16 TITE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1921 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Uounm. $2500 $500 cash; 0-room, garage, old. easily made new. $85001750 cash; bungalow; - fireplace. Snap. West aide. $2R00 New. Brooklyn car. $330 cash. $4000 Rose City. Snap. New. Modern. $4250 Fireplace, hardwood floors, break fast room; paved. $4500 60th st. Up-to-the-minute. $4750 6-r. Al turn., fireplace, sip. por. $3000 $375 cash; 5-r.. Sellwood car men. $2500 Neat 4-r., outbldgs.. 3 lots, fruit. Near 66th and Powell: $300 cash. 15000 West sidey 6th st. Near market. Dandy home. I700O Nob Hill. Modern, furn., fireplace, garage, full lot: block car. Terms. G. C. GOLDEXBERO. -Ibmgton Bid. "35 Years in Portland." . Main 4S03. Tabor 8104. WEST SIDE B17JGALOW. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, every built-in con venience, white enamel Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large view porch, large attractive living and dining rooms, sleeping porch, including all linoleums, electric range and water heater, etc, full concrete basement, Gasco furnace, located on paved street on 50x125 lot. commanding an excellent view, owner Is forced to sell and will give any rea sonable terma RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER-LOWE & CO., t 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. A REAL HOME. $4850 EASY TERMS. LOT 100x100. fiEVEM ROOMS, LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM. KITCHEN AND A LARGE BEDROOM DOWNSTAIRS. UP STAIRS, THREE FINE BEDROOMS AND LARGE BATH. LINEN CLOSETS. CLOAK CLOSETS AND LOTS OP BUILT-INS. THIS PROPERTY HAS FRUIT ENOUGH ON IT TO PAY THE TAXES. LARGE GARAGE. ALVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR, 204 BOARD OF TRADE. . BtrWT. 37. EVENINGS, E. 2091. MOUNT TABOR. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY. $4600 YOUR OWN TERMS. Nifty 6-room bungalow, hdw. floors. lirepiace. Durtet. cabinet kitcnen. aj newly finished; 2 large bedrooms; $1000 not water heating system: run base ment; excellent location. Priced for quick sale. MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors. S22-;t-i Failing Bid 7. Marshall 3993. ROSE CITY PARK. Perfectly modern, delightfully ar ranged 7 -room bungalow on E. 46th st. Juyt north of Sandy; fine plate glass windows, coved ceiling, excellent built in features, lovely finishings, furnace and fireplace. Priced at a bargain, n.HHi, siouu casn. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. GOOD INCOME. FURNISHED SNAP. 5-room cottage, close In, east side, now renting at $43 month; party will lease ior year: basement, gas Kantant lire place, lots of fruit, 50x100 lot. Over $1000 worth furniture. This is a real snap at $3000; only $000 cash. MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bidg. Mar. 8003. JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT. $3500. 7-room modern bungalow, large buf fet. Dutch kitchen, bedroom and bath first floor. 3 bedrooms above, cemen basement, laundry trays, 50x100 lot, east zront. t HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful new colonial bungalow, just completed, strictly modern, tine view, garage, lots of new built-in features, built by owner for a home. Sacrifice a $6500, about $1M)0 cash. Phone after noon. Main 5.20. .BUY FROM owner, save commission. Nea 6-room modern bungalow : sewer ant sidewalk, assessments paid; place for chickens, small fruit trees, berries, flow ers, near all churches, business houses ana dinerent schools. Price $2200. small payment down, balance monthly. 501 1 3iih ave. S. E., one block from Archer fiace. jiount Scott car. ROSE CITY. Four-room bungalow : a dandv Httl home in this desirable district; furnished in ivory, cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, hardwood floors. You can move into this for $700. balance on very easy terms. Alain 6102. 216 Rail way Exchange bldg. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN If we ever had one. Only $.,Sirt) for this e-room home in Hoiiaciay near lrvlnsr ton. Hdw. floors, fireplace, furnace, all built-in features and sewing room 50x100 lot with large garage. On Wasco, MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Ma rsh a 11 3IW3, ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $1000 DOWN $50 PER MO. This modern 6-room bungalow has all of the attractive features of a real home; built-in s, hardwood floors, coved ceilings; basement includes fruit room and briquet bin. Lot uOxlOO. Garage. ii.t'J K,. (I 1 PI HI, - . PENINSULA DISTRICT S3780. Owner leaving for California offers his o-room moaern Dungaiow tor sale. Has fireplace, full cement basement, lot uoxiul, with fine flowers, shrubbery, iruu ana larjre vegeiaDie garaen. JOHNSON-DOUSON CO.. .3 N. W, Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. THOROUGHLY modern 11-room house on choice corner lot. close in on the east side, which I am going to sacrifice for $6000. on easy terms. Must do business at once as I am leaving the city. Full particulars can be obtained by calling at fiatt oiag. ji -arK si. SIX ROOMS $2500. A real bargain. 50x150 lot. East side, walking distance. House is old and needs repairs but lot alone Is worth price asked. J.100 will handle. SIDNEY G. LATHROP, .411 Abington Bidg. WEST SIDE. ON SIXTH ST. Corner 50x100; 2 houses. 5 and rooms, suitable for small aDt: 2 garages. $6o00, $2500 cash, balance terms. Houses in good condition, income property. In quire 621 Cth st. Auto. 520-81. 7-ROOM COLONIAL. Will take good lot for equity. House ertrictiy modern, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, double garage, corner . lot 60x100. MARSH & MoCABE CO., Realtors, 322-3-4 Fairing- Bldg. Marshall 3003. A REAL BARGAIN. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Beautiful modern 0-room residence, like new. large garage, two lots, trees, shrubs, flowers, paved street; the price is rignt. ror saie Dy owner. Mar- snaii :mnh. MONTGOMERY DRIVE, VIEW PROPERTY. Eight rooms, modern in every detail. best of construction, a $10,000 home for only $7500; terms. See Johnson, with jntfnuaiB jana to., -3 toiarK ot. ROSE CITY. Six-room semi-bungalow: three bed rooms, narawood floors, fireplace, fur nace, ras range and water heater, full basement, corner lot on Sandv blvd.; immediate possession. Tabor 5347 $750 EQUITY R. C. Park 5-room bunga low, new; will take $500, baL like rent or light car. Aut. 320-11. Suburban Homes. .FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet, large Dutch kitchen; one acre In cultivation, 40 bear ing fruit trees, all kinds of berries, chicken house and garage, fine lawn and shrubbery; fenced in woven wire; close in, on all-night car service. A bargain at $5500. half cash. Wdln. 6106. 3 ACRES. Four-room bungalow. on Johnson creek; garden, fruit and berries. This Js an artistic little place with nature's own beauty. Come in and see photos. Price $3700. Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. W, Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. OSWEGO ACREAGE.. 1 to 5 acres, cleared, cultivated land near Oswego and close to paved high way, lake and river; fine land. The best of terms. RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. 6IX ACRES, all In cultivation. 3 acres fruit and berries; house, barn and out buildings; $1500 water system, on ma cadam street, near car, etc. Owner non resident. Price only $4SO0. Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 XAV. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. J500 CASH, 6-room modern bungalow type, 5 years old; garage costing $400; full lot, cement basement, near Jeff, high. Price $3600: must be sold this week. Main 7038. 314 Couch bldg. TWO ACRES for sale. $1700; house, barn, chicken houses, fruit, Courtney station, Oregon City electric, east to Oatfleld road, south one block, east on Pine harst road. Fellows. Milwaukie. route 1. MULTNOMAH. Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow, fruit, berries. 2 blocks from station; $500 down, balance terms. Main 4253 Mrs. Ryan. COME choice acre tracts, close to Port land and electric line. Get one. $20 down does iL McFariand. realtor, Fail Ing bide CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES, and acreage, well located, near carllne, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rial.y station, on Oregon City carllne. ONLY (2500. Ideal country home, 5-room bungalow, 2H acres best soil; barn, garage.. Tabor 930. DARLINGTON ACREAGE. $275 up. half acres: Bull Run water, 8 cent fare, no Interest. Ask for Un derdahl. 208 C. of C. A BARGAIN and on very easy terms:; 6-room modern house and 1 acre of good soil. Owner. Auto. 628-47. s)-R. COTTAGE, two fine lots; opposite school at Multnomah; mostly furnished; JloUO. terma. . Owner, iUia iilj. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. BEAVERTON T ACRES. Only one mile from corporate limits of Beaverton and school; good rock road ; over 50 fruit tree; large straw berry catch: logan. black and raspber ries; chicken yard and buildings; good xarm no use. - Here is an laeai suour ban acreage home and priced at only $o2oo. Terms. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. SUBURBAN HOMESITES, Desirable small tracts from 1 to 10 acres. Close to Mt, Hood electric line and hard-surface roads. All cleared. We will sell these for value. Will help finance buildings. Ckjt autos at your service. No obligation to how. W. M. UMDENSTOCK & CO. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1653. 10W ACRES. ORENCO. $4000. mile from Orenco, lies beautifully; no waste, no rock or gravel, two smalt I houses (one rents for $5) ; cow, barn, 20x 70 cnicken house, 7 acres in high state of cultivation, balance brush, very easy to Clear. A splendid bargain. Be sure to see it norore ouying. 3ii ACRES. BEAUTIFUL HOME, Just outside city on paved road, beau- tiiui 4-rm. oungaiow, outouiidings. iruit, berries, large garden, beautiful grove, living stream, B R. water; must be seen to ne appreciated, trice fT.iU. terms. V. B. KlfFEY, REALTOR. 610-11 Mc Kay bldg., 3d and Stark. Main 6229. CHEAP TO CLOSE ESTATE. THE HEITKEMPER PLACE. Beautiful country home of 7 acres, fine grounds, all kinds of nut and fruit trees; acre in grapes, ornamental shrubbery and hedges. Part beaver- dam. Has never-falling serine and ram. On hard-surface road and Oregon City car line at Courtney station. Might di vide. Inquire across the road at Lily fona nursery. FOR SALE Fine suburban home, 20 acres 1 miles east of city of Salem. Large e-room house, bath, toilet, barn 4ox46. fine orchard, 2 acres loganberries and strawoerries; wen renceu; excellent land; paved road ; half mile to school; other Improvements. $10,000; $4000 cash, bal ance time to suit. It wanted, will fit with team, cows, farm tools, on time or on shares. See R. R. Ryan, 240 River St.. Salem, Or. ACRE TRACTS. VERY REASONABLE EASY TERMS. Right at station 17 min. from business center Portland. Fine view property with city water, gas, elec. These tract are very desirable for home sites, com-I manning a view of the entire country. Mara suriace road all the way. RE- JHtMHtK, VEKY EASY TERMS. MARSH A McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3003. GREAT SACRIFICE. Choice suburban home with acreage; fruit, poultry, garden, etc.; fine Jersey cow included; 7-room house with all city conveniences; well located. Just outside city limits. Price now $5000; terms to suit; pnotos at oilice. Give us a call. We have others from $1600 up. A. K. mn. i-umpermens bldg. $5500. NIFTY SUBURBAN HOME. Modern buildings, 3 Mi acres of fine ncn 10am sou, nne train service and highway. Will seil on very easy terms or might consider modern bungalow in I town. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 62S Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. ACRE AND SPRING. Fine view acre in Lake View villa Oswego Lake, with snrines. fin soil. Rocked road, lights: only $5K). with $50 1 uun. iv per montn. uaii uuu concord I uinf.. and Stark. For hale -Acreage. CHEAP ACREAGE, IMPROVED, HARGROVE REALTY CO. 10 A., 7-ROOM HOUSE. $1250. Smooth land, mile railroad town, 30 miles Portland; 10 a., 4 cleared, bal ance pasture and some timber; 7-roora house, chicken houae 14x0 and 12x24. Price $1250, oome- terms. Discount for casn. 3 A." 2 BLOCKS STATION IfiOO 20 miles S. E. Portland, 2 blocks elec tric etation; 3 acres, all cleared, level I land, some fruit, shack 26x20, 2 blocks! eiectric station. Frlc $600. 1-3 A.. MODERN BUNGALOW, $300 DOWN. 2 blocks city car line. 100x123, choice berries, crapee, garden, 5-room bunga low, basement, gas furnace, porcelain bath, basenent, ouilt-in features; de cidedly a nice home. Price $2o0u. $300 sown, iu monthly. 2 A., 1 MILE OREGON CITY, FURNISHED. A neat little home ou good road, one mile Oregon City: 2 a., all cleared: 2500 strawberries, other variety berries, 3 room. house, chicken house, garage, store house, well with pump, 50 chickens. 3 pigs, small tool, household goods. Price e-uuu. auu aown, s.o per mo., ofe. 5 A.. CLATSKANIE. $1100. One mile Clatkanle. 5 a.. 4 cleared, new 2-room house, 2 poultry houses, cow barn, hay barn, root house, some iruic rrice $1100. $500 down. 6. 2 A.. ON PAVEMENT. flSOO. 3 miles east city limits, on pavement; city phone, lights and gas; 4-room house, small barn, garage. 3 walnut treei. Price $1600. ONE ACRE. ROSE CITY PARK. $1600. Six blocks from Rose City Park car; has city water; most all cleared ; some nice card en; one acre land. 2-room house. small outbuildings; price $10u0, $500 aown. 25 ACRES ALL CLEARED. $2600. South of Salem, lhk miles electric eta-I xion; 2o acres, an in nign state cuitiva-i tion; ilea perfectly; no rock, living stream; 5-room house, good-ized barn, I OuiouiiainKs; an xencea, woen wire, i price $2GO0. $500 down. 14 ACRES NEAR ELECTRIC STATION I FOR S1250. 10 miles beyond Gresham, right near electric station; 14 acres. 5 ciearea; z living streams; land Ilea good; small I snack; price 91200. iu a. a rows, chickens sifloo. Have to hurry to get this one; 14 acres 11 miles out, near station; cheap fare; best soil, all cult., neat 4-room house, nicely painted, porcn s siaes. run basement, concrete foundation, chicken house for 300 hens; small stable, fine woll nnrt mimn. bparinr nrcharrl and ber ries. 3 cows, 30 hens, large hdg, 2 ton hay; price only iuuu. HARGROVE REALTY CO., REALTORS. 122 X. 6th st. near Glisan. Bdwy. 43B1 BEAUTIFUL country home location; 9- room modern nouse; water system. a. all bearing fruit; fine place just out side city. A fine place to raise family i and avoid city tax-es, etc. Priced at ill OOO eood cash deal, or trade for rest. dence up to $5000 or more, if large enough for two famines. 2 acres with 6-room house and other buildings; alt in bearing fruit ot ail kinds. A dandy place for chickens and rabbits. Owner a widow: can't handle alone. A gift at $5000; $1000 cash, baL terms. BORLAND. PARSONS ft MOOKE, 303 Stock Exch. 3 DOWN and $15 per month will buy a beautiful country homesite on Clear Creek. 45 minutes' ride from city; beautiful trees, creek and good roads; 6 acres, price (inu. INTERSTATE lAVtslJllsJl' to.. Realtors. Bdwy. 475L 410 Henry Bldg. OR SALE 25 acres. 9 miles from court house! best of garden land, 4 acres strawberries, fruit, berries and grapes; house, barn and chicken houses. Inquire National Umbrella Mfg. Co.. 430 Alder st. 5 ACRES- A bargain for (1200. 3 acres in cultivation; 4-room house and barn. Good soil; IVi miles to electric car line. All lies level, bottom land. H. W. GARLAND, 201 3d. i'k ACRES PART CLEAR. Fronting on Barr road, 3 miles from city. Price (1250, (50 cash and (15 per month. If dettired we will assist you to build. Strong & Co.. 606 Cham, of Com. CHOICE ACREAGE 30 mile, down Co lumbia highway; any size tract; low prices, easy terms; can handle some trade. See Johnson . with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark St. WRITE for map of western w'asnlngton. showing location, low price and eaay terms offered to settlers. WBYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. 2k ACRES WOODED TRACT. T On Barr road. 3 miles from city Price $1000, (50 down and $15 per month. -irons ac co., quo i.nam. ot lorn. S.71 ACRES, on paved highway; four acres orchard. S. P. electric and auto service; corner. Telephone evenings Ta bor 4833, owner. ACRE SNAPT Five-room house, close in. 4 block, from Bell station; (2100; easy termsTE R. S.. 513 Couch .bldg. Main 5694 S ACRES for sale, close in. on pavement with fruit and berries. 2087 E. Madison st. Phone Tabor 361. THREE acres at Greenbury on O. E Ry Small payment down, long time on bal ance. AN 931. Oregonian. 2 ACRES. 5-room house, fruit, paved high way. F. B. Osmansj. xouia iia. jl Vaa fCOUVr, WadH. - REAL ESTATE. For SaleAcreage. CONSIDER LARGER FARM. Over 5 acres, 12 miles from center of Portland, west of Gresham, Oregon; one mill from electric station. V mile to school; good road; all under cultivation,! best or soil; one acre neartng orcnara; 2 acres strawberries, 4 acre raspberries. 4-room house, barn, garage, hicken house. Electric tights and gas can be had. Included with place plow, harrow, cultivator, wagon, hack, wood, hay, etc. Price $5500. Consider place of 20 acres farther out, of same value. A GOOD CHEAP PLACE. 10 acres, 16 miles west of Portland, near HUlsboro, mile from electric sta tion and school. Good black loam soil. 2 acres in potatoes, corn and beans; 2 acres very easy to plow. Place all level and seeded to clover and other grass. Wire fences; 5-room house, 2 chicken houses. Price $2250, $1550 cash; balance for 2 years. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. . . Gerlinger BIdg.. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. GOOD SIZED CREEK. $25 down and $7.50 monthly buys 2.47 acres, 6 miles from court house, 1 miles from end of Fulton car line, wonderful view, ideal for fruit, berries and chickens and ducks. Price $750 for the entire tract. We also have just a fw acra tracts left In this same vfcin. ity on the same terms. Fred W. Ger man Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE 7 acres, close in- Thos, Allen, I 6131 2d S. E- . Fruit Lajids for Sale or Rent. the PROP fiOES TO THE BUYER. Owners must sell 80-acre orchard nroDerty with good buildings and 33 acres in commercial apples. Klickitat county, Wash., near Lyle. Such an op portunity of getting a real revenue pro- aucing property uuei uncu u. investigate it. Price $20,000. Terma John Bain 507 Spalding Bldg., Port land. ' 17i -ACRES of ideal filbert land, ready to plant; aiso acres ot hub ucru 1 land, all tiled; near Hillsbqro; 1 heavy bearing walnut orchard; all near Pacific highway; also fine sheep ranch. Ad dress T. Wtthycombe. 432 12th st city. 5 ACRES walnuts and cherries. 13 years old, near Amity; worth siiiiuu. pen ior $1100 cash. AL 032. Oregonian. Hoinetiteadw, Relinquishments. HOMESTEADS FOR EX-SERVICE MEN or others: original entry or reunquisn- ments; will locate you on timber or farm lands, taking you out in my own car. E W. Helm, am rionrd or 1 rane. For Sale Farms. WRI.T, WORTH THE MONEY. IOR Afi-oa 4(1 miles from Portland. In Yamhill county. mile to school, 5 miles from good town, 2 miles from tntinn. 50 acres under cultivation, bal- an in naitnrA. Larce bearinz orchard. Lots of cherries. 100 prune trees 12 years old. 6-room house, large barn. tin rhlckpn house and otner DUliaines. Price less than SS5 per acre with 5 young milch cows, 3 horses, 2 brood sows, rhirkens. binder, mower, rane, aeeuer. plows, hack, disk plow, harness, spring tooth harrow, all crops, etc. Water is piped to house. Buildings In fine shape. Consider Portland house lor part. W a vt & rpi?A Cifi NEAR PORTLAND. an loroo a m pi from Bnerwoou. y ntiA ii .rhnnl 13 nerea under cultiva tion. 23 acres can be farmed, spring and creek, large bearing orchard, 5-room hnu0 w th water nioea in. oarn iua.'u. O tarro rhlckon houses With TOOTH for over 500 chickens. Included with place 1 horse, 1 cow, 3fi0 chickens, equipment and crop. Price for everything $4700, uaf a.h rif will nnnMder acreage near Portland with or without buna JOHN FERGUSON Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest farm dealer on Pacific coast, Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified liatis- nvT W A rYf n R K A T RVAP. Vaw Vflcif imnnrtor wants money aulck In his business and will sacrifice his fine 247-acre farm for nearly one-half its value. 100 acres in cultivation. Irrl- . nA a hmit 3D aoren more can be irrigated. Plenty of water ana gooa 1 water rights. About 100 acres good nr timber. 2.000.000 ft. by official cruise, i Family orchard, auiioings aiono WUI " I $10,000. uooa, weii-ouiu, aw-iuuiii newly paintea wnue, i piot.ci -walls tinted; cement basement, furnace, etc.; wide porches front and back; 1 large, new horse barn, large cow- and hum milk pnararor house and good separator installed with gasoline engine for running same, ana ouicr Farm machinery and tools included; phone: 2 miles to high school .etc. o terms. L. E. STEINMETZ. 406 Gerlinger ncumorance. rme om? bldg. Main emu or Tauor IF YOTJ WANT BARGAINS T?TT.AT THESE. AH rtetraa J.rilAITl hftllRfi. 11 RllleS f rOTTl Broadway bridge, finest of deep sandy loam soil, on county roads, 1 mile from Pacific highway which is paved. Price $6o00; terms. n nrrM river bottom land, 1 mile fmm Newbfrc: all in cultivation. Will sacrifice. Must be sold; terms. Aon.Bcr wheat land fin cultivation), n Wa ,1a Walla county. Wanhington. win an at erreAt sacrifice. Terms, in quire H. A. Calee, 68 Fifth at., Port land, Oregon. NICE COUNTRY HOME OF 4 ACRES NEAR THIS r J K ii. iii A lAtt J-.J..c A-i-f PAVED KOAU. j-wnstm hnnA cement basement, ga rage and poultry house, family orchard In full bearing, raspoernes, oiai-nuemwi, cfrohorrioa 'cnnKftherriea and loe;an- harrii nnd lntn of them: f ino family garden. 250 hens and pullets; all for i.. . r,Irl -f TAA a.dV, Kalonpa S VMrr onty fovvw. t'vu me. . STEW A KT Ot JUMASU-. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. f)-K FIN'E FARM. t fh Tualatin v.llev. 14 miles from Portland. 135 acres with 134 acres cultivation. 5 acres of splendid orchard, full set of buildings, pressure water system, all first-class river d o i i o m land, wonderful production. stocK ana implements included. i-rice ao.ou". S15 00O cash, terms on the balance. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, i32 Chamber, of Commerce bldg. 20 ACRES ALL IX CULTIVATION nvi.Y li MIIK Oi-'F rAVlill HUAV. Viva s-nnrt cowl 3 hoes. 24 chickens. wagons, plows and other tools; soma I crops: an ior oniy .tuuu, ,.,, balance 3100, long time at 6 interest. STEWART & JUH-NSU.N. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 14 acres, ft mile to station. acres cultivated, new o-room nouse. a capacity coops with lights, luu Ltinoru h,n. son chick Kreskr brooder house. In cubators, f 150 dairy cow. Auto repair .nop connected wltn it: prices, ior quica sale, ,10uu; leaving ior vuiu.sg, wu aioiqt. nuco. wr. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO., Realtors. SneciRlize in Clackamas county FARMS. ACREAGE. SUBURBAN HOMES. 32 years In Clackamas county. Expert agricultural advice free. GLADSTONE, OR. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. $2.,00 BUYS MY ir,0-a. western Lane coun ty, or., rancn; aoout .v a. creen ooiiuin, part cleared, rest easily cleared, balanct in brush; wagon road, telephone lint through place; close to school. Win give terms. See me at Hotel Glenwood, 2,'i N. th St.. Portland. Or. CASH or terms, 143 acres, orchard and alfalfa, an ideal place lor stock raising, dairying, fruit raising and gardening; wood and water in abundance; gravity flow ditches for irrigating. If interest ed write for particulars to Douthis New, Grandview. or. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160-ACRE farm. improved, buildings, berries, orchard. running water, school. 15 cultivated: might consider Portland home or acre age. For particulars write owner, A. L McGee. Cape Horn, wash. FARM PARTNER WANTED For general mixed farm, prunes, xilberts. walnuts. dairying, pure bred stock. Rolling hill land, six miles of good valley town. Must have $2000 or more. AV 484. Ore gonian. 32U-ACRE stock and grain farm to sell or trade for Portland property, (12 per . acre, place level and fine soil; this is a good buy for anyone wishing to go Into tne siock ousiness. r?ee uranam & Wells. 807-8 conch bldg. Mam 6023. 0-ACRE ranch, all cultivated, good hnllH. lngs. water, stocked and equipped: feed In nam; near pavea nignway and sta tion; consider Portland home. John Calnerwooq, ramnui. ur. 10 ACRES, Reedville, by school and church, improved, 4-room house, gas and water. S. P. electric and auto service. Paved highway. Telephone Ta bor 4833 evenings. Owner. 80-ACRE farm 4 miles north of Salem U mile off Pacific highway; good build ings; suitable for grain, berries or dairy Will sell all or part. Address 492 South' High St.. Salem. Or. Phone 1123W CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre; easy terma bes. soil, farms for sale, all sizes. McFariand. realtor. 208 Failing bldg. MR. BUYER Let me show you a well paying dairy and farming ranch, all stocked and equipped. See picture, c&il 686 E. 70th N. Tab"- 200. 3 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon; 6$ in cultivation, well fenced; a good buy, or will trade Owner. Tabor 6308. Btt ACRES near Willamina: level, cleared, fenced, good 4-room house, loganberry land: terms J R gnarp. 88 V 3d st 68 ACRES 20 in berries. Would consider some trade. Write C. A. Dieres. Hub bard. Or. IMPROVED farm, reasonable terms, or will trade for Portland home. Phonal IT.aBl RfiSa IHHra,, R3?l To., REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 60-ACRE BARGAIN. S MILES CITY LIMITS. Offer for few days absolute bargain tn close-In 60 acres, 45 in cultivation, balance timber and pasture, with living stream. 6-room house, good red barn, lota outbuildings, splendid orchard. 3 acres berries, team. 2 cows. 4 sows. boar. 60 chickens, mower, rake, wagon, 2 plows, harrow, drair. disc. cult, harness. hay. etc.; price only $S500. Remember It Is In one of the best farming sections near the city; good hard road an tne way and just 8 miles from city limits, right at stores, schools and churches., HARGROVE REALTY CO.. REALTORS. 122 X. 6th at. near Glisan. Bdwy. 4381. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE several clients waiting to buy a modern 5 or 6-room bungalow, from $31)00 to $6uo0. Telephone us and our agent will Inspect at once. See House Department. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 10U7 Yeon Bldg. WE HAVE a client with $3000 cash to buy a modern home up to $5000; must be In good district. See House Department. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WANT NEAT HOUSE AND 100x100 IN PENINSULA DISTRICT. Want at once for customer who can Eay down $1500, around 100x100, with earing fruit and neat house, not less than 4 room .Hargrove rteaity 10. , . North 6th st. Broadway 4..1. ! 5 OR 6-ROOM house, modern, in a good district: paved street, close 10 scnoo and car; around $3500; have as first payment 5 acres, partly improved, close to Beaverton on Red Electric line. AN 014. Oregonian 1 waivj. small nome to i-ouu; maae 1000 cash Da v ment. Main 4S03. WE BUY THEM WE SELL THEM. G. C. GOLDENBERG. REALTOR, "35 YEARS IN PORTLAND." 106& THIRD ST. WHO HAS A BUNGALOW FOR SALE ? Irvlngton district preferred, 7 to 12 rooms, around isODO. I offer my prac tically new automobile, worth $2800, as first payment, vv oodiawn 4434. WE HAVE deposited with us 500 cash for tne best vacant lot mat can be nougat for that amount of money. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WANTED From owner, a bargain in 6 to 8-room modern home with garage; convenient to Jefferaon or Washington high. Have buyer who will pay $iooo, ami substantial monthly payments. Main --i. krzz .ortn western jjann Diag. LOOK! LISTEN! LIST WITH US! Trades, Sales, Farms, Acreage, Houses, LtOla, Business, Apartments. QUICK SALES REALTY CO., 525 Railway Exchange. Main 2996. MUST HAVE AT ONCB Lots, single or in lots of ten or more in Rose City Park, Laurelnurst or rlawt borne. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. Main 675. 310 Railway Exch. Bldg. SOLD OUT of houses and cottages ranging irom 92WJ0 to S40UU. see. us and we .wiil sell your place. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., Main 675. 310 Railway Exch. Bldg. I WANT a lot about 30x100. close in to the business section. Give exact location and price in first letter. Y 971. Ore gonian. MUST have within the next two weeks 7 or 8-room modern house with at least 100x100 sround. Will nay as much aa $o.uu. .Main tioau. WANTED A lot in Irvineton or Rant Citv rars, ouxiuu, ciose to car, no corner, no high bank, face east or north; must be a bargain ror casn. y uregonian. WANT ALBERTA HOUSE Around five rooms. Aew. modern as nossible. and easy term a State distance to school. F 1 2, Oregonian. OUR CLIENT desires bungalow in good district on east side; must be priced right; $2000 cash, balance terms. Mar- snail 3-1'-. HOUSE WANTED About 5 rooms. Any where around 15th and Clinton- Call vUtt Morgan Bldg. WANT to trade for lot In Irvington dis- trict; wifin t0 deaI wlth owner oniy Telephone Main 255. Chas. McLean. WANTED To buy In Rose City, a corner lot, iacing east, witn ati improvements in ana paia. tan jiarpnau lou.i, apt. 20. SCRIPPS-BOOTH C roadster first payment on modern bungalow not over $4000. 728 Milwaukie. Car vnlun Sitnn WXNT nJce 5.room pIace ,n AIbina 2000 to $2800. No Junk wanted. A. K win 426 Lumbermcns bldg. WISHES vacant lots; give description and oest price, i nenry Didg. ; no com- missions cnareq, 6-ROOM modern house, garage. Laurel- hurst, Robe City preferred; $500 down, balance monthly. AN 834, Oregonian. WANT bungalow. Rose City, $4500 to $5000. i nis win db casn. so rocs; bottom is aaKed. BC 23, Oregonian. MODERN 6-r. house, near grade school ina car nne. u mn, uregonian. Farms Wan trd. WE ARE In touch with a party who has ,iuuu iirst mortgage ana a Tine lots with 100 feet of paving in and paid value t-'OOO. also fl'UOO in cash, wants a stocked and equipped farm to $10,0U0; prefer close to Hillsboro, Oregon City or Newberg. Must be close to high school STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Wanted to Kent Farms. FARMS WANTED. We are having many calls every day for farms to rent. As we spe - cialize In leasing farms and selling personal property we can get quick results. If your place is for leas, let us know at once. Clients wait ing. F. L. EDDY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE CO., 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bids. WANTED TO RENT, SMALL PLACES. nave several people wanting to ren acreage or small farms, close to Port- land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. W. make lots of sales this way. Will Buy equipment. If priced right. JOHN FEHGCsON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largeat Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANT to rent improved farm with stock and tools: will buy stock at fair price. v 94o, uregonian. FOB RENT FARMS. NICE PLACE FOR SALE. $6000. must have at least $4000 cash. or for rent, $40 per mo., all furnished 2V4 acres, all fenced. 3 blocks outside city limits, close to school, fine barn wltn lull Dasement, good house, large garden, plenty of vegetables, chicken house with 110 chickens, woodshed with 6 corda of wood, city water and electrlu light, near both ave. and 78th st. s. E.. Mount Scott line. Mrs. V. Bichon. or can t;anie. aui. oi -as. FOR RENT First-class location for dairv or larming, on macadam roaa, within 10 mues or roruana: gooa bulldlncs. 150 acres under cultivation, part seeded, lots oi pasture lana; renter must turmsh own stock ana implements. Terms cash. Ad dress owner, AV 4S3, Oregonian. U4U Aiitc-, gooa Dunaings, lou acre, un- aer plow, aoout loo acres pasture, bal ance in timDer; casn or snares. Grain must be planted this fall. B. T. Hnizda. 592 V4 4th St., Portland, Or. Phone Mar. snail aB- oeiore 8 A. M. or after 6 P. M, FOR SALE or rent: 9-acre chicken ranch adjoining city limits of Vancouver; has six-room nouse, chicken houses, barn. city water and lights. Call Main 8428 or at 18i west Park, Portland. FOR RENT Dairy ranch, will handle 12 to 14 cows. or particulars write owner, Ed. Fleming. Sclo, Or. OWNER 2o0 acres for rent the first of November, adjoining O. A. C, for shares or casn. oi uiisan. TIMBER ULNDS. ER nils FOR SALE Sawmills located In nine. fir. or spruce timber, also good tract, of lrgin timoer in uregon or Washington. See Wlnslow Co. 41 Lumbennens bldg TO F.XCHAXGE REAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE iSO-acre diversified farm; good buildings and fully equipped. Near The Dalles. Or. What have you? Call New Perkins hotel, room 326 8-ROOM house. Income (70; arrange for 2 xamuies; want improvea small farm, close in on good road, value up to $8000 JOHNSON, 483 Rodney Ave. WILL give you 1 'or 2 160 acres, partly Improved, in. Alberta, Canada, for your property In any good location. 133 4. 1st st.. room 1. Nelson, owner. SIX ACRES South of Gresham. 1 mile from station. Exchange for lot. auto or . house equity. A H. Akerson, 420 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5549. WILL exchange 1C0 acres, 9 million feet timber, near R. R. for few acres or Portland property. Main 7036. 314 Couch bldg. PAINTER will exchange material and services for piano, furniture or first class photo view outfit. Sell. 214. 640 ACRES No incumbrance: will trade to assume small am't. on good Portland property, uwnera oniy. .Main 3000. HAVE modern bungalow, will accept good car or acreage as part payment. Mar. 2140. 40 ACRES 4 miles from Grants Pass; un der ditch: for Portland lot; $700. Box 117. Jennings Lodge. Or. MUST BE SOLD :iH0 acrea bottom farm. half value- A ooo nun fef ir I r 1 umoer. Xeoaxd. ..9 Ciuam. ot Com. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. INCOME $240 PER MONTH. Can be Increased to $400 per month, but I am a widow and cannot do the work. So will sell or trade my 2 5-acre dairy ranch, mile from a prosperous town where I sell milk and farm prod uce at top market prices. The 25 acres are eauiooed with build lngs, farm implements, tools, milking : outrit. Dottles, separator, etc., etc There are 10 good cows, 2 heifers, 3 brood sows, one reg. O. I. C. male, chickens, team, wagon, harness ; every thing to go right ahead with the work. And there is not a better opening for man with a family In the state. Price Is $0000 for everything, and will take as part payment a no use in any good dis trict. $40(10. See my agent. MacINNES EXCHANGE DEPT. -RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Exchanges of Merit Only. TURN TOUR VACANT LOTS IX ON A HOME. $2000 New 4-room cottage, over acre of ground, 5 blocks Oak Grove station on Oregon City line; will take vacant lot as part payment. $2200 5-room house, plastered, bath and toilet, gas, electric lights, some fruit and berries; SOxluo lot; will take vacant lot as part payment. $2300 5-room plastered house, with 75x 100 lot; IS bearing assarted fruit trees; nas-Datn, toilet ana gas; will take vacant lot as part pay ment We also have many good houses which can be exchanged for autos as first pay ment. Drop in at our office ana see jar. btepnens. FRED W. GERMAN CO., REALTORS, 732 Cham, of Com. SPLENDID 25 ACRES 0 MILES OUT. TRADE FOR HOUSE. This is a splendid little farm home, all In hlrh slate cultivation: lies per fectly; bet of soil; good 5-room plas tered house, garage, barn, numerous out- ounaings. nne large bearing cnerry or chard, best snrine water piped to prem ises; splendid and very homelike p!ace. PERSONAL: Team, wagon, harness, mower, rake, implements, hay. 480 bir. oats; price (S000; take house to $.i000, bal. 4 years, 6; just 9 miles east from city limits; good hard roaa an tne way. hAnUlwV E KEALTI .U., REALTORS. 122 N. 6th St.. near Glisan. Bdwy. 4391. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acres located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and hln. 300 acres in cultivation. 2 houses, fair barn: price (40,000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. 63 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. WANTED. TO EXCHANGE. A ranch consisting of 100 acres near Bend; 35 acres cleared and balance In w-hite pine and lodge timber. For house and lot In Portland. Address all letters to w. Ht W., Ureenwoou avenue. Bend, Or. ' NEAT FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE Reception hail. bath. Close m, west side. Value $4000. Will take automobile, vacant lot up to $1000 as pk payment; balance mortgage, monthly payments. Owner, 609 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1963. SHUTTLER FLAT WHEAT FARM. 640 acres, fair improvements, two wells, about half In cultivation; owner must sell and price will make you buy this if you want a wheat farm. Will take some trade. See Johnson with In- terstate Land, o-. 248 Stark st. 2 HOUSES In Pueblo. Colo., value (C-OOO. to exen. lor Portland property or any business which is Daring: would assume: houses are paying good rent, in desira ble residence neighborhood. Write to Suit Eugene St., 1'ortlanu. WHAT HAVE YOU ? We exchange everything wheat land, stock farms, all states, city property. nig aemana. MARSH 4 McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 39:i3.- MODERN bungalow, five rooms: beauti- tui iuuxiou corner: lots of iruit ana berries, garden, chicken house; value I tuou; win exchange my tiiuo equity I for acre with house on paved road near city and assume. K 934, Oregonian. CLOSE IN ACRE. On acre with 5-room cottage, newly painted and papered: 4 blks. electric station; win take good car up to SS00. bal. $15 per mo. Value -'.",0U. E. K. s., ol3 couch Diag. .viain btiVi. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit: lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise, fc;. R. oia couch bldg. THREE-ROOM house (large rooms): beau tiful east front lot. irvington Park; large lawn, garden, berries; value (1450; wll. exchange equity (S00) for equity on 5 room modern bungalow. V 900, Orego nian. HAVE dandy 8-rm. house at 16th and Burnslue, value (7juu, clear, want to trade for better home around (10.500. Must be corner. Call Mr. MaxwelL Main 793 1. Tabor Boat. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For house of equal value, lour large lots, cnesapeake St.. Council Crest, unimproved, value $1600; deed and abstract furnished, sew- erage paia. rc v.rj, uregonian. SALE pr trade, 20 acres, 3 acres cleared ana lencea. do mues irom I'ortlana, near .North JBanit nignway. Ai, 948, Oregonian. TWO LOTS in Snokane. make first nav ment on sunnvsiae or l,aurelhurst nron- erty; must be bargain. o 9 id; Orego I nian. IMPROVED acreage Close In. $2."00 equity for modern o or o-room ounsaiow to $3000. Owner, 420 IV. Syracuse eU, fit. Johns. LIGHT auto, excellent condition tor clear i lot. Owner Tabor 8104. TO EXCHANGE MISCriXANEOrS. U'll.r. evehnn ira m v XHIIO nnuitv in h- pass. tourinff car for working Interest or partnersnip in smau d uam ess wua good future. Address. AV '262, Ore- Roman. I FOR SALE or trade, five acres iM miles northeast of Vancouver, Wash. Will ac- cept Dodge roadster or light car as part 1 payment, uau Automatic a-'i-in. FOR ANYTHING of value my equity In larve touring car; A-l condition; balance due $370. 214 Stock Exch. bldg. mornings or can Main 24io evenings. Mr. uanieis. WILL exchange automobile for phono graph; worth J 100. Main 6-44. Ask I for E. S. Heym. li RST-CLASS dental work for groceries! or anything I can use. AH W43. orego nian. 11)16 STUDEBAKER for trade for light! Ford, truck, call wain. no:;. TRADE player piano for light car. bor 274. BUICK 4 bug. value $100, trade for any-1 thing I can use. 209 E. 20 th St. N. FOR 8 ALE. Hot sew. Vehicles, livestock. SHIPMENT of horses from Goldendale, Wash. This stock is right out of the harvest field, ail in good condition, win I be sold at a very low figure as they 1 have been bought where they can be I sold right. Weight from 1300 to 1700 1 lbs. each; all thick made, biocky built I horses. G. K. Howitt, Columbia stables. Front and Columbia sts. IN FROM the country, mule team, age 2300 pounds. ream or norses, 3000; I mare, I4du; 4-year-om coit, raw, team. Z3UU; single norse. Must sen. two Jel- ferspn St.. near Zlst. FOR SALE 20 Holeteln. fresh and coming) xresn, mostly o ana i-gauon cows, W4th and E. Glisan sts., end of Montavilla depot carllne. FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bull, 4 1 vears oia : must cnange. rnone ie-3. A. K. Bluhm, Beaver Creek. Hoff, Or., I Kt. l. , WANT to buy, dairy of few cows with cus tomers and lease place auitable for I dairy, sen, ipbi. FRESH 4"A-gal. Jersey, rich and eaitv I milker, ml ik i o r, a. .ou insiev ave. senwooa car. FOR SALE Black Jersey, coming fresh. - 1 1 QUI ? Jt-trt a if. O Ci U O get oil ac P'm one uiock soutn. MILES r lnest team in the country; half brother and mater. Wen broke, 4 years oia. wooayara. 3-7 f ront. GOOD family cow. heifer 9 months old; 0 tons ox nay ana garaen. 1011 h.. 47th St. N. , FOR SALE Six norses; reasonable Diicea Hoiman true to.. Dam k. otn aoa Ivos streets. FOR SALE Several fresh family cows; prices from .iu to s.u. Tabor B004. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6366, FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes ana rami i-ioiman tuei co.. 84 oth st. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. fflunc jiuwauivir yj-a mr service. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. tail any or ihkui. ftuin, oi-d. WANTED To buy first-class galted saddle norse p. ej. cowman, ajain 3;o. Jauoa, Organs and Blusic:il Inst mnteuts. 200 CASH buys my lutie oak upright pi ano ; spienaia tone. Airs, iteese. Mar. 26M. MAHOGANY B ram bach baby grand piano. usea one year, uasn ouu. eome cash and terms. 550. Tabor esifi. PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 20c uo. parts wholesale ana retail. &48 Wash. Bdwy2U44. $125 BRUNSWICK, oak. nearly new; 26" shall 29S2. PIANOS Fischer and Emerson, your Room 208 Washington choice for $125. bldg, WANTED Good piano; must be bargain lor casn; no agents wooaiawn L'luu. FOR SALE Peaea baby sxtuxd Pioa. Mat FOR BALE. I Pianos. Organs and Musical Internments. DOWNSTAIRS SCHWAN PIANO CO. $675 Singer upright, mahogany. ...$295 $H50 Kimball upright, mahogany... 8H5 $!00 Steger, upright, oak 415 (750 Adam Bcbaaf player-piano.... 495 $900 Steinway & Sons upright S9J $475 Hallet A Davis Upright 195 $10 or $25 cash. $ to (12 monthly. 101 10th St., at Washington and Stark. CLOSING OUT; SECURITY STORAGE) CO. 4j0 hmerson upright piano sioa $750 Pianlsta player-piano 295 (275 Collard & Collard upright 5 Parlor organs $18 and $25 cash Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 10th St.. cor. Stark, USED PIANO DEPARTMENT. This Week's Offerings: Helnze, upright piano ..$105 Hallet Davis Diano 2H5 Kimball, large, mahogany 345 Arion, walnut vo Cash or $5, $6 to $10 monthly. PHONOGRAPH DEPARTMENT: 2 New Brunswick discontinued model 7, mahogany, each $ 90 2 New Strauivara Harmony, each.. 125 2 New Stradivara Chopin, each. 150 1 Used Victor, nearly new 140 1 New Sonora Melodle 60 Prices cash, but you can pay as little as $5 er (10 cash and $4, $5 or $8 a month if desired. 7th Floor. L1PMAN, WOLFE A CO. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. BRUNSWICK with 10 record. $120 VICTOR with 20 records .1 120 COLUMBIA with 15 record 100 PATHE with 10 record, , 80 COLUMBIA with 10 records 75 STRADIVARA with 10 records 70 VICTOR with' 15 records 60 VICTOR with 5 records 20 (5 or more cash. (4 or more monthly. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 loth st., cor. Stk. PLAYER-PIANO baruain. See at ono several snans in hiifh grade player pi' anos, including Chickering, Bungalow, Pianlsta, Hazelton, Llndeman, Howard, Pianola and others. Every one guaran teed latest atvles and In best of con' dition. Specially priced now at $383 ana up on terms to suit. REED-FRENCH PIANO UFO. CO.. 12th and Washington Sts. Bdwy. 750. AMERICA'S CHOICEST PIANOS. HARDMAN, fine shape $250 STEINWAY, apartment size 387 PACKARD, art walnut 439 MEHLIN. American burl walnut.... 487 Perfect interior. Faultless exterior. PHONOGRAPHS SLAUGHTERED. Players and Phonographs for rent. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill. Pianos Sold, Rented. Repaired. PIANO SALE Good used planus that have been put in first-class condition , at lowest prices in the city. Don't buy a piano that has not been thoroughly gone over by expert piano men. Every piano price at bottom figure on terms to suit your convenience. See what we have at $145, (1X7.50, (195, (235, etc. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 12th and Washington Sts. Bdwy. 750. DO YOU WANT a grand plano7 We have several new and used ones now on sale at the usual price of good uprights. They will not last at prices quoted. Come and see them at once. We will arrange terms that you can handle. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 12th and Washington Sts. Bdwy. 750. BUSH & LANE player, plain mahogany case; must be sold Uls week; make otier. SK1BERLTNG-LTJCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. A BRUNSWICK cabinet phonograph. (100: sonora caoinet, sio: one oia style table phonograph new, (185,- and many others ranging in price irom silo and up. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. FISHER piano, $175, a real bargain. See It; terms given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE, 128 FIRST ST. MAIN 4495; ' AUTO 627-46. I KIM BALL grand and a bargain; terms alven. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. HAINES, plain walnut case, $235; good conaiuon; a snap; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS.' A SNAP buy, Bradbury piano. (235. an other one in t J. u xiscner piano at $275, modern cases. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO 149 Sixth Street. KRA.NICH & BACH, walnut case; must be sola, bee it. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. DECKER at SON player. (275. with bench ana rows: a oig Dargain. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. KNABE piano, practically new, case re- finished, it you want something really good, call and see this one. Q. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. HARDMAN, plain mahogany case, at less than nan price, lerms given. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. YORK sliver cornel in gooa condition, ail ver Dialed with rold bell. i.VY U. H JUH.NSOH PIANO CO- 14a Sixth Street. MELODY C saxophone complete with case, SHU, terms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street BRAND new Victor Wonder Conn, corne nlgn o iow fpii.cn. silver, gold belt leather case. Make an offer. BD Utif Oregonian. FOR SALE OR RENT Piano, grafonol wim Ml "-ulu EMPIKM TRANSFER, 254 Broadway, . Utl STUDENT'S violin outfit, includes violin, case, bow, rosn sin and extra strings. 123, HNSON PIANO CO G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO- I4'J Mxtrt Ktreet- SQUARE piano wanted. Main 8556. Furniture for Sale. 9-PIECE dining room suites. 3 leather upholstered rockers. 1 tapestry overstuffed davenport. 1 library table. 1 drop-head sewing machine. 1 3-section Globe Wernicke book case. 1 Reliable gas range. 1 Ruud heater bath, practically new. 1 icebox. 1 lawn mower. SELLTNO OUT CHEAP. AUTOMATIC 216-60. 1206 . FINE. BED, SPRINGS AND MAT TREwSS SPECIAL. $18 SO 2-Inch post steel bed. Interlink De Luxe spring and a $16 u0 cotton felt mattress; the complete outfit for Io4.7o. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-100 First St. BAVR MONET. Trr trar sales department If vm want To ouy or eii oousenoia gooa s. lixiucea freight rates to most all point In ouf through pool cars. Expert -packing, re calling and reflnUibiog. Money loaned on goods la storage, jnreproof storage. Low Insurance rate. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO 63 th st., opp. Muitnoman. note. Phono Broadway 8716. J GO STEEL, range cook stove 10, gas piate 4J-, vuiLun gas neater 90, gas range $7.50, dining table $6.50, chairs 11 un. dresser !". kitchen treasure $5. bed ana springs sj.ou up, siaeooara -o, baby buggy $-'.50, rugs and carpets cheap. fc.ast twt. lid urana ave. FURNITURE for sale 1 43-In. pedestal dining table ana 4 oaic aining cnalrs; price very reaonaoie. zvo ma su apt. 4. Main 7337. FOR SALE White enamel chest of draw ers and wararooe; aiso single oea witn springs; Correction on neater. Main 'mis. FOR SALE Five rooms of furniture. In cluding piano, ior sate, cneap xor caah. 673 East Washington sL MUST sell today, New Process gas range, beds, dressers, rugs, ouier articles, rot I n te rstate ave. VERY fine 12-fu solid oak counter, sult- aOie IOr UI L J-3. UU1U1IV DUB f DiUJ. Main 00 ' i- SLIGHTLY used Vulcan gas range, $27.50; ttuua water nemer, utfu neaiing stove, $25. 226 East 40th. THOR electric washer, used 6 months. $U5: carvea tea a woou iauie, ou. Alain 5716. FOR SALE Furniture of 4-room aparl ment. A-i conomun, case ua. FOLDING bed for sale, very cheap. East 4-ROOM flat, furnished, $190 cash; close in. Main t,o. - nan st, nat u. DINING room extension table, $10.50. Tabor 132. 0K BED. Iron bed. full size, cheap. 135 Klllingfworth ave. Woodlawn 3706, 4 ROOMS high-grade furniture; aacrifice. Call apt. 24. Morton apt. PINING room furniture and oUur APUciea cheap. 1273 Eaat l&tb at. . FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If going aat or to California. We can ear. you money on your freight In our througl cars; rireproor atoiagc, c. sa. utses Transfer at Storage Co.. 7iS Pin, at. Office Furniture. FOR BALE A few oak desks, typewriter desks. Oak Globe Wernicke letter flies, all prae tically new, at attractive prices. In one or croup lots. All 785, Oregonian, JUST IN Six flat-top desks. S roll-top desks, 2 flat-top typewriter desks, i drop-head typewriter desks, 2 bookkeep ers' desks, 30 chairs, 4 drawers, letter lilts. BUSHONQ CO.. 91 Park St. SAVE MONEY ON OFFICE FURNITURE. Big purchase of used desks, files, chairs, typewriters, dictaphones, etc.; prices by far th. lowest in city. Wsx office equipment house, 24 N. 6th su. Broadway 2iS9. BEFORE purchasing new or seoond-hand desks, chairs, files or safes, visit our salesroom, and Inspect what w have to offer. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TH AT STARK. FOR SALE Globe-Wernicke steel ear. cabinet with filing drawers and docu ment tiles. AC 9.H. uregonisn. UODKkN desk. 3 chairs and other office furnishings; price right. 621 Oregon building. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE!. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEWT PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TiPE WRITER CO., 821 Washington St. Main 6681. FOR SALE L. C. Smith type writer, practically new. BO Bio, Oregonian. REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals. repairs, supplies. Distributors Corona portable Sundstrand. adding machine. Main 2285, K. W. 1'ease Cu, llu Sixth street. FOR SALE Brand-new Royal typewriter; excellent conaiuon. (lo. o .ust i-in. East 3US7. FOR RENT Underwood. Remington. (3.50 mo. li.mplre Iranaier. Broadway laj. REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell: supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 stark. M. 5549. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 stn st. Main sous. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rate. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark St. Main 140. Poultry. FOR SALE 175 fat Leghorn hens, 50c each If sold at once, lake i2d st. Bell station, Estacada car line. Inquire at store. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 800 N. 14tb SU near jettygrove. jrnone A oiv-jv. Dogs, Kabbita. Birds aud Pet Stock. FOR SALE Reg. Airedale brood bitch. 3 years old; sire ch. Burner Bingo, uam Alctvenna parK Bettle. nne oy int. cn. King Oorang; 14 ch. In four generations. A bargain at $25. Fred S. Beck, Prairie city, or. REGISTERED young English setters, now worKing on birds: prices reusunaoie. Foster, rear of 2021 Miller ave., Van couver, viasn. .Box 11. FOR SALE Full-bluoUea and pedigreed English female bulldog, lo months oia. Apply A. Plnkney, Cove Orchard, Or. FANCY pigeons, all kinds. Write or call tiunday before 1 o clock, Oswald lluele mann, l!s4 East S4th street. FOR SALE Young Panama parrot, start- Ing to talk. 6Uo Clinton St., bet. HAlh a-n d -'itn s t a. BOSTON TERRIER puppies, pedigreed; seal brlndle with even markings, 120 Killlngsworth ave. Wdln. llitiS. FOR SALE Irish spaniel puppy, rattatl call Mr. Hawes, Alain 302H. MOUNTAIN rollers .from Imported stock. cheap If taken st once, r.ast o.Mfl. WANTED A fox terrier about a year old. call .Main lliuo. Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment. FOR SALE Modern houseboat, furnished. u rooms, at Oregon lacht club moor age No. 24. See this at o-co. Pbon. Sell. 2S58. FOR RENT or sale, 5-room modern fur nished houseboat, piano, see caretaker, Oregon lacht club, or Main I7.,. MOTOR canoe, fuel equipment, good con dition. Must sell, (15. East 1UII0. FOR SALE 3-room houseboat, furnished. f oot Carolina, r ullon car Machinery. 24-IN. J-STEPTOE shaper. In first- class condition; aiao one 10-in. by 10 ft. Sydney lathe, fully equipped. Oregon Auto rlepair Co., ittth and GUsan. Bdwy. 14.i6. FOR SALE $300 outfit for making1 wooa toys; uana saw, motor, etc. coat $500. F. T. Curies, so KUIingBWorth ave.. city. RADIAL arm press, power hack saw, ft H. P. U. . motor; anvils. Call Bdwy. Coal and Wood. FIRST CLASS cora wood. $8. Dry oak and asn. a 11. .wen very nenton. Wood lawn. Piedmont. St. Johns. 6. R. How ell. Phone 6U6Y. Route 2. Vancouver, wain. $10.&0 FOR TWO LOADS $10.50. Block and slab mixed; first growth I cordwood. $8 per cord; 2d growth cord-I wood. $7.50 per cord: country slab, $ti I per cora. uin. DIRECT from the forest by truck, south! side delivery, gooa measure iSu. 1 oid- growth fir, $775 a cord. 3 or more cord. $7.50. Phone Main 1002. 420 Hall. I OLD-G KOWTH red fir. No. 1 4-footTla per cora 10 -in. sa per cord. Phone I Wdln. oaa. GROUND bog fuel and sawdust In car, loads or truck lots. Western Cooperags to., LOiumui a 150 CORDS 1st growth fir 16-Inch, split and ready for use. Price $ per cord de li ve re iLrnieiuiinii Fl RST-CLAsa corawooa and country block ana siao, uenverea irom car; spe- cial price. East 2041. OAK WOOD for quick Bale at $0 a cord. Delivered, In 2 -cord or larger lots. Main 6740. DRY COUNTRY slab. $7 per cord. Call AUtO. 3a!-ll. BIG LOAD of boxwood $5.50. Call Wood lawn 61)04. or 1133 Montana avenue. A-l CORDWOOD del. $8 a cord, on east side snd S. E. only. Aut.. 038-83. FIRST-GROWTH wood for sale, $7 50 the cord. 234 union ave. rnone aaat 077. GUARANTEED beat old-growth cordwood. $8 50 per cora; green siao. a. b. 4110. BEST first-growth fir cordwood, $& pr cord. Sellwood 314. FOR SALE 100 cords of aider and pine Al FIRST-GROWTH cordwood, $7.75 in I 'Z -cora lots, auio, o.j-on. BLOCK and slab mixed, stove lengths. $11 per aoume uiaa. onwy. 1 1 ju. Miweltaneous. FOR SALE Pears, prunes, pick them yourself, $1 and $1.50. Alenthnrne Springs Dairy, east a mues on tiacKamaa road. HOOVER vacuum cleaner, like new; leav ing town, less man nan: price. Auto matic 820-54 FIXTURES FOR LESS. Showcases, new and used scales, riding machine. 24rt Washington. SQUARE piano rounding corners, rose- wooa: a uans'"- oi "ai'non st. SHEET metak machine, tools and 5s-ln7 power or imuu ' " " - v-m u puwy 2314. FOR SALE PearVat $1 box bring boxes. w oouwm i. ., Jinwauki VACUUM cleaners for rent, 5c perdiT", STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill." Taylor-street dock. Main 8f. I SCREEN doors, w indows, mirrors, furnl- ture repairing, cabinet work. Wdln, 14S7 I FOR SALE Cash Mister, safe, adding acninc. near Aao ALL m.m'o "l lumuer uu ouiiuing ma terial for sale. Phone Main 6132. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. PacltlC itm oc awuihk y,p., .q. i M s. LADIES, save; smart used tpparel la a Home, rricca ww. uur a ELECTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms. $15. 20? AULT door, second-hand. 70 Sixth st,. near oaK. FANCY large Elbcrta peachea, $1.15 ate. Cj4 Diin ave. o. r. aui. BL'5-40. SAFE, fire-proof, combination lock. 701 Sixth street, near van. NEW SILK floss mattress; also child's bed and mattress, jiamim. i OR KENT Sewing machine, 2 mua $5. Empire Transfer, nnwy.jjj, "I WISH my house was handy." Then call Wdln. b..4o. MONARCH range at bargain; going country. A. N. Molln, Tabor 677. 10x15 OLD STYLE Chandler A Price press for sale, cheap. 552 Kearney st. BART LETT rotary sewing macnine, at tachments, complete $45. 23 Going st. VIBRATORS Second-hand, grade. 301 Morgan bldg. phyalcians' I BARTLETT pears for eaia A XU t FOR SALE. M iNcrlliineous. POOL TABLES. Three pool tables, 4x9. In geod con dition. JUk. cash offr. Apply offic Portland Chamber of Commerce, Oregon Building. 1 ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless d.nllntry. by th. nerv. -blocking method, without after effects. I make X-ray examination of teeth. I specialise in first-class dentistry at r suoabl. fees. Lady attendant. Mar. $205. 1H. A w kkl-A'E. Majestic Th.-atrr Bldg. 351 Vi Wash. ONE NORTHICKN beaver lady's fur coat. lining slightly worn; will sscrinc. tor (.'oo cash; one red f"X fur and muff. Ilk. new, sacrifice for (35; 1 ti -karat perfect blue-while dismund at a sacrllice, (.Wl. On. larg. elk's tooth diamond set tn mounting, (uo. Terms to responsible parly. Tnhnr (151S. SEWING MACHINES, new and second- nana, sola for less; no agent, employed. Complete line ot parts for all niaks.J machines rei.ah.il .na rented. SEWING MACHINE RMPORIUM. MAIN 9431. 190 Third Sir. et. near Taylor. THE FOLKS back home will cherish en4 wpreciaie a souvenir from Oregon, bend tnem something useful a. well a. beautiful. Oregon aaat. jewelry mount ed In solid gold. a wonderful soles tlon to chose from. Moderateiv priced. Miller, next Poor to th. .Majestic theal.f FOR SALE FIliot-P!her Wiling I machine, new, lie til, Orego- 4 alao, J DUCK SIluOTfcKS, ATTENTION. I have room for two duck shoot. r on one of the best Iskes on Sauvlr, Inland. You've got to be Hunt to get In, as this Is not a money-making prup QjHion. V 901. orrgoiuaii. DUCK Ht'NTKKS. ant two duck hunter, for one of b"t places between Deer Island and faauvles Island. If you ar. rcnl sport and want good shouting, answer. BO 9'-'4. Oregonian. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, ni-w anu second-hand, at right prices: bought, so.d and exchanged, easy terma if de sired. NORRIS SAFE LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Main 204H. DOORS and windows, lumber, lath, sbln- uiouiuing anu mill work. e. our odd stock of sash and door, for pries, D. B. SCULLY CO.. DOWNTOWN LUMBER sYORB, 171 FliONT ST. Phone Main 4211 ELECTRICAL REPAIRING! Fsns, irons, motors, vacuum cleaner, washing machines, etc. V. sell, repair and exchange everything electrical. HYNSON .ELECTRIC CO., ej Bin St, llroadway 42IKV IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Oniy genuine watch materials) used. DAVID'S, , Jeweler and Opticians. 843 Waslilnmon St. at Broadway. . WHY A substitute roofer? Why not ft genuine and permanent roofer? We re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate ell kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs. Phone Broadway 70. S1NGEKS, Whltoe. New Homes, like new. -a 10 aiii; otner guaranteed dropheauat $15 to Sis; lull-si Singers: Lttnh or terms rentals $3 p-r month. Slngur Store. 4ih. Main 0N33. MONOGRAMS In old EiiKlish or sciint de- sitwiA put on auLomuuiies. motorcycles, trunks and suiUwu at your homo for 25c per initial. VV. B. Weils, bt. J a rue hotel. 20 1K(P-11KAD sewing initchines, $1250 to S4."v; biiigrm, Aew Homes, vv hit en, W- W. ; all makes machines rented and repaired. E, U. Stt-en, 152 Grand ave. 20 DltOP-HEAD setUng macnines. $12.50 to bl.igern. ZNew Homes, hi tea. W. W.; ail makes machiiua rented and repaired. E, H. SWen. 15J Grand ave. Ea?t 2.150. Si. OTGUNS AND RIFLES BUUGHT. ISOLD, RENTED. EXCHANGED. j NEWMAN S GUN STORE. Main 44H5 128 First. Auto. (127-4. ClKi'LLAit coruwood sawA, brand new, Inch diameter, 10 guugf, 1-lnch arbor hole, 72 teeth, at $ tfh. Also have 2'i and h-lnch diameter saws. Joseph Gard n er. .UP Walker bid g., jir .t t tie, W n s tu USED roll and flat-top deutta, cnalrs, ta bles, typewriters, adding machines, eiaj prices by far the lowest. Wax, Broad way 27.T.. COMPLETE DICTAPHONE OUTFIT. Dictating mach ine aud transcriber. $150 for both. Wax, 24 North ftlh sU, HroHdway 2 ..!. COMPLETE out lit ot HUtoniohiie and car penter tools, largo shop ctiest; sairlni-e for cash. tilSW Tliurman at., near -ULH Wt Ht. Apt. 1). Fl KST OHO WTH cord wood $ H 50 Second growth cord wood SHUO Po.e wood $7.50 Call morning. Tabor a.inl. FOR SALE Less than cost price, floor cases, cash registers, louniain, meat siicer, coffee grlndsr; cash or credlC M0 Salmon wt. HOT WATKK TANKS. 60 gal. $7: 40 cat. $0; tested, guaranteed; stove at lurnace coils: gas healera int a lied ,ex pt. plumbing. Kaat & 1 ie weining unop. ua a iiam aK. a i , M ATT K ESS KS direct from factory to homes: louo new 4-n. matt n-'. 15. Pioneer Mattreas Pad Co., 1072 L. Liu- coln at. Auto. 237-07. MRS. S. W. HKKMAN, appare! ahop. ladles and gents clothes bought, so.d and exchanged; best prices 2M '4 Pars, st., near Jeiferii-m. Marsnall 1009. COMPUTING bCALES. cash register, cof fee mills, meat choppers aud general store fixtures at 220 Stark sL. beiwee First and Second sireeta FOR HUNTLRS. Decoy ducks for sale. Mrs. A. Prck. Ardcnwald, route 2, box 12, Milwaukie, fir. IF YoU appreciate spltndid watch repair ing or jcweiiy repairing, see aimer, no it door to .mujsuc ineaier. t on SALE New Del.uxe bed springs, $20; also new blue elec I range. $75. cU la- bor Ji5or 5i'. E. Glisan. MAHOGANY CABINET phonograph and records, tseu a montna. Wnat am I o flercdT K a st 1 II 2h, or U dwy ju52 L1CEN&ED liideptfiidenl electrician wires) A looms for l- ) tor sju: auarartaatl to p a ws Jn? pec t io n. Woodl a w n 31U 1. DIElioLD sales, titw and second band; special pricea j aciric scale a ttupytjf Co.. 48 Front at. Broadway iOtid. P1LKS can be permanently cured without operation. an or wni vr. Uaaa. Second and Morrison. RUGS wasned on your floor with HamlU ton-ueaun eiecino carpec waaner: a.se) vacuum cleaning done. Eaat 4045. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cisaners .4-hour uay, bjc; aeuverea, guaraaieod good cunuiuon. nooumrp jjV, ONE LADY'S black suit, slzo lWt v,ura only six times, wnicni maiuriai, lining a ii a style; $-'. A u to. 215-hu, KUOAK9. Wi buv. setl. rent and ezchanara k. daks Sandy. 320 Washington street NO. 2 RUUD automatic water heater, flrat- class coniiiuuu, sou. aiain ttu before !:3 A. M. WOOD or coal heater, almost new, f 15; an Acorn range wua water cons, $5. till Hoyt st. FUR SALE 1 large A.-tra. han Hole, now. aiui'u - fli'ci wciiuuni S( 1'hone Kant 4H28. DIAMOND engagement ring. flni stone. HO karat: nan price ior uuick sale, ah l;;s. jrcgoni-tti. FOR SALE Cheap, Manning gas furnace, complete, storage battery and large aa sortment of diaht-s. Alain 1041. A BARGAIN 3-plate gas burner, includ- ing gas oven, almost Hew, 8, C. d. D de. 01 Broadway. FOLDING be.t, attached to a door; will loiq inio eivaei; encap. xsroaaway Zoo, US KHh st. $100 ELKCTRIC light bath cabinet, sacrl- iice atvu; t.niro eujui.iieni lauie, f i Marsh. 2H1H Loll AINE kite hen range, excellent con- 1 diilnn; win sen cne.ip ior caah. N Uil, Oregn n fa n. , . ,. PRUNES, 2c; bring baketH. 27th st, o;- poslte I Llewellv flto grade school, Alliwaukie. j, t. BLACKBERRI ES, apples, nrun a. piumi, pers, reasonable. 1024 Holgaie. bvil. 1 1 12. $75 HEYWOOD WAKEFIELD laly car riage, goon cunumon. v ut iraua ior m good camera. Tabor SH0. FOR PAI.K AI'TOMOBH.K. linn OLDS 8. mechanically perfect, good tires. inis car is r-auy io so. rrice o $.t50 drives It away. Terms If desired. Call Hawkins. Bdwy. 3tMi I HAVE a credit of $H'0 to apply on pur chase price of brand-new (.'handler or Cleveland wnicn i win ecu at a noeru discount. Sell. ;71. MTTVHELL ROADSTER. Iate 191U. overhauled and r'flntsheill car is like new; sacrifice for $U75, terma, Mr Argo. Broadway 32M. FoRD sedan or 1120 Maxwell touring and $150 casn ior rneu.i.ni-a.xea macnine brlngcar to 109 B'th st. WE TEAK em up and eeil the plecea. Portland auio n reran. vo., mi aSaer, 17th Broadway fii54. $150 BUI'S a good 5-passenger automo bile; a goou uai km nt vuunuj. air, Argo. KrailwsvS2M. $UOi OVKKLA5U 4-uu; uih model: good conuumn; uniw. mi, mi go, auroaa way J28i. 1 HAVK th kr Mxw.tl l.ujr In town,' jViTj Broadway iUsi, .1