ltt THE MORNING- OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1921 REAL ESTATE. LAVRELHUB ST. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Well constructed. strictly modPrn, new house, large floored attic; excellent loca tion, beautiful lawn and shrubbery; own- r will sell very reasonably; expensive new draperies Included in price, $7300; terms. 1233 EAST PINE STREET. Near Corner of East 41st Street. $500 - DOWN. MONTAVILLA BUNGALOW. Living room, dining; room, bedroom, full Dutch kitchen and nice glassed-in breakfast room; 50x1 00 lot, on 60th St., 3 blocks from car; monthly payments $35, including; interest; price only $3150. J. U HARTMAN CO MP ANT. S Chamber of Commerce Bids;. Main 206. IRVINGTON PARK SPECIAL. 7-room modern bungalow on bean tlful loOxlOO-foot lot, double construct-J ea, nuilt-ins, cement casement wun my. trays, paved street, block to car. Price reduced to $3650 for Quick, sale. Make your own terms. ALAMEDA. 5-room modern bungalow on 82d st., fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitch en, st. Imps, all In and paid, 50xlU0-ft. lot, cement basement; new house) price only $."750, balance easy terms. HL'RKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. BE UT1FT'L B U N G ALOW. ROSE CITT PARK. This Is one of tha most beautiful bnn-g-alo wa we've seen; 6 rooms, Including; a glassed-in sleeping: porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, built in buffet, built-in wardrobes, a wonder ful basement, furnace heat, garage. The Ms lot, 00x110, in especially lovely. The owner has cut the price from $0500 to $0000 and auks only $1500 cash down. Call us at once. COMTE & KOH7LMAN, Main 6550. 20$ Chamber of Commerce Bids;. ESPECIALLY NEAT. WELL-BUILT HOME Ctti EAST EIGHTH. We want you to see this, especially !f yon want a neat, well-kept home. Exceptionally well-built, splendid five room house. Inside all white enamel and as clean as a new Din: full cement base rnent. wash trays, built-ins. best white enamel plumbing; full lot, streets paved And tj id anil there la some nice bear ing fruit; price $3500. It is a good dis trict on .East 8th street. HARGROVE REALTY CO. (Realtors.) N. Sixth St. Broadway 43S1. TWO ATTRACTIVE SNAPS. $250 down for tbis good 6 -room plas tered home with bath, nice corner lot. , close In; only $2500; a dandy buy for working man; located at 4337 42d ave. Southeast. $200 cash, witl handle this 5-room home with bath on paved street, all assessments naid : rood condition : price ' only $1700; near school and car. Buy this and save the curse of rent. 1009 i Front street. RALPH HARRIS CO., Slfl Cham, of Com. Main S624. S'OR SALE or trade. 0-room house. strictly modern, electric lights and gas . throughout; 2 full lots aoxluo on corner, Ipeautirui location ; double garage, con crete driveway, plenty of fruit, berries, grapes; paved streets in and paid for; hardwood finish and full basement. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will trade for farm or take good car as part payment; $3000 against place, runs 8 years at 7 per cent. Price $5500 ; Is worth $7000 of any person's money. Located at 455 Skidmore. Phone Wood lawn 4641. F. O. Earhart. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. $3700, on easy terms, buys an 8-room home in good location on Holgate st.; improvements In, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch; would take good lot in trade. Main 6102. 218 Ry. Exchange bldg. Open evenings. For Sale Bust news Property. QUARTER BLOCK on car line, paved St.. 8 -story building, picture show and stores. Call Marshall 2455. Suburban Homes. 100x150, JUST ontslde city. Capitol hill, all under cultivation; city water, gas, good 5-room plastered house on concrete foundation; small barn; price $2650, $500 cash : or consider house in Portland up to $4500. Ask for Mr. Kemp. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, GAS, CITT WATER. One acre, 4 blocks from electric sta tion, mile from city limits; all under cultivation; attractive 5-room cottage: all city conveniences: Price $195L $500 cash, balance $15 R,er month. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 600 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. B, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a 8 -acre tract In this addition of 800 acres; down the Columbia river, on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck; beautiful lying land, free from rock and gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and Vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL. SIS Railway Exchange Bldg. J MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER. " Here Is a -beautiful 6-acre suburban borne on the Capital highway; fine 5 room bungalow, orchard of apples, pears nd berries, spring water piped to the house, electric and auto service and only $0000. Will take house and lot up to $3000. J. B. HOLBROOK, Realtor, 214-215 Panama Bide. BUCKLEY AVE.. 5 ACRES. Near car: only few minutes' ride to wet side; this tract is all under cultiva tion : fruit and ehade trees; price for quick eaio $3T50. NEILAN PARKHTLL. Realtors, 210 Lumbermens Bldg. SELL OR TRADE. Country home, pleasant and profitable, about 1400 bearing fruit and nut tr- srood house, with bath and toilet, barn, dryer, fronts on auto road, short drive from Portland; take Portland house or gooa Dusiness; price $(H)0. J. A. HENKLE, 512 Gerlinger Bide $2600. ONE ACRH FOUR ROOMS. OARDETN, berries, fruits, keep cow poultry; close school, car, gas. electric ity; null Kun water; $00 cash, terms nai. 0.0 tnam. com., T. O. Bird, S MILES FROM PORTLAND I have two 5-acre tracts, unimproved easily cleared, on the Oregon cttv car Itne; fine suburban home site. Price Well, you'll be surprised. B. H. Stewart! O S WEGO LAKE. $2100 New bungalow with large Ibomesite; water, lights, plumbing, rocked road, beautiful view of lake and Mt Hood; terms. 600 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES nd acreage, well located, near carilne from 81SOO np. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City carlins. DA K-OROVB. modern bungalow, barn chicken houses, fruit trees, berries, water system, 24 acres ground, on Pa clfic highway. K 027. Oregonlan ACRES, small house, near Gehl station $500 cash; $2300. McFarland. Failing bldg. COOD 8-room house and 3 lots at Rvan Station, $5000, easy terms. John Bain BQT Spalding bldg. ' K. 1 Acreage. RITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYKRHAUSER TIMBER CO.. m Tacoma. Wah. FOR SALE 1V acres, 5 in apple trees; j8 miles from Lebanon; very reasonable. Owner, 1. E. Hale, 1637 Sacramento St., rn 11 r rannst u, -m. UARDEN HOME ACRE. " Right at station; new cottage, garage, garden, city conveniences; price $1500, terms; art quickly. Marshall 3324. Sis ACRES at end of Hawthorne carline highly cultivated, lies ideally for home $2500. Owner. 615 Ry. Exch. bldg. Mar shall 15S5. fXIGARD 3 acres In berries, modern house, hot and cold water, upstairs and down; fine view, flowers; only $5500, $1000 down. $40 month. H. O. Case. Tlgard. Or. ilOUSE and 2 acres In high state of cul tivation on highway and electric line; electric light; $1750, $250 down. Draper. 40S Board of Trade. I V ACRES of good land near Bryant eta., S- P., close to Portland, 2 a, cult $S75. McFarland. Falling bldg. IN EST half acre, Woodrow station; bar gain for cash. Owner, 403 Stock Ex change bldg. CHOICE close-in acreage, 10 to 40 Acres; rutp, terms pwaer, Eaat 746, REAL ESTATE. For Hale A c res g e. FIVE ACRES, H mile from electric sta tion and school, near Oregon tny, an under cultivation and good soil, large bearing orchard of over 140 trees In best of condition, berries and grapes; 4-room plastered house with basement, good chicken house 20x00, barn 24x30, build ings in good shape. Price $3000. $1400 cash. The place is well worth $4500. ACRE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH. On macadamized road, best of soil; no rock nor gravel; very close to electric line; Sc commutation fare; city water, gas and electric light-; nice sightly ground. Price $700 per acre and up; very easy terms, or will sell half acre tracts. Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. Orer 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. NOW, FOLKS, HERE IS ONE BIG BARGAIN IN A STOCK AND DAIRY FARM. Consists of 420 acres, about 70 under cultivation, all fenced and cross-fenced; most of cleared land is creek bottom; two fine trout streams through place; 3 "large barns, 2 houses: one of these houses has modern plumbing with spring water piped to house, has elec tric lighting plant with, lights in all buildings. With place goes 16 head cattle, from 15 months to 2 years old. 2 registered bulls, team of horses; everything for only $26 per acre, on good terms; county road through pTace and only about 70 miles from Portland. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. Fine locations for a little country home close to the city In SUNDERLAND ACRES at E. 29 th st. and Columbia blvd. (one mile east of Union ave.) Rich river bottom lands, fruits and vegetables grow in abundance, condi tions exceptionally favorable for stock raising ; road now under construction from Columbia blvd. to choice 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts, ' outside city limits, low taxes; $400 to $0OO per acre; 10 per cent down, balance annual payments. ELROD & DRYER, Owners. 283 Stark St. Broadway 1188. 20 ACRES, 15 miles county seat, 3 miles good town, all in cultivation, fine build ings, all kinds; fully stocked and equipped, $7500; will trade equity $3000 for grocery or equity in house up to $2000. Two acres in city limits, good house and other buildings in good- shape; a fine place for chickens and rabbits; $5000. $1000 cash handles. BORLAND. PARSONS & MOORE, 303 Stock Exchange. 5-AC RE tract, all under cultivation, at Mc MlnnvtUe. Or., Joining city limits; good 6-room. plastered home with bath ard city water, chicken house and barn ; 1 acre in berries, consisting of strawber ries, gooseberries, currants, logan, red and black raspberries, blackberries, 14 bearing fruit trees; four blocks from high school, with two mall deliveries per day. Price $4500, $2000 cash, balance to suit U 7 per cent interest, or will con sider Portland residence property in trade. Owner. K 921, Oregonlan. HERE ARE 18 ACRES ON CUK.N cJK Olf S2D STREET AND POWELL VAL LEY ROAD FOR ONLY $750 PER ACRE. Nothing around this can be bought for less than $1000 per acre. We would like to have you investigate what a bargain this is. Buyer can have best ot terms. Will divide into smaller tracts STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SOME BUNGALOWS. Irvlngton. Alameda. Laurelhurst, Rose City Park. , $4500. $4950. 55900, $0500, $6850. Modern and very desirable. Priced right, and on easy terms. Absolutely no ordinary offerings. By appointment only. R. T. STREET, Agent. $45 DOWN. 1 ACRE ALL CLEARED. One full acre, city water andL gas, price only $900, balance $9 month. Main 5201. BOONE CLEARWATER, 505 Couch Bldg. Realtors. 1 15 ACRES ONLY 2 MILES N. E. OF H1LLSBORO. Eevry part of this land Is In high state of cultivation; good 5-room house, barn and chicken house; county road by the door; price only $4250, on good terms. STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bapk Bldg. HERE is your chance to own a small farm down the toiumDia river; acres, on payments that you can make. It is rich, productive soil, on a good road; price $558, terms $140 cash, bal ance $S3 a year. Let us show it to you at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $50 DOWN $15 PER MONTH. This will buy you a 2-acre tract of deep, rich soil, partly cleared, fronting on good hard road, 3 miles east of city limits. If you have not enough money to build we will help you; 2-acre tracts from $1100 to $1250. STRONG & CO., Realtors. 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. -3.60 ACRES, 3 acres cultivated, balance timber ; 4-room nouse, iurnisnea ; earn, outbuildings, lots of fruit, good water; 1 horse, wagon, implements, mile from Oregon City. $2100, terms. B. H. Stew art. 105 Fourth t. . Main 5275. FOR SALE by owner, cheap; would con sider some trade; 200 acres or less of fine orchard, garden or grsln land In one of the best sections of southern Or egon, right on the Paclflo highway. Levi Geer. Cottage Grove, Or. 10 ACRES, 7 acres cultivated, some bottom land, balance pasture, o-room nouse, barn, outbuildings, family orchard, apring and creek, 1 cow, some tools, 2"4 miles from Oregon City, $2600. terms. B. H. Stewart, 1654 4th st. Main 5275. CHOICE ACREAGE 30 miles down Co lumbia highway. Any size tract. Low prices. Easy terms. Can handle some trade. Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. STOKES TRACTS, fractional half acres and acres, city water, no city assess ments; $10 payments; Alberta car; Ken nedy school. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. xiiMH) CASH will buy 10 acres 1 mile from Rainier. Or., on Columbia highway; 4 acres cult., spring water, 4-room house, small barn, good view. Reynolds, Rainier, Oregon Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. 20 ACRES CHOICE ORCHARD. White Salmon valley; high-class place, 15 acres choice bearing apples Deli cious, King Davids, Ortleys, Bananas, Spits and Newtowns; modern bungalow, irrigating system; nothing better in this district ; close to White Salmon ; have 5iM)0 boxes apples this season ; price $11,000. Jacob Haas. 4113 Stock iJx change bldg. Marshall 3324. LARGE sums have oeen lost on walnut properties In Oregon; expert advice could have reversed it. T. Withycombe'e clients made 400 to 600 per cent om their walnut Investments. Write 432 12th st.. Port land. Or., for ideal walnut acreage. Htratead. tteUnqulMhment. 16o7acrerelinquishment. 87 miles from Portland, 2 -room house, barn, 1 acre slashed, fine spring, lies good ; some fine timber, A-l soil ; 2 stoves, furniture and all tools. Price $625. Bundy, 618 Chamber of Com mere bldg. fciwju .m...US FOR EX-SERVICE MEN or o;!un; original entry or relinquish ments; will locate you on timber or farm lands, taking you out in my own car. K. w. Helm. 310 uoara 01 Trade. FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment. house, barn, creamery, water in house, 8 acres plowed; $100, T. H. Clark, Sheridan. Or.. Rt. No. 2. DIKED LAND 5 and 10-acre tracts, near 42d and Columbia Diva., terms. R. w, Cary, 1219 M. w. Hank bldg. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE 14 acres, ha mile to station, acres cultivated, new 5-room house, 300 capacity coops with lights. 100 Leghorn hens, 500 chick Kresky brooder house, in cubators. $150 dairy cow. Auto repair shop connected with It; priced for quick sale, $15U0 ; leaving ior (jnicago. W C. Moldt. Hugo, Or. SELL OR TRADE. SNAP. - 25 acres, all choice land; lies fine, un der cultivation; at station on R. R. ; fins modern nouse, oungaiow siyie; nice barn and otner outnunaings; concrete walks heart or tne vauey; oniy suooo. J. A. HENKLE. 512 Gerlinger Bldg. MODERN 00-acre dairy ranch and herd of registered Holstein dairy stock, big UUgltiU uti buiiituiib, ti nuitMy- lOCat ed in r a mo us xsampa vauey. Ueo. Meffan, Nam pa. Idaho. SEVERAL GOOD FARMS FOR TRADE! Some of them stocked and ready to go onio, oee air. ureeue, liOQaard 8 Of' lice, qui-J -oucn umg. rt a 1 V.n.i KnW .. J . good soil, running waters $40 per acre -oU uowu, crwMki jemiy i-paymenu. DRAPER. 403 Board of Trade. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCH-? sear roruuu, uu iu .iwu per acre; easy terms, best soil, farms for sale, all sixes. JKLcr urmuui icaimr, -ua r ailing bldg. 8 ACRES, six: miles south of Lebanon; tte in cuiiivuuii, wen icocea; a good buy ACRES near Willaralna: level ii.aV fenced, good 4-room house, loganberry REAL ESTATE. 600 CHICKENS INCLUDED. 20 acres, 12 miles southwest Port land, on a good macadamized road ; 10 acres under cultivation, balance in pas ture and timber, all can be farmed. 1 mile to school; bearing orchard; tt-roora house, barn 30x30; 3 chicken houses, oth er buildings. Included with place: Over 500 chickens, 4 milch cows, - 1 heifer, ducks, rabbits, cream separator, milk cans, hay cutter, etc. Price for every thing $5000, large cash payment. A good piece of land close In. 80 acres, 83 miles south Portland, 2 miels from good town with high school; i mile to grade school; good road that will be paved this year; 11 acres under cultivation; 60 acres can be farmed when cleared ; lots of second-growth timber; 40 bearing fruit trees; 6-room ceiled and papered house, barn 24x48, work shop, chicken house, etc. Included with place: One cow, heifer, chickens, plow, harrow, buggy, harness, saddle, etc Price $3800, large cash, payment, or con sider one acre with shack house, close to Portland as part of first payment. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CHOICE FARM ON THE PAVED HIGHWAY. HERE IT IS. 24 acres on the Newberg highway, every foot under cultivation, practic ally all in crops, nice family orchard. 2 acres In Cuthbert raspberries set out this year, dandy new 5-room bunga low with large living room, dining room, built-in kitchen. 2 bedrooms with bathroom between, good double wall storage house joining the back porch; good barn, large chicken house, dandy good spring on the place which furnishes water for the stock ; good team and a lot of Implements and tools. Everything complete for $9500, but must have quick action In order to sell at this price. Don't forget this is right on the paved road. STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BUY NOW SOME REAL FARM BARGAINS. FORTY ACRES, 85 under plow, 8 acres spuds, kale, 5 cows, poultry, team, har ness, wagon, plows, harrows, mower, rake, binder, good buildings; 11 miles Portland, Little cash, terms baL EIGHTY ACRES, 50 under plow, fine oil, creek, spring, orchard, rock road, close school, mail route, milk route; 12 miles Portland; good barn, fair house, beautiful homesite; $145 acre; little cash, good terms baL T. O. BIRD. REALTOR. 526 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. FOR SALE 160-a. dairy ranch, situated 28 ml. e. of Salem In Marion co.; 80 a. in cultivation and tiled, stock equipment and entire crop go with place; modern 6-room house, large barn (45x100), silo, milk house, garage and large hog house, 3 a. apple orchard and e-mail family or chard, 13 milch cows. 5 heifers, 4 horses. 22 hogs (.including 3 sows and boar, reg istered Poland China), 10 Angora goats, 1 registered Holstein sire, some of cows registered Holsteins; barn full of hay, about 250 bu. grain, corn enough to fill 80-ton silo; close to school, railroad and town. Price $16,000, terms. Will sell without stock and equipment if de sired. Owner, Mrs. Sara Beringer, Ma nama, Or. BE FREE OP WORRY on this one-man farm of 32 acres, just 10 miles from Vancouver, Wash., on a fine road and half mile to school and store; it will be' hard to find a better lying tract ; a small stream crosses it ; the soil is a free loam, very fertile and easy to work; a house of 7 rooms, barn, chicken house and other bldgs.; just right for a small dairy and poultry farm. The owner, a business man, says sell or trade it for $500O; it's surely worth it. MacINNES, EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Exchanges of Merit Only. THIS FINE 53-ACRE FARM WITHIN 6 MILES OF COURT HOUSE. ALMOST JOINS TRACT THAT IS BEING SOLD FROM $600 PER ACRE UP. Owner has come here from California to sell this place, over 40 acres are In high state of cultivation and the very best of soil, balance slashed and in good pasture, large new barn, fair house, good well of water and fine spring in middle of plaoe. Let us show you what a bargain this is for $300 per acre. STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. THIS NICE 6 ACRES ONLY 20 MILES FROM PORTLAND. CLOSE TO STREET CAR AND STAGE LINE. ' All in crops, which go with place. 4 room house, barn and chicken house, good family orchard, joins county road which will soon be paved, grocery deliv ery and meat wagon pass the place. With place goes good cow, about 40 chickens, all garden tools; everything for only $2500. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 61 ACRES DAMASCUS. Here is a fine farm consisting of 61 acres of which 42 acres are under plow, 10 acres In strawberries; good 5-room plastered house, barn, chicken house and garage. This is finest red shot soil, located on main road, only y miles east of Damascus, fine farming district, price only $10,500; $2500 cash. FLOYD L. EDDY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 125 -ACRE FARM FOR ONLY $5000. Good 5-room house, large barn, and outbuildings, 30 acres in cultivation, some nearly cleared, lot of fine timber, extra good soli, running water on the place, 20 tons of hay in the barn. 4 acrs of potatoes. Everything for $5000. $1500 cash. Will take a cheap house or lot in Portland to $1000 and $2500 mortgage. 18 years at 6sf.. STEWART & JOHNSON, ft 1 5 Nort h western Bank Bldg. 352 ACRES of land in Adams co., adjoin ing good open range; price per acre, half cash. , mile to New Meadows, Idaho. 500 acres In Valley co., 8 miles from Cascade. Idaho; $25 per acre, half cash, balance good terms. Good hay land, plenty of free water. TOM F I TZ MORRIS, New Meadows. Idaho. FOR SALE or trade for Portland Income, 225 acres, 17 miles from heart of city, on good road, 75 acres in high state of cultivation. Good set of old buildinga. Plenty of running water. Lots of fruit trees. Balance in pasture and timber. Ideal place for stock on dairy ranch. Inquire at 28 N. 1st st. Owner, A. Wild man. Will assume. 229 ACRES, $32 PER ACRE. 38 Miles From Portland. 6-room house. 2 barns, orchard. 50 acres in cult., all fenced, water piped to house and bam, lots more easily cleared. This Is one of the best stock ranches in Oregon. $2000 cash, bal. 10 years at 4 per cent interest. BUNDY. 61S Cham, of Com. Bldg. 80 ACRES OF FINE LA.n FOR ONLY EIGHT HUNDRED ROLL A RS rs.o improvements, but about 5 million feet of good saw timber on the 80 acres, only. $800. STEWART & JOHNSON. . 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT modern bungalow, not over $4000; gooa district ; pavea street ; nave nearly new, late model car. perfect condition ; cash value $1400 and balance cash; state price and location. A K 981. Oregonian. WANTED. A good little home. $2000 to $4000. that I can buy with small down pay ment and monthly payments on balance. write K 87 . oregonian. LIST your houses and lots with Pond Realty Co.. for best results; we have clients waiting. 1224 Sandy blvd.. be tw een East 42d and 43d N. WANT A GOOD HOME In Laurelhurst. Irvington or R. C. Have giltedge secur ities to apply as first payment. Will go up to $7000. Call Main 1575. 20 ACRES unimproved. hVt miles Esta cada station, value $900 and $500 cash as first payment on modern home in good residential district. Bdwy. 3302. WANTED VIEW LOT. Rose City Park or Beaumont pre ferred; must be reasonable. AL 944, Oregonlan. HOUSE wanted at once, reasonably near school as possible and accessible to car service. Call after Monday, 200 Mor gan bldg. HAVE A BUYER for suburban home ; must be modern, close to car; one to five acres; owners only. Holcomb Realty Co.. 211 Washington bldg. , HAVE $300 as first payment and $15 per month on well-located large lot; small old house. O t53, Oregonian. IF YOU really want to sell your home In any good location in Portland, we can sell it. McGee & Dennis. Woodlawn 5684. WANTED 5 or 0-room bungalow, can pay cash if good buy; state price. O 80. Oregonian. LAVE client for 5 or 6 acres. Improved JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BUNGALOW or house up to $0000; have good improved acreage near city limita BJ 927, Oregonian. WANTED For $1000 cash and $50 per month. 5 or 6-room bungalow ; state price. O S84, Oregonian. We ran sell your lot. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W, Bank Bldg. Main 2787. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LOTS WANTED. Irvlngton, Alameda, Laurelhurst, Rose City Park and west side; as builders we have parties waiting; owners take notice and come In and see us at once. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce BI6!g. WE HAVE BUYERS wanting rooming houses and hotels and the unprecedented number of people in quiring about this class ot revenue prop erty warrants your listing your place with us; ask for Mr. Martin, COE A. McKENNA & CO., REALTORS. 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. BUNGALOW WANTED. Our client wants 5-room bungalow In Hawthorne or Mt. Tabor, north of Haw thorne avenue preferred; $So0 cash, bal. terms. ROBNETT & McCLURE. Marshall 3202. 302 Couch Bldg. WE CAN sell several small homes at rea sonable price and easy terms. List your property with us if your price If right, $2000 to $."uuo, and we will surprise you now quickly we can sell It. QUICK SALES REALTY CO.. 525 Railway Exch. Bldg. A LOT 50x100, Rose City, Laurelhurst, Irvington, Ladd's addition or Hawthorne district, one or two blocks from carilne, facing east or north; no high bank; must be a bargain for cash. - II 650. Ore gonian. WANTED Responsible party will pur chase modern 5 or 6-room house near car on contract basis; have no cash payment; will pay $35 monthly, includ ing Interest. Call Marshall 302 between 10 and 12 A. M. and 2 and 4 P. M. WE WANT a good 5 or 6-room cottage or bungalow which $400 cash will handle ; not over $2500. Party will go well out if close to car. Phone today. RALPH HARRIS CO. 816 Chambor of Commerce. Main 5624. LOCAL business man wants 5-room mod ern bungalow on improved street; desir able district; no war prices. I prefer to pay about $500 cash, balance about one year, monthly payments. Submit price and details first letter. R 878. Oregonlan WANT about 3 to 5 acres near city and close to school ; 4-room house will do; must have fruit and berries ; good soil, good buy and price about $2u00 to $2700. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. WANT 1 to 5-acre suburban place with small bungalow; must have frontage on paved road. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED for client. 3 to 4-room cottage, $1500 to $2000; can pay $250 down, $25 month- Answer quickly. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th st. Farms M an ted. WILL buy small well improved farm near high school town in northern Willam ette valley or Clarke county. Wash. Price must be right. Give complete in formation first letter. A. C. Childs, 714 Esther ave.. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale; state cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis. Minn. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, clocto to Port land preferred. Some peopie will buy the pisce after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales thLs way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. FOB RENT FARMS. A GOOD proposition tor the right man who can furnish $600 ; I will lease my dairy ranch with stock and team for a term of years or shares and give employment to renter. Mr. Moffett, 410 Hawthorne. FOR RENT Owner, 250 acres adjoining O. A. C. Renter must be financed to stock ranch. 561 Glisan st. WANTED To rent farm on shares or cat-a rent ; must be equipped. X 858. Orego nian. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 10 acres timber land. 150f - cords wood and cedar posts, creek, small shack worth $50, 3 miles from county seat; $1000, $500 down, balance on time, Mrs. H. Turner. Stevenson, Wash. TIMBER LAND, eastern Oergon. Morrow county, for sale or trade against city property, 160 acres, about 5.000.000 feet of very fine pine timber. K 1)26, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Sawmills located in pine, fir, or spruce timber, also good tracts of virgin timber in Oregon or Washington. See Wtnslow Co.. 419 Lumbermens bldg WANTED Maple timber, standing or in Ioks ; also oak. Loeb Bros., 1210 Gasco bldg., Portland, Or. TO EXCHANGES REAL ESTATE. SOME CASH, BALANCE TRADE. 30-roora modern brick hotel, including 4 stores, all rented; good little town on highway; fine lobby and pool room: can operate or lease; newly and beautifully furnished ; this property complete as it 5 tands with furnishings and equipment, $H0,000; some cash, balance mortgage ; or trade for farm; fine proposition. List 132. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, 818 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. MEMBER REALTY BOARD. 1921 WHITE TRUCK. 20-45 model In perfect condition, will submit to any test; 42x9 pneumatic tires. Casper hardwood body, lighting system, motor pump, motor metf r, spot light, foot warmer; driven only 4000 miles ; cost with equipment $0850; will trade at a big discount for residence or acreage. MacINNES EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Exshan gesofM e rit Only. FOR TRADE. 4-room house, 50x100 lot, near Jeffer son high, for 2 or 3-acre suburban home with 4 or 5 rooms. Impossible to farm and manage city business; will trade for income property, 7-acre valley farm, located near town, every foot under cultivation; 30 acres of loganberries. ROBNETT & McCLURE. Marshall 3202. - 302 Couch Bldg. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. J 132 acres located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and hill, 300 acres in cultivation. 2 houses, fair barn: price $40,000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER COMPANY. 63 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. 20 ACRES, all cultivated. 450 prunes and 100 walnuts, 7 years old, in good shape, small house, barn, fine spring, 1 y miles from Estacada, on good road, good team, 2 good cows, chickens, pigs, implements, cream separator, $4500; take part Port land, this is a real bargain. BOCKHOLD BROS., REALTORS, 601 Swetland Bldg. WANT ACREAGE. Have $35oo first mortgage 7, want Improved acre or two. All kinds of ranches s.nd farms to exchange for city property. See us. We -exchange anything. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3003. 80 ACREh Best clay loam in southwest Washington, 2 H miles to good town; some piling and shingle bolts, no im provements; autos. musical instruments. What have you ? Small payment will handle; $4000, terms. AV 231, Ore gonian. 80 ACRES TIMBER LAND. 3H mjllion feet fir and cedar, close to railroad and river, near Tillamook; will exenange ior rortiana property or busi ness. Come in and see us. 418 Rail way Exchange. ' WILL exchange general merchandise store, value $22,000, center of Irrigation project, splendid business, practically a cash business, profits should reach $10,000 per year. See me, room 229 Alder hotel. Portland. WHAT will you trade for my $2000 equity in lot i Improvements in and paid ; southwest corner 25th and Savier sts. Mortgage $1000. "6 years to run. Phone Auto 327-08, BY OWNER 350-acre Improved farm In Benton county: 225 acres in cultivation, balance pasture; value $:U),0O0 ; want Portland income property; no agents. AL 907. Oregonian. WILL TRADE my beautiful farm of 120 acres near Camas, Wash., well improved, for city property and will assume." Price $12,000. Call Main 1575. or my agent, Mr. McCord. Skotheim Co.. Couch Bldg. 20-ACRE ranch, highly improved, housu and barn, orchard, running water, 16 miles from Portland. Price $6O00. Will exchange for residence same value. E. J. Geiscr, 417 Chamber of Com. EXCHANGE 1920 Dodge car and lot on house or for equity ; give number and price; pay balance cash. AM 98S. Ore gon la n. 9-KOO.M house, income $70; arrange for 2 families; want improved small farm, close In on good road, value up to $8000. JOHNSON, 483 Rodney Avenue. $3000 EQUITY in 40-acre irrigated ranch, exchange for house or furniture and lease of apt. house; ptB.ce leased at good rental. X OOP, Oregonian. TACOMA. Wash., 6-room house, close in, could rent 2 h. k. rooms; $2500. for h. k. rooms here or grocery, $2000 to $3000. 290 Jefferson st. ihb ACRES, fenced, good well. pump, paved road, 4 mile electric; want house, equity or lots. 1042 Grand ave. North. 10 ACRES fine bottom land near Tigard; 7 in cultivation, fur lots In Laurelhurst. Owner. E. 8670. 840 E. Ash. FINE da.ry ranch, improved, equipped. BtocK, fuuuu ; wani rooming nouse or Kortiana nome. mm kp iciing blag. MUST sacrifice 60 lots in unincorporated Oregon town : will take city home of good value. See owner 209 Failing bldg. FARM in Southern Oregon for good house. W. C neuter, St. Maries, Idaho. TO EXCHAXGF REAL ESTATE, WILL TAKE VACANT LOT AS PART PAYMENT ON ANY OF THESE. $1400 5 rooms, gas, electric lights, bath and. toilet, 4 blocks to car; will take cheap vacant lot and some cash as first payment. $2200 1-story 5-room cottage. 50x100 lot, gas, electric lights, bath and toilet; plastered, some fruit and berries ; want vacant lot, Kenton district preferred. $3500 lhk -story 4-room plastered bun galow, with y acre of ground, 23 bearing assorted fruit trees, barn and toilet, gas, electric ' lights; owner wants vacant lot In Overlook, or wlil take modern home up to $5000 in good dis trict. See Mr. Stephens. FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit; lot St houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise. E. K. S., 513 Couch bldg. TO EXCHANGE MTSCFT.LANEOrS. BARTLETT pears, direct from orchard, wholesale price, bring boxes. Cochran Farm Produce 1108 Hawthorne avenue, near 37th st. Tabor 3108. HAVE $500 equity In first-class touring car for trade; what have you? 214 Stock Exchange bldg. mornings, or telephone Main 2416 evenings. Mr. Daniels. FOR PALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE One pair of heavy mules, har ness and wagon, good condition: a bar gain. Inquire at Latourell store. Lat- ourell station. TWO GOOD cows and horse and buggy for sale cheap and place for rent if desired Write Liberty Restaurant, Linn ton, Ot. Two GOOD cows and horse and buggy for sale cheap and place for rent if deaired. Call Columbia 4S7. FOR S ALE 1 spun horsea. weight 34UO, with or without harness and wagon, at a bargain. Phone Woodlawn 245S. TEAM mares weighing 2S00 lbs., harness and heavy wagon, $145. 5416 54th st. Woodstock car. 3 BEAUTIFUL running horses, big sacri fice on account of death. Greshana race track. FOR SALh. Six nerves; reasonable prices Holman Fuel Co., bam E. 6th and Ivoa streets. FOR SALE Several fresh family cows; prices from $ 50 to $70. Tabor 3004 . VETERINARIAN DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. FOR SALE Registered ShroDshire ewes and rams. Holman Fnel Co., 04 5th il DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Milwaukle 6&-J for bst service. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Cill day or night. Auto. 627-64. WANTED To buy firsc-claa gaited sad dle horse. F. E. Bowman. Main 3020. BUNCH of 5 goats, good brushors, Yale st. Col. 639. 701 PianoH. Organs and Musical Internments, READJUSTMENT PERIOD SALE. Some of the finest pianos in the world. Including demonstrating and used pianos, player pianos and phonographs. SAVING OF $75 to $300 FOR YOU. Ivers & Pond, last year's model $505 Ivors & Pond, Inst year's model 675 Hazelton Bros., last year's model.... 535 Haines Bros., last year's model 405 Haines Bros., last year's model 95 Franklin upright In mahogany 495 Foster & Co.. upright, in oak 805 Hobart M. Cable, player piano 405 Stuyvesant, mahogany player piano.. 575 Kimball, large upright 365 New England, large upright 225, Cash or as low as $8 to $15 a month. Seventh Floor, Llpman. Wolfe & Co. PHONOGRAPHS Some reduced over 50. New and Used Cabinet Models. Readjustment Period Sale. Vlctrola. model 10 $110.00 Widdlcomb, No. 6, walnut 100.00 Pathe, No. 10, cabinet 75.00 Stradivara Melody 112.50 Bluebird, in mahogany 125. OO Pathe. fumed oak. model 12 115 00 Stradivara Chopin, mahogany ... 00.00 Victor, style U, small 40.00 $10 or more at time of purchase. $5 or more a month thereafter. LIPMAN, WOLFE CO., 7th Floor. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. 375 J, P. Hale & Co. used upright. .$210 450 Peerless, upright," mahogany... 165 275 Collard & Collard, upright 65 750 Pianista player piano 295 250 Pianola player, walnut 45 Parlor organs, $18. $25, $35, $38. etc 103 TENTH ST., CORNER STARK. SCHWAN PIANO CO., Downstairs Store. $050 Kimball, used, best style, mah.$95 675 Singer, upright grand 295 750 Adam Schatf player 495 900 Steger, in rich mahogany.... 495 900 Stelnway & Sons, upright 395 475 Hallet & Davis, upright 105 $10 to $25 cash, 6 to $12 monthly. $15o Pathe. mdl. 10, used phonograph.$80 125 Brunswick, No. 107, phonograph. 7 95 Stradivara, in oak 38 75 Victor, in mahogany 45 $50 Victor, in oak 30 Terms, $5 $3. $4 and $5 monthly. lt)l Tenth St. at Wash, and Stark. AMERICA'S CHOICEST PIANOS. HA RDM AN, fine shape $250 - STEIN WAY, apartment size 387 PACKARD, art walnut 43S MEHL1N, American burl walnut . 467 Perfect Interior. Faultless exterior. PHONOGRAPHS SLAUGHTERED. Players and Phonographs for rent. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 384 Yamhill. Pianos Sold. Rented, Repaired. PHONOGRAPH SPECIALS Large size cabinet Brunswick phonograph $100; a cabinet Columbia with special filing sys tem $75; also. Sonora at $75; Vlctrola style 16 electric $275; Columbia table machines at $40, $37, and $35, and others equally as good; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6tb St. PIANO SPECIALS A Bradbury mah. case. $235: Senuehof f, walnut $250; J. & C. Fischer, mah. case, $275, and many others at prices to fit your pocket book; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. CHICKERING & SONS PIANO Mahog any case, a wonderful buy; be sure and see this piano; late style case. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO, 149 6th St. STUDENT'S VIOLIN OUTFIT Includes violin, case, bow, rosin and extra strings, $25. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th 8t. BRUNSWICK phonograph, sUghUy used; only 170; tei SOU LIS BROS.. 166 10th SL $260 ms. HAINES PIANO, Terms riven. $250. See this snap. SEIBEKUXG-Lt'CAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4 th St. MY NEW victrola with 25 records at a bargain and if you want a machine it will pay you to call at 157 E. 87th st. N. M.-V. depot car. HARDMAN, mXhOGANY CASE; $350. A wonderful buy. SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4 th St. Buy, sell, rent or trade Phonographs and records. Neuman's Record Exchange, 128 First. Main 4495. 627-46. 625-82. DECKER & SON PLAYER PIANO, $275. including bench and rolL Terms given, SE1BERL1NG -LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. MELODY "C" SAXOPHONE Complete with case, $110; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. YORK SILVER CORNET In good condi tion, silver plated with gold bell, $55 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH AND REC UR DS. $75, cabinet size; terms given. SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. FOR SALS OR RENT Piano, grafonola with late recorda EMPIRE TRANSFER, 254 Broadway. Broadway 155. LARGE MODEL art design table machine, a snap at $185; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO, 149 6th St. HOLTON CORNET Almost new. silver plated with gold bell and trimming, $65. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. FISHER PIANO. $20o; a real snap; terms SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. WOULD like to rent piano by young rajn studying music; will give the btrst of c:ir AF 977. Oregonlan. HENSEL PIANO, apartment-house size. In excellent condition; no dealers; wi:i sell cheaply. Call Bdwy. 3752. after 6 P. M. FRANKLIN, walnut case. $27. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LI'C A S MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 20c up. parts wholesale and retail. 548 Wash. Bdwy. 2044. ORGAN. $10; Mason & Hamlin. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. J. & C. FISHER, $275, TERMS. 320-16 PHONE FOR SALE Cash. player piano. first class condition S47 Multnomah hotel. FOR SALE Long-net-li Dixie btinjo. Call after 6 P. M. Auto. 324-16. $20. WANTED Sweet-toned piano for all cash. Call Main 4424. before 5 P. M. I PIANO WA-NT&U. lajr caao. Main 6586. FOR SALE. Pianoa, Organs and Musical Instruments, KIMBALL GRAND, mahogany case; used for demonstration only ; reasonably priced ; terms given. SE1BEKL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Furniture for Sale. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If yon want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight ratea to most all point In our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and ret inching. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 53 4th St., opp. Multnomah hotel. Fit one Broadway 3io. NEW HIGHLAND Wilton rug, 9x12, ex clusive, highest grade: English breakfast table; new electric washer, big sacri fice; garden lawn wheelbarrow; comb, bookcase, mattress, garden tools, wicker chairs, etc. Come evenings or Sunday ; no second-hand men. Take R. C. car, 734 E. 7:id st. N.. Tabor 434L DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If irolng cut or to California. We can eav you money on your freight in our through cars: fireproof stoiage. C. M. Olson Transfer &. Storage Co.. 243 Pine st. ENT1 RE furniture for six rooms for sale at a bargain; splendid chance for any one wanting to establish a home; house for rent. Call 563 East '40th st North. FURNITURE of 4-room apt. for sale; everything in first-clas condition, in cluding rugs, draperies and dishes; go ing away. Apt. 24. Morton Apts. FOR SALE One combination Buck range, nearly new; one quartered oak buffet in splendid condition- Tabor 8666. 632 E. 37th st. 9x12 RUG. maple dresser, chiffonier, box couch, Morris chair, parlor heater. Chetty. after 5:30 P. M. 631 Hoyt. cor. 2oth st. 1 OAK BUFFET, 2 oak rockers. 1 oak davenport. 2 bedroom ruga, ivory bed room set. W3in. 45ti:t. HIGH-GRADE mahogany dining suite. Simmons ivory bed. double coil springs, rugs. 721 Multnomah st.. near East 21st. FOR SALE Brass bed. birdseye maple dresser and chiffonier, good condition. Broadway 2351. OAK SIDEBOARD, good as new; a bar gain, $20. Phone Woodlawn 1609 or call mornings 201 Knott st. FURNITURE in 6 rooms for sie cheap. Call evenings after 6. 631 Montgomery street. $125 HARD WICK-WILSON rug for $75. Bdwy. 2677. . LARGE size kitchen cabinet. $30; Morris rocker $10. 4730 5'Jth st. S. E. FOR SALE Library oak table. couch. 6'.6 Emerson st. LEAVING town, must sell furniture. Main 5678 bet. 10 and 1 A. M. Call O ffjee Furniture. FOR SALE A few oak desks, typewriter desks. Oak Globe Wernicke letter files all prac tically new. at attractive prices, in one or group lots. L 888, Ore gonlan. BIG BUY USED OFFICE FURNITURE. Desks, files, chairs, typewriters, add. machines, dictaphones and mimeo graphs; prices by far the lowest. Wax Office Equip. House. 24 North Fifth st. Broadway 2.39. BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, chairs, files or safes, visit our salesrooms and inspect what we have to offer. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TH AT STArTK. ONE T. W. desk and chair, 2 tables, 3 roll- top desks, 2 flat-top desks, 3 bookkeep ers' desks, 8 chairs. 3 filing cabinets, 2 safes. BUSHONG & CO.. 91 Park St. OFFICE furniture and safe for sale: mus sell. Inquire 302 Selling bldg or phone Main 1136 afternoons. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St. Main 5681.- FOR SALE L. C. Smith type writer, practically new. C 93 Oregonlan. REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairs. supplies. Distributors Corona portable Sundstrand. adding machines. Main 2285, E. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth street. . PRACTICALLY new Woodstock typewriter and liurrouKha adding machine at big discount. Inquire 7-1 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE or rent Underwood long car riage typewriter. A-l condition. 157 E. S7th st. N. M.-V. depot cai ONE REMINGTON adding typewriter with 4 Wahl adders; excellent condition. Main 1 1 93. FOR RENT Underwood. Remington. $3.50 mo. Empire Transler, Broadway 155. REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell; supplies. Type wrlter Inspection Co., 312 feiar k. M. 5 549. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Ty pewriter Co.. 94 5th st. Main 8608. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut ratea P. L. Co.. 231 Mark st. Main 140. Kegw and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 306 N. 14th 8L, near Pettygrove. Phone A 519-19. Dogs. Rabbits. Biro anu Pet Stock. 29 YOUNG and old rabbits; come and get them at your own price; leaving town. 5019 53d ave. S. E. Phone 032 90. THOROBRED Scotch collie. female, 3 months old; $5. S. F. Wray. K. 4. Beaverton. ONE BOSTON BULL dog, carries pipe or anything, for sale cheap. 135 Grand ave. Phone E. 423. BEAUTIFUL tot. Andreas burg rollers for 4.50; a sacrifice. Woodlawn 1207. WANT French bulldog or pup. Main 6658. Poultry. ABOUT 150 W. L. hens. 50c each if taken at once.. Walter Larsen, R. 3. Box 212. City, near Kendall station. 20 1-YEAR-OLD W. L. hens, laying, 75c each. .Main &-HJ4. Boats, La um lies ana Marine equipment. 2 MARINE ENGINES, each $100, terms if desired ; reverse gear, 3 speeds forward, 20-horse power high speed, jump spark lgni-tlon high tension magneto; sui le for speedboat or light towing. ea Air. Mitchell, Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. FOR SALE Furnished hous?boat; five rooms; owner leaving city. No. 24. Ore gon Yacht club. Phone Sellwood 2858. WANT to buy houseboat in good condition. Willamette or yacnt ciuo moorage; rea sonabie. B 95. Oregonian. FOR SALE 3-room furnished houseboat, foot Carolina st. Fulton car. Machinery. FOR SALE Chicago power washing ma chine, with -h. p. gasoline engine cheap for cash. 705 Jackson St., Ore gon City, Or. Coal and Wood. 123 CORDS OF GOOD DRY FIR CORD- WOO l FOR SAL E. t E E t ; F.O. A . TYLER. 14 MILES STRAIGHT NORTH OF REEDVILLE ON THE OLD SCoTT ALLEN FARM. S10.5U FOR TWO LOADS $10.50. Block and slab mixed; first growth cord wood. o per cord; 2d growth cord wood, $7.50 per cord ; country slab, $6 per cord. Wdln. 4 11: NO. 1 FIRST-GROWTH fir. 5.85 per cord to dealers at our west-siae yara; retail deliveries irom per com, ac cording to location. Fir Co.. Main 56-Srt. OAK WOOD for sale, $10.50 a cord, de livered anywhere within 2-mlle limit of O. & W. freight sheds. East Portland. Ka st 8 5 1 0. Ea st 85 1 1. CORDWOOD. guaranteed sound and sea soned. $7 50 per cord, eaat eld. Auto m a tic 639-73. ; GROUND hog fuel and sawdust In car loads or truck lota Western Cooperage Co.. Columbia 52. WOOD for sale, dry country slab, $6; old growth cord wood $S delivered. Phone Main 7257. FIRST-GROWTH Oregon fir. $6.25 at yard in Nprth Portland. Phone Main 5686. UNTIL Nov., 1023. 40 near Ore. City, $400; Also 5o0 cords seasoned wood on place, $3. Owner, box 68. Astoria, Or. CORDWOOD of fine heavy country slab, $0.50 while it lasts. Order quickly. Broadway 4 110. DRY OAK WOOD, $10. 50 a :ord; Kii: coal, $15 per ton. American Fuel Co Prion e Woodlawn 200. BIG LOAD of boxwood $5 50. Call Wood lawn 5004. or 1133 Montana avenue. 16-INCH block and slab. $11 double load; also 4-foot slab. $6 a cord Marshall 4005. A-l CORDWOOD del. $3 a cord, on side and S. E. only.' Aut. 63S-33. COUNTRY slab wood, $6.25 per cord; prom ptd e 1 ivery. Orego n Fuel. Wdl. 4102. SHORT slab wood for sale, wholesale and re a i 1. S t. J o h ns Lbr. Co.. Co 1 urn bi a 131. FIRST-GROWTH wood for sale. $7 50 the cor d. 23 y Union ave. Phon e East 577 GOOD dry country slab, $7 per cord. Auto. 032-71. GOOD first-class dry wood for sale. Tabor 347M. GUARANTEED best old-growth cordwood. S.5U pr cord; green slab. $5.75. B. 4A10. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. CAMP TRAILERS. Complete camping outfit, auto camp trailers. You can have the luxuries of a home If you et one of these. Only two In stock, one slightly used at $250, one ample at $325. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st at Washington. Main R244. THE FOLKS back home will cherish and appreciate a souvenir from Oregon. Send them something useful a well as beautifui. Oregon agate jewelry mount ed in solid gold. A wonderful selec tion to phfwu from Mndera.telv Drlced. Miller, next door to the Majestic theater DO YOU LIVE IN THE SUBURBS or on a farm? If so. a self-starting Univer sal lighting plant will make a city home out of your house; we can sell you a 30-globe size for $125; storage batteries cost $75 additional. TalK this over with Mr. Barnes, Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. Phone Broadway 1460. ATTRACTIVE brown fall suit. 34 or 30; real gray squirrel collar, beau tiful lining, fine condition; cost $75. sell $18. Phone Tabor 8474. MAKE US AN OFFER and if It is within reason you can have the last Happy Farmer tractor we have; its brand new and sells regularly for $1250. Se Mr. Barnes, Northwest Auto Co.. 18th and Alder. Phone Broadway 1460. SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sold for les; no agents employed; complete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third Street, rear Tavlor. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices: bought sold and exchanged, easy terms if de- NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Main 245. DOORS and windows, lumber. lath, shln- srlea. mouldinir and mill work See out odd stock of sash and doors for prices. U. ri. SCULLY CO.. DOWNTOWN LUMBER STORE. 171 FRONT ST. Phone Main 4213. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Fans. Irons, motors, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, etc. We sell, repair and exchange everything electrical. HYNSON ELECTRIC CO.. 62 0th St. Broadway 4293. FOR RENT. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. NEWMAN. 128 F 1 RST. MAIN 449 5. FOR SALE Elliott-Fisher billing machine new. C 894, oregonian. MR. FARMER Why pump water by hand when you can buy a Paul water system as low as $1257 Come in and lets talk It over. Ask for Mr. Barnes, Northwest Auto Co., 15th and Alder. Phone Broad- vay HOP. FOR SALE A 0-cup coffee urn, "loving cup shape," never has been used, cost $25; will sell for $18. Write BD 920, Oregonian. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materials used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and Opticians. 343 Washin g t on St. at Broadway. ONE BURROUGHS calculator. 1 Burroughs adding machine. 1 Dalton adding machine. Also desks, files, etc.. cheap. MAIN 1193. GAS RADIANT FIRE WANTED. Will exchange new Vlctrola, Edison Brunswick or Columbia for gits radiant fire. Hyatt Talking Machine- Co.. 30O Aicir st. DELICIOUS hand-picked prunes for can ring or table direct, 20-lb. box: Petites 70c, Italians iuc, express charges collect or - add 30c postage Portland and vicin ity. Washbond Fruit Farm. Newberg, Oregon. ' WHY A substitute roofer? Why not a genuine and permanent roofer? We re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of warped. cracked. weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs. Phone Broadway 79. FOR SALE Small National register. $35 Fountain complete, new and second hand floor cases, meat slicer. hat-cleaning outfit, gas peanut roaster, at sacri fice Cash or credit. 240 Salmon. 20 DKOP-HBAD sewing machines. $1 2.50 to $4j; Singer. New Homes, w lines, W. W. ; all makes machines rented and repaired. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. K a p t 2359. FOR SALE CHEAP By owner, one Edi son. 5 cell. Truck battery. 2o0 amperes. Could be used in motor boat. Fully charged. Price $25. 105 E. 11. Portland. Phone E. lTS Shotgun or rifles wanted. Pay spot cash or equal value in trade. 10.000 useful articles to select from. 128 First. Main 4495. Auto. 027-46. 625-82. FOR SALE One celling electric fan. 4 blades, only used a weeks. oaii at tne China Inn. Broadway and Morrison. MATTRESSES direct from factory to homes ; 1000 new 40-lb. matt r-s's. .. Pioneer Mattress Pad Co., 1072 E. Lin coln st. Auto. 237-OT. FoR SALE Cheap, full line of carpenter tools. 1 Stanley miter box, shovel, wheel barrow and household goods. 675 Tilla mook. East 4077. MRS. S. W. HERMAN, appare! shop, lad les and gents' clothes bought, sol A and exchanged; best prices. 2S4 'a Pa: k st. near Jefferson. Marsnall 1009. SAFES Fire and burglar proor; big bar gains in second-hand safes and vault doors. Bushong A Co., 70 Sixth it Broadway 1262. COMPUTING SCALES, cash register, cof tee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 220 Stark t.. between First and Second stre-ts. FACTORY new Remington hiRh-powr deer rifle ; Lyman peep sight and 100 sif t-nose cartridges, $45. Automatic 217-87. - MAN'S dark green port suit sir.e 34, $10. 2 blk. stiff hats, size 1 , l r0 earn 2 diamonds, , kara t. Quick saie. $ lOO. Main 4m. SO. Miin St. HOT WATER TANKS, 50 gal. $7: 40 gal. $9 tested, guaranteed; stove & furnace coils gas healers inst a lied ;ex pt . plumbing. East S 1 d e vi elding tno p. Adam s. iu. 1 BOY'S all-wool suit, short pants, .suit able for boy 14 or 15 yeara 82 G rand ave. a pt. 2t. mornin ri. RWUD water heaters sold and In si ailed ; also rane;e and furnace colls installed and plumbing done. East 4.2. W KATHKHOlD asphalt root paint, 60c gal. Residence roofs painted $20 to $35 Guaranteed. East 6228. BARTLETT PEARS, $1 BOX. GREBE FRUIT FARM. 40th and King Sts.. Milwaukle. 1x12. 4x4, 4x12. 6x8 delivered ; 1 6-Inch wood, $6 per cord also good first $S. Bdwy. 4 29 2 growth fir cordwood. HEMSTITCHING He per yard ; one ard free by bringing this ad. 330 Mohawk bldg., ovef Roberts Bros. NEW BROWN TRICOLLETTE .ires large size. Also, boy's overcoat. Wood lawn 222. GREEN GAG B PLUMS. 3 cents on trees. Bring container. A. Searle, 2221 E. Hoyt at 91st st. BABY'S oriole, first-class condition; sell for $15. Inquire 1612 East Davis, near 62 d st. Montavilla car. LICENCED luuepeudent electrician wires rooms tor su, o ior guaranteed to pass inspection. woodlawn 3791. 1)1 KKOLD safes, new and Ktcond hand special prices Pacific Scale Supply Co., 4a Front st. rtroaaway iptm. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. uu or write ir. Uean, Second and Morrison. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamli ton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleanin g d one East 40 45. M HUNTERS. New Remington automatic 12-gauge. xri. I'none um. i--t.. FOR RENT E.ectric vacuum cieaners. 24-hour day, oc; delivered, guaranteed good cond ition. W 00a law a I2j0. ON E FOLDING bed. 2 sanitary couches make your price. Ida killings worth ave, Woodlawn 3b6. APPLES, windfalls, 75c sack, $1 picked plums, prunes, blackberries, cheap. b2d to Clackamas, then 4 miles eajt. oravts KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko- a ka Sa ndy 3-J Washington stree t NOTICE Hunters, we tan furs and hides of ail kinds. West Coast Tanning Co. 802 Tenino ave. DIAMOND RINO. beautifuL white stone, over Mtk, wurtn $17o. Marshall 740, forenoon. FOR SALii One carload of oak lumber. Write to Geo. Barthelemy, Gervais, Or., R. F. P. No. 3. FOR SALE Wood and coal range in good condition. Call 205 12th st., near Co lumbia. Apt. 2. CHOICE wild Mallard decoys, son. Phone 23-F-4 R. F. couver. Wash. - W. R. Wil. D. 6. Van- FOR SALE Red baby buggy, in good condition; price reasonable. Phone East 2735 BARTLETT pears for sale, 75c per box and up. 674 East Salmon st. Phone East 10 i a- FOR SALE Open-face. 17-jewel Hamil ton watch, gold-filled case; a perfect timekeeper; $20 BU Pt.S, Oregonian. OLD COLONIAL mahogany bedroom set, sacrifice $150 cash. 300 Russell. PAINTER'S extension ladder, used once, $12. 1776 Siskiyou st. FOR SALE. Miacellaneous. CONCESSION OUTFIT. Root beer barrel. Juice jars, S oil stoves, everything you need to start business, $60; first come gets it. 391 Yamhill. BLACKBERRIES grown on irrigated land. a pound, i'lck them yourself. Bring your containers. East Clay between 76th and both sis. Take Mount Tabor car to 70th. south to Clay. W. P. Dickinson. FIXTURES FOR LESS. Showcases, new and used, cash regis ter, scales, many others. 216 Washing ton. FOR SALE Prunes, piums and Bartlett pears; also miscellaneous other articles. Erroil station, first white house south of station. Call all week. THREE pool tables, 1 billiard table 4fex9. 000a co million. Make can offer. la- quire orrice. tin floor, Orego n b 1 d g . HEMSTITCHING. 8c per yard; one yard iree oy nrinKing this ad. 330 Mohawk bldg.. ovpr Roberts Bros. FOR SALE Second-hand iron bed. springs ana mattress, $0; also hose, $3.50. 147 E. 34th st. S. PLATINUM wedding ring set with 14 fine diamonds; hand-engraved; at a sacrifice. Phone room S:i3. Multnomah hotel. FOR SALE Gravenstein apples: also Bart- ieti pears, eall at 1513 East Morrison at. Bring a box. BLUE serge suit, sport suit, tan trlcolet suit. Bines s. practically new, cheap. Room 833 Multnomah hotel. FOR SALE Dinner ring. 24 diamonds and 5 rubies. Seth Thomas mantle clock. Main 1941. CAMPING OUTFIT. baby's crib. high- chnlr, fruit Jars, dlshea cheap. Tabor 4009. $125 HARDW1CK-W1LTON rug for $75. q wy. -a 1 7. FOR SALE A Paisley shawl. $12. East 36th st. South. Tabor 2565. FINE Bartlett pears and R. I. R. pullets. 3 55 Gr ah am. near Union. AUTO tent and two cots in good condi- tion. Phone Tabor 8104. BEST ilver prunes for sale reasonable. East 22O0. POOL TABLE $a CASH. 670 EAST MAIN ST. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale, p a cific Tent & Awnl n g Co.. No. 1 lt at. ALEXANDER HAMILTON Institute, com plete sets, never been used. Call 326-ii. DAMSON plums for saie. 4S1 Willis boule vard, 1 -i blocks east of Chatauqua. ON E 5-BL RNER Vulcan gas stove with oven, good as new, $15. 450 Market. 3-VOLT Usht plant, almost half price. H 8'.'S, Oregonlan. FOR REDYE1NG rugs and carpets phone Sellwood 3622. LARGE Reliable gas range for sale. Call W o od a w n 2541. LARGE red fox fur, $25 if sold at once. Main 6744. FOR SALE Beautiful muskrat coat. 36-in. length. Bdwy. 4072. GREEN CAGE plums, 75 cents. Call after 7 A. M. corner Barker and Barr roads. TAILOR machine, fine condition. 100 1st st.. cor. Stark. LADIES, save; smart used apparel In a home. Prices low. Tabor 2.-25. ELECTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms, $15. 207 Chamber Com, bldg. Broadway 4253. VACUUM cleaneis for rent, 85c per day de.ivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, yhowcaae. 43 1st st-, near Ash. "STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill. Call Taylor-street dock. Main 60t5. SEVERAL 00OO-gal. fir stave tanks. Ad dress B F 95W, Oregonian. ROADSTER body with top: 2-pa.-s. ; cheap; also woodsaw outfit. Bdwy. 4257. FOR SALE Long-neck Dixie banjo, $20. Call after 6 P. M. Auto. 324-16. , ELECTRIC clipper, new Moore, fine shape, only $20. 930 Kerby st. COLUMBIA grafonola lor sale; bargain. Phone Main ma. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. NEW FORD BODIES, Roadster, touring, coupe and sedan botliea taken from new chassis. Bodies complete with top, ' windshield, curtains, rear fenders, cushions, mats, floor boards. WILLIAM I HUGHSON CO., 60 N. liroadway at Davis St. "The Ford Corner." Ford dealers since 1903. OAKLAND '6," 1020, 5-PASS. This car taken in trade on truck and are able to sell at a very attractive price ; car Is in fine running condition. Price $r.OO. on terms. W. L. HUGHSON CO.. Broadway 821. Evenings Woodlawn 3103. Ask for Mr. Wood. 102o BIG PAIGE. 7-pass.. must be sold at once; will consider any reasonanie oner, cash or terms. Phone Main 1401 days; East 2113 evenings. HUDSON SUPER-SIX. In fine running order; tires practically new; must go Quickly. Price $750. Phone Jensen. !'.(! w y. Evenings, Mar. HH5. IOIn MAXWELL; good condition; trade for vacant lot or close-in acreage. Phone Tabor 8104 or address AH fei 7. Orego nian. il A V N E S 0. in excellent condition. Let me show you this high-grade cr: sell or trade for light car. Mr. J lingers, Rro a tway 1572. O W N ER going east must sell Ford touring, new this year; excellent running order. Phone room 814. Hotel Benson, this morning. . $aS5 DANDY little Oakland touring car; looks and runs like new: used very 11 1 t'?: guaranteed. 210 Jefferson st. WANT to make an automobile trip of about 10 days' outing with agreeable party. P 012. Oregonian. SMALL Overia nd touring, new paint, good condition; must sell; make otfer. Phone M 00 re. Main 1 10 ; evenings. East S67K. W ILL take real estate or seller's contract on mv Paige car; car is in nne conui- f?,A Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. NEW CH HV KOLETS on very easy terms, p. h. Ounn, dealer, corner Milwaukie and Bvnee a ve. Phone Sell wood i:t'.:. BEST BUY IN TOWN. Studebaker roadster. $250. terms. Call Automat t c .'61 -4 4. Ask for Nichols. A BEAUTIFUL French gray special built OldsmoMle roadster for sale; the best offer drives it away. 210 Jefferson. I y 1 ;i DODGE roadster, first-class; casll only. Call between 8 and 9 today. 73 N. 0th. LAT E 1 120 Velie, new tires, looks new and is In perfect shape ; consider Ford ft- or rnupe. East 4216. 1020 OVERLANO roadster, perfect condi tion, new paint. $475. terms. Phone Moore. M ain 1100; evenln gs, Kas t M7 CLASS! EST little car In town for sale. Ca.ll Marshall 2147. Jack Horner. 50 N. King st. , LATE inodrl 7 -pass 0-c hnder Buick. For particulars call Wentworlh, iYdln. 30 7. ; , MODEL ."'7. CADILLAC; excellent condition throuKhout; just overhauled ; cash ot x e rms. Phone Grout. East 410. ( MXX WELL, new top. 5 good tires, body arid upholstering in good condition; only $ -j 7 .-, Mr. Jungers. Broadway 1572. L A N 1 Y Uu:cU 4 n-w Urea and r.aint fine condition; a bargain at $32.. f ill Tabor S-r.O rilEVROLET SNAP. 1020, like new; t."00, terms. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 32!. , lull FOHO touring, mechanically perfect; good rubber, ta-y terms. Mr. Bigger staff. East 400. m ' fTk d b ug a b ear c a t. If you want a classy bug look this one up " ' R ' 1 r n s i d e . Bdwy. 3 6 6. 1018 CHEVROLET touring. good tires; will give terms t responsible party. Call Biggerstaff. Bdwy. 240. CI ASSY Oakland 6 roadster, fine condi tion, new paint job; a leal buy at $425. Tabor 3514. m WE PUT bteel teeth in yur old fiywheek crankrhaft turning. H. B. Black ma chine shop. 534 Alder st. Bdwy. 26A1. i" HAVE one 1019 Ford touring car with extras for sale very cheap. Phone East 4iV 10 10 P V KJ K, 5-pass., like new, guaranteed mechanical condition; $1150, terms. Mr. Argo. Bd wy. 32S1. " HUPMOBILE SNAP. lOl; used very little; sacrifice for tH"ii. terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. OLOS "S" 1020 seven -passenger. 5 tires, excellent shape; best buy in town; 07i. term?. Call 320-32. FORD D E M 'XSTKATOR. Call Mr. Froh .man, Broadway 321. care W. L. Huau son Co.. Foro asen is. lUu'il BUICK. run tiMo niUes. Is in best con dition; 3 new tires. 2 spares; will sell q nick sale $1200. Main 4012. HUP SElAN, perfect condition, new tires, price $1000. or will exchange equity nr an open car. Hup preferred Mar. SSO. PA 1GE touring car, taken back on note; she Is yours for $150 cash. Twin States Motor Car Co.lOth and Washington. CHANDLER Dispatch, practically new, extras; private owner; genuine bargain. Tabor 4iti0. MUST sell 1017 Ford, In good shape; price 9 - lu , eawy it-nut? . iu n.-i)uuiuie pariy. Call Woodlawn 154 BUG Ml. ST be sold before Sunday. Call after 6 P. M. Woodlawn 222. 1021 FOR F Touring. Used only 2 months. Tabor 6164. 102O FO RD with starter. $65 of extras, $425 42H Third st. FORD SEDAN. 1U18. $375. MAIM 2413.