THE 3IORXIXG OR12GONIAX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1921 WANTED .MISCELLANEOUS, WE HAT HIGHEST PRICES IN CITY FOR GENTS CLOTHI.vfl. We also buy. sell and exchange cloth rng; highest prices paid. Ladies' clean ing, pressing a specially. Call and de liver any part of city. Phone caila an swered promptly and confidentially. For quick service call us and watch results. ADLER, THE TAILOR, Mala 8207. Or call 201 3d St. $12.50 UP TO $25. FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. OVER COATS. MACKINAW'S. SHOES. CALL. MEYER THE TAILOR. HE PAYS MORE T HAN ANYONE IN THE CITY. CALL DAY OR EVE NING. CALL MARSHALL 1220 OR 253 MADISON. NEAR THIRD ST. t $8 50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3932 245 BUKXSIUE, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. UP TO $35. OR MEN'3 SUTTS AND OVERCOATS Ve pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344 FURS. FURS. FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling n ii u repairing, iuro viucu u I nr n Kiir ifi- Cn 1 63 W. Park St. Phone Main 6529. LOOK HERE LOOK. We just opened a general second-hand store: we pay h.ghet prices; household Roods, tools, ladies' and men's clothing. -;t c. M a in 4058. ONE DOLLAR allowed for your old tire in trade. Phone Bdwy. 5711. Perfection Tire Co.. 00 liroadway. , . WANTED Shelving rad counters, suit ab'.e for grocery stor;. Phor.e Broadway 3258. 0O3 Title & Trust bids. . Furniture Waniea. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc, to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than any other local dealers. Call us up for one article or a house full, and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Main 7714. Rosenberg a Furniture Exchange. OREGON FURNITURE EXCHANGE. Is In the market tor used furniture. rugs, household goods and understands the value and we mean by this that we are paying you all it is worth. If you have one article or a house full call Main 5433 CALL MAIN 738 " when you want to sell your furniture or household goods. One piece or a whole bouse full. We are there with the cash. We can use moat anything that you don't want. CALL MAIN 738. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, Main 8878. . WE WILL buy your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker A Co.. auctioneers. Main 3332. IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sell your furniture to us. Call Mar shall 2003. Crown Furniture Co. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash Phone today. Main 4627 or 160 1st sc. WE ARE in need of your furniture. It you are ready to sell, call Bdwy 3695 EDUCATIONAL. MEN WANTED In all branches of automobile business. UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES, for the trained man; get into one of the biggest and best paying lines of the present day; an early fall enrollment will place you In a good position in the early spring; best instructors; practical shop experience; results guaranteed.; life membership and ' free transfer to any HEMPHILL school in the U. S. and Canada. Day and evening classes. Infor matton upon request. HEMPHILL'S AU ToMO BILE and TRACTOR SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorne Ave.. Portland. Operat ing the largest chain of practical Motor Schools in the world. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here it is. Standardized with schools la 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best shop equipment and instructions. Actual shop practice given on real repair jobs. Results absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school is while busi ness ia quiet. Prepare now for .big busi ness openings in a few months. Inquire Oregon Institute of Technology. Main street at Sixth. Ex-service men get STATE AID. WHY BE OUT OF A JOB OR WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION ? Call at Union ave. and Wasco st. any day except Saturday, at 11 A. M., or write for free catalogue No. 5. It will not cost you anything to find out ho,w we have helped over 300 graduates to good positions. . We can help you. . too. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATOR .SCHOOL. Special Inducements to ex-service men. Reduced rates June 1 to Sept. 1. MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue a n d J) a rticu lars. 234 Burns ide. AMBITIOUS young men. enroll in the be Keyser Institute of Optometry and fit , yourself for high salary or an optical business of your own. Oregon ex-service men receive state aid. Spring term o pened in M arch. Write for information. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty ; tools free ; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning ; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. BEHNKE-WALKER. West's largest business college. Enroll anv time ; day or night school. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fourth, near Morrison. Phone Main 590. MODERN barber college teaches trade in 8 wks., tools furnished, some pay; position secured ; special rate this month. Write or call for particulars. 234 First st. STUDY massage, Portland school (Inc.) ; new term opens soon. Selllng-Hirsch bldg., 380 Va Wash, st., room 51. Main I OO. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-ast. state supL. Mgr.. N. W..Bankbldg. Auto. 512-13. SPECIAL RATES UNTIL SEPT." 0. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. A LI SKY BLDG.. 3D AND MOR. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Hallway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Night classes. IF YoU WANT to learn the vulcanizing LEARN good trade evenings. Beauty culture. Madam Curtis. Mar. 1702. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. aiain t- Itawy. bldg. LEARN vulcanizing business. We teach the best method known. 433 Stark st. F1SK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Alain 4&s.. i eacning position, tree reg W AXTED keeping. -Position as teacher of book BC 801, Oregonian. NIGHT school beauty culture. Curtis. Marshall 1702. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Flrst-ciass cieaner and dyer must be Al; none other than all-around man need apply. Pantorium Dye Wks., Tabor 251 Hi. PLUMBERS wanted in San Francisco wages $0.25 per day, American plan. Apply at Al aster Plumbers, 120 Page &L, San Francisco. California. WANTED -Shamrock Stark. xperiencea meat carver, cafeteria, corner 12 th and FLRST-CLASS electrician for wiring bou that has passed city examination; good salary. Alain so;rj. WANT cabinet and carpenter work in ex change for dentistry. AJ 801, Orego nian. TWO MEN must have work; wiii work by hour, uay or by the Job. Call East 3S3o Mr. McLaughlin. 1j.OLSE-TO-HOL"SE representatives for silk hosiery line. Apply mornings, 214 Stot'K fc,xcnange oiag. WANT man with car to sell apartments a-nd hotels; must be a producer. 314 Stock Kx.-htn'j bldg. WANTED Responsible party to build six- room house. i. L. Ganoe, 02 1 Ky. Ex- change. MAN AND wife to work for room and board. Woman to do housework, man to milk cow. Phone 572-03. WANTED Two men with $105 each to buy . woodsaw with 8 years' established busi ness. Late Ford truck. Phone 634-85. WANTED Office boy. also boy to carry paper route. Record Abstract. 92 First street. WANTED Three men to work in Portland and vicinity. Room 411 Alder hotel, 9 to 12. ON W FIRST-CLASS pastry cook. $25 a week and up. Carter's Employment of -fc-. 245 Ankjcny. Si A N AN i) truck that can haul wood in city for $1 per cord. Aut. 233-03. MAGAZINE men. call at change bldg. ll Stock Ex- RANCH hand wanted for three months. 3o5 Gerlneeir hide.. 2d and Alder. MEN W ITH light delivery or Ford cars. Call at room 420 Palace hotel. LET CONTRACT carpenter also concrete work on house, AC 687, Orceonian. HELP WANTED MALE. TRAFFIC manager, capable to qualify for important railroad or industrial traffic work, handling foreign a nd domestic nhipping. Incidental to rate readjust ment ; if accepted, will be placed under direct supervision of traffic experts of national reputation; salary ranges from $40 to $100 per week ; previous experi ence desirable but not necessary if you can meet our other requirements; per sonal interview will be granted those giving age, experience, present position and phone num ber. A J 803. Orejonian. WANTED. 1 lath feeder. 1 lath bolter. 1 Ross carrier driver. 4 yardmen. 1 second dogger. 1 air trimmerman. 1 man dishwasher. All wages above 4-L -minimum. 4-L EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 33 Third St., near uurnside. REPRESENTATIVES! Stock exchange house wants two young men of high caliber and possessing a large acquaintance to assist the sales manager in producing new accounts. To men who can produce even the minimum results a weekly salary will be paid. Write and give details about yourself to Mr. Morris, room 319, 55 Broadway. New York. WANTED Sawmill men for Californila redwood mill; 1 setter. 1 dogger. 2 edgermen. 2 "trimmermen. 1 operating millwriglft. Good wages. For particulars call 4-L Employment office, 33 3d St., near Burn side. OPPORTUNITY to make permanent con nection with strong selling organization providing you have been earning $200 or more per month and are between 30 and 43 years old and can get the name on the dotted line. City or country work. A ddress AL 850, Oregonian. giving ad dress and telephone for confidential in- terview. THE PLACE best equipped to render assistance to men and boys seeking employment In clerical, commercial and technical lines is the advisory and em ployment dept. of the Y. M. C. A. If you need assistance in finding work you are cordially invited to talk your prob lem over with one of the secretaries. ADVERTISING solicitors, members B. R. C. and others; secure advertising official monthly paper, express division, 1500 circulation; members pledged, to patron ize fair advertisers; work full or prrt time; quick commission; no collecting. Apply hefor 11, after 3:30. 210 Stock Exchange bldg. 8-HOUR DAY. Plasterers 44-HOUR WEEK. $10.20 Bricklayers 9.25 Plumbers 9. 25 Carpenters 8.35 Cabinetmakers 7.40 Electricians 9.25 204 ARTISAN BLDG. THE CLEARING house for men and boys seeking employment in clerical, tech nical and commercial lines is the ad visory and employment dept. of the Y. M. C. A. Employers know this and that is why we are able to assist you even when jobs are hard to find. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted LLyest office In city; must know business thoroughly and have a car. See Mr. Fulton. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 500-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. WANTED Young man with clerical ex perience for position in large accounting office ; reply own handwriting, giving experience, age and telephone number Y 017. Oregonian. WANTED All-around printer; must know presses and 'linotype ; immediately for permanent job in finest small city in state; give salary required and all par ticulars. Address AV 120. Oregonian ENGINEER for out-of-town institution ; give references as to character and ex perience, wages expected and all infor mation first letter. AV 127. Oregonian. DO YOU want a permanent position limited by your own efforts ? Apply 205 Artisans bldg.. 2 to 6 P. M. G. H ougen. LKADLNi; photographic studio desires salesman to handle their tickets; good offer, liberal commission. AF 894, Ore gonian. A GOOD willing boy about 14 years old who can milk 3 or 4 cows ana taKe long milk route; room, board and some wages. 232 East 55th st. North. Tabor 1690. BOOKKEEPER for Portland corporation ; applicants must state age, experience, references, salary expected. AL 884, Ore gonian. THREE men with light cars to handle laundry routes. 30. Russell St. Help Wanted -Salesman. YOUR OPPORTUNITY" I am looking for a few men of a par ticular type, whose qualifications will enable them to faithfully represent a high class manufacturing concern ; sales experience desirable, but not necessary ; they must be honesty moderately edu cated, willing workers and ambitious to succeed. If find these men whether now employed or not, I can place them in positions where they can earn up wards of $250 per month, with an op portunity for promotion. Write now, giving age, address, telephone. P 857, Orpgonian. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bitious and willing to work hard for real success; we have bank connections throughout the state and will cash promptly all good notes; you should have a car and be prepared to pay your own expenses for 30 days : our super visor will work with, you for a few days until you can ft and alone. Call in the forenoons or write M. C. Tipton, 1204 Wilcox bldg. WE HAVE an excellent opening for a high-class automobile salesman on an old established line of popular-priced cars. Applications considered strictly confidential; remuneration" on commis sion basis and experience is required. In answering give phone number and ad dress. AK 879. Oregonian. W ANT EL) An experienced jobbing candy salesman to call on the wholesale candy and grocery trade; a first-class man. acquainted with the wholes le trade in Oregon. Montana. Washington, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah; references required; state salary expected. Address Planters Nut & Chocolate Co., San Francisco, Cal. FIVE neat-appearing men with selling ability for Portland and vicinity ; also nave opening for agents In Oregon, Washington and Idaho. See or write .sales manager. Old Mission Grape Prod ucts Co.. H'29 Chamber Commerce bldg. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN I have a most attractive proposition for a live wire salesman. See me today and get in on the ground floor. Mr. Comte, 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. TRAVELING furniture salesman, exclusive territory right to right party. Call D. Aim, Portland Woodworking Co.. 41st and Division sta. between 5 and 6 A. M. REPRESENTATI VES lor "Killaweed"; permanently eradicates morning glory, Canadian thistle, Johnson grass. Killa weed. 323 East 12th, Los Angeles, Cal. SALESMAN to sell. Ford cars, trucks and tractors. Apply Talace Garage Co.. name changed to Pilchard Motor Co.. 12th and Stark st. WANTED Traveling salesman, commer cial lines; side lines or otherwise. 409 Commonwealth bldg. PERMANENT position for live automobile salesman; must be able to purchase demonstrating car. AE 736, Oregon ia n. SALESMAN, with or without car, good proposition. oi otn sc. W ANTED First-class auto part slock man. am i . oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS to sell a useful article ; good seller, big profits. Cail or write Economy HI f T'H liaaUulnnl .... HEALTH, accident and nosp tal lnsuraac Big commissions. 501 Coi r ect bldg. HELP WANTEi: -FEMALE. ANY girl In need of a friend annlv tn tne s-aivation Army rtescue Home. .May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. dm car. LADY solicitors to sell home comfort spe cialties, earn up to $10 per day; solicitor also wan tea tor Astoria and Seaside. A. p p 1 y 21 0 S tock Exchange. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS Office help can secure positions at the Williams Personnel service, o04 Spald Ing bldg, THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home Is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Glisan. M car. East 316. OFFICE GIRL, doctor's office, experience aesiraoie; state education, previous ex perience and age, li 050. Oregonian . FIRST-CLASS makers and trimmers for city and out-of-town positions. Muller & Kaas Co., oi Oregon. REGISTERED nurse lor office nosition must have stenographic, typing and ex- ecuiive aoiuty. uau laoor luu. YOUNG women wanting employment as teiepnone operators, can at room 601 teiepnone Diag.. targ ana Oak sts. STENOGRAPHER Good position for girl with ability; state experience and phone number. N 859. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED house-to-house canvassers to sell household necessities; 50 per cent commission. 945 Sandy blvd.. Dept. M. GIRL wanted. TftiT-d st. Penny Arcade, WANTED Good plain cook. Phone Van couver Barracks, 870. Call local 34. SIX SALES ladies to call on business men. 357 E. Ankeny at Broadway. CHAM BER MAID wanted. tel. 253 Oth st. Whitehall ho- SIX SALESLADIES to call on business men. 357 Ankeny at Broadway. GIRL to work in dining rooua. Campbell 1 hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANT 3 experienced powr machine op erators to sew bags, piecework ; girls must not be over 25 years of age. Ap ply Ames-Harris-Neville Bay Co., 15th and Hoyt sts. STENOGRAPHER with experience In sec retarial work and filing, must be" ex pert; must be over 20 years of age; $100 per month to start, good opportunity for person with ability ; answer, giving full details as to education and experience. . AN 870, Oregonian. FJRST-CLASS hotel waitress, out, $00. r. and b., splendid side money; exp. silver and glassware girl, out, $50, r. and b. ; kitchen girl, hotel, out, $50, r. and b. ; cooking and serving, first-class boarding house, in town. Scott's Employment Bureau. 329 Henry bldg. WANTED Experienced stenographer for stenographic and general office work: must be well recommended by previous employers. Apply at once. Weyenberg S hoe Mfg. Co.. 61-63 Fifth st. WOULD like to hear from energetic lady for real estate business, listing and sell ing, fine chance, free of expenses; if you will work here is a chance to make money. AH S51. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED operator to outseam and in sea in overalls, also- experienced girl to put sleeves in play suits. Apply Mt. Hood factory,' 233 Couch street, corner Second. WANTED Kind, middle-aged lady, de sirous of very good home and some wages, in return for companionship to my mother and light service. AL 851, OrpR-onian. LADIES to take exclusive territory out side of Portland for the sale of sanitary rubber products and home comfort specialties. Apply .210 Stock Exchange Mdg. SITUATED in the heart of the indus trial district of the east side; want elderly lady, good plain cook, to go in with me on the dining room. Call 7? 3 Pacific st. WAITRESS $00 a month, board and room; hotel waitresses $15 a week, out; ma chine dishwasher, $50, board and foom; silver washer $54). board and room. Lewes Empl oyment C o., 43 Va X. 2d St. WANTED Middle-aged lady for house keeping in logging camp; no washing: $40. room and board to start. Bdwy. 1008. FIRST-CLASS TRIMMER for out-of-town position ; salary $35. MULLER & RA AS CO., "Royal Bldg. EXP. WAITRESS wanted for small res taurant. Must be neat and steady. State where last employed. BC 87-4. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER who can "handle filing and who has had clerical experience ; answer In own handwriting; give phone. P 800. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced power sewing ma chine operators; no apprentices. Apply Jacobs Hat & Cap Works. 403 Phoenix bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. STENOGRAPHER, one with bookkeeping experience preferred ; salary $100 ; give references. Y 910. OregoniaJi. Wanted Do mystics. A GIRL for general housework and to help with care of baby in new Irving ton -bungalow. May go home nights if desired. 383 East 20th North. Phone East 0194. COMPETENT cook in family of three adults; no laundry; no furnace; every afternoon free from 2 until 5 ; wages $50. 2" 5 N. 24th, corner Kearney. Mar shall 3557. ANT competent girl for general house work, small family ; permanent position, good wages; references required. Apply Friday. 510 Northwestern 4ank h 1 d T EXPERIENCED girl for general house work in family of 3 adults: must be good cook. Mrs. R. W. Wilbur. 383 X. 32d st. Willamette Heights. WANTED Middle-aged woman who wants home and loves children to help with housework and care of children ; small wages. Automatic 034-35. WANTED Experienced nursemaid for 3 small children : references required. Mrs. Burke. 778 North ru p. Mar. 857. WANT El -Experienced cook, small fam ily; good wages. Call 007 Irving st., or phone Broadway 4072. GIRL for housework; cook for 2 adults; 3 rooms; wages $20. Piper, 442 E. 15th st. N.. Irvincton car. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly lady for light nouseworK. l&zvx uidds st. GIRL wanted for light housework, good nome lor right girl. Apply SH N. Gth st. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work ; no cooking. 32S Jackson st- W ANT ED Middle-aged lady for house- Keeping. t 31st St.. near Pine. HELP TV ANTED MALE OK FEMALE. 1000 HOPPICKERS wanted to pick 500 acrs oi no ps on the largest hop ranch in Oregon; tamilies solicited; three beau tiful camp grounds with watchman and community camp stoves, constantly kept fired); we furnish tents or rooms to early signers, two baskets per adult, wood and straw for bedding.; store and meat mar ket on grounds; we will pay 5 cents a box: clean " crop, grown on high open trellis ; ground exceptionally free from weeds; picking commence about Sep tember first, t Watch this add on August 2S for the exact date we start picking.) Experience unnecessary. Write at once for registering blanks and information, stating 4n your tirt letter whether you expect to come in your own car or by train. (We meet all trains at Inriepen, dence. ) We direct desirable parties to the A pple Growers' association of Hood River . immediately- after our harvest is over for apple picking. E. Clemens Korst Co.. Independence. Or. HOP PICKERS wanted near Independence about August i:itn; tents, wood, straw and tables furnished. Register immedi ately at 811 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HOP PICKERS wanted. $1 per hundred; Degins aoout oept. l. ror iurtner par ticulars apply to Lorin Giesy. Aurora, Or., route 5. ONE DOLLAR allowed for your old tire in trade. Phone Bdwy. 5711, Perfection Tire Co., 00 Broadway. HOP PICKERS wanted, big yard, usual accommodations. Apply Bishop Bros., 40Ko Inlanders st.. cor. 10th. Bdwy. 31 03. HOP PICKERS wanted, Inquire 27 Hall st. $1 per 100 lbs. GIRL for general housework; 2 children; no wasntng. call Main 4Si. HOPPICKERS Fine water, free wood Call Wood lawn 0035. and straw. HOP pickers wantea. For Information, ad a re as eo. i. Kose. independence. Or. II ELPJVA XTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANT man a trustee to handle the business of incorporated company, best thing on coast; good salary to right man; $1500 necessary and you have two-to-one security; the place open for three days only. A J Ba2. Ore conian. OFFICE man. capable of taking care of books and correspondence, must be in position to invest $2000 in corporation give references in first letter. AF 885. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. JAPANESE, skillful auto driver, wants i position with family; also repair automo bile. AP 870. Oregonian. MAN WITH CAR wishes position, in or out of city, connected, with use of car. 5022 38th avenue S. E. CARPENTER, new or repair work; small jobs promptly attended to ; estimates cheerfully given. Tahor SOSO. EX-SERVICE man, married, handy with tool; any kind of work. Box 134. Car Bon, Wash. YOUNG man, married, strong and willing, wishes work of any kind. References. East 4545. TWO MEN with dragsaw machine want wood cutting job. Phone Main 5353, ask for A. M. Jess, New Royal hotel. PAPERH ANGING, 25c per single roll, es tim ales on painting. Main 1032. BASEMENT, trench digging and sloping. Phone Maln428 from 0 to 8 evenings. WILL cut grass and weeds from your lot promptly; reasonable. Auto. 012-03. PAPERH ANGING. painting and tintinff; paperha nglng 60c bolt. Mar. 2 4 3 . JAPANESE wanted; position as porter. Auto. 513-05. YOUNG man wants work, can drive light truck. Tabor 4516. IF THE moles or gophers are destroying your garden, call East 1502. WANTED Position by Al dragsaw man. contract or any jqp. a l. goo, uregonian. GROCERY MAN of long experience wishes position as clerk. P 855. Oregonian. YOUNG man desires work of any kind In country; some experience. East 4545. POSITION by experienced man as janitor or watchman. Tabor 8779. JAPANESE automobile washer wants po sition in garage. Phone 327-89. TO CUT grass and weeds by expert with scythe. Phone Columbia 1407. PAINTING, tinting, papering. Good work reasonable. Sell. 1399. CARPENTER, fast, accurate work, rough or finish. Marshall 2959. , RESHINGLING done by contract or by M Woodlawn 5508. i RESHINGLING, all work guaranteed. Call Marshall 4590. PLUMBING done very reasonably, by hour or job. Auto. 235-51. FOR SEWER work Broadway 5680. and septic tanks. PAINTING, kalsomining. reasonable prices, i s u Liauson. wooaiawn 5414 J APANHSB wants general housework. Phone Auto, a i PLUMBING, heating, general repair Jobs large or small. Woodlawn 4553. WOOD SAWING DONE REASONABLE. TAB OB. 3179, EYiN X-ENGTiLS, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. PRINTER-EDITOR with 20 years of ex perience on country weeklies wants a job on coast; sober. Industrious, married and qualified to deliver the goods In any department except linotype; best of ref erences; can come at once. Write or wire Harry Dance, 504 Evelyn ave.. Grants Pass. Or. LUMBERMAN. 37. 12 years' thorough ex perience lumber and ahlnglea. as man ager manufacturing mill and woods, salesmen, buyer and retail yard; at pres ent employed, desire cnange; will go anywhere; am also competent book- keeper and ty plst. AV 97. Ore gonlan. WANTED Position in tire business; 10 years' experience in vulcanizing and management; will consider sales shop foreman or anything pertaining to tires; satisfaction guaranteed; good references lurmwnen aj to ability. 404 jregtn mug. DON'T TRY to get a position till we press your suit for 45 cents, while you waiL Joy, the tailor. 104 4th. near Stark. ' JOY, THE TAILOR, 104 FOURTH STREET. EX- SERVICE man aire 35. must have some kind of work; have had consider able business experience, also experience as watchman and police officer. Ad- dresBDT.regiraan. YOUNG man, 35 'years, badly in need of employment, has had considerable busi ness experience; will take anything, must have work. Address T 655, Ore gonian, ACCOUNTANT Office man with credit experience; will accept small salary to start if future is good; can invest small a mount. G H9l. Oregonian. KALSO MINING and painting, kalsomining a specialty ; best work, reasonable rate : ex-service man who needs the work. Phone Ea st 6291. apt. 4. EX-SERVICE man wants job driving heavy or light service truck; preferably steady work. Call Jack Abbott, Broad way 5099. YOUNG man (Swiss) wants work on farm as milker or general farm hand ; Eng lish speaking people preferred. Address M. H.. 240 Salmon St.. Portland. Or. PAINTING AND REPAIRING. First-class work at reasonable prices guaranteed. Estimates freely given. J. H. JENKINS. East 7842. YOUNG MAN, 30 years old. wanta work on farm where he can get some experi ence in farming; not afraid of hard work. A.I 855, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by good all around printer ; can do anything along printing line; 25 years' expericnee. Address G 930. Oregonian. - PUBLIC accountant desires small set of books to keep spare time; small charge. F 797. Oregonian. PAINTING, k a Iso m I n i n g , perhanging Gait her. Tabor 05j8. enameling Marshall Pa 2703, ROOFS repaired, flat roofs work guaranteed. F. L Phone 528-48. . specialty; 1 Rosegrant. ELDERLY man wants to take care of in valid, run elevator or do light chores or housework. Phone Main oiUS. HAVE your garden work done by experi enced man; no job too small; no job too large. Phone Main 9375. Mr. Baldwin. CARPENTER, contractor, repairing, re modeling; reliable mechanic. uroaaway 2487. JAPANESE wants position housework. cook, porter, tt to 10 A. M. or 11 to i P. M. 8 6 North T ent h st.. Ike. NEAT appearing young man. 23. desires position as chauffeur, private preferred; ex pe r i e need. AC 804, Oregon i a n WANTED To cut 150 to 2500 cords of wood, anywhere in the state, on a con tract. AP 877, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man wants work; handy around blacksmith shop. 30 oiwan st. Park hotel, room 47 A YOUNG married man with automobile experience wants position. 704 Haight ave. Automatic 332-21. HANDY MAN WANTS WORK OF ANY KIND. MARSHALL 3342. AUG. NEU- M AN . YOUNG man wishes position as truck driver or chauffeur; 0 years experience; best references. East 2210. JAPANESE desires position in student boarding or clubhouse, city or country. H. Kano. 26S Everett st. North. EXPERIENCED Japanese wants position housework, cook or porter, hotel, apart ment. P. O. Box 900. JAPANESE student small family, can Broadway 4G26. wants position in handle car well. PAPERH ANGING, 30 cents room or more. Call Mar. for Carrick. a roll, one 2493 and ask HAVE good team outfit for logging, would like' contract. For particulars call Bdwy. 2339. LUMBER or log-hauling contract with re sponsible parties for heavy-duty truck and trailer. AF 9Q0. Orcgoniaoi. WANTED Job by auto mechanic, first class, 16 years' of experience. AR 895, Oregonian. CARPENTER wants contracts, plans and specifications furnished. Mar. 817 eve nings. NEAT young man needs light work, have clerk's experience and have a Ford if necessary. Automatic 511-40. EXP. JANITOR wants any kind of work, day or -hour; references. AH 800. Ore- gonlan. . CHINESE wants position private family, cook, or country hotel. AC 899. re- gonian. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. ACCOUNTANT, resident university trained, married. 28 years obi, desires position as office manager, auditor or minor execu- tive immediately with local house; at oreaent employed as dent. mgr. in bank; . m i i 1 I A Kf fciTO 870. reiereiiuea uuu uuuu lunnDutu. at Oregonian. HONORABLY discharged sergeant-major, 2S years old, married, desires office posi tion, 6 years' experience as bank clerk, bookkeeper, stenographer, executive ability; have references. AR 897, Ore gon ian. YOUNG MAN desires to make connections with reliable export-import firm, prefer ably oriental lines; no objection to leav ing states; experience In orient over long period. BJ 857. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced accountant and general office man, familiar all types office machinery desires permanent position in or out of city. Phone Tabor 1057. BOOKKEEPER, typewriter graduate, 26. desires & hours' office work to gain ex, perience ; now studying shorthand ; ref erences AF 867. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, accountant, 29, graduate of a prominent commercial school, wants position, in or outside of city. Y 914. Oregonian. Al BOOKKEEPER, typist and general office man, experienced in selling and collecting, desires position with reliable firm. BC W94, Oregonian. BY EXPERIENCED accountant. books audited smail sets kept, systems, income tax. Main GO. . EX-SERVICB man with clerical experience wishes office position with a future. 10 East 7th st. S. or Automatic 227-22. EXPERIENCED auditor and accountant wishes position In city, temporary or per manent; best of references. Tabor 2748. SPECIAL office man and correspondent, experienced sales and credit work; refer ences. A J 800, Oregonian.. v EXPERIENCED hotel clerk wants work. Phone Main 24S0. EX-SERVICE man, typist and timekeeper; railroad experience. AF 892, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE.' POSITION wanted by girl to assist with light housework and take care of chil dren; Irvington preferred; reference. 823 E. 14th st. North. LADY desires position as manager of apartment or rooming house; will man age small place in exchange for rooms. Phone Woodlawn 2195. TRUSTWORTHY, experienced lady wants housecieaninsr. washing or other work; good work guaranteed Woodlawn 6305. COOK. 8 years' experience, desires position . In lunch room or restaurant. Mrs. Toth. Marshall 218. 164 Porter Bt. NEAT, reliable young woman, experienced in bakery and cafeteria work wants po sitlon. Call Marshall 1133. LADY 'wishes to travel as companion or go with family and assist on homestead for e x pe nses. AE 854. Oregonian. JAPANESE woman wants day work In family, every half day or 3 or 4 days in a week. Call 129 N. 12th st. Phone 517-78. RELIABLE nurse will assume the re sponsibility of your home nad family. Particulars. Auto. 525-51. EXPERIENCED bakery saleslady, shall 2009, Apt. S. WANTED Chamber work by experienced maid. Broadway 2937. room 11.. EXPERIENCED lady elevator operator wants position. Phone Marshall 3760. COLORED woman wants day work. Phone Broadway 4S5S. . HOUSEC LEAN ING and laundry work wanted: 40c per hour. Cnll Aut. 028-99. WUMaN wauui work by the hour, lawn 3749J W o M A N w an ta Main 8122 day work of any kind. WANTED Work for Thurs., Frl. and Sat.; ref. Julia Isaacs. 548 North rup st. CHAMBERMAID would like work in city. Woodlawn 287. WOMAN wants day work! Thursday. Bdwy. 3540. room 29. WANT to care for children while parents a re aw ay ; references. East 1520. COLORED laundress wants work by day. Broadway 8399. Mrs. Towne. TRAINED nurse wishes position in doctor's or dentist's office. Marshall 2009. apt. 8. ELDERLY woman will do light housework in plain common family. Sell. 1401. EXPhHIENCEl) woman wants washing or ironing, 55c per hour. Aut. 521-02. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. BUSINESS woman wants position as pri vate shopper; experienced in collections and appraising furniture; competent to meet public; pleasant, tactful and courteous; have own car; careful driver. G 896, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by a French girl as a,-maid, now living in Paris; duties un derstood; age 24; to anyone who will pay her transportation she will contract to stay two years; Portland references given. BC S90. Oregonian. LACE AND SiUi &CRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS dona up like new. Will call. East 8518. Bookkeeper. Ste no gimp tiers. Office. AMBITIOUS young lady wishes work eo that she may finish a course at business college ; have some knowledge of book keeping and have had 2 years experi- ence In grocery store. BJ S06 Oregonian. YOUNG lady with experience in general office work desirea clerical position with light stenographic work; excellent ref erences. Phone Ma rah a II 1290. BY STENOGRAPHER Several years ex perience in law .and commercial work; experienced cashier and understand , bookkeeping. Call room 8. Marshall 982. BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER, general office girl wants position: use typewriter, have had 5 years' experience; would substi tute. m in 160. EXP. STENOGRAPHER desires responsi ble, permanent position. AR 892. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenog rapher with refer ences desires permanent position. Tabor 22.V T Y PING, dictation, addressing, filling inT multigraphing. etc., reasonable. M. 5686. STENOGRAPHER, experienced. desires permanent position. Auto. 326-71. EXPEKIENCEL stenographer desires posi tion half days.' AJ tl50, Oregonian. GIRL desires position as dentist's assist ant or in doctor's office. Woodlawn 3024. Dressmaker. DRESSMAKING House dresses and fancy aprons; children's work solicited. 272 "Williams ave. East 2370.. LELAH HUTCHINSON has moved to 902 Broadway bldg., . where she- will be pleased to meet old and new customers. CHILDREN'S dresses and bungalow aprons made. Apt. 32, Bushmark hotel. Broad way 5403. DRESS MA KING and alterations. 31 1 Cen tral bldg., 10th and Alder sts. Phone M. 340S. SEWING reasonable, school dresses while material is cheap and prices are right. Main 25 4. SPEK'IAL rates. J uly. August, high-grade work. 1001 Broadway bldg. Main 5354. HEMSTITCHING. 8o yard. 1000 Broadway bldg. Main 6473. FLAIN sewing, very reasonable. Mrs. Good. Woodlawn 2140. EXPERT dressmaking by the day. 3305. EXPERT dressmaker, home or day; day. Phone 617-95. $4 a DRESSMAKING, plain sewing and mend ing. Call East 1229. DRESSMAKING by the day; guaranteed. Tabor 1324. Norse. satisfaction NURSE, hospital trained, wishes care of invalid, elderly or child. Price reason able. Al references. AF 898, Orego nian. TRAINED NURSE wishes case; terms rea sonable. Call East 849. room 18; $18 per weeK. EXPERIENCED practical nurse wishes casK elderly or invalid; reasonable terms. Main 4S09. PRACTICAL NURSE. REFINED, RELI ABLE. LOW WAGES. BROADWAY 31155. APT. 37. PRACTICAL reasonable. nurse wishes Marshall 4410. NURSE will take maternity cases in her home, best of care. Phone East 868. PRACTICAL nurse wants position with sick or children. East 2043. WILL care for childre while parents are away; references. Woodlawn 1611. Housrker per. REFINED, trustworthy southern girl experienced housekeeper, plain cook, wishes position as housekeeper for adults, small modern home, not out of city, but close in, genuine home-maker; f a mil y -sty le serving. If you need a re liable girl, phone Taboc 133 or write BC 80S, Oregonian. My services value to $50 month. BY WORTHY young lady, clean character, experienced housekeeper, wants posi tion In refined widower's home, small family; if by car, 5 minutes' ride to city, or adults, but no children ; home treatment; plain cooking; wages $45 to $50 month. Phone Eat 3R92. BC 898. HOUSEKEEPING, two men, on widower's home, good home more than big wages, reliable woman, good cook, farm or town; I want work. AC 880. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady wishes position ai housekeeper either In city or country good wages. Mrs. Katherine Trambitas." 1080 Francis ave. NEAT, refined widow, keep house for re spectable widower with one child; wages $40. Box 81, K, F. D. , Vancouver, Wash. Dompntlcn. WOMAN wants general housework in small family. Wages $0-0. Woodlawn 1842. 1236 Omaha ave. JAPANESE girl wants position in family; assist housework; can't speak English. A J 854 . Oregon i a n. GI RL wishes position general housework. Call Broadway 209 1 . Houf cleaning. HO USE CLEANING Expert wnite and ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur niture polished, carpets cleaned, win dows washed. CITY HOL'SECLEANINO SERVICE. 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Small furnished cottage, pref erably Parkrose district. Lail J. Hine. apt. 6. 22" Market st. llounea. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments witn us; quick results ana goou tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STOKAUM. LUA.XS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 53 Fourth st., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. WK HAVE a client that wishes to lease i 10 to 15-room house on the west side what have you? RIAN REALTY & BUILDING CO., REALTORS. 415-16 Ablngton Bldg. Marshall 5848. REFINED family of three adults desires 5 or 0 room unlurnisnea moaern nun galow or house bef oru Sept. 10; reason able rent ; will be permanent and take good care. AR 890, Oregonian. LIST your houses and flats with us for rent. We have many daily calls for them In ail parts of the city. PARRISH, WATK1NS & CO.. 252 Stark st. Alain 1644. WANTED By responsible couple, no chil dren, a modern 5-room bungalow, about September 1. Will lease; good district Phone East 6253. eveningai WANTED House 6 rooms, nodern, yard, no children: centrally located or walking distance, west side preferred. Address Mrs. Lorena Hansen, 2 1 4 Hall st.. c'v. W ANTE D To rent or b uy , a furnished preferred. Write ave. Southeast. tX it. 7330 53d MODERN furnished house for family of 3. Must be clean. Immediate posses sion, wain. 4.d. RELIABLE permanent tenant wants or 6-room modern bungalow in good lo cality. Marshall 3U i . WANTED Bet ween now and Sept. 1 modern bungalow, good district; hard wood lloors, garage. East 3927. RELIABLE family wants 7 or 8-room house to rent. Phone Main S3j. WANTE furnished house of 6 rooms. east side. P 853. Oregonian. C-ROOM house not over $30. Phone Sell- wood 1153. 5-ROOM bungalow. Rose City Park pre ferred. Tabor 3309. Apartments. IF YOU ARE going away for a month and have a small apartment, young lady would like to rent it for the month; best of references. BP 897. Oregonian. WANTED Sent. 1st. a modern 5-room. un furnished apartment; best of references. AM 894, Oregonian. WANTED 1-room apt. or room and bath, west side. AJ 877. Oregonian. Rooms. WANTED An elderly lady living alone wants 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms (mod ern) in quiet home with lady or elderly couple; close to ttose ity rara, uepoi Morrison or 23d sL car lineo. B 940, Oregonian Rooms With Board. WANT room and board in private family, prefer Rose City or Irvington. Bdwy. 4337, afternoons. Flat. BUSINESS man. wife, girl 9 and baby 11 mnoiths. want 4 or 5 furnished rooms, one month commencing about August 15, flat, apartment or bungalow, good loca tion ana moaeraxeiy priced ; may lain indefinitely. 7!1 Oregonian. Business Places. TO LEASE Meat market or will run on shares; understand the business. BJ 892, Oregonian. FOR RENT. 1 SLEEPING porch, 1 sleeping room, 1 : room apt., porch. iW Washington st. Fumlahed Rooms. HOTEL BARR. 112 N. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day. 15 per week and up. 75c DAY $2.50 V iSEK up; clean, baths tree. Hotel Cadillac 3d near Jefferson, FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL, FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th. Rates by the week, $5 and up ; hot and cold running water, hot water heating -ytem; tub and shower baths. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES. HOTELS ROWLAND, ANNEX, MARY LAND. VIRGINIA, 170 Guest Rooms. 207H-211H Fourth St. Rates 75c, $1 per day, with bath, fl.50 per day and up. Centrally located. Special rates to permanent guests. ANGELA HOTEL, 025 Washington street -Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone and running -water In each room, rooms with or without bath, $5.50 per week up; excellent home-cooked meals next door HOTEL ALDER, corner 4th and Alder sts. : center of shopping district. Weekly rates. $0 and up. RITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON. Ideally located in the very center of the theater and shopping district. Spe cial summer rates now in effecL EUCLID HOTEL. 573 Washington, at 18th. Large, clean. airy rooms, private baths; rates to permanent guests. HOTEL CON R A DINE. 22 North 10th St.. 2 blocks north of Washington st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th cor. Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private bath $2. Special rates by week o r month. SHEFFIELD APTS. One large outside room with bath. dandy downtown location for business woman or ma n ; $2.i. Broadway 4975. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms $2.50 week up; close to dental college and 2 blocks trom steel priuge. E.ast 84 9 . EMPRESS HOTEL, OTH AND STARK. Nicely furnished rooms at moderate prices ; conveniently located. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Eleventh st.. near Morrison ; clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. HOTEL OCKLE Y, Moinsou ot.. at 10h $1 day, weekly $5 and up. tree phone ana oatns. Lignt ana airy. MARLYN HOTEL. 17TH AND COUCH Large, attractive, modern rooms by week or month; rates reasonable. RECTOR hotel, 8 North nroadway, new and modern Yale locks on doors, $1 per day up. $5 per week up. Private baths. ROSE-FRIEND, Bdwy. and Jefferson rur. room with private bath. Mar. 1410. Furnished Itoomw in Private Fain Uy . FRONT ROOM IN XEWfcY AND WELL FURNISHED FLAT; REASONABLE. W A LKl.Nvi DISTANCE. 02 "?a ELLA ST. "BROADWAY 3811. WEST SIDE, nice, front room. 2 windows, big clothe closet; electric lights; for 1 or 2 men ; nea r library ; $4 per week. Phone Main 5758. $8 PER MONTH Clean rooms, good beds. in modern home ; all home privileges ; electric lights, bath. 703 Northrup. Auto. 524-35. TWO N ICELV furnished rooms in private lamily ; board ana nome . privileges it d el re d Phone Tabor 5607. LARGE, cheerful front room, running water, quiet, refined home, suitable for two; $24; references. Marshall 3735. WELL-FURNISHED room in beautiful home, all conveniences, home privileges. 013 E. Alder st. NEWLY furnished room in private family. private bath; suitable for two 008 Ever ett, near 21st. . . ON E SINGLE and one double room, half block from Multnomah club. 23 Nar tilla st. Marshall 1113. FURNISHED room and garage, phone. etc. included ; close in. near ashmgton high school. Call evenings. East 8537. LARGE front room with fireplace, suit able for two people, with or without board. 669 Savior st. Broadway 1473. LARGE, pleasant room, close in, for gentleman; rent reasonable. East 1902. Gara ge room. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room nice home, easy walking distance. 215 14th st. LARGE front room for gentlemen or couple employed. East 3077. 672 Sandy boulevard. EXTRA-WELL furnished sleeping rooms $2.50 week and up. 228 Va ashing ton street. Anbett hotel. 2 LARGE unfurnished rooms, largo closet. sleeping porcn ; moderate ; house retired nuree. -44 1 E. Sherman, lei. Eat o2; WELL-FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 gen tlemen, close in- 307 11th st.. Apt. 3. Marshall 481. STEAM-HEATED furn. room, modern con veniences. Couch st., apu 3.. Let. 17th and 18th eta. HOMELIKE, airy corner room, beautifully furnished ; choice residence district ; come and see it. Woodlawn 675. 209 14TH ST. Choice room, modern con- venlences; walking distanje. Main 3893 WELL furnished sleeping rooms, hot and cold water. 209 Fifth at. ROOM and board at 145 Vi 21st Bt. North fine cooking. Main 3808. NEWLJT furnished sleeping rooms; with sleeping porch. 54 8 Ya mh ill. ROOM, attractive home, refined family. w-t siae. irnone Marshall H'.uwt. TWO ROOM'S and kitchenette, wante'; no children. 255 E garage 23 d. FURNISHED room with garage. $20 month. o00 Hawthorne ave. ROOM for rent : use of piano and home com r oris, jlaln 28t9. 444 3d st. FRONT room ; bath, phone: $12 month; walking citftance. .J4 1 ayior. Rooms With Itoara. CAMPBELL HOTEL 3D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. ' Two of the best known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.aO a day up. rates oy day or month. Meals served to transients. ONE OF the finest homes in tne city, now converted into exclusive family hotel, catering to families, business men and women ; home conveniences, home cook ing. large grounds, porches, sleeping porches, garage, etc.; transient meals; rates rasonabie. Phone East 1 384 NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland downtown high-class family hotel ; rooms en suite or single with or without board, for f amil ies and business men and women We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Nicely furnished rooms, steam heat. not ana cold water wit n good tahl board. 332 Tenth St.. corner of Market. Main 6381. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. LOOKING FOR BOARD AND ROOM T All right, see me. 490 Mill St. MRS. F. M. HOG A BOOM. Auto. M8-7U. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st. MARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL for busi ness girls at moderate rates. 380 10th st. Marshall 1251. ROOM and board for men; home cooking; i iu per weeK. aw.i .n i utn st. FURNISHED ROOMS with bath; board White Hall hoteL Main 1398. Rooms With Board In Private Family. ROOM and board in modern private home for employed couple or two men who will share room; one block to car. Phone Automatic 328-24. BEST OF COOKING and home privileges to two gentlemen in family of jolly young people. 509 Commercial Auto. 312-90. LARGE, beautiful room with wonderf u. view. In modern Willamette Heights home, 2 meals ; one or two gentlemen, $30 or $85.MarshaIl746. DESIRABLE large front room with board, suitable for 2; walking distance, fine lo cation. Call East 5715. NICELY furnished rooms, excellent board ; home privileges ; walking distance; $8 wk. 305 Halsey. near Union avt, 487 EAST 34th, on Division, board and room for 2 in nicely furnished bunga low, $55 a month. Sellwood 2270. ROOM and board for two in private fam ily. East 3736. Close in. 500 Hawthorne avenue. NICE front room with board, cloe in on west side ; walking distance ; price rea sonable ; home cooking. Aut. 519-36. PLEASANT room for two respectable men. good cooking, in widow's home; west side. ' Main 254. ROOM and breakfast for one or two busi ness women ; Irvington district. C. S. p referred. AC802, Oregon 1 a n. ROOM and board for young man willing to share room with congenial young man. Reasonable rates. Phone Mar. 2781. WILL have room and board for few peo ple Sept. 1, in modern home, with phone privileges. East 4451. FIRST-CLASS board and room for chil dren; best-of care. Wdln. 628. PRIVATE home for children: 20 years' experience 714 Everett st. Mar. 2162 CLEAN, comfortable room. 2 meals; walk Ing distance; just like home. East 8302. FURNISHED ROOM with board, 145 N. 21st and Hoyt. Main 386S. RETIRED nurse will c; her home; references. ire for children In O13-0U. ROOM and board, private home, men. 145 North 23d st. FURNISHED room with good board; walk lng distance. 706 Flandera. Main 1853. WELL furnished cool room with, board; walking distance. 703 Hoyt. FOR RENT. Rooms With Brd n Private Family. WANTED A lady employed to room and board in a private home. Must have best of references and a desire for a real home, Irvington. Y 915, Ore gonian. ROOM-MATE for gentleman, sitting room and sleeping porch, 2 beds, good board in private' family, close in; pleasant lo cation; references exchanged. Main 3181. 295 West Park. WANTED A child to board in my country home. 40 minutes from city; plenty oi fresh milk and eggs; best of references. Phone Aut. 046-00. WILL give room and board to working couple, either man and wife, or 2 girls; can have kitchen privileges; reasonable. Mar. 2M90. . ROOM mul board with family, home cook- ing. fat'. Savier st. roaaway n Furnished Apartment. MAKE YOUR HOME AT THE GRANDESTA. Nifty 3-room apartments, private bath, free phone in every apartment: whole house thoroughly renovated, clean as wax; steam-heated brick building, auto matic elevator, all other conveniences for your comfort; nice home for nice people. 68 Grand ave., corner Stark st. East 208 STELWYN APARTMENTS. HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer homes for tran sient and tourist; handsomest furnished apts. in the city ; no oblection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5-room apts., with sleeping porch. We also have bache-lor apis, and service: tingle rooms and bath for refined gentlemen; references re quired. Marshall 2830. 1G0 SL Clair at., corner Washington. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's store, good surroundings, strictly mod 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. THE JACKSON, 51 H Union Ave. North. Three-room apts., $30 and $40; private hath, steam heat, hot and cold water, phone service; 15 minuted' walk to 5th and Alder. Rose City car. East 2840. ATTRACTIVE apt. in fine home (hot water heat) : white enameled through out ; absolutely new; large living room, sun bedroom, bath. Dutch kitchen, part ly furnished ; beautiful location ; line neighbor h ood ; $ 4 5 T a bor 4 3 37 THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 10th. near Taylor. Mar. 12S. Nicely furnished 5-room apts.. for resi dent or transient and tourist; no ob jection to children; walking distance. $ 4 5 W EST SIDE A P T. Four large light rooms, heat and water furnished; best west side diS' trict : one block to car. No children. SMLTH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX CI I. $25 193 ST. CLAIR $25. FinesL residential section. beautiful view, walking- distance; cool, light, newly xurmsnea apartment. 1 large room 18x18, large closet nnd kitchenette. Main 310 b o It REN 1 Two 4-room apartments, one furnished. one unfurnished ; private baths; also room to keep auto; $15 and $25, including water and phone. 1299 Kelly st., take Fulton car to Flower st NICELY furnished 2-room apartments. walking distance; steam heat, no extra enlarge for lights and private phone adults only. The Lincoln, 4th and Mncoln. Main 1377. 0- ROOM FURNISHED APT. W a'.king distance ; heat and water furnished; all outside rooms; best west sine district. $ i.. No children. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH, 2 AND 3 ROOMS, light, sunny apartments, clean, moderate walking distance; rea sonable rent. Arline Apts., 17th and Lovejoy. Broadway IS 12. THE ST AN FIELD. Modern outside 2-room apts. Light, heat, phone, laundry facilities; $20 and $22 5I. Main 7392. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2-room and 3-room furnished and un furnished apts., strictly modern, elevator. tne oatn. utn and Montgomery. M. 3Ti9 2 APTS.. good house and lurniture, 1 block to car. Rent$25 and $35 including gas, phone and lights. 5S5 Commercial st.. near t-manue: npypitai. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Saimon; 2. 3 and 4 room apts.: permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main 6041. THE CAMBRIAN. Furnished and unfurnished 2 and 3 room apts., in first-class apt. house, $50 up; adults. 433 Columbia. Marshall 2400, HISLOP HALL. 4104 Hawthorne ave.; strictly modern three-room furnished apartment. East SUNN YSIDE APTS. Fine unfurnished 2 room apt., large rooms, white enameled e lei trie fireplace, steam heat. See this today ; ready lL'tn. l abor 3'Hio. FINELY furnished 3-room apt., strictly moaern. every convenience, ciose in west side. Phone Main 4039, or BJ 900, Ore gonian. "M KR LIN.". Broadway and Gra.nt Nice 2 room furnished apartment, neat and clean, only 25 month. HAN THORN APARTMENTS. Nicely fur. 3-room modern apt.. 2 beds. private balcony, aoi ltn st. CHETOPA APTS. Three-room apartment in Al condition; just painted and tinted; best location in city. Broadway 49 3 6. ALICE COURT APTS.. East 8th and Burn side, modern. 2 and 3 rooms, 2 beds, fireplace, waimng aistance nat 3oQo. THE CHELTENHAM 2 and 3-room apart ments, all outsiue rooms; nicely rur nished. 19th and .n ortnrup. Hdwy. 3 08. THE PENROSE. Grand ave. at Belmont. Large, front 3-room. newly finished in old ivory; also 2-room apartment. PORTNOMAH 3 and 4 rooms; hardwood floors, sleeping porches, walk me dis tance, well furnished; adults. 2oo E. 13th FURNISHED 4-room apt.; private bath tile floor; ivory bearoom tuite, piano, gas range- til r.. uaK St.. cor, or lotn. ROSELYN apartments, llO . 21st t. 2 rooms, bath, dressing room, disappear- ing bed. BERKELEY APTS., 2-room front apt. 39 Trinity Plac Marshall 1950, call apt. 0. BOZANTA APTS. Nice 4-room front apartment st. Marshall 245. 189 23d COLLEGE 3 a ml 4 rooms, modern, close in, walking distance : low rates. Third a n d College, Marshall 5555 ; free phone. AVALON APTS. One 3-room apt., ern. walking distance, reasonable. 1906. mod East THE ELM S. 2 and 3 room furnished apts., close in. 191 14th St. ' VILLA ST. CLARA APTS. 3-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 203 12TH ST. THE A LTAMONT APARTMENTS. Cool, cozy, modern apartments, rea sonable rent. 3U4 College. iiOL'S.M AN APTS. 2 to 4 rooms, large, de sirable, clean, well furnished, large closets, sleeping porches. Main 1552. NICE 2-room or single apartments: all out side rooms, $3.50 per week and up. 480 V4 E. Belmo nt St.. cor. 9 th. E a s t 7 4 52. ON E LARGE front room apartment, suit able for two ladies; new lurniture and r u gs. 20 E. 15th., corner Ash. NICE furnished 2-room apt. and single sleeping room, free phone, light and water. 545 Washington street. CLACKAMAS APTS. Completely furnished 3-room modern apt.. $40. East 2370. 272 Williams ave. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, bath, phone, light, linen included. $70. 255 N. 21st, corner Northrup. Auto. 531 -08. BANNER APTS., 4Sy Clay, near 14th Modern 2-room furnished apt., $22. 4 ROOMS and bath. $50. Call Broadway 24 S7. Kearney st. THE J EFFERSON I AN, 10th and Jefferson 2 and 3-room suites, very reasona b 1 e. l.'EXFUKU 2-room apartment. $45. This is a nice one. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 5-room apt. for rent. Highland court. 3-ROOM front apt-, also 1 room and kitchenette. 32S Mill. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 394 5th st.. Harrison Court. Main 514S. J i; LI AN A APTS.. 45 Trinity place. 2 and 3-room furnished apts. Marshall 983. ' DRICKSTON API'S., 443 11th st.; modern two-room apt. AUDITORIUM COURT 3-room modern apt., free phone. 331 3d st. FURNISHED APT., 631 Kearney. Main 139S. CLEAN, well furnished. 2 reasonable rent. 614 4th MUNCKY APTS. Cozy 2-room apt. 391 Clay -st. . 4-ROOM apL. all outside. Irving Apta., IMst and Irving. Main 9239. MODERN 1 and 2-room apartments, walk ing d istancc ; reasonable. 414 4th st. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apart ment. 697 Washington st. Main 1082. 4R O ONI furnished apartment. Irving apts., 21st and Irving. Main 9239. TOURNEY BLDG.. 2d and Taylor 1 and 2-rm. apts.. newly renovated, $22.50 up BUENA VISTA 134 Harrison. First-claas 2 ana 3-rm apts. Main lu52. BAN MARCO., B STH AND COUCH 3-RM MOD. APTS. E. 2312. 15-DAY STORAGE FR E E. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy 2445 CLASSIC apartments. 662 Glisan. 2 rooms with bath, modern. Broad way 2934. MADISON PARK APTS. furnished apartments. 2. 3 and 4-room 262 Park st. UNION AVE., and Killincswortn; fur. apt. $21.50: ml complete; concrete buildings BRIGHT, clean, newly furn. 2-room apt., Krnund floor ; J25. 170lOth. MODERN two-room' 4t. Cail Marshall FOR RENT. Furn i shed Apavrt menta. THE ELM WOOD. Strictly first-class 2 and 3-room apts., furnished and unfurnished: new period furniture, Wilton rugs, silverware; linen, etc.. $5 to $75; adults. 415 10th L Main oooo. tnfurnbihed Apartments. 800 EAST HOYT STREET. NEAR EAST 24TH STREET. Portland's newest apartment house will be ready for occupancy about Aug. 20; applications for apartments are now being receivea ; 2 and 3 room unfur nished apartments, all outside rooms facing large lawns; electric ranges and all modern conveniences. Apply at building or at 707 Gasco bldg. BENSON APTS. 2U5 N. 20th. 3-room unfurnished apt., newly tinted and thoroughly renovated ; price $35. Broadway 444S. ST EVEN'S apts, 791 Northrup, near 24th; 6 large sunny outside rooms, front, back and sleeping porches; heat, water, yard. Phone .Main 9.;."S. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup; mod 5 outside rooms. Newly decorated. and sleeping porches. Jamtbr services. East 1369. CHOICE CORNER APARTMENT. 'Merlin,' Broadway and Grant Strict ly modern and up to date ; fine view. Phone Marshall 420: only $42.50 month. THE DEZENDORF. 20S lflth St.. near Taylor; Marshall 128 5-rooin u nf urr.ished a part me nt. UNFURNISHED 4-room apt., laTge out side rooms. Guild apts., 394 Guild St., near 23d and 1 hurman. Main 30.. ONE 4-ROOM unfurnished apt., hot water heat. Washington high. Corner 14th and E. Stark. ONE 4-ROOM unfurnished apt., private bath, electric lights and phone. Wood lawn 5892. 242 Killings worth. THE ORMONDE 5-room unfurnished pt. Ooo r landers. Broadway J8i3. THE AMERICAN, modem 4 anu 5-room a partment. id wy. 33oO. PORTNOMAH. 3 and 4 rooms, walking distance; adult:. 200 K. 13th. 5 ROOMS, modern, steam heat, gas stove. front and back porches. 51 Glisan. NICE 5-room fl; it, close in. $25. Inquire 448 Belmont. NEW. MODERN 4-room apt.; hea 24 E. UurnMrto. East 40i o. N i-i W 3-ROOM apartment flat, west side. walking d'stiince. $:5. Main 277S. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. 2. 3. 4 AND 5-ROOM APTS. 521 EVERETT ST. BDWY. 4218. JAEGER APTS., 701 WASH ST.. 3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS. SHEFFIELD APTS. 3 and 4 room apts., newly renovated ; reasonable. Broadway and Jefferson st. MERLIN." Broadway and Grant, fine, large, strictly modern apartment, only $45 50 per- month. 2-ROOM furnished or unfurnished apt. $:10 to $35. 350 Morrison, cor. Park. Under new ma na g e ment. ONE 3-ROOM; has dressing bath. Is exceptional. y nice. room and East 37S2. Flats. 5-ROOM modern fiats. larRO lot, with fruit, flowers, near Jefferson school ; ga rage ; $o0 per month ; give lease for 1 ;ear or more. Mar. 335 2J 4 LARGE, light rooms. Rose City Park. $25 per month, water included. 1424 Sa.ndy blvd. 5-ROOM modern fiat, sleeping porch, un furnished or partly furnished, walking d i J t a n ce. 4 2 6 i-j Rodney ave. E ast S372. LOWER flat of 4 rooms, bath, trays, fire place, electric and gaj : on car line ; $3i. 409 E. 11th bL South. Phone Sell. 214S. 6-RM. LOWER FLAT, sleeping porch, wa ter, garbage, $42; garage, $52, all to be newly tmted; adults; ref. 230 N. 18rh. FIVE ROOMS and sleeping porch, all new and clean; close-in; adults. Apply 42 Ross, corner Dupont. 6-ROOM modern Lai, adults, west side, 311 North 19th. 3-ROOM. at 820 Vaughn Hall, 715 hi Roosevelt. Phone Marshall 3719 FOR RE NT Union ave. -0-room flat over store. 74ft N. 4 ROOMS and bath, disappearing bed. 1035 Rodney ave. Aut. 314-48. STRICTLY clean, modern 5-room upper flat. 301 Benton st. Phono East 4932. Furnished Flats. 7-ROOM flat; furnace, hrepiace; very cozy; for rent, furniture for sale; fine rua, draperies, dis hen and linens ; very rea- sonable. 148 North 24th st. MODERN flat, newly furnished: light, heat, gas, water and garbage taken care of 178 E. 10th st. Responsible couple only. o chiiflren. MODERN furnished Hat. four rooms and sleeping porch, went side, close in ; fine view; 13th and Hall sts. 5r. Chamber of Commerce bid g. Main 10O3. ONLY $35 5 or 6-room furnished lower flat, gas water heater, bath, gas stove, electricity, near school and car. 105$ East Taylor. East 5200. 4 ROOMS, furnished. pnate bath, ground floor walking distance, west side; $47.50 month. 454 11th t., apt. D. $35 Pour light rooms, private bath, sleep ing porch, walking distance, block to S. S. car. 671 Belmont. East 5520. 6-ROOM furnished upper flat, like new. to responsible tenants; walking distance. 330 13th. Main 5999. FIVE largo rooms and bath, beaut it'ully furnished, close to car line ; good loca, tion. Wdln 007. 5 ROOMS, private batn, rent $35, includ ing phone, water and garbage. Phone Woodlawn 01 11. PARTLY furnished flat, reasonable; west side, walking . distance; adults. Main 2738. FLAT m downtown distarlct. cheap; toine furn ltu re f o rsa I e. M a r . 25S2. . MODERN flat In Hawthorne uist., to par. ties buying gas range, etc. Tabor 98S. 4 ROOMS and bath, neat, clean ; walking distance. $38; adu Its. E awt 7722. 6-ROOM fiat for rent. Turniture for sale; leaving town. 731 Hoyt. 4-ROOM lower flat, partly furnished; ga- rage. $3Q. 74Q M in nesota aye. m FOR RENT $rt: vacant 5-rm. furnished upper flat, Aug. 1 5. Auto. 218-89. 3-ROOM, pantry. including piano anl telephone. Call Main 3104 after 1 P. M. 3-ROOM furnished fiat. 1Q2 E. 18th st- llouHkeeiung Rooms. $10 PER MO., nice light h. k. rm. for a working pirl; absolutely clean and com fortably furnished: easy walking dist; free phone, el. lights, h. and c. water and laundry privileges. Del Monte. 107 Stout t.. 1 blk. e. of 20th. Washington. N EAT, large single housekeeping room, first floor. $0 a week; others $14 per month and up; furnace heat, electrio lights. ' running water, etc Call 20tJ 13th st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private oh one. electric lights, steam heat, five minutes walk to town, near Fifth. 291 Columbia, TWO CLEAN, completely furnished house keeping rooms and bath, first floor, water, .light, phone furnished. 35 & M ontgomery. corner Park. NICE clean h. k. suite, suitable for four people; water, light and gas. $30; also good basement suite, $12. 190 lth sL North. THE BEAVER, lth and Marshall h ur nished H. K. rooms, J 15 up. including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. ARCADE HOTEL, HOa First St.. house keeping rooms, newly tinted, new man agement. Mrs. F. Goba 1. . HOTEL MANOR. 271 Morrison. Under new manage ment. Newly cleaned rooms. ONE 3-ROOM apt., UitaDi for " J men and 1 single room. 194 . 17th. Hdwy. 2009. EXTRA-WELL furnished bo use Keep in.; rooms with" running water, $3.50 week and up. 22S Washington st. t TWO FRONT basement rooms. ranga, running water and electric lights; cloa in. 191 Park st. ONE LARGE room for nouseKeeping. new furniture, rugs, suitable for 2 ladies. 20 E- 15th, corner Ash. HOUSEKEEPING rooms on first floor for home-like person. $18. Call 395 5tru SINGLE H. K- room. $12. Todd apts., cor ner E. 12th and Stark. 5 WEEK UP, completely furnished a. k. suites. The Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. ROOMS, $5 ; 1 room $3 ; $3. 208 Washington st. sleeping room. 2 ROOMS, partly furn., h. k, apt.; neighborhood. Mar. 3450. NICELY furnished h. k. rooms very reasonable. 21 hit Morrison. NICE rooms, very reasonable, always, buths. 055 Flanders. hot watr FURNISHED h. k. rooms, clean and rea sonable, free phone, light. 264 12th st. 2-ROOM gleam heated h. k. apt., reason able a n o t h e rsing ie h. k. 445 Columbj.u 2 FRONT rooms, gas range, electricity; 2 people. 3O0 4 4th. 2 LA RGE, clean h. k. apu)., close in. Larrabee. 2bl SPLENDID furnished h. k. rooms reas onable. 585 East Main st. 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping apt.. 16 per week. 350 14th at. 2 LIGHT modern rooms. 2 beds, phone. sink, laundry. 306 1 2th st. . 2-ROOM suite; telephone, bath, hot, coi, water. 07 North 20th st. Bdwy. 4123. NICELY" furnished housekeeping room with kitchenette. 66S Everett, near 21st, CLOSE IN, 2-room h. k! apts." $4 we e is, C-ity Hall apts., 24 Sin, neax -Ma-in.