TIIE 3IORXIXG OKEGOXIAX, TVTEDXESDAT, ATJGTTST 21, 1921 SUGAR MARKET iS , 'UNSETTLED TOHE Prices Are Cut by Some East ern Refiners. ACTION MAY BE FELT HERE Standard feed ....... 21.00 21.00 Corn No. 2 E. T. shipment 28.50 28.00 23.00 FLOUR Family patents. 17.80 per bar rel; whole wheat, $6.20: graham. $8.00; bakers' hard wheat. 7.25; bakers' blue stem patents. (6.75; valley bakers. $4.00; timothy. 1818.S0. UILLFEEO Price f. o. b. mill: Mill run. $25 per ton; rolled barley, 34636; rolled oats, $36: scratch teed, $47 per ton. CORN Whole, $36; cracked, $39 per ton. HAT Buying price f. c- b. Portland; Alfalfa, $15 per ton; cheat. $12 12.50; oat and vetch, $13 13.50; clover, $10; valley timothv, $15015.50; eastern Oregon, timothy. $1818.50. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes extras, 4041e IV; prints, parchment wrapped, Dox lots, 40c; 21.00 OILS STRONGEST STOCKS OTHER ISSCES XTrTLP IX WAIL STREET TRADING. Railroad Earnings Statements Are Mixed WIU Union Pacific Showing Xrftrg-e Gain. NEW YORK, Aug. 23. Stocks were irregular at today's opening of business. cartons. 47c Butterfat, buying prices: No. j firm to strong at midday and heavy in 1 jrraae. 4nc, aeiiverea rortiana. I the tinal dealings, when -transportations EGGS Case count. 28c: candled ranch. I were suhlected to renewed liquidation. 321? 34c; selects. 35 36c. I Trading was sliKhtly more active and Consumption Slows Down in All DParts of Country With Active , Canning Season Over. There is an nnsettled feeling In the mgar market and an early announcement of a, decline in prices would occasion no surprise in the trade here. Two declines, each of 10 points, have been made by an eastern refiner in the past two days, and while the other re finers are holding up to the old quota tions, the undertone of the market Is weak. The demand for refined sugar throughout the country has slowed down with the peak of the canning season past. Commenting on the position of the raw sugar market in the east, a trade author ity writes: The Indifference of refiners to offer ings in the present Juncture is regarded merely In the nature of a temporary aft-back occasioned by the present lull In the demand for refined. The greater part of the sugar trade is restricting new business In refined, awaiting the time when deliveries on sugars previously pur chased on which refiners are now several weeks behind shall have been made. It it believed that - the present degression will be short-lived and that buyers of raw sugars will eventually, have to go to the Cuban committee for their supplies. NEW YORK, Aug. 23. Raw sugar- YJnchanged with uncontrolled quoted at 4,60c for centrifugal; Cubas were held X 4.86c There was another decline of 10 points to refined sugar by one of the local re liners to the basis of 5.80c, while others were unchanged at 6.05c to 6.15c. CHEESE Tillamook triplets, price to,,,- ... nniiioni embraced a J"""" - -"vi, xuuu . greater variety of Issues ot tne more uu POULTRY Hens, 17036O lb.: springs. 25 27c; ducks, 22 28c; geese, nominal; turkeys, nominal. PORK Fancy, 15c per pound. VEAL Fancy, 16816c per pound. per box: lemons. 7.007.75; grapefruit, "fu " ju y statement of earnings sub- IWeLE 5.506.00 box; bananas. 89o pound: I" bt the railroads were mixed, the apples. $1752.50 box; cantaloupes. 75c however, showing . L s 2, , s.du crate: peacnea, siaiii.au box: wa termelons, ltg)2o pound; plums. 574e pound; pears, $1.756jf2.25 box: ' blackber ries, $1.25 1.75 per crate; grapes, $23 per crate; casaDaa, ac per pound :r crate; casaDaa, oc per pound. I - - . ... v, v th POTATOES New, l2rnound. Sweet "s reduction of local rediscounts by the ... . .. t.. ..,, - I federal reserve DMK wciw uniuna xeuow, T J.UU per sacK. I " ' " ' . , t. wlilcb u. . ,-, , , . v. " . ...... I L-.p.nti.i. t i Belgian rate, wnica lettuce. aa.75fii3.25 crate: carrots. $2.50 per sack; garlic, 15 20c per pound; beets, .4Z&.ia per dox; cucumbers. 75co $1 per box: beans. 57c per pound: green corn. 35fc 45c per dozen. Celery, 85c & $1.25 dozen. Eggplant. 8 10c pound; tomatoes, 750o box. HARD AND SOFT WHITE WHEAT CP Bids Are Rained 1 Cent at Session of the Merchants' Exchange. Wheat bids on the local board were 1 cent higher on August and September hard white and August soft white. Other grades were unchanged. Not much busi ness was reported at country points. The coarse grain market was quiet. September white oats were $1 higher on bid and others were unchanged. A cable from the American agricultural commissioner at London to the bureau of markets and crop estimates states that the London Times has issued an estimate of crop conditions in England which is of particular interest because of the severe drought that has prevailed in the British isles since spring. The Times places the condition of the wheat crop In England at 96.45 per cent of normal. This highly favorable condition is accounted for by the fact that the wheat, which is fall own. escaped the bad effects of the drought because ot Its advanced growth early In the season. Other English crops, however, have not fared so well, accord lng to the Times. The grass crop is given as "very bad,"- and the hay orop is called poor," with a second cutting impossible. The condition of the barley crop Is placed at 78.37 per cent of normal, the oats crop at 73.17 per cent, beans at 65.44 per cent. potatoes tit 72.31 per cent and root crops at 55.47 per cent. Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported By the Merchants' Exchange as follows Portland Wh't. B'ly.Fl'r.Oats.Hay. i uesuay lflo Year ago . 35 Season to date. ...4824 year ago ......... 2035 Tacoma Monday 73 Year ago 33 Season to date.... 1209 "Year ago 410 Seattle Monday 44 Tear ago 15 Season to date.... 745 Tear ago 115 1 14 7 2 1 2 3 53 850 124 105 17 121 80 187 4 9 2 1 1 9 ... 10 36 181 18 61 12 154 10 109 i e 2 ... 6 1 ... 8 18 275 31 227 49 58 1 313 Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Valencia oranges, $5.007.00 stantial or dividend paying shares. There were no surface indications, however, of v, .. nrAf.uinnal entlxnent. J - e 1 on. war. the atroDJEesi ieaiuiw. amounted to 500.000 shares. Apart from the quarterly iinanciaa -- . . nr th. pnnner comDaaieii ... . v. a hirrnr aeiicits. tu. .i w ooiworxn . news bore little airect rciiu CI I x i. t J. Texas Oil..... lexae 1 ac . . . . Tex Pc C & O Tob Products. Tran Contl Oil Union OH Dei Union Pac.... United Alloy.. United Drug.. Unit Fd Prod United Fruit. . Unit Rda pfd. Unit Ret Strs u s Ind Ale. 4.S00 9o0 2.700 400 i,400 83, 22 16 66 6 16 1,400 118 1UO 23 U S Rub. 800 800 2,500 200 3,300 800 do 1st rfd TJ S Smelting. U- S Steel do pfd Utah Copper. . Va Chem do pfd Vanadium Stl Vivandou .... "Wabash do A pfd... do B pfd... Wells Fargo.. Western Pac. . do pfd Western Union Wesths E & IS. West Md White Motors. Willys-Overld. do pfd Wilson Pkng. . Wisconsin (Jen . . 21,200 600 24,600 100 4.800 1,100 . 65 15 74 102 18 50 434 66 8614 82 22 16 65 64 1 117 23 55 154 1014 17 48 4 45 434 84 4 73 724 44 24 434 23 834 224 16 55 64 164 117 23 B4 154 102 174 484 45 434 84 27 72 4 1UM Berlin 4s ... H "4 Hamburg 4s 104 i, Hamburg 44a 114 12 Leipsig 44s 10 12 Leipsig 5s 114 13 Munich 4s 114 134 Munich 6s 114 13 Frankfort 4s 11. J? Jap 4a 71 714 Jap 1st 4 4 8 6 Jap 2d 44s 86 ,g84 faris OS ;"Y United Kingdom 64s. 1921... ! . United Kingdom. 54. 1022... 98 HH United Kingdom 6s. 1929...-f 2 United Kingdom 54s, 1937... 87 87 66 ,200 .264 26 26 4 100 I'.'.l'. 7 1,200 19 13 2 - 56 200 21 20 4 20 574 ..... 81 900 40 89 S9 700 8 9 9 100 82 82 82 600 64 6 6 26 - SOVi 300 ..... 25 600 107 4 107 106 4 800 84 4 84 33 ) 8 BONDS. Union Pacific system. heavy net gain. iithnnfh inonev continued te flow in from interior sources, call and time rates were unchanged. Rumors oi an ijiiwci.u- TJ S 2s. reg...100 ao coup "1004 do 4s, reg. . .104 ,B do cv 4s. CD.104V Panama 3s, rg 75 ao coup ... 73 A T & T cv 6s 99 4 NYC deb 6s. . 92'4 Nor Pacific 4s. 76 do 3s . 56 Pac T T 5s. . 85 i-enn con 4s.-hh So Pacif cv 5s.93 ' Foreign Exchange. -pVtreltm .xchnnsr. rates at close of bust- I ness yesterday, furnished' by Northwestern 23 I Na.tinna.1 bank of Portland. ' The amount quoted Is the equivalent of the foreign unit in United States funds: Austria, kronen ?213 Belgium, francs ' . Bulgaria, leva .0093 ("' Ti-c h n s; 1i.vb U ia V-rr,nen ........... . 0 1 O Denmark, kroner ................. .1675 England, pound sterling. ......... - a.et Vfnl.nH flnmarlr - .OlS France, francs .'....... .0776 Gnrmnnv ro.rk. .0123 ureece. drachmas .................. HAllenri.. uilH.ra .. ...... .31 Hungary, kronen .0033 Ila'v HrA .043 Juaro-Slavia. kronen .0065 Norway, kroner ........... "f2 Portugal, escudos .( Rnviman ft. 1 . I . .trio Serbia, dinara .Oj-S Snain. pesetas .ldfi Kir.H.n It rnn.r ...... ...... .216 Switzerland, francs ............... .1703 China Hongkong, local currency.. .006 Shanghai, taels - " Japan, yen .4875 Corn No. t mixed. 684So; No. t yellow. 5454c Oats No. 2 white. 34c; no. s wnite. 814c Rye No. 2, 98009c. Barley 57 e? 65c ' Timothy $465. Clover $13 S 19. Pork Nominal. Lard $J0.45. Ribs $9 610.25. federal reserve bank well informed quarters.. -c ...... .v.. Rpirlan rate. yielded slightly, all foreign exchanges im- i.ah nn.m.u in international remit tances again centered in sterling, francs and guilders, other quotatlop being large- Irregularity marked tr.aid'n d: Liberty. 34. mestic bonds, inciuaing not um .,., Liberty, 1st 4s Atchen gen 4s. 77 4iUnIon Paclf 4s D & ft con 4s. 65 4iU S Stoat 6s.. of PorUand: Staple Groceries. Local lobbing quotations: SUGAR (sack basis) Cane, granulated. .20c pound; oeet. ic pound. NUTS Walnuts, 2025c pound; Brazil ...nrH.H additional lossea Total sales par value. $8,200,000. nlRIIfO STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com pany, fortlana.7 Stock. Sales nuts. 1820c; filberts, 1517c; amonds, I Adams Exp.. 24(&30c: peanuts. 8f&llc pound. RHJE Blue Rose, oc per pound: Japan tyie, oc per pouna. BEANS small white, 4.90c: pink. 84c: lima. 7c: red, 10c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk. In drums. 14 a 36 c per pound. SALT Oranulated, barrel, $3.2004.05: half ground, ton 50s, $17.5; 100s, $16.25; lump rock, $26.00. hunki (jomo. new crop, $ per case. DRIED FRUITS Dates, $4.25 per box: figs, $3.25 5.25 per box; prunes, 7412c per pound. Provisions. HAMS All sizes, 87 039c: skinned. S4S 41c: picnic, zoibizic; cottage roil, Z5c. BACON Fancy, 47aaiic; choice, 820 37c; standard, -lorauc LARD Pure, tierces, loo pound; com- nound. tierces, 12 4 c. Dttx bALi naca, gztgjzoc; plates, IOC. Hides, Hops, Etc. TALLOW No. 1, 4c; No. 2, 24S84c per pound. CASCARA BARK Five cents a pound, delivered Portland. HOPS 1920 crop, logczoc per pound: contracts. 80c per pound. HIDES Fresh, cured, 4c per pound: calf. llli:c per pounu; Kip, oc per pouna. WOOL isew cup, xtQtc per pound. MOHAIR New clip, 16c per pound, de livered Portland. GRAIN bags Nina cents at country I Am Wool points. I Am W P pfd. I Am ioinc "us . I Anaconda LINaEhiU uiij naw, in narreis, xi.oz: 1 Asad Oil. 5-gallon cans, $1.17. Boiled, In barrels, I Atchison ii 04: &-eaiion cans. i do Dta TuKfJi.N ti.mj an arums, s:c; o-gallon 1 Ati 'j a w x . Advance Kum. do pfd. ..... do pfd , Aiax Ruber. . Alaska Gold. . Alaska Juneau Hied Chem. . Allls-Chalmers Am Beet Sug Am Bosch ... Am Van Co. . . do pfd Am Car & Fdy do pfd. ..... Am Cot Oil... do rfd Am Drug Syn Am Hid & Lea do pfd Am Ice Am Intl Corp. Am Linseed. do pfd..... Am Loco do pfd Am Saf Razor Am So & Com Am Smelter.. da rfd Am Snuff.... Am Steel Fdy Am Sugar.... do pfd Am Sumatra. Am Tel & Tel Am Tobacco. . do B 800 2(10 400 100 600 i.'ioo 1,000 500 100 600 600 i,Voo ' 1 00 100 600 600 '6,900 100 1O0 1,900 200 200 i.ioo 200 '2,206 5,200 700 6.600 900 800 200 7,800 400 100 4,500 200 1,400 cans. $1.07. WHITE LEAD lOO-pound Kegs. 124c ner pound. COAL OIL Tank wagons and Iron bar rels. 17 4c: cases, 3037s. GASOLINE Tank wagons ana iron bar rels, 26c; cases. 38 4 c. SAN EBANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, S0O0 Baldwin Loco 12,000 do pfd Balto & Ohio. 3,500 do pfd Beth Steel , "B B R T Butte O & Z. . Butte & Sup.. Caddo Oil Calif Packing Calif Pet dop fd Canadian Pae 2,600 Cen Leather. . 4,700 High.' Low. 4K4 8U4 12 4 1 "80" "36" ..... ...... 194 ' 1 ..... ..... 354 ."35" 304 24 83" "32 4 25 24 Hi" iisvi "i64 "iovi "164 9 474 28" 26" 174 174 834 "S3 102 102 4 34 344' '334 694 694 "21 "194 61 69 4 88 87 434 41 105 4 105 120 117 117 ' 116 68 63 22 21 4 7 7 84 S3 9S 97 4 934 834 '214 '264 72 70 Bid. 40 12 21 30 64 184. ra 1 35 4 HO 274 61 244 87 4 So . Rlwy 5s 844 NEW YORK. Aug. 23. Exchange Irreg- ular: sterling, demand, $3.66; do, caDies, 1 S3. 66 ; francs, demand. T.70c: 00, caoies w ... I l.l?9C, Xr.UC, U 1 III. i-lDcrty Bona quotations. I An ,h, 7M.! ariiilrter. demand. 27.8tlc: Tl . ,,, . ... 1 ' ' . ' n o. Jioerty oona QUOtatlOna mr- 1 An r&t,l.. HO OO re. demand. 4 '24c: do nished by the Overbeck &. Cooke company I cables. 4.25c: marks, demand. 1.154c; do cables. 1.16c: Greece, demand. 5.55c: awe- High. Low. Clost. I den. demand. 21.45c: Norway, demand OB.4U 88.10 88.10 13.25c: Argentine, demand, 30c: Brazilian, J 2 demand, 12.12c; Montreal. 9 15-16 per cent 87.64 87.64 91.74 91.74 87.70 87.78 98.68 98.70 98.70 98.70 Liberty. 2d 4s Liberty, 1st 44s 87.86 Liberty. 2d 4 4s 87.70- Liberty, 3d 4 Vis .... 91.86 Liberty, 4th 44s S7.84 Victory, 4a 98.74 Victory, 3 j4s 98.72 EXPORTERS BUY WHEAT BOSTON. Allouez . . . Ariz Cornel. Cai & Ariz. Cal &. Heel Centennial Mining Stocks. Aug. 23. Closing quotations: Cop Rfrge Co.. 30 E Butte Cop.. 74 Franklin 1 Isle Roy Cop.. 18 Lake Copper... 2 Mohawk ...... 46 20 INorth Butte 7 Old Dominion 45 Osceola 1!3 222 Quincy 33 7 41uperior a spr He Bos Min. 1 Shannon 90 Utah Con 3 4 w inona 50 Wolverine 10 300 4,700 300 600 fiOO 200 400 600 364 50 48 10 4 11 8 60 32 35 4 50 46 10 3 lO 8 60 314 Aug. 23. Vegetables I j d.w. i .mo Squash, 2560c; potatoes. $2.15&3; to- I Chandler Mot. 4,200 WHEAT HARVEST IN FRANCE ENDED Crop Prospects In Germany Are Main tained Hungarian Outlook Good. The grain crop situation abroad is ca Wed by Broomhall as follows: "United Kingdom Yields of wheat In Vis country are good, but rains are hin Tering harvest operations and in some sec' tions there has been sprouting. "France Harvesting is practically fln tohed In this country. Good rains have been experienced. 3ermany General rains have fallen. Harvest indications of wheat are main tained. Unrestricted imports are expected soon. "Hungary, Jugo-Slavia Reuter'a dis patch states wheat in these countries is excellent, while corn Is practically ruined on account of the prolonged drought. On the other hand, other reports are to the affect that the corn crop is only mod erately deteriorated. "Australia Further good rains have been experienced. "India Further beneficial rains have fallen in the northern regions and the outlook is Improved. "North Africa Yields of wheat are disappointing." matoes, $1(8'!. oo; Dell peppers, attfec pound: beans. zGdc; Italian, o(ooc; lima, 7610c; carrots, $1 sack; corn, $2gj2.75 sack; lettuce, $1.25 crate; celery, $4.5U6; onions. $2.252.35. Poultry aoung cnicKens, ananaci stag- gy roosters, 256335c; old, 18c? hens, 20( 2tic: ducks and geese, 25c; turkeys, live. 85c; dressed, 45c; Belgian hares, live, 15c; dressed. 18(n)20c: squabs, fancy, 40c. Fruit Oranges, -$40.50; lemons, $4 5.50: lemonettes, $23.50; grapefruit. $4 5; strawberries. $1 1.30 crate; 50 60c drawer; raspberries, 60gp7ac drawer; peaches. 75c $2 lug; cantaloupes, stand ards, 75c$1.50; ponies, 7590c; flats, 40 60c; watermelons, l14c; grapes, seed less. 75c $1.35 crate; pears, 7ac$2.75. Receipts Flour,.- 4574 quarters; wheat, 1609 centals; barley, 1081 centals; oats, 50 centals; beans, 1142 sacks; corn, 100 sacks; potatoes, 692 sacks; onions, 337 sacks; hay, 152 tons; lemons and oranges, 750 boxes; livestock. 400 head. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., Aug. 23. Turpentine, 5Cc: sales, 2UO barrles; receipts, 809 bar rels; shipments, 225 barrels; stock, 7536 barrels. Rosin firm; sales, 1001 casks; receipts, 2122 casks: shipments. 605 casks: stock. 72,261 casks. Quote, B. D, E, F, $3.75; G, $3.85; 1, H.-:o; At, $4.ao; is, $4.40; WG, fu.ia; WW, 4.UD. Indemnity Trading to Be Voted On. CHICAGO.. Aug. 23. The directors of the Chicago board of trade decided today to submit a rule prohibiting indemnity trading to the membership lor vote. Trad- ing in Alay grains win Degln tomorrow. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Aug, 23. Evaporated apples firm; prunes quiet but firm. Peaches steady Duluth xnseed Market. DULUTH, Aug. 23. Linseed on track and to arrive, $2,054- Cotton Market. DULUTH, Aug. 23. Spot cotton, steady; middling, 13.73c. Charo & N W. 400 Chgo Gt W do pfd Chili Cop 600 Chino 800 C M St P 2.300 do pfd ..... . x, ni Coca Cola ... 500 C & O S.700 Colo F A I Colo Southern Col Gas & Eleo 200 Colum Grapn ;.,'" Con Gas. Cons Cigars . do pfd ..... . Contl Can.... Contl Candy. . Corn Prod.-.. do pfd. Cosden Oil. .. . C R I & P- do A pi a. do "B" Pfd.. Crucible ..... do pfd. Cuba Cane. 1124 24 25 4 42 4 64 1114 2 244 41 634 600 800 1,200 200 2,300 8,300 " 300 8,500 7.10O do pfd 7,600 DAILY METEOROLOGICAL, REPORT. CUBE BUTTER BRINGS BETTER PRICE Demand for Eggs Is Improving and Quality Is Good. Cube butter offerings were again limited and the market was Btrong. For extras, . up to 41 cents- was asked. The movement in prints is improving. There also was a better demand for esgs and, while prices are not materially higher, the tone of the market is better. The quality of the eggs now coming from the country is generally good. Poultry receipts were light and springs and heavy hens were firm with a good demand. There also was more call for veal, and, as receipts were small, higher . prices were obtainable. ... GOOD PEACHES ARE IN DEMAND Interest in Cantaloupes Centers Principally in Bnrrell Gems. There was a strong demand for peaches of good quality and on these prices were firm, but the poorer grades did not at tract much attention. There was no Improvement In the can taloupe situation. Two cars came In from California and they were hard to sell. Local stock, particularly Burrell Gems, had the call. This variety, of which two cars arrived, sold at $2.25 to $2.50 a crate. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern CHles yesteraay were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $4,988,132 8".fl.7!4 4.562.122 733.757 Seattle Tacoma , Spokane r.2.513 1,283,373 62.6S5 451.316 Cub Am Sub. Del & Hudson Dome Mines.. D & R G do pfd - Endicott John Erie do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd. . Fam Players. Fed M & Smlt. do pfd Flsk Tire.... G.i at on Wms. Gen Cigars... Gen Elec Gen oMtors... Gen Mot 6. . Gen Asphalt. Goodrich .... Goodyear .... Granby Great Nor Ore Great Nor pfd Greene Cana. Gulf S Steel.. Hask aBrker. Houston Oil.. Hupp Motor.. Ills Cent Inspiration . . In Ag Jor pio. Interboro .... do pfd Interstate Cal Int Harvey... Int Merc Star do pfd. ..... Int Nickel.... Int Paper do pfd ....... Invlnciple Oil. Island uu.. 900 200 200 800 400 1,000 300 4.000 PORTLAND, Aug. 23. Maximum tem perature, 69 degrees; minimum, 55. River reading at 8 A. M., 4.2 feet; change in last 24 hours. O.o loot tail. . Total rain fall (5 P. M. to 5 P. MJ, trace; total rainfall since September 1, 1920. 46. Inh.,' r rm u 1 rninfn II '.InoA fi,nt,mh.p 1 1920, 44.89 Inches; excess of rainfall since I .C'JLl September 1. 1920, 1.36 Inches. Sunrise, 5:20 A. M. ; sunset, 7:07 P. M. ; total sunshine, 3 hours and 46 minutes; possible sunshine, id hours and 47 minutes. Moon rise. 9:56 P. M.. Wednesday; moonset, I Lack steel 11:28 A. M-, Wednesday. Barometer I Te Tire. (reduced to sea level) 5 P. M., 29.98 I Lehigh Valley Inches. Relative humidity: 5 A. M.. 80 I Lorlllard .... per cent; noon, 70 per cent; 5 P. M., 53 I Lowe Theaters per cent. THE WEATHER. 600 200 loo 11.500 9.900 i2,300 600 200 4.400 100 ""2V10 1,900 400 300 2,600 'i,H6 500 . 2,300 1,500 2,400 5.600 500 2,000 16 18 10 9 214 21 25 24 as 37 S3 32 624 51 4 '434 "534 3 3 85 84 "rs4 "es" 102 101 23 22 4 30 29 '63 "63 624 6U4 "s'h "74 19 174 13 12 'ie "ie' "14 ""14 67 57 4 13 12 4 19 184 "64" '624 o-4 -j" 64 64 112 109 9 9 43 '41 294 294 72 71 K C Southern, do pfd. ..... Kelly-Spgfd . . Kennecoti . . Keystone Tire 800 2.100 600 1.100 100 600 600 2.300 400 3 5: O STATIONS. a tj 3-p a3 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour, Feed. Etc Merchants' Exchange, noon session: -Bid- Bawer. . . Boise . . ... ..j Boston . . . . . .Calgary Chicago ..... Denver Des Moines.. Eureka Galveston Helena Juneau Kansas City. Los Angeles. Marshfield . Medford Minneapolis . New Orleans. New York. . . North Head. Phoenix .... Pocatello Portland . . Roseburg ... Sacramento . St. Louis . . Salt Lake .. San Diego . San Fran. . . Seattle Sitka Spokane .... Tacoma Tat. Island.. Valdez Walla Walla Washington Winnipeg Yakima Wheat " Aug. Sept. Oct. Hard white $ 1.10 $ 1.09 $ 1.08 Sort white 1.09 1.08 1.08 White club . 1.08 1.0S 1.08 Hard winter ,. 1.07 1.07 1.07 Northern spring 1.07 1.07 1.07 Bed Walla 1.03 1.03 LOS Oats No. 2 white feed.;... 25.00 21 OO 24.00 No. 2 gray 23. OO 23.00 23.00 Barley PtewiiK m. 22-00 22J 22.00 48 56 54 3K 2 60 62 52 82 62 76 64 46 51 60 80 60 66 76 5 81 55 48 54 68 66 60 54 54 Win t o ( o n r. "4 o 9 W 10ISE . .a . . NW .. SE . . N . .IKE 12 N . . ME 1,200 700 1.300 80,300 400 8.800 2.300 300 100 Weather. bu.o.ou 920.OO 74:0.00 84 iO. 00 76l0.ll 76 0.06 8O1O.OO 60 0.0O 92 0.OO 840.0010SW T74 96 0.0O 86j0.0M 7010.00 80;0.00 96!0.00 . JSW 76,0.00 he's 60 0.02)20 S 88 0.00 10IW 80:0.001. .SW 6U O.OO 74i0.00 84 O.OO S80.00 84,0.00 S . JNW 10jS 20 S lOINWj 76 0.001. , SW O4IO.0O;12 KW 68,0.00 . .SW T70i... . . .. . .. 80(0.00 12;SW . 68,0.00 . . W 58,0.28 12, S t6;o.ooi. .sw 50 38 62 80,0.001. 54 80 0. 0O . . 52 78 0.001.. ; 52 82(0.00! .N W SE NW Clear iClear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy IClear Clear Pt. cloudy ft. cloud? Clear Cloudy Clear . Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy ft. clouay Ft. cloudy Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Pt. cloudy ICloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy (Jiouay fi. cloudy Clear Cloudy A. M. today, ceding day. tP. M. report of pre- FO RECASTS. Portland and vicinity Unsettled, prob ably light showers: westerly winds. Oregon Unsettled weather, moderate westerly winds. Washington Unsettled, probably show ers west portion, moderate southwesterly winds. . Mexican Pet. Miami Mid States Oil Midvale Steel. M K & T do pfd Mont Power. . Mont Ward.. Mo Pac do pfd M S P & S S M M er St L Nat Lead Nevada oon. . New Haven.. 10,100 Norfolk & W. 200 Nor Pac 17.600 Nov Sco Steel 100 N Y Central. . 2,300 Okla Prod ref Ontario Silver Ontario & W. Otis Steel.... Pacific Dev Pac Gas & El 100 Pacific Oil 2.000 Pan Amn Pet. 6.8OO do "B" 1.50O Penna 4,500 Peoples Gas. . Pere Marqtte. Philadelph Co Pure Oil Pierce Arrow. Pierce Oil . Pitts Coal Pitts A W Va. do pfd Presd Stl Car 'Pullman ..... Rey Cons. .... Reading ..... Replogle Steel Republic IAS do pfd Rep Motors. . . Roy Dutch Oil Ry Steel Spg. Sears Roebuck Shattuck, Aria Shell TAT.. Sinclair 6.100 Stand Oil Cal 400 Sloss Shef . ... Sou Pac 4.200 Sou Ry 3,200 do pfd 600 St. L & S F. . . 3,600 Stromberg Car Studebaker . . 16.400 Swift A Co Tenn C & Chm 400 400 500 300 200 1,200 100 100 700 1,400 900 4,800 800 200 1,600 406 3.900 100 3,100 100 2,5IK 100 200 1.600 500 8,600 200 700 "424 "414 "ai" '94". 30 30 "34 "34 10 9 4 3 70 68 4 9 8 404 374 12 12 414 39 "84 "s" 2 2 "24 244 36"" "334 17 174 11 174 864 86 "si" "56"" 144 140 11 114 95 4 82 "io' "164 23 23 1 ' 1 3 ,2 i64 "ir4 18 18 "164 "io" 154 944 734 "694 1 34 '55" S44 34 37 38 544 18 m 54 254 "52" 91 114 664 "454, 81 8 47 4 "eiii 5 34 17 70 14 4 94 71 "68 14 34 'hi" 344 4414 36 374 53 184 '244 114 54 64 23 "6i" 80. 114 65 434 81 84 464 "59 4 54 34 16 69 108 4 16 86 4 9 47 63 4 26 174 39 83 102 3 4 83 4 69 4 99 19 60 87 414 105 1184 117 654 21 74 83 98 83 8O 20 4 71 95 85 4 50 47 4 9 3 10 84 60- 814 71 1114 22 24 , 414 63 7 15 4 9 21 24 37 81 61 22 . 34 63 3 84 27 67 S3 65 101 22 2 74 63 4 5 78 7 17 4 12 99 16 14 67 124 18 124 62 34 2 8 1 534 111 4 60 52 29 4 11 15 27 70 20 314 - OA 42 10 v.i 30 34 34 10 3 0:1 8 874 124 39 BO 8 JO 24 49 33 174 17 36 23 50 140 14 93 4 194 10 23 ' 11 2 44 164 IS 4 86 63 9 71 BUSINESS STIJIU- laATKS ' PRICES AT CHICAGO 8 I T7irvrjn7T,in-v Swift A Co. Stocks. Closing nri rp, for .if jb. r-A -, .w. 1, . -. Chicago were reported by the Overbeck A (-ooKe company of Portland as follows: Swift A Co 95 Llbby, McNeil A Libby 8 National Leather 7 Swift International . 22 Earl-y Market Irregular, but Buy ing Power Improves on All Breaks; Corn Is lower. CHICAGO, Ang. 23. An erratic market in grain futures, which fluctuated Irregu larly but rapidly the greater part of the day, rallied strongly in the final trading on reports of local sales of 800,000 bushels of wheat to export interests. The close showed net gains of.c to lc in wheat, but corn was unchanged to 4c lower and oats, unchanged to c higher. Provisions advanced from yesterday's decline, the op tions ranging from unchanged to 20 points higher. 0 per cent; closing bid, undertone, due to heart sales to export- era after Monday's close. The initial bulge foreign, I brought, out selling orders, which caused a setback, but the offerings were absorbed readily. Fluctuations continued along T rvxTrtr... . .. 1 law lines lae areaier part ot tn Kaaiuu, i?3 BaX "".Ver' t?M "" trading being mainly local. Some buying September and seHing of December was noted. Toward the finish, the huylng power improved on the breaks and the export business figures . stimulated it Money, Silver. Etc. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. Prime nenantlle paper, 664 per cent. , lime loans, steady; 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, 56 per cent. Call money, steady; high, low, ruling rate, last loan, 5 per cent- Bar silver, domestic. H9Vi 61e. - Mexican dollars, 47 c. ounce; money, 3 per cent. Discount rates, short bills, 4 11-16 per cent- Primary Receipt. - . CHICAGO. Aug. 23 Wheat. 8.110.000 ba rs. 1.134.000 bu Corn: 1.619.000 bu. va 816.000. Oats, 1,422,000 bu. va 1.813,000 DU. Shlnraenti Wheat 1849 000 bu. 478.000 bu. Corn 826.000 bu. va 147.000 bu. Oats. 769.000 bu. va 437.0OO bu. Clearances Wheat. 1.156.000 bu. Flour. 69.000 bbls. Com, 134.000 bu. - Oats, nope. Rye. 000 bu. Barley. 10.000 bu. MinneaiMllIa Gnain Marhet- 1 MINNEAPOLIS. Ang. 23. Cash wheat No. 2 dark northern, it SO ti. 1 35 i : No. 1. $1.84; No. 2 northern $1.25 & 1.80 ; No. 3. $1.13 ijrl.25 : No. 1 dark hard Montana, $ 1.25 1.28 : No. 1 durum. $1,104 1.15 : No. 2. $1,074 6 1-104; No. 3. $1.0541 07. Corn. No. 2, 48 19c; No. S. 4047o; No. 4, 44ffXC. Barley 415c. Flax No. 1. $2.004 02 024. Futures, wheat September. $1.254: Da cember, $1.25 4. Winnipeg Grain Market. WINNIPEG. Aug. 23. Cash wheat No. 1 northern. $1.84 ; No. 2. $1,774: No. 8. $1.06; No. 4. $1,44 4: No. 6. $1.29. Oats No. 2, white. 474c; No. 8. 47c Barley No. 2. 74 4c: No. 4. 72 4c Futures Wheat October, $1,39 4; No- vemoer, ei.01; liecemfter. $1.32. Grain at San Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 28. Grain wheat, milling, $1.902; feed. $1.902. Barley, feed, $ 1.20 ' 1.30 ; shipping, $1,80 9 1 40. oats, red feed II. 2540 1.40. Corn white Egyptian. $2.20 2.30; red Milo. $1.90 Hay Tame oat. tldtllS: wild oe.t IlOffl 12; barley. $1012; alfalfa, $914; stock. Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE. Aug. 23. Wheat, hard white. soft white, $1.11; white club, hard red winter, northern spring, $1.10; soft red winter, $1.08; eastern red Walla, $1.06; Big uena Dluestem, $1.17. City delivery: Feed Corn, whole yellow. $39: cracked corn. $41: corn feed meaL $41. tsariey, wnoie leed. $34; roiled barley, $36; rouna nariey, 130: cupped barley. 41. ats, wnoie ieea. e4u roiiea oats. 14. round oats. $42: sprouting oata S45. Wheat, recleaned feed, $47; all grain chop. is: cnlolt feed. 158: chick mash. 157: egg mash, $48; stratch feed. $47: wheat, mixed feed, $26; cocoanut meal, $27; cottonseed meal, $42; linseed oil meal, $46; soya bean meal, $s. Hay Alfalfa, No. 1, $20; hay. No. 1. $22; timothy, fo. 1. $27; straw. $19. QUOTATIONS ON DAIRY PRODUCE Market Prices Ruling on Batter, Cheese and Eggs. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 23. Butter Extra choice. 48c Eggs Fresh extras, 43c: extra firsts. 414c; extra pullets, 37 4c; extra firsts. ullets, 37c; under-sised pullets. 264c. Cheese t- lata, fancy. 21c: first flats. 19 4c; Young America firsts, 25c . 7 o Income Tax Exempt 7 Income) Tax Exempt $6,200 City Toppenish Washington 7 Improvement Bonds Denomination $200. Mature serially. Principal and annual interest payable at the office of the Treasurer. Toppen ish, Washington, or through the offices of Freeman, Smith A Camp Co. ESTIMATED MATURITIES $800 Aug.- 1. '23 600 May 15. '26 200 Not. 1, "26 $400 May 15, '27 600 Aug. 1. '28 200 June, 1. '29 f 800 Ang;. 400 Jan. 2200 Aug;. 1. 2S 1. '29 1, 'SO New York: Bonds. New York bond quotations furnished by I further. Herrin A Rhodes. Inc.. of Portland: Am Tel A Tel 6s, 1922 98 Am Tel & Tel 6s. 1924 984 Am Tob 7s, 1922 100 Am too is, iy23 .100 Anaconda 7s B, 1929 - 93 Anaconda 6s A, 1929 88 Armour cv. 7s, 1930 98 Armour 4 4 s. 1939 80 Argentine GI 5s, 1945 69 Am Ag Chm 74s. 1941... 96 Beth Steel 7s. 1922 100 Ketn steel 7s, 1923 98 Beth Steel Eq 7s, 1935 94 Belgium Ext. 74s. 1945 ..102 Belgium 6s. 1925 94 Belgium 8s, 1940 1014 Bergen 8s. City of. 1945 99 Berne 8s. City of, 1945 99 4 Brazil ha. 1941 90 ti Canadian 5s, 1926 92 Canadian 6s, 1931 93 Canadian 5s. 1937 89 Can Nat Eq 7s, 1935 101 taicaso, in-w is, idu ......103 u M. tsc ot xr gn&rr 44s A, 2014. Can Nor 7s, 1940 Chile 8s. 1941 Christiana 8s. City of, 1945 Copper Exp 8s, 1922 Copper Exp 8s. 1923 Copper Exp 8s. 1924 Copper Exp 8s. 1925 ' uuoan Amer Sugar 8s, 1931 Corn was generally lower, despite Mon day's export business at the seaboard of around 2,000.000 bushels and local sales today of 200,000 bushels to the same ac count. Hot weather southwest, which was calculated to mature the crop rapidly, was a factor in this development. Oats exhibited a fairly strong undertone but trade was limited and the range of prices narrow. Shipping demand was re ported slow In this grain, but country offerings declined. Provisions withstood a further break In live-hog prices mainly because packing house representatives were moderate buy ers of lard. The trade extended to. ribs. The Chicago market letter received yes terday by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland follows: Wheat Local sentiment earlv Inclined to the buying aide and the market started strong, only to encounter AAillnir for onfA I profits wnicn met poor huv nr nnwr And resuitea in a aecllne of nearlv X renra Shortly before the close strength again developed and the loss was fuliy recov ered. The newe from export circles was rather disappointing, bids in most cases being reported out of line. Receipts con- 98 .. 99 ..100 . .100 . . 101 4 ..101 99 tinue large in the southwest, while the Con Gas cv 7s, 1925 102 I movement to - northwestern markets is Dla Match 74s. 1935 103 4 I Increasing and will probably be of large Denmark 8s. 1945 1024 Danish Mun 8s. 1945 100 Dupont 7V4s 1931 077i r rencn ext. 8s, 1943 100 French 7 4s, 1941 96 Grand Trunk 7s, 1940 ; 1024 Goodrich 8s. 1941 102 Gulf Oil 7s, 1933 97 Great Northern 7s. 1936 10O iiciBiijr itravt yu4 Humble Oil 7s. 1923 97 Int Rap Tr ref 5s. 1966 65 Int Mar CT 6s. 1941 75 ...v. ,,-1, x.. ,a, iii .,, 7 Kennecott Is, 1930 9 Libby, McNeil & Libby 7s. 1931 95 Morris & Co. 74s. 1930 99 .Mexican ieie ss, i:t3 96 NYC call 7s. 1930.. 1024 Norway 8s. 1940 103 Northwest Tel 7s. 1941 102 "A Ohio C G 7s. 1925... 94 Pan Amer 7s, 1930 89 Penna 64s, 1938 99 is f sc u .n unt) 64s. 1936 101 N P 63, 2047 I "101 San Paulo 8s, 1936 07 a Southwt. Tel. 7a. 1925 97 Standard Oil N Y 7s, 1931 103 Standard Oil of Cal 7a niai 1 if Sears Roe 7s. 1921 ' inO Swiss 8, 1940 10RW Steel & Tube 7s, 1951 92 sears itoa 7S, 1922 98 Sears Roe 7s, 1923 ..... Solvay 8s. 1927 . . . .' Swift A Co. 7s, 1925 . . Un Tank 7s. 1930 U S .Rubber 73. 1930... Wilson 1st 6s, 1928 West Elec 7s, 1925 Westinghouse 7a. 1931 .. Zurich 03, 97 99 97 101 ....... . .l'MI 82 ...100 4 . 1 in St. .- 1004 Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond . quotations furnished by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Port land: Bid. Russian 6s, 1021".. 15 Russian 5 4s, 1926 44 Russian 64s. 1919 16 proportions by next week. Attention was called to the fact 'today that there are 18OO cars or about 11.000,000 bushels of all grain on track in Chicago not appear ing In the visible. Canadian crop reports are generally iavoraoie and threshing re turns saia to oe nettertnan expected. The aisposltlon Ot the -targe Canadian surplu tnis year is going to be quite a problem and with a' heavy movement imminent In that country, as well as from the Ameri can spring wheat belt, we do not think an extended advance In our market will take place. Corn This market, considering the strength late yesterday, showed a lag ging tendency today.. . Receipts were est! mated at 200 cars and the demand was fairly good at yesterday's- basis. Sblppin sales of 382,000 bushels including 200.000 bushels to exportera Country offerings are liberal and win undoubtedly increase on the amall advances, with the result that such bulges are not apt to be main tained. Oats trade was small and. although there was no pressure of consequence in the market, the tone was not strong. Receipts showed a further failing off and the cash market was fairly steady. Coun try offerings to arrive light. Rye Trade in futures was dull and the market eased off in sympathy with wheat. Cash rye was also weak at about 2 cents under September for No. 2 on track. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. , Open. High. $ 1.17 S 1.13 Population. cenus 1920, 3120. The population of Toppenish has doubled since 1910. Present population. Including- suburbs imme diately adjoining, although not properly within the corporate! limits, Is estimated at 7000. Toppenish Is the second city in the Yakima, Valley. It has a sugar refinery which cost $1,250,000. Two other sugar refineries) are within close proximity. It has the largest nursery plant in the state. Sugar, alfalfa, grain, potatoes, beeta, cattle, hogs, eheep and the feeding of livestocK are sources of great income. These bonds were issued to pay for street improvement work and constitute a prior lien attaching directly to the property improved, concurrent with other general taxes. Legality approved by "Wakefleld & "Wltherspoon, Spokane. Waavh. Exempt from all federal taxes; eligible to secure public funds In "Washington; legal investment for trust funds In Washington; legal investment for savings banks in Oregon and Washington. I a af " and accrued' Inter- l"y Jrrice lOU zu&'truTn 'yo Income Tax Exempt "Wlre orders "collect-" Cash or partial payment plan. Freeman, Smith & Camp Co. MOUND FLOOB UlMBtRMENS BUILDINO) FIFTH AND STARK -WAV B70 row rtawo Ban raANCjaco bsga September 6.42; octooer o.o; ie- cember tt.f6; January i.va. w.itu i.t. May 7.47; July 7.62. Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s 63 7; Santos 4sl04lL NEW YORK. Aug. 23. Butter, unset tled; creamery, higher than extras. 40 4 &4lc; creamery extras, 394uc; cream Egge Unsettled; firsts, 324 086c; others I , ' a.l.i. Cheese Steady, unchanged. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. Copper, dull electrolytic, spot and nearby. Il0l2c; spot and nearby, 28.25c; H CHICAGO. Auk. 23. Butter Lower. Creamery, extras, 87c; standards, 344c; firsts, 32j3oc: seconds. 30h)314c. Eggs Unchanged; receipts, 9367 cases. SEATTLE, to dealers: Eggs Select lnnal nnrh whit .fe.ll. 42c; do.'-mixed, colors, 38c; pullets, 87c Buttei Crty creamery cubes, 47c; bricks Tin Steady futures. 26.25c. Iron -Steady; prices unchanged. Lead Steady: spot. 4.40c. Zinc Dull; East St. Louis delivery, spot, 4-154.20c. Antimony Spot, 4.50c. Aug. 23. Wholesale prices I Olympia Man Leaves Tamlly. OLYMPIA, Wash., Aug. 23. (Spe cial.) Tom Brown. Sunday, July 31. , j j i v. !. ... ;e rtllfl or prints. 48c; country creamery, extras, s'.r ,B "1,3 "' ,",, T. - v.,m cost to Jobbers. In cubes. 4flc. and left his homestead near Yelm. Coffee Futures Lower. NEW YORK. Aug. 23. There was a fur. ther decline in the market for coffee futures today, owing to the earlier ruling of Rio exchange and continued scattering liquidation, particularly in the near months. The market opened at a decline of four to six points and active positions sold about ten to 15 points below last night's closing figures with December touching 6.89, at about 22 points below the recent nign level. Closing prices were about the lowest of the day, showing net numng switches, were estimated at 59.0OO e i un. This, was the last seen of him, ac cording to Mrs. Brown, who has ap- Dealed to Roscoe fuiierton. prose cutintr attorney for Olympia. Mrs. Brown is unable to account for his disaDDearance. as she said her hus band was apparently successful and their home relations of the very best. He ia 33 years of age. The wife and child have been left entirely without funds. County and city authorities are aiding the prosecutor in the 1 Liberty Bonds Sept. Dec French 40. 1917 French 5s. 1920 French 5s. 1920 Italian 6s. 1918 British 5s. 1922 British 5s, 1927 British 5s, 1929 British vky 4e . British ref 4e . . Belgium rest 5s 48 . . 48 .. 70 .. 31 . .366 . .367 . .352 . .275 ..357 68 Belgium prem 5s ............ 70 Ge rman W. L. &s 9 Ask. 19 64 19 49 4 44 70 82 376 877 302 2K3 8S2 71 73 104 Sept. Dec Sept. Dec 1.18 .53 .64 4 .34 .87 119 CORN. .53 .64 OATS. .34 .87 Low. Close. $ 1.15 $ 1.17 1.16 1.19 .52 52 .1T5 .36 .68 .63 .84 .37 Sept. .. MESS PORK.' 17.00 LARD. 10.25 10.47 10 2S 10.30 10.00 10.30 SHORT RIBS. 8.80 9.00 8.80 8.83 8.95 . 8.83 Cash prices were: Wheat No. 2 hard. $1.17 1.18 2 mixed. $L144- Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. 10.4T 10.60 9.00 8.93 78 194 44 22 "67"" 75 19 43 21 "63 14 93 71 22 68 1 34 1 17 9 9 54 34 4 414 35 37 4 "53 184 28 24 4 114 5 54 24 73 50 90 11 65 184 44 4 80 84 46 72 4 60 .5 844 18 70 31 75 19 43 4 21 2S 65 95 Z 11 Every industrial plant, business block, residence and piece of taxable property is pledged to the repayment of these . 6 ParkBonds, General Obligation BEND, OREGON Due 1922-41 Den. $500 Municipal bonds are so rigidly saf e pTiardefi bv law. that thev do not bear the hazards of private business. Fur- P"1063 to Yield thermore, they are backed BY THE I 0h TAXING POWER. For these rea- A.O u sons the total loss to. investors has amounted to an . mfinitesimal eight ten-thousandths of one per cent, dur ing the 20-year period from 1900. During" this, time billions of dollars worth of municipal bonds were issued. INCOME TAX EXEMPT Legal Investment for r Savings Banks Broadway and Oak Good Bonds to Buy JUST what is it that makes a bond a good bond to buy? Is it safety? Is it yield? Is it marketability? Is it favorable terms? Is it any or all of these? Then consider the First Lien and General Mortgage 8 Gold Bonds of the Pacific Power & Light Company they are good bonds to buy. You know the company, -and you' know the company is sound. You know its business is soundly builded upon an essential public service. You know the management is in capable and efficient hands. And as for other attractive features, call at our office, write or phone for our Circular fully describing these good bonds. No obliga tion we want you to have it. Ask for it today. Blyth, Witter. & Co. Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds YEON BUILDING, PORTLAND Seattle San Francisco Los Angeles New York a FORWARD 1 Marking time is lost motion. It gets us nowhere. Waiting for big things to happen contributes nothing toward the betterment of conditions. There is nothing discouraging about the outlook except to those who wear the "smoked glasses" of fear, pessimism and distrust. What we need is clearer, wider vision. Our industries need encouragement not in simple . words, but in material form. Flight at this time we are handling the increased financing of one of Pordand's established indus tries the Multnomah Box & Lumber Company. It is going over in a really big way. Preferred stock, yielding a worth-while return, is being offered and taken advantage of by investors, large and small. It is a sound, profitable investment. Better look into it today. EN.CLABK and COMPANY: Investment Securities WILCOX BLDG, PORTLAND San Francisco Tacoma Spokane Walla Walla At present prices, an in v e s t m ent opportunity that we may not see again. We buy and sell all issues of Liberty and Victory bonds at prices based' on quotations re ceived twice daily from New York. We keep on hand a large stock of these se curities which enables us to make immediate de livery of any issue in amounts to suit the in dividual purchaser. BOND DEPT. LADD & TlLTON Bank Oldest In the Nortnwrst WASHINGTON AT THIRD The Safe Road When you're on the road to success, dont get sidetracked to the byways of risky speculation. Deposit regularly with Ashley & Rumelin Bankers HOURS-8 AM TO 530PM. S ATU R D AY S-8 AM TO 8 P M. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Buy sad Sell Investment Securities United States Liberty Bond Issues. State. County. City, School and Foreign bonds, also First Mortgages on improved city and farm property. List of Current Offerings Vpon Request Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oronnd FL Board Trade Bldnr. MAIN 113. e4 FOURTH ST, HERRIN &RHODES,Inc. EstabUshed 1896. BROKERS Ken York Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, I'riTate Wire.. Members Chicago Hoard of Trade. 201-3 Railway Exchange Bids. Telephone Main 283-264. ,