1G TITE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1921 REAL ESTATE. For yule Honscs . PARKROSB. 300 DOWN. Three places In Parkrose. priced from $1350 to $4000. GOOD BUYS. . J. I.. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2US. . IRVINGTON. New, modern, 7-room house, living r. 14-6x25, dining r. 14x16, Dutch kitchen, entrance ball, 4 French doors between living and dining r., oak stairs, mahog any ran, 4 bed rs. on 2d floor, tiled Dam; best of plumbing, paper and hardwood floors throughout; expensive light fix tures, window shades, fireplace, full cement basement, garage; this home is xirsi-claaa and ready to step Into, bee It today, open from 2-6. 623 E. 18th at. N. A bargain for cash, Woodiawn 4841. LOOK! ROSE? CITY. ' 1750 CASH! $5000 ATTRACTIVE NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH LARGE PLATE- GLASS WINDOW IN FINE BIG LIVING ROOM: ilASSIVE FIREPLACE; FINE DINING ROOM; LIGHT HANDY DUTCH KITCHEN WITH ATTRACTIVE BREAKFAST NOOK; 2 LARGE AIRY iJilUKUOJUS. CALL, US. R. SOMMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. HAWTHORNE. $4500 TERMS. ARTISTIC 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE; VERY ATTRACTIVE LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE; FINE BUFFET ' IN DINING ROOM; HANDY DUTCH KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST ALCOVE; 2 LARGE AIRY BEDROOMS; ON 45TH ST. R. SOMMERVILLE, BDWY. 2173. LAUKELHUKST SNAP. i Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow, ( Hardwood floors, all built-lns ana lire place, garage, cement basement, laun t drystrays, 50x120 lot, all improvements I paid, a wonderful Bargain at saauu t $1200 cash, balance $a0 per month. I INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. I Broadway 451. 410 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY. L $3300 SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. NEW, MODERN. 4-ROOM BUNGA 1 LOW. FIREPLACE. BUFFET. AL i BU1LT-1NS; 2 BEDROOMS WITH 1 CLOSETS; NICE BATHROOM; HANDY I DUTCH KITttHEN; IVORY FINISH , FULL SIZE LOT. R. SOMMERVILLE. BDWY. Z47S. , $4200 REAL C-ROOM HOME $4200, t $500 CASH. L Balance $33 per month including in J terest; splendid district; 4 blocks to cur 1 jins zurnace and cement basement. I real buy. I INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., . REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Hennr Bldg. ROSE CITY COLONIAL BUNGALOW, 0 rooms, sleeping porch, large, living room, iirepiace, oullt-ins, lurnace, oara wood floors.- taDestrv paper, lvorv enam el, newly painted inside and out. $6000, $1500 cash. We have other desirable Rose City listings. O. A. Pearce Co., Gre- gon piqg. uroauway 48-la. HAWTHORNE. $2650 $500 CASH. ATTRACTIVE, MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE: GARAGE: FULL SIZED LOT PAVED STREETS. EVERYTHING PAID, BALANCE LESS THAN RENT. A REAL BUY! R. SOMMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. GO TODAY $500 CASH. 5 rooms and bath, floored attic, cement basement, fireplace. built-ins: paved street; tinting and fixtures; balance of 4immj. S4t monthly, os Jesup st., corner concora. , SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 4U Ablngton Bldg. S-ROOM BUNGALOW EASY PAYMENTS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Concrete basement, neat design. 50x 100, fruit and berries. 2 blks. Mt. Scott car, $3300, small payment down, easy semi-annual payments; soldiers can use bonus. J. C. CORBIN CO.. Realtors. Lewis bid BIG SACRIFICE, ROSE CITY. 5-room modern, hardwood floors, large jiving room, wntte enamel llnlsn. Deau tiful breakfast room, gas heater, furnace. garage, lovely lawn ana snruooery. E. R. S., .113 COUCH BLDG. Main .1604. $4350 RICHMOND $4350. A 2-story 6-room home at rock-bottom price, paved street, close to car. 'J nree bedrooms, lot 40x100. large liv lng room and dining room; kitchen and pantry; flowers and shrubs; close to school. Bdwy. 5i0. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, lovely built-lns, pipelss fur race, indirect lights, nice airy bed rooms, fireplace, beautiful lawn: nrice only $4750, $1000 cash. See our other Rose city listings. O. A. Pearce Co., Oregon KENTON DISTRICT. 5-room bune-alow. furnisher! rnmnlpt $3000, $500 cash, balance $50 month, in cluding interest; immediate possession. see aones. 24a stark street FOR SALE, by owner, well built roomy nouse, large living room ana rireplace, every convenience, good neighborhood; ' close to grammar and high schools, ga- . rage, iruit; siuuu, terms. East 1028. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. 1350 DOWN Dandy little 5-room bungalow, nearly new, built-in conveniences, gas heat, 100 xi-o, oerries. 2 blocks car. $2500. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-0-7 Lewis bldg. FINE 8-room Irvington home for sale at a bargain, part cash, balance to suit pur chaser or will lease for a term of years. Dan Kellaher, 40 Belmont. East 8433. Huburban Homes. COUNTRY HOME, consisting of one sight ly acre, thoroughly improved, with all kinds of fruits, nuts, grapes, berries, shade trees and flowers an ideal coun try home. Only a short distance from Multnomah station, on the Oregon Elec tric All modem conveniences. Faces an improved county road. $6830, on very easv terms, to resDons-lhle hovers. See BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., il r-ara street. LOOK THIS ACRE OVER NOW! All in cultivation, some fruit and ber ries; 5 blocks from electric station; Just off Macadam road; fine bungalow with 3 bedroom. ' bath, fireplace and built ins. Only $3000 and easiest of terms We will be glad to show you. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 203 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St. bet. Wash, and Stark. SIGHTLY half acre of ground on improved county road; close to good station on the Oregon electric; Bull Run water, elec, gas and telephone. There is a good barn, chicken house and outhouses; all kinds 1 of fruit and berries. Price only $3500, on easy terms. An ideal country home. , For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St.. or his agent, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah office. IDEAL HOME. OREGON CITY. Cosy five-room house, elec. lights, bath city water, large chicken house fenced In; shed; corner. 2 lots, beautifully view. Close to schools- and store; walking distance. Am leaving city; will there fore sacrifice, $1250; small payment down. Easy terms to responsible people. Phone E. 3473. WILLIAMS AVE. BUSINESS LOT. 50x100, Williams ave., between Rus sell and Broadway, facing east; excava tion for basement; $2300, $1500 cash, balance time. , OREGON INVESTMENT ft MORTGAGE CO., 210 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Second and Stark Sts. 1050 WILL take a 4-room plastered house on large, sightly tract. 100x140, overlook ing the Tualatin valley; $500 cash will swing the deal. Easy terms on the bal ance. For particulars call on Ben Rles land. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park St.. or Mrs. Grant at the Multnomah office. SAVE YOUR RENtT ONLY $700. Almost acre and half, with 2-room house; all cultivated; on fine county road close to Oregon electric; $50 down will handle. - balance easy. Call 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark sta AT NEWBERG, OR. 7-room modern house, 5 acres, -fruit, berrtea hennery, dandy home; cow, farm tools, etc.. $7500. McFARLAND, REAL TOR. Falling bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, . from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risiey station, on Oregon City car Una Jill 50 5-ROOM plastered bungalow with electricity, gas, garage, and one acre all cleared, 3 blocks to station; terms. Ask McOlure. 210 Oregon bldg. Bwdy. 1658. ONE ACRE Park Rose; choice family or chard; modern bungalow. Craig rd. $4200. Tabor 2676. fa ACRE In Gresbam. set to fruit; mod ern - bungalow; $2200, terms. Tabor 2076. PARK ROSE sacrifice; 100x128. 6-room bungalow, attic and basement; $3700, terms. Tabor 2676. PARK ROSE sacrifice; 100x128. Six-room bungalow, attic and basement; $3700, terms. Tabor 2076. a. APRK in 'Gresham. set to fru ern bungalow; $2200, terms. Tabor 2676. HA RGAIN and on easy terms, 6-room house and 1 acre of good soil; also ad- Joining acre: owner. Auto. 626-47. NB ACRE Park Rose; choice family or- chard; modern bungalow; Craig .road. S $4200. Tabor 2070. ; REAL ESTATE. Suburban llomes. SUBURBAN HOMES. One acre choice land, near Durham station, O. E. Ry.. 5-room, nearly ne oungaiow. lireo ace. electric lien $2700: $1000 down, balance 6 per cen Two acres. Base Line road, all in cul tlvatlon, .I-room honse, city water, elec trie lights, gas, lots of berries, no gravel j-'-imi: xiiiou down, balance mortgage. One acre, cleared; 5-room cottage. electric lights, gas, city water, close to Wichita station, Estacada line: $19o0. soo-i down, balance la mo., o per cen Two acres choice garden land, in cul tlvatlon, lots of fruit and berries; 4-room neat cottage and outbuildings, near sta tion on Oregon City line; $3000, half cash. One acre, walking distance to Albert: car, small bouse; $1500; JJ0O cash, $10 montn, o.per cent. Five acres nice level land, on the pavement, iv miles out; 4-room cottage, iurmsnea: rruit ana oerries; Close school; $3730; $1000 down, balance per cent. Five acres. -2 acres' In cultivation, new a -room cottage, furnished ; 100 chickens near school, ry. sta. ; 10 miles out, $2730 juw flown, oaiance easy. Six acres, extra choice land, runnin water; also large spring: on the pave ment, at the railway station; 4-room house, barn, lots of fruit and berries; 10 miles out; $6000; good terms, or will sen nair with buildings, in i is nice. Six acres in cultivation, 6-room house, on tne pavement, Hillsboro highway, near Shattuck station. 2o minutes from Broadway by auto: $5300. good terms. K. M. GATE WOOD ft CO., 165 is 4th St. SUBURBAN ROMS BARGAINS. 6 acres. Just outside city Nmits on 8 St. South. $1750: easv terms on Dart. 10 acres In "HILLSBORO ACRES," at sewell station; level, all In cultivation: price for quick sale, $1475; only . $475 cash required, balance long time. 84 acres on Foster road Just outside city limits; double constructed 4-room bungalow, chicken house, other out buildings, large fine, garden, lovely grove, an exceptionally attractive home; price $3750. terms. I also have many more small tracts to offer at right prices. O. B. RIPPEY, REALTOR, 610-11 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark, FOR SALE lk-story. new. double con etructlon, 6-room bungalow, modern, with 14 acres clear land, near Tigard, on macadam road. 3-10 mile from cap ital highway, 5 minutes' walk from Greenburg. station on Oregon Electric Ry. Good train service, low monthly fare. 25-mlnute ride from Jeffetson-st, station. Some terms or small payment down and soldiers' bonus, taking 2d mortgage at 7 per cent for balance. House nearing completion, will make changes to suit. For further particulars write owner-or call. W. WEST (Greenburg Station) Route No. 1, Beaverton, Or. SUBURBAN HOMESITES. Desirable small tracts from 1 to 10 acres. Close to Mt. Hood elec tric line and hard-surfaced roads. All cleared. We will sell these for hi value. Will help finance build ings. Our autos at your service. No obligation to show. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK ft CO., 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. RIVER ROAD SPECIAL. One and a half acres with 68 bearing fruit trees and all kinds of berries; right on paved highway and 2 blocks from station on Oregon City line; large house with 3 bedrooms: gas furnace and built ins; garage; chicken house and small barn. This is a buy for $4900 and should not pe overlooked. Reasonable terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. TWO ACRES ON EASY TERMS. Garden, fruit trees and berries, 6-room bungalow with cement basement, Dutch kitchen, gas and city- water; chicken house for 2410 chickens, garage and tool house. This is close in with only an 8c car fare. Will sell only 1 acre. $54 with the easiest of terms. . Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. t.t. Wash, and Stark. For Sale Acreage. DIVERSIFIED FARMING In SUNTERLAND ACRES at East 29th st. and Columbia blvd. where vou can grow the best qualities of fruits and vegetables. This Is that NEW CLOSE- IN ADDITION. Outside city limits, low taxes. Surroundings ideal for a little country home right next to the city that can be made to produce big returns. Some very fine 5. 10. 15 and 20 acre tracts to choose from. $400 ta $600 per acre. lv per cent down, balance an nual payments. ELROD & DRYER, OWNER, 2S3 Stark St, Bdwy. 1183. HAVE YOU $500? A MONEY-MAKER. This 10-acre tract is priced $400 an acre below adjoining property; it's the biggest snap we've seen for months: it is located 3 blocks outside the city limits on East Holgate st.; Bull Run water Is available; you can buy the 10 acres for $3850 or $385 an acre; you'il pay as much for land 2 miles from the city limits; in our Judgment you can double your money here within 2 years. Can us today. COMTE ft KOHLMAN. Main 6350. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CLACKAMAS RIVER FRONTAGE. Delightful little home of 13 acres, good roads, mile to station and town, 13 miles to Portland; best of garden soil, young orchard, bearing; 2 well and spring, 7-ioom house. 2 barns, chicken houses and rum, Price $6000, $2000 cash will handle, balance terms to suit, 6 per cent Interest. If you want a lovely . country home, don't miss this. SMITH-WAOONER CO., STOCK EX. 337 ACRES of land for sale, best climatic conaitlon for zruit and berries; logan berries especially. A-l platting proposi tion; big money to be realized. Price $33 per acre, $4705 cash,- bal. $1000 per annum with interest at 7 per cent. Only within 4 miles of town; close to Olympic highway: land is sub-irrigated. For further particulars address Lewis Levy, P. O. box. 207 Port Angeles, Wash, KENDALL ACRE AND HOI7KR Fine acre of land with good 5-room house, on paved road and handy to elec tric car, free and clear of incumbrance; price $3050, $1500 cash, or will sell acre of land for $900, or add extra 14 acre for $9,00 more. J. W. GRUSSI. 318 Board of Trade. Main 745 ACRE TRACT; located 1 mile south of Oswego depot; all cleared with dandy spring: 2 acres fenced; finest of soil: Just the place for a close In suburban home, and cheap at $1800 with$400 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. $75 DOWN and $15 per month will him n vcnuLiiui country nome site on oiear trees, minutes nae from city; beau tiful trees; creek; and good roads; 5 Hires. r-rice 9tnv. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry' B!dg. NEW HOUSE AND 2V4 ACRES A dandy little four-room, plastered iivusc ttiui wiue porcn ana gooa well. Land fronts on good hard road, three miles from city. ' Price $2750, $500 cash, $23 per month. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com. CHOICE tract of good land, will cut size 10 suit, near scnooi, transportation post office, etc. On good road. Price only $30 per acre on easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. B33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37ST. 14 ACRES of choice gardening ground, close to Multnomah station, with mod ern 5-room bungalow, facing improved county road, only $3750. Can be handled on terms. For particulars see Ben Rles land, 404 Piatt bids.. 127 Park st. WRITE for map of western Washington, :iuviub iui-aLioa. low price ana easy terms offered to settlera WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO, Tacoma. Wash, 214 OR 5 ACRES' Fronting on Barr road, three miles from city; covered with small timber Price $4ii0 per acre; easy terms. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com. SNAP IN acreage. 5 acres near Cherry Grove, 12 milea rrom Vancouver: 3 acres beans; house, -barn and garage; price $1."rO0: $400 down. Barrand Realty Co st!) Salmon. ACRES, 14 ACRES, $10 PAYMENTS. Alberta car, Kennedy school. No as sessments or gravel. R, W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. $4500. $1500 CASH. 10 acres under cultiva tion; nouse. Darn, orcnara, vineyard, good well and creek, on paved road, close in. Scott & Berry. 1038 Belmont. FOR SALE CHEAP 1014 acres. 17 miles zrom rortiana, lis miles rrom Sher wood, 6 acres clear. Inquire room 201, Hotel Ohio, Front and Maldson sta ACRES Facing right on hard-surfaced highway; house, barn,, some fruit, part in cult.; $1250, good terms. Draper, 40S Board of Trade. 2300 FIVE acres, house, berries, Van couver district. Main 8072. McFarland, reauor, ramus mug. 14 ACRE, WATER AND GAS. A real snap at $800, easy terms, close to car and pavement. Main 5201. FOR SALE 1 acre. 6-room house, barn, garage ana cnicaen nouse. I40O0, terms Tsbor 3404. No agents. 2000 2 1-3 ACRES. 86th and Gladstone ave. n. . uurey, eio Vancouver ave., back, upstairs. FOR SALE: 7 acres, close in. Thos. Allen, REAL ESTATE. 1-or Sale Acreage. ACREAGE TRACTS PRICED RIGHT. 6.68 Acres, S acres cleared, 2 acres more easily cleared; 14 young fruit tree 6-room house, barn 18x30; not over 5 miles from Portland city limits; $1800, $500 cash, bal. 2 years. 7 Acres, 6 acres under cultivation, good creek and well, all fenced; 3-room box house, barn 18x24 and chicken house; 1 miles from Park place; 1 cow, 1 horse, cultivator plow, harrow; $2300, $1000 cash, 5 years on bal. - 7 Acres, all under cultivation, some , fruit trees: 2 mile's from Beaverton; $2000, $500 cash. 8.87 Acres, 7 acres in cultivation, nearly 2 acres of timber, good Bprlng. 14 ' assorted fruit trees; 2-room house, small barn, good chicken house; 21s miles from Parkplace on Oregon City car line. Included with place is 1 horse, 1 cow, 40 chickens, 2 wagons, 2 cultivators. 1 plow, new harrow, all small tools1, $275O.$1850 cash. 10 Acres, 114 acres In cultivation. 1 room shack house, barn 16x20, good woodshed ; 8 acres fenced, good spring and creek. 2 miles from Manning; $1050, $350 cash, 5 . yrs. on baL 10 Acres, unimproved, near Witch Hazel, on the big red electric cars; price $1750, $300 cash. A very de cided snap. 10 Acres, 2 miles from Port Angeles, Wash., unimproved, good rich black loam soil; $850, $10 down and $10 ' monthly. 10 Acres, 8 blocks from Elmonico sta tion. Just the other side of Beaver ton; unimproved, 9 acres in second growth fir timber; fenced on three sids, 2 acres of bottom land. A very decided snap; $2200, $500 cash. 13 Vi Acres, 11 acres-in cultivation, 2U acres In timber, good well and pump; .young fruit trees, 2-rooro house 12x18, new, new barn 20x40, hen house and wood shed; Is mile irom west woodburn on state road $4000, $2000 cash. 15.21 Acres, all bottom land, all level, acres partially cleared: li of mile from electric station. Price $1650, $650 cash, 3 yrs, on bal 161s Acres, all in cultivation, no build ings, on rural route, mile t Geer station on Sifton electric. I Clarke county. Wash. $2722.50, half cash. 20 Acres. 2V, miles from Hoff, 8 miles southeast of Oregon City; 8 acres in cultivation, good spring and wel 10 acres in big timber. 114 acres i 0 orchard ; 7-room plastered hous . worth $3000, barn 32x42, chickei- house 16x51, cost $500. Total price ior tne Tiiace, stuou. 20 Acres, about 1 acre in cultivation 3-room house, new, framework oi barn 16x24. chicken house 8x12' I miles from Hillsboro; $2575, $110 caso, FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors,' 732 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES, 12 miles from Portland, 14 mile irom electric station and school: macad amized road close to highway; good deep loam soil; 4-room house, barn, chicken iuuoc, ii ivo fa.vu, fi-vv vaen. una property is clear of incumbrance. Will turn it in on residence in good district in rortiana up to j.uou and pay differ ence in cash. 5 acres of this land is under cultivation, balance easy clearing no waste land. Ask for Mr. Hunter. ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. Five acres, 11 miles from center of Portland. 314 acres under cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared; good loam soil; new, attractive 5-room plastered oungaiow with two porches, cement base ment and wired for electric lights; ga rage 12x18. Only 114 miles from Im portant city. Price $4200. $1200 cash balance easy terms. , Will discount for all cash. . ONLY 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Over 6 acres, on macadam road, one mile from Oregon City car line: 14 mile to school; all under cultivation; 16 bearing fruit trees: raspberries, and grapes; new attractive 4-room cottage on cement foundation, barn, 16x26, chicken house and runways. Price $2800, easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. 60-ACRB BARGAIN. 8 MILES CITY LIMITS. Offer for a few days absolute bargain in close-in 6(a acres. 45 In cultivation, balance timber and pasture, with living stream, 6-room house, rood red barn, lots outbuildings, splendid orchard, 3 acres berries, team. 2 cows. 4 sows, boar, 50 chickens, mower, rake, wagon, 2 plows, harrow, drag. disc. cult., harness, hav. etc. : nrice onlv $8500. Remember, it is in one of the best farming sections near the city; good hard road all the way and Just 8 miles from city limits, right at stores, schools ana cnurcnes HARGROVE REALTY CO.. REALTORS. 122 N. 6th, near Glisan. Bdwy. 43S1. $1800. $230 CASH. 80x200 feet of a-round. berries, fruit, chicken house, 4-room house. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. Homesteads, Rellnquisliments. BHLB'S HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS FOUNDED ON MERIT 12 YEARS OF IT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. . Have my buildings and roads now completed on my homestead and am now prepared to resume locating others on selected home stead tracts of real merit: real home building, money-making , tracts carefully seleccea. Will be at the Rainier hotel, in ' ' Portland, all this week, to meet all those interested and explain the really splendid popsibilities. Can locate you on farming, timber, wood cutting, fruit or stock rais ing homesteads and guarantee ab solute accuracy. See me now and arrange for trip of inspection, or send for free descriptive lists. G. S. EHLE, RAINIER HOTEL, PORTLAND. HOME ADDRESS, YONCALLA, OR. IF YOU haven't used your HOMESTEAD right, now is your opportunity, while the roads are good, as this is your last chance to get a desirable claim in Ore gon. I also have some good relinquish ments. E. W. Helm, 316 Board of Trade bldg. HOMESTEADS FOR EX-SERVICE MEN or others; original entry or relinquish ments: will locate you on timber or farm lands, taking you out In my own car. w. Helm. 310 Boara 01 -rraae. 2 HOMESTEADS with real merit, timber and farm lana; running stream, ciose to auto road, neighbors and town, southern Oregon; $300 cash. 801 Corbett bldg. 40 AND 80-ACRE homestead location on auto road, 50 miles to Portland, nice creek on place; fine neighbors; 1 acre in garden. $200 cash. 301 Corbett bldg. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. 1714 ACRES of idea4 filbert land, ready to plant; also 12 acres of fine berry land, all tiled; near Hillsboro; 1 heavy bearing walnut orchard; all near Pacific highway; also fine sheep ranch. Ad dresa T. Wlthycombe. 432 12th st- city. Irrigated Lands. MILLER & LUX-own 800.000 acres' Cali fornia land; 32,000 acre tract of their choicest land is cut up for settlers; no stumps, stones, alkali or. hardpan; level and plenty- cheap gravity irrigation water; school, town, highway and rail road on land, selling for less than one half of its value, on easy terma Phone Tabor 566, or call 102714 Belmont st. to talk with Mr. Geiger, from California. Send for map .and folder. Kramer, Lake & Co. For Sale Farms. 13 ACRES, between Portland and Cen tralia, nearly all cleared, small house, faces nice stream, $50 down and $12 per month: also 10 acres same location, small log house and chicken house; $70 per acre, $20 down and $10 per month. 5 acres north of Vancouver, Wash., 14 acre cleared, small house, price $600, . $20 down and $10 per. month. Also 10 acres same location. 2 acres cleared small shack and well. Price $975, $20 down and $10 per month. 10 acres river bottom land, inside of dike, close to Woodland, Wash. All cleared. Price $125 per acre, $20 down and $10 per month. Other land partly cleared in same location for $100 per acre. All above land Is free from rock or gravel, lies good and no waste. CHARLES DELFEL, 318 Ry. Ex. Bldg. MR. SNAPHUNTER! 55 acres of my ranch, includes all Im proved land of SO acres, also 8room house, large barn and mother buildings, 10 acres more about ready for plow, 5 acres orchard, including 4 of prunes; crops in ground, 4 acres potatoes, 14 acre broccoli, corn, turnips, carrots, kale, hay in barn, raspberries, loganberries, straw berries; fine fruit locality, fine water, spring and well; good outrange for stock: some stock and implements; all for $0500. Phone or write owner. J. O. Botkin, Estacada, Or. f CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre; easy . terma best soil, farms for sale, all alsea McFarland. realtor, 208 Falling bldg. 40 ACRES Near station, on r. r. ; some cleared; house, barn, spring; work near by; price $750; $250 down. DRAPER, 408 Board of Trade Bldg. CONDITIONS this year emphasize the fact that no farm can beat a wheat ranch. For prices and particulars write U. Fitzmaurlce, Condon, Or, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. THREE MILES FROM PORTLAND. 25 acres- on macadamised road. Is mile to school; woven wire fences: 6 acres under cultivaaon; all can be farmed when cleared, al. easy clearing; good loam soil, one acre raspberries, rural de livery, cream route, etc., shack house. Price $3500, $1000 cash, balance easy - terms. Might consider house In Port land for-full value if priced right. Ranch Inspected by Kelson. 1614 acres, on macadamized road, 13 miles northeast nf Portland. 14 mile to electric station, town and school; 15 acres In crop: 1 acre of bearing or chard. Good 6-room house.' with water system and best of white enamel plumb ing, cement basement. Barn, chicken house and f-uit house. Price $6000. which includes equipment. Terms, or will con sider small piece of acreage on good road near Portland for full value.- Prop erty Inspected by Hunter. 14 acres, between Portland and Hills boro, one mile from electric station and paved highway; good wire fences: 10 acres under cultivation; 4 acres timber. 4-room plastered house with room for 2 more rooms upstairs; barn, chicken house and other buildings; good bearing or chard. Included with place: 2 cows, one horse, farm machinery, crops, etc. Price $4500 for everything, or sell land for $4000. An exceptionally nice piece of land, favorably located. Inspected by Berger. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, , Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. FINE FARM GREAT SNAP. New York importer wants money quickly in his business and will sacrifice his fine 250-acre farm for neany one half its value. 100 acres in cultivation irrigated; . about 80 acres more can be irrigated. Plenty of water and good water rights. About 100 acres good fir timber. 2,000,000 ft. by official cruise. Family orchard. Buildings alone worth fio.ooo. Good, well-built, 10-room nouse newly painted white, Is piasterea ana walls tinted; cement basement, furnace, etc.: wide porches front ana oaca; lars-e. new horse barn. large cow an hav barn, milk aenarator house and good separator installed with gasoline engine lor running same, ana oiner macninery. Farm machinery and tools Included: phone: 214 miles to high school, etc No incumbrance. Price only szu,un. casn. L. E. PTEINMETZ, 406 Gerlinger bldg. Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. THIS FARM IS ONLY 14 MILES OUT, HAS GOOD IMPKOVKMEIVrs. TOUU SOIL AND WELL LOCATED. WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK? . - Consists of 42 acres, 32 In high state of cultivation, tiled where needed, lencea nn S RlHes snd cross-fenced "with woven wire, and plenty of fruit and berries for home use: g-oqd 7-room plastered house with living room clear across irmii, front jind buck norch. large, well-bull barn, good chicken and tool house, good gravel road to the farm; half mile to ,hnni And church. In - fact, there nothing around Portland more desirably located. r-uliaings aione are worm K-l.-.ftO leaving the lAnd and other 1m provements only $5000. 1 Can you beat it for $."("? OnTroort terms. STEWART ft JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HOOD RIVER FARM Upper Hood River valley ranch of 130 acres. Wltn in cultivation. riueai soli in the vslley for potajtoes. clover, 0-min. etc. Exceptionally good house, bunk house,, tool sheds, ample In every wav and In excellent conaitlon. - '1 nret mil from nontnfficA. store and railroad half mile from the new loop road. Ad 4noent In lAro-e acreage - of outrange fine for grazing. Under Middle Fork ditch. tth Dlenty of water. A most attractive location and a good concern Price. $30,000. - J. VT. CRITES. Agent. Hood River, uregon 80 ACRES NEAR REEDVILLE. STOCKED AND equipped, run Sli.UUII. ' Improvements consist of a 7-room house. 2 barns, one of them is new, larv nonltrv house and root house, 2' acres or more under cultivation, at least 10 acres more easily cleared: enough good wood to pay ror tne entire piace, a several hops, lot of chickens, team of horses, full line of machinery and tools: everything complete. $4000 will handle. STEWART JOHNSON. . SIS Northwestern Bank Bldg. nnsT STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres, 34 acres In high state of cul tlvation. 6 acres old stump pasture: run nlna- water lots of fruit and berries. 7 room plastered house, 2 barns, granary, ..Hlr-lj-on house, c-arsare all In srood Condi- tion: ten milrh cows, team horses; all machinery and tools necessary 10 oper ate: this is an extraordinarily desirabli place,; 2 miles Tualatin, 13 miles Port 11 r.no naif csah. balance 6. R. M. GATE WOOD ft CO.. 16514 4th St. WlSBT-r.TO- COUNTY. 4214 acres all In cultivation, one A prunes, one A. asst. irun. rnMt-w, un- .la-. a.pnntn nniise. barn 48x70 ft., ga- raa-a and outbldgs.. new silo. 21 milch nnjum A heifers. ?. horses, chickens, milk. ing machine. 3 H. P. engine, machinery and tools of all kinds: 16 miles Portland, close to school, -store, church. Price $12.50(1: half cash. Will take house or .Whan horn nn tn S.iflOO. R. M. GATE WO OD ft CO.. 16514 4th St MR. RANCHER. Just look at this! 4U acre.- or rlcn snor mam son. u m-rca in high state of cultivation, balance fine pasture; 3 miles from railroad, one fourth mile from school. With this goes 6 cows. 3 heifers, 7 pigs and all the farm implements. For only $4600, $2000 cash. Balance to suit. I have many other farms, large and small, from $50 to $150 Per acre. J, B. HOLBROOK, Realtor, 214-215 Panama Bldg. S'4 A -ORES CLOSE TO CAR AND PAVED ROAD: ONT.Y 16 MILES OTTT ON NEWBERG HIGHWAY. 1 14 acres In black caps. 1 acre In strawberries, family orchard: four-room house, barn and chicken house: about 40 f'ne millets, some Implements ana tools. Price $2800; might consider a lot as part pavment. STEWART ft JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. van RA1.K SMALL DAIRY. 141f acres, 8 acres of diked Columbia river 'bottom. 2 acres in bearing orchard. 414 acres pasture, running water; good 5-room house, woodshed, chicken house and run, good barn,-10 tone hav, 4 choice milk cows, 1 large- norse, i nacK, i wagon, 60 chickens; located 1 mile north of Rainier on rood road. Address P. O. box No. 605. Rainier, Or. GRESHAM DISTRICT. 40 acres choice rolling land, no waste; as acres in cultivation, creek. 3 springs. orchard, berries, etc.; B-room. modern house, plastered; gravity water, full nlnm.hins-: ham. garage, chicken house, all In e-ond condition. Price $12,000; $4000 cash, bntnnce to suit. Will take house un to $3010 as Dart. R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 16514 4th St. CT.OSE-TN- FARM. 109 acres, 43 acres in cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture, creek and many springs. 20 miles pnrtiana, ry. sta tion on land; 4-room house, 2 barns, stocked and equipped: land lies good; orchard, berries, grapes. Price $ll,soo. Good terms can be made: would take small farm or suburban tract for part. P.. M. GATE wood ft t:u- Itiolfr tn c t A REAL FARM. New 7-room house, two barns, two rranarles. cows. hors. chicken houses. good orchard, complete implements, two running springs. 2.1 miles irom roruana. Sacrifice price $150 per acre. Would con sider 40-acre farm or Portland home as part payment. Mr. Boehm. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. .h. FOR SALE. 20, acres, new house, spring water In alnlr. county road: 3 cows. 1 beet. 2 pigs, chickens, 1 mare, t wagon. 1 buggy. 1 harness, hay, crops, separator, cream cans. $2500 includes everything, terms. Address ' H. H. SHCMWAY. -Goble. Or. Route 1. CHOICE DAIRY FARM.. Two sets, buildings. 3 large haras: 40O Acres or srood land: some stock and 50 tons of hay goes with place. Near transnortatlon and Columbia river. Price $14,000. terms. Only 4 per cent on de ferred pavments. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 6.13 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7S7. CLOSE-IN FARM. 75 acres extra choice fancy-fat land. 14 miles Portland, at railway station; naved roads: being run as dairy: $16,000. terms, or will sell 20. 23 or 30 acres. $200 per acre, and make terms. II interested call and see us. R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 16514 th St. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO.. Realtors. Snecialize in Clackamas county FARMS. ACREAGE. SUBURBAN HOMES 32 years in Clackamas county. - Expert agricultural advice free. GLADSTONE. OR. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. 77 ACRES In heart of the Kewberg fruit belt, good prune orchard, -running wa- ter, fully stocked and equlnoed. $5000 worth of wooM on place. Sacrifice at $6500, terms. See Merrtfield, 210 Oregon ' bldg. Bdwy. 1B5S. 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebsnon: 65 in cultivation, well fenced: a good buy. or will trade. Owner, Tabor 6308. CHOICE Improved Yakima valley alfalfa. grain, veg- fruit, aairy-ana poultry iana Joining town. Cal. Ranch. Buena, Wash 164 ACRES, level. timbered land with creek, near electric and highway; can divide. Jesse R. Sharp. 8314 3d st WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT RESIDENCE Will pay part cash and trade in my Oakland car. Kallsher. Main 2803. WILL exchange 1918 Dodge roadster for lot in Rose City. Laurelhurst or Irving- ton. Broadway 2645. WANTED A five-room bungalow to be built at once. S. G. Baughman, 5104 E. 43d S. E. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WHAT HAVE YOU IN SUNN YSIDE ? We have a buyer for a good 6-room house not over 2 blocks from Belmont st. at a price from $3500 to $4000. $500 to $1000 cash. - RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE ft CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE HAVE a client with $6000 cash to buy new or nearly new strictly modern home. Irvington, Laurelhurst or Rose City .dis trict Ask for House Dept. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon B;dg. WANT SMALL CHEAP ACREAGB TRACTS. Impossible for us to supply the demand for small, cheap acreage tracts; want some kind of buildings on chem. Har grove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th sL Bdwy. 4381. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow in Rose City Park, Laurelhurst or Hawthorne district, not over $5500 on terms of $750 cash, monthly payments. Must give possession within 30 days, buyer must make deal soon. J. G. Rainey, 517 Ablngton bldg. Main 126.0. . HAVE buyers for houses or flats on the west side, I can sell your property it your -price is right. JOHN SINGER. . . 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTING a good Income property in city from 25,000 up to $150,0007 I want the lowest ash price. Name aad location in letter. From owners only. AF 724, Orrgonlan. , WANT immediately, modern $4000 house; Stve city lots or choice 20 acrea near regon City; stream, some improve ments; unincumbered. Owner, box 68, Astoria. . $0500 FOR A bungalow. IRVINGTON OR ALAMEDA PARK, large living room; pay good substantial payment down. RUMMELL ft RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. EX-SERVICE man wants small Improved farm; pa-mit $3000 cash. Portland home equity $2000. W. M. Umbden stock ft Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Broad- way 1658; WANTED 5-room house aad two lota The best can get 4or $2500. Have $1606 cash. Write Julius Eneidi, 100 First st., city. . WE HAVE a buyer- with $3000 to $5OO0 for modem residence.- see us lor quick action. W. M. Umbdenstock ft Co.. 214) Oregon bldg. Broadway 16o8. I AM BADLY in need of good lots, make your price rignt ana 1 can sen it tur yuu. HAtiKI KliiUltvvltn, Main 6869. .Realtor. 104 Fifth St: A PRIVATE Dartv wants to buy 4 to room home: will give as payment a first - class 6 per cent first mortgage aad cash. F 913. oregonlan. LOTS WANTED. Will exchange Hudson super six for lot in Rose City. Laurelhurst or Irving- ton. Broadway 2645. NEW COMER in market for modern resl dnce. 5 or 6 rooms: not over $5000 have $1000 cash and $50 a month. P. O, Box 254 WANT for quick deal, bargains in houses ana well-locatea vacant lots, see a.'jv Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. LONG ES TABLISHED. RELIABLE SERVICE WANT house equity: have snappy, late model 'car. value $1400. to exchange fo same. See owner, 44J6 Lumbermens bldg. HAVE client for 5 or 6-room bungalow u to $3500, with $750 and the .soldier oonus. Air. Harp, nawy. hi. WANTED Lot near Piedmont; must be bargain. BP 3. Oregonlan. - Wanted to Kept Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing lor year or more. We make lots of sales thia way. Wlli buy equipment if priced right, JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast, RESPONSIBLE party wants large ranch or farm with about 100 aores cultivable. Have stock and Implements to work same. C 902, Oregonlan. FOlt RENT FARMS. SPECIAL reduction for quick action; 40 near Oregon City until Nov., iy2j, S370; also 500 cords seasoned wood on place, X2.0O. owner, pox us. Astoria, or. 45-ACRE dairy farm with good improve ments in Washington county, by owner 507 Wygant st. Telephone v din. 709. SMALL dairy and fruit farm, implements and stock lor sale. uooa scnooi, etc Bdwy. 1009, 250 ACRES for rent adjoining O. A. C. Shares or cash. Nothing furnished. 561 Glisan. FOR RENT Fine country home. 30 acres, part cleared, hignway ana car line would sell. Wood,iawn 606; FARM for rent, some equipment for sule, Charles Chllds. Brownsviue. or. 100-ACKE farm for sale or rent, 12 miles from Portlana. an witf, oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS All or part interest in -1 isolne- saw mm on rt. n. ana river: have storage room in river for 2,000,000 feet of logs: mill cutting 2a ju per aay, with 50.000.000 feet of timber available. Address room 415, Hotel Ramapo, 14th and Washington. TO EXCHAXOF REAL ESTATE. ALDER STREET. We are offering the best available fractional corner on Alder st. for sal or exchange. Will consider good prop ertv for nart value with balance on long time mortgage. New owner can make excellent long-time ground lease. Proa Dective lessee waiting. R. F. Bryan. 609 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1963 RRICK APARTMENT. Cash value S50.0O0. will take in ex change a good farm from $15,000 to $30. 000, balance part cash and time; this is a real income, but owner has 2 and must dispose oi one; locatea near uooa oa maritan hospital. Call at 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. J. RQBBINS. WEST SIDE. $4500. Will exchange. Want euto to $800 and some cash. bal. easy, or will ex- rhnnra this on lars-er Dlace. west side. This is a 5-rm. bung- hdw., furnace and fireplace and an elegant view. J. ROBB1NS. . Tabor 5319. 301 Ry. Exch. Main 7031. CLACKAM.-S COUNTY FARM. 85 acres on good auto road to Port land; 43 acres cult.; 8-room house, large barn and outbuildings; bearing orchard; fine trou( stream runs through place. 14 mile to school, church and stores. Price only $7000; very easy terma, or trade ror city property. RALPH ACKLBY. S27 Corbett Bldg. CHOICE 40-acre tract rich, level land, west side: only 11 miles irom center 01 city, rieht on hard surface road: vicinity Bea verton and Aloha sta. Price $10,000. Will accept city improved property or country mdse. store, s-iuuu to eiuuu. Bee A. K. Hill. 4-' Lunioermens niqg. ROOM modern house. E Glisan at., $8000 want ranch towards Gresham ,up to 110 000. 7-room house, 7 lots, want about 20 acres with cheap bldgs- not too far out. BOCKHOLD BROS, Realtors, 601 Swetland Bldg; Main 5769. FOR SALE, or traae for house and lot in Portland, line b-room nouse, oarn, tots 100x200, plenty garaen. iruit ana wal nut trees, all -situated on highway, cor ner 7th and Base Line sts- at Hillsboro, Or. See John VanderwaU 774 8th st, Hillsboro. ACREAGE for city property. 1 or 2 acres. good house ana outDuiiaingst, z oiocks from graveled road, close to school, 5 minutes to Metzger station on Oregon Electric: clear of incumbrance. Want house in city; give description and price. Owner. Br 13, oregonlan. 46 ACRES. 20 miles; 30 acres cultivation; good house, parn, outouiioings, orcnara, roads, water pi-pod: will take good prop erty in city; all or part: will make quick deal: best of reasons. Richards, 505 Couch bldg. RESIDENCE LOT WANTED IN EX CHANGE. East side preferred, for two lots Seat tle Equal value or assume. PATERSON, 429 EAST 13TH ST. N. Phone East 7377. 00-ACRE A-l stock and dairy farm fully equipped. Excnange ior poriiana in come property. For further informa tion see PEPER-WALSH, Realtors. ' 508 Buchanan Bldg- Main 5173. 80 ACRES. Mont, farm, under Sun river Irrigation; win ll or excnange ror lm proveM acreage near Portland. For par ticulars' write L. J. Gynka, S. 911 Hatch St.. Spokane. sWash. FOR TRADE. Six-room bungalow, on 64th St. S. E. Rented $25 per mo. Wants small busi ness with income. Auto. 312-97. i-ROOM modern home and one acre, 75 bearing fruit trees; price -jwu: equity, $3000; trade for smaller house. 403 Couch DIOg. 20 ACRES timber, all good land, at rTiena, vr, ri ild itwr,, itv uu cicnr, trade for lots or anything worth - the money. 403 Conch bldg. ' TRADE $2300 Idaho land on imp. ranch in this valley; win pay Dai. casn on a cash basis to $5000. R. C. AKIN. Eu- gene. Or. Address Gen. Del. COME AND SEE US. WB CAN TRADE YOUR PROPERTY. ACRE, near city: will trade for car or rooming nouse. main ajui. 2iu Washing ton st. WILL trade $500 equity In new Hudson car lor I or aown payment on small house, Ar' 90S. Oregonlan. CITY LOTS and timber land. Sale or ex change, XUL'Uf Ulln TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. DENVER, COLO INCOME. Two-story brick building in the business district of Denver; store first floor; 3 living rooms above: all In excellent condition; rented to good tenants; price $5500; pic ture at office; exchange tor Port land property. HOME AND ACREAGE NEAR MEDFORD. In this delightful home place there are 11 acres, all in cultiva tion; lies well; fine soli, with or chard, berries, grapes and alfalfa; under irrigation. The house has 5 rooms, with city water, barn and other farm buildings; Included are a cow, horse, buggy, all farming tools and Implements, all for $4000; no Incumbrance. See the pictures; want nouse, acreage or apartment. MACINNES' EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER, LOWE CO- 201-2-S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Exchanges of Merit Only. A REAL HOME RANCH. 146 acres, 120 acres in cultivation. 18 acres prunes. Is acres Royal Anne ana Lambert cherries, 13 acres loganberries, 11-room bungalow, plastered, cobblestone fireplace, hardwood floors. modern plumbing, large barn and other buildings. stock and Implements. 7 miles from Sa lem, 214 miles Irom K. K. pries i:i3,uov: .owner is old and wishes to retire and will take cash. Income property, hotel or paying business or unimproved acre age in vicinity of Portland up to $20,000, ' long-time on the balance. See Mr. Stephens, with Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. HAVE YOU CITY PROPERTY THAT YOU WANT TO EXCHANGE FOR A FARM? We have several good farms, some of them stocked and equipped, that we can take city property in exchange for part or all of the purchase price. These farms are priced right and will stand investigation. STEWART ft JOHNSON', 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. EXCHANGE OFFICE. YOU MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. Many excellent propositions now for trade, such as Income property for va cant lots. Your proposition can be matched. A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acres located near coast, abont half bottom land, balance bench and bill. 300 acres tn cultivation. 3 houses. lair barn; pries $40,000; would consider city property- SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER COMPANY. 63 Fourth St Opp. Multnomah HoteL m Phone Broadway 3715. 1 ACRES on Columbia river highway, at Rowena. Trade for car or rooming house. 219 Washington at. Main 3397. L TO EXCHANGE MISCELI-ANEOfS. FOR SALE OR TRADE 30-40 bolt action carbine, 3-A Eastman kodak, 17-Jewel Hampden watch, all In excellent condi tion; want 12-ga. repeating shotgun, fishing tackle or powerful binoculars. Write or call at 489 E. Clay st. VICTOR oak piano In excellent condition, will sell for cash or trade for small auto. V 909, Oregonlan. WILL exchange 6-cyllnder, seven-pass, au tomobile, all or part for diamonds. Value snuu. ox A lH-u, oregonlan. NEARLY new 10-horsepower gas engine. For lumber or anything. E. 8445. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. BROOD SOWS. Am closing out all of my brood sows ana pigs, see tnem on the ranch at Sycamore station. B. F. Brandon, Aut 646-57. RAM BARGAIN -Purebred yearling Lin coln rams, S7.5U, 3 for Z2U: 2-year-old LIncotns. also Cotswolds. $10: crating free; heavy snearers, in rare condition. snaaeiand farms. Amity, ur. 7 HEAD or horses In good working order, from 6 to 10 years oid, weighing 1200 to 1350 pounds. Liberty Coal ft Ice Co., 21 East 3d st Phone East 629. FOR SALE Brood sows to farrow soon; sows and pigs. B. r . Brandon, byca more station. Automatic 846-57. FOR SALE Six borses; reasonaol pricea Hoiman uei i;o., oarn i. em ana ivon streets. FOR SALE Several fresh family cows; prices from $50 to $70. Tabor 3004. HOLSTEIN heifer. 4 yrs. old. $55. Third st. and A ave., ttswego. ur. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes and rama Holman Fuel Co.. 94 5th st DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone MUwauKle pu-j ror nest service. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. call cay or nignt. auto, o-1 -o. WANTED To buy first-class gal ted aaddie horse. E. cowman, aaaip au-u. HIDES bought or tanned. West Coast Tan- nlng Co., renino ave. eeu. -jus. FRESH cow for sale (Jersey). A. Schlecht, Tigara, 3 mnes a. w. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHiis&s mm r-r.iurvLiD. BRUNSWICK with 10 records $120 VICTOR with 20 records 120 COLUMBIA with IS records 100 PATHE with 10 records 80 COLUMBIA with 10 records 75 ETH AD1VARA with 19 records 70 VICTOR with 15 records 60 VICTOR with 5 records 20 . ,$5 or more cash, $4 or more monthly, ffchwan Piano Co., 101 10th st, cor. Stk. PIANO SPECIALS. Bradbury Piano, mah. case: fine con dition. $235: another one at $325: Schul hoff Piano in wain- caae, a bargain at 1250: also a Haines Bros, in mah. case, fine tone, $265, and many ethers at our store. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO- 149 6th St, PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. Expert guaranteed work; reasonably priced; refinlshlng or any kind of work necessary to put your piano in tirst class condition. SEIBERLANG-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 Fourth St. Main 8586. BRUNSWICK Cabinet Phonograph. $100. we have several taDie macnines at aio. $10 and $25; 2 Cheney Cabinet Phono- grapns, one at si.u ana oue aw tmv. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO- 149 6th St IISIUI WM. KNABE PARLOR GRAND, Almost like brand new: sell less nrice on terms. "The world's best piano," A chance of a life time. Terms given. Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldg- 3d ana oak sts. BUY, SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Phonographs ana recoraa Music rolls and musical Instruments, VKWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 1st- Main 4495. Aut. 627-46, 625-82. A WONDERFUL bargain In a Chlckerlng ft Sons piano; case an reiinisneu ju as good as new; aon i ovenooa mis una G8rFl"j0HNS0N PIANO CO.. 149 6th Bt PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. ALL MAKES PROMPTLY REPAIRED. Expert guaranteea wora. i ry us. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC OO 125 Fourth St. . Main 8588. ALL USED player roll prices reduced to 250. Values UP to naroiu o. vjuoerb. 384 Yamhill st. z-ianos soiu, rcuieu. re paired. ORGANS ORGANS. Almost given away. $10 and np, terms given. See them. SEIBERLING-LUCAS I.IUSIC CO., 12a ourtn St. EQUITY in Euphona player piano; practi cally new; inClUUes ucilllll m uaua.w. 1074 Vernon ave- 6 to 7:30 P. E-rvm nl.n VIOLIN for sale at a bargain a real cnauce ior wmvusw. wu 4727 FOR RENT Piano, Grafonola, late rec- . . I.- , .. , T- ., f,. T9j1w oras, moaiu. iwurn" - , - - 155, PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 20o up; parts wholesale ana retail, two LiQwy. ,1111. IVERS ft POND walnut case pi&no, Just returned, excellent instrument. loon Kearney. $700 STORY ft CLARK piano, almost new. only -au, tcrtua. n nw.Mwi bldg. IVERS ft POND walnut case piano. Just returned, excellent laiiruuicui. ,007s Kearney. ,17-, nirvs s.v.a Bause piano: wonderful tone. maiioKanjr o- - - - - Worcester bldg. $135 BUYS $550 Martin Bros, upright piano in nice va. v o Worcester piug. 1400 Weber player piano and bench only $4O0: late style. 311 Worcester bldg. $550 PIANO Hardman make; used 7 mos. Only 8235. on terma, 311 Worcester bldg. 1S30 PIANO Hardman. mah- used 7 mos. . ...... . 111 Wneea,e hlH Uniy KJJi V" - - - ' $800 KRANICH ft BACH piano. $300, terms. oil e,mi-pgi mm. BUYS upright p.ano. 811 Worcester bldg. WANTED Used piano, spot cash. Main 4424 belore a f. ai. WANTED Good-tone piano, pay cash. Call Marshall aiow. 650 W. W. KIMBALL piano, only $215, terms. Oil nornrnLn urns- 1000 CHICKERING piano, only $373, on terms. 311 Worcester Diag. PIANO WANTED. Pay cash for bargain. Main 8586. 10 PIANOS. $85, $113, $135 to $213; many fine makes: terma nil Worcester oiog. I PIANO wanled, pay casn. ilaniaU 1332, ; FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. DOWNSTAIRS SCHWAN PIANO CO. $674 Blnger upright, mahogany ... .$295 $650 Kimball upright, mahogany... Sri3 $900 Sinter, upright, oak 463 $750 Adam Schaaf player-piano.... 493 $900 Stelnway ft Sons upright 893 $475 Hallet ft Davis upright 193 $10 or $25 cash, $6 to $12 monthly. 101 lOtb St, at Washington and Stark. CLOSING OUT; 8ECURITY STORAGE CO. $450 Kmerron upright piano. ...... .$163 $730 rianlsta player-piano 293 $273 Collard ft Collard upright 63 Parlor organs $18 and $2$ cash Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 loth St.. cor. Stark. USED PIANO DEPARTMENT. This Week's Offerings: Relnze, upright piano $193 Hallet ft Davis piano 265 Kimball, large, mahogany 843 Arlon, walnut 29$ Cash or $3, $6 to $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT. 2 New Brunswick discontinued model 7, mahogany, each $ 90 2 New Stradivara Harmony, each.. 12$ I New Stradivara Chopin, each.. 150 1 Used Victor, nearly new 140 1 New Sonora Melodle 60 Prices cash, but you can pay as little as $5 or $10 cash and $4. $3 or $ a month if desired. 7th Floor. L1PMAN. WOLFE ft CO. BAND INSTRUMENT SPECIALS. All standard guaranteed makes and have been completely overhauled and sterilized; a good case for each. $ 94.50 York Cornet, silver 140.00 Holton Cornet, gold 90.00 Conn Cornet, silver 101.50 York Cornet, silver 87.50 Conn Cornet, silver 94.50 Buescher Cornet 9j King Cornet .$ 53 . 100 . 53 . t-.'i . 40 . 65 . 50 $50 Albert L. P. B flat Clarinet $30 55 Albert L, P. B flat Clarinet 3i 73 Albert L. P. A Clarinet 50 $160 Buescher "C" sliver Saxophone $140 jou tonn Aito sliver saxopnone.... i-i 215 Conn "C" gold Saxophone 180 , 85 Conn Alto brass Saxophone.... 63 Just the thing for school bands and orcnestraa G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO- Hl 6lh St. PIANO SALE. Positively every plauo In stock re duced to a price that will move them. Compare prices and be convinced. Terms given. FISHER, small sIze, upright $173 HAINES t CO.. walnut case 235 HARDMAN, plain mahogany case . 813 KRANICH ft BACH, walnut case... 330 KIMBALL, new 430 H1NZE, new 330 K1NGSBURG, oak case 275 FRANKLIN, wainut case 275 RICCA, plain mahogany case 230 MARSHALL WENDELL, almost new 325 KIMBALL player, new 573 BUSH ft LANE player, rolls and bench 300 H1NZE player, new 650 SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 Fourth St.. bet. Wash, and Alder $100 CABINET phonograph, 20 records, $50. Must sell. 115 K. 28th. E. 4222. Furniture for Sale. SAVE MONET. Try our sales department if you want to buy or sell household gooda Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and reftniahing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO., 58 4th St., opp. Multnomah hotel Phone Broadway 8715, MAKE YOUR OWN FURNITURE. Save 75. Because of changing to desk manufac ture we have unassembled parts for din ing and library tables; easy to erect; lull instructions. OREGON TABLE COMPANY MANUFACTURERS. East 6652. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If going ' east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer t Storage Co.. 28 Pine st. FUMED oak dining table and 6 chairs complete, $65; mahogany bookcase, $30; brass bed complete, $30; other miscel laneous articlea Call at 2451s Morrison street, room 8. FURNITURE of ten-rm. modern house for sale. House for rent, garage, sleeping porch. Ideal for roomers. Terma 2us N. 23d st. FOR SALE Dishes, carpet, furniture of all klncs and house for rent. Take N. and 8. or Sixteenth street car to 19th at.. North. IZ use No. 8H3. ONE TAPESTRY COUCH with oak frame and claw feet; one dark oak library table; one golden oak telephone set. Tabor 8056. $60 TAKES one dining room set, one round table, 6 chairs, leather bottom china closet, small beater. Call at 606 Bel mont after 10:30 A. M. HEATING stoves, gas stoves and ranges, cheap. Brooklyn Repair bhup, Sull- wooq aunt. FURNITURE of 4-rm. house; best of qual ity, for sale half rash, balance terms. 442 N. 23d. Marshall 2775. OAK dining set. table, 6 chairs, leather seats, buffet, rocker, 114 Union ave- cor. E. Alder. A-B GAS range, large size, almost new; $75. 457 E. 23d Nurth. l'hone East 1933. FURNITURE and heating stove fur sals I cheap. East eiui. FURNITURE for sale. Auto. 228-71 2118 East 3Ulh ALL KINDS of household goods fur sale. 443 East Lincoln st. 4TNE furniture of four-rom apartment SOI et.. m. FURNITURE for sale, lawn car. Fern. Wood- ONE COLUMBIA table and records. Sac rlflce. $55. E. 3473; Office Furniture. BIG REDUCTION OFFICE- FURNITURE, We made a large purchase of used of fice equipment in practically new con dition; desks, tables, chairs, filing cab inets, typewriters and dictaphones: our price lowest in city, wax Office equip ment House. 24 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. JUST IN Six flat-lop desks, i roll-top desks, 2 flat-top typewriter desks, $ drop-head typewriter desks, 2 bookkeep ers' desks, 86 chairs, 4 drawers, letter tilts. BUSHONG ft CO.. i raric Br, BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, crairs. flies or safes, visit onr salesroons and Inspect what we have te offer. THE IRWIN-HODSOJ7 CO.. FTTRNITURB DEPT.. 10TH AT STARK. Typewritrrs. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITER ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL, OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE Ti'PE WRITER CO., 821 Washington SL Mala 668L REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairs, supplies. Distributors Corona portable Sundstrand, adding machines. Main 2285. U. W. Pease Ck 110 Sixth street. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters. 53 a. monts. ,mpirs iranaier, xa xaroau- way! Bdwy. 155. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; auppilea Type writer Inspection Co.. 812 Stark. M. 6348. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter t-0- as eta su Aiain 0000. NEW', rebuilt, second-band rentals at cut ratea P. D Co.. 281 Stark st. Alain 140. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak, Western Cooperage Co, sue in. ista st, near Fettygrove. Thone A 519-19. Dogs. Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. FOR RENT A well-trained setter dog for the hunting season. Appiy t" nasu- Ington st. FOR SALE Irish spaniel puppy. rattalL Call Mr. Hawea, jiain ao-o. SKINS and furs tanned. West Coast Tan n I n g Co.. 892 Tenlno ave. Sell. 2398. CANARIES; Imported stock; good singers. 421 Roselswn ave. w ain, aino. Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment. trim VISHED modern houseboat. Call Sell- wood 2838. bee tnis oaraain. irregon Yacht Club, No. 24. Terms. Why pay rent ? ; FOR SALE 24-loot launch, 4-cyl- 4- cycle. 20-norsepower, goou tup autu cur tains, electric lights. Sell. 1im4, HOUSEBOAT, $125. Ft, Carlonia st., Ful ton car. WANTED Columbia river fishboat; must be cheap. A WIO, urcgonian. Machinery. 18x8 BLAISDELL screw cutting, belt feed engine lathe, complete with chuck and steady rest, $150. R. R. POPPLETON. 223 Stark St, Marshall 410. ONE 24-INCH "J" STEPTOE SUAPER. OREuU.-i A 1. 1 u nr.i ai n v,vj., ! U i 11 AND GLISAN. BDWY. 1456. FOR SALE One 10x13 Palmer ft Rey Erlnting press, u. naz. norm did, j o - 3 i CONCRETE 2-wheel cart, sacrifice at $10, worth V-X. r.a-iL so-i or utfs Eugene at. Coal and Wood. GROUND HOG fuel and sawdust in car loads or iruca iota western v-ooperage Co.. Columbia 62. a.1 ftl.D-OROWTH fir cordwood: nrnmot I deL; first xona $7.75. Phone Mala OS&u. ) FOR BAT.E. Coal and Wood. $10 50 FOR TWO LOADS $10.80. Block and slab mixed; first growth eordwocd. $8 per cord; 2d growth cord wood, $7.50 per cord: country slab. $6 pr cord. Wdln. 41112. A SI'KCIAL reduction for Immediate sa,e; 5oo cords seasoned wood near Oregon Cisy, -'.:fl; slrn rent 40 acres until Nov., JsaaMlJ. Owner, box 6M, AstoHa.Or. DIRECT from the forest by truck, south side delivery, good measure No. 1 old. growth fir, $7 73 a corl. 8 or more cords, $7 50. Phone Main 1062. 426 Hall. FIKST-CLASS cordwood, $.S; oak Slid ash, $10 f0; di livery Kenton, Wooillaun and Piedmont, St. Johns. S H. llowe.;, phone rtl'6 Y. route 2. Vancouver. W,iih. FlitST-CiltOWTH fir, Ito.k Springs. Itoval, Owl Creek coal. Standard Jlrlck ft Tile Co., 83 3th st... between Stark and Oak. phone Broadway 18. CAR LOTS first-growth vrry dry fir. jT; f. o- b. cars. Write to Frank L, bmlta. Hmlthshlre. Scapponse, fir. WUOI IS AW. When wanting your wood sawed call Kelly, K. 1. WOOD, rountry Urv Uli. 1 it-1 11 , h block, dry and grern; also dry railroad ties. Marshall .'."77. OLD-GROWTH beet fir. No. 1. 4-foot. IS per cord; 16-ln. $5 per ccrd. Phone Wood m- lawn p-j. BEST first-growth fir cordwood, $8 per cord. Sellwood 314. BIG LOAD of boxwood $5 30. Call Wood lawn 59H4C or 1133 Montana ave. CUARANTKK1) best old-growth cordwood, $.4 30 per cord; green slab, $3.73. H. 4110. BLOCK and slab lulled, stove luuglbs, $11 per double loud. Hd wy. 4 1 10 FIFST-Ct.ASS second-growth fir wood, 17 23 first zone, l'hone 31 a In 5"6. GOOD seasoned oak cordwood delivered for $lii.3ii. Call Sell wood :t.1ti. FlItST-Cl.ASjS cordwood delivered from car for $7.73 cord. Clo.e delivery. Hast 2041. Miscellaneous. AUTO TOPS Itecover touring, $22 50 up; roadster, $17.50 up; curtains, $12 up; all auto trimming and repairing special price reduction. Northwest Auto Co., istli and Aldor. HOT WATER TANKS, ;;0 gal- $7; 40 gal., $9; tested, guaranteed; stovo and fur nace colls, gas h'-aters Instnlled; plumb, ing. East Side Welding fhop, 20J Ad ams. E. 8510, COME to the Vogue for ladl'V mlsllt an J slightly used coats, furs, dresses, hais, suits; think-. to niaku over cheap 4th floor. 4"3 Allskv bids., 3d and Morrison sts. M a I n 3 1 .12. 20 DROP-HEAD sewing iniicnlncs. $1250 to $45; Singers, New llomes, Whiles, W, W.; all makes machines rented and repaired. E. H. Stuen, 132 Grand ave. Fast 2358. FOR SALE Iloturv Ncostyle self-inking printing machine; Insert typewritten copy and print huntlreiln therefrom; first class condition: present pnoe $70: my price $23. IVooulnwn 40.V2. MATTRESSES direct from factory ta homes: low) new 40-lb. mattresses, $3. Pioneer Mattress ft Pad Co., 1072 lv. Liu coln st. Auto. 28 7 -07. I MRS. 8. W. HERMAN, apparel shop, Isdles' and gents' clothes bought, sold sod exchanged; best pricea 2o4 S Park St., ne a r Jefferso rr M arsns II 1 90 9. COMPUTING SCALES, cash register, cof fee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 226 Stark ail., between Fi rst and Second s tS; CHOICE peaches, pears, prunes, apples, string beans, melons, onions, potatoss; Just in, spring potatoes. East HiiH, or 73 K. 16th., cor, stark. I OK SALE Registers. fountain, show cases, stools, meat slii-er, peanut roaster, wall case, coffee grinder; cash or credit 2ltl Salmon. I'll EM I Kit phonograph. 75 7-lnch Emer son douhle-dlrtc records, all for $20; full sized violin in A-l condition, good bow anil case, $20. IIF 21, Ore gonl a u. CHEAP New Old Town canoe, 16 feel. mahogany finish, double flooring, pad dles, liKht, two cushions; a baritaln. Call Main li.'.oo through day. Ak for DeVaul, PRUNES! 1 1 Large Italian prunes, 42d street, one Moek north or Simpson. ATTENTION Furs, vklns and hides bought or tanned. West toast Tanning Co.. S'X2 Tenl.-io ave. St'llwooq 23:s BENT lauip shades, panels, convex auto lenses, WIIKlstlleUls. I iirl. Art (Hums Co., 04.1 .viaoison. cor, inn. -iu in u -1U PILES can be permanently cured without operation. (all or write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison. HUGS washvd on your floor with Hamil ton-Beach electric carpet washer; also Vacuum cleaning done. En st 4043. KlK HEN T Electric vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day, 83c; delivered, guaranteed good condition WoodlMwn I2.v.t. KODAlvS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy, 329 Wss.,,ngton st. If YOU appreciate splendid watch repalr- ing or Jewelry repairlnr, see sillier, neat door to Majestic theater. DIKIiol.D safes, new and second hand; special prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co., 48 Front St. liroadwny 11MI6 LARGE Italian prunes. 4c a pound: bring containers. Southeast corner nl 42d and Killln Kuwurth. Womlla w n 23 1 It RELIABLE gas range and brass coil. At ahape; any reasonable ulfcr accepted. 233 Hooker street. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 3 rooms for 112, a for sju, guaranteed to pass Insieclion. Vvooillitwn 8791. liAV E seine canned wild black berries for sale; will sell fur dOu quart, liiH llar- ney avenue. I'LA'I'l.N'I'M wedding ring, circled with diamonds, cost 1123, but will sacrifice for half. Write 11.1 nil. oregonlan. . MUST SELL TODAY. Showcases, cash register, scale. safe, adding machine. 210 Washington ONE SUPERIOR gas range, , one Ituud . water heater, one hall tree, one dining room table, 734 Michigan ave. LL'TKE gi.iss showcase, Cretors peanut ma chine with oven; excellent condition or will trade. AP 21, Orenoniiin. t RITD water heater, $14. good condition; furnace coll and plumbing installed. East 4S52; LADY'S navv blue all-wool suit, Mlzo 3S, $10; also piush coat. Call after 6 1. M 351 Sacramento st. GAS RANGE, electric dome and other odila and ends. 758 E. 70th st. N.. near Fre mont st. PEKIU.KSS wood and coal rantte, I large bed davenport, 10 White Leghorn chick ens. Woodiawn 5940. FOR SALE One llrrplaca fcrale and Vrale screen, one wood heHter. 120 hi 2ilth, near Belmont. East 2QI'J FOR SALE CHEAP Five pairs Laird ft Schober shoes, size 7b and 81), some not worn. Call Hdwy. 275". ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kinds of building material and wood for sule. Yard 2d and Columbia. Main 11132. SAL'YIES Island Duck club wants 2 sports men; fine lake and clubhouse: 1 hour drive from Portland. N 904, Oregonian. LADY'S coat, hollvia, with moleskin col lar; small size; practically new. Sell- wpod 35. HEMSTI'ICHINU. Ma per yard: one yard free with this ad. a. SO Mohawk bldg., over Roberts Bros. HOT WATER gas heater, library tab's snd leauier wiulii. vi,v, .. v. Montgomery st. ALEXANDER Hamilton course. Walton ac counting course: bargains lor quica sale. Phone Main 4727. FOR SALE One 12-volt storago bnlterv suitable lor uoage or jnaxwcu car. in g pod condition, cheap. imu-si. CHILD'S Iron bed with mattress; also fold ing Dany cart. van .hih vv. uroaoway. VIBRATORS Physician's size, slightly used. 3111 .Morgan ning. LATE stylo 6-drawer drop-head White to- tarv. Use new. 100. r.. vvnun. BLUE DAMSON PLUMS. (IT.in 59X11 AVE. UNIVERSAL combination range, bargain; .lust line new, i--,, teui'ur ii SILK velour cont. fur trimmings, good as new: Si-. 1 none .mrimii atiai. 1 BRAND new Hires root beer barrel slid equipment. narsiun st iqp. Alain n.tti.i. GAS RANGE, fine condition, l'hone Willu. 4S",. 1 I ainrnw si. 'STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mllL Call Taylor-street dock. Main 8063. SCREEN doors, windows, mirrors, furni ture repairing, caoinev worn, worn. MS7. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, snowcas-, sa 1st st- near Ash. SECOND-II AND tents and covers for saU. Pacilic Tent Awnim 10., 00. 1 m t. LADIES, save: smart usea apparel in a home. ITIces low. iwoor ,i.j. ELECTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms, JuJ Chamber 01 torn, oiok. uroaoway --..3. SAFE, fire-proof, comn. nation lock, 7u Sixth street, nesr Oak, VAULT door, second-band. 70 Sixth st, near Oak. EVERYTHING electrical repaired; quirk service, low charges. Phone Bdwy. 4211,1 lb-lNCU American lathe, drill press, tools" etc. Woodiawn 23"3; ITALIAN prunes, 3c a Ih. 8. E. Automatic 623-49, lb. 05U4 5Tth CHINOUK salmon to can. 10c lb.; fresh each morning, Woodiawn 4.197. 2 TRUNKS for sale. 284 PaTiT Mar. 10UH. DIAMOND, 1-k. size, thtialmul. Hauled by private party. AR 4. oregonlan. DIAMOND wanted, to 1 Vi ksral, casu paid. Main 4124 before B P. M. EXPENSIVE wardrobe trunk, $35; fine camera. $10: baby csrt, $4. East 422$. LARGE hand-picked Italian prunes. Keel er. Wdln. '69. 713 Col, blvd. DIAMOND solitaire, perfect, worth $275, sacrifice $173; must sell. East 4216. ITALIAN prunes for sale 1023 Powe Valley road. Call Main 67 and bell. 2369, I J