5 f EDS MORE FUflDS NEW SHOW! Legislative Appropriation of $30,000 Too Scanty. THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1921 BONUS COMMISSION - Lkilit li LONG DELAY MAY RESULT Emergency Board looked To for Aid in Getting Machinery of , Jvcw Law in Motion. 1 SALEM, Or.. An;. 2j (Special.) Approximately 60,000 forms of appli cation upon which the Oregon bonus can be paid are being: printed as a result of a meeting: of the state bonus commission - held here "today. These lorms, when printed are to t dis tribute among- the ex-service men before the actual cash receipts from the bond issues are at hand. It was eaid by Adjutant-Cen-eral White that this procedure would result In avoid ing: unnecessary delays. : The commission had no announce ment to make of the method of dis tribution, but s-aid that Its policy of eliminating every preventable delay would be followed in the distribution method, as in all other matters. That the bonus law failed com pletely to take Into account the mag nitude of the task in fixing- the ap propriation for cost of bonus adminis tration has given the commission a perious problem which has been under discussion and consideration for some time. The law grives the commission $30,000 with which to defray the cost of operation for (wo years in creating a 130.000,000 'building and loan agen cy. That sum. is eaid to be barely enough to Install the necessary equip ment and to operate for a period of four or five months. Instead of two years. Emenrgrrncy la Seen. comparison of the Oregon appro priation with the cost of the bonus administration in other states, where no loan feature is involved, has con vinced the commission that there la no plan of economy under which the Oregon bonus law can be adminis tered effectively or promptly as mat ters now stand. There was said to be a possibility that the state emergency board members might be called into Joint meeting with the bonus commis sion for the purpose of studying the problem and reaching a solution that would meet the best interests of the state. Many Attorney Apply. While the supply of attorney appli cants Is ample, enough competent ap praisers to meet the legal require ments in every county have not yet been received, according to the re port of Secretary Brumbaugh to the commission this morning. No ap pointments of any kind were decided upon today, as the commission has adopted a policy of studying' closely the personnel for operating the bonus among the counties, since the very foundation of the successful opera tion of the loan feature depends upon the character tof organization that Is built up over the state for making Appraisals and examining titles. Those present at the meeting were Governor Olcott, Adjutant-General White, Commissioner Rice and Secre tary Brumbaugh. PLANE FUEL IS SOUGHT Everything Declared' iBeing Done to Get Air JPetrol Supplies. A telegram was received yesterday at the district forester's office here from Chief Forester Grilley, to the effect that everything In his power was being done at Washington in an effort to get the gasoline, and oil sup plies for the fire patrol airplanes fur nished as quickly as possible. The district forester's office here stated that It was yet a matter of specula tion as to just when the service, sus pended the first of this week, could be resumed. Major H. H. Arnold, chief of the air service of the 9th corps area, also is exerting every effort to get the planes back Into operation and has tele graphed to Washington. Captain Lowell Smith, commander ot the 91st aero squadron at Eugene, which controls the planes operating between Eugene and Portland, also is working In an effort to get the service started again. BOYS TURN IN ALARM'S Mischievous Youths Cause Trouble for .Portland Firemen. False alarms turned in by boys who are curious to see how the little red boxes work, have been causing the city fire bureau a great deal of trouble of late. Fire Marshal Gren fell estimates that each box alarm turned in costs the city $100, and two alarms within the last two days have been found to be the work of mis chievous youths. An alarm was turned in yesterday morning from East Eighth and East Alder streets and one Monday night from East Thirtieth and East Stark A Mrmr-C NOW new. ywsi merit" is a gay, out-of- j80 prises and amusing; com-- 0 I Sr5htilT Wv&ilrtTlt-f J'x fCWIfUTW plications, with mis- UUMI1.DY chievous WANDA ' S 'J&CJ "WSv HAWLEY as the yP mXED ' yjCOlMPLETE ftf NEW SHOW ? ' C7 . . V lm if S-f ' ' ' if Viva ' V '-r y -r - , 1 fm y-rr" ';,;ti-' - - fox -r- -tin iir..i - in 1 1 1 1 mi mi Mm 1... ii. . J I J V NEXT SATUROAY GIG DUPLEX feature: PROGRAM F1 streets. Both were the result of boys' pranks or curiosity.. Einge-ne Postoffice to Be Enlarged. EUGENE. Or., Aug. 8. (Special.) Plans for the new addition to the Eugene postoffice building were re ceived by Postmaster E. L. Campbell yesterday. It will be of concrete construction, 20 by 30 feet, and one story high. The plans include the remodeling of the present mailing room and the- basement. The post master says that the postal sales of itne JbJugene oitice nave grown irom $9000 during the year 1900 to over $75,000 in 1920. PS V "The Golden Snare" I The north as Cur wood knows it, writes it and screens it with- new thrill, new romance, new mystery. It rivals "back to God's Country" in its romance and "Nomads of the North" in its thrill. "The Golden Snare" will ensnare with its ' mystery. THE GOLDEN SNARE 99 WEEKLY COMEDY SONORA GRAND OPERA STARS THIS UiSSSipLSSSiSsl WEEK l J sSESJjj 'today- "A WISE FOOL" From Sir Gilbert Parker's "The Money Master" j James Kirkwood in a splendid I story of the evils of egotism. I ' Vfe- SCREENLAND NEWS jgf The Home-Grown If -Wv News Reel fj KNOWLES jlr I L CtUre yers I t J I . j5! Entire change g2jjy f. A (W of programme' ij 'A. Hill K- full, vwi - If. -g Pathe V - - ' U JP It Weekly -aT V.j.f X , Comedy W . i " r- ' I i B" M Ml" mill" X m ii i Sf m '5TV , 1 a., .a -t'c5- v-&jL JC..zinm A First National Attraction A spectacular reproduction of the internationally famous melodrama starring one of America's greatest actors. The play that holds an unequalled record on the stage has been reproduced for the screen as one of the season's biggest offerings. Is a crook human or all bad? Jim the Penman forged to save the woman he loved from disgrace. He forged to ruin his rival for her hand. i He forged to win wealth for pleasure and power, i lie forged to give his wife luxury. lie forged to place his daughter in society. He ruined men without compunction. But he gave his life that his wife might wed the man she loved. And he gave his life that his daughter might be happy. CECIL TEAGUE At the Wurlitzer c tl fri) IrJ Direction of Jensen and Von Herbert Mmlj ijsssj iSi 'I' Jin "rW!.'JWC., pi!lIl!!lllliIIIIIil!!l!!llll!lli!!!illIIIIII!IIII!l!i!II!!i!!III!llS!llIII!llllI! PERSONAL1 SERVICE BY I TELEPHONE H Buyers' Week is recognized as one of the best means j g of promoting the friendly relationship between whole- saler and retailer. It brings the buyer into direct con- J H tact with the dealer and under the personal care of the j central organization. H H Every week can be made Buyers' Week by means s of the long-distance telephone. By telephone you can, H at small expense, keep yourfirm and all it represents s in close contact with your trade and give your territory . personal service. m m m i H It creates a bond of understanding and is an ex- is pression of friendly interest that your customers will J J appreciate. f g . Ask for Pacific Long Distance or dial 211 from the W Automatic telephones. - H Telephone and Company iflll!lllII!I!!IiniII!IIIIIllIIIIIIll!!II!IIIIIIII!II(!IIIIIIII!!IIIin!!I!i!IIIiIIIi(!l!!IIIIIIII( They AH Come Here One visit makes a regular customer. Cleanliness. Service. Right Prices. Central Location. You may have breakfast for 15c Other meals with meat, eggs, po tatoes, bread, butter and coffee for 25c WOOD'S LUNCH .Sixth and Stark Sts. Facts About CANADA Those interested in Canada's farm and industrial opportunities are cordially invited to come and se cure first-hand information. On Thursday and Friday, August 4 and 5 at the Seward Hotel, Port land, Mr. W. F. Anderson will tell you the facts about Canada. You are welcome and will not put yourself under obligation by hear ing this talk. Canadian National Railways Industrial mnd Besourres lrpU Dewltt Foster, W. r. Anderson, Kilpt. Aftenl Slarqnctte Bldgr. 903 St-onri Are. Chiuio, 111. Seattle. Wash. FREE OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY I n V'e tlgatea all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 535 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 76. Dogs for sale. Horse an. biUanc-s for sicR or disabled horses. Smalt animals painlessly electrocuted wiicr-; necessary, and stray animals carc-1 tor. All dead animals, cows. Horses, etc picked up. PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 Automatic 560-95