TITE 3IOKXING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1921 17 BABTH SEES AMPLE OF SUPPLY The market for country continued weak. 0resse4 meats HOPS Week's Wheat Exports Larger. ' World wheat shipments last week and the same week last year were: Week Aug. Week Auk. 13. 1!21. x 14. m:o. Can 12,557.000 8.S76.000 , 7'.tS,X 72S.IMK) 1.R28.000 7IS,000 German Expert Says New Crop May Be Light. QUANTITY OF OLD REMAINS U. 8. and Argentina , Australia Totals Shipments for pare as loilows: To date. '21. U. S. and Canada. .50. mx.ooo Arirentlna k 7.0111.000 Australia , 7.208.OU0 Others 1.848.000 STANDARD STOCKS STEADY SELLING OF SPECULATIVE IS SUES STTXJj t!DEB WAY. 14.883.000 the season to 10.372.000 date corn- To date. '20. 61.808.000 33.8:io.noo 7.832.000 Totals ..72.275.000 103.5U0.OO0 World Brewers Have Stocks to Last Until April, 1922, According y to XTirember" Merchant. An Interesting; statement of hop market and supply conditions throughout the world, from a German viewpoint, Is made by John Barth A Sons, of Nuremberg. Harth resumes the publication of his an nual estimates with this Introduction: "Our last report, dated July, 1914, was till written In the happy peaceful times f a. golden age. Since then the world ' has ohanged. The treaty of Versailles and the London ultimatum charge the German people with a burden which ap pears titanic the consequences of which seem Immeasurable. Only by making the inost of Hs resources and by the stubborn will to work can this load toe bearable. We are pleased to be able to state, that there are signs everywhere, of the return f the former cheerfulness to work which had been paralyzed In consequence of the war. Also the spirit of regeneration gradually takes a larger hold on all classes. The German people must, by peaceful com petition, succeed In re-establishing the esteem and the prestige It enjoyed in so large a degree all over the world." The report Is made up largely of a re view of the Gormen hop trade during the war and the years following. Of the crop proepects for 1921. "Barth says: "In nearly ell the hop producing -countries the prospects for the -1021 crop are causing uneasiness. The vermin, which seemed more or less to have disappeared, is again Increasing owing to the great dif ference between day and night tempera ture. The state of the hop fields In Ger jnany and In Czecho-Slovakla is unequal. England reports a deterioration; Ameri ca, however, sends -very good crop pros pects. The definite result of the crop de fends still upon many contingencies, espe cially on the weather we shall experience during the next weeks. We will not omit to point out that, even with a smaller yield per hectare, the total quantity of the world's crop will not, by any means, be too small, because the cultivated acreage Is more extensive than in former years and warrants a larger quantity. By Judging the market and the price in autumn, we recommend to all parties Interested, to base their actions nly on real facts, and await the settling of the situation, so as to avoid reverses like those of last year. "The stocks of fine qualities in the open market are exhausted, apart from a few tots held by speculators, not only in Ger many, but also In all the other countries: en the other hand there are still nearly everywhere large quantities of inferior hops which, up to now, could find no buyers even at low prices. The breweries f the whole world have abundant stocks which will last on an average till April. 1922." Beer production for the years lf21-22, in hectolitres, and hop consumption. In 1O0O cwts. of SO kilos each, are estimated as follows: Fancy Peaches Bring Premium. Among the produce arrivals from Cali fornia was a car of fancy peaches of the J. H. Hale variety. They were of large size and similar to late Crawfords. These peaches sold at $1.75 a box. California Elbertas are about cleaned up for the..sea son. Oregon peaches were scarce and firmer. ' ' Another car of Yakima cantaloupes, also a car of California cantaloupes arrived. Other receipts were three cars of melons, one car of lemons and one 'car of oranges. Annntnv .......... German - Austria and Hungary Czeoho - Slovakia and eastern states ugo Slavla and Balkan 'rance Itelgium and Netherlands Scandinavia and Denmark Switzerland Cpaln, Portugal, Italy.. Continent ....... Crest .Britain ..... Beer Prod. 30,000.000 2.000,000 6.000.000 1,300,000 8.000.000 S.ono.ooo 5,300.000 1 rno.oHi 1.600,-000 63, 900,000 42.000,000 Hop Con. 114 11 S3 7.8 40 40 , 7.5 8 2S3.3 504 Dank Clearings. . ' Bank clearings of the ; northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland ..... .'. 4,224,5tso' J694.186 Seattle 4,522,581 8(15.626 Tacoma 437.837 98,409 Spokane 1,544.510 619,150 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Floor, Feed, Etc Merchants' Exchange, noon session: Wheat Hid. . Aug. Sept. Oct. Hard white t 109 X 1.08 $ 1.08 Soft white 1.08 1.08 1.08 White club l.os 1.08 l.o-s Hard winter 1.07 1.07 1.07 Nor. Spring .. 1.07 1.07 1.07 Red Wall 1.03 1.05 1.05 Oats No. 2 white feed 2.'i.S0 25.00 25.00 No. 2 gray v. . . 24.00 24.00 24.00 Barley Brewing 22.00 22.00 22.00 Standard 21.00 21.00 21.00 Europe 10S.900.0OO rn I ted States of America. Prohl'tion Canada Contral America . Fouth America ... lOastern Asia Australia and Zealand Africa and India . 1,200.000 600,000) 3.100,000 1,400,000 3.500,000 800.000 7S7.3 110 7.2 S.6 18. 8,4 28.8 5.6 World consumption . .11.200,000 069.5 WHEAT PRICE STEADY, TRADE QUIET White Oats Sell at Local Exchange at Good Advance. No change was made in the wheat bids (rut into the country yesterday. Trading operations were reported to be on a light scale. Wheat bids on the local grain board were also unchanged. More Interest was shown In the oats market and offers were raised. One hun dred tons of white feed oats were sold al the Merchants' Kxchange at 26 for- Sep tember delivery, or J2 more than was bid Thursday. Last prices were $11.50 higher. Gray oats closed at an advance of $1. Barley was unchanged and no corn tilds were posted. Local mills announced a dealine of $1 a ton In scratch feed and corn, effective today. Snow's report frons Champaign, 111., said "Corn In Edgar and Champaign counties looks good. No firing of consequence and ears look heavy. Actual yield will be dis appointing ..because of many nubbins wrapped in big husks. - Estimate of yields will shrink with husking and final out come will be below normal." Le Count wires from Des Moines: "The general condition of corn through thii territory is decidedly above the average, some barren stalks but not Important. Quite a lot of corn is safe from frost. All we need to make a big crop is a couple of weeks of sunshine. The Canadian agricultural department estimates the grain crops of the western prairie provinces as follows: Wheat, 284,000,000 bushels versus 234, 000,000 bushels last year. Oats, 300,000,000 bushels versus 314,000,000 bushels last year. Barley, 41.300,000 bushels versus 40.700.000 bushels last year. Rye. 0,100,000 bushels versus 8.274.0O0 bushels. Flax, 0,553,000 bushels versus 7.588,000 bushels. Argentine wheat shipments this week were 540.000 bushels, and 3.OUS.000 bushels corn. The Argentine visible supply Is follows: Wheat, 2,220,000 bushels versus 1. 850,000 bushels last year. Corn, 6.000,000 bushels versus 8.OO0.0OO bushels last year. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Portland Wheat. Bar. Flour. Oats. Hay FLOUR Family patents. $7.80 per bar rel; whole wheat. $0.20; graham, $6.00; bakers hard wheat. 17.25: bakers blue- stem patents, $6.75; valley bakers, $6.00; straights, $5. ,3. MiLLFEED Ilce f. o. b. mill: Mill run, $25 per ton; roiled barley, $344f 36; rolled oats. $36; scratch feed, $47 per ton. CORN Whole, $36; cracked, $39 per ton. HAT Buying nrice f. o. b. Portland Alfalfa, $15 per ton; cheat, $1212.30; oat and vetch. $135l 13.50; clover. $10; valley timothv, $15 15.50; eastern Oregon, timothy, $19420J Dairy and "Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 37 38c pound; prints, parchment wrapped, box lots, 43c cartons. 44c. Butterfat, buying prices: A grade, 37c; B grade, 85c, Portland de livery. EGGS Case count, 28cc; candled ranch. 314i 34c; selects. 35036c. CHEESE Tillamook triplets, price to jobbers, f. o. b. Tillamook, 24c; Young Americas. 25c pound. POULTRY Hens. 16'326c H.: springs, 26 U 29c; ducks, 222ec; geese, nominal; turkeys, nominal. PORK Fancy, 1515c per pound. VEAL Fancy, 15 i' 16c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Valencia oranges, Ji5.501T7.00 per box: lemons. $848.75: grapefruit. $5.50fc6 box; bananas, 89c pound; apples, fl.25v4 box; cantaloupes, 7&cg $2.50 cra.te; peaches. l)uctol.85 box; wa termelons, ltt&2c pound; plums. $1.25(9 1.75 box: pears. S2.7Sfu3.50 box: blackher ries, $1.25o 1.75 per crate: grapes, $2(g3 per crate; casabas. 8c per pound. POTATOES New, lH2c pound. Sweet Dotatucs. 10c pound. . ON'IOXS Walla Walla, $2.502.75 sack VEGETABLES Cabbage. 4r3c ID. lettuce, 75cfc$l per dozen; carrots, $2.50 per sack: garlic. 15f20c per pound; beets, $2.254i2. 50 per sack; preen peppers, lOffj) 11c pound; turnips, $2.50 per sack; toma toes. 90cfti$1.50 -per box; cucumbers, 75ci? $1 oer box: beans. 5 fa 8c rer pound; green corn. S5(Sp45c per dozen. Celery, 00c & $1.25 dozen. Eggplant, 1-Vto pound. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR (sack basis) Cane, granulated, 7.20c pound: beet. 7c pound. NUTS Walnuts, 2025c pound: Brazil nuts. 1820c; filberts, 15S'17c; almonds, 24ft 30e: peanuts. 8llc pound. RICE Blue Rose, 6c per pound; Japan stvle. fic tier Dound. BEANS Small white. 4.90c: pink. 8c lima. 7ic; red, 10c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk, in drums, J4 36Wc per pound. SALT Granulated, barrel, 3.2urai.ua half ground, ton 50s, $17.25; lOOs, $16.25 lumn rock. S26.50. HONEY Comb, new crop, $8 per case. DRIED FRUITS Dates, $4.23 per DOX figs, $3.255.25 per box; prunes. 7 4 12i per pound. Provinlons. . HAMS All sizes. 7S0c; skinned. 84 41c: picnic. 20i21c: cottage roll. 2oc. BACON Fancy. 47 4joc; cnoice, si 37c: standard. 25 ft 29c. LARD Pure, tierces- 16o pound; com nound. tierces. I2V2C. DRY SALT Back, Z2W2DC: plates, 10c Hides, Hops, Etc. TALLOW No. 1, 4c; No. I per pound. xTigti-Grade ORailway Bonds Firm to Strong; Money Market 1 Tends to Relax. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Trading on the stock exchange today retained snoet ef its recent Irregular ana protession&l aspects. Investment shares were fairly steady, but speculative issues aeain lacked support. Apart from the money market, tn wnicn perceptible relaxation was ooservea. en velopments affecting quoted values were unchanged. Sales amounted to 425,000 For the first time since the eariy cays of the month call loans en the exchange pened and renewed into the comln t 5 Ifa per cent. in the opening market funds were available at 5 per cent. Bank acceptances also eased and commercial paper was in better request. Dealings in foreign exchange were per functory and again influenced by London where German- interests were reported al heavy purchasers of American bills. Bel gian, French and Dutch rates movea ia- vorably to this market. More oerman gold for account of reparations was re ceived and deposited to the credit of Great Britain and Belgium. High-grade railway bonds were firm to strong, but convertibles eased on a lighter Inquiry. Domestic industrials were not ma terially affected by the heavy tone 01 related stocks. Liberty bonds reacted on another sharp decline in the 3&s, but most foreign 'war flotations were inclined to harden. Total sales, par value, $8,lio,00O. Selling continued to' center around equipment, steel, motor and shipping shares at gross recessions of one to three points. Specialties 01 the food, to bacco, leather and paper varieties fell back to the same degree and a few mis- cellaneous issues sustained greater losses. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbeck as Cooke com pany, Portland.; sales. iign. low. 100 .- . . 100 . . 1 Swift & Co . 86 Tenn C & C 7 t ! Texas Oil .... 6.200 34 33 83 V, Texas Pac KiM 24 23 23' Tex P C &. O.. 4.0OO 17V4 17 1 Tob Prod 2. IOO 5TH 55 H Tr Cont Oil... 6,000 6 614 6 Union Oil Del. 2,000 17 hi 16 ' 16, Union Pae ... 2.200 120 y, 119 US' United Alloy 23 United Drug.. 9O0 56 55 54 4 Utd Fd Prod.. 400 164 16 16 United Fruit.. 1.000 102 101 101 Utd Rda N J 7 Utd Rtl Stores 15.10O 50 47 48 U S Ind Al... 8. 4O0 46 . 46'4 46 U S Rub.:.... 12.800 48 45 4S do 1st pfd.. 900 86 8U 85 U S Smelting. -. 28 U S Steel 1.600 74 73 73 do pfd 4O0 110 109 109 L'tah Cop 400 43 44 44 ; Va Chem 24 do pfd Van Steel .... 200 27 27 27 Vlvandou 6 Wabash 100 7 do A pfd... 1O0 21 21 20 do B pfd- 15 Wells Fargo 56 West Pac 400 21 21 21 do pfd (MJ 60 GO 58 West Union... 0 81 61 81 Westh A B 85 We.-th E & M. 15,800 41 39 3 West Md , White Motors. IOO 32 Wfllys-Ovld . 6 do pfd ..... ..... 29 Wilson Pack ..... 33 Wis Cen 25 Woolworth 109 Worth Pump.. 200 35 85 35 W Ik. L E 8 HOGS ARE QUARTER LOtR;SFisfpH 111 con- ability, at of the XXtTRTII DECLIXE IX PRICES AT. YARDS rX WEEK. BONDS. TJ 8 2s res; 100 IN T C deb 6s. do coupon ..100 N" P 4s U S 4s reg 104 X P 8s do coupon ..'104 Pac T T 5s.. Pan 8s reg... 75 Pa Con 4s.. do coupon . ..7fi S P cv 5s..... AT&T cv 6s. 100 ISO Ry 5s Atch gen 4s 77 U P 4s D & R G cob 4s 63 U S Steel &s . . P2 76 56 85 88 91 84 81 94 Bid. Liberty Bond Quotations. Range of Iloerty bond quotations fur- 23 cents a pound, pound; calf. per CASCARA BARK Five delivered Portland. HOPS 1920 crop, 15ig20c contracts, 30W31C per pound. HIDES Fresh cured, 4c per pound; llih'12c per nound: kip. 6c per pound. WOOL New clip. 12?2ic per pound. MOHAIR New clip, 16o per pound, de livered Portland. CHAIN BAGS Nine cents at country points. Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw, In barrels, $1.02; 5-gallon cans, $l.s. Boiled, in barrels, I $1.94; 5-gaflon cans, TURPENTINE in drums, c; o-gauon cans, $1 07. WHITE LEAD 100-pound Kegs, iac per pound. COAL OIL Tank wagons ana iron oar- rels. 17c; cases. 806537c. GASOLINE Tarik wagons and iron bar rels, 2tic; cases, 88 c. TRADE EXPANDING IN SOME LINES Larger Sales Are Reported and at Higher . Prices. NEW YORK, Au. 19. Bradstreefs to morrow will say: The moderate gain noted last week tn wholesale and jobbing trade in wearing apparel lines for fall has been fully sus tained and there seemed to 'be a further accentuation of the optimistic feeling. In some lines, notably silk good), shoes, canned goods, raw wool and iron and steel, the movement has progressed beyond the point of mere feeling and has found ex pression in larger sales at higher prices, notable in this respect being pig iron and scrap material and canned and dried footle. In no ease has the expansion assumed big proportiona and there is no evidence of any reduction in the caution with which purchases are being made. In fact, the phrase "immediate needs" Ls more fre quently met with than any other words descriptive of the volume of buying. How ever, the advance of the season, the rather better tone of crop advices, the fear or the absolute knowledge of email . stocks held' in distributors' hands and the loosen ing up of credit consequent upon the less tense condition of the money market' all make for a rather more confident tone in purchasing. Weekly bank clearings were $3.S09. 903,000. Adams Exp....' Agr Chem . . . do ptd Ajax Rubber.. Alaska Gold . . Alaska Juneau Allied Chem.. Allis-CluU . ... do P,''l . ... Am Beet Sug. Ana Bcsch . . Am Can Co. . . Am Car & F.. do pfd Am Cot Oil... Am Drug Syn. Am Hide & L. do Pfd ..... Am ice ...... Am Inti Corp. Am Linseed . . do pfd ..... Am Loco ..... do ptd Am Saf Razor Am Shin & C. Am Smelter .. do ptd ..... Am Snuff .... Am Steel Fdy Am Sugar .... do pld ..... Am Sumatra.. Am T & T. .. . Am Tob do B Am Wool . . .. Am W P pfd.. Anaconda A sad Oil Atchison ..... do pld ..... Atl Coast Line Atl U Ac W I.. Bald Loco . .'i do pld Balto & Ohio. do pfd Beth Steel 8s. do B B R T Butte C & Z.. Butte & Sup.. Caddo Oil Cal Packing. .. Cal Pet do pfd Can Pac Cen Leather. . Cerro de P. . .. Chand Motor.. Chi & N W... Chi Gt West. . do pfd ..... Chill Cop Chino ........ C M St P do pfd ..... Coco Cola ... C &. O Colo F & I Colo Southern. Colo 1: & K.. Col Graph ... Con Gas ..... Con Cigars . .. do pfd ..... Contl Can . . .. Contl Candy.. Corn Prod ... do pfd Cosden Oil .... C R 1 &. P.... do A pfd... do B pfd... Crucible do pfd ..... Cuba Cane . .. do pfd Cub Am Sug.. Del & Hudson. Dome Mines.. D & R G do pfd Endi Johnson. Erie do 1st pfd . .. do 2d pfd . .. Fam Players.. Fed M & Sm.. do pfd Fisk Tire Gaston Wms.. Gen Cigars -. Gen Elec .... Gen Motors . . do Os Gen Asphalt.. Goodrich Goodyear .... Granby ...... Gt Nor Ore. . . do pfd Greene Can .. tiulf S Steel. .. Hask Barker.. Houston Oil. . Hup Motor . .. Ill Central ... Inspiration .. Int Agr Corp. 20O 1.100 IOO 2uO 20 88 80 73 25 122 700 i.Voo 700 600 1.700 ' "lOO 3.0OO 300 3O0 l.lOO "i,'506 800 2.2IK) 100 .S.4O0 ' IOO 400 400 300 " 5,400 81,400 "2,900 200 48 29 20 45 84 6 34 20 35 30 7i 24 120 7 28 18 40 83 84 23 03. 44 105 119 '68 '84 "si" 21 74 3S 51 2,400 43 23 02 "43 105 118 tir" '34 "i4 19 71 37 $1 48 Friday 1:19 2 3 3 3 Year ago IOO .. 1 2 6 Season to date. 4222 57 320 90 187 Year ago 19.19 17 117 76 172 Tacoma - 1 Thursday 4.1 . . 2 1 3 Year ago '12 .. 2 Season to date. 111A 3I lr.T 15 62 Yenrago 336 11 142 18 94 Seattle Thursday 20 . ; 4 1 B Year ago 2 2 3 8 trftuson to date. 648 13 352 27 1!45 ear ago irQ 36 53 1 298 DEMAND FOR WOOL LIGHTER 100 300 mo 300 Yoo 8,900 '4, Yoo 900 3l)0 700 200 800 1.400 1.20O 600 " 100 'i.'ebo " 6.800 3,4uO 100 'i.'soo "s.'&oo 6,500 400 100 100 IK0 600 200 3.200 4,100- 21,01 Hi 3O0 2,000 100 10O Yoo 200 100 10O 11 11 60 33 iii" 27 43 63 "l6 '26 40 32 64 3 60 32 iii 24 42 64 "i - "26" 39 32 53 3 33 33 6" 64 25" "23 82 31 76 76 54 "53 "s" "7 "i "i 68 68 13 13 19 19 '52 si' 112 10 31 74 "si" 8 111 8 43 81 73 "si"- 10 10 Ir.tr Callahan. 1,000 4 4 Int Harv 4,700 70 69 Int Mer Mar.. loo 9 9 do pld 500 41 40 Int Nickel 7,700 13 12 Int Paper ... 1.200 43 43 lnvin Oil . 3,800 8 8 Island Oil ... aOO 2 2 Jewel Tea ... 100 K C Southern. 1,200 26 23 do pfd 7oo 50 49 Kellv-Spgfld . 3,loo 38 8B Kennecott ... 3O0 18 18 Keystone Tire. 0o0 12 12 Lack Steel . .. 200 38 38 Lee Tire 500 25 24 Lehigh Val ... 1.100 61 6-1 1 1 BE BUTTER GRADUALLY ADVANCES Bayers Offered lP to 38 Cents for Extras. Egg Trade Slow. . The scarcity ofc top-grade cube butter is gradually putting the market higher. Up to 8S cents was offered for extras yester day. Prints are beginning to move better as consumers return from the summer re sorts. Ekks were In good supply and the de mand was slow. Prices were unchanged. Poultry Is coming in better and this wnakened the market. Light hens sold at lOtfrlS cents and heavy hens at 2326 cents. Light-weight springs were wanted. Prices Are Maintained in Huston Market Goods Outlook Enrouraging. BOSTON. Aug. 19. The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: The demand for wool has been leas pro nounced during the past week, but there is still a healthy volume of business be ing done and prices are readily maintained on the basis of last week's quotations. The outlook in the goods market is encouraging. Slight improvement Ls noted in the for eign markets with prices somewhat higher on the beet types of the finer wools In Australia English topmakers have ad vanced quotations slightly in sympathy. v Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Aug. 19. Turpentine firm, 55 c; sales, 69 barrels; receipts, 505 bar rel; shipments, 401 barrels. Stock, 10.009 barrels. Rosin, firm. Sales none. Receipts. 108S caska; shipments, S55 casks: stock, 75.440 casks. Quote, a, u, E. $3.7 : r , $3.7.fu. 3.S5: G, $:l.S."i 8.U5; H. $3.90fi4; jt $4; K. $4.03; M, $4.15; N, $4.25; WG, $3; WW, $5.00. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Evaporated ap ples, nominal; prunes, firm; peaches steady. Lorillard Lowe Theaters L & N Mex Pet Miami Mid States Oil Midv eteel M K & T ; do pfd Mont Power .. Mont Ward... Mo Pac do pld ..... M & St L Nat Biscuit . . Nat Enamel.. Nat Lead .... Nev Con ..... New Haven .. Nor & West. . Nor Pac Nov Sco Steei N Y Air Brk.. N X Central.. Okla Prod ref. Ont Sliver ... Ont & West. . Otis Steel Pac Dev Pac G & E. .. Pac Oil pan Am Pet.. do B Penna ' Peo Gas Pere Marq ... Phila Co . Pure Oil Pierce Arrow. Pierce Oil . . . Pitts & W Va. Pr Steel Car.. Pullman Ray Con ..... Kt-adtng ..... Remington . .. Keplo Steel . . . Rep I i O do pfd ..... Rep Motors ... Rvl Dutch Oil. Ry Steei Spg.. Saxon Motors. Soars Roebuck Shattuck Ariz Shell T 4 T. ., Sinclair Stand Oil Cal. SIoss Bhef ... So Paa So Ry do pfd St L & S F. .. Strom Carb. .. C!,.ll., 1.500 IOO 28.700 1,000 1.100 11 '94" "ii" 23 800 , 1,700 200 " "eno soo 200 1,200 e.Yofl 100 100 1.900 100 206 30 100 loo 1.9O0 3,200 1.2O0 3,400 700 200 100 2.000- 2,100 200 " 'ioo 5.2IMI 300 2.900 200 200 400 '200 4.8.(0 . 400 19 38 IO 18 '76 23 50 71 18 9 35 41 86 38 19 25" 13 6 11 9i "io 23 19 37 39 71 9 16 75 28 60 70 18 U 33 40 35 37 55 19 Bid 41 30 60 20 85 SO 27 29 24 121 108 16 4 lo 47 63 28 18 40 M 102 4 6 84 69 99 22 02 -i 89 Vi 43 105 119 117 68 21 34 97 84 80 - 2I Si UH 48 10 4 11 60 32 1 1 113 24 25 42 -V. 64 7 16 9 21 25 39 32 53 22 35 63 3-6 85 67 38 65 IOO 24 31 75 64 63 18 8 19 13 101 16 1 ' 58 13 19 13 62 5 20 9 1 64 111 n 01 80 J 1 IS 2- 74 20 ii 1 67 44 10 83 30 6-i 69 !' 40 1 42 8- 10 v 25 49 87 18 12 3 51 144 - 11 108 111? 20 10 28 3 40 16 18 11 110 . 39 71 8 05 75 5 23 49 70 i 1 8 18 9 9 84 35 41 35 87 nlshed by the Vverbeck & Cooke company of Portland: . Closing High. Low. Bid. Lroerty s 88.00 SS.2S 8S40 Liberty 1st 4s 87.78 Liberty 2d 4s 8T.4 Liberty 1st 4s 87.S 87.86 87.83 Liberty 2d 4s 87.78 87. tW 87.66 Liberty 3d 4s 92.0O i1.0O 91.92 Liberty 4th 4 S.S.IK) 87.92 87.90 Victory 4s 0S.76 88.68 88.72 Victory 3s 98.74 98.72 98.72 Alloues 17 North Butte ... 8 Ariz Com 7 Old Dom 21 Calu A Ariz... 43 Quincy 83 Calu & Hecla..224 Oceola 22 Centennial .... 7 Superior 2 Cop Range ... SO Sup & Boston.. 1 East Butte ... T shannon ....... 80 Franklin 1 Utah Con 3 isle Royalle .. IS Winona ....... 60 Lake Copper... 2 Wolverine ..... 10 Mohawk 46 Valley Lambs Firm and Market It? Higher; " Cattle Continue Slow and Unchanged. The hog market had another decline of a quarter yesterday. The top price on prime lights Is now $11.25, or a full dollar under the quotation prevailing at the open ing of the weetc Sheep and laffnbe continued -steady to firm and the best valley lambs were ad vanced 23 cents to $6.75. A large part of the days sheep arrivals oame on contract. . Catitie were in light supply and the market was steady and unchanged. Receipts were 26 cattle, 1, calf, 58 hogs and 1231 sheep. The day's ealee were as follows: Wgt. Price. Wgt. Price. 2 steers. 1 steer. . 1 steer. . ? steers. 1 cow. . 3 cows. 1 cow. . 1 cow. . 3 cows. 1 cow . . 7 calves 18 hogs. . 1 hog. . . 41 hogs. . 1 hog. . . flO hogs . . 118 Iambi 34 lambs. 23 lambs. 44 lambs. 1173 $ 4.302M lambs.,. 920 9iK IOOO lO'.H) 1040 740 1090 680 7:lO 210 235 2U 193 380 195 ' 76 . 74 SO 70 S.0O -2O lambs. 4.04,13 lambs.. 4.75(20 lambs.. 5.0O 5 ewes. . 4.0O 2e'., 4.00 9yrlgs.. 3 0l 4Bteers. 4.Ml 6 steers. . 4 (H) 2 steers. . 5.00 1 steer. . 10.25 2 steers.. 9.25 lcow... 11.25 4 cows. . 8.25 1 bull. . . 11.25 1 hog... 6.7--. 1 hog. . . 6.0O 10 hogs.. 6.50 16 hogs. . 6.75 80 $ 8 1114 82 104 170 105 fw7 1)76 103 1280 10O3 800 717 lor.O 1 60 1W) 112 90 6.75 6.75 6.00 6. 50 l.OO 2.00 4.50 4. (Ml 4.00 4.00 4(H) 4.00 4.00 4.O0 3.00 5. (HI 4.00 11.23 11.23 Corn Liquidation in the September de livery was the outstanding feature and that month sold at a discount of 1 cent per bushel under December. It is most unusual at this time of the year, with crop conditions so perfect, that the new crop month should sell at a premium over the nearby and in our opinion it very clearly demonstrates a weak waderiying position. Receipts are steadily increasing while there seems- to be more doubt as to the permanency of the export demand. Oets Pressure was less in evidence this morning .and as a result this market showed a firmer tone. Cash prices were about cent higher and the spot basis was firmer. Shipping sales showed some improvement, totaling 345, 00O bushels, part to exporters. We believe It will be ad visable to await concrete' Indications of a better cash demand before taking a posi tion on the long side, based on prospective conditions. 1 Rye Trade was comparatively small with seaboard interests again on the buy ing side, while the selling came from the northwest. Cash rye was unchanged at 1 cents under September for No. 2 on track. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Ones. Hirh. Low. Close. $1.16 $1.18 $1.18 $1.17 1.17 1.19 1.16 1.17 CORN. .52 .52 .51 .52 .S3 .53 -32 .53 COAST ROAD WORK BEGUN TOt,EDO-CIIITW4XD PART OF HIGHWAY CErXG CLEARED. bonds for the establishment or pur , chase of a municipal lishtingr rm, S the issuance of $15,000 in bones to j refund a like amount of 1901 water bonds and an amendment to the city charter ralsinr the minimum fia for liquor violations to $250 will come np at a special election which has been set by the city council for Septem ber 6. Sept. ... Dec Sept. Dec. Brining- Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Aug. 18. Closing quotations: Money, sniver. Etc NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Prime mercantile paper, 66 per cent. Time loans, steady; 60 days. 90 days, six months. 55 per cent. Call money, steady; high, low. ruling rate, offered at and last loan 6 per cent; closing bid, 5 per cent. Bar silver Domestic. 89c: foreign. 02.c. Mexican dollars, 47c LONDON, Aug. 19. Bar silver, 38 d per ounce. Money. 4 per cent. Discount rates, short bills, 44 per cent. New York Bonds. New York bond quotations furnished bv Herrm &. Rhodes. Inc., of Portland Maturity. in:; The official auota-tinns Union stockyards) were a (jatue Choice steers .....I Medium to choice steers..... Fair to medium steers Common to fair steers Fair to good feeders.. Choice feeders Choice cows and heifere Mexlium to good cows, heifers Fair to medium, cows, heifers Common cows ............... Cannere ..................... Bulb Choice dairy calves.......... Prime light catvee Medium lig-ht calves.......... Heavy calves ................ Hogs Prime light Smooth heavy, 250 -to 300 lbe. Smooth heavy, 30O lbs. up.... Rough heavy ................ Fat pigs Stags ......... Sheep East of mountain lambs...... Prime valley lambs. ....... ,. Fnir to good................. Cull lambs Feeder lamhs Light yearlings ............. Heavy yee.rlings ............. Light wethers Heavy wethers Ees at the Portland follows: : 6.00 6.50 5.50 O.00 S.OOiij 5.50 4.00(1!! 5.O0 4.25 e 4.75 4.7.1 t 6.00"i 4.25 ae 3.25 r 2.50'3 1.7! 5 00 a? lOfVOWH.OO 7.0rl0.00 T.OOtolO.OO 6.50 0 7.00 5.'-V 5.75 5.00 4 2-5 3.23 2.30 3.50 1.75S11 2 8.75 m 9 75 7.7T,3 R.75 6.0OH 8.00 11 Oofiill.25 4.00 9 7.00 8.5of 6.00- 5.00 rii l.SOi 1.5A4? .SOit 2.50' 2.50 rfr 2 .O0 W 1.00 7.25 6 75 BOO 3 00 S.OO 4.00 S.OO S.O0 2.50 3.00 Sept. Dec Sept. . . Sept. Oct. . .32 .35 OATS. . .82 .83 . -35 .36 MESS PORK. 17.00 LARD. 10.50 10.60 10.37 10.70 10.70 ' 10.2 SHORT RIBS. 8.90 8.92 8 87 6.90 8.90 8.87 .82 .36 10.60 10.70 Am Tel &. Tel 6s.. do 6s Am Tob 7s ...... do is Anaconda 7s B.... do 6s A Armour vc 7s .... do 4s Argentine GI fis .. Am Ag Chm 7s , Beth Steel 7s do 7s F . . do Kvi. 7s Belgium Ext 7s do 6s do 8s Bergen 8s, city of Berne 8s. city of. Brazil 8s Canadian Ss ..... do 5s Can Nat Eq 7s .. (J & N w 11 ..1924 . . 1922 ..1923 . .1929 ..1929 . .1930 ..1939 . .1945 . .1941 . .1922 ..1923 . .1935 ..1945 . . 1923 ..1940 ..1945 ..1945 ..1941 . .1926 . .1031 . . 10.33 . 19!0 C M St P gn and rt 4s A. .2014 Price. 98 98 10014 100 93 8S 98 81 20 -. 86 99 88 93 102 94 101 99 99 89 92 89 101 102 59 103 98 99 100 101 101 101 119 101 103 101 100 9.8 100 5 102 101 97 101 7 66 77 77 93 95 99 102 103 102 9 4 89 99 100 101 Ml 97 96 104 103 9 100 100 98 97 99 971 101 100i, 82 100 IOI 100 Foreign Bonds. Foreign toond quotations furnished by the uveroecK & tooice company of Portland Can, Nor 7s unite s Christiana 8s. city of Copper Exp 8s do bs do 8s do 8s Cuban Amer Sugar 8s. . . . Con Gas cv 7s ........... Dla Match 7s Denmark 8a ............. Danish Mun 6s .......... Dupont 7s ............. French ext s do 7s Grand Trunk 7s .S Goodrich 8s Gulf Oil 7s Great Northern 7s ....... Hershey 7s Humble Oil "s Int Rap Tr ref s Int Mar CT 6s do 7s Kennecott 7s Libby, McNeil & Libby 7s Morris at Co 7s- Mexican Pet Rs NYC call 7s Norway 8s Northwest Tel 7s Ohio C O 7s Pan Amer is ............ Penna 6s N P & G N (Jnt) 6s ... N P s San Paulo 8s Southwt Tel 7s , Stsndard Oil. N Y 7s Stand Oil of Val 7s , Steel & Tube 7s Swiss 8s Sears Roe 7s. ... w ...... . do 7s .................. do 7s Solvya 8s ......'.. Swift & Co 7s Un Tank 7s U S Rubber 7s Wilson first 6s West Elee 7s . . . Westinghouse 7s Zurich Ss ...... . .1940 . . . 194 1 ...1945 . . . 1922 ...1923 ...1924 ...1025 . . .1931 . . . 1925 . . .1935 . . .3943 . . ,1943 .. . 1931 . . .1943 ...J941 . . .1940 .. .1941 . . .1933 ...1936 . ..1930 . . .1023 . . . 1906 .. . 1941 . . .1921 ...11)30 . . .1031 . . . 1930 ....1938 . . .1980 . . .1940 .. . 194 1 . . . 1923 . . .1930 . . .19.16 . . .1936 . . .2047 . . . 1938 . . ..1925 .. . 1031 . . ..1931 . . .1951 ...1940 ... 11121 . . .1922 .. .1923 ....1927 1923 .. .1930 , . . 1930 1928 . . .1925 1931 . . .1943 Russian 5 Mm. 1921. Russian 5s, 1926 Russian 6s. 1919 French 5s. 1931 . . . Fr. nch 4s, 1917 .. Italian 5s. 191R ... British 5, 1922 British 5s. 1927 British 5. 1929 .. British vky 4s .... British ref 4s Belgium rest 5e Belgium prem. 5s. . German W. L. 5s . Berlin 4e Hamourg 4s ' , Hamburg 4s ... Leipsig 4s I.elpsig 5s Munich 4s Munich 5s Frankfort 4s Jap 4s Jap 1st 4s Jap 2d 4s Paris 0 U K .-. 1921 ... V K 5V.s. 1fr2 ... U K 5'As. 1929 .. . U K 5s. Jl37 . . . Bid. . . 15 .. S .. 16 . . 59 . . 4 -7 ,.31 , .307 . .360 . .350 . .274 . .2 ". 5 . . 68 . . 70 .. ' . . 9 .. 50 .. 11 .. 10 .. 11 .. 11 .. 11 .. 11 '. '. 86 . . 8K .: 99 . . 99 .. 98 . . 88 ..87 . Ask. 19 8 2o ( 4 2 .5 1 I 870 :ii 2S1 2R." 71 74 I04 10 1 1 12 1 z 13 1314 13 13 S 80 100 10O 99 89 87 Kansas. City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. 10. (United Staates Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Re ceipts, 1700; quality common, few loads native steers and sales of other classes around steady with yesterday's low time: best steers here. $8.50: bidding unevenly lower on al-l grades but Texas steers: early sales Texas steers In quarantine. $2.754.2fi; few on native side, $0.25; others priced at $5i6..15; medium to fairly good cows, $4.73; choice, $3.50; common heifers e-round $4; common canners. $1.50; beet vealers. $7.50.- H-ags Receipts, 1700; open slow, tater mles barely active; better era dee mostlv 1525c higher: others generally steady to 10c higher; few closing sales on mixed and heavies steady to lower; bulk of sales. sa.40wu.00: stock pigs steady; few at $9.40. neep tieceipts. lxoo: early sales prime classes, steady to strong; light ewee, $4.75; native lambs, $10.10. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Aug. 19. (United States Bu reau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 2000; slow, generally steady; bulls weak to 25c loweri top heavy steers, $10.35; bulk beef steers, $6.75&9.50; bulk fat she-stock, $4 (fi 6; carfners and cutters, $2.25&3.25: bulk bolognas, $4.254.50; butcher grades, largely $56.50; bulls, stockers and feed ers, $37; domestic strong weight feed ers. $8. . Hogs Receipts, 15,000 : 25c to 50c higher; better gnades practically all sold; others slow; top, $10.33; bulk light and light butchers. $lolO.:t0: bulk packing sows, $8.2o8.75: pigs. 2.?DoOc higher. Sheep Receipts, 8OO0; all classes about steady; native lambs, top to city "butchers, $10.50; bulk to packers. $10; one load, $10.25; seven cars Idaho lambs, $10.15; tPM) feeders out at $9.00; good Idaho and fed western ewes, $4.0004.70; best light fat natives, $3- ' Omaha Livestock. Market. OMAHA, Aug. 19. (United States Bu reau of Markets.) Hogs Kecelpts, 4.oo: market very uneven; some early Business on heavy butcher hogs, 2iiiy 50c higher; general market lic to 25c higher; bulk better grades, f s.7ftrl.o; top. $9.73; bulk packing graaes, x . r. n is.ou. Cattle Keceipts, loww; generally ateaay on all classes; best steers included at $9.18); bulk fed steers. $8.509.75; bulk cows and heifers, $4taj.2o. Sheep Receipts. 5000; all classes steady; bulk western lambs, $9.251i-0.75; top. $1O.50; best native Iambi, $9; no choice ewes here; top light feeding lambs late Thursday, $8. Seattle Livestock Market, SEATTLE, Aug. 19. flogs Weaker; no receipts; prime. , $10.50 11 ; smooth heav ies. $7-&S.i0; rough heavies, $3 fro; pigs. Cattle Receipts, 55; steady; unchanged. $9.50 & 11. Swift A Co. Stocks. Closing prices for Swift Ac Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co Uo Libby. McNeill & Libby 8 National Leather 7 Swift International 2.2 WHEAT AVERAGES HIGHER BROADER TRADINTG ENCOUR AGES HOLDER S AT CHICAGO Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at close of busi ness yesterday, furnished by Northwestern National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent of the foreign unit in United tSates funds: Country Foreign unit. Rate Austria, kronen $ .imuS Belgium, francs .076.", Itu'iif'iria. leva !(M)!H Ozecho-Slovakia. kronen ........... .012s Denmark, kroner .1050 England, pnund-eterling 3!fl700 Finland, flnmark .0165 400 3,300 15,000 2.4O0 "i.OOO 3O0 33,900 92 Vi 12 ' 68 48 .'48 74 " 68 5 1( 78 20 '23 27 6S 13 6 90 12 67 46 73 2 84 17 lit '28 27 67 France, franca Germany, marks ....... Greece, drachmas Mnlland. srullders . . 19M 1 Hungary, kronen ....... 29 I Italy, lire 2 . -j, j .Tniro-Slavia, kronen .... 13 (Norway, kroner r, ! Portugal, esrudos ....... 25 ; Roumania, lei 55 1 Serbia, dlnara Ul Spain, pesetas i- : ween. Kroner 67 i Swltzerlnnd. francs .... , - V. 1 . II ... 1 1 I Shanghai, tae! ....... Japan, yen 1K 4(1 83 8 40 73 3 62 34 17 70 S2- 197 44 22 .07 .0123 .O.-.70 .3115 .Oo:t3 .0437 .0064 .1.112 .loiin , .0128 .0241 .1305 .2150 .1700 .51 0t . 701)0 .4900 Sept. ...... 8.90 8.92 8 87 8.82 Oct. 6.90 8.90 8.87 8.87 Cash prices were: Wheat No. 2 red, $1.19 01-20; No. 2 hard. $1.20(011.20. Corn No. 2 mixed, 53 33 c ; No. 2 yellow. 63p54c. Oats No. 2 white, 82 33c; No. white 30?31c. Rye No. 2, $1.02 L04. Barley 57 67c. Timothy seed $493. Clover seed $13 19. ' Pork Nominal. Lard $10.55. Ribs $S 10.50. Primary Receipts CHICAGO, Aug. 191 Primary Receipts wteat, 2.194.00O bushels against 1.388. 0OO bushels. Corn, 1,008,000 bushels against 278,000 bushels. Oats, 1,227,000 againnt l.oou.ooo bushels. Shipments Wheat. 2.827.000 bushels against 860,000 bushels. Corn, 1,259,000 bushels against 147.000 bushels. Oats, wu.ww ousneis against 441. 000 bushels. Minneapolis Grain Market MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 19. Barley 40 59c. Flax. No. 1. $2.02 2.04, Wheat, Dept. fi.zi; Dec si.rs. Wlhnipeg Grain Market WINNIPEG, Aug. 19. Cash wheat. No. 1 northern, $1.61; No. 2. $1.77; No. 3 !. ; No. 4. $1.46. Futures, wheat. ucu i.i; f.ov. l 39; Dec. 1.33 Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 19. Grain Wheat, milling, $1.901.97; feed. $1.73 raa. Barley, reed, $1.2001.30; shipping, $1.30 1.45. Oats, red feed, $1.2O1.30. Corn, white Egyptian, $2.202.80; Red Mllo, $1.90 2.05. Hay Tame oat $1015: wild oat. $10 12: barley, $1012; alfalfa, $14; stock 40 (a- j.u. ' I Seattle Grain Market. I SEATTLE. Aug. 19. Wheat, hard white. $1.11; soft white, white club, $U0; hard red winter, northern spring, $1.09; soft red winter, $1.07: eastern red Walla, $1.08: Dig Dene. DLuestem. s-1.16. City delivery: Feed. corn, whole yellow. $39; cracked corn. $41; corn feed meal $41. Barley, whole feed, $34; rolled barley, $36; ground barley, J3; clipped barley, $41. Oats, whole feed. $40; rolled oats, $42; ground oats, $42; sprouting oats, $45. Wheat, recleaned feed, $48. All grain chops, $38. Chick feed, $38. Chick mash. $57. Egg mash, $48. Scratch feed. $38. Wheat mixed feed, $20. Cocoanut meal. $27. Cottonseed meal, $42. Linseed oil meal. $46. Soya bean meal. $56. Hay Alfalfa. No. 1, $2(; mixed hay. No. 1, $22. Timothy No. 1. $27. Straw, $19. 1 -SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc.. at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 19. Vegetables Squash. 25ti50c 40-pound lug, potatoes. white fancy. $2$f2.50; onions, new crop, yellow, $2 1? 2.35; red. $1.50 6 2; green. $1.50 (ft 2: tomatoes. 73c fti) 11.75 lug; bell peppers, 6c; beans, 2&6c; Italian, 6Rc; lima. 8-; carrots, $1 sack; eggplant, 3(u-6c: corn. $2(fr3; sweet potatoes. 4?5c; lettuce $1.25 crate: celery. $4.506. Pouitry Young chickens. 31f34c; stag- gy roosters, 2025c; old. 15(18c; hens. oeiasc: ducks. 18c; geese, 2;c; turkeys, live, 83c; dressed, 4jc; Belgian hares, live. 15c; dressed, 18g)20c; squabs, fancy, 8c; common, 12.00 dozen. Fruit Oranges. tfSS.SO; lemons. S3.ft0 6.50; lemonettes. $2.5094: grapefruit. $3.50 4; apples, xi.25o-'2.i.t; strawoerries, 1.20 crate, drawer 5053e; blackberries. 25 35c drawer; raspberries. OOdiSuc draw er: Deaches. 75c5w$1.50: cantaloupes, stand- ardu, 75c$1.25: ponies, 7590t:; sl-ats. 40 4i'6oc; figs, blacK, aouoie layer, 1.75; single. 75c$1.25; watermelons. 1 1 cents: grapes, seedless. 65c$1.25 crate: other varieties. $1.25rl.OO; seedless, lug. $i.732: pears. 7.o $2.7.i. Recelnta Flour. 4406 quarters. Barley. 8622 centals. Oats. 137 sacks. Beans. !M sacks. Potatoes, 4394 sacks. Onions. 104 sacks. Hay. 110 tons. Hides, 24. Live stock, 1027. Completion of Project to Open One of QuickC, and Best Routes to the Ocean. TOLEDO, Or, Au& IS. (SpeclaL A. Glebisch of Portland, who was the successful bidder anion? the 20 submitting- blda on the grracting: of the ten-mile section of road from Toledo o Chitwood. came in last week, and has opened up four camps and has a large number of men at work clea-ringr the. right of way. The section' of the road known as Pioneer mountain is to be worked first, and as this section will require heavy grading-, Mr. Gte- bisch expects to use a steam shovel. The work will be continued throuarh-j out the winter. The- contractor has advised local residents that he does not expect to close the road- to traffic at any time, even though there 1s a detour by way of the old Pioneer mountain road. With the exception of a half mile strip known as the Hayes creek see- on. all other portions of the New port-Co rvallis highway between New port and the- Benton county lino are under construction or the Kradins' completed and by the mlddJe of July. 1922, the tourist will be a-ble to leave Convalli3 and never go out of high gear on a continuous 20-foot roadbed to Newport, it is ifaid. The road will open one of the quickest and best routes to the coast. RAILROAD1 PERMIT GIVEN DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Licenses. FAIR COt? RT-HERZIG Charles J. Fair court. 36. 515 Chamber of Commerce build ing, and Mabel Maxine Herzig. 29, 560 Al berta street. COZKNS-LEWIS Thomas Grant Cosens, 66. 176 West Sixteentli street, and Ida May Lewis, 64. 176 West Sixteenth street. GEI.LER-GOTHELPH Isaac Geller. le gal, 373 First street, and Celia Gothelph. legal, son Water street. MOONEY-M ARSH ALL Russell M. Moo ney. 28. 1214 Madison street. Seattle. War.h.. and Ada li. Marshall, 26. 427 South Third street. CLEMENT-HAVET Ora E. Clement. 89. Roseburg. Or., and Alta Ilavey. 86, Port land. Or. BICKEL -SILVERSMITH C. Arthur Bickel. legal. Chkgo. III., and Rebecca B. Silversmith, legal, Portland, Or. MURPH Y-THATOHER John V. Mur phy, legal. 701 Washington street, and osephyne Thatcher, legal. 701 asulng- ton street. STEPHENS-JOHNSTONE Ralph L. tephens. 23. Multnomah hotel, and Ella ohnstone. 21, Multnomah hotel. LANK-OITKAl) 'Zebbie H Lane, lecal 893 Bowdoln street, and Alma L. Olstead. legal. 893 Bowdoin street. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. ILLK-WEHER Louis Illk. learal. of Portland, and Marie Weber, legal, of Port land. RIDER-LANSDONE Chester F. Rider. L of Portland, and Gladys L. Lanadone. 3, of Portland. BIRKLA VD - MOHLlxO edr O. Blrkland, 51, of Portland, and Mrs. Freda Mohllng. 89. of Portland. LOWE-OWENS Richard A. Lows. S4. of Cleveland. O., and Georgin.a B. Owens. of Kansas City. Mo. i rotc-ctoci iaVaho-Aevada. Xdne to Provide Outlet for Freight. BOISE, Idaho. Auk. 19. (Soecial.i TJie Idaho public utilities commission has received copies of the order of the interstate commerce commission granting to tlve Central Railroad company a certificate of public con venience and necessity to build a rail road from Rogerson In Twin Falls county, to Wells, Nerv., a distance of SO miles. It f estimated that the road Willi cost $3,500,000. The company is capitalized for $5,000,000. It has the backing and support of the citizens of Twin Falla who are raising a bonus to obtain construction of tsle railroad The interstate commerce commis sion grants the certificate for four reasons. The railroad would offer an additional outlet for freight. It would shorten by 300 miles the route from Idaho to San Francisco. It would make possible advantages for the feeding of 1,500,000 head of cattle and sheep in the Salmon country and would! give an outlet for ore taken from Idaho mines in the Nevada di trict. MINES EXPECT TO OPEN Coal Production 'Probably Will Be Started Soon in T-Vla&hingrton. SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 19. Re sumption of operations on & limited scale in commercial coal mines of the state, closed down since last March 15, through the refusal of union min ers to accept wacre cuts averacine between 23 and 24 per cent, was forecast for next week when it ne- came known here Thursday that op erators had sent panes of men to many of the Important mines to clear eangrways and prepare for the actua work of producing coal. Mines of the Fords Prairie Coa company, near Centralia, have re sumed operations on a co-operative basis, according to President Foron of that company. Virtually a f ul crew has been obtained, it was said Reopening: of other mines will b on an open-shop basis. operators 6aid. Union officials said there had been few defections from union rank in response to tne operators appea to ex-empioyes to return to work. NEW YORK. Aur. Itt. TCxchanr lrrpu lar; Htertinf? demand. $3.0oi ; cabies. S.r.i.Vi. I rTftncn. demand. mM?i, 7.73; Hel- pian francs, demand. 7. ."."':: caMfn .7 nullders. demand. :.!; cRlle, lire, demand, 4.:i4; cables. x 4.34 Marks, de mand, 1.11V; cable, l.ao. Greece, demand, ft. 88. Sweden, demand, lil.32. Norway, de mand. 13-0- Argentine, demand, 2!.S7. Brazilian, demand. 12.50. Montreal & 1516 per cent discount. 'ew York Sugar Market NEW YORK. Auk. U. Raw suirar un- : changed. Centrifugal 4.50c; refined quiet, I 6 6.13c. Purchases by Exporters on Larger Scale; Country Offerings Jjes& Than Expected. CHICAGO, Auk. lt. TVTieat traders showed leas disposition today to press the selling; aide, and the market developed j comparative strength. Prices closed firm I at the same as yesterday's finish to c hlirh.r u-lth Sr.tmh.r Si lh. tn 21 17 and December SI. 17 to 41. IS. Corn closed $c off to 4a up, and oats at c decline to c advance. In provisions, the outcome varied Irom 17c decline to a rUe of lt cents. Broadening of the volume of business did a good deal to help bullish sentiment regarding; wheat. Exporters were satd U be more keen to purchase, and the sea board estimated that sales to Europe to taied 1.2iH,(M)i buvhels. Meanwhile, Jthe country offerings remaining light, and with receipts from the spring crop in the north west falling to come forward with any thing like such a rush as has been pre dieted in some quarterH, the market, ex ceot during occasional brief Intervals, averaged a little higher throughout the day. Continued liquidation on the part of holders of corn carried all deliveries of ihat grain to the lowest prices this season. Oats also went to a new low level. Higher quotations on hogs, together with packers buying, tended to. steady pro visions. The Chicago market letter received yes terday by the Overbeck Sc Cooke company of Portland follows: Wheat liquidation was renewed Im mediately after the opening, but the mar ket showed more remittance to the selling and a sharp rally carried prices to a premium over last night's close. The local cash demand was fairly good and premium were slightly better for choice grade. Outside markets, however. showed less strength. fc.xporter took fair ly large quantities, but apparently have assumed a waiting attitude and are buy ing only on the breaks, realizing that there is plenty of wheat for sale and that they are not likely to encounter any difficulty In securing immediate requirements. The domestic milling demand has also been quite active, although flour sales for the past two days show some falling off. Prac tically all advices from the northwest are to the effect that the spring wheat farmer will be a prompt seller this year. We be QUOTATIONS ON DAIRY PRODUCE Market Prices Ruling; on Butter. Cheese and Kg km. SAN FRANCISCO, CaU, Aug. 19. But ter Kxtras, 47 Vic. Eggs Kresh extras. 43e; extra firsts, 41 Sc; firsts. 37c; extra pullets, 36 Vic; extra firat pullets, 36c; undersized, firsts, 27c. Cheese Pints, fancy, 204c; firsts 19Vc; Young America, fancy, 27c; firsts, nominal NEW YORK, Au;, 19. Butter Unset tred. Creamery higher than extras, 43 43 Vi c : creamery extras, 42 42 Va c; cream ery firsts, 37 6 41c. Hggs Firm. Kresh gathered extra firsts, 41 44c; fresh gathered firsts, 87 40c. Cheese Barely steady, unchanged. CHICAGO, Aug. is. Butter Higher. Creamery extra, 30c; standards. 37c. Kgg Unchanged. Receipts 6401 caaes. SKATTI-E, Aug. 19. Wholesale prices to dealers: Ekks Select local ranch, white shells. 41c; do, mixed colors, 37c; pullets, 3."o. Hutter City creamery cubes, 43c; bricks or prints, 44c; country creamery extras, cost to jobbers, In cubes, 42c. Coffee Consigned to Havre. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Reports reaching the coffee trade from London to the effect that the consignment of 1.000.000 bags of coffee to Havre by the Brazilian govern ment had been as good as arranged seemed rargeiy refponuiwie iui tut; hil-uu itrr iune ou. futures here today. After opening un changed to two points higher, the local market sold 7 to 8 points above last night's closing figures with December touching 7.11 or 14 points above yester day's low level, on a little trade buying and covering. The close was 3 to 5 points net higher. Sales were estimated at about 33.0OO baga September, .3c ; October, tt.78c; December, 7-ONc; January, 7.21c; Marrh, 7.47c; May, 7.07c; July, 7.87c. Spot coffee was reported in fair demand with prices steady on the basis of iVc to 7 U c for Rio 7s and 10 V c to 11c for Santos 4s. GRAVES' CANNERIES BUSY Slveridajl, Shcnrood and AVbodburn Plants Absorbing: Fruit Crop. SHERIDAN, Or.. Aug. 19. (Sp claL) Work In the plant owned by the Graves Canning company. Ino with headquarters here, began thl week after a two weeks' lull cause by the between season on fruit. Al three plants of the company, locate at Woodiburn, Sherwood and Sherida are now in o-peration. Tho Woodburn cannery be jra.n Mon day on eversreen and Himalay bla-ckberries and 30 tons of the fru are beinir received daily. The Sher wood and the local cannery started the run on evergreens yesterday. Pear canning- will be begun here tomorrow. Twt carloads of pears from Poll Hamsrreet. fruit grower at Prosser, Wash., were received at the local can nery Tuesday. A carload of this sea son's pack of cherries was shipped yesterda.y. DA1XT METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Auk. 19. Maximum tem perature 9 derrees; minimum. 68 dearrees. River reading. 8 A. M 5.8 f-rt: rhinea in last 24 hours. 01 foot rise. Total rainfall 5 P. M.. to'5'P. M . none: total rainfall since September 1. 1020. 46.24 Inches; nor mal rainfall since fcemember 1. 44. So inches; excess of rainfall since September 1020. 1 44 Inches. Sunrise. 5:15 A. M.: sunset. 7:14 P. M. Total sunshine Arntant 10. 11 hours 8 minutes: possible sunshine. IS hours 59 minutes. Moonrise. Saturday. 55 P. M. : moonset Saturday 7:24 A M Barometer (reduced to sea level at 5 P M.. 29 05 Inches. Relative humtdltv at 5 A. M. . Wi per cent; at noon, 59 per ment; at 5 P. M 46 per cent. THE WEATHER. .TATIONS. fc as Win Weather. Baker ... Botae .... Boston ... Caluarr .. Chicseo .. Denver . . . Des Moines Eureka .. Galveston Helena ... Juneaut K.ansas City 1,ob Anceles Marsh fie Id. . Medford ... Minneapolis -New 1 ork . . North Head. Phoenix . . . . Pocatello .. Portland ... Rosoburfr Sacra mento St. Louis Salt Lake... Sau TMpko . . S. Francisco Seattle Sitkat Spokane .... Tacoma . . . . Tatoosh lad Valdfit Walla Walla ashlnRton Winnjpf-g Yakima . . . 4 fA'6 .!.: . Tv Idea r 5'2: 84 o.ooi. . w iciear 64! 82 O.OtV . ,'N jflear 44' BS0.14-.. E iPt. cloudy 6i SU0.0B12 N" IKain e! 6 o oo' . . 'n w'oioudy 74!. . .10.00 12'N (Cloudy 44! 6S 0.00!..!NW'Cloudy so; 88 0.00! ..!SK K'lpar 4l! 7i! O.OOI.JK IClear 4S 54 0 .52' . . SB IRain 76! P4 0.00'14'S IClear !sst 82 0.00 10 SW IClear 521 OS'O.OO'lO'ITW'iClear 4S: n4 0.00i..'XW!t'lrar "8i l 0.00 12 N E (Cloudy 66 82 0.00 10 V IClear 52 5K O.OO 24'NW Clfar 7S OS 0.0O SB E ICloudy 32! 82 O.OOi. . NWK'lear 5S 7!'0.00. .lNW!Clear 52 8l! 0.001 . .INWIOlear 501 94 0.00'..!SK IClear 721 9l 0.00 16 SW IClear 62! 84 0.00 10 XW'Cloudy 64 74 0.00!. . w (Clear 56' Bso.oo'is w tpt. clondy 50! 72 0.00 12;KW!Clear . . .156 0.00' ..... I 54! SO O.OO'.. S'B IClear . . . I 72 O.OOi. . NT (Clear 52; 58 0. 001.. !W Clear 4- "62 0.01! . .1 Cloudy .16! SrtO.OO'.JW Clear 64' 84 0.00'. .IN Clear 52! 64 0.00'..!W Clear 52! 86 0.001. .IS Clear tA. M. day. today. P. M. report of preceding FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and warmer, northeasterly winds Oregon and Washington Fair and warmer: moderate northeasterly winds TRAVELERS' GTTDE. WEEK-END FAKES To SEASIDE $.59 Round Trip Coins; Friday. Return Moaday, FIVE TRIPS DAILT. Sheptird's Auto Bus Lines A. Jaloff, Blarr. X0-s Morrison Street. Marshall 43S1. COAL MINES UNDER LEASE $4 0,000 .Plant Will lie Built to Extract Chemicals. KELSO. Wash., Aug:. 19. (Special.) The Black Bear Coal company has been incorporated by Dr. A. E. Bell man, Dr. T. L. Perkins and F. E. Hotchkiss of Portland, and a 30-year year lease taken upon the Huntingdon coal mine, on;the Pacific highway two miles souLh of Castle Rock. The new company plant to operate the mine primarily to produce certain valuable chemicals which can be extracted from the coal, and a $40,000 extraction plant will be erected at once. Mr. Hotchkisis and a small crew of men are doins preliminary work at the mine. From 150 to 200 men will be employed when the chemical plant and mine arf in full operations, ac cording to the plans of the company. Bond li;opoals for Cottase Grove. COTTAGE GROVE. Or., Aujr. 19. (Special.) The Issuance oftSO.000 in Metal Market NEW YORK, Aus. li. Copper, dull. Electrolytic, spot and nearby, llitlZhic; later. 12i12Vc. . Tin, steady. Spot and nearby and fu tures 26c. Iron, steady; unehansed. Lead, steady. Spot 4.40c. t Zinc, dull. East St. Louis delivery, spot 4.20c. Antimony, spot 4.40c. Cotton Market NEW TORK, Aug. 19. Spot cotton quiet. Middling 13c. Iuluth Llnaeed Market DVLUTH. Aue. 19. Linseed on track, I2.0SV,; arrive. $2.o:iV4. California Hop Market SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 19. Contract prices to growers tor Oregon hops were quoted here today at from 31c to ii5o. . rhone j'our want ads to The Ore gonian, Main 7070, Automatic 660-95. ACHIEVEMENT Achievement Is, according to Web ster; "something accomplished by valor, boldness or praiseworthy exertion." The Panama Canal Warren ite-Kitul it hie pavement both are achievements. Each benefits the race. Each is the re s u 1 1 of. praiseworthy exertion. The manufacture of pavement of such durability nnd resiliency as Warrenite-Bitulithic is an achieve ment of a hierh order. Proof of this fact Is evidenced by the ex cellent condition of streets and hiphways that have for many years withstood severe tests under all conditions. SEASON ROUND TRIPS TO Seaside $7.50 Special Weest-Esri Ressi Trip Astoria, Seaside $6.50 Doaaesi feavfns; S A. M., 9 A. H 12 Noon. 3:30 P. M. Office and Waltlnir Room. Sew Houston Hotel. 72 North Sixth. Corner Everett. Broadway 2158 or Bdwy. 168. OHEUO MOTOR TRANSPORTA TION CO. M. P. PlhL II. M. PibL tatoria-Seaside-North Beach Str. Georgians K1 ltrsu to Astoria. Unity, Eacrpt Kriilay, S A. -M. -;HT SERVICE? Tally, except Saturdayr7 :30 P. M. Daily, except Sunday ... 9:30 V. M. F.VIIK TO ASTORIA, I.OO Direct connections made for Sea side and North Beach points. We make direct bus connections at Astoria both to and from Seaside for all boats. Take the comfort able, clean and pleasant way. Fare to Sennlde One Way. Round Trip S3.0O. Alder-St. Dock. ' Main 1 122-541 22. THE IIARKIXS TRANSPORTATION CO. KK3 Dt JANTJRQ MONTEVIDEO (VS LAMPORT fi'HOLT LINE. Rrf-alsr ssilinff of hirurioqs teftmrrn 17,000 ton H placement, especially designed for travel intbctrop.aT Crompafiy'w Omce, 42 Broadway, New York. Or any Steamship or Tourist Arm. at IXtrsey ii. H mitt.. ISO Bruadwaf. HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. Bstabllshed I80lt. BROKERS New York istorkw, KoikIh, rln. Cotton. I'rivttt Vire. Mpmbprn Cbtcaaro . Itonrd of Trad. 201-3 Railway Exchange Bldft. Telephone Main 2bS'2bi. SOUTH AMERICA AND I RUROPR Reimlitr Snlllnsr. TUB ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. THE PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Rainier H I d 20 Marlon St. diet. Id and Sd Ave..). Seattle. OR ANY STEAMSHIP TICKET AGENT. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND BOl'TH SEAS Vim Xtthitt asmI Karatona. Mjtt itud pn enter icrVK trotv ruci Fratut-uco tvrf 3t daya, CiNiO A. CO. Ok' N k ;l..i.Ni laid California tot., San r'rAviiciiea, ip land itturiNM a..ucic- i