BEAUTIFUL MT.' TABOR. , fH500 A wonderful 7-room bungalow, built for a home by the present owner. This house has the .very beat of material and workman ship throughout, beveled plate glass windows, beautiful fireplace, oak floors, very large bedrooms, full concrete basement, furnace, double garage, lot 50x147. well improved. If you really want something for a home, you can do no better. The owner is forced to sell, being unable to meet the payments; near car and school. Can be handled with J 1000 cash and balance on easy terms. ROSE CITT PARK. (47750 $1000- cash and $30 a month. In cluding interest, will buy you one of those beautiful little bunga lows. This is strictly modern, large living room, plate-glass, hardwood floors, all built-in fea tures, breakfas: nook, full-size lot. garage, street paved and paid. This house is about 2 years old and la now vacsnt. The owner Is out of town and you can move right In. Why not save that rent? 300 CASH. $2500 A 6-room modern house, close in on east side. This house is lo cated on comer lot, 50x100. near car line, street paved. Owner is moving to ranch; balance less than rent. There is an abun dance of fruit and flowers. In fact. It is a real heme, and at the above price and terms it is the best you have seen. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 84S5. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. JOHN W. GREENE, formerly connect ed with Morrison. Harwood & Jesse. Inc.. of Miami. Fla., hu taken chai'xc of the real estate department in the office of J. Bruce Goddard, 501-2 Couch bldg.. and with an efficient staff of co-workers will take cane of the sales of houses and lots and farms. Mr. Greene has had many years" experience in the realty business and Is prepared to give you prompt and efticient service. If you want to sell, call Main 4557. If you want to buy. get In one of the automobiles kept for that purpose and be shown the buys to be had In Portland. WHEN DEALING THROUGH BRUCE GODDARD'S OFFICE YOU ALWAYS GET A SQUARE WEAL AND NO AFTER TROUBLE. A LAM EDA PARK. A bargain, a real bargain in the above addition is generally hard to find; con ditions sometimes govern prices. Just 1 block to the Broadway car. We have a handsome new and modern 5-room bun galow which has garage. This home is attractively arranged and completely fin ished, ready for occupancy. Price $5500. J 10(io cash will be sufficient to handle. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVING TON SPECIAL BARGAIN. ONLY $5800 BUNGALOW. Six rooms and two sleeping porches; everything of very beat, with selected fir throughout; hardwood floors, large rooms, fine fireplace, buffet, all built-i; features. 50x100 lot, garage. TRULY A BARGAIN. MARSH & McCABE .CO., REALTORS, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3903. PALATINE HILL RESIDENCE. Among Portland's prettiest and delightful residences; a most se date home and beautiful grounds; data upon request, AH 884. Ore gonian. HAVE some lots on KlUingsworth ave. and 20th st., $350 each, cement sidewalks In; also lots on 2nth and Emerson. See us quick, rney must be sold i -room modern house with sleeping poruii, on .itn si. , east side, good school, good location. $1000 cash will handle. This is a bargain. HARPER & ROYER. 41S Railway Exchange W" AVER LEIGH HEIGHTS. $4500 $1000 cssh. balance easv teems, by owner; modern 5-room bungalow; fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, buf fet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, large attic, full basement, garage; free from all incumbrance; owner leav ing city, must sell. 894 Brooklyn st. Tabor 4536 ALBERTA. JOINING ALAMEDA PARK. 5-room bungalow. $3850. easv terms; full cement basement, double constructed, wash trays, breakfast nook, fireplace, bookcase, writing desk, window shades. 2 floors oak. others imitation; Dutch kitchen: sewer paid; east front: lawn seeded. 1010 E. 28th. Open 4 to 8 P M. Auto. 322-04. BARGAIN New 5-room modern bungalow with many built-in conveniences, fin ished in Ivory and mahogany, hardwood floors, plate-glass windows In front, fire place, furnace, large unfinished attic, garage, corner view lot: price $6000, $1500 cash balance monthlv. For inspec tion see Taggart. 1102 Spalding bldg. - ..m.o .i. fTciiinRg cast :mo. OUT IN the suhurbs on one of the best carllnes Into the city, a dandy little 3 room cottage on full lot. One block from car. three from high school a art four from grade school, full plumbing, plentv of fruit, elee. lights and gas. This is some buy at $1400. $-.00 cash. 218 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 61Q2. ALAMEDA DRIVE SNAP Must effect quick sale of delightful 2 story 7-room colonial home on ridge! with unobstructed view of cltv. immense plate glass view windows, 2 view porches, billiard room, gas heat, large grounds, double garage. Never offered before. Ta- bor 407. " $1700. $350 down. Cozy home with garage, chicken house, garden, corner lot, block to car, school, near Richmond district. Will accept Ford on deal. Also our other house, $200 down. Call at 20B Morgan Bldg. . $2300. VODRRN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR VfSHsrD. well built, double construction, cement basement, connected with sewer and paid; full lot. berries, trees, 2 tons briquets, half block to carline. Owner, Automatic 321-58. " NEW HOME, $050. t?00 cash and $15 per month and In terest buys this new 3 -room bungalow near Lents, only three blocks to car; on 50x100 lot; four small fruit trees on property. - ' . . v . n n a n noun . 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6398. S400 CASH puts you in possession of dandy four-room modern cottage on E. 73d N- on lot 180x100. wit V a world of fruit, berries and garden on it. If you want a email home you can't afford to miss this. Full price $2750. 218 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. . MAIN 6102. DANDY seven-room semi-bungalow on good street, with sewer in and paid for. Full cement basement, our bedrooms, garage, sleeping porch, plenty of fruit end shrubbery. Woodstock district. Price $4500. $500. cash handles. 218 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDXJ. MAIN 6102. LACRELHUSST BUNGALOW Magnificent 7-room bungalow with ga rage, on large corner, near car and park very large living room, breakfast room' S large bedrooms. Ivory finish, mahogany trim and doors, finest oak floors through out: beautiful shrubbery. Tabor 407 WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME Cosy, compact 2-story 7-room home, with garage, center entrance, large main T?"- vlp,w.!'orcJJ- J bedrooms, sleeping porch. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, oak floors, not water heat: unobstructed view of city, mountains, river. Tabor 407 KTJNNTSIDE "-ROOM HOME Nice large rooms, all in fine shape, on one floor, large attic, rood basement. Nice home, only $3S0O. oasement. JtARSH & -McCABO CO.. REALTORS.. " -TMiniiK xsiag. Aiarsnall SP93 $200 CASH gives you posesslon of double constructed, modern cottage on Dela ware st. Four rooms, toilet and bath, basement, one block to car: close to schools. Full price $1ROO 218 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. , MAIN 6102. IRVINGTOX SACRIFICE. Business move south necessitates owlck sale of fine 2-storr modern 7 room house: sleeping porch, beautiful grounds, trees, exclusive neighborhood. . 457 E. 21st St. X. Terms. Tabor 407 EX-SERVICE MAN " TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR LOAN. New 5-room bungalow. Rose City Park district; a dandy house, fruit trees, ready to bear; small payment will secure. i - in i , i,ii Aiain i. PORTt. A VT", UffTOlTiTC Modern 10-room residence, like new large garage, beautiful grounds. Owner leaving: will sell below actual value Reasonabl e te rms. Owner. Mar. 24S6 RICHMOND HOME-1 ' $459 down; 6-room residence and a dandy home; nice lot. fruit and flowers; $350, easy monthly terms. Main an QUIX. Realtor. 206 Morgan Bdg. ROSE CITY PARK! 6-room strictly modern, near sandy below the him This home Is in fine can- WZtfiTZV. 'rm- t.- Pile? " " ' irrmi. alar. 3352. (1000 TERMS, 4 lots, sidewalks. 1 block to pavement, unfurnished house: lots of romatfc"619-l2"- WMd"MlL A" CALIFORXIA bungalow, 6 rooms, ivory finish at a sacrifice $5200. $500 down. $45 a month, including interest, Wdln. 4563 no agents. ' FIVE-ROOM house equity for sale. 55, J,"?" Cannt meet assessments. Auto. $2600 5-ROOM bungalow. partly furl J. A. WICKMAN CO.. (5500 ROSE CITY PARK, on E. 40th St., 5-room bungalow; paved St., garage; a fine attic, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, white " enamel finish. This can be bought on very easy terms. (5300 ALAMEDA PARK, on Mason, 6 rooms on one floor; the extra room is a music room ; hardwood floors, fireplace,, fine basement and laundry trays; old ivory fin ish. Only $650 down. (4750 SOUTH MT. TABOR. ' acre with fine, new 5-room bungalow on Macadam road; nice fireplace, full basement, Vz block to car; enamel finish. Terms. J. A- WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS, "Shortest Way Home." 2C4 Stark St. Main 583 and 1094. OWNER MUST SELL. A REAL BARGAIN. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE 100x100 $4500. Here, folks, is your opportunity to get a real bargain. Owner must sell. Just take the time to phone about this. One of the prettiest homes imaginable and just a wonderful location, opposite one of Portland's most beautiful parks. Paving paid. too. Step right along and don't let an opportunity like this escape you. Phone now this minute. A. G. TEEPE CO REALTORS INSURANCE 270 Stark st near 4th. Main 3002. Branch. 40th and Sandy. Tabor U5S6. BRAND NEW! JUST FINISHED! Five-room, double-constructed, modern bungalow on half acre of fine ground; large living room. i:4il'u:b; large nre place and bookcases, dining room 13x14, with attractive buffet; kitchen with breakfast nook and all built-lns; 2 nice bedrooms with large closets and linen closet: fine bathroom with A l fixtures full basement with trays and cement floor. 26x40; half block from Hawthorne car line; price $4750, terms. Call owner, Wood lawn 2548. FURNISHED 6-ROOM ALAMEDA BUN . GALOW. $3S50, $1150 CASH, $45 A MONTH. INTEREST 7. About 2 years old. hardwood floors, tapestry paper, fireplace, all kinds of built-ins, white enamel finish; in good part ot Alameda Park, 3 blocks to nrua way car. Owner wishes to leave town and you can step into something nice at his ex pense. ALVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR. Bdwy. 37. 204 Board of Trade. OWNER'S SACRIFICE. $5000 VALUE FOR $4000. SEE THIS! IT CAX'T BE MATCHED. Seven-room house. sighfly location, beautiful 100x100 grounds, fine assorted fruit, outhouse, greenhouse, fine garage. On corner, paved street, 3 blks. to car, near school and church, good reslden tlal district: terms. Call Broadway 535-S. 7 MINUTES' EASY DRIVE. LAURBLHUHST OFFICE, E. 39TH AND GLISAN. If you are looking for a 5-room bunga low and will drive out today, you will get the surprise of your life; nothing like It ever offered by me before. Owner leaving city. Call for key at office on the property. East 30th and Glisan sts or phone Tabor 3433. Evenings call East 7738. DELAHUXTT. OPEN EVENINGS. . $3000 ROSE CITY PARK. 5- room modern bungalow, buffet, book cases. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors. 2 blocks from car. Terms. $4600 IRVINGTOX. 6- room house, with 3 bedrooms, full cement basement, with laundry trays and furnace, garage. 4 blocks to Broad way car. $700 cash, easy terms to suit. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. ROSE CITY PARK 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $4500. Located below the hill. A very at tractive 5-room bungalow, with hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, paving and sewer paid. A real bargain. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO REALTORS INSURANCE 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3002. Branch. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 0580. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Beautiful new strictly modern colonial bungalow. 5 rooms. Just completed; ga rage, choice location, fine view, large 35-ft.) living room, old English floors; built by owner for a home; sacrifice at $6500, about $1S00 cash. Phone after noons Main 5729. IRVINGTOX $8500. NEW DISTINCTIVE BUNGALOW. Strictly modern 6 rooms, very best ma terial throughout; fine inlaid hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, extraordinary built-in features; furnace, garage. A VERY DESIRABLE HOME. MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3093. NEW, NIFTY BUNGALOW $5800. o-room bungalow, with garage. Mod ern to the very last detail. East terms. The price is low. You will want this for your own home. A bargain. A. G. TEEPE CO REALTORS INSURANCE 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3002. Branch. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 05S0. IF REAL VALUE IS WANTED ASK TO SEE the 7-room bungalow type home on 150x 100, terraced grounds that has a wonder ful view. This place is priced abso lutely right. $4750. $500 cash will handle. Bal. $40 per month, including int. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. KNOTT-STREET RESIDENCE. At the corner of East 17th and Knott ts. (Irvington), one of Portland's finest residences; most beautiful grounds and shrubbery (quarter block). Old rvory and mahogany finish, hard wood floors throughout. Gasco furnace, two baths. Offered for the first time by MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 2S54. DKKUM & JORDAN. Read This. Six-room modern bungalow, Waver leigh Heights; cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, etc. All imp. In and paid for. ONLY $;tl50. This is a SNAP for $1000 cash. SEE IT. DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 2233. FURNISHED HAWTHORNE. ONLY $4500 $1000 CASH. Completely furnished 5-room bunga low, including piano, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Gasco fur nace; Interior hand decorated. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3003. GROVEL AND PARK. $4500. CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. Six rooms, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases. 3 bedrooms; located on one of the most prominent corners in Groveland Park. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. A REAL SNAP. $500 cash and terms will handle a dandy little bungalow having hardwood floors, - fireplace, breakfast nook, 2 bed rooms, large combination living and dining rooms; near canines and schools Worth, looking at. Only $3200. OTTO HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6398. $4830 ROSE CITY. A 5-room bungalow, cement basement, wash trays, built-ins, fireplace, inlaid hardwood floors. Dutch kicthen, large clothes closets with windows. 50x100 corner lot, sidewalks and sewer in and paid, garage, east front, price only $4so0, terms easy. RUMMELL- jfc RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. NEW $4200 NEW: Five-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, all built-lns. new place; paved St. Immediate possession. 45tn st- Haw thorne district. $4200!!! Small cash pay ment!!! STAR REAL ESTATE t INV. CO., Bdwy. 5358. 331 Stark St. Realtors. HAWTHORNE ONLY $3750. EAST TERMS. Five room bungalow on corner lot. new tapestry, paint; furnace and garage. This is a bargain. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3003. A 'GIFT. A 5-room new bungalow with large at tic, breakfast nook, oak floors, tapestry paper, enameled French doors, all built-lns.- house cost price asked, $5500, mak ing you a gift of a $2500 lot in finest location in Alameda. Mar. 3352. SUBURBAN HOME IN CITY. Whole half block, beautifully improved, abundance of fruit and berries, poultry, etc., attractive 5-room residence with garage, price $4750, terms. See A, K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW! 1 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Rose City, Just off the Alameda; all built-ins. fur nace, fireplace; fine east front lot, ail im provements In . and paid. A bargain. Call East 661. 5 ROOMS, 2 lots on corner; toilet, bath, basement, garage, chicken house, fruit, berries; newly painted: 4 blocks from Alberta car; $L'250. $600 cash. 1015 Glenn ave. N., corner Wygant. $500 CASH. Will buy new 5-room modern bun galow In Rose City; 1 block to car: Small monthly payments. Bdwy. 5358 OVERLOOK snap by owner; 6-room mod ern bungalow, all built-ins. hardwood floors, tapestry paper, like new; garage; close to high and grade schools. Phone Wdln, 4138. RfJXR PITY After a thorough search, we have con cluded that this place on East 50th st. is about our best bargain. Absolutely 2:.-...; "v.'". -ery respect. JUII lot. won- niiic trees, level lawn. The best of construction throughout; inlaid hard wood floors, extra large sleeping rooms, big closets, a sleeping porch that ac commodates two full-size beds; every thing a careful purchaser could expect. $.JoU ; good terms, too. . MR- CARROLL. COE A McKEXNA 'A CO.. Realtors. Main 4. .22. go Fourth st VIEW HOME S6SOO. This is a homey residence of 8 rooms occupying one of the most sightly cor ners" in Portland; large attractive living rooms. 4 bed rooms and bath upstairs. .. oom an1 to"t downstairs, beau tifully parked grounds 120xllH, good terms. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. , FITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-J-O-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRV'INGTOV x--T,r 6-'0 $10OO CASH. r- hEV AIIJiACTlvE- ROOMS. BUN- i J"Zy "V: W 1 T H CONVERTIBLE P5J?A1PAST ROOM AND SUN PAR-fe?S.F'RE-N'CH DOORS. HARDWOOD FLOORS TILE BATHROOM. PEDEs" TAL LAVATORY. RECESS TUB- EX-ov-r hVPRY AND STOOL ON SEC-2D-FJ-OOR- DOUBLE-CAR GARAGE. EAST FRONT. FINE LOCATION R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. H.TO0-DOUBLE flat on car line: hard surface walking distance: built-ins. fire- ie?lwooy24rer- 468 E" 1Uh Phne Suburban Homes. WS.LLl LOCATED SUBURBAN HOME. ive , ,acres' on Bol macadamized road. 8hi miles from center of Port land. 2 miles from city limits; 3 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated; mile to electric station: 2 acres raspberries; attractive 5-room plastered bungalow with full cement basement. rireplace, white enamel plumbing' ga ris.e' nicken houses, water system. Oniy 600 feet from paved hlshway. Offered at real bargain, or will sell one acre with the bungalow for $3500. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, ' Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. EXCELLENT SITRrnniv unur Beautifully located 5 acres near Ore gon City electric station in one of Port land s best suburbs; good 7-room bun galow, gas. electricity and water; excel lent garden land, all in cultivation: fruit trees now on place should produce at least $1000 PER YEAR PROFIT; ground now being prepared for planting rasp berries, strawberries. loganberries and grapes WILL EXCHANGE on basis of three-fourths of valuation and accept ??,vrEar.t Pivment a Portland residence J..0O0 to $7o00 cash value, balance long time which can easily be paid from profits. NO CASH REQUIRED. Phone Broadway 4807, after 6 o'clock evenings. FIVE-ACRE BUY. All in cultivation. 2 whole acres of rruit, abundance of berries, comfortable 6-room house; this is right on a paved highway and only 5 blocks from a little own- Only $330O. with terms. Ask for - luarMiail. WHO FRANK L. McGUIRE, -L Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. Third st.. bet. Wash, a nd Stark. HALF ACRE ON RIVED pn A ri 80 fruit trees and all kinds of berries: B blocks from Courtney, on O. C. line and right on main hard surface road: fine 5-roont bungalow. $3200 with some , i u" nw you this at once. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with , FRANK L. McGUIRE. 225..A!lnstton ldg. Main 1068. Third st. bet. Wash, and Stark. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. jui DOWN'. ONE ACRE nri.I. hitv tcta On paved highway, qlose to car. new, modern bungalow, fine soil, all plowed, .price $3S00. only $300 down. bal. like . ii roain oui. BOOM -CLEARWATER, 5O5-506 Couch Bldg. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN BUNGALOW PRICE. $3000. TERMS One acre in choice variety of fruit, in most popular suburban district. 5 rooms ; yniK purcn. an modern conven iences of the city; good garage. MRS. SNOW. BDWY 4664 OSWBUO I.AK-R New tract being offered. Large home sites with piped water, electric lights, rocked roads, spring brook, beautiful groves, pleasing view; 124c fare, low in price, easy terms. Ride out with us and look it over. Owners 500 Concord bldg 2d and Stark. FINE ACRE MODERN HOME iSoO-5"" 6-room bungalow with bath, fireplace and all built-ins: fruit and berries. Ore gon Electric line; $500 down or will take Jord as part payment. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with ' FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington B)dg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark 3 ACRES ONLY i4nn nnwv All in cultivation, some berries and fruit. 3-room cottage and barn, good roads. 5 blocks to S. P. electric. $2500. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington bldg. Main 1068. nir'i st.. oet. vasn. and stark OWNER LEAVING FOR CALIFORNIA,. Beautiful country home. Capital Hill, vacant. 6 bedrooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, strictly modern at low price; your terms. 526 Cham, of Com, bjrtg. XEAR Capitol highway Large tract of ground with 4-room bungalow. Price $1400. $700 cash; balance easy terms For particulars see Mr. Rogers at our Multnomah office on the blvd Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st BEAUTIFUL natural park of 30 acres, large creek and springs, electric station on grounds, near city. $15,000. AH 70S Oregunian. 1 ACRE TRACTS near Troutdale and the Columbia river highway, good soil and a wonderful view. See Mr. Kennedy. 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg BARGAI ne acre, all In fruit nes, tuui-ivum House. Dam. chiclren house, water, gas; $2600. terms. Owner. Alain 4 i 67. ' CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES ' and acreage, well located, near carline from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley staton. on Oregon City carline $1000 BUYS 1 acre home, t Oswego lake" AV 181, Oregonian. For Sale Acreage. 16 ACRES HOUSE BARN $1400 Rolling land, but nearly all tillable- 2 acres cleared; comfortable 2-room house good barn; -place all fenced; no rock or gravel; 30 miles from Portland. Station P. O. and store handy. Price $1400 terms $u00 cash, balance 3 years. 6 Interest. ' LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, ia unam terof Commerce. ACREAGE SUBURBAN ACREAGE .t..have Bome very good listings' In ACREAGE and SUBURBAN HOMES If you are looking for elbow room close in See J. A. WICKMAN CO, 264 Stark St. Main 583 and 1004 BEST BUY IN inBElCE- Vt acre, high state of cultivation, fine 4-room bungalow. Just outside city limits. Will take car and cash, balance easy Payments. Interstate Land Co.. Real tors. 248 Stark St. Main 5423 18 acres of logged off land down the Co lumbia river; rich soil; easy te"ms Good road. Let us show it to you.. Price $30 per acre. JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 Northwestern Bank Bl'dg. TWO ACRES 1 POWELL VALLEY ROAD Level, cultivated. Ideal location, gas. electricity; real bargain for $1250 $!50 cash. $25 per month. 403 Stock Ex.' bldg Mar. 3324. - ACRES only 12 miles to Portland, for onlj.$100 per acre; 6 acres in potatoes; small house, creek on place, good soil some good wood, terms easy H w' WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low price and easv terms offered to settlers. ' WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO .i;uina, w asn. f,VrnT-1,,T'T',Wi,lot "nd sma11 4-room a -' " ' " - H garden space f-.. T.... , ""."i 11,16 we" of water. i'""5 Place it you would want to raise chickens. G 868. Oreconl.n 5 ACRES near electric car and station: lo'od7orchard.CUbteVVr1n:goal.o,h,OU's3i f?JVC,e--"?n,WS;is.5 -P.E1400."iL W.' (850, $42.50 DOWN; bal. $8.50 per mo" and int. 6. straight contract, full acre til Water and 8a' c'ose in- Cali Alain il.Ul, ACRES half acres. $10 down. $10 month" near 42d and Alnsworth: no assessment water each tract. R. W. Cary. 1219 N W linlik bid if. OIiE,,ARE on hi-hway. close to car Bull Run water and gas. close in. will MalnC52r. ' 'aSy t"ma- Call $20 CASH, $8 monthly, buys nice half acre 30 minutes out, near city limits' Sater' Jfa"' e'ectcity available. 4d Henry bldg. Broadway 5549. MCE 14-acre 6-room house, sortment fruit, water, aa's. 7i25 Price $1500. $250 down. Draper. 408 Doaru oi a rage. WILL SELL 15 acres in three or four-acri J?1";, TJlomM Allen- 131 92d st. 3 E. Portland FOR SALE-jheap. equity In 10 acres grazing land near Kalama. Wash VV? roads. Address 200 Oak Grove Or d a i -ft Jx ..j r , . iV ' N' "VLention: 32U or 2000 acres t $10 near Bend.. n crei User. 415 East 6Hth St.. Lo. A n,.i 80 ACRES, fruit, timber a-ron , iTZ (600 cash. 401 Stock Exchange? t0UJ,e; VERY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. Eight acres, on good macadamized road. 14 mile from electric station, east of Gresham; all under cultivation, woven wire fences, one acre logan berries. 30 young fruit trees. New plastered bungalow with fireplace and sleeping porch; garage, work shop. etc. Price $48o0. $130O cash- Place now In crop and is an, exceptionally good piece of land with attractive home. Per sonally Inspected. 100x150 Just outside city. Capitol Hill, all under cultivation, city water, gas; good 5-room plastered house on con foundation. small barn. Price -ooO, $50O cash; or consider house In Portland up to $4500. Ask for Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. - Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Oet Our Extensive Classified Lists. . $25 rOWM 7 (1 Ml iVTIM V Buys a splendid tract of 0.92 acres, splendid soil, no rock, on macadamized road. Hi miles from city limits, fine .for chickens, berries and fruit. Price $700. if. hve nly 14 tracts in this platting lert. some as large as 6 acres and proportionately on the same terms. Autos at your service. Fred W. German Co Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. PRICE REDUCED ONE-HALF.' We, have several small tracts from 2 to 10 acres within 8 to 18 miles from Portland, near Mt. Hood electric line ana hard-surface auto roads; very fer tile soil; our auto at your service. W. M. Lmbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Fruit elands for Sale or Kent. LARGE sums have been lost on walnut properties in Oregon; expert advice could have reversed it. T. Withycombe'a clients made 400 to COO per cent on their walnut Investments. Write 482 12th st.. Portland. Or., for ideal walnut acreage. Homwteads, ItellnqufMhmente. HAVE put more settlers on Oregon 'lands In past 6 months than all other Individ uals or associations in state combined; list of hundreds of satisfied clients to refer to. Call at office for detailed de scription of open tracts: maps $1 by mail M. J. Anderson. 531 Railway Ex change bldg. For Sale -Farm. FARil SACRIFICE. SEE THIS. 40-acre farm, only S miles from Van couver; 16 acres in prunes. 3 acres in potatoes, 7 in corn, 2 acres in kale; 2 fine horses, 4 splendid milk cows, 40 chickens; 4-room house, 2 barns, gran ary, woodshed, tool shed, silo garage, cream separator, power sprayer, buggy, wagon, plow, harrow and all small farm tools; 2 welI5, hot and cold water in the house, bricked-up cellar, gravel road, 1 mile to pavement; all for $8500, boou terms; mortgage of $260t; or we will trade equity for clear to $6OO0; possession at once if wanted; this is a real bargain; see us at once if you are looking for a farm snap. REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO.. ' REALTORS. 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2954. THIS RANCH COST $21 AN ACRE 3 YEARS AGO: I WILL SELL IT TO YOU FOR $5.40 AN ACRE. Wheat ranches in this section pioduced 20 to 40 bushels per acre thU season; 2600 acres in this ranch can be cut into smaller ranches if purchasers desire to do so after buying: federal loan has been approved for $10,000; owner cannot wait for money can be bought for one-half cash: 220O acres tillable land, most all fenced. Some in cultivation; big spring on ranch; 8 mites from r. r. and 160 miles east of Portland. See SAM -HEWEY. at J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 20S. 48 HIGH-GRADE COWS AND CATTLE WITH FULLY EQUIPPED RANCH. ALL FOR $6000. Good team of horses, wagon, harness and all necessary farm Implements; 45 tons of hay In big barn: house and other outbtdgs. , 30 acres splendid land, well fenced, ' abundance of free grass for all cattle and cows; good orchard; well and creek; near r. r.- and town; 60 milee from Portland. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. SACRIFICE. Owner must leave at once and must sell this ideal 5214 acres, located only 3 miles east of Oregon City on Mollala road. 25 acres are under cultivation, bal ance pasture, only 14 mile to electric station, 8-room house, new barn, 32x70. chicken house, etc., wagon, plow, har row, cultivator. 8 H. P. gas engine, cream separator, all new this spring, team 3200; 5 Jersey cows, 4 heifers, 2 registered sows, 150 chickens, all crops, also household furniture, cooking uten sils and food, take your suit case and move in. The price is right, and only requires (2500 cash and long time on balance. F. L. EDDY, Realtor. BITTER. LOWE & CO-201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OWNER MUST DISPOSE OF THIS 27-ACRE HOME NEAR SHERWOOD. 5-room house, large barn, outbuild ings, one acre in orchard and berries, good well water, also running creek. 4 good cows, team of horses. 5 brood sows, will farrow this month; lot of chickens, full line of tools and machinery, barn is full of hay. some grain to thresh, po tatoes and family garden, on milk and mail routes, on good auto road near the pavement; price is $8300: will take small acreage near the car line up to $2500, bal." long term of years at 896. STEWART & JOHXSOX. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 40-ACRE FARM IRRIGATED. ALL STOCKED AXD EQUIPPED. PRICE ONLY $3500. Paid UD water right: thicklv settleH district; neax, good school; good set farm Duuaings, x norses, z cows, cream sep arator, farm implements and household goods; would consider a good home in foruana same price. DUDREY IXVESTMENT CO-509-10 Panama Bldg- Third and Alder. HERE is your chance to own a small farm sown the Columbia river, IS. 61 acres, on payments that you can make. It ts rich productive soil; on a good road. Price $558. Terms. $140 cash, bal. $S3 a year. Let us show it to you at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 Northwestern Bank B!dg. $50 CASH 15 MONTHLY. 100 acres of good Una, 7 miles north of wasnougai; loo acres said to be till able; s acres ciearea around the stumps. jk rew snacKS. creeKH snn Hnrinn-a ,.n each 40. Total price $2700. Here is your chance, Mr. Land Hungry Man. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber or (jommerce. 240 ACRES of fine farm land on the iouis river; over iw acres or choice bottom. Ideal place for a stock ranch; considerable timber. Owner compelled to sell; will sacrifice for (8O00L For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg. Main 880. BY OW-SER Snap in Lincoln county, 160 acres, good house, two barns, 5 head of stock, young team, farm implements, crop and household goods; about 25 acres cleared: all goes for $3000, terms' no trade. 30314 Burnside st. Call between 9 A. M. and 8 P. M. 842 ACRES, near Eugene, all in cultiva- tion. excellent soil; good buildings four wells; $10,000 cash, balance 6 per cent, long time. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Main 1370. NOTICE; Buy from owner 30 acres good land: no rock: 8 In cultivation: 4-room house, outbuildings, horse, cow, tools 1V4 miles to town; price $2450. some terms. Come see or write H. A. Taber Scappoose. Or 200-ACRE dairy ranch. 17 miles of Port land, well stocked, fjood house, several large barns; will sell for $24,000 or trade for income property in city III health. P. P. McKenna. Realtor. 1151 Belmont st. Tabor 6403. HALF' ACRE, cleared, small unfurnished house, gas, electricity; pnone. well, near school, church, stores, station, half hour from Portland; good car service: small payment, balance easy terms. Address A. M., Oak Grove. Or. 160 STOCK ranch, real soil. 140 real plow iuu. '" 1 " 1 -. uMia.nce easy cleared: house, bam. creek, school coun ty road, west McMlnnville: looo acres heavy feed back range; $2000. 301 Cor bett bldg. 41 ACRES of logged-off land down the uoiumoia rivci, ntn sou, easy terms Good road. Price $30 per acre. JOHNSOX-DODSO.V CO 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg FOR RENT OR SALE Ranch suitable for dairy or general farming: abundance of water and feed. On state highwav CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $o0 to (oOO per acre- easy terms, best soli, farms for sale, all slzea McFarland, realtor. 208 Failing bldg 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon- 65 in cultivation, well fenced; a good buy or will trade. Owner. Tabor Bang 24 ACRES, half under' cultivation ; run ning. water, good soil. Price $060 $200 sown. Draper. 408 Board of Trade. -Farms. SMALL DAIRY RANCH. Nearly 19 acres. 18 miles north of tcucr oi x-ortiana; joins gooa town, with high school; lo acres in crop, balance in pasture, spring and creek; bearing orchard and 2uu0 Btrawberry plants; good 5-room house. large chicken house, barn. etc. Included with place: 4 cows, chickens. 7 hogs, milk bottles, dairy equipment and complete line o machinery, harness, wagon and crops. The milk is sold right in town and the income Is over $100 per month. Price (5500. $2050 cash; balance 5V4 per cent. Or will turn this place in for lease and personal property on 40 acres up. GOOD MODERN BUILDINGS. 24 acres, 10 miles south of Portland. . 1 mile - from good town with electric lines, rocked roads, good soil; all can be cultivated. 17 acres under cultiva tion; new 8-room plastered bungalow with water system, garage, barn 40x50, chicken house: 1 mile to high and grade schools. Included with place: 1 team. 2 cows. 1 heifer, 30 chickens, cream separator. brooder. Incubator, complete line of machinery. 300 sacks of onions. 15 sacks potatoes, crops and all household furniture including piano. This is a fine home, well located; buildings are reasonably worth (7O00. Consider Portland house for .part value. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealers on Pacific Coast. Over 50O Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. SELL YOU THIS SPLENDID RANCH LIKE PAYING RENT YOU ONLY PAY CASH FOR PERSONAL PROPERTY. Located 18 -miles S. W. of Port land on Tualatin river; ISO acres. 120 in shltivatlon; very rich soil; good. big. family orchard; 4 acres loganberries, balance in pasture; timber for firewood. Personal property: 23 cows, heifers and calves, good bull. 7 big horses. 20 hogs, chickens," ducks, geese, new ti actor and all necessary farm Im plements; about 10O tons of bay; ore-half of 1921 grain: machine shed, granary and other outbldgs., river and well. Price $30,000. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. " ILL GIVE THE BEST OF TERMS ON THIS FINE DAIRY FARM. 128 acres, all creek bottom. 50 in rul tivation, balance can easily be put into pasture, good y-room house with mod em plumbing, spring water piped to same; large round-roof barn, will hold loo tons of hxy and stall 38 nead of cattle, about 50 tons of hay now in barn, full line of machinery and tractor: every thing goes with place for $15,000. Owner will take small payment down and your own time on balance, on good gravel roaa, close to school, with free bus to high school; choice of two milk routes. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LOGGED-oi1 F lands, $10 acre up; running water, goou sou, tuiaoie; school, easy i ma J . xv. oon loira St. WANTED REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE WANTED. We have Portland houses to trade for farms and farms to trade for Portland property; let us have your property and we will try and match it up. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY. 8 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. HAVE 40-ACRE FARM. IRRIGATED. All stocked and equipped. Ready to move right on; lo , cated in thickly settled farming district. Priice $3500 ; clear of debt; .want good nine nome aoout sameprice. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg- Third and Alder. IRVINGTON, Alameda Park. Laurelhurst or Rose City Park. If you own a home in any of the above additions that is reas onably priced, we'll effect a quick sale lor you. call Mr. Everson. COMTE & KOHIMAN, Main 6550. -o cnamber of commerce Bldg. WANTED Of owner. 5-room bungalow near Hawthorne car in exchange for business corner, quarter block, on Di vision street, some cash. Phone Sellwood ZL'.O. Call 487 34th St., south of Division Mrs. F. O'Xelll. WANTED This week. 5 or 6-room mod ern bungalow. Any good district. Hose City preferred; $4000 to $5000. Must be up to date and price right; no agents. Address this week. C. A. Pierce. Gen. Del.. Portland. READY TO BUT. -Have cash customer for a 5 or 6-room modern bungalow; prefer new one In good district from $4000 to (5000; state best terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1B58. APARTMENT HOUSE WANTED. Have $ cash and 700-acre ranch under irrigation and clear of debt. Price S3O.0VU. vv ant good apartment house or other income property. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG- 3d and Alder. WANTED Tp buy or rent new 5 or 6-room bungalow, modern and up to date: rent to apply on purchase price, within 6 montns or one year; references. Main 484. HAVE client wanting a 1-acre tract on Oregon City line, this side of Oak Grove, with 4 or 5-room house; value about $2500, with $300 cash. Call Main 7027. 415 Piatt bldg. 2 OR 3-ROOM house, small payment down. Immediately. Address H. E. J., Box 18, city; . WANTED Lot in good district for large touring car. In excellent condition. Mrs. Snow. Bdwy. 4664. 2 H. K. ROOMS, wk. $3.25; single (2. E. 393 S. Grand ave. or East 944. WILL pay cash for small house and lot. AC 803. Oregonian. Farms Wanted. FARM WAXTED About 80 acres, radius 50 miles Portland; must be well equipped with buildings, stock, machinery and cheap, for cash; give details in answer Ing. K 856. Oregonian. PAY CASH for 2 to AC8110, Oregonian. 5 acres with house. Wanted to Reut Farmn. WANTED TO RENT, SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHX FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANT to rent or lease on shares. 30 or 40 acres for a term of years within 10 or 15 miles of Portland. Address J. F. Bunnell, route 1. Box 763. Portland. Or. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Sawmills located In pine. fir. or spruce timDer, also good tracts of virgin timber in Oregon or Washington. See Winslow Co.. 419 Lumbermens bldg FOW RENT FARMS. FARM FOR REXT. PERSOXAL PROP ERTY FOR SALE. 45 acres, near 82d st- -all cleared, family orchard and berries. 12 cows. 1 bull, team of horses, brood sow. 8 calves, some chickens, wagon, mower, rake, disk, plow, harrow, cultivator. milk cooler, cream separator, gas engine, 2 tons of hay. 4 acres corn, 1 14 acres po tatoes, 3 acres In kale, family garden, all for only $2400, including lease; rent is $40 per month. STEWART & ."OHXSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 15 cows, 1 bull. 2 horses harness, delivery truck, milk route, bot tles and cans, steam boiler, 60 tons hay. Vi acre beets, kale, potatoes, 10 acres corn? price $3500; eash; Income $450 per month; there are 60 acres, house, barn, milk house; rent $70 a month. For more information see Joe C. Gente mann. 210 Railway Exchange bldg , Portland. Or. IS NEAR Vancouver, until December. $73; also 40 near Oregon City, until No?., 1923, $450: 500 cords seasoned wood on piace, owner, .box PS. Astoria. Or. 24 ACRES, well watered. 8 miles from Newberg. Apply 781 Brooklyn st. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATB. 871 ACRES wheat and pasture land, stock and "machinery, $7000. for city property or small close-in farm. Phone Columbia 44. FOR SALE or exchange, large, completely equipped stock and alfalfa ranch; owner wishes interview with interested parties. S 809. Oregonian. HAVE 5 acres highly improved, close in. modern 5-room bungalow; want house in good district to about $40O0. A J 893, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Apple orchard In the Mosler fruit belt; 10 acres. 10 years old for groc. store, from $3000 to $4000 in- . voice. Call 1450 Grand ave. North 7-PASS. Cole 8 and $100O Interest for $2000 equity in a mmiern nouse. Address G 874. Oregonian. 4 ACRES, walking distance to S. P. shop; want noust) auu lui ur kuuq DUliaing lot East 8431. 10 ACRES, small creek, near Milwaukie, value -.oo, tor Newport or seaside cot tage. Phone Milwaukie 81 Y. TO TRADE my $1250 equity in Rose City uuiismuw ur nit ii unprovea aistrict Phone Wdln. 4502. LOT 40x114, IN good district, to trade for cneap lariu or acreage, a. oou, Uregonlan, STOCKED AND EOIIIPPHrn. Splendid level 40-acre tract, family orchard, good plastered cottage. 24x32; barn 40x52, good silo, granary, machine shop, double-lined potato house; 4 cows, 8 heifers, 2 calves, team, 2 pigs, 50 chickens. " wagon, plows, harrow, rake, mower, disc, cultivator, separator, gas engine, feed cutter, blacksmith tools, drill, forge and all kinds of small tools; 12 tons of hay In barn; a real home ranch; price $sooo, will take home in Portland up to $4000. See Mr. Stephens, Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. TRADE 80-ACRE FARM FOR PORTLAND HOUSE. Farm all in cultivation. 8-room bun galow, hot and cold water, all necessary outbuildings, all Improvements, only four years old. - Crop, stock and implements go with place. Looted close to Pa cific highway, between Albany and Eugene. Price (20.000. mortgage $6000 at 6. Will take Portland home up to (S0t0. Terms on balance. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. 269 OAK STREET. 50 ACRES, 25 cult- some timber, well, small creek. 3 springs, family orchard, 6-room house, large barn. 1 mile to school, 7 miles to Oregon City, good road; team. 2 cows, 2 reg. sows, chick ens, geese, cider mill, mower, rake, plow, buggy, wagon, hack, drill, tour harrows, 2 cultivators, harness, 4 h. p. engine, grinder, drill, hay fork, sepa rator, small tools. $7000. trade for 2 or 8 acres, near Portland, on car line. BOCKHOI.D BROS.. REALTORS. . 601 Swetland Bldg, 640 ACRES. 125 under plow, 450 tillable, living spring; -all fenced; 2 elevators 9 miles; incumbrance $4500, due 4 years; also 560 acres, 135 under plow, living spring; all fenced; no Incumbrance; 2 miles from railroad; both good stock ranches, on Yellowstone trail, near Bill ings. Mont.; $25 per acre, terms: will exchange for acreage near or income property in Portland. AM 881. Ore gonian. GROCERY STORE FOR FARM. A well established grocery store In a progressive coast town together with 3 residences valued $13,000. WANT a good farm to (15,000; must be free of incumbrance. alacINNES. EXCHANGE DEPT.. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Exchanges of Merit Only. SEE US FOR EXCHANGES. We have several good farms to ex change for Portland homea and income property. We have good wheat land, eastern Ore gon. Dakota, eastern Washington, to ex change for Portland property. MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bids. Marshall 30'.'3. FARM BARGAIN OF A LIFETIME. Owner is in poor health and has $10,000 mortgage due, any one able to handle mortgage and has some clear property can get a bargain that will surprise them; take advantage of this bargain before it is too late. We will be pleased to tell you all about iL STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. APARTMENT BLDG. FOR HOUSE. 9-apartment building, on good corner, pays better than $100 clear per month; 2 apartments furnished; price $1000; .WANT residence or hotel. MaclNNES. EXCHANGE DEPT.. RITTER. LOWE & CO.T 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Exchanges of merit only. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME with 214 acres highly developed, mostly in cnoice varieties bearing trult and berries: family garden, poultry, etc.: modern residence with garage, all city conveniences, fine location; (3500 equity for sale or exchange: prefer house, will assume ir wen located. See A. K. Hill, mmnermena Diag. 61i ACRES right in Beaverton: fine for gardens, part beaverdam; fair 5-room house, well, large barn; cultivated, in crop; will exchange $1200 equity for equity or o-room house In Portland ana assume; price $4000; balance pay- J. EUGENE HEDGES. Realtor. 201 W. Park. Main 2590 WEISER VALLEY IRRIGATED LAND. EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND ' PROPERTY. 170 acres. 90 in cultivation and now irrigated, close to town with grade, high school and churches; will, take good city I'lupvrLj as part or payment in lull. rnce HENDEKSON-BANKUS CO., 628 H. nry Bldg. Broadway 4754. $6000 INCOME will Justify you paying $10,000; will take small business, hotel or rooming house up to $3000 in part payment, balance easy; 4 corner lots improved with upartments. houses and seven 2-room cottsges: ideal for small family; never failing Income. Particulars see u. r Anderson, 16314 West Park st. r-ornana. ur. 40-ACRE FRUIT AXD CHICKEN FARM About 15 acres under cultivation very good set of buildings, water piped to house, 5 acres fruit; place is well kept up and Is all stocked and equipped, can maae living irom start; price $6500 owner wants house in Portland. Come in and se Mr. Stephens. Fred W. German .o- tteanors. 732 Cham, of Com HAVE fine 40-acre farm with stock and equipment, orchard, a-room house, barn cnicken house, good spring, etc., to trade for small business in Portland, confectionery, cigar stand, pool hall or any good little business: or consider smau Dungalow. Mrs. Albaugh. with junn Ferguson, gerlinger Qlag. MODERN 7-room bungalow-style home on tuuxiuu loot lot, has 3 bedrooms; paved street; Vi block to car, 4 blocks to school; garage, chicken house and run. fruit and berries. Will exchange for gooa tot, acreage or smau home with some casn ana easy terms. Main. 7027. i.t r-iait Diag. TO TRADE Eight-room house and small store building in Deertleld. Mo., on trunk line and highway to Kansas City 00 miles north; will trade for raw land in western vasnington or Oregon. Addre; Mahlon Stephens. Delphlne. Mont. W.ILL TRADE. we are prepared to arrange a trade for you. Bring In your proposition and 1.1 . 1- " . iiuiig mat has moiH, 'tfio, uuuaea, uvreage or farms E. R. 8- 513 Couch bldg. MOTOR boat, one year old, best of condl- i' . ' ""'es per nour; 32 ft. long. 9 ft. wide. Self starter, 60-h. p. Value. siuuu. for auto or real estate. Call 160 ACRES. 1.500.000 timber and 6000 of . . lu """ nmoer. x miles of rail roaa in Oregon: price $1800. consider . ' wi iructi. in. 11. 1 1 m man, .Box 147 Route 2. Vancouver. Wash. JUST THINK" nu ma In the heart of Irvington. a beautiful 10-room home, hardwood floors prac tically furnished; all this for $6500, $2500 cash, terms. Call owner. Marshall ai 10 v.ux-if. 1 a wuuiesaie ana retail ,111, plant, located close In on east side Cheap rent. Will sell or exchange for small residence. F. L. Mlllerf 355 wa&ningion SL. Alain 3fi70. 'S,QUIT,T 12 5-,room modern Portland home east side for acreage near high- Doty. Wash mDtn- U' Ketel TO BXCHANGE-MISCELLANEOUS. PYr-U A X-- L' I . t T7 7. JX , -"ai-'5. Tiniinjf, enameling' 2703-or 'Tabor C65SSe- llb"- Msrata" ALBURN BUG Trade for real estate. Vic' iroia or wnat nave you 7 Wdln. 2227 art T T . j7 rT T- . .. y equity in 1021 Ford for " iraae a good canary singer for a gooa sewing machine. Phone East 5418 trucK ior sale or eiclun,. hi owner Tahnr HMO - J esi'c K trade for hemstltcher. -" - iicsonian. FOR SALfc. JHorses. Vehicles. Livestock? CROWN ivf" .11 Zi ial "i. , 8 or "change horses of "np ana oig. young and old; Pack horses: In fact, horses for any and every kind of Job. We take in horsex mules or cattle. Sell on time to people who can give us security. Have farm wagons, spring wagons and buggies. r.lw nd second-hand harness. Have f bolster springs, 10OO lbs.. 15O0 lbs 2000 lha m nH Tonn Ik. . I i 1 p,;Lce 12 to 40 et: for standard and wide-gauge wagons. We give you your choice for $5 and $6 a set Have rabbits: have nice 6-mos.-old regis tered nanny goat; have all kinds of """"i .sup. piows and narrows, spring- .wuu uoiiow, mower, lu-ft. rake, as u i new. jrnu suetter. Pres.. 285 r ront St. TEAM weighing 1600 eacn with harness and wood rack. Also 10 tons baled hay S.h,eap' , ,RouAe x' box 237- Oatfield rd.I Milwaukie. Or. 8 TEAMS of large mules and 6 head of horses; also harness; no reasonable offer refused. 420 Hawthorne ave. 13 HEAD grade Holstein cows, very re"a sonable price. William Joy, Scapnoose Or. County line St. Helens road. FOR SALE Six horses; reasonable prioea Holman Fuel Co.. barn E. 6th and Ivon streets. DEAD horses and cattle taken quicklv Phone Milwaukie 60J for best service V ETERINARI AN. TJR. HOWES. TABOR 6569. DEAD horses and cattle taken ouicklv- Call day or night. Auto 627-64 FRESH cow. and calf. 4-gal.. tub tested. Woodyard. 327 Front. WANTED Young dairy cow; fresh or coming fresh soon. Route 1. Box 19 WANTED Team or small truck for bank. ing of wood, 75c per cord. Tabor -SHOO. WANT fresh cow. very heavy milker. XdT dxesa H 871. Oregonian. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. HAVE six graded Jersey cows, giving better than 5 gallons apiece, with a high test. Will sell at a reasonable price. 8 miles northeast of Vancouver. box 147, Pacific highway. Phone 22F31. Mr. Park. llanos. Organs and Musical Instruments. READJUSTMENT PERIOD SALE. "Some of the finest pianos in the world, including demonstrating and used pianos, player pianos and phonographs. SAVING OF $75 TO $300 FOR YOU. Ivers & Pond, last year's model. .. .$595 Ivers & Pond, last year's model.... 675 Hazelton Bros, last year's model.. 535 Haines Bros., last year's model.... 4'J5 Haines Bros- last year's model.... 505 Franklin upright. In mahogany 4si5 Foster & Co., upright. In oak 305 Hobart M. Cable, player piano 495 Stuyvesant. mahogany player piano. 575 Kimball, large upright 365 New England, large upright 225 Cash or as low as ts to $15 a month. Seventh Floor. Lipman. Wolfe & Co. PHONOGRAPHS Some reduced over 50 New and Used Cabinet Models. Readjustment Period Sale. Vlctrola. mouei JO ..$110.00 Widdlcomb. No. 6. walnut........ 100 00 Pathe, No. 10, cabinet 75 00 . Stradivera Melody 112.50 Bluebird, in mahogany 125 CO Pathe. fumed oak. model 12 11.VO0 Stradivara Chopin, mahogany.... 10 00 Victor, style 9. small 40.00 $10 or more at time of purchase. $5 or more a month thereafter. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO.. 7th Floor. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $375 J. P. Hale Ac Co. used upright .. $210 $450 Peerless, upright, mahogany... lt5 $275- Collard & Collard, upright.... 65 $750 Pianista player piano 2!5 $250 Pianola player, walnut 45 Parlor oreans. Is. (25. $35. $38. etc 103 TENTH ST.. CORNER STARK, f?AN p,anO CO.. Downstairs Store. $t.50 Kimball, used, best style, mahg.$305 $675 Singer, upright grand 295 $i50 Adam Schaat plaver 4115 $000 Steger, In rich mahogany 405 $900 Steinway A- Sons. upriKht 305 $475 Hallet & Davis, upright 1SI5 $10 to $25 cash. $6 to $12 monthly. $150 Pathe. vsdl. 10, used phonograph . $80 $125 Brunswick. No. 107, phonograph. 95 $05 Stradivara. in oak 3s $75 Victor, in mahogany............ 45 $50 Victor, in oak " so Terms. $5 cash. $3. $4 and $5 monthly 101 Tenth St.. at Wash, and Stark AMERICA'S CHOICEST PIANOS HARDMAN. fine shape $250 STEINWAY, apartment size $37 PACKARD, art walnut $438 MAHL1N. American burl walnut ... $48? Perfect interior. Faultless exterior PHONOGRAPHS SLAUGHTERED Players and Phonographs for Rent, HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhill. Pianos Sold. Rented, Repaired. PHOXOOHAPH SPECIil. One large size cabinet Brunswick. (UK); one cabinet Sonora, $75; one Col umbia cabinet, $1011, and many other good bargains at our store. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. SPECIAL this week, 5 88-note player rolls for $1, all guaranteed. Agents for Am pico & Q. R. S. rolls. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO, 149 Sixth Street. A REAL bargain in a practically new Everett piano; hear the tone; $3So terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. FOR SALE Latest model "C" Melody Conn saxophone, complete with case; used about 'one month; first $75 cash takes it. See E. Little. 59 X. 20th at., . .niif. j. ui unu n . y .mot CONX cornet, silver, with gold bell, high and low pitch, slides and mute, $55 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth Street. CLARINET outfit, first-class condition, " ' G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. FINE condition. Schulhoff piano, walnut case, $250. See this, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO 140 Sixth Street. C" MELODY saxophone, case, complete, new. $110, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street KRAXICH & BACH, walnut case, best of condition. If you want a real good pi ano, come in and see this one. Seiber-ling-I.ucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. "C" MELODY saxophone, silver with gold bell, complete with case, $135 G. F. JOHXSOX PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. STUDENT'S outfit, violin, oase. bow, rosin and extra strings. $25. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. KIMBALL grand, mahogany case, new slightly shop worn; sell reasonable and will give terms. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. PRICED to sell quickly. Haines Bros.. mahogany case, $26.".. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth Street. KIMBALL player, used for demonstration only. Reasonably priced. See It: terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. l'5 4th st. BUSH & LANE plaver piano, left on sale by doctor: make us an offer; piano equal to new. Selberling Lucas Music Co . 15 4th st. BRADBURY piano, mahogany case, a won derful buy: beautiful tone. $325, terms. G. F. JOHXSOX PIAXO CO. 149 Sixth Street. (700 HOBERT M. CABLE, latest mahog any, only $290; terms. 311 Worcester bldg. (650 STORY & CLARK piano, latest plain mahogany; almost brand new, (275 easy terms. 311 Worcester bldg. ' ORGANS, $10 and up. Kimball. Chase Es tey and others. Terms given. Seiberllng Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St. FRANKLIN, walnut case. $275; best of conuiuon. see il, ceiueriing-x,ucaa Mu sic Co.. 125 4th St. 6 UPRIGHT pianos. $115 to J 17.1 ... Why pay more? Terms. 311 Worcester HARDMAN, $350; plain mahogany case; a real valgum ior sucn a gooa piano Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st PIAXO WAXTED from private nartle. pay cash for bargain. AR 844, Orego- COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH, cabinet size Willi 00 letuiua. ' -' . lerms given. c ucrniiB-uutaa -mubii: p.. -jtn St. $1000 CHICKERIXG piano; almost new $400. terms. 311 Worcester bldg. 67o,buki piano, plain case, only .... ...j. .... .. vaurr oiqg. (800 EVERETT piano, only (200; terms. FISHER piano, $200, a snap. Selberllng Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. WAXTED Piano, must be bargain, spot WAXTED Good used piano for all cash. v ai 1 .tiarsnau biuii. $1200 WM. KX ABE piano, equal to new $400. terms. 311 Worcester bldg. VICTROLA, practically new. A bargain Tabor 1067. ALMOST new, high-grade piano, at vciji m " cst uoiH. $700 KIMBALL, mahogany. (225; terms. $650 KIMBALL, nice oak, only $175. vv orcesier oiqg. PIAXO WANTED: par cash. Main 8588 Furniture For Sale. 1 MASSIVE USED BED DAVENPORT with hand-polished golden oak frame and green veiour uphol stering. This fine davenport makes a fine bed and must have cost close to a hundred dollars new. We ask only $32 for It. with, terms to suit your convenience. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First St. RELIABLE gas range. $S; cook store. siu; neater. 12; pedestal dining table. $13.50; new oak dining chairs. $4; com mon chairs, $1 up; chiffonier, $15; dresser, $13; bed and springs, $2,"0 rockers. $1.25 up; Ice box. $10: sewing machine. $5; rugs and carpets cheap East 6:157. 113 Grand ave. 2594 OFF ON electric fans and ice boxes. oas. rou-top aesa. line condition, $37.50. good safe, $45; all kinds gas ranges very reasonable. OKI FURNITURE COMPANY 209-11 Second Street. Between Taylor and Salmon. VULCAN gas range, nearly new. cost $S5. sen iui -o , t water neater, used 2 months, (15: 1 solid oak bed Daven port, $20; 6-ft. dining table, solid oak, extension. (15. 1598 Virginia street. Main 6369. FOR SALE CHEAP. Cblld'e rocker. high chair, white enamel oed, sulky, crosscut saw. electrie heater and Sonora phonograph. East 4201. DON'T SACRIFUCE your furniture if going east or to -amornia. we can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. LEAVING CITY. NEW. GENUINE M A- HOGANT U1.MNU SET CHEAP. MAR SHALL 2392. BARGAIN Furniture, suitable for room ing nouse. or appointment Main 7264 daytime. OAK combination book case, writing desk. FEW PIECES furniture for sale. 309V4 mil. . mu- t, num tllj Itail. SOLID oak kitcshen treasure and wood neater tor gate. 042 Broadway, west side. FOR SALE 1 BUFFET. REASONABLE. stfx i n ii-r avis. Furniture For Sale. save Money. Try oar sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods Reduced freight rates to most all points in. our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and refinlsbtng. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage Low insurance ratea SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO 63 4'h St.. opp. Multnomah HoteL Pho ne Broa dway 3715. CHESTERFIELD dining set. walnut dresser, library table, brass bed com plete, carpets, Ruud heated, refrigera tor, etc. Tabor 9330. Office turmlurft. BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, chairs, files or safes, visit our sales rooms and inspect what we hava to offer. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO FURNITURE DEPT. IQTH AT STARK. NEW AXD USED OFFICE FURNITURE. Typewriters, adding machines, dicta phones and mimeographs. WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE, 24 X. 5th St. Bdwy. 2739. 1 T. W. DESK and chair. 2 tables. 3 roll top desks, 2 flat-top desks. 3 bookkeep ers' desks, 8 chairs. 3 filing cabinets, 2 safea BUSHOXO k CO.. 91 Park St Ty pewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IX TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO, 321 Washington St. Alain S6SL REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals. repairs, supplies. Distributors Corona oortable Sundstrand. adding machines, riain 22S5. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth street. REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell: supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 5549. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Otegoa Typewriter Co.. 94 5th st Main 3668. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut ratea P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. CARPET SWEEPER, lawn mower, carpet, bed complete, couch. Wdln. 3652. Hogs. Rabbits. Birds auid Pet Stock. 2-YEAR-OLD St. Andreasberg feir lata canaries; also large cages very reason able. Call East 6874 or 6S7 MultnomaU street. FOX TERRIER pup. 3 months old, $6. This ts a snap for a good dog. Inquire top floor 331 Montgomery st. FINE pedigreed Airedale pups. $25. Bush Farm. Route 3. Portland (Kamapo sta- tion. Gresham line.) FIXE Airedale dog, about 1 year old. $25. Phone Tabor 573 741 E. R6th N. BOSTON terrier pups, pedigreed, reasona ble. East 660. 224 E. 2d N. ONE THOROUGHBRED pointer pup. six months old. Call 042 E. Caruthers. FOR SALE Pedigreed Boston terrier. Call Main 3O06 before noon. WANTED Male fox terrier puppy at reasonable price. J 874. Oregonian. FRENCH bull pedigreed puppies 6175. 703 Belmont. East BEAUTIFUL Persian cat. male, green-blue eyes, $10. East 806S. FOR SALE Toy fox terriers. Phone 63S-7S. 5S20 46t h ave. S. E. FEMALE fox terrier. $10. Auto. 637-64. Poultry. FOR SALE 150 Leghorn roosters. 3 months old, 30c each. Falling st.. Park rose. Tabor 3556. FOR SALE Pekin ducks for 'table use, from a'; and 4 pounds each. Sell 1 9 1 . Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment. NEW 27xS-FT. cruiser, hull ready to set engine in. worth $50O, will sell for $S5. Standard Boat House. Tabor 410S. FOR SALE Canoe, nrst-class condition. Call Broadway 2716 CANOE FOR SALE REASONABLE IX QU1R E O 859. OR EG O N I A xT WANTED To quy canoe, houseboat. No. 2. Oregon Yacht club. Sellwood 1802. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. barred rock hatching eggs cheap. Tabor 6559. Mm-hinerr. C. L BEST 73-H. P. tracklayer tractor. This machine has been run part of two seasons and on account of being a foroed sale it is an exceptional buy. R H. MILLS. 114 N. Wenatchee ave.. Wenatchee. Wash. Phone 2635. NO. 1 AMERICAN sawmill, complete with carriage and one 4S-inch saw. see It in operation at the Fonison TracUir Show on Bliss farm, near Gresham. all of this week. Federal Box & Lumber Co.. Yeon bldg., Portland TWO VERTICAL steam engines, one 6 and one 8-horsepower. good condition- win eacrlBce. Oregon City Laundry, dragon City. Or. 5th st- near Main. Coal and Wood. OAK WOOD for sale. $10.50 a cord deV livered anywhere within 2-mile limit of O. & W. freight sheds. East Poruano. East 8510. East 8511. -. 4-FOOT cordwood. 12 cords or more.. f. o. b. cars Estacada. Or- fir. per cord. $4.o0; hard wood per cord. $7 50. Gary Real Estate Co.. Estacada. Or. DRY OR green Ist-growth red fir wood lengths 4 ft- 18 in.: also drv 4-ft- lil-ln. lengths. Phone Wdln. 6233! GROUND hog fuel and sawdust in ra? loads or truch lota Western Cooperaaa Co.. Columbia 52. 500 CORDS seasoned wood, near Oregon .mu -iu acres tor rent until Nov., 1923. Owner. Box 6S. Astoria. GUARANTEED best old-growth cordwood $8.50 per cord; green slab. $8. Udwv 4110. "' BLOCK and slab $11, two-load lots; Wash, coal (9.5o in 2-ton lots. Oregon Fuel. BEST o'.d-growth fir cordwood. $8 23 ner cord. Sellwood 814. FIRST-GROWTH year-old cordwood $7 50 per cord, within 3-mlle limit. Mar! 4313. 1ST GRADE cordwood $S, 2d grade $7 all der $850. Call Automatic 5-'5-65 BIG LOAD of boxwood $5.50. Call Wood- lawn 5904 or 1133 Mor,tan- .... "" COUNTRY slab, delivered from car at a reduction. tv:t n-i FREE WOOD. 160 RussTTT Miscellaneous. A B; fin-3 RANGrt our monthi. cost $10o new; will ell for $60. 633i4 Knt Main. Ka-t Jin wo fli-fc-o can Da permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. db. cuuuu auu auiiiauu. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; aiso vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. BEST Sherwin and Williams gray house paint in 5 gallon cans. $2 a gallon. Enst 72S0. SHOWCASES, new and used, cash regis ters, scales, fountains, fans. general store fixtures. 246 Washington. LARGE ptpeless Mueller furnace. just been used few times; cost new $4S5. will sen lur .,vj. ounnson St. HEMSTITCHING. 8c yd; one yard free by bringing this ad. 330 Mohawk bldg.. over Roberts Broa BLACKBERRIES. $1.25 per crate. Pi-k them yourself. Bring containers. Tabor BEAUTIFUL gray switch, 23 Inches; also a dark one, 37 Inches. Call East 4944, be tween 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. FOR SALE Woodsaw, mounted on 1-ton Ford truck, good condition. Call Mar shall 1S65 or Bdwy. 4257. FOR SALE Family size electric washer and electric reversible -wringer good condition: $50. Call Tabor 9437. A PERFECT blue-white diamond, cost $11)0. lor sou, quick sale. Room 319 Mohawk bldg. WILL sell cheap, my beautiful diamond ring. East 4261. 1V4X12 16-INCH wood. 04 cord lots- "Z cord lots. $10.50 delivered. Bdwy. 42na PULLETS, rabbits and household goods Tor ."- GAS APPLIANCES, stoves and furniture repaired, also bought, sold. Sell. 305t ELECTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms. $15- iot of other styles 207 C Com. Bdwv -4-53 REED baby cart. . Bne condition. Phone 23-rl-., "ma. "Si AK A ST Alt" shingles airect rrom mllC Call Taylor-street dock. Main 8065. PURE goats' milk. Tabor 307. Port. Goat LADIES, "be well dressed." Exclusive used garments in a nome. Tabor 2625 SCREEN doors, windows, mirrors: furni ture repa.rms. caumet worn. Wdln. 14S7 FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding auaymuc. pm-oc aoi. i near f .h SECOND-HAND tents ana covers for sale.' rac:nc leni or hwhihk lo- XNQ. X Jat at. COMBINATION 6-hole gas and wood range. Tan. 1UH,. SEWING machine, drop head, practically new, reasonable. Bdwy. 5336. THREE 5-ft. enamel bath tubs. com. plete, 32 au; good condition. IPS N. 6th. $00 ELECTRIC blanket for $15. Phone nit or o;a o. uranq ave. 2 PAIRS, newest pattern, cretonne drape, at a sacrifice. Tabor 2333. GOOD coal and wood range, new coila. 120 -Kast 7060. BIG REDUCTION on auto camp outfits. See Courter. 224 '4 3d. or Woodlawn 531.1. FOR SALE Cheap, baby vory wicker A