is, THE 3JOUMNG OKEGOMAX, AVEDNHSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1921 HELP WANTKD FKMAI,E. Wanted Domestics. WANTED. Neat girl who la capable and willing to assist in general housework ; must have local references; private room with bath. Call Main 7657 mornings for per tonal appnintmcnt. Good wages. WAXTKU Middle-aged or elderly lady to do light housework; good borne, yearly, out of town. Edison hotel, room 203; or phone, hours 9 to 11 A. M. HKI.P WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. LF YOL are interested In motion picture In Oregon and would Ilka Information, aend for free booklet to P. O. box 1103. HOP PICKERS WANTED by Simon's yard, near Hop me re. Good hops In WO acres. I per lOO. Apply at 54 N. 3d at. LADI ES and gentlemen : every night In year spare time, you can make from 13 to $6; home work. D 8S1, Oregonian. MA N and wife for a highway camp, wom an to cook, $00 per month ; man, team - ster, 3.50 per day. Mr. Waldt, Bdwy. 3ft WE NEED about 150 hop pickers, good yard, usual accommodations. 602 Mc Kay bldg. WANTED Sept. 25, 2 good apple packers, 2 experienced sorters, 10 pickers. Ad dress A. L. Paddock, Hood River. Or. RKTOLX'H ER AND FINISHER. BO 946, OREGON IAN. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. ONE-H ALF interest In concrete block, business $300 with services. This Is a real opportunity, going, money-making busi ness. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Ore gon bldg. Bdwy. 1558. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. AN EXCEPTIONAL, high-grade business man who knows the northwest and who can promote, plan and execute sales, or ganize, develop and control a success ful selling force; an accountant thor oughly experienced in banking and pub lic auditing, desires position with a strong company on salary or commission basis with drawing account of $50 week. Can give bond and best of references. V Wt. Oregonian. LIVE WIRE. Reliable married man. 33, technical education, nine years in various en gineering, construction and railroad of lices, managing, estimating, designing, compiling data and clerical work, de sires steady position with growing con cern where ability and hard work will be appreciated. Phone Bdwy. 2274. HOTEL MANAGEMENT wanted by two competent men capable of performing entire business, clerical, janitor, repair ing and kalsominlng work; can offer very economical proposition ; percentage pre ferred; might make small investment. Phone Marshall 1-S70 or address D KS0, Ore-g onia n. YOt'XG MAN 21, with excellent educa tion, seriously minded, and mechanical ly Inclined, desires steady position where there Is chance for advancement, pref erably machinery or auto supplies, whole sale or retail. lM years' business ex perience. Very best references. M 917. Oregonian. KXPERIKN'CED bookkeeper, general office man, cashier, can operate machine, de sires connection with progressive con cern where personal efforts will be ap preciated ; steady, married, good refer encc), BE US'.), Oregonian. MARRIED man, 33. desires position of responsibility and trust; experienced lumber office work, both mill and wholesale: good correspondent and can use typewriter. Will go anywhere. BF 174. Oregonian. ROOFS repaired, cleaned and painted any color; tar 1 He foot, graphite and colors 2c to 3c a foot ; eave troughs cleaned and repaired : all work guaran teed. Phone Main 6320. POSITION" as ranch foreman or fully equipped farm on shares; understand general farming and dairying, hay and g rain raising and pure-bred stock ; A-l rt -Terences. AL 950, Oregonian. PA INTER Fat. neat. 75c per hour If you furnish material, or I' 11 contract, furnish pure materials and save you about $2 a square; reference from satis lied customers. Wd In. 3373, MAN with 13 years experience In sales and credits wishes to connect with Port land house; thoroughly conversant with automobile and accessory business. AP :3. Oregon ian. CHEF or steward, cafe, cafeteria or hotel; would take full charge or run a place on commission basis. Read hotel, room 11. A business getter or producer, in or out of city. HUSTLER, accurate stockkeeper, shipping and receiving or any work where earn estness, speed and intelligence offer ad vancement. F 938, Oregonian. J A PANESE young boy wants place doing housework in good family; weekdays, Bdwy. 60f. 513-10. Sunday 523-64. H. Miyake. 34 N 3d st. PRLNTER First-class, all-around job printer would like employment in up-to-date job plant; could take interest ; best of references. - N 95S, Oregonian. PAINTING AND PAPERING. First-class work at reasonable prices ; guaranteed. Estimates freely given on arge or Bmall jobs. Jenkins. East 7S42 .1 A PAN ESE wants position, cook, porter, dishwasher, waiter in hotel restaurant, family, between 6 to 10 A. M. or 12 to 8 P. M. Sfi North Tenth st. lkeya. PAINTING and kalsomining done ; prices reasonable ; estimates given. C. Clausen. 554 Johnson. Phone after 6 P. M., Bdwy. 66. IF VOL have a hotel that is not paying as it should and want a real hotel man to run .it on a profit-sharing basis, write me for interview. X 956, Oregonian. STEAM FITTER of experience In steam and hot water fitting and anything in the pipeflttlng line, in or out of city. BC 9-9. Oregonian. VOL NO man wants work; A-l auto me chanic, d-class Ignition man: will talk Mlt over If vou wteh. AR 949, Oregonian. j CARPENTER wants work, any kind of j carpenter work, ordinary wages. X 954, Oregonian. CESSPOOLS, cement work, septic tanks 'asnnentii, sewer connections Call Mar a;.io. JAPANESE wishes to do cooking and washing in family, city or country. BC j4-j. Oregonian. RELIABLE janitor, married, wants work, licensed fireman ; best of reference Main 1320, apt. 9. FIRST-CLASS carpenter will build and re model by contract or day. 999 Belmont st. Automatic 219-31. MARRIED man needs work painting, kal somining, furniture polishing; reasona ble. M a c 1 1 n . East 1 Si6. PAPER-HANGING. 30c a roll; painting and tinting, lowest prices. Mar. 2493 and ask for Mr. Carrick. THE LITTLE JOBS that dad won't do. All household repairs and jobbing, roofs re palred. Auto. 623 39. Tabor 43. MIDDLE-AGED man wants situation a watchman. Janitor or such; honest, reli able; references. V 9K, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED' licensed fireman wants "aTi -winter Job as janitor apt. house. Phone Bdwy. 1443. Ask for Kelly. FIRST-CLASS chef wants position, good recommendations. Call 453 Main st. af ter 11 A. M. 208 Falling bldg. WANT your house to paint, kalsomine, on monthly installments; pre-war prices Main 7609, apt. 4. TRIESTE boy. just coming 19 years old. wishes dishwasher place, or other work In the city. D 882. Omgonlan. EXPERIENCED drill press man wants work; railroad shop preferred; wages S3. BD 965, Oregonian. YOUNG Jap boy wants position In private family while attending school. Auto 515-60. 87 N. 16th st. POSITION as laundry driver; would take up route; arive an makes or cars. Wdln. 1398. POSITION as janitor or to take charge of apartment house; pive best of refer- ence. Woodlawn 15',)S. KALSOMINING reasonable prf painting, whitewashing ; res. East 2822. apt. 5. ROOFS repaired: Hat roofs a specialty ; work guaranteed. Phone 52S-4S. HIGH SCHOOL boy deaires alter school work. D 877. Oregonian. CARPENTER, painter, wants work, $5 a day. J. Carpenter. 223 1st st. JAPANESE school boy wants position in private family. 51 3-69 Japanese mission. FIRST-CLASS painter, day oir contract. A ut. 621-37. COLORED man wants a steady Job; Jan itor work preferred. Tabor 40K7. PAPERHANGING 36c per single roll. Es timates on painting. Main 1032. JAPANESE boy wants to work in a fam ily. W 961, Oregonian. ShTnGLINC OLD WORK A SPECIALTY PHONE TABOR 5936. WANTED Janitor work. mornings nights. AN 938, Oregonian. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging; sod work, reasonable. Sellwood 1399. CHAUFFEUR and truck driver, driving lessons, repairing. Williams. 632-03. PAINTING and tinting; firi-ciaa work:"7 reasonable. Auto. 022-96. B RICK contractor, everything in the brick line. Tabor 8793. - nc PAINTING, calsominins. sin. Woodlawn 5414. Cail Mr. Ciau- PLUMB1NG done very reasonably, by hour or Joo Auto. 233-M. WOOD SAWING DONE REASONABLE TABOR 8179 EVEN LENGTHS. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work. reasonable. Mar. 739 afier 5 r . M. R E-SH I NO LI NG done promptly and riahL. M arshail 443 aftr 6 P. M. ANY KIND of work for 2 and SH-ton t r u cks. Broadway 4S6. I LRNITCRE moving and general hauling cuvered bodies. Broad way 4S6. JAPANESE schoolboy wants position in private family. 1'hono Auto. 527-65, SITUATIONS WANTED MAI E. Itookkeeprrw, .Stenographers, Office. LARGE LUMBER CORPORATION. OWING TO CONDITION OF MARKET. IS REDUCINO ITS OFFICE FORCE, AND HAS TWO FIRST-CLASS OFFICE MEN , WHOM IT WOULD LIKE TO ASSIST TO GOOD POSITIONS. ANY CONCERN IN NEED OF OFFICE MEN WOULD DO WELL TO INVESTIGATE THESE MEN. BOTH OF WHOM WE FULLY RECOMMEND FOR THEIR RE SPECTIVE SPECIALTIES. ALL REPLIES CONFIDENTIAL. AD DRESS AF 992. OREGONIAN. A-l BOOKKEEPER, cashier, typist and general office man, who can handle correspondence and has had some experi ence selling and collecting, desires posi tion with reliable firm. N 893, Orego nian. A-l BOOKKEEPER desires position with reliable firm, 4-years experience as book keeper and cashier; will start with rea sonable salary with opportunity of ad vancement. B 885, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN Married; six years' experi ence in real estate, fire and automobile insurance business as manager. .Wishes maae connection wnn rename concern. Tabor 8723. EXPERT accountant will keep set of books evenings; will open set of books - and coach bookkeeper or clerk and will make monthly statements from books: reasonable. J 940. Oregonian. ACCOUNT ANT-AUDITOR will take per manent or temporary position, or will do special bookkeeping work, systemlzlng, etc. N H94. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER, days or evenings, satisfactory service, low cost. Phone 317-81. BOOKKEEPER will keep set of books nights and Saturday. Audits also made. M 961, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stock clerk wants perma nent position; references. AN 936, Ore- gonian. EXPERT bookkeeper wants small set of books lor spare-ume worn. Automatic 323-39. BOOKKEEPING desired for few hours dally. Phone East 6888. WILL keep your books in spare time. Call Mar. 4S55 between 6 and 7 P. M. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. POSITION wanted, management of first class rooming house, by a widow with 12-year-old girl; can give references. Call Tabor 1804 or address box 614, On- tarto. Or. COLLEGE student wants work for wages or room end board; tutoring, office work. Would consider anything. S 979, Ore gonian. COMPETENT and respectable lady desires position as manager in apt. house. Have had 2 years' experience. Would like in terview. X 958, Oregonian. INEXPERIENCED, neat-appearing girl wishes permanent position in doctor's or dentist's office ; salary no ob iect ; best reference. Call Broadway 1339. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleaning. washing, other work. Good work guaranteed. Phone Wdln. 6305. ' EXPERIENCED schoolgirl will work for room and board and small wages, in or near St. Johns. East 2SQ3. NEAT, reliable young woman wants house work; Sundays and evenings off. East S4!. LACE AND S lt- SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS done up like new. Will call. East 8518. YOUNG lady, with high school education, would like position as relief. P. B. X. operator. Phone Bdwy. 3100. AN EXPERIENCED noman wants to man age hotel or apt. bouse. Write ,AK 909, Oregonian. EXP WOMAN wants position in altera tion dent, of any store. Tabor 9502. GIRL wishes position a P. B H. experienced. Eawt 7167. WOMAN, experienced. Call Sell wood 214. wishes day work. LACE curtains, hand laundered; 12 years' experience. East 6196. CH M BERM AID wants work in hotel or will take day work. A R 959. Oregonian. EXF MAID and janitress wants work of anv kind. Phone East 6028. WISH position, light work, have had of fice experience. J 965, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman want, day work. Phone Eagt 5703. m WOMAN cook, lunch room. resiaurant or hotel. Main 1323, room 12. WOMAN wants day work W e d n e sd ay . Broadway room . CLEANING or laundry work by the day or hour. Main 8122. WILL care for children while parents are away ; references. Wood lawn 1 01 1. WOMAN wants day work, cleaning. Main 8118. Washing and WANT DAY WORK. CALL EAST 2248. Bookkeeper. Stenographers, Office. YOUNG lady desires position as book keeper or "assistant, with knowledge of tvping; experienced in fire insurance; references; evenings. Tabor 2582. CAPABLE STENOGRAPHER. Wants work in Portland, 6 years' practical experience In east; good refer- yences as io cnaruuier mux . t--i V-1- - t nnr. Atttn 329-27. - - - YOUNG lady, experienced in bookkeeping, typing and general office, wants posi tion; references. Tabor 2582. BOOKKEEPER with live years banking and insurance experience wants perma nent position with live concern ; best of references. Sell wood 3098. STENOGRAPHER and dictaphonist. 8 years' banking, legal and general exper ience desires permanent position. Phone Marshall 242, Apartment 6. YuL'NG lady, experienced in stenography, typing and general office work, wants position; references; will Begin with moderate salary. Bdwy. 2802. WANTED Position as bookkeeper, cashier or general office work. G 958, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED tel. exc operator wants work on exchange board or clerical work. G i-9, Oregonian RELIABLE, experienced stenographer wishes temporary work. E 970,' Orego nian. D re Hsraakers, THE GLAD SHOP Dressmaking, remod eling: new fall styles; high-grade work; moderate prices. Main 5354. 1001 Broad- way - bldg. LBi.AH HUTCM 1NSON has moved to 902 Broadway bldg., where sh will be pleased to meet old and new customers. WILL make plain dresses and do other plain sewing reasonably. Telephone Broadway 4976. HEMSTITCHING 8c yard 1006 Broadway bldg. Main 6-173 FIRST-CLASS dresmaker and tailoresa by the day. Broadway 4434. DRESSMAKER, designer; experienced; my home or yours. Marshall 3685. SEWING bv day. Columbia 703. nrst-cla&s dressmaker. NURSE wants chronic or acute case; Naturpath treatment. Tabor 239 4. PRACTICAL nurse: best of references; ma ternlty cases preferred. Tabor 6192. PRACTICAL NURSING. day oi Prices reasonable. Wdln: 3220. Domestic. RELIABLE mafd wishes housework. Good plain cook. Wages $45. BD 912. Ore gon ian. CHAMBERMAID wants work In hotel or will take day work. AR 959, Oregonian. WANT good home, light work for adults, wages, no laundry. Main 3954. A-l Swedish woman wishes work by day; work iruaranteed Main 22nl. room 1. EXPERIENCED woman wants, housework as cook and young girl. E. 4496, Housekeepers. EXPERIENCED, pleasant lady, 36, clean character, be-st ref., desires position in respectable widower's clean home in city; small family; if you need capable housekeeper, phone East 89. Leave tele phone no. $35 to $40 mo. AR 963, Ore- gonlan. LADY wishes to exchange services for room and board for self and small boy neat housekeeper, good plain cook ; can drive auto. Mam siua before o P. Al, Mrs. Snider. WOMAN, with little girl, wants situation with elderly couple or with respectable widower with children. Wdln. 5791. WANTED By refined widow with boy five years old, position as housekeeper for business people. J 966, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Swiss lady, 3S, best ref erences, neat appearance, wishes position as housekeeper. W 962, Oregonian. LADY with 1 -year-old girl wishes house keeping for gentleman with children. A V 2S9. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED widow desires bousekeep ing in widower's family. East 62t6. tionsecieaning. HOUSECLEANING Expert 'white and ivory enamel "'eaning: floors waxed, fur clture polished, carpets cleaned, win dows washed. CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE, 188 Chapman st. Phons Main 1157. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. "WA NT ED 4 to 6-room Dungaiow or cot- tage; 3 In family; responsible tenants; references given. Phone Tabor 1327 W ANTED To rent umurnished modern 5 or 6-room house and garage. Sell wood 2523. WANTED TO RENT. Uouses. MEIER A FRANK'S. Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable f vacant houses, apartments and f lats : with definite informatioa pertaining to i each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bares u of great value In helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Fioor. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. LOAN 3. 8SCUR1TT STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. s 53 Fourth st., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 8715. WANTED to rent unfurnished house or apartment, about 7 rooms; wanted by responsible Japanese family; can furnish anv reierences. addu ouiuivi . Board of Trade bldg. WANTED TO RENT Eight-room unfur nished house with garage and good yard. West side, Irvington. or Laurelhurst. $65. Major Fickel, 802 Couch Bldg. Main 6980. LIST your houses and fiats with us for rent We have many dally calls for them in all parts of the city. PARPtSH, W ATKINS & CO., 252 Stark st. Main 1644. WANTED To rent 7-room suburban house, partly furnished. Mount Tabor or Rose City preferred; best of care guaranteed. Can furnish references. Phone East 40, 8 to 5:30. As k for Mr. Sims. i WANTED TO RENT 3 or 6-room bunga low; would consider flat or apartment unfurnished oy responsible coupie. exchange references. Phone Tabor 2092. WANTED RENT HOUSES WANTED. SEND IN YOUR VACANT HOUSES. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH BUSINESS man will pay $40 to $60 month for ' house or bungalow in Laurelhurst, Mt. Tabor or Sunnyside. Call Comte, Main 6330; or Woodlawn 1948, evenings. BY RESPONSIBLE couple, 3 or 4 furn Ished rooms, cottage or bungalow; rea sonable rent; good east side location. AR 950. Oregonian. . WANTED To rent 5-room modern bung alow or house, furnished, east side, Kenton district preferred; references given. Call Sell wood 1497. . WANTED To rem any time during next 60 days, house io good condition, on west side; references furnihed. BF 980. Ore gonlan. . WANTED Five - room house near Jef ferson high; would lease. F 971, Ore gonian. WANTED To rent modern 6 or 7-room house. BJ 026. Oregonian. , WANTED to rent 4-room furnished home; employed couple. AM 967. Oregonian. Apartments. 2 YOUNG women want furnished 2 -room apartment or 1-room with kitchenette and sleeping porch, near Hawthorne ave. between S.V.h and SOth; state rent. Ad dress BD 92H, Oregonian. WANTED By young ladies employed, 3 or 4-room furnished apt., or flat, on east side; Hawthorne district preferred. E 969. Oregonian. A YOUNG COUPLE employed would like to share home with congenial couple; with garage or near one. Mr. Elliott. Main 5372. Rooms. WANTED A room in Sunnyside or Laurel hurst which may be used for a piano studio, preferably where there is no one nome In t h e daytime. T a bo r 44 3 3 . MIDDLE AGED WIDOW of refinement desires furnished room in private home with privilege of preparing own meals. References. Main 5073. GENTLEMAN desires room in private home; would like dinner occasionally; garage necessity. References furnished. E 963, Oregonian. . Rooms With Boar a. wTrOWr wishes board for self and baby girl, 22 months, together, or housekeep ing rooms same place. Broadway 1204, 8:30 to 5 :30. Mrs. Rogers. WANTED Room and board In quiet home, walking distance, by middle-aged man. Address particulars AK 920. Ore gonian. WANTED, by lady employed, home in re fined family: reasonable; references. Ad dress BC 936, Oregonian BUSINESS girl wishes room and board in congenial refined home; reference. AM m, Oregonian Housekeeping Rooms. COUPLE with 5-months-old baby, would like h. k. rooms with laundry privileges, in a Rose City home, not over 3 blocks from car, not over $40. Tabor 14. O. L. Dalune. . 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, AR 957, Oregonian. first floor. 1-Tats. WANT 4 or 5-room flat or house, unfur nished except gas range, best of ref erences; steady; adults. Call Stewart, East 2838. WANTED 3 or 4-room unfur. flat, close in. west side, reasonable rent, permanent. P. O. Box 273, Central station. FOR RENT. SLEEPING rooms. 2 apts. with porches; no children. 633 Washington st. Fnrnitilie! Rooms. BEAUTIFUL NEW. CLASSY, MODERN. OUTSIDE RMS.. $5 WEEK AND UP. Transients $1 and up; seme with pri vate baths. Special rates to 2 in a rm. None better in Portland than thw BAKER HOTEL 205 , 5th St. MRS. PETERSON AND RHYNE, Mgrs. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. I EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 0TH. OUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. $1.21 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES. A VERY large room and bath, 17x35. ma ple floor, piano, beautifully furnished and very fine for 2 or 3 bachelors or refined gentleman; service given; lots of heat and light; also single rooms. $25 and up ; ref . required. Marshall 2S30. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Central Y. M. C. A., with telephone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. HOTELS ROWLAND, ANNEX, MARYLAND, VIRGINIA, 170 guest rooms. 207-211v 4th st. Rates 75c. $1 per day. With hath, $1.50 day up. ANGELA HOTEL 023 Washington street. Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone and running water in each room, rooms with or without bath. $5.50 per week up; excellent home-cooked m"als next door. AN SON I A HOTEL. 124 14th st. at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, $1 day ; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amuements and shorping center. HOIVIL CON R A DINE, 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington st : fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasoname oy oay or ween. R1TZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON Ideally located in the very center of the theater and snopping district, Spe cial summer rates now in effect. EUCLID HOTEL 573 Washington, at 18th, Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths. nates to permane-nr guests. Bdwy. 2682. WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason- aoirt rate oy ween or month. THE ST. PALL, 130 4th, COr. Alder A RESPECTABLE down-town HOTEL Rates 75c up. Private bath $2. Special rates oy wee a or mon in. ARTHUR HOTEL 110 Eleventh St., near Morrison; ciean ana modern rooms by t:.y. ween, or monin. at reasonable rates LARGE, quiet, airy, steam . heated sleep ing and reception room; 8 min. walk irom p. center. a ii aiar. J 7 i . PLEASANT, well ventilated room for tleman ; running water, shower bath in beautiful home. 59 Trinity Place. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st., at 10th $1 day. weekly $5 and up. Free phone ana uainw. ii k i- anu a l ry . LAKUE, niceiy iurntshed rooms heat bath and electric lights. 1439 E. 3lst r- , -mhi'ui -tiii. v-.ii sen wooa 433 HOTEL BAR R 112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of donnt $1 per day. $5 per week and up. MARLYN HOTEL. I7TH AND COUCH. Large, attractive, modern rooms by wbch v i itmm.i. - ryaaona O I e. LIGHT, airy sleeping rooms, close-in. west side, quiet place. 208 17th. Phons Main 7628. BENTON HOTEL corner of Broadway entrance on Alder. Clean rooms at popular prices. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms $2.50 week up; close to dental college and 2 blocks from steel bridge. East 849. BUCKINGHAM hotel, 652 W Wash stl Mod, rooms, free phone, bath, reasonable. 75c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths FURNISHED rooms; breakfast or usa of kitchen. 738 Johnson. Main 3796. MODERN, neat single room, $12. 547 Yamhill. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms at 228V ,, ana up. Cnrurntsuedl Rooms. 8 ROOMS, bldg. 5th snd Stark: steam heat, hot and cold water. App'.y 1001 Furnished Rooms In Private Fb m 11 y . DESIRABLE room for gentleman, with or without sleeping porch; west aide. Main o34L FOR RENT. Ijj rtilfiled Rooms in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In fire proof apartment house, with private family. Private dressing room, bath and phone; steam heat- One block from central library; must be seen to be ap preciated. $20 per month. Gentlemen oniy. Main 4e.".Y FURNISHED room, private family; one or i wo young men; an moaern convenienc-r. 167 H East 27th, near Belmont, half block best car service in city ; terms reason- nM PhnnA Vamt H 1 r Hf 1 and ft BEAUTIFUL large room in private home; twin beds, parlor, piano, home conven iences, close In; congenial young man wishes roommate. 61 N. bth it Broad way 2721. . LOVELY, large room with alcove, fire place, furnace heat, modem, walking distance. Nob Hill, gentlemen preferred. 738 Hoyt. Main 29G4. FURNISHED room in private family; large, comfortable, sunny corner room; phone and bath: for X gentleman; west side. Bdwy. 4232, LARGE sunny, well-furnished room, suit able for one or two; phone, heat, hot and cold water; reasonable. Broadway 46. 63 IN. 22 d. PLEASANT CORNER ROOM, comfortably furnished. Gentleman only. Nob Hill dts - trlct, west side, walking distance. Phtfne Main 94S5. 2 LARGE, airy rooms in modern home; splendid location; every home comfort; breakfast if desired. 1101 East Taylor. Auto. 236-21. MODERN, newly furnl.hed front room with kitchen priv Hedges if desired. 70 Lucretia st.. between 22d and 23d. Mar. 2633. LARGE front room facing on Broadway, suitable for one or two business men. 252 Broadway. Automatic 523-80. NICE furnished room, central and very convenient, for a gentleman. 564 Couch jt. Apt. 1. Broadway 1719. CLOSE IN. 1 or 2 men. desirable front room with breakfast; a real comfortable home. 469 Clay st. Main 2228. BEAUTIFUL 2-room suite, well heated; two ladies or employed couple ; use of pnone, piano, ana cioje in. bast do.-. STEAM-HEATED room, walking distance, modern conveniences. 549 Washington st., room B, second floor. Main 3022. NICE room and private garage in modern Home; vacant dept. 1. iuo fc-ast utn. Tabor 5501. WELL furnished outside room in nice home for gentlemen only. All conven iences: close in. Marshall 299. ' IRVINGTON Beautiful room and break fast. $35; X block from car and B razee st.. near ciud. fciast 4 iw. NEWLY furnished room in private tamlly, private bath: suitable for two 66S Ever ett. near 21st NICE SUNNY front room, every conven ience. Hoi lad ay addition. Fifteen min utes from center town. East 4491. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room. Nob Hill district, walking distance. Call Marshall l!SO. ONE OR TWO desii home. East 3131. esirable rooms in private FUR GENTLEMAN, room with running water, in home. 32 Lucretia. Main 40 ROOM in attractive home, refined family, west side. Marshall 3969. SMALL room for gentlemn, telephone. Ixith ; close In ; reason an ie. -Si l Jth ROOM IN beautiful apartment. steam heat. B re akfast if preferred. Main i3' 415 LARGE room In nice home for gent. Mar. tiuyu. lucretia, nr. .a ana v asn. STEAM HEATED room in apt. close to 18th on :ouch. Broadway 1429, evenings. 269 14TH ST. Choice room, modern con ven i e n c esvTalkingdiiuaiceM LARGE front sleeping room, suitable for two, $15 per month. Main 42. NICE front bedroom, everything modern. 294 16th st. Mar. 3365. CLEAN sleeping room next to bath. Phone Sellwood 2aio. CLEAN. woM furn. r. In refined home. 84 N. 2 1 st. cor. Everett ; walking distance. 2 LOVELY rooms and sleeping porch. stesfn hinted Main nomi BURNISHED apartment, close In. suitable Rooms With Uosr. CAMPBELL HOTEL 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American p'an, with or without bath, (2.50 a day up. rate by day or month Meals served to transients. ONE OF the finest homes in the city, now converted into excius' e iamtiy hotel, catering to families, ousfnees men and women ; home conveniences, home cook ing, large grounds, porches, sleeping Dorches. garage, etc. : transient meais. Rates reasonable. Phone East 7384. 223 East 20th. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland downtcwa hlg h-class family hotel ; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Rear on able rates. DESIRE to get in touch with four or five neat, respectable young men to share fvre'.lent home like bachelor club rooms board and room, $30 per month ; refer ences required. Address BC 940, Orego nian. LloHT pleasa.nt room and home cooked meals ror Kennemen; nomeiiKe: piano. fireplace; 6 other boarders. Nob Hill district. Phone Main -34- after S:J0 eve- n i ngs , BOOM and board for- business rlrls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. -19-74. 7th st MARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL for bus! ness girls at moderate rates 580 10th st. Marshall 1251. DINNERS 50c at tbe Soulo, cooked like mother cooked. 191 11th st. ROOM and board, Lorraine, suitable for 2 or 3. 212 North 20th. Bdwy. 3403 Rooms With Board in Private Family. LIGHT pleasant room and excellent home, cooked meals for 2 gentlemen; homelike; mano. fireolace. walking distance, rea sonable. Phone Main 3345 after 8 o'clock evenings. ON E uH two children to board in pri- vate family ; a nice home, two blocks - from Couch school; music it desired. 88 N. 22d. Phone 515-74. " LARGE front room, suitable for two, mod em. walking distance, fine location: rea sonable; garage if desired. Phone East 5715. WANTED Child or adult to board In my country home. 2 mikes from city limits: plenty of fresh milk and eggs; best of care given cniid. trione Auto. t4P-ou. NICELY furnished front room, strictly modern home; suitable -for two. West side; reasonable rates. Phone Marshall 2781. ROOM with or without board In fine rei dence district. a -1 thin walkina- distance on enflt side; men preferred. Phone Aut ":- CLOSE-IN, 1 or 2 men, desirable front room with breakfast; a ral comfort able home. 469 Clay st. Main 2228. GOOD room and board for two gentle men. Call 1373 E. Caruthers st. Take Mt. Scott car. LAR.dE, comfortable room in Haw t borne nome suitaoie ior taaies or rent men. Home privileges. Call Tabor 5667. ONE 'NICE room, suitable for one or two men ; lots of hot water, shower bath, rirwt-ciass table board. i oitsan. BEAUTIFULLY furnished home offers room and board to business men; close in. Bdwy. 4314. CHOICE single or double room, near Ben son anu w asiimig 1011 niKn ; ; mean walking distance. haat hJ02. NICE, lartse front room for two neon'e phone, bath and laundry; also smele room, board if desired. Phone Mar. 416. PLEASANT rooms, comfortable home board if desired ; gentleman only. 346 Harrison et. ROOM and sleeping porch for ynuns- men. good table, walking distance; home priv- liegea'. inc. piano; garages. East 156. IN A FIN E modern home for schoolgirl or worKjn? gin; piano ana ictroia. Au tomatic tjJ.-4U. ROOM AND BOARD for 1 or 2 gentlemen li. refined home; home privileges and nome cooKing. cam not LARGE front room with nleeolna- r.n- suitable for 2; home privileges. Mar shall 3nrB. IF YOU want 1 or 2 rooms with board in a comfortable private home, call Tabor 4 2 1 k. BEAUTIFUL steam-heated room. 2 meals and home cooking, fS per week. 561 Commercial. Auto. 3r-w. PRIVATE home for children ; 20 years experience. t n -vereti st. mar. zb. FURNISHED rooms with toard ; walking distance. 000 naisey st.. rear union ave LARGE front room, suitable for 2; modern home. 770 Irving. Mar. 4410. CHOICE rooms, ne tt-ble; near Mult nomah club, uenttemen. Alain 2219. LARGE front room, 2 if desired ; first class board. 394 Columbia. Main 2SG4. ROOMS and board in private family1. Call woouiawn LA RGE well furnished rooni with board. 701 Irving st. TEACHERS, others, near Richmond and Sunnyside acnoois. 1117 E. Madison. furnished Apartments. 2-ROOM furnished apartment, new, clean walking distance; rent $25. 442& E. liurnsiae. NEW YORK apartments, furnished- 7th and Belmont. East 238. BAN MARCO. E. 8TII AND COUCH JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trinity place. 2 and -room j u 1 ni-im m in. .-n-ranau a S3. MORDAUNT, 586 Everett, large modern 4-room. nomentte, come ana in s p ec t. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apartments. arrsou wuuw - uiu FOR RENT. Fiirnlhhpd Apartments. STELWYN APARTMENTS. HIGH-CLASS. . Elegantly furnished apt- 1 to 6 r with sleeping porch; In residential trict. We have the very handaoi 111--. d tdsomest furnished apartments In the city: white enamei woodwork. Ivory furniture. " nese rugs, exceptionally clean and modern- also for refined gentleman a few bachelor suites and rooms with ana without bath. Reference required loo St. Clair St., cor. Wash. Mar. 230. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank store, good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and S-roora furnished apts., out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. $37.50 193 ST. CLAIR $37.50. Fines choice residents! section, beau tiful view; walking distance; cool, light and airy; newly furnished and decorated. 2 rooms, kitchenette and vestibule; rent includes light, heat, bath, phone, etc Main 3M6. IF TOU WANT A NIFTY APT. with private bath, phone, automatic ele vator and all cnnvcnlinri rrm ft tO the Grandest a, 68 Grand ave.. corner of Stark. East 208. 6-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. 75 West side, walking distance, all out-tide rooms, front porch, sleeping porch. 3 bedrooms, nlentv of heat and hot water; steady tenant: adults. No phone information. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. THE JACKSON. 61i Union Ave. North. -Three-room apts., $30 and $40; private bath, sr.eam heat, hot and old water, phone service; 15 minutes' walk to 5th snd Alder. Rose City car. East 2846. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 16th, near Taylor. Mar. 128. Nicely furnished 5-room apta. for resi dent or transient- and tourist; no ob jection to children ; walking distance. NICELY furnished 2-room apartments. walking distance; steam heat, no extra charge lor lights and private phone; adults only. The Lincoln, 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. THE STANFIELD. Modern outside 2-room apta Light, heat, phone, laundry facilities, "20 and J$22 SO. Main 7392. THE WHEELDUK ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon: 2. 3 and 4' room apts.; permanent or transient; also single rooms. M a in 6643 MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two rooms, turn.: hardwood floors, ele vator, strictly modern; all outside; walk ing dist. 3S6 3d St., co r. Mont g ornery . WICKERS HAM 6-rm. apt., completely furnished, 3 bedrooms, desirable west side location; available Sept. 1; walking oistance; rent 1 2 0. Bdw y. 3417. 1 HE LILLIAN APTS. Close in, west, side, & rooms, large. Mgnt and clean; adults. 381 6th st Marshall 1378. THE CHELTENHAM. 2. 8, and 4 rooms, all outside, nicely xurnisned. 19th and Northrup. Broad way 3U58. THE ELMWOOD. First-class 2 and 3 -room anartments, Turkish rugs and period furniture. $50 to xiuu. Main 0600. 415 10th st MLNZEY APARTMENTS, 390 CLAY. Two rooms and kitchenette; also -2- room apartment. 2-ROOM apartment, also 4-room modern. ciean anu Homelike, reasonable. In walk ing distance; nice for bachelors. 497 Clay st. Main 9304. APARTMENT, with private entrance, suit tao-ie ior two, on first floor, in private residence ; no children. 390 Vancouver ave., near E. Broadway. PART furnishings of a 4-room bungalow apartment for rent to party buying fur niture. One of the beat in Portland. Phone Main 8272, 660 FLANDERS, near 2Uth 3-rm. furn basement apt., bath, everything; only t mo. and light janitor work expected Bdwy. 3134, mornings. FOR RENT Furnished apts., all outside rooms; sleeping porch, including steam neat and hot water; walking distance; u; aauits. ttoaney ave. t.ujii ,sii ALICE COURT East bth and Burnside. Newly decorated, 3 rooms. fireplace. phone, ivory woodwork, 2 beds. East 3H. 3-ROOM .apartment, beautifully clean, in attractive home ; adults, employed peopie preierrea. ast Zu-i.. ill iu. Ankeny. GET SETTLED for winter. 4 rooms, high grade furniture for sale, apt. fur rent Apt. 24. Morton apt. THE JEFFERSONIAN, lth and Jeffer- son -a-room suites, large rooms, nicely f urnl?hfd, usual conven., mod. rates. 6-ROOM furnished steam-heated apart ment for six months; west side; walking distance : references. Broadway 5131. PoKTNuMAH 3 and 4 rooms; hardwood floors, sleeping porches, walking dls tance, well furnished; adults. 200 E. 13th. KING ALBERT APTS. 2 and 3-room fur nished, strictly modern, tile bath, ele vator, 11th and Montgomery. Main 359. 3-ROOM furnished apt. for rent, west side; rent $35; walking distance; best scenic view in city. Phone Marshall 2243. KOZY APTS. Two-room apt., nicely furnished, with private bath, light and phone. 586 Glisan. HISLOP HALL, 410V Hawtnorne ave. Strictly modern 3-room furnished apts., $35 and up. East 882. D. H. Brown. LEONCE APARTMENTS. Furnshed 3-room apt- Mar. 2250. North 22d st. LIGHT. clean, completely furnished 2 rocm apartment, $23. 6S0V4 Lombard. Col. 617. $14.50 One comfortable room, ground floor; man or woman. 407 Hall st. Main 4299. ELLA ST., near Wash. Fine $100 fkit, gas heat, white enamel, hardwood floors, mahogany furniture; adults. Mar. 6070. BOZANTA APTS. Nicely furnished 3-room apta. 189 23d st. Mar. 2945. BEAUTIFUL apt. in Laurelhurst home. Own privacy, sleeping porch, $50. Tabor 62 Kd. CARLOIS APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room furnished modern front apta Rea-rnable. 14th and Market. 3-ROOM outside apartment on fourth floor; newly painted and kalsomined, $62.50. Main 10S6. 301 West Park. ALTAMONT APARTMENTS. Modern 3 snd 4-room apts., reasonable rent. 304 College. 2-ROOM niceiy furnished steam-heated apartments with or without private bath, $24 to $32 mo. 402 3d st. 2-RM. APT.. Irvington home; bath and all conveniences. E.n 1520. 443 E. 13th N. ONE-ROOM, kitchenette, bath ; well fur nlshed. reasonable. 41 4 4 th street. DESIRABLE 1-room and kitchenette, walking distance. 328 MiH, near Bdwy. 1 TO 3 PLEASANT rooms, reasonable; also garage. Marshall 1204. YOU'LL like this 2-room ment. 384 Park st. front apart BUENA VISTA 134 Harrison. First-class 2 and 3-rm. apts. Main 1052. DRICKSTON APTS.. 448 11th Two-room modern furnished apart men ta 15-DAY STORAGE FREE. Moving for less Phone Bdwy. 2443. UNION AVE., and Killlngsworth ; fur. apt. $21.60: all complete ; concrete buildings 3-ROOM apt,, private bath, phone, $38. Todd apts.. cor. E. 12th and Stark. Unfurnished Apartments. APARTMENT TO RENT. Three rooms and sleeping porch. strictly moueru, oeai anu ciean ounga low; want permanent tenant, no chil dren, $30 month. 204 E. 53d st, N. MV car. FOR RENT Large, light, airy 3 or 4 rooms unfurnished apts., reasonable heat and light included; ln Irvington on irvington car line, near Broad way. awj r. i.un m. 1 . rnnnf i-.ast .i3o. ALTER APTS. Brick. 675 Overton St., 6 rooms, sleeping porcn, nard wood floors, fireplace, steam heat, shower bath.; reg ular bungalow apts. GARDNER, COR. 13TH AND E. ASH. Verj desirable 5 rooms; has 2 bed rooms, nrepiace, not water heat; adults; BRUCE APTS., 25th AND NORTHRUP ST. 6-room mod. apt., hardwood floors, front and sleeping porch; fine view; Bltf4iii lied i, jam - ivj-c aiar. I-i.3. 3-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment, no children; $35. Waver ly Court, E. 26th and Clinton sts. IONIAN COURT, lth and Couch. 4-room front, corner apt. newly tinted and palnteq; ciose in. Aauits. Bdwy. 2761 ATTRACTIVE 3-room apartment flat for reiinea couple. v aiaiog distance. Call Main -1 is. 5-ROOM unfurnished apt; hardwood fir breakfast nook and sleeping porch; near Jefferson H. S. Wdln. 3943. THE DEZENDORb. 208 16th st.. near Taylor; Marshall 125 5-room unfurnished apartment. 3 ROOMS, bldg. 5th and Stark; steam heat, hot and cold water. Apply 1001 Board of Trade bldg. 6 LARGE, outside, sunny rooms; hard wood floors, porches heat and yard. Call Main 0358. ONE 3-ROOM unfurnished apartment, $55 Marshall 2 OOP. GARFIELD 3-room, sleeping porch, res onable. 361 Falling blk.. W. Union. THE AMERICAN, modern 5-room apart ment. Bdwy. 3360. 3 AND 4-ROOM apts., light, modern; 21st and Irving. Irving apta Main 9239. THE ORMONDE. 5-room unfur. apt. Flanders. Broadway 3S73. 656 MORDAUNT, 5H6 Everett, large modern 4-room. homelike; come and lnspec t. "rEXFORD One apartment. Main 553. This is a nice one. FOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartments. 800 EAST HOYT STREET. NEAR EAST 24TH STREET. Portland's newest apartment house Is now finished and ready for occupancy; 2 and 3 - room unfurnished apartments; all outside rooms, facing large lawns; electric ranges and all modern conven iences. App:y at building. WAYNE ST.. NEAR KING. 6-ROOM UNFURNISHED APT. 70 All large, outside rooms with best of surroundings and walking distance of 5th and Wash.; adults. No phone in formation. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. UNFURNISHED 6-room duplex apartment. Aivardo Apt., 7M) Everett. See Mr. Hale on premises or Wakefield Fries Sf. Co.. S5 4th st. rurnished or 1 nfornished Apartments, JNFURN1SHED 4-room apt., large out side rooms, also 3 -room furnished apt. Guild Apta, 3'.M Guild st-. near 23d and Thurman. Main 3T05. FURNISH ED and unfurnished apts., no objections to children if under good con trol, near Couch schooL Lawn apta, 18th and Davis. Bdwy. 2664. JAEGER APTS-. 701 WASH. 1ST.. 8 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS- ONE 8-ROOM ; has dressing room and patn, is exceptionally rice. East 3782. Flats. VERY desirable 6-room flat with large sleeping porch and additional room in attic; in fine cond it ton and commands tine view of city; rent $60. Strong & Co., 66 Chamber of Commerce. 3 OR 4 ROOMS furnished or unfurnished. also sleeping room, reasonable. 50 N. 23d. Main S297. FURNITURE for ale and fiat for rent. near Lincoln high school. 3-1 Mill st, petwecn bin ana i-troaaway. MODERN 5-room lower flat in heart of Nob Hill, furnace, fire place, etc ; vacant apout September Jo. Main 4t. FIN E corner single flat, lots of sunshine, low windows, 6th and Mill, after AUg. 31. owner. 3.11 o:n. 5-ROOM fiat with bath and electric lights. 3 1 rt. ru. U7, commercial st. 2-ROOM fiat. bath, pantry; adults. 919 Williams ave., after 6 P. M. CORNER flat, very desirable, vacant Sept. ist.. u. owner. a.-i mn st. NEW MODERN 4-room flat, kitchen, fur- nished. 101 E. 33d. SIX-ROOM flat for rent. trlct. Call Main 7255. Nob Hill dis- 4-ROOM flat, gas, electricity. slswippi ave. $ 1 6 East 2911. 672 h Mis- 5-ROOM lower flat. 892 Falling. $30. Furnished Flats, IRVINGTON On car line, ground floor. 3 large rooms, completely furnished; play er piano, itreptace, to, including neat, phone, water, lights; no children; suit able for man and wife. Employed people prererrea. East 4.;?4. FIVE ROOMS very nicely furnished, mod ern lower floor flat; furnace, electricity, gas stove and water heater; garbage re moved; walking distance, and near den tal college. 43 East Couch st. East 2410 or East 5534. $50. CLEAN 4-room upper flat, good loca tion. $45. including phone, water and garbage: adults; no cats or doga East 4707. 2S8 Fargo st. NOB HfTTL" DISTRICT. Completely furnished 5-room flat with private rront porcn ; waiKing oistance. Mar. 368. Mat C. 7S4 GUsan. CLEAN, cosy 4 rooms, bath, fine view, west side, walking distance, near Lin coln high ; adults, reierences. 464 Hall street, near 13th. FIVE large rooms and bath, beautifully furnished, close to car line, good loca tion. lObO East ISth North. WELL furnished three -room flat, perm a nent; adults; references. East 4911 evening. MODERN 5-room flat; chaser of furniture ; 370 1 2d st. rent $3. to pur- home and income. 5-ROOM modern furnished lower flat, sleeping porch, reasona ble rent, walk ing Qistnnce. 4b y Ronney ave., r.ast ?a FURN 1SH ED 2-room flat. fuel, phone and water included; price $27. 0O; adults. 10 E. 9th st. N. CLASSY 4-room flat in Irvington rsi dence, heat light, gas; couple employed prererrea ; $t,.. 1 11 1 nompson. FINE flat, sleeping porch, fireplaces, piano, garage; close in; references. Mar. Iu20. $30 3 ROOMS, modern, cle-an, completely furnished; adult.-. .,4 Mill st. 4 ROOMS and bath, neat, clean, walking distance. $.is. Adults. East 1 iJJ. 5-RUUM lower flat, garage, street. Tabor 5799. 361 East 39th PARTLY furnished 5-room lower 717 E. Burnside. Phone East 80.12 ROOMS. 3 furnished; st.. near Union. $18. 347 Russell FURNISHED 4-room 30th st. Tabor H005. flat, $27.50. S40 E. 5-ROOM modern flat, garage. 30th 1 Hawthorn e; reaao nible. Tabor 5799. Housekeeping Rooms. WHY PAY carfare, water, fuel and light bills? Furnished and unfurnished single rooms and en suite. Goodnough bUlg.. Fifth and Yamhill, opposite postoffice; free gas for cooking and light, steam heat, elevator service, cheapest quarters in the city ; no transients; respectable. Inquire of lan dlady on t hlrd f loqr. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electric lights, steam heat, five minutes walk to town. 2H1 Columbia, near Fifth. FRONT room with kitchenette and large closet, cosy, homelike, cold and hot wa ter, walking distance ; rent low. 402 Market st. N ICE clean furnished housekeeping rooms, large closet, good location. oil Russell. H tIk east of Union garages. East 1740 ON E CORNER bedroom and one 2-room apartment, well heated. 3S0 12-th st Mar. 2024. TWO EXTRA ground floor, rent. 220 N. nice, large, front rooms, newly tinted, reasonable 16th. 170 CHAPMAN st.. near 18th and Morri sonLarge front 2-room, apartment suit able for four; desirable. Broadway 2537. THE BEAVER, 12th a ad Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms, $15 up, including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. CLEAN, quiet 2-room suite, large yard and trees, close In. 261 14th su, near Jefferson. HOUSEKEEPING room, furnished, pink of condition, exclusive locality. 764 Park ave., near C. C. car. Main 4278. SINGLE housekeeping room, furnished, light, hone, gas and furnace heat. Fine location. $15. 5"4 E. Madison, corner 13th. GARAGE with fur. h. k. room above, for 2 gentlemen. b4 North 21st St., corner Everett 2 LA RGE front rooms with kitchenette on first floor, reasonable rent. 427 Mont gomery, near 11th st. 1 AND 2-ROOM clean comfortable apt with runnin-g water; reasonable. 472 Main. CLEAN housekeeping room for gentleman. $ 10 month. 500 Jefferson st'.. near 14th. 2-ROOM suite, telephone, bath. hot. cold water. 67 North 20th. Bdwy. 4123. 2 ROOMS. $5 a week; 1 room, $3; tran sient. $3. 208 Washington. $0 WEEK UP, completely furnished h, k suites. The Cadlli ac. 3d near Jeffe rsoa. NICELY furnished, ciean housekeeping rooms 475 Main jtr-eC 331 W. PARK st-, modern 2 and gultes. well furnished, ciose in. 3-rm. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, electricity. 347 Hall st. CLEAN front housekeeping, $2.50 and up. 372 H Hawthorne. SINGLE rooms, clean, h. and c. water. $4.50 to $6 per week. 147 13th st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $3.50 week up 253, Washington, corner Third. SM A LL housekeeping room, walking dis tance: furnace heat. C32 Flanders. 1 AND 2-ROOM apartments very rea sonable. 173 V North 21st street. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, no children. 1176 E. Main. Tabor 6016. 3 FURNISHED front rooms; 1501. 567 East Couch. adults. East FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping room, clean, reasonable. 214 13th st. 2 LARGE front rooms, first floor; also 1 single b. k. room. 405 West Park. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms, $3 week and up. 521 Johnson, cor. 15th. THE ALT A VISTA housekeeping rooms; sin gle $2 5A. double $4.50. 544 Pettygrove. NEWLY Wa-sh. furnished h. k. rooms at 22S& it. $3.50 week and up. DON'T SEARCH 2 rooms. gas range. 341' 4th. electric lights: couple; $20. NICE 2-room apt. 291 Morrison street. Housekeeping Rooms in Private family. LADY alone would like lady employed furnished room, use of kitchen, home privileges. Phone East 5735. TWO-ROOM h. k. apt.; alo a single rm., $3 per week and up. 71 E. 11th N. East 2838. TWO COMPLETELY furnished housekeep Ing rooms. Tabor 2729. EXCEPTIONALLY clean for light housekepeing. room, suitable 224 14th st HAVE housekeeping room, extra good. 42$ East 57th at. 2 COMPLETELY furnished mocem rooms for housekeeping. 68 Shaver st. CLEAN, light H. K. suites in modern home; very reasonable. 614 Fourth st. LIGHT housekeeping. 171 Phone East 2617. East 13th st. 2 LARGE unfur. rooms, hot water heat. 789 Kearney. Marshall 3456. TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms 713 Sandy blvd. East lOGfi. HOUSEKEEPING room in Irviugton home: two carUuea. Eaat 1276. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Roomw in Private Family. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern. 3-room ana baui: suitable for 2. Clean and weti lighted French doors, open on large private porch ; hardwood I loor. oak and o'd ivory finish; fireplace. Rent $50. Main S.".42. $ii SECOND floor, nice sunvhiny suite of s rurnisnea h. k. rooms; includes sleep ing porch, lights, water ; beautifully lo cated, lawn, roses ; walking distance; adults. 564 E. 6th. Phone Sell. 1109 TWO UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms jor couple witnout ennaren. wttn private family, $10 per mo. Also garage for rent. 914 Gantenbein, corner Skidmore. ON E BIG housekeeping room, gas range. sina, water outsiae. clean, downtown, for two people. Come see It. 201 W. Park. $10 TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, water, yard. Private en trance. Close in. No children. 246 Lin- cnln. 2 FRONT rooms, kitchenette, first floor. fireplace, elec, gas, steam heat, phone, bath, laundry. OS 6 G Ii?an. 3 CLEAN, furnished front h. k. rooms. adults. Elec. phone, bath included. 13 E. 7th st ROOMS and bath, furnished for light housekeeping, including phone, light and water. $18. 143 E. Iftth, netar Morrison. $12 2D FLOOR; 4 large partly furn. rms. ; nice location, ll-nim. service, 30 min. out. Inquire 564 K. With. FOUR rooms, private bath : also sleeping rooms. t se of parlor and kitchen: walking distance. 591 y Davis, cor 19th, $18 3 ROOMS, large living room, electric lights, gas stove, 2 clo.ets. Call Main 7652. FL'RNldH ED housekeeping rooms reason- aoie. 540 Going st., 2 blocks from Irv Inston car. 3 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS, close in. $22. 227 Mill st. Bounrs- PIANOS moved. $3; stairs extra, 91 each flight; 30 days free storage on all house bold goods; furniture moving, one-ton truck, $2 per hour; large truck, $2.75 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer & Storage Co., 104 N. 6th su Open Sundays and evenings. FOR RENT 7-room house, city conven iences, 2 acres ground, beautiful location, near paved road; $50 per mo; will lea&e upon payment of first six months' rent. F 959. Oregonian. 6-ROOM modern house, good condition. Gas, electricUy. snd furnace. Near good car line, east side. Reference required. Call Marshall 1909 before IO A. M.. or after 6 P. M. SIX ROOMS, modern house, $35. One floor; gas, elec.. furnace, hot water, new paint: near three carline. Nice garage. - good yard. 50x100. 0M E. 1Mb St., cor. lirooKlyn. GOOD 7-room modern house. Dutch kitch en, buffet, full baiement, wood lift, wash travs etc. 4012 E. 47th S E.. $32.50. L. E. Steinmetz. Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. IRVINGTON HOME. Eight beautiful rooms, large sleeping porch, garage, strictly modern; heart of irvington. iast j.ioj. CALL BROADWAY 5M FOR NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. MODERN 6-room house. 34 Skidmore st. ; newly tinted and remodeled; rent rea sonable. McKtnley Mitchell, 202 t Stark st. Phone Aut. S21 -31. LOWER floor of my home to refined. middle-aaed couple: every convenience, hot water heat, fine location; references. Tabor 1269. UNFURNISHED 8-room house and sleep ing porch ; good condition, suitable for roomers. 403 Russell st,, near Union ave. Adults only. IRVINGTON HOUSE. 10 rooms, unfurnished, 1 block to car; large lawn; $rtO. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. 5-ROOM HOUSE. On west side; unfurnished; 2 blocks to par: M. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. 5 ROOMS furnished with exception of crockery, dishes, bed linens, $42. Call Main 10RS. MOV ING Pianos, furniture and long-di tance hauluig a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 512L FOUR rooms and bath, unfurnished, ceiled attic, full basement. Kenton district. 2r pr mo. 272 West W att. FOR RENT 7-room strictly modern un furnished house, garage ; will lease for one year. 32 -24. 6-ROOM house, den, sleeping porch, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace. 38S Glenn ave. 6-ROOM house, nice lawn, fruit, hardwood floors ; Union ave. ; $3,V J. D. Kennedy 329 Salmon. Main 47M. ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov ing for leas. Broadway 2445. WHEN moving, city or country, gee the best at lowest price. Green Transfer Co, Main 1201. 2U2 Alder street. MOVING packing, storage, shipping, long dista n,s moving. Broad way 4222 AT TRACTIVE house for rent, lfi't E. 35th. near Belmont. reasonable. MODERN 5-room house. 4SS8. 8-2 1st st. Mar. 8-ROOM house with one acre. 2:rt2 East 7 1st St., near Division Inquire 130 6th st. FOR KENT 1-room house, 2 acres, near Tipard. $7. SO a month. Y 9i2, Oregonian. 3-ROOM furnished house for rent right in town. 248 Harrison st. MODERN 6-room house, sanitary, walking distance. First st. Furnished Houses. S-ROoM modern f urni.shed house, corner Hawthorne, nice yard and porches; lease for one year to responsible adults ; $ a month. Call Marshall 3120. MODERN tast side 7-room house In very desirable neighborhood: furnace. fire piace, hardwood floors, all bullt-lns. Mar shall 1 .v.. MODERN five-room furnished bungalow with line cement garage, near Ken ton cir ilne and tine park; rent $40. 14 Minnesota ave. NEWLY furnished modern 5-room bunga low and garage, beautiful Multnomah 13 minutes Oregon Electric.- Owner, 304 Abington bldg.. 3d and Washington. FURNISHED house in Piedmont for ren to neat, reliable couple : Including ga rage, piano, large yard, phone, water and garbage cared for, woodlawn I2h7. ATTRACTIVELY furnished 6-room house. Glassed-in sleepin g porch. In Irvington, clr-se to school, $90. 309 E. 9th N. Wdln. l FO R REN T Fou r pleasant rooms, f i rst floor In home on 71et st. S. E. On paved street and close to car, $oj. Call morn In gs. East 3357. FOR RENT In Irvington. 7-room modern house; well furnished. On the corner. Call morn in gs. East 3.-.-1 . R- li oom modern furnished house: Kear ney, bet. 22d and 23d. Phone East 5438, call mornings. 7-ROOM furnished house, gas lights, no modern but clean ; Mississippi car; $35 adults. 104 Stanton. 6-ROOM furnished flat ; rent $2. ; water clean, llirht ; furniture for sale; w fide. walking distance. Y 87S. Oregonian. 4-ROOM modern furnished upper duplex house. 417 Russell, between Union and 7th, $30. East iu; ciose in. COMPLETELY furnished, clsan. modern 7-room house, 3 bedrooms, furnace; lease to adults. 7 hi. imtt Hawtnorne ave. va R RENT Attractive stone furnished bungalow on river. Easy distance to Portland. Phone Oak Grove 126-X. ELLA ST., nr. Washington, fine flat, $100 s-as heat, white enamel, hardwood firs. mahogany furniture; adults. Mar. 6070 FOR RENT Neat, reliable couple, fur nished house, including piracf, phone, water and garbage cared for. Wdln. 1267. MODERN 8-room furnished house. Haw thorne ave., near 31st St., $75 per month. Wakefield, Friej Co., P5 Fourth. :o MODERN 5-room bungalow. fur nished, renovated ; near Franklin High. Aut. 612-73 DESIRABLE 6-room nished; clean. $.Vk; hiwh school district. house, well fur adults ; Washington Main 8998. 4-ROOM furnished cottage house. East 21st near Ladd ave., very reasonable. Main 6630. NEW 3-room suburban modern bungaiow, very cosy, ivory enameled. Phone Wood lawn 1471. 10-RoOM house in Hawthorne district, for six months or longer, partly filled; rent 65. Tabor 7005. SMALL furnished house for rent; refer ences required; no children. Call after 10 A. M.. Sellwood 2710 4 ROOMS downstairs furnished, with ga rage water snd lights furnished; $25 a month. 1258 E. Yamhill. Call Tabor 9S5. 4-ROOM modern furnished duplex houe. 417 Russell between Union and 7th. $35. East 5235. Close in. 2 FURNISHED boat houses for land fL of Nevada St.; Fulton. Broad wa y rent on Inq. 120 FURNISHED 6-room 1251 E. Main st. house, $45 month, 5-ROOM furnished house for rent. $35; or furniture for sale. 169 West Park. WIDOW will share home with congeniaJ couple. Woodlawn H 96. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent; can be seen at any time. 1407 East Ash. 4- ROOM furnished house, west side. $25. Mar. 8r.3. FURNISHED cottaee for rent, 291 Ben ton. Call at 295 Benton. 5- ROOM house, furnished, for rent at 144 Kagt SSth N. Call at 503 Alder. SIX-ROOM house, furnished, $40; large yard. 790 Vancouver ave. F U R N I Si TE D 4-room house, modern, exT- cept basement. 41 E. Church. PARTLY furnished bungalow, pit -asant lo cation; la car fare; Ior two. t&-64. FOR RENT Furnished Houses. 100 FEET FROM CAR. J Modern 6-room house; good district ; jr rent $25 a month ; furniture including f piano at sacrifice for $ti0. 4 ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 4Kl-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and FURNISHED 6-room house to middle aged couple, fond of children, who will board mother and child: will take 2 rooms for self. 555 Madison, near Chap man. 6-ROOM house for rent, mostly furnished, by 1st; clean; lot 90x100, fruit trees, chicken park, close in. $35 per -month. , 744 East loth, near Rhone. 5-ROOM modern furnished cottage. 4S9 Division, corner East 10h st. $35. East 5235. Close in. FOR RENT New 4-room cottage, com pletely furnished. Phone Main 7061. llueit for Kent Furniture- for Sadc. 4-ROOM house, furniture Ior sale; garden; adults only. 6842 64th ave. S. E. ML Scott car, Fremont station. Call be tween 7 and 12 A. M. ATTRACTIVE 8-room house for rent, fur nishings for sale 110 B. 20th st. South. FURNITURE of 4-room house. $150; rent $10. Auto. 519-36. bummer Ron, NEW, 2-room cottage or 4-room flat. $12 week, $25 for month. 321 6th ave.. Mrs. England, Seaside. Or. KOum with 2 beds. $15 a week. Tole- phone afte r 6. Se II. 1753 . SEAVIEW, Wash., desirable 6-room huuse on bouievara. rJast 4U4;. OCEAN PARK cottages for Sept., week or month: low rent. din. lit)-. SEAVIEW. Wash.- i tely I urn i he d 4-room cottage. East 2'i7.Y SEASIDE Beautiful 7-room cottage, board walk . Septembe r -w a I n 4 4 S9 Stores siid Business Places. FOR RENT Vacant lot. Jefferson, near 2d, suitable tor Tabor 1114. autos or other storage. FOR DESIRABLE space In fireproof ware- house, phone Broadway Siia. DANDY corner store. 1st and Wash, 144 1st street. Main 33i7. FINE light floor. 50x100: long lease; cheap rent. Wax. 24 N. otn FOR RENT Store. Washington near Sec ond, Apply 252 Stark. FOR RENT- -Office and light mfg. ave. N. 125 Grand ROOM for rent for small meat shop. CoL 132 M OF STORE ROOM and window. 68 Broadway, near Benson hotel. Offlcrs, DESK ROOM for rent in office with ua of typewriter and phone, 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 'J67. DESK room in fine light office. 440 Wash. bldg.. cor. 4th and W ash. FRONT office, modern, in Railway Kx- change bldg. Apply ryrm a:. SM ALL OFFICE, telephone, stenographic service. 832 Morgan bldg. Main fi24. DESK rom. with teiepnone .n d st graphic service. Pnone bdwy. aiia. M iscellanrouH. FIREPROOF warehouse with office. 20x 60. can iwwy, .oy. Aider. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. f rOR BUSINESS CHANCES SEE O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. SROOERY. cash and carry, monthly FOI GROC1 sales $SO0. rent $20. 4 living rooms, cor ner; priced ior quicK sale. 91 .'". DRUG STORE, prices at $7HK, $O0 cash or good securities; nets $ 1500 monthly. ONFECTIONERT AND LIGHT GRO CERY Good buy at $3000, corner with 3 living rooms and bath; doing $1500 monthly. Rent $35. Fixtures of the best and well stocked. We have others from $750 tip. try us for better business. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. REALTORS, 408-11 Couch bldg. Main 1575. " GROCERY. This place has never been on the market before ; owm-r must sell be cause of another business. Big, new, clean stock. Best location, near Irtth on the west side. If you are looking for a snap see me for particulars of this place. It takes only $2.iu0 cash to handle this monev maker. Mr. Pomroy. THOMSON THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 HENRY PLIXL BDWY. 40. GROCERY, choice corner location, near school, clean stock, very few fixtures. $35 per day average, low rent, 5 living rooms, $ 1 lo0. Grocery, close in corner location, all clean tock. large living room In rear; $1650 or invoice; terms. NEILAN & PARK H I LL, REALTORS. 219 Lumbermen Bldg. Bdwy. 2n32 CONFECTIONERY AND SUNDRIES. NETS OVER $500 MONTHLY. Ideal corner location and district, well fountain, fixtures and very b-st equipment ; stock fresh, clean, quick turnover; $50o0 handles, consider light auto; also terms given. QUIN. 2"fi Morgan B'dg. REALTOR. WANT CASH BUYER f r live gt neral merchandise business. Will Invoice fl. 00. It's a money-maker, doing strictly cash business. Must sell on account of Illness of a member of firm. Write or come and see It. Thos. Cobb, La Center. Wash. GOOD opportunity awaits someone with small capital to buy my popcorn, cigar and candy stand on the corner between two theaters; the barracks will be full In a few days-; other business compels me to sell. Phone 373 or write The Sweet Shop, Vancouver, Wajsh. FOR QUICK sale I am sacrificing my gro cery stock, fixtures and building, corner location doing 40 to $i0 a day. lot 80x100, p!ay to make money, no competition, $2700 will handle; has living rooms. This is A No. 1 In every respect. See Bushue. 513 Chamber of Commerce. BAKERY OUTFIT FOR SALE 1 ROB ERTS OVEN", 1 ELECTRIC OVEN. 1H BRL. MIXER; A BARGAIN: TERMS IF WANTED. P. O. BOX 3524. PORT LAND. OR. AUTO REPAIR SHOT. Partner wanted In good repair bns1 ness. reliable mechanic can secure half interest for $600 required. Room 511 Railway Exchange. ONE-HALF in concrete Mock bus'ness. $300 with service. This is a reai opportunity, going, money-making business. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co 210 Oregon bldg Bdwy. 1 65S. A CLOSE-IN GARAGE. A good repair business, $00 month clear profit ; will invoice ; no bonus asked. Room 401 D k n m bide. $SfWT WO -THIRDS interest in good es tablished salted nut business, with de livery car. Call 554 Alberta sL, ask for Burton. BUY FROM OWNER. A snap confectionery and lunch st 577 Washington-st. ; must sell on sccount o(7 sickness. Bdwy. 5124. I APT. DIST. grocery, fine business, nice living rooms, will invoice about $9O0; a place you will like. Bushue, 518 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR SALE Established tailoring busi ness, verv reasonable. The Continental Tailor, 519 N. Tower ave,, CentraUa, Wash. FOR SALE Garage, moaern equipment repair shop: on Columbia river highway. In Astoria; $SO0 cash, balance terms. F. G. Gebott. 2643 Birch St.. Astoria. Or. RESTAURANT, nice little place, two ran handle, rent $35. price $750. half cash, balance out o' business. Barraud Realty Co.. 349 Salmon. FOR SALE Entire stocsc of general mer chandise and fixtures at invoice; terms cah ; no trades. Write or see F. &. Schaefer. Lafayette, Or. WANTED A good mechanic ; good loca tion at Hood River, Or., either to take charge of shop or to buy Interest, or alL Phone Hood River 2861. . WE HAVE for sale grocery stores from $80O up. Business Sales Co., 210 Stock Kxrhan" bldg. FO R SA U Bicycle and cneral repair shop; will invoice about $500. lG-i E. 13th st. II ALF interest in established collection business, $4'0; excellent opportunity. B SO. Oregonian. BAKERY AND PASTRY SHOP. Must be sold at once ; bargain. Ad dress P. O box 4266. $250 GETS you half Interest cement brick and block mfg. business, some stock, nlentv of business. Phone fT;4-.". RESTAURANT for sale, dotng good busi ness; party leaving for east. 210 Co lumhla st. t DINING ROOM Dandy place for sale, reasonable, or trade. Make me an offer. Owner, An-alone Marshall 51 70. FOR SALE or trade by owner, good houe and store; splendid business location. 7V Mississippi sve. Wdn. 4612. FOR SALE Tire and vulcanizing shop In town of 2000. on Pacific highway. AA- dress AV JOl. Ore-onian. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sc ond and Morrison. SNAP COUNTRY STORE. Cobb Bros-, Q2S Chamoer or 10m . CONFECTIONERY and soft-drink, store lor sale. 38 N. 2d St.. corner. $350 BUY'S HALF interest in good paying rest aurant. 24 N. 6t h st. FOR SALE A two-man restaurant; good location. 210 W. Morrison st- FULL-SIZED lot. oil district of Texas, 057. Oregonian. $175 cash AJ RESTAURANT and lunch, IuLy equipped, barga in. 244 u. Yamhill. GROCERY North end, well located; cah or trade. 246 Washington st. HEADQUARTERS for grocery stores John Brown. 322 Ry. Exch. b;dg. FOR SALE Grocery store In good loca. tion. Cheap. 1568 E. Glisan. FOR SALE SHOW KKPa11UN oi 113 N. BROADWAY. t