Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 10, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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8 0 IX" STATE.
Alore Than 100 Cases Reported to
Authorities Strenuous Cam
paign Is Planned.
BOISE, Idaho, Sept. 9. (Special.)
Announcement that the death of C. J.
McKee of Boise, August 19, was
caused by anterior poliomyelitis; the
report of a death at Craigmont from
the same cause, and four other cases
of the disease reported by physicians
to the state department of public
welfare show that an epidemic of
infantile paralysis threatens Idaho.
The state department is preparing in
every possible way to combat it.
Following: the death of Mr. McKee.
the diagnosis of whose case defied
Boise physicians, autopsy specimens
of the spinal cord tissue were sent
to an eastern specialist for patno
logical examination. The report re
ceived here today was that polio
myelitis had caused death.
This is the only case reported in
' southern Idaho. The others are in
the northern counties bordering on
the state of Washington, which has
experienced an epidemic of infintile
paralysis in the last two montns in
volving 100 cases and 30 deaths.
Dr. F. W. Almond, medical advise;
of the department of public welfare,
has sent to the Mayo clinic at Roches
ter. Minn., for a supply of Dr. Kore
now'a serum, used for the arrest of
lnfantjle paralysis, which he will dis
tribute to the physicians in north
era Idaho. He may go north, him
self to administer the serum in seme
A reouest also was made by Dr.
Almond of Surgeon-General Cumming
fnr the assistance of a surgeon of
the United States public health 3". v
ice. Wora was received today that
Surereon Wayson has been or.tered
tn Idaho from Oreeron to confer with
the state officials on the best msihol
to adopt for the control of tre epi
When the reports of the first two
cases of infantile paralysis were re
ceived from northern Idaho quaran
tine was contemplated against Wash
ington and Oregon. This will not be
slstance was summoned. Mr. Broth
ers died in about 30 minutes.
Mr. Brothers was 65 years old and
previous to settling on the farm in
Clarke county was a marine engineer.
He was employed on steamboats op
erating on the Lake, Lewis and Co
lumbia rivers about 12 years. For a
time he was connected with the
Kamm line of steamboats. He was a
member of the Oddfellows lodge at
La Center.
He is survived by his widow and
five children: Ray and Robert Broth
ers of La Center, Edward Brothers,
Portland policeman, and Mrs. P. I.
Moe and Mrs. Nellie Dodson of Port
Funeral services will be held at the
home at 2 P. M. Sunday. Interment
will be in the Oddfellows cemetery at
La Center.
Corporation Counsel Requests
$300,000 for Protection of Street
Car Company's Revenues.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Sept. 9 Upon re
sisting application of H. P. McGloth
ern and other Seattle jitney men for
a writ of review from the supreme
court of Washington to the supreme
court of the United States, on final
appeal from the state decision sus
taining the city of Seattle in barring
jitneys from the streets under a reg
ulative ordinance, Walter F. Meier
of Seattle, corporation counsel, asked
the supreme court today to require an
appeal bond of at least J300.000, if
the review is granted. From a check
of traffic made September 8, he sub
mitted this amount as representative
f revenue the city street car system
will be deprived of by jitney opera
tion annually during the pendency
before the United States supreme
For the jitney operators, W. R.
Crawford contended for an appeal
bond of not to exceed $5000 as ample
protection, holding that a $300,000
bond would deprive McGlothern of his
right of appeal.
The court took the case under consideration.
Camps Are Being Set Up and Claim
Owners Are Taking In Out
fits for Development.
ANCHORAGE. Alaska. Sept. 9.
(Special.) Further prospecting in the
Girdwood district has revealed that
the mineralized zone has a north-and-south
area of 20-odd miles, and recent
discoveries in the northern end of the
district on Pengrum creek show as
says of grab samples running 1470
a ton.
Camps are being set up and claim
owners are taking in outfits to begin
development. During the fall and win
ter considerable prospecting will be
prosecuted on a series of large con
tact veins thrown up between rhyo
lite and slate with rich stringers in
truding into the slate and leading to
the ledges. Some of the ledges are
several thousand feet in continuity
and average about eight feet in width.
cleaving the mountains in a north
westerly and southeasterly direction.
While the stringers are very rich.
panning small nuggets, the principal
hope lies in the big ledges, which are
showing medium-graUe ore. In sev
eral cases the quartz contains galena
and bornite copper, the gold appear
ing free both in the bornite and in the
pure galena. Appreciable nuggets have
been found imbedded in the nodular
galena, affording fine specimens.
Joseph Clark Sought.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sept. 9.
(Special.) A bonus check for Joseph
lark, an ex-service man, has re
cently been received at the local postr
office. Clark formerly lived in Van
couver, but left the city some time
ago without leaving an address. When
the ex-soldier left here he was ill
and in need of funds. Adjutant Harry
Brace of the American Legion has
requested that anyone with knowledge
of Clark's whereabouts communicate
with him at once. ,
Break With Colleague Is Denied
and Solon Says Shipping Board
Is Making Good.
TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 9. (Special.)
Limitation of armament in some
form as a result of the international
conference to be held at Washington
in November, and a reduction in the
expenditures for war purposes, -was
predicted by Wesley L. Jones, United
States senator, who was in Tacoma
"I think the disarmament con
ference will accomplish something
toward a reduction of expenses," said
Senator Jones. "Perhaps I think so
because I hope so, but I am sure the
people of the world feel that some
thing is necessary to stop the war
waste. If the representatives of the
foreign governments show an inclina
tion to put obstacles in the path of
such a reduction, I believe they will
be forced to reverse themselves by
the people of their own countries."
Senator Jones made a positive de
nial of the rumors that have been
circulating regarding a reported break
between himself and Senator rom
dexter on the federal appointments in
this state.
In his address before the members
council of the Tacoma Commercial
club. Senator Jones urged the neces
sity for individual work toward get
ting back to normal instead of ask-
ng the government to help.
"The government can't do much
without the help of the people," he
said. "We must do the work ourselves."
Regarding the shipping situation,
Senator Jones expressed himself as
being favorably impressed with tho
attitude of the new shipping board
and pointed out that the present
slump in shipping is due to a world
wide economic condition.
Tag Sale Raises $1000.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 9.
(Special.) It was estimated at 6
o'clock this afternoon that 1000
worth of the tags bearing the words.
'I Bet a' Dollar on Hayden Island
had been sold during the first day's
work of the 36 Vancouver girls who
C. S. Board to Pass Upon Any and
AH Claims of Veterans.
BOISE, Idaho, Sept. 9. (Special.)
The clean-up squad of the govern
ment, seeking to get the claims of all
ex-service men before the proper de
partments dealing with war risk in
surance, vocational training and hos
pitalization work under the Sweet
bill, is in Idaho and expects to get in
touch with ail ex-service men. Bay
ard S. Christ of Seattle, who is direct
ing the work,- is in Boise and will
make his headquarters here for some
time. '
These representatives of the gov
ernment will take up any and all
claims which .ex-service men have.
They will handle compensation claims,
back pay and travel pay claims.
Aberdeen Budget $327,961.68.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Sept. 9. (Spe
cial.) The preliminary tax budget
submitted to the city council places
the total expenditures of the city for
1.122 at 327,964. 68. The amount to be
raised by general taxation is placed
rt 266,229.68, a reduction of 3.835.97
as compared with last year. Offset
ting this reduction is a reduction of
were chosen to sell the tags on the 1 10 per cent on assessed valuation
B'refts. ordered by the county board of equal-
School Suits
for Boys!
I am showing snappy, new models for boys
of 7 to 18 years. I have marked them at
a very close margin, and I believe that tiiey
are the best values in Portland. There is
nothing old here every garment is tai
lored from good woolen cloth in a pattern
distinctively new and pleasing. See this
splendid offer for Saturday: .
Boys' Belted Suits
With Extra "Knickers"
Regularly Priced $13.50-$15
Other Belted Suits for Boys
$16.50, $18, $20, $25, $30
All With Extra "Knickers"
All of my suits for boys are full lined, and
the "knickers" are finished with taped
seams. The extra "knickers" are designed
to give many weeks of extra wear. If
you've a boy to clothe bring him here for
clothes of real style and abundant service.
Leading Clothier
Morrison Street at' Fourth
Boys' Sweaters
$3.50, $4.50, $5.00,
$6.00 $6.50
Boys' Bradley Sweaters
In High School Colors $6.50
Bring Your Shock Absorbers for This
Mile -a-Minute Hide With
Mr. and Mrs.
In the Comedy de Luxe
izatlon. The levy Jast year for city
purposes was 31.9 m'ils and was on a
valuation of 8,466,047.
State Officials to Attend Centralia
Ceremonies . September 2 2 .
CENTRALIA. Wash., Sept. 9.
(Special.) September 22 is the date
set for the dedication of Centralia's
new armory. There will be a parade
at 1:30 o'clock, followed by exercises
in the Main-street park where there
will be speaking and where school
children will present a flag to' the
armorv. Flag raising ceremonies will
be held.
At 6 o'clock a banquet will be held
at the Hotel Centralia and a public
reception will be held at the armory
from 8 to 10 P. M. Dancing will start
at the auditorium at 9 P. M.
Governor L. F., Hart, Lieutenant
Governor W. J. Coyle, Adjutant-General
Thompson and his staff and
other state officials and army offi
cers have been invited to attend.
Music will be furnished by four
bands. The city commission will de
clare a half holiday.
Dependent Parent Cut OM by De
cision of Supreme Court.
OLTMPIA. Wash., Sept. 9. (Spe
cial.) A recent supreme court decl
s'on, deprived George D. Farwell of
Seattle of any claim to the Btate
bonus due his son. Major George W.
Farwell, who died in France.
The complaint alleged that the
father was dependent on his son for
support, but the fact that Major Far
well left a widow, who remarried be
fore the state compensation law be
came effective, complicated the situa
tion. The court held that the marriage of
the widow did not entitle the parent
to the compensation.
Highway Work In Progress.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Sept. 9. (Spe
cial.) One and one-half miles of pav
ing have been laid on the Pacific
highway between Grand Mound and
Tenino and two additional miles are
ready for hard-surfacing. The paving
is being, laid south from the Scatter
creek bridge toward Grand Mound, commandant
nm-HMMi. animal um mii ! n i m.ixm ijtpV
The stretrh north from the bridge to
Tenino will be graded this full, but
probably will not be hard-surfaced
until spring. A concrete bridge is
being built over Scatter creek.
Regiment Due Monday.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sept! 9
(Special.) The 69th Infantry is not
making such good time in Its march
between Camp Lewis and) Vancouver
barracks as was thought yesterday,
anj the organization will reach the
city Monday instead of Saturday, ac
cording to word received today at
the local post by Major Delaplane.
all other rectal conditions, except
cuncer. treated without surgery.
My method of treatment anves tW
tisrue Instead of destroying It. It I
painless, requires no anesthetlo and
Is permanent There Is no confine
ment In bed, no Interference with
business or social engagements.
Call or write for booklet.
fcecond and Morrlnan Stm lorlund. U ,
Farmers Xear Olyrapla, Wash., Get
Together on Project.
OLTMPIA, Wash., Sept 9. (Spe
' cial.) The old Mill creek drainage
territory 10 miles south of Olympla
will be completed as. the result of
a meeting last night at Independence
at which the farmers interested
agreed to get together on a volun
tary assessment proposition. This
ends long differences which have pre
vented drainage reclamation of about
1000 acres exending from the Henry
Kearney place on the Little Kock
road almost to Plumb station.
Right of way for the. ditch through
1550 feet of the Weyerhauser strip
and a donation of 75 from the timber
company toward putting the work
through has also been obtained, which
removed another obstacle to the improvement.
Fractious Animal Plants Hoof In
Chehalis Alan's Face.
CHEHALIS, Wash., Sept. 9. (Spe
cial.) J. J. Miesen was killed here
Thursday by a horse. Miesen.
who was a well-known teamster and
drayman, was breaking a team of
young horses that he recently had
bought.. One horse reared while being
harnessed and struck Miesen in the
face and head with his hoof. An hour
later the injured man died .at the St.
Helens hospital, where he was re
moved following the accident.
Mr. Miesen had been a resident of I
Chehalis for 20 years, being engaged
most of the time in draying and the
fuel business. A widow,' two daugh
ters, Mrs. Frances Forker and Thelma
Miesen, and two sons, Lloyd and
Huber, both of Tacoma, survive him. I
Young Woman Alleges She Was
Held Prisoner by Husband.
OLTMPIA, Wash., Sapt. 9. (Spe
cial.) Martha Brb, aged 16, has In
stituted suit In the superior coir of '
inursiuii cuuniy lur a aivorce irom I r '"j.i-"-mf
Donnie Daniel Erb, asserting that her ' KA-Sl fit
husband kept her prisoner in the fef- -T ' 'V"fcM
house of his parents. ETttvs
me coupie weire marriea in I'JI J ' p.-.te.-.-Aivv
thf- house, locked in her room part j f j
of the time, and only allowed to go , Ji. "V'-,j
down town twice in three months' Mi'tfit
time and then with her husband cn KF,i" ;
the side streets. She also asks that '-y" -V
the court restore to her her maiden C'-?' Pi
rune of McDonald.
Triah Brothers, Clarke County
Pioneer, Dies of Injuries.
RIDGEFIELD. Wash., Sept. 9.-
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i A I A K I II to the unusual favor r - ; 1 --''. n",,u.,1"'c,e i i
f UM.lXLXM.Kf given this photodrama mMMmml ...n IS ., wwn ivoperi tavis, icnur C,."-"a
r IIIIIU Y I eesx mat taaies panic- Jmamsm -ii 4 - . m 1.1 S ISSs;y ... .... V si
ivwni uiariv visit our mat- mmmmi i-riBEjy i f i M i rj r?x y xvmmmh low m Motion i -.r
: . J ImmMMl I I ..J mTZ7u - Tf-MM UCnRCT f I fa Katea and Our G ant $50,000 Orcan I A
vino niw insKStaK: m ifdSr jEwn rssL-s n n:i$? ; .
SsiMl III H H B II ' ' fclXS-V. I F " gT I If fl 111 I BM.I C: iv- 1 ... . . ... . ... ... I '..'I :;(
krf V HLiLilV i,'..inn.f.i!U! ' I -A I I I J 1 1 I A I T . tl?-u?rVn Our Mighty voiced wurntzer I
Uriah Brothers, a pionee f, ?i,V;v -V,VSV ?V .v t3SSSa W T, vWv r XI
Clarke county livinsr near the Oak ftfS-dfclfyt-'tW"' - V fMP - t?XrWpPW" "rl, Z jama. . !wig,ii.wii i iyi; V-7 ? "iXi,h. t .ti.; ' , . ,
-chool house, one mile northea- m3tMMm$MB1
La Center, was kicked to death b MsSMlaMfefcmsf ife - ' ..? Ci
nger at the time. He was found i VJMBiJLMMJi. Vs? ygmSm&WmT T" v1- '7 '-rTT.- ? ZfrTFir r- , SStZJZlZ J 1 -L-! " SL ' ZSL ZJAL ZJT- jL'Z1L-1
by. bia son, Bay.. As- ty..-...-r2tirBcac : ". "