 Waahlnglon Ht at Broa dway. WHY A substitute roofer? Why not a genuine and permanent roofer? We re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, crarked. weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roof. Phone liroadway 70. lie YOU want something good here it ia: Simmons De Luke bed springs, practical ly new, 118; also nearly new white enameled bed for 81 2.50. 687 Wlllam ette blvd., or phono Wdln. 62O0. FOI1 RENT. Shotguns and rifle. Also buy. sell or trade. NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 12 1st. Main 4405, Ant. 827-46. 823-83. ALTO TOPS Recover touring, 922.39 up; roadster. 917.50 up; curtains, $13 up; all auto trimming and repairing special price reduction. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. ilOT WATKR TANKS. SO gal.. 97; 40 gaL, 10; tested, gusranteed; stove and fur nace oils, gtis heaters Installed; plumb ing. East Side Welding Shop. 204 Ad ams. E. 8.". It). COME to the Vogue for ladiee' misfit and slightly used coats, furs, urease, hats, suits; thlDga to make over cheap. 4th floor. 4"S Allskv bldg., 3d and Morrison sis. Main 3132, 23 HIGH-POWER Parage rifle In esse, fine condition. IS 2 SO. Eaat 0o74 or call at 087 Multnomah at, 30 DROP-HEAD sewing machines, $12 SO to 943; Singers, New Humes, Whites. W. W. ; all makes machinea rented and repaired. . K. Steeo, 152- Orand ave. Kast i:t30. 8x4Vi GRAFLBX WITH FILM JIOLDER. THKEB PLATE HOLDtUtl. CARHYLNQ CAoB. NO t LKN." LKNS. EAST 771. i"H01'I2"TY OWNERS ATTENTION. Call up and let me demonstrate min eral surfaced roofing la rolls to put over o:d shingles. Wdln. &0H4. GOOD heating stove, only used short time. 115; also coal or wood range, fine condition, for $", with colls. Ou Kelly St., Fulton or Nd car. Phone Main 0814. MATTHKSSKS direct from, factory to homea; HUM new 40-lb. mattreseea, 93. Pioneer Mattreea A Pad Co., 1U72 a Lln coln at. Auto 237-07. MRS. H. W. 11 HUll AN, apparel shop, ladles' and gents' clothes bought, evld and exchanged: best prices. 24 4 Park st.. near Jefferson. Marshall lotn). iJOHinSINO machine. 960U electric out fit, used very little, for 1 1. Ml; terms If dosired. Heed-French Piano Co. Broad way 7s0. BMALL counter and ivtielves and adjustable dress form of dressmaking shop: suitable for small shop of any kind. WooaUawn COMPUTING SCALES, rash register, cof fee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 22li Stark Detweea Fl tst and Second eta. OH SALE iteglstera, lountatn. show cases, stools, meat sheer, peanut roaster, wall rase, coffee grinder; cash or credit. '.'411 Salmon. ATTENTION Furs, skins and hides nougnt or tanned. West Coaat Tanning Co., ni ave. Sellwuod ilENT lamp shades, panels, convex auto lenses, windshtclda Port. Art Olasa Co., 01.1 .iiauison. cor. inn. jiain v.yj TJUl VCK shooting every alt:rnute Sunday, very reasonnble to right person. Call uruanway :i.tii. 2'll.Kd can be permanently cured without operatiun. Call or write lr. leaa, - fierond and Morrison. iL'tiS waehed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electrlo carpet washer: also vacuum cleaning done. F.ast 4II4S. Foil RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day, eOc; delivered, guaranteed good condition Woodlawn lll.'iD. FOR SALE Two ruga, one velvet and one fiber, sine :3xl0:(l One green burlap acrcen. Electric grill. 4m Eaat 4 1th N. , KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent end exchange ko- dska Bandy. 323 Washington St. L1 EBOLD aafes, new and aecond band; apeclal prlcea Parlflo Scale ec Supply Co.. H Front St. Broadway lOtin. LARGE Italian prunes. 4o a pound; bring containers Southeaat corner of 42d and Kllllngsworth. Woodlawn 23 IK. LICENSED independent electrician wires 8 rooms for 912. a for 20. guaranteed to pass insiection. wondiawn 3701 ' WASHING MACHINE, slightly used May tag power machine; big bargain. Bdwy. Ihlll. or a 017. OrcgotUan. TE1'LADDERS, real oues. 12 to 20 feet, light weight, durable. 100 per cent safe. Call Broadway 710. .10-30 CALIBER Winchester carbine rifle and case in first class shape, liiil East 13th st. J'hone Sell. 8030. ONE NEW Firestone curd tire and tube, 82x4; also one Miller, same slxo, cheap. Tn bor 8303 or Aut o. 32 1 -AX LUTKB Klitum showcase, Crotors peanut ma-t-hlno alth oven: excellent condition or will trade. AH 21. Oregonlan. FOR SALE one fireplace grate and acreen. one wood heater. 12ti 2gt0f near Belmont. East'tll ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kinds of building material and wood for sale. Yard 2d and Columbia. Main (11.12. BALVIES I.iljnil Duck club wanes 2 sports men; tine lake and clubhouse; 1 hour d rive fr m t'ortia n u. n. out, ore g a n i a n HEMSTITCHING, He per yard; one vard free wtm inis aa. jju jMonawk bldg.. over Roberta Bros. FOR SALE: Navy blue tricotlne suit, worn only a few times, slie 80. 91b. 40. Call Mar. 0.17 ' OE.Nl'lNlfl Hudson seal coat, with skunk collar, size 3: in perfect condition, price 25rt. J P33. Oregonlan. It I' I'D water heater, 912.111; furnace colls installed, also any kind of plumbing done. Kaet 4M.12 ITALIAN prunes for sale, 5c a pound. y? Third. : AM LEAVING CITY. CANNED FRUIT :'OR SAI.H. WAST 4-'12. GOOD Vulcan gaa range and Ruud water heater cheap. Wdln 13IJH. SINGER sewing machine. like now. Sell cheap, tall Bdwy. n24. LOVELY layettes snd small girl's clothea planned and made up. Call Tabor HH. FORPALE Buffet. 918; dining table, 918. Woodlawn 4380. HA I R SWITCHES. 93 to 97.50. Woodlawn 430. 24 Killingsworth. 'OK SALE Italian prunes, 27th and Wash.. Mllwaukle. As'i for Woodward. LOYD wicker baby cnrrlHge, IIS, 8403 D4tn St.. S B. Auto. 814-74. 1 BRATi IRS Physician's slxe, slightly used. 801 Morgan bldg. OAS RANGTYlne condition. Phone Wdln. 4 M.12. 77 M orris st. FOR HALE One set 14 vol. works of The- odure Roosevelt, ihcap Call LUwy. 2739. FOR URn Mlacellaneoua. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIV By nerve blocking, aone therapy or con ductive anestheaia. We cen do all denial operations without pain. Corns In and let us prove It to you. DR. A. W. KEEN'S. ABOVE MAJESTIC THEATER. SilUj WASHINGTON ST. SINGERS. Whltoei New Homes, like new. a . . - li, it. v..aHnAul .mnhllll 115 to 9I; lateat Singera: cash or terms; rental 93 per month, ginger Store, 1IW 4th. Main 0333. FOR BAI.1S ACTOMOBlXFj; U k ill'., liUl.C I I v;tJ...-.J. This fine light 4 la like a brand new one. We win give you service and th low price of 9415, with 91i down, bal easy. Will make you want to ride hom In It. Needs nothing and factory finish Open Sunn-ays. 014 Alder si. LCllT touring car. completely overhauled and in excellent running c'". Tires, paint and upholstering are good. We will aell this car for 94'-"- Ask for Mr. Wareham. Broadway J40O. teed car dept., Norluwesl Auto Co., 18th and Alder. FORD COUPE. A OOOD BUY. Perfect condition, over 9200 In acces sories!. Call owner, Thomas, Main III), A. M. to 8 P. M. ItTJO KORO coupe, alerter, dera. rims, cord tires, spare tire mounted, vacuum feed, large wheel, foot throttle. 9S7S. terms. Htllingsley Motor Co.. Hawthorne ave., at Bth. East 7. 49 LIGHT 6 Ktudebaker In Al mechanical condition. This car looks like new: will accept terma and amslev car In trade. For aale by owner. 900. Phone Wdln. 1 7'.'7. 1VM STEPHENS touring, has been over- riauiea irora stem o v... tlree and paint; looks and runs Just llk a now car. A real buy. 'forme yes Call Hoxell. Broadway 3W0- UAVB 1020 sedan, 7-paaa., In A-l condi tion; never been off the pavement; run less than 10.000 miles; will trade for equity In home: will assume. What have you? Main 7l0. TAKE 1820 Chevrolet touring in first class mechanical condition; t tires, all around; bumpers, front and rear; s, snap at I37S. Tabor WJ4 or Columbia i ask for Irvine 91100 LIBERAL terms, buys my 1821 Olds roadater flrat-claaa condition, run less tban 2000 miles. Al rubber, extra tire, never used, and other extras. Main 710! LATE model 4 'JO Chevrolet, by private owner. This car la in perfect condition, overalxed tlree, almoet new; many extras. 4arge steering; wheel, 9o0 cash. Phone Kast 7.'to: 1013 BU1CK 4 In good mechanical condi tion and good tlree; would make a good bug or cen be used as It atands; a bar gain at 9200; term if desired. Phone Tabor 3013. VEI.IE, S-passenger. self-starter, good tires, etc.. only 9430: 973 cash and 923 per month, or will take good piano or player piano. Call at 435 Washington, or phone Broadway 7no. LEXINGTON light six. late model. looks like new; sacrifice for 9-5; give some terma Tabor IfiKft evenings, or Broad- way 7.. Call Mr. Gethlng. 12U FORD TOURING. Kleetrlo lights, starter, motor horn, shocks and many other extras. If you want a good Ford phone S 11 wood 8071. LBAVINO city, owner glvea big sacrifice. Beautiful 1020 Chandler: fine condition; run very little. New cord tires, extras. Woodlawn 274 1. 1010 MAXWELL, overhauled and rebuilt, good Urea. Small payment down, bal ance on easy terms. Call BoaelL Broedwsy mum. TJJal INDIAN SCOUT Only rijn ISOO miles. Can't tell it from a near one. 973 down, balance on easy terms. Call Bonell. Broadway 30. DODOE ROADSTER. 1019 Dodge roadster In excellent con dition; new tlree and perfect mechanical. ly; only 9 1 7a flown, feast -m;vj. WILL take half cash and what have you for model M 1817 Hupp, value about 9000. or will sell and give terms; best buy in town. Box 401. Besverton. BARGAIN 9300 CASH. 1917 Hotspot Chalmers-; cooks and runs fine: good tires, and a good all around car. 210 Jefferaon St. bUICK roadater. late 1018 model in fine shape; good rubber and some extras. If you want a real buy aeo this one. Call Straubel at Bdwy. 240. ll20 HUPMOU1LE in the very best of condition; cord equipment, 1 new extra cord with tire cover; a very good cay. Call Tabor 1S42. SEDAN One uf the classiest light ones in the city for the price asked. Looks and runs Just like new. A real buy. Terms, yes. Call Propat. Broadway 8ti06. 1010 LIBERTY aix. Just as good as a new car; will sacrifice this ear at 9000 as I need the cash. Will give long terms. Wdln. 607 ft. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. tlSOO. Looks and runs like new; beet buy In the city; must be aold quickly. Call private. Woodlawn pft-10. 1U19 FORD roadater. atarter block; well equipped. 92tf.. Terms. Billlngsley Mo tor Co., Hawthorne avenue at bth street. Ea.-t 7. SACRIFICE Overland 75, good shape, 8200, cash or terms. No trade-ins. Phone Broadway 7b8, a sic for Mr. KTlggS. 1P1I iiUK'K. SIK, 5-paaa. This car Is In wonderful condition, good tires and ex tras, carries sv factory guarantee. Call Tabor 1S30. WHAT am I offered of a 1010 Chandler touring In perfect shape? Good tires, complete extras; terms or cash. D 985. uregonian. 1WIT FORD touring In fine mechanical condition. Good tires and some extras. Make me an offer. Terms If desired. can Tabor ai3. 1020 FORD roadater. starter, dem. ami, speedometer, shocks, etc., 1 .180, Terms. Billlngsley Motor Co., Hawthorne avenue t otn. Kast 7. 120 FORD COUPE. Tn best of mechanical condition; tires an goon ana many extras. lest of terma Main 4244. CADILLAC for tSSO. fine condition, new paint, new top. seat covera five tires, light, comfortable family touring car. jwner i.ia gnerwooq jrive. 10211 FORD touring, starter, speedometer, many extras, g:i.". Terms. Billlngsley Motor Co.. Hawthorne avenue at Ulb, r-aac . TO TRADE High-powered bug. roadster. seat three, new PIMon rings, big mileage for good sord touring car. Wdln. 600V. sni Fremont. K. R. Hatch. BIG USES CARS PRICES tiutk. RIGHT. No Misrepresentations. COVBY MOTOR CAR CO. HAVE to have monev and am aacrlflcfni) my 7-paeeenger sedan. Will consldei light touring and balance cash. F 903 viK'niia" 1920 CHEVROLET roadster with extra delivery back; good tirea and In per fect mechanical condition. Make me an orrer. i erma tr oeairen. Tabor 8410. EXt E 1021 Huick touring. 5 nuiejimr looks like new; spotlight and bumpers rai vig xcuuvuen. Aauor OOVJ. lasa Ul vision FOR SALE. CHEAP. Chevrolet 400: Al mechanical essrll tton; good tires and Iota of extraa. Call wooatawn n.wo. WILL make loans In small amounts on cars stored in our BONDED WAR v.. HOl'SIi". Oregon Brokerage Co.. liJ N. w. pan oiog. WILL sacrifice nearly new Chevrolet se dan, will consider Chevrolet or Ford as part payment ana give terms on bal ance. I'none ikimi POHII COL'PB. Al condition, driven on paved streets only by private party. Can be seen at N o n Hill garage, -q ana nesmey. 1118 CIIANDLLR, 97SO cash or terms; A-l . mechanical condition throughout, Dew paint, good rubber, demonstration will convmre. i-nvaie owner, pen. 1231. FOR SALE Large 7-pasaenger Packard touring car In first-class condition; fully equipped with 8 nearly new cord tires. Phone owner, c u.w. WE TEAR 'em up and aell the pieces. Portland Auto rv renting -o.. 03 1 Alder, 17th. Broadway 02.e. A CHEAP buy studebaker 4: good run ning ornnr. ivii mooei. aioney talka Woodlawn .ou 1010 GRANT six, 9473. sll new tires, one extra; A-l shape. 80S Wsst Lombard. phone Wdln. low. ABSOLUTELY new 182t studebaker light six at bargain price. Mala 118. Mr. Buckley. 1010 STUDEBAKER light 8. bargain terma or traae. .can xierDert. Mroad way "HI. AL'TOMOBII E and truck storage, fire proof building, special latea for de-ad storage. 10411 Corbett at Mar. 14i5. 1010 BL'ICK In perfect condition: can han die light car as flrat payment, balance on ensy terms, uau noaen. Mdwy. 3100. 1821 FORD SEDAN, new. 8200 worth of extras, will take coup In trade. Xast 4:1 in. 8100 DOWN, balance oa easy terms, drives away av suuu .. 1. w. uill tlOXei I, nr-oaowaj, awn). WE PUT steal teeth in yjur old flywheel crankshaft turning. H. B. Black ma' chine snip, d.x Ainer nqwy. awi. J 120 FORD coupe, only 8'00. 133 North B 1 as) J w n y. opposite postorrice. ll1"T"ORI touring. 8130, terms. 132 N. Broadway, oppoaue postomce. IHIO CHALMERS touring, terms or trade. Smith, iiruaaway via. FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. - REPUTATION. ..... Reputation Is a tally of our ,a" deeds. Nothing is harder to gain or easier to lose. A good one requires many years of constant upbuilding and Its ex istence must be daily demonstrated. A poor one can easily be obtained from a single selfish thought or acL The Covey Motor Car company's rep utation for rebuilding and reflnlshing the used cars It offers (or sale, so that they may present the hlgheat possible a;ue for the lowest price. Is only a detailed interpretation of Its general reputation for fair dealing in every tranaactlon A used, rebuilt, reflniahed and guaranteed motor car purchased through this house can only produce one net result enure satisfaction, DODGE BROTHERS "MOTOR CARS. 1014 Dodge Brothers touring JI 3) Dodgo Brothers touring J! 1017 Dodge Brothers touring ..... 1013 Dodge Brothers roadster and touring .Jfrt 1018 Dodge Brothers sedan L0 1010 Dodge Brothers touring and roadster ouu 1020 Dodge Brothers touring and roadater 1919 Liberty, sport model JH llt Twin all Packard landaulet.. .idO 1010 Hudson limousine, fine con dition, a wonderful taxicao.. 1920 Overland "4" sedan inn Overland "00" touring loin Peerless 8 touring, only 1018 Scripps-Booth coupe 1020 Oldsmoblle "S" touring 1010 Oldsmoblle "8" touring 1U14 Oldsmoblle "8" touring 1020 Oldsmoblle '"" touring 1010 Oldsmoblle "8" touring 1918 Oldsmoblle "G" roadster 1020 Chandler, good condition, a snap 1017 Chandler coupe .....-- 1018 Chandler touring, new tires.. 1019 Haynee touring, only 1020 Haynes touring V'TJ XVXi Studebaker touring, to be sold as Is 1017 Studebsker 4 touring ........ 1018 Studebaker coupe, a real buy TO 373 1473 13.',0 1250 U.'iO S.,0 1023 000 000 1400 O.'.O 7 SO l.V 10 1000 ISO 20e two 1475 7S0 4WO 800 1100 1300 700 475 bOO 375 85U 60 4U0 375 525 S25 100 800 4UU 1150 170U lino 1250 115 173 lrt.,0 50 1919 Studebaker big six, T-paaa.... 1019 Studebaker "4" - 11 Maxwell roadster 101T Maxwell touring 1020 Maxwell sedan, an excellent car for 1020 King "8" 1020 Chevrolet 400 sedan v'JLl 1020 Chevrolet roadster, fins snap) 1020 Chevrolet touring lino Chevrolet touring 1018 Chevrolet touring 1:121 Ford coupe 1II20 Ford tearing i'fVti 120 Ford roadster, with del. body 1U20 Ford coupe . 1017 Ford coup'..., 1014 Ford touring 1017 Oakland touring, a good buy as la. at 10T4 Oakland touring 1018 Franklin. 4-paaaenger. series "9-A." an excellent car lor., 1920 Franklin touring 1010 Bulck roadster 1020 Bulck, 7-passenger 1020 Bulck. 8-paaaenger 1020 Bulck sedan V .".!' iil 1818 Chummy Stuts. wonderful car Modal "N" Hupmobll touring DELIVERY CARS. 191 Dodge Brothers, icreen. an excellent car 1018 Dodge Brothers, panel, gooa 1 91 chevToie i." 'pe nil." d'e'li very 101 Bulck delivery 823 T75 400 SU0 CADILLACS. . . - j Mm list our used, re- l,..lif .nrt r.finlahed CeeUllao motor care in this sdvertlaement you will TOJ find a well repreaented line of all models on display at our salesroom. All can guaranteed and aold oa aJ UrmWB ARB OPEM SCNpAT. COVEY MOTORCAR CO.. list at Waahlngton. BroVd- Also a big display at th new Broad vray aalesroom downtown. Call at tne salesroom most convenient for you. Our automobile, trin.port.tlin ja kea It quickly poaelbi for you to look over our entire stock. BROADWAY TSED CAR BRANCH. .-30 North Broadway. . Main 6244. HIO CUT IN TJSEO CARS. 101. Ford touring, extras f 163 200 245 275 200 300 385 1918 Ford express 1017 Ford touring, extras 1018 Ford touring, overhauled 1017 Chevrolet touring 191S Maxwell touring 1017 Grant 6 touring 101.1 Cadillac touring, starter...... 1020 Ford touring, like new 1017 Bulck 4 touring 1018 Oakland roadater 1018 Oakland 8 touring, overhauled 1016 Dodge .touring, overhauled.... 1020 Chevrolet touring 1017 Hup 4 sedan, overhauled 1917 Hup 4 touring.... 1020 Hudson super six -into Mitchell 8 touring 800 405 400 303 450 450 403 703 1300 750 VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE Union Ave. and Balmont St. Upstairs. BIO REDUCTION IN USED CARS. 1021 Ford roadster; some buy. 1020 Stephens. Ilk new. 1918 Bulck four. 1018 Buick 8. new paint. 1920 Chevrolet touring 400. 1018 Msxwell touring. 75 Overlsnd, good shape. 1019 Oakland touring, litis Ford touring. Classy Chevrolet bug. Best Ford bug In town. Warren Detroit roadater, 90. Stoddard-Day ton touring. 9K10. 67-A. A. Cadillac. 4-pasa.. 92H50. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave. at East Taylor. Portland's Largest feed Car Store. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOTJ BUT OR FELL AN AUTOMO BILE WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGB CO.. 307 SELLING BLDG.. fcatCGND FLOOR. CADILLAC touring car. 1011 model. This is a 4-crnnoer. i-passenerer car, equip ped with Delco starting and lighting sys tems. Wiring has been changed to par allel enabling us to use standard bat teries. Newly painted dark green with black gear; new top. side curtains and spotlight. A bargain at 8600. Terms. Call Mr. Edwards. Broadway 146. Used Car Dept. Northweet Au'o Co.. lath ana Alfler. M Ttr'Trv: irot'R ROADSTER. Rebuilt and reflniahed and looks lust like new ones they are selling now; h.s new tirea and will run to Dlease you. Need nothing and the low price of 8525. with 9278 down. bal. easy. Open bundavs. M4 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR t sit t o. llits. CHEVROLET touring car; motor In first-class condition: tnis is a snap ana will go quickly. If vou are In the mar ket for enod chean car. we advise you to come earlv this morning. 8225. Terms If desired. See C Chlarmonte, North west Auto Co.. 18th and Alder. Phone Broadway 14H0. SNAP ON CTTANDT.rR DISPATCH. Runs snd looks like new; many ex tras: must be sold at one at a nrlce fh.t win surrrrlM vou. See car at 12th nd Stark. Call Broadway 1572, Ask for Barnes. tr.W nflRT TOURING. Has been driven 300 mile nd ha Goodyear non-skid tires all around: runs and looks just as it oia in aay u ien the showroom one month sgo. Low prlc of 8930 with 8300 down. bal. on year. Take roadster In trade, lat model. Open Sunday. nl4 Alder st. . MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. I HAVE a late 1918 Maxwell touring; Just been completely overhauled, brand new top. new tirea 975 worth of extraa My business necessltstes my buying a Ford roadster; will sell Maxwell cheap take In a Ford roadater as psrt psy- ment; give time on balance. D 23. Or gonian. DODGE DELIVERY. Sav 9100 on a 1920 used Dodg de- llverv. in nerfect shape, no work nec eaaary. This ia a screen body with side and end curtains; excellent tires, two spares. Pried 9100 below the market. Woodlawn noo: STUDEBAKER 8. 1017, damaged; all me. rhanical parts In good condition, fenders, wheels, gnrings. etc. for 950 for all: new fon top for 925; windshield for 810: two new 34x4 cord tires at 830 each; three worn cord tires at 93 each. 700 E. An- keny st. East 404U. I'.im CHEVROLET 490. Reconditioned throughout. Tires, top and upholstering are first-class. Original paint. This is a iLsndy small car and is worth all we ask. 9133 down, balance In one year. Ask for Mr. Chtaramoete. Broadway 1460, Northwest Auto Co.. 1th and Alder. AtTTOMOBTt.ES AT AUCTION. Bat., Sept. 17. 1 P. M. Jake's Used Car Exchange. 823 Gllsan. Bdwy. 3503. 1920 HUDSON speedster, wire wheels, new paint, good cord tires; has been overhauled from t-ip to bottom. This car must be sold at orce. Ask for price snd be surprised. Cell Propst, Broad way 8000. for demonstration. BIO NO. 8. STUDEBAKER. LATE 19 MODEL: PAINT LIKE NEW, 5 CORD 1IRE3; MECHANICALLY PERFECT WILL CONSIDER ROADSTER OR 5 PASSENGER CAR AS PART PAYMENT. CALL main nm. 1920 COLE Areo "8"; two extra cord tlree. double windshield. 6 months full cov erase Insurance. Fr the best offer, cash and term Main 05H4. 1920 FORD touring, cut to 82S: terms. Starter and extras. 1JZ N. liroadway, FOR PAI.K AFTOMOBIT-BS. OUR L"SET ear department exists only as a service to the Portlsna puouc r serve our new csr purchasers by selling their old cars. By salvaging, rebuilding and reflnlshing these cars we convert them Into deiirable merchandise, there by serving those who wish to purchaae th highest quality used car. Investigate our used car servlc with your mechanic. ONB WEEK'S TRIAL AND 130 PER CENT SATISFACTION. 1029 Ptudehaker big six. repainted. like new 81750 1920 Studebaker special six 1300 1910 Studebaker light six 1000 1014 Studebaker light six 473 Studebaker 6-cyl.. 8-paas 200 1919 Cole Aero 8. Q-paxs., sport model, reflniahed 1300 ion Bulck coupe. like new 1500 102O Buick touring H-3 1918 Bulck four 450 102O Chandler Dispatch, repainted. with 8 good tires, bumper and spotlight 1400 101. Chandler, repainted, new top.. 7f0 1019 Oakland roadater 673 1014 Oakland, repainted and new top RM 1918 8-pass. roadster, cord tirea.. b-3 Model 90 Overland 4 SO MIS Overland Cour try club .... 42S join Franklin, repainted 750 1919 Westcott, 8-paas.. light .. 830 1919 Chalmers. B-pasa., fin shape.. SOS 1017 Saxon six, as Is 1M 1010 Maxwell touring, like new.... 473 1015 Maxwell, light and starter.... 100 1010 Dodge 473 Moon 11-'17 series. Spanish brown leather uphulstering 400 1914 Olds six. 7 -pass., fin stag car 800 118-'17 Chevrolet touring 230 Franklin bug 150 M-B WIIIya-Knlght 503 1920 Stephens. 4-pasaenger sport.. 1100 One model K. Hupmoblio 800 Old cars taken In trade. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. W. C. GARBS, INC. Burnslde at Broadway. Phone Broadway 818. OUR TJSED CAR deportment exists only ae a service to the Portland public. We serve our new car purchasers by selling tbeir old ears. By salvaging, rebuilding and reflnlshing these cars we convert them Into desirable merchandise, there by serving those who wish to purchase the highest quality used car. Investigate ur used car service with your mechanic ONB WEEK'S TRIAL AND 100 PER CENT SATISFACTION. ' 1920 Studebaker big six, repainted, like new 917H0 1920 Studebaker speclsl six 1500 1019 Studebaker light six IOOO 1018 Studebaker light six 473 Studebsker 6-cyl.. 8-paas 200 1019 Cole Aero 8. 6-pass-, sport model, reflniahed 1920 Stephens, 4-paasenger sport. 1018 Bulck coupe, like new 3920 Buick touring lm Bulck four 1020 Chandler Dispatch, repainted, with 3 good tires, bumper and spotlight ., 101; Chandler, repainted, new top.. 1010 Oakland roadster ISIS 3-paaa. roadater. cord tires. Model 90 Overland 101 Overland country club 1918 Franklin, repainted 1019 Westcott. 8-pass.. light 8.... If 10 Chalmers. 6-pass.. fine shape.. 1917 Saxon six. as is 1019 Maxwell touring, like new.... 1015 Majtwell, lights and starter.. 1916 Podge Moon 1916-17 aeries. Spanish brown leather upholstering. . . 1914 Olds six, T-pass.. fine stage 1.100 1100 1500 1123 450 1400 750 B73 523 430 423 750 s.-.o 805 150 473 inn 473 400 car poo 191 8-' 17 Chevrolet touring 250 Franklin bug 150 -B Wlllyo-Knlght 5M3 191T Ford touring 300 Old car taken In trade. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. W. C. GARBE, INC. Burnslde at Broad aray. Phone Broadway 81. CARS 23 CARS. BIO AUCTION SALE OF AUTOMO BILES TO BE SOLD TO THE HIGH EST BIDDER WITHOUT BESERVE. A BONA FTDTS SALK OF USFD CARS ON EASY TERMS. YOUR CREDIT 13 GOOD. DATE OP SALE, SATURDAY. SEPT. IT, 1 P. M. CONSISTING OF 10 FORDS. CHEVS.. MATWELT.9. GRANTS. SAXONS. 8TTTDEBAKEP.S. CADILLACS. CHANDLERS, DORT3 AND OTHER MAKES. JAKE'S USED CAR F.TCH., S23 GLISAN ST. BDWY. XM. BET. BDWY. AND 8TH. NEAR NEW POSTOFFICE. FORD touring 1920. motor In excellent condition. Looks like new car. Starter, speedometer, dashllght. spotlight, Hass. ler shock absorbers, foot throttle, 8-tone whistle, large wheels, and other extras. 3400 for quick sale. Private party. Mar. 1728. HAVK a good used light car. Will trade for good used motorcycle. Call Boxeli, Bro.idway 3fi05. PAIGE light 3-pass.. new paint and good rubber, in ai running condition. Very cheap. Call Propst. Broadway 8806. WANTED Chevrolet salesman. Apply sales manager. Fields Motor Car Co., 14tn and Alflec 1918 DORT in firat-ciasa shape, 8100 down, balance on easy terms. Call Bosell, Broadway 8006. -passe fine shape for light car, or will eeII for cash and paymenta. V 917. Oregonlan. 1920 FORD aedan, wire wheela. perfect, grt25, terms. 132 North Broadway, oppo site postofflce 1917 FORD chassis, just completely over hauled, 9175. Billlngsley Motor Co., Hawthorne avenue at 8th. East 7. 1921 BUICK 6. 8-pass., fully equipped. Absolute sacrifice; quirk bargain.. Mar. .19. bet. 1 and 10 P. M. 4TPASS. STUTZ. perfect conditjon. leaving city, must sell, 91350, terms. Pederson, Main 97 ,1919 OAKLAND touring, new paint, new snap. Call Propst. Broadway 3HQ5. ONE MODEL R Hupmobile. In fine condi tion; very economical; price 9500. Call Robertson. Bdwy. 618. 8273 FOR CHALMERS TOURINO CAR. Call Broadway 1372. Ask for Barnes. MAXWELL car; make good bug, delivery or wood saw, new gears: good engine tires fair. 850 as Is. 153 N. 17th. BODIES! BODIES! Used Ford body for roadster or tour ing. Call Broadway 1.172. 88 B WILLYS-KNIGHT, new top. repaint ed, fin condition, 595. Call Williams, Broadway niq. 1918 DODGE commercial car: screen sides. completely rebuilt: will sell cheap trade for touring car, r.ast is.itf, LATE 1020 FORD SEDAN. tn good condition: have two cars; must sell at once. 1 aoor oono. CADILLAC 8 in excellent condition. 900 Easy term. Bdwy. 1572, Ask for Mr. Berret h OAKLAND 6. fine condition. 1450. rash or terms. Call evenings. loot. 01 Mill su Phone 530-19. DOIXiE Late '18. first-class condition: sll new tires; priced to sell quickly. 9058 rssll. AUt. 32.i-.HI. 1920 HUDSON super, will sacrifice this car, 91550. It carries warranty I will tike long terms. call Wdln. 3995. 1919 FORD roadater, 8273, A-l condition; terms. 1Z1 North Broadway, opposite pc-atomce. DODGE, late -model, excellent condition; new spare tire, lots of extras: muat be sold at once. Phone Wdln. 413S. 1918 OVERLAND Country Club, 912S down drives this fine little car home. Call Williams. Broadway 818. 1920 GRANT SIX; will sacrifice at 9600 snd give long terms. Call Wdln. 8973. 1021 FORD coupe, wire wheels and extras. Price right. Cell 823-88. 1917 HUP BIG 4 sedan, motor overhauled, A-l shnpe, sacrifice. East 4376. CHALMERS 5-paaa car, owner leaving city, must sscrlfice. Bdwy 2329. 6ES MB before buying a new Hudson. Csn save you money. 191 Park. 1920 CHANDLER Despatch. terms or trade. Herbert, Broadway 816. LATE 1920 Ford sedan, shock, bumper, spotlight, cord tires, 9733. East 4370. 1920 FORD. first -class condition: good tires: terms reasonable. Woodlawn 3163. 1920 CHEVROLET. Just Ilk e a new car. Sacrifice 9425. East 4216. LATE 1920 Ford sedan, shocks, bumper, spotlight, cord tires. 833. East 4376. LATE model light five-passenger car to exchange for phonograph. East 74.19. CAMP TRAILER. Complete, new. 973. Call Bdwy. 1572. FRANKLIN bug. In running order. 8130 and term at that, Broadway 788, FOR 8ALB ATTOMOBILEa. WE ARK SELLING HUDSON AND ESSEX AUTOMOBILES that hav been either rebui't or renewed that are in the best mechsnicai and running condition that are also warranted the same aa factories warrant new cars. In addition, w give 80 days' free mechanical ervlc. This la not new on Hudson auto mobiles. We have rebuilt and sold them with a warranty since 1016. Yeu buy a fine quality car with th aame safety aa when you purchase a new sutomobll. Buy a car you can depend upon and at a bargain prlc. Other makes of used automobile thoroughly overhauled, put In (lrpt class condition and aold with a to days' free trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal prlc that customer may aelct, ' This gives ample tlm for very purchaser to try out th car h buys, glvss him tlm to have it Inspected, a w want only eatla tied customers. ' Watch th Chang In this list of cars, Flv Super Six Hudsons 91050 to 81136 1918-1919 series Hudson Super . Six 1300 192u Hudson Super Six 1350 1920 Hudson Speedster 1830 1919 Essex 1920 Essex 1918 Maxwell 1919 Maxwell 1020 Maxwell 975 1150 430 873 4m0 NEW MAXWELLS, 9783 . 1919 Grant Six '. .. 606 101O Oakland 650 1018 Dodge 673 11119 Chalmers Hot Spot 95 1919 Old Eight 00 1919 Olds Eight, sport model 1023 1921 Olds bix '. 1300 1919 Liberty, sport model... 900 1918 Col tight, sport model 1330 Th car that never wears out thst Is the automobile that Is known as the Hudson; it does not vibrate, therefor doe not dam age th material; the worn parts can b replaced and th automo bile continue to run like new. For a long time the Hudson has had the reputation as tha car that never wears out. Used Hudsons sr better than new cars at tbs sam price. Ask the Hudson owner. These used Hudsons are know for being the best used car values en .the market. Largest Used Car Branch Stor la th City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Stor Open Sunday And. Evenings. Pbon at branch store, Broadway 3739. Also a Display st Our Salesroom. 615-617 Washington treat open week, day on.y. C U BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO TOUR OPPORTUNITY. . mnn ct riv STOCK OF POPU LAR USED CARS. NO ORPHANS. NO JUNK. OFFERED THIS WEEK Ai PRICES WAY B.ULOW lODAI'S MAR KET VALUES. Bulcks '17. '18. '10 and "20. Roadster. Touring and Sedan. Oldsmoblle 4. 1021. almost new. Hupmobile roadater. Haynes 3-paas. Chandler Despatch. Studebaker 7-pass. Haynea coupe, lik new. Winton elx. T-paaa. Oldsmoblle a. THESE CARS PRICED FROM 9400 UP. Have all been through our shoo- and are attractively repainted, good tires and many fully equipped with extraa. Com In or phone for demonstration. TERMS. A. C. STEVENS. HAYNES DISTRIBUTOR. Bdwy. 1614. 10th and Wash. GUARANTEED. NASH CARS. 1920 Nash 6-pass. touring. 1020 Nash 7 -pass, touring. 1919 Nash 7-pass. touring. If you "are Interested In a new car. don't overlook these late modej Nashea. ('- they are guaranteed and service like new. EASY TERMS. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Buxnside, Bdwy. 6-1. eeir nmn atn. 191T Chevrolet, finest condition 9245 1019 Chevrolet touring 1018 Chevrolet roadater 1919 Chevrolet 1917 Dodge roadater Saxon six touring 1919 Oldsmoblle six, roadster... 1920 Oakland six touring 1916 Maxwell touring iota 1", ... . 1 . n rl Inuring ......... 345 29 3 833 4115 2!'S 493 675 193 243 Don't fail to oe these ear befor you buy. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. East 8770. Cor. Orand and Hawthorn. -19 OLDS 6 TOURING Tbls fine nearly new car will do i the things anv of the heavy sixes will do and this one Is light on tires, gas and upkeep. Looks like new one; has some extras and we will service It. Low nrir of 2j. with som down, balance easy. Open Sundays. Com and try 514 pVtVt motor car co. it. FORD COUPE. LATE MODEL WITH DOUBLE HASS. LER SHOCKS. FOUR NEW CORD TIRBS AND TUBES. ONE EXTRA. SPOTLIGHT. FOOT THROTTLE AND OTHER EXTRAS. MOTOR IN A-I CONDITION. WILL SACRIFICE FOR 9530 AS I AM LEAVING THE CITY. K. 847,1. COLB 8 1917 model. Thi car Is newly r punted maroon and Is upholstered in panlah Wither. Motcr has been thor oughly overhauled and is mechsnlcslly perfect. Tires are In excellent condition. Prlc 9850; pay 925 cash and the bal ance In monthly payments. Ask for Mr. Stram. Broadway 1460. Northwest Auto Co.. 18th snd Alder. CHUMMY ROADST E R. A. .1.. low nrlce of,. with 8123 down. baL eaey. Take liberty bonds full value. Car Is reflnlshed and looks , .una fine. R1 bargain and one vAar's time on balance. Take roadster In trade. Open Sundays. 814 Alder st, MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. lu-o ESSEX ROADSTER. Run 9000 miles on pavement; 5 white wlr wheels, equipped with 70 per cent oiofield cord tirea: body painted a dark slut; heavy brown leather top, cur-' tains and upnoistering, extra -quipmnu See thl sport car and take a demonstra tion from owner. Marshall 6X0. lil'PMOBILE. This 3-passenger car la In fine mechanical condition. New mag neto, three brand new raalnga Two extra - tirea with new inner tube. Just painted. Upholstering In A-l shape and battery In best condition. Price 8'tHl. Terms. See Jo Daweon. Northwest Auto Co., lath and Alder. Broadway 1400 AUTOMOBILES AT AUCTION. Sat.. Sept. 17. 1 P. M. Jake'a Uaed Car Exchange. 823 Gllsan. Bdwy. 6593. 19"T 5-PASSENOER ear for sale; good running order; license plates, new top with piste glsss, fair rubber; will sell for caah or take part In cordwood. Call at 421 Burnslde between t and 8. Phon Broadway ia. 1919 FORD touring, ha cutout, foot throt tle and other jxtras, fine running con dition, good puller. 92.13 cash or 9230 on terms, with half down. 544 East 18th street. 1 block south ot Clinton. In- qulre evenings. PAN-AMERICAN demonstrator, 1920. lik new. flrst-claa repaint Job and make me an offer. Bdwy. 7S8. 1918 OVERLAND 83, 4. original finish. 3 cord tirea. 8323. Call Robertson, Broad war 616. 1918 STUDEBAKER six. 8450. 8123 down, balance term. Call Smith. Bdwy. 610. PARTS Oregon Auto Belmont, neer Blxtb- Wrscaung Co.. 428 FINE electrio car, good condition, cheap. Main 6999. 830 13th. 6TUTZ. 4-pas. Owner has written to accept best offer. Geppert, at Auto Rest garage. Main 8237. 1017 FORD roadater. good shape, delivery body, for 8 ISO. f43 East Oak. LATE model Cadillac touring, perfect con. dltlon. privately owned. Call Main 7417. 1910 TYPE Bulck coupe, terms or trade. Man y extras. Call Williams. Bdw y. CI 6. 1920" FORD coupe. 8475. terms. 132 n" Broadway, opposite postofflce. 19 '0 BLMCK touring, casn or trau. Robertson, Bdwy. 61. x Call FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 21 ESSEX TOURING. This car has run leas than 50O0 miles an71 has cord tires and on extra, spot light and mirror and factory finish and will do any trial you ask. We will give service on same; low price of 91)-.. with 9330 down. baL eaisy. Open bun days. 514 Alder St. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. BABY GRAND Chevrolet, '10 model. This csr has been repainted and the top recon ditioned. Upholstering Is In fine shape. Rubber excellent. Stajrttng apparatus has been removed. New gear on fly wheel, new pinion on Bendlx drive. Valves ground and .motor overhauled. 9100 down and the balance in one year. See McCoy at Northwest Auto Co. 18th and Alder. Phone Broadway 1400. SACRIFICE. Chandler touring, by owner. In per fect mechanical condition, tlrca In good ahspe upholstering like new. bumper, spotlight, alamlte greasing system, tire Insoles. Terms to responsible parly. Price 91000. 371-60 or 130 3d st. AUTOMOBILES AT AUCTION. Sat.. Sept. 17. 1 P. M. Jake's Uaed Car Exchange. 323 Gllsan. Bdwy. 3593. 1917 FORD touring car in fine mechani cal condition; ail good tirea; has lots of extras; spotlight, shock absorbers, Stromburg carburetor, storage battery. This car a bargain, 8100 down, balance easy payments. Phone East 1902. LATE '20 H dson speedster, perfect con dition, overhauled and guaranteed, cord tire equipment. 2 extras. Clock, flower vase, snubberc, cut-out snd bumper. Will accept, late Ford coupe. Eell rea sonable w:th terma 409 Morgan bldg. 1920 STEPHENS roadster, new cord tirea, new paint, guaranteed mechanically per fect. A real snap; will take small car aa part payment. Give terma on bal. ance. Don't overlook this car. Call Propst. Broadway 8606. ROSE CITY AUTO TOP CO. AUTO TOPS. SKAT COVERS, CUSHIONS. UPHOLSTERING. 842 8ANDY BOULEVARD. COR, EAST 27TH ST. PHONE EAST 2033. 1W0 BUICK roadater. like new, overhauled and guaranteed, newly painted, fenders re-enameled, good tires. As lik a new car as It la possible to rebuild. This is an exceptional car. 8130O; terms to re sponslhle party. Phone Tabor 4130. LOOK HERE. CADILLAC 8 TOURING. Will sell at big sscrlfice If sold st once. Call Pilchard Motor Co.. 12th snd Stark. Broadway 1572. 1919 OAKLAND car to trade for building lot in city, valued at 8675. fine condition, by owner. Car at Sable & Armstrong garage. 43d and Hawthorne ave. W. S. Roberta. 1310 E. Clay st. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc, A Ilea do towing. Open day and night. LONG & BILVA. Phone Eaex 6S40. 462 Hawthorne. DISPATCH RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. Manv extras; must be sold at once at a price that will surprise you. ee car at 12th and Stark. Call Broad way 1 572. Ask for Barnes. HUDSON SUrEK-SlX. In first-class condition, new tires and repainted, for only 9650. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 6l. revenings Mar. ?. NEW CHEVROLETS. BUY FROM P. H. DUNN. DEALER. Cor. Mllwaukle and Bybee Ave. Phone Sell wood 1303. FOR SALE By private party, brand-new 8-cyllnder automobile roadster, wire wheels, cord tires,, spotlight, bumper, wind deflectors; great aacrlflcs; first come, first served. Tabor 2073. BIG SACRIFICE. '20 ELGIN. Perfect order; from owner. I need money: you can buy this car so cheap you will wonder. 42 Flanders. Bdwy. 607. 1920 MAXWELL. Run less thsn 10.000 miles: good con dition snd good tires: Just out of paint shop. 8595, terms. See owner. Bdwy. 1940. ; SACRIFICE high-powered bug roadater. Continental engine, good mileage: top. windshield, new paint, 6 electric lights, storage battery, new piston rings: cash or terma Wdln. 600fK Stll Fremont. DODGE ROADSTER. Late 1919 Dodge In exceptionally fine condition, well equipped, for sale by owner; will give terms; no dealers. Phone Main 4727. FRANKLIN 4-pasenger chummy roadster, looks like new, overhauled, newly paint ed, upholstery like new: car has had bet of care; a snap buy for 91250. Terms. Phone Frank Smith. Tabor 4459. 1917 7-PASSENGKIt Marmnn recently overhauled and in penecc condition; new top, paint and motor put In A-l ehape, 81500: will consider trade for light car or desirable real estate. Call 213-20. DODGE acreen delivery, owner; 311 Wor- cestcr bldg. rnnne atain n.i. Automobile Wanted. WE PAY cash for cars, condition no ob ject. We aell parta for almost every maac of car and truck at one-half, AUTO WRECKING CO. 523 Alder St.. at 16th SL Look for the Orange Colored Bldifr CARS wanted at once. Exchange, 325 Gliaan. Jake's Used Weat side. WILL TAKE LATE MODEL LIGHT CAR FOR MI 70-FOOT COK.NUiK L.V T. U. r. BLOCK FROM CAR, IS MIN. FROM TOWN; AN EXCELLENT BUILDING SITE. MARSHALL 3M6 . WILL trade motor launch for car or as part payment; boat 80 feet long, four cylinder, four-cycle motor, eight-passenger; first-class condition; owner leaving city. sell wood 2059. (-CYLINDER la'e model car; will trade my furnished summer home at promi nent beach resort, that has large pros pects for the future. Phone Mr. Soldier, Automatic 516-12. CASH FOR LIiTHT CARS. I will pay spot cash for few light road sters and tourings; must be latest mod els and run good. If you need money. bring your car to Murpny. 014 Aider at. vo h. K. ROOMS. S3250. nets 8165. exce lent condition, close In; will take good uaed car as part payment, 81000, mort gage to assume, cash balance. AP 13, Oron!an. W!i WRECK THEM Highest cash price paid for old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. Third and Gllsan. CARS bought for wrecking, parts sold for all cars. Oregon Auto Wrecking Co., 42S Belmont, near Sixth. East 436Q. TRADE two lots In Marahfleld for Ford coupe; will pay cash difference. Call Sellwood 4S WE PAY cash for late model light cara Used Car Warehouse. Grand ave. and a Taylor. CARS WANTED to wreck; parts for all cars for lesa. S. & S. Auto Wrecking Co., 15th snd Alder Broadway 030. SltjT CASH for your Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge. Bulck or other light cars, 193 K. Hth St., comer Taylor. LATE model Chevrolet or Bulck; must b In good order and cheap. Phon Broad way 3056 or call 830 Burnslde. DODGE touring from owner; exchange Overland touring; will assum soms. M 23. Oregon tan. ' FORD COUPE 925 to th salesman who brings nie a customer. Phone Smith. Main 2604 1 WILL take small car aa part payment on my Reo. Phoue .0-11 at once, or come to 148 2d st CASH for all make of cars, condition no object. 414 Gllsan, cor. 10th. Bdwy. 203. WILL ordi trade 92oo Victor machine and rec for Ford roadster. D 001. Oregonlan. WANTED Trailer, must be cheap. Farm. Sherwood. LATE Dudga touring, for Ford coupe. V will consider trade 23. Oregonlan. WAST light car for clea r lot. Wdin. 61K:l. Motorcycle. FOR SALE llarley, with side car, Al condition. Trie flS3. Owner, at 2bJ Mverett st. 1920 BARLEY, with sidecar. electric, speedometer, ammeter, iota of extras, A-l condition. 9200. 748 Gantenbeln ave. MOTORCYCLES and parta all make EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-46 Grand Avenue. MOTORCTCI.E, Harley-Davldson, fins shape. 1919; price 927.1. Main 425. FOR MOTOR' YCLIVB A.-D lllUIt'LU TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 01.111. An to Tires and Acresorles. CORD tires. 33x4 sue, 33 50 each. Sim hi. y used. 113 E. 54th St., near Last Mor rison. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. New 8 and 7-passenger cara Bulcks and Wescotls: reasonable rate. I CITY GARAGE. 192 12th st-. bet. Washington and Aldsr. Bdwy. 840. AUTOS FOR HIRE with or without drtv sr Day or night servlc. COUCBMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadway 8696. Remember our number. Broadway 3H96 JAKES USED CAR EACH AN GS. New cars for rent without drivers; reasonable rates: open dsy and night, 925 Glisan st.. between Broadway aad th st- Bdwy. 8303. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR 11 1 Rat, U L SULLIVAN. FASHION OARAOK. MAR. 2.12. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236 H. S. BENNETT CABS FOR 111 UK WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GAIIAGB. 3D AND TAYLOR MA1N13II7 ; FORD, competent driver, go anywhere and gel back. Tabor 102S ;j , j ,'AiS. BU1LK if OK M.KO.. DRIVER, BROADWAY 834J. FOR SAI.F TRICKS AND TRACTORS. USED TRUCK SALE. For the flret time In our hlatory 111 years In business we ere conducting a sale. our reason for doing this Is th fact that we have just received notice of a reduction In price on the new K. series G.ViC of 9500. consequently, eatablishing a new level of values On our used trucks. This is not a "paper" sale but a real bona fide reduction In prices of used ttatcka to a heretofore unheard of decree. 1-ton GMC. equipped with cab windshield, body, ready to go to work, every unit in this truck has been thoroughly overuauled; we will give a. 00-day guarantee against defective workmanship and material the same as you would receive with a new truck. 44 -ton GMC. overhauled and re painted, practically in the same condition as the above truck with lb exception of a cab. H4-ton Republic; this truck Is in the very best of condition; waa uaed but a ahort time and turned la because It waa not large enough to auit the owner needs. 1-ton Republic, solid tire on all four wheels, extra large body. Th entire truck Is In good shape. W will be glad to demonstrate It on any kind of work or under any condillona. i-ton Republic, body, cab and windshield. W wl'l make a start ' llrjg low prlc on this truck. lH-ton GMC on pneumatic tirea In every wav thla truck la In flrst claas condition. A better truck for orchard worjt could not b lound. lVi-ton White: we have replaced all worn parta on this truck; it is in every way fit for long, profit able service. Remember we are staking our reputation on these trucks. This mesne that you are absolutely pro tected agaltit the possibility or buving a truck that Is not a first class Investment in every respect. WENTWORTIt & IRWINT. Inc.. . 2041 ciecond it, ooruer Taylor. NEW! NEW! NEW! AT A BIG DISCOUNT. NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS. NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS NEW STANDARD TRUCKS, NEW STANDARD TRUCKS. These trucko are new and must be sold: they ars equipped either with s!ld or puenmatiu tires; w give eaty terma USED TRUCKS. GMC trucks, late models. 1-ton with pneuinatlo tires, completely overhauled. While they last. ihiO. 1918 Denby. 2-ton. 1018 Geralx. 2Vi-ton. 191 Ford. 1-ton. 1020 Chevrolet,- 1-ton. 1920 Maxwell. 1-ton. 1018 Ford, open delivery. 1018 Ford, panel delivery. Easy terms on any truck In th house. TUB USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave, at East Taylor. FOR SALE THREE CLEVELAND TRACTORS. One model H. purchased In the fall of 1019 and In perfect condi tion, 9730; 2 model W. purchased In the fall of 1020. both with steel tracks and as good s new; will sacrifice for 150. Will be glad to give what Information further deaired on these tractors upon re quest. Address Frank L Wagar, 200 N. High St., Salem, Or. NEW! NEW! NEW! Why buy a used truck when you can buy a new one from ua In some esses ss low aa half of the regular price? We have Republic and Standard trucks al these big reductions. THE UStD CAR WAREHOUSE, Grand Ave, at East Taylor St. 9375. 1U-TON GMC TRUCK. All new rub'jer, and motor In good shape: will sacrifice to a reeponsibl party for tlOO down, months. Call 111 13th balance In eight I. Aak for Slat- tery. MA.M with 5-ton White truck with 4-jmrd dump box. wishes work for winter; rea sonable rates. Address Dave Murphy, Clatskanle. Or PACKARD. 3H-ton, worm drive, late model; will trade and give terms. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 001; eveninga Marshall SS5. 2V4-TON 1920 Republlo truck, excellent mechanclal condition, liaa seen very little use. Must sell. No reasonable cash titter refused. Sollwood 2893. PACKARD SVi-ton. long wheelbsse, ex cellent tires, cab; will trade for city roperty to 92uu vaius or etuuu casn. ast e.islj i FIFTY DOLLARS CASH REWARD For Information that wilt lead me to wage-paying Job for first-class five-ton dump truck. AV 4IK), Oregonlan. WHITE 44-ton, Al condition, with or without completely equipped traveling body; some buy. Call Tabor 6079 eve nings snd Sunday PACKARD 3tia-ton, lonif wneelbaae, ex cellent tires, cab; will trade for city property to 9-500 value or 81900 cash. East 4341. REPUBLIC. 2-ton. late model, only 91000; eaay terms and will tnke Ford in trade. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. bill; evenings Mar. 8.S3. FEDERAL. 2-ton. late model; can be had for a song. Phono Jensen. Ldwy. bui; evenings -Mar. b3. M vcK. :ie,.toD. late model: can be had a sacrifice. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 601; eveninga M rMACK. 2-ton. guaranteed same ss new; will trade ana give lernis. rooii. jen son. Bdwy. ti'.'l : evenings Mar .V FOR SALE SVi-ton GMC worm-drive; wl'l take light truck In trade, balance terma. Call at 9201 FoMer road. FORDSON tractor, plows and equipment for sale at a bargain; In Al condition. E. J. Lawrenx. Sherwood. Or. WHATllave you to haul for 2'v-ton truck? Haul anything, day or contracL E 987, iregonlan. u-iiiti.: truck, model 20-43. new. for si or trade; price la right. Martin, 147 13th street. Broadway 3.107. ft in i.vvt m in hauling rontracta with pur chase of truck; steady work. Apply 430 ' West Burnslde SL G M. C. 1 U.TON. late modol. A-l shape. Phone Jenaen. Bdwy. 61 ; eve. Mar. r.. OARAGE. FOR RENT Garage belonging to house, 1139 Mallary ave.. Piedmont. Woodlawn 8628 , FOR RENT Garage. Marshall K560. 718 East Ash, 80, AUTO REPAIRING. YOUR auto repairs work guaranteed. st your home or mine; Phone 220-12. Al'TO PARKING. p.klMl ;o. inside, out of th weather; 91..X per week: S3 per month. 6th and Hoy, sts. GodOey s garage. WANTED MIsrEM-ANFOIS. EGCS. WANTED, TO CONTRACT BY THI TEAR WITH EGO PRODUCERS FOR LARGE WHITE INFERTILE ' EGGS, REQUIREMENTS PER WEEK, 1008 DOZEN. COFFEE CUP CAFETERIA CO., 832 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND, OREGON. WANT ALL KINDS OF HEATERS. COOK STOVES, RANGES. FURNITURE. TRUNKS, VALISES. AND ANYTHING OF VALUE. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 10 000 Useful Articles to Choose From. 128 First St.. nesr Alder. Main 4493. ML Scott Store. Kearn Park. Auto. 625-K2. 912.30 UP TO 12b FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. OVER COATS MACKINAW9. SHOES. CALL MEYER THM TA! LOR HR PATS MORE THAN ANYONE. IN TH S CITY WILL CALL DAY OR EV K NIVG CALL MARSHALL 122: OR 259 MADISON N'KAt THIRD 8T. MEAT allcer, safe, 113 2d SL . front and back bar. IV A NTEO MISCKI.l.ANF.OrS WANTED PHOTOGRAPHS. STRIKING SUBJECTS FIT FOR ART REPRODUCTION. NO SCENICS. ORIG INALITY AND NOVELTY DliSlRED. TOP PRICE. CALL 10 TO 12 O'CLOCK ROOM 808, OREGONIAN BUILDING. THE PUBLIC WELFARE STORE. In bualnoas to help the needy people of portlan. will receive with thanks caet- off clothing, shoes and any other articles you have no further use for. Our truck will call promptly on notification to the Puhlio Welfare lndustrlea, 474 Johnson St. Broadway 231. Please visit our store at 211 Third St., near Salmon, and see what Is dons with donated articles. 914T0 UP'FOR MEN'S SUITS. WE HAVE FOR SALE SOME VERY FINE LADIES' AND GENTS' SECOND HAND CLOTHING WHICH WE ARM OFFERING AT VERY LOW PRICES; SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN REMODEL I NO LADIES AND GENTS' CLOTHING. CLEANING AND PUESSING A 8PE- C1ALrAOLER THE TAILOR. MAIN 8200 OR CALL 202 THIRD ST. Furniture anted. WT WANT YOUR USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AN LI VWI.l, 1'Al lur M A l l r. I PRICES. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN HARDWARE. TOOLS OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS OR FURNITURE TO SELL OH EXCHANGE. CALL IS FIRST MAIN 0072. LEVIN HARDWARE A FUKN1TUKE CO.. 221-3-6 FRONT ST. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than other local dealers. Call us for one article or a house full, and a courteous, competent buysr will call. Broadway 22uo. 72 North Third st. Rosenbergs Furniture Kxchsnge. CALL MAIN 7,18 whan you want to sell your furniture or household goods. One piece or a whole house full. We are there with the cash. We can us moat anything that you don't want. CALL MAIN 738. 98 80 UP TO 2. nOLDSTIIN. THE T4.1LOR. PATS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S) SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES, ETC BROADWAY 3932. 2414 BUHNMDta. BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD CALL till BEFORE ANYONE ELSfl WILL pav cash for good bicycle: muat be In excellent condition. Alt 0. Oregunlan. UP TO 988. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's cloths. C-IlBluON CLEANERS AND TAILORS 117 2d St., N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9314. FURS! FURSI FURS! Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing; furs tanned snd dressed. La France r ur Mfg. Co.. 103 W. Park St. phone Main 6320. CALL MAIN 8A7. We pay the highest prlcea for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, Main 878, M. R1BACK WIJJ BUY all your second- hsnd futnttiire. union ave. . PHONK EAST 41112 LOOK HERE LOOK W need all kinds of household goods and w a Is-) buy tools snd fed cloth Ing.etcCall Main 4058. 803 Flrat st. TaJ BUY. sell or trade secontl-uaud .urnl turs and household roods, ses OKI FUKN1TUHB CO.. 209 Second. M sin 4197. jTTs TO YOUR ADVaNTAGB and benefit to sell your furniture to ua Call Mar shall 20SI3. Crown Furnltur Co. WE WILL BUY your turnitur or sell for you on commission. Georg Baker ei Co., auctioneers; Main 8332 WeTvKBD SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready caao, PbJne today, Main 4U27 or 106 First st. WE ARE In need ot your furniture. If you are ready to self, call Bdwy. 3693. DIAMONDS bought at nighest market price E Deeds. 840 Wasnlngton at. LADIES5 and genta' discarded clothing bought. Mr Shaw. East 6029. CASH paid fur Curona typewriter AP 4?, Oregonlan. WINCHESTER 12-gauge trap gun wanted. Auto. 1127-46. Main 4403, Auto. 62.-.-N2. LATE model fl ve-passenger car to ex- chnge lorPhonoftraph. Eaat7439; WANTED To buy cash register. 228 mark st DIAMOND, 1-k. slie, thereabout, wanted by private parly. AR 4. oregonlan. WANTED Hoffman pressing machine; reasonable for cash. D HIM. Oregonlan. WANTED 34x4 Slanwetd run. Tab. 8008. EDUCATION A U HEMPHILL'S AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS are now enrolling applicants for tha fall and winter term; day and evening classea NOW IS THE TIME TO GET BUST If you Intend to go to school this winter. For a limited time only this ad will be accepted as 910 to app.y on any course selected. Cut out this ad and bring or send It to HEMPHILL'S AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorns Ave.. Portland, Or. WHY BE OUT OF A JOB OR WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION J Call at Union ave. and Wasco st. any day except Saturday, at 11 A. M.. or write enr ..... .t.lnc-iia No 8. It wl'.l not cost ou anything to rina out now w. nv. elped over 800 graduates to good poet; tlona. We can help you, too. U'-"-v AUTO A AVIATOR SCHOOL Special In ducements to ex-service men. Reduced rates June 1 to Sept. 1. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. on want nothing but the best. Her It Is. Standardised with schools I 60 other cities. Best lanoreionee. oei equipment snd Instruction Actual practice given on real repair Joba, .ults absolutely guaranteed. The shop shop Re- time Ine.s ... . WAII tn in school la while bUS is quieL Prepare new for big bus tnosa ( Ire- openings in a low montns. imiuui eon Institute of Technology. Main street at sixth. Ex-Mrviu man STATE AID. get MOHLFR BARBER COl.t.EOR will tench you th trad In 8 weeks, furnish set of tools to you snd glvs snnis pay whils learning; positions secured; former ex servlcs men receive sla'e eld while at. tending our school. Write or call for catalogue a n d particulars. 234 BurnslOe. BE H N KE-WALKER, West'a largest business college. Enroll any time; day or night achool. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fourth, near Morrison. PhoneMaln 390 OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeka; scalp and fees maasage specialty: toote free; position guaranteed: pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 23.1 Madison. EARN board, room and fin a month whli attending school. Cstslng free Hie. ksy Business college, OoOta si. Msin st., l.os Angeles. MODERN barber college teachea trade In 8 wka., toola furnished, some pay: position secured: special rate this month. Writ or call for particulars. 234 First st ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-aset. state supt.. Mgr., N. W. Bank bldg Auto. 512-13. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. Olrls to lesrn comptometer. 313 Mor gsn bldg. UN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tel.. Kisph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange njdlt rv Igot classes. "POSITION-FOR EACH GRADUATE. DECK KR BUSINESS COLLEGE, ALISKY BLDG.. 8I AND MOIL LADIES, be Independent ; learn beauty cult. and hair making from experts. Bonulu p.e System. 20 3 I'lttock blk. B dwy. 317 5. Lll'-RBAIUNG for adult dvaf; private lea, sons, practice clasaea Eleator L, La France 7117 64th svwnus bou.haset. IF VoU WANT to learn the vulcanising business call 138 East Broadway. ATES-FISHEK Teachere' Agency Free registration. Ma In 6274. fid y. bldg. F1SK Teachera' Agency Journal bldgT Main 4s;l3. Teaching position, free re g. L.LARN good trade eveninga Bi-autv cul ture. Madam Curtis. .Marshall 1702. NJGHT SCHOOL beauty culture. Madam C urUa. Marahall 1702. PRIVATE lessons In shorthaud and ly pa in g. Apt. 810. Main 6641. 11F.I.P WANTED MALE. WOULD like salesman with car. Good chance for hustler. 212 Board of Trade. 3 MEN to distribute circulars. Apply 7:30 this morning. Kellrv. H'O'i Front. SEAM presaer wanted. 816 Washington h'dj.- TEN EXPERIENCED clothing salesmen. Apply al 148 bth si., upstairs.