THE MORNING ORECOMAX, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1921 17. WE fob sale ArTOMomT.r.s. Tnu-.C?VET MOTOR CAR COMPANY PUnt Is so efficiently equipped with lt ''er3'. department, top factory and ator t"r7 P'ant that great co-operative e'.iclency is reflected In all Its dealings ! ," public. In rebuilding and re- .,k ine used CAra we oner lor saie ordinary good practice nan not been good enough and In every detail you will find that we have tried to outdo our former efforts. Ability to rebuild and reflnlsh our used oars, coupled with the willingness to do o. has established a great public confidence in the merchandise and busi ness principles of the Arm. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 191J Dodge Brothers touring 575 i:17 Dodge Brothers touring o-0 lals Dodge Brothers roadster and 1918 Dodge Brothers' sedan"! "I". 1130 uooge brothers touring ana roadster 800 1920 Dodge Brothers touring and roadster 900 1918 chummy Stutz. a, wonderful car 1650 1520 Buick sedan 2000 la.-o Buirlt S-passenger !-' 1920 Bulck 7-passenger 1330 1919 Bulck roadster 1100 1920 Franklin touring 100 rranjcun. 4-passenger, series .... "9-A." an excellent car for.... 1150 1014 Oakland touring 400 1817 Oakland touring, to be sol as is; a good buy at SCO 1911 Ford coupe 600 1020 Ford touring 400 1920 Ford roadster with delivery body 1920 Ford coupe 3920 Ford sedan, a dandy 1914 Ford roadster, a dandy 1920 Chevrolet 490 sedan 375 525 COO 120 700 ai2u mevrolet roadster In una shape - 4i5 1920 Chevrolet touring BOO 1919 Chevrolet touring 33 1918 Chevrolet touring 354 1520 King "8" 1301 1920 Maxwell sedan, an excellent car for 1919 Maxwell roadster, very good.. 3917 Maxwell touring 1919 Studebaker "4" 11)19 Studph.Tkfr hlfl six. 5,-nassen- 100 490 32) TOG ger 1475 1918 Sturebaker coupe, a real buy at 600 1917 Studebaker 4 touring 323 1915 Studebaker touring, to be sold as is 1)0 1920 Haynes tourlnr 2100 1919 Haynes touring, only I''0 3 91S Chandler touring, new tirea.. 850 1917 Chandler coupe j0 1920 Chandler, good condition, snap 1400 jim umamooile o roadster 1919 Oldsmobile "6" touring 900 1920 Oldsmobile "6" touring 102.) 1918 Lextncton taurine "00 1919 Oldsmobile touring "8" 9"0 1913 Scripps.Booth coupe 13j0 1919 Peerless 8 touring, only 145 3920 Overland roadster a good ona 500 WIS Overland "90" touring 375 1920 Overland "4" sedan "00 19J9 Hudson limousine. In fine con- rittlnn a wnmlspfnl lavlcah. 3916-Twlri Six Packard landaulett 2750 1919 Liberty, sport model ll-0 Model "n" Hunmobila touring....'. )0 DELIVERY CARS. 1919 DnHffe Rrtt hem Kcr..n. an ex cellent car : 825 191ft nnH.. Hrnth.r. nan.l. good shape 1919 Chevrolet nannl delivery 400 1918 Bulck delivery 300 CADILLACS. The used and rebuilt Cadillacs we are offering are in a most excellent condi tion. Without a doubt tney will inspire a pride of ownership barely surpassed in the possessor of a new one. All cars guaranteed and sold on easy terms. WE ARE OPEN SUNDAY. 21st at Washington st Main 8244 Also a big display at the new Broad way salesroom down town. Call at the salesroom most convenient for you. Our automobile transportation makes it ouickly possible for you to look over our entire rtock. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. 28-30 X. Broadway. Main 6244. THE REASON for our large volume of business is that our cars will pass any mechanical Inspection and are refinished and desirable In every way. Bring your friend, the mechanic, and visit our used car headquarters. ONE WEEK'S TRIAL AND 300 PER CENT SATISFACTION. 1920 Studebaker big six. repainted like new $1750 1920 Studebaker special six 1500 1919 Studebaker light 6 1(100 1918 Studebaker light 6 475 1917 Studebaker 8 Studebaker, 6-cyl.. 5-pass 200 1920 Chandler Dispatch, repainted with 5 good tires, bumper and - spotlight 1400 1920 Oakland, special paint and top . 5 new tires 795 1918 Oakland, repainted and new top 550 Overland Country Club 425 1918 Franklin, repainted 750 3918 Chandler, repainted, new top.. 750 .Maxwell 6-cyl., 4 new cord tires 250 1919 Westcott. 5-pass.. light 6 S50 1918 Buick coupe, like new 3500 1920 Buick touring 1125 1916 Buick touring 550 1917 BUlCk 4 ... 425 1919 Cole Aero 8. 6-passenger SDort model, refinished 1500 1919 maimers, o-pass.. fine shape. 750 Moon 5-pass., with a e-cyl. Continental motor 250 lyio .Maxwell with starter, a-pass. car; will make good bug 100 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. W. C. GARBE. INC.. Burnslde at Broadway. Phorfe Broadway 610. NEW PRICES ON USED CARS. Was. Is. $225 $175 250 200 300 -225 275 235 325 250 350 293 3B5 300 375 835 500 430 643 675 295 195 350 275 675 495 350 295 600 450 550 450 523 435 600 600 900 750 850 795 1916 Ford touring 1916 Ford roadster 1916 Ford bug 3916 Ford express 1917 Ford touring 3918 Ford touring 1918 Ford roadster 1919 Ford touring 1920 Ford touring 3920 Ford coupe 3917 Chevrolet touring 3918 Chevrolet touring , 1920 Chevrolet touring 3916 Oakland 6 touring 1918 Oakland 6 touring 3919 Overland 90 touring.... 1918 Dodge touring 1920 Overland 4 roadster 3918 Buick four special 1917 Hup four touring 60 Cars to Pick From. VRANSON-S USED CAR EXCH.. Union ave and Belmont St., upstairs. OAKLAND SPECIAL S?ORT MODEL ROAnsTRR Must sell prettiest Oakland special port model roadster In the city; brown learner victoria top with plate-glass ...UUi,.,so. u.uwn learner upnolstering; car painted coffee cream color; plate glass wind deflectors. 2 bumpers, spot light, nickel-plated racing cap and mo tormeter; equipped with Eclipse snub- "" w ures; car was bunt for show purposes; very comnleta and ttir..tiv. owner changing business plans leaves sSr.'0..1?'8' Ci".Aut0- 612-80. Address .'in, .Till WVC. O CJ. FORCED SALE. ,.JS?n!JM,2, "ARDMORE" 4-PASSEN-SSSr fS?2I PAIGE. CORD TIRES. 8.7 SPARE. BUMPER, SPOTLIGHT ETC. ONLY DRIVEN 2300 MILES DUllTTT ?58K?': yEADRA,HALLR576-lART- AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN For saleHandsome seven-passenger car. mechanically perfect, newly paint ed; new California plate glass top new rubber. Phone East 4242. Ask for Mrs. Merry. 1921 LIBERTY TOURING! Drtven about 3000 miles, fully .... stntetd, shows but little use. Hera Is a. fine car at the price of a cheap one Let me show you this car; I must sell 41S4 yiU "1 Save money- Broadway HAYNES LIGHT SIX. 5-pass.; refinished In dark maroon new tires; a wonderful bargain' xinnn ' A. C STEVEN'S8 " luuu- qwy. 10J4. 529 Washington st. 1918 LARGE Locomobile our np .nTn model, in good condition: fi ..In Hv.rv- will ll K 1 V." Or 827-50. i-none Auto. FOR SALE Will sacrifice Ford win, light delivery body. Municipal auto for license 215-594"'m0 Look 1920 OVERLAND FOUR; looks like new spare tire, spotlight; price right- term.' BUIingsley Motor Co.. Hawthorne Bth. East 7, ave. at 1(3 USED CARS PRrrFb STOCK. RIGHT No Misrepresentations COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. WHITE truck, model 20-45. new for tu or trade; price Is right. Martin. 147 i?,Z st. Broadway 3307: ' " "tn ABSOLUTELY new 192l Studebaker light six at bargain price. Main 118. 1, 1915 Buckley. PUT steel teeth In your old flywhtei' inkshaft turning. H. B. Black era chine shop, 534 Alder. Bdw 2681. 1921 auiLK, o-passenger touring, fully equipped, for quick sale. $1450. Phone Marshall 398 between 1 and 10 P, M. FOR FOB BALE ArTOMOBII.ES. BARGAIN SALE OF USED CARS at the NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. 18th and Alder. Come to a reliable dealer In used cars if you want to be as sured that there will be no mis representation and that you are getting everything that you are paying for. Here are a number of "snaps" for the man who wants a good used car at a low price. Terms if you wish... ' 1918 5-pass. BUICK. with excellent rubber and paint. Will be turned over to the purchaser In fine condition. . .$795 FORD TOURING CAR. 1917 model that we will let the first man who wants It have it tor. J 195 DORT. 1917. 5-pass. touring car. This car has been renewed mechanically. Priced at $405 5-PASS. HCPMOBILB with new tires all around: 2 extra tires. This car has not been off our showroom floor since being reconditioned and re newed. .Drive it away for... .$595 1014 CADILLAC, newly painted and In first-class run ning condition. A great car for the-money $495 4-cyllnder REO In excellent condition; 5-pass. To appreci ate thia car you will have to see It - $495 1915 5-pass. REO, -cyl. en gine in fine mechanical condi tion $395 OVERLAND, model '90: good rubber and fine condi tion mechanically. We have, priced It exceptionally low... $395 NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Bdwy. 14C0. 18th and Alder Sts. 25 UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF AUTOMOBILES. TO BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER WITHOUT RESERVE. Consisting of Fords, Maxwells. Chev rolets. Dodges. Grants. Huomoblles. Stu- debakers and almost any other make of car. This is a strictly bona fide sale of used I cars on easy terms, for your credit is I good. Date of sale. . SATURDAY, SEPT. 10, AT 1 P. M. These cars will be sold at JAKE'S USED AUTO CAR EXCHANGE. 375 GUsan, bet. Broadway and 6th. Phone Broadway 6593. NEW PRICES ON USED CARS. Was. Is. 1916 Ford touring $225 $175 1916 Ford roadster 250 200 3916 Ford bug 800 225 1916 Ford express 275 235 1917 Ford touring 325 250 3918 Ford touring 350 295 1918 Ford roadster 303 300 1919 Ford touring 375 333 3920 Ford touring 500 45(1 3920 Ford coupe 645 575 1917 Chevrolet touring 293 195 1918 Chevrolet touring 350 275 1920 Chevrolet touring 575 495 1916 Oakland 6 touring 350 293 1918 Oakland 6 touring 600 450 1919 Overland 90 touring...... 550 450 3916 Dodge touring 525 485 1920 Overland 4 roadster 600 500 1918 Buick 4 special 900 730 1017 Hup 4 touring 850 795 60 Cars to Pick From. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCH. Union Ave and Belmont St., Upstairs. WE ARE MAKING SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL THE USED CARS. COME TO "PORTLAND'S LARGEST USED CAR STORE AND SELECT YOUR, CAR. 1921 Ford touring. 1920 Ford roadster. 1920 Chevrolet touring. 1919 Chevrolet touring 1919 Maxwell touring. 1918 Maxwell touring. 1919 Oakland touring. 1920 Velie touring. 1919 Reo touring. 67A.A. Cadillao 4-passenger. Late Winton touring, cheap. This Just a sample. Corns and look at the rest of them. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, Grand ave. at East Taylor at. Auction Sale Used Cars Saturday 1 P. M. 15th & Washington. 1018 5-PASS. HUP. Just thoroughly overhauled, repainted; good tires, spotlight and bumper and for $300' down, bal. $50 per month. 12 montha This car is fully guaranteed by the Manley Auto Co. Ask for MR. MOUNTAIN. Phone Bdwy. 217. 1920 OLDSMOBILE. $500 down, balance terms, takes my 5-passenger Oldsmobile In excellent con dition; driven by po one but myself. If you tatend buying a new car you will make 1. mistake by investigating thla East 8069. FOR SALE. 1920 DODGE ROADSTER. $700. EXCELLENT CONDITION. NEW TIRES. CALL WOODLAWN 4711. BANK OF KENTON. LEXINGTON SPORT. $1050. 1920 model, in wonderful condition. Is an unusually good buy; will guarantee motor, rest 01 car win speak for Itself must sen quickly, nence the low price. See car corner Broadway and Flanders. Broadway 4IB4. Phone Mr. Slmmonds. STUTZ. Driven only 6000 miles, 4-passenger, sport :-oaei; cost 3(w witn extras in perfect mechanical condition and looks like a new car. Will sacrifice for 12400. J D37, Oregonlan. NEW GARDNER TOURING CAR. I can save you $100 off purchase price of new Gardner automobile: will sell my deposit, leaving town at once. For aetans see jnr. demons, Broadway 4184, at too is. uroaaway. FOR ONLY $315 you can buy a dandy lit tie Chevrolet that looks just like new ana runs line; new paint, new upholster ing, new top. thoroughly overhauled. B04 a. uroaqway. Auto. 310-16. WONDERFUL buy In 1920 Bulck: nrl vately owned; my only reason for selling Is I must have the money; this car is In penect condition. 73 N. Ninth. Broad way 32B. BARGAIN In 1418 Maxwell: Jusf had this car overnauiea; ail new gears, nve good tires: runs like a new car; will srMl very cheap. 1075 Glenn ave. North or call a.i-j oet. a a. m . ana 5 r. M. 1920 HUP touring. $1300. 1920 Hup s-pass. roadster, $1250. MANLEY AUTO CO.. 11th and Burnslde Sta 1920 FORD with extras, including lights. starter and spare tire, 1323 for quick sale; some terms. Call Wentworth. jaawy. 240. . 1920 FORD TOURING: starter, speed ometer and lots of extras: 1450. terms. BUIingsley Motor Co.. Hawthorne ave at Bin. bast 7. FORD touring car, thoroughly overhauled; Bopch magneto, storage batterv. mod rubber, lots of extras; at a sacrifice. 1910 r.aat unsan. CHEVROLET: new tires: looks and runs like new. will sacrifice for $283. East 7439. FORD SEDAN. 1920 model: extras of various kinds, wish to make quick sale. van wentwortn. j.ast 490. 1918 MODEL, new tires and in excellent condition. Will sacrifice for only $185 uown. pai. aj per mo. teast 7439. 1919 PAIGE, 5 cord tires and so cheap runs good; will trade for small car" Call Propst. Broadway 3606. 1918 1918 DODGE delivery car in perfect con dition. Will sell cheap or trade for touring car. East 7439. COUPE J-pass., first-class condition: lots of extras; a bargain for quick sale; cash or terma East 1977. 192. FORD coupe, run 1200 miles; $625; good terms; owner leaving city. Mar. ijl4 or Main 5174. Ask for Evans. FORD roadster. $150; terms. 132 i,"t.j, opposite postorrice. CHEVROLET New paint, fine rubber. wco. u. vuuuhiuu, i-tw; terma 131 &. 3'q. 10!S ,FSK2 bu5' dandy ""-Pe- $270." terms! 132 N. Broadway, opposite postoffice. SALE Good bun. $90. Call 2oUnion 1819 FOB SALE AfTO-MOBILES. USED AUTOMOBILES AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU. Great Western. 5-pass $ 100 Overland, 5-pass 200 Maxwell. 5-pass. 3O0 Overland. 7-pass 450 W'hlte 30, 5-pass 4 Briscoe. 5-paas 500 Mitchell roadster 450 Mitchell. 5-pass., thoroughly rebuilt 850 Oakland. 1920 model 850 Oldsmobile 8. thoroughly re built 1000 Liberty chummy roadster... '850 Packard twin-six ItiM Nash sedan, 7 -pass., thor oughly rebuilt 1950 1919 Bulck. 5-pass 1200 Many others at prices that will interest you. Come in and look them over. We give terms. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAYER COMPANY. Broadway and Everett. Phone Broadway 4673. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE.. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PI.SASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 4UJ AiU., btUJUniJ IbUUlt, FRANKLIN chummy roadster, like new, newly painted, fine tires, part new; excellent mechanical condition; $1250. Phone Tabor 4459. Auction Sale Used Cars Saturday 1 P. M. 15th & Washington. ATTENTION. out-of-town dealers! medium-priced high-grade 6-cyl. car can be handled in several territories through' out the state that are now open. Very liberal oroDosition to the right man Car has several units used only on cars of double the price. Write for our lib- eral proposition. C 930, Oregontan. DON'T READ THIS AD If you are not interested in a 1918 Studebaker 7-passenger car; new paint and all overhauled; some buy at $5.75 forced sale; some terms. Phone Bdwy 78; ask for Mr. Bnggs. Auction Sale - Used Cars Saturday 1 P. M. 15th & Washington. OAKLAND TOURING CAR, ONLY $630. 34B model. 1919. srnnri naint. tires leather, top and motor guaranteed; will allow fair terms or accent liberty bonds. Here is a good dollar-for-dollar value. See it and you will agree. 100 North Broadway. Broadway 4184. LATE model Cole 8, sport model, in finest or mechanical condition. Refinished looks Just like new. Car has 4 brand new cord tires. A bargain at less than half what It cost. Will, give easv terms ana take light car as part payment. Phone East 1962. LOOK. My 3920 Pan-American roadster at $1000 reduction: Continental Red Seal motor, 5 wire wheels, almost -new tires; factory guarantee: must be seen to be appreciated. Phone Broadway 7SS, ask lor Art H n ggs. ROSE CITY AUTO TOP CO. A L" TO TOPS, SEAT COVERS, CUSHIONS, UPHOLSTERING. 842 SANDY BOULEVARD, COR. EAST 27th ST. PHONE EAST 2933. SCRIPPS-BOOTH TOURING CAR. In good condition throughout, at a price that will beat anything you have ever priced. For a genuine bargain see this car at 100 North Broadway. Mr. rioinster. Broadway 4184. NEW CAR SACRIFICE. I am going to sell new light six 5- passenger of standard make for bank charges: make an offer: Phona Tabor 1669. BY OWNER Oakland 6. 5-pass.: juat overhauled. In perfect order: bumper. spotlight. Alemlte system; good tires; a bargain for cash. Mr. Levy, Nortonia hotel, bet. 7 and 8 P. M. FORD COUPE. Self starter; every accessory: in fin est condition; must be sold at once; terms. Phone Tabor 3727. FORD. 1918. $245 Extra good tires. Hass- Iers. theft signal, foot throttle, etc.; runs good, looks fine. See King, private owner. 404 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and' tturnsiae. VERY LATE 1920 Maxwell touring. Tires very good; perfect mechanical condi tion; car Is iake new. Will sacrifice and give terms to reliable party. Mr. Clark, Broadway 2399. WE CARRY a full line of auto accesaoriaa tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc. Also ao towing, open day and night. LONG & SILVA. Phone East 6S40. 462 Hawthorne. 1920 LATE model Dodge touring car In gooa mecnanicai conaition. las orlg Inal finish. Looks just like new. t bargain. $S00 on easy terms. Phone East 1902. BUICK SEDAN". Refinished and In excellent condition only ei.ou. A. C. STEVENS, Bdwy. 1614. 329 Washington st. A LIGHT six tourinc that I will guar antee to be as good a bargain as can be 'had in the city. Everything motor, tires, ana etc.. in Tlrst-claes condition. J ones. Broadway 7aa. I WANT to exchange a new 5-pass. touring car, costing $1795, for equity In small bungalow; would go about $4000 -or 4JUU. J uregonlan. 1920 CHEVROLET, looks and runs like new; siou aown, balance on easy terms. This is a snap at the price offered. Call Ttozeii. rtroaqway arcon. UNRESERVED auction sale of autamo biles. Sat. Sept. 10, 1 P. M. Jake's Used Car Exchange, between Broadway and qui. praauwaT ,))d. 1920 FORD SEDAN. Newly painted, dem. rims, spare tire, speedometer, $575; terms. Billingsley aj.ui.or ui., nawtnorne ave. at otn. iast 7 1919 MAXWELL. 5 -good tires, new naint perfect condition; $100 down will drive tnis car nome. juasy terms on balance. -an pozeii. uroaaway. .itjOB. DON'T FAIL to see thia car; 1920 Chev roiei. run nuuu miles; Just like new; 354 ")i", KiLtaj lernu, wain. 1919 MAXWELL car cheap for cash; must be sold this week: owner leaving for rvurope van je jackson st. evenings. Automobiles Wanted. CARS WANTED. AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. If you want your car sold and want quick action, see us Immediately. JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. 325 GUsan St., bet. Broadway and 6th. Broadway 5593. WE NEVER CLOSE. WILL TRADE for a car, no Junk; Lutke glass show case. Creator's pop corn ma chine, peanut heater. 14 ft. varnished confectionery ' counter with 6 metal swivel stools, hardwood tables and i-nairs. l uotf. oregonlan. WE WRECK THEM Highest cash price paid for old cars, condition nu object. AUTO RECONSTRI'CIION CO.. Third and Gllain. WE PAY cash for late model light cara -n-u naicuvius, tiruiii ave. ana Jlh x ay lor. WANTED 1920 or '21 Ford coupe In flrst- cuM c-uiiumon anu priceq ngnt. 704 -vortn St.. -ewperg. Red 68. CARS WANTED to wreck: parts for all cars for less S. A S. Auto Wrecking Co., mm ana Aner. proaawAy Q3U. want Ford touring; have 2 lots it Klamath Falls, and some cash. 9705 46th ave.. l.ents. or. Box 124. WANTED Good light touring car; will iy uiuucr uittiuunu ring as llrst pay- mem. marMiau mil. SPOT CASH for your Ford, Chevrolet, Doage. buick or other light cara 193 E. 6th st-. corner Taylor. MAXWELL, inclosed car, repainted una reuvuu.sierea; iraae tor Ford or sell, crasi tool. CARS bought for wrecking, parts sold for an cars, uregon Auto Wrecking Co., 428 Belmont, near 6th. . East 4569. LATE model Chevrolet or Bulck: must b in gooa oraer ana cneap. Phone Broad- way 3656 or call 830 Burnslde. CASH for all makes of cars; condition no opjecL 414 o,isan. cor, loth Bdwy 293. CASH for late model Buick er Dodge; no FOR WANT Premier car to hire for Sunday. vji.c ywwue iiumucr. r via, oregonlan. SPOT cash for late model roadster. 900, uregonian. - Motorcycles. LIGHT touring car; will trade for late jaariey. ivaat oJUi. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. Motorcycles. $300, EASY ter.ns. buys 1919 Henderson motorcycle with side car and tandem; extra tires and tube. This car ia in perfect shape. Call East 490, MOTORCYCLES and parts, all maksa EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand ave. ' 1920 HARLEY motorcycle and sidecar. Will aell cheap or trade for good light car. East 7439. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND B.lCYCLEi TRY U3. 04-206 8D ST. MAIN 6139. 1917 HARLEY, good condition. $85. L. Mann, 282 N. 36th St. Auto Tires and Accessories. WHY SHOULD you run all over town get your tires adjusted when the 11th st. tire shop adjuststs all makes of tires? Open from 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. Near Washington st FOUR brand-new 35x5 Goodyear cor tires; special price. See Anderson, 37 North Broadway. NEW GOODRICH Sllverton cord tire an tube, soxa; never uncrated; will sell for SOU. BU illlCKltat St. Auto. 327-50. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE New ft and 7-passenger cara .Buicks and wescotts: reasonaoie rates, CITY GARAGES. 132 12th St., bet. Washington and Alder. Bdwy. 4U. AUTOS FOR HIRE with or without drlv- era Day or nignt service. . COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3698. Remember our number. Broadway 3096. JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. New cara for rent without drivers: reasonable rates; open day and night. 825 GUsan st., between Broadway and 61 h st. nqwy, 0593. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN, FASHION GARAGE MAR. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236 FOR HIRE 5 or 7-pasa cara by bour or day; good careful driver; very reasonable; day or night. East 7762. H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAILOK. MAIN J 487. 1920 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE. WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 8547. FORD, competent driver, go anywhere and get back, labor 1U2. FOB SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS, NEW I NEW! NEW! AT A BIG DISCOUNT. NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS. NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS. NEW STANDARD TRUCKS. NEW STANDARD TRUCKS. These trucks are new and must be sold; they are equipped either with solid or puenmatic tires; we give easy terms. USED TRUCKS. GMC trucks, late models, 1-ton with pneumatic tires, completely overhauled. While they last, $850. 1918 Denby, 2-ton. 3918 Gerslx, 2-ton. 1918 Ford, 1-ton. 1920 Chevrolet, 1-ton. 1920 Maxwell. 1-ton. 1918 Ford, open delivery. 1918 Ford, panel delivery. Easy terms on any truck In the house. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, Grand Ave. at East Taylor. TRUCKS! TRUCKS! We offer for your Inspection the most complete stock of rebuilt trucks in the northwest. All com pletely overhauled and put In first-class condition. If you are in need of a true1! of any capacity It wlli pay you to look at our line. The following are typical of our stock: 94 Republic, complete with pneu matic tires and body, special price this week only $500, easy terms. 1-ton Gary, with express body $750 Hi -ton Federal chassis 1000 IK -ton Republic, with body and electric lights 1125 WE HAVE OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. LONG, EASY TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. GRANN1NG as TREECE. 642 Alder St., Cor. 17th. Broadway 1723. Broadway '1723. NOTICE! TRUCK BUYERS! Buy your used trucks of us. You are merely making your first deposit on a new Mack. We wilt, at any time, tako your second-hand truck. In and allow you about what you paid, less deore elation on tires and repairs. This is to prove that we have confidence is what we sell. Investigate our liberal sales policy before you buy. Why pay more elsewhere and get iess7 Turn tha around and buy from a good reliable concern. MACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. . 10th and Davis. Bdwy. 690. NOTICE I TRUCK BUYERS! Buy your used trucks of us. ' You are merely making your first deposit on a new Mack, we win, at any time, take your second-hand truck in and allof you about what you paid, less depre elation on tires and repairs. This is to prove that we have confidence in what we sell. Investigate our liberal sales policy oezore you buy. Why pay more elsewhere and get less? Turn right aroutra and buy from a reliable concern. Mack International Motor Truck corpo ration, 10th and Davis. Bdwy. 690. A REAL cut bargain 2-toc Selvin truck Timken. worm drive. This truck is com plete except motor and trtnsmlsslon. If you nave a motor and transmission from & touring car or chain drive truck, you can Install ft In this chassis and have a moaern trirck worth XIS'IO to I20O0. Price of Selvin chassis at $275. Went- wortn & trwin. Main 2S9e. TIME SAVER. Use Time Saver to fit your connecting rod and main bearings; do the work In one-fourth time that it takes to scrape in bearings; to introduce Time Saver we are offering our regular $1 Time for 50c. Wentworth & Irwin. 200 2d St., miier ntyiur. iiain WOOD HAULING CONTRACT. Want a man to cut and haul 150 dou ble cords of hard wood near Or?-on City; also a number Trf other wood jobs uum ivv corns up. SEE MR. WOOD. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. 60 North Broadway at Davis St, Phone Broadway 1(21. , BUS FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN. Will carry about 30. Has been In use about 2 months. Will sell at a great sacrifice and on terms to suit. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON COMPANY. . Broadway and Davis. Bdwy. J2L See Mr. Wood. FOR SALE FEDERAL. SVj-ton. only used one month: Will let responsible party pay out on original contract. WILLIAM L. HUOHSOS COMPANY, Broadway and Davis. Bdwy. 321. See Mr. Wood. A PRESENT. ' 1920 Stt-ton Republic truck, fine tirea You can have this for $2200. and a gift of a Studebaker touring car in first class condition. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691, evenings Marshall 8R5. G. M. C. WORM drive and overhauled: mis irucK aas worwea in tnis city ever "iii"-" new; very easy terms, price right. fnone Jensen. Bwdy, 691; evening FOR SALE FEDERAL SVi-ton, only used 1 month. Will let responsible party pay out on original contract. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON COMPANY. FEDERAL lii-TON. worm drive; body and cab extra; good tires: fine mechan ical condition; will take Ford In trade; terms. Phone Jensen, Bwdy 691; eve nings Marsh. 8S5. OVERLAND sedan, wire wheels, good rub- oer, runs ana iooks like new; will take Ford car as part payment. Call Propst. Broadway 8605. i. M. C. WORM drive, overhauled; this truck has worked in this city ever since new; very easy terms: price right. Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 691; .evenings. Mar. 885. FOR SALE Equity in 214-too Kleiber truck on continuous run; will sell rea sonable on account of sick boss. Colum bia 13S6. DELIVERY 1-ton capacity, used 4 mos.; bargain, or might consider Ford touring! 1920 -TON OLDS truck; stake body and iuf, cau new w casing and tube. Call ar. T37. Main 19 or Ma ONE-TON truck. 1920 model, will sell for a song, $400. Phone Jensen, Bdwy 691. evenings Marshall 835. -TON TRUCK, late model. $375. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. 691, evenings Mar. 885. GARAGES. FOR RENT Garage belonging to house, 1159 Mallory ave.. Piedmont. Woodlawn 5626 FOR RENT Good cement garage. $7 per month. 31 E. 22d st. North. SMALL private garage In Ladd'a Add, $5. SALE cheap A portable garage. Y oiu, oregonlan. PRIVATE garage, cement floor. 669 E. Alder, near 20th. East 7820. REDIMADE garage, 10x16. montns, tor sale; bargain. East 1977. I PORTABLE garage for sale, C,all Colum- I NIGHT SCHOOL beauty culture, iladam . s AUTO REPAIRING. WE DO auto repairing at your own g rage. Expert union mechanics. Auto Travelers' Aid Co., Main 1550. YOUR auto repairs at your home or mine work guaranteed. Phone 210-12. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $14.50 UP FOR MEN'S SUITS. WE HAVE FOR 8ALE SOME VERY FINE LADIES AND GENTS' SECOND HAND CLOTHING WHICH WE ARB OFFERING AT VERY LOW PRICES ' SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN REMODEL ING LADIES' AND GENTS' CLOTHING. CLEANING AND PRESSING A 6PE t UALTI. ADLER THE TAILOR. MAIN 3209 OR CALL 202 THIRD ST. $12.50 UP TO $2b FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. OVER COATS. MACKINAWS. SHOES. CALL MEYER THE TAILOR. HE PAYS MORE THAN ANYONE IN TH CITY. . WILL CALL DAY OR EVE NINO. CALL MARSHALL 1222 OR 253 MAlJISUfl. ISEiAH THIRD ST. $8.30 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN SUITS AND OVERCOATS. 8HOES, ETC BROADWAY 39S2. 245 H BURNSIDH. sainccn BCUD A.iu Tumo. CALL MB BEFORE ANYONE ELSE, CP TO $85. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS We pay any price for men's clothes. UKSGUH CLEANHJKS AMD TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. FURS! FURS! FURS! Low rent and low prices; remodeling ana repairing; rurs tanned ana dressed. . La France Fur Mfg. Co., 163 W. Park at. f none Mam 602rf. WANTED Ruud hot water heater, also Manning gas Durner. Alain 4495 or Auto, 627-46 or 625-82. Newmad, 128 1st, bet. Aider ana wssn. WOULD LIKE TO JOIN PARTY IN DUCK LAKE IF PRICE IS REASON ABLE. AR 971. OREGONIAN. . 100 POUNDS of red rose petals wanted llty cents a pound: state number of pounds Address box AV 533, Oregonlan. WANTED A 3-A Graflex camera for cash Leave full Information at 027 Board of trade blng. WANTED Small tubular boiler for hot water heating a house. L 929. Ore gonlan, WANTED Girl's bicycle. Empire Trans- ier 10. uroaaway joo. DENTAL work in exchange for type- writer. Main noio. SCHOOL books snd other Books bought ana sola at riyianq-a, zu tn st. WANTED To buy casn register. Stark St. DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. b. ueeda 840 Washington st. WANTED Dry air sectional cooler, about 6x10. Call East 441. WANTED Large Ice box and gas oven ror cateteria. ft. 134, oregonlan. WANT a portable garage reaaonable. I 141. DIAMOND wanted; nice medium size; casn. roam 4-124. Furniture Wanted. WE WANT YOUR USED HOUSEHOLD UUOUS AND WILL PAY TOP MARKET PRICES. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN HARDWARE. TOOLS OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS OR FURNITURE TO SELL t-K EACHANtiE. CALL. US FIRST MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 FRONT ST. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc.. to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than any other local deal ers. Call us up for one article or a house full, and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Main 7714. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchsng. CALL MAIN 738 when you want to sell your furniture or household goods. One piece or a whole house full. We are there with the cash. We can use most anything that you don't want. CALL MAIN T38. CALL MAIN 8878. . We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, Main 8878. LOOK HERE LOOK. We need all kinds of household roods and we also buy tools and used cloth- Ir.g. etc. Call Main 4058. 303 First st. Main 734 USED FURNITURE Main 734. EXCLUSIVE FURNITURE BUYERS. WE PAY ALL YOUR FURNITURE 13 WUttTri IP IUU UA1.L MAIN 734. IflS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sell your furniture to us. call Mar shall 2693. Crown Furniture Co. WE WILL BUY your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker j uo., auctioneers. Mam 83S2. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURS or any description; nave the ready casn. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First sL WILL trade dandy light car for daven port ana floor lamp. East 7439. WE ARE In need ot your furniture. If you are ready to sell, call Bdwy. 8695. EDUCATIONAL. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best Here It is. Standardized with schools In 60 otner cities. Best laboratories, best shop equipment and instructions. Actual shop practice given on real repair Jobs. Re sults absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school is while business is quiet, prepare now Tor big business openings In a few months. Inquire Ore gon Institute of Technology. Main street at Sixth. Ex-service men get STATE AID. LEARN AIRPLANE BUSINESS. The largest operating airplane com pany In the west, owning and operating six different types of planes, owning 20 planes, with every facility: expert widely known Instructors and complete shops, offers you the opportunity of learning at reduced cost. Write for Information or. better still, visit our field. Oregon-Washington & Idaho Airplane Co.. 214 Spal dlng bldg.. Portland. Broadway 33. LEARN AUTO BUSINESS. Ftll term now open. Day and Evening Classes. Information and catalogue upon request. HEMPHILL'S AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorne ave., cor. 20th. Portland. LEARN WINDOW DECORATING. The Portland Display Men's school opens its evening classes in window trim ming and card writing Monday. Septem ber 12 at 7:30 P. M Instruction bl prominent display men. For information apply at scnooi. CLIFFORD HOTEL BLDG.. East 6ih and Morrison. MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnslde. ADVERTISING. THE WORLD'S HIGHEST PAID PROFESSION. Enroll today. Pacific School of Advertising, 606-11 Railway Exchange Bldg. BEHNKE-WALKER. West's largest business college. Enroll any time; aay or nignt scnooi. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fourth, near Morrison. Phone Main 590. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed: pay while learning; tuition redtfeed this term. 233 Madison. EARN board, room and $10 a month while attending school. catalog rree. Mao kay Business college. 906 S. Main St., l.os Angeies. COMMERCIAL ART. Enroll now in class forming. Pacific School of Advertising, 606-11 Railway Exchange Bldg. TEACHER of light popular piano playing wishes adult students desiring to play for pleasure or as an accomplishment. N 973, Oregonlan. MODERN barber college teaches trade In 8 wks.. tools furnished, some pay; position secured: special rate this month. Write or call for particulars. 234 First st. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. fTank iv. weiies. ex-asst. state supt.. Mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. Auto. 512-18. MISS MATTINGLYS PRIVATE SCHOOL, shorthand, typewriting. 269 14th, neai' Jefferson. Day, evening. Main 3S93. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange ouiK. iMKm classes. . POSITION FOR EACH GRADUATE. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, ALISKY BLDG., 3D AND MOR. LIP-READING tor adult deaf; private les sons, practice classes. Eleanor L. La France 7117 54th avenue Southeast. IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanizing business call 358 East Broadwa y . YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Bdw y. bldg. LEARN vulcanizing business. We teach the best method known. 433 Stark at. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. wain looo. a cmuing position, tree reg. LEARN good trade evenings. Beautv cul- ture. Mioam uurtis, Marshall 1702. KINDERGARTEN. 256 Knott St., $5 ma Kee. phone woodlawn 4426. used two I PIANO lessons at home or In studio. Ant 636 - 53. burus, saskrauau A I u, EDUCATIONAL. WHY BE OUT oV A JOB OR WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION T Call at Union ave. and Wasco st. any day except Saturday, at 11 A. M . or write for free catalogue No. 5. It will not cost you anything to find out how we have helped over 300 graduates to good posi tions. We can help you, too. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATOR SCHOOL. Special In ducements to ex-service men. Reduced rates June 1 to Sept. 1, REGISTER this week for the fall classes In office appliance; thorough and effi cient instructions on the calculator, post er, Edlphone and multlgraph. Short, practical course, and assistance Id secur ing a position when qualified. Callan Office Appliance School. 405 Artisans bldg., Bdwy. and Oak. HELP WANTED HALE. YOUNG MAN!!! Take this tip. The one best place in this city to assist iuu In flndinr R nnsitinn la the Y. M. C A. Employment Department. You can get reliable information and tney win mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you would never find through your own efforts alonn. All young men, and especially stran gers, are cordially Invited to talk with one of the secretaries. Room 307, Y. M. C. A. SEE ME TODAY! Get busy for yourself taking; orders for the latest automobile accessory, the ALLEN AUTO WASHER. Everyone can wash their own car now; no getting wet- Agents coining money. Sell two to six after supper; price $4.50; your profit. $1.50. Every car owner a pros pect. ALLEN SALES AGENCY. 418 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. OLD-LINE life Insurance company desires to communicate with men who are amoi tlous snd willing to work hard for real success. We have bank connections throughout the state and will cash promptly all good notes. Our supervisor will work with you for a few days until you can stand alone. Call in the fore noons or write M. C Tipton. 1204 Wilcox bldg. DO YOU want work In well established biw-cij nouse, aireci to con sumer which is doing a normal volume of business now? We can use a rood salesman who has a car and is wiini to work in country; must be a hig class salesman with clean record. Ou lying business experience; give phone num oer. p. o. Box 2090. SALES MANAGER WANTED BY AUTO MOBILE CONCERN THAT HAS BEE IN BUSINESS FOR SEVERAL YEA IN CITY OF PORTLAND HANDLIN THE MOST POPULAR LIGHT CAR O THE MARKET: MUST HAVE HA EXPERIENCE. ANSWERS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. S 990, OREGQN1A OR 2 MORE parties with or withou service and iisuo to Join parties to op up gold and silver property within miles of smelter; prefer good miner money refunded from smelter returns u short time; parties retain interest. Ad dress or pnone 738L, Alcuiuivray, van couver, wasn. WANTED, EX-SERVICE MEN. Join us on Cordova bay. good llvln mild climate, up-io-date machinery splendid hunting. $150 per month a all exDensea for three years, and a ca bonus when the time Is up; $1000 ge you In. 031 Railway Kxch. :ag. WANTED NEAT - APPEARING BOY WITH WHEEL TO RUN ERRANDS AND WORK AROUND OFFIC STEADY POSITION, GOOD CHANCE OK ADVANCEMENT: BOYS liUINU TO 8CHOOL NEED NOT APPLY. AP PLY 712 ELECTRIC BUILDING. COMPETENT logging foreman to tak charge of Columbia river operation, one who can deliver maximum amount of logs at minimum cost; must be expe rienced and able to furnish best of ref erences. O 985. Oregonlan. SALESMEN To sell an automobile acces sory of merit on commission. Must be first-class salesman capable of sellln nigh-class car -owners. - To such a ma the remuneration Is large. B 1184, Ore gonlan. WANTED A good live wire timekeeper, must be rapid and accurate at figures and not afraid of hard work: answer 1 own handwriting, stating where last em ployed, phone, age and salary wanted Alt 429, oregonlan BRIGHT, energetic young man who ha had experience in stgn writing and win dow trimming; splendid opportunity for one witn bright ideas ana aDiiity; state experience and salary expected; per- manent position. Y S7. oregoninn. WE HAVE an opening on our sales force for a demonstrator of our silk hosiery line, bouse to house; good pay and per manent business. Apply 214 tock .x change blcg., mornings, g to 11. . YOUNG man. between 18 and 20, of goo family and habits, for junior position in bank; good writer preferred. Address, giving age, references, experience, etc. E- 85. Oregonlan. ACCOUNTANT, understanding the flour inr mill business locally. $150-$2O0. Ex- pert lumber accountant for C. P. A. firm, $2o0-$250. Williams Personnel Service, 504 Spalding. FIRST-CLASS dry milker.' 13 cows. Tak full charge of milk house. One who can drive Ford preferred. Must be kind to animals. Give phone number and refer enres. A H82. oregonlan. WANTED Good live young Swede for city salesman and shipping clerk. wage $125 to start. One who will invest from $1000 to $2000. Growing business. AR 430. Oregonisn. ADVERTISING solicitors: Rand-McN'ally pocket auto and state maps, 25 'per cent. Orders $15 to $1350: suto bus time ta bles; trades papers Clyde Co., 210 Stock Exchange. CIVIL ENGINEERS, rodmen, chalnmen for survey work. Do not call unless you have had plenty experience and have good references rrom responsioie people. Call at 220 toucn st WHY REMAIN unemployed? If you are alert and willing to work, we win train vnn. Llheral commission, permanent. splendid future. Call 9 to 12 A. M., 036 Chamber of Commerce. SECTION GANG for rock quarry and crusher: two 2-ton irucas naunng cora wood; short haul: can make $15 to $20 per flay, call --v t oucn st. WANTED First-class fur finisher, fine work, also good nailer and sewing ma chine hand. Apply rrea rosier, i.ta. Victoria, B. C. ' YOUNG man with at least two years' cler ical experience, uenerai rauroaa omce. Salary $100 per month. Give full refer ences, a uaa, urexqnian. YOUNG man to answer telephone and do checking, permanent position with a chance to advance. $18 per week. V 974, Oregonlan. TWO EXPERIENCED apple sorters and one teamster, nooa mver. uct- A5 Phone W. 6754 after 5 P. M. WANTED 4 live canvassers: big commis sion paid dally. Apply to 5. 401 Mc- MAN WITH truck to haul 12 rords wood 11 miles out Cornell road. East 894. or Woodlawn 6O60. Whiteside. WANTED bid on carpenter labor finish work. Call today, eitt McKay bldg. Auto. 514-89 WANTED High-class specialty man who Is capable or selling store uxiures. a 9S0. oregonlan. STEADY, reliable young man, 18 to 23, for delivery ana collecting; give zuit par ticulars WANTED Meat cutter: must be well ex perienced to manage snop; give good c lty reference, v ijubi om st. in. A-l AUTO mechanic; give references, ex perience, salary desired, it V12, Ore gonlan. DO YOU want a permanent position, lim ited by your own eiionsr 20 Artisans bidg.. 2 to e f. u. nougen. EXPERIENCED clothing man, also with some knowieago oi women s apparel, to manage a store, w b71, oregonlan. WANTED Foreman finisher with exne rience in furniture factory, uregon Ta me Co.. i.ewis ana xoring st. NIGHT driver for rent car; only abso lutely renaDie man or experience consid ered. see paq at tne jerkins. WANTED Cabinet and carpenter work in exenange tor aenustry. w uaa, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man to learn to operate mattress roii-eoge macnine; steaqy work, united M r g. ta.. 2otn ana nouaqa y. FIRST-CLASS auto radiator repair man. no otner neea apply; steaay worst, u. G, oeroer, 431 Davia, WANT 2 6HINGLERS and 2 CARPEN TERS. Apply 924 Northwestern Bank bldg, . WANTED 2 young men to call on homes. Room Alder n.otei. in to . WANTED Door mouldera M. & M. Wood working uo.. ow siuunoman street. MAGAZINE men call at 211 Stock Ex- change puiminsr. MESSENGER boy for printing office; ao- BARBER WANTED. PERCENTAGE, 247 COUCH ST, COATMAKER wanted; apply D. Bride & Co., Royal bldg. B. Mc- WANTED Teams to skid piling. Automatic 234-52, Phone WANTED 2 plasterers. Emerson. Wdln. 4674. Apply at 638 TINNER wanted, one who understands fur nace work. 328 .Union ave. TAILOR wanted,- first-class bushelman 276 Stark st. FIRST-CLASS experienced baker's helper Panama Restaurant. 309 Broadway. EXPERIENCED Janitor. 861 Morrison St. WANTED Bushelman. 497 Washington. Help Wanted Salesmen. ADVERTISING specialty, good side line. SAU Jiet uajr, pvwia, ,A.caaof e, ' HELP WANTED MALE. Help wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN wanted. The American Sign Writing Co. or I.oa Aniales. manufac turer of a specialty with an appeal to a'most all classes of stores, desire a rep resentative lor the states of Oregon and Washington. This Is a proposition for a man capable of handling other salesmen and with sufficient capital to finance nimeeit. investigate, ate Mr. Breuen, Palace hotel. SECURITY SALESMEN. Wanted two clean-cut men who i In the habit of strictly Investigating proposition before submitting same to their clients and who have the Interest of the Investor at heart: only men with clean records and producers need sp Ply. 724 Morgan bldg. ANY SALESMAN' or Any other man wltl average Intrllla-enre ronnled with a lit tie Deo and who wilt follow Instructions and work can make sales snd double his income In less tnan 2 months by joining this live s.iles or ganization. Are you that man? Call 32S Artisans bldg., 10-12. 2-4. A NEW firm, just started. The only one of Its kind In Portland, has an opening for 5 high-grade salesmen: exceptional propo sition; opportunity to make more than a living; permanent. Call between 9 and 12, Auto Aid CO.. 554 4th. SPECIALTY salesman to call on grocers, garages and hotels: local manufacturer: established line; good proposition for aggressive, wide-awake salesman; per manent; give full particulars. O 954, Oregonlan. REAL live salesman with ability to pro duce big results; high-grade product; good commission, big demand. Some outside territory open. 1029 Chamber of Commerce. OLD ESTABLISHED firm wants good so licitor to call on trade snd solicit fuel orders. Prefer man who has some knowl edge of wood and coal. - Western Fuel Co., 2S7 East Morrison. SALESMAN with car; to a real salesman, willing to work, we offer an opportunltj to make $300 per mo. S'-e sales man ager. 1.10 N. Broadway, opp. P. O. SALESMAN wanted, lively man, to call on wholesale jobbers only. Very good prop osition for right man. Call 393 E. Burn slde. YOUNG man of good appearance, with some selling experience, to learn auto mobile business; straight commission. Mr. Argo, Cook A Gill Co. SALESMANAGER and salesman for Port land and surrounding territory; big enough for the biggest. Address Sales manager. 411 Hyde bldg., Spokane. Wash. SALESMEN to call on garages and acces sory shops. New device. Hig aemana. No competition. Call H 331. Venable hotel, 228 Third street. TWO neat-nppearing. young men, house-to-house soliciting; no selling: experience not necessary; 8 to 9 A. M. 413 Morrison. SALESMAN can mnke $100 a week, goods in hand; never sold la state; can't beat It. 42 Raleigh bldgJ YOUNG man experienced In selling office sppliances, very attractive proposition. Phone Enst 4954 between 8 and 9 A. M. YOUNG man with sales ability to asslxt saiesraaa covering the Pacinc coaat. tie -Mr. ureaen. r-aiace hotel. WANTED EXPERIENCED STOCK SALESMAN. CALL 9 TO' 12. 030 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WANT a live wire specialty salesman. Give age, general qualifications and phono. K 974. Oreironlan. WANTED Advertising solicitor, one cap able of obtaining results. Inquire room B, Henry bldg., after 12 M. SALESMEN WANTED to call on grocery. general drug stores, city and country, 27 V Second street, room 12. WANTED AC.ENTS. LIVE WIRE AGENTS with autus can make big money by selling new tire ex tinguisher; sure seller to auto owners; exclusive territory. See Eric Eifstrom, 655 E. 68th st. N 1 blk. from Sandy blvd. Phone Tabor 6S38. AGENTS wanted, ladit-s and gentlemen. every city and town, to sell a household necessity, new invention, rapid seller, big profit, o vnt, oregonisn. AGENTS, salesmen, pitchmen, to sell serv ice tire paten. l,lve wires can muke Dig money at ma state ana county xslrs. J 974. Oregonlan. HEALTH, accident and hospital Insurance. Big commissions. frUl corDett bidg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of a thoroughly ex perienced saleswoman for candy dept.; best of relerences required. Apply su perlntendent's office, 9.15 to 30:30 A. M. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, with grain experience. Stenographer with li ability Insurance experience. Dictaphone operator. Business Men's Clesring House, IIM5 Wilcox bidg. WANTED A middle-aged lady to tare for 5-months-old baby and with cooking. A good home, small salary. 1251 E. Main st. Hawthorne car. WO.MAN living near Rose City Park to help with children and housework from 2 to a P. 51., $3 per week. Phone Tabor 89119. WANTED Maid to do general housework for a portion of each day; amall ram lly. Apt. 47, Trinity Place apta. Phone Marshall 1417. ANY GIRL In need of a friend apply to the salvation Army ncscue iiome. May- fair and Alexander streets. Fhons Mls 8150. DM car. I A-l CHORDS girls for Pendleton Round up. Preference given to those who worked for me before. Alnn McDonald. I Call hva Gregory. Nortonia hotel. APPLICATION'S will be rceived troni girls petween 15 ana ox years or, age tor em ployment in wood-working lactory at St. Johns. AL 916. Oregonlan. N EXPERIENCED girl for packing and wrapping candy; cnance to learn choco late dipping. Pay $1.30 day; state age u !. oregonisn. , WOMAN' or girl willing to do housework and help In store. Must like children; nut of town. Give experience. R 9t2, Oregon Ian. ILLINGS stenographer, wholesale gro cery; must be experienced; state partic ulars and phone number. E 869, Orcgo- nlanJ WANTED Girl to be apprentice In tailor shop. Apply Henry w, jacobsen, 324 Morrison s'reet. ANTED Experienced lady solicitor, all or part of time. Call 614 Flint sc. near Williams ave. ano rtussen. EXPERIENCED hand Ironer wanted; none other need apply. 6-vs Washington at. Main 4445. GIRLS who can run power machines to work on ladles' hsts. Cnll Main 3073 between 9 and 10:30 A. M. HE FLORENCE CHiTTENTON borne ll ready to help ny girl In distress. 953 East Ollsan. "MV car. East 316. VpUNG women wanting employment as leiepnone operators, can at room noi Telephone bldg., 1'ark and Oak streets ANTED By man cook, woman or couple as partners in country hotel. H 903, Oregonlan. LADY wanted 8 hours In the morning. $9 a week. Apply from 8 A. M. to 11 A. M. 451 Glisan st. RL wanted to work In paper box fac tory. Apply at F. O. Stettler Mfg. Co.. Soo Oregon st.. east end of steel bridge. N ACCREDITED music teacher wishes toloniL, for general housework, good home. excr-ange piano lessons for light work two ariomoons a week. .uto. o-tx-ll MIDDLE-AGED lady for h. k. for family of 2 adults. Apply after 10 A. M., 1077 Schuyler st WANTED Four lady solicitors: good proposition, call at suite 911 Chamber of commerce, a-4 i. an. TNG lady, experienced In physiclan'a office, hours 9 to 2; salary 130 per monm. t ni.l, wrrgonian. GIRL for plain cooking and housework: no launary: must like children; good wsges. Wdln. 3714. PRACTICAL nurse for Invelld. strong. competent womsn. small family, modern conveniences. Apply 334 Front. WANTED Camp waitress; Kerry line: $53 per month, room and board. Call No. 1 N. 2d. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at China Inn. 153 Broadway. WOMEN for cooking, general housework; good wages. 583 Johnson, cor. 3 8th. GIRL for general housework. 2U8 Floral ave. Tabor 7303. EXPERIENCED power machine operators Apply 244 Russell. COMPETENT young women for general housework, rnone East .ti22. EXPERIENCED hand washer. Yale Laun- dry Co.. ooo K. Morrison. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 28 N. Second. WAITRESS wanted at J. B. restaurant. aid rturnsiue. EXPERIENCED waitress wsnted. 6 North st. . GIRL wsnted for shade work. Columbia Awning ft snafle t o., ins 2d St. HIGH school girl to work for room and board ano go to scnooL rnona tast 7818. EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers. Vo- gan Candy Co., r.ast nth and Flanders. LADY wanted for bakery store. Call at 3S9 E. Burnslde. WANTED Experienced waitress. 114 N. aa st. WANTEp Experienced short-order cook. pp'y " hphii' s)" h. EXPERIENCED snd rapid blller for whole sale grocery, proaoway 004 f. WANTED Gin for waitress. Butte res- taurant. 2 lHj Bureslile st. EXPERIENCED young woman for res- lauranfc i'i) ursna eve., uoiaen cafe WAAibi' waitress wot camp, prefer one who can play a plane. Call No. 1 N. 2d. MILLINERY maker, good as! position. -s vt aaatngtoa street. HELP WANTED FEMALE. STENOGRAPHER, Insurance, experienced, $75-$100. Stenographer, experienced In hardware business, $100. stenographer, switchboard opsrator. $100. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE, 50t Spalding Bldg. EXPERIENCED operator on Lnlvertal button machine for overalls. Experienced operators on all sections of overalls. Apply Mt. IJoo1 Factory, 233 Courh Street, corner Sfcon-1 EXPERIENCED delicatessen clerk, tit per week: experienced waitress, out. furs paid; experienced hotM waitress. nl rooking and kitchen only, private home. $65; conking and dovsstalrs. $73: good plain cooking and housework, $3O-$60. SCOTT'S F.MPl.OYMPl.T BUREAU. 8211 Henry Hldg SALESWOMEN for extra workj possibili ties lor permanent positions. LESSON'S. 300 Morrison SL BRIGHT girl for slenngrspliy. billing and general office work; prefer one with some experience. Apply, stating age, experience, references, sslsry expected snd whether married or single. Jv 973, Oregonlan. LADY solicitors wanted, no experience necessary. If you have tha amnition and determination, we train. Liberal commission. Permanent work, good fu ture. Call 0 to 12 A. M. 636 Chamber of Commerce. WE HAVE an excellent opportunity for a young woman of refinement and educa tion to work Into a responsible position. Give full name, address and telephone number. O 166, Oregonlan. A REFINED and capable woman to as. slst with housekeeping for small ramlly; must be good, plain rook; pleasant home end generous wages to right parly. 629 E. 20th st. N. WANTED Housekeeper, prefernjily one without children; $30 per month to start. Phone 8F11 Raymond. Wash., or write A. P. Browning, Wlllap. Wash. WANTED Inexperienced, neat - appearing girls not under 18 yesrs of sgo: must be 5 feet 6 Inches or over in height, for position of ushers. Apply heed usher, lilvoll theater, 1 30 P. M. Thursday. anted Domestic. EXPERIENCED 111 HI, FOR GKNERALi HOUSEWORK. Good t-'ajes, no laundry, nice room snd prlvat bath. Fine home. $ In family; references required. 1093 E. Burnslde. Tnhor 7045. WASTED. Girl for genersl housework. flood room with bath; no furnace; 4 In fami ly no small children. Main 7037. 20 Shenandoah terrace. WASTED Clean, reliable girl lo asalut with light housework snd care or 2-year-old child. No cooking, no laundry. Young girl preferred. Wages $20. WUIn. 24S9. WANTED Experienced girl for second work snd waiting on table In private family: references required. Telephune Main 216S. WANTED Good girl lo assist with house work snd care of 2 rhlldren In small apartment; must be clean, quick and fond of children. Call Mar. 610. GIRL for general housework; no laundry; experience not necessary. 835 Glenn ave. N. Broadway car, Alameda Park. Tela rhone Wdln. 4311. WANTED Young girl to assist with light housework, good home, no wsahlng. no cooking: room, board and wages. Call Tnhor 5703 EXPERIENCED cook with references for general housework; family of 2 ariulla Call mornings, Bdwy. 4023. 672 Kearney, cor. 18th. WANTED West side tilth school girl to work for room and board and small wages. Main 8109. GIRL for general housework: no washing. Apply Mr. Levitt, Levitt's store 4lh slid Washington. GIRL OK WOMAN for general housework in country, 6-room modern bouse, good wages. Cull Aut. 310-26. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family, no washing; must have references. Call Ma rsnall 955. GIRL wanted for general housework: ex perience not necessary; good home and I i g h t work, l 3. regonian. EXPERIENCED girl to assist wllh chil dren and upstairs work; references re quired. Marshall 3065. EXI'ERIESCED girl for general house work snd plain cooking; wages no. b..o Northrup st. WANTED A girl for general housework Good plain cook. No wnshlng. Fhcne Enst 8243. 417 E 21th N. WANTED Franklin high school girl to work for room and board. Csll 1221 Gladstone ave. Sell. 2741 WANTED A thoroughly experienced girl for genersl housework; best wages. I'hone .MndaylsinJIKJS WANTED Girl for general housework; no Sunday dinner. Call Main 3174 between 9 A. M. snd l r. M. WANTED Experienced girl for second work. Main 13o3; references required; good wages. GIKL for general nouscrk; small family; 6-room bungalow. Wdln. 4071, after 11 A. M. vviT annd alrl for ceneral housework: .mail family: no washing, rhone Tabor 031. want Catholic girl for general house work. Csll 250.1 4Sth St., near Division. Phone Tabor 41.19 W. TED A thoroughly experienced girl for general housework; best wages. Main 1S'.' GIRL lor housework, small family, good wages and good noma. Apply rasnion Cloak A Suit Co.. cor. Wash, and 10th. GIRL or woman for general housework; three In family: good home and good ages. Phone Aulo. 3 18-67. WANTED Sept. 14. experienced girl for cooking and housework; good wages. Aut. 6I1-K2. woman wanted for light housekeeping, taking care of four-year-old boy while piirentsork; A pply 400 Dekum bldg. WANTED Experienced second maid, good salary, small family. 94 North 21st. Phone Broadway 6277. yoi'SG girl to assist with housework; no conking: no lajimy wasn; gooa auai. 603 E. 211 h st. N. VANTEI) Reliable young woman for cars of children; must have personal refsr ' e n ces. Phone Main 610. GIRL or woman to assist with housework. Call S13 hi. s:in si. o., nawtnorns sve. j:ar. Tabor 453. WANTED Experienced woman for gen eral housework, good wages Apply 684 East M adison. or cwl I K.ast 79:tO. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. East 6349. 650 Knott St. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking snd gen eral housework; wsgee $00. Mar. 419. GIKL wanted ror general nouaawork and cooking, 696 Everett st. COMPETENT cook wanted; telephone East 2019. WANTED A good reliable housekeeper; family of 3. Call at 8.13 Thompson at GOOD home, good wsges, in family; DO washing, no furnaco. 410 E. 11th N. good wsges. hone Wdln. I2IS. WANTED Experienced second maid. Ca4 Bros dwsy 2SQ2. WANTED Girl for general housswork, Call East e. WANTED A housekeeper, mlddle-agad w oman. Inquire 335 Ys mh 1 11. GIRL to asstat with housework aad chll dren. Wdln. 2360. WANTED A girl for gcnoral housework. Main 2302, GIKL to take cars of 2 children. Apply 830 Northrup. I'hone Main 1113. YOUNG Japanese woman to assist with housework. Csll Auto. 218-85. HELP WANTED MALE OR FF.M A I.E. HOP PICKERS attention, come now or come later, we can always tske cars of a few more, we furnish tents, strsw, pure water, constsntly fired community stovea, -pretty camp ground and 600 acres of fine old crop hops and little foliage, long sea son. Phons farm, 4002, Horst ranch. In dependence. Or. SALESLADIES and salesmen make excel lent commission taking orders for us. sn Oregon product; we deliver snd collect Call 9 A. M. to 5 P. M . second floor. Star Sand Co. bldg., corner of Laxrebee snd Delay, take Mississippi car WANTED 20 more hop pickers to lcevs town Thursday afternoon; Job just started: clean, new shacks snd all other accommodations, Apply 222 Plttock block. WANTED Man or woman stenographer for general office work and labelling cans, $00. Or. If preferred, half-aar office work only, $ 33. H 084. Ores on ia n. HOP PTCKERS wanted near Independence. Tents, wood and straw for beds rum Ished. Apply 811 Chamber of Commerce. HOP PICKERS Usual accommodations. Apply Bishop Bros.. 408 Flanders street. riione Hroa dway 8 103. W K NEED about 150 hop pickers, good yard, usual accommodations. 602 Mc- Kay building. GOOD plain conk for small hotel; family style, loiumnia imi. HOP PICKERS Front. wanted. Inquire 167 HELP WANTED WITH INVESTM E NT. MANUFACTURER of suto accessory wants live representative with $:too for Oregon, Washington, Idaho. Mr. Piper. P. O. bog 559, Portland, Oregon. Bloody I LADY wants another as partner in small Business, 1 see, vrsoiaa.