1921 the BioitxixG oregoxiax, Monday, septemreh 12, 11 j REAL ESTATE. For Wale Houses. MEDIUM PRICED HOME' HAWTHORNE. 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors. fireplace, cement basement, concrete . all bullt-lns, finished attic; aloOu, $700 cash; easy terms. 8-room. IV; -story bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, paved street's, block to acbool; $4500. $1000 cash. ROSE CtTT.' B-room bungalow, be.ow hill: furnace, S fireplaces, garage. 1 block from car; a . map, 500; terma. . T rooms and sleeping porclf, close In, furnace, hardwood floors, garage; on.y $4850, terms. ALAMEDA PARK. -room bungalow, strictly modern, hardwood throughout, attic, garace; $5600, $1500 cash. IRV1NGTON. B-room strictly modern bungalow, hardwood throughout, garage; $5750; asy terms. l-room bungalow, beat district. hard- Wood throughout, tile bath, absolutely modern, garage; cut from $7500 to $6300 for quick sale; terms. Cur cars at your service. J- R- HAICiHT. Office, Bdwy. 204j. Res., Wodln. 6260. 327 Board of Trade. PARKROSE SUBURBAN HOME. ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. Only 1 block from end of car line, modern 6-rm. bungalow and breakfast room, hardwood floors In the main rooms, large fireplace, full cement basement. Thia is on a corner tract, ground size 100 x 830 ft. Improved with all kinds of fruit trees and berries. There is also a large chicken house. If 'you will Investigate thla place yoa will realise its true value. Price only $ 7500, $2000 cash will handle lu J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY". 8 Chamber of Com. Bide Main 208. Parkrose Branch Office end of Parkrose car line. Open every day. $500 DOWN PARKROSE. . S-rm. bungalow and acre tract. This property Is well located, be ing on Prescott street and only the 2d block south of the car line. This house is in excellent condi tion, as th Interior and exterior have just been repainted. Tha monthly terms sre only $20 and Interest. Possession may be had Immediately. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 308. Parkrose Branch Office end of Parkrose car line. Open every day. LAURELHURST. BURNSIDB BUNGALOW. ONE OF THE NICEST ON THE STREET. 6 rooms on one floor, strictly modem, with a paved alley and large lot: this is the one you have admired In driving by; only $7500, terms. Cars st your service. J. R. HAIGHT. 827 Bd. of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. Modern . BUNGALOW. 4 rooms. BEST IN PORTLAND: $2500. terms. Phone Quinn. Main 3806. A BARGAIN, $21110. MODERN house. 5 rooms, bath and pantry. $700 will handle; near Brooklyn school. V 071. Oregonlan. LEA VING 5-room house, good shape; gas electricity, bath: snap $1750: easy terms; cash discoui t 10. Owner, 4730 50th st. a. k. 6-ROOM flat, all h. k.' rooms: $250 ha dies. Easy terms. J43H 11th st. Phone pqwy. ooow. ONE ACRE Park Rose; choice family or chard; modern bungalow. Craig rd. 84200. Tabor 2176. "4 ACRE in Gresham, aet to fruit; mod ern bungalow; $2200, terma Tabor 2mo. PARK ROSE sacrifice; 100x123, 6-room bungalow, attic and basement; $3700, terms. Tshor 2676 BARGAIN and on easy terms, 6-room house and 1 acre of good soil ; also ad- . .joining acre; owner. Auto 626-47. IF YOU are looking for a bargain In a 8- room bunnysiae nnme. call Tabor B310. FOR SALE 5-rnoro Oregon Yacht jlul houseboat, No. ije'lwood 8829. Suburban Homes. $1050 WILL take a 4-room plastered house on large, sightly tract. 100x146, overlook ing the Tualatin valley; $500 cash will wing the deal. Easy terms on the bal ance. For particulars call on Ben Ries land. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st., or Mrs. Grant at the Multnomah office. 2fe ACRES, beautifully situated at end of Hawthorne car line, $2500; would consider dividing and financing you for a amall houae. Owner, 61?! Railway Ex change bldg. Phone Marshall 15S5. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 2 to 5-acre tracts on E. 82d st. (main Oregon City roadl, near Kendall station: paved road. gas. city water, etc. ; $75" acre: easy terms. Owner. 309 Piatt bldg. 6 ACRES with furnished house; 7 rooms and bath, barn, chicken-house; 13 miles out. Price $3675: terms. McClure, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. " CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, ' from $1300 up. Inquire 8d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line.. FOR SALE CHEAP 10 acres, 17 miles from Portland, Us miles from Sher wood, 6 acres clear. Inquire room 201, Hotel Ohio. Front and Maldaon sta 4 ACRE. WATER AND GAS. A real snap at $800, easy terms, olose TO car ana pavement. Mam 5J01.. For Sale Acreage. CAN YOU find anything finer than this? 22 miles east of Hillsboro. between electric lines, close to one. 20 acres level as a floor, very much open land, some tumpa, clusters very amall brush fenced, number bearing fruit trees, small portion In crops, no rock or gravel abundance of water at depth of 12 to -o reet. owner old man very aick must have money. This beautiful piec or iana onerea ior t-'uuu tnio per acre) $1200 cash. C. L. Becker, 133'A First st J3LST bargain in Marion county 105 acrea, B miles south of Salem on Daved road, 40 in cultivation, balance pasture ana tins timoer. ineai place for fruit and dairy. Price $7825. Lots of feed thrown In. L. E, Swenwold, R. F. D. 2, Turner. Or. . FIVE-ACRE TRACT. Located one mile south 'of Oawego depot; all cleared: with dandy spring; two acres fenced; finest of soil; just the place for a close-in suburban home. And cheap at tlSOO with $400 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main B24. PROBATED eatte for sale; 48 acreTTrrT- fation land, finest alfalfa soil; adjoin ng government can-'. IV miles from railroad station and highway. High school and church. Will aacriflce san e at $25 per acre for quick sale. Address i L. A. Doble, administrator. Irrlgon. Or. WRITE for map of westarn Weahlngton showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYEHH ABUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. f ACRES. Newhurst Park, near Base Line road; new road to be graded and grav- :ed to property this fall: price right ol vill consider trade- for Improved Port land property. Owner. 302 Ry. Exchange DEAL WITH OWXER For sale cheap, nice house with 2-aere garden right in town. Write for desurip , tlon Frank Xtivak. Lebanon, Or $2300 FIVE acres! house, berries, VarT couver district. Main 3672. McFarland realtor. Falling bl'ig. $2000 2 1-3 ACRES, 38th and Gladstone ave. E. S. Ullrey, 476 Vancouver ave.. S OK SAL.E T acrea, Uiu in 6131 wvri R R vj'hos Alien. Horueatcadi,. Relinquishments. IF YOU haven't used your HOMESTEAD right, now is your opportunity, while the roads are good, as this Is your last chance to get a desirable claim In Oro gon. I also have some good relinquish ments. E. W. Helm, 816 Board of Trade bldg. HOMESTEADS FOR EX-SERVICE MEN or others: original entry or relinquish ments; will iccate you on timber or farm lands, taking you out In my own car E w. Helm 816 Board of Trad a 2 HOMESTEADS with real merit, timber and farm land; running stream, close to - auto road, neighbors and town, southern Oregon; $300 cash. 301 Corbett bidg CERTIFIED MAPS showing all O. A C. homestead land mailed to any address for $1. M. J Anderson, 802-4 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. 5 ACRES bearing walnuts and cherries, near Amity, worth $2500, Soil Xor $1100 cash- AM 2, Orcgonisn. REAL ESTATE. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. 17 ACRES oft Ideal filbert land, ready to plant; also 12 acres of fine berry land, all tiled; near Hillsboro: 1 heavy bearing walnut orchard; all near Paclfto highway; also fine sheep ranch. Afl dress T. Wlthycombe. 432 12th St., city. Irrigated Lands. MILLER & LUX own the richest "land in California. Ask us if it will raise alfalfa; 10 acres sown In April cut 1H tons per acre in June: fruit grows pro lifically; bearing fruit ranches In same county sell for $1500 per acre; our price level irrigated land, $185 per acre, and special easy terms to homeseckers. Kramer, Lake A Co.. 1037H Belmont st. For Sale Farms. HOOD RIVER FARM. Upper Hood River valley ranch of 150 acres, with 120 in cultivation. Finest soil la the valley for potatoes, clover, grain, etc. Exceptionally good houae, bunk house, tool sheds, ample in every way and in excellent condition. Thre miles from postoffice. store and railroad: half mile from the new looo road. Ad jacent to large acreage of outrange; fine for grazing. Under Middle Fork ditch, i-ith plenty of water. A most attractive location and a good concern. Price $30,000. J. W. CRITES. Agent. Hood River. Oregon. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 40 acres, stock and crops. $5500. All tillable rich loam soil. 30 acres culti vated, 2 horses, 8 cows, 3 heifers, O. I. C. registered boar, sow- and ten pigs 6 months old. Ten acres of corn, 25 tons hay. farm tools and other crops. mile to Oregon Electric station. Good plastered bungalow, silo, burn and out buildings. County road. Everything for $5500. Terms. RALPH ACKLEY, 527 Corbett Bldg. . 80 ACRES, good soil, spring water, good 6-room house, phone, barn and out buildings; 80 acres cultivated, bal. tim ber aod pasture; 500 prunev'trees and family orchard; 1B0 bushels grain, three horses. 4 cows. 1 bull. 8 hogs, 4 hives bees. 50 chickens, hay and implements. $8000; terms, or Portland property for part. C. V. SANDSTONE. Estacada, Or.. R. F. D. 1. 820 ACRES CROOK CO. $1850. 250 acrea level plow land. Has one good horse, harness, wagon and other farm tools, spring loo reet irom house. Good small house snd barn. One mile to school and church. Located on auto road in the Warm Springs disL, Price $1650. $750 down.. RALPH ACKLEY, 527 Corbett Bldg. 80-ACRE farm to rent: 1 miles from Estacada; 40 acres in cultivation; 2 creeks running through the place; 200 apple trees, which have borns for the sec ond year; 70 walnut trees, which have commenced bearing this year; can be rented for $250 a year, half down, half in 10 months; house and bix barn 40x80. Wm. Stubbe, Estacada, Or. FREYTAG-MEEDS CO., Realtors. ' Specialise In .Clackamas county FARMS, ACREAGE. SUBURBAN HOMES. 6 years in ciacaamas county. Expert agricultural advice free. GLADSTONE, OR. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. 200 ACRES, 6 miles from. Medford, 35 acres pears ana -peacnes; win consider trade for Portland property for down payment. Priced right. Owner 802 Rail way Exchange building. 83 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon; J in cultivation, wen lenceo; a good buy, or will traae. owner, Taoor U3QB. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCH-ES. near rortiana, sou to souu per acre; easy terma Dest sou, xarms tor sale, an slsea McFarland. realtor, 2Ug Falling bldg. CONDITIONS this yeur emphasize the ract that no iarm can Deae a wneat ranch. For prices and particulars write M. Fltzmaurlee, Condon, or. 16t4 ACRES, level, timbered land wit creek, near eleotrie and highway; can a;vide. Jesse K. Sharp, sayj aa st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Several 5 and 6-room modern. well-kept houses In a good district tha can be purchased on small payments down; we have buyers waiting. Phone your listings. See Heltschmidt. George E. Englehart Co.. 6:14-25 Henry bldg. Kroatlwav 5173. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. We do not care how old and dilapidated .they are or where they are. We can sell them If your price Is right and you terma easy. Seven keen salesmen your service. Fred W. German Co., real tors. 732 CJiam. of Com. IK YOU WISH TO SELL YOUR HOUSE, flat or vacant lot. see us and get results See A. Rlchenbach, in charge of house sales aepartment. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. 269 Oak Street. s Broadway 5355. WANTED From owner. 5-room modern house, run lot, within 15 minutes ca ride; will pay upto $2500; $500 cash, balance $35 per month. Phone Sunday, ha. At . to 12, or Monday, a to u. la bor 7532. BONUS money, with monthly payments now; home wanted: good locality: a .description.' kind of house, etc.. and prlae; must show worth the money. How near school? O S1'4. Oregonian. HAVE buyers for houses or fiats on the west side, 1 can sell your property if your price is rignt. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FROM OWNER The best 5 or 6-room bungalow on paved st. that can be bought for less than $4000 cash. Prefer Rose City. Hawthorne or Mount Tabor aistrict. w sot, oregonian. G. C. GOLD EN BERG CAN SELL IT. 424 ABINGTON; 106V4 THIRD. MAIN 4S03. . TABOR S104. "85 YRS. IN PORTLAND" "REALTOR." WANTING a good income property in city irom siin.oou up to $ioo,uuor I want the lowest cash price. Name and location In letter. From ownera only. AF 724, oregnniiin. WANT immediately, modern $4000 house give city lota or choice 20 acres near Oregon- City; stream, some improve ments; unincumDerea. owner, box as, Astoria. LOTS WANTED. Will exchange Hudson super six for lot in Rose City, I.aurelhurst or Irving- ton. Broadway 2tH3. WILL- exchange furniture" repair and secondhand store hi fins location for equity In small home, or will sell: give ad-tlress and particulars. D 942. Ore- gonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow, terms no object If priced right. Our client must have a real buy in 4,aurelhurst. Rose City or Irvington. Marshall 82K2. $500 CASH and 20 acres, unimproved, 5 miles Estacada station: value $1000. aa first payment on modern home In good rewiaeniiai oistrict. uroaaway ajuz. WANT moderr. house In Improved district New bun ilow preferred. Must be easy terms. N 'Jio. oregonlan. LOT ROSE CITY, block from Sandy, from 50th to sotn, spot casn. .jvm uui, ore gonlan. WANT lot 1 block of Sandy, between 50th and ooth; spot casn; Hose city. AM 001. Oregonlan. I WANT the bfist 5-room bungalow that 1 can get ror aauuu. rnone eveninga, feast 75S3. . WILL exchange 1018 Dodge roadster for . lot In Rose City, Laureihurst or Irving ton. Broadway 2845. ' Wanted to Henl Farms. WANTED DO RENT. SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting' to rent acreage or amall farms, close to Port land preferred. 8ome people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Wlli buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest ! arm Dealer on Pacific Coast. FARMS WANTED TO RENT. As we specialise in leasing farms, if yours is for lease be sure and get in luuch with ua. Clienta wafting. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. R1TTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-"2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOB RENT FARMS. SPECIAL reduction for quick action: 40 near Oregon City until .Nov.. lU-'.i, $3Tu; also 5U0 cords seasoned wood on place, $2.00. Owner, box US. Astoria. Or. 80 ACRES. 40 t.nder cultivation, 10 acres beaverriam. on Willamette river, be tween TVIlsonville and Butteville. Phone Columbia 1453. FOR RENT or sale, 100-acre farm, about 50 clear; 10 mlies from courthouse, bem- ler Shoe More. J31 Second. FOR RENT o acres in cultivation; 4-room houae and barn; 2 miles from Hillsboro'; rent ?1-Q a year aeiiwooa ;ill4. t FINE country home, 30 acres, part cleared, highway and carllne, $450; no lease: would sell. Woodlgwn 666. - loo-ACRE farm for sale or rent, 12 miles from Portland. AN 916, Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS Ail or part Interest In i going saw mill on R. R. and river: have storage room in river for 2.000.000 feet of logs; mill cutting 25 M per day, with 50.1)00.000 feel of timber available. Address 'room 415, Hotel Ramapo, 14th an1 Washington. WANTED Buy fir piling timber and cedar post timber, clear cedar; m'uat be good grade and located easy to transportation H. Y. Katoo,50 N. 4th St., Portland, 160 ACRES S. W. A, Sec. 4. T. 10, R. 7, Polk Co., Or.; all standing fir piling, near Siletz Valley R. R. See S. A. Pruett. 884 Grand ave. V FOR SALE About 77,000,000 feet timber. Owner, 1421 E. 21st st. Sellwood 2U21. TIMBER LANDS. WHEN THE GOVERNMENT of the Unfed States laid out the different forest re- I serves in this state trfey took from the j state of Oregon a great many thousand t acres of land and in. lieu of this land! the state has a right to select any va- ' cant government land outside of tha for est reserve. The atate of Oregon will sell these se lections in 40-acre tracts or up to as many acres as you want at the price of - $15 per acre and will select for you any land that is vacant that you may desire. You will have a deposit to make to the state when you make your applies- , tlon, and when the government patents , the land you select to the state, you can pay up In cash and get your deed for . the land that you select st the rate of ! $15 an acre; or if you desire you can J pay for this land so much cash and so f much per year for a term of years. I Unless the would-be purchaser had ex- amined a large quantity or these vacant government lands hf could not pick out lands that would pay him to take for he would not be in a position to know ' what land to select. No one msn has this desired information vuxless he be someone who had a large amount of land cruised and among these lands' were vacant government lands, a small por tion of which it would pay to take. If vnn havj, tfiA mnnev tn Invest and desire to know more about this kind of a proposition, I would be pleased to hsve you cut this notice out of the paper and bring it to my office and I will explain to you in detail exactly the situation and method the atate requires. You under stand that the state of Oregon is back of your purchase and that if. for some un known reason the government will not allow the state to have the lands you may select, the state of Oregon pays you back the money that you have paid. This is a first-class, clian-cut invest' tnent for anyone who has a large or smal amoiAit of money to Invest. MATT CLARK, 217 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Oregon. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR TRADE. My 150-acre farm adjoining one of the largest Willamette vaney lowns; well fenced: three good barns: good 8-room house with water and electrie light: facing macadam road: this place will make an Ideal dairy rarm: win take improved property In Portland as part payment. See my representative. Mr. Lldell. 105 sa st. . STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acres located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bencn ana oiu. 800 acres tn cultivation. 2 bouses, fair barn: price $40 000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE 4 TRANSFER COMPANY. 63 Fourth St Opp. Multnomah Hotel Phone Broadway 8715. GOING DAIRY FARM. ISO acres, 50 in cultivation, 75 almost clear, good new barn, 7-room house, H mile school, free transportation high school, crushed rock road, running wa ter, 11 cowl, equipment, everything goes, lor sio.VUU; will exenango lor roruana property up to $0000. E. R. S., 818 Couch bldg. CLIENT has acre near Lents to trade for Montavllla property; six-room house, manv young fruit trees, berries, various fiarden items, fine soil, also garage and arge chicken house, $3500. ROBNETT & McCLURE, . Marshall 3291 302 Conch Bldg. FOR SALE, or traae for nouse and lot in Portland, fine . 8-room house, barn, lota 100x200, plenty garden, fruit and wal nut trees, all situated on highway, cor ner 7th and Base Line sts. at Hillsboro, Or. See John Vanderwal, 774 8th St., HlilsborO; 20 ACRES near Orenco. only 14 ml. from Portland, all in cultivation. 5 minutes' walk from school and stores: 2 wells. 2 barniv and good 8-room house. Wan hardware or general store. Investigate. F. L. ELANCHARD, Realtor. WILL accept vacant lot up to $700 as first payment on modern 7-room house on the Peninsula. Fine location. Valued $3000. No mortgage to assume, -ilgus D. Smith, 600 Williams ave. Eaat 1298 or Wdln. 58il. ' 60 ACRES. Mont, farm, under Sun river irrigation: will sell or exchange for im proved acreage near Portland. For pi ticulars write L. J. Gynka, 8. 911 Hatch - st. Spokane, wash. TO TRADE 160 acres. 8.900.000 ft. fir timber, in Skamania Co.. or- Columbia river; clear, tor iarm or acreage; migni assume. W. E. Smith. 725 F St., Cen- trana. Wash. MODERN HOME IN SEATTLE. $12.000 CLEAR OF DEBT. To exchange for Portland property, or close-in acreage, will give or take dif ference. E. R. S 513 Couch bldg. 80 ACRES, 8 miles northeast of Washou ral. Wash. 22 acres cultivated: small b'.dgs., fine streams: price $4500; will consider exchange Improved Portland property. Owner. 309 Piatt bldg FOR SALE or trade. SO acrea facing on X equina Day. uuuao. imip, uiuiaiu, Bar den, outside range, salmon fishing, clams, oysters Address W E. F.. Ya- quina. Or. t 8-ROOM house, income $75; arrange for 2 families; want improvea small rarm close In on good road, value up to $8000. JOHNSON. 740 Minnesota Ave. 1U0 ACRES Tillamook hill land, valued $2500, for sale or trade equal value city property. Tabor 9033. 1SU2 Base Line road. WANT 4 or 5-room house in Portland as art payment on my 4 acres fine land wltn iruit anu ainau iiuuae in naiero. Phone Aut. 327-08 or Aut. 516-11, 7 ACRES on Columbia river highway, at rtowena. I raue ior car or rooming house. 219 Washington at. Main 33gT. ACRE, near city will trade for car or rooming m bouse. Main 3397. 219 Washing ton st. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. " New and modern: take good lot as part payment. K Hon, oregonian. WILL trade $500 equity In new Hudson car for lot or aown payment on amall house. AF 908, Oregonian. WILL trade 80 acres California oil land for automooiie, vacant lot or small farm Call Bdwy. 98. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR sals or exchange. 130 head of goats. Will exchange for horses or'mllk cows. 854 Clinton at.. Portland, Or. VICTOR oak piano In excellent condition. will sell for cash or trade xor small auto. V OOP, Oregonlan. WILL exchange 0-cyllnder, seven-pass, au tomobile, all or part for diamonds. Value $1700. Box A 006. Oregonian. NEARLY new 10-horsepower gas engine. For lumber or anything. E. 844;. $350 EQUITY classy little car, trade on gooa iurmture. urace. Alar. oou. FOR SALE. Horses, Vchiclea, Livestock. U. S. STABLES. 865 Union ave. 8., corner Stevens St. We have 20 head of horses that have bee working all summer. Now tnat they are through, we are going to sell this bunch of horses regardless of cost. They weigh from 1300 to 1700 pounds, from 6 to 12 years old. They are grain fed and ready for fall work. We will exchange for other horses or milch cows. Every horse guaranteed as represented. Wagons and harness of all kinds. G. D. Williamson a: uiass. FOR SALE Holsteln. Jersey. Durham and any kind of a cow. we have the finest bunch of cows ever collected Into one herd. Come nd see them. 94th and E. Gllsati sta Take Montavilla depot car to end cf the line. JUST arrived from Baker, Or., carload 22 head of horses and mares, 4 to 6 years old. weighing louo to liuo ins.; all wen broke and in good shape; can be seen and tried to suit buyer at Keystone feed stable, corner Montgomery and Water St. TEAM chunky built young mares weight about 2U00 IBs; very gentle ana rine workera Good wagon and harness. 1087 Francis avenue, corner East 86th street. SPAN chunky bunt pereiam marea; well mated and broken to work; weighing about 2900 pounds, $250. Inquire 881 W ater at., corner Montgomery, FOR SALE Brood sows to farrow soon; sows and pigs. B. r . Brandon, syca more station. Automatic 646-57. MULE TEAM, age 6, 2300 pounds; 10 horses, lOt'U to lauu pounas. 030 jet ferson st, near 21st. UAiill cows, best producers, both freshen in tatter part of winter; owner honesty Auto. 637-71. - FOR SALE Breeding stock, 800 star black scentless skunk. Grant Harper. Sprague. Wash. FOR SALE SLx nursed; reasonable prices. Holmnn Fuel Co,, baro E, 6th and Ivon streets FoR SALE Several fresh family cows; prices from $50 to $70. Tabor 3004. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. . TABOR 6566 FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes and rams Holman Fuel Co., 94 8th at. DEAD horsea and cattle taknn quickly. Phone MllwfcUkie 69-J for best aervlce. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Auto. 627-64. WANTED To buy first-class gaited sadd,e horse. F. E. Bowman, Main 3026 HIDKS bought or tanned. West Coast Tan ning Co.,892 TenimaveSellaOa. $70 BUYS 13O0-lb. mare In good work shape. Inquire 381 Water at., west side. CHOICE young registered Hampshire ram, $15. E. E. Richards, Milwaukie. Or. SHETLAND posv, 5 years old, broke to saddle and cart. Call Columbia 491. BROWN' Swiss cow. 5 years old; sell cheap. Woodyard. A-t front. MULES, 2S00-Ib. team; young, sound, gen- tie; none better. Woodyard, 827 Frost. ' 1 1 FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. CROWN STABLES. INC. Just arrived, 65 head of horses from Gilliam and Wheeler counties, right out of the harvest fields. These horses weigh from 1200 to 1700 pounds and range from 4 years to 11 and 12. They are for sale, hire or exchange. We have got a horse for every man or woman , who wants a horse. A horse 10 or 12 years old that has never been off the ranch is as good as a 5-year-old for tha average driver. Have 150 head to pick xrom. Juat as soon hire them to re sponsible people as to sell them. Horses from $25 up and tha poorest will do a oayi worn as well as tne best ot tnem. We sell on a very small margin, that la why wa handle so many, and always aim to represent them aa they are. Have all kinds of harness, new or sec ond hand; wagons, buggies, iarnl lm pieemnts, fresnoes, dump wagons, etc. r-nn euetter, ires., rront-st. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instrrunents. DOWNSTAIRS SCHWAN PIANO CO $675 Singer upright, mahogany..., $205 t.ni Kimoaii uprjgnt, manogany... soo $000 Steger, upright, oak 465 $750 Adam Schaaf player-piano... 495 $900 Stelnway & Sons upright SllJ $475 Hallet A Davia upright 195 $10 or $25 cash. $6 to $12 monthly. 101 10th St.. at Washington and Stark. CLOSING OUT: SECURITY STORAGE CO $450 Emerron upright piano., $165 $7oO 1'ianlsta player-piano zoa $275 Collard & Collard upright 65 Parlor organs $18 and $25 cask rianos ootignt ana sola lor casn only. 103 lOth- St. cor..-Btark. USED .PIANO- DEPARTMENT. This Week's Offerings: -Hetnze. upright piano '...$105 Hallet & Davis piano .' 205 Kimball, large, mahogany 845 Arion, walnut 213 Cash 'or $5, $6 to $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT. 2 New Brunswick discontinued model 7, mahogany, each $ 90 z .ew btraaivara uarmuny, cacti. . 120 2 New Stradlvara Chopin, each.. -150 1 Used Victor, nearly new, 140 1 New Sonora Melodle 80 Prices cash, but you can oar as little as $5 or $10 cash and $4. $5 or. $6 a montn iz aesireti. 7th Floor. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. BAND INSTRUMENT SPECIALS. All standard guaranteed makes and have been completely overhauled and sterilized; a guod case for each. $ H4.50 York Cornet, silver 140.00 Hoiton Cornet, gold.:.... 1)0.00 Conn Cornet, silver 101.50 York Cornet, silver....... 87.50 Conn Cornet, silver 04.50 Bueacher Cornet !5 King Cornet v. ...$ 55 , . . -. 100 . . 55 ... 85 .. 40 .. 65 .. 60 $50 Albert L. P. B flat Clarinet. .. .r.$30 55 Albert L. P. B flat Clarinet 35 75 Albert L. P. A Clarinet.. 50 $160 Buescher "C" silver Saxophone $140 150 Conn Alto silver Saxophone.... 125 215 Conn "C" gold Saxophone ISO 95 Conn Alto brass Saxophone.... 65 Just the thing for school bands and orchestras. , G. F- JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th 'St. PIANO SALE. Positively every piano In stock re duced to a price that will move them. Compare prices and be convinced. Terms given. FISHER, small size, upright $175 HAINES & CO., walnut case 235 HARDMAN, plain mahogany case . 815 sitAMiH & bach, walnut case... B.w KIMBALL, new HINZE, new K1NGSBURG, oak case FRANKLIN, walnut case RICCA. Dlain mahogany case 450 850 275 275 250 MARSHALL WENDELL, almost new 325 KIMBALL player, new 575 BUSH A LANE player, rolls and ' bench 1 500 HINZE player, new 650 SEI BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and Alder. tlNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. BRUNSWICK with 10 records $120 VICTOR with 20 records 120 COLUMBIA with 16 records m J00 PATHE with 10 records 80 .COLUMBIA with 10 records 75 ETRADIVARA with 10 record 70 VICTOR with 16 records -60 VICTOR with 5 records 20 $3 or more cash. $4 or more monthly. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th at., cor. Stk PIANO SPECIALS. Bradbury Piano, mah. case: fine con dition, $235; another one at $:25; Schul hoff piano in waini - caae, a bargain at $250; also a Haines Bros, in mah. case, fine tone, $265, and many others at our store. Terms O F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. Expert guaranteed work; reasonably priced; refinishing or any kind of work necessary to ptit your piano la first class condition. S E I B E R LA NG-LUCA S MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. Main 8596. BRUNSWICK Cabinet Phonograph, $100. We have several table machines at $15, $10 and $25; 2 Cheney Cabinet Phono graphs, one at $120 and one at $150. Terms. n. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St BUY, SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Phonographs and records. Music rolls and musical Instruments. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 1st.. Main 44418. Aut. 627-46, 625-82 A WONDERFUL bargain in a Chickering A Sons piano; case all reflnished Just as good as new; don't overlook this one. Terms. G F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. MONOGRAPH REPAIRING. ALL MAKES PROMPTLY REPAIRED. Expert guaranteed work. ' Try us. SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. Main 85S6. ALL USED player roll prices reduced to zoc. values, up to is. riaroia s. Gilbert, 884 Yamhill at. Pianos sold, rented, re paired. ORGANS ORGANS. Almoat given away, $10 and up. terms given. See them. SEIBERLING-LUCA3 MUSIC CO., I2. Fourth st. FOR SALE cv.eap or trade, special. Hoiton trombone and case. Newman, 126 1st. Main 4405. E FLAT,- baritone aaxophone, complete with case; A-l condition, e; terms; discount for cash. Phone Eaat 7430. FOR RENT Piano, Grafonola, late rec ords, $8 month. Empire Transfer, Bdwy. 155. BARGAIN Phonograph for sale. like new. play any record, suo, including records. 625 Gantenbein ave. PHONOGRAPH repairing, aprings 20o up. parts wnoieaaie ana retail. o-to waa Bdwy. 2044. VIOLIN for sale, reasonable; will ex change foranythlngiisetuLEast 1276. WANTED Sweet-toned piano, pay cash. Main 4424 before 5 P. M. UPRIGHT piano for rent or will sell. 219 wash. st. insist bmh. CHILD'S violin outfit, like new. $9.50 will take It. Room 10, Z45H Morrison St. PIANO WANTED. Pay cash for bargain. Main 8586. WANTED Piano, pay cash if reasonable. Call Marshall 0700. PIANO wanted, pay cash. Marshall 1532 Furniture for Sale, SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most, ail points In our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. t SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 63 4th Ft., opp. Multnomah bote!. Phone Broadway 3715. FOR ' SALE- Ivory-colored bedroom set. two 9x12 Wilton rugs in oriental design, large white enamel Brunswlck-Balke ice box, also small rugs and exceptionally choice dining room set of heavy oak, and a heavy, aolid mahogany library table, all above in splendid condition, to be sold at real bargaina Hudson Bay Fur Co.. 147 Broadway, Monday, from 10 to 12. MAKE YOUR OWN FURNITURE. Save 75. Because of changing In (5-lt manufac ture a have unassembled parts for din ing and library tables; easy to erect; full instructions. OREGON" TABLE COMPANY MANUFACTURERS. East 6652. SANITARY couch $8. gasplate and oven $6, gas rsnge $15. airtight heater with grale. complete, $10; electric lamp $4, kitchen table $3, bed, complete, $11; wool fiber rug, $12, couch $15. 1105 Hawthorne. Tabor 8328. NEARLY' new Reliable gas range, whits enamel flining taoie, o cnairs in waxeft oak. kitchen, chairs, 2 dressers. . library table, three vxii grass ruga Call . at 892 East Couch st. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage, C. M. Olson Transfer a Storage Co.. 248 Pine st MAHOGANY table and chairs, brass bed, one 6-ft. sectional screen, pictures, oval mirror, odds and ends, rugs, etc. 1210 E. Pine st. OLD STYLE mahogany parlor set. 3 chairs and settee and a leather couch will take part cash from reliable party, bai- f .. m .. f AT ( ' -1 ...... . u HEATING stoves, gas stoves and ranges, cheap. Brooklyn Repair Shop, Sell wood 8051. . HUGHES electric stove No. 50, good con dition. Call Sun. morning or Monday 1 283 Union ave. N. ; FOR SALE Good wood heating stcve. Call Sellwood 1499 or call 797 East 32d street soutn FURNITURE and heating stove for sai cheap. East 6101. 1 FOR SALE. Furniture for Sule. FINE Acorn range with coil, $25; cook stove, $15; gas range, $7.50; coal heat er, $5; gas plate,- $2.25; Vulcan gas heater, $5; coal grate for fireplace, $1: andirons, 2; fire screen, $2.25; dining table. $6.50; chairs, $1 up; dresser, $15; kitchen treasury, $5; Eng. br. table, $2.75; D. L. table. $3.50; bed and springs. $3.50 up; 100 music rolls, 25c each; rugs and carpets cheap. East 6K57. 113 Grand ave. FOR SALE 9x12 Axminster rug, good condition. Call Tuoor l04. Offi o Furniture. BIG' REDUCTION OFFICE FURNITURE. We made a large purchase of used of fice equipment in practically new con dition; desks, tables, chairs, filing cab inets, typewriters and dictaphones; our price lowest in city. Wax Office Equip ment House. 24 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. JUST IN Six flat-top desks, i roll-top desks. 2 flat-top typewriter deka. 2 drop-head typewriter desks, 2 bookkeep ers' desks, 86 chairs. 4 drawers, letter - flies. BUSHONO A CO.. 91 Park St BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, crairs. flies or safes, visit our salesrooms and inspect what we have to offer. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO, -. FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TH AT STARK DOCTOR'S office for sale: ail kinds sets or oiiice outfits and equipment, call Auto. 019-u.. .at ft first st. city. WANTED Desk, letter flies, cnair. type writer desk preferred, any style. Tabor Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO $21 Washington St. Main 663L REBUILT tvnewritere. all makes, rentals. repairs, suppilea Distributors corona portable Sundatrand. adding macblnea Main 2285. E. W. Peas Co., 110 Sixio street. FOR SALE CHEAP, OR TRADE. No. 5 Underwood and No. 10 Remlng ton typewriter; also roll and flat-top desks. Main 4405. Auto. 627-40, 625-N2. UNDERWOOD and Remington typewriters, $3 a month. Empire Transfer, 2j4 Broad way. Bdwy. 155. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; suppilea Type writer inspection Co.. Bli stara. M ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 6th st. Main Btig. NEW. rebuilt, aecond-hand rentals at cu: ratesr p. Li Co.. -zai stara at. aiam nvi Kegs and xtarreia. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co, 806 N. 14th ar Bear Pettygrova. Phone A 519-19. roultry. 500 O. A. C. AND Tancred strain S. C White Leghorn pullets; ouu laying nens will make A-l oreeaers. w. a. ruuer, Portland, R. R. 2. on Cornell road. FOR SALE Plymouth Rock pullets. Call arter Sunday. 409 E. jtsurnsiue street, near Grand ave. LIVE DECOYS for sale. 50 Mallard ducks. O. A. Thorn ton, Koute A, oresnam. Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment. FURNISHED modern houseboat. Call Sell wood 2H58. See this bargain. Oregon Yacht Club. No. 24. Terms. Why pay rent? FOR SALE! Houseboat, 5 rooms, bath, in good condition, close in, eaat aide. F 920, Oregonian. logs. Babbits, Birds aud Pet Stork. REGISTERED young English setters ready to hunt; also live Mallard decoys. Fos.'er, rear 2021 Miller ave. Box 11, Vancouver, Wash. 8 THOROUGHBRED Irish setter pup pies for sale. Come and see the dam and sire. Mr. E. F. Ling, 1224 N. loth st". E. FOR SALE Irish spaniel puppy, rat tail. Call Mr. Halves. Main 302d. COLLIE female nupples. $2.50 to $5. woooyara. ah front. SKINS and furs tanned. West Coast Tan ning Co.. 892 Teaino ave. Sell. 2308. WILD MALLARD Michigan avenue. decoy, ducks Mississippi car 100S line. PEDIGREED spayed bull terrier. 16 mos. old, thoroughly houBebroke. Tabor 4752. Machinery. COMPLETE or part of plant for sale, con sisting of 20 sewing machines. Singer buttonhole, new Ea3tman cutter, power table. 2 H. P. motor, or will rent for months; very low rent; beat labor con- ditiona AC 929. Oregonlan. FOR SALE One 10x15 Palmer &. Rey printing press D. C. 'Wax. 24 .North Bin. B d wy 2730. ' Coal and Wood. $10.50 FOR TWO LOADS $10.50. Block and slab mixed; first growth cordwood. $8 per cord; 2d growth cord wood. $7.50 per cord: country slab. $1 ptr cord. Wdln. 4102. A SPECIAL reduction for immediate sale; 500 cords seasoned wood near Oregon City. $2.90; also rent 40 acres until Nov.. 1923. $375 Owner, box 6a, Astoria. Or DIRECT from the forest by truck, south Bide delivery, good measure No. 1 old growth fir. $7.75 a cord. 8 or more cordB. $7 50. Phone Main 1902. 426 Hail. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springe, Royal. Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick A Tile Co., 83 5th St., between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway IS. GROC.ND HOG fuel and sawdust in car . loads or truck lota Western Cooperage Co., Columbia 52. WOODSAW. When wanting your wood sawed call Kelly. E. 6S40. OLD-GROWTH bet fir. No. 1. 4-foot, $ per cord: lti-ln. $S per cord. Phone Wood lawn 6233. BEST first-growth fir cordwood. cord. Sellwood 314. $6 p.r BIG LOAD of boxwood $5.50. Call Wood lawn 59i'4. or 11.13 Montana ave. GUARANTEED- best old-growth cordwood. $3 50 per cord: green slab, $5.75. B. 4110 BLOCK and slab mixed, stove lengths, $11 per -double load. Pdwy. 4110. A-l OLD-GROWTH Mr cord wood: prompt del.; first lone $7.75. Phone M ain 5 ISO FIRST-CLASS second-growth fir wood, $7.25 first sonc. Phone Main 56S6. Miscellaneous. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent ind exchange ko daks. Sandy, 329 Was-ington nl. IF YGU appreciate spiendid watch repair Ing or jewelry repairing, see Miller, nexl d o or to M a jrsticth eat e r. MUST SELL TODAY. 'Showcases, cash register, scale, safe. adding machine. I'h w asnington. DIEBOLD Bates, new and second hand, special prices. Pacific Scale & Supply Co., 4S Front st. Broadway 1966. FOR .PETERSON HARDTACK CO.. and Swedish products, at 660 East 17th S. Call East tan PRUNES, 2c. Directly opposite grade school 27tU 8t, Milwaukie, Or. J. T. Llewellyn. LARGE Italian prunes, 4c a pound; bring ctontainera. Southeast corner of 42nd ana Klllingswortn. vooaiawn ajiy. LADY'S tweed and leather coat, fine con dition, cost $70, take $25. Mar. 8295. FOR SALE Best quality 9x12 Axminster rug, like new. Marshall 2314. WOODSAW for sale cheap and in good condition. 746 Grand avenue North. 18-INCH American lathe, drill press, tools, etc. Woodlawn 2893. CHINOOK salmon to can. 12a pound"; I resn em-n mm '. "ujniiwn ijy j . ITALIAN prunes for sale. i0J5 Powell Valley roaa. vmi mnm ot anq sell. 2500, FIRST-CLASS well drilling outfit; sell at once, .au main --ou. STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill Call Taylor-street dock. Main 8065. SCREEN doors, windows, mirrors, furni ture repairing, cabinetwork. Wdln -1 47 FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St., near Ash. cu-i'iivn-HAND tents and covers fF Pacific Tent A Awning Co., No. 1 1st St. LADIES, save; smart used apparel "ina home. Prices low. Tabor 2X5. ELECTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms. $13" JTJj Chamoer 01 .'"' oniiiaWiiy .-,; SAFE, fire-proof, comninauon lock. 70 Sixth street. niua. ytjLT door, second-hdna. near Oak. ; 70 Sixth at.' FINE double-barrel shotgun. 2610. Woodlawn FOR SALE HALL MIRROR WITH FOUR HOOKS. PHONE WOODLAWN 625. EVERYTHING electrical repaired; quick service, low cVarg?s. Phone Bdwy. 41:1)3. FOR SALE Vaughn dragsaw. new. sell cheap. 108 Grover st. . POOL table and equipment. 4698. Call Tabor FOR SALE Mahogany bed-davenport new, phone East 7192. 908 Tillamook. ' DOUBLE Iron bed, mattress and springs $22. 319 E. 3th st. South. NEW-electric heaters at our coat. - Eleo trlc Service Co., 128 h 10th st. Maln7J370. FOR SALE Almost new blue steel range. $75. Call Tabor 8310 or 1599 E. Gl isa a! HEMSTITCHING on brand new machine". Wqrk guaranteed. 7 Eaat 12thSmit h. 2 TRUNKS for aale. 2644 Stark. . Mar. 1009. A-B 7. GAS range; large i!, 457 E. 23d St. size; almost new; LARGE hand-pickod Italian prunes. Keel- I er, Wdln. 6U. 715 Cot b.vd. - FOR SALE. M i seel laneous. DAIRYMEN. Nine gross crown-top bottles. 80 crates. l4 cans, 150-gal. steel pasteurizer, uw-io. Howe scale. 300-gal. receiving vat and milk purr.p, refrigerator show case. 2 H. P. motor, S H. P. boiler, office desk. MR. MILLER. S55 Washington St. Main 35,9 SEW1NU MACHINES, new and second hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for all makes: mar-h.nes repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. MAIN 8431. 190 Third Street, near Taylor. THE FOLKS hack home will eherleh 'd sppreclata a souvenir from Oregon. Send them something useful as well as beautiful. Oregon agata jewelry mount ed in solid gold. A wonderful selec tion to choai, from. Moderatelv Drlced. . M lller, next door to the Majestic theater SAFES Fire and burglar-proof sates, new nu secona-nana. at rlgnt prices; oous.it. sold and exchanged, easy terms If da aired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.' 105 Second st. Main 204S. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only genuine warch materials used, DAVID'S. Jewelers and Opticians. 848 Washington St at Broadway. WHY A substitute roofer T Why not genuine and permanent roofer? We re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all . kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrate! old leaky roofs. Phone Broadway 79. LOWEST PRICES. USED OFFICE 'FURNITURE. Desks, tablea, chairs, files, dicta phones, typewriters, check writers, etc. See us before you buy. Wax, 24 N. Bto. .Broadway 2739. Y; Ti: It KS FOR. SALE CHEAP. Desks, showcases, wall cases. National cash registers, standard computing scalea,-' adding machines. Templetnn cheese outters. Call at 71 8d sL or 400 Morrison st. USERS of canned milk Sanitary milk can punch, opens a can of milk In one second, seals In one second; sample by mail. 25c. Address. Sanitary Milk Can Punch, 2213 !4 First avenue, Seattle, Wash. FOR SALE Three 3:1x5 cord truck tires; 1 32x314 fabric, new; 1 Ford truck pneu matic wheel, new: 1 twin wicker baby buggy; one tent, 12x14. 3010 E.- 54th st. s. near jitia ave. can sun. or mou, Taoor 1147. FOR RENT. Shotguns and riflea Also buy. sell or trade. NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 128 1st. Main 4405. Aut. 627-46. 825-8! 20 DROP-HEAD sewing macnlnes, $12 50 to $45; Singers. New Homes, wnires, W. W. ; all makes machines rented and repaired. E. R. sieen, us urano. av East 2S59. HOT WATER TANKS, 50 gal. $7: 40 gal. $9 tested, guaranteed: stove sz furnace colli gaa beatera lustalledlexpt. plumbing. Ea Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams E. 8.11 MATTRESSES direct from factory to hnmM loiMi new 40-10. mattresses, a Pioneer Mattress ft Pad Co., 1072 E. Lin coin st. Auto. 1'37-Q7. MRS. B. W HERMAN, apparel shop. larllea' and rents' clothes Dougnt. sola snd exchanged; beat prices 284 Vi Park St., near Jefferson, ilarsnall iuu rnMPI'TlNO SCALES, cash register, cof fee mills, meat cnoppers ana general store nxtures at z.t) stara St., oetwee First ana secona sts. FOR SALE. Child's Iron bed with good mattress also folding baby buggy with top. Call Main 1175. CHOICE peaches, pears, prunes, apples, strlMir beans, melons, onions, potHtoes Just in, spring potatoes. East 858, or 73 E. 16th., cor, stark. IOR SALE Registers, fountain, show cases, stools, meat surer, peanut roaate wall case, coffee grinder; cash or credit. 240 Salmon REAL ESTATE coal or wood range, good condition. 544 Brasee. pnone as 812(1. A BARGAIN An Acorn gis range in fine condition: will deliver. 9ia aiaat lam hill. Tahor 4443 FOR RENT High-class electric sewin machines, reasonable. B,ierine bervic Co.. 128i loth st. Main 7370. PRUNES! II' Large Italian prunes, 42d street, one block north ot aimpson. ATTENTION Furs, skins snd hide bought or tsnnea. west ioaai lannio Co.. 802 Tenlno ave. Sellwood liJI'a BENT lamp shades, panels, convex auto lenses, winiianieios. run. An ina 543 Madison, cor. 17th. Main 9392 pii.ks ,-an be nermanently cured wlthou operation. call or write ur. ueau, Second snd Morrison. Ri-tisl washed on your floor with Hamil ton-Beach electrlcWcarpet washer; also vacuum cleaning gone r.ast nm. l-iiR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day, 85c; delivered, guaranteed good condition wnnmawn rr.ATTViTM wedding ring, with three dla monds. cost $125. but will sacrifice for half. Write BJ 911. Oregonlan. K.-ntv wade saw. cut 400 rocks, with blades, complete. $30. 1103 Amherst ft OR SALE AUTOMOBILES, 19-7 5-PASSENGER car for sale; good running order; license plates, new top with piate glass, fair rubber: T.IU sell for cash, or take part in corowooa. lsu 'at 421 Burnsidt between 8 and 5. Phone Broadway tn. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A ' V ELI EI 'SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO.. 842 BURNS1DE ST. BUWY. 3648. BRAND-NEW HUPMOBILE. nanntlt nn nw Huomobile for sale. For confidential price, O 916. Oregonlan. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VELIE! SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. . W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO., I 342 UUP.NSIUE ST. BDWY. 3648. HAYNES COUPE. 1920 model, relinished, bumpers front and rear; one extra ure, piacui-auy new, A C Blr.VCI.Ml, Bdwy. 1814. 529 Washington st flTlS" DORT touring. In flrst-ciass condi ...... einn rinwn drives this car home. Bala'nce on easy terms. Call Boaell, Broadway .loon. BIG STOCK. USED CARS PRICES K1U1IT, Vn Mlsreoreaentatlons. CO V E Y MOTOR CAR CO. 1920 CHEVROLET, looks and runs like new; 51,10 aown, waiwuvw . -.j ,,'iuf, Thla Is a snap at the price offered. Call BmeH. Broadway 36n. 1 MOON SIX Victory model; 5 good Miller cord tires, good shape, lot of extras: a car you would be proud of. Cash, terms or traae i" i'ri -' qq. FOR SALE My equity in late iifo aiax- well car. to, uaiauce iii ub paiu on car $3"'0, in monthly payments. Phone East 6Q41. W4 L make loans In small amounts on cars stored in our BONDED WARE HOUSE. Oregon- Brokerage Co.. 133,3 N. W. tsana oma. UH9 MAXWELL. 5 good tires, new paint, perfect condition; $100 down will drive this car home. Easy terms on balance. Call Bnzell. Broadway .'1606. 5 PASSENGER Nash 6. 1021 model, run 6000 miles; five new cord tires. Cash $1000. By owner. 426 Market. Phone Main BS49 iITm DODGE roadster, run about 1500 miles over $175 worth of extras. Would consider trade on late model Ford coupe. 471 Morrison St. Broadway 2645. 1918 FORD touring. In good condition, Kelsey body, Hassler shocks, demount able rims, good tires; $265 cash. E. ' S4R6. : 1920 CHEVROLET, excellent mechanical condition, by owner: cheap for cash 1"38 E. 11th st. N , or 316 Board of Trade Building LATE 1020 Dodge touring car lr. fine me chanical condition: finish Just like new; a bargain on easy terms. Phone Eaat 1!Mi'-'. MUST get $175 for an '18 Ford touring giving you the benefit of this sacrifice; car just overhauled: good condition; good tires. Automatic 6.!3-68. MUST sell 1020 Ford, in perfect shape: good starter. $100 worth of extras; will Sacrifice on easy terms to responsible party. Call Broadway 240. $20 FOR '17 FORD touring In fine con "riltlon, shocks and speedometer; good rubber: must be sold by Mondsy. Call Automatic 6I13-68. LATE 11H9 L4berty tourlTig, cord tires, aide wings; other extras; a buy; will take $'0; terms. Tabor 7817. LATE 1919 Cole, perrsct shape; will re fuse no reasonable offer; part cash. sal. time. Tahor 7317. 1918 BUICK 6 roadster, in good condition; $775 terms. Res. 4710 52d street S. E. Auto. 614:94 FOR SALS! Dodge roadster, 1920 model, first-class cond'tlon; pries $750 cash, ' Phone East 1905. $175 WILL buy my cnevroiet roadster. This machine looks good and Is giving rinilv aervlce. H 931. Oregonian. BUICK light six, in perfect condition; Just like a new car. $350 down, long time oa halance. Call Wdln. 5975 J i019 PAIGE, 5 cord tires and so cheap; runs good: will trade for small car. Call Propst. Broadway 3li6. I ii"0 PODGE roadster, Just like ne . $350 Wdln. down, easy terms on balance, call 5975. FOR SALE Overland 5-passenger tour leg, in guod condition. - $ East J4ta st UTOMOBILE9. REPUTATION. M . Reputation Is a tally of our dally deeds. Nothing is harder to gain or eaaier to lose. A good one requires many years of constant upbuilding and Its ex istence must be dally demonstrated. A poor one can easily be obtained from a single selfish thought or act. The Cover Motor Car company's rep utation for rebuilding and refinishing the used cars it offers for sale, so that they mav nrMinl lh, hltrhe nrUMihli, value for the lowest price, la only a detailed interpretation or its general reputation for fair dealing In every transaction. A used, rebuilt, rerinlshed and guaranteed motor car purchased through this bouse can only produce one net result ontire satisfaction. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 1915 Dodge Brothers touring $ 475 1916 Dodge Brothers touring 5J 1917 Dodge Brothers touring 650 1918 Dodge Brothers roadster and ' touring 1918 Dodge Brothers sedan 1919 Dodge Brothers touring and roaoster .- 1920 Dodge Brothers touring and roadster 1919 Liberty, sport model 1916 Twin six Packard landaulet.. 1919 Hudson limoutne, fine con dition, a wonderful taxlcab.., 1920 Overland "4" sedan 1918 Overland "90" touring 1919 Peerless 8 touring, only 1918 Srrlpps-Booth coupe 1920 Oldsmoblle "8" touring 1919 Oldnmoblle "8" touring 1918 Olilsmobile "8" touring 1920 Oldsmobli "6" touring 191U Oldsmoblle "6" touring 1918 Oldsmoblle ' " roadster 1920 Chandler, good condition, a snap 1917 Chandler coupe 1918 Chandler touring, new tires.. 1919 Haynes touring, only 1920 Haynes touring 1915 Studebaker touring, to bt sold as Is , 1917 Studebaker 4 touring 1918 Studebaker coupe, a real buy at 1919 Studebaker big six. 7-pasa.... 1919 Studebaker "4" 1919 Maxwell roadster 1917 Maxwell touring 1920 Maxwell sedan, an excellent car for 1920 King "8" 1920 Chevrolet 400 sedan 1920 Chevrolet roadster, fine shape 1920 Chevrolet touring 1919 Chevrolet touring 1918 Chevrolet touring 1921 Ford coupe 1920 Ford louring V." 1920 Ford roadster, with del. body 191'0 Ford coupe 1917 Ford coupe 1914 Ford touring 1917 Oakland touring, a good buy as is. at 1914 Oakland touring 1918 Franklin, 4-passenger, series "9-A," an excellent car for.. J920 Franklin touring 1919 Bulrk roadster 1920 Bulck, 7-pasaenger 1920 Buick, t-passenger - U..llr ..I-h ....... T25 1150 600 900 1 150 2700 TOfl 815 147 U.'.O 1200 900 650 1U25 tH0 OUO 1400 900 750 1500 1900 156 296 n 1475 750 490 80U 1100 l.ViO 700 475 600 875 350 KoO 400 375 525 325 100 800 400 nisi) 1700 1100 1200 11 Hi 1K75 Chummy Btut'l, wonderful car 1650 Model N" Hupmobllo touring 7ul) DELIVERY CARS. 11 Dedgo Brothers, screen, a 825 T75 400 800 excellent car : 1918 Dodga Brothers, "panel, good shape . 1919 Chevrolet, panel, delivery.... 1918 Bulck delivery CADILLACB. Although we do not list our used re built and reflnished Cadillac motor cars In this advertisement, you will alwajs find a well represented line of all modeis on display at our salesroom. All cart guaranteed and sold on easy "'""wfl ARB OPEN SUNDAY. ! t Washington. Jtain -v Also a big display at tha new Broao way salesroom downtown. ' salesroom most convenient for ) ou. Ou automobile transportation makes 1 quickly poselbla for you to look over ou entirs sioca. 1 . . .r eofff, Pit) BRANCH J.:tii Nnrth Broadway. Main 6.44 HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 191T Dodge roadster, in elegant ii,M nractlcally newT nrlc. ." mi AiHxweil touring 175.00 ,n,d riij..hiu aiv roadster. lnlra ilka a new one....... 55O.O0 1920 Oakland six touring, used verv little 675 00 mm nv.rland touring, electric llahta and starter. 245.00 mnta . ' .iv niirlnv' this Car has had unusually good care 205 00 191T Chalmers roadster, fine con- dition oaoo 191T Chevrolet touring, 11ns me chanical condition in lit Chevrolet roadster, new 245.00 s.lnl ilandv 205.00 -not ;i .. L. ..i murine. finest 845 no 1010 fhevrnlet touring 375.00 xr.-Ki wrvrriR CAR COMPAM, TTa-t ::V70 Grand and Hawthorne Aves. 10"1 NASH 7-passengrr touring car, run .nl. :7t)0 miles, spare tire, spoil ght and other extraa. Pries $1S50. Will accept very small payment down. . 1018 studebaker T-passenger, excellent running condition, good tires but needs paint. Price $275. Hudson Super-six. 7-paesengrr, perfect condition, newly painlea: easy ierm.. 471 Morrison St. Broadway 2645. HUDSON 8UPER-8IX. In first-class condition. nw tires and repainted, for on.y $50. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691. eve nings Mar. 6o5. NOW IS YOUR CHANt-VJ TO OWN A BALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION mil It A N'TUKI). W R. IK LAY MOTOR CO.. BDWY. 3648. $42 HUR.NMUr. 1919 TYPE "57 7-pasaenger caaniac tour ing. This car is m iinr ' condition, having Been run leas man fifteen thousand miles on city streis. Private use. Tires good. Pries $2150 Private owner. AN ln. oregonian NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VELIE! S4.LE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W R. I'K LAY MOTOR CO.. 84" BUR'PItE ST. BDWY SI8 .a.w. funviini.ET TOURING. New tirea. finest condition, will be aaer.flced. Private ownor. can jaoor 3727. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VICL1E! SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO., 342 HURNSIDE ST. BUWY. 3648. HAYNES LIGHT SIX. B-pass. ; relinished in dark maroon new tires; a wonderful bargain; $1000. AC. STEVENS. Bdwy. 1614. 529 Washington st. LiTK mmlAl ,Cnle 8: sDort model In finest of mechanical condition; iniisn ,ionas like new; 4 new cord tires; a bargain; take light car as part payment; balance easy terms Phone East IIH',2. HAVE a floe 191S Chevrolet 490 with new overslse tires all arounu; spotngni, bumper, cut-out, etc. Special gears In rear end. Fine buy for $275; terms. Hopkins. East 490. 1020 Hudaon speedster, has wire wheels, A good cord tirea. new paini ana car guaranteed mechanically perfect. Thla .car must be sold, so don't overlook It Call Propst. Hroaqway swo. 1921 FORD SEDAN. Fine condition, every acresaorr. must be sold. Privata owner. Tabor 3727. CADILLAC for $550. fine condition, new paint, new top, seat covers, a iires. A moat comfortable family touring car. Owner. 7KS Sherwooq qrlve. 1021 FORD roadster; demountable rims; speeaomeier. goou Buapc, voir, ivrma. Tubor 83:16 ESSEX touring car, cannot be told from will give long time. new car. si'iiu: Call Wdln. 5975. H LIBERTY six. newly painted and mechanically perfect; a bargain. Terms. 4930. WHITE truck, model 20-45, new. for .ale or trade; price la rig st. Broadway 3307. ifc. ".run, ai JJia 1919 GRANT six, 111.1, an new urea, one extra; A-l shape. 896 West Lombard. Phone Wdln. 1050. 1VJ0 DODGE, O-passengor, ib very good condition. Looks like new. Will sacri fice. Call my residence. Tabor 1542. 1920 COLE Aero "8, $1200; easy terms; will take Ford coups on trada. Main 84. WE PUT steel teeth In your old flywhtel; crankshaft turning. H. R. Black ma chine shop, 5H4 Aider. Bdwy. 26S1. ABSOLUTELY new 1921 Studebaker light . six at bargain price. Main 111 Mr. Buckley. MUST be sold. Dodge touring. 219 Washing, ton st. Main 33!7. ONE 1917 little six Oakland; first class condition. $375. 261 12th st. PAR TS Oregon Auto Wrecking Co, 42$ Belmont, near Sixth. 1920 CHEVROLET, new tires; will sac- nflce. 8435. terms. East 4216. BUICK 6; snap, new tires and paint. Sell wood 75. $350 EQUITY In classy little car. Trade on good furniture. Call Grace, 51ar. 660. 1920 DODGE touring, a real bu-v; very fine aliape: s"0; fart cash. Tabor 717. FINE electric car, good vunUitiun. tun. Main 5999. 830 13th. FOR 8A1 FOR OAI.E AI"TH.MOntLKM. WE ARE SELLING HUDSON AND ESSEX AUTOMOBILES (hat have been either rehiil't or renewed that are In the beat mechanical and running condition that are also - warranted the same aa factories w arrant new cars. In addition, a a give 90 days' free mechanical aervlos, , This Is not new on Hudson auto mobiles. We have rebuilt and sold them with a warranty slm-e 191. You buy a fine quality ear with Ins same safety as when you purchase a new automobile. Buy a car you can depend upon and at a bargain price. Other makes of used automobiles thoroughly nverhauied. put In llrst class condition and sold wltn a ID days' free trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal prlca that customer may select. This gives ample time for verr purchaser to try out the car hs buys, gives him time to have It Inspected, as wo want only satis fied customera Watch tha change la thla list of cars. j , 1916 Super Sir $107$ 1917 Super 8x 1200 1911-1919 series Hudson Super Six .. , l.ioo , 1550 . 1550 . 950 . 1150 , 450 , 475 , v0 ' 1020 Hudson Super Six 1920 Hudson Speedster 1919 Essex 1920 Esaex 1916 Maxwell 1919 Maxwell delivery 1919 Maxwell 1U20 Maxwell NEW MAXWELLS. $780 1918 iverlanrl 4? 1919 Grant Six V 1919 Oakland 600 1918 Dodge k 615 1917 Bulck T 700 1926 I odgs 600 1920 Dodge roadster ....... 90 1919 Chalmers Hot Spot ... l"-" 1919 Olds Eight 9"0 1919 Olds Eight, sport model 105 1921 olds biz l-otf 1919 Liberty, sport model .. 1000 1918 Col Eight, sport model U08 The car that never wears out that U the automobile that la known as the Hudson; It does not vibrate, therefore does not dam age the material; the worn parts can be replaced and the automo bile continues to run like new. For a Jong time the Hudson has had the reputation as tha car that never wears ouu Used Hudsons ars better than new cars at the sams price. Ask the Hudson owner. These used Hudsons are known for being the best used oar value on the market. Largest rsea Car Branch Storo Is tba City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Eveninga Phone at branch storo, Broadway 87S9. Also a Display at Our Salesroom, 813-61T Washington street opto weak days omy. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILS CO- USED CAR SALB ON OUR VACANT LOT cenvenltntly located to our salesroom. s BUICKS, ' OLDSMOB1 LE 8lxrs. FORDS, OVERLANDS, CHEVROLET teurlnfs, STUDE BAKERS. HUDSON. REO, ' PRICES $7$ to $950. Most all makes and models at excesj tlnnally low prices. Terms cash or trads. Wa hold open evenings and Sundays, OLDS.MOBII.E CO., BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU PL Y OR FELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MOKTOAGE Co., 207 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN. For sale Handsome seven-passenger car, mechanically perfect, newly paint ed; new Callloruia piaie glass top, new nhher. Phone Eaat 4242. Ask for Mrs. Merry. now is your chance to own a vklie: sale now on. satisfaction guaranteed, w. r. de lay motor co.. 342 hi' r nside st. ' b d w y. 8648. rose city auto lop co. alto tups, seat coveits, cushions, l'pholstkkisu. $42 sandy boulevard, COIl. EAST 27TII ST. P H O N E EAST 293 3. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VKLIE! SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE!!. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO., (I2 BURXSIDE ST. BDWY. 3618. WINDSHIELDS. We build and reconstruct windshields for all makes of cars. AUTO REBUILDING CO., 354 East DurnsM St. rhone East 7249. "NOW IS YOUR CHANCE'tO OWN A VELIE I SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION OtAARANTKKU. W. R, IK LAY MOTOR CO.. S42 HUKNSIDK ST. BPWT. 8648. STORAGE at low rates in our BON DSD WAHEiiOlSb. Money loaned on autnmohllea OREGON UROKURAGK CO., 1 3:1.1 N. W. Hank Bulldln NOW IS YOUR CI8VNCE TO OWN A VELIE! SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. R. DE-LAY MOTOR CO.. 342 BL'KNSIf'E ST. UUWY. $6 WC CARRY a full line of auto aoeessorisa tubus. Ford parts, light globes, elo. Alsa do lowing. Open day and mgbL LONG A S1LVA. Phone East 6810. 462 Hawthorns JIOPGi; ROADSTER. Late 1919 Doilge. In exceptlonslly fins condition, veil equipped, for sale by owner. Will give terms; no dealers. Phone Main 4727. 19 LIGHT six Studebaker, spotlight, Weed chains, bumper, 111. 1 license, windsnieia wiper; for sale by owner at price tha sells. For this fine car phone Mr. Vcale at nroaqway eio. BUlt'K SEDAN. Reflnished and in excellent condition; only $1200. A. C. STEVENS. Bdwy. 1614. 5-'9 Washington at ' DO YOU want s wonderful model M Hup CHEAP? New Kelly cord tires, new paint, new top, motor completely over hauled. Will take Ford- In trade. Auto. 6:16-37. NEW CHEVROLET'S. BUT FROM P. H. DUNN. DEALER. Cor. Milwaukie and Bibes Ave. Phone Sullwood 1398 10J0 STEPHENS, new paint, new tires, runs like new; onlv run RooO miles: the price Is right. Call Propst. Bdwy 3'WQ. OLDS 8. Just been overhauled: ruff, like new and, oh, so cheap. Call Propst. Broadway 8006. $100 DOWN drives aav a light touring car, balance on long and easy terms. Call Borell, Broadway 3IKI5. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 631 Alder. 17th. Broadway 6254. 1919 OAKLAND rebuilt from the ground up; new paint, new tires, good tvrina. Call Propst. Broadwwy 3005. WILL TAKE .motorcycle as first pament on a good used car; balance on ensy terms. Call Bolell Broadway 30O8 FOR SALB My 1920 series live M stiorting model. In good cortrlitloti. at 6H Hruadwsy. Bdwy. 2105. ercer, Call CHALMERS 5-pasa car, owner leaving city, must sacrifice. Bdwy, 8329.