13 TJIE MORXIXCr OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1921 f NEW TODAY. IMPORTANT SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION OF 0!K OF THE MOST BHU'Tim HOMKS IN THK RKSIDEMIU CITY OF VICTORIA, B. C. Mean. Stewart William A Company, unr iBstructea ny lion, sir. Jus tice Martin. MUl Otter for Sale by Public Auction on TUESDAY, SEPT. 27, AT 2 ;30 P, M. (Victoria Time.) At the residence. "Ballanahinch." 1035 j Belmont avenue.. First, In one lot, the house of thirteen rooms. The ground noor contains vesuDuie, cloak room, lance entrance hall, drawlnsr rooms. sun room, library, dining room with pass pantry, kitchen, usual offices. DacK nail and lavatory. irst noor, five bedrooms and three bathrooms- Second floor, two servants' bedrooms, with ample space for four more rooms or billiard room if required. The house has seven open fireplaces and a hot-air furnace. Together, with the whole of the property of about five acres, the grounds are laid out witn croquet, tennis and otner lawns, with pergolas, summer houses, foun tain, flowering;, ornamental and other trees, flower beds, vegetable garden, travel walks, etc. The house is beautifully situated and commands an uninterrupted view of the straits of Juan de Fuca, the Olympian mountains. Mount Baker and toe wnoie ol tne surrounding dis trict. If not sold as above, will then be offered in lots, (a) House and about one acre of ground; (b) 2.39 acres (block A on map); (c) 1.42 acres front ing Terrace avenue; (d) lot 100 feet by 195 feet Belmont avenue. For fur ther particulars and maps of the property apply to tne auctioneer. STEWART WILLIAMS. 410 and 411 Sayvrard Building, Victoria, B. C. Whole Block . 200x200, facing both Grand Ave and Union Ave. South of Hawthorne avenue. Solid gfound., Cost non-resident owner over $50,000. Ideal for manufactur- ins or apartments. Terms, all cash. Price: $15,000 E. J. DALY 221 FAILING BLDG. CARPET CLEANING REFITTING, SIZING, BINDING, ETC. 9x12 RUG cleaned $1.25 Rufts Dry Cleaned and Shampooed. Most Modern Plant in Oregon. NEW MATTRESSES Direct From Manufacturer to Hem Ladles, Save 25 to 60 Per Cent. Sew Resrular 40-1 b. Pure Cottoa Mattress. 85.00. Delivered. OLD MATTRESSES MADE NEW FEATHERS RENOVATED. WORK GUARANTEED. ' SAME-DAY SERVICE MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT. PIONEER CARPET CLEANING & MATTRESS WORKS' 1072 E. LINCOLN ST. PHONE 237-07. Ladles Save Your Old Carpets. Bugs and Woolen Clothing. La Is Make New Bugs for Too. aj.a,l,!'wmi The oldest and best equipped fao tory. Fluff und rag rugs wo ran all sixes; carpets refitted: 8x1 rugs steam cleansd. $1.50. We call and deliver. 188 B. Eighth 8U Phone East S58S. BUNGALOW Worth $6500 Come and Look It Over. Make Is an Offer Today, Sure. Alameda Park Immediate Occupancy. . Large bungalow, best part of Ala meda park. Not new. but absolutely modern and like new. Ivory finish throughout. 5 large fine rooms and bath on first floor. 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch on second; garage. Owner must leave etate at once. By appointment only. Fhone today. R. T. STREET, Agent. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 64-80 Union Ave. East 8518. Send ns your old carpets, old rugs and woolen clothing. We make reversible, hand-woven FLUFF RUGS. 8x8 Rag Rugp 81.50 Mall orders. Send for booklet. Feath ers Renovated, Carpet Cleaning, Rent ing, eta Largest, finest equipped Car pet Cleaning. Refitting wka In Oregon. 9x12 Rugs steam cleaned 81,60 We Call and Deliver. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT STORAGE SPACE CENTRALLY LOCATED OJT TRACK. We can move and store 7our goods In a fine eprinklered building. HAILI.VG, PACKING, STORAGE. CLAY S, MORSE, INC, 454 Glisan St. Bdwy. 8470. MORTGAGE LOANS I as proved Property, Installment Re. payments it Desired. Balldlns; Loana, Curreat Rates. Prompt bcrvlce. A. H. Birrell-GiU Co. 216-219 Northwestern Beak Building. Marshall 4114. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS. United states Bank Building. JNO. B. COFFEY SURETY BONDS . INSIRANCK 409 fTilcox Hldg. Main SOM Phone you- want ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7070, Automatic 660-95. hi " t,Jri,liiijl atafiiiavi)ji.iviji.juio' r fir-iii REAL ESTATE. Pur Sale Flat and Apartment Property, 20-ROOM apt.. $7800. Killed with tenant.. Income $200 monthly. Will trade $5000 equity for farm. 6 acres up. Main SOi-- Aicranana. realtor, f alling bide. APT. HOUSE for aale by ownar. 407 Co lumoia at. so agents wanted. for Bale Beach Property. FINE SEACH LOTS. 8ALTAIR TILLAMOOK BEACH. I have four choice lota, all together. two facing; tha Paclflo ocean; board- ' x road and railroad run in Dronertv. Tha other two lots adjoin the two above and face on the road in tne rear. Ail are near the aepot, hotel and Rockaway; sixe of lots is 23 feet by about 70 feet and are excep tional'? well adapted for business or residence. price xi23 ana "u esca. Aaaresa a esu. uregoman. NEAH-KAH-NIE mountain lot for sale. Phone MhJn 8150. For Sale Lots. LAURELHURST. $ 83030x100, on Wasco st, facing north, 130 ft. west of 83d si.; an im provements In and paid. $1000 30x100, located east of the park alt Improvements In and paid 1350 down and monthly payments. ROSH CITT PARK. gOO 30x100, on E. 38th St.. facing west, 130 ft. south of Braxee: all Improvements In and paid; a snap at jsisj. O'.n MItWkI on A LAMBDA DRIVE facing south, 30 ft. east of 43th St.; all improvements in and paid. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. J1000 48x100, on B. 2th St., facing west, 90 ft. south of Stephens St.; 1200 down. 900 18x100, on B. 27th St., facing east, 9U ft. south of Stephens at.; $200 down and easy monthly payment HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 Henry Bide. ' Bdwy. 4754. NEW WILSHIRE RESTRICTED ADDITION. . PRICES J675-$900. EAST TERMS. 100x100 FT. AND LARGER. This new addition Is selling very rap. Idly. Close to Alameda Park.. Beaumont and Rose City; close to school and served bv two car lines: some cleared other with beautiful fir trees. Ask why 100 homes are being started in this a is trlct. J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 209. 200 x 487 FEET. . PARKR08K. $22 DOWN. $22 MONTH, price $2128. close to Sandy blvd. and ear line, - on Richardson road; 2Si acres In-thts tract; silt land, suitable for gar den, berries or chicken ranch: no building restrictions; low county tax. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MAIN 208. Branch office: End of Parkrose car line. Open every day. DRIVE OUT TODAT. LAURELHl'RST TRACT OFFICE, R1ST attTH A Nn m.ISAN. Snmi hla- hareaina In lots. JUSt think of It! Full lot in nice location, with an tr.. Imrtrnv.m.nt naid. for S9O0: an extra large corner, near me wm, v. i'ljriO. See me before buving. Office on the property, 39th and E. Gllsan. Tabor 3433. pnone tor auto. r,ve.. ri i 10. DELAHUNTT. OPE.N IS V K.-v l.-vua. FOR SALE At sacrifice. choice view lots In Laureinurst, - diocks norm m Montavllla carllne, on Laddington court and 42d st. LOT 9 BLOCK. 64 - $1100 - LOT 10, BLOCK 64 11J LOT 1.1. bLUCK ot iiuu Telephone East 3475. LAURELHURST. , Have two snlendid lots. 100x100. tha I must sacrifice; best location; no rea' .nnihl. offer refused. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. , PORTT.AND HEIGHTS. Building site for exclusive residence reauirine SDacioua laau&utue atvuuu for sae or trade at net cost. CORDON MUKT1.AU, UJ.. 631 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 1870. GANTENBEIN AVE., CORNER LOT. $800. Knan. corner. 60x100. paved at. Includ ed; must be sold to settle an estate; cor. Blandlna and Gantenbein. J. W. GRUSSI. 818 Board of Trade. Main 7452 LOOK THIS UP! Jnat across the street from Laurel hurst; 1 block from car; 8 Inches above grade, all Improvements in; $375. plus City liens, uwner r. m. c-uvtpa, wir bett Dldg. uamioiD. WHY NOT buy two lots outside of city limits, where you can ouua a noma without Si permit? Water, gas In street price $250 caah or $273 on terma Main 6287. Owuer, room 11, 208 Washington street BIG SACRIFICE. ' Close In, west side building site. lOOx 100. all improvements paid, highly re stricted district; nair original cost, awuo. Might divide. 009 Cb. of Com. bldg. Main 1063. ; $10 DOWN and $10 monthly buys desira ble lot In Woodstock, 1 block to school and car. We will build the house you want on this lot it you nave iovu. OORDON MORTGAGBj CO.. 631 Cham, of Com. Bldg. , Main 1370. ROxlOO S. W. SUNNTSIDE $775. SOth and Harrison, a nice lot and all assessments paid. HARRY BECKWITH. Main 68B1". Realtor. 104 Fifth St 1(1(1x100 LOTS. $2 DOWN. $2 week. $560, Including assessments. Better tent than rent. Alberta car, Kennedy school. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg ' TOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laureinurst lota, while they last, at extremely low prlcea See J. A Mc carty, 270 Stark. Main 1700. Eve- nlngs Tabor 8057. JUST EAST OF IRVINOTON $900. On Tillamook St., near 83d; paved st; sewer and all assessments paid. HARRY BECKWITH, Main 886H. Realtor. 104 Fifth St, J7O0 WESTMORELAND $700. 50x100 E. 17th, near Tollman, all im provements In and paid. -SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. WESTMORELAND 100x100, east front, on 20th st. between tsyoee ana uiayoourne. All Improvements in and paid. Terma A PUB, uregonian. uwner. NICE 80x100 east front lot, close in, near Mock fair alte. worm ?juu; aaou tor quick sale; street improvements paia; terms. Phone wain, oooi. $1000 TERMS, lot on East Stark St., near Berry, moo peimoni.. SWELL corner. 10OX1OS, JLast 08th and East tioyt. AiBKB ua an uuer. BCOIL at Berry. 1038 Belmont. LOT 65x131 on Base Line road, close to car; will sell cheaply for cash. Call Ms in 16201. $1000. $5O0 CASH, ROxlOO. East 33d and facmc, uiiiiciiiuiat, avuiu ia.ee, ficott at Berry. 1U3 neimonu 8 LOTS, flne soil, all kinds fruit, S-room furnisnea nousv, price oouu, nail cash. woouiawn owi. $3600. TERMS, corner. 100x100, close In. On UIVISIUO, v9 oniiuuui, ocot t & Berry. $650 ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. 50x100. pavement paid, H block Sandy blvd. Easy terms. Tabor 6559. $325 1 BLOCK FROM ROSE CITY CAR. rice ooxxw. assessments pal a. xabor 4S03. NEAR UNION AND ALBERTA. $600 takes S. W. corner 8th and Wy ant. 50x100. Tabor 6441. 60x101. 37TH AND Tillamook; asaessmenis an pm. v". i. jj. mcwonany, nn. ,mAplan Rani. K 1 c,., . . . wain. $850 A PICKUP snap, lot on Hawthorne ave., w .tu. dwiu ok .Darry, 1039 Belmont. . LAURELHURST LOT BARGAIN See J. A McCarty. 270 Stark at. Main 100. Evenlnga Tabor 5057. GREEN HILLS. VIEW PROPERTY ' A few very choice building alt.. Sale, jonn j.ani, ovi opaining mag. CHOICE Rooe City lot for sale. Inauire T D.., - . nvvr 1 .TOO. LAURELHURST lot for sale cheap. Call Tabor lrtpo. - LOT 7. block 1. 7th st. Terraces, easy lenu, tfvua trvt vvmivung Ding. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. NEWEST, MOST ATTRACTIVE- LISTINGS Just posted on our apeclat board. A Homato Satiety Every Taste." SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE , To Buy Your Homo. Over 1200 photographs of homes for sale. Largest home seller on the Pacific coast. If necessary, we'll help you make your down payment. Service men: You'll find that our service is unequaled. Our prices are just right, and we have Just the little home you are looking for. Hundreds of homes for you to choose from. . 28 salesmen at your service. Open evenings until tf:00. 17990 Laurelhdrat offers you this, one or ner lovllest, most substantial bungalows, containing every ap . polntment that the modern mind could devise for comfort and beauty. Ideal in all ways: 8 airy rooms and garage; 05x115 grounds. E. 44th St. 15350 A great living room. 14x32. with : fireplace nook, built-in bookcases, is but one feature of this splen did value new Rose City bunga- . low of 5 ultra modern rooms breakfast alcove, etc.. Daved st paid. Let us show you this. East 68th street, t 850 $200 down. Comfortable and neat Is this 4-room little Rose City bungalow on B. fi4th st 16980 Distinctive North Piedmont mi aive bungalow of 8 rooms; ultra modern in every respect; excep tionaily well-built and-attractive. Cleveland ave. Terms. $5550 Hawthorne, the districts of liv able, homelike homes, has this. 5-room bungalow beautiful; sleep ing porch, hardwood floors: labor and material are of the best. This ideal home stands your closest in spection. Call today and inquire about it. E. 51st st. 15200 Six-room very modern Hawthorne v home: bungalow type; garage great fruit treea etc. 30th St. $3750 One of the most convenient. modest, comfortable o-roora bun- galowa In all Hawthorne; every I modern feature: large lot with! an abundance of fruit, etc.. E.I Salmon at. 15490 Among the giant firs In beautiful jrvtngton park; new; vacant; i never occupied; 6-room wonder ful bungalow: living room idm; French doors, massive built-ins; I old Ivory woodwork throughout. E. 30th. Let this be your own hasov starting oolnL Terma $3890 A real home in Alberta; i rooms on corner; attractively ana very substantially built: built-in con veniences; paved st., 4iens paia. Klcidmnra at. $4290 Kenton's most Immaculate raidi ant bungalow is this, on Albina ave., right on Miss. car. Superior material and workmanship, ideal floor plan: whits enamel wood work throughout: hatdwood floors, beautiful art brick fire place and massive Duut-ins mine this home a delight. Glad to let vou see thia Terma $1450 $500 down; cosy Kenton: double constructed, neat and comfort able 4-room cottage, on Klrby St.. near Columbia bivd. in a dis trict where there is lota of work (factories, etc): chicken house, -cow barn; 6 fruit trees a real bargain. YOUNG FARM IN CITT. S6990 A modern city acreage with aDlendid 6-room home, every-up- to-dale convenience. - E. 39th at. (paved; schools and cars are close): 24 bearing fruit trees - walnuts, berries, etc., very reas- m onable. Terma $2900 Leaving for Texas, must sacrifice this delightful homey, well-kept bungalow at once. Ideal location among beautiful trees, lawn, etc., typical 5-room California type, very convenient built-ins; cheery fireplace, full basement, etc, and easiest terma 56th ave. $1350 $465 down; two lots with fruit and cnicaen nouse, snea, etc., ana a comfortable little 4-room cot tage in fair condition. Mt. Scott. 86th st. $1290 $350 down: neat,3-room Peninsula cottage on tun lot; pavea st, Vacant.' w. Alberta St. $ 950 Any terms; Just make your own offer and this cosy little 6-room Peninsula cottage will be your home; built-in buffet, splendid garden with fruit, chicken house, - ' Bayard st. It's so easy to stop paying rent, u s easiest .10 - SB FRANTC L. McGUIRE1. To Buy Your Home. Abington bldg. Main 1088. Deal with an old rename iirm. OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9:00. ROSE CITY PARK. 7 ROOMS GARAGE. This is a new house and Is extra well built, double constructed, cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, bardwood floors, extra fine fixtures. There are 4 bedrooms, 2 on main floor and 2 on second floor; on paved street, every- tning paia. irrice stiou, f:uuv aown. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. ' 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg--Main 208. Branch Office. 45th and Sandy Blvd. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. VIEW LOCATION. Strictly modern 5-room bungalanr; hardwood floors, every built-in conven-1 lence, white enamel uutcn Kitcnen, breakfast nook, large view porch, large attractive living ana atning rooms, in- eluding all linoleums, electric range and I - furnace, fireplace, wasn trays, run ce warei heater, etc.: full concrete base-1 ment basement, garage, close to Irvlng- ment, Gasco furnace; located on Daved 1 street, on 50x125 lot, commanding In ex cellent view; owner is forced to sell and will give any reasonable terms; can use soldier a loan. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. t.-.fl50 LAURELHURST $5950. Bungalow of 6 rooms, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, hard wood floors in large living, and dining rooms, all built-ins, leaded plate glass windows and doors, two bedrooms ana bath downstairs, one bedroom finished In attio and space for another: full lot. garage and beautiful shrubs; priced way below value ror quick saie. cawy. oio. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. S4S50. -New double constructed modern 5 room bungalow, with hardwood floora, fireplace, built-in bullet, uutcn aucnen: hard-surface I - lull cement casement; a street; large lot: easy terms. ' - J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. Main 675. 319 Railway Exchange Bldg. B RAND-NEW I ROOMS. ONLY $2500 EASY TERMS. Thia little home is ready for you: tinted walls, beet of plumbing, wash tray beside sink, kitchen and .bath white enamel: ellwood car to Ellis ave., walk I ease to Key next noor. SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 411 Ablngton Bldg. 14250 ROSE CITY PARK. Attractive strictly modern 5-room bnnralow: well built: very convenient: fine condition; ivory finish; hardwood floora. furnace, fireplace, all built-ins. breakfast nook, full cement basement, waahtrays. lawn, ahrubbery: good ga rage; near Sandy blvd. Terma Imme- dlate possession. lap-or oaou. 8 ROOMS 155O0. Just the thing for large family or boarders. Take a look, 1W K.. join St.: COxlOO lot: the house Is old but In Al condition, newly decorated; cement base ment, good ruma.ee, easy terma SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 411 Afrlngton Bldg. MONTAVII.LA BUNGALOW. 8400 down: double constructed' modem four-room bungalow; fireplace. Dutch kltclren. good floors, etc; easy monhhly payments ; accept ughx car on acai. Main 3SO0. QUIN. 2Q6 Morgan bMg. ' Realtor. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE. 9-room house, close In, handy to car; 1 lanes lot. unobstructed view. Price sxooo: -reasonable terms, or might consider I some trade. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS INTEREST Fos-cea H njr Home. Unfortunately ordered east, ccmroefied to sacrifice my house: easy payment and termei: ifs good plaoe for anyone to own a home. J mi. ore-gonian. ;80O0 VERY attractive home, 808 E. 88th Nortn. corner nancocK; living room, den. dlnlnc room, breakfast room, kitch en and lavatory first fir.; hdwd. floors; 4 large bedrooms and bath second floor. Terma owner. 'laDor 4oaa. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $375T Attractive small modern house on paved street, near car and school; won derful view; some terma owner, 00a iZlv? Aufrnzr i or' V? 3 '?mm. Main Slfi of Commerce bldg. Mala 1166. Terrace Chamber Z1DO0 ROSE CITY PARK. Four-room bungalow, large living om snd dining room; Dutch kitchen, mom a-as. electricity, plumbing: nice full lot assessments paid; fruit, ahrubbery. Ta bor 4R03. ROSE CITY PARK. Choicest location, near car. paved sta: delightful 5-room bungalow, all up-to-date features. Sacrificing for $4500. $750 cash. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumber- mens ping. BONUS MEN. Have lot hi good location: will build ro suit you: small payment down until bonus Is ready. Beit. too. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $5200 $1000 DOWN. ' WAWTHOR7UR SjSTORT. Six larre rooms, cement basement. furnace, laundry traya, fireplace, fine buffet, bookcases, 50x100 corner lot witn double garage. HOLLADA7. NEAR IRVINOTON. 6-room, 2-story residencs, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, iura. 50x100 lot. large garage. Now vacant. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VIEW SITE XOxlOA ONLY $5250. 5-rooms with all built-in features, fire place; full basement with an extra room finished; furnace. LAURELHl'RST ONLY $5950. . . $800 down. S-room modern bungalow. Hardwood floors. beautiful fireplace. bookoasea. buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement. ifurnaCA. UIRAH -t- MPATtK CO.. Realtors. S22-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3993. WESTMORELAND. 1254 East Eighteenth Street 75x100. nx'B NEW lMv lares rme. and bath. BUNGALOW double constructed, enam-I el nnlsh inrougnout. ce-i ment cellar, nne nrepiaco. oak floors, all built-ins. linen closets. linoleum. large floored attic, shades j Up; ClOSe to niM"unic- r ave car; reasonable price I and terms; frill divide lot I If desired. Main 5053. or I Gill. 332 itaiiway exco. . ROSE CITT PARK. - ' $200 DOWN. Dsndv little bungalow, hdw. -floors throughout, living room and dining room I combined; bedroom, bath, Dutch kitchen. I breakfast nook, basement and fireplace. I Price $3625. -Call Main oui. BOONE-CLEARWATER, sort rvmrh Ride Always Terms to Suit. ' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. DON'T WML, TO SEE THIS VERY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW OB" FIVE BOOMS' HAS FIREPLACE, OAK vi rvrvna TJT'CTFFT DUTCH KITCHEN. BREAKFAST NOOK AND CEMENT j BASEMENT. BEST MATERIAL AND DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED THROUGH OUT; ONLY 2 BLKS. TO HAWTHORNE CAR. PRICE $4iS0. 1WK v;am. 10S9 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 8392. I SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE AND ONE ACRE, x-ir.o uiwTunnVR CAR LINE. 'HERE IS A REAL BUY. THE IN- r-OME pnn THE APPLES. PEAKS, PEACHES AND PLUMS, GRAPES AND . BERRIES WILL FAX IMbKHii on THE INVESTMENT. J-KlA.r. a-ov. $1500 CASH. . R. L. McGREW, 1089 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR . TTTVIT. WV.KT KTDE HOME. n-t?rw-f hmiM on corner 60x100, dandy cement garage, house and garage steam heated; furniture In this house appraised by expert from one ot rort lanri'a loading stores at $.1000. This la a beautiful home and a future apartment I house site; house, rurnisnmgs ana u for $25,000 and $10,000 will put you In. -SM Yamhill. Marshal! 5)94. - ROSTC CITT PARK. - Up-to-date story and a half modern bungalow, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, buffet, Dutch kitchen, furnace, ga rage: $500 down, remainder terms. A snap. See this for $5000. loir fni Hoiima Dent. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldav ROSE CITY PARK. If you have considerable cash come In and give us an offer on thia 5-room bungalow. Combination living and din ing room, beautiful breakfast nook, hard wood floors, all bullt-lns. furnace, fire place, garage. Abaolutely in the best of condition. ROBNUTT A McCLURE. Marshall 3292. 302 Couch Bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW. $1800. $100 cash, $25 monthly buys 4-room plastered bungalow with floored attic, .electric lights, gas, bath and toilet: con crete foundation, on large lot 40x100: 4 blocks from car. A house of this size cannot be built today for less than $2500. You will have to hurry. Kreo w. mer man Co., Realtors, 782 Chamber of Com- merce bldg. - IBVINrSTON BUNGALOW. A real bargain in Irvington bunga-1 low. This home was built for owner. Has large living room, cozy dining room, breakfast nook, all bullt-ins, fur nace, fireplace, garage. One beautiful bedroom down and two up; $1500 cash. bal. terms. RORNETT & McCLURE. Marshall 3-112. 302 Couch Bldg. ROSE CITY. $4300 6-room charming bun- c-a nw Invelv neiahbornooa. OIOCK to car. handy to store and school, all on 1 floor, I 3 bedrooms, built-in features, fireplace, I furnace, trays. 50x100 lot, all improve ments paid, no mttf. to assume. Down payment and balance leas than rent. I Nothing like It In Rose City for the price. Don t hesitate. Main oa-'f. I.AIIRRI.HIIRST COLONIAL. Classv 2-story 7-room southern colonial I en large corner, near car and park; cen- I ter entrance; rrencn aooi-s to oo-ii. nv- i Ing room and to dlmt.. room; old ivory; i walls papered; breakfast room; 2 fire-I nlaces. a bedrooms with dressing rooms, sleeping porch: garage. Must sell; never ottered petore. laoor m. ATTRACTIVE ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Must sell tnis Beautirui s-room ounga- low, corner lot. Improvements in and nald: has hardwood floors, airy rooms. all modern conveniences, furnace, fire-1 place. Exceptionally well built. -rice I $5250. $1000 cash, bal. terms. ROBNETT McCLURE, Marshall 3292. 302 Couch Bldg. NIFTY IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Hi owner. 85750. terms. 6 rooms all on one floor, strictly modern, hardwood floors, built-in features. French doors, I ton school and car, imp. in and paid. Can be seen at 535 E. 8th st. X. East I 3403. FRANKLIN HIGH. 81750 Here's -a Real SnaD vou ahouldn't pasa up. . Neat 4-room bungalow and attic; full corner lot with 1 fruit, garden, etc; only 2 blocks Frank- I lin .man acnool. xours on easy- terms: a sure pickup. See A. K. Hill, 428 Lum- bermens oiag. - SAVE COMMi-SSION. BUY FROM OWNER. $4500. Fine 6-room modern house, close-to school: beautiful lawn, tren and shrub- herv. small payment down. S2o oez month and interest. Tabor S374. .3000 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $3000. Juat being completed, the niftiest home 1 la Portland, see it and judge lor your self. White enameled and ivory flniah. hardwood flra, fireplace, built-ins, mac- adam street, $500 cash, balance monthly. SMITH-WAGONEIt tXJ B lUUh. EX. MALDEN AVENUE $4300. 6-room modern house, newly painted ' throughout 1 year ago, finished in old I ivory, fireplace, garage, pavea street. linoleum. This offer for 1 week onlv. some terma Agents do not answer. Sell. 2706 or 544 Maiden ave. $2100. Five-room bungalow, neat, clean, at tractive. Plumbing, gas. basement, eitft. Can use Broadway or Alberta cars. Near " schools. Terms. JOHNSON-DODbUM CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7S7. ALAMEDA DRIVE SNAP. Delightful 2-story. 7-room colonial home on ridge, with unobstructed view of city; isnmense plate-glass view win. dows, 2 view porches, billiard room, gas I heat, largej grounds, double garage. sever oiiereq o-iui-. lawir g.i.lOO KENTON DIST. $750 CASH. 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch. firenlace. complete Kitcnen. rurnace. ga rage, ioxi'ni-i-.. lot. r-omo xruit. 6.13 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main STR7. ROSE CITY 6 rooms. 1-story bungalow, furnace, iirepiace, ount-ins. uutcn Kitcn en, trays; full lot, pavea st., line local ity. An opportunity to buy right. Bruce Holman, Realtor, Main bo27. .0 jrail- ing hldg. BUILD TO SATISFY. Before letting contract to build your home see us. We will save you money and will snow you real construction. J ROBNETT & MoCLURB, M-trshall 3232. 302 Couch Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 543 East 45th North. Six-room modern house, sleeping pch., Ivorv woodwork, tapestry "paper, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, eaat front. n.. i n '.(1 12S50 EXTRA fine 6-room. bungalow, ce ment oasement. oeurooms oeiow. t 1 finished In attic; enameled bath, fine I light fixtures, an Duut-ins. an street Im- ' provements In and paid; half cash. Worth more money. i.ia r East 27th st. 8 ROOMS, charming, artistic bungalow, nmnna- tne cool lira in nose uiiv rarK. $900 down, balance of $3140, payable $40 per mo., including lntereat; paved at.. close to car, school and store. main 1 1 6327 $2800 6-ROOM double constructed 2-story ho"88- front r0m 1232 ,eet' ""place, A r(,al hom, , jonesmore. Terms. Tabor 2934. LEAVING 5-room house, good shape; gas, " .,-ctrlcltv. bath: snaD $1750: easy terms: cash discount loyt. owner, 4ijo otftn I S. E. 10,00 FURNISHED S-room plastered n mi m. witn oatu. Karaite, uii u.tru at., will take Ford car and $120 cash for equity, owner. b a. mtn st. MT. TABOR. Beautiful colonial bungalow. A fine bargain. Tabor 63S2, GOOD 6-room house on paved street near school ana car.. ,i,-oo casn or very rea sonable terms. Ownsr, Main 2778, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVTNGTON. Very desirable, modern home on full quarter block is offered at a price far below Its actual value; home environment the very best. Very large living room, full depth ot house; fireplace, artistic reception hall, commodious dining room, butler's pantry, ideal kitch en, servants' lavatory on 1st floor; five nice airy bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; 3d floor servants' quarters wtth house telephone; large billiard or ball room; hard wood fioors throughout, splendid hot water heating system and "Ruud" automatic hot water heater, full basement, laundry, etc. roomy garage (hot water heated), select shrubbery, nice lawn, etc. A very complete home for "people who care." Price Is but $12,500. For fullest particulars and ap pointment for Inspection, phone or see J. W. Crossley, manager house department, with ELROD A DRYER, "Better Types of Homes." 283 Stark St.. Phone Bdwy. 1188. Open Tonight ' J. A. WICKMAN CO. $100 Snecials. $2100 $100 down, In southeast district: new 4 rooms and bath; cement J basement, laundry trays, double I constructed, ouxioo lot: terma $2900--$100 down: 4 rooms and bath: double constructed; cement base ment, laundry trays: new. . $3500 $100 down; 4 rooms down and I 3 large rooms (unfinished) par-1 titioned off In the attic. Never I occuDiedt easv terms. $2230 $100 down; 70th st. S. E., 50x100 I lot; 4 rooms, bath, cement base- ment. laundry trays. See this. HOMEUALE HOMKDALE. Ask us in regard to our new RE STRICTED PLAT HOMED ALE. Let us show you this BEAUTY SPOT before I you select a site tor your, home. You I will like the location. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. J. A. WICKMAN CO- REALTORS. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Star St. Main 583 and 1004. "CLASSY" SUBURBAN HOME.. 7 miles out on Oregon City car line, asphalt pavement all the way: one can motor Into Portland in 25 minutes; splendid 8-room 3H-story bungalow-type house re plete wtth modern conveniences, gas, electricity, "Bull Run" water, massive fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, ONE ACRE FINE LAND, RIGHT AT STATION: 3 room "caretaker's" bungalow, large garage, poultry house and run, fine "beaverdam" garden that's a wonder; splendid home environ ment, - beautiful, shrubbery,- fruit trees, etc. This beautiful home is offered at $8500, which Is thou sands of dollars below.' actual valfce. For inspeotion of property, see J. W. Crossley, with (ELROD A "DRYER. "Better Types of Homes." 283 Stark 6t Broadway 1188. - ALAMEDA DRIVE. ' STX.ROOM BUNGALOW. LARGE CORNER LOT This beautiful- buna-alow will anneal to those who want ! home distinctive In design and arrangement; something dlf- . iwrent ana- attractive,. .1 nese features will mwwM iu ywi in inia weii-arrangea Dun galow of six large, anaclous rooms: liv ing room, 24x20. ivory finish; bedrooms. Jtxio: very eiaoorate porcelain dump ing, hardwood floors,- fireplace,- book cases, wonderfully attractive buffet, cab inet kitchen, full cement basement, fur nace. For appointment and further ln- xormation can - TABOR 8196. ' WILLIAMS AVE. CAR. . We want you to see this big fine home, close to publio and Catholic schools and 1 block to car. There are 4 rooms, in cluding breakfast room down, and 4 bed rooms and big glassed-in sleeping porch on the upper floor, bath up and extra toilet aown, llreplace, lull basement, rur nace, 50x100 lot, fruit trees in bearing. This home is In fine condition. You could rent rooms or arrange for house- Keeping suites. It could easily be ranged for 2 families. The price is $5250 with $1000 cash down. Let us shown you today. COMTE A KOHLMAN. - Main 8550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON SPECIAL. Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow I witn oreaarast room ana sewing room, 60x100 ft. lot, garage with concrete driveway, full basement, fireplace, hdw. noors. L,et us snow you this place. ALAMEDA PARK BARGAIN. 6-room modern bungalow, beautiful fireplace, bullt-lns. garage and drive way; streets paved, full basement with Idry. traysi. large floored attic Onlv a.:j. erms can oe arrangen. BURKHARDT BUSINESS KITTr. DICKS. riact oiag. itealto.-e. Mam A MONEY-MAKER J3550. Buy this good well built 6-room home ana well agres to rent It for 140 month; this amounts to sbout 12 peri ' cent interest on your money;. 6 large I room,; xun concrete casement; no street I liens to pay: this olace la close In nn I the best carline in town. Sunnvalde: this I is a mighty good little Investment: if you can pay iw cash don t miss this. COMTE & KOHLMAN. -Main 6550. lius Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW $4200. $500 DOWN RENT PAYMENTS. Modern 5-room bungalow, firenlace. I furnace, buffet, bookcases, cabinet kitch- I en: ooxiw lot: all improvements in and paid; fruit and shrubbery; located in a I .mgn-ciass district: close to car. ME.VDBRSON-BANKUS CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. BEST BUY IN CITY. A large 7-room house, full cement I casement, aen with fireplace, built-in buffet, kitehen with all bullt-lns, 3 large bedrooms and . sleeping porch: large garage; and Is located in Ala-1 meaa. Price jssoo, with good terms. we aieo nave many other good buya 411 Cham, of Com. Bldg. BROADWAY DIST. Beautiful modern 2-atorv fi-room hnuae and lot 50x80, hall entrance, large clos ets: hot water heating plant, garage, all Improvements In and paid for; 3 blocks! to- school, absolutely the best buy for I tne money. .. -i.io nannies. Huretv in-1 vestment Co., 310-311 Panama bldg., 3d ana fliucr Ol n. ROSE CITY PARK NEW BUNGALOW. ins. oak floors, latest design, in everv- thing. Price $4800. $1000 cash. Lot 50x I 10O. liens all In and paid. We have sev eral other bungalows In Irvington snd otner gooa districts, ask lor Mr. currie J. W. GRUSSI. 318 Board of Trade. Main 7452. LOOK 2300 LOOK. 6 rooms and bath, close to Franklin High. Creston school: fine garden with I fruit trees and berries, flowers, garage. This place has been reduced - $500 in I price ror a qutcic sale, see me at once. HAKK x i l-.Ltvw 1TK. Kealtor. 104 6th St. Main B8S9. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Close in on east side: lot 50x100: rs- rage: ready for you to move into: price $4200. casn $750. balance terma to suit. See Mr. Rlchanbach. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. 269 Oak St. Broadway 53.15. BirH.Mfiin rvi.p "Could vou reavist this? Only $2300 and termei for this modern 5-room home: ftrll- lot 'Tt'ea-erywilner: near car and school1: nice locaMtr; must Show you this, call .vain s.mi. Qt'IN. 200 Morgsn Wdg. Realtor. HIGHLAND DISTRICT. Dandy 5-room cottage with full ce- . ment basement; rooms an good size; garage: $1000 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT (JO.. Realtors, 405-6-7 Psnama Bldg. 3d and Alder. IRVTNGTON artistic home on 17th, nesr Knott: six very lovely rooms: a real bargain fox a few days, $8200, terma uast 4iu. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, all newly tinted, on a 46xl00-ft. lot, fruit and roses, on paved street Price $3250, $rnn cash. Call Mar, gaaj. r.ve.. Taiwr auoo. 5 .ARTISTIC rooma in this Alberta bun- 'gaiow; uuton Kitcnen; run basement; rlmihlA a-amee clone, in nar anri aftinnl ' this house is sure, to ploaae you. Phone wain, zoio or Main mu. BARGAIN IN ALBERTA. 5-room house In good condition, ce ment basement, paved street, only $2100. Terms. TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. Eight-room house, best of condition inside snd out: ownsr lives in east and wants quick action, sacrifice for $6750 509 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 1963. 1350 DOWN Splendid Alberta bungalow: same ss new; ount-m eriects: lull con crete basement: close to 2 carllnes. Buy vour nome irom wiuiam a. uuzne, en.. 218 Railway aixcnange oiag. Main nW2. 7-ROOM modern bungalow on 100x100 ft. lot.. 14 blk. to car. paved St.. garage: . owner Is anxious to sell, will consider any good oner, owmkk. wain 7Ci;7. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Five large rooms with attic, on rood lot. In splendid condition insiae ana out. $.1700, siou casn. uapor fiw. WILL sell R. C. choice located home at a bargain; s large rooma. $i500. Terma Tabor 2671. MODERN 4-room house on paved St.. flre- n ace. conveniences. -iUV. terms 11000 aown. ceil. tnrn. . TTV-VT3 PITITir.n Mnln.l rnx.-.Ann. house, young msn. tnis is your cttance. Get a home. . 770 Tibbetts st, I REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houaes. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Attractive 5-room bungalow, large attic. Ideal location; occu pied only a short time and for sale by owner at reduced price. If you want a good house, don't fall to see this place. S . 1233 East Pins. Near corner of E. 41st st. PORTLAND " HF.1GHTS 14730. Here is the bargain you have been ' looking for: 7-room bungalow, iirepiace. full concrete basement, furnace, rooms I all extra farge and finished In old ivory. 50x100 lot. nicA shrubbery, you must have $1250 cash, balance. 5 years st 6 per cent interest. You must hurry u you want a chance at this: WEST PIEDMONT $3500. Five-room bungalow, hardwood floors, I fireplace, concrete basement, 60x100 lot, I improvements all in and paid; house all finished In old Ivory and ilka new; va cant and ready to move right in, $750 cash win handle, balance to suit you. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. Resltors, 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. WEST MT. TABOR SNAP. Good, modern, well-buflt 7-room home f and large glassed-in sleeping porch, hardwood floors in all rooms, z bath- rooms, full basement, furnace, 3 enam-1 eled wash trays, large double garage I witn servants quarters, lot looxieo leet. i fine lawn, shrubbery, fruit, etc.; 1530 1 East Taylor st.; vacant; key next door - west; ail Improvements In snd psid; $7d0O, terma The buildings alone would cost more snd the sd Joining va cant lot is priced at $5000. L. E. " Stelnmetz, 406 Gerlinger bldg. Main 6091 or Tabor 8224. i LAfTRELHlTRST LAURELHURST BRAND-NEW COLONIAL BUNGALOW. VERY ARTISTIC WITH GARAGE, A wonderful home, extra large living room. 8 large plate-glass windows, swell beveled plate buffet, built-in bath tub with shower, pedestal wash basin, tile bath floor. tilA Hanltarv Hrainbonrda. --oak floors, red cement porch wlthtolo- nial columns. French doors, old Ivory I woodwork, tapestry paper, Fbons owner, AUIO. illU-13. EX-SERVICE MEN! You will find our office ready to ad vise and assist in regard to applying tne oonus loan to the oest advantage. . We have a large listing of houses and lots in Portland. Our building depart ment is prepared to submit plans and prices. Owners of farms snd houses who 1 wish to dispose of their Droperty with out delay will do well to list them witn us. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK A CO., Established 1896. 208-9-10 Oregon Bldg. Portland, Or. IRVINGTON CORNER HOME. Hot water heat. Large over sized living room. Lovely bed rooms, beautiful porch, south and east facing; double garage wtth living quarters above. $11,600. Easy terms. This la one of the nicest corners listed with us. McDONELU REALTOR. EAST 418. LA RGB MODERN, ,1-room nouse, on choice corner, close 'n, on the ease I side, has always been used for a home, bat is suitable for a rooming house, flats, or apartments. Hardwood floors. 2 sets of plumbing, fireplace. Can be I handled on very easy terms. Owner I leaving city, wants to make a quick sale. For particulars call at 404 PLATT I BLDG., 127 Park street. $4500. $4500. '4 ACRE OF GOOD GROUND. V, BLOCK FROM HAWTHORNE CAR. New 6-room modern double con structed bungalow; a real fireplace, everything bunt-In. full cement base ment; a nice home for one that can ap- I predate y -acre of ground instead of I being cramped in on a small lot. cau owner, woodlawn 2948. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. NEAR KNOTT, $6650. , 6 lively rooms, easts front, concrete! porch, enclosed back porch; Gasco fur-I nace: fine Inlaid linoleum; Ruud heater. gas plate. Full lot, garage; fine foliage ileal bargain lor tew days. EAST 419. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. $1950 st $150 down, balance easy terma 7-room house, more than 4 big lots, chicken house, plenty fruit treea 1 block Woodlawn car, near 15th street North. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 137a ALAMEDA PARK. $8750 Fine modern home at 836 Glenn ave. North; hardwood floors, furnace. I fireplace. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porcb. I .garage; nouso aviun wouia coat soouu ttf 1 DUiia; terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 6th and Morrison Sts. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. If you are looking for a sightly home. I see my new 5-room bungalow, corner 17th and Skidmore sta. two blocks east of Irvington car line; price $6000. $1500 cash, balance to suit. Open daily from I 2 to 6. 1'hone East Ziwo evenings. WEST SIDE. 6-room house in fins shape, large lot 100x200 fL; has garage, barn and chick en house: fine lot of fruit and berries: 1 block to street car. 12 minutes ride to I courthouse, price 83850. $1000 down. Ralph Ackley, 027 Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $4200. Modern 5-room. has large combination I living and dining rooms, built-ins and I Dutch- kitchen, cement basement and furnace. 50x100 ft. lot, near 13th st, Ralph Ackley. 827 corbett bide. 12850 NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Just finished, beat buy in Portland: complete in every detail: easy terms; shown by appointment. W. M. Umbden atock A CO., 210 Oregon hldg. Broad- way 1858. - HOUSE AT MULTNOMAH. .2300. Pretty bungalow, fireolaee. ti rage, modern, near school and station, I OW ill," 1 , , 1 -.."- - - 631 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Mais 1370. 8-ROOM house on 87th st., near Lauraf- hurst park. Furnace, hardwood floors, rarage. Porner lot 56x100. Price 84500. $1200 down. See owner at 527 Corbett bldg.. or can 'lapor out Sunday. BETTER HOUSES FOR LESS. If vou have a clear lot and (500 wa will build you a moaern bungalow. RYAN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 415-6 Abington Bldg. Marshall 6818. HOUSE PLANS. "rtlatlnctlve Homea" illustrated H-.w of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints $10. niSTmvl IV b ll'j.a I, LyjirAfll, 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL new house, o large rooma sewing room: ai-riuMjr muuam; nice ga rage; magnnicent view; colonial Mta district; built oy aay noor. MB n, Q' r.asi -Dtq at. " ROSE CITY. : cnlendtd modern bungalow an eajet aia street, eorntj 1100 N W. Bank 'bldg. 4 DWELLINGS, quarter block, west side, near MUltnomao ciuu, jiavca .ircet, cor ner $15,000; "bargain. Rents $100 mo. Main 3072. McFarland, Realtor. Fall ing biag, K ILLINGSV. OKTii 20o0. Mv home must be sold; 5 rooms; good neighborhood: $500 cash, balance like rent. W. M. Umbdenslock ft Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 16.g. ' FOR SALE. iM.rn T to 8-room house with doubts garage, on corner lot. At oj r.. iota. MODERN 4-room house, all conveniences, close 10 jmnnoiu.il iwuuu, vii-ir .w, 1 on easy terms. For particulars call on BEN RIE9LA.1U, eoa ri-.lt oiag., 121 Park street. L-ni'B.liooM cottage, near Tremont sta.. near canine, eciiiciil . vuiu in anu paid' 4 rooms piasterea. iuii piumoing. gas. etc. 40x100 lot. Price $1000. $200 will handle. Mr. Walter. 4Q3 Couch bldg, BY OWNER 6 rooms, modern, suitable for large tamiiy, liwu muat sen before 15th; price $3150. $350 caah. balance montniy. Appiy at u.s wn st. Southeast. BY OWNER Just finished. 5-room bun- 8'0W'.,,10,,rea,.... ,'. .i.,Tm .;... .f M.n rireoi.. bullt-lns. srtlstlc through out; reasonable terms. East 46th. 1 blk. south of Division. $4500 NEW PIEDMONT. Beautiful seven-room home, best eon structlon, latest finish; buyers given choice of furnace; garage; price $7250, ti500 cash. Wdln. 6535. $3800, $650 CASH, forced to sell 8-room house, corner lot. Sunnyside; 2 garages, rented $13 a month; paved street, 1038 Belmont. ' KS-AP. NEAR CITY HALL. T-room house, rent $35, lot slons worth more than pries of $4000; forced sale. Wd!n. 5535. I AM in a position to build and finance several private iciiuciivr. vi nuie diiiiu- lngs on my own property or yoars. N 907, oregonian. IRVINGTON New 8-room house. Zilh and Stanton Sts. r-none cut Jim, coi isue ior ei. ".i i 8G9 Wasco st, Phona Last SiJu. SEAL ESTATE. l-'or hale Houses. GOOD HOUSE BARGAINS. SELLWOOD 6-room modern house in good condition, 4 lota 60x100 feet each. 22 fruit treos bearing, lots of berrlen, paved street, near school, $4500; $hmio caah, balance eaay, 4 per cent. This is a real bargain,. MO N'T A VILLA 6-room. modern house. near car, corner: 3 lots, fruit, berries. flowers, shade trees on curb, $4000; $1000 rash, balance easy. ALBERTA J-room modern bungalow in firat-class condition. 32d St. $;U0O; $no down, with two lots $3600; $7oo, $30 month. Including Interest. ALBERTA 3 rooms and bain, modern bungalow, 83d st.. nearly new. $2000. $.100 cash, balance easy. LAL'RELHL'RST tt-room strictly mod ern house, like new, hardwood xtnors. furnace. fireplace, garage. Price . $S5(H, good terma This is a. good value. OVERLOOK i-room modern bungalow In good condition: garage, fruit ana - berries. $2600, $700 down. , MT. SCOTT I -room bungalow; neat and clean, garage, fruit, $2000; $500, bal ance easv. MONTA VILLA 4-room modern bunga low. f:-ult. berrle", chicken house. 18 chick, ne. $2100: $300 cash. $26 month MONT A VILLA 5-room strictly modern new t bungalow; Just finished, $4000 good terma to right party. MONTAV1LLA Two new bungalows. mill made, just completed. i2iuu. Verv easy terms. MO N'TA VILLA 5-ronm modern eottsge. lots of fruit, berries, grspes. etc.; neat and clean; $2300; terma This is a snap. MT. SCOTT t-room modern bungalow in good condition, sjttoo; s.2o caah, balance $25 month 6 ner cent. R. M. GATEWOOP A CO.. 105t 4lh St. fuOOO NEAR IRVINGTON" $5000. - A 6-room house with sleeping porch. cement busement, laundry tuiya, all bullt-lns. beautiful light fixtures, fur nace, fireplace, finished In ivory and white enamel, tapestry paper, newly painted on outside; 60x100 lot. lawn and roses: hardsurface st. and sewer In and paid; VACANT; NEAR FBRNWOOD school; price only $5000 on easy terma. RUMMELL A RCMMELL, 274 Stark St. ALAMEDA $5950. I am forced to sell my new bungalow, 6 rooms on first ftoor, 2 good-sized rooms could be added on'-second floor; has hardwood floors, pipe leas furnace. breakfast nook, artistic wall paper, ga rage, in best location; reaaonaDle terma. W. M. Umbdenatock A Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. Key Sundays and evenings at 924 Glenn ave. r.. HEADQUARTERS FOR LAURELHURST HOM ICS. - LAURELHURST TRACT OFriCE, EAST S9TH AND GLISAN. DRIVE OUT TODAY. Big bargain, 6-room Colonial house, close to the park. Four brand-new bungalows; prices ranga from $5900 up to $7.miii. Phone Tabor 8483; evenlnga, East '7738 j WILL sell our modern Laureinurst bunga- low; one of the most attractive and best built houses In the district; a bung alow with plenty of room, music room, large living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room. 2 bedrooms snd hsth on first floor; msld's room on second floor; well selected shrubbery; in fact, an Ideal home. To arrange for inspection call owner. Tabor 446S. . NEW ROSE CITY $4100. 6 rooms; 1 bedroom downatalra, 2 up stairs. This Is the best house for tha money In Rose City Park. Built-in buffet, fireplace, fully equipped bath room with linen closet, targe back porch screened; 50x100 lot, near school and "''HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. 104 5th St. Main !. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL, $10,500. 8 beautiful rooms: living room full length of house; In heart of Irvington: in perfect condition Inside and out; sal this if in the market for cozy home, EAST 419. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful nsw colonial bungalow. 8 rooms, Just completed, strictly modern, fine view, garage; 85-foot living roam, old English floors; lots of new built-in features; built by owner for a home. Sac rifice at $6500, about $18u0 cash. Phone afternoon. Main 5729. $2350 NEW VERNON BUNGALOW. A new bungalow with combination liv ing and dining room, 2 bedrooms, bullt- lns, Dutcn Kitcnen, cement casement. fireplace: finished In Ivory; full lot pries ONLY $2350, terma. RUMMELL ft RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. ALBERTA $3S.10. New one. Just being finished; 5 rooms, all on one noor, all niooern conveniences 2 hlocka from car. This Is a real buy $700 cash, balanrs Ilk rent. W. M Umbdenstork A Co., 210 Oregon bid Broadway 1HM, LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Magnificent 7-room bungalow with gs rage, on corner near car and park; large living room, DreaKlast room, s oearooms, Ivory finish, mahogany trim and doora, oak Zlonrs mrougnoui; oeaumui aaru bery. Terms. Tabor 4Q7. GOING TO BL'ILDT Wa design and build residences, of sn building. Assist In flnsnclng same. To best service at lowsst cost to you. Is- tabilshed 12 veers. Security snd satis faction assured. L R. BAILEY CO., l.NC 924 N. W. Bank Bldg, WKSTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Cozy. ' compact 2-story, 7-room home, with garage, center entrance, large mat rooma. view porch. 8 bedrooma. sleepin norch. 2 hatha. 2 firanlaces. oak floora hot water heat; unobatructed view of city, mountains, river. Tahor 407. ROSE CITY PARK. 8-room bouse. East Everett St., Just off Randv road, basement, bath, all Im provements In and paid; price only $3200, xnnu win nanaie: easy irrma vn Bal ance. John B. Howard (realtor), 818 Chamber of Commerce. 1 GREEN 11ILI.8. Tha advantages of city snd country combined: 6-room Kngnsn cottage, mod ern. with dining and sin, porches. Largi wooded lot and fine view, $7000, eaay terma, John Bain, owner. 607 bpaiain Bldg, 344 WASCO STREET. $5000 Owner will sacrifice modern 7 room houae on 60x100 lot: complete! redecorated and In splendid condition $1000 down snd balance on easy terma Phone East 8439 or see L. H. Hoffman, 707 Gasco Bldg yfjj) CAN build vour house at a bi i.vlni: artistic uo-to-data plans for your approval; ran peip you unancrj nave aesiraoie ion. vr. vih"-m stock ft Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1658, HERE IT IS: 4-room house snd one cultlvsted acre young fruit trees, cnicsen sna woof houses. 1H40 carfsre. Price $1.V. smsl tMvmenS down. $25 per month. As) McClure. 210 Oregon hldg. Bdwy. KV',8 LAURELHURST. OWNER LEAVINO CITT. ' Vnr nuick sale, will sacrifice strictly modern o-room oungaiow witn garage also lurnlture inr saie. 1 1 w Am u pi nr.e, 1 x::.o FOR t350 CASH you can move righ into a nimiiiPiEi, .u, ,,,.t,cu .,,... , good neighborhood, 4 blk. to carllne. on pavea street; 10 nuiiuir. iu iw . u. .wn Vernon ave.. 6-7:30 P. M. 9u. acres, lane 4-room house, near eiec trie line, 10 miiew irvm rori,iiu. vwnwr must eaerllice lor aii"-j. inia is a real buy. ' Easy terms. W. M. Umbdenslock ft Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. Hk,S. 4-ROOM celled bungalow, lot 80x158, all klnda Ot aman iruit, Drin, iruit trees, inat nutalde of city Iimitai walking dla- tance to Sellwnod car. 1 blook to Esta- cada, $1200; lopo gown, pen, nai, I HAVE residence. Portland Heights, 8 rooms, living room wauus-an?, uifnng room oak, wonderful view; will take part cash, balance time. Address 11. Trenkman. 535 College st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Very desirable 7 room nouse, nirawwa noon, ivory wndwnrk. level lot. close to car. $6000. terma This Is very much less than houae could be bunt ror. nrooKe. siar. 4M?i. IN ROSE CITY PARK by owner and builder, 9 rooma aim e,-,-(MiiB imri-n with garage. Just being finished. Choose your own interior 11111-n ana lurnica !mo r:. 11m St., ji. ,ur i m. FORCED SALE. 8-room modern bouse Ini first-class condition, close in, near car. pavea St., S4o."0 Gooa terms csn oe mine, R. M. GATEWOOP ft CO., 105 4th St 15000 PIEDMONT 15000 By owner 7-room bouse, tile bath, laundry traya furnace, cement cellar, nice lawn and fruit trses; corner lot S35 rortisnq oivn. cagy. MODERN 5-room colonial bungalow. Haw thorns car line at 62d street; very at tractive surroundings; cash or terma See owner next door. FOR SALE By owner, over quarter acre with nice bungalow, wide porches, near Council Crest. Pries $2100, easy terms. Phone Mar. 5210. f WILL sell my 4-room nouse for $1500; good neighborhood. W. M. Umbden stock ft Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broad- ' way 1658, 6-ROOM Colonial; extra large lot; every modern convenience, gsrsge; beautiful home for sale by ownar at sacrifice. 458 63th. bear Division. NEW 4-ROOM double constructed house. Drummond 4 Willis blvd.. $1900. East 4842. MY EQUITY In attractivs 8-room house, hardwood floors downstairs, balit-lns, garage. East 29P7. TWO FLATS, rented $50, East J3th. near Morrison, .--j, ovu casn. ocolt ft Berry. 1038 Be'.mnnt. IK YOU are looking for a bargain In a 0-room Bunnyaiae noma, can leoor tiiu. BE A LESTATE "l or (Sale Mouse. GRO VELA Nil PARK HARGAIN. 6-Itoom liungalow and Garage. ou0. Folks, hers truly Is s remarkaVe bargain. For location, construction and finish there Is nothing like It for the money. Near Franklin high and grade school. 2 carllnea. Splendid furnace and fireplace, French doora between llviug and dining rooma Inspect this. LAURELHURST. 5 Rooms and Sleeping Porch $72011. Folks, here Is a bungalow that you, would exiiect to pay al least $smK) for. and If it is not sold this week, the pries Is to be Increased. Ixi.-ated on one of Laurelhursl's moat beautiful cor ners. One of those real downright modern, claasy, bungalnwa. Distinctive and built to endure, hardwood floors In every room, tile bath, most expensive plumbing. You won't find anything like It In Laurelhurst fcr the money. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-Room Bungalow $4500. Splendid 6-room bungalow, hardwood floora fireplace, furnace, etc. Excep tionally large living room. A might? good buy. All assessments paid. 1 A. O. TEEPB CO, Insurance Realtors Loans. 370 Slark Ht nsnr 4lll. Main .K'DI. Brsnch, 40th snd Sandy. Talur K."a . ROSE CITY PARK. $4250 An unusual bargain, under the hill, near Sandy: a beautiful lit tle 5-room bungalow with fire place, furnace, all bullt-ln fea turea Tha man who owna this has left town and has written his wlte lo sell at once. Ws can Vive you the very best of terma. ROSE CITY PARK. $5800-A modern home. Thl bungalow is new, modern and different from anything you have seen. Distinctive design, extra larsa rooms, beautiful hardwood floors, -rich old Ivory finish and tape., try paper, a real breakfaat room, located nn on of the beat streets In thia district. Can be handled on easy terms, or will accvpl va. , rant lot as part payment. Hll.LER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 84. Branch of rice 50 ih and Sandjs Tabnr M.V WESTMORELAND. I 1254 East Eighteenth Street 73x100. .' FINE NEW Five large rms and balh, BUNGALOW double constructed, enam. el finish throughout, re. ment cellar, line tlreplaco, oak floors, all bullt-lns, linen csets. linoleum, large floored attic, lehades up; close to Milwaukle. .ave. car; reasonable prtcsi and terms; wlil divide lic if denlred. Main OO.'.S. or GUI, 832 Railway Kxrh. SUNNYS1DE 7-ROOM niiSlDENCB. l.V.oo. Located at 771 K. Salmon St.: Inrsa; living and dining room, buffet, fireplace, white enamel kitchen. 4 bedrooma. bath, and double sleeping porch; full concrete basement. Bnynton furnace, laundry traya. fruit room, etc., all newly rainie.l snd tinted throughout: large sttlo In cluding carpets In reception room anl living room; 60x100 lot; aee this and submit an offer as this properly mti.c be sold art once snd stl reaaonaht offers will be conaldercd; can use soldier's loau. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER, LOWB ft CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade R!dg HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. BRAND NEW KKVEN-HOuM BUN GALOW. LOCATED CLOSE TO HAW. THOHNB AVE.; HAS OAK KI.OOHH. BUFFET. FIREPLACE. DI TCH KITCH. EN. CEMENT HAHKMKNT, 1 BED ROOM AND BATH DOWNSTAIRS AM 8 BKIIROIJM.H I V. PRICE ONLY $t5u, $".50 CASH. CALL RIGHT NOW Foil AN APPOINTMENT. R. 1. McGREW. 109 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor CT.OSB TO SANDY. 8-KOOM BUNGALOW. $4700 $1000. A STRICTLY MrvDER V HOME. CLORIfl IN. EXCELLENT LOCATION: ALL IM PROVEMENTS IS AM) IVAIP: LOTH OF BUILT-INS. HARDWOOD FI.OORH. FIREPLAl-E: GARAGE: DANDY LAWK . AND FLOWERS: EXCELLENT BUY. ALVIN JIIHNSUN, REALTOR. PHONE BPWY. 37. BP. OK TI). HI.D'l, LOOK ONLY $l00 COMPLETE. The finest looking 8-room new style Colonial liungalow in- Portland: com bination living and dining room with fireplace; nice bedroom with large closet and adjoining bath; Dutch type kitchen, built-in cabinet and breakfast nook. This bungalow is really worth while. I can make terms If desired. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor. 104 51 h St. M u I n WSO WEST HIDE BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and reception hall downsta'ra, 2 rooma upstalra, 1 mors could be fin ished; an unobatructed view over the ot: waa appraiaed by a Portland bank $10,600, owner mult go eaat will sarrl. fire for quirk aale $8500, $.1000 cash, balance terms to suit. See me, lllchau. bach. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, y.9 Oak St Broadway 5358. BUNGALOW BAHG A IN. Elght-reom modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, nlre bullt-lns. on paved sireet, walking dis tance Franklin high and grade schools, 2 blocks car; garage. Price $4500. Very advantageoua terms can be made, or will take small cheap house or varsnt lot as part. R. M. GATEWOOP ft CO , 15'44thgt. EAST SIDE WALKING DISTANCE. Read thia: rhwu Union STii llroadiwsv, de-ntal collewe. etc., modern rml res idence, sleiprng poroh, large all In, etc.; tihh, modern residence In excellent con dition: you want It: rent some rooms, at will pay for Half; nn IncumtimuK e; aoceipt borrns. Main 3od, Ql-IN 20tl Morgsn biilg. Realtor. THiil UEST PART OF 1KVINGTON. A beautiful all modern 7-room housa and sleeping porch; garage; must he seen to appreciate; price $12,000. $VHn cash, balance terma to suit or will takej s lot on west side up to $.3.o0 and uay the difference. See Mr, Hlrhanbacb. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. ? Oak St Broadway 5355 CAN MOVE RIGHT IN. A R-room bungalow, modern In every respect, fins lawn, 15 young fruit tree, grapes and garage. House is completely furnlxhed. All for $5000. Is in Irving. ton district. . D. E. DEAN REALTT CO. 411 Chsm. of Com. Bldg. FOR SA LE A modern 6-room bungalow. good aa new. full baaement. iuii lot, wen Improved, fruli, sic; prico $2350: enst over $31)00; best bargain in Portland; $400 cash, balance to suit: located nn East 9th St. N., about 4 blocks from Woodlawn school. For full particular call at 1511 East 9th st. North. CLOSE IN BUNGALOW. $3HMI. Double constructed; 5 rooms, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, buffet; cement baaement. laundry trays; paved street, and sewers paid. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 62 Henry Hldg. Hdwy. 4754. $300 DOWN Duplex houae In good dlatrl' t surrounaea oy pretty noniwi v iii rooms and bath on each floor; every, thing In tip-top shape; completely (ut niahed, move right In. Buy your home from William A Hughes Co., 218 Railway Exchange bids. Main 6I02. , MEDIUM TRICED HOMES. T rooms, close Irr, Rose City, hardwood floora, furnace, fireplace; garage; pave, ment: close to school. This is an ex. ceptlonal buy. a J. R. HATGHT. 3?7 Board of Trade Hldg. Bdwv. 204.V COUNCIL CREST. $2050 CASH $51X1 Completely furnished 8-room bunga. low, large lot, 4 fruit trees, elegant view. Just the place for newly wsdi. See this at onre. HAKRY BECKWITH. Realtor. 104 61 h SL Vain "1B9. A REAL SNAP. PENINSULA; a real snap st $2450, with $650 cash: a 4-room bungalow ne. ly painted and In sxcelleut condition; neat garage: see this. RALPH HARRIS CO.. RI6 Chsmber of Commerce. Main 5624. AMERICAN RADIATOR HuT-WATKIl 11 EAT. COSTS NO MiKE THAN FUHNACF) HEAT EXPERT ADVICE FRKU ASIC FOR MR. MAILI.ER. BROADWAY 4IMII. EVENINGS. MARSHALL 3HW, MEDIUM PRICED HOME. 6 rooms in heart of Irvington, on 1 floor, atrlrtly modern, til" floor In bath; garage. The house alone would cost nearly total price. J. R. HAIOHT, 827 Bnsrd of Trsde Hldg. Bdwy. 2M8. HAWTHORNE. HOME AND INCOME Modern 2 famllv houee; rhnlreel part Hawthorn district: price $46l0. Don t miss this opportunity. See A K. 11111, 42d Lum. bermens bldg. . $15I0. 8 rooms on lot 100x100; small payment down and it's yours. 218 Railway Ex rhsnee hldg. Main 6102. DEAL WITH OWNER. For aale cheap: nlcs house with 2-scrw gsrden right In town. Write for descrip tion. Frank rovaK. l.cpannn, .t. 70IV--$4OO DOWN; 8-room bungalow In excellent condition: full lot; 1 block to car; some snap. 218 Ksllway Exchange b I d. M sin 6102. OOK. $400 caah, $1700, 6-rnnm bunsalnw, walklnr distance, on pavea street; car- line. 20ft Monroe, 6-ROOM house lor aul. Inquire al 1-iS Concord at. . A. V