i 10 THE MORXIXG. OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1921 RF.AT, estate. Fruit Lands for Sale cr Kent OCR WALNUT orchards are now In bear ing; tons of nuts now on the trees; never damaged by frosts; soil and other condition unexcelled. Walnut industry never more promising; 2 cents per lb. advance over the California, ODeninar price has been offered this year for Oregon Walnula. We orfer the follow ing real bargains: 20 acres. $7500. 30 acres, $9750. IT acres, $51lM. 12 acres, $3300. Don't let thee prices deceive you. They are away below actual values, -.smaller tracts and terms to suit any one that wants a walnut orchard, which means an annuity lor life. Call or ad-Urei-s MATTHHWS PT.ANTTNG CO.. 016 l.nmhermens Bldg., Portland. Or. THE CROP GOES TO THE BUYER. Owners must sell 80-acre orchard property with good buildings and 38 acres in commercial apples. Klickitat county. Wash., near Lylc. Such an op portunity of getting a real revenue pro ducing property does not often occur. Investigate It. Price $20,000. Terms. John Bala. 507 Spalding Bide., Port land. Homesteads. Relinquishments. 10U-ACRB HEI.INQUISHMKXT. 37 miles from Portland, 2-room house, harn. 1 acre, slashed, fine spring, lies good; some fine timber. Al soil; 2 stoves, furniture and nil tools. Price $625. Bundy. HIS Chamber of Commerce bldg HO.MKSTKADS FOR EX-SERVICE MEN or others; original entry or relinquish ments; will locate you on timber or farm lands, taking you out In my own car. K. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trade. JlKLlXyUISHMENT, 100 acres, good land, lots valuable bottom lands and timber; no imps.; Portland about 34 miles. In quire 206 Morgan bldg. For Sill e Farms. MUST BE SOLD. No. 305. 20 acres, all excellent level land, all well fenced and cross-fenced. 30 acres in cultivation, balance timber and pasture, good assorted orchard. 1 u, acres loganberries, acre strawberries; good 6-room house, good large barn, all neces sary outbuildings, good well, wind mill and tank, water piped to buildings. The personal property which goes with place consists of 4 good cows, brood sow and 2 pigs, 20 hens, 1 horse, harness, wagon, hack, plow, harrow, cultivator, cream separator, several tons hay, potatoes, etc., all small tools and other implements; located 7 miles from Vancouver in good district; owner's wife is 111 and must sell; price $4S0O, $700 cash, balance very easy terms. THE R. f. THOMPSON CO., REALTORS. 410 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. FINE 110-ACRE STOCKED A VD EQTIPPED RANCH JOINING HiLLSBOBO CITY LIMITS. . Every foot of It extra good soil and in cultivation; good crops. Good 7-room house, big barn full of hay. Silo and other good out buildings; 1(1 good cows. 3 heifers, 6 hogs, tractor and complete set of farm implements; also grain enough for feed and seeding: corn to fill silo. Price for all $20,000; terms. See SAM HE WE V at J. L. HAKTMAN' COMPANY, 8 Cham ber of Com. bldg. A BEAtrTlFIT, 10-ACRE HOME WITH FINK 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. The house is nearly new, plastered and cement basement, nice barn for r cows and poultry houses for 500 chickens; 1 acre strawberries. 1 raspberries. 1 pota toes. 1 kale, 1 corn, big family garden, balance seeded to clover, winter's hav in the barn; also 10 cords of 36-inoh wood, 200 March hatch pullets, HO old hens. All this for only $4500; will take half cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. STEWART & JOHNSON. 31."i Northwestern Bank Bldg. 160 ACRES 15 COWS. $5O00. This ranch of ltto acres Is located in Lane county; 20 acres under plow. 4 acre orchard; 6-room house, 2 barns; full Bet of farm tools, team, 15 cows, hogs, chickens, some bees, barn full of hay; everything goes at only $5000. $2000 cash. F. I,. EDDY, Realtor. RITTER. LOWK & CO.. SOI -3-3-5-7 Hoard of Trmle Hide- 21-Ai'RE FARM, ALL IN CULTIVATION, is MILE TO STREET CAR LINE, STORE AND SCHOOL. 4-room house, large barn and out buildings, running water, 10 acres ot late potatoes, worth now 2c a pound; bal ance of crop is in the barn; soil is equal to beaverdam; nothing better: 2 cows, good team of horses, wagon, plows and everything for $5800. $2000 cash, bal ance 4 years at 0 per cent. STEWART & JOHNSON". 31. Northwestern Bank Bldg. 10 ACRES STOCKED. ONLY $2450. 10 acres located In the loganberry section, 5 acres under plow, 1'- acres loganberries. 3000 strawberries, besides assorted fruits: B-room house, barn. Plow, buggy, harness, horse, chickens; all Included at only $2450. $1250 cash F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg ON R PIVIP l. A DM In the Tualatin valley. 14 miles from Portland, 13-3 acres with 134 acres in cultivation, 5 acres of splendid orchard, full set of buildings, pressure water system, all first-class river bottom Ia.nd, wonderful production, stock and Implement included. Price S35.O0O, $lo.OOO cash, terms on the balance' Fred W. German Co.. Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. " 100 ACRES $1600. 100 acres. 40 acres level. 10 acres beaverdam; 25 young fruit trees, berries; 2-room shack cabin. 2 barns; 6 acres In clover nad timothy, fine garden: price including furniture and tools, only $1600 $1000 cash. F. L. EDDY, Realtor, BITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 229 ACRES, $32 PER ACRE. SS Miles From Portland. 6-room house, 2 barns, orchard. fiO acres in cult., all fenced, water piped ta house and barn, lots more easily cleared. This is one of the best stock ranches in Oregon. $2000 cash, bal. 10 years at 4 per cent interest. BUN DY. 618 Cham, of Com. Bldg. NOTICE TO JAPANESE TRUCK FARMERS. We have for sale a fine body of land especially adapted to vegetable cultiva tion. Owner will divide into small tracts; give easy terms if whole tract is disposed of. Here is a chance to buy land instead of renting. See BUSHUE, BIS CHAM. OF COMMERCE. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160-ACRE farm Improved, buildings, berries, orchard' running water, school. 15 cultivated mu;ht consider Portland home or acre age. For particulars write owner, A. H. McGee. Cape Horn. Wash. CAPITOL HUSH WAT. WK ACRE farm, cosy cottage, Tlgard district, plenty fruit, spring, well- level barn, hennery. 30 minutes of Portland' $6000, terms. i-iauo. McFARLAND. Realtor. Falling Bldj FOR SALE Forty acres at Damascus Or ail under cultivation: line strawberries' 2d vear: plastered house, barn and out- u i"'T"rV mrow from school and church. J. S. Emmons. Boring, Or., R. F. D. 4 20-ACRE ranch, all cultivated, good build ings. water, stocked and equipped- feed In barn: near paved highway and sta tion; consider Portland home John Calderwood, Yamhill, Or. 10 ACRES, Reedville by school iind " , , - , . . ; " ' . i-. . i : ana auto service. Paved highway. Telephone In. bor 4833 evenings. Owner. 103 ACRES, all stocked and equipped 30 miles from Portland; all harvesting fin ished, excepting 15 acres of potatoes. Don't miss this if you want a farm Walsh. SOS Buchanan bldg. irm. i0-ACHE farm 4 miles north of Salem mile off Pacific highway; good build ines; suitable for grain, berries or dairv Will sell all or part; Address 49 South ri;Kii gt.i t-aicui. -ri . a none JJ-oW JO-ACRE farm cheap; Scappoose; 4-room h-ouse, barn, garden; 7 acres cult hnrB., cow. wagon, tools, furniture; spring- 40 chickens; timber. $2400; j cash. Mc- l-ananu. raiting Plug. 40 ACRES, near station, on R. R.; some ciea.i - , m-ur.. ualM, (spring; work near by; price $750; $250 down. DRAPER. 40S Board of Trade Bid g. CHICK EN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES! Dear Portland, $50 to $500 per acre easy terms, bes. soil, farms for sale, all'alzea U.B-..l,n.l moIIa. OOO E--1I1 ... , MR. BUYER Let me show you a well- J') mx uuny and larming ranch all Mocked and equipped. See pictures Ca.ll r.sti 10. 70th N. Tab"- 200. ' 3 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon; 6$ lii cultivation, well fenced: a good bu. or win iimb. uwDer, laoor 6308. FOR REAL bargains In good cultivated farms, situated in Linn county, call on or write J. V. Pipe. Albany. Or. Hi ACRES near Wlllamlna; level, cleared, fenced, good 4-room house, loganberry land; terms, J. & Sharp, 83 ft 3d, at. REAL ESTATE. BIG FARM BARGAIN. 104 acres. 5 miles from Silverton. Or., on good road; 40 acres under cultiva tion: 100 acres can be farmed when cleared; water piped to buildings; good bearing orchard-. 7-room house with basement, barn 45x55. large chicken house capacity 300 chickens. other buildings. 25 acres in fir timber. All rural conveniences; one mile to school. Included with place, 5 cows, 16 sheep. 3 brood sows and a very complete line of machinery. Crops included. Price for everything $9000: J30OO cash. Consider small acreage within 2.1 miles of Port land up to $4000 or $5000. Easy terms on balance. 18 acres near Oregon City. 14 miles from electric station: 5 acres under cul tivation; 15 acres can be farmed when cleared, now in heavy fir timber: over 1500 cords of wood; small bearing or chard. B-room house with water piped In, barn 26x40, large chicken house. In cluded with place goes cow. 75 chickens. Price for everything $4000. one-half cash Consider acre of land close to Portland. Ask for Mr. Kemp. 70 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 24 acres 24 miles from town, on gravel road; good wire fences: 12 acres under cultivation; 17 acres can be cultivated when cleared, balance in timber; good spring and creek; 5 acres of bearing or chard. 4-room house, barn, chicken house, other buildings. Included with place, 8 milch cows, one good Jersey bull, 2-year-old heifer, team of mares, com plete line of farm machinery. Price for everything $3000; $2150 cash. $850 In cumbrance which is included in price, and on easy terms at 6. Consider house in Portland for equity. Ranch Inspected by Berger. JOH.N FERGUSON. Realtor. -Gerlinger Bldg. Largest farm dealer on Pacific coast. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. FOR SAl-is 14 acres. , mile to station, 6 acres cultivated, new 5-room house. S09 capacity coops with lights, 100 Leghorn hens, S00 chick Kresky brooder house, In cubators. $150 dairy cow. Auto repair shop connected with it; priced for quick sale, $1500: leaving . for Chicago. Wnx, C. Moldt, Hugo, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE BUYERS wanting rooming houses ands hotels and the unprecedented number of people In quiring about this-class of revenue prop erty warrants your listing your place with us; ask for Mr. Martin, COK A. McKENNA '& CO., REALTORS. 82 Fourth St. Main 687L W ANTED. G0.OOO LOTS IN ALL PARTS OF CITT. We have the buyers. Have you a lot which you wish to dispose of? If you list them with Hughes they are sold. WM A HI'GHE.S CO 218 Ry. Exchange Bldg. WANT SMALL CHEAP ACREAGE TRACTS. Impossible for us to supply the demand 'or small, cheap acreage tracts; want some kind of buildings on them. Har grove Realty Co., 122 M. 6th at. Bdwy. 4381. WANT a home in Park Rose with acre or half acre near car line and school; can make Jarge cash payment down for a bargain. 1 am not an agent. P. O. box 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. FIRE. rL"A.c., culbl-l.NS, t U It N A U K, BREAKFAST NOOK. GOOD LOCATION $200 F1RST PAYMENT. AND WILL Arzri. x.nuo. x uou. UREUOX1AN. WANT modern 6 or 7-room bunglow In Rose City or Irvington from owner only. Will make large cash payment. P. O. box BUNGALOW-TYPE house wanted 5-r. and modern; around $:;o00; $400 down, and on or close to MisHiMKlnnl car- nniir sale. Write W. J. Maxwell, .iul Ry. Exch. EX-SERVICE man wants small improved farm; payment $3000 cash. Portland home equity $2000. W. M. Umbden stock. 210 Oregon bldg. I WANT a lot about 30x100. close in to the business section. Give exact location and price in first letter. Y 074. Ore gonian. HAVE 3 buyers for cheap homes under $2500. Can pay from $300 to $500 down and good monthly payments. What have you? Call Main 7027. 415 Piatt bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow in-Rose City, Hawthorne, or good Improved district. Have $500 cash, balance $50 month, ia- .iumhii5 uueiem. Ai. iu, oregonlan. WANT small suburban place with bunga low: paved highway frontage essential. Quick deal for right proposition. A. K jim, t-u juumoermen s bldg. ANT a 5 or 6-room house. Rose Pliv or Hawthorne preferred. Give best price and lowest cash payment. E 967, Orego nian. IF YOU really want to sen your home In any good location in Portland, we can ,l. mevjee uennis, wooaiawn 5694. v lsxiitj vacant lots; give description and best price. 327 Henry bldg.; no com mis.sions charged. C-ROOM modern house, garage, Laurel hurst. Rom City preferred; $500 down balance monthly. AN 934. Oregonlan. ' WANT bungalow. Rose City. $4500 "to $5000 This will be cash, so rock bottom is asked. BC 123. Oregonlan. WANTED 5-room bungalow on Missis sippi car line not over $3000. Call Main WANT attractive 5-room bungalow under $4000. Quick deal for bargain. See r. iv. nin, --t uuiiiuermeil a bldg. WANTED For client, a 5-room bungalow ... Lyjyf tusa, Dai. terms. WANTED to buy 5 to 7-room modern furnished hm.vf. WANT to trade Buick six and cash for modern bungajow, or close-in acreage. WILL pay cash for your equity if you iu juur nome. as l am looking for a home. P. o. box 3375 PAYMENT for a good home worth the .......j. , im ikchl. t. u. pox 3375. Farms Wanted. FARMS WANTED. We are having some cash buyers for farms, also some good ex changes for farms and city prop erty. Let us have yours "and we will try and get you a. deal. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Main 208. Wanted to Item Farms. FARMS WANTED. We are bavins many calls every day for farms to rent. As we spe cialize in leasing farms and selling personal property we can get quick results. If your place is for leasa let us know at once. Clients wait ing. F. T,. EDDT. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACE! Have several people wanting ta rent acreage or small farms, cloee to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more, vve make .ots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. I-argeet Farm Dealer on Paclfle Coast. WISH to rent from owner, strawberry ranch with house. F 957. Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. ,NICE PLACE FOR SALS $6000, must have at least $4000 cash, or for rent. $40 per mo., all furnished $ acres, all fenced. 3 blocks outside city limits, close to school, fine barn with full basement, good house, large garden, Plenty of vegetables, chicken house with 110 chickens, woodshed with 6 cords of wood, city water and electric light, near 6th ave. and 76th st. S E KfCOtf iiniv, Mrs- V- -Bichon. or OWNER 250 acres for rent the first of November adjoining O. A. C. for shares UNTIL Nov.. 1923, 40 near Ore. City, $400: Also 500 cords seasoned wood on place! $3. Owner, box 68. Astoria. Or. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 40 acres timber land, 150$ cords wood and cedar posts, creek, small shack worth $50, 3 miles from county seat; $1000. $500 down, balance on time. -..g. . . lunicr, oievenson. vv as h. TIMBER LAND, eastern Oergon. Morrow county, for sale or trade against city property. -160 acres, about 6.000.000 feet of very fine pine timber. K 926, Ore- bGK. SALE Sawmills located in pine fir or spruce timber, also good tracts ot 2,r8U;..timber m Oregon or Washington. Bee WInslow Co . 4i i i,mh, f,j. , . ...CUM UIU) w A v-Trn it i : lui, . " loKger to yard out 100, 000 feet cedar logs; good show; 5 miles from city. Western Lumber agency 64 Morgan bldg. Auto. 514-44. TO EXfHAVfiP ePli xc:.. WILL trade 9,000.000 ft. fine timber near railroad for Pnrilnnil -.- ... . acres. Fellman. 314 Couch bldg. TRADE $300 equity good lot. nut grove Aut 5-'7l ogOUrins sam value. Meyers', TRADE 80 acres irrigated land in Colo: for medium-sized rooming house or email, fruit tract. Meyers, Aut, 62.7-28. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TURN TOUR VACANT LOTS IN OX A HOME. $2000 New 4-room cottage, over y acre of ground, 5 blocks Oak Grove station on Oregon City line; will take vacant lot as part payment. $2200 5-room house, plastered, bath and toilet, gas. electric lights, some fruit and berries; 50xlo0 lot: will take vacant lot as part payment. $2300 5-room plastered house, with 75x 100 lot; 18 bearing assorted fruit trees; has bath, toilet and gas; will take vacant lot as part pay ment. We also have many good houses which can be exchanged for autos as first pay ment. Drop in at our office and see Mr. Stephens. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS, 732 Cham, of Com. SPLENDID 233-ACRE RANCH. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. FOR PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY. On hard road, near Salem: ISO acres in cultivation and crop; 20 acres in bearing prunes, good crop this year; balance pasture, timber. 8-room modern house, fireplace, furnace, electric lights, bath and toilet: big barn. Silo and other outbuildings In good condition. Fully stocked and equipped. Price $45,000. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. SPLENDID 13-ACRE IMPROVED RANCH ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. NEAR GOOD TOWN. 35 MILES SOUTH OF PORTLAND. , Finest soil and water; all in cultiva tion; 3 acres loganberries, yt acres full bearing strawberries, balance for other crops. House and other outbldgs. in good shape. Can Sell your berries with out taking them off the place. Price $5500. Sell or exchange for Portland rooming liouse up to $4500. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 6 ACRES in edge of Salem, all In fruit and berries, four-room house, good spring, best of soil, a good income home place; will trade $200O equity for grocery, apartment house or other businesa and pay little cash, difference. 2 beautiful lots on corner In Irving ton Park, a place with a future; trade for one-ton truck to about $1200. BORLOND. PARSONS & MOORE. 303 Stock Exchange. SEE US FOR EXCHANGES. 18-acre prune rancrr on Prune Hill. 12 a prunes, 50 walnut. 67 cherry. Lots of other fruit, good 8-room house with running water, bath. etc. Good chicken house, dryer. Will trade for Portland home. Value $10,000. . Priced far below market. MARSH & M'CABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 39i3. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE for 202-4 Morris, cor. Commercial (stores and flats, income $115 per month) ? Also for 7-room house. E. 41st and Holgate (want motion picture or small business to $2500) ? Also 50-acre all around farm with horses, tools and crop, at White Salmon, Wash. ? J. E. HUNT, Bdwy. 1583. 626 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE OFFICE YOU MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. Many excellent propositions now for trade, such as income property for vacant lots. Your proposition can be matched. A. Gordon Roes. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acres located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and hill. 300 acres in cultivation. 2 houses, fair barn: pric $40,000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER COMPANY. 63 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. EUGENE RENTAL EXCHANGE FOB SCHOOL YEAR. Close-in, strictly modern, g-room resi dence In Eugene, ideally located to ex change for rental on similar home in or near Irvington, Portland. Can mutu ally agree for furnishing. BAM RUGH REALTY CO.. 7th and Will. FOR SALE or trade, property in North Bend, Or.; good renting property; 2 houses on separate lots; both houses rented: will sell one or both at a bar gain or will trade for Washington or Portland property: give location of trade. Address AY' 2S4. Oregonlan. 25 ACRES, cultivated: good 10-room plas tered house, basement, good barn and outbldgs., 2 wells, fenced with woven wire; some implements, 4 tons hav; 2 nil. Sclo: $6500. What have you to trade? BOCK HOLD BROS. Realtors. 6Q1 Swetland Bldg. Main 5760. SIX-ROOM modern home, free of incum brance, in one of the best west side residential districts; valued at $5500, to trade for improved email acreage piace in the Tlgard district. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. Phone Main 953. GOOD ALFALFA FARM. 70 acres in Weiaer, Idatio, all under irrigation, 25 acres in alfalfa now; fair house, barn, outbuildings. Price $10,500 clear. Wiil trade for house to full value. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. fl13 Chamber of Com. Main 6067. 10 ACRES On Buikley av.. near Base Line road. Bull Run water. Price $6750. Will sell, easy terms, or consider ex change for modern home not over $7500 In value. Call owner. Main 276. or Wood lawn 4997. THREE-ROOM house (Jarge roomp) ; beau tiful east front lot. Irvington Park: large lawn, garden, berries; value $1450; will exchange-equity ($800) for equity on 5 rootn modern bungalow. V 960. Orego nian. FOR SALE or trade, 7-pass.enger Reo, sport model, 5 wire wheels and cord tires, seat covers, clock, etc. Will take real eFtate or other property or light maoihine. S-uitable terms if desired. Phone Woodlawn 3833. HAVE dandy 8-rm. house at 16th and Burnside, value $7200, clear, want to trade for better home around $10,500. Must be corner. Call Mr. Maxwell. Main 7931. Tabor 6531. TO EXCHANGE 480-acre diversified farm: good buildings and fully equipped; near The Dalles, Or. What have you? Write 71. J. Fish, The Dalles. SALE or trade, 20 acres, 3 acres cleared and "fenced, 35 miles from Portland, near North Bank highway. AL 948, Oregonlan. IMPROVED acreage close in. $2500 equity for modern 5 or 6-room bungalow to $3000. Owner, 420 X. Syracuse bu, St. Johns. IMPROVED farm near Corvallis, con taining 112 acres, value $16,000, to ex change for smaller place near Portland. Main 2516. 319 Mohawk bldg. TO EXCHANGE ISO-acre diversified farm; good buildings and fully equipped. Near The Dalles. Or. What have you7 Call New Perkins hotel, room 32G. WILL trade one of the best businesses in city for Improved garden or fruit tract; long lease; price $5000. 525 Rwy. WANT city residence. Have $3000 equity in highly developed suburban place; will assume. See A. Iv. Hill, 426 Lumber, men's bldg. 9-ROOM house, income $70; arrange for 2 families; want improved small farm, close in on good road, value up to $8000. JOHNSON. 483 Rodney Ave. WILL give you 1 or 2 160 acres, partly improved, ia Alberta, Canada, for your property in any good location. 133 Vt 1st St.. room 1. Nelson, owner. 16 ACRES in Eugene for Portland prop erty. Fellman. 314 Couch bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCEI.LAVBOrS. FIRST-CLASS dental work for groceries or anything 1 can use. AR 943. Orego- BUICK 4 bug. value $100, trade for any thing I can use. 209 E. 20th St. N. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. IN FROM the country, mule team, age 6, 23O0 pounds. Team of horses. 3000; mare, 1450; 4-year-old colt, 1350; team 230U; single horse. Must sell. 630 Jef- ferson at., near 21at. FOR SALE 20 Holstein fresh and coming fresh, mostly 6 and 7-gallon cows. 94th and GUsan St., end of depot. Montavlila car. WANT to buy, dairy of few cows with cus tomers and lease place suitable for dairy. Sell. 1061. FRESH 4 -gal. Jersey, rich and easy milker, milk at 6 P. M. 780 Insley ave. Sellwood car. FOR SALE Six aoreei; reaaonaois prieea Holmaa Fuel Co-, barn . 6th and Iron streeta 2800-LB. TEAM mules. 4 years eld. If you want a good team of mules. Bee these. Aiiaa wooujani, ot front. FOR SALE Several fresh family cows- prices from $50 to $70. Tabor 8004. ' VETERINARIAN. 1 PR. HOWES. TABOR 6568. FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes una i ama. noiman r uei 1JO.. H4 Qth at. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly Phone Mllwaukle 69-J for best service. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly Call day or night. Auto. 627-64. WANTED To buy first-class gaited saddle horse. F. E. Bowman. Main 3026. FOR SALE Al COW. 879 E. 26THSt! Pianos. Organs and .Musical Instruments. 5 KIMBALL pianos. $175. $210. $225, $-50" etc.. each: terms. 311 Worcester bg'. WANTED Good piano lor cash. Marshall 6709. No dealers. FOR SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. READJUSTMENT PERIOD SALE. Some of the finest pianos in the world. Including demonstrating and used pianos, player pianos and phonographs. SAVING OF $75 to $30O FOR YOU. Ivera & Pond, last year's model $595 Ivers & Pond, last year's model 675 Hazelton Bros., last year's model.... 635 Haines Bros., last year's model....... 495 Haines liros., last year's model..., -05 Franklin upright in mahogany 495 Foster & Co.. upright. In oak 895 Hobart M. Cable, player piano 495 Stuyvesant, mahogany player piano.. 675 Kimball, large upright 365 New England, large upright 225 Cash or as low as $8 to $15 a month Seventh Floor. Llpman. Wolfe Co. PHONOGRAPHS Some reduced over 60. New and Used Cabinet Models. Readjustment Period Sale. Vlctrola, model 10 $110.00 Widdicomb. No. 8. walnut 100.00 Pathe. No. 10. cabinet 75.00 Stradivara Melody 112.50 Bluebird, in mahogany 125. 0O Pathe, fumed oak. model 12 115.00 Stradivara Chopin, mahogany ... 90.00 Victor, style 9. amall 40.00 $10 or more at time of purchase, $a or more a month thereafter. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO.. 7th Floor. ' SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $375 J. P. Hale & Co. used upright. .$210 4i0 Peerless, upright, mahogany... 165 25 Collard & Collard. upright 65 -0 Pianista player piano 295 250 Pianola player, walnut 5 Parlor organs, $18, $25. $35. $38. etc 103 TENTH ST.. CORNER STARK. PCHWAN PIANO CO.. Downstairs Stor. 6j0 Kimball, used, best style, mail. $395 6 1 5 Singer, upright grand 295 50 Adam Schaif player 495 900 Steger, In rich mahogany.... 495 . 900 Stelnway & Sons, uprisht 395 s 475 Hallet & Davis, upright 1S $10 to $25 cash, $6 to $12 monthly. $lo0 Pathe. mdL 10. used phonograph.$80 125 Brunswick. No. 107, phonograph. 95 95 Stradivara. in oak 88 73 Victor, in mahogany 45 $50 Victor, in oak 30 Terms. $5 cash. $3, $4 and $5 monthly. jux lenm st. at w asn. and a tarn. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. BRUNSWICK with 10 records .$120 MOTOR with 20 records 120 COLUMBIA with 15 records 10 PATHE with 10 records 80 COLUMBIA with lo records 75 STRADIVARA with 10 records 70 VICTOR with 15 records 00 VICTOR with 5 records 20 $5 or more cash, $4 or more monthly. SOU WAN PIANO CO.. 101 Tenth St.. cor. Stark. GRAND PIANO FOR SALE. Am leaving Portland. This grand was purchased 3 months ago! It cannot be told from new; the price of a new one is $1425. You can purchase thus piano for $1225 on terms of $200 cash and $30 per month, delivered in your home. You cannot purchase a new -one like it for less than $1425. Apt. 46. Rose Friend aptg.. cor. Broadway and Jefferson AMERICA'S CHOICEST PIANOS. HARDMAN, fine shape $250 STEINWAY, apartment size 387 PACKARD, art walnut :'. 433 MEHLIN. American burl walnut 487 Perfect interior. Faultless exterior. PHONOGRAPHS SLAUGHTERED. Players and Phonographs for rent. HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 384 TamhilL Pianos Sold. Rented. Repaired. LUSH & LANE player, plain mahogany case; must be sold this week; make offer. SEIBERI.TNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO..' 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. A BRUNSWICK cabinet phonograph, $100; Sonora cabinet. $75; one old style table phonograph new, $185, and many others ranging in price from $25 and up. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. FISHER piano, $175, a real bargain. See it; terms given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE, 128 FIRST ST. MAIN 4495. AUTO 627-46. KIMBALL grand and a bargain; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. HAINES, plain walnut case, $235; good condition; a snap; terms given. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. A SNAP buy. Bradbury piano, $235, an other one in a J. & C. Fischer piano at $275, modern cases. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.; 149 Sixth Street. KRANICH & BACH, walnut case; must be sold. See it. SEIBERLINO-LTTCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. DECKER & SON player. $275, with bench and rolls; a big bargain. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. KNABE piano, practically new, case re finished. If you want something really good, call and see this one. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. HARDMAN, plain mahogany case! at less than half price. Terms given SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO . 125 Fourth Street. SPECIAL SALE ON PIANOS. . Buy, sell, rent or trade Pnonographs and records. Neuman's Record Exchange. 123 First. Main 4495. 627-46. 625-82. YORK silver cornet in good condition jif ver plated with gold beil. $55. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO . 149 Sixth Street. MELODY C saxophone complete with can $110. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO 149 Sixth Street. FOR SALE OR RENT Piano, grafonola wilh late records. " EMPIRE TRANSFER, 254 Broadway Broadway 155. TWO GRAND pianos, "the world's finest makes." perfect order and can't tell from new; make an offer; terms. Brok- cihb v.. oil ,,mueier piqg. STUDENT'S violin outfit, includes violin' case, bow, rosin and extra strings G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO . " 149 Sixth Street. $150 BUYS player piano and 50 roTis music; nice tone, cost new about srin to $S00. 311 Worcester bldg. VICTOR talking machine. No. 4. used weeks; 8 records, $18. Bdwy. 5557" room 2. ' ' $1000 CHICKERINO, almost new only $375; wilh bench; easy terirm." 311 MAHOGANY Branibach baby grand piano used one year. Cash $500. Some cash r. ., , ..-... I 'I' .. V. $1400 WEBER player and bench Tate style, only $450; terms. 311 Worcester bldg. $200 CASH buys my little oak upright pl ano; splendid tone. .Wrs. Reese. Mar 2654. $110 CLARINET, low pitch A, used eight times; perfect condition, only $40 ail Worcester bldg. $675 GENUINE Schubert piano only $225 on easy terms; wonderful tone and con dition. 311 Worcester bldg. SIX PIANOS, uprights.. $85 to $200; many fine 'standard makes; terms 811 "Worcester bldg. PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 20o up. parts wholesale and retail. 643 Wash! qwy. ut. $700 LUDWIG. almost new; ieli less ?4 IJl'-c. lei ma. on ..m-;acer PIQg. WANTED Used piano, pay spot cash. Call Main 4424, Monday. $1000 CHICKERINO piano! almost new. VICTROLA and 40 up-to-date records $65 cash. Wdln. 352. $400 BUYS brand new player piano, 00 easy terms. 311 Worcester bids-. FINE Stradivara violin with case, $40 Call 315 East 30th. SQUARE piano wanted. Main &5S6. Furniture for Sale. AM GIVING up Jiousekeeping, must sell everything in modern 7-room house, cheap. Call Woodlawn 3041. or Wood lawn 2975. DINING-ROOM table, quarter-sawed oak, wardrobe and McDougall kitchen cab inet, all like new. Phone East 5656. Address 532 East 16th St. N. AM LEAVING cfty, must sell by Thurs day, one enameled bed, complete; dres ser and stand; also Vulcan gaa range. 8 East 9th St. N. NEW ELECTRIC washing machine, best made. .Used wery little. Big sacrifice for cash. Tabor 4341. FOR SALE Five rooms of furniture, in cluding piano, for sale, cheap- for cash. 673 East Washington St. FOR SALE Furniture of four-room apt. Al condition. Apt. and piano lor rent East 7084. ELEGANT furniture for 8 rooms, solid oak and mahogany; no dealers. Mrs. AUman, Mar. 347. FURNITURE 4-room apt., everything like new, modern apt- for rent, ready to move into. Main 4128. FOR SALE 2 dressers, rug, heater and range. Call Marshall 3527. FOR SALE Fumed oak china closet, good as new. 7S2 E. Salmon st. 4-ROOM flat, furnished, $190 cash; close in. Main 725. 228 Hall st, flat C. DINING room extension table, square. $10.50. Tabor 1382. FURNITURE and Ruud healer for sale. Phone iiaat 6101. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. EXTRAORDINARY RUG VALUES. 11 '4x12 high-grade Axmln ster rug. slightly damaged in transit; worth $87.50; now $57.50 I 11 4 Brussels rug, slightly damaged; $50 value for.... 34.75 9x12 heavy seamless wool Brussels rug reduced to... 29.75 9x12 seamless wool velvet rugs, regular $39.50 ; now . . 27.50 9x12 wool and fiber rugs 16.75 8x12 grass rugs 10.65 9x12 fiber rugs , '..... f 12.75 6x9 fiber rugs 7.35 9x12 Pabeolln rugs, regular $18.50; reduced to 12.75 ' 9x12 Congoleum art carpets.. 11.95 Pabeolln, by the yard .54 MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-100 First St. 9-PIECE dining room suites. 3 leather upholstered rockers. 1 tapestry overstuffed davenport. 1 library table. 1 drop-head sewing machine. 1 S-Fection Glohe-Wernicke book case. 1 Reliable gas range. , 1 Ruud healer bath, practically new. 1 Icebox. 1 lawnmower. PELLTNO OUT CHEAP. AUTOMATIC 216-80. 1206 E. PINE. SAVE MONET. rr our sales department If ya want 1 PH or household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all point In our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and refinlshlng. Money loaned pn goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO, . 63 4th st.. opp. Multnomah hotel. riiona uroaqway 3715. HIGH-GRADE household furniture; must be sold Wed. and Thurs. First reason able offer wiil be accepted. 356 Holman. corner G-arfield. 1 blk. west Union ave. Take Wdln car. DO.VT SACRIFICE your furniture If goln. cast or to California. We can eave you money on your freight In our throuch cars: fireproof stotage. C. M. Olsea "i""gr c atorage t-o.. IMS Pine at. COMPLETE dining set, overstuffed daven port and rocker. 1 leather rocker, S rugs and curtains. 1 bedroom set. 1 Univer sal blue enamel combination range. 1091 Garfield ave. No dealers. FOR SALE Range with gas plate; one bronze bed, spring, mat.: one iron bed. like new. Call Sellwood 577. Office Furniture. FOR SALE A few oak desks, typewriter desks. Oak Globe Wernicke letter files, all prac tically new, at attractive prices, in one or group lota. AH 785, Oregonlan. JUST IN Six flat-top desks. 3 roll-top desks. 2 flat-top typewriter desks. 2 drop-head typewriter desks, 2 bookkeep ers' desks, 36 chairs, 4 drawers, letter files. BUSHOXO A CO.. 91 Park St. SAVE MONEY ON OFFICE FURNITURE. Big purchase of used desks, flies, chairs, typewriters, dictaphones, etc.; prices by far the lowest in city. Wax office equipment house, 24 N. 6th St., Broadway 2739. BEFORE purchasing new cr second-hand desks, chairs, files or safes, visit our salesrooms and inspect what we have to offer. THE IRWIN'-HOnanv m FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TH AT STARK. FOR SALE Globe-Weroicke steel safe cabinet with filing drawers and docu ment files. AC 954, Oregonlan. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPE WRITERS. ALL MAKES. - IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 321 Washington St. Main 568L FOR SALE L. C. Smith type writer, practically new. BC 816, Oregonlan. REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairs, supplies. Distributors Corona portable Sunastrand, adding machines. Main 2285. K. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth street. FOR SALE Latest model No. 5 Under wood. First class condition. Will sell cheafr for cash. N 965. Oregonlan. UNDERWOOD with new card at'achment. Cost $11750. Operated less than six monina, ,u. nroauway 2484 FOR RENT Underwood. Remington. $3.50 mo. Empire Transfer. Broadway 155. REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell; supplies. Type- ""ici iijijrt;iiuii -o.. au atarit. At. o549. ALL MARES rented and repaired. Oregon riJewnter -o., V Ota St. Alain 8668. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut . rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 140 f. FOR SALE Brand new No. 5'under wood typewriter. $50 cash. 26 East 8t h. Poultry 16 RHODE ISLAND REDS, 3 White Leg horns, 3 Barred Rocks. 90 E. 43d St. S. Kegs and ltarrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co.. 800 N. 14th al near Pettygrove. Phone A 519-19. Dogs. Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. FOR SALE 1 female pointer, working and pointing very nicely; not gun shy; 1 year old. 1 setter female. 9 months old. very highly bred and a great prospect. 1 cross-bred duck retriever, female, 11 mo. old. just right age to work this fall. This is a big. strong bitch that will get all your cripples. Call Sunday morning or evenings during the week. 95 East 62d st. N.. near Olisan. REGISTERED young English setters, now working on birds, prices reasonable. Foster, rear of 2021 Miller ave.. Van couver. Wash. Box 11. FOR SALE Full-blooded and pedigreed English female bulldog, 15 months old Apply A. Pinkney, Cove Orchard, Or. FOR SALE Mexican double yellow head parrot, one year old, brass care and stand. 427 N. 21st st. Bdwy. 6561. FOR SALE Irish spaniel puppy, rattaiL Call Mr. Hawes, Main 3026. Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment. FOR SALE Modern houseboat. furnTshed 6 rooms, at Oregon Yacht club moor age No. 24. See this at once. Phone Sell. MOTOR BOAT, a dandy, worth $500; sell for $145 cash. 26 E. 8th st. HOUSEBOAT; bargain price. Sellwood 016. Machinery. ' CEMENT BRICK MACHINE Any reasonable offer for a hand-on-. crated cement brick machine will be ac- w T -J., ucu la ra RADIAL drill press, power hack saw 6 H.P. G. L. motor; anvils. Call Bdwy. Coal and Wood. FIRST CLASS cura wood. $8. Dry oak and ash, $11. Delivery Kenton. Wood lawn, Piedmont. Bt. Johns. S. R. How ell. Phone 6!)6Y. Route 2, Vancouver Wash. ' DIRECT from the forest by truck south side delivery, good measure No. 1 old growth fir. $775 a cord. 3 or more cords. $7.50. Phone Main 1962. 426 Hall. DRY COUNTRY SLABWOOD, never been in water, wholesale and retail; priced right. Phone Broadway 2211. Write lou Vorth ISth St. 600 CORDS seasoned wood near Oregon City, $3; also rent 40 acres until Nov 1923. $400. Owner, box 68, Astoria. Or! OLD-GROWTH, red fir. No. 1 4-foot, $3 per cord. 16-ln. $8 per cord. Phone Wdln. 6233. GROUND hog fuel and sawdust in ciT loads or truck lota. Western Coooeraas Co.. Columbia 52. v " COUNTRY DRY SLAB WOOD. SHORT :m.ap - i-t piiuva. jiaranail 5077. BIG LOAD of boxwood $5.50. Call Wood- iawn oitvt. or iijj montana avenue. A-l CORDWOOD del. $8 a cord, on east Blue miu o. r--. via?. w u OiJO-aa. FIRST-GROWTH wood for sale. $7.50 the corn. Q7 uiuvu ave. rnone cast 577. GUARANTEED best old-growth cordwood $S.50 per cord; green slab. $5.75. B. 4110 BEST first-growth fir cordwood, $ij BTr cord. Sellwood 314. " FOR SALE 100 cords of alder and Dine wood. Call 300 Everett. FIRST-CLASS cordwood for sale. Deliv ered at $7.75 per cord. Wdln. 4349. BLOCK and slab mixed, stove lengths, til per double- load, Bdwy.. 4110. FOR SALE. Coal nw Wood. $10.50 FOR TWO LOADS $10.50. Block and slab mixed; first growth cordwood. $8 per cord; 2d growth cord wood. $7.50 per cord: country slab. $6 ut-r t-rirq. v gin. 4 111. ISO CORDS 1st growth fir 16-lnch. split and ready for use. Price $9 per cord de livered. Phone Main 7262. Miscellaneous. DUCK SHOOTERS, ATTENTION I have room for two duck shooterr on one of the best lakes on Sauvies island. You've got to be right to get in, as this is not a mnn,v.m;il.-in, n,nn. ition. V Obi . Oresonlan. uji. juktherx beaver lady's fur coat, lining slightly worn; will sacrifice for JoOO cash; one red fox fur and muff, like i.i -"cruice lor 3o; IVi-karat perfect piue-white diamond at a sacrifice, $550, terms to responsible party. Tabor 651S. , and burglar-proof sa.fes, new ana second-hand, at right prices: bought, solo, and exchanged, easy teims If de aired. in. KORRJS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Main 204S. r a an1. windows, lumber, lath, shln mo"lumg and mill work See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. . D. B. SCULLY CO . itiSS'a'vTP' DUMBER STORE. 171 FRONT ST. Phone Main 421S. ELECTRICAL REPA IRIVC1 Fans. Irons, motors, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, ete. We sell, repair aC'ir.x5han,re everything electricat faYNSON ELECTRIC CO.. 62 6lh St. -proaqway 4293. VrH;4;108 CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. On.y genuine watch materials used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and Opticians. 843 Washington St. at Broadway. WHY A substitute roofer T Why not a genuine and permanent roofer? We re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all Kinds of warped, cracked. weather-,?t.en- deteriorated and disintegrated roois. f none Broadway 79. -. DROP-HEAD sewing machines. $12.50 slsera. New Homes. Whites, , ai' makes machines rented and fV 2 5-9 r SUen' 13- Gr"l ave. Shotgun- or rifles wanted. Pay spot cash . or equal value In trade. 10.000 useful articles to select from. 128 First. M ain 4495. Auto. 627-46. 625-82. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES BOUGHT. SOLD, RENTED, EXCHANGED. . JWMAN S GUN STORE. Main 4495. 128 First. Auto. 627-48. CIRCULAR cordwood saws, brand new Sc inch diameter. 10 guage. 1,-inch arbor If'io teeth, at $8 each. Also have 22 ..?ncn diameter saws. Joseph Gard- ner, j.iu walker Dldg.. Seattle. Wash. RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. PISTOLS BOUGHT. SOLD, EXCHANGED BEAUREGARD'S. . Colt Distr.. T02 Main St. Vancouver. Wash. USED roll and flat-top desks, chairs, ta. bles, typewriters, adding machines, etc prices by far the lowesL Wax. Broad- way 2.39. COMPLETE DICTAPHONE OUTFIT. ,P.'ciatin,t machine and transcriber. $150 for both. Wax, 4 North 0th r. FOR SALE A fl-cup electric coffee urn "loving cup shape." never has been used. wm seU 'or ls- Write BD " - UIUKUIIIK.I. FIRST GROWTH cordwood s 50 Second growth cordwood $-100 Pole wood $7.50 Call mornings. Tabor 3561." FOR SALE Less than cost price, floor cases, cash registers, fountain, meat slicer. coffee grinder; cash or credit. 240 Salmon st. HOT WATER TANKS. 50 gal. $7: 40 gaL $9 tested, guaranteed: stove & furnace coils'; f ?j ,.V?ra lnstalled;expt- plumbing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams. E. 8516. DIAMOND, absolutely perfect steel-blue femi0?carats; cost ne 1500; will sell for $SoO cash; bargain. P. o. box 3235. MATTRESSES direct from factory to homes; lOOO new 40-lb. mattressei $5 Pioneer Mattress pad Co.. 1072 E. Lln- rn n st A,,,,. on-y nt "RS S. W. HERMAN, apparel ibol ladles and gents' clothes bought sold and exchanged; best pricea 2b4 x-i Park St.. near Jefferson. Ma.-shall 1009. FOR SALE Prunes, plums and Bartlett pears; also miscellaneous other artlclea Erroll station, first white house south of station. Call all week. "J IjiL. ."5. Used butcher and grocery computing scaies for caie from $50 up. No 5 First St., opposite Lang & Co. fcAKES Fire and burglar proof; big bar gains In second-hand safes and vault doors. Bushong & Co., 70 Sixth st. Broadway 1262. COMPUTING SCALES, cash register, cof xee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 226 Stark St.. besweea First and Second streeta PRACTICALLY new $45 Martin guitar suitable for Hawaiian steel, cash or trade for 12 gauge pump shotgun in first-class condition. Main i;u;-' VULCAN gas stove, good as new, for less than half price. 1947 Hawthorne ave. Take Mt. Tabor 88th car to 76th stl Phone Ttihn. aJ -i ou. Showcases, new and used; cash regis ters, scales; man; others. 24i Was-n-Ington st. SCALES. ' Dayton Inclosed base scales, slightly used, at great reduction. No. 5 1st Vt IF YOU appreciate splendid watch repair Ing or jewelry repairing, see Mil.er. next dnnr to Malpallc ih.ut-. FOR SALE New DeLuxe bed springsL $o also new blue steel range. $;i. jttn f a bor 7.3. or 1599 E. Gusan. MAHOGANY CABINET phonograph and records. Used 3 months. What am I offered? East 1928. or Bdwy. 2052 LICENSED independent electrician wires rooms for $12. 5 for $20; guaracteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 3791 D1EBOLD sates, new and second hand special pricea Pacific Scale & Supd1 Co.. 48 Front at. Broadway 1966. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writ lr. Dean. Second and Morrison. K UOS washed on your floor with Hamll-ton-Beach electric carpet washer- also vacuum cleaning done. East 4046. FOR RENT Electric vacuumcieane7a; 24-hour day. 83c; delivered, guaranteed good condition. Woodlawn 1259. BARTLETT PEARS. $1 box. CaiflO A Ar iir " aiuwaukie. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 329 Washington .tree t. HEMSTITCHING, ec per yard; one yard free by bringing this ad. 330 Mohiwlc bldg.. over Roberts Bros. A BICYCLE, good shape; new bearings 43--arU PriC CaU Co'umula CHOICEST. largest Italian prunes 4c picking now; apples 0Oc to $1.5o' box! Grebe. 40th and King. Milwaukle NO. 2 RUUD automatic water heater first class condition, $50. Main 6035 'before 9:30 A. M. WOOD or coal heater, almost new $15 an Acorn range with water coiia. $5 671 Hoyt st. GREEN GAGE plums, 75c and 85c crate Barker road, corner Barr road. Call after 7; bring containers. HALL gas furnace, niah. dressing table bed, complete; garden hose. Main 2550. FOR SALE I large Astrachan stole new valued $125. Apply 755 East Belmont il Phone East 4628 LADY'S brown tailored velour suit size 33 this fall's style, worn few times: $:-o' Main 6114. 1 " $75 HAYWOOD WAKEFIELD baby car riage. good condition, wiil trade for a good carrier. Tabor 8640. SHEET metal machine, tools and 5S-in power or hand rolls. Call Bdwy. 2394' FOR SALE A high speed lathe 170 Marshall 2816. ' ' "' BARTLETT pears. E. W. Keeler Wdla" 769. 715 Columbia boulevard. FOR SA LE Pears a f$ l" box." brine- bn,..' Woodward. 2ith and Wash.. M.lwmikl. ., .i. ume. DAMSON plums for sale at 7 cents TiT P.ll a, IrtTl P-ftc, X1n.,l. 3 10' DAMSON" plums, 6c JtT. 328 Margueriia ve HA car -". ueme FREE dirt. 1119 E. Lincoln. Automatic 226-70. FOR SALE 3A compact Graflex Tessar F-4.5. 5x7, $120. V 1000, Oregonlan BEST silver prunes for sale cheap I .,i PORTABLE chicken house and 100 ft 7?r ' wire for sale. Sell. 2840. ox STAMP collection for sale. 439 East 37th LATE drophead Singer! like new J2i Elite Hemstitching Shop. 384 Morr'isnn VACUUM cleaners for rent, 85c per dv" delivered anywhere. Wdln. 8495 8495. STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill" Call Taylor-street dock. Main 8066.' BARBER chairs on sale at big" reduc" tion. Portland Cutlery Co., ftj 6th st. BEAUTY parlor equipments special prices , i i.oi.n vuueij- -Q.. Mtf 6th St. SCREEN doors, windows! mirrors. fri. ture repairing, cabinet work, Wdln. 1487. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st st.. near Ash ALL, M.Mja 01 lumuer ana oullding ma terlal for sale. Phone Main 6132. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. raciuc -it-ni. qc awniDB V.Q.. ISO. 1 1st St. LADIES, save; smart used apparel la nome. r-rices low. Tabor 2825. ELECTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms, $15 203 , (Chamber Com. bids. Broadway 4253, FORS lk. M Kcelianeotis. THREE SPECIAL DIAMOND BUYS i le.t lor my disposal f.ir a limited time: 1 mifS" 0''er these exceptional values' with my personal recommendation and . guarantee: anyone considerir a dia- : mond as an investment or gilt should 1 take advantage of this sale. I one diamond. .2-karat. fine color and ! brilliancy, very sliehtlv Imperfect. 1225. I -...w .iiioni. .ij-karat. nearlv per lect shape, white and brilliant. $250 One diamond. .54-karat. perfect; very X'ne ""l brilliant. $260. CRAMER, 712 A. Selling FUlir, OAS ENGINE DRAG SAW. .Must dispose of a brand new. ot.e-man outfit at once; priced ;,try.'ow ' quick sale. Room 42 North Ninth street. T,.AVeOMPLISHfc;D AT LAST. Painless dentistry, by the nerve-blocking method, without after effects. I r.IJi i- r,ay "animation of teeth. I lz; m first-class dentistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 32oi. btSl U NAUHlNES. new and second nrl,A.S?1,1,fcr lesa: no agents employed. mamhi,Tte ,ine f Ps for all makes: KRiATJ:e?alr,'1 and rented. SEWING JIACHIXa EMPORIUM. 19f Third street, ne'ar Taylor. r - .-.n-.-i. near -tayior. appreSafi3 aCk home W1" lsh and Send VrfiS. ouvenlr from Oregon. beSutl'Sf ome'hlnr useful as well as ed la soMrl J"e?.oa 8ate Jw'-y mount tion ti ,& K"J- A wonderful selec Mil'er rrom- Moderately priced. Mil.er. next door to the -Majestic tneater FOR SALE Elliott-Fisher nllllng nian?0 ' ncw' 30 61- -reso- rOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. . Hja..abut 900 miles, looks like brand new, this car haa never been out of cltv; it has new extra tire, bumpers front arid Itl'u 1'n1 fectors, shock absorbers spotlight, motormeter and other extra and can be bought at a wonderful bar- K31n. Km Tl r - n rebuilt, equipped with bumpers, extra tires-, spotlight, mirror, glass wind de ii u- S!l'Landi neT top- Upholstering Is like new. painted dark maroon. See this Sff0Ie i'-ou buy- Cal1 Ua, l Car De Lym400" ;Northwtrt Co.. Broud- CADILLAC. mil yc!U wa!,t - sPndi.l buy In a Cad--mi 'nv'i,lBate my 1914 model; vou will find this a. wonderful car for $650 fe r11'- ArK' Broadway 3281. Ask for elr. Lyman s car. M R. AUTOMOBILE BUYER. it you would rather pay more for a NEW CHKVROLETS. lit i FROM P. TL DUNN. DEALER. Cor. Milwaukle and Bvnee Ave. Phone Sellwood 1 393. llOtll'. W A T-.i.-T- 191S Dodge roadster, in elegant con d it ion, : new top and good tires; will sac ''f.e,.f?.r oSil anJ H easy terms East 7439. OVERLAND TOURING. ' In very fine condition, new tires and I&X'U licen- P"tIight; will sell wainVMig.0"' baL 3' " iand1n,.S,Ty v,C4 liuJs: overhauled f, P nt d; hav ny mechanic look a. j y-,U wul Krau tnls- See Mr. Argo. Broadway 32M. Ask to see Mr Holzman's car. Terms AKi',E.A'S aC'"1L!: heauliful 0-cylinder V.iP 3-door chummy automobile, just like new; cost $245i; forced rule; privue 228y: P " Ui- terms- I'hone eH.1 1919 BUICK tour., new paint, has Just been overhauled: cunr3nt..H chanlcally perfect. Some snap, easy terms. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3'i'm. nnil T A r- r . TTTT. zrr- ... . - ,,.,Fs..r, tMU, Tne car Sou have always wanted. Runs like new. You must see this car $250 down Easy payments. Colburn. Bdwr. 32S1. STEPHENS 1920. new paint! newcoTd lires: just overhauled and in perfect condition; some terms. Bozell, Bdwy A f.",fo.Iji"N,DEK 5-P-lss"ns-- tar. A-l con dltion. at a sacrifice; $100 down, bal- Am!e 2?n a.sy term -92S 71st st- S. E. A ut. 610-54. NEW 1921 OLDSMOBILE RED N ' Six:cyllnder. 5-passenger car; is" new f?.i, "J P'r'eD.t. condition; will discount $..O0: terms. Mr. Argo, Broadway .l-js" '20 FORD touring, starter, speedometer and other extras. $450 terms. Biliinirs ley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at bth East 20. BIG feTOCK USED CARS PRICKa - .. RIGHT. ..u .iprriirrspniatlont. . COVEY MOTOR CAR CO PACKARD 5! 4S! five-pass. tourinc Splendid condition: will en ,v.Irin?- quick sale. See car at 28 N. Hit, r phone Main 700. or 1920 PAIGE 5-PASS., BARGAIN! line tires, bumpers, spot light onlv 4500 miles; terms or smaller car" lt Laurelhurst ave. Owner. Tabor iil'ia "Vf-V0 I-K One of those mighty fjuTi" $.,,5. Some buy. See It at the Weller Motor Co.. N. W. cor. 15th and Wash ington. " 1919 SPECIAL six Studebaker tourine nrivHte narlv im l VK . Dy has ccrd tires, r ' -' .V 11 , '-V.-L i-onjiimn Fiil sacrifice for $90o! East 1200. FOR SALE cheap, Studebaker six- Tirli nearly new; must sell; make an offer See car at 809 Mississippi, corner Fail ing. MERSER RACE A BOUT A quality c"aT" lust like new; will sacrifice at les than half price For particulars and demon stration address K 955. Oregonlan 1920 STUDEBAKER SPECIAL a. A"i muni, reimislied; will take an old car in trade. Call Mr H. bert. Bdwy. 16. r- 1918 OLDS 8, mechanically perfect good tires. This car is ready to go. Price of 15. hi drives It Bti-nv Ta-. i ., , Call Hawkins. Bdwv. at Ml 192(1 OAKLAND SIX run less ,ha 4rt0u miles. Can t be told from a new one Only $S25, terms. Will consider trade" East 7439. MITCHELL ROADSTER " Late 1919. overhauled and refinished car is like new; sacrifice for $875 terrns Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. DODGE COMMERCIAL CAR 1918 Dodge delivery cat. screened sides, in good condition; run very little Only $675. terms. East 7439 Vih. TEAK em up and sen the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 631 AOdar. 17th. Broadway 5254. " $1jO BLla a good 5-passenger automo bile; a good car for ihe country Mr Argo, Broadway 3281. '' -"r- HERE'S ONE Oldsniobile Eight $575 Some buy. See It at Weller Motor Co " N. W. cor. 15th and Washington $300 OVERLAND 4-90: 1918 model- good condition; Terms. Mr. Argo, iroad- ELGIN SCOUT 1920 Al condition, only" $1050. See it at Weller Motor Co N W. cor. 15th and Washington. " nilil.ivn -v- , i7 1918 5-passenger in A-l shape- cash $400. time $150. Main 7861. Ow'ner I HAVE the best Maxwell buy In town. 1918 model, for $325. Terms. See this! Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. FORD SlnA V Starter, shocks, -n' everything, only $450. Bdwy. 3656. 350 Burnside. 1918 FORD, light delivery, open body, A-l condition. good tires, speedometer. iiqwy. i n i FOR SALE My 1920 Maxwell, new paint and first-class mechanically; will g-ve terms. Call between 6 and 7. East 4064. 192S FORD coupe, must be sold. $450 TsJ 10th St., opposite the library. Ask for Winslo w. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 1-ton Ford truck la fine condition. 1921 model, ''uofi 47th St.. S. E. Tabor 343. ", 1920 BUICK ROADSTER, driven but 4iio0 miles and like new; a bargain for $H5o Address S 981. Oregonian. ABSOLUTELY" new 1921 Studebaker light six at bargain price. Main 113. Mr. Buckley. BEST cash offer" takes 1916 Oakland in good mechanical coudition. Call 241 13th street. STAGE for awAle or trade. 12-pass. limou sine type, genuine bargain; anything of equal value. K 962. Oregonlan. HUDSON 0-4O. Al condition. 5 good tires need the money, a, bargain, $450. Mar shall 3340. 1921 FORD sedan, slightly used as demon strator, will Sell or trade for Ford tour Ing or roadster. Tahor 3Q79. $725 CASH buys my 1910 Dodge, spotlight bumper, motometer. lots of extras, good tires. Woodlawn 4197. 1921 CHEVROLET touring. Uargain. 351 Burnside FOR SALE, by owner. 191S Buick 4 tour in gAjlto2L-4S 1919 DODGE delivery car. First class con dition. Main 4424. 1919 FORD touring car. A snap at only $375. Will give easy terms. East 7 439. FORD sedan 1920 model, first-class condi Uon, bis bargaia, $&S5. Last 4383, e- ""V" new car tnan I am asking I . ,y 'iBhtly used, thoroughly over- l,fa1':a-1?"cyl191n ". f ahead or " "t phone A. W. Briggs. Bdwy. 7SS. S U 1' PLfcl M. WALKER has not forgotten the war is over. We give prices on gen eral machine work and gear cuttinir ac cordingly. Call East 318. 177 M '..- -AUTOMOBILES. AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAR COM PAN v PLANT. -ew car merchandising in the pat nas men a se ,f -susta imiig business, and yie aa.e of Used cats h.s stood out in "lyenueni and alone, bui as time oes T.i""1 (jreater proportion of tne i'eop.e a;e becoming actual car owners, ine exchanne of ued cars becomes a p,"ne ';cfT In the purchase of new " lhe used car business is no longer t-eii-suppurtiiiK and profitable, but has o' en im-rgtd into and now takes a vital vv VTe Promotion of new car sales. e are dealers in new motor cars and r IrJtea car department is being ou vv k onlv to maintain new car volume. ve nave discovered that the least line or resistance to tile sale ot used can lo.iows the elaborate plan of rebuilding arid refimsliing eavh iwed car so that tne greatest possible vame to tlie pur-ensst-r may be produced for the least P-ss,b;e investment. . N e have come lo disregard the mak ing or a possible pror.t lit our used car department and will depend on our new i-r iolume to oftset this seeming Iocs, ifi , that no better values can pos- ji iiodse Brothers roadster and muring 725 JiliS P,ot)e Kroth'e'ra "s'eda'n" 1" !! ! 1150 IJiJ Dodge Brothers touring aud roadster 823 IS-'O Dodge Brothers touring and roadster f50 ?:,V,'.,-'l ."x" Hupmobiie" touring!"! 750 J.-0 Liberty touring 3275 T,w,n ix Packard landaulett.. 2iou A91. Hudson limousine, in line con--d't'on: a wonderful taxicab. l?il'i Over;and -4 " sedan 9T,n i.i? v"land "90- touring 450 i .7 . V;verlilna roadster, a good one 55 1J1J Peerless 8 touring (.not re built), only 1475 Scripps-Rooth coupe J:i5ii 1.U9 Oldsmobile touring "S" . .. 950 Lexington touring 700 ,V. "K.fn louring ........... ,ut iiiTH OhJsmobila -6- touring 1025 19U Oldsmobile -0" roadster 850 192( Omndler M.i i T , ,., lap if.iS V. naier touring, new tire Haynes touring, only Haynes touring ........... tires.. 85C . . 150H luueuaaer tourlngf. to be sold as is . isa gIU5cbak"r touring. ..!"... S2i 1918 bludeoaker coupe, a real buy at 600 1919 Studebaker Big Six. Ave pas senger .. ......... . 1475 JSM iV"'-T-Knlght. onlv 12O0 i !.! M!e!i roadster, very good.. 490 19.0 Maxwell sedan, an excellent ,c,ar for -jifio ?7' ?Jnp ",e'ehf 1500 J?,52 S!;'vroIet touring ;! 1919 t hevro.et touring 4 191.0 Chevrolet tourinir 675 1920 Chevrolet roadster. In 11ns ,f,l,ape B4S 1920 C hevrolet 4:o sedan 795 1914 Ford roadster 125 2';!- Kord '"'Jan. a dandy TOO 1920 r ord coupe t25 1920 Ford roadKter. with delivery body '425 1920 Ford touring 4.75 Late 1917 Chandler coupe, excellent condition 0O 1917 Oakland touring, to be sold as is; a good buy at............... 300 1914 Oakland touring 400 1916 Franklin, four passenger, se ries "9-A." excellent car 1350 1920 Franklin touring l'.xn 3920 Bulck. seven passenger l.'l.'.o 1919 Huick roadster lloo 9"'o Buli-k. live passenger......... 1250 3920 Bulck sedan 20ui 1915 chummy t-tutx. a wonderful car 1650 DELIVERY CARS. 1919 Dodge Brolhera Screen, an ex cellent car 825 1918 Dodge Brothers panel, good hape 775 1919 Chevrolet panel delivery .... 400 1918 Buick delivery 40v CADILLACS. Cadillac stability, luxury and ease of operation has always appealed to the driver of wide experience, the man who knows the best ami wants iu line of our excellent used rebuilt and reflnished Cadillacs will more nearly sat isfy your desire for a line car than to invest the same amount of money in the purchase of eome cheaper car. All cars guaranteed and sold on easy terms. We are open Sundav. 21ST AT WASHINGTON ST. Main 6244. Also a birr display at the new Broad way salesroom downtown. Call al the salesroom most convenient for you. Our automobile transportation service makea it quickly possible for you to look over our entire stock. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH, 2S-:i0 N. Broadway. Main 6244. REAL BARGAINS. NEW TVIXIE FT.TER TOURTNO. WAS JI795; DRIVE IT AWAY FOR $S75. NEW COMET TOURING. LOTS OP POWER. 9 N CONTINENTAL: REGULAR PRICE $2675; DRIVE IT AWAY" FOR $17S0. 1914 'HUDSON TOURING. RUN NINO ORDER; 4 ALMOST NEW CORD TIRES. 2 SPARES; $20. LAFFAW MOTOR CAR CO.. 47 NORTH STH ST. AUTOMOTIVE IGNITION BLDG. BUICK BARGAINS. 1917. 'IS. '19 and 20s. ROADSTER R epalnted. over hauled. 5 good tires; special $ TOURING In tine condition: good tires. A SNAP AT.... 750 87S 125 1250 SEDAN All reflnished; looks and runs like new. ONLY.. TOURING Original finish. cord fTlres: almost like buy ing new car. at - TOUR OWN TERMS ON THESE C . WITHIN REASON. AR3 Phone for Demonstration, A. C. STEVENS. B ilirr. T614. lfith and Wash Ingtfn 5tta. -IS CUIMMY ROADSTER. $175 DOW N. balance in easy monthly payments of $32 per month. Including free Insurance, free interest and free service for 30 days: no brokerage: just think of the saving vou make dealing with me; car has 5 wire wheels, good tires and one extra: refinlshed dark Packard blue body with Twentieth Century red wheels, black fenders; very stylish and right up to the minute and big bargain at our price. 514 Alder St. TALK ABOUT SNAPS. 1917 Hudson super six touring ear, newly painted, $5o0. 1919 Buick runabout, 5 cord tlrea $950. Series l-SS' 7-passenger Packard, $2000. Cars can b seen at Chas. C Farm Co., Ninth and Burnside, or call Bdwy. 4693. EARLT FALL PNAP. KNCLO SEO KISSEL KAR. Runs and looks like new $1025 takes this rare bargain. BRALY AUTO COMPANY, 501 Burnside Street. Broadway 901. 1920 BUICK totiHntr car. In fine mechanical condition. Looks like new; cord tires, extra tire, tube and tire cover: bumper and spot light, $1200. Terms to responsible party. Phone Tabor 4459. DODGE CAR WANTED. I WANT LATJi MODEL PODGE- CAR. MUST BE IN Al CONDITION. I HAVE) CASH FOR BEST CAR I AM OFFERED WRITE FULL PARTICULARS TO B" 956. OREGON IAN. SEDAN A classy little light one. Wire wnee!. good rubber, good paint and guaranteed mechanically perfect. For sale very cheap. Small payment down, balance easy terms. Call Propst, Bdwy. 3n. HARMON with wire wheels, painted ma roon color with black fenders: 7-pas-senger car that Is in fine condition: $1900. Call Used Car Dept.. Northwest Auto Co., ISth and Alder. Phone Bdwy. 3 4 61). 1921 ESSEX. SEDAN. 5-passenger, used very little and Is practically new: cost $:1SOO with extrar equipment; sacrifice for $2000, terms; snap; have any auto mechanic examln It. At, ls.V urfuqiimn. OLDS SEDAN. Last year's Olds 8 sedan; has been driven by private family; In very good ord-r; will dispose at great aacrifice; $ 1 400. terms. Tabor 7M7. LEAVING CITY, MUST SELL. Buick coupe, at once: driven 7500 miles; perfect condition: guarantee: new cord tires, spotlight, snubbers, motonie, tcr; terms. $1250. 6'"4 80th. Aut. 634-11. LATE 1919 CHEVROLET ROADSTER. Just completely overhauled, good tirea and one extra. Owner will sell cheaply. Call 6545 82d st. S. E.. or phone 641-29. 1919 MAXWELL tour., new paint, good rubber, mechanically perfect. Small pavment clown, balance easy terms. CaU Propst. Bdwy. 3SOCi. FOR SALE 1918 Reo 6 touring car. cord tires, motor recently overhauled and In fine condition. A real buy for $700. 780 East 77th St.. N. 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING. Lots of extras. Only $100. 330 Burn, side. Bdwy. SoiS, FOR S.11.1 r. ,, "".produced and our price marks usually lead the market. ioi'M.f- UilOTHERS MOTOR CARS. ?! I- H'1ite Brothers touring $ 575 Jill i lmi l- IN...,.,. EXPRESS OR DELIVERY car for sale. Buick old model. Good body, good rubber, good motor. Owner too old to run it. A real bargain. $150. See this at 264 Davia Et. garage between 3 and 4. JLI