14 TIIE MORNING OltEGONIAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1921 REAL EStfATE. For Sale THE TIME IS NOW! THIS PLACE IS HJSKE! - See FRANK L. McOUIRE To iJuy Your Home. Over 12"K Photograph of Homes for tfaie. X,ARliEriT HOME SELLER ON THIS PACIFIC COAST. IP .NECESSARY, we'll help you make your down payment. SERVICE MEN! We have a plan Thereby you can be- PERMANENTLY tt'LACED in a home AT ONCE! Apply 1'our Bonus later. 2S Salesmen at Your Service. Open Evenings Until 9. "We have 10O homes listed for sale In this district. Moderate prices and terms. JU'JoO S.Ou down. Adjoining LAtREL , HITRST. close to the beautiful park; substantial and attractive C-room modern homo on E. Ever ett at.: very practical arrange ment of rooms; furnace; fireplace, etc. Paved St., paid. A KKAL, HOME BARGAIN. 1100 Will accept soldier's bonus with $100 down. Most attractive and well-built 8-room very modern bungalow in Franklin high dis trict; solid paneled dining room with massive built-in buffet; hardwood floors; white Dutch kitchen; furnace; close to car. .SEE THIS TODAY. 37th aye. S. $3063 $5uo down. Typical 8-room bun- ' galow in Alberta; every modern convenience; lots of lruit and berries; Vernon st. . 12750 1500 down.. HERE'S GREAT BIO VALUJ3. Look this up right away. Airy tf-room Vaverly-Rlchmond bungaiow that MUST BE SOLD, iiuilt-in labor-saving conven iences; best white enamel plumb ing; garden; chicken house; paved st. K. 33d st. . $2190 300 down. ONE-HALT ACRE. Comfortable &-room cottage in I Mount Scott; an abundance of I fruit, berries, etc. 87th st. ' THESE ARB JUST A FEW of the Aiundreds of Home Bargains we ' have for sale. WE'LL HELP YOU , MAKE YOUK DOW.V EAYMENT If neo- , essary. See I FRANK ,. McOUTHE i To Buy Your Home. ; Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Sd St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. BROOKLYN $1850. flood 6-room modern house on East 20th fit., near Hague St.; has gas, elec trlo lights; on paved street, etc.; terms. BROOKLYN $3000. Five-room bungalow. 60x100 lot, on Brooklyn St., near East 23d St.; hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen, gas, electric lights; on paved street; terms. POWELL VALLEY ROAD $26150. Four-room bungalow, corner of 71st rt.; lot 8UxI00; one block from HA car; gas, city water, electrio lights, etc.; terms. .T. L. KARNOPP A CO., Main 675. 819 Ralway Ex. Bldg. HAWTHORNE. I 6-room modern bungalow on 45th st. Bear Hawthorne ave, ; has 5 nice, large rooms on first, floor and 1 room and i ceiled attic on second floor; hardwood 1 floors, fireplace and cement basement; kitchen finished In white enamel .with 1 All modern built-in conveniences. This ; Is an excellent buy for $1750, with only $1000 cash, needed. , Mr. Miller, COE A. McKENNA & CO., Realtors. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. IRVINGTON SACRIFICES. SIX ROOMS. TERMS $6500 TERMS. LARGE BUNGALOW. HARDWOOD FLOORS, ENTIRE HOUSE; TILE HATH. ETC. BEST PART OF DIS TRICT. THIS WAS BUILT BEFORE THE HIGH PRICES AND HAS BEEN NEWLY DECORATED. ALVIN JOHNSON. Realtor. 201 BOARD OF TRADE. BDWY. 37. WDLX. 6260. " LAURELHURST. ' Just completed, distinctive 7-room, garage and attic, semi-bungalow, on a fine corner; large light rooms, plate glass windows, French doors, all built inn, breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, etc. Very best of materials and workman ship such as 3 coats paint exterior, full thickness oak floors, Dutch linen shades, Pembroke tub, pedestal lavatory, etc., terms. B. T. Allyn, owner and builder. Tabor 11. LAUKELHTJRST COLONIAL. CLOSE TO PARK. $7500. WONDERFULLY COMPLETE. SIX BOOM HOUSE. YOU COULDN'T DUPLICATE IT FOR NEAR THIS PRICE. PHONE ITS AND WE WILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. ALVIN JOHNSON, Realtor. 201 Board of Trade. Brtwy. 37. Wdln. 6260. $1700 BUYS 4-room cottage, bath, toilet, cellar; lot 03x100; covered with fruit and berries; close to school; $200 cash. $1800 Buys a good 4-room cottage, half block from Union ave., N., in cluding furniture; term $1S00 Buys a good 5-room house, bath, toilet, gas, elect. Lot 75x100; some fruit and berries; terms. CHARLES HOl'CK, 032 Cham, of Com. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. ! Beautiful new colonial bungalow, five i rooms, Just completed, strictly modern, ' fine view, garage. 35-foot living room. ' old English floors, lots of new built-in ' features, built by owner for a home. Sac- ' riflce at $o.00. about $1800 cash. Phone afternoon. Main 5'i20. BUNGALOW. $1500. Have a good proposition for a bonus man who has small amount of cash to pay down. Five-room bungalow and sleeping porch with furnace, fireplace, garge; on payed street, -close In, east side location. ' Phone or call for appoint ment. Main 1003. uOO Ch. of Com. bldg. Res. Mar. rt.". FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2650 $750 CASH. Two blocks from Alberta car, on 25th treet. This has nice-sized rooms, base ment, electric fixtures, gas and enamel plumbing; large porches. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR. Bdwy; 37. 201 Board of Trade. lJIRECTLY IN HEART OF IRVING TON. By owner direct, modern well-built 7 room house, garage, block Knott st. House In excellent condition and not of recent get-rlch-qulck construction; lib eral terms can be arranged. Appoint ment can be made with owner direct. Phone evenings only, Automatic 326-22. IN LAURELHURST. 4 BRAND-NEW BUNGALOWS. Prices from $3500 to $0500: get keys at Laurelhurst tract office. East 3th and Gllsan. Headquarters for Laurel hurst homes. Come out today or phone Tabor 8133. DELAHTJNTY. OVERLf OK ADDITION. 6-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, bullt-ins. fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, wash trays. Lot 50x100, improvements In and paid for. Price reasonable terms. Owner. Over look Land Co., 60S Corbett bldg. TeL Main 216. FURNISHED BUNGALOW, WAVERLY HEIGHTS. $500 down, dandy 5-6 room modern home, close fo car and schools; $3130, Includes everything; no incumbrances; easy terms. QULN, '206 Morgan bldg.. realtor. 1 RV1NGTON StiOOO IRVINGTON. Nearly new, fi rooms- and sleeping porch, all on one floor; hardwood floors throughout, furnace, garage'; this one is priced to sen; only $uu first pay ment, terms on balance. J. B. ROCK. Marshall 3352. FUMIGATE that new house before moving In; take no chances of living with cockroaches or bedbugs; hydra-cyanic acid gas will not tarnish, bleach or disfigure anv- nuns. van j.tiiouio luatuuciad CO, Main 5350; 0 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $.1750. Attractive small modern hnu,p v. n wood floors, paved street, fine view and near car and school, for sale by owner some terms. 553 Terrace Drive Aut 027-28 or 013 Chamber of Commerce' Main mm. BY OWNER. EAST IRVIXfiTnv' It's a bungalow, 5 rooms, furnished Immediate possession; corner, paved sts' Cld ivory finish; tapestry paper; new' See It; make offer; part terms. Aut $2600 BARGAIN. Modern bungalow. 4 rooms, bath, nan try. full basement, neatiy furnished or unrurnianea. furniture ou; immediate possession ; reasonable terms. 212 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. MT. TABOR VIEW PROPERTY. Two acres. 1 block south Division, lose in, will sacrifice, take car to $1000, snme cash balance, long time, $3500. Owner, Tabor 5087. HAWTHORN E district, 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch, hardwood floor," fireplace, furnace : will accept good se dan as part of first payment. Phone Automatic 217-70. KENTON BARGAIN Kew 5-room bungalow, five 2?ixl00-ft lots, corner, cleared. 240 -Halleck st 3 nlks. west of Kenton hotel; a."00. terms. Al-AMfciLA-r5-room bungalow by owner Tha very bewt workmanship. Must . be seen to be appreciated. Located at flOl H. 28th St. N. ALBERTA DISTRICT! 4-room modern bungalow, new $3000 want touring car as part of first pay ment. T. C. staiey, Aut. 311-72- $6900 WAVERLEY HEIGHTS modern 8 room house. 100x100. Lawn, fruit trees. fUlfCS, pcivuu OLICCl. roil. OiJO. A SNAP Beautiful 7-room modern bun galow, $3150; $500 cash. Wdln. 30CL REAL ESTATE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. LARGE HOUSE, best part of Portland Heights; not new, but well built and modern; spacious- and beautiful grounds, fine view of city and river; near car. BUNGALOW, almost new, 4 rooms Marge living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, ivory woodwork, cut-glass knobs, etc.; fine valley view; $3500, $500 down, $25 per month. BUNGALOW, 4 rooms and bath, living room very large, fireplace, house not quite finished but material for finishing on premises. Lot 104x126. beautiful view, fine trees, close to car; very unusual and artistic place. $4200, terms. 7-ROOM modern house. hardwood floors, fireplace, nice paper and white woodwork; not view property but beau tifully located among fine trees and close to car. $0300, terms. Have many others. If you wish to buy on Portland Heights let me show you. BROOKE, MARSHALL 4827. 541 Montgomery Drice. cor. Elm St. EVERY CUSTOMER IS A REFERENCE. LAURELHURST. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Well constructed, strictly modern, new house, large floored attic; excellent loca tion, beautiful lawn and shrubbery; own er will .sell very reasonably; expensive new draperies included in price, $7300; terms. 1233 EAST PINE STREET. Kear Corner of East 41st Street. IRVINGTON. $9500, EASY TERMS. Beautiful corner home, near 16th and Brazee; large living room, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen, lavatory room first floor; 3 large bedrooms and glass-Inclosed sleeping porch second fir., servants' quarters and billiard room on third; hardwood floors throughout, full lot, beautiful trees, shrubs and garage. 2 fine bungalows, one In Laurelhurst, $7000, the other In Alameda, $6000. EAST 419. FOR SALE or trade. 9-room house. strictly modern, electric lights and gas throughout; 2 full lots 50x100 on corner, beautiful location; double garage, con crete driveway, plenty of fruit, berries, grapes; paved streets In and paid for; hardwood finish and full basement. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will trade for farm or take good car as part payment; $3000 against place, runs 8 years at 7 per cent. Price S5500; is worth $7000 of any person's money. Located at 455 Skidmore. Phone Wood lawn 4041. F. O. Earhart. - 15450 LAURELHURST $5150. Kew 5-room- bungalow, large plate glass windows, hardwood floors through out, tapestry paper in all rooms, nifty lighting fixtures, window shades, fire place, book cases. French doors, full Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, old ivory enamel finish, cement porch. Fox' fur nace, floored attic, linoleum on bath and kitchen floors, garage. 1253 Senate St. Main 3114. VERY EXCEPTIONAL. VERY EXCEPTIONAL. $2650 2G50 $2650 $2650 $2650. 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Fireplace, cement basement, porcelain plumbing, glassed-in laundry off rear porch, built-ins, owner left city; house vacant; buy right and make money; should sell today ure. $1000 cash. Ap pointments, Tabor 8104 or Main 4803. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Ablngton Bldg. "35 Yrs. in Portland." WALNUT PARK. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. Just got notice from owner to sell Immediately and on any terms, this large 8-room house and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, full base ment, furnace, full lot, with, alley and In best part of district. Someone is going to get a bargain. Call Frank Mahoney, with COE A. McKENNA CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 6S71. $7000 PORTLAND HEIGHTS, view prop erty, a jiu.uuu modern s-room home. $2000 Montgomery Drive, all Improve ments in and paid. 5-room mod ' era cottage; easy terms. $5500 Modern home. Piedmont, 7 rooms, brick garage, large lot. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. Main 5429. SOME BUNGALOWS. Irvington. Alameda. Laurelhurst. Rose City Park. $1500. $4950. $5900. $6500. $6850. Modern and very desirable. Priced right, and on easy terms. Absolutely no ordinary offerings. By appointment only. R. T. STREET. Agent. BY OWNER. For sale, 75x100, alley in back. 5 rooms and attic, double constructed, all bullt ins, hardwood floors, concrete basement, some fruit. Just finished; cash talks; open for inspection from 10 A. M. till 4 P. M. Call Auto. 213-68. 1150 E. 21th st. North and KUUngsworth ave. HOME WITH INCOME. 7-room home, fifst-class condition, one acre, all kinds fruit and berries, garage, chicken house, one block to Hawthorne car, near school; fruit and berries will, pay interest on the investment. $5000, $1500 cash. Tabor 5087. irvington! Two modern homes, one 7-room house 623 E. 18th N. ; 5-room bungalow 720 E. 17th St., N. These homes are mod ern and everything up-to-date; price .,.vi it ,a iiKiii. upen ior inspec tion 2 to 6 Herman Wilson. Wdln. 4841. GOING TO RI7II.r We design and build residences, of any building. Assist in financing same. The best service at lowest cost to you. Es tablished 12 years. Security and satis faction assured. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC 024 N. W. Bank Bldg. $2200. Ideal suburban homesite. one block to car, city conveniences, close in, near school and paved street, 3 acres all un der cultivation, $250 cash, $10 per mo. Call Main 1852. $8.-.00 WALKING DISTANCE. WEST SIDE 111 IX3VEJOY ST.. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. HARDWOOD FLOORS, FUR- POIN DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1 800. HERE'S A REAL HOME BARG1IN Five-room modern home, near E. 37th 0t.. near Hawthorne: One lot Ail im provements in and paid; must go at $3250; very easy terms; 654 interest. Phone A tj-jj-ii. IF YOU HAVE $500 we will build your house on our lot and you may pay balance easy terms. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. FOR SALE. Modern 7 to 8-room house with double garage, on corner lot. At 265 .cast .totn. IRVINGTON. 6-room modern house, -furnace, laun dry trays, 3 large bedrooms, good garage paved street. Price only $5500. See Mr. Boehm with W. M. Umbdenstock & CO., ziu Oregon Diqg. Bdwy. 1658, HOME for sale by owner. 4 rooms and bath, electric lights, gas. cement base ment, 10 cords of wood, $2200; $700 cash, will take small car as part pay ment, near 60th and E. Glisan sts. 1611 Vera st.. Portland. $3.")0 DOWN buys a 7-room modern house; full basement, garage, 3 rooms upstairs, a large storeroom; lot 150x100; a large retaining wall in front of place; l1 blks. from car; this is a buy; $4750 T69 Union ave. 4-ROOM plastered house, pantry, bath, toilet, electricity, cement foundation 3 feet from ground; . lot 50x210; lots of fruit, trees, berries, woodshed, barn. A snap. 839 Ochoco ave., Sellwood gar den. Oregon. BEAUTIFUL new house, 5 large rooms, sewing room ; strictly modern ; nice ga rage; magnificent view; Colonial lit a district : built by day labor. OWNER. 303 East 26th St. -HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes." illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints $10, DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. mz rsiort nwestern uank Bid g FOR SALE Well built house, which has 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch; is near to high and grade schools and three car lines. For particulars address A 896, Ore gonian. ! JUST COMPLETED " 5-room, strictly modern in every way bungalow. Rose City Park, nice garage' $4600, terms. See this today. 694 East outn i. .mi iiuub x aoor f-aui. MUST BE SOLD by Sat., 27th, 3 -room shack on 75x100. outside city limits on Capital highway; $500; $150 down, bal terms, no interest. Main 4004. Will taka you out. REAL ESTATE. For Bale -Houses. J. s. WICKMAN CO. Sells Homes. In All Good Districts. SPECIAL. FURNISHED ALBERTA. $3100 5-room bungalow, completely fur nished, including malleable com bination range, fruit, briquets, garden tools; full-size lot with alley, 2H blocks to car. 8 blocks to good grade school. See this today. LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST. $7200 Some wonderful bungalow buys $7650 in LAURELHURST. Needless to $8500 say, all the good buys we have in LaurelhuORt are modern to the last detail. . WE have one beautiful bungalow In an excep tionally good location that can be bought FURNISHED for $10,000. If you desire a HOME In Laurelhurst, see us, as we have the CREAM. NEW HOMES. If you desire to build (In any good location), we can arrange through our BUILDING COMPANY. Come to us with your plans. A competent ARCHITECT in our office will work them out to your satisfaction. Then we will build and FINANCE your home. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS, "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 583 and 1004. EXQUISITE BUNGALOW. This 5-room bungalow is a beauty. It has. that large living room, extending across entire front for dancing or en tertaining; so many homes are' lacking In this feature. Finest bulit-ins; ideal Dutch kitchen; 'breakfast nook, fur nace, 50x100 lot; six splendid bearing fruit trees; A-l neighborhood. This place is clear of incumbrance; parties leaving state want quick action, hence this sacrifice. Price $5250. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Corner 36th mud Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. Realtors. A REAL FAMILY HOUSE. 4850 EASY TERMS. LOT 100x100. ALL SORTS OF FRUIT TREES. BERRIES AND FLOWERS. WONDERFUL LAWN. FINE GARAGE. THE HOUSE IS ALMOST TOO WELL BUILT; IT HAS FOUR BEDROOMS. ONE LARGE ONE IS ON THE FIRST FLOOR. IT IS CLOSE TO A GOOD SCHOOL. OWNERS ARE LEAVING FOR THE EAST AND HAVE TO SAC RIFICE. ALVIN JOHNSON. Realtor. Phone Bdwy. 37. 204 Board of Trade. DISTINCTIVE LAURELHURST COLONIAL HOME. On a large, sightly lot with a fine lew of the city and park, consisting of nine commodious rooms, fine recep tion hall, extra large living room, dining room, sun room and breakfast room; fine convenient Dutch kitchen, 4 large bedrooms, tiled bathroom, with beautiful fixtures; garage. Come out and see this. Open for Inspection afternoons. 1084 E. Couch st. T. B. Winship. Tabor 2124. $0500 FINE CORNER, BEAUTIFUL SHRUBS. LOCATED IN HEART OF IRVINGTON. NEAR IRVINGTON SCHOOL : STRICT LY MODERN 8-ROOM RESIDENCE, HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM. ONE VERY LARGE BEDROOM. LIVING RM. AND DINING ROOM FINISHED IN HARDWOOD. BEDRMS. WHITE ENAM EL: FURNACE: GARAGE. TERMS. POINDEXTER. 207-8 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. . IRVINGTON. $6850. I think I have one of the best buys In this district; 7-room house, hardwood floors; beautiful fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace. In best part of dis trict, one block from car and vou only need $1350 cash. Call Frank Mahoney, with 1 COE A. McKENNA CO.. Realtors. 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. $5800 WORTH $7500. The best buy In the city, 7 rooms and garage, furnace, hardwood floors, cool er, full cement basement; all street im provements in and paid for; lot 168 ft. deep; close in, near Lthe carline. House ready to move in. Have two others Just started to build. Beautiful locality. Reasonable terms. 530 E. 35th st. See owner at 1015 Brooklyn. Phone 218-32. ROSE CITY PARK. Just completed, modern 4-room fea ture house; white with green roof, rock fireplace, hardwood floors, disappearing bed, hot water heat, 676 East 47th St. North, near Siskiyou st. Open all day Sunday. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. Ill health compels owner to sell mod ern 5-room bungalow; polished floors, furnace, fireplace, white enameled kitch en, full basement, trays, garage; paved street: sewer in; 2 blocks to car below the hill; lawn. garden. fruit: neat school; surroundings the best, S4200. ELMER F. BENNETT CO., Realtor. 318-321 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 4191. WEST SIDE. 8 rooms, modern, newly decorated, white enamel kitchen: won derful view, easy walk, mostly down park blocks, save carfare. Owner leav ing; prefer selling furnished; elegant furniture: better built and priced about half present building costs. Hobson, 413 N. W. Bank bldg. $27.-.0 666 GOING ST.. CORNER EAST 1STH RT. N.. 2 BLOCKS ALBERTA CAR LINE. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE: LOT r0x 100: VACANT. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION; SOME TERMS. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. HAWTHORNE SNAP. This wonderful 5-room bungalow In tiptop condition; hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, built-ins of all kinds; $5250; $SOO cash, balance easv terms. ROBNETT & McCLURE. Mars-hall 3292. 32 Couch Bldg. LAURELHURST SIX ROOMS. Modern, about 2 lots, centrally lo cated; 2 fireplaces, shower bath; built in fireless cooker, furnace and all modern conveniences, $7500; will take auto to $2000, some cash. bal. easy terms. E. R. S.. 518 Couch bldg. Main 5694. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. If you are interested in a real bargain you will look up this 5-room bungalow near car line; $3150, $1000 cash, balance easy terms. ROBNETT & McCLURE. Marshall 3292. 302 Couch Bldg. 1400 ONLY I14HO 4-room bungalow, unfinished: has at tractive lines, near paved etreet and car: " nice district: owner leaving city, will sell on very easv terms. See JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. A SNAP. Seven-room house, large rooms, hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcase, buffet, etc., strictly modern, block to car and paved street, near Peninsula park. Owner,' Wdln. 4827 or 119 E. Buf falo. FOR SALE Five-room bungalow in Pied mont, 1221 Commercial, four blocks north of Jefferson high; Just being com pleted. Select your own finish, will be on grounds all day Sunday. Wdln. 1615. Price $5750. $1600 4 ROOMS finished below. 2 rooms and bath designed above, unfinished ; corner lot In fruit, berries and garage; near Peninsula Park and Ockley Green school; good terms. Hobson, 415 N. W. Bank bldg. BY OWNER IN ROSE CITY PARK. Hardwood floors in sitting room, din ing room and den; 3 sleeping rooms up stairs and large sleeping porch; hot-water hea t and fireplace ; garage ; $5800. Tabor 8044. ATTRACTIVE 5-room modern bungalor, 50x100 corner, paved street, full cement basement, furnace and built-ins; cloe to school and car; $3000 terms, $3300 cash. 522 Leo ave. Sell. 2023. OWNER WILL SAPRTFTr m Real colonial home in Alameda Park; hardwood floors over entire house. A beautiful home in one of the best dis trtcts in Portland. Main 116fV. $1000 $30O CASH; 80x200. with fruit and berries, chicken run; 4-room house, gas, etc.; nice district. Whv pav - rent? JOHNSON-DODSON CO., m N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. FIVE-ROOM house, three lots, nine fruit trees, chicken yard and shed, near school. East Mt. Tabor, $2750. Owner, 242 W. Mill st. - NEW 4-ROOM modern bungalows. $300, balance $30 month. These small pay ments for quick sale. 424 Board of Trade bldg. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN. Cosy new 4-room and bath bungalow; lot 90x112: garage. Owner on premises. 384 East 2d St.. N. F EIGHT rooms, modern, two lots, one block to car and hard streets, $3500, $1000 down. $20 month, this house could not be built for price. 504 Buchanan bldg FIVE-ROOM cottage. S2600: all t0r provements In and paid. 3014 Grand ave. N., near Alberta st.. or call owner, Ta bor 297X. during business houra. 6 ROOMS, new and up to date; must sell leaving city, fine location, terms. 021 E Harrison. 5-ROOM cottage In Alberta district, $300 terms, $300 down, $25 month and inter est. 578 Emerson. A SACRIFICE sale, owner leaving city 7-room house, 50x100 corner lot. Cali at 801 E. Taylor st. Phone Tabor 8341 ELEGANT west side view home, fur nished; owner leaving. - Information 413 N. W. Bank bldg. 6-ROOM house, lot 33x100; elec. and gas; bath. 104 Monroe St., near Miss, ave! Wdln. 6146. NEW 5-ROOM bungalow; hardwood floors Old ivory finish; corner lot. paved street $4500. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE 7-room house, ground 50x100 6106 36th ave. S. E. 6-RM. HOUSE 2 lota on paved st. 44th ave. S. E. Auto. 622-81. 6703 AEW I our -room- house with 75x100 lot east MU Tabor amenta. Tabor I82Q, REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. EX-SERVICE MEN AND PROSPECTIVE HOME BUYERS ATTENTION: BAR-GAINS--EVERY ONE. $1500 ROSE CITY PARK: a nifty 5 room bungalow with great big living room. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; paving paid; nothing like it for the money In Rose Citv. $5250 ROSE CITY' PARK : 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur Jiace; garage; near school; terms. $5250 HAWTHORNE; one of the very finest bungalows in the district; you'd expect to . pay $6000; one of the best built homes we have ... ever listed: full lot, too. $5450 LAURELHURST: new' 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors throughout, expensive tapestry paper, expensive plumbing, costly fixtures; garage; complete with shades, linoleum, .etc; big lot; terms. A. O. TEEPE CO., - Etst side office. 40th and Sandy, Ta bor 8586. - West aide office, 270 Stark st. Main 3092. MODERN BUNGALOW. $300 DOWN. Price $3200; paved street, beautiful north Piedmont district; lovely trees. 50x100 lot; 2 bedrooms all built ins. very attractive in design. A real bar gain, call at once; only $3200: but must be sold quickly. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry B'.dg. HAWTHORNE RARfJAIM At last you can get it; right off of Hawthorne ave.. close in: a beautiful nome. 6 rooms and sleeping porch: 65x 100 lot. garage; carpets and everything for $7150: $1500 will handle. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bide. WESTMORELAND 5 ROOMS. $4750. Very classy, east front, hardwood floors, lovely Dutch kitchen; owner leav ing city, some terms. Mar. 1022; SelL 2706 evenings. For Sale Business Property. QUARTER BLOCK on car line, paved at, 3-story building, picture show and atores. Call Marshall 2455. Suburban Homes. CHEAP TO CLOSE ESTATE. THE HEITKEMPER PLACE. Beautiful country home of 7 acres, fine grounds, all kinds of nut and fruit trees; "A acre In grapes, ornamental shrubbery and hedges. Part beaver dam. Has never-failing spring and ram. On hard-surface road and Oregon City car line at Courtney station. Might di vide. Inquire across the road at Lily INCOME PRflPERTV Owner says had net income of over 4594 this year; 7 acres, highly Improved; 34 acres loganberries, 2Vj acres straw berries; near car; city water, electric lights, gas, etc. Good house and barn. Price only $6500; $2500 cash, balance to suit. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. SIGHTLY SUBURBAN HOMESITE. 6 acres, all in cultivation; 3 acres fruit and berries; house, barn, outbuild ings. $1500 water system; on macadam st., near car. etc; owner non-resident. Price only $1800; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. FOR SALE One acre, $900, house, chick en house, fruit, also adjoining improved acres at reasonable prices; these are worth looking at. Courtney Station, Ore gon City electric east to Oatfield road, south one block, east on Pinehurst road. Fellows. Milwaukle. route, 1 box 195. OUT-OF-TOWN OWNERS. Will sell 12.35 acres on Base Line, about mile from city limits, for only $ll,0OO; commercial orchard, house, barn, all in cultivation; paved street, gas, etc JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. 5 ACRES at Ryan station, Oregon Elec tric, close to school and car; with 2 houses, 1 modern bungalow; garage, chicken houses; the whole, $7500. Phone owner, Marshall 3236. 6-ROOM modern house with city water, gas and electricity, 100x100 ground with lruit trees and berries on hard-surfaced road near Capitol Hill station, $270O: $500 cash. Main 7618. ARTISTIC 5-room and bath bungalow with over Vz acre of ground, 5 minutes from Base Line; 2 miles from Montavllla: will sell for $150O, $1500 down, this includes furniture; ready to occupy. Tabor 4170. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES, and acreage, well located, near carline, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City carline. A BARGAIN Garage, suitable for living quarters; lot 50x100; cement basement and- part material for house, in Park Rose. Call 51am 1390 or Tabor 4516. ACRE with 4-room house, good well, half wooa, balance clear; on main road; $800. $500 cash, balance payments. . Call 361 hi. ntn st. s. UOUO 8-room house and 3 lots at Ryan OLaLiuit, ..juw, easy leriUI. JODn Xfain, FOR RENT New 8-room partly furnished cottage and two acres of, land at Bryant station, near uawego lake. East 3145. NICE lot in Ladd's addition, cheap for casn. aram oa.iii. X'or Sale Acreage. FIVE ACRES. V, mile from electrio sta tion and school, near Oregon City, all - under cultivation i and good soil, large bearing orchard of over 110 trees In best of condition, berries and grapes; 4-room plastered hous with basement, good cnictteo nouse zuxou. barn 0x30. build ings in good shape. Price $3600. $1100 casn. price is wen worth. $1300. ACRE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH. vjn macadamized road, best of soil: no rock nor gravel; very close to electric lire; c commutation rare; city water. gas and electric lights; nice sightly ground. Price $700 per acre s.nd un: very easy terms, or will sell half acre iracis. air. iwemp. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 50O Small Places Near Portland. Get Our .Extensive Classified Lists. 6-ACHE tract, all under cultivation, ac Mc Mlnnvllie, Or., Joining city limits; good 6-room. plastered home with bath &Ld city water, chicken house and barn; 1 acre in berries, consisting- of strawber ries, gooseberries, currants, logan, reel and black raspberries, blackberries. 1 4 bearing fruit trees; four blocks from high, school, with two mall deliveries per day. Price $4500, $2uO0 cash, balance to curt at 7 per cent interest, or will con aider Portland residence property in trade. Owner. K 921, Uregonian. CHEAP HOME IN COUNTRY. 11 acres located. 30 miles from Port land, reached by auto or train. Near store and P. O. Good soil; 1 acre cleared. Nice little 2-room shack. Spring at back door. Nothing fancy about this, but owner needs money badly and is going to sacrifice it for $750 cash. If you have the money this is your chance. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, P13 Chamber of Commerce. MR. GARDENER. I have for sale at a sacrifice 30 acres of (irrigated by gravity, free water) highly improved garden land, especially good for asparagus ; good buildings ; 8 miles, mostly by highway, from center of Portland, 6 blocks from trolley sta tion; easy terms; no agents. For de tails phonfe East 7331 or call at 662 Stanton st. STUMP LAND BARGAIN. $16.50 per acre for 270 acres, 74 miles from Columbia highway and good town down the river; living water place; several old buildings with lum ber enough to build house and barn; fine open pasture land; ideal for stock or dairy: $700 cash will handle. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 2 ACRES, inside city, very convenient 5 room house, ch icken houses, rabbit hutches, all kinds fruit, full-bearing; sold over $400 berries alone; your living right here; owner a woman, can't do the work. A gift at the price, $."000; $1000 cash handles. - The place will pay the balance. BORLAND. PARSONS & MOORE. 303 Stock Exchange. 2 Vb-ACRE WOODED TRACT. On Barr road. 3 miles from city. Price $1000, $50 down and $15 per month. -STRONG & CO., Realtors. quo tnn rn . oi i:om. Ulag. CHOICE ACREAGE 30 miles down Co lumbia highway. Any size tract. Low prices. Easy terms. Can handle some trade. Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st Main 5429. STOKES TRACTS, fractional half acres and acres, city water, no city assess ments; $10 payments; Alberta car; Ken nedy school. R. W. Cary, 1219 N W Bank bldg. WRITE for map of western vvasnington. showing location, low prlca and easy terma offered to settlers. WBYBKHAUSEB TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Waah. FOR SALE acres, 5 in apple trees; 6 miles from Lebanon; very reasonable Owner, I. E. Hale, 1637 Sacramento st. San Francisco. Cal. 2Vi ACRES at end of Hawthorne carline highly cultivated. lies ideally for home $2500. Owner, 615 Ry. Exch. bldg .Mar shall 1585. DIKED LAND 5 and 10-acre tracts near 42d and Columbia blvd., terms. R w Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FINEST half acre, Woodrow station un for cash. Owner, 403 Stock Ex- Lin for c ange bid, FOR SALE 11 acres. 5 miles out, good spring; all in cultivation; $300 an Acre No. 7 North 3d st. ; - CHOICE close-in acreage. 10 to 40 acres &n&p, terms. Owner. East 745. ' REAL ESTATE. For ale -Acreage. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5 acres, half cleared, good deep soil, suitable for berries or chicken ranch, near Sherwood and paved highway. Only 150 per acre. 758 E. 21st st, end of Brooklyn car. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. LAKCE sums have oeen lost on walnut properties in Oregon; expert advice could have reversed it. T. Wlthycombe'a clients made 400 to 600 per cent on their walnut investments. Write 432 12th st.. Portland. Or., for Ideal walnut acreage. Homesteads, Relinquishments, U-. -.,viJs FOR EX-SERVICE MEN or o. -rs: original entry or relinquish ments; wlll locate you on timber or farm '.ends, taking you out In my own car, r,. w. Helm. 31B Board or Trade. FOR SALE: Homestead relinquishment. ..... u, ,.U.., n B 11 1 1. MVUOG, 8 acres plowed; $100- T. H. Clark, Sheridan. Or.. Rt No. 2. California Ken! Estate. MILLER & LUX LAJS'D. $300 land for $185; perfectly level, irrigated, richest soil and best deal for California homeseekers ; send for map and folder if interested. Kramer, Lake & Co.. 1027 Belmont at. Tabor 566. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE 160-a. dairy ranch, situated so mi. e. oi faaiem in Marion co. ; 0 a. In cultivation and tiled, stock equipment and entire crop go with place ; modern 6-room house, large barn (45x100), silo, milk house, garage and large hog house, 3 a. apple orchard and email family or chard, 13 milch cows. 5 heifers, 4 horses, 22 hogs (including 3 sows and boar, reg istered Poland China), 10 Angora goats, 1 registered Holstein sire, some of cows registered Holsteina; barn full of hay, about 250 bu. grain, corn enough to fill feO-ton silo; close to school, railroad and town. Price $16,000, terma "Will sell without stock and equipment if de sired. Owner, Mrs. Sara Berlnger, lie ham a. Or. 80 ACRES, 4 mile S. E. of Lents, good son, rent or sen, cultivated, 40 pas ture. 20 timber; new house, barn, young bearing orchard, well and soring ; ten ant's personal property, S1G00, as fol lows: C milch cows. 2 heifers, 8 horses. 1 sow. chickens. 2 acres spuds and hay in barn, drag saw and all farm imple ments. Phone East 3614. owner. John M. Kin ley. Route 3, box 354. Lents Station, Oregon. FOR SALB or trade for Portland income. xvz acres, 17 miles from heart of city, on good road, 75 acrea in high state of cultivation; good set of old buildings. Plenty of running water. Lots of fruit trees. Balance in pasture and timber. Ideal place for stock or dairy ranch. Inquire at 28 N. 1st st. Owner A. "Wild man. Will assume. FOR SALS 14 acres, mile to station. 4 acres cultivates, new s-room house, sou capacity coops with lights, 100 Leghorn hens, COO chick Kresky brooder house. In cubators, $150 dairy cow. Auto repair hop connected with it; priced for quick sale, fl5o0; leaving tor Chicago, Wax. C. Moldt, Hugo. Or. 80 ACRES OF FIXE LAND FOR ONLY EIGHT HUNDRED ROLLARS iso improvements, but about 5 million feet of good saw timber on the 80 acres only $800. STEWART &. JOHNSON" 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 80 ACRES; 7 acres in cultivation. 100 young prune trees; gooa house and buildings, water, team, farming imple ments, drag saw, stump puller, tools etc.; price $2150, terms. R. E. Watzig, umaa, w asn. $3500. CLACKXMASCO! S3500 80 acres near Springwater, small houBe good barn, spring, stream, orchard, 10 acres ciearen, ncn soil, an t liable, mae nificent timber, mail and cream route; a wonaeriui bargain; terms. Main 51SS. MODERN OO-acre dairy ranch and herd of registered Holstein dairy stock, big Kiiii iui euuiruuc, act. (juieiiiy ; lOCat ed in famous Nampa valley. Geo. A Mef fan. Nam pa, Idaho. A FEW hundred dollars will put you In possession of 320 acres, about 200 acres wheat land, or will exchange for house val.ua $4000. Broadway 1540. 400 North jytn st.. cuy, CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre; easy terms, oest sou, luruis ior saie, au sizes. Mcf ariana, realtor, aus railing' bldg. 88 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon; 6ft in cultivation, wen lencea ; a good buy. or win traoe. uwner, MaDor o3U8. Stt ACRES near Willamina: level, cleamti fenced, good 4-room house, loganberry lana; Terms- j. n. snarp. fe3 a j at. 160 ACRES, clear, Canada wheat belt. i ii;u., uiiuion.cn. axt. wou, uregonian. CLARKE county, 40 buildings. fruit, reasonable from owner. Wdln. 3890. W.yTKD REAL KSTATE. A PAYING BUSINESS FOR SALE. Owner must sell business and eauin ment at once ; here's your chance; if you have a good touring car or i bungalow as oart cavment to be an plied upon the purchase price- of this business, we will consider it. This Is not only a good investment but will be steady employment for you. Submit your proposition to A. B. Christenson, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. Broadway. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg WE HAVE BUYERS wanting rooming houses and hotels and me unprecedented number of people in quiring about this class of revenue prop erty warrants your listing your place wiLn u; asK ior jur. Aiartin, COE A. McKENNA & CO., REALTORS, S3 i-ourth St. Main 6871, WANTED TO BUY. 4 or 5-room bungalow, $4000; have 1918 Mitchell, good condition, for first payment, later payments $30 per month until soldiers' loan i ready, at which time can make payment of $3000. Phone lapor oiio, evenings or Sunday morning, WANT building with store, suitable for grocery witn living rooms in connectio: not over $o00U; will make good cash payment, c E. Bowden Co., 815 Cham per oi commerce Piag. jaain aoaa. IF YOU really Want to sell your horn a in any good location in Portland, we can sen it. jaciiee at uennis. W oodiawn 5684 WANTED 5 or C-room bungaiow, can pay casn u gooa buy; state price. O 885. uregonian. BUNGALOW or house ud to SGOuO- hv good improved acreage near city limits. x j vi, uregonian. WANTED For $1000 cash and $50 pe niontn. o or o-room bungalow ; state price. o as4. Oregonian. WANT direct from owner 3 or 4-room modern bungalow, not over $2500; give location, price. An. i , urn go man. M UiST have a home of ii or 7 rooms in next lew days; preier irvington or Pied mont. Main o'J4. WANTED To buy a 7-room modern house ior about juuu on terms. Phone Mar shall 3Ui4. OUR CLIENT desirea 5-room bungalow ia North Hawthorne or Mt.. Tabor; $800 cash, balance terms. Marshall 3292. CLIENT wants grocery, $1000 to $3000. Marshall 3292. EQUITY in 1920 Dodge for lot clos in. 729 East 80th st. North. Farm Wanted. I WANT to buy from 2 to 20 acres of cleared or uncleared land with running water; no real estate agents. Write to Thos. McCarthy, R. 3, box 71, Oregon City. Or. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT, SMALL PLACE Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, cloee to Port land preferred. Some peopie will buy the piace after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FEKUUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT. 45-acre dairy, stock and machinery for sale, $1850; 8 cows, 3 calves, 2 horses, wagon and harness, 1 brood sow, 1 disc, 1 harrow, 1 plow, mower and rake, separator, milk cooler, gas engine, pump and pipe, 20 to 22 tons hay. also some chickens and small tools. M 880, Oregonian. FOR RENT 7 miles north of Vancouver, on Pacific highway, 40 acres, 8 acres cultivated, balance good pasture, mod ern 8-room partly furnished house, range with hot water connections, fireplace, chicken bouse, fine orchard, rent $400 per year, payable in advance. M. J. Chapman, box 117. route 5, Vancouver, Wash. FOR RENT Large farm suitable for dairying or general farming; good barn, 6-room house, well. etc. ; cash rent ; mention experience and references when answering; no stock or implements to sell. A 890. Oregonian. FOR RENT Owner. 250 acres adjoining O. A. C. Renter must be financed to stock ranch. 561 Glisan st. FARM on shares, with 8 or 10 cows. 1313 East 29th st. North. F. Sharff would like to hear from owners. V N TIL Nov., 1923, 40 near Ore. City, $"400; Also 5O0 cords seasoned wood on place, $3. Owner, box 68, Astoria, Or. TIMBER LA NDS. FOR SALE 10 acres timber Jand, 150f cords wood and cedar posts, creek, small shack worth $50, 3 miles from county seat; $1000, $500 down, balance on time. Mrs. H. Turner, Stevenson. Wash. TIMBER LAND, eastern Oergon. Morrow county, for sale or trade against city property, 160 acres, about 5.000.000 feet of very fine pine timber. K 926, Ore- gonian. FOR SALE Sawmills located in pine, fir, or spruce timber, also good tracts of virgin timber in Oregon or Washington. Bee Wlnelow Co., 410 Lumbermen bids. TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Maple timber, standing or in loirs; aiso oak. Loeb Bros., xzut uasco bldg., Portland, Or. TO "EXCHANGE RtA ESTATE. 05 ACRES RIVER BOTTOM LAND. Located on Cowlitz river near Castle Rock, Wash. On good rock road. Prac tically all cleared and level; 5-room house, barn and potatoe house. This has been a fine farm, having sold for $15,000, but is slightly run down now. Owner has instructed us to sell it for $8000, and will take a Portland resi dence, or clear lots as part payment and arrange for long time on balance. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE FRUIT FARM. Clarke county, 20 miles from Port land, 4 miles from highway; 12 acres bearing prunes, excellent condition, se lect stand of walnuts, apples, cherries, pears; good 8-room house, hot and cold water, bath, choice shrubbery ; will ex change for city home to $4000, some cash, balance terms. K. R. S. 513 Couch building. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1 132 acres located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and hill. 300 acres in cultivation. 2 houses, fair barn; price $40,000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER COMPANY. S3 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. 13-ACRE GOING DAIRY. Near Hillsboro, good 6-room house, almost new; 5 acres berries, good silo, 4 good cows, milk route and full equip ment ; trade for suburban home or go ing confectionery or restaurant. E. R. 3., 613 Couch bldg., Portland. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE Dandy little berry ranch, buildings all practically new, stock and .equipment, with all farm machinery; will take house in Port land in trade. Phone 4571. Call 274 Margin st. No agents. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE. East 31st. near Oak, 100x100, with fruit and garden; want Hudson or any good car part payment, balance to suit, E. R. S.. 513 Couch bldg. FOUR acres line land, 45 fruit trees, 4- ruom nouse, ngni in saiem; price 4.uu; will take smaller property in or near Portland a first payment; answer to day. AN 955, Oregonian. WHAT will you trade for my $2000 equity " n iiijjucinenis in ana paid southwest corner 25th and Savier sts Mortgage $1000, 3 years to run. Phone Auto 327-08. -ROOM house, income $70; arrange for 2 families; want improved small farm, close in on good road, value up to J&ooo , -moo jumicj' avenue. TRADE i block with 6-room house. lots of fruit, close in, east side, for high-class auto (no Junk), balance long time. ucr. rumn .uj ,avarre notei. $3000 EQUITY in 40-acre irrigated ranch. GAi.iiiifia iur uouae or lurniture and lease of apt. house; place leased at good rental. X 900, Oregonian. TACOMA, Wash., 6-room house, close in. vuutu icut. a u. iv. rouiiii) ; ouu, ior h. k. rooms here or grocery, $2000 to $3000 290 Jefferson st. -ROOM house near Jefferson H igh, for 2 or 3 acre suburban home with 4 or 5 rooms. Robnett & McClure, Mar. 3292. OAKLAND 5-pass., in good condition, for acreage or nouse equity. Henry bldg. Broadway 5549. FOR SALE A good business corner, 6th ana tu. jurnsiae, on easy terms. Call East 2704. Owner. i ACRES, fenced, good well. pump, . paved road. mile electric: want house, equity or lota 1042 Grand ave. North. TO EXCIIAXGK MlSrFI.LANEOrS. BA RTLETT pears, direct from orchard, wholesale price, bring boxes. Cochran Farm Produce. 1108 Hawthorne avenue, near 37th st. Tabor 310S. FOR EXCHANGE One new King folding canvas boat for bolt-action Savage .250 caliber rifie. W. F. Winton, Corvailis. Oregon. I HAVE $500 equity in first-class touring car for trade; what have you? 214 Stock Exchange bldg. mornings, or telephone Main 2416 evenings. Mr. Daniels. TOR SALE. Hornet. Vehicles. Livestock. FOR SALE Pure bred Hampshlres. two gilts, one boar, farrowed April - 4 last. Excellent sire. Dam won blue ribbon and junior championship banner at Multnomah County fair and blue ribbon at Pacific International pYnAiitlnn imt year. These youngsters weigh close to iw pounus eacn, iea only for breeding purpose. This Is foundation stock worthy of the attention of forward-look ing oreaers. w. V. Church, Box 843 .r-uweu vaney roaq. Portland. WHY FOOL with scrubs when vou ean ret real registered, htgh-produeing' Jerseys uai grauea commanaea last year 7 s K- Hanneman. 1 mile beyond Corbett on to.umDia highway ; gray barn; all pLuciv guaranteea. FOR SALE One pair of heavy mules, har ness and wagon, good condition: s har. gain. Inquire at Latourell store. Lat- . ui rn niauon. FOR SALE Six nuraes; reasonable price Holman Fuel Co.. barn E. 6th and, Ivaa treeta 2800-LB. TEAM mules. 4 years old. If you waui a gooa team or mules, come and See these. Atl-as Wnnrt vn -H vt CHEAP, Holetein- Jersey cow, young and $15 -300D pony, ride or drive. Harnesses "5". uuuaro, front FOR SALE Several fresh family cows; jJi :a itym IU IU. J. a DOT 3004. VETERINARIAN DR. HOWES. TABOR fi.lRft FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes wuu i a 1 1 1 a. xioiman r uei Jo.. 5th st DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly Phone Mllwaukie 69-J for best service. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. " J " auu. vv aa l hiu io buy nrst-clas gaited ead- Q'o xiurae. r . c. uowman. Main 3020. FOR SALE 340O-lb. team, st. Broadway 3007. 40 N. First Piano. Organs and Muwlc! Instruments, PIAO SPECIALS A Bradbury mah. oeiiueuou, walnut case, x-250 J. & C. Fischer, mah. case. $275, anc many others at prices to fit your pocket book ; terms. G. F. JOHNSON" PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. KIMBALL GRAND, mahogany case: uaed wi uciiiuuaiiaiiuii oniy ; reasonably SEliJEhLl.N'G-LL'CAS MUSIC CO.. . 125 4th St. h.i.NObbLKi piano, practically new. value $5oO; will sell equity for $273 cash, bal ance due $95. payable $15 monthly. This i rei opportunity ior someone. AK CH1CKER1NG &. SONS PIANO Mahog any case, a wonderful buy; be sure and see tnis piano; late styie case, G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 14'J ttth St. STUDENT'S VIOLIN OUTFIT Includes violin, case, bow, rosin and extra strings, $25. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. BRUNSWICK phonograph. 20O sue alightiy used; only 17o; terms. SOULS BROS.. 166 10th St. HAINES P1A0. $250. See tKis in" Terma given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. HAKDMAN, MAHOGANY CASE; $350. A wonderful buy. BEIBEUL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Buy, sell, rent or trade Phonographs and records. Neuman's Record Exchange. 128 First. Main 4495. 627-46. 625-82. DECKER & SON" PLAYER PIANO, $275, Including bench and rolls. Terms given. SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. MELODY "C" SAXOPHONE Complete with case, $110; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. YORK SILVER CORNET In good condi tion. silver plated with gold bell, 154 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH AND REC V ORDS. $75, cabinet size; terms given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. . 125 4 th St. FOR SALE OR RENT Piano, grafonoia with late record a EMPIRE TRANSFER, 254 Broadway. Broadway 155. LARGE MODEL art design table machine, a snap at $185; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 6th St. HOLTON CORNET Almost new. silver plated with gold bell and trimming. 165. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.? 149 6th St. FISHER PIANO. $200: a real snap; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. BRAND new Holton trombon. cost $100, sell for $75. Oregon City 256-J. Fred Toozejr. WANTED Use of piano for storage, best of care, private family, no children. N 891. Oregonian. PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 20c up parta wholesale and retail. 548 Wash. Bdwy. 2044. ORGAN. $10; Mason & Hamlin SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th St. " FOR SALE Cash, player piano, firat- ciass concition. mi wunnomati hotel. t yjx o .-v i-4 j-iuiib-ucv.v wuib oan $20. Call after e i'. .m. Auto. 324-16. FLANO WANTED; pay cja. iiala 5 36, FOR SALE. Piano. Organ and Musical Instruments. READJUSTMENT PERIOD SALE. Some of the finest pianos in the world. Including demonstrating and used pianos, player pianos and phonographs. SAVING OF $75 to $200 FOR YOU. Ivers & Pond, last year's model $595 Ivers & Pond, last year's model 675 Hazelton Bros., last year's model.... 635 Haines Bros., last year's model 495 Haines Bros., last year's model .... 95 Franklin upright in mahogany.... Foster & Co.. upright, in oak Honart M. Cable, player piano.... Stuyvesant. mahogany player piano Kimball, large upright New England, l&ree unritrht 495 395 495 575 365 25 cash or as low as 8 to lo a monta. Seventh Floor, Llpman, Wolfe & Co. PHONOGRAPHS Some reduced over 50. Kew and Used Cabinet Models. Readjustment Period Saie. Victrola, model 10 ......$110.00 Widdicomb, No. 6. walnut 100.00 Pathe. No. 10, cabinet 75.00 Stradivara Melody 112.50 Bluebird, in mahogany .v... 125.00 Pathe, fumed oak, model 12 115.00 Stradivara Chopin, mahogany ... 90.0O Victor, style 9, small 40.00 $10 or more at time of purchase. $5 or more a month thereafter. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO., 7th Floor. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $375 J. P. Hale Ac Co. used upright. .$210 450 Peerless, upright, mahogany... 165 J3 Collard & Coilard, upright 65 .V lani3t Player piano 295 -50 Pianola player, walnut 45 Parlor organs. $1S, $25. $35, $38. etc 103 TENTH. ST., CORNER STARK. PCHWAN PIANO CO.. Downstairs Store. fb50 Kimball, used, best style. mah.$395 675 Singer, upright grand 295 50 Adam Schaff player 495 900 Steger, in rich mahogany.... 495 900 Steinway & Sons, upright 395 475 Hailet & Davis, upright 195 $10 to $25 cash, $6 to $12 monthly. . pathe, mdL 10, used phonograph.$80 125 Brunswick. No. 107, phonograph. 95 95 Stradivara, in oak 38 75 Victor, in mahoKanv 45 $50 Victor, in oiflc . ; 30 ierms. f5 cash. $3, $4 and $5 monthly 101 Tenth St. at Wash, and Stark. HA RDM AN, fine shape t...I$250 STEIN WAY. apartment size 37 PACKARD, art walnut 43S LIX- American burl walnut 487 Perfect interior. Faultless exterior. PHONOGRAPHS SLAUGHTERED. Players and Phonographs for rent, HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill. -tm hj:u, rventeq, rtepairea. PONOGRAPH SPECIALS Large size caoinei Brunswick phonograph $100; a cabinet Columbia with special filing sys tem $i5; also, Sonora at $75; Victrola style 16 electric S275: Columbia table machines at $40, $37, and $35, and oiners equally as good; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 14S oth St, RAN KLIN, walnut case. $27. Terms given. o&xUi,i.U-LLUAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. BUSCHER, melody C. silver saxouhone. h 1 "1UB- new; ou cash; sou terms; includes lift,-). Furniture for Sale. kjuiu mahogany dining room suite, 9 Solid mahogany library table. 4 solid mahogany rockers, leather up bolstered. . 1 solid mahogany pedestal 1mo 1 mahogany-finished telephone stand and chair. 1 6-piece walnut bedroom suite, springs 1 4-piece mahogany bedroom suite. onu mattress. 1 gas range and Ruud heater. 1 electric washer. IT'S GOING CHEAP. AUTOMATIC 216-80. 1206 E. PINE Try our sales department If you want w ui veil nuuseauia gooas. Keducea freight rates to most all point In our throufh nnnl r r E'Tr.oft r cw-1 -1 ... pairing and retinLshing. Money loaned on gooas in storage. fireproof stor,g Low insurance rates. SECURITY. STORAGE & TRANSFER CO 53 4th st., opp. Multnomah hotel. ruonc rtroaaway ana, DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If galng east or to California. We can eav you money on your freight la our througa cars; fireproof stoiage. C. M. Olson Transfer A Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. ENTIRE furniture for six rooms for sale at a bargain; splendid chance for any one wanting to establish a home; house for rent. Call 5t3 East 40th st North. FURNITURE of 4-room apt. for sale; everything In first-class condition, in cluding rugs, draperies and dishes ; go lng away. Apt. 24. Morton Apta. FOR SALE, by owner, 3-piece black walnut bedroom suite, bedding, chairs, 9x12 rug, lot odds and ends. Room lu, 7 First st. S.. west side, Sunday, IO to 4. OAK SIDEBOARD, good as new ; a bar gain, $20. Phone Woodlawn 1009 or call mornings 201 Knott st. , FURNITURE in 6 rooms for sate cheap Call evening after ti. 531 Montgomery street. DINING table, dresser, rug. kitchen cab inet and beds, cheap. Sellwood 1206. LARGE size kitchen cabinet, 30 ; Morris rocker $10. 4730 59th st. S. E. LEAVING town, must sell furniture. Call Main 5678 bet. 10 and 1 A. M. WILL SELL CHEAP. 3 rockers, 1 woven-wire bed springs. Wdln. 5313. FOR SALE Nice oak dining loom set reasonable. East 5 s 0 2. O f i ee JFu rni t u re. BEFORE purchasing new cr second-hand desks, chairs, files or safes, visit our salesrooms and inspect wiiat we have -to olter. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT., 10TH AT STARK. ONE T. W. desk and chair, 2 tables. 3 roll top desks, 42 flat-top desks, 3 bookkeep ers' desks, 8 chairs. 3 filing cabinets, 2 safes. BUSHONQ & CO.. 91 Park St. FULL quarter-sawed fiat-top desk and chair; 2 four-drawer upright letter c-ab-Inets. 815 Spalding blag. Main 70S. 'l'ypew riterft. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St, Main 5681. REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairs. supplies. Distributors Corona portable Suodstrand, adding machines. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth street. PRACTICALLY new Woodstock typewriter anu x3ui iuuk ii uuuins mac nine at big discount. Inquire 721 Corbett b 1 d g. FOR RENT Underwood. Remington, $3.50 mo. Empire Transfer. Broadway 155. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 6549. ALL MAKES rented and repaired! Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 &tfa st. Main 3008. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 14ui. Poultry. ABOUT 150 W. L. hens. 50c each if taken at once. Walter Larsen. R. 3. Box 212, city. n;ar Kendall station. 20 1-YEAR-OLD W. each. Main 5404. L. hens, laying. 75c Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 306 N. 14th U. near Pettygrove. Phone A 519-19. Dogs. Rah bitt.BlraM anu Pet btovk. FOR SALE CHEAP Registered ft-rnule Airedale, 2 years old, mild disposition, fine mother; also will trade male Aire dale, 3 months old, pedigreed, for fe male of equal age and pedigreed, or will sell. These dogs have champion stock in their lineage. This adv. will not appear again, J. R. Benton. Mar quam. Or. - FINE stork of young and old St. Andreas burg rollers, aiso females and large cages for sale. Call East 6b74 or 6a 7 Multnomah st. CHESAPEAKE bay retriever pup and grown dog, pedigreed and registered. J. R. Macguire. 7b7 Oregon St., near East 24th and Sandy. THOROHRED Scotch collie, female, a months old; $5. S. F. Wray, R, Beaverton. THOROUGHBRED buil terrier pup; very fond of children. Tabor 5714. WANTED Fox or rtd terrier pup. Main 30S7. Boats, La un rhes anri Marine Equipment. 2IARINE ENGINES, each $100rTerms if desired ; reverse gear, 3 speeds forward, 20-horsepower high speed, jump spark Ignition high tension magneto; suitable for speedboat or light towing. See Mr. Mitchell, Northwest Auto Co.. 18th and Alder. FOR SALE- Furnished houseboat; five rooms; owner leaving city. No. 24. Ore gon Yacht club. Phone Sellwood 2858. STERN-WHEEL steamer hull. 150x28x5. Pulton boatyard, ft. Virginia, Marsh. 2005. .' . STRICTLY modern, completely furnished houseboat. Riverdale moorage. Main 2353. FOR SALE 3-room furnished houseboat, foot Carolina st. Fulton car. Coal and Wood. BEST first-growth fir cordwood, cord. Sellwood 314. $8 per WOOD for sale, old growth cordwood, $S delivered. Phono Main 7257. A-l OLD GROWTH fir. $5.00 per cord at our' wtat-aide yard. Mua GGbG. FOR SALE. Coal and Wood. $10.50 FOR TWO LOADS $10.50. Block and slab mixed; first growth cord wood, $8 per cord; 2d growth cord wood, $7.50 per cord; country slab, $6 per cord. Wdln. 4102. OAK WOOD for sale. $10.50 a cord, de- iiverea any wnere witnin z-mue limit ot O. & W. freight sheds, East Portland. East 851 0. East 85 1 L DRY COUNTRY SLABWOOD. never been in water, wholesale and retail ; priced right. Phone Broadway 2211. Write 100 Vorth 18th st. GROUND hog fuel and sawdust in car loads or truck lota Western Cooperage Co., Columbia 52. FIRST-GROWTH Oregon fir, $6.25 at yard In North Portland. Phone Mala 5(180. 500 CORDS seasoned wood near Oregon tuy, o; aiso rent u acres until isov., 1923, $400. Owner, box 08. Astoria. Or. DRY OAK WOOD, $10.50 a cord ; Kit: coal, 15 per ton. American Fuel Co. Phone Woodlawn 200. BLOCK and alab mixed, stove lengths, $11 per uouoie ioaa. o ortnrup. Bawy. 4410. COUNTRY DRY SLAB WOOD. SHORT SLAB AND BLOCK. Marshall 5077. BIG LOAD of boxwood $5 50. Call Wood lawn 5904. or 1133 Montana averrue. A-l CORDWOOD del. $8 a cord, on east side and S. E. only. Autn. 638-33. SHORT slabwood for sale, wholesale and retail. St. Johns i-.br. Co.. Columbia 131. FIRST-GROWTH wood for sale. $7.50 the cord. 234 Union ave. Phone East 5i. GOOD dry country slab, $7 per cord. Auto. i. GOOD first-class dry wood for sale. Tabor 5479. GUARANTEED best old-growth cordwood. ys.oo per cord: green slab. 5.75. B. 4110. Machinery. Quitting Business. AUCTION SALE. AMERICAN ELECTRIC WORKS. 129 East Water Street. Saturday, August 27, 2 P. M. Machinery and tools consisting of 10-inch Lathe and Lathe Tools. 50-h. p. Motor, 2 2-h. p. Motors. Drill Press and 70 Drills. Winding Set. Emery Grinders and Drawing Board. Anvil and Forge. CHEVROLET AUTOMOBILE. Benches. Vises, Ladders and Other lota too numerous to mention. J. T. WILSON. AUCTIONEER. Al ittcellaneoua. HOT WATER TANKS. 50 gal. $7: 40 gaL $9; tested, guaranteed ; stove & furnace coils; gas heaters installed;expt. plumbing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams. E. 8516. MATTRESSES direct from factory to homes ; 100O new 40-lb. mattresses. $5. Pioneer Mattress & Pad Co., 1072 E. Lin coln st. Auto. 237-07. MRS. S. W. HERMAN, apparel shop, ladies' and gents' clothes bought, sold and exchanged; best prices. 284H Park st.. near Jefferson. Ma rshall 1009. FOR SALE Prunes, plums and Bartlett pears; also miscellaneous other articles. Erroll station, first white house south of sta.tion. Call all week. SCAI.ES. Used butcher and grocery computing scales for sale from $50 up. No. 5 First st., opposite Lang & Co. AUTO CAMPING OUTFIT. FURNISHED CO MPLETE : N EW. CALL W. T. PETTY. ANGELA HOTEL. FOR AP POINT M ENT. HUXGARI AN plums, large and ripe, 3c lb if pick them yourself. 4c picked; no con tainers furnished. 4419 44th at. S. E.. half "'oca norm ot noigate. w ooaatocK car. gairs in second-band safes and vault doors. Bushong & Co., 70 Sixths sc. Broadway 1202. COMPUTING SCALES, cash register, cof f ee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 226 Stark &u. between First and Second streets. .22 HIGH-POWER gold bead Savage rifle in case, fine condition, $32.50. East CS74. FOR SALE A 9-cup electric coffee urn. "loving-cup shape," never has been used; cost $25; will sell for $18. Write BD 920. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL brown satin dress anil em erald knitteJ cape, size 40; cost $85, ac rifice $2S. BF 952, Oregonian. 1 VrXl2, 4x4. 4x12, 6x8 141-INCH wood. $5 per cord delivered; also good firsu prowth fir cordwood. $S . Bdwy. 4292. THREE pool tables, 1 billiard table 4 t9. Good condition. Make cash offer. ln- quire office. 7th floor. Oregon bldg. HEMSTITCHING. 8c per yard: one yard free by bringing this ad. 330 Mohawk bldg.. over Roberts Bros. FOR SALE Dinner ring. 24 diamonds an-1 5 rubies. Seth Thomas mantle clock. Main 1941. BOY'S all-wool suit, short pants, suitable for boy 14 or 15 years. S2 Grand ave., a pt. 21. mornings. BARTLETT PEARS. $1 BOX. GREBE FRUIT FARM. 40th and King Sts.. Milwaukle. FOR BIG mountain hue k It-berries write J. T. Mclntyre. Cherryville, Or. Phone Bright wood store. $1.25 per gallon. ' SCALES. Dayton inclosed base scales, slightly used, at great reduction. No 5 1st st. 1921 OTTAWA log saw, $150. cost $184.75; a i so tent 10x12, $14, cost $21.50, used very little. Tabor 1398. GREEN GAGE PLUMS. 3 cents on trees. Bring container. A. N. Searle. 2221 E. Hoyt at 91st st LICENCED independent electrician wires rooms for $12. 5 for $20; guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 3791. D1EBOLD safes, new and second hand ; special prices, x Pacific Scale & Supply Co.. 48 Front st. Broadway 1966. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Second and Morrison. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamil-ton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day. 85c; delivered, guaranteed good condition. Woodlawn 1259. ONE FOLDING bed. 2 sanitary couches make your price. 135 Klllingsworth ava Woodlawn 3706. KODAKS. " " We buy. sell, rent and exchange k daks. Sandy. 329 Washington street. NOTICE Hunters, we tan furs and hides of all kinds. West Coast Tanning Co. 892 Tenino ave. MEDIUM -SIZE ice chest, good condition cost $50. will sell for $15. 403 4th St.. corner Harrison. BARTLETT peara for sale, box $1 75 224 E. 47th, near Mudison. Phone Tabor 6S13. APPLES, windfalls, 75c sack, $ I picked ; plums, prunes, blackberries, cheap. 82d to Clackamas, then 4 miles east. Graved FOR SALE Vulcanizing machine and complete set of tools. Cash or small pay ment plan. N 890, Oregonian. SWELL baby carriage, also go-cart and Oriole at prices that can't be beat. -346 Harrison st. A. B. GAS RANGE, hitfh closet, fine con dition. A bargain at $25, 1178 Wood ward ave. Tabor 1464. BY OWNER A four-burm?r seif-lighting gas range and water heater, like new, $40. 719 Ouih.ave. Auto. 641-Q9. FOR SALE Fine large brown, open mouthed mounted cougar rug, $43. AV 23 S. Oregonian. FOR SALE Second-hand gasoline pump. i. u. DOX i. BARTLETT pears and Damson plums, 1400 Bust Stark. Tabor 110. FOR SALE cheap, portable icebox, OViilO ft. Phone Main 3440. FOR SA LE Bartlett pears and Base Line mad. at E. 97th St. INLAID linoleum, baby buggy, st. Main 1714. 114 N. 2d LADY'S 3 dresses and suit, 2td. Main 1714. ize IS. 144 N. ALL KINDS of lumber and building ma terial forsalt Fhon Main 0132. LARGE Reliable gas range for sailed Call Woodlawn 2541. i 4 -KARAT blue-steel diamond, cheap. Mar shall 1180! WALL CASES SxS feet, mirror 404 Hippodrome Theater bldg. ;x6 feet. LADY'S SUIT, size 18-30. worsted, $S5 now $50. 4Q4 Hippodrome Theater b!dg. 25-20 NEW Winchester carbine, $25 cash Wdln. 4417. PAINTERS extension ladder. used once. $12- 1 aiSKiyou st POOL TABLE S0 CASH. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale Pacific Tent & Awning Co. No l rt st. ALEXANDER HAMILTON Institute coirT- .aia acts npvpr iw-n iiil fit V.,.. ... DAMSON piurns iur sdie. -t.-M Willis boule- vard. 1 S blocks east of Chatauqua. LADIES, save; smart used apparel in a home. Prices low. Tabor 2.S25. ELECTRIC ttxtures for 5 rooms. i..". Jo Chamber Com, bldg. Broadway 4 J53. VACUUM cleaners for rent. 85c per day deliverer! anywhere. Wdln. 3495. APPLES, 2c a pound; pears and plums, d. 539 E. 4 7th st. N. ' 4c a poun FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, show cage. 43 1st st.. near AsU. "STAR A I Ait s-rungles direct from null. Call Tavior-street dock. Main '8005. SEVERAL OOOO-gal. fir stave tanks, dress BF 958. regonian. ROADSTER body with top; 2-pa.ss ; cheap: also woodsaw outfit. Bdwy. 4257. FOR SA LE Long -neck Dixie banjo $ '0 Call after C P. M. Auto. 324-16, BARTLETT PEARS, bring boxes. Harri son, 716 Col. blvd., 4 miie E. Union ave. FOR SALE Used barber chairs in good condition, cheap. 71 Third st. A A r