24, THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1921 FOR BEST RESULTS IN DEVELOPING. PRINTING AND ENLARGING BRING US YOUR OVER-LABOR DAY FILMS MAIN FLOOR For School Sports Corsets and Girdles We have all styles and sizes in corsets and corset waists. Ferris Waists Have Just enough boning to hold the straight tftrlish figure. l.a0 to 13.50. Treo Girdles of all or part elastic frlve free dom and support. $2.50 to '". Corsets American Girl and La F'llette corsets are for more matured girls. 12.60 to J6.50. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Special Wash Frocks $5.95 A very attractive assortment of gingham frocks in plaids, checks and plain shades. Smartly trimmed with wool embroidery, organdy collars and cuffs, sashes or tailored belts. Sizes for misses of 12 to 20 years, also a few in women's sizes 34 to 40 bust. Unusually good values at $5.95 while any remain. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) For School! Boys' Ail-Wool 2-Knicker Suits The Culmination of Our Best Planning Will Be Supremely Evident Today Sizes for Boys 6 to 17 $11.45 Excellent Values at This Price Thrifty parents will bring their boys in today and buy them these new all-wool two knicker suits at $11.45 for school and all-winter wear. Shown in the latest patterns. Belted styles with full-lined knickers. -Sizes 6 to 17 years. Knickers $2.15 Famous Crompton all-weather corduroy knickers that will give wonderful service. Sizes 6 to 16 years. Limited number. Night Shirts $1.29 Boys' flannelette night shirts for winter warmth. Good patterns. Neatly trimmed. Sizes 8 to 18 years. Sweaters $6.35 Boys' all-wool sweaters in ruff -neck style. Many desirable combinations. Sizes 12 to 18 years. Were $7.50. New Hats $1.95 New cloth hats with stitched crowns and brims and snap tops. All the popular col ors. Sizes 612 to 7YS. Were $2.50. Just Received! 100 New Sample Coats for, Girls Official Portland Grammar School Text Books for All Grades We have in a new complete school section in special quarters on the Fifth Floor, Sixth-Street side, official Portland gram mar school textbooks for all grades as well as all other school supplies such as pads, note books, pens, pencils, etc. Meier & Frank service par excellence and other accommodations com bined with the special facilities offered by this new section provide the finest advantages for everyone. 3 DAYS' SALE OF School Supplies 10c High School Pads, 70. 10c Text Books, 7. 10c Legal Cap Pads, 80. 50c Canvas Composition Books, 440. 15c Composition Books, 110. 10c Composition Books, 80. 5c Composition Books, 40. 10c Note Books, 80. 5c Note Books, 40. 15c Drawing Pads, 110. 10c Drawing Pads, 80. 10 Pencil Pads, 70. 10c Spelling Pads, 80. 6c Spelling Pads, 40. 15c Colored Scratch Pads, 110. 50c Eagle Chief Metal Pencils, at only 390. 40c Prangs Paints, 360. $1.50 Chicago Pencil Sharpeners, $1.29. 10c Crayolas, No. 8, 2 pkgs. 15c, each 80. 20c Crayolas, No. 16, pkg. 150. 10c Lead Pencils, 70. 5c Lead Pencils, 40. 3c Cedar Pencils, 3 for 50. 10c Erasers, 80. 5c Erasers, 40. 10c Rulers, 80. 5c Rulers, 40. 70c Loose Leaf Note Books, 570. 50c Loose Leaf Note Books, 390. $1.25 Ream Practice Paper, 890. 10c Pkg. Loose Leaf Paper, 80. r ALSO a complete line of school bags, slates, pencil boxes, fountain pens, gold and silver pencils and other articles. FREE With every $2 purchase of school supplies we will give one 15c metal clutch pencil free to each purchaser. Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. (Hail Orders Filled.) Mostly Sizes 6 to 12 Greatest Values In Years A remarkable special purchase of 100 girls' sample coats in fall 1921 styles accounts for this timely sale at $9.95. Mostly One or Two of a Kind Coats made of such fine materials as ve lour de laine, broadcloth, silvertone, velour, chinchilla and cheviot. Plain tailored and dressy coats with small and large convert ible collars, some of opossum and beaver- ette. Nearly all the coats are fully lined. The season's best plain colors and mix tures. Sizes 1 to 14 years with the pre dominating selection for 6 to 12-year girls. Some of the styles are pictured. "Sampeck" and "Jackie Coogan" Suits Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) jj .ESTABLISHED J857 The Quality store of Portland Other Things for Girls' School Wear include dresses, skirts, middies, sweaters, hats, undermuslins, etc. All at lowest prices. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) SUPER SALES Suits. 57 .50 Dresses- $29 Coats 39 .75 The Fashion Salons offer for the first time 100 new autumn suits at a wonderfully special price. The assort ment exhibits all the latest models. The suits are made of splendid quality moussyne and duvet de laine and made as befits garments of high lineage. They are fur ther distinguished by embroidery or fur trimming beaver, squirrel, mole, nutria, wolf, Australian opossum among the latter. Colors: Navy, Black, Brown An outstanding value at any time, lack of space precludes our doing these dresses justice, but wom en and misses lucky enough to share in this sale will make up by their encomiums for our shortcomings. Dresses of canton crepe, crepe - back satin and tricotine in mod els illustrating the newest style tendencies through uneven hems, side drapes, sashes and in innumerable ' other clever ways. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mailorders Filled.) It is faint praise to say that this is the season's most important coat sale, for these garments far surpass any yet offered at the price. Their purchase was consum mated in amazing fashion. Particularly handsome mod els of bolivia and velours with large fur collars of mole, nutria, raccoon, Australian opossum. Many handsome browns and blues. Although the assortment is extensive we counsel early selection. All Sizes: From 16 to 44, Inclusive Suits Sketched at$57J50 v Coats Sketched at $39.75 i i ...